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the nature of stake-raising between Russia and the US in the context of the Ukraine war and multipolarity-drive seems to indicate a movement towards "total confrontation" because both sides view the aftermath as of existential importance

what does this mean? It means that events that occurred in Crimea yesterday will repeat and will rise in quantity. The escalation ladder now ALLOWS terrorist acts against civilians with the use of highly-sophisticated 1st world technology.
As the US will continue leveraging Ukraine as its main heel to hold onto unipolarity, Ukraine will increasignly transform into a "permissable terrorist" state, whose goal will be to bleed Russian civilians as much as possible, even genocide will become an acceptable option in the coming years.
Russia WILL be forced to press the red button, because it will be the ONLY exit from the escalation ladder.
Those who still think about this conflict in the context of "economy" and "uppity" dynamics, don't understand at all the historical significance of today's events, at all.

Ukraine does not fully qualify for becoming a target of nukes yet. but the US will push it to a level at which getting nuked will be Ukraine's only saving grace, and this will occur within several years.
As for the Baltics... not many good trends are evolving as things stand now. We may also fall victim to the change of international orders. Will have to wait and see.

As for the donkey-democrat memeflag posting psyops shit on this board. It's about time you filter him.
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>" because both sides view the aftermath as of existential importance
Not so fast, the failure in Ukraine for the US wouldn't be as bad as failing to control the middle east through the israelis.
That is, there is nothing "existential" for the US in case of Ukraine. It's just a matter of lost profit for the Blackrock and other funds.
Last time I was in Cologne I saw nuggets literally barbqueing whole chickens in the park in oil drums next to junkies nodding out. Putler did this
*Niggers not nuggets
why wouldn't the US take any opportunity to bully russia? nothing ever changes.
>Russia and China fly them over the ocean
>Thinks they don't come up from Africa and the now broke Iraq nation due to the US
You might be a retard.

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or is he just another Russian shill?
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what are the valid critiques?
For example Orthodox once accepted Filioque at the seventh ecumenical council. After that they backslided.
somehow i dont think that's what he meant since he said
>obscure topics only autists care about like "ecumenical councils" or whatever that faggotry means
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Irs jay dyer. He avoids talking about jews on YouTube to prevent banning/demonitization but will talk about them on rokfin or other people's podcasts, same for covid.

Believe it or not the world is more nuanced than "its the jews!" Although they have an overwhelmingly large part in the globalist plan especially in America and in finance. However there are Blue blood families and technocrats that are just as involved, which is what Dyer discusses.

I've listened to Jay for many years now and the guy is sincere. He's done serious research and reporting on globalist books and conspiracies and has some of the best Hollywood symbolism videos on the web.
The last thing you can call him is a midwit. Maybe you disagree with him but to call someone that's read hundreds of non fiction books and written papers and books of his own a midwit is retarded.

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His behavior started early, many such cases.
>McIntyre landed himself in trouble on January 1, 2016 when a fellow member of his Daytona Boyz rap group, Eric "Santana Sage" Johnson, shot and killed University of North Texas student Sara Mutschlechner while he was in the car.

>Tay-K was not charged in the case, but Johnson was sentenced to 44 years in prison despite his not-guilty plea.
Then it (of course) escalated to a full chimpout.
>Tay-K was among a group of seven who were arrested on capital murder charges in July 2016 for their involvement in a botched home invasion that led to the death of Ethan Walker in Mansfield, Texas (via NJ).

>Megan Holt (19) and Ariana Bharrat (20) planned to seduce 17-year-old Zachary Beloate to let Tay-K and several friends into his home to steal drugs and money. During the armed robbery, Beloate's friend Walker was shot and killed.

>Tay-K pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated robbery in the Mansfield case in July 2019 (via NBCDFW) and was ultimately found guilty by a jury of murder and one further robbery charge, as reported by Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

>Fort Worth-Star Telegram later confirmed that on July 23, 2019 McIntyre was sentenced to 55 years for murder, 30 years for one count of aggravated robbery, and 26 years for two further counts of aggravated robbery.
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in the photo he looks like he a has a big ole snot hangin XD
And yes you could leave your doors unlocked.

He's where he belongs, should be running around the serengeti as lion food rn
I wonder if you have huge lips like that if there is trouble with keeping them moist? If your mouth hangs open all the time, wouldn't that dry things out and cause dental issues?
This is him protesting that his accomplice is in jail unjustly.

Why do Jews want to kill off Ukranians?
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The guy who has the fertilizer market cornered, just for instance, is a kike jew banker. BASED hungary helped him escape sanctions though.
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>t. seething coper who can't deal with the fact that putin is a kike puppet
I will help you out here, anon.
When somebody guys to israel and throws on a small, circular hat and prostrates themselves at the wailing wall in front of the jews in a humiliation ritual, this indicates that they are NOT a legitimate opposition to jewish power. It means that they are "in on it" WITH the jews, and are playing some role in their overall agenda.
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ok we in europe copy america because we are occupied and our governments are puppet governments but in reality no one likes jews or niggers in europe. americans otoh really worship jews and niggers. all i hear from trump is judeo american values this and our great dreamers that inbetween bragging about being the president who has done most for israel. are americans under somed kind of jewish desert nigger spell so when they get up each morning before work they say a prayer for israel.
>Can't tell the difference between a kippah and a zucchetto
I'm not even reading your argument your image alone shows you are a retard.
azovs are bigger idiots and have smaller brains than a malnourished indian.

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> Florida rapper Foolio was shot and killed in a Tampa hotel parking lot early Sunday morning.

>Charles Jones, who went by the rap name of “Foolio,” was celebrating his 26th birthday, which was Friday, and staying at an Airbnb, according to Police.

>Police are urging the public to provide any videos or information they may have to assist with the investigation.

When will America fix its black-on-black crime spree?
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Apparently it was a man in South Africa who found that all these nigger kept getting stuck in his swimming pool. He found them floating face down like surf boards.

He kept fishing them out but they kept on coming. In a stroke of genius he quickly turned this into a burgeoning nigger bacon business.

It now employs 3 people part time.
Rip nigguh, when I see you slapped
that is a perpetum mobile right there
What an ugly fucker

One day you will die and all of your family members will die. There will be no more complaints no more daily problems no more winding down. You will one day join every person and everything that has ever died. Just like that the lights will fade out like before you were born.
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sorry you are only just learning this now. also santa isnt real
Baby's first edgy existential crisis
only 30 more years of this bullshit
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This makes me sad. I hate you.

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>it violates article 4 paragraph 8 of my BBC cuckoldry contract which means NAFO in Moscow immediately
>so what if it aims American missiles to Crimean civilians, it's in international waters bro
Russia is weak and gay and won't do shit
But Russia has the naval base in Sevastopol. Pentagon wanted to move in the base after the colour revolution. They said something similar "russia is weak, it won't do shit" and then Crimea was gone. Looks like the US is the weakest here at the moment
dude american weapons are already killing russian citizens in their own country. everything you say is nothing but weak, impotent cope
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>dude american weapons are already killing russian citizens in their own country.

They are indeed, and that should pause every American citizen, and those countries which rely on America for military leadership and ask this simple question: "Are we prepared for the consequences of cornering the Russian people and thier leadership and placing them in a position where the very fate of their nation hangs in the balance?"

Given the totality of the current global geo-political situations, I dont think we are prepared. That doesnt end well for us.

Even if NATO, with all her might, declared open war, we would never be able to successfully invade Russia, not without turning the world into a sea of glass.
>Russia is weak and gay and won't do shit
it can WARN (again)

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The real redpill is that both sides are controlled by them. West and East.
Whatever happens in this upcoming War is just a show, a pretense.

They will fuck your wives, sisters, daughters and kill you and your male offspring.

There is no one left to save them but YOU.
There is no one left to save you but YOU.

Unless We Unite. Peacefully of course.

Its not too late.
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Population doesn't mean shit. The fish stinks from the head.
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>the number of jews is always more or less 6 million
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did george lucas try to warn us?
is that why they took his lives work from him and shit all over it?

Here is a photo of the application for the passport of the Russian Federation and as you see, Vladimir Putin’s mother is Jewish.

Here is what the Russian philologists wrote - The historical origin of the Shelomov family from the Hebrew male name Shlomo. The ending of the last name means that it was a member of Solomon. Solomon was the most revered Jewish king.
Many have tried to warn us.

Theoretically let's say you obtained 50 acres of land and you have a house on it to start out. You want to start building an entire village/neighborhood of like-minded frens. How do you go about attracting the right people without globohomo enforcing their will upon you?

Your settlement needs to be an attractive and symbiotic place to live, and you have to manage rent/funds fairly and appropriately. One of the top goals is to get the fertility ratio to at least 3.

(Now imagine if this type of settlement was a new white trend of hundreds of thousands, then millions of people to better survive in our brave new world...)
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50 acres could support at most 10 families, and only if they were extremely careful about how they farmed it.
Kek, I saw that Blackpilled video as well. Here in Spain people get Maroccan'd instead of Jamaico'd.
Fuck off

My 50 acres is full.
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Moors cant live without the anonymity of a big city just like niggers.
If there are no tourists to rob, drugs to deal or beach houses to squat there simply wont be any muslims.
You have no land and if you are stupid enough to post a picture I will prove it just like I did with Sven earlier.
How big are these 'homes' for 50k? 900 Sq ft?

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Indonesians, of course
>jew makes all his friends antisemetic

Gosh I hope not. I don't hate jews really but they do funny stuff like.

>hey guys I work at news paper!
>I won't disclose which one!
>hahaha nice to meet you! Name?
>hi i'm anon, what's your name?
>i can't tell you I'm a professional jew! Haha

Ok dude. We get it, you are a piece of shit who can't trust anyone, thanks for being so forward. It saves us a lot of time because now we know you are not worth sharing any info with.
Probably the Chinese. Perhaps even the Chinese jew.
The celts (especially the cornish)

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Did you know Ukraine's president, the unelected jew Zelensky, has announced plans to ethnically annihilate all Ukrainians and replace them with Africans and Arabs? It's true! Ukrainians are fighting for their own ethnic replacement.
>if you only knew how jewish things really are
Jews in Ukraine are 0.5% of the population, yet run everything. Really weird!
to the last hohol

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The filthy terrorist supporters attacked the sacred Jewish neighborhood of Pico-Robinson.

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> Jews Beaten by based anti-kikes in Los Angeles
> The gigabased gigachad freedom fighter supporters attacked the Jewish ghetto of Pico-Robinson.

I fixed your editing and grammar issues. Now it's correct, and much better
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>pRedditor spacing kike shill
>If you are going to terrorize and intimidate psychopathic genocidal "people" for being kikes, you need to gather more supporters and make them # 110

I fixed your typos and grammar issues
> Picrel: Who must go??
there were other jews there who weren't helping her at all and they also weren't getting attacked by "antisemites".
means it had fuckall to do with the eternal victim being jewish and more to do with her behavior. whatever she said or did it earned her an asswhooping.
Stop trying to make this my problem because it isn't for the first time in a long time not my problem.

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-main character is a girl named fierer(en)
-80 years ago she was on 10 year long expedition to kill the demon lord (ww2)
-one of her friends from that time is hitter (hitler)
-her 3 companions represents the 3 countries that allied the fireren in the war
-demons are obviously jews
-frieren the slayer
-hitler was a weeaboo so hieter/fern represents japan, as fern is obviously yamato nadeshiko and hieter has squinted eyes

convinced yet? now go watch it.
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bet you do, that's peak european right there
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what is wrong with the magic exam arc?
I like the part where Frieren explains that it is in the nature of demons to lie to survive in human society, they're literally invaders using humans (white peoples) laws and tolerance against them.
and the proper solution frieren shows is to kill them without mercy.
the one time they overrule her the demon proves her right - it is incapable of going against its nature

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everyberg singlestein timewitz

For its new report, the Claims Conference said it defined Holocaust survivors “based on agreements with the German government in assessing eligibility for compensation programs.”

For Germany, that definition includes all Jews who lived in the country from Jan. 30, 1933, when Hitler came to power, to May 1945, when Germany surrendered unconditionally in World War II.

The group handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis and negotiates compensation with Germany’s finance ministry every year. In June, the Claims Conference said that Germany has agreed to extend another $1.4 billion, (1.29 billion euros), overall for Holocaust survivors around the globe for 2024.

Since 1952, the German taxpayer has paid more than $900 billion to individuals for suffering and losses resulting from persecution by the Nazis.
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I've heard they started claiming, in order to keep the gravy train going, that all Jews, especially the children of Holocaust survivors carry inborn trauma, transmitted by some nebulous genetic process.
Meaning that even 200 years into the future, Jews will still carry inborn Holocaust trauma. That's if they're still alive 200 years in the future.
The good news is that next year will be 300,000 of them left.
No Polish peasant will take a dime in case of reparations, as the jews controlling you will take it all.
Jewish round-table about how to subvert Poland to repopulate it with 3+ million Jews.
Matriarchy, heavy inbreeding and genital mutilation of male kids turning them to psychos.
The Germans didn't kill jews. The Germans just demanded that the jews work - and to jews that was *worse* than death.

Arbeit Macht Frei
>been on the board for 21 hours
>still on page 6
this board is dead

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my mom planted a cherry plum tree a few years ago and this year it sprouted alot of fruit and it literally has hundreds of cherry plums, we got 4 buckets of them this weekend and ive been eating handfuls of them. I LITERALLY cannot stop eating them, i feel like my body craves the nutrients, no chemicals, no GMOS, literally just dirt and water. they literally taste amazing, no fruit in the gorcery store compares to them, they taste like actual real food not plastic goyslop bill gates fruit
are fruit trees political? why dont more people plant them?

>Loaded with minerals like magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C, cherry plums are a great addition to your diet. They contain polyphenols, which offer protection against diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Cherry plums are also rich in iron and sodium that are essential for hydration, and muscle function.
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I'd also invest in one of those mini excavators to move stone and dirt and rent it out for profit the rest of the time
Tell your mom im gonna depants that big ol pussy and fucken hawk thua spit on that thing
Actually no. We don't use any pesticides other than water mixed with nettle or something. Our plants are irrigated by the water pumped fresh out of the spring streaming from our property. I just don't like the taste of fruit that much. Too much hassle eating cherries, figs, apples, pears and shit. I prefer kompot.
Stop eating that many plums in one sitting, retard, you'll shit your pants.
People are retarded, fren, they can’t figure it out even when you give them the answer. Enjoy being one of the few humans left.

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I am forgotten.
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Imagine killing yourself for a bunch of sandniggers that hates you and the west LOLOLOLOLOL
Imagine killing yourself in one of the most horrific & painful manners one can imagine, in support of a group of people who would do the exact same to you if they could.
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I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' FOR YOU!
No matter how unsatisfied I am with certain aspects of my life thinking about this flaming retard always makes feel a little better
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>Sorry Vlodymyr, war gives me the ick. It's CREEPY and WEIRD, kinda like you. I'm flying to the west and installing tinder. I'll be back, ERM, let me guess, NEVER
t. Every breeding age Ukrainian women ever
They still won't have sex with you, chud.

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Of all the bizarre, laughably fake Dem bullshit the Jeep rally was the weirdest.

It was a disturbing cross between a political rally and a Stephen King novel.
I mean if they can fucking fake Biden wearing a mask and clipping/disappearing on live TV they can fake a picture of a crowd.

>my guy is better than your guy

you are all faggots that need to rope, there is no political solution
Never voted, never will.
It's Donover...
Unironically though Biden is gonna win big. Go bet on him for free money.

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We are so sick of it. It makes no sense how a small minority can conquer half the planet and still get away with it.

Don’t ever think Asian people like you. Because that’s far from true. Don’t ever think Asian woman will date you because it’s not true. They are simply paid to do so.

But seriously life is bullshit and I want to kill myself living here. Everything revolves around Australians. I can’t do this anymore. I wish Japan fucked this place up in WW2
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> I want to kill myself living here.
dont worry you will be going back soon
living in cold harsh climate breed tough people and tough people dominate. look at russians or british for example, ignore cuck germans tho.
Asian women have paid me to date them. We're objectively superior to you. Your hair is filth colored(black) like grime and grease. We are white like snow. We have golden sunshine and red fire hair as wel as green forest and blue sky eyes. Anything you post about us is coping and seething jealousy because you are 5 feet tall and can not do 10 push ups. In south korea women prefer masturbation to sex with korean micropenises. This is actually a documented fact. You are an utterly failed race that will go instinct long before any other even indians who are preserved only by their ability to rape one another.


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