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The US has currently circa 340 million people. How many more can the land (especially mainland) support?
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America has more potential unused farm land than any country on earth so probably a lot more.
Thermal imaging from a classified satellite shows the real population.
115 million Americans
What's left, the pandemic will continue to come back every so many years. Drugs will continue to used by people to escape the dystopian of the USA, the USA is not a leader but the same as other countries.
America can't afford to keep criminals in jail, keep drug from getting in, and sickness from spreading.
It's all because of a shadow war, and during war the USA doesn't have to give out certain information

california feeds most of the world. we export rice to asia. just wait until the rest of our state burns down and/or the US decides to use its resources for itself, cutting off everyone who lives in a shitty desert, tundra, or rocky-soiled region
Warren Buffet lives in Nebraska and Berkshire Hathaway is located in Omaha. This is just one of many examples. I can smell your semitic-ness from here kike.
What is being taught in highschool, is destabilizing the people in the USA. Tribal clans attacking for resources. There is no order or code of conduct just survival and generating money for government to be narcissistic.
Everyone who is doing drugs can be controlled by MK ultra to do violence, MK ultra was designed to make people violent not productive.

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if we strip the voting rights of everyone except for the White man?
There is no way for western nations to vote their way out of this. There is only one way to get your country back.

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>Elon Musk blames elite LA school for brainwashing his "communist" trans daughter into hating him for being rich
Elon Musk's son is a transgender communist
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OP, do you have a crush on Elon...? threads gay
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Reminder you goddamn niggers

"Elon Musk, on Rehabilitation Tour, Calls Himself ‘Aspirationally Jewish’"

"Elon Musk says he's 'Jewish by association' after Auschwitz visit, sees 'almost no antisemitism'"

sounds like a lawsuit, if you ask me.
must just needs to find the right lawyer for that.

subversion of his children
corrupting the youth
failure to deliver on a contract (proper education)
i mean, a good lawyer can find the right wording to bring a case against that school.
Don't click on the gif. The IDF embeds a script that turns your computer into part of their botnet.
Show us the script then, schizo.

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>is the sun a star
ask this question to people you know and think about how it affects their political beliefs
political beleifs need to be grounded in the fundamental nature of reality, which is heavily influenced by this simple question
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>ask this question to people you know and think about how it affects their political beliefs
Don't tell me what to do
>political beleifs need to be grounded in the fundamental nature of reality
The Sun is the portal-key for every mortal realm

Positive Polarity [+](1) (High EFV 369) Everyone burns in the "Lake of Fire" burns to the new "level"
Negative Polarity [-](0) (Low EFV 369 Everyone "burns" in the "Lake of Fire" to the old "level"

00 - Void Solipsism (Think in Levels)
1st Density - Alone (Simplex's/Complex's aka am I God are You God?)
2nd Density - Alone 2gether (Birth Contract - Soul-Mate/Destiny decided before Birth & after Death? - *Soul-Sex?*
3rd Density is Energy/Matter/Physical (Real World)

90210 - Concept reality x *Googolplex* number.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
if you dont understand the universe surrounding humanity than youll have a much harder time understanding humanity.
this was for the german guy. i was drunk and didnt respond properly.
your point is still retarded
No. It is not. Some believe it is the God himself, others believe it is the eye of a God.
Space is fake!
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>The sun is a star
That's stupid da sun is da sun
well of course not, dummy
stars only come out at night

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Why are Americans ok with the police killing people? Just think about the phenomenon of swatting. Some guy calls the cops on someone he doesn't like and the police go and shoot him in the middle of the night. It can happen to literally anyone. Nothing ever happens to the police doing it. How is this ok? How is this not considered exactly the sort of tyranny that free people should oppose?
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They're gonna shoot you through the wall or light your house on fire. They'll say that they had to do it because only dangerous criminals have security doors.
It's called nigger removal service, and it's a community service. Also drug users and other filth. Having someone who is loosely affiliated with the local HOA for which removal service can be called is a time honored American tradition. Schizophrenic suicidal loud nuisance? 911, whats your emergency
Porch monkeys next door, smells like weed maybe? 911, whats your emergency
Loud teens playing in the street, you better believe, 911, whats your emergency
Pitbull in the neighborhood, oh boy, 911, whats your emergency.
Absolute karen boomer kike tier
you sound like a huge faggot
Yes, hello, 911? They're on the internet, I think I saw a gun. The usual, please.

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At least you understand. I hope you dig deeper and understand the core reason of it all.
Smallest wieners in the world.
Textbook Bhabjeet ESL
>at somebody who understands the sacrifice
>are available to be free not spending money on them
This whole comment is a run-on catastrophe. Bhabjeet English is interesting to read, a native can understand what is being written but it's jarring in a special and retarded way only jeets can accomplish.
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Stop giving to food banks and if you see a needy white Canuck help them out simple.

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They don't even want you in their pretend games. What is going on here? Before 2015 a company doing something like this would have been a death sentence in the business world.
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>stone throwing in glass houses is legitimate if your glass house is smaller than others
whatever gypsy
Hey Ivan, as soon as Russia makes a D&D clone call me up. I am genuinely curious.
Pathfinder was a solid alternative, but they have started sucking prog cock too. Their game mechanically has gone downhill since their shift to 2e also. If I could just exist in a world where Pathfinder 1e minus like half of the overpowered splat books was the norm, that would be great.
Well, forgot to tap the button at the start of my typing, now to wait 60 seconds, because reasons I guess. What the fuck causes this? Seems random when I get the "you must wait to post" shit
This is actually a “cool thing” to do for someone whose like tragically in a wheelchair and literally can’t cope with it and they’re mentally fragile and a game where they win in a wheelchair might actually help them. Like a guy who was a nerd and got in a tragic car accident or swimming accident.

For mentally ill trannies who are in a wheelchair because their festering mutilated crotch has given them sepsis, or able bodied fat brown cunts, this is just a way to make the game faggy and gay.
The guy who made pathfinder 2e does the roll for combat show on YouTube and both those guys seem like whimps.

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So... Uh... Why am I supposed to hate Russia? Pic highlu related.

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The one that dies was the second fastest swimmer and probably poaching lobster
Uhh it's people eater zir.
did you know more farmers are killed by cows every year then total on-duty deaths of cops for ANY reason?
Fake news it was the jab nice try libtard
I have a sensible fear of the sea. It's dangerous

The Canadian government has suggested that Israeli settlers migrate to its territory due to theescalation in northern occupied Palestinebetween Hezbollah and "Israel" and the security threats faced by the settlers for more than eight months, Israeli media reported.

Canada's proposal comes amid the difficulty in evacuating the Israeli settlers from areas within therange of Hezbollah's rocketsand following reports from Lebanese officials that US officials had informed them that the number of Israeli settlers displaced from northern occupied Palestine due to the escalation could exceed 200,000.

Analysts familiar with the Israeli situation suggest that this news highlights the severe internal crisis within "Israel" and indicates that allied NATO countries, like Canada, view the situation as dire and frightening to the extent that the solution might involve the migration of some settlers to these countries.

Israeli media have reported that the situation in northern occupied Palestine along the border with Lebanon is "unbearable" for tens of thousands of settlers whom the Israeli authorities have not evacuated
Since the start of the Israeli war on Gaza on October 7, 2023, and the consequent fighting with Hezbollah on October 8, Israeli media have reported a significant number of settlers leaving occupied Palestinian territories and a substantial increase in "reverse Jewish migration."
Israeli media highlighted that half a million people left "Israel" in the first six months of the war, while moving into the Israeli entity has significantly decreased compared to the period before the war.

about 20,000 people left the occupied Palestinian territories, and in March, about 7,000 others left. According to Israeli media, adding the number of arrivals and departures in April to the overall figure, the gap in favor of those leaving reached about 550,000 people.

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The goal is to eradicate the concept of Judaism as both a race and religion which means, no survivors. Peace is an absence of conflict and the core foundation of Judaism is conflict/separation because if you do not recognize yourself as a jew then you are a slave/goy/not chosen which is by definition creating space.
This is one of the reasons that Talmud study for many people in the modern world is not a practical activity at all, but rather an important religious experience. Even in the past, for that matter, the main reason for the Talmud’s preeminence, the chief cause of its central role in Jewish history, was not practical at all. The Talmud wasTorah. In a paradox that determined the history of Judaism, the Talmud was Oral Torah in written form, and as such it became the clearest statement the Jew could hear of God’s very word.

This must not be understood too literally. The point is not that God dictated the entire Talmud to later rabbis in the same way some believed the Written Torah had been dictated to Moses, but rather that in the Talmud the Jew could find a clear expression of God’s will. The Talmud provided the means of determining how God wants all Jews to live, in all places, at all times. Even if the details of the law had to be altered to suit newly arisen conditions, the proper way to perform such adaptation could itself be learned from the Talmud and its commentaries. Thus this basic text uncovered the fullness of God’s revelation to the people of the Covenant. The Talmud revealed God speaking to Israel, and so the Talmud became Israel’s way to God. To study Talmud was to converse with the Creator of the Universe.

“It’s a central pillar for understanding anything about Judaism, more than the Bible,” says Steinsaltz, one of the world’s best known Talmudical scholars. “The Talmud is not a divine gift given to people. The Jewish people created it. But on the other hand, it created the Jewish people. In so many ways, we’re Talmudic Jews, whether we believe in it or not.”

No other book has shaped the Jewish people as much as the Babylonian Talmud, asserts Steinsaltz, 75. He should know. He spent nearly five decades writing a comprehensive commentary on all of the Gemara’s 63 tractates, which deal with everything from civil, criminal and ritual law to Jewish history, ethics and mythology.
You had nazis in the Canadian parliament not too long ago.
Now you are helping the jews?
What the?
>what the
The Jews in Hitler’s Military


Dec. 24, 199612 AM PT


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What did you see, and how did it change your political outlook?
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On this topic, wondering how often did you see this happen during your time? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9uXLzZyucI
Literally the same reason I enlisted and then was treated like shit when I got home. Couldn’t even find a job until I took the military off my resume, shit you not, even mcdonalds passed over me. I was literally living in my car in a gym parking lot for 6 months while going to school on the MGIB until I took the marine corps off my resume and got a mcjob.
was in the TA, but luckily did not get deployed. Americans have far better QOL than UK troops
Officers and non combat POGs got decorated af. The marine corps wasn’t as bad about treating their guys poorly and kept things pretty straight, but the army was covering their POG officers in awards faster than I could believe.
Even Biden’s combatlet cancer son got a bronze star for fucks sake
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>Nigger jigsaw couteroffensive
>Chanology offensive
>Siege of Habbo hotel
>The great division of he will not
>Wall of life massacres
>Great meme war

I'm a combat veteran with more patches than pubic hairs

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start a Western Golden Age?
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it would be a promising start in a foreseeably long process
kek imagine how mongrelized they would become being raped by street shitter everyday
Due to globalism there will be nowhere for the Jews go. This time they will be expelled from the entire earth.
I was thinking about this earlier, it probably wouldn't. The same people who sold you out would still be in positions of power and will continue to fuck over your entire race for a hundred grand in their bank account.
If things really were so simple as race we wouldve had utopia long ago.
The same people wont be there because those people are jews. You fucking moron

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Why is modern Germany like this?
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we're taken hostage by globohomo
How is living quality in Munich overall? Except everything being overpriced
At least they're not speaking Russian.
This is so pathetic. There are "serious", "educated" men who go to work there and see nothing wrong with this. Who am I kidding though, probably 50% of the employees in a European city hall are some kind of degenerate.
The anti-christ forces are taking hold. They're mocking god by using the rainbow. Don't get sucked in by evil. Focus your mind on life, God, nature, goodness, the natural order of things.

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“NATO and EU expansion” is always a reliable sign of someone who thinks countries between Germany and Mother Russia aren’t real places, with real people, who have real preferences and real agency.
Eastern European countries voluntarily **chose** to join the EU and NATO because Russia is a corrupt, warmongering, criminal shithole that invades its neighbors.
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Yep they've already got a bbc post up.

It's so funny how fast the butthurt belt switches from "we're innocent victims of war crimes by evil Russia" to rejoicing in war crimes against third countries

You're not mad at Russia for "being evil", you're mad at Russia for being more successful at "being evil" than, and against, the Nafo buffer zone you call a country
1. Did it helps smaller countries like Serbia, Libya, Iraq or Afghanistan that were bullied and attacked by NATO? Don’t think so.

2. NATO disrupts regional peace and stability by existing. Without it, smaller countries would have rather negotiated and talked to their neighbours. They only make reckless decisions because they think they will never be held accountable.
>Russia disrupts regional peace and stability. They only make reckless decisions because they think they will never be held accountable. Unless it's a NATO nation.
How is Greece 97% european?

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There were no femboys, just handsome young men. You people sexualize EVERYTHING. Nobody would EVER think about fucking some cute guy in the butt back then, but complete degenerate subhumans. And I don't care about Hadrian's views on this either. If you find another male attractive the problem is with you, you are super gay.
They invented the head apple
Yes, thats is basically the reason for emphasis on kasher in judaism - blood is life and bloodless body cannot be re-inhabited by vengeful spirit of the dead and wreck your shit.
Anything but actual desire to buttsex/suck man is not gay.
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Mostly aimed at American anons, but non-Americans are welcome too
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picrel is true but it is actually more illuminating than that. like 5 DC cops, of all departments, are scrambling for a fire extinguisher like human beings typically would when another real human is on fire. meanwhile, gun faggot was a guard at the Jewish embassy
Suck on your government issue weapon op.

Because they help the Jews keep power while playing cops and robbers.
>Muh Jewish society

Maybe your local police may be nice but overall every major city police is a military combatant

If you want muh order and law get the fuck out of my cities or I’ll just keep aim botting you

Pro tip if you go to an actual area with law and order you will get gangstalked since you can’t live without helping cover up Jewish crime
spineless faggots mostly, they will come act all uppity if they see me open the gate to the place i work
>oh we were just wondering why the gate was open
but wont do anything about the blatant drug dealer who lives round the corner blaring rave music all day.
It’s gets bussing here


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>Take your meds schizo
Take your boosters faggot
they found the new easiest marks, like the missionaries who went with the colonists, they are spreading their faith to impressionable, new cultures and chamelioning into their ways to subvert them from the inside.
It was always gay
Always been Jewish trash
Christianity is incompatible with the American brain, we’re too individualistic here, in the end it turns into some retarded shit where someone or (((someone))) simply uses it to push their own narrative and give their views some sort of legitimacy. Evangelism and non-denom slop are the perfect example of mixing American culture with Christianity.

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or is he just another Russian shill?
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what are the valid critiques?
For example Orthodox once accepted Filioque at the seventh ecumenical council. After that they backslided.
somehow i dont think that's what he meant since he said
>obscure topics only autists care about like "ecumenical councils" or whatever that faggotry means
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Irs jay dyer. He avoids talking about jews on YouTube to prevent banning/demonitization but will talk about them on rokfin or other people's podcasts, same for covid.

Believe it or not the world is more nuanced than "its the jews!" Although they have an overwhelmingly large part in the globalist plan especially in America and in finance. However there are Blue blood families and technocrats that are just as involved, which is what Dyer discusses.

I've listened to Jay for many years now and the guy is sincere. He's done serious research and reporting on globalist books and conspiracies and has some of the best Hollywood symbolism videos on the web.
The last thing you can call him is a midwit. Maybe you disagree with him but to call someone that's read hundreds of non fiction books and written papers and books of his own a midwit is retarded.

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His behavior started early, many such cases.
>McIntyre landed himself in trouble on January 1, 2016 when a fellow member of his Daytona Boyz rap group, Eric "Santana Sage" Johnson, shot and killed University of North Texas student Sara Mutschlechner while he was in the car.

>Tay-K was not charged in the case, but Johnson was sentenced to 44 years in prison despite his not-guilty plea.
Then it (of course) escalated to a full chimpout.
>Tay-K was among a group of seven who were arrested on capital murder charges in July 2016 for their involvement in a botched home invasion that led to the death of Ethan Walker in Mansfield, Texas (via NJ).

>Megan Holt (19) and Ariana Bharrat (20) planned to seduce 17-year-old Zachary Beloate to let Tay-K and several friends into his home to steal drugs and money. During the armed robbery, Beloate's friend Walker was shot and killed.

>Tay-K pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated robbery in the Mansfield case in July 2019 (via NBCDFW) and was ultimately found guilty by a jury of murder and one further robbery charge, as reported by Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

>Fort Worth-Star Telegram later confirmed that on July 23, 2019 McIntyre was sentenced to 55 years for murder, 30 years for one count of aggravated robbery, and 26 years for two further counts of aggravated robbery.
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in the photo he looks like he a has a big ole snot hangin XD
And yes you could leave your doors unlocked.

He's where he belongs, should be running around the serengeti as lion food rn
I wonder if you have huge lips like that if there is trouble with keeping them moist? If your mouth hangs open all the time, wouldn't that dry things out and cause dental issues?
This is him protesting that his accomplice is in jail unjustly.

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> Florida rapper Foolio was shot and killed in a Tampa hotel parking lot early Sunday morning.

>Charles Jones, who went by the rap name of “Foolio,” was celebrating his 26th birthday, which was Friday, and staying at an Airbnb, according to Police.

>Police are urging the public to provide any videos or information they may have to assist with the investigation.

When will America fix its black-on-black crime spree?
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Apparently it was a man in South Africa who found that all these nigger kept getting stuck in his swimming pool. He found them floating face down like surf boards.

He kept fishing them out but they kept on coming. In a stroke of genius he quickly turned this into a burgeoning nigger bacon business.

It now employs 3 people part time.
Rip nigguh, when I see you slapped
that is a perpetum mobile right there
What an ugly fucker

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