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i often watch alot of leftie/normie media to keep an eye on them to see how they see things and what they are talking about. (esp in relation to people like us)

what i dont understand, is that they SUDDENLY seem so shocked that biden is a dribbling old man suffering with a form senile dementia who has nothing to offer anyone including himself. but, didnt everyone already know this back in 2020? i mean me personally, i didn't really see much difference from the debate last night vs 2020 debates that I remember. other than the cadence and trump being much calmer.

i mean, we've known for a while they are literally blinded by ideology rather than accepting facts for what they are. but, they all seem to be saying the same things we were all saying back in 2020? whats changed? how do they see it now but not before? or even in 2022? is it because people have finally accepted the truth and using his behavior as a form of expressing that?

it really is rather baffling, they ALWAYS double down or simple just ignore or dont cover the mistakes they make. but now they almost seem (somewhat at least) self aware?

can someone explain this to me?
the best thoery i can come up with is that normies dont really watch or even follow politics so this is quite a shock to them? even then though, hes been like this since 2020? so whats changed? LITERALLY overnight.
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Everybody knew Covid was fake after saint Floyd. This isn’t about literal belief this is about multiple interests adhering to the same lie, when the lie stops being profitable to enough of them they break ranks. In exchange for complying and looking away normies got free money and work from home until it was affecting commercial real estate values. With Biden they got the moral victory over blumpf up front and then progressively less and less pork every year as it got redirected to pissreal and jewkraine.

Because bidens medical condition
Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome has gotten so bad they cannot hide it anymore
just to name a few.
>can someone explain this to me?
There is no Biden presidency. It’s all fake and gay media optics. Notice how this “debate” was set up in a manner which makes Trump look good just before SCOTUS rules on immunity? Israel wants Trump, not Biden. They get whatever they want.
They have no qualms about lying and they weren't voting for Biden, but rather voting against Trump. Most have been living in an alternate reality of denial. The fact that Biden won the Dem nomination to begin with shows either how corrupt the party is or how stupid their voters are. Both are probably true. I can't even engage with these people. I'll just wait for their bodies to float down the river.

Why did he fuck biden over so hard tonight? i thought ol' tapper was supposed to be an establishment puppet but he threw this entire debate away tonight. jakehad the opportunity to win the election for the democrats, thats the whole point of CNN running the debate with its gay rules (everyone expected them to cheat the debate anyways so what harm is it to rig the thing??) if they were going to treat trump and biden equally
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all according to keikaku

pleasantly surprised tho.
So the libs have an excuse to shitcan Biden and run Wes Moore. Screencap this post.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".

Wes more is such an uncanny valley creepy looking nigger
Tapper's a twat from the same kind of diseased cunthole as Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, seltzer etc etc. Pure establishment discharge.

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Why is neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump talking about BlackRock buying all the houses? Not a peep the entire debate from either side.
cool it down with the antisemitism
They are both shabesgoys, who married their children to jews and have jewish grandchildren.
the only hint of the housing problem was biden mentioning wanting to tax billionaires to make them pay their fair share but I don't believe a tax will correct anything. they'll just find ways to squeeze everyone under them even more. disgraceful debate.

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My fav
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This one is sig as fug tho
Canada’s flag looks like budget decorations for autumn.

Scotland is best…their actual national flag (not St. Andrews) is great too. UK and Confederate flag are great as well. USA flag is cool but lack of symmetry ruins it.
South Africa's flag always reminds me of a pride flag. I hate it.
South Korea's flag is honestly beautiful, Guam is actually quite nice too.

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>heh that was a masterful debate performance dahnald, we were… impressed
>*claps hands sarcastically*
>unfortunately for you dahnald, your road to the delegates now runs through…. us
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>he still sucks off trump

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HAPPENING! Poland’s Foreign Minister says that electing an incompetent, corrupt, narcissistic, immoral moron like Trump will lead to the fall of America as the world’s greatest superpower
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is this the guy who invented the helicopter? he's still alive?
That didnt happen at all when blumpf was in office. This is retarded fear mongering again like how tards were doomposting about Drumpf starting a nuclear war the moment he got into office
>sikorski is shabbos goy
He is not a very courageous person so he is trying to make up for it by writing edgy comments on Twitter.
There are millions of cowards in the west, who are virtue signaling their way through twitter .
They are very active on twitter, but in reality they are just token people who live
to serve their purpose. We need to shield ourselves from such figures.
Often those cowardly representatives in our governments pose greater threat to us than
all the countries from global south combined.
It would be disastrous for europe if trump stopped the gravy train
Sounds like foreign interference in an election

This guy should be the Democratic nominee.

Prove me wrong. You can't.
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Minorities and women will love this choice, particularly with Kamala as the heir presumptive, and Hillary waiting in the wings, you STUPID BRIT.
Stick to a subject you know, like bad food.
nobody gives a fuck about that lol. they'll just accept it and move on. if anything women would prefer newsom
Gavin Pooscum. Why, poo?
>because I am poo and my brain smol and stuff
>mmm…a turd and it’s just lying there all free & tasty.
Newsom is a huge faggot that has competely destroyed California with his insane policies. No one likes him except boomer women, because they like his hair. California has tried to remove him twice but CA elections are completely rigged
I keep telling you shitlibs they're going to run Wes Moore, but nobody listens.

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This shit seems very coordinated
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>I wish they would go with big mike, that would be hilarious and a guarentee defeat. One thing news will never acknowledge is that white women have to work around black women too sometimes and let me tell you...White women would likely not vote for sheboon. It would be absolute victory for Israel Don.
These people voted for Bidum even when Kamala said she believed he was a sexual abuser. Don't put it past feminists to hold their nose and vote Dem. These women WILL forget all the chimp outs they've personally witnesses if it means a woman in the Oval Office.
that might be so he can say "well, i wanted biden, but i guess i can be prez instead"
This is exactly it. Earliest debate in history. This was the plan all along. Even though nothing Biden did last night was out of the norm for how he’s been acting the last 4 years
>Shit, neither candidate looks like they're campaigning in the classic sense, we're a few months from elections and it doesn't feel like it.
The damning part is Trump being dragged to all these show trials IS his campaign.
He's constantly on the news, he's constantly speaking out about how he's being treated badly, everything is still about him.
It's why the only semi-intelligent thing the left ever did for a while was to ignore Trump. Just let him suffocate from the lack of attention
But then they missed those TDS ratings
>"I didn't want this, you all are forcing me"
Type of shit, both Trump and Biden were kinda doing it last night as well.

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Just see the horrible way he treats Nimrata Randhawa. When Trump is assassinated by the Democrats, this man will be President. Is the US ready for Indian politics?

woah. where's the FBI ? OP just made a threat on a presidential candidate and former president.
He won’t be vp
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Vivek talks a great game, but I just can't trust anyone of Indian descent at this point. They have made it very clear their plan is to spread out and take over using any means necessary.
indians will destroy the world if they aren't stopped. Everywhere they go, they bring their subhuman 3rd world mentality of raping and cheating. Unfortunately, white people dont have the balls to deport the indians but what will happen is, whites will lose their remaining power, and then the Chinese will easily take over the West, and the Chinese will deport the indians because the chinese don't want indians in their new chinese-controlled Western countries. So yes, whites are going to lose all power. But the indians will not "take over". The Chinese will, and the chinese will easily defeat and deport the indians back to shithole India.

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Have any of you wonderful anons got Tolkien's text copy of his letters to a friend where he discussed the way Europe was headed etc. Need them to redpill a few friends. Cheers lads.
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btw are there any other chads here that also play Third Age Divide and Conquer for Medieval II? I'm playing as Khazad Dum and now control all the mountainous settlements between Gundabad and Isengard. Currently trying to rush to retake Dain's Halls before Erebor beats me to it for those sweet Dragonslayers. also thread theme: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p7JH-I3iJyI&pp=ygUjdGhlIGtpbmcgYmVuZWF0aCB0aGUgbW91bnRhaW5zIHNvbmc%3D
He lived in a better world where one did not need to compromise with appointing nazis as good guys in lieu of a good choice.
>He also expressed admiration for Jews in the same letter he expressed his disdain for Hitler.
post it then. and don't say he modeled the dwarves after the kikes, shortly before his death he clarified that they were modeled off of semites in general, not the jews.
don't you have a drone to catch with your face shabbos goy?
I must have dyslexia

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Jewish bots want to make you believe that Biden is anti-jewish.
In reality jews vote for Biden.
Trump remains the white mans choice.
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>Trump remains the white mans choice.
Donald "Death Penalty for Antisemitism" Trump
Well, according to the romans the Hebrew god is a donkey. So their vote is probably for religious reasons... nothing to do with Biden zombie
Jews voting is funniest shit
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double attention
what i would like to know is how jewish votes are counted

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>Putin is a war criminal. He's killed thousands and thousands of people and he's made one thing clear – he wants to reestablish the soviet empire. He wants all of Ukraine. Do you think he's going to stop at Ukraine? What do you think happens to Poland?
100% correct. Poland is next and then the Baltic states, Moldova, Finland, Germany etc. Putin must be stopped. Trump needs to rethink his policy on the Ukraine war and NATO.
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>The West's elites have no problem with muslims taking over every Western European country.
So does Putin. By 2050 Russia will have a muslim majority.
Then so is netanyahu
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>Poland is next and then the Baltic states, Moldova, Finland, Germany etc.
kek they cant even hold half of Ukraine and are moving at a snails pace. how many weeks until Poland and the Baltics should worry?
Well then it still makes no difference.
You want us to care?
Give us our countries back. If there's no future for my own people why should I give a fuck about anyone else's? Especially when the politicians telling me to care are deliberately expiditing my own people's extinction.
>kek they cant even hold half of Ukraine and are moving at a snails pace.
Russia will rearm and attack other European countries when its ready.

When they told you openly they were coming for your children they meant by deadly force.
How do you prepare yourself?
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Shooting up a school full of kids doesn't make you a "warrior" and law enforcement killed them to save innocent lives.
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Will they even be able to resist the urge to kill themselves once they have a gun in their hands?
Okay, I'll happily take a warbride (male)
>b-but that's gay
Kek, they know.
/k/ is dead

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Anyone else used to be indifferent towards vaccinations - who have turned strongly against them after COVID & the unethical mandates?

It seemed like a LOT of bullshit. All of the data would have justified vaxxing the 80+ crowd, but there was absolutely no justification on using them for anyone under 50, except if they were making personal sacrifices at great cost to keep the old alive.

From telling the young that "Nobody is safe until everyboomer is safe", to mandating it on college students.

I refused the shots, and I won't be vaccinating my children. It's clear nobody cares to hear about vaccine injury - especially when you see the autistic zoomers running around these days.
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>Viruses don't exist.

>All vaccines are toxic.

>Covid tests, facemasks, and vaccines had graphene hydroxide razor nano-tech.

>It was all and still will be 5G weaponized radiation which is absorbed by heavy metals. Seasonal flu ceased to exist out of a sudden.
>The worst case scenario is that it's a bootstrapper providing easy access to your body for future engineered viruses.
There's already piles of evidence that this is the case, but everyone is ignoring it

The worst case for the vaccines is they were part of the same plan. The fact that they had no effect on the infection rates mildly implies that's the case. It could also just be incompetence and greed.
But I know of a whole single old person who died from it and an old friend who had drug and alcohol problems also died from the very harsh cold virus that hospitals were getting $15k per patient for treating.

The first words out of my mouth when someone first mentioned the deadly coronavirus was, "oh, it's a cold." Then she went on to tell me about how it kills 1/10 who contract it.

Should have trusted my first instinctual and logical reactions because I eventually got tricked into thinking it was extremely deadly too.
I work in a team of about 30 and I have plenty of friends. I've asked all of them if they know anybody who died.
Not one person knows of a person who died. Think of that. Combined, we must know thousands of people in our social spheres, and not one death.

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Is it the right thing to do? It's the future, Canada is already going that route.
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>It's the future, Canada is already going that route.
So says Castro's bastard.

If the only reward, through a decade and a half, is literally nothing but continued existence, even I'm starting to feel like MAID should be an option.

In my experience, it's what most Democratic voting doctors want for their white male patients, anyway.
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Id be in favor of mandatory euthanasia for zogbots period
The deal should be you go and kill sand niggers for Israel for some reason
And if you make it back home the government puts you down like the dog you are

Its a win win
I would like to euth my asia in her pusshole if you see my indicator
I'm pretty sure she's not a vet.
Unless you mean she is a veterinarian. Which I also doubt.

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Ok, explain ne what's going on here. Is Trump based or not? Is Torba based or not? Who's the traitor and who's our guy? The right wing is so divided that it's hard to tell who is a controlled OP and who is legit.
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I get all my data from @BasedTorba
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>Andrew Torba

since forever my gmail acct any GOP/Trump fundraising emails always went straight to spam
this morning there were like 15 of them in my inbox. somebody flipped a switch on that shit literally overnight
The economy is fucking SHOT. And when Trump was in charge, it was doing fucking great.
Yeah, covid, blah blah. They dug us $5T into debt during covid and there's NO fucking way out.
But at least Trump will recognize this.
The Silicon Valley types surely realize that we can't solve Social Security by just taxing the shit out of everyone with excess money saved up. That won't get you fucking ANYWHERE.
They see what Biden's plans are. It's to loot the upper classes to temporarily patch the government's terrible spending/budget problems.
And at the end of the day, when it comes to their money, their ideology suddenly goes out the window.
Just like moms with their kids going to 'the good schools'.
Jews control silicon valley. They want to promote Trump to further their goals of sending white men to go fight for Israel and Ukraine. They still are your enemies, do not be fooled.

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So far 2 decisions have come out:

The Grand Court ruled that cities can clean up homeless camps!

Even more important, they just overruled the old Chevron case which put high deference to Federal Agencies when it came to interpreting the law.

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I don’t think anons realize how massive it is that chevron deference is gone now. That will be the most impactful decision released by the courts in decades. Way bigger deal tha the dobbs decision
I do. I hope Clarence does what he says he wants to do and tears down Wickard while he’s at it.
t. lawyer
Did they just throw out the J6 conviction? Apple News sent out some sorry
White boy summer
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Explain to me without context what it might mean for people, if you can please

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Oh no no no global south niggers Great Leader has failed in his righteous crusade
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It really makes sense why ger christcucks fought Nazis, sided with kikes pimping white kids in the streets walking past them on their way to church every Sunday and opposed Hitler and voted against NS
>83rd Airborne.
Where is that place ?
Leaving everything in shambles and moving to the next place to destroy
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>"mmmhh, interesting news, lets check the source real quick"
>According to a well-regarded Ukrainian correspondent who writes under the pseudonym “Nikolaev Vanek"

its complete trash again

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We've been (way too) tolerant of them for thousands of years and merciful enough not to nuke their genes out of existence, why the hate?

All White disgust with the jew is reactionary, but they seem combative and spiteful by nature toward us, anyone have actual insights?
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A successful parasite needs to evolve total contempt for the well-being of the host. Over the last year of war in the middle east we see that the Mizrahi Arab Jews in Israel feel the same sort of irrational seething hatred towards Arabs than Ashkenazi Jews feel towards Aryans. You simply don't try to reason or negotiate with parasites, you education and organize yourself on how to remove them.
Pretty retarded reply anon ngl
>A successful parasite needs to evolve total contempt for the well-being of the host
This is the part that confuses me the most, why destroy the host?
It's an endless gravy train you jeopardize by actively weakening it, something you don't have to do in order to be a parasite
Blows my mind really
A more accurate evolutionary analogy would be "does the intestinal tapeworm hate the organism it is infesting?", if a tapeworm had evolved the neurological capacity to reason it would also need to evolve a hatred for the host. lest it fail to extract every last bit of nourishment from it.

The problem is that Aryans had proven their capacity to rise above being a host to being a competitor for global power and a threat to the very existence of their parasitic niche. Jews have correctly calculated that mestizos, niggers, Indians, chinks and even Arabs make better and safer hosts than Aryans, though you have to somewhat make up for productivity in volume. In the very long-term they plan to breed the entire planet into 70 IQ niggers and then begin to starve them off as robotics and AI makes the host fully obsolete.
Its because of their books. They elevated racism and race war as a religion, in wich being immoral is ok if its oriented against the non-human, aka the non-jews

Its a question of education. No need to genocide. Burn the Talmud and educate their kids like every non-jews, and you are going to fix the problem

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Just in time for the pro-Palestine protests.
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Only blm & antifa are allowed wear masks at protests to stop the spread & stop cameras recording their faces chud, farright nazi extremists are never allowed wear masks unless ordered to by police (except when they order to put it on), you violent racists are not planning on hiding your faces while committing crimes

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