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Life = pain and suffering, and if you’re lucky, maybe you get a couple good memories. What the fuck, man? Why?
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Three for three
>Society turns back 9m God
>Society becomes a hellish nightmare

Checks out.
You if accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour, and if you believe and trust in him totally and utterly to guide you and walk alongside you he will do so. You will only find peace in him and his teachings. You worry to much about earthly matters, you are hear to fulfil your purpose in so far as God planned and nothing more. And if you serve him and believe in him and trust him honestly and truthfully I am sure he will find a place for you in his kingdom of heaven. And what more could you possibly want than eternal peace with your creator and his son the Lord Jesus Christ. You will not find peace in simple earthly pleasures, temporary fixes and desires.
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It's because of people. They are sinful in nature and actively choose lies, even when you point them out they still choose the lie. It's a comfortable tradition and they have psychological issues and too much pride to accept they were horribly wrong. And so they make it worse by going actively against the truth, doubling down on the lies even more. They can't humble themselves and admit to themselves they were fooled all along, and they actually don't know what is even going on or where they even are here in this physical existence. It's too real, and too painful.
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He's trying to say he's a dumb faggot

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cause christucks are all larpers and just use it for personal gain or to enslave themself, they are the ultimate good goyim golem slave
The age of consent in this country is bullshit. If she bleeds, she breeds. End of story.
She undoubtedly told someone who spilled the beans.
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OP is a jew, that's why he made this thread, acting as if Christians are one person represented by this crime he pulled up.
sounds like it was gods divine plan to me

This whole board has gone to shit. It used to be people, maybe a little retarded who were posting their alt right views to a crowd of supportive, likeminded, and equally retarded anons. Now, its just someone posting an article from some retarded journalist, aliens, rage bait, or just blaming kikes for everything they've failed at in life. "The jews running everything took every opportunity from me" Grow up and shut the fuck up! Sure the jews fuck with the world but at ur personal level, you are responsible for every one of your fuck ups and a scapegoat won't change the truth. So fuck /pol/. And fuck anyone who will try to overdose on copium after reading this shit. And don't just say, "pol was always like this". No. It wasn't. There were retards getting in stupid arguments in the replies about some nigger in congress saying some bullshit about the kikes, but that was the extent of it. Antisemitism has always been a tenant of /pol/ and I agree. Fuck the kikes, and fuck any kike lover who tries to defend them. To round it off, its your faults that shit's going to end like this.

A deep dark world is being exposed.
The truth won't be for everyone.
Have faith in Humanity.
-Q 4915
Trumptards brought the quality WAAAAAYYY down
Thats retarded. Its the fucking libs who try to pretend like the kikes aren't ruining shit and that its just trump's fault.
Yes and trumptards are all part of that, these retards genuinely believe they're "saving America" by voting for another zionists puppet Kek
Trumpf niggers are the only liberals on the board, they just spend their whole lives trying to convince people they're not

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Hmm I wonder who could be responsible for this armed robbery?

I thought it's a 4chan thing kek

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These are the only comments I can see.
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Bro, where have you been for the last 10 years? Jeet hate has always been the status quo. The men are creepo fucks on the internet and the way they behave makes them the biggest and cringiest incels of them all producing kek-inducing content, they crowd every one of our support lines making the process of getting help from any service a burdensome, and they are the ones scamming out grandmas. It's just that now we have to contend with even MORE of them as they are being funneled into our countries.
Non-ironically, the hatred for Indians came about mainly due to the fact that in the last decade more and more of India has begun to gain access to the internet. With such a large population, there is a large amount of retards who are barely literate and who spew bullshit that annoys others.

Internet influences the popular opinion, especially since social media is so prevalent these days, which is why the common person has begun to be more intolerant towards them. But another large motivator for the racism is also the increased migration of Indians into Western Nations as Asia catches up and more opportunities for travelling abroad are made open to them.

That one-two combo is basically the whole of it. Most of the racist depictions of them (shit-filled streets, perverts, barely able to speak english, etc) come about mainly due to that. They are not the only ones, you can see the same happening with Muslims, Asians, Africans, and other populations that migrate in large numbers to the West. Since India has over a billion people, they are also one of the nations that draws the most attention from those who are unhappy with the current situation.
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>Non-ironically, the hatred for Indians came about mainly due to the fact that in the last decade more and more of India has begun to gain access to the internet. With such a large population, there is a large amount of retards who are barely literate and who spew bullshit that annoys others.
the numbers are shocking, "smartphones" and 3g/4g was a mistake

And they're all scared to go shirtless to. What are scared of?

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The faggot was so proud to give it to a child
kek looks like chapelle
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They are creatures time forgot. They really need to be eradicated.
ben stiller is jewish i think
Big time

Well these statues be built again? Or did the lefties win?
Nobody “wins” until things get violent. Everything prior to that is just posturing.
The south will rise ag-ACK!!!!!!
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These are statues of the progenitors of a dying civilization that cannibalized itself due to the petty emotions and material desires of women. The statues will be gone, as they should. There's not much point in revering failures. The universe doesn't mourn the extinct, neither will I.

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on Sunday we Praise

>Robert Irwin threatens to sue Pauline Hanson

>Australian city world's second most unaffordable, with four others among top 20

>Australia among 93 countries in show of support for ICC
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hello rabbi
Fuck me dead. Why does hungry jacks insist on putting so much sauce on the megajack that it all slides out as soon as you fucking hold it? For fuck's sake
townsville is the capital of the north and the only proper city ya fuckhead drive for an hour to dalbeg or ravenshoe and you will get a cheapy in a white town.
ya folks are faggots for living in townsville for what they paid for their house they coulda got 150 acres with a old colonial on it.
I wanna fuck Tara from Penrith
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>mega slop

>The Central Command said one commercial sailor from the Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned bulk cargo carrier Tutor remained missing after an attack Wednesday by the Houthis that used a bomb-carrying drone boat to strike the vessel.
>“The crew abandoned ship and were rescued by USS Philippine Sea and partner forces,” Central Command said. The “Tutor remains in the Red Sea and is slowly taking on water.”
A ragtag group of khat-chewers is BTFOing the entire US navy through simple geographic reality. Honestly the most soulful event of modern geopolitics.
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dios mios
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Anon, neither USSR, the Third Reich or the Caliphate are coming back, a new Century of Humilliation on the other hand...
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Just wait after november, then there is going to be a lot of fun.
What happens in november?
Since they know that should an escalation start because of their retaliation, houthis will just hit back harder, with even moar numerous shit that whatever globohomo tin can parked inna vicinity of yemen is going to get sunk, if not horribly maimed. Means two things; demotion and a regional hot war that can escalate into a world war.

The best part? It does not even cost that much for houthis to deal geedeepee-shattering blows, and they receive a fuckton of aid from cunts, groups, and individuals, that want the west, and erryone that supports them, to feel pain. Death even.

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Migrants are raping and murdering busty white mommies
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people have been intimidated by the thuggish police state as well as isolated from their communities to the point that most people dont even know their own neighbors across the street they live on because everyone is a different chingchong oogabooga race and religion.
DEI pajeets trying to say english words for a kike tabloid in bongland
>than that sun roasted hag (no homo)
It's spray on tan, she got cooked for it on Faceberg by the other New England single moms
her tits have their own armpits. who in the right might dates these creatures
Her boyfriend was an ex-convict and he reported her missing in less than 24 hours so that he wouldn't be arrested for it.

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vaxxies will end the human race

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I've heard him talk about doing charity work in Africa. He's a cuck on race. Pretty sure he means "the human race" but it wouldn't surprise me if (((youtube))) deletes the video over that sentence.
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No evidence of COVID deaths. No evidence of jab deaths. Still not taking it.
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>2020 all deaths = COVID deaths
>2024 all deaths = Vaxx deaths
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When will they all drop like flies? I want housing prices to go down and job vacants to open.

> INB4 Two moar weekerinos

Lol they can kill you, come to your home to murder you and your family but people and the Jewdicial system will side with the niggers

i dont see the issue here. golem vs golem
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golems killing each other and causing suffering? i sleep

Post the twatter link
fuck you op
It's /pol/'s Chinese-American Queen.

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CCP agents found out how badly built Calgary was and they blew up the water main pipe. This is practice for what’s to come to America where the cities are even more badly built. All major US cities will have their water lines blew up, transformers destroyed and key bridge wrecked. Enjoy you mutts.
Am I the only one who thinks "badly built" sounds like something a retarded Jeet would say?

I feel like Whites would say "poorly built" and this makes you a stinky fucking Jeet.
Get out of my country you fucking invader.
I am white sir

Japan, ヽ(°〇°)ノ

Recommend high quality political or historical documentaries akin to Europa:the last battle
I’m tired of drama. Let’s get a real thread going.
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Required viewing for any /pol/tard
This was very enjoyable. Forgot about it.
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"Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government.
You're a retard if you take that shit seriously. It's for mexicans and balkanites.
9/11 Missing Links - such a must watch that i am almost sorry to have to post it because you should have already watched it

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and say Christ is King
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Christ is king!
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I denounce both. Christians have proven to be nothing but a tool for kikes.
I denounce Christ and the Talmud. All you're flying spaghetti monsters are the same to me.
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Fuck off, kikelover

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I just listened to the beatles, and quite frankly, I find them overrated and mid af.

Did boomers really jizz their pants over these 4 nerds?
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or double speed
cool story bro
CCR still bangs
They served spaghetti os suspended in jello when they had guests and wrote, cookbooks for microwaves. Whether music, food, whatever, they have objectively bad taste in everything

I'm starting to see it. That's why /pol/ spends so much time making threads about Indians. We are living rent free in /pol/'s mind because you are all afraid of us.

I mean, I guess I would be too if suddenly a race I'd been making fun of is overtaking every institution in my society and successfully taking over a Canada.

In the end, it wasn't the Jews or the Chinks that overtook the whites. It was the Bharati Hindu Indians.
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Import the third world, become the third world.
That's why we hate you.
Simple as.
Fuck off, we're full.
Fix your own goddamn home instead of forcing yourself to ours.
Of course the homeowners are mad when someone comes in uninvited and starts living on the couch and won't leave and stinks the whole place up.
And with current laws we can't exactly start killing you either.
So yeah it's frustrating.
Least honest hindu more like lmao, this is just yet another flavor of jeet cope thread.

Nobody is scared of you, we just dont want you around and yet youre like a flood of sewage.
Any indian who stays in his own country is immediately better than you the moment you thought of leaving.
hahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahshshahahahahahahahahaha holy fuck I grew up around you dhit smelling retards but I didn't know you could be so funny. good one gupreet
how many cow dung burgers did you eat to get into a confident state to post here?
Shut the fuk up u filthy degenerate kunt and go choke on a c0ck.

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The great purge is coming
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kill all humans.
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Fuck you JIDF
Heh, PURge

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Post an offensive political opinion you have that everyone on /pol/ disagrees with.
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>Japan and New Zealand are kikes who are amongst the most likely to betray the West.

>Brazil and South Africa (ANC only) are parasite nations and should be cut off diplomatically and are more dangerous than China or Russia with their false neutrality

>Singapore did a great thing for us by saying we were doomed to become the poor White trash of Asia.

>Hitler was right Jewish behavior but Ashkenazi Jews still have a deserved place in European cultural nationalism

>Anglosphere minorities have a place in Anglo Nationalism.

>Transnistria should join the EU as an independent and neutral state without ties to Russia.

>Republic Srpska and Kosovo should both be recognized as independent at the same time.
At a basic level, you have to believe in yourself and material reality. Beyond that, you have to believe that it is possible whatever it is you set out to do. You have to believe that things will go more or less your way, or that they are a certain way, to go forwards with things. You would have to believe your fiance isn't cheating on you to marry her, say. You would have to believe that the boat captain wasn't drunk at the wheel to get on the ferry, say.

Materialism is a belief-set that lends itself well to self-validation. We see the world work a way, and defines and reinforces a belief in that world, in that working. It can teach us about less material things, too, mathematics, atomic and sub-atomic physics. Computation, cycles, and algorithms. Belief is critical.
The transexuals are right to go with transhumanism but wrong to approach it with such a strong emphasis on sex, and appearance, while ignoring advocacy for funding, research, and implementation of transhumanist technologies that would give them transexual modification technologies better than they have by virtue of standardizing deeper, more broadly applicable technologies. They should be lobbying against big pharma/medical-industrial trying to string them along with drugs and anitquated surgeries prettied up as new stuff. Medical AI, genetic control, organ growing and printing, anti-aging, cybernetic modification, cloning, body-swapping, these are the things they should be pushing for.
That's exactly something a NPC in my universe would say, but it tells me you're one of the good ones.
/pol/ is the truth nobody should disagree.

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