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Don't even fucking think about it
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Flat earth is one thing... as flat earth is one of the oldest conspiracies in existence, really. Going all the way back to Christopher Columbus traveling around the 'globe' to try and prove that the earth was round by ending up, more or less, back where he started from. Many old translations of various biblical writings would make claim that the earth is on an infinite plain,or at least, has four corners. The net has allowed that to come back in a big way. If the Earth is flat, then give me definitive proof. But if space is fake... then what is it? Isn't space just a large empty void that exists outside of the earth? By definition, isn't space, just space? What else could it really be, If not that?
CGI is commonly outsourced to poos these days. picrel: the hilarity that was the Masters of the Air CGI crew.
That part is less than 10" in diameter, made of aluminum, the same thing from my picture.
I understand your point. Let's say the "vacuum of space" that you can travel to, set down on other planets, etc. is fake and gay. Outside the firmament we human creatures simply can't go. It is above our power as mere creatures.
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>take out us sat
No early warning for decap strike on top holhols
no counter intel on russian main invasion

holhols ripped a new hole

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I've noticed that sandniggers always do a great job of getting very high quality pictures of political figures when they march. Usually, it is after someone has died, but not always. It does not matter how poor they are or how ravaged the area is from war, they will always be able to produce high quality posters an pictures to use during marches and parades.

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1. You took out a loan.
2. Pay it back.
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entire fucking country is built on shit not being fair, especially in favor of (((people))) who already make a lot of money. but when it might help the goyish middleclass ohhh no no no, can't let THAT one happen! fucking kikel country, fuck it
"Loan forgiveness" is vote buying
It is transferring the debt from one group of voters (whose votes you are buying) to another group of voters who were not going to vote for you anyway
There is no free lunch
Someone is going to be on the hook for your shitty life decisions
The addlepated, pants-shitting dementia patient being controlled by kikes is the drooling king they want as the face of the regime
While they run things behind the scene
And they are buying votes
I don't understand this? Why do people need a student loan? Doesn't everyone's parents pay for their college?
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>1. You took out a loan.
>2. Pay it back.


It is pretty obscene that the young elite class (college graduates) would be getting a bail out from every other class of society. alternatively this would be another creditor bail out that primarily harms people that DIDNT become debt cattle for these creditors. Lenders had tens of thousands of dollars per cattle on 4% interest loans that couldnt be defaulted and they still ended up begging the government to bail them out again.
There is really no populist argument for student loan forgiveness, its a thoroughly elitist policy

In every single sport, the uniform for women only just barely covers their pussy. Why can't they just wear shorts like every single guy?
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Couldn't even be bothered to wax her asshole for us? VERY disrespectful.
Kuz it's a man's world now show me your pussy ! (Or else)
Oy vey the trans community is fuming
Totally opposite. Baggy shorts get stuck in their vajayjays.
That's a photoshop, you weirdo.

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It was just revealed that AIPAC is funding Brian Mast!
"Our country"
Didn’t realize Soros was CCP
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>to undermine our country
"Our democracy"
If our country is Israel, then I agree.

What do they get out of it?

What will they do now?

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surely Ukraine's 2023 counter offensive will take back Crimea now
It appears to be an attack-umms strike.
>2 planes
I counted at least two dozen explosions that were large enough to have been planes or helicopters, two extra large explosions which could have been fuel, kept on the south side of the air base, and three suspiciously large explosions which could have been bombers, or perhaps penetrations of the dozen or so large bunkers for munitions at the site.

It looks severely damaged or disabled. Crimea now has no real air bases, I looked and checked. There are several airports with light airfields, no real air base though. One air strip has some severely disused fighters parked there for who knows how long, since fall of Soviet union maybe comrade?
It's not really going to matter in the long-run if Russia wins the war.
well this war should be over in about two weeks

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A retarded Nog, his Amerimutt son, a mutt drug dealer and apparently some Bong tried to overthrew the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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>Where did I say he wasn't working for any other organizations?
The point being you have ZERO evidence that this was a "CIA OP" and there's PLENTY of evidence circulating on the internet both in US and Congo circles that
>he's a dual American/Israeli citizen
>he's a mercenary
>in the past he worked for outfits that were fronts for the IDF and the Mossad
>the rebel leader in Congo was stupid enough to pose for pictures and take videos of himself kissing IDFs ass
>Mossadhas a strategic interest in the area and wants to and has been calling for a coup for a while
All points your faggot ass "conveniently forgot to mention"

tl;dr: You're an obvious JIDF faggot and your shit's all retarded
Benjamin (((Reuben))) .
Once a yid, always a yid.

That was my whole point. The second this shit went ass up, fuck-tons of accounts that do nothing but propagate Israeli/Mossad/IDF hasbara propaganda all of a sudden start posting all over the place that it was a "CIA guy" when everything about his background screams Mossad network.

"Wonder why"
I actually went to the DRC and the soldiers were nice.

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What happens if Earth gets attacked by Extraterrestrials? do people just forget religion and race?
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it'll never happen
this planet's either a farm or an experiment
either way, nothing's coming to save us
If I was an alien and I saw what was going on here I'd start glassing cities just on moral principle.
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>If aliens real


I don't think about it, because aliens are fake and gay. But, they will definitely do a fake and gay alien disclosure. Most people will believe it, because they have been conditioned to believe in something as stupid as aliens.

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Finally, Italophobia is being addressed and remedied.

Italian American hate has no place in this country. Step up and donate to the Vatican with your next paycheck
jeez louis, the vatican? May donate to a real organization like AIPAC (American Italian Public Affairs Committee) with all that cash
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it stands for African Intelligence Perspective Anti Caucasions group. they just busted some cia niggers in congo.
another worthy cause

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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman apparently made one of the voices for ChatGPT sound intentionally similar to Scarlett Johansson's (who starred as an AI character in the movie "her.") Now she's threatening to sue OpenAI for all their worth, and everyone online and on Twitter is just going "YASS QUEEN"!

What am I missing? Women can now sue men for whatever flimsy reason they want and we are supposed to be cool with it? Scarlett is rich as fuck already and this is like the fourth time she's sued someone that I know of.
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>Women can now sue men for whatever flimsy reason they want
Yeah its been like that for at least a decade now
Open ai literally hired a voice actress for 'sky'
'sky' sounds nothing like Scarlett
Scarlett is suing because they offered her the role and she declined and they hired another voice actress who has the same general tonality as her.
I hope they make her look silly
Blitzkrieg phalanx
sounds more like Jan from the Toyota commercials to me

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lame shit
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I’ve never even seen it and can tell you have shit taste. Watch your Marvel films and “Roku-Buster” exclusives, with terrible cinematography and bad sound design. Most of the great films of the era aren’t the best for actually being enjoyable, but being mechanically compelling and engaging in the cinema.
For me? It's Frenzy, Rebecca, Rear Window, North by Northwest, Strangers on a Train, Vertigo, The Birds, Psycho, Dial M for Murder, Rope, Shadow of a Doubt, Foreign Correspondent, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934), The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956), To Catch a Thief, Lifeboat, Young and Innocent, The 39 Steps and The Lodger.
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Can anyone else relate to pic related?
>>468779743 memeflag off-topic thread

It was good, imho not Hitchcock's best though
'Rear Window' for example was (comparatively) a better film

vintage black & white era, I always thought 'Shadow Of A Doubt' (1942)
>Shadow of a Doubt

under-recognized, excellent

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Having seen something pushed this hard since the covid vaccines
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Any man that does the "incel" shaming tactic is automatically a women to me.
It's like arena football to get the sports junkies through the off season
Women's niggerball is not a sport. It is a barely managed chimp out. Bread and circuses.
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Cenk Uygur NAMES the Jews. Cenk goes HARD on Israel and exposes Judaism for it's crimes against humanity with BRUTAL speech.
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Word for word
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Yeah the difference is that the Germans WERE feeding the jews in concentration camps until that became impossible due to American and British bombers. Then after the war the same Americans and British claimed that shower stalls were actually gas chambers and that being gassed somehow makes your corpse really skinny.

>Did he say that the so-called holocaust is fake and gay?
No of course not, in fact he said some drivel about "this is like if someone blocked aid to jews in concentration camps!"
Cenk still has a better take on the current situation in Gaza than any mainstream right-winger, I'll give him that much.

Are we going to see a time when the far-right and the far-left are united in our hatred of jews? One can only dare to hope!
Left hates Jews more than right wingers now.
She hit the wall and then went through it right into cougar land. She's not a hot 20 something anymore, but she IS exactly the type of woman I used to fantasize about cleaning the pool for and getting invited inside for a cool glass of lemonade and her bikini top "accidently" falls off.
because their few collective original braincells got just barely enough power to see through the lies being sold to them? lol, lmao even. leftists could change all their position overnight and it would change nothing because they are the bottom 50% of the population, worthless domesticated GOY cattle.

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LePen (that ugly ass chain smoking bitch that threw out her own dad out of the party) has decided that the german AfD will not be a part of the EU fraction "ID".


Because Maximilian Krah AfD (alpha chad) said that not all SS members were criminals. They were our grandpas and we should be proud of them.

France cucks can suck my massive german Bratwurst. LePen is a fucking traitor and NWO ZOG bot hoe.

AfD is the only rightwinged party in Europe that dont sell out. We are the real deal.

LePen, Meloni, Orban, VOX, CHEGA, Geert Wilders = ALL COCKSUCKERS. Pro Israel NWO puppets.
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Why are you consnantly talking as if you know what the Afd is about?
With exception of MAYBE one or two individual politicians, they're all controlled opposition whether they know it or not. The reason is because none of these parties have the courage to end shitskin immigration because that would mean removing a key plank in the current economic ponzi scheme upon which the entire west now runs. The Jew fiat economic is driven by debt and consumption, and if levels of debt and consumption fall off, their house of cards implodes. The shitskins are here to consume more for you while you get driven deeper into debt to fuel the kike fiat scheme.

Putting an end to this scheme in your country or any other would lead to serious and immediate economic fallout and immense economic pain and suffering in the near future. A truly virtuous politician might realize the necessity but the other 99.9% of politicians would never ever ever contemplate such an action and would see him face down in a ditch . The electorate wants comfort, ease and safety more than anything and if you sacrifice it, the electorate will sacrifice you and might not even wait for the election. Normies would rather suck literal nigger dick and endure humiliation than endure deprivation of any kind.
i think its higher than the polling but only election will tell us.

Bc demonstrations and others stuff makes people first and foremost more inclined to not tell their support openly
Oof, an 100+ IQ poster on my /pol/. This is outrageous.
It just seems more low IQ than the rest of the European nationalist parties especially given the fact that it wants to rule the biggest country.

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Will GTA 6 be good?
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If Trump gets reelected I'll spend about four days laughing at the faggot at Rockstar that said they wouldn't make a GTA game during Trump's presidency.
More woke faggot shit I’d bet.
All the fags itt will buy it on day one, including me. GTA is "shit" yet you all played it. But it's on me for taking an indoor fishing forum seriously..
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You missed out.
>the houser bros are fags , leslie benzies made rockstar great and they fucked him over

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all muzzies are racist as fuck
we need to eradicate all straight brown muzzies
everybody is racist
everybody hates niggers
no one gives up their daughter for interacial marriage willingly
kids will never look like you, just some dysgenic mutt who will have no roots or foundations
race-mixing is evil and 90% of the planet hates it, only in America is it acceptable to race mix and destroy your people by throwing away your heritage
Damn, another good reason to visit Turkey.

Spend a month there, have a blast.
or, alternatively: you're a delusional chuddie piece of shit who lives in a distorted version of reality, and will never have sex.
How is that a bad thing?

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Is weaponized shellfish toxin Kosher?

Get fucked.
Anon, I think you've had a little too much to think.

Can /pol/ give me a real good reason as to why engaging in non-heterosexual debauchery is bad other than christcuck arguements or how it's a "Jewish plot to end the white race"?

Most of you would hate to admit it but you'd have more fun being in bed with cute, fruity faggots over any woman.

Pic related.
if this is what you are concerned with then you have very little going on in your life go to twitter to ask this not a political discussion form
It stops being satisfying after a while, and it can potentially fuck up your ability to pair bond with someone who's worth having as an actual partner.
Dying of AIDS isn't super great but the real reason is that it actually is a Jewish plot, amd saying "that's not a real reason" in your OP is a real fag move, you fucking fag.

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How come World War 2 is not considered propaganda, but every war since has been? How did they hit such a grand slam in brainwashing us?
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Honestly, it's kino even if it's all fake.
Call of Duty? More like Call of Jew-ty.

This. Plus they used women, to berate any men with mental torture, who refused service. Having useful idiots at your disposal is very important.

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