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All Freemasons are subhuman scum. There is no trustworthy Freemason. All masonic sects are equivalent. There is no unrelated Masonic organization. There is no white lodge in Freemasonry. The Golden Dawn and Rosicrucians are dead. The Egyptians were never Masons. Thelema is gay, too. All Freemasons are pedophiles. All Freemasons will lie to you. Normies suck Masonic cock for good boy points, and because they're mortified of the horrific truth. All Freemasons are money launderers. All Freemasons commit perjury in court. All high level and state level Governmental representatives who aren't blue collar are either Jews or Freemasons. Even some of the blue collars are. They are Zionists and hypocritically pro-Islam. They donate to children's funds and hypocritically rape them. They are the main forces behind sex trafficking in the Midwestern United States. The Midwest has simultaneously some of the most Freemasons in state government positions and they have the highest statistics for child trafficking in the world. Freemasons were on the news parked outside of the Uvalde Texas school shooting. Freemasons made all your favorite films and video games. The Freemasons serve the Jews. There has never been a Freemason with the good of humanity in mind. You are all scummy, two-faced liars. Every single one of you I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. Every laugh, smile, and sentiment is dishonest, effeminate, and uncanny. Your eyes show less emotion than Tom Cruise. You are so desperate for attention and to revive your dwindling power you try to act like joining the Freemasons is a trend on 4chan of all the places on the internet. You are horrible at consensus cracking. You have zero knowledge on Op-Sec. All of your secrets have been known for 60 years. You cannot hide. It's over. It has been over for a very long time. You are not strong enough to survive here. You never were. Goodbye, cuckmasons. Everyone will see this thread, and you will suffer.
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We need a aryan brotherhood who takes power and subverts kikes.
Why should I care what you believe, memeflag, as long as Germans raiding Freemason lodges all over Europe, read their papers, and stated it as a fact that the main enemy of the Freemasons were Christians and Christianity? Plus only take a look at media and academia today, controlled by Jews and Freemasons.

>Jews are controlling and behind Freemasonry
They’re responsible for the 10 million deaths from WWI.
>No revolution has occurred in the last one hundred years without the Freemasons' involvement
>They assassinate politicians, and ruling/elite class members, and most of the time the police do not close these cases, the perpetrator's are not found or brought to justice.
>They seek to bring about a new world order, they seek chaos and the destruction of the old [Christian] world and civilisation.
>The German revolution in 1919 was done by Freemasons too.
Their main opponents were the National Socialists.
Yes, so lets do something about these Masons.
Once again, Zionism is a Roman project to retake the holy Latin kingdom of Jerusalem.

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Most women go there to feel the pleasure of rejecting guys. They don't care about meeting a guy
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I lived in London 10 years ago, when pints were about 5 pounds. People were drinking in the parks and pubs were going broke. I went there last month pints were over 7 pounds. Parks full of regular folks drinking from cans, smoking and have a good time.
Namefagging on an anonymous website is making a big deal about yourself.
I let people bring their coolers to my bar, I don't care. If they hang out for a while they will buy something usually.

>some land doesnt cost much at all.
Lol, what the fuck are you talking about?
>Brain-damaged junkies acting like classy connoisseurs for which brand of concentrated mental illness they drink.
>Look at how mature and overworked I am for being unable to cope with existence without altering my mind and perception of reality
I'm just ahead of the game before anonymous posting goes bye-bye. What? You think that shit on /biz/ was going to be the end of it? Nah. Thankfully I'll already be established while you niggas are starting at the ground floor.

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Why is this shit so popular pol?
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Do story time anon.
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Part of a larger planetary pernicious depopulation agenda. Encompassing race, regions & religions. Did you just possibly wake from a coma? Or are you a fucking retard? SQUINT IF YOU CAN'T SEE IT. IT'S AS PLAIN AS DAY
I like older more dominant lady porn, jews have made it exceedingly difficult to find without some type of taboo relationship. But I mean porns degenerate anyway. Shouldn't even be lusting after ladies with my imagination. Whatever
Late night movies on the couch in the living room every weekend while the parents were out or upstairs, would start with a back rub which turned into foot rubs, then ass rubs and ended in fingering. If I wasn't in the mood or wanted to play difficult she'd go back to her room and change into skimpier and skimpier clothes until it was just underwear and a t-shirt and start whispering in my ear "pleeeease" which not once I was able to resist. Shit lasted through our entire teens into early adult and I moved out and now we talk all the time but never talk about that ever. We really never talked about it to begin with it was just this unspoken thing for Friday/Saturday nights. Sometimes i think it'd be fun to have her move in with me again but we're 30s now just wouldn't be the same
I like how city folk are hooked on incest porn. I love mills but I HATE when they label it mom or step mom. That's fucking stupid. It should be friends mom or girlfriends mom

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>offer peace deal to preserve hohol lives
>zelenskyy and nato say no because they want more war and to launder money to the last ukrop
Did they not realise that Russia can storm into Kiev at any time that they want and that the 2022 blitz was a show of force before resuming a slow and appropriate operation to minimise casualties?

Hohols and their nafo handlers keep acting as though ukraine is making any significant effect on the Russian military when they're not even using 10% of their strength, but still liberating occupied towns and cities from the hohols with ease.
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This is the look of a defeated man
They're gonna have to deal with this either way
War isn't a video game. You don't take the capital and a victory screen appears.
Nah. Once the jewish government leaves ukraine it will subside.
>It's duh gay Jewish nazi Ukrainians!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Pyotr we must have more gay sex to stop them!!! It's based and trad when we do it!!!

I almost questioned the norms of our society and government, but then I realised that would make me a sexless nazi incel chud, so instead I just stopped thinking

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Failed-to-launch men: uneducated, unemployed, unskilled, no wife or children, socially awkward, bitter, childish, have read fewer than 10 books in their entire lives, blaming others for their failure, yet narcissistic and arrogant.
Much of what we think is ideology is more accurately a failure of young losers to launch into maturity.
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> clay modeller complains his creation is shit
> doesn't realize it wasn't a lack of quality of the clay, but his absence of skill
No, nature red in tooth and claw.
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So do the people in charge really just think they can shame people into fixing their failure of a system?

You made the bed, lie in it. I'm going to just go play vidya and laugh at your demise.
>injured grandiosity

Gee... I know asking for a job to provide enough money for a small apartment till I can save to get a small house is asking a lot of society right now. Silly me. We should just work for enough money to barely scrape by so that we have the honor to work more!

These people are either painfully divorced from reality, or they know exactly what they are doing and get a sick twist out of kicking the people who are the most affected and victimized by our current economy and government.

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/pol/, I come to you in a great time of meme. In the spirit of pride month, Lets terrorize some sodomites and get this sign banned by the ADL.
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>The signs that read "No cruising. No U-turns. Midnight to 6 am" were posted around the Silver Lake neighborhood in 1997, with the intent to curb gay men from roaming the streets to hook up, The Los Angeles Times reported.

Lmao, its real, i thought you guys were joking around. imagine how bad things got that they needed a ''no fags here" sign


...What happens if a bunch of people make this sign their profile pic? What happens if a bunch of people post this in response to gay nonsense on social media?
looks like we got ourselves a new "ok" hand gesture, boys
Already doing my part
Not your personal army

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Sick of normie trash talking about those two dumb niggers on JRE?


Show them this.
Jamie is the dumbest nigger of all. Worst googler ever.
>an entire fucking hour of why a dumb nigger is wrong
who is this for?
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Contrarichads. You wouldn't get it...

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Men were dreaming about replacing women 2000 years ago lmao
>According to Ovid, when Pygmalion saw the Propoetides of Cyprus practicing prostitution, he began "detesting the faults beyond measure which nature has given to women". He determined to remain celibate and to occupy himself with sculpting. He made a sculpture of a woman that he found so perfect he fell in love with it. Pygmalion kisses and fondles the sculpture, brings it various gifts, and creates a sumptuous bed for it.

>In time, Aphrodite's festival day came and Pygmalion made offerings at the altar of Aphrodite. There, too afraid to admit his desire, he quietly wished for a bride who would be "the living likeness of my ivory girl". When he returned home, he kissed his ivory statue, and found that its lips felt warm. He kissed it again, and found that the ivory had lost its hardness. Aphrodite had granted Pygmalion's wish.

>Pygmalion married the ivory sculpture, which changed to a woman under Aphrodite's blessing. In Ovid's narrative, they had a daughter, Paphos, from whom is derived the name of the city.

But that's not all. It turns out that the word android was popularized by a novel called "The Future Eve" which was published in 1886. It's about Edison creating a robot that will replace the wife of a man, because even though he's attracted to her body, everything else about her is irremediable.

Replacing women isn't some /pol/ bizarre cringy incel dream. It's something that mankind has been dreaming about for thousands of years
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What did you use to generate this?
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One day brothers
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ITT: post video games that are redpilled on the Jews

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>Putin's latest maximalist, moronic ultimatum: Ukraine's armed forces must withdraw from their own country
Russians are literally retarded, lmao.
Putina even said the Ukrainian army must withdraw from territories that Russia has never even occupied.
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That land has been annexed and incorporated into the Russian Federation. Russia is not going to say just kidding and go away. Ukraine has to take it from them and they are utterly incapable of doing that.
Hitler kaput!
Hände hoch!
Ukraine also does it. This is just Putin responding to the sham conference in Switzerland.
Julius Caesar didn't have a country full of incompetent churkamongoloid subhumans to lead.
Ukraine is literally on track to become a province of Russia at this stage.

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Would /pol/ join a PMC? Apparently you can earn big bucks.
Unless you were a member of an elite SOF unit, you won't make shit and your job will be guarding some conflict mineral supplier in a 3rd world shithole. The lucrative contracting jobs disappeared with the Afghanistan defeat.
There was an abandoned prison on 90 acres, 13 acres protected by 12ft high barbed wire fence i thought about buying

That was a few years ago and they took the listing down but never sold the place. I still think about it to this day. I wanted to turn it into a PMC training ground

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Why is the fascist alt-right so attracted to ugliness, and can’t stop identifying themselves with vile imagery?
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It *is* the evil in society
Yes, but I don't think that's the intent. It's just zoomers being deathly afraid of being "cringe" so they turtle shell inside 5,000 layers of irony so they can never get owned by virtue of never taking anything seriously
They are truly the most Pavlovian dogs.
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>Getting this bent out of shape over the bald man with glasses forum
You realize that the stress of your sordid existence is why you're all prematurely aging and balding?

I've had a conspiracy theory for a little while and wanted to share to see if it's schizo or if I'm onto something.

For the last 10 years but really ramping up in the last 5 Ireland has had a serious housing crisis with the government doing nothing about it, these days you're talking almost a grand a month to rent out someone's spare bedroom. Because of this 10's of thousands of young Irish people have been leaving the country every year with last year 64,000 people leaving the country. At the same time every year Ireland has been taking in 10's of thousands of refugees into the country and housing them for free as well as giving them the dole, even going as far as building houses for the refugees to stay in.

Now that I'm typing it out it seems silly but it feels like they are intentionally driving young people out of the country and replacing them with refugees. Making it so that it's impossible to have your own place unless you're earning 6 figures therefor driving you to other countries where the quality of life is significantly better while also making it extremely enticing for refugees and economic migrants to come here.
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>Ireland has a small population so they will naturally be flooded quick, we were the buffer now we're not
Incorrect, EU citizens are leaving Ireland. Its time for Muhammad and Pajeet to take their place.

I don't think it's a conspiracy so much as natural demographic trends (lower birth rates, emigration, etc.) are reducing the value of capital relative to labor, and the government is using immigration in an attempt to prevent or reverse these trends.
The actual anti-whites are merely useful idiots for the powers that be.
It’s easier to replace a population if you also export. Those dilute elsewhere
does everyone in Ireland also forget they are massively in debt to the EU since 2008 because they were building so many ghost towns? those houses need to be filled and the EU gets first say who it's filled with and they have the money to pay for it which drives up the price further, so it's a bubble happening all over again. Ireland does have lots of land and lots of houses and lots of money, it just doesn't have a lot of people so every opposition to it is about the "people" not pure logic like the EU sees it. many of those "people" against it aren't even in Ireland.

the solution to all this is to just get a job and earn those €s to afford a house in their country, easier said than done with the Irish. especially when you have a giant gypsy population who don't want a job or house but would like the option if they ever felt like it.
>does everyone in Ireland also forget they are massively in debt to the EU since 2008 because they were building so many ghost towns?

In 2008 Ireland was the "new rich", like Poland is now. Those houses had to be built to keep up with natural pop growth and returning Irish migrants.

The crisis then happened.
The half built estates got abandoned.
no one built shit for 10 years.
native population kept generally increasing.
yearly deficit of 40k houses
over 10 years there are 400k houses missing.

Now you have to build 400k houses to keep up with pop.
400k houses when your entire ammount of workers in building and construction is below 150k people.
takes at least 8 years to reach a break even point only using Irish builders. By that point every paddy and his dog will have fucked off to Australia or the USA.

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You will never understand true love betwen a muslim and his goat
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at least she doesnt rim niggers like white women
Are men who like that actually just closet gays ?
In soviet Russia, niggers don't togue your anus,...

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Is this the kind of society you guys want? Where you can purchase teenage wives?


> She says she begged her parents not to force her into marriage. “When I told them about my studies and dreams, they laughed and said: ‘Since the Taliban has come, girls will never be allowed to study. It’s better to get on with your life and get married,’” says Asma. “[After the wedding], my husband’s family told me, ‘We bought you and paid for you, we didn’t get you for free. So you should be at home and working for us.’”

> Now 18, Asma is pregnant. “When I discovered my baby is going to be a girl, the world became dark before my eyes because being a girl here in Afghanistan is not worth it,” she says. “She will never achieve any of her dreams. I wish I was having a boy.”

Why not just move to Afghanistan if this is what you want?
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>Is this the kind of society you guys want? Where you can purchase teenage wives?

Didn't read the rest, yes.
We don't want Islam in Europe. Jews do.
yes, and that's based
hell yeah
Why not move to Afghanistan then?

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C'mon... I'm not the only one noticing it.
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So polish
>There's not one picture of him where he doesn't look like a supervillain
This. If someone shot him in the head, I half expect him to fully recover like nothing happened and to then begin demanding everyone take the mark of 666;etc.
>making a thread to not say something
>former Trump supporter here
You're the only one that didn't get it, qilet.

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Your science daddies still haven't offered any refunds for the vax.
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I didn’t get vaxxed and I feel like my healths been declining for a year or two. I think we are also just getting old
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based vaxx taking out the trash
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Jesse Dunstan of The Right Stuff podcast group (a fake Alt Right group that lures naive Whites into honeypots) wanted the National Guard to enforce lockdowns with shoot-to-kill orders. He also said "Fuck your small business" to anyone who complained about going bankrupt because of the lockdowns.


The Latinx "former" communist Eric Stryker of TRS and the National Justice Party (NJP, another scam outfit and honeypot) said the Science™ is settled and the clot shot is Safe and Effective.


Meanwhile, Chairman Mike Peinovich of TRS and NJP, who married a B'nai B'rith jewess, says if you think the clot shots are dangerous, you're a fucking moron who needs to shut up:


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Those smart atheists sure showed those dumb Christians, didn't they?

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1. Semiconductor (In particular, memory is exclusively produced in Korea)
2. Military power (5th in the world)
3. Shipbuilding industry (No. 1 in the world, especially technologically overwhelming No. 1. Essential for the construction of the U.S. Navy)
4. IT (smartphone, home appliances)
5. Military exports (Poland, Romania, India, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.)
6. Culture (4th to 5th most influential after the US, Japan, and UK)
7. Batteries (second in production after China, 1st in technology)
8. Most democratic in Asia

Although GDP is low, Korea is at least more helpful than Italy or Canada

Actually, we don't want to be in the G7, we don't want to pay to defend Russia and China
Amazing how they fit two different dystopias in the same peninsula
>Most democratic in Asia
You need a faggot marriage for that.

>. Shipbuilding industry (No. 1 in the world
That would be China

>6. Culture (4th to 5th most influential after the US, Japan, and UK)
Like what, K-Pop where males look more feminine than females/

I don't know you still have smaller economy than any G-7 and also you and US already has lapdog in Asia-Pacific it's called Japan

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You will never have a plus-size waifu
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I really need to get my wirght under control.

the king of fupa has suffocated under layers of fat
my plap gf treats me like a king. Cooks me dinner, rubs my feet, takes care of my kid (who isnt hers), helps with bills, buys me vidya and dudeweed.

Im happy
Hello fellow Shrekmaxxer. I unironallyalways wanted a young fat gf, but I've only ever dated short fit girls
why are women plus sized and men overweight?

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