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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous >>472696389

Come up with news yourself, I'm busy.
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Do you fellas ever wish you were a normie?

They're happy.
they're all fucked up on ssris and junkie liberalism
i'm the normie
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What's his game? It seems like he is just groveling for scraps, it's very sad to watch
this changes everything
it finally happened
they said it couldn't be done

he's literally me
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he's literally me
wait until you see this
Not interested in posh british people anymore they can all fuck off
poor people too
and the middle class
it finally happened
Whole of humanity and their seething mess and their subtle cattle brand of rejection
and tricknology
fuck them all
sycophants and vampires
clowns and dogs
>Do you fellas ever wish you were a normie?
Nope. Happiness not required.
the truth about what happened
I am counted among those who go down to the pit;
I am like one without strength.
5 I am set apart with the dead,
like the slain who lie in the grave,
whom you remember no more,
who are cut off from your care.

6 You have put me in the lowest pit,
in the darkest depths.
7 Your wrath lies heavily on me;
you have overwhelmed me with all your waves.[d]
8 You have taken from me my closest friends
and have made me repulsive to them.
I am confined and cannot escape;
9 my eyes are dim with grief.

I call to you, Lord, every day;
I spread out my hands to you.
10 Do you show your wonders to the dead?
Do their spirits rise up and praise you?
11 Is your love declared in the grave,
your faithfulness in Destruction[e]?
12 Are your wonders known in the place of darkness,
or your righteous deeds in the land of oblivion?

13 But I cry to you for help, Lord;
in the morning my prayer comes before you.
14 Why, Lord, do you reject me
and hide your face from me?

15 From my youth I have suffered and been close to death;
I have borne your terrors and am in despair.
16 Your wrath has swept over me;
your terrors have destroyed me.
17 All day long they surround me like a flood;
they have completely engulfed me.
18 You have taken from me friend and neighbor—
darkness is my closest friend.
8 You have taken from me my closest friends
and have made me repulsive to them.
I am confined and cannot escape;
9 my eyes are dim with grief.
18 You have taken from me friend and neighbor—
known loads of normies who are not happy, even this chad 6'4 normie who has a gf, heard him mention khs multiple times
-£180 in my bank account
nice touch
they won't believe it when i tell you what happened

ἀκατάπαυστος, akatapaustos
not ceasing from, not abandoning (giving up).

2 Peter 2:14 Adj-AMP
GRK: μοιχαλίδος καὶ ἀκαταπαύστους ἁμαρτίας δελεάζοντες

With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed—an accursed brood!
17 These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. 18 For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. 19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.” 20 If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. 21 It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. 22 Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,”[g] and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”
>20 If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. 21 It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them.
poo on a nigger
this changes everything
your life is a binbag.
it already happened
they didn't tell you
thomas merton visiting the ruins and imagining the prayers of a 13th century monk enacting on him
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Trans woman of color here. Before I say what I'm about to say I'd just like to make it clear that I never post here, mainly due to the fact that interacting with so called "4chan culture" is quite disheartening. So I'm going to say this as clearly and efficiently as possible.

Fuck. All. Of. You.

There, I said it. If you'd like an explanation, all you have to do is look at your own behavior, and understand how it effects the world around you. As a trans woman I feel the deep rooted forces of oppression you sick fucks emanate every day of my life. The shit I have to go through to please disgusting individuals such as yourselves. It doesnt help that I'm a woman of color. So on top of that, I have to deal with the fucking systemic racism YOU and YOUR people started and continue to promote. My life is a living hell because of you people. But that's not why I hate you. Oh not even close sweetie.

The problem lies with YOU. Your behavior is so sickening. I know most of you are white men and so bigotry comes naturally, but you make no attempt to hide it. No attempt to better yourselves or the world around you. And no attempt to soothe the scars caused by you sick fucks. Your treatment of others is ugly.

"Durr nigger. Durrr tranny. Durr fag. Durr cunt. Durr durr durr durrrrr look at me I'm a nazi haha doesnt this make me so quirky and a free thinker durrr"

Sorry, not sorry. You're just getting what you put out. You constantly berate the disenfranchised and the unfortunate. Using your privilege as some sort of pedestal. You think you're better than me and my community when you're not. You're the scum of the earth. I hope you all rot in hell....
The ohm (symbol: Ω, the uppercase Greek letter omega) is the unit of electrical resistance in the International System of Units (SI).
only chads can fuck these beauties
brinnies btfo
It's a acid tab u spastic
quite a good one
purple ohm
wee breakdown
smoked some cigs to sunrise
back in the game

My legs bleeding ion even know how
the zaza sent me to gaza
the link up

Gulping sea monkeys by the gallon, my tummy feel crazy

Sort your fucking life out Caulders.
What do you mean the past that was the present back then
If you keep reliving old memories you will never make new ones.
What a load of shite.
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nothing ever changes
t. never been to post industrial post effort north east
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chavs type F in the chat

The results of the truth are the best things that could possibly happen
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sometimes the best thing that can possibly happen is direct conflict with malevolence and death
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the zaza got me speaking like pingu
Sweetness and earnestness
mazzy star doesn't need to fade into anything
she can be mazzy star 1990s forever
and is
she wasn't even hot
pure rizz
I think it all stems from the facts she hides her eyes
you never know what she's thinking
she's a great mystery

similar to this scene with the fake emperor
he's always moving to hiding his eyes
every single time he's on screen he's moving towards looking away and to the left and hiding his eyes
Michael caine said you should never blink on camera
blinking is clearly the key to acting
actor has to have conscious control over unconscious
like breathing
tongue in mouth
nervous ticks
total immersion into character

levels, posture too
good actors should be mad
Method actors are just bad actors. A real actor can slip in and out of character at will.
that's that famous story of the actor staying up all night to play a tired character and laurence olivier saying
>why don't you just try acting

I think there's a huge difference between screen acting and theatre acting and the perceptibility becomes more apparent in the theatre where idiosyncracies can't be edited.
His dad was a toolmaker if you didn't already know
whats so special about will?
If you consider the why it becomes willy.
Marine Le pen!
First citizen of the cheese eating surrender monkeys.
Which imposter bible is this from?

Amplified is not the Bible. It "helps God" by adding and calling man's words "God's words." That Greek you posted is proof that the Amplified gays call their own added words "God's words" (for filthy lucre).
Do you read Koine Greek?
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>start far right party
>import floods of niggers
>import masses of mudslimes
>just import huge amounts of bames
>get people to vote to stop above
simple as the french
a normie thinks jews are good and democracy is great
Which one of you fuckers was this?
not clicking
with a man with what?
Must be western women who have a problem with each other, imagine the scrapping and lezzing out if you put 3 of them in a house together
Nicest, softest woman I ever met in my life was a high iq muslim woman deep in psychosis.
She kept it under wraps really well.
With 3 other wives. Someone pretending to be a young muslim girl and making the husband out to be a monster. It's very well done, he gets the tone of a traumatised foreign girl right. At one point though he says he would perform an abortion on himself if he got pregnant, an act of rebellion a muslim woman would be extremely unlikely to consider even if she has been Americanised.
Harshest, roughest guy i ever met in my life was a scottish guy who had come out of a murder sentence in prison 5 years prior. Had raped men in prison.
Just a reptile.
Went to get lunch with him once and he was sneaking about the cold meat aisles like a salamander.
i want to make a click bait list or database
i don't thing anyone has done it
can we make even 10 click bait titles
i will start
>it's happening
>it already happened
>they didn't tell you about this
>this is what they didn't want you to know
etc etc
It's all sapphic erotica until their cycles sync up.
real always comes into it
>the real thing they didn't tell you
being a woman now in the west is the hardest it's ever been
you have to pretend to care about climate science and shit
I think to a certain extent all women aspire to be a beautiful retard hungarian woman
and truth, don't forget truth
>the truth about xyz
Being a woman must be shit now because all the men are shit now.
>what did they mean by this?
old but still counts
i'm sure we could get a list of at least 100 if we tried
try harder
Not only is it shit now but they're more juiced up on hormones and sexy than ever
wandering through the empty wastelands of the night looking for love-
but through no fault of your own, hyped up on sex hormones and the media your own mother and friends
tits swaying in the breeze in the smoking area, to the empty rhythm in churches turned into nightclubs
desperately seeking an unattainable good in a loop

excellent lad
had to put headphones on
turn up the volume
That's hell
and that's where future mums are
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>who tf is sza
>googles name
shame it's burger music
if it wasn't for Brits
they wouldn't be able to make that music
i console myself with that
Bookers probably thought they'd got rza
going out for a smoke no one say anything interesting
Knocking off a crafty one....
Causing domestic terrorism in my HMO. Fuck these cunts.
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In this video at some point John Oliver says he has to explain how government HR works but if you keep watching he'll show you a clip from some Love Island knock off afterwards as a reward. He actually says the words "as a reward." Instead of being insulted by this statement the audience laughs like "haha that's so me_irl." John Oliver enjoyers have no respect for themselves.
Do a biological terrorism in the bog.
thread hasn't been the same since Cauldron left
don't tell him what we were talking about
ask him if he's got a fag
and another song
bored of that one
got a tight alleyway next to my house
thin as a sunbed
put a sunbed up there just now
leaned back reclined smoking to the sky in sunnies
chuck the ends into a plantpot
doesn't get better than that
Might surrender my will to John Oliver tbqh.
felt like jay slater 16th june
>got a tight alleyway next to my house
your neighbour has massive tits
you didn't even look
that's the mosaic law but and i aint a square
That's not how you grow tobacco mate.
That's nothing. I'll be soaking the carpet stairs with piss. Leaving rotten fruit and meat under cupboards with handfuls of maggots which will turn to flies.
I move out in a month, some cunt is having his car proper fucked up.
Might destroy some appliances too.

They've driven me to this
had a neighbour with massive tits
total lag
in Doncaster
alley ways as you describe
we all went round there
drunk one night
she was fine with it
next day she called the police
on the phone to gardeners world, fuming
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The UK serves as an example to the rest of Europe of what happens when you vote a far-right party into the government.
that was her name
sunbathing with her tits out
can u blame us ffs?
>Lurches to the right
We're a left wing country you moron.
That guy needs his drives checking
Upper decker. Fish bits in the curtain rail. Turning all the gas rings on without flame overnight.
>me writing to the king to suggest a period of unity to be achieved by empowering all British men to kill darkies at weekends or on tuesdays without fear of state reprisal
First human I saw today was a greasy, spotty obese granny outside a coffeeshop. Second was a petite blonde lass with a nice bum in tight jeans and a wiggle to her gait. Felt better for that.
tranny, not granny.
You would bang a tranny. You would bang a granny. But you wouldn't bang a tranny granny.
>Julie-may from doncaster
my gfs mate has a husband from doncaster and he's sound
What are we going to do about our American cousins?
Do we think they have become pussies?
How are they going to rule the world?
This is our civilisation at stake
The British made life too easy for them
Good idea, lad.
Just trying to destroy a fuse right now for the microwave trying to remain inconspicuous. Don't want to just smash it with a hammer.
Cook it?
Julie-may had massive tits you will know her
she was sound as fuck
Hexthorpe if we are being precise
without doxxing
julie-may is such a confederate america name
david allen is from doncaster as well ,used to love watching him getting battered
I don't know doncaster that well donny soldier
I know
hence i said
Just need to run more amps through it than it's rated for and it should blow so stick it in the live hole of a plug socket?

Actually there could be something to this, it would cost an arm and a leg to get enough batteries to blow a 5-10 amp fuse, but you can probably blow a smaller one by swapping it in to a device that takes a higher rated fuse. If you put a 3A fuse from a telly or fridge in a kettle which usually takes 13A it will probably blow. Dunno if it will cause a fire though so good luck with that.
Anyway it all ended in a big fight and i didn't even get to shag her, she french kissed both of us though but only shagged my "fren" who was seriously tall like nearly 7ft i think she wanted him for protection against me and my brother
Lool gwarn julie-may
Well I've just been boiling it over the stove. See how that turns out.
It's for a microwave, so I could try swapping fuses.
Do the donny is still al shit tonne of benders and women that look like men?
He boiled the fuse.
my school had 1 black person in it
it was a catholic school
probably a lot of benders
I've basically doxxed myself
if gchq can't work that out
u r thick as shit
You have to know in your heart you could do something in order to not do something graciously
e.g firebomb a hairdressers
It's still working. Tough little bugger.
Done a dirty protest this morning.
Oh yeah
I know who this is.

Ispum esse
>swapped a 10 amp fuse with a 13 amp fuse
Now to fill the kettle with piss
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>would sar needingfully many fudge in cofe?
They have a wall in the JTRIG department with pictures of our faces up like the top gear wall with cars on. We get moved around once a month based on the quality of our posts. Cauldron is winning.
Nigger ball has lost its momentum hasn't it
I think I'd be number one by mi5 and gchq to do something mental.
When can we go and vote
can i go down today and vote or does it need to be on the day if it's not a postal vote
Cauldron is a good lad
i think
the leader
not that i hold it against him
It's got to be on the day unless it's a postal vote.
I know you're just itching to vote for reform and rNige
Bursting to vote
good lad = Cauldron
good lad = josh
good lad = blockhead
good lad = jap flag
good lad = britlad
bad lad = james
Now you locate your fuse box and identify the RCD. Then you fill some containers with water. You move the kettle and the water containers somewhere near to the RCD and switch it on to blow the fuse. Afterwards you switch the now blown fuse back in to whatever you wanted to break. In the event of a fire you flip the RCD then apply water to the fire. You give it about 5 seconds before you leave through a prepared exit if you can't extinguish the fire. You do this because you're trying to do some wacky hijinks not go to jail for manslaughter. Idk fuses probably just go pop then flip the RCD automatically but if I had life skills I wouldn't be posting on 4chan.
cauldy as leader is a step in the right direction tbqh
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off—then, I account it high time tozz get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.
cauldthrop ronman
blockheed martin
he's desperate for (you)s
Decide how I vote on Thursday
it's still early for yous (from rjosh)
Cauldy is just trying to keep thread going
like a one man band
>go into a business
>see a bame behind the till
>refuse to shop there
It's really that simple.
When the paras use pictures of Jeremy Corbyn for target practice it's all over the newspapers, it's a big scandal. When the 77th use pictures of brincels for target practice nobody cares. Is it because we're irrelevant compared to Jeremy Corbyn or because the 77th is irrelevant compared to the paras?
>French President Emmanuel Macron and his allies this morning launched a fresh week of intense campaigning hours after their party was humiliated last night in the first round of parliamentary elections by the far-right National Rally (RN).
>Rioting engulfed the streets of Paris last night as thousands of enraged left-leaning voters set light to rubbish, smashed up shop windows and launched fireworks after Marine Le Pen's RN steamed to victory with 33% of the first round vote.
>Hordes of riot cops were dispatched across the city, particularly in the French capital's Place de la République where the police clashed with flare-toting rioters into the early hours of the morning.
>Macron's Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, who is likely to be forced to resign after the second round, warned that the far right was now at the 'gates of power' and implored voters to block the RN in the second round set for Sunday July 7.
>But Macron's centrist alliance is languishing in a distant third place with just 20% of the vote behind the left-wing New Popular Front alliance on 28%.
>Le Pen late last night gleefully declared that Macron's party had been 'wiped out' as she celebrated the victory, with the RN now targeting an absolute majority in the second round of elections this coming Sunday.
>Such a victory would mark the first time a far-right force has taken power in France since World War II amid the occupation by Nazi Germany - a fact not lost on left-wing politicians.
>Raphael Glucksmann - a key figure in the left-wing alliance - said solemnly this morning: 'We have seven days to spare France from catastrophe.'
funny goes the left advocate for democracy when it works in their favour yet chimp out when it doesn't
buncha hypocrites, which ain't surprising and you've gotta be fucked in the head to be a lefty
No sex. No (you)s.
Corbyn is a commie but I wouldn't want to kill him.
Nearly 9, which means Toby carvery opens soon.
Might buy some more CBD oil, those gummies didn't really have any effect.
What would you do if you needed surgery on rNHS and the surgeon you meet firing your consultation is a BAME?
what's all this faff over cbd? new drug for the druggies?
Interesting autocorrect choice
Soldiers have to swear an oath to protect the monarch. Jeremy Corbyn makes no shame of the fact he hates the monarchy. Therefore he's an enemy of the monarch and thus a target for the paras.
If anything he should be proud that they view him this way as it shows how strong his convictions are.
Of course he fucked Diane Abbott so clearly he's a retard.
I'd die either way
I just want better sleep
That's why I'm committing terrorism in a hmo. Sleep deprived. Won't be much longer though.
>the first time a far-right force has taken power in France since World War II amid the occupation by Nazi Germany
How do these journalists go home at night and get fucked in the arse by their boyfriends?
Doesnt this always happen in frogland with their weird voting system?
>far right wins landslide 1st round
>far right heaviky defeated in last round
>Soldiers have to swear an oath to protect the monarch
As do MPs. That's why our country is so fucked.
autocorrect has been absolutely tarded recently so i just turned it off
pretty much, it's a tarded system
Yeah but attack dogs aren't supposed to be on until they get the command word. If you can't control them you have to muzzle them.
Brit/pol/ is a Corbyn general. Corbyn is based.
Yes. That happened last time.
Would love to see her do it this time. Just do it for the keys, do it to fuck Macron over.
CBD and THC keep getting advertised on the telly, but in that bong shop way why they're not allowed to use the words "weed", "grass", "puff", or anything like that. So it's all vague wishy-washy talking about CBD oil without actually mentioning what it is and what it does.
They are spiritually
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Labour will win this GE and #Reforms momentum will be long gone by the time the next GE rolls around
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Try melatonin (I've never had it)
Co-codamol 16mg is effective for sleeping but you need to be cautious with opiates.
>Corbyn is based.
Before I was converted to NatSoc I was a Corbyn fan, horseshoe theory is real.
Nuh uh
Because labour will just fuck more things up. They won't stop immigrants which is the most hot topic. Reform will use that as well as other things.
Whatever there is no political solution anyway.
We'll just revert back to the cuckservos after labours term laa
If early morning bamesketball and cooking is keeping you awake that's a you problem
you didn't walk the requisite 36 miles a day to the nearest river to fall asleep
new drug for the druggies then
>there is no political solution anyway
This. We'll be a minority well before the 2066 projection.
Marine le Pen had to sell everything to skirt the line of acceptability and get in
hopefully she throws it all off and goes mental
Off to boots to see what I can find for sleep. You can even buy CBD in boots now.
It's not horse shoe theory. National Socialism would be more appropriately called Communism (Racist Remix). The state owns everything, the leadership class is self-elected, and society is classless (except race). You're still a communist, you're just racist now too.

NB educated midwits scoff at the idea that commies and nazis are basically the same ideology, I have yet to figure out why.
Jews own every (((far right))) politician.
I know someone who "isn't" addicted to weed, she just uses it to "help her fall asleep". Funny how before she got addicted she could sleep just fine and didn't have insomnia.
Guessing from the way CBDanon posts about his sleep it's the same sort of thing.
>I was only pretending to support Israel
CBD isn't psychoactive, I don't see why it'd be hard to buy
Blacks aren't psychoactive either but they're hard to buy these days.
No because I had insomnia and have always been a very light sleeper. I finish work at midnight and get woken by picks early morning.
I heard our navy is already prepping to help the rnli with the massive influx of boat wogs when le pen gets in
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I remember reading about heavy russian influence on le pen back in the day
and it wasn't louise mensch schizo shit
National Socialism is Islam for Europeans. An all encompassing political, spiritual and philosophical system. It's similar to communism in certain respects but is actually analogous to Zionism upon closer inspection.
enlightment is knowing that life = suffering.
when your life flashes before your eyes as you die, and the angel asks if you want another ride to fix what you regret, will you accept? most do.
do you get any extra information each time? no.
but some do. their family records it all and teaches the young from birth, but they want to rule here on this prison planet surrounded by slaves.
(((Dugin))) is the architect of the (((New Right))), the same movement Bowden fell under the spell of.
i can't smoke weed, accelerates my heart rate too much to sleep
make me dopey but focused too, id sooner clean the skirting boards instead of sleeping
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Who do you plan on voting for?
One time is enough. When the time comes, please let me die and rest for eternity.
Weed is degenerate, same as alcohol and any other recreational drug.
14yr old boy missing from Crosby beach Liverpool
Wow, lunchtime rowdy! What big lips you have!
He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. He dances in light and in shadow and he is a great favorite. He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.
Reform according to my poll
J*sh kidnapped him undoubtedly
>once is enough
you think this is your first time here?
No but for all intents and purposes it may as well be.
If you can't recall ever living once you die, were you ever really alive? It's all so futile.
how could he have been him if he was someone else?
My life has been nothing but suffering.
Am I enlightened? I'm not that full of myself.
If I could buy a gun I'd be dead already. I'm convinced that suicide rates in this shithole country are only low because of it's strict gun laws.
It makes no difference what you recall. If there's more to you than your current consciousness then yes existing changes something. If all that you are is what you are now then I guess it doesn't really matter.
You keep returning until you’ve achieved enlightenment
This is my last rodeo
Enlightenment has been achieved
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Good morning beautiful
I trust you slept well
Probably. We just endure. Nobody hangs themselves anymore, they just drink themselves to death.
I'm times of war suicide rates drop.
Need Biden in bed kissing him
Is that a real leaflet?
He’s in Tenerife
Who I am in the morning is not who I am in the evening.
>highest rates of mental illness ever
The evidence would suggest otherwise
A partaker of cross dressing eh?
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Doesn't starmer support biden?

idk but it was posted on labours twitter so probably
You’re a variation of your former self
I don't buy that on multiple levels
Don't, you're gonna make me get erect.
I come alive at night. Party animal
Not into that gay shit
Angel Rayner?
More like AmGonna RapeHer
>I come alive at night. Party animal
Look at you go!
Was this comic printed in the UK?
Please tell me yes
>More like AmGonna RapeHer
Check you out!
Filtering is a godsend. Wish I'd known about it sooner
You could be happy/happier if you actually wanted to. But it seems you do not
It’s only 9.07 and someone is fiddling with there bum on chaturbate
Can't believe a thread in which I admitted to not knowing how fuses work is gonna get read out in court and be on the news ffs. I do know how fuses work it was just a bit.
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Not voting Labour
Not voting Conservative
Not voting Liberal Democrats
Not voting Green
Not voting Reform.
My tap water is fluoride free
You didn't get the reference. No big deal.
A fuse is like a clitoris but for electrical items.
It's you innit
Parallel me
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Not voting Lesbian
There's a subtle racist (based) undertone to this leaflet. Makes me wanna vote Labour.
There were a few rather hot ones.
Tell me bongbros, I’m 6’4” blue eyes, hair starting to grey but i have all of it, and in my 40’s, weigh 230, solid and strong not thin and not at all fat, semi retired: could I tear up the slags like these if I visited these places in brituun ?
Skittles Fruits corr
Based id
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It is 9:13 on a monday morning. I witness the start of another psyop.
Sick of seeing that wog Aussie bird on sky news Australia. She's anti woke. Doesn't mean she's based.
Enjoy your venereal disease(s)
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woke nonsense
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It's 7am on a Tuesday
Just pretend you're rich and/or famous. That's what these slags want.
Who asked? Who cares? Gtfo
Her cunts covered in ticks
>K2 Labs is a subsidiary of K2 Plant Hire Limited.
That has to be the whitest audience assembled in Britain for the last 20 years.
Jimmy is always right
Taste the rainbow?
Aryans Assemble
shat it
Next week I'll be 28
I'm still young
This is always the answer. Wear tin and act like you're wearing gold. If you have a good face and look clean on top you'll get laid every night and will have the pick of the litter at that height. You get a crazy for 4-5 years, then you realize it was all a waste of time and what >>472734277 said

Your brain will be like "feel good as you recall all these fucks, but after 50 fucks you're still alone and needing something to fuck before friday", just another aspect of your personal rat race
Found the ultra rare unreleased original version of the football factory
one more week to escape the rockstar curse
>who asked
That was me
>who cares
Also me
Nah. Thanks for your help. You’re a nice fellow

I’d use a rubber.
But anyhow I see all the men n that webm were little, dorky, t-shirt and gay shorts or jeans wearing poofs. Surely there are a few actual men that go out yeah?

What if I was just the more or less rich part?
>look clean on top
Off the wall, I scraped you
Sex with a condom isn't sex. You're fucking a plastic bag.
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France has shown us the way
Next week Keir will be prime minister and you'll be getting your door kicked in by the thought crime squad.
this is why I have sex with women instead
Is that the version where I kerb stomp Danny cause he’s a cunt
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Am a former rockstar btw
Lucky me, I have a domination fetish :3
Elmer, formerly rockstar btw
It's the oasis version
is it
Choccy milk
Am still a rockstar btw
>uwu smash my back doors in harder daddy powiceman
Elmer, formerly rockstar btw, still a rockstar btw
Elmer is GCHQs foolish portrayal of a scotsman
Not interested, pulp ones better
My axe wound is so wet rn
on top of what i already said, i meant
gotta look clean and shaven, this is why i wear actual shirts as well
Don’t question me
The ploy is a success!
It's actually funny how people think this country is even remotely free market and conservative.
>National Socialism would be more appropriately called Communism
Indeed and that's why NatSocs are cringe.
>us wagies can't even die right
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>ye we owe you 10k but you can wait until august dw
>mixing buddhism with judaism
>enjoy VD
>I’ll use a rubber then
>don’t use a rubber
A thinking man I see
>left wing riots
>eg inbred muslim sandpeople, algerian niggers, fags, jews and trannys
Will the right wing counter protest and crack some faggy frog skulls? Liberté and all that
you think there is no connection? thery are closer than you and your ballsack
my balls hang pretty low so that applies to most things.
Fake quote
>National Socialism would be more appropriately called Communism
>Indeed and that's why NatSocs are cringe.
Gay as hell.
> National Socialism would be more appropriately called Communism (Racist Remix).
Absolutely and astoundingly incorrect
>The state owns everything,
>the leadership class is self-elected
>and society is classless (except race).
>You're still a communist, you're just racist now too.
Wrong. But based as hell on the racist part my poocolored niggerblack shitskin

You fags should fuckoff back to your colored people telegram or wherever you plan your crimes, being the slave class of jungle and sand people
your balls control your emotions, desires and communication in this realm. your answer tells me you dont understand buddhism, judaism, or satirical insults beyond testosterone competition.
deez nutz nigga
Getting told about politics by a yank must be a similar feeling to how a sparky feels when a 5 year old tells him how to do the wiring.

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