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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Drop em as you grab em
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Remember to post
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With full name visible.
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It's astounding how truly fucking retarded all these leftists are.
They've been spewing the same "OH SO JOE CAN JUST KILL TRUMP NOW RIGHT? HUH?" dumbfuckery for months about this topic.
And even now, when the SCOTUS decision explicitly says that only official acts covered under actual Presidential duties are affected, the lefty fuckwits continue with this idiocy.
So, unless they think that POTUS has the official power to declare that there will be no elections, then the answer to this and every other monkeybrain strawman they keep throwing out is NO.
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>actual Presidential duties
this is in no way defined. So yeah, Biden could Seal Team 6 Trump and it's 100% legal now.
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How badly is your fronthole hurting right now?
Come on, let all that faggot seething out.
Tell us how it feels to watch your bullshit world being undone piece by piece.
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That would require Biden to be sentient enough to order anything.
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You're a fucking moron and an infant..
Get the fuck off my internet for 5 years, dumbfuck child.
Yeah do it, try this argument, and see how the supreme court rules on it afterwards.
Here's your defenders of democracy bro
They have literal childlike reasoning ability. These people are so far beyond demoralized, they will never be salvaged.
Question for Americans, can a President be court marshalled for actions taken as Commander in Chief of the military?
There's a reason that the ONLY age group that ever breaks in favor of Dems is 18-29.
That's why they want to lower voting to 16, even though it was already reduced from 21 previously (and 21 is what it should be).
Along with other mental failings, you have to be astoundingly naive to swallow leftist sophistry and truly believe it.
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And whoever this bitch is
No but they can be impeached in the House and Senate then criminally charged based on Senate charge recommendations.
Pretty sure the military would escort him to the old folks home.
Only if those orders are illegal, like extrajudicially killing a presidential candidate on U.S. soil.
yes kill your opponent.
and these are the same people who dislike Putin for some reason?
"You're just a whiner."
-Joe Biden, to the biggest tittybaby faggot on the planet.
President is not a member of any branch of the military, so no.
The President commands the military, but he himself is a civilian.
The only ways of removing a president are 1) impeachment 2) 25th amendment 3) death 4) resignation
It still wouldn't be a court martial. POTUS is not a member of the military.
if they do this it would make them just as bad as the bad guy :^)
lol so you just admitted Trump’s impeachment about Ukraine isn’t lawful?

Thanks for playing retard, you lose
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Incoming more crazy liberal whores.
Somebody tell Chyna to go eat a mouse.
and this is why women shouldn't hold office, always straight into killing anyone who disagrees
In their mind it’s righteous when they want it
It's like these people didn't read the decision and dissent in full.
I like how this decision always exposes the lefts true intentions
Another foreigner whose name sounds like a poo.
Hypothetically, in a totally fictitious and unreal scenario, if this fantasy scenario were to happen, it would then, in theory, allow for Americans to exercise their 2nd amendment rights against these specific traitors. Correct? Just asking as a thought experiment.
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I'm so glad the FBI monitors this place.
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We're laughing now, but this is exactly what's going to play out between november-janurary
>this is in no way defined.
Of course it is. It's called Article II of the U.S. Constitution. I know the left has an aversion to reading the Constitution like vampires do with holy water, but try it with a fire extinguisher nearby sometime.
>make biden a fascist to save democracy
You know when youre willing to throw away your ideals out of spite, I have trouble believing you really think trump is threatening democracy
Obviously he has no official power to do that so it's not one, why are they so retarded
Murdering someone is not an “official presidential act” but of course leftists think it is since that’s their only option after failing to put their political opponent in prison
they're so butt hurt
Crazy mask off moment for the left today
Kill them too fuck it. Our country is done for
I love how the party of tolerance is so confident in Joe that they want him to kill his political opponent
Unlawful orders arent obeyed. Seal Team Six would be charged under military code. Biden would be impeached, convicted, and executed as a traitor.
Yeah a day ago they were all worried about destroying democracy and Trump arresting his enemies.
Ive seen this movie before
Yes it is defined in the constitution as powers for the executive branch
>we want fascism to stop trump because he's a nazi
>-the democrats
How are you not too embarrassed to live
It would have been nice if the supreme court struck down immunity and we could charge every previous president with murder
What goes around comes around. If the true right-wing who is watching this behavior for years without end, ever gets to power, leftists are so fucked.
fun fact supreme court has not legalized sending seal team 6 after your political opponents... so you can report all of these to twitter to get their accounts banned and some of the more explicite ones even to law enforment....

Which brings me to my next very basic point this proves yet again:

Joe Biden isnt stupid he has dementia he is ill,
people who voted for Joe Biden are stupid.
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Why do the people who say they are against fascism create these fantasies?
Asian American women are the fucking worse something about this nigger country just poising the minds of all these people that come here. Like listen here Fried Rice, if you flood the country with niggers and beaners you still think you will be top dog?
We need to protect people from these threats, please report all of these accounts
+1 more angry asshole that is basically saying Biden can break the law at will as long as its an official act.
Hide your children, demopedo's will enact an official act to round them up for refugee sexual emergency purposes while Joe is awake before 5pm ET. Good luck citizens.
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>Arresting a "facist" who loves his country and people, and the people are loyal to him
Hey I've seen this one before
They are going to be openly calling for Trump's assassination from now until inauguration.
The military has protocols in place for exactly that situation actually. It doesn't end well for the president turned tyrant. Hanging by the neck until dead seems like.a bad way to go. It's not a long fall. You're kicking and struggling for a bit, very panicky. Thank God I'm not a traitor.
It might protect him from legal action but it wouldn't stop the mob running him down and doing the needful
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We fucking did it, Twitter!
5D Chess give Biden the ability to abuse power if he does the Supreme Court immediately removes him
let's hope that El Presidente Bidon proceeds with at least one of those lunacies lol
The SC ruling was to prevent retaliation after leaving office. It has nothing to do with allowing you to do whatever you want in the moment.
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>Kill/Arrest/Imprison Trump because "muh immunity"
>you're now the president of Washington DC and not the POTUS
>anyone with "BIDEN/HARRIS" stickers on their cars or flags on their homes, BIDEN/HARRIS t-shirts, anyone in the Biden family tree are now public enemies
how the fuck would people even leave that venue? The cars are all staggered and unaligned
Play " Match the Cars ".
it's a fun game. See how many cars look alike!
And notice there's almost no one around.
Which is the fascist side again?
99 percent of there post are asking Biden to commit insurrection and end democracy which is kind of hilarious they can’t even see how fall they have fallen in the public’s eyes. Of course this is preaching to the choir here as this will fly other the heads of most of the American public.
It is still an illegal order and the military is obligated to ignore illegal orders. Plus they wouldn't have immunity so they would be prosecuted if they complied thus more reasons they would not. He is basically immune from ASKING them to do it but it is still illegal.

And the thing Lefties keep forgetting is you can still impeach and convict to remove immunity.
he can’t just do that stuff though. he would have to answer to the old boomer grandmas who bring american flags to DC. or otherwise
>Crying about it
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So, basically she's saying that she's fine with a dictatorship of the Left.
God, it's going to feel good killing all of these non-Whites if/when they assassinate Trump and ignite the powder-keg.
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These are people who spend all of their time seriously discussing politics online like it's their job, with no banter at all. They really and truly mean everything they say and are not afraid to let everyone know how retarded they are, these people are voting in elections on a national and local level.

Retarded faggots like this are the reason there are caution stickers on ice cream pops that have popsicle stick handles.
joe biden can't do anything. we can all tell he's the fake prez
>These are people who spend all of their time seriously discussing politics online like it's their job
They have the political notions of a Brazil or Mexican and they should move to a place like that were political candidates are shot in the open the way they like it.
Yea that sounds very third world.
They should go there.
>Clears throat.
Q predicted this.
Wow. This is such a good poop.
He won't do shit
Yes it would as it clearly says in the constitution that the president has the power to use the military against his political opponent
Bug women are something else. Idk what really compels them to be so stupid politically. Just 99% chance they turn out as bad as the *worst* white women no matter what. I think they just mold into what they perceive as the majority and never deviate from it, yknow, bug brains.
Plenty of intelligent people are leftists, they wouldn’t be so successful at subversion if that wasn’t the case. The main thing you realize as you get older is that liberal politics in the West is basically just one big emotional quagmire of ever shifting goalposts and grievance porn. A “alt-right Nazi” today could easily be a Democrat from 15 years ago. Trump is literally a Dem from the 90s. I believed in liberal politics because I saw it as an ideology that sought to improve and rethink things rather than settle for status quo. What it actually is though, is a bunch of genetic and sexual failures who dedicate an inordinate amount of their time and effort into subverting and subjugating stronger and more successful men and prettier women. Things like climate activism have a purpose as a check and balance on the hubris of man going to far exploiting nature, but instead the movement is largely captured by morons that just want to tear down the means of success for men who they view as sexual and cultural adversaries. Once leftists install themselves as the beneficiaries of any of the things they once railed against, the narrative changes and suddenly those things are good.
Somebody needs to be saving these to forward to trump to know who to kill
>it had to be this way
>make the pill easy to swallow
>5% will never accept it
>we are taking back this country
Watching normies catch up after being ahead of the game for 5 years now. Do you people have any idea how retarded all of you look like to us?
>still watching Fox News
>still watching presidential debates
>still paying taxes
Lmao I listen to boomers and retards talk about how awful everything is currently and how it’s a bad thing that AmeriCorp is going into the shitter and I just laugh. What could I possibly tell you, that would make you understand? You have refused to accept it for YEARS at this stage. You’ve chosen the hard way. Enjoy the show
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are the lefties suggesting that our entire society has been reduced to kike lawyer semantics?!?!? hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Their mask is coming off.
>biden doesn't do it because he actually obviously cant do that
>dumb retards who bought this argument get further demoralized
It's like they forget we have AI now, all it took was a few minute chat with GPT and it clearly explained to me why the president cannot do this in light of today's ruling. Open AI is run by woke shit libs yet their tool still fully agrees that the ruling would not give the president immunity in these scenarios
They are trying to rile up the passions of the mob and stir people to violence.
You had to ask a computer to tell you why a POTUS can't shoot someone and claim immunity?
In the event of a military coup, could be possible
kind of like how it’s legal to throw banana peels onto your neighbors lawn (it’s not littering it’s organic) but obv you’ll get shot by said neighbor
These people don't actually understand what fascism is
there wasn't anyone there
leftrannies have been losing a lot lately, is the pendulum swinging back?
the jewish boomer elite are also going senile, do they have proteges or successors to continue the globohomo agenda
>all it took was a few minute chat with GPT and it clearly explained to me
>Asking AI for legal and moral advice unironically.
Unfortunately if they hung Biden he'd probably die instantly from the shock
i'd take you seriously if you weren't brown
It's really nothing new. The Supreme Court has been a thorn in their side for decades because they don't understand the constitution at all and they gaslight each other with made up fantasies about what it says and does. They do this to themselves.
These seem like pretty risky comments. Something something inciting violence, jfirsters.
this is an awful decision that genuinely fucks us. Everyone should be held to the letter of the law. how can you fucking argue against this. this is a purchased supreme court and pretending this is anything but fucking terrible for the USA is insanity. you are the fucking faggot . you dont belong here
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Shartmerica Delenda Est.
Because impeachment and literally every president commits acts that would be illegal for a civilian and we don't want this bullshit lawfare every 4 years.
the elite don’t trust anyone. not even their own kids. it’s actually all over after this generation. even boomer illuminati’s are complete egotistical garbage. they ruined their 5000 year old cult for yachts lmfao. and the yachts from 100 years ago were even better than now which their parents got for free. LMFAO
Stripping the president of official immunity takes power away from the people and gives it to deep state actors exclusively. Youre giving yourself as a citizen less power without some immunity.
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>a quarter of the internet rn
This is the letter of the law. This is what the law is. You just don't like it. There's a constitutional remedy for that too, you know: Amendments.
congressional acts that are in the interest of the united states and not an individual . No you are wrong and retarded
No it doesn't, its a leash on powers, every branch has checks and balances retard . people are given the power to elect an official who can sign bills into laws and make limited executive actions.
No its not .
See Nixon.
This goes against history.
You just dont like it because you are a faggot edgy 20 year old who doesn't understand what we have . But you will be the first to scream when its taken away from us.
They understand the constitution fine, it’s just that they hate it and want to live in a fantasy world that conforms to their emotional whims, even when they hold contradictory positions. They appoint ideological judges that seek to attain such a fantasy, which is why they never “miss” in their appointments, unlike cuckservative judges.
Ford mooted the Nixon issue when he pardoned Nixon, so no, that's wrong.
Ok, go blow a guy up with a drone. See how that works out for you.
>to preserve our democracy
CIA hitmen vs Secret Service when?
This is actually incredibly based this is why the right wing never accomplishes anything because they have no balls. Might is right if biden did this I would respect his right to rule
>Hypocrites! Imagine if the situation was reversed!
fuck off you retarded troon
cope and seethe while all of Trumps court cases get thrown out
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Brought you by the same people telling you Donald Trump is a dangerous dictator who's going to kill us all and kill his political opponents

Their lack of self aware is legendary
another example of the complete lack of coping skills in modern society
> I don't exactly what I want
> I have an outburst, and threaten to do the same thing I am mad about

Fucking children. What worries me, is that it's more and more of society. I'm seeing grown men and women, so-called professionals, who have the coping skills of children.
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republicucks truly are the party of checks and balances and limited government
>Unlawful orders arent obeyed
Say what Nigga?
Were you born yesterday by chance?
SCOTUS essentially granted this war criminal Immunity.
> they didn't impeach me, so i can´t be indicted
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Exactly that. EXACTLY that. Leftists ARE those who were LEFT by righteous people who rightly REJECT degeneracy & other leftist traits. They are the REJECTS who gang together MAD ABOUT IT. They are rejected by normal, upright people in normal, upright society, get mad about it, then live in a “as long as you accept & defend MY degeneracy, I will accept & defend yours” gang that mixes kid fucking terries with kid fucking trannies & faggots, Jesus hating jews with God hating anarchist atheists, super gay FBI with extremely gay antifa - you name it - all the degenerates mix together into the “melting pot” & simmer, stew & seethe while pointing their fucking finger at “right wingers” to blame them instead of fixing their God Damned selves & returning to normal, upright society on good terms. It is not ever their own fault, they do not ever look in the mirror - it is always someone else’s fault. The hilarity of democrats in democrat cities like NYC or San Francisco, living under shitty democrat policy, suffering shitty democrat city crime & murder rates, having the gall to point their faggot fucking fingers at people in rural Idaho or Florida or some shit, has zero bounds & will not ever not be funny to me.
who is this faggot? ive seem him seething hard over the last few days
Looks photoshopped
As far as I’m aware the Supreme Court didn’t rule what constitutes an “official act” and bumped that judgement down to a lower court. Why are these people then saying these acts would be legal?
Its a feminized society that run by Cluster-B midwit gynocrats and their cucked male enablers. Appeals to emotion are the only social currency at this point.
No it isn't.
You don't understand the ruling or US law. The president is still bound by the constitution. Immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts doesn't mean a president can do whatever they want.
You're an idiot.
An official act of treason, sure.
It’s always women.
Or jews.
Or faggots.
Or niggers.
Or foreigners.
But apart from those four exceptions it’s always women.
I told harry he is NGMI. Now he is beginning to realize it.
If the folks on the right got their foot on the gas biden might aswell cut the brakes. Not like he gonna be around for the election anyway. I'd just officially fuck up the courts. Accelerate. He got one foot in the grave anyways. If the left had balls they'd go on the batshit offensive but they got "ethics" or some gay shit they claim to but don't actually abide by anyways.
I don't disagree. There has to be a proper name for the action I'm trying to describe
> I show my opposition to X by threatening to do it myself.

There has to be a term, it's just too common. Meanwhile, I have to bite my tongue when I see elected officials, judges, and high-ranking officials posting some self-affirmation bullshit on their social media. No one wants to see a judge posting:
> I am stronger than my past, I am limited only by my dreams

, or some shit like that
Yeah funny where their thoughts go straight too, huh?
then why is every case about to get thrown out? stupid troon
They are leftists = they are idiots, basically.
Because they're so desperate to keep Trump out of office they have just resorted to
>Trump is literally Hitler and he's going to kill you and your trans dog if we don't stop him by any means!!!!!!!
Thats the new Democrat platform.
constitutionally in that scenario biden would lose the office of president in january on inauguration day if there were no electors to cast votes in the electoral college and make him president for another term. so the military would stop listening to him at noon on inauguration day and the Speaker would be in charge.
anything after that would be a coup and therefore not covered by normal laws, there having been a coup and all.
The test is "would he have done this thing if he was not president".
Did he fuck.
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>retards don't understand a topic
>get upset when reality doesn't match their delusions
>all of them are paid Whitehouse shills
Hmmm..... I wonder if there is any connection between being delusional and retarded, and supporting this Whitehouse.
The biggest left voting demographic group is indeed asian women. Pol thinks they are trad and based nah bitches ive spoken to a bunch of them and they are openly supporting white becoming minority. They lust over and hate white men
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>Nixon replied: "Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."
>>actual Presidential duties
>this is in no way defined.
it's explicitly defined in Article 2 of the constitution, but I understand how you might be confused given that democrats don't think the constitution matters.
is this thread bait?
this cant be real.
shut the fuck up faggot
Where does it state that in the ruling?
+1 more fascist account
They salty.

Reconcile that with the take care clause.
>he thinks with how partisan the parties has become that one side would vote to impeach their guy
Kek you are so stupid he can drone who ever the fuck he wants the patriot act gives him that right good job dumb nigger and then if you faggots cried about it only one side would try to impeach and that wouldn’t go through just like trumps impeachment didn’t go through. He can’t be court marshaled in that case and he is still commander and chief. It’s based to kill your enemies fuck your faggot old piece of paper and fuck your daggot gay rights that shit doesn’t matter power matters.
These guys think they're very smart but in reality they're just in the denial phase. The anger and negotiation will kick in a month.
its like they dont even read the rulings
>The left has 'ethics'
This entire thread is nothing but ass-scares right wingers trying to laugh off the fact that the people they call pussies are finally mad enough to resort to violence. Fucking cowards, all of you.
Bug opinions are irrelevant, it's just mirroring what it thinks the group consensus is. Once it perceives that as changed it will say the opposite.
Trump has the constitutional right to Due Process as a US citizen. extra-judicial killing of him would be unconstitutional and at the first step the White House Counsel would advise Biden he was breaking the constitution and it cannot be done.
given bidens mental capacity state, such an order and a refusal to listen to counsel would likely see the 25th Amendment used to remove Biden from power due to his 'bad turn'.
The LARPers? They're in they're between the denial and anger phase.
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Resort to violence then.
We're gonna laugh at you while you get bodied by these dudes.
no, I don't think YOU understand.
we WANT you to resort to violence.
please, for the love of god, start the commie revolution you have been fantasizing about and making thinly veiled threats about for decades.
I’m an idiot so please fill me in: let’s say hypothetically this immunity claim was rejected by the Supreme Court. Would that then mean that the president could be prosecuted for crimes just as easily as anyone else? For example, if the president issued a drone strike on a terrorist cell and knowingly killed a U.S. citizen in the proximity of the strike could he then be prosecutedyw?

We'll see how that holds up.

See you out there in the real world, fat asses. We have guns too.
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Get in here Canada Anons

>Raging troons threaten to assassinate ex presidents and nothing happens
Meanwhile 3 anons got shitwood'd. Thats a justice system.
that would be correct yes.
democrats seething about this are effectively calling for Obama to prosecuted for murder
Get real. You won't do shit. All you will do is cry, beg, and finally accept. There's nothing you can do, Biden is not fit for office.
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MEMBA WHEN THEY SAID TRUMP WOULD DO THIS? Pepefarms remembers...kekekek. who are the communists? oh yeah, demoncraps

I'll be dead in the next 5 years anyway. Who cares?

See y'all.
So do it and see what happens.
Wow, imagine if the rolls were reversed!
seething chinkoid lmao
thats how they consider what is a campaign expense. You cant deduct a suit because you can wear it anytime. If you bought a giant chicken suit to wear just at campaign rallies you could deduct it.
The left is such a champion of "democracy" that the moment they're mildly inconvenienced they want a communist dictatorship and to end democracy.
Being fat is not body armor.
An M16 will still blow their brains out.
And it's easier because they are a big slow target.
Someone should let the secret service know.
Desrever erew selor eht fi enigami, wow!
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but he cant lol.

but he cant. lol

but he can't lol.

but he cant lol.

but he can't lol

but he can't lol

But he cant, lol

he is too busy shidding and farding in his depends and eating ice cream and feeling up toddlers
i.e. as a civillian you would never call in a drone strike so as president its covered under the immunity.
All the examples of
>Those who will uphold the free and democratic process
(: ahaH
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This is what keeps Biden safe from lawsuits for killing children in Gaza and Crimea which nobody voted for, only AIPAC persons.
Ok. Aren’t there plenty of things Presidents do that they wouldn’t have done if not President though? Again going back go my drone strike example: as non-President I would never think of killing a U.S. citizen with a drone but as President that’s definitely something that might happen.
how are these people so retarded. lets imagine the scenario a bit.
Biden calls in a drone strike on Trump. the general who relays this looks at his incredibly incredulously, but sucks it up and passes on the order. the drone operator gets the order, decides it's absolutely insane, complains to multiple parties. congress now has heard of this, and are emergency dragging biden before it to answer. biden screams about being immune to persecution, even dem lawmakers realize how insane this looks and join with republicans to impeach and remove biden. he does not get persecuted, but he has lost all power and been disgraced. amazing outcome for him
Thats why the Stormy Daniels case is so retarded, they said it was a campaign expense but cant prove who wouldnt have paid off the whore even if he wasnt running for president.
I don't think Biden and his string pullers want to risk civil war.
Oops didn’t see this before I posted >>472768710
Cool! Do something then!
"that guy is a fascist dictator! Arrest the supreme court and assassinate him!"
the self-awareness they have...
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>lets molest and chemically castrate children, lets kill democratically elected judges, kill businessmen we don't like, political opponents? KILLL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>we are the good guys! this is hogwarts standing up to voldermort, thanos has the infinity stones and we need to act!!!!
i hate these faggots so much it's unreal.
They don't want to risk Biden answering a question publicly, believe me they're not talking about getting rid of Trump at this point, they're trying to get rid of Biden
NGL I'd shove my thumb up Gaga's ass and sniff Eva Longoria
They'd set up a strike with a pro-Dem general and wait until the last possible moment before saying to the operator, "by the way, we're killing Trump, verify his face," if they really were serious about it.
He won’t do shit. You won’t do shit. Nobody will do shit. You’re just falling for the 6 millionth episode of Bread & Circuses: Stories to Keep the Goyim Enthralled and Mad
You’re fag wrists would nap from the recoil. Assuming just touching it wouldn’t burn your hands like holy water on a vampire or give you instant PTSD lmao!
the descent into madness is accelerating, right as the economy is about to crash and ww3 is about to break out and false flags and cyberattacks are going to start breaking out everywhere

right as the president is about to be declared unfit to lead and 3 of the main NATO nations are going to be led by lame duck leaders following electoral upsets

right as hundreds of thousands of troops and immense amounts of materiel are massed and pointed at each other on either side of several borders in flash points around the globe

it's the calm before the storm anons. are you ready for it to get weird?
they really sent out the memo to shill accounts to call for the murder of donald trump didn't they? that's wild
If the left fires the first shot, everything the right does in response is justified.
So please sweaty, get it started.
One of the dissenting opinions was squacking about it so every lib media outlet made it their headline. Ironically, it's the legal opinion of the dissenting party - i.e. the party that lost the legal argument in the first place
The left has been descending into madness since the hanging chad
even if they did kill trump, result wouldn't change much. except congress may pass laws about targeting us citizens, hell it may be an overall bonus
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Actually, I agree with all of these
But, not for the reasons that these twitter posters think
>”Protect our democracy” shills reaching for the nuclear option as soon as their pea brains allow it

Seconded. They have no idea.
If you bought a suit and had a haircut for a campaign debate or something that would be fine, you can't go out and buy designer clothes with it
they wouldnt survive the backlash if its against muslims, because both sides would protest and riot for their own reasons. doesnt make sense
Apparently this tweet earned him a visit from secret service. Hopefully someone gets video of the tantrum he'll throw.
Some Gen Z TikTok fag that the Biden admin hired to be the voice of his generation. He's literally a paid DNC shill. He's a complete moron, though, so I don't think it worked out how they were expecting.
Gen Z tiktoker that shills for DNC. He and his butt buddy gave the bag away on Tim Dillon’s show
>so if a president did what lincoln did that would be okay?
you're the one that worships tyranny, not us faggot
Well thats the thing anon, nothing is happening until it happens. I think it’s unrealistic to believe civil war will never happen in the US. The cultures are too divided and there are at least big chunks of the population of three generations of people who have been brainwashed by universities into not only not understanding how the republic works and the foundations of it; but also that whatever it is, it’s a bad thing.
It’s not because you say so. But the president says otherwise because he’s immune for being prosecuted now. It’s just a matter of opinion
Commander-in-Chief of all U.S. armed forces, including the Navy. So all he has to do is have someone agree with his command and Seal Team 6 is activated.
>security deposit balance
With your primary allies being white, anti whites, Jews and non whites you tremble in the presence of? You know that some of the mice still have to put the bell on the cat, so to speak. And you declared war on strong white Gentile men. You can't even walk in a white community without fear of them figuring out how much you hate them. And you expect to stage a coup with the Left of the Bell Curve dreck you call righteous? Why aren't white men joining your war effort again?
they are pandering to retarded npc niggercattle, and these npc niggercattle get to vote. voting reform now
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Yeah then another Admiral disagree with that one and a few engagements later you can’t shitpost on 4chan cause the internet is restricted/blown out, all your porn is gone, and you’re eating dogfood on rice aka the second civil war
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He didn't get the talking points from the DNC so he left on his own pretending Biden had a good night.
These people forget that the FBI and the DoJ are also subordinate to POTUS. If you assume that Biden can tell the DoD to do anything and that they will faithfully carry out his instructions, then Biden could just as well tell the DoJ to not prosecute him and the FBI to not arrest him. Thus Biden would never be put before a court anyway, regardless of the legality of what he is doing. Nothing has changed, except that Biden can't be prosecuted by his successor once he has left office.
You're implying that they actually vote. Most people ages 18-30 don't.
Thirded. They dont have a clue.
But you declared war on strong white men. You are the pip squeak and they are the big, bad, jock, meanies. Tell me how that fight goes in your head because in the real world, the strong white men are reluctant to serve in a military for a country that hates their very existence. But they didn't just disappear. Oh, wait, I know. You will use those drones and nuclear weapons to kill any white man you deem too strong to be safe around. Right? You're getting bold. You're on cloud 9. But you've never fought war in your life. And if you are a white wimp, declaring war on white people in general and strong white men in particular either makes you a target or makes you easy for the strong men to get to.

Nah. You won't fight for shit. You could have signed up to be a drone operator if you wanted to get some quality nerd revenge in. I see a bottle of wine or several in your near future. Your utter hatred of common white communities is going to be written down as one of the greatest tactical errors in history. Why aren't the strong white men obeying your orders to die in Ukraine for example? Because nobody respects a chicken shit who hates his own color, but only when it's worn by a strong man.
>Insults anon without any attempt at explaining why he's wrong.
Can you faggot ass Russians get the fuck out of our election and get facially degloved in Ukraine already
nope, suits are not a campaign expense (or tax expense). The IRS busted Abbot and Costello for writing off suits as a buisness expense.(forgot which one).

Like I said the test is "Is this something that they would have done if they were not running for president"
Fourthed. Their expectations are not aligned with reality
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Doesn't sound very democratic desu
The regime lost of guys in open plains and bare hills while being able to carpet bomb over a million civilians to death indiscriminately.
You want to take on people that have hunted in the same dense forest lands for generations next while every stray shot loses them even more support and their own families are sleeping in arm's reach?
It'd be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, Biden, the secretary of the Navy, and everyone on down the chain of command to the frogman who pulled the trigger would spend the rest of their live sin a civilian prison.
You wasted those digits on nothing of substance

Leftists are Leftists because they're going to get back at people that were mean to them in high school.
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Type those phrases into Google I’m sure nothing could go wrong!
Wouldn't you pay off a hooker not to mention it to your wife, especially if you were running for president? I think either side could be argued, and they went with the one where anything that could 'improve your image' in the eyes of anyone is fair game as a campaign expense

Great. If they want go accelerate, let's do it. Pop this civil war now.
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+2 more for the gulags.
99% of those posts are bots.
thats why he was innocent. They wouldnt let the former head of the FEC testify at the NDA trial to explain the law to the jury.
all these crazy leftists now calling for an insurrection after falsely accusing Trump of the same. shows the true colors of their intellectual dishonesty and cope.
Read the constitution shit for brains
Presidential duties are written plain as day
Like Trump did on Jan 6th?
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preserve everything you see
show it to the authorities
some of these posts are crossing over that "hypothetical teehee what if" kinda thoughts and are becoming actually calls to violence that i'm sure the secret service would looooooooove to investigate:)
Who wants to tell him what else was unanimously upheld by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals?
So what was the actual thing that was passed by the SCOTUS? They dont literally give the POTUS free reign to kill whoever do they?
30 push ups.
ok cunt
meanwhile the tweet says he "has to prove".
Which he cant. If he wasnt president he wouldnt have gave that speech.
Democracy is when you arrest and murder your opposition
Would wear this if the luna tick was just a normal looking tick but with a funny hat on or some of those glasses with the fake nose and mustache. Those are hilarious.
What sub? I report libtard accounts so they lose access and their updoots.
Are you celebrating that the leader of a representative democracy can't be held liable for crimes, if he just calls it an "official act"? So, all of the crimes you guys claim Biden has done, aren't enforceable?
I love how willing everyone is to burn this shit all down if they think it will only help them. ...it never only helps one side.
Irl you're intimidated by a disgruntled hamster. Stop typing hard you pathetic little internet faggot
Great post. “Liberals” are emotionally unhinged and intellectually bankrupt.
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This is a double edged sword, if a D gets into the WH everyone is fooooked.
I’m convinced they know very very little and don’t actually care. They’re npcs powered by feels
Nobody came to it in the first place
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Some of those people should be punished.
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>routine acts are official acts
Why are they so obsessed with seal team 6?
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I'm all for judeo-mocracy to drop the mask of civility already. Let the crimson flow.
>What it actually is though, is a bunch of genetic and sexual failures who dedicate an inordinate amount of their time and effort into subverting and subjugating stronger and more successful men and prettier women.

Is CRISPR/GATTACA the only way for humanity to be prosperous?
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>same people crying about a flag at Alito's house as being "insurrectionist" now advocate outright extra-judicial killing
>this is normal
I really do hope we get a civil war but before we do, should probably make sure these people are fully doxxed.
They are just throwing tantrums with retarded hypotheticals, against the reality of constant lawfare that has been used against Trump.
I don't care who this guy is, his aesthetic game is sharp
Liberals always accuse everyone else of what they actually do, then they get mad when someone actually v@ns their asses.
lol what the fuck is this circular pretzel logic lawspeak word salad kungfu legalese is this?
The crimes of Biden were in or started during his time as a senator and vice-president.
At least the ones most bring up.
The funny part with liberals seething over something that has existed since Roman times (elected officials not being prosecuted for shit they did as an elected official) is that this ruling is probably to protect people like hillary and biden from a butthurt Trump going after them when he wins.
Not to sound like a cliche boomer but Democrats are defending DEMOCRAT-cy, not democracy.
Intelligent leftists are people like Jimmy Dore who was always anti-war and started to ask "what the fuck" when democrats were suddenly pro-war when it suited them.

You are basically talking about people who thought they were running on real principles, not shallow tardlets who would start WW3 to own the chuds.
>to protect people like hillary and biden from a butthurt Trump going after them when he wins.

Plz stop the left vs. right charade. The Clintons are good people you remember?
This is the type of shit that results in someone like Zelensky becoming President of the US.
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Imagine using your actual name any where online in 2024.
And yet everyone here calls for the death of every single minority group. Looks like you can't handle the bantz.
Asian women are the most conformist and socialist of all women. Even White women will exhibit some individual thought. It might be something stupid, but it will be something that goes against the grain. Once in a while. Whereas Asian women bully the ones that do think differently. Often to death. No individuality is allowed.
>falsely accusing
Like his false felonies he’s going to be sentenced for? Or all the shit the accused admitted on TV?
Joe can’t even tie his own shoes. He’s not going to do anything. Even if he wasn’t a potato he’s all about muh compromise across the aisle bullshit.
You’re literally drowning in Trump propaganda. Biden goes for bike rides literally every weekend. Trump can’t even stand up to golf. Imagine being you.
Democrats are the biggest faggots in this whole prolapsed anus universe.
This is great.

The Supreme court just untied trumps hands.


When Trump takes power.


Trump has the will

MEME this for all you are worth
If you aren't reporting each one of these guys to FBI, US Marshals, US Capital Police, US Secret Service you are letting terrorists win.
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Hey man, I hate the D's as much as the next guy but holyshit bro.
Chill...I don't want to live in a dictatorship, god damn authoritarians are coming out the woodwork now.
90 round drum
In the past, the difference between an American Conservative and an American Liberal was how they interpreted the constitution. Conservatives believed it was to be interpreted literally, and that the Founding Fathers had it right. American Liberals felt that the Founding Fathers got it wrong, or couldn't anticipate changes in technology or human behavior with the passage of time, and because of this the constitution should be interpreted "liberally" and treated like a "living document" that they should pull from their ass when it suits them, then bury it when it doesn't.
More like people letting you know that they are willing to stand up against facism. But I get it. Nazis were actually socialists...
section 201 b is about bribery
Why are these queers fixated on seal team 6? Lmao
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>stand up against facism by murdering your political opponent
None of these faggots own guns though, they’re the same people who want complete “gun control”
>We have guns too.
Hahaha no you don’t gay boy
I seem to recall
>suck my dick
being a big part of a grrl power movie about that, in the 1980s or something.
So all you retards want political violence to end right?
So posing with a gun with your opponents in the same frame is obviously a threat
so you should want them thrown in jail right?
Shut the fuck up hypocrites. You play your games every day and its so tiring. You are fucking shills when thew jew wants you to be and snowflakes when you wanna be.
suck your fathers cock inbreds
legalese and economics are purposefully obtuse and mind-numbing for job security and scrutiny-evading reasons
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I came into this thread expecting revenge of the with memes but nothing =(
if you don't wish them all dead, you don't hate them enough

Trump is going to be a dictator for what? 5 years? Guy is very old, small price to pay to clean the trash
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kek, he includes trump's first term
No sir they already have their guns. They just don't want mental people to be able to officially get them as well
Stop screencapping and actually report them to the fed agencies and secret service.
c'mon do terrorism
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No matter what happens guys, remember that kikes and their pawns are the enemy of humanity.
>jewmemeflaggot says a thing
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We are now in the late stage of the Republic and either Biden or Trump will be the next Sulla. Dems are pussies though, so the first wave of score settling won't happen until January.
lowlifes are putting their true nature on full display.. satisfying to see. What scum.
This can't be totally organic. I don't think it's gonna work in fact they're making it worse for themselves.
REMINDER that no matter what happens Trump will win 2024
>if you don't wish them all dead, you don't hate them enough
>Trump is going to be a dictator for what? 5 years? Guy is very old, small price to pay to clean the trash

You must be a naive child to believe that an authoritarian regime won't be used against any free persons. Let's think this through, The only scenario where I can justify a benevolent dictatorship is...Ending the Fed, Central banking, implementing sound money, slash size of Gov, disbanding many agencies...etc..etc..
Now if for one second, you actually think this is possible then you are mistaken. These types of reforms will turn the world upside down and the bankers and their agencies will not go down quietly. This isn't as simple as "going after bad meanies on the left". Especially when Trump has proven to be on the side of the CFR and Globalists with the USMCA.
Wow stop projecting
It looks like your side can’t handle losing and being rejected by our civilization. You can’t admit even to yourselves how wrong you’ve been, how you’re on the side of big capital, not against it. The reason /pol/ likes Trump is because he’s disruptive. Your side begs for a return to “normalcy”. I want Trump to fuck the government up. You want the government to run everything. We are not the same.
Dems are far from being pussies. They are, however, getting hit in the balls in ways that take years, or decades to feel. The 6-3 split of the SCOTUS is one of the biggest delayed reactions that Trump did. The other, even bigger, was planting appellate court judges all over the place. I hope he gets another four years. It'll be enough to dickpunch the dems for at least 30 years.
kek what a photo. It kinda encapsulates the state of things.
>vote for the hospice patient YOU BIGOTS and RACISTS!!
Liberals and leftists are spiritually incapable of touching firearms. They’re the weakest fags on the planet, and absolute embarrassing laughing stock
We need more memes from the debate
>propaganda. Biden goes for bike rides literally every weekend. Trump can
>sees digits
Hi satan :wave:
"So if I shove this giant 24" nigger dildo up my ass, would that be like being railed by a real BBC?"
I took a bunch of screen shots they just needs captions.
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>I don't want to live in a dictatorship
Too late. Biden or Trump is going to purge their enemies. My money is on a bloodbath after Trump takes power. I know you think things are bad now, but they're about to get a whole lot worse
He'll be dictator for 4 years.
Hi FBI! Everyone tried to warn you :person_shrugging:
They’re not pussies but they are over socialized faggots lacking originality. They’re still coasting on the 60s cultural zeitgeist. We’ve got the youth and the future now.. It’s almost time to end the reign of the internationalist Jews.
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Kind of cracks me up that Plato probably looked like a fuckin redneck trucker kek

I can just imagine him meeting you at the entryway to the academy, crossing his arms aggressively and spitting tobacco juice on the floor before sniffing loudly and asking "What do you know about geometry"
>Biden or Trump is going to purge their enemies.
WHO??? It's a uni-party charade. You mean people like Massie and his wife mysteriously dying? Bruh, you are stuck in this Left vs. Right trap. The Federal Government as an entity is just getting stronger and fatter and this is just another expansion of the blob.
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What stopping him from declaring Trump or MAGA terrorists as an EO? Sure, Congress or SCOTUS will eventually rescind it but who knows what an unscrupulous Commander-in-Chief could do in 24 hours?
>dickpunch the dems for at least 30 years
Yeah, that's kind of the point of a dictatorship. It's ruling, not governing. No one else has a say except the top guy
Oh my bump
lol. You're right though. I bet he also has strong opinions on spanokopita
So true, so true. We all know that presidents are invincible afterall.
I would doubt that, but then at the same time I'm reminded of how fucking /pol/-tier kids can be now. Especially when watching them spam /pol/ memes like "WE WUZ KANGS" in public livestreams. I think the LGBT push on kids will have a backlash when the kids get into their rebellious phase and start getting physically violent at anything wearing a rainbow flag.
Suck my dick, faggot.
This is literally the norm since ancient times, you being ignorant of Roman Law is just another reason why your stupid ass shouldn't vote.
>you claim
Biden is literally unequivocally out in the open about taking actual unironic bribes from Burisma, fuck off and die kike bitch.
>I love how willing everyone is to burn this shit all down if they think it will only help them. ...it never only helps one side.
No what I love is that you're pretending to be impartial or "for both sides" when you're only concerned Trump is going to crush you and wipe out all the bullshit you've forced on everyone else.

Fucking disingenuous twit. This is a war and you started it. You're only upset because you shot first and now you're losing.

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