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today i will remind them
I wish this fucking happened but it wont
all of this started from the advent of the smartphone, not the vaxx.
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Wake me up when september ends
Lol You don't need to remind me. I see the stirrings bubbling up already. Soon. Very soon. Sooner than you know.
september has already ended 3 times since OOP was posted. maybe 4th time's the charm?
Geert's pretty confident it will. ADE. He's gotta quit with the boy who cried wold timelines though.
I see people every day for my job and I usually run into at least two a week that are vaccine injured.
you've been saying this for 4 years already. i think maybe you should just admit you were wrong at this point
well, half the people I interact with have turned insane so there's that.
So it was a partial truth?
Triples sadly confirm. Though, that may be induced by stress from overworking, partial starvation and looming homelessness.
complete and total schizophrenia if you believe this alphabet soup
Who's to say this didn't happen? Aren't all the all cause mortality rates still through the roof?
>Triples sadly confirm. Though, that may be induced by stress from overworking, partial starvation and looming homelessness.
Yeah, plus the psychological damage of being locked up for two years.
'tis but a fortnight
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Half my coworkers are sick and going to the doctor constantly and one of our customers got a stroke and died, 2 coworkers got cancer and I suspect one of them also has cancer based on symptoms.
My uncle also got cancer and died.

>Its not happening
Ok bro.
just 2 more months

I used to blush when I was a boy and saw this scene of two adult bucks going at it and they were muscular and everything was red and passionate I didn't understand why it made me feel some type of way but I sure do now

I'm just glad I didn't grow up with a furry fetish because of it, just one for martial arts
homosexuality is perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of

All the fun of being gay is in the associated shame and taboo it makes sex billion times hotter and life more interesting if it were for american WASPs faggots everywhere would live lives of your average middle aged lady from accounting
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Get in here Canada Anons

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everyone is sick here with a cough here too. But I think they'll pull the ww3 via 9/11 style false flag soon to cover it up.
a 51 year old man in an 18 wheeler crashed into a house going 60mph where I'm from. I think it's happening.
lol red deer schizo you lost... June, then September then now what, dumbass? Should have made a patreon for your efforts but now you're just wrong and have nothing. Kill yourself
Yes vax was bad but deer schizos are just escapists who want to watch the world burn because they can’t cope with there depressing reality that they are a nobody. Take charge of your lives anons.
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New lore dropped

Lol. Lmao even.

Be me. Vaxxed. Boosted. Healthy. And not the chud scum of society, refusing to cooperate because my identity is built on believing that even though I’ve accomplished nothing everyone is out to get me.

No, no, no, OP. You mixed it up again!

It's the PANDEMIC that's supposed to kill millions of people, not the vax. Remember? The super, ultra dangerous, ultra infectious disease that was going to kill the entire world unless we let the government peek inside our buttholes? Remember that?
why you got this weird boner for this shitty larp. there's a new one everyday.
Pretty sure that most people are okay with being ''nobodies'' in peak clown world.
>you've been saying this for 4 years already
There are synchronicities here that /pol/ will never, ever understand.
How is it a larp when we literally have seen people die before our eyes and people are going insane (everybody who took the vax is going to dementia city)?
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kek... 2 more weeks
What the fuck are you talking about? Don’t you know the constant rule? Nothing ever happens.
>deerposting in 2024
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>It will happen 2021
But than it didnt but it will just WAIT 2 MORE YEARS
>It will happen 2022
But than it didnt but it will just WAIT 2 MORE YEARS
>It will happen 2023
But than it didnt but it will just WAIT 2 MORE YEARS
>It will happen 2024
But than it didnt but it will just WAIT 2 MORE YEARS

When will mods finally b an the anti-vaxx schizos and their shill-posting for snake oilsman begging for fundings?
If anything, this demonstrates how often the same 20 people fagging up this retarded board switch their VPN.
They're pretty much all from the same two countries, though.
Wish they'd stop; they're fucking up predictive data.
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It will be soon, very soon.
Maybe as close as two weeks
Sadly, the vaxxed are now immortal. The pain of this eternal life weighs heavily upon me.
>ya vacuum vamping hags!
This fantasy is the saddest shit ever.
It's the conceit of everyone who grew up watching Hollywood trash and desperately WISHES they were important. Romanticizes every era of history they aren't in thinking "Maybe now I can be the main character!"
Everyone I know is safe, and as healthy as a fish. Anecdotes lol


i am the main character in my world
Honestly anti vaxxers are every bit as annoying and hysterical as the people who demanded mask mandates and bragged about getting 16 boosters.

Just 2 sides of the same coin.
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They dont argue about this things (picrel) having nothing to do with the vaxx anymore. All they have is that one in2weeks post left. Thats all. Sad.
Nobody's watching that tale
there is nothing wrong with the people who won teasing the people who lost. its just part of life
Never! Its coming. You'll see. Think of me and this post when your denial fades and your eyes are finally opened to the truth.
Yes. We are all living through a mass die-off of the human population. The signs are all around us.
People seem to think things will happen in a way that makes it apparent to everyone all at once.
That's just not how the world works.
It is a slow drip.
Just stop for a moment and consider all the differences that happened and are happening, since covid in 2020.
If you say there are none, then you are lying or living in la-la land.
Why do you suppose all those changes happened?
It is because people are dying off and getting sick at an advanced clip.
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Well then. We can be allies. We have the same enemy but for different reasons.
Hot, gay, taboo sex has been tossed to the rubbish bin. Everyone and their fun wine aunt is trying to get a gay friend so they can be called a " fag hag " for social media points.

>Kill yourself
Sounds unnecessarily hostile to me. You doin' okay friend? Been getting mad for no reason? Headaches? Having rod rage? Irritability?
Reddeer confirmed.
I lmao as I read this. I only have one friend based enough to send this to. But just as I was about to send it, I remembered he had someone in his family sick and die to this, plus his brother keeps getting strokes from it and so I decided not to send it.
Its both. What ever covid really was, where ever it cane from, who ever developed it, it was used to harm us.
So were the mrna injections.
They were both meant to hurt people.
And they sure did succeed at it.
die-off already happened
>Irish leftist dyke collapses on live tv
>glow niggers start with the everyone didn't die again
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Every time I see an over the top deep end conspiracy that involves advanced tech I truly wish it is true.
It isn't, it's just some DoD-corporate kikefest poisoning of the well.
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>Wish they'd stop; they're fucking up predictive data.
My ex vax gf got a papercut and had a 103 degree fever. For a week straight. Something is up.
I already am the main character. How about you just stfu abd gtfo?

I wish Will was more sexually deviant and not a 90s ideal fag stereotype but he was legit the only positive faggot role model I had growing up so I will always like him
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Will it happen this time? Who knows
Bow down to the Leaf shitposter
Most incoherent shit imaginable but it still fucks with every flag
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Hey bud could you post the covid foretelling "leak" post from 2019 that talked about covid coming with almost a exact run down like one month before the China outbreak bullshit started popping up at all ?? .... because I sureeeee remember why we all didn't believe in the vaxx before you retards started posting red deer shit a yr in so everyone thinks we're a joke ;) ....and do a flip while your at it faggot.
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just two more years
You know it will be July shortly? Do you know the month two months hence July?
Ya. Its September.
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This all started because Chinese scientists at WIV wanted to chase glory, to be the first to develop a bat-borne coronavirus vaccine.

The Chinks lay it all out in their 2015 peer-reviewed, published work in Nature Medicine:
What's the racial composition from the area this survey was conducted?, or is it just a randomized 40k .....whites have less births anyway, blacks and at the time Hispanics were lagging in vaxmaxxing(especially blacks) , my point is this chart can actually just show how badly the economic situation from govs shutting down there economies+a few months of quarantine+ the resulting massive skyrocket in prices of everything from food(remember they killed fuck tons of animals we eat and burnt down processing plants by the dozen a week), to electric bills housing and everything else .... people couldn't afford more kids/ stopped giving af and became noticably more depressed and apathetic about everything till the Ukraine war was launched and the new normal became the old normal.

The baby stuff was always a possibility and I wouldn't doubt it but this graph doesn't scratch the itch+ the author is named Huxley which is just sus.
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Shut the fuck up DHS spook you niggers helped them build the lab, funded tons of research and were generally interested in the results, having China be the black site lab for shit like this is the best possible alibi since they can just take the heat for it and nothing will happen to their gov-its a easy place to test a outbreak for a plethora of reasons- also a good place to test stopping a outbreak - no one gives a fuck if 10mil Chinese die because there's a billon+ and americans wouldn't even notice if they did because firewall and we dont care unless the gov makes us notice ....you niggers have been testing shit on us since manmade illness was the new cool kid in town.

Fuck off own up to it and apologize for once everyone expects chinamen to be like this but we expect at the very fucking least some competency from ourselves also say sorry just because your cunts.

Real fucking weird that it spread to the USA real hard real fast right after China....

we don't get a whole fuck ton of dressed in red mao loving Chinese shipped in a yr we get spics and blacks.
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Watch jannies archive this and probably not(because these are bots and paid brigade faggots the latter of which are NOT allowed to respond to the truth or interact they just run or kill discussion because the job requires it)respond to any of these absolutely sensible posts because they shit their diapers when someone actually notices.

Can't confirm or deny that I fucked your mom last night either cuck.

T. The forest rebel
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Safe and
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>For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.

>But there’s good news: If you’re vaccinated and you had your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death — period.

>Joe Biden
Why does it start trending up a year before the first COVID vaccinations in UK?
>People stopped planning kids during lockdowns and economic uncertainty

>start trending
Well, i assume lockdowns and "you will all die from a cough" are not very good for the psyche.
Lazy fucks have found a new con, CERB money is a hell of a drug

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You can see this shit aus fren, you've been here long enough same as me haven't you ,to see that these fake cunts are noobs(either bandwagon covid frens or glowies) and the old breed got a promotion- the old spook that almost never slipped up from before covid when they hadn't throttled us because we literally sparked all antivaxx debate and discussion-they aren't here often, they have been going balls to the wall with "human" wave assaults because of it.

and the Hitler posting from 2017-2021ish they fucking hate that now though they tolerated it back then, but we turned the youth pretty wildly to the right atleast among males- which they can't fucking stand just based off their absolute need to control everything at all times like the raging Karen's they are.

You member
Really Klaus ? In May of 2019 the Brits were economically snoozing because of long term sickness that bad going into 2020 because of vaxx? , I could be misremembering I'm not always right I'll be humble atleast....ik the vax did fuck a lot of people up honestly but a lot of that spike might be the constant migrants that are on and off the books+ British white population shrinking and getting older mein kammeraden, please correct me if I'm wrong though.
Why do people use the reed deer post as a LOOK VAX DEATH DEBUNKED CHUD. Everything said in that post is on the way to happening. Its always slower than we expect, but we are always right.
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First Pfizer vaxx in the world 8th of December 2020 UK
Vengeance will be mine. My mother got the jab, against my vehement protests. She called me and said, “my doctors thought it would be best for me to take it, so I did.” I yelled at her for 30 minutes straight. Hung up when I was done without saying another word. Three months later diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis resulting in cirrhosis of the liver. She literally, no exaggeration, has only had one sip of a beer in her life. She suffered for half a year before official prognosis. Prognosis to leaving the hospital on in home hospice, exactly one year to the day. She died in November of last year at the age of 67. Words cannot describe the feelings I have for the people that propagated this against us, lied to us, manipulated us, 9/11 is a joke compared to this. Vengeance will be mine.
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Because as a fren you fucking niggers make us look stupid. Either lurk moar or one of you fucks needs to search your screenshot archives and find the fucking post showing it was preplanned .....I can't because my windows7 running laptop got water damaged because I'm a normal human and shit happens and I still haven't bothered to figure out if it's the charger or if I need to transfer the drive or whatever because I have a fucking life fren ....but you people sit here all day(and i was here alot till last two yrs) ive never seen anyone post that screenshot since 2020 and that screenshot is better evidence than a prophecy based off (not so bad observation and foresight) but guess what retard .....it didn't fucking happen on time and if it did they covered it up so well its a useless gotcha that makes us look like clowns.

But I do know one thing for certain... I never saw a new cemetery pop up once besides for the spectacle bullshit on the news- I never saw mass funeral pyres burning for covid or the die offs- and we all know you can't burn that many bodies over 4 yrs in ovens ..... something happened and none of us know for sure , and the only people that do know what happened for sure wouldn't tell anyone if they had their balls over a fire pit in New Guinea.

So use what actually proves they are lying devious fucks or your just making everyone look at us like the joke they want us to be.
ha-HA only 10-15 percent of the vaxtards have died prematurely! I bet you anti-vaxxers feel stupid now, huh?
>not knowing this was a glow op intended to discredit /pol/
>that's why shills won't let anyone forget it
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nothing ever happens
I've somehow only just noticed that his little nose is upside down.
They took flu A and B then renamed it covid after the fucking idiot in wuhan left a p4 lvl lab for lunch went straight to a wet market(infected everyone in vicinity with original batflu) instead of bringing a bagged lunch because he's soooo fucking cool and super awesome he could never cause a leak.... That original batflu promptly died out as a virus then our western govs took it from there as a big ole swing my dick around and see what I can test on our gullible populace from all their game planning and on paper bullshit. In the process killing millions of (weak genetic and generally
unhealthy or old people faster then they would have died naturally) through testing of mRNA and other causes along with normal yearly flu deaths.....the only way they discredited Pol was by flooding the place with legit schizos,glowies,and bots subverting you niggers like your polynesian island tribals.

This is what I've noticed and pattern recognized over 5yrs, saved myself back when it started me(personally never even swabbed once) and whole close family are unvaxxed . But they killed and played with your family's like cats with mice because its interesting, fun, and sharpens their technique and because they are generally the exact bad people we always hated and fought to make them look like the stupid cartoon villains they are.

They won't let you forget because you guys lost the plot and made yourselves look like the schizo that's right 3/10 times , most of you went from wanting justice and to fuck them like they fuck us- to gloating about the death of a world populace(mostly our race you dumbasses) that is dumb or gullible like the innocent every day people they are.

You turned into the Jew somewhere along this never ending ride frens and it makes me real sad...... Feelsbadman.

Keep coping anons. The graph is quite clear. Massive drop in births EXACTLY 9 months after vaccine rollout. The drop would have occurred at a different point if lockdowns or the economy were the independent variable. Moreover, births should have recovered as lockdowns were lifted but they haven't.

Wonder why they are pushing all the depopulation shit on youtube? now you know.
Reverse Jew beak, whatever guy made this was either one hilarious fren or he just did it by accident and it was accidentally funny
It just hasn't happened YET.
Should have recovered as lockdowns lifted HAHAHAH , they fucking destroyed the support structure of a healthy nation by fucking with the food and inflating the price of absolutely everything (atleast in America but everyone else felt some effects) sorry euro but the whole world is tied to us somehow health of nation wise ...they made everyone depressed and not give af about the future except for instilling womens living your "best" life with the time you have bullshitery , women themselves were so fucking mentally scarred they could barely entertain the idea they had been mentally raped by the government their whole life they still vote dem/leftist (safe position zero rocking the boat) because they are scared of not being accepted you know like it's been since the dawn of time?.

Normies block the memory out like a traumatic childhood memory because truth would make them unable to function, even remembering makes them uncomfortable.

Women stopped wanting kids and stopped being able to comfortably have kids ...along with the vaxx effects and whatever unforseen shit happens to them in the future, I do agree it will and has fucked their birthing up to a extent - polio vaxx did the same but way smaller percentage since polio was not a outright gene editor trial vax.

So yes it's about population control but there's more to it, they have multiple angles and reasons for doing this whole fuck up , but a lot of it is just the people that run everything really are the smartest retard in the room, they have no fucking clue how bad they fucked themselves and us.

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