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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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"**Obituary: Joshua Black**
Joshua Black, aged 42, passed away recently. Living a quiet and solitary life, Joshua enjoyed moments of leisure and simple routines. He leaves behind no known family or friends, and his funeral was funded by the council. Despite his solitary existence, Joshua will be remembered for his peaceful nature and the simplicity with which he lived his life."

>'Nice to give a bit back' - Bellingham to critics
>Paedophile head teacher jailed for 17 years
>Kuwait flight hostages sue airline and UK government
>Energy prices fall but relief may be temporary
>Union calls off Port Talbot strike action
>Boy, 14, missing after swimming with friends
>High mortgage rates pricing out buyers, says Nationwide
>Funeral home inquiry: 163 families linked to ashes
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How did he died?
a tragic nonceing accident
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I believe that
In Runcorn town, where streets are lined and neat,
Lived Josh, a human slug, unique and sweet.
He moved so slow, a gentle, gliding soul,
Whose presence made the weary feel more whole.

The shopkeeper Aziz would always greet,
With warmest smile, and stories to repeat.
In quiet corners, Josh would listen close,
Their friendship bloomed, a bond they both engrossed.

Mohammad’s takeaway, with spicy scent,
Was where dear Josh would often find content.
A humble meal, shared stories through the night,
In Josh’s eyes, the world seemed just right.

But now the streets of Runcorn sigh and weep,
For Josh has taken his eternal sleep.
No more the gentle glide, no more the cheer,
A hollow place where once his heart was near.

Aziz now stands behind his counter, still,
Recalling laughter that no time can kill.
The empty shop, a testament to loss,
Each silent shelf a memory of Josh.

Mohammad’s kitchen, once a vibrant place,
Now echoes with the loss of Josh’s grace.
The meals they shared, the warmth that filled the air,
Now linger as a void, a vacant stare.

In Runcorn’s heart, a shadow has been cast,
For Josh’s gentle soul has breathed its last.
A human slug, but more than meets the eye,
A friend to all, whose loss now makes them cry.

So here’s to Josh, the slug who moved so slow,
Whose memory will forever gently flow.
In Aziz’s shop and Mohammad’s humble place,
His spirit lingers, filling empty space.
Sad cunt
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Not getting involved with this namefag promoting himself with his own thread.
Be back once this has died.
He posted 50 post early, hopefully someone will just make another closer to the 300mark
I've got full blown aids
>sad obese twat has to talk about himself
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Step 1: Install violetmonkey
Step 2: Install 4chan X
Step 3: Add script to Filter 1pbtID
Your time spent on this board has now drastically improved. Thank me later.

If everyone knew how to filter 1PBTID using scripts and configured 4chan X, the board would be usable and organic. Unfortunately many midwits are technologically illiterate even on this most basic of levels, as well as phone post.
And don't forget to add the 4chanx flag filter.
/Black Nationalist/
/National Bolshevik/
/Tree Hugger/
/United Nations/
/White Supremacist/
/Black Lives Matter/
>call up his ISP
>say you suspect he's been watching/downloading CSA material
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Good. Only pussies get gonorrhea.
Anyone buying Josh anything on his amazon wishlist?
Wait what? I thought people here loved Josh, what's the deal?
no point mate. he's passed away unfortunately
>CSA material
voting labour cos me nana was a bricklayer
Most do but there are a few edgy seethelords

Something in commiseration then
>tracking link
No thanks
Post his wishlist. We'll chuck it on his unmarked paupers grave
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buy one of these and plant it somewhere
we're all in here lads
last thread was full of nonces
had to gtfo
is that what happens to us? a life of conflict with no time for friends ... so that when it's done, only our enemies leave roses.
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>French Feminists go Topless at Eiffel Tower to protest against Far Right before the first round of elections
Don't forget to vote on how I should vote in the upcoming vote
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Come on lads this is just a nonce self promoting themselves.
Let it die.
You know what to do.
Not its fucking not you spunktrumpet, only query string param is the vid id. Youtube tracking link adds on "pp=..."
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Webm of this Josh nonce
>all the people on the news shitting themselves over the french election
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Wrote a tome for joshy

>I dreamed a dream . . . but now that dream is gone from me

Hope he sees this
I'm sure he's watching down on us from heaven lad. he might be gone but he will forever be r josh
just put £20 on no majority 20/1
what we thinking
i'm putting £20 on you still being a virgin by the time the polls close
>What we thinking
Betting is degenerate, only poor people bet
AI has gone too far this time
if u had coitus with a fat disgusting female just so u could say u r not a virgin
hated it and never had sex since
r u still an incel josh?
Are they nice lad? I'm not looking at any nudies.
you can still be a virgin or incel even if you've had sex
Evening CCHQ
Isnt that a with game rope hoops?
wheres ginge, sussex and cauldron?
wow I bet you’re really rich. gimp
Bunch of wronguns
you’ve lost £20 12 years ago then
did the mk ultra victim finally get an infection and die or something?
> FrostbiteToeAnon likes him
> SwindonCarpenterAnon likes him
> ScorchHandAnon likes him
> NorwichBlacksmithAnon likes him
> GashArmAnon likes him
> BurnFootAnon likes him
> BristolBakerAnon likes him
> BruiseKneeAnon likes him
> LeedsPlumberAnon likes him
> DurhamTailorAnon likes him
> CutFingerAnon likes him
> ManchesterMasonAnon likes him
> BurnHandAnon likes him
> SheffieldSmithAnon likes him
> SprainAnkleAnon likes him
> NewcastleFletcherAnon likes him
> BlisterHeelAnon likes him
> LiverpoolBrewerAnon likes him
> SplitLipAnon likes him
> YorkWeaverAnon likes him
> CrampLegAnon likes him
> BathChandlerAnon likes him
> RashBackAnon likes him
> CardiffDyerAnon likes him
> StingEyeAnon likes him
> EdinburghGardenerAnon likes him
> FractureWristAnon likes him
> GlasgowTannerAnon likes him
> SwellCheekAnon likes him
> OxfordShoemakerAnon likes him
Trump won
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Josh has gone to live with the penguins now. Rip
How debt are you in la?
So dad's redpilled on the JQ and it wasn't even from anything I've said. WTF how did that happen?
what did Joshua do for money?
*How much
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Alright, aussie josh likely is josh
he done me there
he was a proper mogul mate
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no if you have sex you are not celibate or a virgin just means you've done yourself for having sex with a fattie
So whats stopping us from lying about our political leanings when filling out a question time audience application.
Perhaps we could get an actually neutral crowd for once.
Nothing on credit cards?
Landlord and part time wfh
I heard josh saved a life once
I didn;t mean to post this image
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> FrostbiteSmallIntestineAnon likes him
> AmblesideWheelwrightAnon likes him
> ScaldedForeheadAnon likes him
> ThirskGlazierAnon likes him
> BruisedRibAnon likes him
> EppingLacemakerAnon likes him
> PunctureLungAnon likes him
> AlfristonCobbleAnon likes him
> BurnedKnuckleAnon likes him
> LintonTinsmithAnon likes him
> GashCalfAnon likes him
> BiburyBookbinderAnon likes him
> StingElbowAnon likes him
> WroxtonBricklayerAnon likes him
> FracturePelvisAnon likes him
> BallaterCooperAnon likes him
> RashScalpAnon likes him
> GawsworthHerbalistAnon likes him
> CrampQuadricepAnon likes him
> EastonRooferAnon likes him
> BlisterPalmAnon likes him
> StaithesFishermanAnon likes him
> SplitThumbAnon likes him
> CastletonPotterAnon likes him
> SprainNeckAnon likes him
> PainswickChandlerAnon likes him
> LaceratedEarAnon likes him
> PolperroNetMakerAnon likes him
> CrushFemurAnon likes him
> PorlockWheelwrightAnon likes him
> ScaldWristAnon likes him
> AppledoreBeekeeperAnon likes him
> SwellEyelidAnon likes him
> LacockRopemakerAnon likes him
> CutBicepAnon likes him
> BlakeneyTailorAnon likes him
> DislocatedJawAnon likes him
> AboyneStonemasonAnon likes him
> RashGroinAnon likes him
> BelfordSilversmithAnon likes him
> CrampShinAnon likes him
> WetheralSoapMakerAnon likes him
> PunctureKidneyAnon likes him
> HaworthCobblerAnon likes him
> BurnedTempleAnon likes him
> MouseholeWeaverAnon likes him
> BrokenMetatarsalAnon likes him
> LussTannerAnon likes him
> StingNoseAnon likes him
fucking dumb broads
One of the ladies has a nice pair.
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I heard the person who's life he saved hates him for it
I wish I could sodomize Jen “sahk-me’s” throat
Clot shot
aye me nana started ranting about jews at xmas dinner and everyone was shocked
she has dementia btw
This a whole thread of ME ME ME posting again? *yawn*
loopy old sow
oh there you are!

Alright where is sussex and ginge?
>god I hate those pricks what should we do about it
>let’s show them our tits
women will use any excuse to get naked and / or scream at people
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Had this guy on my sunday wildcard Youtube church session, he's the real deal
Cursed AI Nige face
73 hours until exit poll shows reform supermajority
ay? I thought the vote was on the 4th?
does anyone have the recent polls of the normie GE? i used woke up
> FrostbiteLiverAnon liked him
> BognorGlassblowerAnon liked him
> PickledOctopusChewingAnon liked him
> HelmsleyBakerAnon liked him
> PunctureSpleenAnon liked him
> ClovellyFarrierAnon liked him
> BruisedTempleAnon liked him
> AmblesideCartwrightAnon liked him
> ScaldedChestAnon liked him
> HaworthMillerAnon liked him
> LaceratedShoulderAnon liked him
> AlfristonWeaverAnon liked him
> RashNeckAnon liked him
> ThirskGunsmithAnon liked him
> SplitToeAnon liked him
> WroxtonCooperAnon liked him
> CrampBicepAnon liked him
> StaithesChandlerAnon liked him
> FracturedElbowAnon liked him
> LintonTannerAnon liked him
> SwollenThighAnon liked him
> PainswickRooferAnon liked him
> BurnedShinAnon liked him
> GawsworthBlacksmithAnon liked him
> DislocatedHipAnon liked him
> BallaterSilversmithAnon liked him
> PunctureIntestineAnon liked him
> PorlockThatcherAnon liked him
> CutKneeAnon liked him
> PolperroBeekeeperAnon liked him
> GashJawAnon liked him
> AppledoreNetMakerAnon liked him
> BlisterSoleAnon liked him
> MouseholeSoapMakerAnon liked him
> ScaldNoseAnon liked him
> LacockBrewerAnon liked him
> StingPalmAnon liked him
> SwettenhamShoemakerAnon liked him
> FractureSpineAnon liked him
> BlakeneyGardenerAnon liked him
> CrampForearmAnon liked him
> BiburyStonemasonAnon liked him
> RashEyelidAnon liked him
> EyamTailorAnon liked him
> ChocolateCoveredGrasshopperMunchingAnon liked him
> NewcastleBlacksmithAnon liked him
> JelliedEelsSavoringAnon liked him
> RockyMountainOystersNibblingAnon liked him
> SilkwormPupaBitingAnon liked him
> GarlicBreadNoshAnon liked him
> OxTongueTastingAnon liked him
> PickledHerringSnackingAnon liked him
> FermentedSharkBitingAnon liked him
> DeepFriedScorpionNibblingAnon liked him
> SpamChompingAnon liked him
> BlackPuddingBitingAnon liked him
> HaggisDevouringAnon liked him
> BeetleSnackingAnon liked him
> RawHorseMeatSavoringAnon liked him
> PuncturedLungAnon liked him
> GlastonburyBasketweaverAnon liked him
> SprainedWristAnon liked him
Yeah, Labour on track to win 589 seats
Reform to sweep the rest
Danger Davey's only gone and won it!
I went to a black church and they brought in this mental speaker from africa
there's thousands of these micro celebrity guest speakers at black churches
called shit like
I don't really know the psychology of it

How come when i scream get your baps out I get banned from wetherspoons but these feminists can pop em out any time they like?
HairyMoleAnon tolerates him
Yeah exit poll at 10pm on the 4th when polls close
What's happened? Melty hours?
i notice i am not included in this list
Based Uncle Samax, yeah nogs are totally different but I enjoy that difference in their interpretation of experience with the holy spirit. Kino is abundant.
Melty existence.
it's definitely not my cup of tea but yeah they're vibey people
take me off this list please
she spoke to him
she smiled and said hello
he made sure they touched as she squeezed past
like two ships passing in the night
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sextuplet sevens coming up get your based posts ready
Lib Dem voters aren’t even normies they’re out of touch upper middle class wankers that use “cockwomble” unironically and have folders full of IT crowd and US office memes
The country is burning but Lib Dem’s and greens want to sit around the fire singing kumbayah
I can understand people who vote Labour but anyone who thinks Lib Dem’s deserve a vote should go bungee jumping with Ed Davey but without the rope
though i was gonna get
Evening gents. Third child is due in September and we are struggling for boys names (we've got two boys already).
>parents are both white, Welsh da and English ma
We are stumped so some genuine ideas would be appreciated
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Me when I try get back in the Wetherspoons after going out for a fag and I can’t work out if the door is push or pull
josh just passed away mate
if its a boy you have to call him joshua
that way josh can reincarnate through your bloodline and be a blessing on us once again
Name him after a famous englishman: venerable bede.
I gave mine traditional English names and the wife is Welsh
1. Aled
2. Bryn
3. Caden
4. Dafydd
5. Ellis
6. Gareth
7. Harri
8. Iestyn
9. Jago
10. Kian
11. Llyr
12. Morgan
13. Niall
14. Owain
15. Piers
16. Rhys
17. Sion
18. Tristan
19. Vaughan
20. Wynn
21. Anwen
22. Brynmor
23. Cian
24. Dewi
25. Emrys
26. Gethin
27. Huw
28. Idris
29. Jac
30. Kai
31. Llewelyn
32. Maddox
33. Nia
34. Osian
35. Padrig
36. Rhodri
37. Steffan
38. Teilo
39. Vance
40. Wynne
41. Arian
42. Bowen
43. Carys
44. Derwyn
45. Emyr
46. Gareth
47. Hywel
48. Iolo
49. Jamie
50. Kenan
One of your taff names like Owain
in my local waitrose security would follow me and leave him alone
Persephone is a nice girl's name
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1. Aneurin
2. Bedwyr
3. Cadoc
4. Darius
5. Eifion
6. Glyn
7. Hefin
8. Ioan
9. Jacoby
10. Keiran
11. Lleu
12. Mabon
13. Nede
14. Olwen
15. Pedr
16. Rhidian
17. Seren
18. Tomos
19. Vaughan
20. Wylan
21. Aneirin
22. Bevan
23. Cai
24. Deri
25. Elwyn
26. Gwilym
27. Ifan
28. Iori
29. Jervis
30. Kenrick
31. Lleu
32. Maredudd
33. Neifion
34. Owen
35. Penn
36. Rhys
37. Sulien
38. Twm
39. Venn
40. Wynn
41. Alwyn
42. Bran
43. Cador
44. Deiniol
45. Elidyr
46. Gwern
47. Iago
48. Io
49. Jory
50. Llion
where is sussex and ginge?
He can't breathe!
is that the guy from linkin park
What if pakis create fusion power first?
We can steal something off them for a change
With the finest minds of the Subcontinent, it couldn't take more than 3, maybe 4 hours before they blow themselves up.
The security guard at my local Waitrose got battered and put into a coma (no it wasn't me)
Thomas and michael are biblical tho, nowt to do with merry old england.
paul blart mall cop
Imagine the smell
is she Reform, how do i vote for her?
Shelby brothers
it finally happened
well deserved
Is this Portuguese lad pepe related to the frog at all?
Shame he couldn't be with his mum cos she went downstairs for letting her dad rape her son multiple times
He was a paki so, I'll reserve my sympathies
Call him Sir Wanksalott

Tom is a yid name, I like the rest of them though.

Bede is a good rare name
>is this what you want fascist, you want us to mop the floor with our tits out just like the 50's huh? HUH?
You have to remember that rabbit hasn't seen anything since BBC1 switched to colour
that cop
>'Sir there are topless women in nice skirts cleaning the promenade!'
>'For Gods sake let them finish! And tell them to do my office next.'
Seriously though, Alfie (Alfred)
She was 10/10 proud of him, who else here can say that?
If I have another kid I'll give him a proper Anglo Saxon name

important cultural artefact for understanding deano
josh died so that eddie could live
need a new car
>I'll just go on ebay, gumtree, autotrader maybe and pick up a 2012 Ford Focus or Citroen for £2K

18yo cars going for £4K with no service history and £300 a year tax, everything under 10 years old is 6K with major damage and terrible MOT history, new cars are 25K

wtf is going on
When we say
>everything is fucked
Go on auto trader and set the postcode to Bradford.
The car market has experienced significant disruptions recently due to several factors:

1. **Supply Chain Issues**: The COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted global supply chains, particularly for semiconductors, which are crucial for modern vehicles. This has led to delays in manufacturing and a reduced supply of new cars.

2. **Increased Demand for Used Cars**: With the shortage of new cars, more people have turned to the used car market, driving up prices. The increased demand, combined with limited supply, has resulted in higher prices for older vehicles, even those with no service history or higher maintenance costs.

3. **Inflation**: Rising inflation rates have affected the cost of goods and services across the board, including vehicles. This has contributed to the higher prices of both new and used cars.

4. **Economic Factors**: The economic uncertainty over the past few years has led people to hold onto their cars longer, reducing the turnover in the used car market. This has further constrained the supply of used vehicles.

5. **Environmental Regulations**: Stricter environmental regulations and a push towards electric vehicles have increased the cost of compliance for manufacturers, leading to higher prices for new cars.

6. **Market Speculation**: There may also be some speculative pricing in the market, with sellers taking advantage of the current high-demand, low-supply situation to inflate prices.

These factors combined have created a challenging environment for car buyers, making it difficult to find affordable, reliable vehicles.
>wtf is going on
Government buying up all the cars to give to pakis
its bullshit. they're claiming there's a lack of new cars. meanwhile there are ports with thousands of unsold ones just rotting away.

Commented it on this at the weekend, you see a lot more older cars driving around nowadays, all the new ones are all electric ones on finance/leased.

2019 was truly the end of time.
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Missed one
You're a poorthener is what's going on.
Just like in harry potter
is he gay?
Gf is sat drooling over Ronaldo so I told her he raped a woman in Las Vegas in 2009 and now she’s arguing that he wouldn’t do that - despite being a “muh believe all women” feminist
This is why I cheat on her with fat birds I’ve been shagging since uni
Can get a Porsche for £3k easy
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>wtf is going on
sadiq khan was paying people £2,000 for any car with an mot in a scrappage scheme
that's sick
80s miami hasslehoff
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I can see the Mods making a comeback when everyone buys a vespa or lambretta cause they're cheaper
Used to be able to get a run around for £600 and be mobile. Not anymore. I don't know if the lease finance market has fucked things up to what.
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you are all spastics
eddie died in the ‘Stan
Literally just steal one
yeah not doing that
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just wanted to say lol to this

some cunt at work called his kid atreyu
ok that makes sense
For the film or the band?
AI is right about the car market and josh
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They played at download this year, not bad desu

Heilung and fall out boy were the best tho
film apparently
qrd on AI's opinion on josh?
Let's buy a lorry lads
avatar ass blue alien name
brit/pol/ tour bus
we can go cross-country hitting every 'spoons
Says he has NPD
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hell yeah brothers
Without the rear bit where are we going to put all the BAMES?
its the kid from neverending story
nonce proclivity disorder?
ill throw £250 into the ring
Windows whistle and seats as hard as a rock, get a Volvo instead
Corr loads of room. Could fit 4 in those 2 bunks
do we make any?
daf is dutch innit?
nice person disorder?
Under the wheels ideally.
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If that schnoz could talk, anon, what would is be saying to us right now? Hmmm?
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>Could fit 4 in those 2 bunks
That’s true, the literal roads of Britain were built by BAMES
Pretty cosy.
Nano-Penis Disorder
NKVD style, stick them in a trailer and just feed the exhaust in
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>wake up friday morn
>reform win 1 seat
>its not even nige

how would you unironically react?
now now anon we all know thats not true
With little surprise and some disappointment, like most mornings
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settle in for the 1000 year labour reich
“What about the Tories?”
>its runcorn

2026 or 2027 will be the real test, once the left coup Starmer and install Angela Rayner as PM they won't have more than 2 years before the shitshow falls apart.
I can cling to back of it like a channel migrant
Looks bloody comfy
Indeed, we've been having lots of leadership changes and elections, no chance starmer just does his 5 years no bother.
Stable politics like that would seem to be a thing of the past
I cursed this nazi fuck in the afterlife. He's dead. He's dreaming.
I just cursed all these nazi fucks.
I also cursed all these nazi fucks.

>low framing hruit.
DAF seats have a lump in the back that make driving them something close to torture
where sussex and ginge?
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>bungee jumping with Ed Davey but without the rope
Sign me and Adrian up!
>am in lab lads
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why are church bells ringing now
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Where is the poop hole?
Barry, 63, Essex but he's made by Boston dynamics and hunts migrants.
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I think she believes in certain kinds of reforms
Right here mate, I crawled into my arse and now we're one person
average uk newbuild
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She is rich though? And they do tax the rich. I don't get it
my god, what monstrosity have you created sussex?
cauldron are you seeing this?
Should've worn a dress with "tax the bitch"
>This is why I cheat on her with fat birds I’ve been shagging since uni
How come you shag fat birds lad?
Shut the fuck up you queer little cunt
why is she defending him?
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someone photoshop this so sussex is the bear and ginge is the brain
>its even got the ear hoops
Am I right in reading in one of these threads that Saint Johannes killed himself or was that a fever dream?
Fit egomaniac birds would message my gf after and dob me in. These chubby girls are content to be a bit on the side and get a good dicking when I need to take my frustration out. Then I can block them on social media (so my bird doesn’t see) for a few months until I need them again. Got it all figured out
Also they’re much better in bed than my more attractive girlfriend. Fat girls are great at sucking cock and my 2 side pieces are deceptively athletic in bed. And they let me cum on their faces whereas my gf only lets me do it on her tits
Spoke to him today he's doing fine, lost loads of weight and found a nice girlfriend. They're getting married soon because she's expecting their first
Got a house viewing tomorrow with the council bames, what should I wear?
Be a lot easier to just have sex with men
Sign to go the screaming wog route m8, Papism is toast.
Because he’s good looking, rich and successful. Nothing more blackpilling than your gf accidentally redpilling you and reminding you that she’d shag a hot famous guy in a heartbeat without giving you a second thought if the chance arose. That’s why I cheat on her
literally who?
Based porkerpounder
toothbrush mustache and a side parting
so what you're saying is josh (rip) was right?
fucking goblin going on about goblin continually.
Shit's probably going to hit the fan in 2030 anyway. Keep calm and doomer on
>Forbes estimates that the 34-year-old, who often goes by "AOC," is worth about $125,000

>they do tax the rich
Not enough
sussex and ginge creating a cyborg organism and becoming G I N G E X?
my god, how are you gonna deal with that?
i suppose its just as well theres no /BPGE/ debates tonight huh?
He’s like most incel “redpilled” terminally online wankers who mentally masturbate to online redpill theory 24/7 but are too spasticated to actually put it into practice
If he actually went into the wider world and put his insecurities to one side and used his knowledge he’d do fine. I used to be the same but I grew up
The most prescient political voice of our time?
Imagine believing that and everyone should get taxed a flat rate fairly you thief
Only 10 more years to le epic collapse!!! Trust me bro.
its just as well that isnt the case huh cauldron?
does being redpilled mean you have to cheat on your gf with slampigs?
I would rather have robots that just look like robots.
I don't think thats the case. I think he just opts out because he values peace above all else
>put his insecurities to one side
He was composed entirely of insecurities, there was nothing else (RIP)
one can hope
No, not at all. I’m a weak insecure man and that’s just how I deal with it. Also as I mentioned in another comment the slampigs in my rotation are better in bed than my gf. I probably wouldn’t do it otherwise
if you're redpilled, you'll either:
1 - never get into a relationship
2 - get into a relationship and openly cheat once you've gotten a kid out of your woman
These 'professional' football lads just aren't that good are they? They've been at it for an hour now and there hasn't been a single goal. Load of shite.

Send a few primary school lads out there for 20 minutes and it'd be 7-5 or something. It would be much better to watch.
Facts don't care about your feelings

>everyone should get taxed a flat rate
Except for income and capital gains above £200,000 per year, which should be taxed at 80%

I never wanted this feel but I'm starting to feel like Trotsky was a prophet and that international revolution is inevitable.
oh no
its a surprise /BPGE/ THREAD
Yeah but they'll say no to getting bummed by PL/FA nonces.
ur fuken useless
wanker. shit bake too.
I just think you're a jealous loser and should get your head beat in for being a little pissant
My point being you schizos have been predicting shit hits the fan scenarios for years, and nothing has happened.

We're not Venezuela or Colombia or some other unstable country where corruption and military coups happen.
We're too civilised for anything to happen. And no doubt there are contigency plans in place.

We will just have to suffer ever progressive socialism.
Remember that old John Smiths advert with Peter Kay and they're talking about who they'd shag if they were given a pass. They're all talking about celebrities and Peter Kay just says "Claire from work"

rip jb. the people who knew you are glad that you're gone.
Well it would be if you sent a few school boys out to play the England women's team. It'd be 16-0 to the boys by half time.

One of the managers of a women's team copped a load of flak for saying that women have emotional meltdowns on the pitch and that's why you always see these cricket scores. Once they go a goal or 2 down they just sshit the bed and then it's a bloodbath.

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