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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Joe Rogan Experience #1999 - Robert Kennedy Jr.
Cyndi Lauper - True Colors (Lyrics)
RFK Jr.: Getting In Shape Is Good For Our Country

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Housing Initiative

when has kraut/pol/ posted anything NS?
12 posts/hour...no heart, no fun. no sincerity, no uplifting message, no unity ... pretty kiked mostly...
Lepen, Farage, Wilders, the ADF... It should be a celebration these days compared to a decade ago
yet where's the party? not in here.

kraut/pol/ is devoid mostly of NS cornerstones.
a sad bore, with faggot spamming and coward regs
superfical frenships splashing each other in the nothing swamp

give a shit and bake a decent bread you losers
11/11 Rhodesia and brit/pol/ threads mog you clowns

prove me wrong by showing some effort including with your wife you faggot.

pasta: https://pastebin.com/raw/VqpFkZ1B

Europe’s Fertility Crisis Explained

let it die, it's a dead gen anyway!
giving a fuck here is out of style
Zermatt Switzerland The Parade Of The Goats
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shalom my niqqa
Fuck krauts

>Lepen, Farage, Wilders, the ADF.
all a bunch of degenerate bourgeois losers who lack the aristocratic soul required to rule

>when has kraut/pol/ posted anything NS?
>*pokes Kraut/pol/ with a stick*

Ya bloody necrophiliac ... :)
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Kraut pool.
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>don´t forget to bring your trusty ...

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> American piece of shit peddling american garbage as German cultural news.
Yankee go home.

dago improve the gen
but with heartfelt sincerity not your regular old nigger loving faggotry
but anyway you see forman vs cooney?
that upper cut!

gibs me a fun link you diaper pooper...
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you were the one who didn't post on 4/20
funny how other regs didn't notice and (you) you like that never happened...

stupid fish bites on easy bait...

hey nigger
ever listen to him?
a lot of NS shit in that
maybe those talking points might spread if he gets the attention
he is the only one talking about them
White birth rate comes from young White couples hasing housing , affordable housing to make White babies
fuck blackrock! you dumb dope
RFK called the out you kikery house coon.
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I have missed you even if you is a drippy dick haser
what candy you has to gib me
what of interest can you add to the thread
or lion cubs messing with daddy vids, I like those if you has...
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wanna here the rest of the tough love?
do you think I said it with no care in mind?

does that sound like a Duck?!
you made me say it btw... it's all on you anyway
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>Kämpfen, siegen ... oder untergehen!

Do not remind me of that time please. Hey, still here ... :)

Oh please do go on ...
>Hey, still here ... :)

are you? in spirit?
because that NS spirit never dies unless we let it
never slacken!

okay , good
I already said it all to you
out loud myself to me
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>in spirit?

One day just that. Still in the meat even right now. Someone´s gotta keep the lights on in here after all.
guten morgen, my niggers
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you did disappoint me
and I mean it when I said don't ever do thst again.

you said your wifu is there repeatedly to [ick you up when you fall...

for the year of you
a pig who flicks butts
she stands with you
on that day, you gib
you plan way ahead
you SHOW effort
you surprise her
gib her your all
on that day
to show how much you appreciate her

you drive into country
pick wild flowers for hours for best ones
make a Doc special bouquet
you wake up in middle of night
make cheese cake with chrerry heart with made from scratch syrup in shape of heart for morning coffee
you secretly call off work for you and her
you give her the whole day
boom boom boom
love bombs one after other
the next greater then the last
you kill her with overwhelming love
wow her
show her how special she is to you

NOT " oh is vday? guess I talk about garden at sup. she likes that"
(end of story)
that is some weak ass faggot shit
make no man call you out on how YOU make your wife a loser
you fight hard to show her most of all and any others how much she has a real chad

simple as
you are better then you are
she is better, deserves more then you gave her

I want you see her big happy wonderful smile for you to enjoy seeing next vday

put in the effort she deserves you pig!
I love you you asshole
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I plan to spend most of my evening laughing at brit/pol/ for getting overly hyped at Nigel Farage

he's absolute garbage in my books
not /natsoc/ enough ya know??
just another drumpfy-like pseudo-leader
>not /natsoc/ enough ya know??

The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals
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>pick wild flowers for hours for best ones

Cannot do that, it would violate her pwecious Lebensraum. Rather sacrifice an arm for her ... hey, still mad at me for accidentally mowing down that wild whatevs growing out of the lawn. :P

>next vday

Cannot keep her waiting for that sewing machine THAT long anymore.

>you pig!

Hsss!! :D
Hey, sometimes it is simply all about having a hot chocolate together outside in the evening ... :)
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you got my attention
keep me posted
but also share fun links for keks or tasty candy for all to enjoy

thoughts on rfk?
why lefy say replace with biden when they, we all has the best choice already?

has you listened to him much?
I think he talks about NS fundamentals
most I've heard as a burger in my life
even if he sucks israli dick and did himself no favors on dave smiths podcast
relevant link provided...

https://youtu.be/a21TAA9Hak0?t=4 10...88!
dont let commieposter see this edit
Second thought ... bleeding all over her pwecious furniture AGAIN is not a good idea either. :P

just plez
know what you has
and never forsake it for even a second
not all of us are that lucky as you
you lucky Duck

just let the thread know next vday what you put together for her
would be a comfy read I hope
>thoughts on rfk?
who cares about electoral politics
bunch of plebeian bullshit
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get to a meeting doc
I didn't quit but I showed up because I when out on St Patties day
had fun and liked it

I knew enough to go to AA
to prevent me from thinking that was okay and I should continue
it worked

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."

civil war
chinas only hope to win
a better choice in that criticsl matter

big brain take
you pleb
ah yes... le vooooooting will impact all of that...

get a brain
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nigger brain
rfk in office vs trump when ww3 kicks off

only rfk could keep it together
chinas only hope to win is for us to kill ourselves form them

but them again winning the civil war 2.0 against the woke faggots would be based but
supply chains and starving kids are too much for me to for that win
I'm a pussy i guess when it comes to that
I couldn't imagine having to watch my kids die when major cities are in riots and prevent the safe transport of essentails to keep the nornies kids alive
protect the innocent is my Achilles' heel...

>and never forsake it for even a second

Not even when I´m temporarily out of my mind again.


Ah, now we are down to the real issue ... my overreliance on juryrigging.
>rfk in office
not gonna happen ever
why even entertain it

bet your dumbass just watched the JRE ep or something
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i listen to what he said
and it wasn't about who's golf score is better it was about real people with real problems and he talked about fixing those problems for the PEOPLE

never mind
I don't wanna be your fren
with all your nigger faggotry you \were lucky I even offered it
fuck dude grow up and do your homework! you heartless lazy unsympathetic cunt

>golf score

Fucking coded language!! Btw gotta admit, he got me with the snek handling.
>fuck dude grow up and do your homework! you heartless lazy unsympathetic cunt
im an italian royalist

Bingo. :}~<
doc don't eat your feedback
at least no bremmies ITT

You mean I should not eat what I did just throw up on the carpet last night ... :D
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Did someone say.. Bremmen?
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another day in a repulsive amerishit thread
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Memeflags raus. /Krautpol/ den /Krauts/
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Original Syltvideo jemand?
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How is /VShojo/ these days? Still unbelievably strong /pol/ poisonous?
krost lost
krost lost bigly
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I’ve watched this 20 times today
first good tranime video
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Voted reform but couldn't care less and only did it to screw over the con candidate in my blue area.
First time ever participating in the scam
>voted reform
Libtard moment
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And you wasted your vote. Get yourself a cookie.
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By next election I'll have Habibti Khadijah by my side, we'll found the Islam party and win 23% of Parliament
You're saying I should've voted for the pajeet instead?
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i have a ADHD aka speed light pescribtion so its not as bad and I want my car.
but man I hate 8 hours shifts
Desk job or what?
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Sprecht verfickt nochmal Deutsch und über deutsche sachen und wenn ihr keine deutsche seid dann verpisst euch gefälligst aus dem thread ihr kleinen scheißer man fickt euch ganz besonders du >>473019432 du misgeburt
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fuck no.
i am serving the machine god with my sweat and blood
desk jobs have no future
Vren… britpol needs you today >>473039167
It’s Election Day and Waffen-SS must take control of the threads
Im actually banned for 3 days im scared they'll recognize its me if I post too much nazi content
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i could never work a deskjob.
fuck that shit.
manual labour is money and a workout
thats 2 in 1 deal soldier!
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Its you in the picture x'DD
Ah, so it's working at the German equivalent of curry's
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sitting on my desk all day, id rather be a hartzer again.
actually building things is way more satisfying
but it is so damn exhausting, I dont have any energy left when i come back
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Sieg Heil vren
Death to all jews.
It's only a matter of time until new Führer appears and calls the Kikes out on their kikery.

That's what we're working towards.

Sooner or later, we'll make the Holocaust real.
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no, once im fully ausgebildet ill make good money
but for now im not making good money truth be told
ausbildung is borderline slavery
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but hell, if i dont do it now ill be too old without ever having a proper job and no one will hire me
so gotta bite the bullet.
maybe ill go back on hartz afterwards, dunno
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Du nicht, du bist cool
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So Spaß, übergeil :DD
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You should've done a CRT start-up and badgered fago into being your angel investor with his supposed 7 figure budget.
Chose the wagie route. sad man
t. ays lustmolch
how come everyone gets a new goverment except for us .. i feel left out
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i have never felt so democratic in my life
god i wish democracy was real and not just a fictionical ideology
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where’s our raut barbie
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>if you want bremy goodness
>I'm your friend
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the moon & star thing sounds like an islam reference.
digits and crypto is going to 0 by 2025
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modest noble inhabitants, in dire need of liberation
USDT will go to zero tonight
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Anyone else find it suspect how Dago is most active during any election and always shills against the milquetoast alternatives to the status quo in favour of non participation?
Krost will Rost tonight.
He's right thoughever.
Go read the Protocols, newfag.
>erm, if you don't vote then democracy will stop existing or something
By voting you consent to the status quo.
But really, you have no business posting here when you haven't read the Protocols.
Imagine getting all giddy over a centre-left party like Reform and their libtard leader Nigel Farage who won’t do shit even if elected
Wasn't Farage the guy who wanted Slavs+Baltoids out and Indians in?
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>By voting you consent to the status quo.
I care not for this hebrew nonsense logic.
Imagine dedicating your day to to this shit, you've never even stepped foot in the UK. Half convinced you're doing a turkcuck 4D chess play to convince people to vote for him.
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I endorse Sargon as Führer of Britain
It's true tho. By voting you consent to whatever the guy who is elected does, even if it's the opposite of what you want. It creates a psychological buy-in.
lmao seething libtard
imagine caring about electoral politics
imagine thinking I’ve never been to UK
Doing nothing is a form of consent too you know.
>imagine caring about electoral politics
Yeah why do you, enough to enthusiastically shill against parties whenever an election comes up? If you didn't care then you'd give no thought space to it.
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Who give two shits about those limey losers TODAY ?

>Doing nothing is a form of consent too you know.
The wisest choice is not to play a rigged game. It's hilarious that you're a NEET vooter.
Dago's been spending his entire 4th conversing with limey nonces
you should revoke his citizenship and licence to shart in wallmart
>the wisest choice is to not even attempt to swing at the rapist bro, just stay silent and take it
I give up. You're just as retarded as Hippief(l)ag.
Now go VOOT.
You don't have an argument m8.
Imagine caring about the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence kek
I remember he told some woman on twitter that he didnt want to rape and she got really offended.
She demanded to know why he wouldnt rape her.
Tay wants to rape me
We really should...

Imagine being an o.g. 'Merican, both sides of the family.
Ya spaghetti bender.
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Honestly what's your argument? I don't think reform will get in my constituency and if they did nothing would change, but voting for them increases lefty seething over "gammons" or whatever and makes the establishment seethe.
what do you mean what's my argument
argument for what
america is founded upon degenerate bourgeois principles
nothing based about that
Argument against voting reform/AfD/LePen etc.
quality get
they are centre-leftists and effectively controlled opposition
I support Heimat
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looks like the show will go on
now you have to provide an argument for voting reform/AfD/LePen etc.
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It's simple, I see who the MSM is putting their most effort into slandering and who your local soiboy is malding over and pick them.
Couldn't tell you a single one of their policies however.
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that's retarded

the true alpha move is to attack that same very person MSM is putting their most effort into slandering - and attack them from the Right
imagine unironically supporting AfD kek
they're a centre-left bourgeois partei
Get back to me when this autofellating intellectualism ever achieves shit
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>seething because I refuse to support garbage politicians like Farage/Le Pen/Weidel and also recognize that your strategy is to literally be controlled opposition for MSM

your filenames need some work...
Kek, you're the /lit/cel variation of a classic stormfag m8
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>OoOooOoOoOoO IM VOoOoOoooOoOoOoOOOting
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>s-some french guy said X in some book no-one's read!!!!!
Be honest and name one thing your pile of books ever done for you. Should've bought cookbooks and books on sewing instead
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>heh, im voting for candidate X because MSM said he's an evil bad guy and im something of an evil bad guy myself... that'll show the MSM!!!
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>>heh, im voting for candidate X because MSM said he's an evil bad guy and im something of an evil bad guy myself... that'll show the MSM
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>caring about politics is cringe!
topkek, he's completely obsessed

you're absolutely seething
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real hellhole hours
he's having a meltdown because I didn't support his candidate
You're seeing ghosts
still voting AfD
Based. I'll laugh at the fago seething his nuts off and making 30+ posts about it under the guise of non participation
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I didn't imply that was you

I implied that I care about election day so i can laugh at normie cuckservative chuds like you who get caught up in the spectacle...
imagine thinking im seething one bit
pure projection

today was glorious all around

im out
stay seething
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>39 posts later
Opinion on Krost and Bremerhaven, Joshmeister?
are trucker jobs worth it in le Deutschland?
forced meme personalities
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Bidde ferlass uns
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trucking would suck, I drove through half the country to pick up this old SWR broadcast monitor, imagine doing that every day.
no thanks.

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Sehr gütt
Horse fat and raw bunny liver amigoo


Flight of the Conchords - Boom
Where to migrate to work minimum wage? Will Korea/Japan fuck me up as a Neet of 2 years
nothing worth spending money on/working for in this country
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it's one of the best shows ever!
if you haven't watch flight of the conchords you are a big dumb dumb stupid dumb!

Flight of the Conchords - "If You're Into It"

just some more candy from the sweetest candy gibber in all of Kraut/pol/ history
only a fool would deny it!
Das große schwarze waldhaus
Ein Baum, ein Strick, ein AfD Genick
Out of all livers ive tried


Rabbit actually tasted really nice like, genuinely. I wonder why rabbits been cut out of our diet, my whole body just said like plszzz plzz more
You cant make this shit up anymore

tilda did you change your flag?



New namefag just dropped...!
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fucking nerd, he got me
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more banjo cuties?!
Shades of Death Creek w/ Jake Blount!!

Annie Staninec - Banjo Pickin' Girl

Willow Osborne - Foggy Mountain Breakdown

Little Birdie

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