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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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general thread for all relating to the Butler, Pennsylvania fairground shooting
>exact location of shooter on building roof: west or east side
>how did he get up on the roof
>did LE confront him there
>snipers were stationed inside building, underneath him at exact same time
>anything relating to the shooting layout
>airphoto maps, diagrams of site
Previous thread >>474405685
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oh yeah? but where was saddam hussein
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It glows for sure, no way the feds are ever gonna let his personal communications get out
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backstory of this 'officer encountered prior' incident needs to be followed up:
>ID of officer/which agency-department?
>exactly how much time elapsed after "retreating down" the ladder?
>did officer report to anyone, warn rest of detachment/SS?
>officer did not have radio comms on his person?
>who exactly were the "rally goers" that reported shooter on roof to police, and when in the overall timeline?

Need to start compiling an overall Incident Timeline, apart from the site diagrams
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trumps head was "roughly" parallel to the podium, which itself is parallel to the buildings behind him
if the side of trumps head forms a plane extending parallel to the podium, at some point the shot would to have went through his head before hitting his ear
the exact angle of his head is important and Im working on that, but I think it plausible that maximum angle is reached before the end of the lower buildings roof meaning the left of the large warehouse would be too far
Was the firefighter guy sitting in that spot where the bullet trail lines up? In those stands exactly?
why is there so much trash on the ground? wtf
yes see >>474437422
if u have other videos of the other casualties, post em
Synced compilation of multiple videos, at least 3 mins prior to assassin opening fire :

Because it was evacuated and declared a crime scene.
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Shooter's location
>west side of building—corporate media narrative
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Shooter's location
>east side of building—where shooter's body found
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I agree. The business with the head turn makes no sense if the shooter was further to Trump's left.
The "black thing" I believe is a large cluster of loudspeakers.
> the guy that was killed
> Also, don't forget the person that was killed and his seat...
Disinformation. That can't be the position of the sniper team in the video, that's for sure. They were literally at the edge, the ridge of the roof!! Looking at this pic, it looks like the sniper team is to the left of Trump's podium, from the perspective of the main area below.
So this is supposedly the team with the full obstruction. The one that was forced to "re-position"... Do we know if they took the shot?>>474457785
3+5 bullet cracks picked up by Trump's mic
From the shooter perspective, there seem to be two bullet cracks with no muzzle fire. The first one silences the shooter, another one follows up a few seconds later.
So my sequence that I pick up is
> A...... A........ A.......
> brief pause
> A-A-A-A-A-S
> silence for a few seconds
> S
Afaik the snipers were suppressed.
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Reposting what I believe is the most important image from the previous thread
Thanks again to OP and all contributors
Apologies for phone posting
My theory is that the northern team took a hail mary shot through the tree, suppresssing the shooter, spooking him and causing him to turn back.
This prompted the southern team to do their job.. make sure the guy doesn't get out alive.
I can't help myself. The southern team just makes no sense. No sense at all!
Good job OP
I noticed every MSM outlet had the shooter's position wrong
It's like they're all retards
I don't watch TV for 10 years
I didn't watch one minute of coverage on this
It's all you guys
You guys are my journos
Proud to see you do good work here
may i ask which video u used for this?
will compare now
>every MSM outlet had the shooter's position wrong
This is *why* I began this topic
head overlay
maybe it could include the warehouse but i dont think so
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> Thomas acted as a scapegoat for Iranian terrorists who planned to shoot Trump months ago but wanted to do it in a location and on a date where millions would be paying attention not only to scare Biden and the US but also Israel into a total surrender but it backfired and the CIA and FBI now need to clean up their own mess that the Iranian terrorists worked with them on because the CIA and FBI would lose autonomy without Biden due to 4 executive orders he signed in 2021, 2022, and 2023 giving the CIA and FBI the right to hunt down, extradite, and prosecute “dangerous” individuals.

These are the words of truth, the FBI planned this with the help of ISIL
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btw this is 488yd radius (supposedly the 3rd sniper team)
Reposting from this >>474186328
>Who-what are the Owners of building atop which assassin shot from?

American Glass Research is currently a division of Agr International, Inc. Initially established in 1927 as Preston Laboratories, it underwent several changes before becoming American Glass Research. Agr International, headquartered in Butler, Pennsylvania, owns and operates American Glass Research along with other facilities in Maumee, Ohio, and Delft, The Netherlands【90†source】【91†source】【92†source】【93†source】.

For more detailed information, you can visit their [website](https://americanglassresearch.com).

- [History - American Glass Research](https://americanglassresearch.com/history)【91†source】
- [About Us - American Glass Research](https://americanglassresearch.com/about-us)【92†source】
- [Headquarters - Agr International](https://www.agrintl.com/locations)【93†source】
- [Home - American Glass Research](https://americanglassresearch.com)【90†source】
Shot isn't possible from behind the stage, Trump turned his head to the right and parallel to the stage when he was barely clipped. A shot from behind at that angle would have definitely put a hole in his head, rather than just glance his ear. The water tower isn't a remote possibility.
>Who-what are the Owners of building atop which assassin shot from?

Full History of American Glass Research and Related Companies
American Glass Research was initially established in 1927 by Dr. Frank Preston as Preston Laboratories. The goal was to understand the response of glass to external forces and provide essential technical support and research for the glass container industry. Over time, Dr. Preston and his team developed crucial test procedures, many of which became ASTM standards used in quality control tests today.

In 1962, the company was sold, and its name was changed to American Glass Research. The capabilities of the company expanded to include the manufacture of quality control and laboratory scale test equipment. This evolution continued with the integration of on-line operation equipment for concurrent evaluations during container production.

In 1988, the company further expanded its product line to include equipment for evaluating and testing plastic containers. As part of this progression, the company was rebranded as Agr International, with American Glass Research established as a division under Agr International.
There's something else people should be wondering. Which sniper shot Crooks? Look at the corpse photo. Crooks has a bullet wound on the side of his neck directly below his ear. With Crooks in the prone position, aiming at Trump and firing, who could have made that shot? There's only one location. The 2nd story central portion of the structure he was on top of. I think the counter sniper team was in that 2nd story and had a perfect view of him and shot him through the neck just as soon as Crooks completed his mission.
so do you have to be a Platinum Member to listen to something on pol? ;-)

By 1997, American Glass Research moved to a new facility that provided increased laboratory, office, training, and storage space. This move was aimed at cultivating an environment reminiscent of the early days of Preston Laboratories, focusing on supporting the industry with a dedicated team of researchers.

Further expanding its services, American Glass Research acquired West Analytical Services in Maumee, Ohio. This acquisition allowed them to offer compositional analysis, USP/EP testing, raw material analysis, glass property testing, and heavy metal analysis to their customers.

In 2018, Agr International opened a new testing laboratory in Delft, the Netherlands. This facility aimed to provide numerous benefits to customers, including shorter turnaround times and the convenience of transacting business in the same language, time zone, and currency (American Glass Research) (American Glass Research) (Agr International) (Agr International).

Executives of Agr International and American Glass Research
Testing Staff:

William G. Slusser
David Machak
Peter de Haan
Dr. Wenke Hu
Dr. Brandon Aldinger
Doug Holscher
Brad Salitrik
Gary Smay
Dominic Baker
Linda Pilosi
Tim Barr
Patience Zimmer
Rick Bayer
Jennifer Hu-a-ng
Analytical Staff:

Neal T. Nichols
Brian D. Mitchell
Carolyn Wuenstel
Canice Bileski
Sarah Couturier
Ernest P. Lippert
For more detailed information, you can visit their About Us page.

Executive Positions
Agr International Executives:

Henry Dimmick Jr. - Chief Executive Officer
Sudha Jebadurai - President
William Bellis - Chief Financial Officer
Robert Cowden - Chief Operating Officer
Georg Wolfe - Chief Technical Officer (PitchBook)
American Glass Research Testing Staff:

William G. Slusser - Director of Research
David Machak - Manager, Pharmaceutical Services
Peter de Haan - Research Scientist
Dr. Wenke Hu - Senior Research Scientist
Dr. Brandon Aldinger - Senior Research Scientist
Doug Holscher - Research Scientist
Brad Salitrik - Research Scientist
Gary Smay - Research Scientist
Dominic Baker - Research Scientist
Linda Pilosi - Research Scientist
Tim Barr - Research Scientist
Patience Zimmer - Research Scientist
Rick Bayer - Research Scientist
Jennifer Hu-a-ng - Research Scientist (American Glass Research)
Analytical Staff:

Neal T. Nichols - Senior Analytical Chemist
Brian D. Mitchell - Analytical Chemist
Carolyn Wuenstel - Analytical Chemist
Canice Bileski - Analytical Chemist
Sarah Couturier - Analytical Chemist
Ernest P. Lippert - Analytical Chemist (American Glass Research)
For more detailed information, you can visit their About Us page.
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the shooter just used a ladder to go on the roof

Executive Backgrounds and History
Henry Dimmick Jr. - Chief Executive Officer
Henry Dimmick Jr. has a strong background in the glass and packaging industry, having worked in various capacities at Agr International before becoming the CEO. He has overseen significant growth and strategic developments within the company, including the expansion of service portfolios and global market reach. His leadership has been instrumental in maintaining Agr's position as a leader in quality assurance and process automation equipment for the packaging industry.

Sudha Jebadurai - President
Sudha Jebadurai, currently the President of Agr International, has a rich history of leadership and innovation within the company. Before her current role, she held positions that allowed her to gain extensive experience in operations and strategic planning. Sudha has been pivotal in driving the company's focus on customer satisfaction, quality improvement, and sustainability goals. Her leadership has guided Agr through significant transitions, including the acquisition by Indicor (GlassOnline) (NewsnReleases).

William Bellis - Chief Financial Officer
William Bellis serves as the Chief Financial Officer at Agr International. He brings a wealth of experience in financial management and strategic financial planning. William's expertise has been crucial in navigating the financial aspects of the company's growth and acquisitions. His role involves overseeing the financial health of the company, ensuring robust financial practices, and supporting long-term strategic goals.

Robert Cowden - Chief Operating Officer
As the Chief Operating Officer, Robert Cowden is responsible for the overall operations of Agr International. His background includes extensive experience in operational management, process optimization, and strategic implementation. Robert's leadership ensures that Agr's operations run smoothly and efficiently, aligning with the company's goals for quality and customer service.

Georg Wolfe - Chief Technical Officer
Georg Wolfe, the Chief Technical Officer, leads Agr International's technical and innovation efforts. His background in engineering and technology development has been critical in advancing Agr's product offerings. Georg oversees research and development, ensuring that Agr continues to innovate and provide cutting-edge solutions in quality assurance and process automation for the packaging industry (PitchBook).
i dont think its likely it came from the tower
but without solid angle information i didnt want to instantly dismiss it out of hand
i want to find some footage of trump from the side when it happened
i am shit at searching archives
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>> 474459243
> When I made my original post I was thinking that the 3rd team was positioned in the area I circled in blue, but I went back and checked and the correct positions are marked with red lines.
But that makes no sense. This "building" is just a row of bleachers, like for a horse race or monster-truck event or something
Whoever the fuck would set up snipers THERE of all places???

### Government Contracts and Agencies:

1. **General Services Administration (GSA)**:
- Agr International is listed on the GSA schedule, which means they provide various products and services to federal agencies through pre-negotiated contracts. These include laboratory and in-line equipment, automated process systems, and specialized testing services.
- Source: [GSA eLibrary](https://www.gsaelibrary.gsa.gov/ElibMain/contractorInfo.do?contractNumber=GS-07F-0001Y&contractorName=AGR+INTERNATIONAL+INC&executeQuery=YES)【152†source】【153†source】.

2. **Department of Defense (DoD)**:
- They have contracts related to quality control and process automation equipment, particularly for ensuring the quality and integrity of packaging used in defense logistics.
- Source: [Government Contracts](https://www.governmentcontracts.us/government-contractors/company-BSG2414566-agr-international-inc-Butler-PA.htm)【144†source】.
Best bet is probably scouring twitter for rally-goer vids.

3. **Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)**:
- Contracts for specific projects such as replacing parking lot lighting at FAA facilities indicate Agr’s involvement in infrastructure and facility upgrades, ensuring compliance with stringent federal standards.
- Source: [Government Contracts](https://www.governmentcontracts.us/government-contracts/opportunity-details/NBD00159892421132053.htm)【144†source】.

4. **Other Federal Agencies**:
- Agr International's listing in the Interagency Contract Directory (ICD) suggests their equipment and services are available for use by various federal agencies under multiple contract vehicles, including Indefinite Delivery Vehicles (IDVs), Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), and Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs).
- Source: [Interagency Contract Directory](https://www.contractdirectory.gov/contractdirectory/)【152†source】.

For detailed and specific information about each contract, including financial details and performance periods, you would typically need access to procurement databases such as SAM.gov or direct inquiries with the contracting agencies involved. You can visit Agr International’s [official website](https://www.agrintl.com) or check the [SAM.gov](https://sam.gov/content/opportunities) for more details on their federal contract engagements.
>2. **Department of Defense (DoD)**:
knew that was coming

Department of Defense Contracts with Agr International
Agr International, Inc. is involved in several contracts with the Department of Defense (DoD), providing a variety of products and services, primarily related to quality control and process automation equipment for packaging and manufacturing. Below is a detailed list of DoD contracts that Agr International has been awarded:

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Contracts:

Contract for Facilities Maintenance, Repair, and Operations Supplies: Agr International provides various maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) supplies under a firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract. This contract supports the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
Contract ID: SPE8E3-24-D-0003.
Source: Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support.
Naval Sea Systems Command Contracts:

Contract for MK 41 Vertical Launching System Production: Agr International supports the MK 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) production requirements. This contract involves both domestic and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to allied countries.
Contract ID: N00024-23-C-5325.
Source: Naval Sea Systems Command.
Army Corps of Engineers Contracts:

Contract for Demolition and Construction Services: Agr International is involved in a firm-fixed-price contract for demolition, building relocation/reconstruction, and construction. This contract includes work in various locations and supports multiple Army engineering projects.
Contract ID: W912HN-24-C-4001.
Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Contracts:

Contract for IT Multi-Network Support Services: Agr International provides information technology multi-network support services under a significant modification to a previously awarded task order. This contract supports various research and development initiatives.
Contract ID: HR001121F0006.
Source: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Navy Environmental Restoration and Infrastructure Contracts:

Contract for Environmental Restoration and Infrastructure Projects: Agr International supports the Navy's Environmental Restoration, Navy (ER,N) program and other infrastructure projects, particularly in the Pacific region.
Contract ID: N62742-23-D-1802.
Source: Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command.
(old thread) AGR IS A GLOWNIGGER COMPANY >>474195970
Butler Farm Show (location site of the 7/1/2024 rally)

They’re Incorporated. From the “Our History” tab
On their website: “ As acreage became available, several tracts were purchased, and at present over 100 acres are owned by the Butler Farm Show. About 12 years after the founding of the Farm Show, the grass airstrip on the grounds was replaced with a 2,200 ft. black-topped airstrip, which was named in honor of W. L. Roe, who contributed a great deal to the Farm Show.”

Board of Directors:

President – Ken Laughlin, Butler
Vice President – Ben Patton, Prospect
Treasurer – Cody Stephenson, Chicora
Board Secretary – Ken Metrick, Butler
>Which sniper shot Crooks

See pic >>474459243
from previous thread
vocaroo not allowing me to upload tf
nvm, slowed this one down to 50%

i count 8 shots incoming, 1 outgoing and 1 last ping
what do u guys think?
from this xitter vid

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The Jews tried to murder trump on live tv because he said something positive about Jesus Christ. The Jews killed Jesus so you can’t be Christian and Jewish. Supposedly he said Jesus Christ should be the next president and of course the Jews had a mental breakdown.

The ACR building was (in addition to being part of a high tech glass manufacturing facility) used by law enforcement for tactical training.

On the day of the rally 7/13/2024 it was also occupied by three (3) Secret Service snipers who detected the shooter at least half an hour prior to opening fire

someone repost the news story screencap
The top center frame around 2:02 when the secret service are evacuating the people directly behind Trump instead of interrupting the speech and getting him the fuck out of there is sus af.
There is another piece of info that would help you and that is the vid of the bleachers when Corey was killed and the other spectator was wounded
I watched the same videos tou have, and the TMZ video showing the Crooks aim - as well as the dead prone crooks side photo - are both taken from Crooks' right side. It appears from that perspective that he is closer to that near of the roof.

How many shots did Crooks get off? Do we now have to rely on the honesty of the FBI to get these basic details?
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>1 last ping
this would make sense if there was another sniper team further away which seems to be the case according to that glowie erik prince >>474460796
*AGR building
>How many shots did Crooks get off?
listen to this >>474463000
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This is such bullshit.
It's been established that both the shooter and the snipers were further to the left.
what are u trying to illustrate here with that image?
who is doug?
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Shooter's location
>west side of building—corporate media narrative
I count 7 from one gun
one from a different gun
then one from a different gun
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to me it's pretty clear, the trajectory makes sense for everything, dead firefighter dude, trump and forklift. also explains why the first sniper team fumbled, couldn't properly see the shooter for the tree. dunno why people insist in misplacing the shooter on the roof.
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There were 3 shots, then a pause, then 4 more.
yeah i slowed it down bit more and it does seem to be 7
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The first 7 (not 8) shots have a consistent sound profile, and then the silenced reply at the end of the clip.

Watching the live coverage, the reporters commented that gunshots were still being reported as Trump was being shuffled down the steps (several moments after the initial round of shooting)
>three (3) Secret Service snipers
thought the locals claimed it was their men
Hmm, listening to that I'm inclined to change my perception from 3+5 to 3+4 actually.
It's pretty much impossible because bullet cracks and muzzle report will clearly overlap at some point and we know from that one video that a metal bar was hit behind a spectator and from another video, that a hydraulics unit was pierced. The report of that impact will also distort the audio.
So now I figure it's 3+4 from the shooter who was stopped by a first countersniper shot and a few seconds later, another countersniper shot.
>the reporters commented
but did u watch and listen to this? >>474463159
>So now I figure it's 3+4 from the shooter who was stopped by a first countersniper shot and a few seconds later, another countersniper shot.
agree with this assessment
>locals claimed it was their men
Could be.
so much incomplete or 'convenient omission' news reportage
nobody is making clear what agency/ID these different personnel 'sniper', 'officer' are
Probably for liability reasons atm
From the pic in >>474458765 you can tell that those snipers must be aiming towards the shooter because past that there is nothing but bushes, and of course the water tower but they are not aiming upward, so they must be aiming towards the shooter.
Didnt the locals say they had a team of snipers *inside* the building where the shooter was perched? Just chilling, apparently.
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important to note there are two sniper teams behind the stage, one on each white roof building
I wonder if anyone paid for the paywall for that. What does the rest say?
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Because some trajectory's seem off. There's a video where a bullet hits a metal pipe to the right side of the left screen. Camera pans left and a guy collapses.
That video makes it seem like the bullet whisked through that spectator and then creates that "splash" dust cloud on the metal bar
read the post+picrel I was replying to
The bldg he was on was full of cops. Utter incompetence
Michael you mean
the white shirt dude "collapsing" is on the right side bleachers as far as I remember. the firefighter dude who died had a grey shirt or something. doesn't look at all like the white shirt dude.
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Maxwell doh!
or deliberate-intentional malfeasance
also notice there is no roof behind the display of the left side bleachers, but there is behind the right side bleachers, where the second sniper team was sitting. your photo of the white shirt dude that supposedly died has a white/brown building behind, but no such thing behind left side bleachers from the angle white shirt dude was photographed. he was not the dude who died, he just insta dropped when shooting started.
>The southern team just makes no sense. No sense at all!
Maybe that wasn't their zone to focus on. Whoever did up the planning for securing the area missed the tree as being important.
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u can see it clearly here, the same guys shown in this webm

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>shown in this webm
someone post the full video
>two sniper teams
a third is on the building at lower left of your picrel
(where 'Grand Stand Rd' leads into)
here's the left side bleachers where the firefighter died, there's nothing behind the screen especially at the angle the white shirt dude was photographed. white shirt dude is from right side bleachers.
>sadam hussein
>a third is on the building at lower left of your picrel
post sauce?
just saw a FoxNews clip which stated
>..."we now know that the shooter was seen on that roof without a gun more than 30 minutes prior to the attacks"
that is clearly the right side bleachers and perfectly matches the trajectory for the busted hydraulic line from forklift holding the speaker up.

Here (end of last thread) >>474459243
>hydraulic line
correction; its a hydraulic cylinder on a tele handler
clearly visible here >>474467853
I see now, what I heard originally was standard MSM hysteria and misinformation.

This nigger really was a terrible shot.

Conspiracy theorizing time: The secret service was not in on it, just diverse/ incompetent (I can believe that). However, someone on the inside of Team Trump, who had access to the event security details, passed the information along to this retard.

>but why would this nigga target Trump?
Like Paddock in Vegas, I'm guessing that the investigating parties will not reveal a coherent motive.

Captcha: yyyy
dont think that count as a source
do u have information to confirm where the 3rd sniper team was?
the FN clip also said [this is all part of the incomplete thusfar reporting, culpability by local LE agencies] that they had identified a 'person of interest', which happened to be the perp shooter, on the perimeter of the facility more than an hour prior to opening fire, and were exchanging pictures and information among themselves about this perp
kek never trust the kike media
>>474468265 >>474467021 >>474467935
Excellent that simplifies everything, line of sight means its easy to figure, draw a straight line from bleacher back rail out to infinity, thats the shooter of that shot
yeah whatever I don't know industrial gear names, am ESL. bullet hitting corner of guardrail for rightside bleachers matches the trajectory I drew in this photo >>474465668
someone else mentioned it on another thread,
>third sniper team
>back / opposite side of grounds

I hadn't seen any news report about their *location*, only that there was more than 2 sniper teams
its important to make the distinction between rubber line and an actual cylinder which requires bigger caliber to penetrate
but this is just me being an autist
>corporate media narrative
And still incorrect. I posted a picture of where this sack of shit lay dead when it was all over.
In another video, you can see a trail of blood going down that same position from when they dragged his lifeless corpse off the roof.
the only thing i seen so far mention a 3rd sniper team (not counting the one in the shooters building) is this which i posted earlier >>474439160
checked, yeah No Shit Sherlock.
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Great image. Just wish the circle above the shooter didn't cover the water tower...3 witnesses gave televised reports of shots coming from there. It even has a crows nest. And a perfect line of vision over the entire scene.
someone post webm of dead firefighter being carried out so we see shirt color and also the photo with dead shooter being moved away with blood running down the roof.
circle is annoying but the tower is out
between the jumbotron and the wound angle, it couldnt have come from there
Sloppy Job, Shekelstein.

Thanks. Had bad orientation. Realize now the white crane vehicle is facing left, putting this bleacher on the right side and putting that shot perfectly in line with the rest of the group.

So nothing to see here after all until now. Only uncomfortable questions about who screwed the pooch and how hard.
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this is the only vid i have
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> Matthew Wagner
Why so focused on this guy?
His linkedin has been scrubbed in the meantime, how it looks.
And it seems he's related to a young lady who is connected to some kind of Bethel Elementary School Foundation.
from 0:04 to 0:06 you can see his shirt and even if bloody that's clearly not a white shirt.
How were they not able to atleast put a single burger cop on that roof, a ss agent staged on that roof would be enough.

The guy had help from Satanists deep state individuals. he was told to get a ladder and where to put it and to climb the roof and stay very low once on the roof. He technically did get a headshot. Literally the most obvious spot was left unprotected. As soon as reports of a man with a gun on the roof are made the rally needed to pause and Trump taken offstage until they investigate the claims. This was a clear stand down order.
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They stupidly thought being inside the building was enough
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Not to forget what that stupid bitch Kimberly Cheatle said about "a decision being made" to not put a sniper on precisely that roof because of a "slope" and therefore, "securing the building from inside"
They really think we're retarded. I guess they're right, most people are.
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what about a white shirt? i dont get it
ye looks right to me
These graphics are great. Finally some good threads on this.
some people thought the dude who died was a white shirt dude who dropped after first shot or something.
If the shot was indeed only possible from that cone, that rules out the 2 story warehouse on the left. So probably not local cops shooting the president and setting up a patsy, as is being floated (and not unreasonable). If that's accurate, that is.
what's the yellow line off to the left (intersects west side of bldg roof)?
maybe move the red line a bit to the left to match the position of shooter on roof, he was a bit to the left of the roof pass. but not much
some people are just slow
Someone on the water tower, maybe?
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China must be feeling real smug right now. America and its most important person almost defeated by a slope.
Again, why do we rule out the second story window? Because of Trump's head-turn taking his skull out of the line of fire and even making that graze possible, right?
Keep in mind, anons that by next week (or so) we may have a lot of new info coming out from especially the local LE agencies about what went down at the fairgrounds just prior to the shooting, surveillance of the perp beforehand, 3 snipers inside of the building he shot from, etc.
Nice, anon. Simple yet powerful. Saved!
>Again, why do we rule out the second story window?
If that graphic is accurate, that rules out those windows.

It should be possible to reasonably estimate where the rounds came from based on where they ended up. Its beyond my skills, but that should be possible. That's not a mystery that can stand long.
We do have that photo of the bullet with the trail behind it. That points directly to where it came from, yes? Follow that line?
damn he took the shot through the first forklift, and people. wasn't seen by maybe both sniper teams behind trump. the second team maybe just barely had a clear shot right by the side of the tree.
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perilous slope indeed
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The second forklift was spraying fluid too because it was not
where lottery numbers for next week
Where's the water tower?
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The shots couldn't have came from the water tower though. Too high, wrong angle.
It was shot*
the other snipers behind Trump were on a higher-angle roof, and she actually said that?
I'm guessing that's where shots came from that eliminated the shooter (neck shot). 3 witnesses gave televised reports of shots coming from there.
I just heard he had a van full of explosives outside the venue. How can a 20 year old get explosives like that with no military experience or major connectios? Which glowie group helped him, the ATF?
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She's quite competent, she assures us.
>that rules out those windows.
there is one tht makes it
and it would be the perfect place
the shots would come from behind and above the shooter
the sound would work
the ballastics would work
complete cover and easy escape
and they could gack the shooter to make sure dead men tell no tales
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this perspective is a bit confusing. since the photo seems to be after the event, I suppose the line I circled in blue is the blood from shooter. If I draw a straight line from where his head would have been, to the bottom forklift, it matches for Trump but not really for the dead firefighter.
now, shooter might have panicked and spread the shots, that would explain the slightly off-axis casualty.
yeah there's a whole bunch of misdirection and disinfo stories running rn about this event, anon.
We'll have to wait another week when the reports of local LE malpractice begin leaking out in full because people are going to start clamoring for heads to roll,, soon
Youre being a hammer. Not everything is a nail.

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There is no evidence of that whatsoever.

Eyewitnesses also said Mengele swapped peoples limbs, sewed their hands on backwards, then had them fixed after the war.
Your thread became /MIG/ Mental Illness General. Have a bump, schizos are always good entertainment.
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The bullet came from Trump's left, parallel the stage, behind his head. As such, the shoot had to have been to his LEFT. Everything else is disinfo
Isn't there a bunch of trees further out that way? Could've even had a remote sniper gun or glowie sniper up in a tree farther away
Gouveia is livestreaming about second shooter theories, SS malfeasance :

Is there any view of the gunman's weapon that clearly shows its configuration? Interested to see if it had an optic, etc. Best I've seen is grainy laying on the roof.
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Those ones on the right look too low. Would they be able to see over the roof where the shooter was situated?
not nearly as bad as the 'investigate Shooter himself' threads which are filled with /x/ tier alien intervention/crisis actor trash
Does anyone know what caliber bullets were used? People keep saying it sounded more like a 22 and no sonic crack. Maybe sub sonic bullets?
No we don't have clear distinct pics of the rifle
only 'enhance' from shitty drone footage or cellphone vids
thats fine
but where was the sniper?
theres nothing there. the water tower is too far out of line
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three witnesses in a crowd of one thousand retards. That should be proof enough that there wasn't a shooter in the water tower lol
Shooter used a 5.56 rifle.
the SS designated marksmen behind trump were using .300 Win Mag

some have claimed that a third sniper team, which no one seems to have located-photographed, were using .338 Lapua but I severely doubt that. It would have been .300 Win Mag maximum for this location and mission
Yeah I've been in a few of those. The face blindness is appalling.
Why do people think it sounded quieter than it should've for a bullet like that?
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Lots of well-poisoning and wannabe ecelebs diverting attention to their social media scams about.
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dont overlook the possibility of a loophole
cut out a small piece of the siding
when done, put it back
they could have fired from just under the roof line for additional elevation
how many shots did shooter fire? one stopped in firefighter, one ended up in the forklift, and two wounded, Trump and that lady.
Could have been using subsonic ammo, I know it's popular for .300 blackout. Just because he used an AR pattern rifle doesn't mean it was guaranteed to be 5.56 or .223. You can get an AR in tons of upper configurations including 22lr.
people are making too much of the "how loud" sonic rifle report analysis rn
it's well poisoning mostly.
Shooter was able to fire 3 (maybe ? 4) shots and the rest were counter-sniper response

Listen to some of the various different crowd cellphone recordings, the shots sound/volume differed depending upon proximity (of the recorder), which direction their phone's audio microphone was facing during the shots, lots of factors
>subsonic ammo

it's possible but not necessary to even theorize about. Shooter used a 5.56
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ladder behind open door of the plastic shed.
>how many shots did shooter fire
People are estimating 3, or 4.
no more than that
People that were there when it happened say it sounded like a cap gun
Check the videos. While the view is often obscured, the audio of the shots is clear.

Good shot. I was unable to find one that clear.

>cut out a small piece of the siding
Unless there's some concrete evidence pointing to it not being Crooks, that's highly speculative. Once you go in that direction it could be anything.

Crooks was on the roof with a rifle and his vantage lines up with what went down. So far the basic official story is solid.
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I have cracked the case. By overlaying third-angle project of Trumps right ear, from trumps angle - the ear flipped - we see the wound channel corresponds directly with the angle of attack and vulnerability in the site formation. Notice the orientation of the stands just open in reference to the cross road instead of running true. The shot protected from sniper 1 would be impossible if theater orientation was true.
I estimate the odds of this occurring to be ~10^-9.
The killshot most likely came from the 2nd counter sniper positioned on the rightmost building behind Trump. He was shot straight through his front teeth, probably severed his brain stem and exited the back of his head/nape.
>File : 'New video shows'
We didn't previously have video of him climbing up on the roof?
or is this different
To me it sounded like a light grain ball ammo. Like the cheapest shit you can buy. But don't need much for a heads headshot kill at >150 yards with 5.56
what backwater cops move a body before CSI/coroner has a chance to look at it? unless he was still breathing, in which case they wouldn't be manhandling him so roughly.
5.56 is pretty quiet really. That's why the military uses it now. I shoot my 18" barrel/muzzle break AR without ear plugs regularly. With a pistol upper different story. But from what we can see so far it's a plain Jane off the shelf AR.
OK but where is Saddam Hussein?
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This was released yesterday. Clip is in the gay ass ABC news video.
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Their CGI model is not to scale and is safe to ignore.
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Their work is inferior to the work in this thread by far.
>secret service earnestly wanted to kill trump
>trump is a freemason playing into the assassination attempt using a blood pack
>their goal is to unite and rally republicans so they can be drafted for WW3, just like WW2 only sent republicans to die in war.
This is the main point here and why absolutely nothing the feds say should be believed unless top secret service officials are getting arrested. Negligence as an excuse is not going to cut it, simply unbelievable that that rooftop wasn't secured and some random faggot just strolled on up with a rifle and ladder
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We have the technology, we can repair you.
Well, it'll probably take 25:or 30 years before whatever they are covering up gets declassified, with bits and pieces coming out every now and then in books, congressional hearings, whistleblowers, etc
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Note their animation / diagrams still show him on the
>west side of building roof
Gouveia talking rn about Second Shooter theory >>474474412
Why do they keep showing the shooter in the wrong location> What's the reason when his actual location is clearly established?
>the blood on trump's face was from when he hit the deck
>no apparent ear damage on the day of the shooting
Great WWE stunt freemasons.
That's why I started these threads, anon
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Ah, so not a schizo, just a retard shill. Suck my dick.
IDK there's tons and tons and tons of lies circulating. At first it was he used .22lr. Then it was 'he had no optic' when you can see he has a red dot on his rifle. Now it seems like there's a 2nd guy that the shooter actually matches, and it's possible the government is lying about who took the shot.
I think press got that eye-level video zoomed into the shooter and concluded he's west side of the roof. but that's a stupid assumption because the video perspective tricks you.
Rep. Cory Mills was interviewed earlier today on CNN about need for a thorough investigation
That is weird. He have shots of him on the roof dead, we know where he was exactly.
This is the schizophrenia I come here for lmao
No arrests, no justice. If Trump doesn't have Cheatle in cuffs soon as he's back in office, he's as big a chump as everything knows he is. (He won't do shit.)
The time stamp on the top left shows July 13, whether the ladder behind the plastic shed on the loading dock was used by SS or the shooter? But that is a ladder and could have gotten to where he shot from.
reportedly has close ties to the Cheneys (pics of her w/ Dick), Bidens and is responsible for the deleted J6 texts
Why would you use a fucking red dot for an attempt on the former fucking President though? It's not a long shot but still you don't want a scope for that? Red dot is good 100 yards or less typically. His dad had 20 guns but not a single one with even a 5x scope? Seems odd.
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I put a yellow dot where the firefighter's head would have been, from what I saw in videos/photos he would have been. I traced the path past him, just to get an idea how far off Trump he aimed. Is that divergence normal? I have no idea about guns or aiming them. Is that normal error or large divergence indicative of more?
Can you show me a single image of Trump's ear missing flesh? I've only seen pooled blood in some areas that give the appearance of damage, but no missing flesh.
here is video, though not original. some ass added text.
I'm not technically inclined enough for this, nor care enough, but I want to tell you a secret

You can pinpoint the shooter's location by using videos from the event, pinpointing where the person is taking video from, then synchronizing between videos, then measuring the differences in the sound reaching people. With at least 2 videos, and preferably more than 3, from different positions (further apart the better) this will tell you exactly where the shooter was, what direction the shots came from, and if there were multiple shooters.

You guys do not need to get autistic over photos etc.

Get all the recorded video with audio you can find which includes gunshots
Accurately place the location these videos are filmed
Triangulate shooter location
Show us your meds!
>Not to forget what that stupid bitch Kimberly Cheatle said about "a decision being made" to not put a sniper on precisely that roof because of a "slope" and therefore, "securing the building from inside"
They really think we're retarded. I guess they're right, most people are.

That "Slope" was non existent it was all a lie. My guess is SS has been leaving pockets open at Trump rally all through out the campaign to allow for a lone shooter to take place.
Patsy was set up to hit a random person in the crowd. Trump took a dive. Ready to be drafted?
You guys need to keep up
The new schizo narrative is that the kid missed all his shots because he's a retard but a military sniper was posted on top of the family sports center who took the real shot
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Even when wet that roof posed no dangers to anyone.
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Your story has no legs.
Oh shit you really are fucking retarded lmao.
>it was already a forgone conclusion that the election was rigged for Trump but they had to have him do some pro rasslin' to make it a forgoner conclusioner
Meds with timestamp, now.
The 3 USSS that rushed to him should've already been rewarded or mentioned in some regard. Instead the USSS and local pd rather play the blame game. The fact no heads have rolled or put on the block is odd too.

Anyone remember how in '16 USSS got in trouble because they said they'd refuse to protect Trump. I think we seeing those fruits bear with the USSS current optics.
so true kek
>the building from inside
that same building was used for staging by local Law Enforcement,
and that same day while the shooter was on its roof, below him were housed 3 snipers on overwatch who saw the perp and took pics of/ transmitted to other LE about him being near the building
in fact the pic that first leaked of the shooter himself (w/ Demolition Ranch t-shirt, viewed from above-rear) might have been taken by one of these snipers inside of the building from which he fired the shots ~half hour later
They want Trump to win to relieve pressure on the political apparatus, with CIA Peter Thiel backed Vance as Trump's backup.
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>so true kek
distributed autism works wonders. if only if it weren't for all the well-poisoning diversions and eceleb shilling, these would be much more productive.
To think that most everyone filming there today - almost everyone - has footage to share/sell. There's a lot of video out there still.
Her statement is the sort of thing you say when you helped plot an assassination and don't give two shits what people think.

I've seen this kind of garbage from people before, she thinks she's untouchable, she knows nothing will come out of it, she won't lose her job, she won't be impeached, she won't go in front of a judge, she won't be investigated. She can make up literally whatever stupid shit she wants. She says the first thing that comes to mind - "it's an OSHA violation to have counter snipers or police up there so we didn't do it."

Don't take it as a literal explanation. She is just making shit up. This is always what leftists, sociopaths, and habitual liars do.

What you do is, you don't take her explanation seriously. You jot down that the woman running the secret service is flagrantly bullshitting and lying and move on.
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the local LE (3 snipers in bldg) allowed him to climb on a roof with a rifle in the same building they were in.

let that sink in
>they're powerful enough to do all this, but only if they have Trump do rasslin' moves on stage

Still should have hired Spielberg.
Again I want to remind people of this

If you collect all the video + audio and position videos in a 3D space and do some triangulation for the gunshots recorded, you will triangulate the shooter's location 100%, you will reveal if there were a second shooter. There is absolutely no way to hide it.

You don't need to pour over blurry photos
just grab the videos
place the people recording those videos on a map of the area
triangulate from the sounds of the bullets and gunshots
based autististsts
Shooter used a .223

Which makes ZERO sense for the shot scenario
>concrete evidence pointing to it not being Crooks, that's highly speculative
>highly speculative
i find an organized conspiracy involving leaving a dead patsy as cover for your assassination far less speculative than:
dozens of trained, experienced, well paid professionals acted like complete moronic jackasses and made a complete clusterfuck of their mission
Given that I havent seen a single uncut video that shows the angles we want to see most, Im not sure we ever will. AI is probably scrapping all that shit as its uploaded.

Back in my day we had rotten.com and live leak
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4th row my guy
Yes that's how freemasons operate. They think being a psychopath is the ultimate enlightenment.
>dozens of trained, experienced, well paid professionals
You mean the handful of secret service and then local cops who were fucking off on their phones?
>dozens of trained, experienced, well paid professionals acted like complete moronic jackasses and made a complete clusterfuck of their mission
Incompetence or malice, yeah. There is no evidence that the shooting took place anywhere but where he was stationed.

>"what if something else happened?"
>"what else?"
>"dunno something i have no proof for."
That's the speculative part, not the parts we can already prove. That bullets had predictable, traceable trajectories. There is little mystery there. While not 100% clear, it is fairly transparent in that respect.
I only wonder what boomer / glownigger groomed him and helped him plan
>What's the reason when his actual location is clearly established?
because his real location is invisible to the ss sniper team's original position
which instantly brings up questions about how the shooter knew where the blind spot would be
and wtf that leo team wasnt where they were supposed to be
the only reason we know about them is someone was leaking to save their asses/reputation
SOMEBODY was supposed to be covering that roof and the ss team is in cover their ass mode
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>see he has a red dot on his rifle
I cant
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>Now it seems like there's a 2nd guy that the shooter actually matches
No there's not. Don't be naive.

Seeing as how his family had a nice collection of firearms, what are the odds he went without an optic like that? What are the odds that he wasn't familiar with those and wouldn't have had access?
you are trying to be rational
the first 3 shots were aimed
the second group of 4 were just fired wildly
guns, even crappy ones, are fairly accurate. when someone talks about a shitty gun, its the difference between an 80mm circle group vs a 200mm circle
not several meters difference (there are exceptions, but thats not here)
firing wildly would make the shots go all over the place
The sniper that took him out fired from the airport. Most likely atc tower. Sniper behind trump was overwatch on the shopping center and farm/greenhouses. Screenshot this.
It's in the pic from the news. Picture was taken from above the roofline.
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Looking on Twitter, almost everything about this is bullshit. The well-poisoning has already overflowed into reality and made shit retarded.
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>we know where he was exactly
anon that's why I started these topic threads.
Obviously his DRT pic shows him on the east end of the roof.
Corp media keeps showing, though, these cartoons with shooter-lines emanating towards Trump from the *west* end of the building roof.
Stay away from *all* of the
>who was the Shooter
>shooter was ____________

don't focus on the shooter-perp, rn
we need to map out what occurred at the site.
>You mean the handful
look at the vids again
trump himself had like 8 around him
then 3 tac guys ran up
two sniper teams on the barn roofs
the locals had 3 snipers with their fingers up their asses, plus 3 more uniformed wondering around the building looking on the ground for the guy people were telling them was on the roof
and thats just what is on vid in the vicinity
yes, dozens
Top. Men.
The video you need is from the left side of trump. They could even had film of the shooter.
>SS detail included women
>locals were fucking around on their phones thinking it's easy OT
I'll give you 12 at most.
You may not like it, but this is what we'll trained, experienced professionals look like.
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>What are the odds
see not scope do I
With firefighter Corey Comperatore standing up he is inline with the trajectory of bullets fired (bullet drop added). May he rest in peace.
.223 is fine for that distance. I'd personally use the largest caliber I could get my hands for the most important shot of anyone's life. Bullet drop isn't shit at 140ish yards (AR in general, .223/5.56 in particular is very flat out to 300 yards) so it's fine for that. Out west you can't shoot deer in some places with .223 but yeah 300 win mag or even 30-06 would be my choice.
could be a red dot
yeah maybe a bit lower, so tighter shot than I drew it.
>red dot
>most influential/important shot of anyone's life ever.
Pick one please. If he used iron sights it's even more sus honestly.
The video was about 320p and upscaled by TMZ. That's not worthwhile evidence either way. We'll have to see when they release photos of the weapon proper.

I was just asking gun guys (something I'm not) if that was reasonable. He came from a small town family that owned lots of firearms for most of his life. It wasn't like that Ethan school shooter kid in Michigan, whose parents were morons about guns.

Why would he not have something that he likely had laying around his parents' house that would have helped him significantly?
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theres 6 in this picture alone
then there was the tac team on stage 2
the 2 X 2 snipers
suv driver
Im at twelve ss alone and thats just what can be seen
the the LEO has minimum 3 on vid on the north side
they would have coverage to the south side
and they admitted 3 in the bldg
Wouldn't it be smart to yell "gun" rather than just 'there's a person on the roof!'.

Wouldn't it be an option to fire off a shot towards the roof with your own gun to pre-empt the shooter and create a reaction on the podium? The officer could've opened fire towards the roof as soon as he dropped down, as could any of the officers on the ground looking at him.
You don't need more than irons or a red dot to hit something at 150 yards
they saw this photo posted on TMZ and concluded the shooter is on the west edge of the roof >>474480662
but you cannot accurately judge the distance between the edge and shooter from that angle, and is zoomed in
>well trained, experienced professionals >>474481895
yeah that makes sense
Agreed, news said his dad had “loads of firearms” at the house. I assume would include a solid .308 or 30-30 rifle for deer hunting(which is common in PA).

Unsure what the wind was doing at that time but with a smaller .223 it could have came into play. That big ass flag was blowing perpendicular to trump, which aligns to the missed shot trajectory
>cannot accurately judge the distance between the edge and shooter from that angle, and is zoomed in
additionally, the building foundation is on a gentle shallow swale sloping down to the northeast, which affects perspective on pics/vids shot from the ground level
We discussed this on the preceding thread
i absolutely agree
you would bring every advantage possible
the importance is if he doesnt have one, that is more weight that he did NOT act alone and that he did NOT make the first 3 shots including the one that hit trump

fkn people selling thier footage to tmz
by the time this is done the gun will be the nastiest thing their armorer can whip it to show to the cameras
yo, the PA cops are involved in this. proof

How the fuck did the boomers spot him if he was on that side of the roof? If he moved from the far side over to where he got laced then the snipers in the building next to him HAD to have seen him
the footage made it look right there, but nots not where his body was
i assumed it was a very shallow roof rise and the distance was distorted
Erik Prince stated in a Twitter post that there was a steady 5 mph wind at the time of the attempted assassination.

>Holy shit this footage could maybe show his dead picture being taken on the roof ??
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I didn't say you need anything else to "hit something" I said if you were going to take that kind of shot you'd be an idiot to not use a scope and something bigger than .223/5.56.
Agree 100% it's not like those are super expensive guns, hell you can get a Remington 700 in .338 Lapua if you aren't a poor fag. Again most influential/important shot of a generation. Glad the kid was an idiot desu
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In red is where he climbed onto the building. Is yellow where he was spotted by boomers in the video?

We still have NO EXPLANATION about WHERE his dead pic came from.
Was it posted here first ?
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The spotter were watching Trump from behind the fence in the area marked in yellow.
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Hold up, so did he shoot trump then turn to shot the fans in the bleachers?
Never mind, I was down one row.

This is right:
Now that I think about it, I'm an idiot. Sneaking a gun that size up there would be difficult, at least an AR broken down would fit in a large ish backpack. Still no scope is sus AF at this point.
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from this angle he looks right above the roof pass. I traced what I believe to be the roof pass between the two roofs. his dead body appears slightly to the right of this line, in the other photos. I see no reason for him to go to the other side of the roof when he'd just make himself visible to the snipers. he also knew he was seen by people filming him so I suppose he went straight up to take the shot. and it's where he was killed.
running low on post count
any parting words on the THREAD TOPIC?
I still say chud patsy on the roof left to be the lone gunman
real shooter was in the warehouse behind him
locations are close
they admitted they had guys in the building
its been a good thread
how is the crowd seeing him so clearly unless hes close to the edge?
is the grass so elevated you can see down the roof?
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OC, taken at 6:09. Not sure if this helps anyone
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>numerology wank
kys cloutchasing faggot

These are good threads. Anyone baking?
Probably not

but if you have video that records the audio when the shooting starts and your position can be pinpointed in the video, it will be useful for any anons planning on triangulating the shooters position based on gunshot audio

which I keep harping on about but keep getting ignored
It looks like he's lying dead over a gun. He must have had two guns set up there in 2 separate spots that he could then bear-crawl between to evade suspicion from Trump's SS Roof Sniper.

Explains the SKYNews footage where the body looks far away from a gun.
seems a bit weird but zoomed in. photo doesn't seem to be taken from windows of two story building. top one is wrong perspective with roof line, its over it. from lower window seem too low. so it's zoomed in through the gap between taller building and the building he was on.
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Possible location for a second shooter?



That wasn't too far from where he his body was found. At the end of the video it shows him sidling over forward and to the left. That was a couple minutes before shooting took place.
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its just so bizarre, from the video it looks like you can see enough of the roof without even needing a ladder
you can see him up at the very top as shown from videos as well

how do police miss him?
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>second shooter
You are hallucinating again. Take your meds.
PS - building is taller and only 240m from don
Is that dirt on his leg or tattoos?
Maxwell Yearick had this picrel tattoo on his right knee

- 2nd shooter video posted earlier (dont have webm link atm but its on X) ; 2 inviduals both hit at the same time + hydraulics

See this X Thread : https://x.com/I_Am_JohnCullen/status/1813332383262998882 Ignore first graphic and go to 2nd post
see discussion on this thread (and previous) anon, it's partly due to the ground level camera angles but also that the building itself is on a shallow swale that slopes down to the northeast, the roofline therefore appears a bit lower (than if ground surface was flat level) and the cameras may distort perspective and distance
>Anyone baking
shame to let em go
but Im out
been here too long already
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This is huge !! Pls repost the webm video tat shows em both hit at the same time + hydrolics for people that don't use X
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yeah looking at this photo >>474484493 and picrel it looks like a different fucking roof. see the tree at the end of building next to pass? missing from >>474484493 picrel. doesn't look like the same roof which is weird
Why would you use a proper scope when you are facing down countersniper teams that are specifically looking for any hint of a scope. A red dot for that distance seemed to do just fine considering how close the bullets got to trumps brain case.
I wpuld reckon its probably the primary factor in why the countersnipers didn't fire first.
Webm : you can clearly see at the end they both fall at the same time. How could shooter shoot them both from where he was ?

kinda seems like it
>holy shit that bullet actually hits 3 people !!!

You can see the fire-chief get headshotted at the end. People close to him were saying he got hit in the head. Need higher res but that kid couldnt hit those 3 from where he was no way !!
RIP Corey Comperatore
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its not missing
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Just like the local Uvalde cops. Submitting to the orders of random glownigger Feds bossing them around on dinky company-issue cell phones.
the video of the shooter crawling on the roof seems to show him moving upward, and from left to right, going higher, which suggests the video was made from the grassy area. Also, the people witnessing him seem to be on the grass, not in the parking lot. So from that video it appears this corporate media image would be accurate, that the shooter was crawling upwards towards the roof peak, and somewhat close to the edge. The redhair witness said he was about 50 ft away. I dont know how the witnesses standing on the grass would see him crawling clear across on the other (rightward) side of the roof towards the parking lot.

New thread: >>474485691
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Yeah I saw that. That tall firefighter might have also literally blocked the shot of the attempted assassination.
The shooter was probably seething he missed when his head got blown the fuck off by based Rooftop Snipe.

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