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Previous threads:

>Exhibit 1 (original OP video, analyzing audio)
>Exhibit 2 (in-depth John Cullen presentation/interview)
>Exhibit 3 ("4 shooters", more audio analysis)

Highlighted posts from thread #3
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>1st vid hypothesis
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posting this so it doesn't get lost

cops caught setting up fake classmates to give fake interview about crooks:

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Does he fucking mind?
The most obvious arguement against this hypothesis: how do 2, "or maybe 3", shooters ALL miss their mark?
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Well since he liked it i would say he does ??

Can anybody make a better graphic with FBI whistleblower @TonySeruga statements and @911Gene digs on the GMC Safari ?
>If you can include the digs about Paddock driving 12h from Arizona to LV, suspected "gun runs" that would be AMAZING because it's also what FBI whistleblower @TonySeruga speaks about
Tony Seruga sounds like a grifter desu senpai
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I do not agree he was personal friend with Garry Webb
The infamous whistleblower who suicided himself with 2 bullets in the head
No his deal is realpolotik, he hasn't had real loyalty since the man on his back. One factoid I like but don't use too oftine since it is rated rare, is Nixon was a carney in prescott arizona before politics, made him a wheeler and dealer. I think Stone saw something similar in trump, but he is just relaxing and watching the circus now I think.
>911 Dispatch call mention suspect fleeing into the woods
Why doesn't this guy provide any proof, such as license plates for the SUV etc? His posts sound compelling but seem to have literally zero sources to confirm them.
He has active sleepers that feed him info.
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thanks for your jewtube links but now they want me to login to watch their f. crap, hate kikes, death to all kikes
anyone got the video of the lady saying the police shot a dude in the water tower
I don't think he is sharing any meta data because he might be working with authorities
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Here https://x.com/I_Am_JohnCullen/status/1814895924008644894
>911 Dispatch record says it too
Try this link:



Well, holy shit so the kids that pretended to be Crook's classmates were pulled over by police for exploding fireworks in car---they filed it. Next thing you know the same kids are giving interviews about being Crook's classmates.

This is Grady Lewis ("eyewitness" to Payton Grandon Buffalo Supermarket) all over again.
grayjay, best app hands down, usewindows susbsystem android (WSA) if you want to use it on desktop. its easily the most privacy focused way to watch yt shit (or any other video platform for that matter). its supposed to get desktop support literally any day now.
> Multiple shooters
> All of them failed
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It wasn't the water tower it was a nearby tree, there was no zipline but I circled this area on the map the other day as the place FBI were canvassing homes because of this video and what the eye witnesses said. I believe that dude is distraction. Motorcycle guy- is who we want.
Second video has recap of first video and a site visit.
But including this one in case you want to watch them both.


That dude is full of shit and this story started coming after we started looking into this--motorcycle. I have him parked RIGHT UNDER THE LIGHT visible in the laughing cop pic that day caught in Japan news video. I have him parked right there in another video the day after.

Came on a harley, left???
So he really was a patsy - they're trying to hard to portray him as a lone gunman. It's all coming together in these threads. It's almost funny, but I know they'll get away with it again. Same as with 2020 elections. It's all so tiresome.
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>Here https://x.com/I_Am_JohnCullen/status/1814895924008644894


I don't think it can be the actual water tower but a tree...perch somewhere in that red circle.
I've wrestled with the water tower since day 1 applied logic etc.
Wasn't there another team of snipers on the roof behind the one you marked? Those would have had a clear line of sight on Crooks
I said day one as soon as I saw this image, that poor Crooks was a patsy. I doubt if he even got a shot off (much like Paddock--shot dead the instant they breached his room then set it up to look like a suicide forgetting the fucking 38 casing landed on dried blood.)

I saw the laughing cops, then picl rel and I knew. This image is so unethical and vile it blows my mind that there's no outrage. This is not proper crime scene work neither is the FBI agent hosing off the roof.

Yanks the kid's head back and takes a photo--which unbeknownst to these glowniggers gives away that he was shot from the rearish not through the mouth as the gov claims. His teeth are protruding outward, blood flow indicates back to front...I felt so sad for this kid, Our government is truly evil.

Then there's the Yearick glownigger agent of swerve. Really got upset when motorcycle dude got fingered.
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I don;t have the sniper locations marked there as it's not my map. I just used one I DL to show where I think the dude was in the trees.

There were only two sniper teams--floppy hat and ball cap. There was no overwatch on the water tower they needed that area clear for the contractor. I don't think someone could have gone up that caged ladder without being noticed let alone be on that platform behind a 5-7 foot rail without being noticed. I think the post was in the trees near the water tower...

Van was parked somewhere in the circle and the tree is somewhere in the square.

Cullen has changed his "this is the trajectory" story several times. He's mean as a snake to anyone that disagrees even though they're right.
Does this dude think people are stupid? LOL any shooter won't be carrying a cell phone trackable--because they'd know they could be tracked.

How did Tony get access to that data? NSA just said, hey dude...or are they using the story that people inside the government want to expose...even if they did what fucking "assassin" that didn't want to get caught is carrying a fucking cell phone?

Glowniggers always glow, their light never dims, retired or not.
Roger Stone is a Jew and a perverted parasite host.
What is the blue water tank? The water tower is white, it's a tower not a tank yet the police audio says:

""Shots fired toward the blue water tank"
qrd in 3 sentences pls i'm not watching all this

5:51 Water tower is clear.

There is no cover for a covert shooting. They would have done better to place owverwatch there--visible, then claim the shots came from the trees. Instead they're now pushing water tower when it's clear there's no cover.

Controlled opposition tossing bones for people to follow or is Cullen just that egoistic and blind?
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thats not crooks, last threads had so much proof. >>474932428 >>474932104 >>474928386 >>474928526 >>474932779 >>474982230
not to mention the edited shoes. crooks, (the fucking moonface window pic) had white socks as well.
I dont see why through the mouth and out the back leaving couldnt have blood run downwards, he was prone afterall, which was on the original tmz phone recording. no idea what happened to crooks but they were both there clearly.
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JAYSUS FUCKINH CHRIST yearick glownigger do you never sleep?

That is homeless bike dude sitting on the ground. Nothing is fucking blurred, you're using the tiktok video with the stupid music and word overlay.

You fucking glownigger trolls are the ones posting new and shit images. And making your own blurs.

Show us on the dolly where Yearick touched you.

Shooters are
>Thomas Crooks - shot from the window left of Yearick's body on the roof
>Micheal Yearick - shot from the roof top
>Kennon Hooper - shot from the water tower
>SS snipers next to Trump - shot the guy on the water tank - killed the 800f shooter
>1400f Shot (behind the water tank) - shot Yearick on the roof, in the back of his head
>Crooks got killed inside the building left of to rooftop building yearick was on and the countersniper in, by the cs.
The only thing that keeps me open-minded to the concept of several shooters is the fact that this is clearly a glow-op based merely on the sheer overwhelming "incompetence" of security officials, seemingly deliberate loops in the security setup, refusal to provide more resources, as well as a couple of surrounding themes such as the big $DJT short order for Monday the 15th of July, as well as MSM media's pathetic initial attempt to downplay the assassination as "Trump falling down" due to "popping noises" and "muh teleprompter"

It couldn't be more obvious that this whole assassination was planned in ahead with officials within Secret Service told to "let it happen" and FBI being told to brush it under the carpet.

In these scenarios, it's unlikely the glowscum will bet on a single shizzo FBI asset if they have a variety of options (such as the water tower just as an example)

Beyond that, there was obviously a concerted effort by several feds using the Name "IT WAS CROOKS" active ll day on /pol/ yesterday literally shitting up every thread, even off-topic, with ad hominems and strawman spam to derail the conversation from the Maxwell Yearick theory.

>911 Dispatch record says it too
Where can I hear any audio from July 13th?
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When I become leader of the free world I am going to make what you fuckers do punishable by life in prison.
read thread. I made an mp4 of Cullens stupid ass music video.


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The water tower could be considered light blue, see picrel
bruh this was like over a week ago, who the fuck cares. boring
>it's a tower not a tank
I wonder are you being this stupid out of igorance, or malice?
By specifying "water tank" the officer is in effect narrowing down the vicinity by describing the "tank" part of the tower, as opposed to the pillars, ladders or stairs etc.
based and living-in-the-now-pilled
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You missed, Mr. Bond.

Why ? Dont you like the truth you stupid glownigger
> downloads a zip-file
No thanks.
Why are there so many water bottles on the ground?
It was a hot day. And unlike the area just around voting booths, it's legal to give out free water to people attending a rally.
Lmao, it's beyond awful.
Yeah just fuck off glownigger/leftyshill/whatever the fuck you are. every single poster ITT can see through your bullshit. All the top autists are here. Go back to your slide+shill threads for <90 IQs and stop wasting your time
What, having fun?
Lefties confirmed as boring faggots.
Although it's interesting that apparently the shot went from the neck from the front left out the back right, there's a small inconsistency in the text of this image.
We don't know for sure which counter shot killed the shooter.
The second salvo, the rapid one is ended abruptly due to a counter shot.
After this, a civilian is heard saying "Careful guys, he might turn this way" and then seconds later, the second counter shot is heard, after which a civilian immediately exclaims "He's down... he's down"
In light of this and the fact that the shooter's body is about two feet away from the precipice, it is quite likely that the first shot wasn't on target and only suppressed further assassin fire, causing the shooter to crawl backwards in prone about two feet, and then the second shot likely killed the shooter.
This is important to consider because it's unlikely the shooter got up to move backwards crouched, he will likely have moved backwards crawling in prone, making a second shot (this time on target) from the front all but impossible, because of the precipice.
>In light of this and the fact that the shooter's body is about two feet away from the precipice,
exactly and he was near the overhang with the security light that is seen in the laughing cops image...so how did his body get here, his gun 15 feet from him and the backpack about 40 feet--laying on belly hands cuffed behind.
1/2 note the light. that light is mounted on the dark siding overhang. the rest of the building is the light siding.
Now look at where his body is. Note the overhang with dark siding and the security light.

I made lines for the cops.

Then note where his body is located.
The Secret Service's performance was so bad during the preparation for and the conduct of the 7/13 Trump rally it leads people to believe that it had to be a planned assassination attempt.
- leaving the grounds 100 yards away from Trump's stage unsecured,
- leaving a roof top 150 yards from Trump's stage unsecured
There was no overhead drone surveillance used despit overhead observation being SOP for outdoor events such as this rally
- letting Trump go on stage while there was a reported threat in the area
- keeping Trump on the stage while people in the crowd are screaming that there is a guy with a rifle on the roof 150 yards away from Trump
- not having a reaction force available to respond to multiple reports of an armed person in the immediate vicinity.
- local cops bumbling around unable to communicate with the Secret Service
- Three two man teams of USSS snipers with scoped rifles were focused on Thomas Crooks because people were screaming "There is a guy on the roof with a rifle !!!" but for some reason they did not shoot while Thomas Crooks took position over the peak of the roof and aligned his sights on President Trump.
The part of this thing that nagged me was why would they trust Thomas Crooks with taking the shot ? He is not a professional and it does not make sense to have a goofy 20 year old as the key player in this scheme. Thomas Crooks was the patsy all along. The guy that rode up on the black Harley Davidson and took the shots indicated by the pink rings in the audio analysis was the professional assassin.
Crooks got in trouble about 5 years ago for calling in a bomb threat to his high school. I think this is when the Feds started grooming him.
Crooks was a young person with no friends and very vulnerable emotionally. Someone could have easily been assigned to him to be a friend, secret confidant. The agent could even tell Crooks he or she was married so they have to keep everything very secret. An age difference if the agent was like 25 would also be reason to ask Crooks to keep everything very secret.
I think the feds started grooming Crooks when he got in trouble for his bomb threat about 5 years ago.
Conversely he was close enough to the edge, as seen in laughing cop pic and this image taken from bystander video, that he was visible to the ground which he would not have been if he was positioned where his body is located.

I believe that marking trajectory based on the body on the roof image will give an inaccurate trajectory versus computing it from nearer the overhang.

This is the cement wall that the glowniggers photographed him sitting on which means they were in a window. You can see him easily. That position is just below the area where the light siding part of the building joins the overhand dark siding. He crawled straight upward which is exactly where he got shot from rear and an angle and exactly where his body is when the cops are standing over him...but no where near the place his body was in the other image top down where he's in the middle of the roof.
How many ejected cartridges did the FBI recover from the roof area Thomas Crooks was laying on ? If multiple audio sources prove 8 shots were fired by the assassin the FBI should have 8 spent cartridges from Crooks AR15.
Every weapon marks a cartridge when it is fired. The firing pin, bore and ejector all make marks on the cartridge that are specific to the rifle that fired them. It is similar to fingerprints.
The FBI should have 8 spent cartridges that all match to Crooks AR 15 in evidence.
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I am generally confused as to what transpired on that day, especially after all the shots were fired.
Like, did that trail of blood actually come from the cops hosing down the blood? Because I don't know any picture of the body with that blood trail afaik
And this picture is also real sus. When was it taken? How did the rifle get to that position, if it wasn't an officer who picked it up and moved it?
Unless the shooter was crouched, took a hit to the neck, did a 360° spin and launched his AR several feet away ending up in a prone position on his belly again lol
Not sure if anything has been found/mentioned. Strange to say normally there would be pictures on all news sites. Seems most sharticles just mention an AR-15.
There was a widely distributed photo of an officer pulling the rifle out of Crooks dead hand. It is procedure to move the rifle away from a shooter.
I am sure the first police on the roof took the rifle out of Crooks hand and placed it a few feet away.
I don't know what to make of all these pictures because they give a distorted perspective. I mean, clearly, this photo was made from far away and from the other side of the building. You can tell by the angle of the light post, the angle of the slope (lol) and the color of the wall that this was made from the field to the west of the shooter building
Hopefully, we will know more by Tuesday, but I fear that the next two days are gonna be nothing but deflection and hiding behind secrecy due to ongoing investigation.
Okay, so a cop got on the roof, removed the rifle, then went back down again, and then the other officers came and cuffed him?
The photo showed 2 or 3 officers in tactical gear on the roof with one of them pulling the rifle out of Crooks hand. These were the first officers up on the roof.
Crooks body was left on the roof for a long time before it was removed. As long as the area was secured around the building with a police perimeter there would be no reason for an officer to sit on the roof all day with Crooks dead body.
Tuesday? Is there meant to be some kind of statement?
The Biden administrations Department of Justice has determined that nothing was done wrong. People that continue to think something is amiss will be attacked by Joe Biden flying an F15 fighter jet.
Something I've been thinking is, what if Trump himself had team much further out that keeps the SS in line. Or if there was an internal government faction who knew about this event, and had guys organized to stop it? This would explain 2 things: why we're not getting more info (the public knowing would be bad because a divided internal government would make us look weak to our citizens and foreign adversaries) and it would explain the additional gunfire at provable different ranges based on audio/weird sighting reports from witnesses.
>will be attacked by Joe Biden flying an F15 fighter jet.
A tactical snooze and nose dive into my house?
He will be wearing his cool Ray Ban sunglasses and everything.
Fucking retards. Every shooter would have to be just as fucking retarded as you to not hit the dude. Multiple shooters... muliple angles yet still impossible to make a shot? Come the fuck on you fucking morons this is getting stupid.
Looking back at this pic
it looks like he might be tied up. Hard to tell.

>what if Trump himself had team much further out that keeps the SS in line
There would be no way to hide this from the USSS and there would be a huge media public freak out if Trump did this

>the public knowing would be bad because a divided internal government would make us look weak to our citizens and foreign adversaries)

We are already here and everyone knows it IMHO
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Any more photos of the homeless dude? It the black Ballard in this photo reminds me of the bottom left of the “Thomas was alone” picture from 2July.
Kimberly Cheatle was subpoenad to appear before a House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Monday.
On Tuesday, the cops got 'splainin' to do, afaik.
Ok that's fucking crazy


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Doubt. If that photo is even relevant, I assume the meaning is
> shooter from vantage point, perspective, line-of-sight
> sloped roof (lol can't make this up)
> bird's eye view of roof
> side view of Trump stage
Ah yeah, I saw that. Is she also going to resign? I'm sure I saw something about that.
Oswald moved to Russia in Oct 59 and was unable to even ask for water from the nurses in hospital for food poising but left the hospital shortly later fully fluent in the unusual Belarusian dialect. When he returned home in June 62 he was 4 inches shorter than his military records previously showed him to be. His brother noticed that the hair on the top of his head was spiraled in the opposite direction than it had been when they were younger.. and the congressional investigation also noticed that his tattoo was significantly different than had been photographed prior to his two and a half years spent in the Soviet Union Russia.

Pretty easy to use modern methods to examine the images of before and after he went to Russia.

My assessment is that the jews responsible for the action against jfk wanted to be in position to blame Russia with all the media under their control if they lost control of the single shooter narrative or the investigation were to expand beyond their control.

Would have been a pretty different result if /pol/ had been around to notice things 60 years ago. But have we even begun to scratch the surface here?
Who the hell are these two factions of jews either supporting or trying to eliminate Trump?

> same blue shorts
> same T-shirt
> same haircut
> dude with black t-shirt that also got busted standing behind him
LOL what are the odds, huh
All of this. Add in the lies from Dir. "DEI" Cheatle about how the roof was "too sloped" and "dangerous".
The fact that the Director of the USSS lied so poorly and brazenly the first time she had a microphone in front of her is a very strong tell that the official narrative is a lie.
This video covers most of what happened, and debunks a lot of bullshit in this topic and from other schizos.
It literally has video evidence of Crooks shooting.
Crooks was the intended patsy for an assassination operation that went wrong 6 ways from Sunday.

But it was Yearlick that went up on that roof & after getting spotted by people not in on the operation, he ran up the steep roof & started firing early, setting off a chain of events that screwed everything up.

Only the deep-state Biden administration could screw the easiest of evil operations up.

Also, this video at 12:03 shows there is NO ONE on the water tower. NO ONE.
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Tell me if this is the arm of Crooks? Because it's isn't. Crooks & yearlick were dressed EXACTLY the same and were at the Trump rally.
See comparison.

The FBI/SS/Biden admin already had the story written that the shooter would be this Crooks 'incel'. As socially awkward as Crooks is/was (look at the videos), he was actually a goofy go along to get along kid.
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>See comparison.
awwww. you mad video evidence doesnt allow you to muddy the waters with your stupid bullshit?
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>video evidence
a computer generated simulation is not 'video evidence'. This may shock you, but Star Wars isn't real either.

Go ask your dad's boyfriends for help
The homeless dude is relevant because the resident glowniggers here tried to use his bike as a mode of transportation for Crooks. They posted this pic to muddy waters.

Homeless dude is being interview on what he saw from where he was sitting on the ground in the other images.

Fuckwad blurred another image of Crooks on the roof that was another unreleased pic--he blurred out the shoes to keep his Yearick Twins narrative going.
there's literal cell phone footage of Crooks crawling on the roof and shooting you fucking retard. LOL
If you heard the Grady Lewis interview you'd recognize the tactics. I had that on streamable and they deleted it as a violation (not sure why it was 25 seconds long) and Catbox won't take it...but long story short Grady got tapped to be the eye witness because he's a pedo who had charges pending--reckon they were dropped...in exchange for a little help.

Problem is Grady did such a bad job the reporter is heard prompting him (he did two interviews the daylight one where he fucked up and a nighttime one where he mostly nailed it.)

OK found another site to upload it--grab it fast

this is the daytime interview he fucked up.

SO similar to the kids--they must have filmed themselves being filmed.

The funny part is the kids filmed all this themselves and put it on worlds star--even filmed themselves giving fake classmate videos.
Obviously the first shot clipped trump’s ear and then he hit the deck. Use your brain.
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>Oswald moved to Russia in Oct 59 and was unable to even ask for water from the nurses in hospital for food poising but left the hospital shortly later fully fluent in the unusual Belarusian dialect.
Oswald was assigned as the bodyguard for a young girl science prodigy who, in high school, had learned how to consistently "infect" rats with cancer. The girl had been given a classified research job on a project that used a particle accelerator to irradiate diseases seeking to create highly infectious cancer causing agents.

The accelerator was installed in a non-descript building in a residential area of New Orleans. The neighborhood was too dangerous for an autistic genious 19 year old girl to be on her own, so the government assigned her a bodyguard. His name was Lee Harvey Oswald. picrel.
Have any of you seen this BadKitty thread? The water tower is still in play...

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>Obviously the first shot clipped trump’s ear and then he hit the deck. Use your brain.
Not obvious at all that it was the first shot.
>What are echoes
why am i not suprised at all. i mean kids do commit crimes but this speaks to a more sinister involvement of law officials. jews rape kids
thanks for keeping this going aquafresh bro
it's basically the only important thread, the usual suspects are already trying to get everyone to "move on"
Was the goverment involved in the shooting was it one of their snipers like JFK?
I stumbled on Original Joe Biden in campaign against Obama---basically letting Obama know he knows he fucks men.

but you've already "moved on" from the FBI and S.S. being in on it, to trying to find some bullshit second shooter. We have enough from the blackrock video ad, their short on DJT, scrubbing the short and evidence of Crooks communications with their cyber meltdown. Fuck off with this stupid second gunman theory. This isn't JFK, and you're not Kevin Costner.
One thing that makes me think this kid was a patsy rather than not is, if he had the intellect to pull this off - why wouldn't he also have the intellect to use a mock police uniform to protect himself from theoretical oncoming fire before getting in his shots?
When Thomas climbed the roof, he shimmied up the sloped roof whilst line of sight of counter sniper team A, but not of B.
If you pay attention to counter sniper team B, at the beginning of the rally, they're pointed opposite of Thomas upcoming position, but at the time of Thomas engagement, team B is directly facing him and looking at him.
Clearly if he had the IQ to get to that point, why didn't he have a uniform on that would have dissauded that team B from taking shots before he did?
If he's not a patsy, this dude had world class "fuck it we ball" energy.
Source of left photo? I have never seen that one before
Simple. He was told he was allowed to shoot and to get away with it, and the idiot believed it
Get this - matthew yearick has a sister in pa right? Well guess what her name comes up quite a bit on wiki leaks as well in stratfor emails. She was a nanny for some rich family in nyc.
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You need to understand that this is their M.O. They recruit a patsy and then carry out whatever operation and pin it on them. The kraft used the Tsarnaev brothers as patsies. The FBI has been caught multiple times grooming underage kids into committing acts of terrorism and arresting them just before they carry out their FBI planned mission. What if the FBI WANTED it to succeed. Maybe they, allow the shooter to get in position and take a shot and have their own backup sniper too. You can't kill ma president and not have a patsy, everyone would know the government killed him.
Hello is this SwissAnon that was leaking Ukrainian hitmen infos ?
I think you are right about the inside part.
>911 dispatch
«I got one down inside»

You might be right. I don’t know.
But it’s clearly what 911 dispatch says. Maybe it looked blue to him ? Kek
Here Anon.
>Complete 911 Dispatch audio we have access to with filtered noise : https://x.com/chadlipscomb2/status/1814416400670171486?s=46&t=iYTTjHlGtNuXVe7PphIQKA
>I got one down inside
>Shots fired shots fired blue water spank
>A suspect fled into the woods
>Report of a unreported female gunshot victim

WTF ??
I wasn’t able to find the source of 911 dispatch .. I had it yesterday it’s a local radio their website had .fm domain name
Shut the fuck up retard the man lived because of an heal tilt
They had two Pulitzer photographs front row ready to take the perfect frame of his head being blown out
You are a faggot cuck nigger
its literally confirmed there were two shoots at this point. first 3 shots were taken by weapon A most likely in the window and missed then crooks fires from the roof last 5 or 6 shots so he gets the 'glory' he wanted as the guy who killed trump when in reality he was a willing patsy
Yeah it is.
There were three shots before Trump hit the deck.
Yeah, the multi-shooter stuff just seems like a distraction to keep people from focusing on what matters. 1) We know that local PD snipers were posted on the 2nd floor of the AGR building facing toward the rally. Where they still there during the shooting? If not, why not? 2) How and when did the van end up in Butler? Who was it registered to?
Figure out the answer to those two questions and you know everything.
Cool, another idiot.
By the time the third shot rings out, Trump is already reacting by touching his ear.
Due to the fact that it takes a moment to process pain and lift your arm, it's clear the first shot was on target and Trump dodged it by turning his head.
But by all means, keep muddying the waters by talking shit.
>Why doesn't this guy provide any proof
Because he's a conspiracy theorist. They think conjecture is proof.
>Multiple Shooters
yeah DUH! the kid fired, then law enforcement fired.
I'm not arguing about which shot hit his ear, I thought you were trying to say that Trump hit the deck after the first shot. My point is that, if there were really multiple shooters, and if the other shooter(s) were actual snipers, then they somehow missed three times. Not a very plausible theory. This multi-shooter stuff is just a distraction, it's probably not true, and even if it is, it doesn't really tell us who is behind this.
1. Focus on why the local PD snipers left their 2nd floor post, and 2. Focus on the van - who did it belong to and how did it get there?
Fuck you faggot we have 911 dispatch records


(Updated it woods or blocks, what you think anons ?)
>Shots fired shots fired blue water tank
>I got one down inside
>Reports of an unreported female GSV
>2 people into the «blocks» or the «woods» ? This fkn dispatch bitch can’t articulate

(Sorry not meant to spam but Updated it. Woods or blocks, what you think she says anons ?)
3) Who got Austin to order 11 million put options on $DJT, who ordered the other 4 million?
4) Who "made the decision" according to Cheatle that the roof was too sloped to put a sniper up there?
5) Why did SSCS2 not take the shot despite the fact that video shows them aiming and observing in that direction?
6) Why are there eyewitness reports of a "gentleman" being "killed in the watertower", backed up by police audio of "Shot's fired towards the blue water tank, blue water tank outside" (yes, it is light blue)
7) Why was the shooter's blood hosed down so quickly after the shooting, during such a monumentally relevant historical event
8) Why is media purposefully giving false accounts of shooter and countersniper positions as well as directly after the event ("Trump fell" after "Popping noises")
9) Who made the decision at CNN to visit a Trump rally for the first time?
10) What made Douglas Mills decide to make a photo series with 20 frames per seconds with a state-of-the-art camera in exactly the moment of the bullet whizzing past Trump's ear during a run-of-the-mill election rally speech?

Just a few questions I have off the top of my head.
Fuck I’m phone fagging this pasta is reeeeeee
Series of shots:
1) Trump grazed, Doug Mills photo,
2) Trump shocked, touches ear, near miss
3) Trump already going down
> My point is that, if there were really multiple shooters, and if the other shooter(s) were actual snipers, then they somehow missed three times.
If there were multiple shooters, then it isn't determined that they shot at Trump at all.
The main culprit might have panicked due to being spotted and fired off prematurely, ruining the plan.
Then, when it was too late, backup shooters might have decided to abort and taken the shooter out to tie up loose ends.
It might be that there was only one shooter, but then I do ask myself where all these reports of a person in the water tower come from.
>Shots fired shots fired blue water tank
Wrong. It's
>Shots fired shots fired TOWARDS THE blue water tank, blue water tank outside
Are people too stupid or lazy to write proper transcripts these days? Some faggot on GLP wrote shots fired FROM the blue water tank and that is fucking not what is being said!
INB4 not blue, yes it's light blue
INB4 not a water tank, yes it is morons
>Doug was there to capture Trumps head being blown out on a still-frame
And he was not the only one. We need «SwissAnon» back he clearly wasn’t a civilian normie and seemed to know stuffs
All posts from «SwissAnon» here
Whoever transcribed that did a shit job:
1. Shots HARD toward the blue water tank - should be FIRED
2. That's WHY - should be RIGHT
3. THEY secure inside - should be STAY
It continues like that.
But the worst one is WOODS. I can't tell what they are saying, but it definitely isn't WOODS.
>4) Who "made the decision" according to Cheatle that the roof was too sloped to put a sniper up there?
But they did have snipers up there, inside, on the second floor. That's the whole story - find out why they weren't still up there when the shootin happened. Who called them off, or did they just leave, or where they still there and watching?
>If there were multiple shooters, then it isn't determined that they shot at Trump at all.
If the other shooters didn't even shoot, then what's the point of this thread, and all these sound analysis links?
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CIA niggers did it. Everyone knows it.
>shots fired shots fired towards the blue water tank (says left side?)
>I got one down on the Inside. Medical crew get in command medical crew get in command. G-12-3 let me know what you need
>All EMS crews all EMS crews get inside buildings. Stay secure inside buildings.
>To the ones, to all unites be advised we’re evacuating
>Stay inside the buildings we are evacuating the crowd
>Copy crowd is evacuating crowd is evacuating
>All units operating butler farm show grounds. Facilities on lockdown everyone stay inside
>Operations on fire upstairs (are they talking about shooters in the building?)
> All units operating butler farm show grounds. Facilities on lockdown everyone stay inside
>Operations on fire upstairs (again?)
>BMT Caldwell 2 Any «undistinguishible» (con-quarantine?) units
>I have two in the (blocks, woods or something else)
Are you happy Anon ?
Are you a stupid fed or just stupid?
I'm talking about
> a decision was made not to put a sniper on that (sloped) roof for safety reasons
Guess what, shitbrains. The snipers on the second floor did literally shit to stop the shooting. And guess what, shitbrains. The preliminary assessment indicated precisely the ROOF of that building as a threat. But a decision was made not to put a sniper on the roof
You're just as stupid, monkeybrain. He doesn't say "That's right" he says "OUTSIDE" the blue water tank OUTSIDE as opposed to INSIDE
In the video ? Yeah Its AI auto speech to text
See my precious post
> (says left side?)
No, he clearly says OUTSIDE
Then the next one says "I got one down on the INSIDE" (referring to the shooter within the bubble, on the roof)
This is literally the easiest part of the audio to understand
I think he says left side ?
Either left side or outside
I don’t think they would lose time to refer to «Inside and outside bubbles» in those situations Anon lol.
What you think
<Operations on fire upstairs
Means ?
Thank you
he didn't miss, trump moved, although it seems like it was a long way from 'between the eyes'
maybe they were going for a "shock&awe" head-split like jfk, or maybe the pro wanted it to look amaturish
This thread glows.
> I don’t think
>The snipers on the second floor did literally shit to stop the shooting.
Yes, now you are starting to pay attention. The snipers on the 2nd floor would have had Crooks right in front of them in plain view. They would have heard the crowd yelling about the shooter on the roof, but they "did literally shit to stop the shooting" - that's the whole key to this, that's the most important thing to figure out. Where they called off their post, by who? Or where they sitting there watch it all happen? Find out what happened on the second floor and you know who is behind this.
many of them failed @ dealy plaza too
What you think they refer to as upstairs ? For the roof they would say roof no ?
Wouldn’t upstairs refer to the buildings upstairs floors ?
Guys it’s being clearer and clearer day by day that they tried to «Kill box» Trump like they kill boxed JFK
Triangular kill box 3 shooters at least
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ignorance is bliss
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>Just a few questions I have off the top of my head.
Someone's a jew hater huh?
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you ppl need to learn how to use a fucking trash can holy fuck so much garbage on the floor
neck looks like an exit wound to be but i'm no expert, i heard someone say there is a hole above his eyebrow, i kinda see something but inconclusive. the blood running back to front is obviously from him being face down after termination
This is a larp.

There was no second shooter and you cannot use shitty audio to prove it.

Take your meds.
He doesn't look close enough to the peak of the roof to take the shot either.
that theory doesn make any sense
if there was a second shooter who tried to shoot 3 bullets and utterly totally missed, he's the worst sniper in the history of snipping
if you want someone dead and you put multiple shooters it's to be sure the person die
none of the bullet were aimed at Trump post "ear shot"
the "bullet pictured" isn anywhere close near Trump head, it's an optical effect
a professional would have "totally missed all his shot in under 200 yards"
it's just not a plausible scenario
same for the lone wolf
the event showed he couldn have achieved it without inside help and frankly giving the more important job to the worst person don't cut it it's just not possible
same for the water tower sniper
why would you put the dude that far to begin with unless he was charged to eliminate the patsy only
the whole scenario only make sense if you think it was staged to fail and Trump wasn't hit by a bullet, it's impossible
it was a fragment at best
if it was a trained sniper
>the first 3 shots would have been closely grouped on Trump and someone close to him would have died
>if it was a lone wolf alone they just wasted their best shot with the wrong shooter on the planet
it doesn make any sense
Interesting. So Crooks' first shot was the best. The next two shots were way off. It looks like God needed a warmup. The first bullet got past God but the next two God was ready for.
that photo is from a helicopter video, cnn? someone like that

Anons does this video of water tower show a muzzle flash? https://x.com/i_am_johncullen/status/1815033959601807430?s=46&t=iYTTjHlGtNuXVe7PphIQKA
For me it does
>you cannot use shitty audio to prove it
Sure you can. Shots nearby are loud. Shots farther away, not so much. It isn't rocket science.
>the worst shooter on the planet
>senator ron johnson on second shooter.
>the theory makes no sense
I think their plan fell appart when everyone was pointing at roof shooter and he had to rush his shots
>he could have not acted alone
I agree. And John Cullen is saying the shot came from inside the building
This would corroborate with dispatch saying
>Operations on fire upstairs
And anons saying shot would’ve been a rising shot to hit trump like that
Weren’t anon in the first ASLG threads speaking about glass breaking sound before the shot ?

See attached picrel. Link : https://x.com/i_am_johncullen/status/1815057493673783419?s=46&t=iYTTjHlGtNuXVe7PphIQKA
>This guy cracked the LV massacre shooting lone shooter bs theory in a week with multiple helo muzzle flash footages and shots coming from multiple floors on the Casino
Personally I trust him
does this look like a court of law nigger?
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it's stuck in my head now
All of the first floor windows were closed at the time of the shooting.

Bump on Yearicks sister
>Look what I found anons
Was Maxwell Yearicks father an arm dealer ??? Arizona the suspected gun run state since Paddock.

Source : search Yearick in the list https://www.atf.gov/sites/default/files/ffl_xlsx/0723-ffl-list-arizona.xlsx
Fuck this matches Tony Seruga saying shooter went in AZ the day before.
I can’t find any info about the business YEARICK ARMORY LLC wtf
Yes but audio analysis anons at first were speaking about glass breaking sound
>Police record : Operations on fire UPSTAIRS
What would that mean then ??
Kek same it’s funny lmao
I hate it but it also makes me laugh so I will forgive him
Watch the video - no broken windows, no open windows. He scans across all of them at the end of the vid. This is within seconds of the shots being fired. No possibility of anyone shooting out of the 1st floor windows.
Adress of the business it’s now a house
Can’t find any info about this business when it existed ?
Why do Trumpists leave their rally venues so fucking filthy?
These threads GLOW. And I recognize the prose of OP dutch poster. Anon is a glowie. All this will achieve is making this place look stupid and disqualified from ever talking about blatant criminality with ample substance, i.e 9/11, Las Vegas mass shooting, JFK, Covid 19 vaccines, etc.

None of these leads go anywhere meaningful. And everything suspicious is already out in the open (trump secret service, head of secret service, local police negligence, MSM radicalization, yada yada).

I want you leftists to understand you lost and you're going to be purged and you wasted millions of dollars trying to contain a basket weaving weeaboo forum. Absolutely pathetic.
It's glowie spam. They're trying to discredit this place and redirect it towards stupid, insubstantial "evidence". All important information is already out in the open. Police, secret service and MSM should all be held accountable and investigated. But instead glowies are pushing 90 IQ halfwits to search for the second shooter kek, you faggots think everything is JFK.
you really think they pay these fags that much? lol.
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Take the link, and download the video directly from the link, don't bother with viewing it on a website.
Bro I’m shook too
>YEARICK ROGER L Gun dealer Ffleasy.com
>10456 E CORBIN AVE MESA AZ 85212
Source : https://www.atf.gov/sites/default/files/ffl_xlsx/0723-ffl-list-arizona.xlsx

Suspecting his father was CIA Spook
Business is a GHOST no HISTORY it’s now a house. And maybe it’s always been a house
Per the NY Post
There were 4 counter sniper teams.
1 Crooks fired +
2 different counters snipers fired at Crook
= 3 shooters
you glowie shills have been trying to spread this info since at least yesterday
i'm here to bitch slap your asses

In my photo, on the left, is the original photo from the shooting.
on the right, is these shills edited photos to make it look like he has a bicep when he doesnt
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>glowie second shooter is just as incompetent as the retard kid they groomed
You are falling for well poisoning
any more photos or videos of the shooter's death? just here for the gore desu
Shut the fuck up FED SHILL you got caught you ain’t slapping anyone except your sister
>Man I’m Grey suit climbed to the roof and told officials to send the photos to him

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doctored photo
sloppy glowies

not crooks

dont be mad cuz you're sloppy and doing a bad job
ID yw2mQpyu is a FED
Probably the one who did the photo editing Kek he only talks when it is mentioned
It’s afraid..
Next time try to make the ear look more natural
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bro you are sloppy as hell and have no idea how to use 4chin
ur mad cuz i'm exposing your lies
i guess i would be mad too if i was paid to shill hard but some random anon comes and thwarts all my 'hard work'
You are mad because your boss got caught asking the cops to send him the pictures Kek
That’s why the pictures started looking more and more like Crooks overtime
Bad photoshop job glowie
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lmao why are you posting a photo that proves they are not the same. 2 grey shirts
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i'm not mad in the slightest, i think its strange that whatever agency you're working for is trying so hard to skew the facts
just lends more to the conspiracy that this is an inside job

yesterday you tried making the claim that Maxwell was the shooter and you got mad when i posted plenty of photos of him that disprove that
he's got tats all up and down his arm
which aren't visible in any of the pictures you provided

you be glowin

i can show it to you
but I cant understand it for you
>also mad because their lone shooter narrative is false and getting exposed
>shots fired towards the blue water tank blue water tank
you can spam all the retarded shit you want
doesnt make it true
you have zero supporting evidence
That's what I was wondering, if there was a caged ladder going all the way to the top.

I still think it was in the trees right behind and to the left our view of the tower. I don't see how anyone could climb both caged ladders and not be seen. It wouldn't be a fast climb.
seeing all that plastic makes me proud to be an american
Shut the fuck up faggot shill the body mass is clearly different
And you talk like nothing exists to hide tatoos either
What’s coming out about Grey suit man destroys all your «arguments» also
Fuck off from here official narrative believer. The FBI never lied ever !!
>you have zero supporting evidence
Literally we have police radio retard LMAO
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what do you glow frenz think of my new knife?

your anger and frustration tell everyone what they need to know
You might be right bro
That’s why the officer would have said «left side, left side»
I’m not sure if he says inside or left side in the 911 dispatch records
I 100% agree. Jews rape and kill kids.
That video is from the other side of the building it does not show a second floor.'

This video you can see the cement wall he was sitting on, an aircon behind the wall and see Crooks crawling on the roof. and homeless bike dude sitting on the ground on the left.


In this one my point about him being positioned at the EDGE near the overhand and security light is clear. He was NOT in the center of the roof like the "dead body gun" images from above show.

Also in cop hosing off roof image he is also near the edge
Looks stupid and useless other than for chopping vegetables.
>ignores 911 dispatch records
>calls us shills
Shooter from tower killed Crooks.
The setup:
- scapegoat (Crook)
- pro1 who should hit Trump probably in building fired from some ventilation hole or window.
- pro2 who should kill scapegoat on water tower

SS sniper did nothing because they didn't see anything
Thank you for your contribution Anon
But what would «Operation on fire upstairs» mean from the 911 Dispatch records then ?
oh i didn't see you actually posted something different
i thought you were spamming the same post twice since it was from the same twitter user as the 'grey suit' guy who allegedly climbed the roof and took photos so i dismissed it

so i listened to the call
and ya, i agree with OP there seems to be a possibility of multiple shooters
i haven't argued that
i've simply pointed out your doctored photos
and you're mad cuz of that
its for camping
has some nice weight to it too
Glownigger also blurred out his shoes to make it seem like they match homeless bike dude's who they now are pushing as Yearick. Also added in a tattoo.
THIS IMAGE was taken by a glownigger same as the dead head shot.

Yearick glownigger diversion posted this the other day.

Just like glowniggers cropped in the TWO "sitting on the cement wall" images so you couldn't get perspective on which cement wall it was. However, in the bystander video there are two cement walls...right by where he ascended the roof.
Anyone seen this angle from RSBN ?

There were no other shooters, it's so obvious that he acted alone. Case closed
They fucking moved his body to the center a place that would line up with a trajectory and hosed off the blood from where he was laying.

Now check this out--post shooting Harley is still where it was parked originally (and is still there the next day).

Security light on overhang! and the square is where his body (and faint blood) was originally.

Over to the middle where you see the cop? planting blood? is where they MOVED his body to match a trajectory.

Cops on bottom image were going the opposite direction instead of through where the cement walls were and where he was easily spotted by people.

Also in the TMZ video the dude keeps aiming at the up at the trees why? HE could have had eyes ON the kid when he was shooting..odd he moved the camera AWAY from Crooks.

They wanted the back of his head to explode against the blue sky background, hitting the back of his head would also guarantee that he'd make a derpy face
Speaking of shill

there's another man in a grey suit that has HAIR. In fact bald grey suit man is not in that video you posted at all. AND bald laughing cop who probably took the head shot image is walking to him...to give him the images he took?

You lying sack of glowing shit.
Yes. he keeps posting lying shit, keeps pushing Yearick...and gets very nervous re the Motorcycle rider who rolled up on his harley (search thread I post at length about him and his Harley).
He's posting shopped (blurred) images that are NEW here and could only have been gotten from glowniggers. Keeps trying to finger the homeless bike dude as Crooks when Crooks and his hair etc are clearly in other images and the FACT that bike dude is wearing low top shoes and Crooks was wearing mid/hightop shoes.
Yeah, fuck that guy.
AND on top of that the TMZ video taker keeps leaving crooks and going to the trees.

They moved crooks body for some reason--this stinks.
Probably "ontop" means the management/big guys, Gov..on fire could mean hot situation.
good shit anon
hadn't seen that roof shot yet
do you have the photo of the feds washing the roof?
there is def some weird unexplained hit going on
Yes it's a most interesting video. These two guys from your shot 1&2 label.,.towel on neck dude and red hat black shirt dude both flinch within a micro second of each other.
behind red hat black shirt dude is where the 3 puffs of vapor are seen.
They were supposed to miss.
Another anon last night :
The triceps actually seems more impressive.
Biceps can always look "bigger" when viewed from the side, especially when the elbow is angled.
Triceps is a weaker muscle and certainly requires more training to gain substantial size.
Triceps is usually more flat, especially when arm is not extended.
This triceps looks like from a body-builder
Clearly FBI and he's hosing off the roof--on the EDGE.
The roof was dirty, his knees are dirty from crawling and I reckon the same goes for his arms since they would have been in contact with roof when he assumed the shooting position.

He's on the fucking EDGE of the building not in the center. If he were in the center the bystanders would not have been able to see him like this.
Just want to add, because of this story they are changing the news cycle.
That's why Biden resigned this morning, they don't want anyone to talk about there being 2 shooters.
I watched a part of Bartriromo (?) this morning and Sen Johnson (R) was talking about a really convincing video he watched on the internet that made a very good case for there being at least 2 shooters (other than the sniper).
They freaked out over this. Whoever "They" are...
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OP and anons, you're consuming too much energy over this. The only thing anyone should be thinking is

>"Fuck. If only it didnt miss!"
>That is homeless bike dude sitting on the ground
Homeless guy has white sneakers, gray twin on the ground (Crooks) is wearing black sneakers and white socks, roof body (Yearick) is wearing black sneakers and black/dark socks
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It's been 8 days and still no Maxwell Yearick anywhere
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I bet Maxwell Yearick was living in that shitty ass van

HAHAHA I said this the other day. If we keep posting the plan to take Silicone Joe out via a fake and gay assassination to get the left raging...they'd have to change the plan. This is most--entertaining.

NOW they have to come with another candidate and that my friends is going to be fucking hysterical.

IF they had been able to "assassinate" Biden the uproar would have been so insane that almost anyone they put up as a candidate after that would be a shoe in.

THIS is awesome. Now no matter who they put up there's time to destroy them.
Tasty hot sauce.

Observe---again. Same man, same shoes and even same sock. Why he's wearing two different socks? Homeless I guess.

Don't worry fucker, I have a very clear image of the shoes and socks Crooks was wearing.
Glownigger. Your left image is shopped, yet STILL clearly shows that his arm is much thicker than the spooky skelly Crooks
Why are his pants down lol
What do you make up of this ?
Source : https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/live-updates/donald-trump-rally-shooting-assassination-attempt/?id=111916828
Is the body mass the same to you ?
Bro AI is too much LMAO
We can’t even trust our own eyes anymore

Please anon if you post John Cullen’s webms remove music when it start lmao
>Don't worry fucker, I have a very clear image of the shoes and socks Crooks was wearing.
Put up or shut up
The full image: >>475106023 clearly shows the ground grey twin wearing a WHITE right sock, while homelessfag is wearing a patterned right sock. You have been made, fuck off.
It's just muddying the waters horseshit. Every goddamned shooting ever, internet goobers start spinning theories about muh multiple shooters a la Dealey Plaza.

Now we'll have to listen to this garbage and the ever-growing fanfictions it will spawn FOREVER if it takes off. It's like "hot dogs are code for baby dicks" instead of focusing on the actual crimes committed in the emails.

Finding out how Crooks was connected to the FBI is what people need to focus on, although admittedly that is much much more difficult (thanks to the FBI) than fanfictioning about a fantasy.
Sorry I meant «outside» or «left side» of water tower
It seems possible tho and the officer talking would use the water tower as a visual mark but he shot further to the right ? Idk but dispatch record is clear
>shots fired shots fired towards blue water tank blue water tank (left side or outside)
I really hear left side tho ? Hbu
I’ll relink dispatch audio records : https://x.com/chadlipscomb2/status/1814416400670171486?s=46&t=iYTTjHlGtNuXVe7PphIQKA

I posted source here Anon >>475107017
It was posted in precious threads
^ to the LEFT ffs
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Left shows a 5.56 at 1/8000 a second. Right is bullet that went past trump, also taken at 1/8000 of a second. Unless the image is faked, the bullet was much faster than 5.56 - IE second shooter
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>We need to focus on the lone incel shooter Crooks!
You glow.
What these guys seem to say too

Another glownigger image released...they're dripping them out. They post them with zero perspective so we can't see which wall he was sitting on but we know anyway due to the 2 cement walls in the bystander video..this was taken from a window...and this one appears to be a ground floor view
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An Enemy of the American people deserves to be humiliated after murdering an innocent Civilian at President Trump's rally.

A La Osama Bin Laden after he was taken out.

Releasing the killshot photo is exactly the procedure for discouraging attacks like this.
Yeah I know it’s cropped exactly so we can’t determine where he was sitting but what about the body mass ?
It’s totally off with roof body bodymass for me
Mid/high top black sneakers with white sole and black socks--right foot black sock.

glow elsewhere nigger
Why are they all Jews .. Sapirman
Fucking kike cat boy faggot nigger
Good ridance.
So they were aiming for the head, heart and dick?
Yo wait what’s on top of his sock the dark line ? Is that a tatoo ??
Why would he have dirt there ? It’s not dirt !!
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>hur dur this audio where a camera is whipping around makes the shots sound weird
Fay and gake
Interesting, they're estimating it was a 308

Some sauce on 308. Includes velocity, long range shooting--etc. Interdasting.

"What gun shoots .308 ammo?

A popular option for shooting .308 ammo is the Remington 700 bolt-action rifle. It is known for its accuracy and is widely used by hunters and long-range shooters."

Can you shoot .308 ammo in a 7.62 rifle?
While they are similar, it’s important to check the specific rifle’s chamber and markings to determine if it is safe to shoot .308 ammo in a 7.62 rifle.

What is the effective range of .308 ammo?
.308 ammo is effective up to 800-1000 yards, depending on the rifle and shooter’s skill.

What are some popular .308 rifle brands?
Popular .308 rifle brands include Remington, Winchester, Ruger, and Savage Arms.

What is the recoil like for a .308 rifle?
The recoil of a .308 rifle can vary, but it is generally manageable for most shooters.

Can a .308 rifle be used for hunting?
Yes, a .308 rifle is commonly used for hunting medium to large game.

Is .308 ammo good for target shooting?
Yes, .308 ammo is a popular choice for long-range target shooting due to its accuracy and consistency.

How does .308 compare to .30-06 ammo?
.308 and .30-06 ammo are similar in performance, with the main differences being in size and power.

What is the ballistics performance of .308 ammo?
.308 ammo typically has a muzzle velocity of around 2,800 feet per second and good ballistic performance at long ranges.
Can a .308 rifle be used for competitive shooting?
Yes, .308 rifles are commonly used in competitive shooting events due to their accuracy and performance.

What are some common uses for .308 ammo?
Common uses for .308 ammo include hunting, target shooting, competitive shooting, and military and law enforcement applications.
>ai, redpill me on 308
lol, what is this nonsense?
>claims to have picture of Crooks wearing black socks
>posts picture of Yearick wearing black socks
What did fedboi mean by this? And again, Ground Grey Twin can't be homelessfag as you claim here: >>475106365
GGT is wearing a white RIGHT sock, unlike homelessfag: >>475106023
Spam. This appears to be the "IT WAS CROOKS" bot, seems it runs continuously on autospam mode with some agent posting mixed in, it can be ID'd based on it's narrative adherence and post volume
What is fake and gay is "crooks location". They clearly moved the body to distort / match trump shot trajectory. So--where we need to be looking is the trees slightly behind --

I marked this image to show where van was parked (circle). Water tower is visible, I marked an estimated area where the contractor would have been (square).

as seen in this post

I estimated the van parking position from the Eyewitness video (harley guy in this thread) and where they lived in relation to ARG. It was a very short trip from the tree perch...my bet is van is red herring and contractor arrived on the Harley.

see attachment? This shows Crooks fake position on the roof, where he was moved to for "the shot". I have looked at all my saved trajectory images and not a single one has all the required data in it to calculate anything from Crook's actual position in relation to Trump. Really makes you think.

HOWEVER a better image would include trump's position, Crooks's real position near the overhang and security light, and the position they moved his body to in order to match trajectory--we are so close..

I can't use google maps / earth on this computer it crashes. We are very close to nailing the contractor's position.

No retard it's called a website.

There is no place I would go where I wouldn't carry my trash out with me
>See my previous post >>475112434
Anons any of you have the photos from Maxwell Yearick at the BBQ where he is shown from the back ??
>ai, redpill me on 308 and make it a web page
>they are changing the news cycle.

Ron Johnson also stated that the pics grey suit man asked to be sent to a specific phone number who belonged to the ATF. Investigators confirmed the ATF received the photos, but now the agent is missing.
Oh shit. This could be the «upstairs» refered by police on dispatch records
«I got one down on the inside» then «On fire upstairs» ? Your photo shows a 2nd floor ..
Based on the belt and his arms/legs the body mass matches, exactly. Poor lad was a skinny thing--his belt looks like it went around him twice. His pants have a light cammo pattern and look at his shoes. LOL

This is Crooks. I don't quite get the glownigger Yearick LARP unless it's to get $$$ per response or keep people running in circles.
Why would Crooks already have dirt there ? Did he have a tattoo at this spot ?
>multiple shooters
>1 kill
Fedboi you haven't responded to your lie here >>475113836

Where is Yearick, fedboi?

You have previously claimed that the image you posted is shopped to make the body look more muscular, yet now you claim it "matches his mass exactly" which is it, fedboi?

Where is Yearick, fedboi?
Interestingly enough--they moved Crook's body to line up with the windows.

The second floor windows in my posted image are not the building crooks was actually on. Let me mark the actual position of Crooks in relation to the security light and overhang,

OK in red square is Crooks's actual position in relation to the security light and overhang...the patsy label shows where they MOVED his body to...and in light of the second floor open windows in the building next to where Crooks was this makes for a possible 3 shooter...the moved that kid's body to put it in a more viable trajectory which means the shot that hit Trump likely did come from one of those open windows.
Yes but I still think the on fire upstairs is more likely to relate to "the heat coming on them from "upstairs"...big guys.

I dunno--both ideas are viable at this stage.
You have zero idea when the Homeless bike dude's interview took place. They are obviously interviewing him to ask him what the fuck he saw. He's wearing a hoodie in the interview and there's every possibility he's changed his clothes.

Remember when you tried pushing the BIKE as transport for Crooks then the same bike shows up in the Homeless dude interview.

You fucking fail. You will never ever win over me. I am going to fuck you up the ass sideways every time you try to swerve me.

You fuckers should know by now--I cannot be fucking swerved.

That looks like a tattoo on his leg, not dirt. Didn't Yeardick have a tattoo on his leg in the exact same position? Weird coincidence right? Or did they not only dress alike but also have matching tattoos?
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Yeah wtf? They tell me Crooks drove his Hyundai Sonata, a van packed full of explosives, & his bike while carrying a 12 foot ladder to the event.

That knife looks cool
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>the moved that kid's body to put it in a more viable trajectory which means the shot that hit Trump likely did come from one of those open windows.
Fedboi fedboi where is Yearick? Fedboi fedboi windows don't match the audio: >>475110097 Fedboi fedboi why did you lie about homelessfag?: >>475106365, >>475109139 Fedboi fedboi where is Crooks chin mole? Roof body and Yearick have a pronounced mole in the same place, none on Crooks, why not fedboi?
i'm only pointing out that the poster I originally quoted has a doctored image
i'm still kinda skeptical if it was crooks or not but nothing else has shown up to truly disprove that
other than the glowies intentionally spreading doctored images
its def not the yearick or the other dude they keep claiming it is

not yearick
Did your dad's boyfriend get you that knife for your bar mitzvah?
What's funny is both crooks on cement wall pics and the OMERG cell phone on roof were taken with the same fucking phone in the same fucking perspective by the same fucking glownigger....and for the same fucking reason.

oh look how you inserted the cell image into the homeless dude's bike image..
It would appear that I should be investigating--the glowniggers. Because how is it possible for people who claim they are the smartest on earth to fail so hard at everything leaving holes as big as a fucking planet.
your sister got it for me
i hoped you wouldn't find out this way
but there it is
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Wow, what a witty retort! Maybe ask your dad's boyfriends for help next time.

Trump was right, they're not sending their best are they?
>homelessfag went home and changed his socks t. fedboi
You're pathetic.
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Per John Cullen:
Did you know?
Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, said:
The sniper that took out the shooter
took a 488 yard shot.
That's this sniper.
But his target wasn't Crooks.
The photo is an illusion.
Where does 488 yards from this guy put us?
The Water Tower.
Not Crooks.
where has this thread been hiding all day?
Kid Crooks didn't have any tattoos lol.
I think the "It was Crooks shills" are all Kimberly Cheatle & her DEI staff practicing their pathetic zerg bullshit.
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Not shopped, the image shows up waaaay before the difference in muscle mass was noticed. The roof body is clearly Not Crooks based on muscle mass and MOLES, both chin and neck, moles are consistent with Yearick. See: >>475117859 for Ol' Moleless Chin Crooks. You will claim the mole is blood, but it's clearly not, this (false) claim proves you are "IT WAS CROOKS"
I know I’m asking them ..
Do you have the picture from Yearick at the festival ?
He is in the background of it with his gay friend. The two in front of the pic are two disgusting hippies
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could be
How much are you getting paid to post this
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>How much are you getting paid to post this
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looks like dried blood to me
explain the eyebrows then
why are they so significantly different?
the upper windows the the west are too far over to make the shot and only hit his ear
he's been shillin hard for the last 2 days
obviously paid to stick in these threads
and all previous threads

dont be so mad that people can see right through your BS
That's a bot, not even a hybrid ip like "IT WAS CROOKS" (ID: xPqvUCqB ITT).

>Also need baker to get ready to migrate us. I’m phone faging
is anyone baking?
i cant remember where my rolling pin is
>the day you will discover facial surgeries exist and they can be used for nefarious reasons
Anyways. Stop excluding one or the other faggots. Both were here that day,
The Crooks classmates itw is a lie. Crooks was a lefty (apparently sanders fan) he even insulted a classmate for being a Latino trump fan.
They don’t show any recent pics because he was radicalized radically after high school by local antifas ence the long hair , it would be too obvious he drifted into an antifa anarchist. Pensylvannia has an ANTIFA problem.

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