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WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE. There is nothing you can do to stop it. There is no god and Jesus never existed outside of the man made bible. You’re going to die and there’s going to be nothing for eternity. DEAD. FOREVER.
You got so butthurt you made your own thread.

What? No idea what you’re talking about retard.
You're this poster from the thread I made.

Come on, stop scaring the angsty kiddies here ... :)
I mean...you are correct about a few things.

What's the matter, having a middle of the night panic attack about mortality?
Daily reminder that your soul's existence is experiencially self-evident and that material existence is secondary and unprovable against it.
Jesus is the promised Messiah.
There's no one else.
Without Jesus the Tanakh is nothing but a book of broken promises.
"And?" - Markus Aurelius
>nothing for eternity. DEAD. FOREVER
You wish. Infact true eternal death would be the most incredible miracle in of all creation.
I had no problems for the millions or more years before I was born. If there's nothing after death, then I won't have a problem just like back then.
I could skin and flay you alive, and it would not be crime in the eyes of god. For you are but a goyim, a gentile, a threat, a soldier fallen in the act of war.

Mans law protect you...just make sure to stay over there and I'll stay over here, we have a deal?

I think belief in an afterlife is the strongest belief I have.
How many hours do you think Israel would survive for without America's support?

Anyway, that doesn't matter.
What matters is without Jesus the Tanakh is just a book of broken promises.

I don't care for your Talmud.
Well did Isaiah prophecy against you.
Wow, what a trip it was!! At least I wasnt born a poo nigger.
Back off, leave him alone
Everyone that ever existed died or will die can't be that hard
I know some weak bitches that died ,can't be that bad
no, thats backwards. life is eternal, like truth, love etc. these causal qualities of GOD are meted out in cycles for you to experience choices. death is an illusion. life is real, just not you have been made to believe it is.
k keep me posted boss
Heh, my gentile friend LARPED as a
Shabos kike in pissrael and running around inside your grocery stores injecting exotic poisons in your fruits and vegies with syringes. Wonder how many of you rats he managed to exterminate.
I get it.

>There is nothing you can do to stop it.

Why would one want to prevent it to begin with ? Literally had a near heart attack experience a year or so ago, it would have probably taken me somewhere much simpler if it succeeded
> nothing for eternity. DEAD. FOREVER.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
Wow you really are a loser, op
I was dead before I was born which means I must stop this universe or another from spawning me again to successfully remain dead.
Try it

In other news, idiots continue to pester me about some war in Pissrael or Poolistine thousands of miles away. I'm not sure why they think it's any of my business.
You are wrong, God and Jesus are real and so is judgement day. Repent and turn from sin before it's too late. Unironically read your Bibles lads. You will find it a beacon of truth and rejuvenating for your spirit in these dark times.
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
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What a pathetic glownigger. Are you a 5eyes cuck or just some random discord troon? I hope you're getting payed for this. You wouldn't actually do this for free, right?
Seems like a bot to me.
>says the bot
Yeah 99% sure it's a bot.
Bro a grown man sucked your penis. You're nothing.
Aussie fag STILL seething
You're a projection machine.
German anon called you a glowie, so then you called him a glowie.
I called you a bot, so then you called me a bot.
Dying and finally escaping this capitalist hell scape is all I look forward to now OP.
Me too fren. Based af.
>stop you'll kill us both
>what do you desire I'll give it to you
>death is all I desire.

Isn't that from One Piece? Always liked that line.
Checked for truth.
For any anons that accidentally stumble into this slide thread, here are the relevant threads:
>You’re going to die and there’s going to be nothing for eternity. DEAD. FOREVER.

That's good. Because the human mind could not possibly cope with being immortal. It would be horrific.
Gods work anon.
>work of someone that doesn’t exist
Facts bro
>Jesus never existed outside of the man made bible.
I was reading through this thread to see if you backed up the highlighted claim you made. You didn't. The vast majority of credentialed historians agree that Jesus was a historical person. Do you have any evidence to present to back up your fringe theory?
>I'm gonna die
>Oh no
>Oh wait I was dead before this lifetime also

Almost like shit goes in cycles bro
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Here you go kike
even kikes an atheists agree that Jesus was a real person.
That has nothing to do with the historical Jesus. Also Richard dawkins has stated that he believes that Jesus was a real historical person. He doesn't believe that Jesus is God but its only a matter of time before he comes to that realization as well. Have you ever read the God delusion? Its considered one of dawkins most embarrassing works. He is often mocked for his weak arguments by philosophers.
Nope. Zero proof but third hand accounts 100 years after his supposed “death”. Nice try CHRISTKIKE
lol, those bones are recent, at least one year, how older do scientist say?
>but third hand accounts 100 years after his supposed “death”.
That is just factual wrong. Where do you get your information from?
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>the khazar rat actually believes his larp
>absolutely seething
Many such cases. Delusional!
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We are all going to die. So did Jesus. But he rose himself from the dead and he is alive. No amount of kvetching can change what he did and how you people failed to stop it. Hahahahahahaha
FPBP. OP rekd.
Those are good clean bones, I wish some anthropologists would do such a clean digging so I could come and steal them.
t. Santeria
How can some one that never existed die? Makes no sense. You’re mentally ill + low IQ
Everyone was always going to die. "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..."
Doomerism ruins the life you have when unstead you could be making the most of and enjoying it. Everyone's time will come.
Kek. The kike rat shows it's fur. We know how it ends....with your ilk burning in a lake of fire for eternity. Tick tock edomite
>even kikes an atheists agree that Jesus was a real person.

Nobody knows, there is zero evidence
So I take it that you can't back up any claim that you make. That cool. I can see you live in your own fantasy world. Do you just say stuff hoping no one will call you out? Do you have any actual evidence to back your your fringe theory or just childish cope that will not work on anyone on this site.
Jesus was an avatar of God mantaining his human form while existing as a god at the same time same shyt with all other religions if they are serious at being religious and not some made up protestant shyt.
Reverse psychology won't work, we WILL be staying here and not fighting Iran for you.
We don't have to die. Immortalist societies exist. Basically we aren't far away from life extension, living to 200 or so. And then with that extra 100 years it's possible to cure death.

I'm not saying it's a sure thing but we don't just need to accept death
>But he rose himself from the dead and he is alive.

Nobody rises from the dead.
Bullshit, retard, people are revived after being medically dead all the time.
He almost definitely was real but it's impossible to say if he is God or not unless you assume his followers wrote of then truthfully. I don't trust people not to lie especially when it can be used to control populations. He was a noble and gentle soul that we should try to emulate, he didn't think we should convert by sword or punish nonbelievers.
>there is zero evidence
lol. It's like you have never actually looked into this issue and the scholarship. There is just as more evidence for the existence of Jesus as there is for Alexander the Great.
>but he walked on water goy
>he turned water to wine goy
>he came back from the dead goy
Are christcucks really this mentally ill??
They're not really dead if they're revived. Misdiagnosed
Thank god and praise the lord. Each new day on this Earth is separate curse.

How you view this is a bit upside-down, though, I'd say: yes, it's true that you'll be "dead forever", but not from YOUR perspective: you are not hanging around for a trillion years in pitch-black darkness, thinking "aw man, I wish I had bought that Dodge Challenger and had sex with that escort, FUCK!" and likewise, if you did, you're not gonna think "aw yeah, a trillion years in nothingness, but that Challenger sure was sweet". Everyone ELSE "sees" you being dead, meaning that they don't perceive you, because you're not physically there with them. When you YOURSELF are afraid of death on these regret-grounds, you're implicitly thinking that you won't die at all, merely have the world taken away from you. Since you, I assume, hate it anyway, this ought to be no cause for concern at all.

It's not even an argument in this thread, I'm the idiot for thinking it is, since you're just voicing your anguish and trying to alleviate it by dragging others down so that they, too, can experience your torment. Have you ever thought about being an Evangelical preacher, of the online- or street-variety? They have lots of folks who think just like you!
Based. OP is a massive faggot, as always.
>Bullshit, retard, people are revived after being medically dead all the time.

Dead is dead. Those people were not declared dead and it would have been a matter of seconds before they were revived.

Nobody who has gone cold and stiff has ever been revived and never will be
Praise someone that doesn’t exist? You’re MENTALLY ILL
Not after 3 days
Maybe he was buried alive on the brink and "miraculously" recovered. More likely is that his followers loved him so much and were so aggrieved that they hallucinated him. That's a real thing that happens and is documented.
13 year old rebel’s first philosophical epiphany. Moms gonna freak lmao!
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Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God. It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in. He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb. And this was no afterthought. Even though it has only lately—at the end of the ages—become public knowledge, God always knew he was going to do this for you. It’s because of this sacrificed Messiah, whom God then raised from the dead and glorified, that you trust God, that you know you have a future in God.
I wish there was no afterlife, no reincarnation nothing.
Stop bumping this slide thread. Stop discussing this pointless, non-political bullshit.
Get your asses in here, start reading, start sharing, and start fucking digging!

It would be sooooo good.
But i have a pretty bad message for you
You don’t have to wish for it because THERE IS NONE
Checked, maybe they should have checked the roof first
>Praise someone that doesn’t exist?
Still waiting on some kind of evidence from you to substantiate your fringe theory. I wonder if you even understand the concept of evidence? I only say that because you literally gave my a screen cap of the a book that isn't even relevant to claim you made. On top of that the author of the book has publicly stated that they believe that Jesus was a real historical person. So do you got anything else or just pathetic attempts at insults?
Check'd, but the shooter thing is old news. Let Trump figure it out with an executive order investigation
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“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."
that's great. immortality is a curse and I wouldn't want to live forever. you'd go insane and if you can't go insane then you don't have free will anymore. both of which are a nightmare.
>days of Noah

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
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You're a terrible shill
Then KYS faggot get it over with.
You first
Go pray to your sky fairy schlomo
Gentiles aren't accepted by God for a reason. You go out of your way to be vile and evil. You undervalue the price of your own words. Everything that comes out of your heart is some sort of evil intention, and you claim God isn't real. In fact, you're actively HOSTILE towards God.
How can you be accepted by someone that doesn’t exist??
It's a folksy expression, I just talk like that. I didn't mean to assert any theological claim.
Yes, and I'd say that the religious are largely the cause of this unfortunate condition, having driven me completely fucking insane with a standardized Evangelical package based around Exodus 20:7, 20:15, Matthew 5:21, 5:27-28. If you've ever heard the routine, you'll recognize it instantly, it's the one where they start by asking "do you think you're a good person?" and if you say "yes", they proceed to psychologically abuse and gaslight you. More perfidiously yes, they abuse you while saying "I love you", to trick your (my) sense of empathy. At least on here, the slimy used car salesmen do not pretend to care about me, even if, here too, I seldom have an interaction in which those "saved by grace" which does not them masturbating to the thought of me burning in eternal hellfire.
So my friend, I am right with you. Though I also try to engage in friendly and reasonable dialogue with the religious, overlooking their constant transgressions against me.
Hmm. Maybe I shouldn’t be so hostile. You’re right. We are all human at the end of the day. No matter if one side is mentally ill and low IQ. Good advice anon.
If you're on this website talking about killing the Jews, it's obviously right you're not a good person, and the Christians had you pegged. Your parents should have beat you more as a child
fuck you kike, you belong in a pizza oven
lol. Lmao even.
They expose themselves for being ontologically evil. Within the Judeo-Christian paradigm, they show how true evil actually exists, unbeknownst to them.
Probably less actually. Good loving families very rarely raise psychopaths which is part of why lawless barbaric shitholes like Somalia are pirate spawners.
I don't have anything against Jews. I just like coming here because you can talk freely, unlike on reddit.
>you're not a good person
I'm the most evil person on this planet and, with respect: I don't give a shit about your moral standards, or anyone else's. "Good" is like that carrot that the proverbial donkey's never getting, who gives a shit.
Hell awaits
Then you're outnumbered. Fuck around and find out nigger.
All of that is mental illness. We are ALL born atheists. If it wasn’t for forced indoctrination in our childhood, we all still would be. There are zero gods and that’s a 100% fact. No book written by MAN will convince me or anybody with an IQ above 100 otherwise.
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While it is upsetting to know that I will die and be gone forever, it is uplifting to know that you will die and be gone forever.
>no you
Kill yourself kike
"Listen to me," the angel said, "and I will teach you further and correct your thinking.
Because only a few will be saved, God created two worlds, instead of only one."
Say it with me christkike “I’m mentally ill and need help”. Come on… you can do it.. we can get you the treatment you desperately need.
I do not engage in "evil" either. I'm not gonna murder someone out of spite just because someone told me that every single angry thought is already like murder. If I did that, then I'd still do what those people tell me, just in inverted form. I only wish to not be bothered by people who constantly call me "evil" because they got some compulsion to condemn everyone and everything.
I know. What of it?
Nope. God is real and Christ is his be
otten son.
>kike jumps straight to death threats at mention of Christ
Israel is a concentration camp you stupid fuck. It's astounding how many Jews can't see it.
>inb4 my ass
KYS kike
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Are we through now?
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>jew still kvetching
Many such cases. Sad!
>zoomer fell for Christcuck meme
First stage in the zoomer to boipussy pipeline.
Put to death, therefore, the components of your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry. because of which things the wrath of God is coming on the sons of disobedience, in which you also once walked when you were living in them.
>Israel is a concentration camp

Lmao this.
Your point? Also you need to be over 12 to post here
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Imagine being so buckbroken you can't conceive of a possible god or afterlife beyond what's described in kike mythology.
>According to Plato’s Apology, Socrates’ famous defense speech, death is not something to be feared. Socrates argues that death is either a state of nothingness or a transition to another realm, where the soul continues to exist. He believes that if death is a state of nothingness, it would be a gain, as it would be a release from the troubles and sufferings of life. If, on the other hand, death is a transition to another realm, it would be an opportunity to converse with the great heroes and wise individuals of the past, such as Orpheus, Musaeus, and Homer.
if you fear death you are a nigger.
I think you realize deep down you’re wrong. God is real because it’s the only explanation for anything existing as opposed to nothing existing, every other explanation has problems like how did something come from nothing but God does make sense because it’s impressed upon us that God CAN do anything.
Doesn't mean God wrote the bible or gives a fuck about you tho, he might be a detached experimental maniac
Y’know, I don’t necessarily disagree with OP, but at some point the obsession with pestering people about it is just another way to avoid having to deal with that fact yourself.
Your life and your time are finite and precious and you’re frittering it away by fixating on the end.
Why not spam people with enjoyable/productive things they could do while they’re alive?
At least there's something to look forward to...
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At least you aren't married, if you were you would be so much sadder
kill yourself than jew. You don't have to worry and you'll do us all a favor. Fuck you you fucking faggot I hope you die bitch
You couldn't do fuck all without the goyims help. your all lazy inbred disgusting cocksuckers that will get BTFO by us goyim you stupid piece of shit. Get raped by mudslimes faggot
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