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Body cam footage of Trump Assassination attempted released on Police Activity
Gonna be spicy

casing counts
what a great location
can you find greg?
First for stop assuming that Crooks was shot mid-fire or was insta killed by SS.
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Pasta from the last thread. WATCH THE SECOND LINK

>exhibit A: https://files.catbox.moe/endcbd.mp4 (embed)
Greg mentioned by name being the one inside the window with line of sight to Crooks

>exhibit B: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491
Audio forensics showing multiple firearms were used and that the first 3 shots came from the location that Gregory Nicol was present in

>exhibit C: https://files.catbox.moe/2qmase.mp4
The kids who first gave an interview talking about Crooks were set up by local Pittsburgh police to provide a cover story about identity of Crooks (incel bullied loner). This provides a false motive.
These kids were arrested approximately an hour away from the county where Crooks lived and went to school in Bethel Park. The police vehicle who pulled up on them as seen in the video belonged to the Pittsburgh city police.
These kids are known as local troublemakers and have gone viral on Tiktok for their shenanigans. Perfect useful idiots.

>exhibit D: [YouTube] 400'd
CBS Pittsburgh: Local counter-sniper team was inside business where Trump shooter climbed on roof, opened fire

>exhibit E: https://beavercountian.com/content/daily/beaver-county-officer-warned-of-seeing-man-with-rangefinder-before-trump-was-shot
Among those municipal counter-snipers was Sergeant Gregory Nicol of the Monaca Borough Police Department. Nicol was providing security at the Trump rally in his role as a member of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit (ESU), the county's equivalent of a SWAT team.
"Nicol saw (Crooks) take out a rangefinder to gauge distance from the building to where Trump was going to be speaking, he again notified command about what he was seeing."

>exhibit F: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregory-nicol-612b80257/
Gregory Nicol of the Monaca police department. The main suspect.

>exhibit G: >>475570407
Weren't you guys masturbating to this same thing earlier?
Glowniggers absolutely seething that we won't forget about them trying to assassinate president Donald J Trump. FBI had orders to kill during the Mar a Lago raid, didn't forget that either girl boss.
>didn't die that day is because Greg Nicols missed.
anons picking on greg just because he was mentioned
he wasnt the only person in the building
let us not help the fib create another richard jewell without solid facts
greg might have been the good guy in all of this
>inb4 glowie
just trying to be reasonable
last shot which was at delay from first shots, was it his after reloading or something? or from the snipers who got him?
do ss snipers have silencers on their weapons?
if it was the sniper's shot then he might have changed position after shooting the 8 shots. is there recording of 8 or 9 shots? trying to figure out if he shot the last audible shot
either way, everyone that was in the building needs to be investigated
>trying to figure out if he shot the last audible shot
because in audio after the delayed last shot was fired some lady starts screaming like crazy, maybe that was the shot that killed Comperatore?
nicely done

since tower is back on the menu
unless this is mirrored
reminder the rally and the sun were to the southwest of the tower
this vid was taken by someone FAR to the EAST of the entire event
why would anyone have been filming that?
they would have been far far away outside of the fairgrounds
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>do ss snipers have silencers on their guns
these ones do. can't see it very well in the pic but his suppressor has a fabric cover, so you can remove it without burning your hand


>The lead team member tells the bodycam guy
>Watch out for shell casings
>The bodycam guy counts them clearly
>3, 4, 5 right there

>at 4:52 he sees 5 but doesn't point to the one on the other slope of the roof
>at 24:09 they count more because they have found more

can someone up a higher res screencap of this view?
>how do lights and shadows work
you're literally fucking autistic and should kill yourself
>everyone that was in the building needs to be investigated
they completely failed their mission
>who ordered them there
>what was the detailed description of what they were to do and WHERE
>why were they NOT at their posts and could have hit the shooter with a rock he was so close
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site plan
oh that's good info! so then...shooter waited a bit between 7th and 8th shot, and 8th shot also triggers a woman's screams, which could indicate that killed Comperatore, but may also be a coincidence, maybe lady though the shots are over after the first group, and panicked when heard another one something like "oh shit it's still going on I'm still in danger" or something.
but why did he wait? maybe he tried to activate the detonator, didn't work and said "fuck it I'll shoot till they kill me"?
The refractory period has ended. Now is the time for action!
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that was my first conclusion, see picrel
but there's no way a shadow could be cast when there's no surface for it to cast on. it's a cylinder with a smaller cylinder under it, not a sphere with a curved conical base. there's just no way that shadow could be cast there.

But I was told that roof was too sloped and too hot for anyone to be up there. What gives?
kill yourself boomer
First three shots were one gun, someone trained to shoot with their breathing, a pro. Five rapid shots after that are Crooks. Last shot with the delay, number nine, is from the USSS sniper that killed Crooks.
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The cop wearing the bodycam yells out if he can use the ladder. That's the same ladder the shooter used, right? Also who was this glowie in picrel and why was he on the roof before anyone else?
post the original source instead of a middleman
all fake bullshit, you wouldnt be seeing this if they didnt want you to. also
>police activity
>Last shot with the delay, number nine, is from the USSS sniper that killed
is that the 9th audible shot? would their silencer allow for enough noise to be picked up with all that commotion and yelling?
if the second sniper team shot him then it was pretty close to people recording the whole thing
>was too sloped and too hot for anyone to be up there. What gives
first glowie cover up?
>what's a FOIA request
kill yourself pajeet
verification not required
Last shot comes about 14 seconds after the initial 8-9. Sounds like shots 1-3 from same gun, 4-8 from another, possible (likely) 9th shot from another gun, and then the 10th (14 or seconds later) finished him off.
How brave those police officers are to be up there on that dangerously sloped roof!
>That's the same ladder the shooter used,
shooters receipt is for a 5ft
and the fbi said the ladder was found
the ladders in the pics are from the police
>ou wouldnt be seeing this if they didnt want you to
but they have been drib drabbing important details a little at a time
>FOIA request
t. retard whos never been stonewalled when actually making a FOIA request
any audio analysis video I can see where all shots are mentioned?
Yeah, they still make noise, 'silencer' is a misnomer. They do reduce the sound (only if you use subsonic rounds), but it's more to prevent muzzle flash in this case.

>the news media is showing the 8 count of casings on the roof
Yep, planted. Now every normie that's never fired an AR or understand audio analysis is going to be brainwashed.
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Chris martenson on X or youtube
sounds about right
not the same ladder the shooter used. it was put there afterwards by police. it's marketed as a swat team ladder. https://www.amleo.com/telesteps-12-1-2-foot-tactical-edition-extension-ladder/p/1600ET
>would their silencer allow for enough noise to be picked up with all that commotion and yelling?
absolutely. apparently they used .300 win. look up a video of someone shooting 300 winchester suppressed.
thanks anon
Regarding the ladder, FBI hasn't even commented on if it was found at the house from what I can tell.
Are you fucking blind or retarded? >>475662782
No one respects fedfags anymore retard. Sen Chuck Grassley has seen one president killed, and 3 attempted assassinations. He ain't taking your shit no more and neither are we. Trials will be commencing.
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new link for exhibit D:

old link confirms it was the local counter-sniper team, new link just says 'Officers'. We know Greg Nicol was the Swat Sniper in that room with 2 others unnamed for now.

>exhibit D: https://files.catbox.moe/irt0xw.mp4
CBS Pittsburgh: Officers were on 2nd floor of building with windows facing roof used by Trump rally shooter (Local sniper team as reported in now wiped video from CBS Pittsburgh)

Composite image of relevant Greg data attached
watch: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491
This fake glowie is an actor for the bodycams. They make him look like X Files for the audience. I like his autistic way of standing on the roof beams though.
what's the point of releasing a fraction of the video?
they never left their posts. >>475664919
and pic related
>hasn't even commented on if it was
i notice that
media made a big deal at the beginning
and now they treat it as secret
this shooter had every step planned out (for him?)
so what was the intention behind the ladder?
lady screamed most likely for your 2nd reason, she thought it was over then heard one more shot which triggered panic reaction. last shot is pretty much confirmed by all who are investigating as final shot from SS sniper. Crooks was likely already popped by someone else 8-10 seconds before this, probably by Greg, maybe water tower guy but im thinking Greg.
argument from fallacy
Michelle is so cute. "Do we just stand here now?" Love her.
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I don't think the water tower is too important at this time compared to what we already have, but here is a good image that shows clearly what appears to be a human shadow
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> crooks was hit in the head by a 300 wim mag and all that's left is a pretty subpar blood trail running down the rood
LOL! yeah right.
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Gregory Nicol is a Swat sniper, god dammit Greg
I wod have punched that cunt in the face if she said "are you gonna fit" like wrong f****** time to be joking what the f***
No, I agree with him. If anyone was on the water tower they wouldn't be up there, they'd be on the walkway lower down. This is more bs to make people's arguments sound nuts, and the people producing stuff like this >>475665356 don't even show that walkway.
>they never left their posts.
does not match the hearing testimony by the PSP
good point
Everything but a motive, I believe the shooter was coached by Israel to make Israel look good when Israel is looking bad on the world stage.
The shooter is not Iranian
However, eyewitness accounts and videos of Abu Aqleh and the area around her at the time of her killing do not show a gun battle. She was also wearing body armour and a helmet clearly labelled as “press”.

A United Nations investigation said that Israeli soldiers fired “several single, seemingly well-aimed bullets” at Abu Aqleh and other journalists.
? no, if anything it's argumentum ad hominem
I'm saying you're seeing things that aren't there.
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>exhibit B: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491
Audio forensics showing multiple firearms were used and that the first 3 shots came from the location that Gregory Nicol was present in
if the security detail was so incompetent why wasn't it audited? why was all the blame laid on Cheatle?
>they'd be on the walkway lower down
they would be far move obvious on the walkway
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why does crooks look like he got hit with a 9mm when he got hit with a spicy .308?
Nobody is going up to the top of that fucking thing anon.
This is SS pocketing the round
>Chris martenson
>Are you fucking blind or retarded?
I'm not on the multiple shooter train and it's being pushed without concrete proof only audio evidence.
not saying they weren't, I'm just not sold on it.
audio analysis can be tricky especially with moving microphones. his audio footprint might change if he changed position. if he got a bit up after first three shots after Trump hit the deck, to get a better shot or something, could change how it sounds.
again, not saying there weren't, just not sold on the audio analysis thing, and nothing else apart from that.
also doesn't make sense with crowd people filming saying he changed position and coming towards them or something.
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God bless you Chuck Grassley. Please send relevant info to Marjorie Taylor Greene as well. Our based Neanderthal mommy
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bump ... AS SUSPECTED ... they were position in building under the patsy
>why does crooks look like he got hit with a 9mm when he got hit with a spicy .308?
Distance, and the suppressor takes a little spice out of the round.
>without concrete proof only audio evidence
>Physics isn't real
lmao, watch the video and try to grasp the concept of feet per second and how pressure waves work.
Nice catch.
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>US Air Force Veteran Bill Jenkins
>Intermediate handgun - pistol class 2
>Full tacticool getup for shooting range

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Earlier in the video, local cops count 5 shell casings. Then this glownigger shows up. After that they count 8. From audio analysis, shots 1, 2, and 3 were slow and steady. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are rushed. Then 9 is the final one which takes out crooks.
Working theory: FBI grooms patsy crooks. Some loner or loser, maybe he got in trouble for something, maybe they did the fake gf thing, parents are therapists. Either way, he was set up ahead of time, social media scrubbed before the shooting. If he had a libtard posting history a civil war could kick off. According to one senator or congressman at one recent hearing, he had heard that the family house was scrubbed clean like a lab. My thinking is that cooks was clearly set up. Let in somehow. Probably assigned the retard DEI D team but put people who knew about the plot in charge. Investigate people giving weird orders. Professional sniper somewhere else, perhaps as in pic rel. Maybe crooks was spotted too soon before getting into position that the pro had to hurry his shots. You need local help. Cops arrested kids hours before they gave that fake statement to the media. ATF were the two grey suits. Gave out a number with a 215 area code. What local cops were involved? Anyone with gambling debts, being blackmailed. Any commit covert ops in the past? Look at the recent activities and location of any glowies nearby, especially Philly and Pittsburgh. May be significant that they tried in PA, where Biden’s circle has connections.
> distance, and the suppressor takes a little spice out of the round
that's not how it works, and a 300 win mag at 200yards is going as fast as a 308 point blank anyways.napx
>they'd be on the walkway lower down
black figure hugging the tower cap
>its just a shadow anon. ignore it
black figure on the walkway
>whats that giant black blob highlighted by the light blue tower moving on the catwalk?
Can you just admit crooks only fired 8 shots, they said they recovered 8 caseings and 8 bullets
Come on,
This crooks was trained by Israel some how some where. His setup, how he shoots, how he stalked his target.
Israel killed an American in 2022 covering it up, the world is not happy with Israel right now. This shooter and saying the shooter was Iran backed would put Israel in favor again, but we know crooks isn't with Iran.
>wtf even is doppler effect
why are you having opinions if you are scientifically illiterate? I get it you like the juicy conspiracy
>Nobody is going up to the top of that fucking thing anon.
I wouldnt
very risky spot with limited escape route
but then again
i wouldnt be part of a glowie conspiracy either
Really honestly
Spin on the projectile
>it was just the two of them in the course
how convenient
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these cops all have the 'drug dealer' look
Nice work.
We now need to scour(Google Maps) for any nearby video source that
1. may be public camera
2. may have captured his Goon

One would think that the Water Utility would have some type of camera up there, but an adjacent camera may be of use, even Street camera.
the problem with that shot is that it's not correlating with any visible bullet entry point
if "Crooks" was shot still in prone position and shooting he would have had the face and the right side of his head exposed when he was shot
with that kind of gun the damage to that specific area at that distance would have very probably blown parts of the head away
It's a shadow anon, and shit resolution on a phone. Look at the rest of the tower, the sun is to the left.
There are three very distinct sound profiles anon.
Makes no sense, it's a curved surface left to right if someone was positioned there, and snipers don't take long range shots on their knees. A 'slope' or grade is fine, but you want to be as flat as possible.
It was Israel, they are looking to find a war when they killed an American and covered it up.
No one is happy with Israel. The UN is not happy about the cover-up
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send this + attached to Chris Martenson
curious if the shooter changed position between his last shot and sniper shot, some 7 seconds or something in between, plenty of time to get up or move around a bit.
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was 'operator' on the roof who cut his hand and broke his foot the real shooter?
is that pat little?
>brand and make of backpack? No pictures or video of him with it with the 'gun inside'
>bombs in the car were turned 'off'
>can't seem to find his ladder anywhere
>no internet history
Greg has done covert ops in the past, see composite here >>475664794, right hand side. One agent was shot during a drug sting with a Federal Bureau, and Greg was later reported to have negligently discharged into his leg. Could be a cover up to hide that he was working undercover with feds
>There are three very distinct sound profiles anon.
sure but what I'm trying to say is you can't rule out a sound profile change if the shooter changed position between first three and next five shots.
here in my country you could get out of a speeding ticket if the police radar device wasn't calibrated when they got you. and now you're sure there were two shooters with some audio from phones that were being moved around in a crowd of panicked people, with shooter also maybe moving around between group of shots.
you may be right, but that's not proof, might pass as evidence sure. but you need to rule out any other possible scenario first
Greg "negligent discharge"
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out of breath from climbing a ladder
I think the walkway doesn't work because of the contrast and visibility, and the nipple on the dome because of the silhouette.
i can't believe she didn't even attempt cpr
the range did say crooks was regular and was often accompanied by someone else
then the range stopped talking about it
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Greg is a member of a Fraternal Brotherhood of Police

ignore this id: wTX6GARN >>475666973

I can tell by how he tries to dissuade, I personally know people in the intel community that use the same modus operandus. Talk with them enough and spot the intellectual dishonesty and it becomes obvious who is playing a game. His job is to muddy the waters. I expect he is paid a higher salary than the retarded ass DEI hires who just spam bullshit.
Guys this guy planned everything, he is the guy in the gray suite Special Agent in Charge Tim Burke.
This guy will never be allowed to talk before congress.
I want to know why his body is positioned the way it is, and why the rifle was so far away from him. I'd imagine he'd have the rifle in his hands and his arms would be out in front of him instead of looking like they are tied behind him.
Wrong. A pro would have bailed once he knew the patsy's cover was blown too early.
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ATF were on the ground. He had real but primitive explosives in the van, remote detonator, yet they were not armed? When the glowtards set up their patsy, they give them real shit but disable it. They get kudos in the media and justify their budgets with “Terrorist Plot Foiled” headlines. Some plots like the Michigan governor are straight up entrapment where they convicted some homeless guy and 80% of the conspirators were feds. Except they don’t always stop it. Look at what the FBI did with the original WTC bombing. Or what happened with the FBI agent at the Texas ‘draw Mohammed’ event.
>I can tell by how he tries to dissuade
you have a retarded investigator mentality anon. I said I'm not saying there weren't multiple shooters, just that so far there isn't definitive proof, some audio analysis from fucking phones being moved around. that's not enough to be sure but your response tells me you're pretty much scientifically illiterate.
No. I've worked in the industry using special highly tuned tools to measure Hz, etc. You brought up doppler affect and then disuade the actual measurements lol. Show flag rabbit.
>doppler effect
the shooter was accelerating towards the target at significant speed?
>highly tuned tools to measure Hz
lmao even, you're a pseud
Yeah, it's the 'six week cycle' that No Agenda Show coined. Alos, the governor of Michigan, the proud boys, Jan 6, etc.
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This guy is also intel. Notice both idiots rocking pirate flags. Dumbshit glowies, your conceit will be your downfall.

It's pretty obvious he means the bullet itself, based upon it's doppler effect you can use it as a form of triangulation of origin.
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windows directly beneath the 'shooter' were individual offices where sniper nests could set up
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That very well might be Greg after all.

Can any anon match sleeve tattoo?
hand movement of microphone, micro-twitches of the hand, changing position and echos whatever have no clue what recordings were used, what device captured the sound, what position of microphones. there's still shit we don't know. I'm just being honest about the whole thing not looking to sensationalize but whatever. you do you
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You would think and certainly possible. But what if the DEI competency crisis has infected even these scumbags. Could be their “How to Assassinate the President” handbook is out of date since the 80s. Maybe there was some other fuckup. They really were eager to blow Trump’s head to mist in slow motion 4K on live TV to kill his legacy, humiliate his followers, and then Jan 6 style crackdown on everyone who engages in civil unrest. Maybe a coup like Erdogan where you use it to imprison all the regimes enemies. They might have been too eager for his blood and got launch fever. I actually think God might have intervened directly with how he turned his head at the last moment.
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>"He MISSED? What the fuck do you mean he missed? We specifically told him to aim center mass but this retard went for the head? Fucking moron."
interesting. are they masonic?
I think he was shot in the back of the head by whoever climbed the ladder, with a pistol.
>It's pretty obvious he means the bullet itself
No it's not, it's some retard that either doesn't believe his lying eyes, or he's just muddying the water AKA a fed wearing a meme flag.
>and snipers don't take long range shots
doesnt necessarily have to be a sniper
just a watcher
nvm not greg, greg has tattoo on left arm leading up to the back of hand. pig in video has sleeve on right arm.
door open
They didn't even have drones up anon, there's a reason for that.
Greg likely shot Crooks (with a handgun?) from the window 8 seconds or so before sniper finished him. Explains why Crooks does not fire after his initial 5 shots (4-5-6-7-8)
>doesn't know how LOD works
more nonsense
Watch the fucking audio analysis video or fuck off.
nah don't think so, Swat Sniper team are who we are looking for. Greg Nicol and the other 2 who remained in the AGR building (contrary to false reports that they abandoned their post).


I read this the other day. How was the audio analysis performed? Specifically which clips were used, was that ever posted? Because I think all 8 are Crooks.

First three shots were before Trump ducks and USSS moves in to cover him. Next five are after he's covered. I think after Crooks realized he fucked up the first three and didn't have a shot anymore he tried to do as much damage as possible before he was dropped.

Definitely a sloppy job mossad.
How can you explain the distance between the shot and returns from trump’s microphone? The first group of three is clearly different than the group of 5
>use it as a form of triangulation
i know
but anon was trying to discredit the audio
when for all intents and purposes, the shooter and any given microphone were fixed position in relative to the speed that the bullet and gunshot waves were moving
There are Masonic temples all over the place according to another anon, very big there
>How was the audio analysis performed?
Spectrum analyzer. A good one is like $40k and they need to be calibrated for accuracy every few years. Pirate flag faggot has no idea what he'd talking about.
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very probably came from here if the neck injury is the entry point and there's a bullet hole on the roof
yep, philadelphia is home to one of the largest/oldest masonic temples in the us
Bingo. I cannot speak for God but I have a strong feeling he did not want the future for us where Trump was assassinated on 7-13.
>First three shots were before Trump ducks and USSS moves in to cover him. Next five are after he's covered. I think after Crooks realized he fucked up the first three and didn't have a shot anymore he tried to do as much damage as possible before he was dropped.

It's clearly two different guns and shooters. The first three are breathing pattern, which is what you're taught to do. You don't rapid fire unless your like 50m away.
Speed of sound is a constant, you can't explain the the difference in sound analysis and timing any other way.
no he stood up to go down the ladder and was shot from the back by the sniper
Either that or by Greg. Chris Martenson in his recent video concludes that Crooks was shot by someone in the sniper nest short range 8~ seconds or so before the SS Sniper took him out with the final kill shot.
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Honestly I don’t know much about the analysis, I can’t check his work, kinda brainlet on these issues. But from my understanding, if we collect a variety of cell phone videos from the event, sync them up, and are able to plot their geographic coordinates(using weaponized autism like HWNDU), we’d be able to triangulate the location of every shot.
All the analysis I’ve seen, even CNN, said there were 3 guns. A fired 123. B fired 45678. C fired 9. The good audio analysis floating around shows they have to be different based on the microphone at the podium. Because the rounds are supersonic, if you’re far enough away, you’ll hear two bangs per shot. The further the shooter, the larger the gap. As I kid I could tell how far away a storm was based on the gap between seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder on the same principle. Hopefully we have some audio autists who can do this and show their work.
recent analysis talking about just this: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1816269036768092383
agreed. I'm noguns but I can totally see what you're saying. the first 3 shots seem controlled, the next 5 sound erratic and they're unevenly timed.
Newest Chris Martenson video comes to this conclusion as well.

>firearm there for it must produce fire
You are stupid as fuck honestly../k/ will get a kick out of this. A bolt gun is not a flamethrower dipshit. The dude I'm sponsoring in Ukraine would eat your fucking lunch. #nogunz #pewpew #slavaukraine
not discounting that at all
The giant display Trump was pointing at before bullet flew would have blocked the view of anyone on top of the tower.

>I want to know why his body is positioned the way it is, and why the rifle was so far away from him. I'd imagine he'd have the rifle in his hands and his arms would be out in front of him instead of looking like they are tied behind him.
Just saw this, figured the first cop/fed/whatever that was on the roof kicked the gun away and rolled him over. It's kinda what they do.

I've lived in Iraq and Afghanistan for over 10 years of my life anon, I'm aware of some of this shit from my travels and training. A lot of this doesn't make any sense. This video release came out a day after the audio analysis, and now the media is just playing the last few seconds of the bodycam footage where they say 8 casings when the spook shows up, and earlier they had 5. I explained in the last thread how the rounds wouldn't have fallen off the roof.

This thing stinks like fucking shit just from this, not to mention all the other inconsistancies.

I'll take a look, I haven't seen it yet. Just watched the one from the 18th.

>fake bombs (disabled) FBI budget expansion troupe
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> ?si=84l9FkluheoQuILQ
> Posts JooTube Tracker ID URL

Delete trackers before posting nigger
It's tied to the sender's joogle account
It knows the OP posts on /pol/
It knows anyone that clicks it uses /pol/, even as a lurker

https://youchu.be/XwBygHmIZ6c Like nitter- no ads, and lets you download MP4 version
appeal to authority cope
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Israeli intelligence Mossad verified
That is one of their 'phones' they give their assassins

17:42 in video
HOLY SHIT. In that pic is Nichols some sort of officer for the Office of the Attorney General (OAG). From what I could find, this event was in 2019. Current PA Democratic Governor and possible Kamala VP Josh Shapiro was AG at the time. Was he involved?
are you retarded? shooting a gun generates heat. barrel and muzzle get hot because of conduction. unscrewing suppressor with bare hands = painful burns
>A bolt gun is not a flamethrower dipshit
He threw his gun away which is what the feds told him to do after trump went down so they could arrest him
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holy shit

new Chris Martenson video just dropped, think hes talking about some of the stuff we have covered here these past few days:

Real question is who climbed on the roof to remove the 9v battery to clear the encrypted keys before anyone else arrived. Those totally just fall out on their own
kike faggot nigger shill, that is a remote firework detonator.

ignore this id: dZgX7JPe
Nice catch, I wouldn't know but this seems like important info. If you can tie the two together in an easy to understand and disseminate form it would be highly helpful
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>if we collect a variety of cell phone videos from the event, sync them up, and are able to plot their geographic coordinates
like this?
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>appeal to authority
ethos. no more reddit words.
Yes I’m not sure how close the relationship was. I’m sure the OAG released statements like that all the time. But if there is a stronger connection we need to dig. JFK was taken to Dallas, Johnson’s territory.
Exactly like that. But show their work. Use as many cell phone videos as you can. Make it in an interactive form on a website or a video that slowly walks you through it so normies can pick it up.
proof or you're a faggot kike
Chris, you seem overly fixated on Greg.
line of sight ... he climbs behind patsy, stands, shoots over patsy's head, rushes to get down fast and falls and injures himself cutting hand and twisting ankle ... has this "hero" been identified yet?
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pic related
the injury to trump could not have come from the tower
tower sniper wasnt for trump
it was the clean up man for crooks
or just a lookout to relay to the players on the field
>if one was there at all
the remote found with crooks is this one, but missing the antenna. classic fbi
>Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me

too many disinfo retards in here. I thought fed posting was a meme, but it looks more real as this evolve.

It probably is a fireworks deal, FBI has used them in the past on lackeys they setup. Fireworks are technically 'explosives'.
Also just to gum up the search engines, the two kids that were interviewed about the shooter were lighting off fireworks in their own car prior to the interview.
>Delete trackers before posting nigger
Im the assistant baker
i took over and just copied what was there before me
i will be leaving the kitchen after this thread
anyone can feel free to step up
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>the officers remained inside of the building at their assigned positions.

Thanks anon.
Right-click and open picrel in new window to Zoom.
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>Spectrum analyzer.
omg you have no idea what you're talking about. they most likely got the audio recording from some clip, digitally. you import it in fucking audacity or something.
>A good one is like $40k and they need to be calibrated for accuracy every few years.
that's fucking bullshit, why would they need a fucking spectrum analyzed (standalone unit) when they got the digital file?
this is fucking bullshit packaged in a way that's somewhat believable for the /x/ crowd
If you're measuring Hz you're using a spectrum analyzer. A good one is in the price range I mentioned, I used one for decades anon. Can you use a software spectrum analyzer, sure. Point is that's what this tool is called.
From wikipedia before the next 1pbtisraeliglownigger posts.

Audio-frequency uses

Spectrum analysis can be used at audio frequencies to analyse the harmonics of an audio signal. A typical application is to measure the distortion of a nominally sinewave signal; a very-low-distortion sinewave is used as the input to equipment under test, and a spectrum analyser can examine the output, which will have added distortion products, and determine the percentage distortion at each harmonic of the fundamental. Such analysers were at one time described as "wave analysers". Analysis can be carried out by a general-purpose digital computer with a sound card selected for suitable performance[11] and appropriate software. Instead of using a low-distortion sinewave, the input can be subtracted from the output, attenuated and phase-corrected, to give only the added distortion and noise, which can be analysed.[12]

An alternative technique, total harmonic distortion measurement, cancels out the fundamental with a notch filter and measures the total remaining signal, which is total harmonic distortion plus noise; it does not give the harmonic-by-harmonic detail of an analyser.

Spectrum analyzers are also used by audio engineers to assess their work. In these applications, the spectrum analyzer will show volume levels of frequency bands across the typical range of human hearing, rather than displaying a wave. In live sound applications, engineers can use them to pinpoint feedback.
no you fucking retard you use either a microphone for audio range in 20Hz-20kHz range, either an ultrasonic microphone for upper frequencies, either fucking antennas for way higher up.
>measuring Hz
you fucking brainlet pseud
the chris whatever his name is videos literally has Audacity screenshots, that's what was used for analysis.
you don't even fucking know what a spectrum analyzer graph looks like you fucking moron. there's no fucking fourier graph in the dude's videos you absolute fucking imbeciles I so fucking hate retarded people like you having opinions
you left a window out and possible a door out
This is such a hilarious place to put a sniper. This is like where you go if you're hiding from enemy forces in a war.
Can we nickname Michelle "Tourniquet Stacy"?
>>Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me

Jesus Christ go back to tiktok and livestream your suicide immediately
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>can you find greg?
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>you don't even fucking know what a spectrum analyzer graph looks like you fucking moron
Used them for L-band, C, Ku, Ka and for other things. Agilent and HP models that reach those ranges. You can measure sound with them just the same, just a differen Hz and sensor.

Go back school deifed.
what is this even trying to show?
At the hearing, the PSP said the snipers left their positions to hunt for the suspect
tell me you made that and its not an actual meme making the rounds
lmao. 4chan might be the only site that ai has improved
It's AI anon
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kill yourself retard. this thread is full of larper boomer retards.
none of you realize how fucking retarded you look imagining a sniper on a fucking scalding hot metal water tower, instead of looking up the positions of the other 2 SS snipers present on the day of the shooting. all of your drooling retard assumptions come from the even more retarded idea that there were only 2 ss snipers, the ones behind Trump.
kill all of yourselves.
possible person on the tower
>none of you realize how fucking retarded you look imagining a sniper on a fucking scalding hot metal water tower,
I literally shot that theory down, keep up.
>made for this thread
>somebody already had it out there
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Here's an alternate, would've posted this one for the cool factor but the previous one is just pure kino
This is a lie as demonstrated by multiple local news reports.
Nah bro you can do it too

Stop being so reasonable
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why is he called an "operator" ?
how did he really injure his hand?
story of being hoisted up to "look at suspect" is bogus, this "hero" that busted his ankles needs to ID'd - if he's a sniper then he's a suspect.
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>greg might have been the good guy in all of this
>This is a lie as demonstrated by multiple local news reports.
I listened to the man say it on a live feed from the hearings

whether its true or not is another story
and worse for them
if they didnt leave their posts, how did they miss this guy crawling around their position?
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>Used them for L-band, C, Ku, Ka and for other things
ye bro that's radar or something >1GHz. for audio range you use microphones. quite literally
you could look at amplitude in audio spectrum which looks like picrel but in Audacity you have an amplitude vs time graph.
you can play with REW if you want to look at it in the frequency domain.
Thx !
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anon, that's a spectrum analyzer. It's a type of measuring device, don't get hung up on brand names or other shit, they all work the same way with different levels of range and resolution and maths.
When the heart stops beating usually no more blood comes out of the wound. I would say his heart stopped almost immediately. At least there is blood unlike the buffalo “mass shooting.”
this really brings home what a major fuckup this was. cant be an accident
BOOM is right
we now have a solid suspect
>cant be an accident
doesnt look that way
the one who allegedly 'left' may have climbed on roof behind the patsy, stood, shot at Trump, got back down quickly injuring himself.
Probably missed his skull and only went through neck meat and instantly severed the spinal cord. According to grand thumb the bullet entered below his left ear and exited behind and below his right jaw. You can see the exit would in the photo of his ugly face.
again, you are a pseud, you might have seen some gear "measuring Hz" but you have no idea what you're talking about.
Audacity and REW are software tools, even free, that you can use on your shitty PC right now. there is no need for one of those devices you saw big boys use, those are something else usually looking at radio frequencies, in the frequency domain.
Audacity, which is what is present in all those audio analysis of shooting videos, do not have a frequency domain analysis anon. they have an amplitude in time graph, that's it. in PC software (Audacity).
you keep mistaking Agilent/HP "spectrum analyzer" devices for fucking software on PC. there's no fucking reason to load the digital audio file on a 40k device to then proceed and make a video with fucking Audacity screenshots. it's fucking retarded and makes no sense. I know you don't know what you're talking about, other anons also called you out, yet you insist in your retardation.
again, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about apart from the fact that you know there's some devices "looking at Hz".
>greg might have been the good guy in all of this
But if he doesn't come clean we can't help. He needs to get it off his chest and we can put in a good word for him.
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easy to do
window right there to the right is that a door too?
It's the same fucking thing you memefaggotfed
The cops that "went to look for him" could have gone to let him in instead, and that's how he got on the roof. No one actually saw him climb up, they're just assuming that's what he did.
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Greg, if you are reading this, I want to let you know that I like you. I want to help you. We want to help you. But if you don't come clean, and tell us the truth, I am afraid we cannot help you. Have a Pepsi, relax, and lets talk. Let us help you, help yourself.
How tall is that spire on top? Looks larger than a human for sure.
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better version
worked out to be around 3-4 feet
>I want to let you know that I like you.
are you a faggot ?
I agree. Everything points at him and he could be another fall guy, but man it's looking bad.

It's just shit resolution and software trying to show the shadow from a cell phone. It's literally nothing.
This might be something.
He's only making things harder for himself. We're all tired Greg, just tell us what happened and this will all be over.
I can feel the love anon
and I hope Greg can feel it too

kill yourselves
>This might be something.
two men leaving could be written off as difficult to believe incompetence
one man left unsupervised with clear view of trump and the shooter but saw nothing and took no action even after the shooting started?
The differences in sound could be explained by attenuation/damping if Crooks changed position. Also, the crowd starts moving after the first three, Trump's microphone is moved, probably cellphones are moved etc. Gunfire (or any transient, or any audio really) can sound differently depending on what's between you and the source, what's around the source, or even how your head is positioned because frequency spectra can change. But I realize that's all qualitative.

>Speed of sound is a constant
I know it's approximate but I'm too autistic to let that slide, anon!

>But show their work
I want to replicate because I also haven't found anyone showing their work on >>475670256
They really should so anyone can more easily replicate it. It makes the whole thing suspect but it's neat, anyway.

Anyway, thanks, anons.
I'm convinced water tower posters all glow, probably taking orders in the same discord as the team who is assigned to say every happening is fake
>It's the same fucking thing
no it isn't. he's using a simple timing analysis between loud peaks.
you can do a more complex analysis doing a fourier transform on the sound and try and isolate similar audio footprint sound.
doing only timing analysis might go wrong if source and capture device change position. different reflection from the roof etc. audio waves can form constructive/destructive interference and a bunch of other issues with moving source and microphone.
even doing a frequency analysis might go wrong with moving source and microphone.
>you memefaggotfed
if your feds would school you like I'm doing you'd be better off anyway
>if Crooks changed position.
he didnt
not in any meaningful way in the few seconds between shot groups
and the casing locations show he was in the same spot
>former Trump shooter
I am only one man.
>I'm convinced water tower posters all glow,
Im exploring possibilities
early on i completely wrote of the tower because it physically could not have produced the wound on trump without killing him
but, vids have come forward with something of interest that needs to be explained
clean up sniper?
overhead lookout?
if the 2nd shooter was the LEO sniper it doesnt matter.
conspiracy established
>vids have come forward with something of interest that needs to be explained
Except that have not. The pixels are very clearly caused by upscaling, which is algorithmically creating new pixels through interpolation.
>doing only timing analysis might go wrong if source and capture device change position
feet of movement vs sound of speed per foot/second
It's not that hard.
nothing on the tower, noone would be up there, they would have been on the circular platform below. This has been debunked multiple times.
For the record I actually do think the feds did this, and almost moronic in the face of the actual problems on display. Its just that I think water tower posters are faggots.
You'd think that on an underwater gaming forum people would be able to understand upscaling shit resolution and artifact bullshit.
Joint op between Biden loyalist feds and never-Trumper cops using Retardy-Oswald as patsy. Atheism, nihlism, and narcissism were a mistake.
your opinions are noted but not really any more or less convincing than anyone elses
anons can evaluate for themselves
>inb4 you glow
see above
It is a fact that if you reference the water tower video as an sort of proof or even implying the slightest that there was an individual on it, then you are a fag because everyone did already evaluate it themselves when they saw an upscaled video dumbass
>everyone did already evaluate it themselves
that isnt a convincing argument
maybe it was aliasing
maybe not
but the reason people were filming the tower is because they saw something there they thought was important to film
Go listen to the shots again retard. In what world can he move at least, idk, 50-100 feet in the split second between shot #3 and #4?
DEI fed agencies are terrible at their jobs, luckily.
This Martenson guy is good. Did he ID the "ATF" guy? He needs to be questioned regardless.
as another anon pointed out yesterday
gray suit has a tanned face with a white scalp
indicating he recently shaved his head
Could be SVP at ESPN for all we know. Somone should meme it. He does a segment on his show that's like where's waldo and people try to find his dopplegangers. Football season is afoot, perfect timing.
Shot number 9 has a very distinct and different sound than the rest. Possibly someone leaning out of the window overlooking the roof. Hence it being so loud and metallic sounding.
>maybe it was aliasing
>maybe not
Get a load of this faggot. Tell the discord you need a firmware update because you haven't a clue how to respond to the technical points clearly.
>Get a load of this faggot.
if all you have is insults, youve lost
explain how it IS aliasing or other optical illusion
and NOT an enhanced pic of an actual object
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Just to be even more clear, there are actually 2 gray suits, one bald one with hair
Could be Adam Silver kek
>Shot number 9 has a very distinct and different sound than the rest.
at some point an ss sniper is on vid firing
at least one of the shots has to be allocated to that
>one bald one with hair
i did not know
ATF guy has been identified in Chris Martenson's newest video uploaded 4 hours ago here: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1816577748258947267
I think this was Greg or one of the other snipers shooting Crooks from behind after the initial 3 + 5 shot volley
Have you ever scaled anything in your life? How do you think something goes from 100px to 1000px? Sure you could disable interpolation, but then the output would even be more obviously wrong. This is critical that you understand that I almost cannot believe you are this retarded, and at this point possibly an LLM
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This isn't a game. All these psyops cost money. Regardless of who wins, there will be nothing left for you. If you switch sides now, you can still look forward to a minimum security room with galvanized square steel and clean aluminum panels at worst. Otherwise your options are getting liquidated by ZOG or getting your ears and nose sliced off as a warning to the other glowniggers.
Ultra MAGA time traveling counter assassin death squad was on the water tower swinging to the rhythm of the maga world order.
>swinging to the rhythm of the maga world order.
swinging to the maga of the night, anon.
>muh water tower zipline assassin
does anyone have a pic of Crooks vaporized face? all bodycam footage is blurred.
Thanks, watching it now.

Found this alternate view in a video in his comments. Is this one of the gray suits?
who dat sayin' who dat?
I hear what youre using as an argument
but the object was filmed because several people on the ground saw what the believed to be a person on the tower
enlargement would distort the image but it wouldnt create the image
the dark object is larger than the tower cap that is supposedly creating the image which should not be the case
Cheatle called them off after Crooks dm her
damn - thats a suspicious looking mofo
great find anon
that looks like him
it also looks like someone shooped a rifle under his arm
Yeah shot #10, the one 14 or so seconds after the initial volley of shots. There's video of sniper team 2 pocketing a spent round.
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>Cheatle called them off after Crooks dm her
she looked like she was going to shit herself when the hammered her on the outside comms thing
she knew they had her
i wonder if she liked chinese food?
>she looked like she was going to shit herself when the hammered her on the outside comms thing
>she knew they had her
>i wonder if she liked chinese food?
This anon knows...
negative filter
Yep definitely an LLM, fuck now I feel stupid
i figure some one who wasnt officially supposed to be there, or not scripted to fire, capped crooks
then the ss had to put the official shot into him to explain his death
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>i wonder if she liked chinese food?
QRD on that and that map?
That is our Gray Man indeed. Tim Burke, most likely. Head honcho who set up the SS sniper locations. Person of STRONG interest.
I love Pennsyltucky.
That or he was hit with a body shot, hence the blurring, and SS finished him off.
databroker ad-ID from cell phone apps.
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nope real person
i made this thread to keep it going after the original baker left
it was a decent discussion in a sea of cameltoe, vance, and trump wasnt really shot threads
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he lost his small hat
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Holy Bump

Worlds Collide
>This video is age-restricted and only available on YouTube

GET TRAINED, you are running out of time to be healthy and skilled.

Seek Jesus, Start with You.
Get Trained, Start with You.
Or Cry.
Contact tracing of the Crooks cell phone data.
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Get the fuck out, greaser! This here's our land and you're on it.
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but to add some more background
heritage foundation funds some group who used commercially available ad-ware that was embedded in several cell phones and used it to track that they had traveled to crooks home many times, and then went to washington dc, several blocks away from FBI and SS HQ, and another one traced to massachusetts
>That or he was hit with a body shot, hence th
I like the conspiracy version
Thanks llm-chan
>commercially available ad-ware
That's just newspeak for databroker anon. Everyone has apps on their phones that do this shit. EULA.
no no not that skank
theres enough of that fake ass shit in the outer pol
begone faggots
you will never be a woman
Please keep baking. This is the only good thread in a sea of shills
Wrong on every account. A pro wouldn’t have missed. Crooks fired 8 shots. The first three followed by the panicked “fuck I missed” 5 shots, which were ended by a 9th shot from one of the counter sniper teams. Yet he still wasn’t dead so a tenth shot was fired. The video taken during the shooting closest to Crooks all but proves this.
There were 10 shots. 2 counter sniper. 8 from crooks.
>blind deaf fed1pbti
33 in ID is fitting. Fuck off.
Has anyone figured out what optic was used on the gun
Wow, he must be a fed, but you didn't really make a counter argument.
That dude is a retard. He has 0 experience in audio analysis or ballistics.
whos purpose is what?
Im looking to unravel what happened
my operational hypothesis is this was a glowie conspiracy
all of my investigating goes from there
but i try to stick to what is provable.
I dont actually care if theres someone on the tower or not.
it would conveniently prove conspiracy
but that isnt where the shots came from
they came from the roof
and as info comes out it looks increasingly like the beaver county swat team was involved
i just think youve done a shit job of proving your position
so a still rate the water tower as undetermined, but ultimately not important
>There were 10 shots. 2 counter sniper. 8 from crooks.
lol, fuck off
1x red dot
just make up more bullshit faggot. People that know how to use this site see you.
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>The main suspect.
Shots came from the further agr roof. Greg looks like a deliberate red herring. Yearick was the proxy, not pro, why would the CIA outsource the pro position to a fucking local pig?

Patsy. Proxy. Pro. CIA/mossad SOP for high profile political assassination:

Patsy: Exists to take the blame. Doesn't need to know shit. You can use the mentalism truck of dual reality. You can tell him whatever bullshit story you want, for that matter, he doesn't really need to exist nowadays.

Proxy: Exists to mask the hit. Alternative motivation makes him a great limited hangout. He just needs to get shots off. He will not know about the pro, he thinks he is the assassin. He will know there's a conspiracy, but will not be told the extent, probable he will die publicly so conspirators know he's off the table.

Pro: Makes the shot. Doesn't even need to be a human holding a gun today, could be a riflebot.

Layering the hit like this gives you much more protection from exposure and gives you a built-in limited hangout in the proxy (allowing a "political fanatics infiltrated the SS", not as clean as "lone nut", but a hell of a lot less damaging than revealing the masquerade) while still having the reliability of a professional killer.

In the JFK hit for example, Oswald was the patsy, a mob hitman (Ruby obv on the shortlist) was the proxy, and a mademan within the CIA mafia was the pro. Had the Oswald story failed they would have the "mob hit" as limited hangout.

Here Crooks was the patsy, antifa Yearick was the proxy, and the pro was probably operating a fucking autotracking riflebot stuck on the further agr building. Yearick and most of the players for the limited hangout do not know about the pro. The SS/DHS etc agents would have been recruited under the limited hangout umbrella so if it needed to be used they could not, knowingly or unknowingly, violate masquerade.
but i have to hang it up soon.
>feet of movement vs sound of speed per foot/second
but you don't know what you're measuring anon. you don't have a sync point for when he pulled the trigger. you're only watching for delay between shot and echo. that might change if shooter raises after first three shots. people start moving, might mess with echo timing.
you do not have an electronic instant pulse that you can reference the shots to, between pulling the trigger and sound ariving at microphone so you get distance. you only measure the distance between shot and its echo, and THAT might change if shooter changes, microphone direction changes.
also since there wasn't a calibrated microphone with high dynamic range there's some compression in post processing of the signal, I just had a look at it and also there's barely anything past 10kHz apart from shots.
you'd need a high res 24bit 192kHz sound file captured with a calibrated microphone in a well known position without any post processing effects on the file. but in all fairness I just downloaded the audio of some youtube shooting footage so there may be higher quality audio out there somewhere but only feds might have access to that. what is public is maybe some 16bit/44.1kHz shit with all the postprocessing of the capturing system, which is geared most likely for human voice not flat measurement mic profile.
He wasn’t hit with a .300 win mag. Those snipers never fired. He was hit with a .308.
What ever happened to the grungy commie looking faggot that was detained by police. Any updates on that cock sucker I can't find anything new?
>you don't have a sync point for when he pulled the trigger. you're only watching for delay between shot and echo
Need me to teach you how to use a ruler?

Has anyone found out what type of ladder he bought, other than 'five foot'. Was it a step ladder, folding ladder (10 foot?). That and the backpack need answers.
Anyone dressed in black on a blue tower elevated above everything around it would be conspicuous as fuck. He would be less conspicuous with the tower tank behind then he would be skylining himself on top of the damn thing.
These guys just play video games and have never been on some shit like that. No sniper would ever position there. It's hollywood bullshit.
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God thing it wasn’t a .300 wing mag that took him out then.
You think he wouldn’t be more highlighted out in the open sky lining himself vs being in the shadow on the right of the tower on the walkway? You know the sky is also blue, right?
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This is using his video at 720, so if there is a link to the actual file, that would help.
i would think the tower would be too high a profile for anyone not LEO, but the denied they had anyone there
so, we have witness reports and some poor quality vid
He did. In the video taken during the shooting from just below crooks, the cameraman says “he’s turning this way” before the final crack of the last round and the cameraman saying “he’s down.”
>Need me to teach you how to use a ruler?
you really don't understand what I'm telling you.
if you have a muzzle flash and then check the audio for when the sound hits the mic, you can time how much it passes between flash of light (which comes in camera at lightspeed so instant for all intents and purposes) and then check audio track for the boom, and you get your timing for distance of shot.
what you get in this shooting case is time between when shot sound hits the mic, then some time when the reverb of that shot hits the mic again.
this reverb is sound bouncing around and coming back in the mic. there's no fucking distance information that you can reliably extract from it. how the fuck do you not understand this?
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If it’s not done by a professional sound analyst with experience in analyzing gun shit audio as well as knowing the specifics of the location of the microphone and the shooter as well as the type of microphone recording it, I don’t want to see it.
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Sniper (Greg) didn't miss. Trump matrix dodged that shit.

You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?
The shooter changing what he was firing at. Either way, the video taken closest to crooks shows crooks or someone next to him fired those 5 shots after the first 3 because the final 2 shots you can only hear the cracks of the round. Where as the first 8 you can hear the gun.
that was disinfo, picture was from another event years ago
That’s not a phone.
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ignore pirate flags these are the higher level feds
Does anybody really believe that this Crooks guy is a real person? Is he a complete fiction made up by the deep state to pollute the information space? The dead guy may be someone else.
It's not the echo, it's the difference between the shock wave from the bullet which is moving faster than c (call it s), and then the report from the rifle moving at c.
you get 3 linear eqns in 3 unknowns (d, t_1, t_2):
d = s*t_1 = c*t_2
and delta t = t_2 - t_1 is estimated from the recording

The speed of the bullet will fall off over distance but is being approximated by muzzle velocity. The distance isn't far.
maxwell yearick, nobody has found proof of him being alive, and his social media is scrubbed. he looks more like the dead guy on the roof to me, which looks nothing like the window picture of the skinny fag (who is probably the real crooks) on his phone.
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Definitely irons for cowitness on a [red dot, holograph, or prism]. My first guess was Holosun because it looks like a solar charging panel on top, but none of their frames look that large and rectangular.
holy shit that's schizobabble
>retards who cant into basic math
>which is moving faster than c
c is speed of light anon.
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(You) got me have another
I'm not a forensic sound analyst and I'm not trusting youtubers which are motivated to create controversy for more views. they are not incentivized to show truth, but the create as many views as possible.
new thread: >>475683438



we dropped that disinfo last week anon, catch up

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