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back door man responsible?
video link

the kitchen is not unmanned
stay as long as you like
goodnight anons
The SS officer on the roof said there was a counter sniper team in that building on that floor. When they posted there, from what it sounded like, was before the shooting.
do you ever notice, that every post on every event on pol is a conspiracy? I mean everything, everyone, every aspect. every person in a crowd every article, every piece of paper?

it's almost like some country has been meddling in everything. the country is russia.

I can remember when it was just "hate niggers and jews". now it's conspiracy this and conspiracy that.

it's so bad I have conspiracy burn out. so many "conspiracies" are posted every day that it has become absurd.
a team was assigned to the building looking right at the shooter
Nudgers get the pit faggot.
>every event on pol is a conspirac
is this copy pasta
ive responded to this before
if it didnt have elements of a conspiracy
what exactly would there be to discuss
>official story
sounds true
uumm, ok
>if you have a muzzle flash and then check the audio for when the sound hits the mic, you can time how much it passes between flash of light (which comes in camera at lightspeed so instant for all intents and purposes) and then check audio track for the boom, and you get your timing for distance of shot.
>what you get in this shooting case is time between when shot sound hits the mic, then some time when the reverb of that shot hits the mic again.
>this reverb is sound bouncing around and coming back in the mic. there's no fucking distance information that you can reliably extract from it. how the fuck do you not understand this?

Sound and light are not the same thing. Fuck off retard.

OP add the twitter links next time.
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The video with the SS officer speaking, and that may be later in this video, I haven't watched all, the SS officer explains there is a team in the 2nd story, not just the 1st.
>OP add the twitter links next time.
that was an emergency bake just to give anons somewhere to go instead of back into the wilderness of outer pol and the abominable kamal monster
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>exhibit A: https://files.catbox.moe/endcbd.mp4
Greg mentioned by name being the one inside the window with line of sight to Crooks

>exhibit B: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491
Audio forensics showing multiple firearms were used and that the first 3 shots came from the location that Gregory Nicol was present in

>exhibit C: https://files.catbox.moe/2qmase.mp4
The kids who first gave an interview talking about Crooks were set up by local Pittsburgh police to provide a cover story about identity of Crooks (incel bullied loner). This provides a false motive.
These kids were arrested approximately an hour away from the county where Crooks lived and went to school in Bethel Park. The police vehicle who pulled up on them as seen in the video belonged to the Pittsburgh city police.
These kids are known as local troublemakers and have gone viral on Tiktok for their shenanigans. Perfect useful idiots.

>exhibit D: https://files.catbox.moe/irt0xw.mp4
CBS Pittsburgh: Officers were on 2nd floor of building with windows facing roof used by Trump rally shooter

>exhibit E: https://beavercountian.com/content/daily/beaver-county-officer-warned-of-seeing-man-with-rangefinder-before-trump-was-shot
Among those municipal counter-snipers was Sergeant Gregory Nicol of the Monaca Borough Police Department. Nicol was providing security at the Trump rally in his role as a member of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit (ESU), the county's equivalent of a SWAT team.
"Nicol saw (Crooks) take out a rangefinder to gauge distance from the building to where Trump was going to be speaking, he again notified command about what he was seeing."

>exhibit F: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregory-nicol-612b80257/
Gregory Nicol of the Monaca police department. The main suspect.

>exhibit G: >>475570407 - will upload webm in next post
Video showcasing inside of AGR building demonstrating the police sniper team had a direct line of sight with both Crooks and Trump
>abominable kamal monster
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Gregory Nicols from the Monaca Police Department is the police counter-sniper who took the photographs of Crooks from inside the building that had line of sight with Crooks while he was on the roof in shooting position. He is a person of interest and is potentially the one who fired the first 3 shots at Trump. This has been demonstrated through audio forensics showing there is no echo from the first 3 shots, as well as having a different sound and delay from the 5 shots that come after from Crooks.

>He is mentioned by name here: https://files.catbox.moe/endcbd.mp4

Furthermore we have evidence that implicates the involvement of the Pittsburgh PD, setting up some local kids to feed a sob (bullshit) story to the media about Crooks being a loner incel. These kids are known troublemakers and were caught by cops an hour away from Bethel Park.


We need to compile as much information on Gregory Nicol as possible, and to organize what data points we have and provide this to sympathetic representatives. I think Marjorie Taylor Greene is on our side and wants to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. This information should be forwarded to her to assist with her case, which has information that we do not have access to. Other social media influencers should also be sent this information.

Here is the video with full audio forensics showing not only was there a second shooter, but that the shots came from the building that Gregory Nicols was stationed in.

>Audio Forensics: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491

"Nicol saw (Crooks) take out a rangefinder to gauge distance from the building to where Trump was going to be speaking, he again notified command about what he was seeing."

For law enforcement and federal agents reading this, I suggest you turn yourself in and ask for immunity in exchange for coming clean and being a witness.

Patriots are indeed in control.
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Thanks anon.
why would they have snipers aiming towards the rally though? that makes zero sense. what is a backstop... if a threat got that close to the rally, the police and ss inside the venue would handle it, not snipers. oly the two ss snipers made sense in terms of location because they were aiming away from the event and into the open area.
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The only argument for not posting someone in that window is that from average height you cannot see much of the crowd. Nobody need be average height when you can stack desks. It was an act of God that Trump wasn't killed.
What that means yet, I dunno.
Ephesians 6:11-20

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
Important info on Greg:
He most likely did covert ops before. Around the same time he “shot himself by accident” in 2019 undercover narcotics officers with the PA OAG engaged a suspect with gunfire, killed him, but were injured. Names of the officers not released to not blow cover. The attorney general back then was Josh Shapiro, the anti trump Dem governor of PA. Is there truly a connection between them? As governor he controls the state police. You need some local cooperation in glowops like this.
Earlier in the video, local cops count 5 shell casings. Then this glownigger shows up. After that they count 8. From audio analysis, shots 1, 2, and 3 were slow and steady. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are rushed. Then 9 is the final one which takes out crooks.
Working theory: FBI grooms patsy crooks. Some loner or loser, maybe he got in trouble for something, maybe they did the fake gf thing, parents are therapists. Either way, he was set up ahead of time, social media scrubbed before the shooting. If he had a libtard posting history a civil war could kick off. According to one senator or congressman at one recent hearing, he had heard that the family house was scrubbed clean like a lab. My thinking is that cooks was clearly set up. Let in somehow. Probably assigned the retard DEI D team but put people who knew about the plot in charge. Investigate people giving weird orders. Professional sniper somewhere else, perhaps as in pic rel. Maybe crooks was spotted too soon before getting into position that the pro had to hurry his shots. Cops arrested kids hours before they gave that fake statement to the media. ATF were the two grey suits. Gave out a number with a 215 area code. Look at the recent activities and location of any glowies nearby, especially Philly and Pittsburgh. May be significant that they tried in PA, where Biden’s circle has connections.
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Better quality, this was from the 30m released video
>why would they have snipers aiming towards the rally though?
because most of the time mad-men assassins try to be close, to get a certain kill. So they scan the crowds when requested.
These guys were either total fucking shit, total fucking cowards, or in on it.
Considering they are Mercs, ... could be all of the above.
>why would they have snipers aiming towards the rally though?
Are you joking?
Also one of the gray suits might be seen on video again. It may be U.S. Secret Service-Pittsburgh Special Agent in Charge Tim Burke. He may be on video here:
Delicious copypasta. Saved.
long fucking barrel, is that 18-20inch? Would help explain his inability to hit, it was too heavy for him.
it's not like a hollywood movie where snipers one shot everything no matter what. in real life a sniper would not be positioned in a way where they would be shooting with civilians as a backstop. their job is to take out threads that are also attacking from a distance. almost always a counter-sniper role and that's it.
>Would help explain his inability to hit, it was too heavy for him.
show me the rifle broken down in his backpack fedglownigger.
>It's not the echo, it's the difference between the shock wave from the bullet which is moving faster than c (call it s), and then the report from the rifle moving at c.
what the actual fuck do you mean by shockwave of the bullet? isn't that FUCKING SOUND? what the fuck you think you hear? light? ghosts? it's fucking sound, because it was recorded.
so you hear the sound that makes it first in the mic, which is not bullet whizzing it's the sound of explosion of the cartridge.
what you're talking about is the whizzing sound of the bullet which you might hear if it passes next to your ear, and then you'd hear the explosion from the barrel hitting your ear.
but in this case, at least to my ears, first you hear the explosion of the cartridge hitting the mic, then you hear a fucking echo. that's not the bullet whizzing by the mic (which would be sound generated by the bullet itself going from the bullet to mic when passing by it), but it's the actual cartridge explosion with an after-echo between those display panels, buildings, bleachers and whatever else was there.
I thought one of the first witnesses said he had a gun strapped to his back. I suppose he might have had it on the bag, but I'm not seeing a sling.
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> Professional sniper somewhere else, perhaps as in pic rel.
This is what that was referring to. It seems plausible but no one has proven it. If any audio autists see this thread, please apply your craft to triangulate the shots to see if there is a second location. Although if the second shooter is Greg in the window behind crooks idk if that will be successful. However, in some audio the first 3 shots sound more muffled than the next 5. Which could indicate further distance, or indoors. Also they have remote controlled robot snipers now so the whole thing might be impossible to get to the bottom of, but it’s worth investigating fully.
Everyone is a threat. It's protocol to have snipers watching the crowd. You can fuck off too.
longer barrels help with accuracy.
go back to watching talmudvision you retard
sound is a pressure wave anon, that's why this is so easy. Just buy the right equipment lol
even with the upper and lower in 2 that is pretty long for a backpack. I've yet to see any backpack pictures online myself.
"above and behind the snipers inside the building" - well we know that's bullshit, not just from geolocating where the pics of him were snapped from, but outright confirmation from the bodycam plus the congressman's vid showing they were in those second story windows behind and to his right at approximately the same elevation as him or even a little bit higher.
yes of-course, but sound of bullet whizzing by sounds like this:
a few seconds in there's one. but I might be wrong have no clue how bullets sound and how many sounds are there, just that the classical bullet whizzing sounds different than what I can hear in the shooting videos.
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ignore pirate fags, these are ATF/FBI/DOD high level goons. mid-game boss tier you could say.

It does confirm one thing though, now that they are sending out higher level enemies. It means we are above the target. And it means we are leveling up.
How your ear hears it doesn't matter, it's a signature, you can dial it down and measure it.
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Bah, I think this is the strap, first on scene might have cut it from the body.
So that's a really good point, a 16 in barrel would cause quite a protrusion in most backpacks. But the crowd said they saw the rifle on him as he climbed up, the witness said something to the effect that it was flopping around as he ran.

I think I found the strap.
It would be helpful if the dumb cunt in camo had her footage released, since she stood basicallydirectly over the firearm for nearly 5 minutes.
at 140 you're not going to get much more. But yeah, I could understand if you're a poor vet-fag with a kid and no wife, and you are looking for an AR, 16 inches gets you a quality platform for cheap.
The backpack is viewable next to the walkway roof between the two buildings when they first get onto the southmost roof. Looks like it had a swiss army symbol, but it's probably a knockoff from walmart. I'll grab a shot.
>tailored suit
>double vents
Pretty sure what you have circled are the flip up BUIS
yeah but in the video I posted you can hear the bullet whizzing by then very short after its muzzle pop or whatever that's called. I understand the bullet goes ahead the pop and can make that whirling noise when passing close to you, followed by that pop.
but in the shooting video sounds more like pop-echo not whizz+pop. whatever I'm out
Feds don't know all of these posts are recorded by multiple governments and their agencies. Peace.
wearing gloves, is this SOP for USSS? Was he wearing them the whole time or he put his gloves on after the shooting started or???
>Everyone is a threat. It's protocol to have snipers watching the crowd.

If that is so, they'd probably have snipers on the other side too. You'd need
to cover all the entrances at least.

I have no idea what their normal protocol is, but that would seem to make sense.
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Oh, actually I did see that one my bad. That backpack really, the rifle is definitely sticking out of this
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I'll look again I don't know why you'd use iron and red, that would obscure your view, imo.

picrel is the location of the backpack, I assume after it was stripped from him, but he may have left it there, I dunno, I haven't studied the film of him on the roof.
nice catch on the gloves
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There was another local (most likely) team stationed on the S/SW side (not sure the placement in this graphic is 100% dead on but is very close)
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You guys figure out why the bullet didn’t explode his head yet?
because it's a bullet not a movie
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I think he is referencing the shooter, not Trump. .300 win mag does explode heads.
Ya a big bullet, like they use in the movies faggot
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Shit boys, Gordan Freeman is nearby.
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Isn’t there some glownigger airline? I saw anons talking about it on here at some point. But it’s “private” but an open secret that it only transports spooks. Maybe the airline that takes you to Area 51? If anyone knows what I’m talking about, we should see if anyone made any interesting trips to Pittsburgh in the days leading up to the rally.
If the red dot is functioning most people would leave them flipped down, but not unheard of to use them in conjunction (in fact some people use fixed irons with the red dot too). Depending on the height of the dot mount they could be absolute cowitness (dot and sights in same plane) or lower 1/3rd (dot is above the sight plane). It would give him an additional reference point for aiming since otherwise the dot itself may not be where you think it is when you bring it up to eye level (especially if not experienced using it) or depending on how sunny it was the dot could even have washed out, especially if it's a shitty optic.
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It did. It just reformed from the tension of skin and muscles. His skull was shattered out the back at the nape, the still you've seen shows the damage.
Bullshit. More LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION. Is there anything you fucking glowniggers won't fake?

Why keep showing the fake body position?
So why does this suit have a gun? Yes that's bald grey suit man.

So who are these fuckers? They were demanding all the photos the laughing "cops" took.
Glownigger image--what did he blur out? They've blurred out shoes and windows from other images.
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There used to be a few "public" that were effectively set up by, and probably still are.
Either Trump was blessed by God, or Thomas was the perfect patsy. Or both.
Let me help you retard.
If someone shoots at you with a super sonic round here's the chain of events:
>Bullet silently passes by you
>Hear sonic crack
>Hear bullet wizz by
>Hear muzzle blast
Now that you're better informed you can stfu in the future.
It's youtube. You can't show gore, dumbass. Stop yelling glownigger on everything.
No strap visible, >>475687840 you might be right.
Unfortunately, black is gonna wash on a shitty cellphone camera doing "fill."
Yeah you can see the skin underneath his ear looks fucked up, was probably a rather large gaping hole on the back of the neck. We don't know what kind of ammo USSS uses - it's not uncommon for LE to use "barrier blind" ammo that can punch through auto glass or sheet metal without breaking up while still expanding (but generally not violently fragmenting) when it hits flesh. If they hit him right in the mouth through the teeth and out the back of his throat, the bullet would only be encountering a few inches of tissue.
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To prevent confusion, when gray suit man news broke from the screenshot of the video in your pic, there are actually two gray suit faggots. The bald one and one with short brown hair. Allegedly cops thought they were secret service at first, but they didn’t identify themselves, didn’t have phones, requested that the cops send pics of the dead body to a Philadelphia area code associated with the ATF. It now looks like that baldy may be U.S. Secret Service-Pittsburgh Special Agent in Charge Tim Burke. He needs to be questioned in front of a hearing regardless.
Although ATF being there helps explain the patsy angle. Crooks had real but primitive explosives in the van, remote detonator, yet they were not armed? When the glowtards set up their patsy, they give them real shit but disable it. They get kudos in the media and justify their budgets with “Terrorist Plot Foiled” headlines. Some plots like the Michigan governor are straight up entrapment where they convicted some homeless guy and 80% of the conspirators were feds. Except they don’t always stop it. Look at what the FBI did with the original WTC bombing. Or what happened with the FBI agent at the Texas ‘draw Mohammed’ event.
The opposite, actually. Shorter barrels are more mechanically accurate to a point of diminishing and eventually negative returns. Longer barrels give you more velocity (again, only to a certain point), allowing you to reach further before the bullet goes transsonic and becomes completely unpredictable. At 140 yards it would make absolutely no difference except that the shorter barrel would be easier to hide and use. Then again he stole this gun from his dad, who bought it like 15 years ago. It wasn’t exactly his choice.
The president got shot under extremely suspicious circumstances and it sure as fuck isn't just pol looking into that. Of ALL the things pol has said was a conspiracy, this is right in the wheelhouse.
Doesn't look like the same gun. Didn't every single glownigger/media claim it was a AR15? even made demo videos showing how he disassembled it and carried it in a backpack.

WHY DID GLOWNIGGERS MOVE HIS BODY TO CENTER OF BUILDING then hose the blood off the real location?

Anyone that believes these "leaks" is a retard.

All these threads are just theater for the "alt media" to discover.

WHY move his body (we know, so they could get Crooks's trajectory to match the assassins.

Where is motorcycle man?
>It wasn’t exactly his choice
If it was SS I assume it was at least 2a penetrative at range, and we can assume probably 4. But maybe for sharps they use FMJ, since you're (mostly) looking at stationary targets and can pick your shot.
Maybe they pick load by hand on the spot, dunno.
>in the mouth through the teeth and out the back of his throat
Brutal, and dead now, judging by these pics.
Seems pretty standard that a local SS would be at an event 40 miles from PA.
>do you ever notice, that every post on every event on pol is a conspiracy?
>proceeds to post a conspiracy
I guess it's true
AI bodycam, you can tell there is greenscreen and set peices everywhere. all actors, the cia built fake identies and profiles online fingerprint for them. it is fake as fuck. no one in that video is a real cop, the body is a prop from a movie , you people are literally retarded no on believes me or listens to me. this is too absurd to be real. trump is also a actor he was on aprentice thats why they make him say lines every word he says he wasnt president the shadow govt is. so in 1986 they signed a new law pres
this shit is straight out of Deus Ex, goddamn
he doesn't have a gun its just the angle and the object behind him
>hit him right in the mouth through the teeth and out the back of his throat
Makes sense. Guaranteed to distort the brain stem and allows you to identify the shooter easily because he still has a face. A trivial shot for SS snipers, no doubt.
Not sure if mentioned here yet.
There were 2 conflicting reports on TMC house. One being it was extremely clean with not even silverware. And another from FBI that it was cluttered?


Thats an AR15 anon

>A trivial shot
While he's aiming at your VIP your last concern is evidence collection.
In this picture he looks like he's at the very edge of the roof, there's no way he can be in the center of the roof like where they show the body and people from below can video him. So is he supposed to have crawled along the edge of the roof, and then got up and ran to the center or crawled to the center or ???
I thought that too, but it's an artifact of an auto magnified no-focus lens. Everything looks compressed. Or, that's what I tell myself because it confused me when I first saw it.
This is the ATF PA field executive staff. Only one bald dude, Matthew Varisco


Burke has privated his linkedIn.

All these bald men in black--really makes you wonder...Go'aould.

This could be burke (inset) but the temple on his glasses in the assassination image doesn't appear to reach all the way around his ear versus temple on inset does. That is one ugly alien mofo.

ears kinda match. the way he's clasping his hands? jaysus I bet he's a real manly fucking man.
If you look really close, you can see the slots of the roof panels running at an angle. The white looks like a roof-side covering/cap, but it's just the tops of low-res camera washed out steel panels, imo.
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this dude still looks nothing like these window photos. how'd his moustache get so dark. why are there multiple people with the same shirt involved here.
>inb4 itwas glonig starts spamming again.
They didn’t seem to be too concerned for their VIP during the several minutes between spotting and shooting the would be assassin.
Please ID barrel because that's a long one.

All of the face photos should be put side by side. The mustache guy on the roof looked different then these other stills
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in the TMZ screenshot he must be right next to the edge of the roof, does anyone know where he is and where the camera is (can some anon draw some lines on one of the aerial shots that show the body?) I'm not clear which side of the AGR building this is supposed to be.
Hair and hairline look different to me too, and where did his eyeglasses go? In the walking around on the roof shot I don't see his eyeglasses anywhere. I think he posed for the TMZ shots on the edge of the roof where the crowd could see him, I don't see how they'd see him in the dead body position. Also the dead guy seems to have his hands ziptied behind his back, maybe that's SOP? But it looks like someone dumped a lot of fake blood on the center of the roof and then dropped the zip-tied body (conveniently blurred out) right on top of it. Blood on his face is all nice and dry and old, yet his shirt and the roof have fresh "blood". Also on this aerial shot I don't see all the blood under his head, which is weird. Like it got taken before they dumped fake blood everywhere. His hands are already tied in the pre-blood trail shot. Doesn't look right to me.
There's a cycle in industries, where-by a lesson is learned in blood, some tank blows up, or an oven melts down, or something, and for the next 30 years nobody makes that mistake. And then that generation retires, leaving "best practices" that the next generation assumes are just useless tradition/time-wasters or simply didn't get taught it (these days because there's alot of feelings being taught in school now). The same or similar problem happens again costing blood, everyone realizes they fucked up (insurance companies read their reports from 30 years ago and crack down) and it (hopefully) stops again. At least, that's how Europeans in the US experienced their industries.
HE IS right where the square is in my image.
FUCKOFF with your artifact of auto magnified no focus hocus pocus.

HE WAS on the fucking edge where all the videos and images put him. See you can't do much about the security light that is on the dark color siding overhang and is literally NO where near the planted body and would not have even shown up in images.'

The cop's foot is right in front of that light. WHY are you fucking lying? How long did it take you glowtards to come up with that one?
>we'll tell them it was a gas explosion
>we'll tell them it's a focus artifact...
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A generic $500 AR15 with a crappy barrel, crappy bolt, not sub-moa either though this is not 1000 yards so negligible somewhat.

Also just noticed the red dot to be Holosun AEMS

Also not seeing said blood trail of body dragging
> where did his eyeglasses go
If he was wearing them when he got shot they would fly off? Also some people have marks left from wearing their glasses on the nose or along the side of the head
How would they get a body up there without anyone spotting them?
>he must be right next to the edge of the roof
He's not, >>475690062
>if you look really close, you can see the slots of the roof panels running at an angle.
We want to see a white edge-cap, but the roof edge-cap is tan. The white is literally just the steel roof panels, and if you look closely you can see the angled lines in there, on the right of the image especially >>475688148
No, you fuckoff, nigger. The lines which are individual steel roof joints, are visible, you can zoom in and see them.
He’s looking around and checking his phone
yep that looks as heavy as 10 boxes you gotta move.
stop posting skewed image of head shot.

HE IS right next to the edge of the roof. He's crawling from bottom to the regular roof area where it connects with the dark siding overhang and the security light.

they moved his body, hosed off the blood, then added blood to where they moved his body.

As you can see the security light by his left leg...that is the overhang. He's not ON it, but at the connector point of overhang and regular roof.

He was easily visible from the ground.

The head shot image is vile and never would have been taken and published right away by any legit investigation.

This is Crooks.
OK that's what I thought--not really the gun to make that "shot".
FUCK OFF GLOWNIGGER. I can see the fucking security light in the fucking video of him from the fucking ground. He's so near the security light, the ONLY FUCKING ON THAT ROOF that you can see it in the laughing cops image AND THIS ONE.
I’m not sure what you’re getting at. Are you implying that current SS guys don’t know they should shoot the guy pointing a gun at the former president before he shoots the president, because it’s knowledge lost to the past?
Roof photo TMZ shot (visible to screaming crowd) seems to be wearing a wig (lower hairline, dark moustache, clean hair, spectacles). Corpse in center of roof has messy matted hair, high forehead (probably too old to be crooks) and really greasy messy hair (not explained by being bloody because it isn't).
>probably the guy the crowd is yelling at is not the same guy as the corpse but yet another identically dressed perp.
It really has to be a case of its what he has available to him, or at least the appearance given is just that
Crooks was originally within the red square, arrow points to security light, the ONLY ONE. Motorcycle is visible...

lol yeah, it sounds fucking dumb when you say it like that. there are multiple agencies working, each with varied levels of need to know from each other, and probably varied code, and - I'm guessing for cases of good-faith, everyone except the pedestrians assumed someone else was keeping sights.
but, then, I say that forgetting that there was a guy not 40 yards away behind the shooter who could have leaned out and seen this faggot, and I assume could have even simply shuffled to the right at the window and seen him.
but, as I write that, it's bad form to stick your face in a window, that's how you get spotted in advance of taking your shot.
I dunno. It's possible that everyone on detail was in on it. It's also possible that nobody was.
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Those are off set iron sights. for when you want to use irons but can't because of the red dot. you tilt the ar-15 to the left and bam, you now have iron sights.
it really was just a kid that almost got away with it...
>It really has to be a case of its what he has available to him, or at least the appearance given is just that
Well that really doesn't sound like "special agent T.M. Crooks"...does it. I mean, the snipers have guns fit for purpose--but the assassin of Trump has a cheap regular old AR?

All they're doing in this thread is trying to come up with a likely story in case the alt media video tards start thinking--ugh hey why did they move his body.

WOW look at all that blood. Glownigger zoomed in--one blurred the window the other didn't.

Due to zoom can't tell if this is original body position or where they moved him to and 'just added blood'.

Glowniggers post shit like this for a reason.
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>how do they get a body up there
Well, remember, when our Butler County guys climb the ladder and get up on the roof there are already people up there with the dead guy. we don't have any video of the dead guy getting shot, or firing his rifle. We have video of him at the edge of the roof getting in position. Then we have lots of video of trump's ear getting hit, then we have some leaked "aftermath" video showing the dead guy in the center of the roof. So if there are perps and it's not a lone gunman, the perps have lots of time to bring a body out of the AGR building and plant it in the center of the roof before the local guys get up there. We should ask Greg and his friends on the second floor. They should know.
>much less blood under face in this shot here
compared to >>475690451

I think they moved the body like anon above sugested, cleaned up the edge of the roof, and then added the blood in the center of the roof. Notice there's no gore on the roof, no chunks of flesh anywhere. Also do the marks of the roof in this picture with head tilted sideways match the pictures of the bodycam footage? Seems to be different location.
You're retarded. That picture you've posted of FBI hosing the roof off was taken the day after the shooting.
No, there was almost definitely grooming involved, (note the cell phone hits), and a deliberate security stand-down. The conspiracy on behalf of the deep state is there.
What brand of AR-15 did he have?
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possible, its just so weird no 2 pics seem to actually look like the same dude. I get how the corpse could look different after getting extra breathing holes, but none of the pre shooting images look like that dude in the TMZ video.
sniper window is open
While it wouldn't make much sense, he could have offset irons. They look a little funky in the picture and that could explain it.
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this picture was taken through a window
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Not being implicated in the crime is more important than succeeding in it. If the get away with it, they can always try again.
Yeah, really good point, they weren't afraid to be against the window then. ...
What are we supposed to be seeing here?
I don't know much about guns or ballistics or blood spatter, but I know video, and there's some interesting details with the bodycam video if you download it directly from the OneDrive link where it was originally shared:

> https://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/news-releases/grassley-releases-additional-bodycam-footage-from-moments-after-trump-assassination-attempt

Right off the bat, before even digging in, the metadata for the video files says that they were all modified at 2:11 AM EST *tomorrow*, Friday July 26th.

Once you dig in though, you can see a few things:

1. These files were edited in Adobe Premiere 2024.0 on a Mac in a project called "DJT Rally #1.prproj" except for Video #1 which was made in "USSS.pproj", all stored on the Desktop [v amateur] of someone whose username was "TT46522".

2. Two of these files' Metadata states that they were rendered July 25th at 11:31 AM, but that could just be the date/time they set the computer to since these apparently came out before then. One says July 23rd at 01:36 PM.

3. The raw files used when editing this video consist of:
• "MHOC0011 Gianvito.MP4" (this file created July 13th, 2024 at 6:49 PM)
• "MHOC0012 Gianvito.MP4"
what am I seeing here?
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even if, I slowed the sound 4 times I think, and stitched first group with second group of shots. if you're curious add it in Audacity
picrel is how the timing of the shoots look. yellow rectangle is same size in all shots, and is the duration between first sonic crack and muzzle blast. they all line up apart from shots 6 and 7 which sonic boom of 7 might overlap with muzzle blast of 6. sound might be fucked up in that area because of that.
also another detail, there's no sonic crack for the last bullet, only muzzle blast. maybe he shot last shot in another direction?
DPMS bought by his dad in 2013
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michelle the swat lady can arrest me any day
what is this image from?
>belt visible
>shoulder up
>lying on his side?
>shorts look dirty
>closer to edge of roof lined up with security light
>shoes don't seem to have the white foam soles like the sketchers on the aftermath photos (maybe?)
>seems different from the other videos with the body cam on the roof.
I think there's a reason beside "protecting us from seeing gore" that they have the body blurred out and leg partially blurred on the bodycam video. I think this is a different patsy maybe. Certainly seems to be in a different place.
>someone good at perspective should mark where these cell phone camera guys are standing and where this body is and show it on the aerial photo.
Bless you, anon. The effort is appreciated.
it looks like it's the original video uncensored, the rigging looks like the same helmet cam.
Responding officers cuffed dead guy on roof. To do so they rolled him over.
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>Where is motorcycle man?
I’ve heard a lot about this guy, but haven’t seen any pics. Is it theorized that he’s the real professional assassin? Please give QRD on all motorcycle man facts.
how you get the unblurred version
helmet cam video, cropped, I tried to pause at right moment to get uncensored, they were sloppy with their blur, if you pause just right you can see past the edge of the blur.
I understand you speculation but look at the first 1 second your webm, he's only visible because the person with the camera is a long distance from the building. if he were closer he wouldn't have gotten the shot
I don't, I was playing peek-a-boo with the police action video or whatever it is, I don't have an uncensored copy (if anyone does post it on catbox pls)
>cuffed dead guy
for what purpose

What are you implying?
There’s 2 grey suit dudes. One has hair. The other is bald. The bald one is Timothy Burke, the SS agent in charge.
Anotgher image taken with zoom out the window? Because you can fucking see the window on right and the hand We got the tag team glowniggers. One blurs out the window and other shit, the other one doesn't////

Aren't these psyop dudes supposed to be the brightest and best and yet they get BTFO by simple minded civilians?

another cropped in "super zoom" with the fucking window.

Why did they move him? he was shot from behind. See blood spatter forward of his face on roof. Either that or it's the "blood trail" from moving him.

Let's see what Team Zero says.
So is that a scope on top there?
the man in another grey suit that was mentioned in this post
Nigger they won’t be moving the body around with everyone watching. It’s silly.
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That’s second gray suit fag that isn’t bald. I found one ATF guy it could be but very inconclusive.
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>I think they moved the body like anon above sugested, cleaned up the edge of the roof, and then added the blood in the center of the roof.
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Shots 4-8 are actually slightly different in delay between crack and blast. It is extremely apparent when other audio sources are used.
looks like a holosun aems but can't be certain
You guys see the committee grilling director cheatle?
good work anon
they always do this, you know, in case of T-virus
I've seen enough forensic files to know the blood on the face is dry as fuck compared to the roof blood. Probably been dead a few hours at he least.
What a fucking drama. "taking his pulse" as if one glance wouldn't confirm "he's dead jim".

Another window shot.
Yes and here it is..pic

Where he was (two intersecting black lines) where they moved him to (one black line). Got to get that trajectory to match up.
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Such a stupid fucking theory

>pic related
new crooks just dropped

Wait is it Nichol or Nichols?
Either way he's looking for a crooking

Notice anything, crooks-o-maniacs?
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I've noticed a whole lot of glowing like yours.
Martenson thinks from audio analysis that one of the snipers in the ARG building 2nd story popped him from behind around 10 seconds before the sniper capped him. He suggests it was a headshot, possibly from a pistol. The fact that Crooks does not fire again after the first volley adds weight to this hypothesis. Blood spatter is additional weight.
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The other man in grey suit..if ATF Roger Beasley or Franco Frande?

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What is this(at 5:30 in the video)
>still no statement from Crooks mental health worker / councilor parents

Crane continued, “Did you get any reports from any of your agents of anything fishy at the home?”

Paris answered, “I was briefed on uh..” before Crane asked, “Was there any silverware found in the home or trash?”

Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner responded, “I have nothing in the briefing I was given.”

Crane added, “Was it extremely clean, almost like a medical lab? Were you given any of those reports?”

Those are head honchos. It’s probably from some PA field office.
yea that was beautiful. I still haven't watched all of day 2 and 3. Might resume now.
That shits fucking cursed.
>forensic files
so you're an expert

Blood dries pretty quickly, especially in the heat. the video was taken ~35 minutes after he was shot
don't think the hot sun would dry it out? They didn't get up there until +40 minutes after he was capped.
can you please post this yourself? I did the work myself with the most basic video recording of the event on youtube, seems like official audio.
apart from the overlapping sounds for shot 6 and 7, and missing sonic crack of 8th shot, I see no issue with timing between sonic crack and muzzle blast, at least there isn't for shot 4 and 5, they look identical to shots 1-3.
the sound was taken from this youtube video:
and digitally amplified in Audacity to right before clipping so it's clearer. and as I mentioned slowed down 4 times or something, you can remake the mp3 I posted, yourself. show difference between shots 1-3 and at least 4 and 5 which are more clear from second group.
Isn't the video of him crawling on the roof taken from the grass, not the parking lot?
i think its a roll of combat gauze
>when you realize your glownigger ‘friends’ set you up and are about to take you out
40 minutes, ok I can see that.
>get him out of here
>get him out!
reminded me so much of this
interesting and checked but I have a very hard time believing the body was moved especially with the crowd of tailgating people watching on
what a fuckin horror show lmaoooo
Who cares?
feel free to leave
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comparing these three. hard to tell because of angle.
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The aerial shot broadcasted on all channels showed him at the center of the roof.l
Witnesses's video showed him at the edge.
Verification not required.
Gregory Nicol, I added the 's' mistakenly
Not implying anything. Literally just stating that the metadata for the video files was altered to obscure edit date, and stating the names of the editor's computer username, the original source footage filename, and the project names used in the edit (presumably when they cut everything together and blurred out the body).
Excellent work. So--just like I said, lights, camera, action--edit.

Don't you just love how they label things LEAKED BODY CAM

• "MHOC0011 Gianvito.MP4" (this file created July 13th, 2024 at 6:49 PM)

Is that the bald fuck laughing cop on the roof? Saved--because this means something--and there will come a time.

In this image he's been shot--and his hip area is in front of security light. In this one
The security light is near head--so in THIS case perspective--the light is there in both images, one person is taking the image from further left than the other.

In both images Crooks is dead rolled slightly forward onto the gun.

Shot from the rear. or rather leftish rear.
So his actual location where he was shooting from was directly under the window where the police sniper was.
>Harley guy
there's YouTube video from YouTubers who went and did interviews around Butler and noticed there was a Harley? motorcycle still in the parking lot 2 days after the rally, so someone didn't come back for his motorcycle.
>Mr Evans on a bicycle
there's also video interview with the detained guy who brought a bicycle that was mistakenly speculated to belong to Crooks / Dead Guy / Shooter, you can see it if you search for Channel 5 Butler interviews on youtube around the 10 minute mark.
that's what I remember hope it helps for QRDaa
What's that thing on his lips? Tooth or bone fragment?
Or just a pebble
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also after each sonic crack there's a small silence period where mic gets overloaded by the amplitude of the sound, some mics do that, try to adjust to loud sounds and drowns everything else that isn't loud. I circled all of these silence periods, and could explain the missing muzzle blast for the 6th shot, because right before it arives at mic, the 7th shot sonic crack happens and mic goes silent which could obscure the 6th shot muzzle blast. I drew with green where that should have been.
the only weird thing I notice is the missing 8th shot sonic crack.
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Back in the /ASLG/ threads we were discussing the anomalous round that was fired approximately 1 second after the 5 round volley and 9 seconds before the final USSS shot. You can hear it pretty well on the vid here: https://youtu.be/TteRLq8TTXw?t=30

Even without a technical analysis, it was obvious to me that it had a different sound (possibly suppressed) but still sounded like it was in the vicinity of the bystander recording. He does stop shooting at that point, but you can hear in the TMZ video that right after that shot the bystanders said that he was still moving ("turning this way" I believe they said), so I think they either wounded him or may have otherwise drawn his attention so that he stopped shooting.
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The Chris Martenson analysis shows this. It has been linked numerous times. Anyways, your shit is gay and retarded, fedboi.
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It was Maxwell Yearick, not crooks.
Hair matches Yearick
Nose matches Yearick
Forehead matches Yearick
Eyes matches Yearick
Lips Matches Yearick
Both wore glasses.
Witnesses and the body looks more 30-40, Yearick was 37.

Yearick was associated with Antifa and likely had connections to do this.
They started to evac the crowd. 40 minutes after they filmed the body cam videos. The crowd would have been long gone by then.
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I paused frames of the vid, you can piece together the unblurred parts.

Why do cops have to zip tie dead bodies??
>I'm too retarded to do anything myself I'm just gonna shill a youtuber
you're just sad
I've always thought saying posts glow or calling an anon a glownigger was pretty fucking retarded, but god damn nigger this post glows
It doesn't seem to be a coincidence, anon. Didn't the sniper say he went out to go find him? And take a picture of him...from there?
You have the picture of the guy police had detained? I know I screencaped it but can't find it anywhere. It was a buddy of this commiefag supposedly.
I was talking with a paramedic guy who didn't like the blood on face being dry and the blood on the roof being wet, he says he's never seen that anywhere, usually all the blood is the same level of dry when you have dead people with blood. The shirt looks all wet and fresh, the face is all dried out. The shirt blood and roof blood got added later and doesn't look right fwiw
Harley guy

BJ eye witness to harley arrival

site visit video they recap their eyewitness statements from first video.


I have that Harley in two images from that day, and then their site visit surprised to see it still there in the same spot.

Where is black skinny jeans yellow don't tread on me flag harley riding dude?

Because he's a fn ghost.

IMHO he rode up--went into the building and then went to his perch in the tree....made his shots and slipped out via the woods...maybe after crooks was spotted on roof things got hot--shots rushed--he bounced and never came back.

Picrel is Japan news video of building. Note they have the wrong (official) position circled in yellow..and Harley is visible parked under/near the security light/camera overhang. Day of shooting.
Thanks, I saved your post in case this information ends up being important
Who was watching? They were all escorted away. No more videos. Why not?
first pic seems to look like he has a red dot with a magnified behind it? Hard to tell but looks like a weird set up.
Yeah those faggots jumped on that comment pretty quick up there. Probably on to something here.
Yea I don't think he was moved, the security light just looks like it is in a different spot due to the angle.
>but the assassin of Trump has a cheap regular old AR?
to be fair, it was enough. trump luckily moved his head just as the guy squeezed.
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forgot pic
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Did anyone get the plates? Is it still there kek. If I lived closer I’d be at the scene right now, live-streaming the crime scene, getting into verbal arguments with glowtards, and funding my lifestyle off of super chats. I hope someone makes an accurate 3D model of the site soon. Would be extremely helpful in orienting the location of pictures and seeing which angles best line up. Any Pittsburgh fags wanna step up?
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sure thing glownigger
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look behind the red dot (closer to the shooter) looks like a magnifier.
I imagine if you got popped from behind with a handgun you might curl up and move a little bit. Enough to scare onlookers that you might be trying to adjust your position.
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So you guys are fine with your estimate that they didn't even get up there for 40 minutes (which is an insane amount of time) but still convinced nothing could be moved or changed?
I think they dragged him another 10 feet up the slope of that roof.
When the first shot happened, he's on film, zero recoil, and way further down the roof. Then the 3 muffled shots end, and this retard squeezes off a quick 5 panic rounds which sound completely different and is executed.
>witness video at edge of roof (better for convincing crowd there's a lone gunman on the roof)
>forensic aftermath video at center of roof (closer to ladder and perp nest and more convenient if you're walking up and planting stuff maybe, also more plausible for location of shots fired.) To get to the "crowd" side of the roof he has to crawl past all the open windows with Greg and friends? From parking lot side of roof he doesn't have any shot at Trump. I think they staged the "crime scene" we see in the Butler ESU helmet cam video before the local guys climbed through the fence and up onto the roof. The local helmet guys who sent their footage to Senators aren't involved, they just ran over from their parking lot duty or whatever "hauled ass to get up on the roof and treat victims". So there was lots of time to move stuff around before they got there. Maybe.
ARG snipers (greg and co) never left their nest
you can do this yourself I have provided the source video with audio I used, some FOX official material from their youtube channel, which seems to be audio from Trump's mic. there's no fuckery, I explained what I did and you can do it yourfuckingself.
>appeal to authority fallacy
>I can't but some youtuber has special recording where it's clearly different.
proof or shut the fuck up anon
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dont think this was from the same event desu.
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Guys setting fireworks off in car get arrested..film themselves LARPing as Crooks's classmates

Why does this cameraman move away from crooks to focus on trees?


More than 8 shots what is that last shot at the end 3:32?

crooks moving into position on roof


NOT that far away--security light visible
So Crooks disappears and his parents mis-identify their own son at the coroner?
footage timestamped of 18:32. shooting was at 18:12
20 mins in direct sunlight could do it, maybe?
basically the same as this >>475693092
there was a frame you can see his face due to sloppy blur job (or intentional?)
NO blood yet where they moved him to.

Security light visible right behind leg. Crooks is already zip tied with arms behind him...and arms zip tied behind him post move.
I think the dried blood was sketch too, but the time between the killshot and the bodycam was about 40 minutes. I don't know if that is enough time for blood to dry in the hot sun or not. I think it would be, but the shirt being soaked contrary to that is definitely odd. Thinking he was still bleeding out onto his shirt and the dried blood on his face was more immediate. Don't know.
There is not, those are rear irons

Looks like there's a Sergeant Richard Gianvito in Beaver County. I'm guessing that's the "Gianvito" in the video file name and that this is his body camera we're watching.

Facebook post about his promotion to Sergeant in 2016:
(trying to include the link keeps flagging me as Spam so just Google it)

Court documents about his Divorce in 2008:
> caselaw.findlaw.com/court/pa-superior-court/1072383.html
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slack Butler ESU
>what is focal length
You're wrong. Read about focal length.
I don't know. I am open to the idea that he was moved. I think it could be demonstrated with the right pictures whether he was or not.

I don't think the first 3 shots came from Crooks. I think they came from Gregory Nicol who was the Swat Sniper in ARG building 2. I think Crooks fired off shots 4-8 in panic at the crowd since Trump was covered by then.
> Why does this cameraman move away from crooks to focus on trees?
That is much more sus than on first glance. Also sold to (((TMZ))). No recoil, but camera points away at last second. Current theory is first 3 shots were not crooks but might have been right behind him. Then the fast spergy shots were him.
The next video would’ve been the perfect angle but the tard had to selfie at the worst moment fuck. There’s probably thousands of boomers with good videos too dumb to upload them.
Its a fake corpse, they use hollywood prop blood that clots, it looks real but this guy doesnt exist hes not a real person, cia made a fake life for him a few years ago, planted a house with quiet parents who never showed their faces or left the house and a digital profile, ai actor in a commercial and at the graduation cerimony they used green screen to add him in (movie magic) and boom the rest was just actors like his friends irl at school ... fake snapchat videos. Very well done, but you my firend are retarded if you belive any of this. IT WAS STAGED
This is horses shit, though because the pic of him was taken from the second story. That single picture has fucked them entirely. It was the first picture released too. We saw that within an hour of the shooting on pol, and then saw the body much later. They were looking at him out the window, right next to him on the roof

Heres the overhead line of fire hes talking about. May very well be possible.
oh look the magical blood.

Where is the blood in this image?

Blood spatter on roof in front of his face indicates shot from rear...

>hosing image taken day after shooting
AGAIN fuckwad. Where is the blood?? new body position, blood from original position is already gone.

FUCKINA you fucking glowing fucking gaslighters. Did you really think "leaking" all these images out of sequence would be enough to fuck everything up so no one could figure out wtf you did?
>within an hour
Pretty damning
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kys glownigger not wasting my time reading ur hypnobabble. u dont realize I am immune to ur shit. I play on a completely different wavelength. Just like your bosses' boss.

Ffs this shit wont load
Need this but with Sam Hyde face
You don't think a glownigger family would play along? That faggot was probably groomed from the start. Glowniggering is a family affair, never forget.
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>rear irons
look closer, rear irons are not three inch long tubes
whats this supposed to imply
I also want people to remember. Everyone saying how sloppy this was? They wanted it as sloppy as possible. They wanted trump dead, and his supporters screaming and fighting about a cover up so they could lavel them extremists. They were banking on people finding weird evidence of a conspiracy but none of it would matter cause trump is dead and they are now targets of the government.
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>Guys setting fireworks off in car get arrested..film themselves LARPing as Crooks's classmates

this is important and it implicates police coverup which further implicates greg

it all leads back to greg
dead guy looks nothing like crooks. why is it suddenly impossible for both of them to have been there. one has actual motive and has also disappeared, and its not crooks whose supposed motive is "we just dont know".
Well the most certainly DID move the body.
The one civilian video shows him moving, then the three shots then nothing. I posted both of the civilian / crowd taken vids. Martinson is likely right. I think crooks was shot from leftish rear perhaps twice, once by tree dude and the other time by window dude--not that they didn't fn have eyes on him the entire fucking time....

OH NOES blood smears from moving the body.
I don't think the TMZ video is the same guy. His shirt is untucked when he's crawling up the roof and he tucked it in before he got shot? Also where's the flag on the sleeve?
>loses glasses
>tucks in shirt
>gets wasted
>moves to different location while dead
There's no way it's one guy acting alone.
they enter AGR building 6 and sniper guys stop them (camo 'slacks' beard tatted dude in black unk) to tell them to go onto the roof, two officers in black - one police one SS - come down the hall to block them from proceeding further into the area
>Was it extremely clean, almost like a medical lab? Were you given any of those reports?”
So a dummy house eh?

Who is the 6 foot something nigger seen exiting grocery store with Mathew Crooks? (father).

next time be sure to hide both hands and wear scarf.

>news reports say this is Mathew Crooks and his daughter.
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It is clearly an iron sight
Yes, I linked the PA field office website.


>I play on a completely different wavelength.
yeah shilling youtubers for views instead of supporting your argument with fucking evidence
>but if you only trust this youtuber
show proof faggot this isn't fucking plebbit. if you're incapable of doing the work stfu I'm not shilling anyone
Yet blood on shirt is soaking.

This is the Paddock death shot all over again.
any way to color correct the to see if their skin color matches up? Didn't notice the shirt tuck before, nice catch.
no they didn't
checkd, and agreed
>shirts never move up to reveal a belt if they're untucked and you're laying on your stomach
it's not tucked you pol retards. have you ever army crawled on a hot roof, maybe pulled a mag out of your pocket and had your cns blown apart by a 300 win mag?
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not bad for a commie memeflag. thank you comrade
Could be complete horse shit, but some doctor anons claimed on Twitter the red streaking on his face is happening under the skin and caused by the power of the bullet ripping through his head.
short tatted sniper w/beard and earing says
>"operator suffered minor lacerations to her hand so we may need minor stiching ... you'll see where the handprints and F[bleep] blood is"

>"can't confirm life status on the male but let's get operators taken care of first"
that's usually what happens with corpses, schizo. did you ever take a closer look at the blood trails on his shirt? his neck was spun out of normal position from the shot. teeth blown out. he's not gonna look like in the photos.
>Gun grab psyop
It's entirely possible "Crooks" is a made up character, sounds like a fake name, and there was some pre-agreed AR 15 School Shooter fake psyop thing pre-agreed with ATF or FBI. Then in true Alex Jones style someone takes a shot at the President for real while this "Crooks" psyop is supposed to be going on, generating lots of confusion. So crooks might not exist and the parents might be spooks, and the Gray Suit guy may only know about the "Fake Explosives in Van" part of the event and not that there was going to be a shooter on roof. Meanwhile local Butler guys who just volunteered to work overtime for a Trump rally are in very much over their heads.
You got redirected. That’s national I believe. Here’s the only one in PA, Philadelphia:
No pictures unfortunately.
Here’s a possible suspect for the short hair grey suit, Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) Joseph T. Price
Who in Trumps campaign picked butler?
Who picked this wide open kill zone as a venue for a rally?
You have x amount of days to campaign why choose this particular location?
Is it town/county known for presidential candidates to visit?

It’s unlikely to me that there was a total breakdown of SS protection at the same time a local attempts to assassinate the president.
They moved the body. When? well they evacuated the crowd starting right after the shots so...
I think one bystander was standing more to left, the other head on check vids I posted. In both the security light is easily seen (just like it is in the cops on roof images). One position has it more near his head, the other more near his feet. In the crawling video he does crawl past the light.

THIS is angle but in both images the security light is easily visible and close. Now--explain to me how that would be possible from the center of the roof?
It was still there the next day as they said--here's image of it in the same place the next day I pulled from their video. Have no idea if it is still there.
holy fuck you guys are retarded.
roof is slightly sloped towards his feet.
his heart and other muscle contractions would, over the 20 mins since between being shot, pump some thicker blood up and out of your wounds, which had an initial burst of blood from the skin at the back of the head flow down from gravity and already dry up because it's facing the sun ON A FUCKING ROOF
Slack sniper says the ladder is
>"behind two pine trees"
- which isn't the ladder they end up taking to get up
the pic of crooks taken from the window (when he was alive) were when he was still on the ground. You can see the grass and gravel.

Unless I am misunderstanding your point.
His head was down and the blood leaked down his face, that part isn't odd, nor is the mix of dried and wet blood based on exposure to the sun and what was under him.

What's odd is this sniper who was literally right above him. Where was he from?
>usually all the blood is the same level of dry when you have dead people with blood
did you mention it to your friend that his face was looking to the side in prone position making it so the blood was running down his body?LEO didn't climb up the roof right away, the sun definitely had time to dry it out.
>"suspect is directly above us"
It's not tucked in, notice how the shirt is draping over his beltline at the top (his right side).
This reads like old /pol/
What an image. Some Parallax View shit. Resembles the antag marksman in Bullet too.
I'm implying that you're a moron.
unsure on body being moved but wouldn't doubt it considering the clueless cops didn't get there for some time. plenty of time to throw extra spent shells next to the corpse so there are 8 instead of 5.
>the ladder they end up taking to get up
The ladder they took was probably crooks's ladder. It's fairly small and collapsible. I don't see that exact one in stock at Butler Home Depot, but I do know they sell one that is very similar at Harbor Freight.
Guy on top looks like he's proud of that hair. Nice body, probably uses Vidal Sassoon hot oil treatment. Bottom and close up looks like a rats nest.
These threads draw the biggest collection of retarded gorilla niggers I've ever seen.
This is the only worthwhile thread on this shithole. Israeli botnets and NSA LLMs have done a number on this place, sliding anything important, since 2016. They are terrified of another pizzagate level investigation.
>I think they dragged him another 10 feet up the slope of that roof.
They HAD to move him. If he was going to be the patsy he had to be on the trajectory...and where he was originally--is not on the trajectory for the shot that hit Trump.
Thanks my commie friend. We do good work.

So I wonder is Gianvito the bald laughing cop? I can't find any images of him. Remember, Butler Co. strongly denies having any cops there at all. Beaver Co admits having snipers there.

I dunno laughing cop seems older?
That can't be Butler--has to be Beaver.
>They moved the body.
If they did they would've had to do it before the gaping wound at the back of his neck started chugging out blood like crazy, which would've definitely been caught on video since the bystanders were filming his corpse for minutes before they were presumably removed by LEO.
Aerial view showed him already at the center of the roof, no bleeding. He wasn't bleeding during the witnesses's recording either.
agreed, iron sight not a magnifier. Why are the irons popped up front and back if he is using the red dot? The iron sights look tall compared to the center line of the red dot.
>any autist
with enough different video of the event, and enough audio channels, you could literally position each person in a 3-D layout, synchronize the sound of the shots, and you should be able to tell in surround sound if there was more than one shooter
>THIS is angle but in both images the security light is easily visible and close.





Yes, you are completely misunderstanding my point. That picture of him forever and definitively proves they had guys in the second floor of that building. The amount of time crooks was on the roof with people screaming and cops running around underneath, and retards IN THE BUILDING claiming "hurr, we think hes above us", is far too much to claim incompetence. Those windows looked straight onto his position. The people trying to cover this up know this. That picture fucks them badly
Don't know how much stock you put in what the FBI says, but as of Wednesday the official story Wray was telling Congress is that Crooks purchased a ladder but it was not on site and he got up to the roof by climbing on some AC shit.
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more cops going into building 6 after they leave
Exactly. We need to start collecting, cataloging, and archiving all footage of the rally, before, during, and after the shooting. Then synchronize all clips with each other. Finally, use visual landmarks seen on video in order to give each clip as close to an exact location as possible.
ok yes that makes sense and I agree with your logic pretty much 100%

If he did fire, he was certainly not in the position to hit much of anything. Makes me wonder what he was looking at down the barrel.

In this image he's looking at something. Pulled from video.
Weird they way a plain old civilian managed to get video of him moving on the roof. Tricky AI.


picrel--where he was, where they moved him to.
Why did those retards release the picture?
Someone please bake new thread. We gotta keep this going.
Some anons have theorized they're offset irons, which would explain why they look odd from that angle. See >>475691641

Even if not, there's no reason he couldn't have been using both as noted here >>475687840
And it makes sense. It makes sense why they missed, too. When people started to scream and they realized his position was blown that had to act quick. This was their one chance. The sniper who missed trump probably had someone screaming in his coms, "take the shot now. Now goddamnit"
That's also why the patsy let off 5 quick rounds, because that was his only job and the shooting had already commenced.
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Some people like it like that, it would be a guess to say honestly. But the AEMS is also a 2024 release so maybe he was used to the irons? Again speculating
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inconsistent changing stories
IDIOT THERE were no civilians in the crowd. all approved actors who rehearsed and the rest were just in the back not knowing whats real or not , squibs on trum p and fake pops from a blank. How do you put your own clothes on this stupid
I know probably tough being a thirdie, but white people don't actually all look the same. a hole in the neck doesn't change the shape rest of his face you fucking moron.
gotcha. hadn't seen that.
makes sense either way. also makes no difference either way. it's super easy to disassemble an ar-15 into two halves and put it in a backpack. I could see him thinking a collapsible ladder made equal sense to carry for quick deploy. probably why he was scoping the building because he thought the ladder was just too obvious.
dork was smart, but not skilled enough, and def didn't fit in with his greasy long depression hair, a pair of cargo shorts and random sketchers. someone more capable could have done it way easy. but they wouldn't have been as resourceful to slip through the inept security the way he did. he was smart and lucky.
Body cam footage is from a police sergeant in Brighton Township an hour away, so they definitely brought people in from far and wide to work the event.
TroonAnon conspiracy theories trying to derail the pro level investigation going on here.
I think this was a legitimate mistake made by retards.
Look, they botched this entire thing.
Don't forget, every weird thing we see was of no concern to them. They wanted it to be sloppy so people finally flipped out.
He lived though
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found the esl dei literal nigger of the glowing variety

guess masta' bossman logged off huh
>If any audio autists see this thread,
see >>475692667 >>475694543
it's on Fox News video on youtube, which has audio from Trump's microphone which is relatively in the same position throughout all shots. there's nothing indicating different shooters. only weird thing is missing sonic crack for 8th shot.
phone recording might change position of microphone especially after the first three shots when people started panicking, next shots might sound different on phone recordings if they move around. but not on prez mic
>proud of hair
>shampoo commercial
he's probably literally an actor, which makes sense if it's the same guy as in the Blackrock TV commercial, but some kind of model/actor type
>bloody corpse with hair like a homeless guy
might literally be some dude from the morgue who OD'd on Fentanyl and who is supposed to take the blame for killing Trump
Local Butler guys might think they're taking part in some kind of training or whatever, it's weird that they would use part-time yokels for sniper overwatch. Greg Nichols does NOT have the bio of someone who is supposed to be on sniper duty for the President.
>Cheatle and Wray made sure all the real security and drones are absent
>recording is turned off
>USSS regulars all called away
So you have the D-team along with a bunch of spooks. Shampoo guy is probably on a beach in Malibu right now. Cheatle and Wray are just going to plead incompetence and say they delegated authority to Beaver County.
>Congressman: Who signed off on this?
>Director, well, various responsible agencies all agree to the plan, nobody signs off on anything, besides, I have never been to Butler in my life, I'm really a Pepsi executive and Friend of Jill Biden and Dick Cheney, ask the fucking FBI how should I know how many snipers we have?
>Someone please bake new thread.
No point right now with
this retard still up and shidding up the thread: UUlVzHm6
If I was giving benefit of the doubt, I'd say since they needed to go through his pockets it was easiest to follow the protocol of handcuffing corpses
You are the dumbest nigger I've ever seen. That post doesn't say what you think it says. Butler Township PD is not the same as Butler County.
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can't read this militarized glownigger's badge
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Indeed. Look into Gregory Nicol
>They wanted it to be sloppy so people finally flipped out.
>He lived though
Fills my heart with joy to know that these demons failed. Some were saying the brunette woman behind Trump acting suspiciously was FBI, but others said that’s debunked. I don’t doubt arrogant fucks like them would want a front row seat though. Any consensus on this?
He really is the densest motherfucker on this board right now.
No, it's the opposite of what you're saying. The fox shots sound the same because they all came from generally the same area compared to the mic over 100 yards away.

The closer mic sounds different because the roof and the windows would sound entirely different if shots were fired from them. The people aren't in front of the windows.
>why zip tie dead bodies
I have no idea. Would have been easier to move him with his arms secure behind him. Either that or they're afraid he's going to spring to life.
that was fake. That happened at a different event and glownigger youtuber faked a video making it the same day--it is the yearick faggot--

this one glows so hard..listen to this faggot's voice. Entire fucking video is fake af.

body could be some suicide victim or Fenty OD, we don't really have any proof of the dead guy doing anything or even getting shot right there in Butler. (Where is the sniper cam footage??)
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kys next shift glownigger. you fucking shine like the sun
no that's the charging handle from the top view. The side view shows it's in front of the BCG. Looks like a cheap ripoff of a vortex. I can't place it and it's pissing me off. more than the full length MLOK
she was def acting sketch and tried to hide a smile when the bullets started flying. But she isn't the FBI bitch people claimed she was.
show recording from someone standing in the exact position from shot 1-8, and I'll look at the audio. no moving back and forth between 1-8 shots. prez mic is in same spot from shot 1 to 8. same delays between sonic crack and muzzle shot for at least shot 1-5 and 7. 6 overlaps with 7 and 8 missing sonic crack completely
lol, it's a trip seeing a screenshot of the post I made. I remember that initial shill response. there was one more identical one
not an argument brainlet, you can't use anything but a fucking argument.
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you shine like the fucking sun. you put all your cards in the same basket just like the nigger with the pirate flag from last shift.

you have no idea what you are up against.

Hylic fuck
Go watch peak prosperity. He has some pretty good run downs about the audio already. "Mic position" is not going to be a good argument. They are clearly 100% different. Not even close to being the same. 3 sound muffled like they're fired from inside, 5 sound like loud cracks, fron the roof.
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Guy in camo with rifle is Butler County ESU, goofy looking cop is Butler Township ... he doesn't have a rifle
KEK I wonder how it is possible the tards inside didn't hear him crawling on the roof. Ever been in a rainstorm under a tin roof?

That being said--in the eyewitness harley video they said no other cars were there, the lot was roped off..etc.

Note in this image here--this is much later, original position in square, see Harley parked right under it? All the other cars look like they rolled up and just parked where ever, fast.

see---> here

Picrel is "crime scene" image--adding blood? look at all the 'forensic tents'. Motorcycle right were he left it. Same building...blood added to fake position.
The crack and boom will be the same, they were fired from relatively the same distance
Watch all of this guys videos, this is the latest audio analysis he did.
Based on what the official story is, we have at least crooks firing 8 shots, ESU sniper firing 1, SS firing 1, for 10 total. But he makes a good argument that 1-3 is different from 4-8. And he even argues that shot 1 is from a similar location to 2&3, but indoors so muffled. But to me it’s clear that the first 8 shots are from at least 2 different guns. And based on the body cam, I’d have to think crooks fired off 4-8, not the first 3 shots.
not an argument, you need to prove your shit, I used official audio from trump's mic what the fuck have you all gone fucking insane?
Thanks for clearing that up, I have his face saved now either way.
Thanks, I looked over the video frame by frame almost and couldn't properly say but they could indeed be offset irons because the rifle itself seems a bit tilted by them
"OFFICIAL audio from trumps mic".
This is retard talk, anon.
It's just a fixed mic 150 yards away from where the shots came from.
The other videos are from maybe 40 yards but tucked back behind the building. They both contain the same "proof" from different perspectives.
I was only pointing out there's no difference in timing between sonic crack and muzzle bang between 1-3 and at least 4 and 5 which are pretty clear in recording. since one of the arguments was on the delay between these signaling a distance difference for bullet that traveled, like it was shot from somewhere further away. that's fucking it, that's all I'm saying, check the prez mic audio yourselves and see the timing. also all shots have the same audio tone for me, from prez mic. but I also have no experience with bullets so take that for what its worth.
You've got the podium audio. Here's more:
NTD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62D-nQHBe4g (has every shot)
Gianna: https://www.tiktok.com/@gii.dii/video/7391306702441712927/ (#1 - #6)
Nico: https://www.instagram.com/nicoofnewyork/reel/C9YcU92uOm-/ (#1 - #5)
TMZ: https://nitter.poast.org/sentdefender/status/1812339055603978440#m (every shot, woman screams during #8 ruining the timing)
Fence: https://files.catbox.moe/erafn6.mp4 (running/walking so the timing is only slightly reliable, every shot)
Next to podium: https://files.catbox.moe/2js6e3.webm (echoes so timing is really bad, but has every shot)

The podium audio is missing shot #6 and the sound of its muzzle blast. If you listen to those in the audience, they all have it, and even the muzzle blast (except next to the podium), but they all sound different. I think this is the one that killed the firefighter. Either the bullet's velocity was lowered enough to change its sonic signature or the sound we hear is of him being hit. The podium has audio filters since it is for outdoors so maybe that is why all of #6 and the muzzle blast of #7 is missing.

More in another post.
There would be no difference.
They're shot from the same distance.
You're arguing with strawmen.
>"OFFICIAL audio from trumps mic".
isn't it tho? it's a Fox News video and audio is from Trump speaking into that fucking mic. unless fox news altered the audio in that video to make all shots have the same delays between sonic cracks and muzzle bangs
Where could a second gunman hide in the audio? If only one person was firing then the timing of their shots would be mirrored in the receiving times of the muzzle blasts since the speed of sound is constant. The timing of the bullet sounds are not reliable as the muzzle velocity changes as the weapon heats up, and at the podium the distance of the microphone to the bullet path matters too. So checking the timing of the muzzle blasts at each location would show inconsistencies if there were more than one shooter. But they all do agree up to a margin of error of 2ms, which is ~2 feet in terms of the speed of sound. This is for shots #1 - #8, as heard in the TMZ and Fence videos, and in OP's video they count 8 casings. So audio analysis supports that Crooks is responsible for all 8.

Shot #9 comes right after #8 and sounds different. Shot #10 (also called the acoustic event) comes 10 seconds after that. You can adjust for distance to put an absolute, instead of relative timing on things. Both #9 and #10 are heard first at the podium and later near Crooks. One is definitely return fire. Unknown if the other is or not.
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dont engage with glowniggers, they min max on material disinfo misdirection. just spot em, call em, then run them over with your car
>KEK I wonder how it is possible the tards inside didn't hear him crawling on the roof. Ever been in a rainstorm under a tin roof?
Also how do they not notice all the crowd pointing and screaming
Literally this is all taking place right outside the open window they've been taking pictures out of all day, if we believe what we've been told so far.
>Tards inside are all watching porn on their phones in the bathroom
>tards inside think there is some training exercise going on with some FBI shampoo actor crawling on the roof so they're deliberately standing down because of STAND DOWN ORDER
>tards inside are getting ready to take out President Trump and are waiting for the signal to start shooting
I think it's unlikely they're so dense they don't notice some guy with a rifle a few feet outside their open window, so they're either part of the perp team that failed or they're told to stand down so they can be later be blamed as incompetent idiots
>USSS Director tries to blame them
>They start releasing helmet cam footage
I'm thinking maybe only one of the locals (maybe Greg) is part of the perp team, which is why it failed because he wasn't up to the task.
>find some loser who wants to be a Fed
>promise him this is his ticket to being James Bond
He fucks up and the higher ups all plead ignorance and incompetence
You are now purposefully not responding to the arguments presented against that.
The time between snap amd boom WILL be the same. They were fired from roughly the same distance. Nobody is arguing otherwise.
Only when you listen to other audio do you see there is definitely a difference.
the 6th shot muzzle blast overlaps with 7th shot sonic crack, and sonic crack is the loudest of all sounds and mutes the mic for just a little bit which cancels the muzzle blast from 6th shot, see here >>475694543 I marked with dotted green line where muzzle blast should be heard, it's right after muting from sonic crack.
>They were fired from roughly the same distance. Nobody is arguing otherwise.
oh boy these days the second shooter was everywhere, on the watertower, in the fucking woods, few buildings behind, it was placed in a lot of places.
>They were fired from roughly the same distance.
oh how convenient, now since there's no proof in audio of different distance you conveniently place him at relatively the same distance as the shooter. whatever this is retarded
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fucking greg
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dont waste your time with glowniggers they pretend to be stupid when you make a valid point but they record when they lose so they can adjust their strategies.

dont let them immunize themselves against the truth. they can try to defend against it when it comes out all at once like a blitzkrieg instead
count the roof ridges, he's close to the edge than the center here isn't he?
What are you talking about?
The main theory is that someone fired from inside the building.
It's not only "convenient" it's in purpose.
The proof of audio is the fact that a gun fired next to you, from inside a building and on top of one are different.

I'll tell you what is convenient. You now completely disregarding that audio and pretending like trumps mic is "hirrrr official"
You're either bad at playing dumb, or are actual functionally retarded
I see this
>Only when you listen to other audio
yeah other than prez mic audio it does sound different, which matches with shots 1-3 being recorded by unexpecting spectators, they panic start shuffling around and what do you know their phones are suddenly NOT in the same position as they were for shots 1-3, and also it so fucking happens 4-8 also sound different. what a fucking coincidence. surely a second shooter.
but I'm open to listen to audio from clearly steady shot from shot 1 to 8, you know...like prez mic was. it's not like I'm being unreasonable
Memeflag watch the videos by the Chris Martenson guy. He demonstrates several times that different shots have different gaps between the crack and the boom, as well as sounding louder vs quieter. He’s quite thorough, accounts for angles, uses at least 5 different audio sources and plots them on a map.
nah, its jews. they want us to waste our time with this fake and gay fake and gay psyop. theres literally no point. whether theres a conspiracy or trump popped a blood packet changes literally nothing. guy is still gonna suck off jews. and what do you think you would get for cracking the case, a medal or something? pointless jewish nonsense. just ask yourself how you can make use of the [potential] information. if the answer is you cant, youre wasting your time. its not like theres an innocent man in jail. theres not even a moral benefit here.
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its called intellectual dishonesty anon, dont even give these shit fuckers an inch
>You now completely disregarding that audio and pretending like trumps mic is "hirrrr official"
well it didn't came from some random phone, and is most important in same position for shots 1-8.
also how tf are you trying to argue that prez mic audio is not "official audio"?
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your first mistake is treating the glownigger like an actual human being. they aren't.
Their mic is in exactly the same position, retard. On the bottom of their phone. Sorry. If that's you're hypothesis, you gotta prove it. Go prove that a gun sounds different if you face your phone foward or backwards. If not, time to go to bed, sweetheart. Your mother and I will be up in a bit to tuck you in.

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