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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally at Charlotte, NC 7/24/2024
https://rumble.com/v57r4oc-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-charlotte-north-carolina-72424.html (RSBN)
>JD Vance Speaks at Middletown, OH 7/22/2024
>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475688153
christ is king
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Shills seething
Twitch streamers. Influencing with intent. Funny to witness, these guys are using their viewers to build crappy art projects.
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AWOOING (ready for another 30+ posts of seethe?)
Reminder Harris was averaging down 2 on Trump a month ago and is still averaging down 2 on Trump. Anyone arguing otherwise is shitposting.
He only hit 35pbtid last thread. Lmao. Maybe he'll hit 40 in this one.
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uhhhhh... chudbros?
>end wokeness
MIGA kicking off the thread with an astroturfed kike
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>christ is king
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awoo out of the bottle
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>AP deleted the couch fact check
Sectional predator.
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Judge Declares Pennsylvania’s Ban On Carrying Firearms In Vehicles Without License Unconstitutional

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Very nice!
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Community notes are the reason why shitlibs seethe so much about musk.
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>Destroys your presidency
>uhhhhh... chudbros?
It's called shitty polling retard
Pretty damn obvious from the 0% black vote for Trump that they used a very liberal sample
The other anon's hatred for Vance in the previous thread was a bit hysterical.

BUT, I do want to know. How exactly is Vance a better choice than Carson or Vivek? Both on policy and on PR to appeal to independents & moderates?
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Can someone please tell me how trump is doing in the polls. I keeps hearing he’s doing bad but others are saying he’s doing great. I’m not the smartest and I can’t tell how Kamala is doing against trump. Please be honest
There's a lot of hilarious shitpost pro-2A rulings happening the last few months with everyone too distracted by how retarded the election is. They also ruled Minnesota's 21+ age requirement for a gun permit was unconstitutional as well.
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Well for one, he's not a nigger
You know, I haven't seen AidsClapton since Trump got shot.
And your asshole!
DUMP VANCE. It's not too late!
There he is!
Yay, there he is!

Do you understand the point of 1984? The tricks that INSOC used were Elementry and fooled no one
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Kikes be like:
>The other anon's hatred for Vance in the previous thread was a bit hysterical.
I don't hate Vance, retard. But he is 100% a DRAG on the ticket. Even before all these insane quotes started coming out he didn't bring much.
>BUT, I do want to know. How exactly is Vance a better choice than Carson or Vivek? Both on policy and on PR to appeal to independents & moderates?
They weren't better choices either. Carson is too old (and blacks will view him as an uncle tom) and Vivek didn't do much either. But BOTH of these don't have the insane Vance quotes.
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>discussing 1984
>on /pol/
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>how trump is doing in the poles
you mean against the harpy who’s never received a vote + isn’t even the nominee?
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you lads ever think supernatural cunts (demons, vampires, psychics, witches, angels, gnomes, ghosts, whore of babylon, etc...) are real fucking around in society with hidden bases. Watching shitty television, voting, posting on 4chin, doing drugs, making deals, etc...
>Yes I have been watching too much Supernatural & Corner Gas
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>"We're not admitting the story was WRONG and BULLSHIT. We are simply claiming that it didn't go through our normal editorial process."
Anyone familiar with campaigns knows this race will not change. Trump is too well-known a candidate. Literally no new information can long-term change one's opinion of him. The same people voting for Trump after the debate were voting for him before it, the same people voting for Trump after getting shot were voting for him before he got shot. Using 2016 and 2020 as barometers, Trump's got a minimum of 48% locked in—he got 46% in 2016 and, even with rigging, 47% in 2020. If RFK's getting 5%, and we give the other third-party candidates a collective 1%, Harris has no room to build a winning margin: Trump 48, Harris 46, RFK 5, Other 1.
>hebrews 13:12
>Be sure to welcome strangers into your home. By doing this, some people have welcomed angels as guests, without even knowing it.

yes, angels could be here or anywhere.
I am going to watch the election from afar with a big box of popcorn as ginger cunt gets his nuts handed to him.
I am especially looking forward to the screeching to follow....
By "witches," do you mean those fat-ass wiccan bitches?
Vivek and Carson both have dumbfuck quotes too, do you not recall Carson's quote from his 2016 campaign about some biblefag building the Pyramids to store grain? Anybody Trump picked would've been shitted on by the left.
Do you think Trump can win? I hope he wins. Kamala is so awful, I'd rather have Hillary in.
it was supposed to be a warning
not a dnc handbook
here's another one
>Do you think Trump can win?
Trump will DEFINITELY win.
The only issue is the level of the voter fraud.
what happened to "any time, any place"?
Kei Sugimoto: Footage I filmed of the World Trade Center Collapsing on 9/11/2001. Filmed from the roof of 64 St Marks Place in NYC on a Sony VX2000 with teleconverter. For historical archival purposes only. I was cleaning my closet and found boxes full of Hi-8, Digital-8, and DV tapes. When trying to play them back I noticed that maybe about a 3rd of them had demagnetized over time and were either blank, or suffering from major data corruption. After researching online I learned that video tapes are not immune from age even when stored in ideal conditions, so I frantically started to digitize them. Thus I'm just uploading the video now.

World Trade Center Collapse on 9/11/2001 / Original Footage by Kei Sugimoto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM9h60AesrI

Full Video - World Trade Center Collapse on 9/11/2001 by Kei Sugimoto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQRTXmTMc1Q
Who's the Democrat's presidential candidate? Will it be Mark Kelly in two weeks like it was Joe Biden a week ago?
who did he say that to?
what happened to your official nominee?
oh, you don't have one for another month?
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do you ever think we'll ever get any new footage of the first tower being hit besides the two that exist?
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Mexico has a stolen election, puts a jew in charge, now degenerate freaks are a protected species.
>being hit
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
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completely unforced, all over the lanes, girlfriend 100% unreal, shitposting cringe at all times. he is perfection.
Last time Trump debated some democrat, he ended up not even running in the election.
>Vivek and Carson both have dumbfuck quotes too, do you not recall Carson's quote from his 2016 campaign about some biblefag building the Pyramids to store grain?
I don't, but ok, good to know. But these Vance quotes are real shitty. Just when abortion was starting to be a "rear view mirror" issue, they gave the Dems new ammunition.
Trump needs to lose Vance off the ticket and replace him with either of Burgum, Youngkin, or Haley.

This might be messy at first but if it’s done quickly it’ll have a positive effect on Trump’s winning this thing ultimately.
Post the other states
planes don’t disappear into buildings anon, nor do they disappear into underground mineshafts
Trump tweeted that to Biden. He never tagged Harris
for the keks
That must be a fun job
>Hello Sir we are calling today to poll random civilians about the upcoming US Election, would you mind answering some questions for us?
>okay sir you have a good day
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it`s just getting sillier.
Carson is too sleepy
Vivek is too based and weird
> Lake -4
It's hoever
Not only will it take the focus off Kamala, but Dems will seething over replacing Vance and Rs can say "don't lecture us about replacing candidates"
Burgum is the best male choice.
Haley or Tulsi (real wild card, but she defeated Kamala in the debate) for female.
>JD Vance has not had sex with a couch SO FAR
there's no way we're not running a prosecutor against a felon, especially now that we know he's scared shitless of debating her LMFAO
No it's still retarded and so are you
im thinkin about pinnin those weasels.
>there's no way we're not running a prosecutor against a felon
Your candidate is Michael Avenatti?
Elon is the best.
Fuck the haters.
Ok faggot. Enjoy losing. Dems did what they had to do, replace their dead weight. Rs have to do the same.
>democrats have difficulty understanding that something said to a completely different person does not apply to you specifically just because you want it to
i mean more the supernatural cunts that can fire lightning and curse people but they are probably hated by real ones if they are real.
and i guess demons as well? what about vampires and werecunts?
any supernatural cunts in kangaroo WEF terrority?
>only 6 pbtid
Not gonna make it to 40 at this rate.
Post all of them, I want to be up to date with this shit and don't have a Twitter/x account.
Imagine how nice and TIGHT Kai must be.
God polling is so shit.
Emerson has Michigan tied despite Trump winning independents in their poll by 7. How? Well 80% of the independents in their poll are undecided. So their 25% independent sample was reduced to around 6-7%, and basicaly made completely irrelevant.

I don't think it's malice, most people just don't answer these surveys anymore. You cant draw any conclusions from a survey where 80% of their independents didn't answer the question, meaning their poll basically doesn't have independents.
How come polls show Trump up but other people on the ticket down and vice versa?
When I vote it's down the line every time.
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>oy vey filthy goyim plz dump Vance for our.. i mean your good!!
Kek you fucking yids.
Good point, one would thought he would be all over this shit to mourn muh democracy not being saved.
Did they assign one college intern to specifically only spam about Vance and nothing else? Brings me back to the days when Brock's Consensus Cracking pamphlet got leaked from MM's internal training docs.
>replace their dead weight. R
With who?
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why bother debating the b team?
>JD Vance has not had sex with a couch SO FAR
>Trump 49%
>Lake 42%
again ticket splitting of a margin difference of 7 never happens with Trump on the ballot between senate candidates in swing states. in 2020
>Trump 48%
>McCormick 44%
same case in PA too. honestly starting to think if you want to see how sen candidates are doing just apply Trump's percentage to the races where the same polling is happening.
the ticket splitting won't be like they are polling anon. even in 2020 the splitting was never this bad.
Gay leftists for Donald Trump.
Remember the "Elon dumps Trump" spam yesterday? Those were the fucking days.
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Crackers got ahold of the consensus cracking pamphlet again
>>475695011, >>475695272
your script is fucking garbage.
there's your response.
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All he had was rageposting about Trump on X. Maybe he thought Trump died and couldn't take it?
Based on your logic all the Dems that wanted Biden gone were shills? They saw the writing on the wall and took action. You faggots will scream SHILL! and just like the ship keep sinking.
Good lord who is that beautiful cat???
his birthday coming up soon
better get him some fancy feast
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Maybe he finally OD on copium after Trump dodged the bullet.
>How come polls show Trump up but other people on the ticket down and vice versa?
These are all state polls and state polls are notoriously garbage. I wouldn't read anything into that. Most likely there wont be more than a 2 point gap in any of the big senate races and the presidential races.
M687ify: Thank you very much for your publication. Please, did you see the famous planes that crashed into the towers? Given the smoke, it's hard to see them on your video...

keisugimoto570: I saw the second plane crash but did not film it on camera. If I remember correctly, I think I ran to get my video camera after seeing the second plane crash sensing that this was no ordinary accident.

bilharzia: Can anyone tell if the antenna on the N. tower drops a split second before the roof line?

keisugimoto570: It's hard to tell from this footage, but I think that is possible. I'm no specialist, but based on documentaries I have seen, I saw an architect explaining how the Twin Towers was constructed as a "compound truss" system. I may be wrong but my understanding is that instead of having a core load bearing structure, it was a system in interconnected trusses that collectively supported the weight of the building. Therefore, once a segment failed, the truss below the failure point was not able to hold up the immense weight above the failure point. That being said, I think it is possible that the (probably) heavy antenna started falling through it's supporting structure which was probably compromised by the heat and/or physical damage.
yes, they called me a democrat shill for saying that trump is the antichrist

Ticket splitting isn't even real anymore outside extreme examples. The last time I saw a massive split, it was in 2018 in Texas, with Abbot winning by 11 and Cruz only by 2.
Didn't think of that. That's a possibility, too.
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
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checkem holy, ngl having castiel's powers would be nice;
>smiting pedos, murders, abusers and rapists
>teleport around like a chad
>strong enough to bust through brick walls
>put mfers to sleep
>sense demons and gnomes
>Heal cunts and get rich by curing people of cancer and happy wheels legs
>become invisible to finally get away from people
>fuck with blue checkmarks and other leftists
What day
for trump to be the antichrist, he has to be wanted by EVERYONE. including the deep state (ie- everyone means EVERYONE, no cherry picking!)
the deep state doesn't want him.
what now?
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chrisluckhardt: I’m digitizing old tapes from this era too. Do you recommend any techniques or resources that elaborate on your advice?

keisugimoto570: I'm using a SONY GV-HD700 (which I got around 2007). From there I am connecting my MacbookPro to to the deck's iLink (aka Firewire 4pin) port using a bunch of adaptors. iLink -> Firewire 800 -> Thunderbolt 2 -> USB-C Thunderbolt. There are probably simpler ways to connect, but this is working for me. Once connected I am using Quicktime's "New Movie Recording" to capture. One very annoying, but inevitable issue is that, when digitizing tapes that are corrupt but still viewable, the video capture will give me an error and stop recording every time the computer detects a drop in time code, or any data anomaly. It can be a tedious process of constantly restarting the video capture and putting all the clips back together in Premiere
>The last time I saw a massive split, it was in 2018 in Texas, with Abbot winning by 11 and Cruz only by 2
yeah and that was do to many factors of Cruz being an unlikeable faggot especially since 2016 was still on the minds of people there
They probably can't do that if Trump has a big enough lead.
I expect Obama will hold his endorsement until later, maybe right after Kamala flubs a debate to distract from it.
With only like two months after DNC confirms their nominee, I wonder if they'll get more than one debate in. That might be Trump's main chance to secure the win comfortably.
where my trump niggas at? you like paying double for groceries?
it doesnt say that people want him before he is in power

it says that once he is in power for three and a half years then everyone whos name is not written in the lambs book of life will agree to worship him.

but, by that point 50% of the world has died. so, today that would be 4,000,000,000 people dead when "everyone" worships him (for saving them, or seemingly saving them)

but, yeah, no where does it say he is universally loved when he comes to power for the second time.
>paying for groceries
>have unlimited ebt cards

They dont give a fuck. They want shit worse for white people in their genes.
When Japan's economy was great, Japanese tourists were most famous for bringing expensive camera and recording equipment to everywhere they traveled. It is very possible that other Japanese tourists visiting New York on 09/11/2001 have unseen footage of the Twin Towers in the World Trade Center collapsing. Heck, it is also possible Japanese tourists have unseen footage of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers as well.
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Now he's just shouting into the abyss lmao
wasn't he already in power for that long?
You forgot to remove your Democrat flag, tranny
what like they do?
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Very nice bottle. Too bad about the retard. I guess this is a fancy picture of a retard squisher.
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>"Trump campaign knew in May they would face Kamala!"
>after 2 months still can't mount a strategy against her
This is PATHETIC. What are they doing?
>tie Kamala to Bidenflation, grocery prices and the border
>frame Kamala as Left Coast CA elitist that helped to allow San Fran and CA and soon the nation to become tent cities and open air drug use
Who are they quoting?
the antichrist must come to power twice with a gap in between where he survives a deadly wound by a miraculous hand.

he becomes the son of destruction during his second reign.

>These heads are also seven kings.
>Five of the kings are dead. One is ruling now, and the other one has not yet come. But when he does, he will rule for only a little while.
>You also saw a beast that used to be and no longer is. That beast is one of the seven kings who will return as the eighth king, but only to be destroyed.
>only 10 posts
C'mon man, you're never going to break 40 at this rate.
nn ptg i love you
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>Hey guys
>Let's kick Vance off the ticket!
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sipping on pickle juice to get my electrolytes
I'm not sure. But one of the attacks on Kamala is that she wants to ban plastic straws, so the counterattack is "They are literally grasping at straws".
It's working. If all they have is "herr derr plastic straws" it shows why they are fucking this up.
That's why Obama did to Romney. He framed Romney as an cutthroat CEO that sent jobs overseas. And it worked.
>I'm not sure
We'll go find out, you're the one who posted it
Hey guys, lets leave Vance on the ticket because he brings so much to it and his quotes (which seem to keep coming) won't hurt Trump at all!
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>still can't mount a strategy against her
says who?
the same people saying she was never a border czar?
They're not struggling. Just a supercut of her talking about the issues is sufficient.
"“They are literally grasping at straws,” said Michael Brodkorb, a former deputy chair of the Minnesota Republican Party. “Republicans desperately wanted to run against Joe Biden. … The introduction of Harris into the race, I think, has upended their attacks and their strategies.”"
It's a Republican in Minnesota. OUCH.
>the same people saying she was never a border czar?
They are deflecting. Trump should be framing her up as a left coast elitist.

Oh ok. I guess we should leave him on then lol.
>. Just a supercut of her talking about the issues is sufficient.
No it isn't. They have to define her like how Obama defined Romney.
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Wow, so because he's currently not the deputy chair means his opinion is irrelevant!
Archive link: archive[.]ph/hZ41j
Death to lugenpresse
Your opinion is irrelevant lmao
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liberals love elitists
they can't think for themselves
that's why they need people to think for them
or vote for them
Ok, I'll bite just this once because I'm curious. Why should Trump go after her now and risk knocking her out, when he can wait for her to secure the nom and hit her hard after she's locked in?
I hope the angel isn't disguised as a nigger because there's no way I'm inviting a nigger into my home.
Trump reminding everyone that Harris was Border Czar was pretty good. However, Trump really needs to ask the person who came up with Meatball Ron to come up with a new nickname for Harris
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and just to be clear
the "one is ruling now" is an interpretation by the translators of the cev

the esv has the correct translation of "one is"

>they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while.
>As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, and it goes to destruction.

which, in context of john seeing the antichrist come to power for the second time with the woman riding the scarlet beast with seven heads, could be the republican party.

the republic-an party is rome
represented by a scarlet beast (elephant)
the woman is the united nations set to rule the kings of the earth
the five republican presidents since ww2 are dead (eisenhower, nixon, ford, reagan, bush)
one is (bush jr)

and the seventh was, and is not, yet is to be the eighth.
doesn't matter. normies will believe what the MSM tells them. they'll never see the community notes.

> trump was never shot
> kamala is super cool now
> she was never the border czar
> black people are voting for kamala

this is the "truth" now
Cum dumpster harris
Trump has no reason to debate Harris right now. In fact, I think Trump is unironically hoping for a Round 2 with Hillary Clinton.
Prediction markets have Kamala as 95% for Dem nominee. They simply don't want to give up the money whether she's the best candidate or not. It's extremely safe to assume she's the nominee
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vote right wing you are too retarded to have a political strategy anyway
You don't want to overplay the attack lines, forcing the DEMs to change the candidate. Let them nominate her and the VP and THEN you start to pounce her.
But rust belts and hispanics won't.
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DEI Vice President
I was thinking Wet Willie Harris or Wet Willie Kamala. Wet Willie stands for former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown who is Kamala's ex-boyfriend
>However, Trump really needs to ask the person who came up with Meatball Ron to come up with a new nickname for Harris
Laffin is HORRIBLE
Off the top of my head:
>"Left Coast" Kamala
>"Babblin'" Kamala
>"Elitist" Kamalax8san
It's going to be Big Mike. You know I'm right.
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too bad elections are before the holidays
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>watches edward scissorhands once
Trump is probably being smart here. He puts all focus on the DNC convention (which will be a garbage dump). Also, the Democrats might actually nominate someone else; though Kamala is likely to get it.
this, we need nickname for harris or trump will lose
>You don't want to overplay the attack lines, forcing the DEMs to change the candidate.
Will. NEVER. HAPPEN. She is 10000% the nominee.
kek good one
How about Retarded bitch?
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whats his name again geetlebusse?
I get that, but I wasn't talking about the debates. I was referring to the poster that keeps saying there's no strategy for attacking her.
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>the mind is maya
>the world is a stage
>offer your treasures not up where moth and rust doth corrupt
>‘alam ashshahada/‘alam al-ghaib
Again I must ask

When THE FUCK did they release a black maga hat
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Don't count on that. When the polls keep Trump winning general samples, they will panic.
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I don't know a single person who is honestly undecided on who to vote for. Polls all seem like bullshit. Everyone who's voting already knows who they're voting for. Polls shouldn't realistically change
In polls with a 10% gap between Dem and Rep respondents, they're even.
its a special release to only the magest racoons and certain guild members (im not)

They are checking internal polls too. Not sure what those are showing
Well I certainly am so where the fuck is my hat
>t. When the polls keep Trump winning general samples, they will panic.
Kys faggot. They will NOT change out the ticket again. EVER. The money Kamala raised just recently is HERS and can't be passed to another candidate. Biden was only able to pass him money onto her because she was his VP.
Lol is anyone real reading this. All the people outside have been assaulting me. Imagine hundreds of people assaulting you, every day. I've had a few suicide attempts, but it literally doesn't work
So why did Trump canceled the debate with Kamala? She's the presumptive nominee. Everybody knows it's going to happen, there's no point in delaying it until it's official unless the Trump campaign have to seriously restrategize from here on out on how they're gonna deal with Kamala.
just point out every day that she is an idiot who had to suck Willie Brown's cock, a 70 year old, to advance her career.
if the media and internet can trick enough people into believing it's actually contestable and that she has more than a snowball's chance in hell, it opens a lot of possibility for fuckery in november. that's why working to keep
>too big to rig
a working reality in our collective headspace is pretty important
>the republican party cant possibly be the beast from daniel and revelation, get out of here!

under bush and bush jr we literally invaded and occupied babylon and the beast kingdoms from daniel
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hats arent real
Debate can be scheduled with their official nominee. This will make the DNC convention even more of a shit show. Fuck you by the way.
I understand that. But, take a safe route. Let DNCC roll, the riots in Chicago, all the good stuff. Next day, let hell breaks loose against her.
Where can I find an apathetic gal with fat tits?
>because he's currently not the deputy chair means his opinion is irrelevant
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people switch parties all the time
especially when they accidentally swallow a red pill
>I understand that. But, take a safe route. Let DNCC roll, the riots in Chicago, all the good stuff. Next day, let hell breaks loose against her.
She is the nominee. I won't respond to your nonsense again.
Wet Willie Harris or Wet Willie Kamala. Wet Willie stands for former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown who is Kamala's ex-boyfriend
>former president Trump got caught claiming the RNC event happened 2 weeks ago when it actually happened 6 days ago

why isn't anyone talking about this clear as day cognitive decline?
Ok faggot. Enjoy losing. Vance will cost Trump the election.
He didn't. What he said is, let's see which candidate will emerge from the DEM convention.
>22 pbtid
Just 18 more to go faggot.
How's it gonna be more of a shitshow? Are they making it an open convention? I'm pretty sure Biden is going to pledge his delegates to Kamala anyway so I don't really understand the confusion here. Besides, both Trump and Biden had their debate a month ago before any of the conventions and Biden got smacked so hard he had to quit. Just schedule another debate and just be like

>Look at this fraud they put up here, the Democrats are in chaos and this is the best they can muster up

Or some shit like that. Why even bother to wait AFTER the convention when we all know Kamala is gonna get nominated.
Fucking stupid. It can't be sexual and no one cares about that shit. It has to be something like what I said or
>"Kooky" Kamala
>"Unhinged" "Kamala
>"Bonkers" Kamala
Yes keep posting garbage no one cares about. You probably won't even get paid lol.
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you think they would have chosen a better pic of Kelly here
holy shit i didn't realized he's aged this much the past two years
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I honestly thought it was two weeks ago, too
lots of crazy shit has been happening lately
Kamala is going to win.
He already stopped calling her "laffin'". Also you forgot the goddamn apostrophe.
>Open borders Kamala
>Cartel Kamala
Oh look we got a fuckin grammer nazi over here lmao
Don't forget they're going to sentence Trump in September too
>>Open borders Kamala
Not bad, but it really only ties her to one issue. "Infation" Kamala wouldn't work for the same reason. That's why "Left Coast" Kamala I think is good. Ties her to leftist shit and CA
>Cartel Kamala
No one cares.
Trump specifically says the apostrophe part, if you're going to criticize something he said, at least quote it properly, you fucking homo.
Judge is a complete coward and will delay it again or sentence him to a fine. SS won't even allow his imprisonment dude. I'm sure the judge has received a letter from them at this point.
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since tomorrow is grillin day and i have to wait till morning for a store to open up i need meat ideas for what to slow cook for hours over the smoke
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Useless Kamala
>Useless Kamala
I've had that happen to me before. With waffle batter, though.
She's not useless, she gives blowjobs
You mean your bf's baby batter.
I wanna believe this
but Vance was such a a shit pick

Are you fucking kidding me? You want me to produce meme magic? I get paid less than minimum wage (caregiver to my parents) and my poor brain hurts. Also I want some asian pussy. Preferably chubby with fat tits. I'm not interested in trying to finish your homework assignment. I'm likely to pray, watch anime, and possibly masturbate.
How do these businesses stay open. A tool store, very impressive. But the labor needed to maintain it is actually worse than dying. I think that's why women are good managers. They don't understand, because they aren't humans. A good theory is that a tool store doesn't even exist. You can't go into one. You've been having illusions of grandeur. I've never been, but I've heard of them.
>She's not useless, she gives blowjobs
Unless Kamala will be giving every American male a blowjob, she's useless. And I give credit to the other anon for that name.
Safe bet anon. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if he did get a noticeable bump in overall support from the assassination attempt. That was a pretty big vibe shift and the Biden dropout hijinks after it won’t help them.
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Slowcookin ideas:
-jackrabbit and squirrel steaks
-deer rump roast with tomboy milk cheese
-an entire pig's flabby ass
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Hidin' Harris
>1pbtid immediately has gay thoughts
>new nickname for Harris
Kammy from HR
AWFUL. What is she hiding from? She's literally on the campaign trail.
If you believe vance changes anything you’re either a shill or retarded. No one cares. No one watching his speeches at Trump rallies will change their vote over him and no one not watching the Trump rallies will actually give a shit who this random ass race traitor is. No votes will be affected by this, no public opinion will be affected by this. It’s a shill line and you either fell for it or get payed (hopefully) to type it out here over and over
im thinkin some kind of birria. smoked then braised. so i need the largest cut of beef that is not brisket, i cant get beef cheeks anywhere
absolutamente nein
They can do house arrest, which is most likely
Kamela seems like the kind of woman who really wants to see my manager.
Vivek has charisma. he's likable. can talk well on the news. he's great on interviews

Vance is a boring creepy looking fat guy.
Vance looks like a Chucky doll with short hair
no charisma
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hello please esoteric w/e
please tell me there is funny news and not more ironic arms race
>If you believe vance changes anything you’re either a shill or retarded. No one cares.
Ok retard. The media will keep putting up his dumb quotes (which I'm sure there are more to come) and the Trump campaign will have to defend this. Same shit with McCain/Palin.
Jussie "Harris" Smollett = JHS

Jussie "Kamala" Smollett = JKS
No one cares about that anymore.
I went to twitch actually to investigate what I thought was a system. Cult leaders and loyal followers being tricked into divine providence. What I discovered? The guy on the screen said my name. If you're reading this. Well, most posts are likely from Satan. I think there may be other trapped souls, they have been eating us for our essence.
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Thanks for confirming Hidin' Harris is the way to go.
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bearsoteric no news the radar screens are blank not even 99 lain balloons
Ok faggot. Hidin is worse than laffin. At least laffin makes sense.
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Karen Kamala
Type and post the word nigger, faggot.
What does this mean, retard?
No. Too many white women would get offended by it.
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Kabballah Harris
On your keyboard, hit the keys:


and click post.
Vance has already explained it. The media already dropped it because his answer is about them, so the only time you hear it now is when shills post the same screenshot in every other thread.
if only trump were that based
sure Vance changes nothing

but someone like Vivek or tulsi could warm people up. they are great at interviews. they are charismatic and charming and well spoken. they could have done well with crowds.

Vance talks like a frat bro. he's got zero likeability.
I don't care how much you insult me. your insults won't mean anything. I'm not a shill
Vance is really awkward
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>99 lain balloons
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Damn Allah Harris
>Trumpsters trying to come up with a catchy name because his leader can't even do that by himself anymore

Dems only need to suit up Mark Kelly for VP and this is a done deal, they're in shambles.
Behold, inside you will find a paid shill.
He is retarded though.
Liberating, wasn't it?

Vance is better than that Pence faggot, and changing anything about the ticket now would distract from the dems' fuckup, no, shoo shill! Away with you!
>Vance has already explained it
If you have to EXPLAIN it you've already lost.
>"This is what I mean't when I said Trump was America's Hitler!"
>"actkually when I said Kamala is childless cat woman I meant something else"
>"When I said childless people have less of a voice in democracy than people with children, this is what I actually mean"
It won't stop. The media won't stop airing the quotes, team Trump will have to keep defending him, and I'm sure there are MORE quotes. 20 years of social media, interviews, etc etc.
Go fuck yourself, you stupid nigger, no one asked you. Eat shit from a dog's ass, chop your tiny mutilated penis off and jump from the nearest tall building, you insufferable kike licker.
Kek pedos btfo
Ok faggot. Your names are shit and you lose.
>Vance is better than that Pence faggot,
He literally isn't. Pence brought in Evangelicals that at the time were wary of Trump and he didn't have any skeletons in his closet.
Vance helps Trump with no one and there's a new skeleton found every few days.
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>Faggot thinks we work for Trump
Word games are fun
You'd know that if you didn't suck cock all the time
>Go fuck yourself, you stupid nigger, no one asked you. Eat shit from a dog's ass, chop your tiny mutilated penis off and jump from the nearest tall building, you insufferable kike licker.
What a response. You lose just like Trump will lose if he sticks with Vance.

Pence has confirmed himself to be a deepstate uniparty party man. Whatshisname hasn't, how's that worse?
>If you have to EXPLAIN it you've already lost.
If he lost, why did they drop it?
>Pence has confirmed himself to be a deepstate uniparty party man. Whatshisname hasn't, how's that worse?
Whatever. Pence helped (or at least didn't hurt) Trump in 2016. Vance is already hurting Trump and it's only been a week.
>If he lost, why did they drop it?
Drop what? What are you talking about?
>feigning ignorance
lol, ok
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reminder still baking
she already has nickname L Y I N' KAMALA
with a dedication to establishment media lying on all fronts
tryin to rewrite the history
they say
they say
and they all lyin'
yes im talking to (you)
My names? What names are those?
Chatgbt tier responses. I think that some of the shills may actually be dead.
Please explain. If not, we're done.
>>If he lost, why did they drop it?
What is "It"?
Pajeet is the most effective nickname for Harris but unfortunately, we can't use such a based nickname
That's 40. Well done. Mission accomplished.
>she already has nickname L Y I N' KAMALA
1. It was Ted Cruz'
2. It's just not biting enough.
reminder i am watching ghost busters and stalling with my unreal girlfriend who is a ghost tomboy
>My names? What names are those?
Hidin Kamala.
>can't tell me what "It" is
You lose, faggot.
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>Heck, it is also possible Japanese tourists have unseen footage of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers as well.
That isn't possible because that didn't happen. The "planes" crashed in the ocean. What hit the twin towers were the same missiles that hit the pentagon. A plane is a big hollow plastic tube. A hollow plastic tube cannot penetrate a steel lattice frame.
Ah, yes. That was it.
Really more a name, as opposed to the plural.
Like President Trump I make the call and stick to it.
You do realize we've only been trying to get you to 40 posts and no one really gives a shit what you think, right? Keep sperging though, it's enjoyable.
>You do realize we've only been trying to get you to 40 posts
I don't count and I don't care.
IN the next /ptg/ it will be back to 0 again.
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>44 posts
Oh yes, *I* lose.
Keep posting this raccoon
Kek this loser is one mad shill

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