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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Kamala is goimg to win the election
why can't "trendy" areas ever have art that looks good instead of repulsive slop?
I would take commie murals over this
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It’s called Dadaism
Jews and demons love ugliness and chaos
If her poll numbers don't nosedive after the debate (listen to her talk for long enough, even you'd vote for Trump) she has a chance.
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Juan I don't think you understand how it all works
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Neither of you would even live in a city seriously shut the fuck up and enjoy the big boy ranch you definitely don’t have.

You literally mean nothing to the progress of society merely by the virtue that you despise it
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lol shienbaum won the election fair and square. The other assassinated political opponents were just relocated to a luxury resort, stop asking questions goyim. No we don’t own all the politicians in the world…what are you an antisemite
“Is that me?”
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That's absolutely terrifying (like the faces of real kikes)
Not blessing this thread until i laugh
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Least popular VP in history, wasn't even in the top 3 dem candidates
wtf why did she say no????
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>oh boy I sure do love niggers!
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fuck this im hazel posting
>Unrelated to thread topic
>Kamala posting
Really are a lot of bots recently huh
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right after this i mean
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now this is art.
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hope EU5 is great checked
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LMAO you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh your "/pol/ humor time" threads; face it, most POCs will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers!
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>dirtpoor shit farmer notion of any population over 10,000
Like I said irrelevant to society
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> Just learn to use a knife bro.
> Knife 0 black man 2.
lol based. I’m sure this is fake af but yea. God the creator of all did create the oppurtunity of the serpent and also the courtroom of job.

I don’t think every Jew thinks or should think satan is god though. Wtf man
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Satan and God are clearly different beings and there's like five different instances of beings that have been entitled "satan" (the adversary) in the Bible especially old testament.
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Tbf this is a humor thread and what he said his hilarious
Dogshit ring.
>opportunity of the serpent
>the courtroom of job
>the adversary

I’m directly quoting where the adversary is portrayed as such
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The menu prices are absolutely ridiculous but somehow 24 dollar lobster Mac and cheese doesn't seem too bad.
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Reality is better
Furthermore, how could a perfect god set an imperfect series of events in motion without the intention of a perfect outcome?

What I mean to say, is our universe of motion is one of redemption. For whatever mysterious reason yes, indeed, this world was created with a lot of things we humans found quite awful. And there was a being who held us even more accountable than god, who is satan. And is probably why Christian’s took this figure and made him the lord of hell.
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>this world was created with a lot of things we humans found quite awful

wrong. why do midwits have such difficulty understanding free will. God created a perfect world and gave humans the choice to keep it perfect or to ruin it. we chose to ruin it

also im beginning to believe you're a spam bot meant to shit up the thread with nonsense. Its remarkable how targeted humor threads are by shill bot
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people always (understandably) praise the thunder hammer, but i think people are sleeping on power claws.
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>make two long winded bullshit posts giving you more credit than you deserve
>become spambot
Ok nigger

And lol yea god created a world where a serpent could dupe his creations. Deal with it

shit forgot to quote
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Most of Silicon Valley was small cities, mostly still is. Major cities are disgusting hellholes now.
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Literally the best webm ever
Its basically graffiti.
Looks just like the mothers that go to disney world
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Looks like putin
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It's a mystery
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Do you really think the suburb the abolished faggot Peter thiel sucked the innovation money out of like a good little bitch is the model of the future?

Maybe Elon?

Tell me which magical programming geography is the model of the world that can just steal it?
K keep us posted
Good wonderful and insightful point
God I love niggers
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Good on the cholos for keeping the streets safe.
Thank you for your service, leaf. You are one of the good ones.
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Believing that elections are anything but kayfabe for the goyim? Now that is funny!
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Well, you sure told them. They're certainly not fit to live in your urban cesspools of degeneracy you mistake for progress.
I don't get it
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Guys I found a poser
removing jews leads to umbridled human prosperity and technological advancement
Jews compete to say the most stupid and inflammatory shit for attention and to be seen as "profound". If you ask this guy to provide a logical reasoning for this, like uncle addy used to say, he'd turn into slime and slip through your fingers.
>progress is when you get replaced by third worlders
All these faggots missed that it's a humor thread. Jeez 4chan sucks
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Enjoy your solitude friend. We will persist. In numbers. Into the future. And many of your unlikely progeny will contribute to the thing we have called society which is also the thing you do actually care about but are doing your part in your own weird but nonetheless beneficial way.

We humans are pretty cool like that and I hope you do indeed influence us city folk.

But I will hit back and you know, you can just fucking deal with it
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i remember when that was a starter home price
Nazis=created literal functioning UFOs/UAPs
(((NASA)))=syphons billion dolars taxes to "cancel" mission on the spot
He was worse than a simp he was… Allah forgive me for even uttering this but he was a redditor.
they liked it plenty, what retarded cucks don't seem to get is humans always try and dominate other humans
Ah I see
All girls have wanted to see what it's like. My wife asked me shortly after we started to live together
That was 4x the minimum wage back the, so they probably would still take that rate back then easily
that one guy on the bike thought he got away until the lightpost just nails him
170lbs at 5'3" is morbidly obese
>god created a world where a serpent could dupe his creations
In their prideful attempt to become like God, our first parents disobeyed God's one command. People still believe the lies they wish to believe.
>Enjoy your solitude friend.
Thank you.
>We... we... We... us
Enjoy your hivemind.
>we will persist
citys are the first to die in mass starvation in times of need.
Witnessed it during ww2 end. They come out begging for food selling entire gold bars for but a single bread
i came here for humor but this article is actually a fascinating explanation of israeli mentality
>average AMERICAN woman
Yea but they start squirting 2 levels before that
We never stopped
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I live in Casper, Wyoming, where a Democrat hasn't won my county since FDR. As I was driving to a tractor store, I saw nothing but Biden signs lining the streets, even the tractors had Biden 2020 signs. In fact, everyone here has started referring to Joe Biden as "Buccaroo Joe" because they're all convinced he's all in their corner. I want trump to win so fucking bad, but this isn't looking good guys.....
this is still lolicon so it's disgusting

im report this to josh moon
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I live in Charleston, South Carolina, where nobody has voted for a Democrat since George Wallace. As I was driving to the cotton store, I saw nothing but Kamala signs lining the streets, even the Klan Headquarters had Kamala 2024 signs. In fact, everyone here has started referring to her as "Cotton eye Kam” because they're all convinced she's all in their corner. I want trump to win so fucking bad, but where did you come from where did you go, where did you come from Cotton eye Kam?

They can keep their mouths shut about a lot, in every sense, Anons
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Lurk for two years before posting the first time faggot.
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I live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where we never voted in American Elections before. As I was peddling to a coffeeshop, I saw nothing but Kamala signs lining the streets, even the canalbridges had Kamala 2024 signs. In fact, everyone here has started referring to her as "Black Pete Harris" because they're all convinced she's all in their corner. I want trump to win so fucking bad, but this isn't looking good guys.....
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Imagine the woman that would wear that proudly.

Kill yourself you piece of shit Anon
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>lots of bots
Yes. But it’s wasted money.

I live in Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, where a Democrat hasn't won my country since the Portuguese started sodomizing the injuns in 1500. As I was driving to the injun selling turtles for 250 ml of pinga I saw nothing but Kamala signs lining the rocks, even the cliff had a Kamala 2024 sign. In fact, everyone here has started referring to her as "Pajé Harris" because they're all convinced she's all in their corner. I want trump to win so fucking bad, but this isn't looking good guys......

The bigger frauds are the jewish government in every sense and hypocrisy, Anon
no fuck em. they are just another flavor of nigger here. whoop dee doo they are blood killaz or whatever. still are an invasive species in the US
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Guys, I live in Bumfuck, Egypt, where a Democrat hasn't won my county since Ramses II. As I was paddling along the Nile, I saw nothing but Kamala signs lining the river. In fact, my family and neighbors have started referring to Kamala as "Sand-In-Your-Crack Kam” because they're convinced dhe's in their corner. I want Trump to win, but this isn't looking good.
the hero /pol/ never deserved
I live in Fort Worth, Texas, where nobody has voted for a Democrat since Abraham Lincoln. As I was driving to the assault weapons store, I saw nothing but Hillary signs lining the streets, even the fire trucks had Hillary 2024 signs. In fact, everyone here has started referring to her as "Heckin' Hillary” because they're all convinced she's all in their corner. I want trump to win so fucking bad. But bro's, it aint looking good.
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Trump said he’s not doing the debate.
I actually don’t see it
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Thanks leaf. Bless you.
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Ok leaf flag Anon, but you're still a hypocritical jewish nigger, nigger.
>Port Phillip is the Jew capital of Victoria.
the more you know
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Final Destination!
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99% of the millennial women I know and 30% of the men I know but don't talk to would all enthusiastically pay $100 for whatever this shit is
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The Talmud is Satanic. It’s the Canaanite child sacrificing in a fire to Moloch religion. God commanded the Israelites to genocide the believes of that religion, but they failed to do so. Now we’re fighting a 6000 year old blood cult.
who is this for?
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>All these buttblasted Drumpftards
>Not a single one realizing Mexibro just contributed
Kamala is going to win but unironically lmao.
omfg this is a literal word in romanian.
fraier means "gullible" or "idiot"
oh wow jews did a number on our history

Lol Anon

didn't you hear? josh moon is okay with it now, because his master Sam Hyde is a pedo and the girl probably didn't mind it
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probably one of the worst aspects of dealing with normal people you care about who may or may not have an internal monologue and or may not be triple digit IQ is how much, often, frequently, regularly, enthusiastically, etc they talk about food. like food they have had or how whatever the next thing they intend to eat is going to dominate their focus until that point and it has to be discussed. or how often they say shit like "I'm hungry" despite having eaten within 6 hours or whatever. that's another big one.
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I think they're faggots, jews, hypocrites, niggers, niggerjews, semites, lbgt, reptiles causing lbgts, and parasites Anon

All of them, and all of it

Separate communities / territories and co-oping, and boundaries and boarders can replace government
>create the most disgusting, foul thing possible
>don't like it? TOO BAD!
>oy vey that looks like me!
>terribly sorry! Please forgive us!
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Not all Jews look like those
>good evening, are you ready to order?
>just fuck my shit up
>see something inhuman and ugly
>"hey, that's me!"
It’s true.
God created evil things. Satan merely showed us what God had created.
God could have created a universe where the biggest evil is littering. But instead it is this deranged torturous stuff
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now this is a humor thread
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>anchorage's bethlehem shalom
what does that mean?
Oh ok got it, Sam Hyde is pretty based so I understand Josh

The insufferable cunt is Hell then? Lol what's this shit Anon?
>that'll be $129 + 30% tip

It takes more than that for me, Annie
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Kek. Hadn’t seen a Hillary one since 2016.
He's gay. Poor bug.
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I live in rural Gomenasai Japan where a Democrat hasn't won my county since the yanks dropped the atomic bombs. As I was drifting around the corner in my Nissan GT-R, I saw nothing but Biden signs lining the Neko-cafes. In fact, my family and neighbors have started referring to Joe Biden sama as Joe "Fuck Chinks" Biden because they're convinced he's in their corner. I want Trump to win, but this isn't looking good.
She's cute and I would perform cunnilingus upon her vagina and I am not afraid to say it
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thank you for your service leaf
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the mental gymnastics are unreal
It's a litmus test for me. Approach hot women with food talk. "Hey, what's the last food you ate that made you say "this is good.""
Is this Kamala without makeup?
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actually, it's everyones mentality, only white men have real morals
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if not for asuka, sarah would be my lucid tulpa
has she reacted to our edits
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This is some of the trashiest shit I have ever seen
We would have had infinite energy and space travel by now. Instead we argue over which version of kike story time is real. DNC to kill the population. Bioterrorism from niggers minorities etc
>jew sees eldrich horror
>feels called out
every time
>life imitates /pol/
>everyone takes the bait
>doesn't realise its a joke
>in the humour thread
Every time
I am starting to see the whole "jews = italians" thing.
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What the hell is that??
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>We humans are pretty cool like that
How do you do fellow humans

>We will persist. In numbers. Into the future.
How are those fertility rates looking for you? Hard to procreate when you chop off your fucking dicks!
Kike: "Ugh, look at that ugly schwartze!"
Schwartze: Punch punch punch punch!
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Hold my beer.
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Seriously, should be considered culinary blasphemy.
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I've definitely noticed that they seem to work together. Italians can be powerhouses but often don't have much empathy.
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it isn't Dada at all
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What is this bullshit?
>Cost me more than i care to say
>Says it
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Total war and total death
Fuck i remember that story, he was going to spend the money building a 80000 square meter, underwater, Italian restaurant, because he found out he was 10% Italian. When arrested police found bath salts and throwing stars. Never keked so hard in my life
Watch out for the Shaq attack
Jews are obviously the dark Eldar
because it's a bot
based if real
that's cool tho
unexpectedly lost
He didn't say that
What the fuck? I must know: who, where, when, why.
>German - English dictionary
{m} [euphem.] (Kunde einer Prostituierten)
prostitute’s customer; punter [Br.]; john [Am.]; trick [coll.]
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I always felt bad for that squirrel bitch.
Her crush just had to turn into the king of England.
I just love the hustle and bustle of the big city
>the thickness of the arm
>the keyboard
>the crusty sweater
>goydoss 11
>the post itself
The name of a town
>bethlehem shalom
The name of a person
>the scars
Well obviously. They won’t even have to cheat as much as they did with Biden since all of the niggers and women are going to vote for her for being a nigger woman. Trump will still get the most legit votes before the rigging starts.
Is he?
Deconstruction is the biggest load of fucking shit since Jews.
If I even hear someone talk about deconstructed food I know they’re a pedophile
4chinz is a dead website along with Reddit. There's nobody here left except spics and jeets larping.
Betteridge's law.
Based spic hijacking the thread
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I’d rather eat puke!

Yucky tacky garbage restaurant with turbo cringe delivery

The only bright light in this hole thing is this is the version of hell that Anthony Bourdain would have to be spending his afterlife in after self deleting
One of my favorite videos ever. Nigger savagery vs. jew frailty and cowardice. Love seeing the golem turn.
>they got "Fuck Niggers" (graffiti)
There is no Great Evil in judeaism. There is only god. God does good, God does evil. The Devil is a Christian invention and an amalgam of different beings. In judaism, Satan is an angel that wanders the world in search of false worshippers and Lucifer never fell. In Christianity, Satan, Lucifer, snakes, goats, Pan, Herne, Loki and a bunch of other (trickster) gods were all put in a blender to produce El Diablo, a big bad that had the purpose to keep the flock of faithful Catholic sheep obedient and docile.
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Checked, I'll post my fresh pasta here.

I was helping my buddy Fritz out the other day at his workplace. He's a concentration camp guard in a very rural, conservative part of occupied Poland. After sending exactly 2739,72 jews into the oven via the holo-coaster launching pad, we took a break to go check on the bear and eagle cages. It’s the kind of place that the guards and officers like to hang out and undwind, placing bets on which animal gets to the jew first, while sipping on a cold maßkrug of beer.

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris from the USA was on the small, black and white TV in the back, and my buddy Fritz turned to me and said: “You know vat, Hans? 'Zis american woman isn't so bad. She's a strong defender of socalist values, under her vice presidency anti-semitism has reached an all-time high, and she has proven zat america iz finally 'villing to put a non-elected official on ze ballot. 'Zey're almost as fascist as we are! I can't believe I'm saying 'zis, but I 'zink I'm going to vote for "Kameradin Kamala" zis time around."

I looked around and all I saw were heads of the other guards nodding in agreement, I even heard a few calls of “Sieg Heil!” and “Jawohl!". I even saw the lonely SS officer sitting in the back smile and raise his arm to salute our new Führer Fräulein.
I go to the cuckservative sires to see what rhey are worshipping (can't take lefty ones the comments always give me cancer), and lately this is changing.
The conservative tree house by Sundance is one of the biggest "intellectual " ones out there, for example and many, many comments are anti-Jew.
There are the unicorn conservative Jews fighting there and many Zio-Christians but the comments are trending in an anti-kike direction anyway.
They are being updated and generally lead the conversation.
Breitbait isn't doing this because they censor like a mf yet still some that appear and go around the censors still get many updates.
Same on Gateway Pundit.
Obviously the Daily Wire (and I go there maybe once in three months) is completely pro kike.
Zerohedge is /pol/ basically at this time.
This is changing
I highly doubt that MAGA, the people, will go along with the war with Iran or any Israeli wars anymore.
Kiles are losing big time on both sides.
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Quality pasta Hans.
This is also a thing with pajeets
>depict bizarre grotesque figure with oversized nose
>Someone shouts out of the blue: “This is anti-Semitic!”
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'Ery Noice
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I get these texts and respond with ‘deport all jews’
This has to be a LARP. Their most expensive ring is $15k. By 18 months' salary, maybe he means minus expenses? So if he's a poorfag saving only $100/month, I guess it took him ~18 months to save $1,800 or something?
USA is a joke country
you don't know how much you have to pay on taxes. the bill never says the number you have to figure it yourself
this only happens in USA, all other functional countries on earth don't have this problem. they give you a bill with the actual number you have to pay
the reason why this is a problem is because certain corporations lobby the government and gain billions from giving advice and doing other people's taxes
you have a good eye kraut fren I didn't even notice them
what? when my best friend proposed to his gf a few months ago his ring was $60k
>the reason why this is a problem is because certain corporations lobby the government and gain billions from giving advice and doing other people's taxes
metaphorically, this is the same thing as causing the problem and selling the solution. it's a disgusting thing that should be banned
I’ve seen a fair amount of jew posting at zerohedge and instapundit. I didn’t see that even 4 years ago.
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She is your nigger queen! Bow down!
how do you even spend that much? Are people just causally giving 2-3 carat designer rings these days?
The USA way based desu. Always reminds you how much you're getting raped.
>here is how much you should be paying, but here is the extra you have to pay to your slavemasters
Yeah, yeah, just a language model.
Videos, bar exam, facial recognition, give it a photo it'll make it move, expand the edges, fill in blanks, makes music... muh language model.
Anchorage=city in Alaska. Bethlehem Shalom=her name.
I don't know, he's an idiot but also crazy rich so he probably just bought the most expensive one he could find
Depends what edition, the +2A for a pair is neat, but AP3 is dogshit against other terminators and dreads which is usually what yours end up fighting
Should you get back to work doing my yard?

Que puta?
>The cat hair on the sleeve
Could have removed it or at least take another pic but didn't = used to it. When you know, you know. I bet the flat reeks of cat piss.
No White Man wants to be a nigger
Kek. Fukken saved. Way better than the original.
There's a whole genre of food service that only exists to post it on social media.
Kek that keyboard suggestion
it looks like a mixed recycling bin, which includes paper and plastic bottles. Also, it's likely that most of that trash came from within that bin to begin with.
>Witnessed it during ww2 end
you are pretty damn old, östfag
Two brain cell normies buy the stupidest shit nowadays just because the Jews on TV have them brainwashed. When I proposed I just used a Moissanite stone and splurged on a custom ring structure and the platinum instead. These rings always get buried with you or passed down so the entire value of the stone argument is retarded. I make 180k and I'd rather spend the money on property, investments, or something that delivers long term enjoyment. Hell for 60k I could afford the initial costs of having another child.
That is a bird though, right? With a long beak flying towards you with a fish eye lens at the end of the beak.
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Painfully retarded
>sees namefag name
Ah that explains it.
Merlin should have turned hazel into a women.
False advertising is illegal in my state, if they didn't take down all their fried chicken adverts before selling the last nuggie they are advertising something they don't sell.
my toddlers latest artwork
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birds are not real
Mr. Schmoe is actually a mental patient, he shouldn't even have Internet but for some reason his handlers let him on. Ask him about "those mental institution thugs"
impressive handwriting for a toddler that doesn't know which way the nsdap swastika goes
Oy vey, get a load of this antisemitism.
checked, wholesome, cats are based. if you think otherwise, suck it
Im still trying to teach her, surely I would never make such an embarrassing mistake
nothing wrong with cats. you should lurk moar if you can't see the deranged and absolutely not based state of mind in this pic.
lol. teach her cursive writing
oh no that's likely radioactive material
>Do you really think the suburb the abolished faggot Peter thiel sucked the innovation money out of like a good little bitch is the model of the future?

This is one of the least readable sentences I've seen on /pol/. I truly have no idea what you're trying to say here.

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