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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Government realizes VUH ANNAYHESS is in bad condition
>Britain goes full shabbos goy
>Suella bullied
>Beans on toast nationalism
>Man kicked in head by police officer at Manchester Airport has cyst on brain, lawyer says
>Fuel still going to be expensive for while
>Royal rumbles
>Finally, an end to universities
>Literal who enters the tory leadership race
>Starmer: I will not force you to get rid of your gas boiler
>Democracy being overturned
>Jew lays a massive turd
>1&2ps coins to be phased out
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Morning lads
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Cobbee time
Why do they always complain about the symptom of the problem but never the actual problem?
because that would be Anti-Semitic.
get with the programme anon.
Morning pockys
>economy's bad
Just bring in niggers
>housing is too high
More niggers
>not enough jobs
More niggers will create jobs
>NHS is overwhelmed
More niggers or it fails
>crime is up
More niggers
>there's way too many niggers
...more niggers
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Took them a while didn't it

>How is this British politics
Because the US is the most powerful ally of the UK, so their presidential elections are relevant to us

Morning la.
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>1&2ps coins to be phased out
£5 and £10 coins to be phased in due to "out-of-control Zimbabwe-esque" inflationary pressures
Just work harder and stop being racist
The Grasshopper and The Ant: A Modern Retelling
>the ant has a marginal tax rate of 63%
>the grasshopper has state mandated spot on prime shrubbery
>when winter comes most of the ants' seeds are distributed to the grasshopper in the spirit of the welfare state
>no lessons are learnt
>time is a flat circle, this happens again and again and again
>also the grasshopper releases drill mixtapes and stabs people
I'd unironically like a mass use 5 and 10 pound coin. I'd feel like I was in a fantasy setting when I was paying for something.

That said I havent actually used physical cash for years because tap and pay is everywhere and my bank card is on my phone nowadays.
I agree. Without importing more wogs the services that are being overwhelmed by wogs would collapse. Its obvious.
New euphemism just dropped.
>said it was a “sad day” because families would be the worst affected by what he said were attacks by “irresponsible cranks”.
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>inna sammich
Should be a crime.
>Oh you want a bite?
>Well fuck you cunt
>Am a cheese and tomato sandwich.
>You want to get a clean bite?
>You wont.
>And when you pull away, I'm gonna drag all the filling with me.
>No survivors.
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Shattered lads. Woke up at 7am had a full English coffee and some oj, then went back to sleep. Fridays are the longest days
I'm not clear on the details but the coordinated nature of it tells me its not blacks.
If I had to guess it'll be climate goofs.
Needs a third character of a woodlouse who constantly advocates for ethnic violence while raping and then eating the children of the ant, but decries all opposition to this as "woodlouseophobia".
Also he's really invested in an insect war the other side of the planet for some reason and votes entirely along those lines.
Keith's an idiot
The police officer was out of order in that incident. You wouldn't like it if someone kicked you in the head.
Haha I'm so goofy and unpredictable what am I like aha I use a name because I want everyone to know it's me posting so I build a personality haha what am I like
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I've had an idea about evading tax.
>Start business
>Have wages/money paid to your business
>Business buys gold sovereigns to offset profit
>Pay yourself a wage under personal allowance threshold with Gold sovereigns
>Gold sovereigns are classed as £1 legal tender but gold value is £400+
This way, for example, you can pay yourself £100 in legal tender sovereigns that is worth £40000+ in gold, and the business and you will have zero tax liabilities. You could potentially even sell the sovereigns back to the business by directing them through other shell companies or trusted third parties.
Will HMRC rape you for this?
are you Cauldron's wife?
Lad you need to get a work from home IT job.
My day so far has been.

>Wake up at 7
>Clock in to work on my phone
>Sleep until 8
>Drop kid off at nursery
>Nip in to Aldi on the way home for some milk
>Get home and make a brew
>Sit down at desk at 8.45 and reply to some emails
>Play some WoW whilst watching Kino Casino
>Shitpost on /pol/

Oh look, its nearly midday, almost time for the gym.
Morning la.
Haha hehe ling ling? You remember that lore that's great news please like me
In one of my old jobs a cunt ate grapes every lunchtime. How you noisily eat grapes is beyond me but he ended up with a keyboard thrown at him more than once.
I was hoping for terrorists. The pakis have been promising something big in France for years, counter terror officials have been making the point that if they don't deliver soon they lose domestic support as they start to look like a dog that barks but doesn't bite. I think it's a good point. Whether sandniggers are smart enough to move away from ineffectual suicide bombings to infrastructure attacks is another question entirely.
KISS. Serbbro wrote it so you know it was engineered by a dozen or so clever Russians in a dimly lit room.
Are the namebames pretending to be other namebames today?
Some people pay a lot of money to get kicked in the head by gigantic well built men.
Morning Coconut
I am quirky okay! Please be my fren...
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>Josh pulling up to the crib while santana's "smooth" plays
>baby's crib
I don't get involved in namebame drama unless I'm sure there is 100% consensus and I won't be ostracised for it. I care about how people think of me on an anonymous website you see.
I'm a lot like sussex in that respect
Who did you yesterday la?
you obviously don't care about how people see you irl either, as otherwise you wouldn't be a shambling drunk with a mail order bride
grapes actaully sound really comfy.
see thats what annoys me man, if mr patel turns up with his fucking curry that IS going to bother everyone, but no one would say shit to him.
grape muncher? not allowed.
Tip: This insult only hits if you're also brown.
Bit cringe if you're white and using it.
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AH! There you are. i've been waiting for you!!!
KUT Engeland

.Excluded fore
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>caludron pulling up to the crib while Rob zombie's "dragula" plays
>baby's crib
Is this the part where we have imageboard drama? I'm too tired from cirrosis to engage and ling ling keeps talking about having a baby again
It's like boomers going mental at kids playing music or watching tiktok out loud on public transport but won't say a word to wogs doing the same thing.
They all speak Anglish now vrenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je4Eg77YSSA&list=PLpTHjAucqq9A2IDIsR8Ftbg7U6bKCMrcr&index=10
KEK howling
nah hes posted here before. he umm....modernised one of my fav poems. it was very funny.
hes normally in good spirits.
Sent ;)
Should it be
Can it but thee
Strawberry milkshakes forever
nah, i think it hits just fine, otherwise you wouldn't try this shit tactic. guess what else is cringe?
1-being a jeet
2-being a deracinated coconut jeet
Saw a jeet lady in full blown Dalit sari trying to walk over a 6 lane motorway
At least I would take care of the Jewish people
I just ran her over
that wasnt even me. that was from a thread a couple of weeks ago when a g-g-g-girl showed up.
No you didn't you mong. It was an accident.
>'Doomsday wreck' stuffed with 1,400 tons of Second World War explosives is collapsing and could unleash a huge 'tsunami' in the Thames
My being so had faled
Bet she can cook a mean curry and has a deep devotional Hindu faith. Based and just as British as you and me.
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>Video Game Voice Actors Are Going On Strike Over AI: "Enough Is Enough"

Nooo, you can't just get free voice acting that does the job faster and just as well. Enuf is enuf, simpul as.
>daily mail
oh bugger, i knew i missed something.
Anyone also notice the disproportionate amount of bames that are stopped at the side of motorways? They cannot maintain they cars. Absolutely thick as fuck.
>Your motorways
Walked over
I fucked an Indian girl whilst she was wearing her sari once.
You've not experienced a true erection until you're smashing an Indian girl in a sari from behind whilst you're thinking about the Raj.
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> K
UK w/ Holland
Ok, I hand ye free negers
Might go as Kane from C&C if I get invited to a halloween party this year.
what I must do at this point, also
I had a very painful wood this morning, not bad for a man past his mid century
Sounds alright but pink white pussy is built for uncut gammon bellend
Nah mate they have systems of philosophy going back thousands of years.
England = Holland vren no matter what BUT
Vrens, I am looking for vrens
In my early 20s I worked in casinos as a blackjack dealer. On the blackjack table, the player will usually give the dealer their player club card so they can rack up points while they play. One day, poojeet comes up and gives me his card. And I swear to god, the fucking guy's name was Pooshit Vikramasing. And I was young, inexperienced with such things, and had pretty limited social skills to begin with, so of course I absolutely ERUPTED into laughter. I was immediately laughing so hard I was squinting and crying, to the point I couldn't do my job or even see the look on the man's face as I laughed my ass off at his hilarious name. Luckily he just sat there smiling and bobbing his head without saying a word after I contained myself a little. I kept laughing in little fits for about an hour.
Want to join my guild on Warmane?
Too much to read, i will ignore
I am dying
That's okay anon. You're missing out on a banger though. And an actual banger. Not one of your Greggs sosijs you call a banger.
It's more an issue with the whole concept of preventative maintenance.
>You should do work now so that your car doesn't break down later
>But my car hasn't broken down?
Nab sorry pal. I'm happy just having a casual dip in to retail every now and then. Thanks though.
If my ID is different it's because I'm now phone posting from the loo (on company time).
>But my car hasn't broken down?
How would you feel if your car had broken down this morning?
I'm convinced Republicans in the US are part of an elaborate paedophile cult
There's no way they're actually being serious with their ""policies""
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Reddit says...
>Warmane is a piece of shit private server with one of the most toxic communities I have ever seen in years! + it's full of bugs, griefers and ...
Where do I sign up?
i know its an unpopular opinion
but i reckon hannibal was a fantastic general worthy of respect.
Isn't there some zen book about repairing automobiles?
Jeet autism is strange when it comes to whites.
For white men they'll be the most polite, submissive, general repressed personalities possible. You could slap them and they'll probably thank you.
For white women suddenly they're even bigger sex pests than the average Arab.
Brinnies out here reminding me I need to change my headlamp bulb.
Don't let pooman read this he'll flip out
Iam ye vren
Why do white people smell like rotten cheese and expired milk?
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Isn't there some zen book about repairing automobiles?
The Car'an
EVEN if I m the
Kek, now someone post indians getting hit by trains. We got him on the ropes.
pooman is a good la. He won't mind.
>Dr Jack Watling, senior researcher at RUSI, said AI could also be used to help triage information from the battlefield and send it to operators to allow them to respond more quickly.

>For instance, sending audio data from acoustic sensors to the right teams in HQ to help identify and classify sounds made by drones, missiles or helicopter overhead and respond accordingly.
So you just need to learn how to mask sounds so AI doesn't flag them as sus, or if AI flags all anomalies it can't categorise you just send distraction waves so the human operators can't get to the useful information in time.

I also take offence at the CIA/Sedwill idea that we're a medium sized power. I get the reasoning, the UK economy is actually 3 house prices in a trench coat, many people are against the idea of serving, training people to do violence and work as part of a command structure creates a threat of revolution after the war, but the most important thing for Britain, the idea of Britain, is that after WWIII we have the big seat at the peace negotiations. You can't have that seat as a medium sized power. And it's not just purely selfish reasoning, the Russians are incredibly good at deception, they could walk away from a negotiation with the yanks, frogs, and krauts holding the crown jewels while the yanks, frogs, and krauts are all celebrating what they believe is a victory.
I am of Great Britia

Fortunate;y OUR MISTAKE vrens
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You envy my flawless English accent indistinguishable from a natives.

Mad how I could probably fuck up most people on here
Why are indians so unathletic? Fat with zero muscle. Lazy as fuck too, worthless race.
How many tinnies did you sink before recording these?
>Saw a jeet lady in full blown Dalit sari trying to walk over a 6 lane motorway
Was she redeemed?
Try saying that to my face
Yeah with your rancid vindaloo maybe. Muslims mogg indians in every way.
>Pink sausage fingers wrote this post
Total jeet death
\\\\\\\\les ge mineRussia where
Aren't you a fat autistic paki though?
Come say to my face mate
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How much of your salary is going to fund lazy, useless, workshy 4chan NEETs?
Should all future holy wars be fought with cars only?
I'm not a cuck whitoid who pays taxes lmao
Thread going well.
Still laughing at that, funniest one I ever saw was
indians love poo
Grapes sound horrible when you eat them like a dog.
Dogs aren’t allowed grapes
They've been trying to clean up it's image lately, if you call someone a nigger you can get a 2 day ban and ninja looting gets a 5 day ban.
indians move to another better country with sanitisation and clean meat but they still make disgusting rancid paki slop as if they're trying to hide the rotting taste of meat. Some 'people' can't be saved.
What's worse than a namefag?
Larping as one.
Only smarties have the answer
i know it really grates me. or so called "nationalists" arguing over some faggy eceleb drama.
I've got a grape story. >>439852625
Your mum makes us a cheese sarnies and cuppas every time we pop round.
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wait nevermind heres a pic.
Long way to Runcorn innit.
Everything right apart from the wog part.
Has anyone worked out the original source of money?
Your mum sucks me off
No sarnies tho
Follow the rainbow.
Namebame to anonymous pipeline
The real de-radicalisation
So that's why she's been sacked from the spacker wing...
Lack of sarnies
Haven't seen one of those in ages.
Seething incels because I fuck white girls and all your women and daughters are out getting fucked by my bames brothers and deanos kek
Your country is dying lmao, whatever comeback you've got it's nothing compared to the reality that this country is finished lmao. Your ancestors are rolling in the graves
I fuck brown girls bottoms cause I like chilli burn
Turning the UK into wherever, you, or your blood, left, seems like a great idea, no?
Ok Incel
It isn't a country it's a thriving economic zone.
k adriian is thee saviour vriens
no one wants to ever play cod 5 waw nazi zombies with me, not the other cod zombies but specifically cod 5 waw on nacht der untoten. Its a really good map, its a fun gamemode and I cant find a single cunt on the internet to play with me, me bird refuses to do so as well
Maximum BAME investment program.
Smarties are like the superior M&M
>Too bad I am fat and trying to diet so can't eat them
Uh oh. The toilet slav is on one again.
Labour government is in chaos, open rebellion, general election by Christmas, police state!
Listen we are fens
Smarties should really do a peanut version.
But it's
If she's not making you a jam sandwich you fucked up m8.
dying country kek, imagine being proud of only being 80% white kek and you know a big portion of that are eastern euros and the Irish kek
Move to Nottingham
Endless stream of deliveroo wogs at every shop
City centre filled with immigrant families sat around waiting for accommodation
Gangs of yoofs in balaclavas on bikes everywhere
Fucked based and you'll do nothing kek
>El Mayo has been arrested
I stopped ordering deliveroo and using uber. Not giving money to paki cunts
When people start banging on about how we need immigrants for the NHS I like to ask to them to explain to me why that means we need the 20 Somalians I see every morning waiting outside of McDonalds for an Uber Eats order.
Can't wait for the Muslims to sort you lot out properly
>20 Somalians
We need more
It's Soo
Too late
What country are you talking about?
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>Wogs everywhere
>Too dangerous to go out and get food
>Order on Deliverpoo
>More wogs imported to deliver slop making it even more dangerous to go out
The circle of life.
Only eat the blue ones
Prefer marmalade
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Most of my brown mates told me they spit in the food if they're delivering to a white person
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>Only eat the blue ones
My autism will be uncontained.
You don't have any mates, NEETcel
What about the imaginary ones?
Stop projecting
Even they avoid him now
State a time and location and I'll come and fuck you up, you guys get too confident online
I imagine most people here have mates or at least one mate. We're all somewhat abrasive but it's not out of control.

..but can you imagine the argieslav having a single friend?
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wanna have a wank but me jizzrag is in the wash and mum ain't putting on another load until tuesday
Turf Moor car park. 10 minutes. You won't.
hah, imagine being avoided by your imaginary friends.
Stick your hat on first
Use hers?
But, can he do it on a rainy night in Stoke.
I just want a dustpan and brush that collects all of what you sweep up instead of just brushing most of it under the pan instead of in it
It will take me longer than 10 mins
>this general
Schools have broke up for summer then.

You need to be 18 to post here mate.
Buy a hoover
Steal a hoover
We know
Sieg Heil
>Sieg Heil
He's afraid
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Get a roomba
The Nonce goblin larping as the Jeet all morning again i see.
What a fucking loser.
We openly
>>475718201 (Me)

Hand some over
Think the jannies banned all the interesting posters.
Let me poison the thread of Britain

Holland is Always turned over te ye

>We areth at ye service
I must wait in 4chan te post thisw.youtube.com/watch?v=3Tp0jXocqMA
K vren ye are mine vrend and I will never leave ye alone
We don't have that level of technology, lad.
Mad how you're a paki shitskin who can't code
So, when are the real brit/pol hours?
Face (Me) negers

Fuck you

I know Brittany is
The French seem a little busy with the Olympics. Are you suggesting, now is a good time to reclaim Brittany?
>muzzie stabs a whitey
>"don't look back in anger, give peace a chance, hope not hate"
>whitey kicks a muzzie
>"gas the whites, race war now!"
Why are the media like this?
Can't remember much
This lad came back to mine
We were both really drunk
Deadly drunk
So I let him sleep in my bed
When I was waking up he was sucking my cock
So I tell my best fren and he just laughed at me
What do?
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nigga u gay
I am not gay tho
What would you call a man who gets his willy sucked by other men?
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Pakistanis have god awful genes.
>predisposed to central obesity
>predisposed to type 2 diabetes
>predisposed to heart disease
>no athletic talent at any sport
agoin thousand miles an hour
An a radio on
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or comedy for ur so called frens
Jeremy Hunt's kids are dabbing on us, lads
Brit/pol a nameBAME filled wonderland.
I fell in love with the modern world
With the radio on
>roughly one iq point higher
>dim father
Chinese is lower than I expected actually. Are cantonese lower iq than their northern counterparts?
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It's just one poster doing it all
>1&2ps coins to be phased out
>The Treasury has denied that it has plans to phase out pennies and tuppences

I think a five pound note is probably better than a coin, because the note is much lighter

>That said I havent actually used physical cash for years because tap and pay is everywhere and my bank card is on my phone nowadays.
How did you manage the other day when that Crowdstrike thing brought down lots of IT systems? I had to use cash at the pub because they couldn't accept card. I use my card whenever I can because it's easier, but I always try to keep some cash because sometimes businesses can't accept cards for whatever reason.
>dim father
Is that like bao buns?
Might make a based celtic matriarchal kingdom on crusader kings.
Medians are there but we're missing info about the distribution
Difficult to make a judgement without that info as it doesn't give you any info about the number of super geniuses or mongs
Sensurround sound in a two-inch wall
Well I was waiting for the communist call
I dared to ask for sunshine, and I got World War III
I'm looking over the wall and they're looking at me!
paki breaks woman's nose
white man kicks paki in head
black man stabs white soldier
guess who protests
clue it's not white people
r Tommeh is literally going to protest tomorrow with an army of patriotic white british men.
Mad how you're a paki shitskin who can't code
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Prices ending in '99p' is a Jewish trick.
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In those days, pound coins had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a fiver", you'd say.
A cheap holiday in other people's misery!
At least there’s no self hating british people at the protests anon. Small mercies and all that
Oh ok phew
Hope he gets Israel the weapons they need
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yeah i know i will be there
do u think they will have riot police there
or will it be like Leeds when they run away
we are prepared for a fight
don't worry lad
Anyone else interested in car based holy wars?
You’re a gay spastic
Subarus will win the war
Mad how you're a paki shitskin who can't code
Filtering the noisiest poster in the thread is a decent idea, they usually have the least interesting things to say
Subarus can fuck right off, Toyota landcrusier, all the way.
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>didn't eat last night
>just had a massive poo
total spastic
if you don't want different opinions go to a reddit thread
filtering on 4chan is pure spastic behaviour
why do think 4chan exists
gp tp an ech chamber
Flushing out that chewing gum you had when you were 11
Oh there will definitely be riot police. But they'll just stand in a line and your crowd will disperse.
I like how the holy car wars message is gaining traction.
>and your crowd will disperse
screencap this
there will be plenty of videos
we are going to have a right tear up
guarantee they will be the one's falling back
youre seething
I think everyone filters low IQ bait
If only the high iq bait was filtered, what problems would society suffer from?
Plapping a fat girl tonight unless I bail
no they don't
most people have a brain
they filter it in their head
it's how brains work
Trump is coming unstuck with his rabid zionism
Dems will leave borders wide open
America is truly fucked
I disagree with you, there are people who's sole motivation in life is to shit up this particular general, luckily enough the often use names as o you can use the NATIVE filters to drastically improve the threads.
Most people seem incapable of thinking with that "brain".
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>If only the high iq bait was filtered
You seem to have confused high iq with midwit, common mistake.
Icould not find Germany
St. Anns anon; I did warn you.
It'll be better in September when all the students come back; you'll be drowning in pussy then.
k here is Holland
Here is WE
Here ye Obey
Based transistor appreciation
For example the Dutch flag has almost 40 posts of utter dreck, you wouldn't be missing a single decent post if you just filtered him out
Roof mounted missiles on an STi defeats Land Cruiser
You know why this happens right? They have different standards for people of different levels of intelligence.
just have a few drinks first
Why don’t they just sing don’t look back in anger? Worked last time for Manchester
Why does your country's flag look like toothpaste?
I just wanna holiday in the sun
Laying on a beach with a solero up me bum
Ey but mine dear ye do not have Holland fore ye

Over nothing

I think that only works if kids have died
its vile. i told her i support Palestine too
White kids or any kids?
My problemis how

My sistes
ren letthem obey us
based. if palestine stops existing then they'll all come to evrope.
That depends on the colour of the perpetrator
Flas outye jusw/ holland. But tsdead nowI need to go tobed veb
This Islam thing makes sense to me
I accept your concession
You're a fat friendless kike josh, should just top yourself
Youve not even been to old belsen tho
Based. It's amazing how angry a website function makes them.

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