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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Government realizes VUH ANNAYHESS is in bad condition
>Britain goes full shabbos goy
>Suella bullied
>Beans on toast nationalism
>Man kicked in head by police officer at Manchester Airport has cyst on brain, lawyer says
>Fuel still going to be expensive for while
>Royal rumbles
>Finally, an end to universities
>Literal who enters the tory leadership race
>Starmer: I will not force you to get rid of your gas boiler
>Democracy being overturned
>Jew lays a massive turd
>1&2ps coins to be phased out
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this hindu lark is very odd
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we all respect w*men here, right? no means no and all that? got a couple of lil' deanos on the way right?
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Lads what the fuck is the NPC idea of "minorities" I don't get it. Why are they protected? It's obviously not because they're in the minority, since murderers are also a minority. Am I smoking crack?
He's a capeshit fan
guy looks like he's from mad max
Some people really need to die out.
holy shit you're both fucking nerds, i assumed his profile image was a cricketeer or something not what is apparently the x-men
Eggs and beans for lunch
corrrrr gonna be a windy afternoon
It's a positive spin on anti-whiteism.
>More diversity = fewer white people
>Protecting minorities = discriminating against whitey
Yes you're smoking crack.
Being a murderer isn't an inherent characteristic but an action people take. They're protected because of the civil rights movement / cultural shift in academia which emerged as a result of jewish schemes in the post war period.
can i get a rundown on the Leeds situation? why are the camelpeople rioting now?
thirdies dont need a reason to riot
what a fucking faggot, amazing how we allowed these weak "men" to live at all.
Oh no,
Turns out it was "reform voters"
Bad faith actors at it again
The big crime about the leeds riots was misinformation. Turns out the far right are the real threat using this event
reform voters responsible
Jeets are fucking mad about films
Welcome to the last resort.
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The train stuff has finally been explained.
Are you the real Cauldron?
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They flipped it recently and now all non-white people are the "global majority".
It was never about minorities or equality or whatever bullshit, it was just jews against us.
That makes zero sense. Religion isn't a fucking inherent characteristic either yet it's protected ???
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>saar i am seeing you have troubles with dindu, please to be allowing me. Thank you come again!
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Juggernaut was an X-Man too, it's all connected
There's just no logic to any of it. They talk about protecting "minorities" but there's a whole load of minorities that people don't want to protect (murderers, rapists, paedophiles etc) - so if it's not about them being a minority that makes them special what the fuck is it is what I'm trying to understand.

Also the second whites become a minority we're cooked right?
Interdasting. Doesnt explain how theyre so shit at judging how wide trains are tho
>female police officer just stands and watches
grim is that london?
Is there not a white, European male to arrest? What is this?
Fuck knows. Makes you wonder what the afghan guy did in afghanistan tho given how fast he puts the guy out
>The Free Speech Act introduced last year is not fit for purpose and risked imposing serious burdens on our world class universities. This legislation could expose students to harm and appalling hate speech on campuses. That is why I have quickly ordered this legislation to be stopped.
Genderqueer zoomers might be told that they aren't special little sausages, can't have that
Just forget it. Already gone. The news cycle has moved on.
There's no money, only obsession. Eh, jannies.
How does that pashtun guy drop the wog? He slaps him and then does some sort of death grip that drops him like a sack of shit. Must be one of Alexander's descendents.

>"You have no culture, your footy teams will all move abroad, so what?"
>Genderqueer zoomers might be told that
Why does this always get framed as being opposition from students 'not wanting to hear it', rather than opposition from university staff trying to maintain ideological purity amongst their peers?
A rare golden nugget on 2024 /pol/
All the footie teams are already overrun with forrins. It's inevitable that they'll go elsewhere to play.
Why not both? The NUS supports the scrapping.
>the jannies permaban you all boards if you post plaps
Good. Fuck wogball
Afghan open palm strike into hoodie neck twist and finish with the Kabul pull down.
They're removing all of the FoS stuff as they're aiming to make "islamophobia" illegal.
The whole tradition is redundant.
Football sold its soul many years ago, Dont care
Try it
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Even leftists know that culture is downstream of genetics, even if they don't admit it. They tie religious discrimination to ethnic/racial discrimination simply due to the current trend that if you have, for example, a Muslim, the likelihood they are some kind of brown is far higher than them being white. Were Islam founded and predominantly practiced by white people, "islamophobia" would not ever be discussed.
Seems very unwise. Football is the only thing left that the proles are allowed to enjoy. It's all that keeps the active man off the street.
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77th agents are capeshit fans*
What even is that thing
Mountain people mog lowlanders every time; that's the real racial divide in the world.
EVER wonder why they came down so hard on hooliganism?
Mostly foreign owners and players now anyway. It's only English football in name.
a tripfag
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So it's just like England.
When I drink to no end.
really want to smoke and drink. doing chin ups and press ups instead
Really want to start something holy, but shit post instead.
He is reporting you lol...
I only ever get banned offtopic for mocking him or pointing out his bullshit
I only ever get banned, when jannies realise who I am.
t e s t
Keep seeing blobbyplap posted in the wild by other flags kek
I've always wondered why wherever you go in the country you'll find a paki in a man utd shirt. Weird innit?
If you were going to make a video like this about present day Britain what would you say in it?
What human would support man utd?
Ive never seen one out in the wild before

Romanian Gypsy family left kids at home and one fell out the window. Police came and removed all the kids from the family.
You sink, we swim, we rise, you fall.

Poofball fans should all fuck off to Dubai.

Me, we had a season ticket for 25 years, although that was through the 80s and 90s and 2000s
How's the weather in Luton?
Back when the groid infestation was just starting
WE meet our fate together.
kek why all romanians go to the leeds-hull zone in UK?
What percent of holy blood is required to start a holy war?
Vooooodooooooo maaaaajic
Fucking lol
What percent of anti homoglobo blood is required to start a war against globohomo?
Fuck up you boring cunt.
We are the future, we are right now.
UK hasnt got any blood to spill. They are in emergency level stocks, at least of stuff not infected / donated by vaccies.
Is this poster pro globohomo? we should play. Let's play.
They can play in Africa.
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UK isn't even a real country, incidentally. I have a lot of blood.
>if i lie here for 5 minutes i get 6 months on the sick and then a desk job
only pathetic people are bobbies.
Yeah, I find your stupidity entertaining. You should post more.
it that rachel reeves?
>One British cop does the needful on some shartskins

>Shart skins "protest"

>Shartskins try and abuse the law (as usual)

>Shartskin attacks a British soldier minding his own business...again

>Shartskins continue to rape and be invasive filth with impunity

>Not a single White protest

>Even if they did, the media wouldn't report it and the law would crush them protesters as if they had taken a shot at the king

>If a shartskin actually took a shot at Charles he'd get given a medal

The UK is so thoroughly cucked there's nothing even remotely funny about it any more.

Can we PLEASE just have the race war already? We get to put down Pakis, the Pakis will kill all the lefty retard Whites, it's win-win.
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You have no idea who I am. Keep on posting, while I continue to laugh at you.
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Fuck you and you shitty blog about your mundane life you massive retard.
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Filter updated
If you are a long term regular, the flag should have given the game away. Also, I post that the UK is not a real country.....
Do the jannies know who I am? Dead CELL
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Did you survive Manchester the other day lad?
Didn't end up getting cheffed up in Piccadilly or featured in a Charlie Veitch video?
Bazza will not like this.
You lots cry about jeets all day but we Muslims will obliterate your culture and make Britain into a satellite state of Islamabad.

You won't do shit about it.
Filter BAME.
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Muslims don't post like this.
At least we are having fun, Just, tell me what is the original source of money?
>we muslims
Always assumed you were a Singh not a Ahmed for some reason. Not as though it makes a difference.
Fuck up whitoid. I'll batter you and every other white cunt here
Seethe thread detected, Leaving immediately!
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The job centre
Who am I?
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Who cares
Time for the Olympics, the only chance we'll ever get to send back wogs to France.

Remember, paki deliverpoo riders need their bikes to live. Snip their brake cables whilst they are inside grabbing the goyslop. Disrupt their income.

Disregard Pooman troll, his mums has more immigrant pricks than a Kent soldier.
Good question, who does?
That flagfag has got to be a bot. No-one can be that boring.
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Heh, this answer requires revisiting. The job centre is the source of all money?
Sorry I'm not the argie. Although the fact that he makes the chubby deracinated shitskin seethe is amusing to me.
Have a heart, the poor lad has forgotten his own name.
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I get mine from the bank
When are the real brit/pol hours?
>PC to face criminal investigation over airport kick video
called it. other anon said he would get off. he won't. because the "victim" was a BAME
Which bank? is anons bank the original source of all money?
later on in the evening, it's been dead during the day recently
Clock in, you just can't win, you just can't win. And, the things, you own, own you.
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About outta plaps mate, was lovely chatting
Why doesn’t he elbow the liver when the nigger is bent over to the front.
He will go down after one good elbow on his liver.
Well what ever, not my problem.
Tbf, everyone is like that. They just typically have a more abstract and far more dangerous "juggernaut" that crushes them than a simple locomotive engine.
Night time is shit also.
I've seen the video, but to me that wasn't a kick, more a tap on the head
It's in our nature to destroy ourselves.
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go somewhere else then
That's form tony hawks mate
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>4 years ago during the last election, anons here and on discord found Biden and DNC campaign funds being sent to Brazil for seemingly no reason. Cyber trail lead to frequent use of the hashtag
>wet heels
>this lead to discovering a trove of animal crushing videos being made in South America being paid for by some persons in charge of DNC funds. All discussion was shut down for it but one of the prominent torturers was arrested due to the attention it received but no word on it after that.
>4 years later, semi prominent open queer father Jon Cooper uses multiple campaign images endorsing Kamala with the words "Crush" and a woman's high heel stomping on an orange.
>This is an obvious signal. It may be benign enough but there is no doubt that is a signal for what they did last time.
There are plenty of decent thread on pol
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i don't think he should get busted for it. but i knew he would, because niggers always play the victim. So now it appears that BAMEs can assault police officers and if anything happens in retaliation they can sue and cops will lose their job. This is just gonna make more armed cops give up I guess. Then again it's unusual for cops to go after wogs in the first place.
Job centre appointment:

>hows it going pal
>sound not bad, still looking
>i'll book you in for your next appointment
wtf is it that easy
Where is the best place to start holy wars? That, is the question?
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The family are really going for it claiming the kick caused a cist or something, the rozzer will definitely not be on desk duty
He managed to hit the sweet spot, which made it more impactful
His boot slid off the pakis head and stood on his fucking hair. There is a gif kicking around on this site that shows how little contact the coppers boot had
Heard last night on news the paki has been left "deeply traumatised".
No mention of him attacking the officers beforehand though, that seems to have been swept under the rug
It doesn’t matter who leads the Tories. They’re out for another 10 years and then the cycle resets. Nothing will ever change in the UK, because people are stuck in the mindset of voting Labour or Tory, and the difference between them is minimal. I will say this, though: Labour have so far deported more illegal immigrants than the Tories did in 2 years. How anyone can still vote Tory when they’re to the left of Labour is beyond me.
Probably only real damage done was killed some nits in his greasy nap
Exactly we saw the same thing
why don't they release the body worn camera footage from the cops?
that would paint the muzzies in a bad light so it's illegal
700k compo, better than faking road accidents
m8 I get a 2 minute phone call once a month, keep you journal and applications up to date and you'll be sound.
How do you manage to fill a fuck ton of job applications a day?
ZinG powa, am zIng white?
I only have to fill in one on the UC site, they don't even check if I've actually applied.
Because then it would show Abdul and his mates attacking weak women police officers making female police look shit plus Muslims look like misogynists. All round it’s pretty bad for the woke mob so it’s better just to pin it all on the white man
do they ever release cop footage like the mutts do ? it would seem like it's in the public interest especially since the pakis have released all their (presumably carefully edited) footage.
How do you live on that shit money?
Nice one, copied and saved for when i get chucked of pip
I thought i had saved it but cant find it. Opened my eyes to what really happened
Jannies have won brit pool. Even Zing posting is boring.
This cop forgot he had a staring role, anywhere near the head.
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Remember, always opt out of the workplace pension scheme.
>but its free money!
No, it isnt. At least half of it won't be yours to spend even if you live long enough to degrade yourself in to begging the call centre nigerian in 2070 to release the funds.

You actually thought your employer matched your contributions through the kindness of their own heart? Where was the outrage, the mass protests and CBI lobbying when one day in 2017 this law came in to place that forced ALL BUSINESSES to match the pension contributions of ALL their employees? They were all silent.

Something does not sound right about that at all. Withdraw from the workplace pension as soon as you can
Barely but I can sleep in till whenever I want so that's a bonus. I've worked before and honestly prefer being poor and not stressed out.
because it's jsa i have to physically go in, there is no journal though
what do you do in this situation. we know that the pakis assaulted people, but in this video they're having a chat and all of a sudden he just pepper sprays the paki and puts him in a headlock. what do?
OG Zingga.
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>Rwanda scheme charter flight used to deport migrants to Vietnam and Timor-Leste
>The Home Office has announced that a charter flight took 46 migrants to the Asian countries on Wednesday

Yvette "Vietnam fucking shits" Cooper
How are you on jsa in 2024?
You can clearly see he’s coming right at them
Waz gonna ask this
Voices in my head.
Try and get his pepper spray or gun, knee him in the goolies, maybe poke his eyes out hoping he'll pull his gun then try and point it at one if his mates, bite him, stamp on his foot, try and chin him maybe
WE meet our fate together.
I)ll be here in the end, in the end.
people were deceived into these schemes. The minute the government started shilling the scheme, i thought immediately about what was going to happen down the track and how they were gonna fuck me over. I smelt the cunts right away
'new style jsa'
think i'm on that for 6 months and then they move you over to uc
IN the end.
Very seldom desu
If I ever meet you irl I'm going to kick you into traffic
Thoought jsa ended in 2017
That actually already happened, but, unironically. Can (you) time travel?
it's back baby
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iirc scotland kept JSA
I'm not in scotland
based. if i were a mutt, i'd have just shot her
What is ze original globohomo "country"?
Fucking hell, snapped the leg like a twig there. That’s going to hurt tomorrow
don't (you) me again j-nigger. into the filter you go
IF (((YOU))) were better at your job, we wouldn't be here right now.
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Notice how ze filterBame fails at answering, even simple questions.
how did Skepta know what was coming?
Why's this memeflag spamming? Autism?
Never heard of that, looks like something to do with NI contributions. You learn something new every day eh?
lmao thinking of a schizo freaking out at this
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Ze spamming continues until the entertainment improves.
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Wowsers. Amazing
There’s just something satisfying about this
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I don't even have to look for work and a few months ago they emailed me and said I no longer have to come in for appointments
>If you need help finding a job get in touch

Slipped through a crack or something. They stopped calling me in for over a year before I got that email
Did ze jannies miss me? How about ze (((jews)))?
Let's have a logical debate, your choice of topics....
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Come on lads, it's friday let's have a dance
av poured meself a wee drinkypoo
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its lozells
You ever seen a baby pigeon? Ask why
29 seems younger than 28
matter of fact 31 seems younger than 28
>Around 1,000 police officers will be on standby in London tomorrow as anti-racism campaigners statge a counter demo against a march organised by far-right activist Tommy Robinson at the same time as a Trans Pride event happens.
>A Met Police spokesperson said: "There will be a visible policing presence in central London on Saturday with a number of events, including protests, due to take place.
>"Around 1,000 officers will be on duty supporting the policing operation with the majority of resources directed at the three events."
>The march organised by Mr Robinson is planned to set off from outside the Royal Courts of Justice, ending in Trafalgar Square where a rally will take place
>A march organised by Stand Up To Racism and other groups is scheduled to set off from Russell Square, ending in Whitehall where a counter rally will take place.
>The Trans Pride event consists of a march from Langham Place ending at Wellington Arch where speeches will take place.
>The spokesperson added: "Conditions have been imposed under the Public Order Act on the two protest marches with the aim of preventing serious disruption.
>Chief Superintendent Colin Wingrove, who is in charge of this weekend’s operation, said: “This weekend sees a number of groups with opposing views assembling in central London. In response we are deploying a significant number of officers as part of a carefully planned operation
Oh it's the paedophile. Had some nice threads yesterday while he was out trying to make a friend on his birthday.
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It's all dying down already. Starmer knows that if you simply do nothing and don't react people get bored very quickly. Previous Governments would have scrambled to address it and made it bigger.
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All i wanna do is do it
lmao based. I will probably get a job eventually when I need more money but for now I'm enjoying not having to work with cunts all day.
Do women really do this? Imagine walking into the office seeing this
Where is spiritual Hitler?
was it worth the few £100K they will probably get though?
Why is the Dutch player making the entire anglosphere seethe? He’s paid his debt but they continue to seethe, is it Anglo puritism? Why is it that the European continent seems to not give a fuck? Feminism?
I was at first kind of gloating, wondering how kier was going to deal with Leeds, thinking the new guy is going to get battered and rishi would actually be glad to be out of the firing line.
Turns out kiers strat is just like you say, just ignore it and you can't say anything dumb lol
I think the train thing is at least partially from some movie, one of their bollywood chads stood super close to a train and walked in some scene (using camera trickery) and now all the jeets want to replicate it but dont know how and they die.
ZinG will once more prove all politicians are (((controlled))).
some sort of ancient aryan black magic
He was off balance from throwing the fruit and easy to incapacitate
this is unrelated to that;

But, first, let's see if there is actually anyone alive out there?
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trains is hard job
>intershitty 125
When they switched me over to UC I was going in every two weeks and it was just pointless. They said don't worry about looking for work right now just focus on getting better but they never offer any solutions. I didn't go to one meeting and after that they stopped texting me. It was weird but I aint complaining if my money is still going in. A year later of now texts, emails, appointments, they put a message in my journal saying I no longer have to attend. Well I haven't been attending for a year. And thats been it. I check my emails every day but they never send me anything. Money went up to £1,115 in April.
Proving a politician is (((controlled)))) extremely easy. (((they))) will never talk about birth rats, specifically, European birth rates.
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trains are old hat
it's all about the nautical crushing now
>focus on getting better
What's wrong with you lad? I've not got any (diagnosed) major health conditions so maybe that plays into why I still have to look for work.
No, and it’s not worth it losing a switched on situationally aware firearms officer either. Pretty soon we will only have DEI police
disgusting. like rats they are.
proof there is no god. otherwise he'd have smoted them motherfuckers off the planet
It's too bad the world is based on greed.
the Bibby Stockholms 2030
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Reality is just a fucked up dream.
cor. used to live in york me. dringhouses.
(((You))) just can win, and the things (((you))) own, own you.
Bore off scrote
There's no money.
I just wanna be heard.
Officially from a therapist I have severe depression and severe social anxiety. I also have something called toilet phobia. I've had to wear adult nappies when it got really bad. I'm not incontinent. In general I hate myself, am a manlet, have a stutter which puts me off talking to people, very insecure and have nobody in my life. Aint had a friend in years. My whole family turned their backs on me and left me to fend for myself. Only person I speak to is my mum and we went 8 years without talking. My phone has two numbers on it her and my landlady. I get why the job centre leaves me alone I'm just not bothering with
Only obsession.
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How much money a month would someone get if they were unemployed and healthy/not disabled on UC/benefits?

I’m assuming everyone ITT lives with their parents?
Say something worth hearing, zing doesn't count
UK should remain British blood.
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Sorry to hear that m8, you'll always have the frens on here lad.
it's josh the memeflag will go away soon
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Wow that’s pretty rough bro I’ve suffered with depresssion many times it’s awful. I ended up on the pills they work pretty well for me but people here hate any medication that might cure your disease lol
I get like 300 squid a month
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>my mum
>we went 8 years without talking
how (((globohomo))) are (((You)))?
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Living back at home atm and get just short of 400, most of that goes on board and Romanian baccy.
It doesn't cure anything. You are stuck on those pills for life now.
looking at holidays in UK
>more than a week in majorca
why is it like that? even fucking travel lodge and premier inn are £150 a night during summer when it's £50 other times. sick of it. cba going to euroland want to go to the beach back home or camping or something.
Oh no, le (((jannies))) have finally caught on to my anti (((globohomo))) postings......
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Next thread will undoubtedly bring a new namefags who'll need filtering
over valued currency and inflation makes everything unaffordable, just go to a cheap country where there's actually good weather and things to do
The thing is that’s a better alternative than being depressed for life, atleast now I can actually enjoy things again and I tolerate them well I don’t get any side effects

And so do you get to apply for a council house or flat as well or is that for spackers and migrants
Kinda a shame the UK cannot filter (((globohomo))) wouldn't (((you))) agree?
j-nigger will come along
>evening lids
>laaaa i just woke up
>i wasn't here
>you see me everywhere
then when he gets BTFO again, out will come argie. or 8 although i think he retired 8. maybe if he gets really lonely he'll bring out aussie ragebait
i've got a mortgage
i seriously cba with euroland. and i haven't got the money for asia or americar. just wanna go somewhere at home but they're all greedy motherfuckers
rent and council tax is the main thing especially in London, you're already earning the same as someone on £28K at that point.
Dago knows nothing else.

Good job really I think he would be dangerous if he actually had a life
Jobbie josh the jowly jew
Real talk, who do you think I am?
Jnigger the jobbie scranner
you don't want to pay £300 per night to stay in a done up treehouse?
kek no not really. fuck it i think im going to go camping instead. At least thats still £20 a night not £200
People like me don't get council housing. I'm just going to have to get a job and eventually rent a room or something so I'm enjoying being comfy as much as possible atm. It's not looking good.
Kinda weak, and unrealistic. I know the UK is not a real country. Maybe, try again, and, don't embarrass (((yourself))) this time.
someone baking?
i would but last time people though i was german so wouldn't post in me thread
You tell me pal, until you do I'm just sticking with the cack gobbler
If you've got a car then camping wouldn't be a bad shout. Be prepared though every time I've gone up North Yorkshire and similar areas in the last few years it's been full of wogs on days out.
just bake lad we don't mind
From all knowing to, no what knowing, how humbling.
When I go off on one, does josh get blamed?
>I'm not josh but I did just post 75 times and managed to say nothing worth reading the entire time
FUN Times.
grim, i just had a thick cut ribeye from asda

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