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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally at Charlotte, NC 7/24/2024
https://rumble.com/v57r4oc-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-charlotte-north-carolina-72424.html (RSBN)
>JD Vance Speaks at Middletown, OH 7/22/2024
https://youtu.be/cz4clo15uZs (RSBN)
>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475710970
new baker needed
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awooing and feeling a lil nutty
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I miss Shadman.
At work bros don’t wanna listen to it

What happens in the endorsement video?
I'm blackpilled
>Trump is afraid to debate Rand Paul
>Trump is afraid to debate Ted Cruz
>Trump is afraid to debate Hillary Clinton
>Trump is afraid to debate Joe Biden
>Trump is afraid to debate Kamala harris
How many dead careers does Trump need to leave outside of his ogre cave before this talking point dies? None of the people saying this shit have even heard Kamala Harris speak.
cringe happens
>kamala +7
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I would like to point out that could be AI Obama, we can't know for sure. You just can't trust anything these days
>Trump ahead literally everywhere
>more money
>Harris campaign already having staffing and infighting issues
what exactly would "whitepill" you anon?
Obama wanted a contested convention, NOT KAMALA, but as he says, never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up. He wasn't supposed to immediately endorse Kamala, but I think Jill had him do it as a fuck you to Obama who they hate.
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I don't even know what happened to him. Is he in jail?
>in New York...
It's a shill.
If we've lost Richard Spencer, we've lost middle America.
Wilbert Awdry was probably Autistic then.
Using facebook images even
Bye by drumpfies ;)
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first for JD Vance fucks couches
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she gushes while pretending to talk back to a voicemail
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I like how the endorsements are all from people too lazy to show up in person. (or they just really don't want to be there)
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Looks like those big phones you give to toddlers.
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Obama is a dumb gorilla if he actually thought that would happen. I don't like Harris, but she is the fucking Vice President, expecting anything else but for her to take over at this point is just absurd. If they didn't like her they could have picked based on merit and not DEI, but that's not my problem. Harris is 100% justified to throw a chimpout if they try to take it from her, as much as I hate to say it it really is her turn in this regard.
>Trump ahead literally everywhere
It's already starting to slip. Pic related
>more money
Not for long.
>Harris campaign already having staffing and infighting issues
Irrelevant. The media narrative right now is that trump is too scared to debate
A phone call endorsement from Obama is pretty empty. The endorsement from Obama would hit harder on a stage in front of a crowd.
Really seems like a pity endorsement
>The media narrative
who the fuck cares?
They're retarded and no one listens to them anymore except the most deeply retarded and they're already a lost cause.
very relevant. No one likes her. Her lack of charisma will really hurt
At +1 Harris will lose Michigan, she's already fired most of the campaign workers there and will need at least a month to get new ones.
She'll collapse there in September as the economy worsens and the foreign situation continues to deteriorate.
>Harris campaign already having staffing and infighting issues
Info on this?
A republican hasn't won NH since 1988.
Michigan being +1 for Harris during the honeymoon period is bad.
Harris staffers have been leaving through a revolving door since 2021.
It’s funny how you don’t hear them talk in the second half of the video so it’s basically harris talking to herself like it took 5 takes to get it right
That was before Cocokamala mania took hold. Those staffers will be begging to come back.
>They're retarded and no one listens to them anymore
This is wrong. The media narrative literally shapes people's minds. If the media isn't talking about it, it's a nothing burger. If the media is talking about it, it's everything.
She literally has the meme magic. Record voter registration and donations. She has Obama energy. Trump is bob dole


She fired all of Biden's top people already and is trying to replace them with people from her 2020 primary campaign, several of which have already refused to come back. She's got 90% staff turnover as VP, which is absurdly high in politics.
Kamala is a present that keeps on giving:

>meme magic
>the retard slashdot user poll again
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it’s where the term “phoning it in” comes from, odds of it being an ai fake are far from zero too
what year is it holy shit
Not anymore kiddo, sorry. Maybe until 2010.
Going by real metrics Harris is John McCain lol
>muh donations
she's got jack shit, most of that money is stuff that was meant for Biden and there is nothing in the bank, Biden spent it all.
>meme magic
You're right, she's Morbius, the politician, and soon she's gonna morb all over everyone
im legitimately excited to see what politics will look like after the last of the boomers croak, and MSM finally dies the death it deserves so much...
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same here, Belgbro. I for one can't wait until >we stop hearing about israel all the time.
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It will look exactly the fucking same. Boomers are a scapegoat. Everyone just gets older
you only take offense because you're the sofa king

sofaking retarded
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We are not going back.
Alert Geocities!
the JD Vance couch thing has actually won me over, if the worst they can say about him is some kind of retarded non-sequitor family guy joke then he's probably legit.
I have no hard feelings towards Trump or Harris. A lot of what is leveled against them both is not their own doing especially Donald Trump.
Wilbert Awdry sounds based.
it doesn't matter. i literally don't know anyone under the age of 60 who still watches TV. the only exception is sportsbros who tune in to watch a game, and those guys are certainly not sticking around to watch the news afterwards.
after the boomers, everyone else gets their news from the net, which means no more MSM shaping politics.
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Hey ptg...
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hope they kept the receipt
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Chart of the last week.
Where do bad folks go when they die?
>Just listened to the OG meat puppets version 3 days ago
The funny thing is that 90% of supposed Trump quotes are things that he never even said, you dig into them and it's always someone familiar with his thinking or an SNL skit that got misremembered or something.
It's not just tv. That internet need includes clips from the tv stations.
Yea seriously. Fonem isn’t “extreme” Trump is actually a pretty genuine and reasonable dude
It's her second pre-recorded, audio-only endorsement to which she's pretended to respond on video. How long before people start noticing that nobody wants to be seen with her, only heard?
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>the perception
the perception
>the perception
the perception
>the perception
the perception
>the perception
the perception
>the perception
the perception
>the perception
the perception
>the perception
the perception
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We are not going back to the days where women had no rights
We are not going back to the days where black people were persecuted
We are not going back to the days where white men ruled America
We are not going back to when people felt that had rights to dictate what others do with their sexuality

We are not going back!
White trash SLAG
How does recalibration always result in being wrong though?
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>spending cash to learn, from someone, how to meme
Ok which one of you niggers taught them wrong, as a joke?
>we are not going back to when you could afford rent
>we are not going back to $1.50 gas
>we are not going back to affordable groceries
>we are not going back to home ownership being a normal staple of adulthood!
>we are not going back!
she fucked up bigtime on the slogan
>Dromf still 20 points ahead after Kamala went from the most unpopular VP in history to the biggest political phenomenon since Gandhi overnight
Anything happening?
Should I filter the German flag? I don't really want to because there are couple krauts that are alright but I'm tired of the cringey faggot who posts nonsense all day.
lmao, kamala locked up more black men than any republican in the last 2 decades.
I really really wish that the right-wing politicians were actually the evil bigot villains the left makes them out to be. Imagine a candidate that actually ran on those things?
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new jr
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this looks like some cheap marvel movie

Hope that holds up until October, I'd like to make easy money
Wtf is with her and pretend audio recordings?
No. This is why I checked out in 2020. This process is too slow I am a functioning man with a hyperactivity issue
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raccoon girl is calling you """people""" out
Not only did they invest money to learn, but they literally hired people to shill in their own version of what they call "russian bot farms". So most of what you see related to Kamala is literal paid shills, I'm sure they're also using AI to an extent aswell, at least on social media platforms like Twitter
The Russian Collusion conspiracy theory was always just basic democrat projection.
how do I wife up Mary? I am nowhere near as bald, fruity, or as much of a pussy as Tim Pool is
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you're welcome
That same poll has Trump at 0% among black voters btw (as in, literally 0 black voters)
That's what they have to do to get Kamala +1 in Michigan
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in the antimeme election, it's hip to be square
Allen Dulles all over again.
>The media narrative right now is that trump is too scared to debate
You would care about this why?
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memes are temporary but shitposting is eternal
Oh no ukrosisters!?!!!
Its what normies are being fed
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I don't understand your "antimeme" explanation of the election, or what that explanation was 2bh. I see memeable stuff all the time
To spoil it for you Harris will briefly get up to 50/50 or maybe even slightly ahead for convention week, then she's going to crash and burn through September and roll into October back in the 30s again as early voting stats and polling show that the race hasn't actually changed at all.
Trump needs to debate her so we can get another sound bite of him shitting himself.
Do you think he and Fuentes are doing this so people can say look they arev stumping for kamala? Like a double game? On the other hand I doubt any media will cover that they are konverted kamalites so it won't matter in that way anyways.
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knows she has to get the deal closed before the convention
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maybe the lich is onto the antimeme stuff and I didn't need to ask
Now I remember why I tuned out of politics. This fake Kamala elevation is just disgusting. Soon they'll be telling us she's a moderate blue collar champion and that Scranton is actually her lost childhood home.
That was no accident by the way. He did that deliberately.
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i just see the democrat party propaganda machine fully fund itself through ukrainian laundered tax payer funds and ramp up a propaganda machine for one of the most retarded people to ever run for the highest office in the world
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A hero, ladies and gentlemen.
He will debate her if she becomes the actual nominee and it will be a bloodbath. Kamala got BTFO by fucking Tulsi lmao
This must be the most inorganic general on this website, Jesus Christ.
I don't understand this debate thing, Trump's crushed debates against way more accomplished people and debated Biden so hard that the man literally died. It's like some fat guy who watched Rocky bragging about how he's going to fight the world heavyweight champion and the champ is too scared, it just comes off as delusional
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says the sausage link. oink oink piggie
I am not a Trump supporter, but quite obviously Slashdot is not representative of the general American public. Readers of tech websites are more left-wing on average. Go to the comments of any tech site if you don't believe me (examples include Ars Technica and The Verge).
I saw that too plus Russia is making large advancements. Pretty sure Zelensky is just out of bodies to snatch at this point.
That would be /uhg/
>Shit you'd probably have to look really hard on this website for someone that didn't like Obama in 2008

I didn't like Obama because he was a nigger and I felt that allowing a nigger president set a poor precedent. McCain was also a nigger so I voted for Bob Barr, the last lolbertarian who wasn't a cocksucking democrat in sheep's clothing
Every Ukrainian woman is in a Berlin nightclub and every Ukrainian realtor is trying to unload a lot of property at closeout prices, that organic enough for you ghost of kiev?
more of this bitch?
Tracy looks like he smells

LMFAO no way did she say ‘my girl Kamala’

>She has Obama energy.
Bro you’re supposed to be concern trolling. Stop exposing yourself or you won’t be getting paid.
What's the word?
nope sorry. she is the ghost of mc rib
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>Readers of tech websites are more left-wing on average
correction: tech websites are about as blatantly moderated as reddit. the articles they post are left leaning, and any comment offering a contrary opinion leads to a ban at best, and professional ruin at worst
everyone working in tech is officially a leftist, because if they aren't, they're not working in tech anymore.
Good morning, everyone.
I got it.

Lul, looks like they hired the professional memers boys.
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oink oink
good morning

This dude burst onto the scene as the media-appointed führer of the Alt-Right in spring 2017, said "Hail Victory! Hail Drumpf!" on CNN, then immediately began shilling for democrats and hasn't stopped since
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I never expected this, but she is absolutely slaughtering MAGAtards left and right
to cheap gas
to affordable houses
to being able to start a family
to prosperity
to freedom from debt
to ownership instead of renting
to pride in our nation
to peace
Disgusting looking, like something out of the pale of settlement
Dude, Im excited I'll be alive to see it. In another 15-20 years they'll all be dead or too old to get elected (As the boomers die off there's no boomers to vote for boomers anymore). I'm especially glad to see it because In 20 years I'll be 55, maybe without the boomers in the way things can get unfucked enough for me to retire

Yep. Same thing as Fuentes. Fed plant. No one ideologically committed to right wing politics is so eager to go against their own while sparing others.
Israel's most loyal golem as the screenshot. That blonde tranny is pathetic.
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i'll put it simply: the people trying really hard to force memes this time around, or focus on memes, or think the internet conversation about memes is consequential, are the ones most out of touch
if you see anyone talking about
>2016 energy
they are whom i'm talking about
that does not mean memes stopped existing or stopped behaving as memes do, it's just the real dynamics behind this election will not be apparent from them. this is not a memetic election, this is an antimemetic election. all the "political" conversation you see on the internet, the memes shared as the election approaches, are irrelevant to the results. there is no bypassing this by "memeing" hard enough, and the more one tries the more one falls into the same problem
> to enforce the laws
She said those words: "to enforce the laws." She likened the KKK to a branch of the government enforcing the laws. Enforcing the laws is literally terrorism.

>Implying that the boomers will ever die

They're going to unlock immortality just in time for the boomers to get it. We will never be rid of them.
the full explanation can't be done because that's how antimemes work, by not
2 nukes were not enough your while civilization should have been wiped off the earth
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>This must be the most inorganic general on this website, Jesus Christ.
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>people trying really hard to force memes
So, the MSM?
No one currently age 20-45 is going to be able to retire. Boomers are going to take everything down with them.
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I still can't believe it's joever.
I wanted one more debate with that corpse.
But I guess this was done to memory hole their assassination attempt.
he showed up in early 2016 to say that "acksually I came up with the altright term" because former GG people wanted to have a new party that wasn't cuckservative or liberal, and settled on the alt-right name. Then the media just decided that Spencer was the "leader" and anons everywhere abandoned it quickly.
I hate zoomers
that's just one example, i'm not euphemizing them, because the same dynamic can be seen even outside the media
Why acid green? I don't get it.
zoomers dont listen to charli, LGBT millennials do
>But I guess this was done to memory hole their assassination attempt.
exactly. instead of the whole week's news cycle being about the assassination and the fuckup/conspiracy that lead to it, it was about dicksucking kamala.

props to the democrats, its a very smart play.
but also, you don't hate the media enough.
Shill bros...it's over...Trump wins.../ptg/ says that kamala is too ugly to run...furthermore, would Americans trust a lying whore who hid bidens cognitive decline for years???

I have no rebuttal...it's literally Hoever and we all should set ourselves on fire
its so fucking awful. its actually painfully bad
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I'm ok with this as long as no-fault divorce is ended and the child-vote policy only applies to married parents. Otherwise black women will all become superdelegates
Aren't weev and Andrew Aunheiser (sp?) Ethan Ralph et al. Still on board with zer
New York Times fact checking New York Times
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coffee time?
memes used to be forced a lot before people were more aware of them. But I get your point. Its the equivalent of ur mum liking some band and then (You) decide the band must actually suck.
Built for paizuri
Millennials are and were never as White as they think
>0-17 year olds as of April 1st, 2000 were 58.9% non Hispanic White
>85.8% of Americans 55 and older as of April 1st, 2000 were non Hispanic White
meanwhile zoomers
>As of July 1st, 2024 50.3% of 0-17 year olds are non Hispanic White
>67.7% of Americans aged 55 and over
What boomers say about zoomers is the same exact shit old people said about you millennials.
Don't know, don't care, fuck zoomers and their weird patois
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Ralph was one of the bigger pushers (from GG fame) of the alt-right idea in late 2015. He was laughed at a lot.
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dumb boomer
Charli XCX has an album called Brat and the cover is just the word Brat on acid green background
They're trying to associate Kamala with this so that people like her
It's a color associated with an English singer of whom nobody had ever heard before, who promotes a degenerate and self-destructive lifestyle on the lines of "a pack of cigs, a Bic lighter and a strappy white top with no bra." https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/23/style/brat-summer-green-explained/index.html
It's goyslop, pushed by the music industry.
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On what planet?
Ahhh that makes sense, thanks frens.
I’m cool with this as long as it doesn’t apply to minorities. Let’s not incentivize them with more money for popping out niglets
Who the fuck is that? makes me feel old
Reminder that the cornholing cocksucker genuinely believed Biden wasn't a senile coot for the past five years. Spencer is as much of a braindead retard as Biden is.
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it's similar to reacting to cringe adoption of something, but that's usually downstream or after-the-fact. that's a meme dying
this is a little different in that that effect will occur simultaneously with its birth and existence
These mentally deficient trannies are no different than Buffalo Bill.
>zoomer memes are just astroturf shilling for corporate slop
>pedo joe
>that'll be 10 million, goy
>Do you think he and Fuentes are doing this so
They're feds. DHS told them to support Kamala.
Just like the majority of zoomers
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Meanwhile retard shills like this one copies everything that is said about them or their retarded inorganic camel toe push.
Trump and Harris have both said and done a lot of retarded shit.
This is probably the most popular song from that album:
This is Kamala's pathway to winning over the rust belt.
also i'm once again reminded that most people probably didn't read enough SCP to get to the nonsense antimemetics ones
Shill bros...it's over...Trump will win and camel toe will lose...there just isn't enough time to make a comeback...without the media, corrupt leaders, shills and glowniggers...it's impossible for kamala to suck that many cocks in such short notice...

Daily reminder that Cumala LITERALLY sucks Jewish cock every night!

You couldn't make this shit up HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
Shill bros...is over...they aren't buying my trump is old narrative...is it true that old man Trump took a bullet to the face and walked it off with his fist pumping in the air? Can Biden even do that after falling off the bicycle or stairs??? Can kamala even do that with a cock in her mouth while on her knees?

Kamala sucked cock to get where she is...it's over....Trump wins...it's time we set ourselves on fire to protest against isreaAIIIEEEEEEEEE
I've read Slashdot since the 90s and I'm shocked Trump had that high of numbers on that site...I'm also surprised Slashdot is still around
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My hatred keeps getting fueld up daily, but can I ascend to kino levels of based?
So that graphic of teen Hillary supporters should be reworked but the things from the list keepers inventory
harris comes across as a more annoying, faker hillary. should be easy work for trump.
only his guyliner wearing faggot flipflopping VP can screw him .
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that isnt music its appears to be some sort of goyim slop subliminal programming whore of babylon shit
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lmao is that a homeless encampment?
also a long trend in comedy has been the "cringe" stuff. Not where actual jokes and things are set up, but "look at that guy/girl looking cringe. oof"
never could get into SCP 2bh.

Spencer went further than that, he started doing mental gymnastics to argue that actually all based internet nazis should support democrat policies because LGBT rights are white culture and because Muslim shitskins are based and hate Jews and Ukraine is based because they're Jewish nazis and glowniggers agencies are based because they write his checks and so on. I think he actually did convince a statistically irrelevant proportion of eNazis to become Democrat campaign volunteers and that 100% of those spend their time shilling online with desantoid-tier success rates. Back in my day eNazis backed Palestine because when Muslims and Jews are killing each other whitey wins. Nowadays eNazis are literally crying and shaking over the terrible humanitarian crisis and *gasp* genocide which those poor helpless islamobolshevik camel-raping shitskins are suffering. Think of the dead brown children! Ironically Dugin helped tricky dick accomplish this cuckening of natsocs more than any one other memester
Reminder that their Biden/ camel toe push is to keep people from taking about the inside deep state failed assassination attempt on Trump and any new details about said event.
Terrible, awful, screeching
>...is it true that old man Trump took a bullet to the face and walked it off with his fist pumping in the air?
I heard it was only a 22
I mean who cares about a 22
Monotone and boring. Is this zoomer music? Bleh!
Spencer is interesting to follow simply because he telegraphs the deep state talking points and the angle they're trying to work. It's basically an Evan mcmuffin burner account and should be treated as such
>Ironically Dugin helped tricky dick accomplish this cuckening of natsocs more than any one other memester
What's Dugin's endgame?
Had elevated Alkaline Phosphate levels in my bones and turns out it was from intense exercise
She's already won. Trump picked the worst possible VP, is now the oldest presidential candidate ever, and Project 2025 has been exposed to everyone.
>What's Dugin's endgame?
A car bomb?
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no its faggot millennial music, she's really big in the trannyverse of music

i like this song tho :)
Global gay nigger communism with Russia being the HQ.
based i need to find a tomboy gf who will help me train intensely and get fit and quit drinking
You both know that neither of those caveats will apply. Stop sweeping for eyeliner man.
F in chat

>She literally has the meme magic. Record voter registration and donations. She has Obama energy.

Isn't it weird how nobody has posted "jujucum" since literally the second Biden endorsed Harris?
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this reeks of pickles shitpost happening kek
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i only just noticed that smokey the bear is just shirtless all the time. im a huge proponent of the shirtless lifestyle but in smokey’s case he’s a fucking bear, he doesn’f need a shirt or pants. the shovel i get because he’s super autistic about forest fires and thats very based but the pants imply external genitals where they dont really need to.
look at king kong, you never once realized that his gigantic ape cock should be flopping around all the time if not previously ripped off by one of the horrible things on skull island, why imply smokey is so hung that he needs pants?
the parks service cant back off on it now though because he’s been wearing pants for like 80 years. cock implications aside, if he lost the pants now he’d be naked, not just a bear. its like how donald duck cant go shirtless without being a naked degenerate either despite a sailor outfit being superfluous on a duck.
smokey’s got no shoes either. just noticed that too. thats fucking weird too.
the hat i get though, that’s kino.
anyway still voting lake and trump, gm and nn frens
he shilled for Tulsi before people really knew who she was
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She ain't balck
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I'm afraid to watch Harris' endorsement video.
I think I might die of cringe.
I still cringe from that video where she was talking to children at NASA.
Reminder the forest rangers in Canada replaced Smokey with a gay fox.
Gorillas have micropeens
Which lefty forum did come from where this bizarre term is used regularly, catlady?
She looks fat and jewish
You would know wouldn't you
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its gonna happen. she'll pick bootygayg
gn catto
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I like pickles a lot. They're yummy
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An individual from the projects, who interacted with both evil hateful violent child eating reptilian space aliens, and the CIA said "In my opinion, the CIA is more dangerous to America than the reptilians, because the CIA is a rogue agency that does not answer to anyone, not even congress. If the CIA were to cease to exist, I would be happy."
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there is this super hot chick who is into me but she lives in northern alaska im trying to save up for a flight in a bush plane there but its very expensive. her name is ursa berrington but she isnt a 1200 pound grizzly
That's a lot of words to say that you really love furry bara men.
that bullet hit Trump but it killed Biden
Imagine the smell
never post at me again with this nigger shit you ultra aids faggot
I posted ju ju cum several times in regards to Kamala, but I don't get any appreciation around here.
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>is now the oldest presidential candidate ever
>is now
low-quality bait
Lmao. I don't think the timeline can actually get that funny.
remind me again which policies passed that originated from pence
zero? dang its gonna be hard to convince people the vice president has some extra magical power because of something he said in 2021.....
>It's basically an Evan mcmuffin burner account and should be treated as such

This is a fair assessment


Dugin's ideology can best be summarized as America delenda est, and he thinks the only way to destroy America once and for all is to exterminate the white race. He may not be wrong about that
Reminder that I am still baking.

They successfully bought the meme that Cheney was pulling the strings in the 00's
oh yeah, she's into anime right? Good luck anon. Just don't bring any guns, okay?
trump is too old
Trumps team needs to step up their meme game. Kamala’s is better and far more organized right now.
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Time to get nigger cat and faggot dog to team up?
why would those be considered buttigegs kids? he clearly has no kids of his own either
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already did
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Another failed assassination attempt
You were riding with Biden until you were told not to.
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Ah, you guys saved it.
The stupidest shills are the ones that come in and tell people that they should stop doing what has worked, and start doing [other thing they want instead.Let's face it, Trump is the rnc nominee against all literal odds, including being assasinated.

protip, when opposition resorts to violence.... They lost. ESPECIALLY if they failed at it.
the dnc lost.
communism lost.
You shills, lost.
Go home.
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Now this is Dark MAGA
Why'd you try assassinating Trump?
>protip, when opposition resorts to violence.... They lost.
he was a republican
>trump is too old
We have his Gab account now. He was ridin' with Biden.
Debunked. Please keep up.
cope literal fake news
Can someone send me an email or a recruitment ad or something? I need some money and I wouldn't mind shilling for a couple days/weeks. My starting rate is $0.25/post. Please respond!
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The investigation would have a credibility problem if it consisted entirely of Trump's allies. Think about it, the peachmints and Mueller investigation had no credibility because they consisted entirely of enemies. It's probably smart to let at least one of those assholes into this investigation even if there's a risk of him sabotaging.
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stuff it up your ass
you lost
I bet he can't even get hard enough to fuck a couch...haha
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unrealer than girlfriends
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do you have an art sample?

Michelle Obama must be an outlier
The problem with kamala harris is that she is too skinny, and makes women feel bad about their body-size issues.
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This is dark maga
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thing is cringe policing has itself gotten old, and people simply don't even want to acknowledge the cringe bullshit
sad it is required reading for understanding the kali yuga
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No, this is dark maga
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Girlfriends aren't real......that's cuz Dolan.....
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she's put back on a few pounds at least since those issues back then
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there's a dog that says FAGGOT now?

It doesn't help that he literally looks like a CIA agent from the 90s in that pic. Maybe he was supposed to be taken alive and that one sniper who posted his name on 4chan and said he was ordered not to shoot just blew him away anyway. He was probably expecting a white collar prison cell with all the tendies, PS4, and BBC his heart could desire
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They just won't give up the bullet
what happened with that stuff from gab? didn't they say they had an account of his with some pro-biden/anti-trump comments?
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Hey remember the 7th floor??

Yeah they wanted me dead. Thats when the bamboozle went down. Happy to see me? I'm happy to see you
this flying debris appears no where in the footage or the still either.
just the literal meat trail and the bullet.
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Not gonna slide to tha faggot shit
don't like it? make your own internet
but don't even think about using heckin' violence to defend yourself
be better
be like the moriori
I've never seen shrapnel follow the exact same path as the rounds being fired.
Keeps failing because it’s just shills talking to themselves
If they admit Trump was shot by some libtard it annihilates or reverses all their narratives.
Wait until you find out what really happened
I hope Keith has something horrible happen to him one day
Didn't the previous Physician to the President make a detailed report on Trump's injury, like a week ago?
Wray doesn't even answer where the supposed shrapnel came from. It's clear that a bullet grazed Trump's ear.
Why are all the /uhg/ flags shilling for her?
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I miss my anon
Trump will end the war. No more happening = no more happening thread

Snap, this one’s going in my cringe folder.
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It got archived, lmao
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Why did you guys try to kill Trump?
Big oof this is Hillary energy here... it's basic marketing to know you don't put any negatives in a branding campaign
>we're not
Being clever
its your own fault, think about how many times you shills posted your homoerotic fantasies and now you get to vote for pete buttigeg and kamala harris, who both do it for real
They're afraid that Trump will either force Ukraine to surrender (unlikely) or force Europe to pay their fair share on defense (guaranteed).
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You mean when we actually give the evil ones their permanent exit?
>Believe the doctors, chud!
Will Trump kill niggers when hes elected?
13 toasts and 6 IPs
New thread
I am the last to awoo
it really do be like that
I find it very interesting that new details keep coming out on the failed assassination attempt on Trump while most of the media, shills and glowniggers don't want to do anything with the topic and would rather much memory hole it. That is exactly what they're trying to accomplish with the Biden/Harris angle. No one likes Harris and everyone can clearly see how inorganic her support is. If shills have to, they would rather vote in someone that is hitler and Satan other than Donald J. TRUMP.

That is how far gone they are. I fully suspect the shills will throw anything at the wall to distract from the truth such as how they tried to pin the insecurities and problems on the black female nigger that died. Today you're hearing about a UFO that was spotted on the day of the failed assassination. Retard shills are saying that they could be real lol
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real last awoo
Cope. Harris will win. Trump is washed and his whole campaign was based around Biden being old and senile. He’s finished.
Except he did call the Nazis “very fine people” and he did call veterans “suckers and losers.”
Richard Spencer is a faggot but he kinda has a point.
If you look at what he's saying through the lens of the Democrat media, it makes total sense. Ever since the assassination attempt, the Democrat media elites have been trying to stay quiet and laid low for as long as they could, because they feared any mention of Trump would backfire against them. After Biden dropped out and Kamala got swapped in, the media has been relentlessly trying to kiss her ass and portrays her as a cool aunt (with the cringeass coconut brat memes) and they've been increasingly mudslinging against J.D Vance and Trump lately. So the power of the media elites in shaping the narrative for this election favourable for Kamala and the Democrats is very similar to what Spencer is saying.
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Reddit is the other way.

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