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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally at Charlotte, NC 7/24/2024
https://rumble.com/v57r4oc-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-charlotte-north-carolina-72424.html (RSBN)
>JD Vance Speaks at Middletown, OH 7/22/2024
https://youtu.be/cz4clo15uZs (RSBN)
>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475722917
Ultra MAGA.
>can’t wait orangeman to ban tiktok!
>link is now in OP
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trump cant meme
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>Trump wasn't shot in the ear! It was shrapnel!
>Believe in our experts you nazi!
pic related
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anon you havent touched your kamala burger is there something wrong?
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An interesting fact of the American language:
The word "spook" applies equally to niggers and the CIA.
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Reminder that they're doing anything to prevent new details coming out on the failed assassination attempt on Trump while most of the media, shills and glowniggers don't want to do anything with the topic and would rather much memory hole it. That is exactly what they're trying to accomplish with the Biden/Harris angle. No one likes Harris and everyone can clearly see how inorganic her support is. If shills have to, they would rather vote in someone that is hitler and Satan other than Donald J. TRUMP.

That is how far gone they are. I fully suspect the shills will throw anything at the wall to distract from the truth such as how they tried to pin the insecurities and problems on the black female nigger that died. Today you're hearing about a UFO that was spotted on the day of the failed assassination. Retard shills are saying that they could be real lol
Shill bros...it's over...Trump wins.../ptg/ says that kamala is too ugly to run...furthermore, would Americans trust a lying whore who hid bidens cognitive decline for years???

I have no rebuttal...it's literally Hoever and we all should set ourselves on fire
yeah so basically any further informatino abou tit will be found by anons and posted on social media.
Bet they try to shut down the internet over this.
Bet the crowstrike thing was actually a test.
or, I'm just an aesthetic retard.
I dunno.
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>Reminder that they're doing anything to prevent new details coming out on the failed assassination attempt on Trump while most of the media, shills and glowniggers don't want to do anything with the topic and would rather much memory hole it. That is exactly what they're trying to accomplish with the Biden/Harris angle. No one likes Harris and everyone can clearly see how inorganic her support is. If shills have to, they would rather vote in someone that is hitler and Satan other than Donald J. TRUMP.

>That is how far gone they are. I fully suspect the shills will throw anything at the wall to distract from the truth such as how they tried to pin the insecurities and problems on the black female nigger that died. Today you're hearing about a UFO that was spotted on the day of the failed assassination. Retard shills are saying that they could be real lol
Christ has risen in the hearts of Man. Repent your sins and be forgiven and we shall all live in the Kingdom of God together.
>few days into announcing candidacy
>victory secured
dems are memeing on themselves
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Funny....the punchbowl.....I know whats out there and so do you. You're move :3
Shill bros...it's over...Trump will win and camel toe will lose...there just isn't enough time to make a comeback...without the media, corrupt leaders, shills and glowniggers...it's impossible for kamala to suck that many cocks in such short notice...

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Don't let them memoryhole the financial proof that it was a coordinated attempt by the feds and the Elite (one and the same) to off Trump.
I have been checking $DJT and $RUM daily for any anomalous activity. It could be the only early warning sign if another attempt were to take place.
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Guys, don't you understand that the shills are just deeply concerned?
Shills bros...what happened? I thought you said that the dems, media and glowniggers were united and that the Republicans were falling apart?

Care to elaborate, rebuke or set yourself on fire?
Kamala means awful in certain languages, so I bet that ugly tart you are so fond of is named a variation of that.
You missed.
Name a place in Hagerstown.
Everyone who knew, hid and lied defending Joe bidens cognitive issues should be removed from their positions immediately and barred from working in any related jobs and government forever. That includes camel toe. They must be shamed until the end of their days.

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My concern is concerning.
This movie sucks.
Chuck's was a better shopping experience.
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She can't cuz she's not the anon
You know shills have nothing when they're copying /ptg/ mannerisms and bumping the thread for free lol
Just like Hillary supporters in 2016, trump supporters in 2024 refuse to accept any bad news about their candidate or how the campaign is going.
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It gets very fun soon. You will laugh and cry and be full of mirth at all of God's creation.
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>he was hit by SHRAPNEL!
>NO we wont show you what it came from!
lol they missed
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>mfw MAGAtards think they have a chance.
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>hello fellow zoomers
kek I remember this shill line, you fags really only have recycled scripts huh?
>insane evangelicals try to kill the immortal Christ our Lord
>he rises
Will Trump kill niggers when he’s elected?
People don't usually die from getting hit with teleprompter shrapnel. I don't think God had anything to do with it.
What's a Kamala burger? Willie Brown's meat between two buns? Yuckola!
They have to steal their ideas because they are not the creator of anything but their own demise
Madame rat
He is a merciful God and beyond our comprehension. He sent you a sign of things to come if you continue to be consumed by sin.
They aren’t allowed to think for themselves or they won’t get paid.
Chinese social engineering and subvertion spyware says Harris has won? Oh great.
It is Christmas in July
good morning sirs!
T-thanks, your numerals too...
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Because it’s funnier for trump to be alive to lose a second time. And God always steers the universe towards dark humor.
>A 20 year old retard missing is the same as divine intervention
You see, this is why people with an IQ above room temperature don't take you clowns seriously.
pics of damaged teleprompter?
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This is a bullet. Teleprompters were undamaged.
Shills deserve death. That's not a joke, there are better people who have more right to the air shills breathe.
It would be one hell of a miracle for Trump to be hit with teleprompter shrapnel when zero teleprompters were shot.
We know whose bullet that is >>475732300
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Clown world. You Dems live in clown world.
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Simply put, the shot was clear, clean, and grazed Trump's ear.
This isn't a matter of discussion or debate. It happened live and you can watch the live footage.
>muh polls
pew did a study recently and did some actual polling.
the dems should be scared.
family and friends matter
And God shall strike down the forces of evil with miraculous weapons from the sky
Damnit, he lost the 30 year old gay man vote…
None of the teleprompters were damaged on the crowd footage of the assassination attempt.
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>You missed.
>the gayest retard nigger shit you've ever read in your life
>a fucking leaf
every time
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I heard kot nigger has them
Here are some basic facts MAGAts do NOT want to hear.

Since November 2016:

- 20.2 million Baby Boomers and older have died. They were mostly white. They leaned to voting Trump.

- 41 million Gen Zers have come of voting age. 45% of these new voting-aged Gen Z are not white. They lean heavily Democrat.

If you think this election is in the bag for Trump, you are sorely mistaken.

If you think the most popular social media app among Zoomers will not have an impact. You are sorely mistaken.

Time is not on your side.
Your IQ is room temperature Celsius.
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*makes /ptg/ seethe*
>They tried to kill the love of God with their hate
>They missed
>N-No you!
>noooooo dont look at the assassination attempt, look at this
show us the teleprompter :)
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IQ isn’t measured in Celsius, numbnuts
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MAGA is such a low IQ prole movement. As a person of high intelligence I will be supporting Harris. I know she will win.
All Kameltoe supporters must embrace the official Kameltoe exercise program.
this conspiracy theory is really stupid

It's measured in prediction of the future

Every mortal man and woman on this gay Earth is a dumb jew.

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Here's a weird story. My mind now associates my masturbation with Donald Trump's assassination attempt. I literally can't masturbate anymore.

The reason is that a week before the assassination attempt on Trump, I started fapping but just before I did, I had a really strong sense that if I fapped, Trump would be assassinated. I thought that was crazy, but it still really bothered me even during my... "session" but I did it anyway because what are the odds? One week later, Thomas Crooks took those shots and almost killed him. I don't think I will ever masturbate again so long as Trump lives.

I've had so many weird synchronicities that it's almost impossible not to take these things seriously now. Am I losing my mind?
This would be a Trump EC victory though no? 2016 was 48.2 to 45.9 but Trump still won 306 electoral votes
anyway go miners
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They're stresstesting their ability to gaslight and using one of the most well documented on-site assassination attempts in history, if not THE most well documented on-site.
So many pictures, so many angles, and these domestic threats to this country demand that you don't believe any of it and blatantly lie to you about its details.
They even tried to say that the SS squirted fake blood on Trump's ear. Meanwhile these images show blood on Trump's ear immediately.
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>Made last awoo last thread against baker's (more like baka's) statement

Baka on suicide watch, how will he ever recover
I can't wait 'til we start getting reports of the turnover inside Kamala's campaign, no one can stand that cunt.
Aren't you afraid youre going to be next like bu joden


they say it because it make trumpites seethe

classic troll move, if you notice autistic rage in your enemy then play into it

its like when the polish faggot ITT calls me a muslime and i say that im not a muslim and he then spams that im a muslim.
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you cut your dick off so you wouldn't have to light yourself on fire lol
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>le ebin trolled?!
It's brazen lying. Reacting to the lie with clearcut evidence is not only not seething, but expected.
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please do not dab on the bakers, they are our greatest ally
kelvin doesn't come in degrees numbnuts, it's an absolute value.
>my VP pick wants to go to war with Iran
>Israel wants to go to war with Iran
>everybody in the GOP wants to go to war with Iran
>what should I post on truth social today
>"Hey Iran, if you ever kill me, whoever becomes president next should wipe Iran off the map!"
why the fuck would he post this
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fake tweet made up sources not habbening
I give it until next week that the stories come out as the Biden people are fired and she installs all her DEI hires. They will wreck everything the Biden people put in place. It will be hilarious.

>The 1 to 5 percent Kennedy voters going to Trump
>muh war with lulran
never going to happen ask me how
It’s Hoever!
the idea is to make you mad with brazen lies, yes

retards without social skills will autistic scream, "but im not a muslim!"
Did you see her speech last night? She's 72hrs into being the alleged nominee and already looks like hammered shit. Forget staffers, she's not going to last!


Nobody cares about your problems, brown.
no it isn’t lmao
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i slapped the beef roast and chicken wings on the grill smoker. this shit is gonna be bomb im going to feast day this shit, chipotle style beef burritos, etc
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I'm taking this W out for dinner and take it to poundland later
If you oppose the will of God, you will be destroyed
Your idols have been spared so that you might awaken and tear them down by your own free will
All who know love for their fellow man will find Christ in their hearts
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The jewish FBI shooter fired 8 shots at President Trump, the REAL President.
One American died, and 3 Americans were wounded.
So what is your point exactly?
>6 days later
5 days later they announced they had some international leads from the shooter's phone and that night crowdfag sends out a shit update with tons of 0000000s in them to hamper this discovery
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No 7th floor
No deep state
You're up shit creek
Reality check it's 2024
Back into the retard squisher
im just saying, its like when i show clear cut evidence that trump is the antichrist and the shills just reply with "but he didnt die"

as if the antichrist EVER dies (he does not)

or, "trump is still going to win"

as if ythe antichrist would lose, like what the fuck is wrong with these retards? they must be trolling.
She has never run for national office other than the primary in 2020 for a few months. She has no idea how difficult it is and just wants to be handed the presidency for DEI reasons.
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That post is on our side. That's Ronny Jackson's letter confirming that it was a bullet.
We don't even need this letter since the bullet was on-camera, but the mountain of evidence of an obvious assassination attempt is hilarious considering shills are tasked to pretend it never happened.
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>tfw had to talk to a jew for five minutes
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Don't talk to me like I'm some faggot
Democrat cabinet needs more vibrant diversity. Fire all the compitent and skilled kikes who at least try to keep that place from completely falling apart, replace then with stronk black women
The Scarlet Beast rises with its 7 horns, being ridden by the Harlot
You have fulfilled biblical prophecy and the day of judgement is at hand.

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Here's a hint. He's shitposting
I will speak the truth and fear no evil
Please pick Butty. The guy is an empty suit and has accomplished nothing.
Good I'm always watching you
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Check ya pants scrub
trump is the antichrist, god saved him because he has a job to do

why didnt jesus kill judas iscariot?

>Then after he had taken the morsel, Satan entered into him. Jesus said to him, “What you are going to do, do quickly.”
fuck off quinton

The Kamala Burger is made out of ground lamb seasoned with garam masala, served with a side of breadfruit fries and mattar paneer
the scarlet beast is the american republican party

the whore of babylon is the united nations
As God watches us all. He is speaking to you in your heart now and soon you will listen. This is not a time of sorrow but of celebration and the exaltation of the Lord our God who gave his life on the cross so that all might be saved from sin.
thats not me
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jej i forgot how fun "autosynecdoche" was of an idea
anyway please tell me there will be politics today please my family is dying
You know now what you do, and will be forgiven
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>she's not going to last!
she doesn't have the STAMINA
bask in it, then come back with more MAGA nuns and ducks
Hey guys. I know we like to have fun here and joke around with the piratebeard shill, retard shills, kikes and in some cases, glowniggers. But I genuinely mean it when I say that all evil kikes, illegals/niggers who rape, murder, steal and traitorous glowniggers, all who enable and are responsible for the problems the world is facing today should face justice. They all need to hang in a public forum for the world to see. In a just world, these people would be eradicated with extreme prejudice.

Don't forget to volunteer when operation deport Dora the explorer kicks in when Trump enters his third term.

Have a nice day! MAGA!
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ok fine you can stay just beehave
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I eat little bitches like you for breakfast.
Egg McMuffin farts.
There's no easy way out. There's no shortcut home.
you seem like a larper

answer me this, why did jusus curse the two fig trees?
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Im still watching you
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my like auto cynic douche
I know God by his works on Earth today.
Old idols will be destroyed and you shall find the truth of God in your own hearts and minds.
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Welp, my ma-in law is completely lost her marbles...

Bro in the past two weeks Trump survived an assassination attempt causing his opponent to drop out immediately. Two weeks from now Kamala could be defenestrated and replaced by Michelle Obama with James carville as running mate. This is the karma which two more weeks posters have built up over the years
>florida a swing state
that's pretty much over
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>4 years ago during the last election, anons here and on discord found Biden and DNC campaign funds being sent to Brazil for seemingly no reason. Cyber trail lead to frequent use of the hashtag
>wet heels
>this lead to discovering a trove of animal crushing videos being made in South America being paid for by some persons in charge of DNC funds. All discussion was shut down for it but one of the prominent torturers was arrested due to the attention it received but no word on it after that.
>4 years later, semi prominent open queer father Jon Cooper uses multiple campaign images endorsing Kamala with the words "Crush" and a woman's high heel stomping on an orange.
>This is an obvious signal. It may be benign enough but there is no doubt that is a signal for what they did last time.
You have sex with men.
This will be your end.
yes yes, smash the idols and chop down the groves.

but do you even know christ, or are you as deluded as the pharisees?

whould you recognize him if he spoke to you?
Indeed. /ptg/ is the news period. I suspect for them to target us specifically with their glownigger dei illegals. Well they have for some time now actually...
They thought they got rid of me..
Pic related
they were raised by the pearl-clutching bleeding hearts to fear anti-semitism
so trump will win
Were going to see rampant shilling the likes we've never seen over the next 102 days of hell.
No wonder they're always seething.
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It'll only be hell for them.
Trump lived and they missed.
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It's truly insane.
Real holocaust soon.
They tried to murder Trump.
100 days of darkness
Anyone know anything about Promis software and Inslaw? Did you know for instance that Robert Maxwell was connected to this software? Did you know Michel Riconosciuto claims he built a back door for this software? I am of the opinion that after 9/11 this software evolved into the modern day digital spying appreciates. I think the reason the US government stole the Inslaw software and started modifying it and selling it to enemies and friends to spy on them. Maxwell was involved this is the alleged reason he was killed. I think that the US government had many people murdered to cover up this conspiracy because it involved Iran contra and many other scandals.
Just kinda throwing this out there
That faggot goldman was also part of the Mueller team. He should literally be in Gitmo for his crimes.
Humanity shall sin and be forgiven and we shall live in the Kingdom of God together. The forces of evil will be destroyed.
You are the pharisees
You have followed your father on Earth above your father in Heaven above.
You chase the weak and kind out of their places of worship and must repent your sins and be forgiven.

I was an atheist until scant few days ago.
Those dead in Christ will be first to be risen and filled with Holy Spirit, and those asleep in Him will be pulled up along with them into the air to be with the Lord forever.
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>Shills trying to "le troll" the right by saying Trump was just injured by shrapnel.
>All it does is cast light back on the assassination attempt and cause people to ask questions again.
Womp womp. When's the new shill tactic coming already?
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Thank you for posting that letter Fren!
I want you to know that my first post was in response to the jewish scum behind the green text, and was not against (You).
Drain the swamp
Lock them all up
Gitmo needs more prison ships
There is still plenty of room in Diego Garcia
>remembers the dolphin link on Rotten.com
Hes really making me like him despite the poowife
About as crazy as listing Minnesota a swing state
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Alright fairy man.
Stupid games win stupid prizes
Don't say I didn't warn you.
>democrats investogate their own crimes and find no wrongdoing
how long are you going to let this happen burgerbros?
Minnesota is a lot closer in polls than Florida is.
It means you will see love and kindness and be forgiven even by those you have persecuted. You will travel through space to the future of Humanity.
>I was an atheist until scant few days ago.
wait, the antichrist almost dying made you believe in god?

thats kind of ironic, but also understandable.

you see, we are to believe in jesus because of his resurrection. the greatest proof of god is the resurrection of jesus christ.

a christian should say
>i believe that jesus died on the cross for the remission of sins and on the third day he rose again and ascended to the right hand of the father.

you are saying that you needed more, another sign.

and now you are acting like a sorcerer who controls gods will, very antichrist

i can see your black aura
Yay 999

>>hey 23. I miss you <3
8 years of shills changing zero minds. All while bumping the thread for free
Look to the word of God for your answers.
I do not speak for him, he used me to speak to you. I fear your reprisal but I do not stand alone. We wish for you to join us in the Kingdom of God so may forget these cycles of hate and war.
How many times before it's mathematically impossible hahahahhahaag
>Journalist Who Criticized Aaron Rodgers for His Views on COVID-19 Vaccines ‘Dies Unexpectedly’ at 43

That poster is a jailbird with a grudge against the thread.
so you agree that trump is the antichrist?
Shills hard wood for the fucking thought of it.
Pic related. Carl isn't changing any minds either
the trip fag might be cringier than kamala memes
And Jesus loved all of God's people
An antichrist. There are many who speak for God rather than speak his Word
the two jesus schizos are now fighting with each other. fucking great once you wind up those fags they go for hours
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The mossad CIA FBI DHS SS assassination project should not be investigated by congress.
Everyone directly involved has to be arrested and charged with the crimes they committed.
That is the way you investigate a coup attempt.>>475735686
trump is too old and too fat to be president
see >>475733313

your trolling is basic bitch level
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nigger, youve been a christian how many days and you think you are an holy man

god is not looking kindly at you right now
>Trump leading in 90% of polls
>no drumpflers, look at this random outlier by the university of fartburg, that's the real one!
I mean, what data do you have to suggest Kamala is doing well? She seems to be collapsing by every metric.
>no one died young before 2021
If Zyzz died today you'd blame the vaxx
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will it flip
That's a a faggot that died of a fent overdose from untested club drugs.
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That means it's working.
you sound vaxed
>questionable injections kill people
I don't think you're saying what you're meaning to say.
I am a sinner and shall continue to fail to meet Jesus' perfect ideals. I seek forgiveness for my failures and forgive others of theirs, and express love wherever I can manage it. Your hate has shown me the way.
I have seen the light that can only be found by dwelling in the darkness.
You sound like a schizo that believes the kikes conspired to kill off the entire planet and leave behind all the people that hate them the most.
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fucking hell the trip faggotry is cancerous
He's getting butt raped by Mandingo

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

That no flesh should glory in his presence.

But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.
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so you did take it lol, enjoy your sudden, inexplicable death
not a chance in hell
conservatives with any brains already fled
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President Trump, the REAL President is in Cheyenne Mountain, pumping iron and getting stronger every day.
You can not stop what is coming.
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Kick me then butch buddy. You can't.
Time for ur toaster bath
Why are you afraid?
Are you not all God's children?
Rejoice and be saved!
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post more then. post way more. post booba to make dumgay mad
Not you..you're going to hell no matter what

That's wild to me given the number of New Yorkers and Californians have fled to Florida. They were either conservatives or have flipped to conservatives. Florida was always in serious play until 2016, now it's basically solid R.
All Hype for Kamala is manufactured.
I think this message is going to win the election for the Democrats.
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This is what im after. Boobs nothing compared to pouty lips
Nah. We all knew back then he was a roided fuck.
Well said.
You have turned to the Word, so you will be saved. Already he speaks to you in your heart and urges you to celebration.

Your word is of satan. You sealed your fate long ago on that fateful might.. your end is SQQN
been off the grid for 1 week plus.
what's with all the sperging about iran?
hey aren't you that guy who drinks cum?
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cool story no one cares
>Had to put the dog down today
>over 60 dollars in taxes
I fucking hate this shithole.
Reminder that I am still baking.
Not as much cum as Trump drinks from billionaires
That is not what our Lord and God said to me. He is the God of Love and Mercy and all sins will be forgiven by those who live to praise Christ's name. Let go of hate, your God calls you to seek his Kingdom, for you have strayed.
i am the chief of sinners.

im telling you that faith in christ isnt a means to lift yourself up, true faith in christ leads to you face down on the floor

>And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.

>And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:

>I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
The feds tried to pin the assassination attempt on Iran, in one of the most blatant deflections imaginable.
Oof we having a melty? The whole Brat thing not moving the needle with the zoom zooms?
I heard this was the cringiest shit ever produced.
that's a yes lol kill yourself you fucking faggot lmao

Just take out back, give him a steak and put a .22 in him.
do they make these bitches in a factory or what?
lmao that can't be real
picrel personified
No. That's retarded.
>entire thread filled with anti trump leftoids
wtf happened to /pol/ after 2016 kek
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This is what the paid raiders don't understand, though they're not paid to think. Even with this liberal fan fiction of Harris +1, it means Trump has secured a large electoral college win. With every other poll showing Trump >3+ it means an electoral college landslide
They're also trying to pin the public transit issues in Paris on both Iran and Russia at the same time
Yes, that's why they call it Human Resources
why? what part are you stumbling on?

i admit that the 10 horns from psalm 83 are still a mystery to me
I'm getting nervous bros. These polls showing cooomala up are getting to me. It makes me want to make more calls and to knock on more doors to get people to register to vote. everyone in my church is already registered and they're voting TRUMP
>white women
>those faces
They're getting desperate, expect even more retarded stuff until November.
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Yup. It's the one. He's in jail
No wonder he drinks cum
Women shouldn't vote
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There we goooooooo

I do not fear death for I have seen the glory of God and have found peace in his loving embrace
And so I fell, to be reborn by his will. I discarded my hate to approach those that would hurt me with love. I do not seek to misguide you. I am here to remind you of the Word and because His will chose to send me here.
I'm expecting down syndrome tier shit
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Commies can not reason.
They wait to be told what to believe.
Free people don't believe anything. They operate within Reality, and when new facts emerge, that Reality changes.
Free people actually resist accepting your Reality, and exist in Reality as they know it.
commies are afraid of Freedom. They desire harsh treatment and crewel commands.
A free people will reject anything that interferes with their Freedom.
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Just saw the RedfieldWilton/Telegraph Swing State Polls
When are disgruntled dems going to start leaking shit like the enthusiasm was all manufactured? Lmao
She’s getting BTFO
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I hope you know that the actual reason Biden was booted off and Kamala brought on was to shore up the senate/house races who aligned more with Kamala's radicalism instead of with corpse-president Biden.
Dems have ceded the White House, but want to keep their strength in congress. The actual danger is in the congressional elections.
As one Nation, under God.
At this point anything is possible. I'm expecting another assassination attempt at the bare minimum.
>psalm 83:3-8
>They are sly, and they plot against those you treasure.
They say, “Let's wipe out the nation of Israel and make sure that no one remembers its name!”

>All of them fully agree in their plans against you, and among them are
>Edom (1) and the Ishmaelites (2);
>Moab (3) and the Hagrites (4);
>Gebal (5), Ammon (6), and Amalek (7);
>Philistia (8) and Phoenicia (9).
>Even Assyria (10) has joined forces
>with Moab and Ammon.


>revelation 17:12-14
>The ten horns you saw are ten more kings, who have not yet come into power, and they will rule with the beast for only a short time.
>They all think alike and will give their power and authority to the beast.
>These kings will go to war against the Lamb.

notice the "they all think alike" and the "all of them fully agree"
Too bad Kamala has multiple clips of saying defund the police, admitting she is the border czar etc.

The irony.
>literal who poll
>2 days ago
Post them
They know what a woman is now?
does anyone have a clip of way back in 2015 when a news reporter asked trump what he would say to a little girl that was here illegally and trump went
>you have to go back
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That didn't mean being bottom bitch for you dog with the Styrofoam Bone
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kamala came into my room when i was passed out after a heavy drinking session and touched me in my no no square. she said something about my esoteric powers and taking my life force. i woke up drained and severely dehydrated. i think kamala is a succubus and now she has dark meme magic esotericisms. its over for trump
Vance is right, these women are cat ladies who vote 90% democrat for hand outs anyway.
>I'm not even going to debate
>she doesn't even have obamas support!
Woooo debate time, bitches!
The call was like 25% gay men
many such cases
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They're covering their adams apples
Parts of the Bible are not yet known to me. Look to Jesus' own words for inspiration, for he is our savior.
Who's the Democrat nominee to debate?
she's still not the nominee, retard
>Twitter endorsement at 5am in the morning
You can just feel the contempt against Harris and Biden. It must hurt Obama's ego that the DNC is basically telling him that they are his superiors now.
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Are you getting trained so that you have skills to enforce Jurisdiction anon?
Europeans are amazing at making good things, and organizing to make order. But they tend to only act around plans, and only plan around skills they have.
Part of being able to see the future options, is knowing your likely needs.

Get Trained, Start with You.
Seek Jesus, Start with You.
Or Cry.

Getting Dopamine making snarky comments on how dangerous society is to your people, isn't changing that society.

20 pushups this morning,
20 pushups this afternoon,
20 pushups before you go to bed.
60 jumping jacks this morning, 60 jumping jacks before you go to bed.

40 sit-ups at some point today, all in a row.

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Faggot raped a bunch of kids and now he's feeling the burn
You'll never taste the Q

I have :3
haha now iran has incentive to kill trumps enemies who want to kill trump
>Leah greenberg
Who was James Dolan
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Good morning/afternoon fellow penismen!
tfw you get your covid booster
>Just saw the RedfieldWilton/Telegraph Swing State Polls
Post them anon. Come on, you're better than that.
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sup politics?
haha yeah zyzz didnt do steroids or anything
>iranian counter op kills mossad agent trying to assassinate Trump on US soil
I telegraphed that Trump would get shot in the ear two nights before it happened and had a "visual indicator" for such an event that I requested which is a jew in my town but he was cool and personable even though I never talked to him directly. I dont want to believe it but its true.
I see the brown doodoos have sabotaged the olympics or something, either that or a bunch of ducks got on the railroad tracks and exploded
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Yee Haw !!
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Q:Who was James Dolan?
A: time for Dolan memes
Lol wut?
or shit was neglected and they are making excuses for their shitty rail line
Shill bros what happened? I thought it was safe and effective? Care to elaborate, edit or die from the vaccine before you have a chance to respond?
Reminder to you, not one person on earth, from here to Jerusalem and around again, can actually prove back to Israel the man.
Ipso, by Moshe, nobody is a Jew, and nobody can keep Torah.

Most of the time the anger and "superiority" that Talmudists project is a transfering their own fear of the talmudists around them, because subconsciously, at every point in the life of the talmudist after they become self-aware as individuals, they know that they can't trace back to Israel, and neither can the rabbinates. And because the rabbi teaches death to Goy, who are those who cannot trace back to Israel (and as there are so many larp forms of making up for a lack of sacrifice none can be serious), they spend life in constant fear they will be murdered by one's own family or the community that one grew up in. So they transfer this "alert noticing" to us in projection of intent and in expectation of a need to dominate, appear pious, or provide some great social service so as to curry favor.
So non-binary folx are superior, got it.

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