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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally at Charlotte, NC 7/24/2024
https://rumble.com/v57r4oc-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-charlotte-north-carolina-72424.html (RSBN)
>JD Vance Speaks at Middletown, OH 7/22/2024
https://youtu.be/cz4clo15uZs (RSBN)
>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475746652
I can't wait for the news when Will Stancil gets arrested for being a communist pedophile. Ultra MAGA.
One time as a prank my homeboy and I went on a double date and they left and went to the gas station so my boy pooped behind their couch and slid it back up against the wall. At some point in time those girls must have found a big ass random turd in their living room along with eggs hidden around the house.
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Furries clock in and post “awoo” for maga!
Yiffers for trump!
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>trump's camp
>biden's camp
>kamala's camp
>the far-left camp
>the far-right camp
all might now share a common enemy. how droll, the way things turn out

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>"DICKS could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this public office before. There could be DICKS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her bare chest. "I LOVE SUCKING DICKS" she thought. Hypnotize by Biggie Smalls reverberated her entire campaign bus, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) fear of sex tapes on the internet. "With a blowjob, you can get any career you want" she said to herself, out loud.
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i did not i don't even know what you're referring to
also the Cognitohazard Research Institut ov Memeticks, Ontologies, And Rhizomes is grant funded by the ODP
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I had to see it and now (You) do, too. God help us.
Typical Trump. He's the luckiest man on Earth to be gifted with Biden's blunders and free sympathy points for the failed assassination attempt, and he flushes it all down the toilet as usual. Let's pick some hardcore white guy right-winger as VP who wants a total abortion ban, the #1 issues that helped Democrats to defy the odds in midterms. And also let's continue running our mouth with the usual one hour long MAGA speeches that appeal to zero independents, like he did during the convention - no one outside of MAGA likes this chit, so he's preaching to a damn choir and gains zero new supporters.

Nikki Haley would've been +15 points already without any assassination sympathy (dgaf if you like her or not)
Daily reminder that Kamala is a dick-sucking Pajeet who only got where she is by fucking men. She will replace all American jobs by outsourcing to shitty smelly Pajeets in India

Shes also 5'3" and wears lifts nearly all of the time so she doesn't look like a midget next to Biden or Obama

fuck Kamala, shes a pajeet womanlet nigger
im a smella for ella
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Broke your wall <3
>on date
>has friend
sorry story doesnt check out
Donald Trump is a scared fat faggot pdf file that is scared to debate Kamala Harris
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What if when your father died I beat and robbed you and took your home
How could she say anything out loud with a dick in her mouth?
Typical Trump. He's the luckiest man on Earth to be gifted with Biden's blunders and free sympathy points for the failed assassination attempt, and he flushes it all down the toilet as usual. Let's pick some hardcore white guy right-winger as VP who wants a total abortion ban, the #1 issues that helped Democrats to defy the odds in midterms. And also let's continue running our mouth with the usual one hour long MAGA speeches that appeal to zero independents, like he did during the convention - no one outside of MAGA likes this chit, so he's preaching to a damn choir and gains zero new supporters.

Nikki Haley would've been +15 points already without any assassination sympathy (dgaf if you like her or not)
You hit the wall bro, post hairline
Man the Greeks made fun of women pushing for this rubbish 3000 years ago, why did we give them the vote?
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if only you knew how bad things really are
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Always a great reminder that human rights only apply to White landowning God fearing men.
pray for the anons in the timeline where they actually did shoot trump in the head and we're stuck with nikki haley vs kamala harris for 2024
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what if instead of abi wilkinson getting a paycheck she didn't?
guys you have to call it before you post new pasta or the other discord trannies will ruin it
oh do you mean mysterygrove yes i saw those but i did not read them because i refuse to give him five dollars
Fucking hell. Is wrasslin really this pozzed now? How did this happen?

It's just basic history but it's a bretty gud survey for babby's first communisms
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Typicar Trump. He's the ruckiest man on Earth to be gifted with Biden's brunders and free sympathy points for the faired assassination attempt, and he frushes it arr down the toiret as usuar. Ret's pick some hardcore white guy right-winger as VP who wants a total abortion ban, the #1 issues that herped Democrats to defy the odds in midterms. And also ret's continue running our mouth with the usuar one hour rong MAGA speeches that appear to zero independents, rike he did during the convention - no one outside of MAGA rikes this chit, so he's preaching to a damn choir and gains zero new supporters.

Nikki Harey wourd've been +15 points arready without any assassination sympathy (dgaf if you rike her or not)
>it's a conspiracy that are cars got towed for parking on private property
Persecution fetish that would make a Jew blush.
We were teenagers and I think he had found these two bitches off plenty of fish or some website like that. I never got into it a lot but my boy would pop off with new girls to hang out with any time we were bored. We ended up having sex with those bitches and leaving and I don’t think I’ve ever seen them since. Probally didn’t call because of the retarded piece of poop. Or a giant turd actuallly.
>You need a vacation. Take a trip somewhere with less niggers.

On the subject of vacations...
I guess I'm a little weird on that.

The bottom line is, I don't like them.
Generally speaking.

I have a /comfy/ life.
I don't like flying commercial, or taking long drives.
Most traditional 'vacation destinations' seem boring to me.

My idea of a 'fun' vacation is:
Go visit a Flight School in AZ or FL during winter months.
Fly some different airplanes; maybe get some new endorsements.
LIke, learning how to do some aerobatic flying !!
Yep them's the ones!
Nothing gone..no gray
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Reminder that we caught the fucking bullet on camera and Trump was obviously shot
that timeline doesn't have an election because they were suspended like ukraine's with the blame going to iran after joe was removed resulting in a conflict that never quite resolves before the big one
I regret not changing the +15 points to "prus 15 points"
ella is such a weirdo that i kind of think she might just be weird enough to tolerate my weirdness which is actually legendary
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Think about it though. Imagine a Kamala Harris/Nicki Haley ticket. They could call it the Unity ticket
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I think abi Wilkinson should pay an air tax

>White landowning God fearing men.
Of good moral character and standing
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kek I read through those articles this is such blatant gaslighting but we are living in schizophrenic times so I suppose it's par
Joe's Biden double is a giant.
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>Is wrasslin really this pozzed now?
>How did this happen?
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The connection is simply chlorine…not false flag.

Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference.
>[future proves past]
Some drops are just simply communication to the anons.

What needs to be understood to appreciate whats going here is the fact the Q is basically creating a circular flow diagram that can be referenced and cross-checked with news releases. Q can’t just disclose specifics about a situation or operation without violating security protocol. Instead they drop questions and statements that lead to answers that can be understood once the subject becomes public. This provides the validation necessary for the public to believe The Great Awakening is legit. Disinformation and misdirection with Q is real. In other words Q is pointing over there but really the focus is here and only until you publicly get the news can you go back and understand. (Think SA drops) All of this is accomplished without giving up specific details about the operation. It’s quite genius.

You skin absorbs it like a sponge..chlorine. more abundant than flouride and aborbs on contact..fucking obliterating you ability to grow new neurons. Get a clue
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i suppose i will read them but UNDER PROTEST that i will NOT support socialism and i will DIE before i give him a CENT
>Seems like I'm getting old, time to give all my assets to my son before I die and the state robs everything
You just know that even ignoring everything else it wouldn't work.

Now that I think about it, wasn't there some inheritance tax in the US or some bullshit like that or am I misremembering it?
Giving MysteryGrove the $5 means you win a free trip from him and Davis from the roundmeal.
Whatever works for you then.
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That's by far the funniest part.
They're going with, specifically, teleprompter glass.
Of all fucking things.
Actually yes.
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Trump and Epstein, good friends until Trump ordered him killed in federal prison
This encapsulates US political discourse.

Both sides do it, but Democrats seem far more likely to push bullshit positions and then try desperately to pretend they never held the previous position.

A prime example of this would be Jamie Raskin who pitched a fit about Steve Bannon being subpoeanaed by congress, and then debating whether or not it should be public or private. Just months later, Raskin would take a completely opposite position on this issue when it was Hunter Biden being subpoeananed.

Same w\ the impeachments. These people are all on record being against impeachment when it's there guy, but then for it when it's Trump. No integrity to be found. These people were just a few weeks ago denying that there was anything wrong with Biden. How quickly they change their tune.

And then they refuse to talk about it.
Damn right
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I love my future children so much, I'm gonna be sure that I throw them out of my home when they are 18 and never give them an inheritance because I love them a lot and care about them.
Leftists slowly coming around to the fact that elections are rigged to death. Can’t wait till Kamala is installed and another 20 million illegals are invited in.
MAGA !!!
If trump wins can unknown hinson make a comeback? He's getting old bros.
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take some fucking lithium retarded trip fag. also fuck off.
Seems to me someone needs to start up a deliberately normal wrasslin promotion. I can't imagine ever watching troon shit myself and I imagine I'm not the only one.
He sure af ain't getting over with that gimmick
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Kamala Harris' jewish stepdaughter
TK tried...
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They always want more inheritance taxes which violates double taxation clauses, and any giving to your family is taxable over a certain amount.
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>Whatever works for you then.
There would coincidentally be damn few niggers.

Also, picrel is my preferred method of travel these days.
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That really made em seethe
They are nice articles for doodoo tiem or bedtiem also Mr. Krabs is so me I am krabs-maxxing
I am also roundmealmaxxing (pic sorta related)
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And the winner of an unfortunate name award goes to. https://x.com/NetworkRailSCOT/status/1816384391058448844
Snazzy plane.
>goldwater republicans
So democrats got it.

After the whole Alex Jones Sandy Hook thing, it's HILLARIOUS that these people are openly denying a violent event.

People died. That fireman got his head blown off. Now... I also love conspiracy theories, and sure, it could be fake. But as of right now... a left wing nutjob took shots at Trump, and Trump lived to talk about it.

It's absolutely ridiculous for people to try to cope w\ the fact that Trump looked absolutely bad ass in that moment... raising his fist in defiance, blood dripping down his face after surviving an assassination attempt.

The left can't stand how bad ass Trump was in that moment. Or that those pictures are probably the most patriotic shit ever captured on photo. They're seething.

And again... doesn't fucking matter. He was bleeding after being shot at. It literally doesn't matter what hit him given the fact that real bullets were flying, and bystanders were hit.

What kind of American are you?
it was especially funny how he made sure to mention
>and now the Republican Nominee for President
>served as the appointed physician for both President Obama and President Trump
Has Trump dropped Vance yet? This guy is a fucking dud and a drag on the ticket. Get Rubio in there or Burgum.
Seems like something I would've enjoyed as a kid.
ella is so fucking weird i kind of love her and she is not actually related to kamala so its totally fine if we get it on
Another fucking screen cap of a tweet
Do you guys think Trump has better odds of beating Harris than Biden?
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Interesting that Kamala got destroyed in the primaries, but through DEI selection she became VP and then by Biden dropping out, she's now successfully sidestepped the primary process that flatly denied her and has become the nominee. Trump is absolutely right to constantly bring up how giving her the nomination is spitting in the face of the voters and shitting all over the democratic process. Hopefully he or Vance can work to articulate it better so they can hammer that fact home to the general public.
>And again... doesn't fucking matter. He was bleeding after being shot at. It literally doesn't matter what hit him given the fact that real bullets were flying, and bystanders were hit
you two can get it on in the gas chamber together
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Headbutt a W500 faggot
reminder that the avatarfags that post here everyday are trannies, that is all.
Far better.
Biden stepping down 100 days before the election was a massive sign of panic, disorganization, and weakness.
It was crippling to the party of "grown ups", especially in the wake of a huge and extremely well documented assassination attempt of the Republican candidate who BTFO'd Biden in a debate only a week before.
They'll maybe half-ass a rig, IF they can stand this well known awful bitch, but I doubt they even have time.
She would never win a primary, no one likes her.
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You fucking missed
Worse. Biden was so old and senile that pretty everyone was done with him. They will astroturf Kamala's popularity and Trump's shitty VP pick won't help him.
Barry Goldwater was the most far right Republican nominee until trump
not really he was the first lolbert though
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The hikikomori is just a sexy femboy, and the wolf poster is a cool dude and my friend. The others can face the outer dark.
Hey ptg...
Gonna steal that one also you might appreciate that I got into a debate with a finn elsewhere over taxation, he refused to believe that his nation taxes at 67% for the wealthiest (add in all the national and local government taxes and surcharges for services plus a 44% national tax rate for the wealthiest)
is she the "nu-/ptg/' poster?
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we are actually unmistakably right wing. trannies are left wing
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sorry, you already fucked up, better luck next thread
How much jewjewcum do you think Trump has slurped today? Is there such a thing as too much jewjewcum for him?
She forgot her brain condom. This whole thing has been a mind duck and I havent pulled out yet
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>drove the news cycle
Reminds me of my early days on 4chan, we would troll IGN and other internet polls.
Gummy Lunchables are an abomination holy shit.
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Nigga: we ARE the news cycle.
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There are many hideous monstrosities for the collectors of the macabre and grotesque to appreciate
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okay jej i like that he points out line by line discord argumentation. i've seen that also called reddit arguing and before that i saw it called forum arguing, where you go sentence by sentence and give some zinger or rebuttal that never actually addresses the overall point, but is just supposed to shut down, shame, or provide just a rhetorical screen to say or do what you wanted to in the first place - no "discussion" between two parties was ever going on, and it's like a retarded ritual people do not unlike political debates on tv
i got a forum admin to fucking melt down into all caps ranting and then deletion of the whole thing once because i just didn't even do the ritual and kept restating my point without getting into his nitpicking. it's particularly bad when it's something like
>>[statement 1]
>huh? this makes no sense? haha that'd only be relevant if it showed X but this is just insane wtf
>>[statement 2 that brings up X]
>um, what does that have to do with anything??? did you even pass fifth grade???
i'm not innocent of the line-by-line thing because it's sometimes what people expect and can be functional and also i'm just lazy/irate sometimes, but i feel dirty any time i do it

the whole "fact check" spiel is like a more formalized version of the same behavior, designed for people who decide immediately that every statement must have a rebuttal, and not whether or not the argument follows. it's a similar mindset to the faggots who think they have to have something saying trump wasn't shot, even though he was, because more important than anything else is smugly declaring the chud is wrong, even when he's right
you'll see it here on the ethiopian cartoon masturbation emporium as well, but it is offset by the fact that people are here mostly for shits and giggles and no one actually likes reading longposts here, let alone the tripe of reddit argument style. if you're just gonna dismiss the other guy's arguments, you don't need anything but "no u"
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Get hype
CovFEFE loaded

[They] for some reason, cannot stop obsessing.
The hilarious ensues when you know the levers.
And how to crank them..

LEL that image
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I'm very strongly of the belief that any time half or more is paid you are essentially a slave to the state. The insidious creep of crime, degeneration, taxes, and inflation causes so much more cost than people know. An average man cannot live with a family in a decent place with a consistent job anymore, and now in America it is certainly possible to yearly pay in combination sales tax, business taxes, income taxes, property tax, mandatory insurance, etc. well exceeding half of your income. The very minimum if that a free man must labor first for himself
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>future proves past<
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A very good thread.
Any news?
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I claim all nontransoid prime bussy for Hitler and Aryans. The aidsoids fagmos and trannys go to the camps.
Depends. Harris could pick up extra votes from women/black people depending on turnout/enthusiasm but Biden could have stole white working votes from Trump again.
Reminder that they're doing anything to prevent new details coming out on the failed assassination attempt on Trump while most of the media, shills and glowniggers don't want to do anything with the topic and would rather much memory hole it. That is exactly what they're trying to accomplish with the Biden/Harris angle. No one likes Harris and everyone can clearly see how inorganic her support is. If shills have to, they would rather vote in someone that is hitler and Satan other than Donald J. TRUMP.

That is how far gone they are. I fully suspect the shills will throw anything at the wall to distract from the truth such as how they tried to pin the insecurities and problems on the black female nigger that died. Today you're hearing about a UFO that was spotted on the day of the failed assassination. Retard shills are saying that they could be real lol
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Men voting at the same frequency women do would make everywhere but Massachusetts, Vermont, California, Oregon, and Washington red. Don’t even have to factor for race
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Worth remembering [think what you see today].
Insurgency can be defined as ‘the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region.’
Insurgents seek to subvert or displace the government and completely or partially control the resources and population of a given territory. They do so through the use of force (including guerrilla warfare, terrorism and coercion/intimidation), propa- ganda, subversion and political mobilization. Insurgents fight government forces only to the extent needed to achieve their political aims: their main effort is not to kill counterinsurgents, but rather to establish a competitive system of control over the population, making it impossible for the government to administer its territory and people. Insurgent activity is therefore designed to weaken government control and legitimacy while increasing insurgent control and influence.
Insurgents require supporters, recruits, safe havens, money, supplies, weapons and intelligence on government actions. A robust insurgency can be waged with the support of just a small percentage of a given population.
Counterinsurgency may be defined as ‘comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency and address its root causes’.
Biden's major foreign policy consequence is uniting China, Russia and Iran to where they aren't even trying to backstab each other anymore.
His second major foreign policy consequence is ending Yemen's civil war and making the Houthi's the popular legitimate government of Yemen.
This is true. If Trump picked Carson or better yet tulsi he could have just played golf and won.
He’s so fucking stupid. This country is truly fucked. Now cut to Trump saying the Russians should attack Europe or anti zionists should be executed.
He’s retarded. And he’s our only hope.
Oh those sides are retreating like trump from the debates
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> Big event
> Cars get towed for various reasons
This is somehow political or important.
Too bad Russia, China, Iran, Europe, Russia, the USA, and Anglosphere are all declining powers facing demographic apocalypse and looming declining productivity and competence
Trump is losing
Biden's neo-liberal foreign policies suck shit, it doesn't get enough attention.
I guess it's smarter for Trump to focus on immigration and inflation though.
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I wonder how there can be any JD Vance shills left on /pol/ when JD Vance doubled down on his cat lady comment on the Megyn Kelly show instead of taking the opportunity to retcon what he said in the past. It is now 100% confirmed that JD Vance has no interest in helping Trump attract more independents and moderates. Instead, JD Vance just keeps giving new ammo to the Democrats every single fucking day because this fat fuck faggot is fucking terrible at public relations.

Trump: 46% (+4)
Harris: 42%

Trump: 44% (+3)
Harris: 41%

Trump: 47% (+5)
Harris: 42%

Trump: 46% (+3)
Harris: 43%

Trump: 45% (+2)
Harris: 43%

Trump: 46% (+3)
Harris: 43%

Trump: 47% (+8)
Harris: 39%
Jeb Bush: 2%

Trump: 44% (=)
Harris: 44%

Harris: 44% (+3)
Trump: 41%
the argument is correct, but it only applies to past biden
current biden, post debate, with his senility laid bare for all to see, nah.
then again, the same exact thing drags kamala down. if biden was senile, which he was, why didn't she say/do anything for so long?
and while we're at it, why is biden still president now?

i imagine that for the trump campaign, this is a difficult decision
they can go after the whole biden senility scandal hard, but if they do, its likely to cause him to step down and harris becomes 1st female president and the incumbent
on the other hand, if they don't, kamala doesn't get those bonuses, but they also don't get the bonus of pointing out this scandal which damages here
so what is worth more votes? 1st female president + incumbent, or wearing the biden senility scandal?
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Play stupid games
> like being born human
Win stupid prizes
> like having to work to survive
he's correct
but unfair to cats, though
>that Jeb! SURGE?!
Jeb bros…
slow & steady
Funny my hairline hasn't changed. Still the same as when was a kid. None of the men on my side of the family lose their hair. My brother has the widows peak..not me
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>Jeb Bush: 2%
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kek when I was a younger man I participated in many a sentence-by-sentence deconstruction of arguments that amounted to little more than what you described (zingers) over politics, where it was at least funny, but also philosophy and topics like creationism vs. evolution, around which that style inevitably coalesces into pure schizophrenia tulpamancy (which the media has now embraced fully, I don't know why they don't just go ahead and claim that trump shot himself and the firefighter with a hidden rifle that he remote-controlled with a modified amazon firestick or something)
That is why "leech off the welfare state to spam the world with white babies" is now an argument despite being repugnant to white men not even 20 years ago, it is not something that I could do myself because I was raised not to be niggerish but it has entered the discourse, even sam hyde promoted it ("GO FUCK! LIE AT THE FOOD STAMP OFFICE!") (very lulzy stream)
>George Lloyd is one letter short of George Floyd
>Obama is one letter short of Osama
>literal who poll
>not even on RCP
Dude she would rock your world so hard. She would show up your village all moist and armed. She would take your family's food and leave you in a ditch and get all hot and bothered.
Journalist Who Criticized Aaron Rodgers for His Views on COVID-19 Vaccines ‘Dies Unexpectedly’ at 43


President Trump RIPS Reprehensible Conspiracy Theorist — FBI Director Chris Wray — After He Suggests that Trump Was Never Hit By a Bullet!

Trump leads by 1.9% and 2.8% in the RCP respectively
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Real great men here.
what's anyone gonna do if the State or feds just revoke them? stop paying taxes? IRS will throw them in jail and sell their land and possessions to shitskins
>what are the political implications of very low edit distances?
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Another phg died guys. They're astroturf failed
Irregular warefare.
Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or challenge political control of a region. As such, it is primarily a political struggle, in which both sides use armed force to create space for their political, economic and influence activities to be effective. Insurgency is not always conducted by a single group with a centralized, military-style command structure, but may involve a complex matrix of different actors with various aims, loosely connected in dynamic and non-hierarchical networks. To be successful, insurgencies require charismatic leadership, supporters, recruits, supplies, safe havens and funding (often from illicit activities). They only need the active support of a few enabling individuals, but the passive acquiescence of a large proportion of the contested population will give a higher probability of success. This is best achieved when the political cause of the insurgency has strong appeal, manipulating religious, tribal or local identity to exploit common societal grievances or needs. Insurgents seek to gain control of populations through a combination of persuasion, subversion and coercion while using guerrilla tactics to offset the strengths of government security forces. Their intent is usually to protract the struggle, exhaust the government and win sufficient popular support to force capitulation or political accommodation. Consequently, insurgencies evolve through a series of stages, though the progression and outcome will be different in almost every case.
Location(s) [cities] loss-of-control?
[D] controlled?
Define 'stand down' [safe haven] order.
Define 'organized' group.
Coordination of 'organized' [& funded] group(s) in [D] controlled 'safe haven' cities across US [pre_knowledge to group(s)]?
Thank you for playing.
Have a Nice Day.
Thank you for this.

These people who want to remove or rewrite history are evil pure and simple.

Hey guys. I know we like to have fun here and joke around with the piratebeard shill, retard shills, kikes and in some cases, glowniggers. But I genuinely mean it when I say that all evil kikes, illegals/niggers who rape, murder, steal and traitorous glowniggers, all who enable and are responsible for the problems the world is facing today should face justice. They all need to hang in a public forum for the world to see.
Don't forget to volunteer when operation deport Dora the explorer kicks in when Trump enters his third term.

Have a nice day! MAGA!
The "Kamala is a whore" meme is basically a repeat of the Hunter cock pics
The "enemy fire" was predominantly FRIENDLY fire - American soldiers in a circle around old men and women and children began shooting through the group and hitting each other. Wounded Knee is not a hill to die on, if there is anybody who deserves their MOHs taken away it's for that "battle". it's like giving the Medal of Honor to Jewish plantation owners for whipping their niggers. Even the contemporaries decried it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_A._Miles
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Oh there's a few more.
This. It's so bad.
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Driscoll described himself as “the Johnny Appleseed of White Guilt” and/or “the Perez Hilton of Pierce County” on his social media accounts, lol hes dead now
>Even the contemporaries
You obviously haven't spent enough time around dirty indians.
"We have to bypass the media in order to get straight to the people."
"We've gone around them like no one in history has gone around them."
-POTUS @ tonight's rally
Think MSM attacks re: Q (We, the People).
Wack jobs.

please dear God let this happen
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What a man.
rest in piss pretentious nigger lover
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They lie so fucking much, it's unreal.
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i would never want a boyfriend thats gross and stupid but since girlfriends arent even real. id wager that even having just a friend would be ok.
Vance is treating undecided American voters like they are all clones of Tucker Carlson. He is also delusional enough to think he is funny enough to get away with excusing his controversial comments as sarcasm. Such thinking only works for people like Trump and not Vance because Vance is try way too hard to act like an edgy macho hill billy from Appalachia.
Kamala Revealed as THE Key Vote Behind Massive Inflation-Triggering Spending Scheme


FBI Wants to Grill Trump to Determine Whether He Was Hit by a Bullet at Butler Rally After Wray Floats Shrapnel Conspiracy Theory

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And one more after this.
>switching from shit-tier demoralization
>to sliding/spamming/dilution
do...they not see how obvious it is
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I know that the nearly extinct "heyah heyah! big wompum bad medicine" redskins are a lot better than the streetshitting pajeets clogging up every aspect of the entire world with their dalit filth
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hehe, I love you guys…
did that seriously take you ten fucking minutes to come up with
did you need to game it out in a boardroom or something
I hereby humbly request that kamala no longer be called by her name but instead, henceforth be called;

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And that's it.
Motion sustained.
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Godfucking dammed pajeets
It's my pleasure!!
Kek. Enjoy your seasoned oceans.
I prefer Niggie the Poo.
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>Brazil when oceanic currents waft Hindu poo particles to their shores
>hunter cock pics
Fake news, there is no such picture
Friends aren't real either. Get used to it
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Christ is King.
Trump is Antichrist.



enough with the avatar, schizo, and trip fagging plz
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>Friends aren't real either. Get used to it
i was shitposting why the fuck would i want a friend. im way too fucking weird to maintain something like that. fucking normies
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Damn !!
They don't make men like they used to.
Contemplate the aroma
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Thank you for your service, you're the anon who maintains military graves aren't you?
looks like pepe the frog in outer space.
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I was 33 years old when I call upon the light February 8th, 2023. 4 days before my 34th birthday. The first of 3 craft were shot down.
Shill bros...it's over...Trump wins.../ptg/ says that POO DEVIL is too ugly to run...furthermore, would Americans trust a lying whore who hid bidens cognitive decline for years???

I have no rebuttal...it's literally Hoever and we all should set ourselves on fire
it will continue at least until the election, past if Trump wins.
Unlike Vance, Trump never attempts to portray himself as the king of alpha males. For example, Trump makes it known to everybody that he loves Broadway musicals like Phantom of the Opera. He also used to be a big Taylor Swift fan before she fully converted to being a Democrat attack dog. These traits are all what make Trump appealing to independents and moderates.

President Trump driving with son Barron and cruising to Taylor Swift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coR3ayUHJTQ
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Shill bros...it's over...Trump will win and POO DEVIL will lose...there just isn't enough time to make a comeback...without the media, corrupt leaders, shills and glowniggers...it's impossible for POO DEVIL to suck that many cocks in such short notice...

>Wounded Knee is not a hill to die on
remember when they started out going after Confederates and it was "lol they were racist slaveowning traitors who cares?" and then it quickly became about going after EVERY white male from history, even white male abolitionists?
you're an idiot if you think this will stop at Wounded Knee.
fuck me don’t schizos and shills get tired of hearing themselves talk talking points literally
interesting that the new number niggers don't know what the bait posts are
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Shill bros...is over...they aren't buying my trump is old narrative...is it true that old man Trump took a bullet to the face and walked it off with his fist pumping in the air? Can Biden even do that after falling off the bicycle or stairs??? Can POO DEVIL even do that with a cock in her mouth while on her knees?

POO DEVIL sucked cock to get where she is...it's over....Trump wins...it's time we set ourselves on fire to protest against isreaAIIIEEEEEEEEE
Someone post the kamala lip plate meme
Good thing for trump the only thing he needs from Vance is to secure the Midwest, which he probably will.
Who called the light from the darkness?
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hey that one was only 8 minutes, the boardroom is getting faster!
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I only plant flags on them.
>Good thing for trump the only thing he needs from Vance is to secure the Midwest, which he probably will.
Sure faggot. Vance isn't that popular in OH. And you don't think the midwest is filled with childless rust belt workers?
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Sadly true.
Top laff.
the absolute state of south americans
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Celebrating Wounded Knee is like celebrating Ruby Ridge, it's something so flagrantly unjustified and evil you have to be a complete nigger retard to perform apologetics for it.
Federal Judge Overturns ATF Ban On Trigger Devices That Enhance Firing Speed.

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I don't think I am republican anymore.
ella is so weird. i should have never started looking at the strangeness
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Any chike shills thinking about setting theirselves on fire lately?

Don't do it! /ptg/ needs your help on bumping the thread. Not only are you fulfilling an important duty, you can let off some steam against Trump and have some purpose in this excuse you call a life! We have the best shills don't we folks? Goodnight all and even the haters! Don't be a glownigger/kike victim!

That's the 3rd ATF L in a month lmao
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Ur next faggot
>Any chike shills thinking about setting theirselves on fire lately?
Trump already did that to his campaign by picking Vance.
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very MAGA

He radiates retro natural bush energy.
Do you think there’s enough time this month for a judge to take suppressors off the NFA?

>In 2020, he formally endorsed Joe Biden for the presidency, after previously starring in an advertisement aired by The Lincoln Project.
Chevron fallout or pure 2A argument?
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Why does Jew D Vance love dolphin porn so much?
What difference, at this point, does it make?
I'd like to see the ATF disbanded and the NFA repealed in my lifetime.
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Look what I found
>hurr fucking durr trump won't win ohio durr durr
i mean, really
i am zolan henlo
i always knew that faggot was astroturfed to hell and back, but it's nice to see exactly how
Liklyhood of surviving appeal, and intellectual curiosity.
Reminder that I am still baking.
She likes it rough tho
I'd like to see the ATF's regulatory ban on open-bolt rifle designs overturned because the law as written does not ban gun designs simply for the fact that it's """easier""" to turn them into machine guns. The ATF made that up, like 80% of other gun laws.
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foxford doesn't miss
henlo i am zolan
I'll admit this..I fucking hate being here and every bit of your bullshit makes life worse for me..some Sap you're running. So much for the love right?
Thanks asshole
>not getting a hilldawg reference
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Nice. Gun Grabblers get both barrels.
Yeah well get me next time so I can leave this shithole in peace
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Rumors are trump wasn't even hit with a bullet.
how is it that threads have gotten even more shittier?
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shills are so buckbroken they've had to resort to schizoid larping
And yet tomorrow just like every day. I wake up alone and miserable. You assholes should be ashamed of yourself.
Deception = Death
Get a clue. Deceivers will meet their end.
You did it
You signed it
It's over.
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i think it's retarded that bolt action rifles are restricted at all, public safety is not imperiled by that whatsoever and yet it's easier to buy a shotgun pistol than a bolt action rifle
really not looking good lately bros. obamas finally got in line and endorsed harris.

beyonce and taylor swift are also going to do a pro harris show…

fuck. what do we do?
anon it's election time what did you expect
>omg! i miss when the threads were FAST
>wait wtf why are they shit
what a mystery
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>How much jewjewcum do you think Trump has slurped today? Is there such a thing as too much jewjewcum for him?
Ask Kamala about (literally) sucking jew cock.
Who comes up with phrases like this -- 14-year olds?
shit is thrown
nothing really sticks
more shit gets thrown
s/n ratio
etc etc
yea but he was so your point is what?
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shills mostly
Im going back to bed. Have fun eating cum while you wait to die faggots
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My brother and I were just discussing this phrase two days ago. Kamala's whole "unburdened by the past" rhetoric is very similar. None of these subhumans can discern how the past affects the present, because it does not affect them personally. We were discussing how the ham-beast SS director was completely stonewalling even the most basic attempts to get the public some information the failed assassination. "But he didn't even die" is the typical subhuman response. It would have been a different hearing if they had pulled her into the public square, lashed her, and then re-asked the same questions. I doubt after the physical pain she'd still be as bitchy.
Typical Trump. He's the luckiest man on Earth to be gifted with Biden's blunders and free sympathy points for the failed assassination attempt, and he flushes it all down the toilet as usual. Let's pick some hardcore white guy right-winger as VP who wants a total abortion ban, the #1 issues that helped Democrats to defy the odds in midterms. And also let's continue running our mouth with the usual one hour long MAGA speeches that appeal to zero independents, like he did during the convention - no one outside of MAGA likes this chit, so he's preaching to a damn choir and gains zero new supporters.

Nikki Haley would've been +15 points already without any assassination sympathy (dgaf if you like her or not)

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it's this, but
>the thread is fast and it is shit. how could this be happening to me?
>the thread is slow and it is shit. how could this be happening to me?
>the thread is meta about speed and it is shit. how could this be happening to me?
>anon it's election time what did you expect
2016 and 2018 had the right amount of quality shitposts, funny shill posts and helpful discussions, this time is different around
only thing i can think of to respond to this is if elon, joe rogan, and rfk all endorse trump. rfk drops out and says kamala was complicit in hiding biden’s decline.
Fair. It has been a long ass time, so most of those memes get washed around and lumped in with pepe and kek stuff. Deplorables and pants of shit are more memorable in that historical context to me.
this is a masterpiece
yea demothugs are just lying intentionally and straight up right out the gate. Not even using shitty one liners or platitudes
>bolt action rifles
Open bolt is a semi-auto rifle design d00d. It means the chamber is open when ready to fire as opposed to closed. Popular examples include the (original) MAC-10 design and Smith & Wesson Model 76.
good evening zolan
lol that's how you know complaints from the one hurr durr were always in bad faith
>/ptg/ used to be SO BASED
>it's so CRINGE and GAY now ugh
>all the GOOD POSTERS left ugh
>/ptg/ used to be a PHENOMENON
i didnt even see that. good eye
anon i don't think you actually remember 2016. the entire time (except for maybe two weeks was)
>trump is going to fucking LOSE
>it's fucking OVER for trump
>fucking retards
i want to make you 0.01% upset so see this
And it was at least somewhat backed. Democrats are making the same mistakes they made in 2016 and making the same mistake the GOP did in 2022
lmao also this
I AM ZOLAN!!!!!!!!!!!
So, what are cutters? Major daddy issues?
are you ignoring the hildawg memes and jeb posting?
2016 was way better than today's election, even the shitposts
Daddy issues for days anon. Technically you could say mental illness but it all has the same root.
Shoot yourself
no u
When you cut yourself, your brain releases dopamine to ease the pain you feel. This tends to become an addiction for some girls.
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Deport all kikes and commie bastards to hell.
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"He who does not want to be negrified is a fascist that must be hanged."
Jesus. These fucking men are badass.. I mean, what the fuck happened to most of us? Easy times makes for weak men is really fucking true huh?

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