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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally at Charlotte, NC 7/24/2024
https://rumble.com/v57r4oc-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-charlotte-north-carolina-72424.html (RSBN)
>JD Vance Speaks at Middletown, OH 7/22/2024
https://youtu.be/cz4clo15uZs (RSBN)
>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475766760
Ultra MAGA.
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https://swampthevoteusa.com -- help old farts vote here
https://trumpforce47.com -- start here if you want to help in a grassroots fashion, but are unsure where to start

iron is hot, stay on offense
Why did he pick a fag for his VP?
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Hey ptg...
Well too bad it didn't. Now I'm on a budget.
Freemasons and Jews hand in hand deceiving and herding the goyim
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Where's Crackers? I found his dad!
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Reminder to put aside time to AWOO
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FBI Director Fay Wray finally was forced to admit Trump was struck in the ear by a bullet only after being grabbed out of a New York skyscraper by King Kong.
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when did the right lose their meme magic?
that shit is horrible
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>there is nothing wrong with this vp pick at all. it is another example of trump playing 4d chess. tpp-supporting, anti-abortion, fag-conversion-therapy-endorsing Mike pence will boost Trump's support among literally all the groups who he needed go reach. Also bretty good logo choice, not an embarrassing meme at all.
what happened to france pls tell in 100 words or less
I didn't know he picked you, congratulations!
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You're just going to give yourself a stroke and an ulcer pretending like invaders and retards have some particular purchase or value in considering.
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Who cares? He didn't pick you or I so what does it matter?
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It's hoe-ver. She cannot possibly win now. She has the Cramer curse.

You guys remember the leading alternatives here were Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum, right? Both provide zero assassination insurance and would've been fully incentivized removing Trump at the first chance.

Now, riskier options like Tulsi Gabbard might've been a good alternative. But I don't think the campaign could ever get over accepting a former Democrat who only "converted" and left the party two years ago. Bringing RFK Jr. on board also would've shaken things up, but again you'd have hardcore conservatives and DeSantis types pitching a fit over a "unity" ticket with a reformed liberal on board.

So what does JD Vance actually do?

>Well spoken.
>Backed by techbro billionaires, meaning money.
>White working class background, which will amp up the vote in rustbelt states.

Remember, assuming Trump has Arizona-Georgia-Nevada locked down as polls suggest, the election comes down to three Midwestern rustbelt states. He needs to win at least one of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

JD Vance is still the most obvious way to do that.
Hey Stella
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don't call it a grave it's the future i chose
Almost everyone in the torch lighting ceremony is black. Truly representative of the population.
Daily reminder that Jew D Vance beats his meat to dolphin porn.
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>Trump's physician debunked it
>tons of photos debunked it
>the bullet in the fucking shot debunked it
>fully intact teleprompters debunked it
And yet shills are STILL saying that Trump didn't get shot.
They're beyond delusional.
Do they really think they can gaslight and astroturf the most well photographed assassination attempt in history?
Find a new tactic you sad pathetic goddamned mental gymnastics conspiracy theory failures.
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don't forget he's catholic!
Even the best of the goyim deserve to die. So even you high ranking Masons aren't safe
Jessica Tarlov from The Five just implied JD Vance is couch fucker
>g Mike pence will boost Trump's support among literally all the groups who he needed go reach.
He did. Trump needed Evangelicals all of Pence's anti gay shit helped with that. Trump won. Vance doesn't bring in a single new voter. And he alienates voters with his comments.,
They got taken over by a faggot and a cross dresser and questions?
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Long ago many homosexuals were reading and writing books in Europe and America then all the freaks did a revolution that slowly ended civilized humanity until 1933 then it ended again in 1944 and now we live on a rotten corpse and everyone is completely dumb and insane now.
>he needs the independent

He doesn't NEED independents but her certainly doesn't need his ticket go even HIGHER in unavailability.

We want anti-trump people to stay home and also have the bonus of some cross-over votes. Picking someone like Pence makes me worry people will ACTUALLY bother to vote for Hillary more than they already were.

If he picked someone uncontroversial and milquetoast like Newt rather than some retard that actually shills for conversion therapy for fags or muh Isreal and TPP and the typical neocon spread he would have had a cakewalk.
yep lolz
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i know! did you see the satanic stuff? it was very odd!
hey you should really look at the discourse around the olympics it's very funny
This biggest issue coming now that millennials are getting into politics is their embarrassing old tweets
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>possibly fragmented
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>gets "shot"
>no one gives a fuck anymore
Fixed it for me (and (you))
The FBI has now debunked it as well. It was a bullet.
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>>he needs the independent
When did I say that? Rubio would have helped with hispanics. Burgum with Haley boomers. Tulsi with women. Vance? He helps with nobody.
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>b-but he`s a White supremacist, who only married an indian woman to racistly keep her oppressed!!!!
only a little but i'm doing a bit please spoonfeed me
Also hilariously some shill last thread said nothing debunked the bullshit shrapnel theory AFTER this statement was posted.
They're gone.
>looking up woman and dolphin means porn
is there something wrong with you
i just dont see these vance attacks as doing anything to move people
nobody except for nick fuentes votes on vp picks
It's only 5 months old kek
>Lemme get my shoes
>Because that's where I was hiding the fake blood packets
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cheese pairs well with whine
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Funniest thing of all, they didn't even have to.
The WHOLE BULLET was in the shot, so none of that "possibly fragmented" shit either.
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It's obviously fine to take a stand often and get annoyed, but we don't have any say in the outcomes anymore besides maintaining an actually accountable place to archive reality and the situation. It's fine to just be at ease mostly. You're a deadly beloved good valuable person, the being unhappy is for the peasants so just lean back and enjoy the wave.
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>Coping this hard
Hitler is still alive!
Swing that cage back and forth until the momentum and swing dislodge the anchor from ceiling then hold tight and pray
>i just dont see these vance attacks as doing anything to move people
Ok retard. They will keep finding new quotes and Vance will constantly be on the defensive.
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>cheese pairs well with whine
get the fuck off my board you retarded boomer faggot
America is a corrupt shithole created by freemasons
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The only boomer I wanna see is the one that blows their brains out
Good, keep wasting your effort on dumb shit
>Trump should pick Rubio!
>so they can't finalize FL/FL
>then get assassinated anyways

>Trump should pick Haley!
>so we can pretend she wasn't a spoiler cunt all along
>and he can assassinated the same night

>Trump should pick Bergum/Youngkin!
>then get assassinated
>so we can have Mittens 2.0

>picks Vance
post more spam you leftwing shitsmear, I'll find how to do actionable things at locations you might frequent
nobody votes on vp
he can be on defensive all day long
nobody cares
Roe v Wade was still a thing. Republicans were able to attack abortion and fundraise off it. But after Roe v Wade they don't know what to do with the ruling.
You are legit retarded.
A new study has identified another form of heart damage that is causing sudden deaths to surge among people who have been injected with Covid mRNA shots.

The team of researchers at the Narita-Tomisato Tokushukai Hospital in Japan, led by renowned cardiologist Katsuya Hashimoto, found that Covid shots are causing another form of heart inflammation that had not previously been linked to the injections.

Do shills have a single thing left?
Kamala married a kike.
Bullet 600% confirmed.
Couchfucker story was a blatant lie and the fag who told the lie said so.
Kamala's getting booed off stages.
Trump's going back to Butler because fuck domestic terrorists.
They really have nothing left. They can't even hit a target.
Tardlov is the the most gullible fuckwit on fox and tries to push every leftist talking point and "meme" she comes across, often getting wrecked in the process. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she's one of the regular shills here.
>source: just trust me bro
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>whine intensifies
Going back to Butler?
This guy is amazing
He's been doing that same dance for all of his life.
>>then get assassinated anyways
He chose the VP after the assassination attempt. Unless you think there we be a 2nd attempt?
Pence is a fucking moron to do this, so many women are single issue voters over abortion that it's not even funny.
My source is cuckchan
Kill yourself
>Kamala's getting booed off stages.
Holy shit really?
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>Cramer endorses her
The same guy who promoted stocks like Enron, Blockbuster, Bear Stearns, & crypto exchanges like FTX & Sam Bankman Fried endorses Cabal A? It's over Harris Hoes.
>Tulsi Gabbard
Terrible VP choices, great cabinet picks.
Um... they have oversampled D+20 polls and trying to gaslight us into wanting Vance replaced? It's pretty dire.
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hey where is this couch fucking story coming from?
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I may be betting too excited, but in any case she isn't welcome and is told she isn't welcome
>nobody votes on vp
Sure they do. Hillary might have on if she picked a black male VP candidate. Instead she picked a white guy, which didn't help her.
Vance is certainly good insurance against future assassination attempts
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>Kamala married a kike.
you guys hate jews now? picrel
>Bullet 600% confirmed.
kek trump is such a lying sack of shit that its easy to believe he lied about being shot
>Couchfucker story was a blatant lie
ass mad that the left memed vance fucking a couch kek
>Kamala's getting booed off stages
>Trump's going back to Butler because fuck domestic terrorists.
oh you know this fat fuck didnt get shot then, this confirms it. fake news faggot hahahahaha
>Pence is a fucking moron to do this,
Last time I'm replying to you. Pence helped (or at the very least didn't hurt Trump). Vance isn't helping Trump at all and is in fact hurting him.
Let me settle the Vance discussion for you all: vance is a bad pick but it doesn’t matter. The vp is mostly ceremonial and trump is the ballot not Vance. Vance is a bad pick because he’s lying about the things he supports. In 2016 he fully articulated a defense of wef style globalism And only recanted when his backers decided to try and co-opt the maga movement with him the way the kochs used Rubio to co-opt the tea party.
fuck a couch one time and for the rest of your days everyone knows you as the couch fucker
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you missed.
>future assassination attempts
Ok faggot. They took their shot and missed. There will be no more attempts on Trump.
Or blogspot and forum accounts. If anyone has them, go back and delete them now while you still can.
I can't wait to see this on all of my favorite mainstream media networks who claimed it may have been glass or something like ABC, CBS, NBC Newsweek, MSNBC, Salon, Vice, Washington Post, and many others! Surely they will make this a news story too!
nah hillary was just lazy and a bad candidate
a vp wouldnt change that
So how do you feel about Trump being Israel's choice?
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>kek trump is such a lying sack of shit that its easy to believe he lied about being shot
Turns out he did not lie about being shot.
>oh you know this fat fuck didnt get shot then, this confirms it. fake news faggot hahahahaha
Except he did and it's been confirmed by many sources, including direct photographic evidence.
You'll have to stop and consider that maybe Trump just has more courage than you.
Oh noooo the bad orange man just did another call to action he's going to get innocent people killed with his violent rhetoric!
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a random twitter user made it up, it went viral
How is the cult of freemasonry allowed in this day and age?
They deceive everyone by saying what we belive is a secret, only high masons can know.
It's because they believe and serve the devil, imagine if that was common knowledge and admitted? you think everyone would be cool with this satan worshipping cult running eveything?
all this one
can seem to do is rage at my low-effort ragecomic
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cry more bitch.
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>Inverse Cramer
Harris is doomed. Also checking holy digits.
>: vance is a bad pick but it doesn’t matter.
Yes it does. Vance's comments will turn off some voters. Vance doesn't bring in a single new voter to Trump (unlike say a Rubio or Burgum).
> The vp is mostly ceremonial and trump is the ballot not Vance.
They are both on, that's the point. If Hillary had chose a black male VP, she might have won.
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Here's a piece of history you might like.
You okay French bros? Its rough that your government is advertising for your own death at the Olympics.
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And he'll still make the audience sit behind him in the kill zone?
>nah hillary was just lazy and a bad candidate
She was, but she lost by very small margins. A black VP would have popped her vote in the Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee. She would won at least one these states.
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wait so it went **that** viral that jessica tarlov is now repeating it on fox news? really?
hey if he's a fag and filters me you should pick up the bit where i left off
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Actually yes.
how hilarious would it be if there was another shooter on the same fucking roof and SS retards once again fail to take proper action
>certain media outlets for CAMPAIGN events.
Bro, STOP. Pence was fine. There was no outrage over Pence, the media tried but it was nothing. Vance is a fucking nightmare at this stage of the campaign.
Kamala Harris was the single most unfavorable VP candidate in US history last week. I don't buy your gay concern shilling about VPs mattering.
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Pence is the author of a bill that would have allowed business owners to refuse to do business with people based on their sexual preference. I am all for the rights and freedom of business owners in this country and feel it is wrong to force people to do things. If Trump is elected than Pence will most likely continue attempting to get similar bills through office.
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>shills talking to each other because they're tired of nobody reacting to them again
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Or just be a nigger and go anonymous
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hes literally me and my olympic dreams of being a top tier athlete to be noticed by the gods and goddesses
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Every true Aryan nigga og kush knows that our race died in the french revolution now we must suffer the consequences forever F
Sure thing, faggot. Enjoy Trump losing. Polls are already tightening, the ads against Vance will soon start.
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good reply old fuck
yes, but he was doing it with more vigor before, all the coke and child fucking going on
try again sweaty

>Turns out he did not lie about being shot.
lol hes lied so much it was easy to believe he lied about it. "shrapnel" kek
> Trump just has more courage than you.
it takes courage to be shot at?
hmm interesting. you must go wild sucking nigger dick when you see videos of them getting shot at then?
you first fat fuck
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Is it okay to fucked a couch if it was asking for it?
Peepee tapes 2.0
>Pence is the author of a bill that would have allowed business owners to refuse to do business with people based on their sexual preference. I am all for the rights and freedom of business owners in this country and feel it is wrong to force people to do things. If Trump is elected than Pence will most likely continue attempting to get similar bills through office.
Clearly this was so well known that it stopped Trump.
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>Verification not required
thank you, triggered faggot
>and now he goes mask off
so obvious
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Those had to be the smart indians since they realized it's over for them.
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>Mayor Pete angry that Trump 'pulled out'
My sides...
Rousseau and Voltaire are the most evil white men of all time
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>lol hes lied so much it was easy to believe he lied about it. "shrapnel" kek
Shrapnel was your lie, dumbass. You aren't even making sense. He's going back to butler because he has something you likely chopped off.
Well now that you’ve exposed yourself you can be safely filtered
Nah. Thats just conventional wisdom thinking that has no bearing on reality.
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Tim Kaine is lightyears beyond that cuck Mike Pence

I can't wait to see based Tim utterly destroy your beloved "Wojack" on the VP debate stage.
The Trumptard tears will be delicious
The face of france
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>bring back knifus
Ooo, don't mind if I do!
quality post
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Come on anons......
Isn't it better to say
Come in, anon :3
Let an anon into your heart today
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>Tim Kaine is lightyears beyond that cuck Mike Pence
Pence brought what Trump needed to the ticket and won. Kaine brought nothing to Hillary's ticket and lost.
This is your last reply.

All this Pence hate started right around the time he signed the bill stating that gays can't sue if you don't bake them a cake, and the bill that says abortions can't be based on race sex or disability, mothers must have an ultrasound first, and the baby gets a dignified burial.

Literally before those two things I never heard one negative thing about the man. Now my state is full of "Fire Mike Pence" signs. Generally on lawns with Bernie signs, as opposed to what my kentuckianan compatriot says.
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Behind you!
Besides, if Trump debates her he would legitimize her claim that she's the nominee. She is NOT the nominee, the demoshits are gaslighting their idiot voters again.
Ok faggots. "You pointing out Trump will lose means you want Trump to lose!"
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France? Are you okay?
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> he has something
you got man balls on your mind. kek
polls stabalizing at r plus 2
obviously not good for kam who needs d plus 3
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You're a meaningless dumb ass. No value. Your parents are ashamed of you.
>being even more triggered
>keyboard warrior shines forth
kwab, even
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>Look, I've studied the numbers, gone through her portfolio, and been watching the trends. I really like where her stock is going. we're talking about fucking Willie Brown, then fucking Montel, who by the way is a handsome man and by all accounts dynamite in the sack, and then fucking the senate, and finally in her last stop, fucking the sovereign integrity of the united states. When you look at the trajectory, a fuck rocket from gay San Francisco all the way to Washington D.C., you don't normally see that movement in fornication. Usually, the fuck trend goes downward. But not Kamala, she fucks to the top. This is why I'm so bullish on her. She's fucked the border, the fringes of America if you will, and now she's ready for the whole enchilada. She's ready to fuck all of America. Donald Trump never fucked America. He promised to make it better again. But here we are, fucked. So we need someone who does a lot of fucking considering how fucked we all are right now. So this is why I'm all in on Kamala Harris. She's going to fuck us all. And I'm excited for that. Brown sugar, baby. So in short, if you ask me, you'd have to be crazy to not sell every asset you got and go long on Kamaa. Love me long time, kind of long. The girl is a BUY BUY BUY
Those are in slanted polls too. Trump is up much higher than they're showing with slanted polls.
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these two are seething
they'll try again when they have the chance and anyone other than Vance will give the green light to do so
Vance is death insurance
this fact makes you seethe
a similar plan will soon happen to you, so post until you splatter shitskin
Freemasons are heavily involved in music and music videos.
The first MTV HQ was on top of a freemason lodge
Lucifer was said to be in charge of music in heaven or something like that, So it makes sense
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thousands of normie moderates are watching this thinking
>we cant let the US become France
Trump is going to get an Olympics bump
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>typing all this to de facto defend an actual kike cocksucker that swallows real jewish semen every night in real life, not even a joke but something that actually happens for real
its like god took all of your taunts and morphed them into an ultimate petard, and you carry it on your back, waddling with a nurgle-like slither, your stubby warwick davis legs not so sure footed over the cobblestone road of /pol/
>*pssht* another jew down sir. over *pssht*
You got no balls at all, troon.
at this point, with mirth at your expense
Where did you get this picture of me?
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Koon troon
quick, nobody boost this signal
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Stop making sense
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>one sucks and fucks her husband
>the other gets fucked for nothing and enjoys it
>acting like a demoralizing concern troll makes you a demoralizing concern troll
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Meanwhile at the Olympics
>argentine horny jail fren.jpg
okay semi-basd
i agree on rousseau by voltaire?
Trump just did his signature yank handshake on Net And Yahoo
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you got balls and trannies on your mind

>fake smile, crying wojak.jpeg
what is this london
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And Kamala wasn't appointed Border Czar!
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Fucking edge hogs

Occam's razor
i warned you all about the french!
anyway lol i could keep doing this bit all day i have like infinite material
niggers, french people have always loved niggers even more than themselves
Kamala doesn't even have to do anything just being a woman is enough to bring out the misogyny from Trump side. Madame Brat will win simply by triggering sensitive Trumptard. Imagine blowing up such an easy win to a no name democrat. Nice Implosion there donald you were just lucky Biden was getting old. Prepare for a consistent +10 in the polls from Kamala soon.
>butler pa
what's the significance? 2016?
Ok faggot. I hope Trump wins, but he won't with Vance. Watch some "new quote" will be found right when it's fucking convenient and the most damaging It hasn't been a week and he's already failing.
why do people make fun of vance for fucking a couch as a teenager when ADULT LEFT WINGERS put cucumbers, dildos, and sharpies in their ANUS and have quivering, earthshattering orgasms from it?
This is pretty gay, even for a leaf.
coomers on /sp/ this year are probably seeing trump getting an olympic signal boosting ala
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Were you in a comma?
Idk ask God or your uncle.
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Ask every man in jail with a FEFE

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Liru is voting for Donald Trump!
yes, i'm fake smiling and crying wojaking because you raged at my designed-to-rage-at knockoff and then proceeded to assblastedly assert that i should say that in real life through image macros

oh no, how will i ever recover
So slow day?
"Look at that frontbutt"
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>my designed-to-rage-at knockoff
> i meant to be retarded
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Still going fast.
Trying to chat up a chick on the internet sucks. It requires a completely different skill set than IR:. A lame skill set.
America WILL have an Indian president and they will NEVER be able to make fun of the UK and Canada again. My body is ready for November.
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the projection is strong
This will never happen pajeet
Strange how only foreigners with foreign flags shill Vance on /pol/
Too bad youre a fucking dude.

Chop your dick off.
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>NEVER be able to make fun of the UK and Canada
so it somehow cancels past history?
The rake that impales your foot instead.
Not like in the cartoon
Of course, I'm a dude. That's why I talk to women. And I prefer to talk to them IRL.
are you losers deceived goyim?
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Still laughing at you every day because of it
>Strange how only foreigners with foreign flags shill Vance on /pol/
Because we tell you unbiased truths about your country, just as USA does for ours.
But you don't.
Cuz you're a pussy
Reminder that I am still baking.
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>free meat
Globohomo is trying to portray a show of power at the olympics.
They are truly on their last legs.
But I do.
Anyway, enough of this.
I don't know why you're so agro.
Slide ended. I just ended an internet convo and wanted to vent.
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>Donald Trump went on a Truth Social posting spree to complain about Joe Biden's exit from the 2024 race and demand a refund for money spent campaigning against the president.
what a fucking loser crying ass bitch, get fucked magas
Brave people brave to preach the truth are put to death, so I understand your reluctance to speak up
Maga pedes are so retarded they can't see how that would play with the 75% of the country that isn't an extremist on either side
Trumps base might defend him dropping out of the debate, but moderates and undecideds won't.
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Thanks Paco. Can you get your madre to cook me up some sopes?
Put to death,
whatever belongs to your earthly nature:
sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.
-Colossians 3:5
Your evil has no place in this world
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>how the fuck am i supposed to sell all this garbage to my idiot supporters now? fuck!!!!
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>everything can only benefit me because everyone is as terminally politically leftist as i am instead of having a real life
LGB totally worked
Didn't even need to have a general election
This stuff still sells because he is still currently the president.
I hate everyone equally
kek, kind of true
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Even in a high Black turnout scenario Trump’s floor is 45.75%
I’ve been crunching numbers
71% of voter will be White
Worst case Trump gets 53% of White voters
17% of voters won’t be White or Black and worst case Trump gets 35% of their vote
12% of voters will be Black and worst case Trump gets 8% of their vote
Worst case, or Trump’s floor, is 44.5%
Kamala’s worst case scenario with White, non Black minority, and Black voters is
71 times .36
12 times .76
17 times .58
Puts her floor also at 44.5%
So unless Kennedy pulls 10% out of his ass the results will likely be this
Mi madre makes better tamales, her sopa is too mushy lmao.
Boar my head first please
everyone thinks that it was "just the debate" that took down biden but really there was a lot of prep work that made it have a massive impact like it did
He thinks he’s still in grade school. Someone remind him to take his meds.
Trump is a phony, like anyone famous and rich enough
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All of the Us
what about the hispanic vote!
still voting bobby.
literally nobody cares.
do the analysis for mi/wi/pa(/az/ga). that's all that matters.
unrated truth
death by a thousand paper cuts
CIA Niggers all over this site no not one mention of the shooter having social media posts supporting Biden you can tell a lot of these posts can be tracked back to some dumb nigger CIA troll farm. especially with the pedo shit yeah we're guna track the fuck outta this
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Glassbro's on suicide watch
Help keep our senior citizens employed!
>okay but she doesnt enjoy it!
lel its like your brain got scrambled and you have no idea what to post
No, Trump loves my poor and unimportant ass!!!!
what % do you think he gets?
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post beanerfrogs if you got them, fren
Do these numbers sound plausible to you leaf?
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"whether whole or fragmented"
“Trump is weird” is actually the best framing they’ve ever had on the guy. Whoever pitched that is a smart cookie.
Like “fake news” the best way to react to this is to turn it back on Kamala and the democrats as soon as possible. Kamala is a truly weird person.
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I meant sopes not sopas, those little cup-shaped masa-balls you put beans and stuff in. I love making these.
Tamales are good but they're wayy too much hard work.
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and, so, the same voices that said he wasn't in decline are now screaming that everyone should back kamala along with
numbers are gay
Revelations 13:3 One of the heads of the beast looked as if it had been wounded and killed, but the death wound was healed. All the people in the world were amazed, and they all followed the beast.
Is it cat picture day yet?
Is it time to post cats?
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I don't have many, I'll look though.
would like to add, an elimination of Biden's magnitude could not happen with a legitimately elected president. A real president would have the popular support to withstand a meme avalanche or an FBI Robert Muller coup.
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what?, your post implies she fucks her jew husband right? i told you trump gets assfucked by the jews. do you think shes being raped or something? what are you even saying anon? are you ok?
They just dumped the border on Kamalas front yard
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Napoleon is rolling in his grave
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Get new material.
I'm a nice guy, but if you're part of a satanic cult influencing society, i'm not sure I respect you, to be honest
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Pretty counter-semitic of you
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When I was in Japan recently all over television there was globalist propaganda using beloved anime characters about welcoming and helping immigrants and teaching the Japanese people that they may not like some of their customs etc.

Among other things.
>Ukrainians are dying for this
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You worship the Anti-Christ. The Bible predicted that many would be fooled by his silver tongue. You cannot deny that revelations 13:3 is precisely describing Trump.
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I both hope Trump doesn't announce the rally too early but I hope he chooses a day where I can drive up to it
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Yeah, they're mad as hell that they couldn't just downplay it wholesale.
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Trump has the better hairline
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>downplay it
take a look around, no one gives a shit about it anymore
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Also the whiter skin.
And the hotter spouse.
100% of enlightened Americans, so about .5% of total votes.
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>n-nobody cares!
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clearly the sun reflecting of swamp gas.
Bring a ten-foot ladder and a range finder, it makes you invisible to security and you can walk into the venue without them doing shit and score some primo seats before all the other people are let in.
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Cringemala LITERALLY sucks Jewish cock every night. HAHAHAHA
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Ah ok, I didn't pick up on that those are more Southern food I'm not used to. They are good though I eat them when I visit D.F.

de nada
>most well photographed
But theres no video of the guy who got killed, there’s no video of the other people being wounded, there’s no real video of Crooks shooting despite ALL THOSE PEOPLE that were watching him. FAKE, GAY. NIGGER.
He is similar to Trump in that every time he opens his mouth, he sucks the intelligence out of the room. Tossing Vance this early is an admission you’re running scared and that the party is making poor decisions as a result
Trump lying about being shot made him instantly uncool
You must be the lackey that stands there with the tissues waiting for her to complete the job.
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kek this was a mercy killing if nothing else.
thanks fren

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