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Previous >>475867348

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death).

>Al-Qassam Brigades traps a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.
> Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure
>Al-Mayadeen sources: Four explosions heard inside the American wing of the "Ain al-Assad" base. Initial reports indicate a double attack via drone and four missiles.
>Washington gives Netanyahu ‘full backing’ to expand war on Lebanon








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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>>475844187 (Cross-thread)#
>>475844701 (Cross-thread)#
>>475842079 (Cross-thread)#
>>475855808 (Cross-thread)#
>>475857841 (Cross-thread)#
>>475730867 (You) (Cross-thread)#
>>475730940 (You) (Cross-thread)#
>>475730997 (You) (Cross-thread)#
>>475731104 (You) (Cross-thread)#
>>475731507 (Cross-thread)#
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***NEW*** 7/16/2024

>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

Yemeni armed forces:

We reveal the new USV ‘Toofan Al-Mudammer’, which entered service officially for the first time and targeted the ship TRANSWORLD NAVIGATOR.
New 6/30/24


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Trapping a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.



Footage of targeting “Ramat David” Airbase
New 7/23/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Footage shows scenes of its mujahideen attacking the Zionist enemy forces with mortar shells and missiles on the supply line in the “Netzarim” axis.
New 7/25/2024

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targeting a building used by Israeli enemy army soldiers in the Metulla settlement in northern occupied Palestine.
New 7/22/2024

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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bump for IDF soldiers burning to death desperately trying to get out of rekt Merkavas in South Lebanon
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>News / Clips

Moment of sniping a settler this afternoon south of Nablus. West Bank.
New 7/2/24

These are the survivors of IEDs
New 7/1/24

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Our preparation continues.
New 6/30/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of the rockets we launched at the Zionist army command headquarters in “Re’im” colony, in the Gaza envelope.
New 6/29/24

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24

A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
>>468522229 (Dead)# (Dead)# (Dead)#
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.











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Never forget the Druze children murdered by Hezbollah
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You become as retarded as them if you reply to the JIDF kike shills
first for total druze death
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im getting mixed signals here, tell it to me straight shlomo, why did you kill those kids
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Lebanon in less than 24 hours
i baked but i cant delete:( ignore it
because goys are cattle
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Hezboll-ACK boutta learn why you never pick a fight with G-d's Chosen People.
reminder that only kikes are capable of child murder, they see it as no different from raping them
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99% chance that's a Palirat with a star flag. Jews practically worship the Druze
looks like god took a day off today for his chosen people
>Jews practically worship the Druze
because you cant believe anyone stupid enough to be your allies
are the hostages even real or are they just made-up to justify bombing all of gaza until they can not find them?
Israel will approve a limited strike like in yemen. Hezbollah wont escalate in kind.

Return to tit for tat by monday
then why did you fire a iron dome missile on them shlomo? hezb will cleanse the golan of kikeroach filth
If we brainwashed Palestinians to be juden early in the state, they would be Kahanists much like Ben Gvir. They would call for Israel to build Greater Israel and kill all the surrounding Arabs.
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>cleanse the golan
where we're going there wont be a golan
Druze are first and foremost Arabs.
Islam is a cult centered around larping as an Arab.

Total Arab Death means _total_. no discounts for pretend Arabs or Quasi Arabs and the likes.


Golan heights? more like Golan ravines
Oh sorry about that. I should have posted a message letting you guys know. I came in from the kitchen and saw 296, and so I just immediately started baking
its fine
I want the left one. Hnnnnng
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you cant you fucking rat you couldn't even brainwash the christians the muslims have in their core to hate you
only godless druzes who will be compensated in kind
Ignore that nigger kike, christian palestians were the first to take up arms against the colonizers.
We didn't even try lol. But seriously, we could have easily done this, we can turn any race into Jew, you think we couldn't turn the race that calls itself native to the Jewish state into Jews?
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Seems like war is locked in now.
iron dome did it
kek, Islam is an iron pillar against jewish subversion. The prophet ﷺ had to deal with kike treachery first hand and set a warning against you roaches
Hey frens, there is talk of a protest in tel aviv with a sign of "hannibal government, but all i can find is 1 spamed picture and 1 low quality video
Is there anywhere i could find social media lives and real time stories?
Seems a bit fake and gay, unfortunately
>We didn't even try lol
>Has been trying to defeat a rag tag group of barely trained fighters in a 20 mile strip for nearly 10 months

kek, the jokes write themselves
the druzes would pray to be treated as french allied algerians.. but allying with jews is way bigger line crossed because those rats aren't a fucking global power but a shitty oversea base for the mutts
and its fucking the 21th century and no acts can be forgotten
OSINT is not very trustable...
Perish in hellfire, Christkike nonhuman.
a lot of your kind converted to avoid jizya historylet
whose in his right mind would wish to return a jew who is stupid enough to glorify being genocide survival like the rat he is
Iran turned 100s of millions of Sunni niggers into Shiites. Wow so hard.
Further, every one of your niggers was something else before you were Muslims. You are really full of yourself. Islam has done nothing for any country or society which adopted it. At least the Christians created Norway and Switzerland and shit like that. All Muslims have done is create human misery for themselves and everyone around them.
>murdered by Hezbollah
Do you really believe who savagely murdered nearly 40,000 Palestinian since October 7th?
Do you really believe what they report?
If you do then you have indeed a mental issue.
Hezbollah would never attack Druze or Arab towns.
Jews did this.
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>The prophet
Fuck off back to Syria, Mahmoud.
>At least the Christians created Norway and Switzerland and shit like that
they existed before they came to contact with the religion.... they have history unlike israel
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lets do it lets send them back to europe

Even the US made clear that the IDF sucked ass in 2006 – the IOF is only good for bombing civilians and raiding panty drawers.

lol hard catholic brazil is turning evangelical in fucking modern times and its almost the exact same step as shiia to sunni or the other way around
sects aren't religions doofus

All because the tin foil dome misfired and hit a few kike civilians?
> Watch, if this triggers the war, it'll come out months or years later, that shitrael will finally admit that it was the tin foil dome. Claim it was an accident, but not actually apologize, but rather double down and justify that attacking Hezbollah was still the right thing to do
>a shitty oversea base for the mutts

us doesnt have soldiers stationed there, the jews control the usa, not the other way around
Iran is the reason Shiites exist in huge numbers. It is literally Iranian imperialism to counter Arabs by design. Jews could play the same game if we wanted to, but we are protective of our identity.
im a jew the only actuale one in this thread becuase i actualy keep shabbat, fuck druze, fuck beduine, fuck all arabs, niggers tongue my anus untill its sparkly clean
so the same larp israel did in iraq, syria and afghanistan
>All Muslims have done is create human misery for themselves and everyone around them.
you are the source, kike vermin. dont you wonder why you roaches got kicked out of every empire that ever hosted you? you cause misery everywhere you go. you bring misery along with you which gets you killed en masse. but you dont learn and you do it again, then you cry victim, and on goes the cycle of kikery
stfu mizrahi rat you dont know the history and you still lie about it
saudi had shiias before iran had them
>Iran is the reason Shiites exist in huge numbers.
No, it it because the prophets family were married to persian women who would later on document their history in persian. In kufa and najaf the history was just remembered by word of mouth. Shias always existed with or without iran.
It's not but also I wasn't insulting you
I had a really good druz friend when I was working as a bouncer
Kufa, karbala, najaf and Diyala
Iran made Shia into a huge sect, by forcing it on its population and surrounding populations, and by spreading it in every ME country. All I am saying is we could have easily done this to "Balestinians" if we wanted to, we just explicitly wanted to exclude them from our society. Probably for eugenic reasons honestly.
>Iran made Shia into a huge sect
its not a huge sect. still very much is a minority. shut the fuck up if you dont know what you're talking about
No, it’s the reason they our empowered. Before the Iranian revolution, Shias in Lebanon were poor and basically second class citizens, while the Christians and Sunnis had the power and money. Shias were always there, Iran just gave them legitimacy.
>Jews could play the same game if we wanted to
And you do when it benefits you
Wasn't Iraq majority sunni and is now majority shia?
Pretty much. All of the shitrael wars via ZOG are always planned many years ahead of time. They simply have their kikes in congress, aka neocons, keep pushing for them for years. Like how neocons started pushing for Iraq in 1996. Then, they simply wait for a reason that they can justify the war to the public, regardless of how much they have to bend the truth or flat out lie, until they can drag USA into it. Then the rest of the west follows suit, with tons of goyim killing other goyim, while jews never actually fight at all. Despite the wars purely being to benefit shitrael, while always causing harm to the west.
It's not actually going to happen... is it?
digits and yes. the way they treat other countries is cruel
its not happening. israel doesnt have the balls.
Also Koniko got hit again just now apparently.
In a year or so this iron dome misfire will be 50 burkan rockets deliberately targeting 5000000 babies that were in the field.
You know how this goes.
This impact only started to become significant during the Abbasid Caliphate as Persian scholars and administrators took positions within the Islamic empire.

Shia Islam's history was recorded in Arabic, not Persian. The important texts of Shia Islam, like the ones by Al-Kulayni, Ibn Babawayh (al-Saduq), and Al-Tusi, were all written in Arabic.

Shia Islam's origins are independent, and the Battle of Karbala and the growth of Shia communities in places like Kufa proves it.
this. Also, Iran used to be a sunni bastion.
What do Isreali jews consider themselves in terms of race? Just curious
The gig is up you guys. The kikes drew a line on a map. This is proof positive that Hezbollah deliberately nuked that daycare full of 6 quintillion babies.
Hello, and may Allah's curse be upon the first 3 "Caliphs".
Is it confirmed already that Kikes deliberately targeted the Druzes?
Literally depends on the audience. The same ones here claiming to be 100% evropean turn around and talk about how they're indigenous to Palestine and that they always lived there.
weren't there Europeans in the Levant who migrated there after the bronze age collapse?
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Doesn't the resistance use russian tech essentially, just as Iran uses lots of russian tech? In that case, wouldn't the GPS fuckery be a bit useless, as the russian tech isn't based upon GPS, so that russia doesn't fall victim to USA messing with the GPS satellites?
could have been slaves broguht back by the phoenicians
>/chip/ spends 9 months screaming that israel is deliberately murdering 9000000 babies a day
>children are deliberately killed by hezballicker terrorists
>/chip/ copes and downplays it
Save the copium for when Israel rolls into lebacuckistan, /chimp/s. Where are the retards saying Hezbollah only targets military now?
Islam is poverty Judaism that's all. Any nigger can become a Muslim in 5 seconds, but it's practically impossible to become a Jew. That's why there is so many Muslims. The religion itself is not better Judaism, nor is it in any better sociological sense. Like I said I can become you in 5 seconds, but it takes years for you to become me, if the Beth Din would even allow it.. and many don't.
If we were more promiscuous with our identity we would make 1 billion new Jews in a decade at most. Everyone wants to be the chosen.
Glad we agree that killing civilians is bad, now go apply it to the last 9 months, retard shill
come back to Israel and die, kike
Israel doesn't do it purposefully, ahmed, nor do they call grown armed men children.
>- IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari: "The forensic findings at the scene leave no other option, the attack was carried out by Hezbollah."
They found a calendar at the scene
It's over for khezbolakheakhahkahk
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IDF spokesman Hagari:
>According to the findings at the scene, a Flak 1 rocket landed on the soccer field in Majdal Shams, it is an Iranian model rocket that is manufactured in Iran, its warhead is over 50 kilos of explosives.

>The Flak 1 rocket is only in the hands of the Hezbollah terrorist organization that carried out the shooting from the Shuba area in Lebanon, the commander who directed the shooting is Ali Yahya Muhammad, Hezbollah's commander in the area.


>muh iron dome interceptor
>muh false flag
sUdBRCwZ is sweating hard. What, is your family in lebanon?
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desu, I really want the kikes to do it. It will be such a fucking quagmire with immense strain on the golem's arms stockpiles
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They should really train these jeets how not to look like fucking newfags before they send them to us.
lmao die for israel, goy
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Israel doesn't lose equipment by the thousands in a single assault like your shithole does. At most they'll have to ration shells and bombs a little.
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Depending how this plays out today or this week, we might end up seeing 53 again soon
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>They should really train these jeets how not to look like fucking newfags before th- glugluglug
He's literally dumping prepackaged talking points lmao and it's going to get even worse if a war starts. Exclusively jeets.
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Lots of good up to date news in this thread
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next you are going to tell me that magic mutt ordnance is so precise, kikes will spend a hundred shells a day during a major invasion at most
>He's literally dumping prepackaged talking points lmao and it's going to get even worse if a war starts.
Lmaaaooo that's all you sandniggers do, just repeat the same thing over and over and call everyone who questions the narrative a shill.
>dude israel's gonna die if they invade gaza!
>errr ok they're blowing shit up but they're only killing civilians!
>err those men running around with rpgs are kids
>err those guys that just launched that rocket are women
>what? think those are terrorists???? KIKE! SHILL!!! SHIIILLL!!! YOU'RE A PAJEET even doe im just a sand pajeet
I need more dead kikes NOW
so you're saying a jew is saying to trust jews?
Looks like it's upset.
>next you are going to tell me that magic mutt ordnance is so precise
It is, have you been smashing rocks to make fire for the past 20 years?
Of course you were, you're a russian.
hezbollah is sweating bullets rn. you can't pretend otherwise based on their comments
>trusting jews
Jews are cuck and they will cuck out.
They will also cuck out to the UNfags and leave the West Bank. You can`t escape your fate.
>Jews are cuck and they will cuck out.
When was the last time this guy was right?
Oh right, never.
you still lost kike lmao
We went from owning basically nothing in this country to reconquering Jerusalem lol. Niggers we are just getting started. Israel like 300 years in the future will have China sized frontiers
Neither Hez nor Israel have any ball. They are both cucked out faggots who fear war.
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Good afternoon sir, enjoying canada?
pissrael will never invade Lebanon in the current circumstances, needs more preparation.
>We went from owning basically nothing in this country to reconquering Jerusalem lol.
You mean, you had the Americans and the British do that for you*.
You wouldn't be there if it weren't for either of them. Literally just a pet colonial project of boomers, the moment that boomers are out nobody will give money to Israel and you will slowly decline.
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go ask chatgpt how do you win urban warfare without permission to exceed 40k casualties by your mutt overlords (rookie numbers) with your opponent having tunnels in his side and the possibility of laying down low acting like a regular ass civvies
>bbbut muhhh buiiildings
god bless the weaks reliance on optics
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>>bbbuut master achmed we didn't use nukes when we had the---ack
Antisemitism hasn't been higher
Everyone hates you
You're only alive because america allows it, but shit has changed
You'll be alone, and when you're alone, you'll be finally wiped out like the vernim you are
whatever you say shlomo, once your masters run out of juice and there will be no replacements, the DoD shabbos will have to beg shitholes like Pakistan or Azerbaijan to sell them whatever they have for 20x the normal prices just so that the yids can pound the concrete jungle that is Beirut for a couple of more days
Kek this arrogance is why your "people" always push things too far and get rekt, it's repeated for millenia and you still can't stop.
your gifted a cunt so you'd be less of nuisance
what kind of copium history they teach you in israel lmao
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If even current and former shitraeli govt & military officials keep saying that IDF cannot defeat Hezbollah. Why do retarded genetic disorder infested kike civilians think that they have any chance?
>once they
>when the
Why does it always come down to wishful thinking?
>China sized frontiers
yes because the only people who dont know about you are the mongols but they will in a year or two after you're kicked from everywhere else
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I hope they do invade and get absolutely ultrakilled providing us with masturbation material of lifeless jewish bodies and after that they initiate the total Epstein blackmail and try to get the burgers to die for their sorry excuse of "chosen human life" (I, myself, believe joos are more closely related to fungi)
>spic nigger dares open his mouth
Go get stabbed in whatever favela you call a home, brown animal
they cant defeat fucking khamas and everyone knows it even blinken said so lmao
what war takes 8 months against a militia
don't you have to transition your child or something?
na nigger we conquered Jerusalem from Jordan in 1967

80 standing ovations
$24 billion dollars

we are going to be bigger then islam and christianity combined, which were mere tangents in our rich and event filled history. cope and seethe.
Don't you have to pick some bananas in the jungle for your brown family or something?
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>10 months in the 48h disciplinary incursion
>lost God knows how many soldiers, this includes maimed soldiers, deaf, blinds and nuggets
>can't recover the hostages
>can't recover damaged vehicles from Gaza
>can't stop houthi drones
>can't stop hezbollah drones
>can't defend the north
>lost territory in the north
>thinks bombing Beirut will somehow destroy the Hezbollah
>thinks idf will simply stroll around Lebanon like they own the place
That's more manly than whatever the fuck is doing, maybe your bitch ass tranny need some banana picking. Try it once instead of taking jew cock up the ass
You're going down kike, and so is the USD
Cry more, russhit

the whole world is ours. you will be lucky to be our slave
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Behold your future, you sheep fucking manlet
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You're 19 million demons
A single Austrian guy had you bitches begging for gibs
history repeats itself, you motherfuckers can never last over 80 years anywhere
>80 standing ovations
political theatre for your sacrificial ritual.
they stopped you at 40k and they will make you sign a palestinian country after bibi is thrown out for losing against khamas and gantz replace him
they'll probably okay settlers staying in the westbank in return of accepting their role as a minority which they wont and will go back to 48 israel until 10 years from now AOC annuls israel like they did with not allowing gay marriage in 2 months
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Jews will always be a tiny minority, it's a consequence of the tendency to make enemies of everyone around them everywhere they go.
Sure you may have a few noahide golems but Judaism is dying out through a combination of genetic issues (inbred) and lack of belief among younger jews (decadent).
Ironically the only group with decent population growth is the orthodox who don't even support the existence of a jewish state.
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You're absolutely correct.
It has another effect though: it is very detectible and noticible by the local jewish population, as that is what most devices here use.
The whole point of this GPS jamming is to make the yids feel safe.
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they had their 15 minutes of fame after they convinced nu-west to cry for the holocaust but 6000 movies later and no one gives a single fuck which automatically means okaying hordes invasion's fulfilling the original prophecy for why they existed in the first place... to fuck off for good
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How stupid are these kikes, that they use their real names and faces in this telegram group. Knowing full well that screenshots are going to be posted onto chan, social media, and elsewhere
This is the ideal IDF body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
if the druzes of golan want to join their brethren in allying with israel for a single strike no matter the explanation then they're welcome to do so and suffer the consequences however late they might be
>10 km range

So exactly the same as a Kornet analog. Bet money Jews won’t let a UN weapons inspector have a peek. At best, they will just upload a photo of some shrapnel with Arabic letters and say that it is proof.
Death toll rises to 12. Probably will continue rising since 30 others are injured, some gravely.
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jews have 2 options left fuck off back to brooklyn while you still have time or accept their minority role on the sole condition of being mascaraed armenian style later
you've fucked up to the point of no return you cant backstab arabs who have 10 times your numbers and 10 times are more willing to sacrifice in war
some jews knew it before israel was established but when greed is bigger than the survival instinct which is already 10 times the normal goy you'll be as the old european masterminds intended a fish food by the hands of other people
my guess no one will be as fucked as mizrahis
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>mudshit talking about inbreeding

Go get beheaded paddy
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no conclusions should be drawn until hezbollah has a chance to fully investigate the matter.
don't insult the fungi, most of them aren't parasites, they work alongside plants to maximize the transfer of nutrients.
jews are just parasites.
How do you think their puppets sleep at night?
Am I a "mudshit" or a Paddy?
Typical jew hysteria, everyone is your enemy and fear causes you lose the ability to distinguish between them.
i dont listen to or believe jews
>10 American warplanes and helicopters are now over the city of Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria

>Massive explosions are reported in Syria that can be heard for great distances

Bad day for muds
You never know, they might change things up a bit. Like uploading a photo that they made in CGI, like they did for the ambulances at Al-Shifa Hospital. Or they could upload a photo of an intact weapon, and simply keep stating it's the same one as used to hit the jew civilians.
But in any case, they won't allow any goyim to inspect the site, and they'll also claim that not believing their lies is antisemitic & holocaust denial.
why are none of these girls wearing hijab
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2 more weeks
Can’t wait for the Beirut blast to look like a fireworks show compared to what you will see in a few hours
leave this country you retarded kike
you'll be more blue balled than when the 6th grade shlomit played a prank on you and made all the goyim laugh
The area that was struck is flanked by mountains to the north, would be easy to hit with a precision anti tank weapon from the high ground.
It’s my country too, goy.
you will be removed
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> you will be removed
I sleep
GPS is literally downloadable. You dont need satelittes anymore for a one way munition. Its serouisly just google earth, input your coordinates, save and launch. The program knows where its at. doesnt need active shit, it can measure how fast its going and the wind..etc

GLONASS is ancient soviet shit that barely stays functional
Generals are utterly useless as they tend to fill up with kike shills and astro-turfers looking for a place to advance a specific narrative regarding a specific event.
Fuck all generals.
holocaust is a lie
jews did 9/11
nothing will happen, dead druze is not an excuse for anything but celibration
Power to Hell!
հայերեն/hayeren and ქართული ენა/kartuli are good allies!

Victory to Hell!
True government is infinite organically equal leaders in exclusive collectives with infinite simultaneous directions of progress. Infinite congruent dimensions of will-power.
>Georgian mutt
So that's why you hide your flag
Gruzini trash
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Israel murdered Syrians to invade Lebanon?
copium begins
it started as Israeli kids down to jew loving druze kids down tomorrow to non-jew loving syrian druze kids because of the no balls syndrome
nassrallah is planning his next attack on jewish kids next and you'll swallow it like a good boy
Victory to Lebanon. Victory to Phoenicia.

Only volunteers win wars.
Fuck off with your spam cuckmenian animal
Nassarallah is retarded not press all the red buttons right now before bibi gets back

The world wont care hezbollah struck first
Ew yikes it’s a kike pretending to be one of us.
i dont give a fuck about any dead arab kids and hate druzeem even more than i dislike outher kinds of arabs, i celibrate when anything bad happens to them
>The world wont care hezbollah struck first
but they didn't tho? it was israel who did this?
again, the world wont care

Israel has no sympathy. Press all the red buttons before Israeli warplanes get in the skies over Beirut
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2 more weeks
let the world save the north
you live in a movie no one is bombing beruite over magdal shams
Go to sleep. Attacked won't happen until Israeli war cabinet convenes tomorrow at 4pm.
but they will over attacks on "israeli" "territory"
they probably will but theatrical hit not a war hit
not so fun anymore isn't it now? they should go full narco on anyone they catch alive
jews are already in copium mode already that they were satisfied for starting a fire on yemen which been in blast mode for 10 years
they'll hit some old weapons factory that hezbollah okays on
>attacks on "israeli" "territory
have been happening every day for almost a year now, i repeat nothing will happen
Death toll is now at 14.
im not copeing your not middel eastern you dont understand when people from an enemy tribe die i am happy, i hope hezbolla kills many more of these animals
digits lmao
You're retarded. This is the deadliest attack on Israel since 7 October by far.

In fact, more civilians have been killed today in the north than in the past 10 months combined. 14 dead today, 13 had been killed since 7 October.

Israel will invade Lebanon up to Litani river.
no i understand hating traitors even if they were on your side they tend to suck your cock in an unpleasant way to feel part of the real tribe while you both know its just in their own interest rn
i'm talking about the rest of jews who still wanna act they're spilling tears over dead druze milk
stfu zoomer you dont know shit
you're a syrian rapefugee who still think assad will go aren't you
>Israel will invade Lebanon up to Litani river.
two more weeks bro
>i'm talking about the rest of jews who still wanna act they're spilling tears over dead druze milk
normies here worship druze i swear its like they get brainwashed to do it in school ask ten israelis 8 of them will give you these two answeres word for word "their not arabs" "tgey make great warriors" the outher 2 will.be based and say only "good arab you can trust is a dead arab"
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I hate all these constant wasted digits. It's why I did this one, when throwing a hail mary post randomly without looking at the clock. With little reference, since everyone in /chip/ was refusing to reply for long swaths of time.
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>A partial list of the children who were murdered in Migdal Shams

1 . Alma Iman Fakhr Eldin
2. Milad Madad Sha'ar
3. Vinis Adham Safdi
4. Izil Neshat Job
5. Yazan Naif Abu Saleh
6. Goni and Adie Abraham
7. Amir Rabia Abu Saleh
8. Nagi tahr Halabi
9. Fagar Layt Abu Saleh
10. Hazem Akram Abu Saleh
11. Nazem Fakher Saab

A partial list of the children who were murdered in Migdal Shams

Kek pure Arab filth.
>Israel will invade Lebanon up to Litani river.
problem is Hezbollah can just light up the entire front, plus they don't have to worry about civvies cuz Israel evacuated them all, and on top of that, south lebanon is literal mountains
its all an act just for now as you know you have no real allies so its a good act for both sides
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Israel can turn Beirut into Gaza and still get a standing ovation in the US congress.
how the fuck did they DROWN!?!?!? wtf am I watching???
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Read Pic related. These weren't even the ""good"" Druze that some Israelis like. Just Syrian traitors trash.
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To everyone saying nothing will happen, reports that western countries are panicking about Israel’s planned response.
>for 8 months you suck up 100k internal refugees and countless attacks that would've ignited 20 wars 20 years ago because you know full scale war will be even worse
>you go to war after 10 syrian kids die

crunch the numbers retard
>Israel can turn Beirut into Gaza
That won't solve the Hezbollah issue, the Beirut elite (even Shia btw) by and large hate Hezbollah more than Israel does

>still get a standing ovation in the US congress
the US congress has been kissing the Israelis ass since the 1967 Six Day War, so it's completely normal, hell, it would be surprising if America condemned Israel for their actions
yep copium begins
everyone knows if hezbollah where weak you'd treat those kids as ashkinazi cohenim
>Just Syrian traitors trash
they're not traitors, in fact they're patriots of their true country
hezbollah is not in beirut you brain dead fucking roach
Do you even know what a guerrilla warfare is ?
Makes no difference. 14 Israeli's were killed inside Israel. Doesn't matter if they are jews, arabs, druze or thai workers. Israel will have to respond to this in a way that it hasn't since 7 October.

The only place Israel hasn't bombed so far is Beirut and Lebanon civilians infrastructure (ports, airports, oil terminals, power terminals etc.) Either one of those will be targeted. Most likely target is Hezbollah missile silos in Rafic Hariri airport.

Another option is a direct invasion of southern Lebanon without bombing Beirut and other Lebanese infrastructure. IDF has said for months that it will create a 20km buffer zone either through and agreement with Hezbollah or by force.
bro, seriously, are you Jewish? are you an Israeli with a VPN?
holy shit copium driven thinking
whats your angle m8 you're an anti assad syrian aren't you
No it wasn't inside israel retard.
Golan Heights is annexed Israeli territory and recognized as a part of Israel by United States.
>he doesn’t know
>14 Israeli's were killed inside Israel
Can you even read? they didn't even have Israeli ID's

>Most likely target is Hezbollah missile silos in Rafic Hariri airport.
You are neurotic. none of that shit is going to happen. you are just some deranged happeningfag who has been proven wrong a million times.
Most of the world givernments recongize it as syrian territory, including mine and your (if you're not a kike).
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yeah and?
>damn it feels good to be a pakistani
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Irrelevant. US has the most powerful army in the world even if the 6 consequent armies following are combined. What Italy or Turkey says is meaningless. Syria is a failed state occupied by both Israel, Turkey and US.
You're an absolute retard. The children were killed in internationally recognized syrian land, a land to which israel has no rightful claim. Your hate boner against syrians and lebanese is embarassing.
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oy vey
>Turkey says is meaningless
okay now I KNOW you're not a Turk, a Turk would never be caught dead saying what you're saying, he has to be an Amerifat or a kke expat
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MEMEI TV best TV channel out there.
>internationally recognized
Yes I'm sure the UN will be very upset over this and return Golan to Syria.
The more you post the stupider you look. Just stop.
Golan Heights isn't Israel it's occupied Syria and the distinction matters because no one with a career in the State Department or Pentagon thinks retaliation for an attack on the Golan Heights is palatable.

And it's hard to imagine Israel will bomb Beirut again. It would be an immediate response from the US to pull back Israel's chain and would fuck up relations for the next decade. After Gaza being such a disaster the US pretty much demands Israel only target Hezbollah, so I guess they'll blow up everything in the South.
Is Israel really sabotating the Paris Olympics to blame it on Iran/Hamas?
>train problems
>now energy shortage
Will the olympics turn into a nightmare?
>US has the most powerful army
A reminder that the US cannot handle large scale operations, every single large scale operation has been a catastrophic for the US army, Vietnam, Iraq, Korea, Afghanistan, US can only execute rogue operation with the minimal amount of units.
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palestine was never a country and it never will be

sandniggers tongue my anus
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let me spell it to you
to get rid of a militia its not enough to take few kilos and go inside the territory which they wont even be able to because of the mountains which gives high ground and advantage to non-heavy infantry exactly like in 2006 when hezbollah barely was a katyusha wielding baby, but you also need to stay on the land you occupied .. like murrica had all of afghanistan in months but once they fucked off taliban came back and overran the country in 3 days and taliban has barely 10% of what hezbollah have

they cant fucking beat khamas they sure as shit cant go to war with hezbollah who other than being able to propel the attack easily they can also make the north a wasteland
what hamas have in tunnels pales to what hezbollah have you'd have nu-idf falling faster than baby birds

iran wasn't fucking around when it made its crescent and they knew exactly how to press murricas buttons and hezbollah is the main piece which because it they've gone to war in syria for 10 years
no one will face the consequences of their betreyal more than arab puppets and regime and its making me harder than the fall of israel itself because it'll be an easier follow up in the next day or two
>because no one with a career in the State Department or Pentagon thinks retaliation for an attack on the Golan Heights is palatable.
lol, US recognizes Golan Heights as Israeli territory my dude.

I'm not saying US doesn't recognize it, I'm saying they're not retards and they know the Golan Heights are not the same as Israel.
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>Romanigger coping with losing his entire imperial possessions

You will never regain Syria ""palaestina""
You will never regain Phoenice Paralia or Phoenice Libanensis
You will never regain Judea
You will never regain Constantiniggerople

You will always always be a brown moor midget living amongst niggers in Palermo.

>running around killing towelheads and wannabe chinks is a large scale operation
>ignores every actual large scale operation
We won every conventional war we fought after 1812
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Lots of retards ITT.

Israel can and will turn Lebanon into Gaza 2.0.
based brazil
I promise to delete my umadelicia memes from my folder
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Don't bother. 3rd world cope is pure brain rot. They actually bother to compare US army to Russia, which can't take villages it borders in Ukraine after 2.5 years of fighting.
>still seething about the romans
And I'm in the exact opposite of palermo.
>that low effort maskirovka
Fuck off back to moscow, zigger pig
>Israel can and will turn Lebanon into Gaza 2.0.
if they do that they're fucking stupid, theres many lebanese who don't even like hezbollah and quite frankly hate them more than israel, if israel was smart they would mobilize that segment of the pop and put them in power in Beirut and establish formal LEB/ISR relations.

But kikes are too stupid and bloodthirsty to understand chess so they play checkers
we've been through it already zoomer this doesn't win you wars it makes your enemy militia not giving a shit about hitting any critical point in your country though because damage is done

israel want their neighbors to all be poor but stable because instability makes them unpredictable and you dont want isis egypt in your doorstep
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Dude, you are talking to a Kike. The brain is empty, it won't get tou anywhere.

Just let him bump so we can keep the thread up and running.

So that he can say later thread died when the thread actually hits over 300.
Israel tried that in the lebanese civil war, the christian militias were btfo so bad israel had to intervene directly.
And I dont even know what a maskirovka is supposed to be
>l, if israel was smart they would mobilize that segment of the pop and put them in power in Beirut
Like they did in 1982 with SLF? dumb twat, Arabs cannot be trusted.
It's the opposite. Bombing Beirut puts pressure on Hezbollah as it antagonizes the Lebanese population against Hezbollah. As in 2006, the non-shia Lebanese do not want to be dragged into a war for Iran's imperial ambitions.
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get a load of this boomer kek
>bombing civilians will make them like us
Smartest jew.
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>We won* every conventional war we fought after 1812
>*with the direct support of other nations
US is the most technological army in the world, but only employs the cowards and retards, american soldiers, and by extension NATO and pissrael, aren't going to sacrifice themselves for their own country, you know that and I know that.
How do you figure that? Lebanon is a failed state. If you stand in the way of Hezbollah, you don’t eat.

Legacy Soviet product, works well enough.
no not by military means, by means of influence and subterfuge, pay the pro-israel parties money so that they'll rise to power, let them consolidate power so they can compete and pressure hezbollah-aligned political forces within lebanon

but the Ashkenazi schizo gene is too strong and their jewish state will dissappear because of it
>They actually bother to compare US army to Russia
Lel imagine if we got bogged down in Canada in a 2 week special military operation, lost our entire professional army, and then had to break out M48s and jeeps to keep moving an inch a day 2 years later. They would never shut up, but for Russia the war is going well.
its either b8s or an anti assad rapefugees their brains are nothing but copium driven scenarios that ends with them hanging assad which is for now hell freezing over is closer to that
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Hezbollah will be fucked up by these guys.

You have no idea what they can do!
>the christian militias were btfo so bad
Is that why muds are still malding about Sabra and Shatila?

Sure you don't, pootinigger
>Russian military deception, sometimes known as maskirovka
well you're just a nigger, a jew and a memeflag, in that order, the fucking turkflag is better than you
It makes them fucking hate Hezbollah. Do you think random christians in Beirut are happy right now because Hezbollah decided to bomb Israel and kill 14 children, potentially dragging Lebanon into a war. For what reason?

You must be a sandnigger because Italians aren't this retarded.
Well after the two invasions of lebanon you can say that all the bridges are burned.
>if israel was smart they would mobilize that segment of the pop and put them in power in Beirut and establish formal LEB/ISR relations.

they have been trying that for years, it just never seems to work
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> Bombing Beirut puts pressure on Hezbollah as it antagonizes the Lebanese population against Hezbollah.
You dumb fucking nigger
Is it genetics or culture that makes them like this?
They'll be even angrier if their family gets killed by israeli bombs. God jews are retarded.
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All I really care about is them bump.
>y-you werent alone so it doesn't count
>y-y-youre cowards and retards
lmao tell me about it
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You are the nigger bud.
>yields in seethe
Dump paki rapist
in case of a civil war in lebanon the christian population will disappear into thin air you retard
one side has big ass rockets the other has barely an ak
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Cope my ass
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>>It makes them fucking hate Hezbollah
>Who is bombing me ?
>I hate israel
>Who is protecting me ?
>I love Hezbollah
That is how it works you dumb fuck.
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>le huff le huff.......
Daily reminder that 90% of the ummah agrees, shiism is fake and satanic
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If it's a kike shill larping as a turk via VPN, it's the kike shill turkroach that also posts the /child/ threads that die after 13 or 30 replies. Although, it was a good kike shill containment thread for the short period that it lasted. As it was nothing but kike shills replying to each other, which occupied their time and kept them out of /chip/
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Thanks for the bump habibi ;)
yeah, i'll rape you if i find out where you're at, me and my grooming gang will also fuck your girlfriend too you little kike
that ''turk'' isn't a wahhabi he is just in it for cheap politics you'd hate eachother
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>just goes in a circle
Monkey swing in tree monkey eat banana monkey sleep in favela
Someone needs to bake the next bread. This was my last thread, which I posted at the very beginning of the thread
> (It was the 3rd bread that I baked since this morning about 5 or 6am NYC time zone)






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Thank you for your service lad. I gotta go to work now.

Cya around!
You'll need to rename this to "Comfy Happening in the Middle East" general now that this will probably spread to Lebanon.
Lebanon deserves none of this shit. Great country, great people. Very resilient.
the druze are actors no doubt lyeing scum fuck niggers the lot of them but the love normie israelis feel for them well misplaced and pathetic is genuine
Neither did Palestine
The Druze are a great people and are highly respected around the world. Lebanese Druze are constantly under threat from Israel, so the hypocrisy is noted.
Of course not.
I remember seeing all the images of Palestinians welcoming the Jews after WW2. Now they're being genocided in their own lands.
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
i doubt it as in the end you'll go in the caste order for your own kind when the chips are down
dropping few politically correct words for fake unity doesn't make them jews when they're even bellow ethiopean jews in the picking order
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Hezbollah knows a decisive Israeli response is coming. That's why it cucked instantly and said "it wasn't us". Israel is going to do a Hodeidah Port 2.0 in Lebanon.

I'm sure the Lebanese population will support Hezbollah after this for needlessly attacking Israel. Well at least it will according to some retards in this thread.
why are you evading the rapefugee question
would you sacrifice your parents if it means assad will go?!
>Druze are a great people
no there niggers like all outher arabs but more imbred and prone to lyeing kill them all nothing more than a rottless band of mercinaroes the best of witch should be composted
stop speaking about shit you dont know first hand
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If you dislike them with your flag, then its clear they're the good guys
hey i figured nassrallah next target
black jews....
or is it muslim arabs?!
whats better on the resume i bet its jews
you can still say that the dead arabs are 'israeli's but it could have face some flak
stupid beaner dose nit even deserve a you
honestly im fine with either of them getting blown up
it's kinda funny that mid-way through the syrian war, the cia decided to regime change erdogan which would've ended the war (which i assume the cia wanted to continue)
i promise you that you'll face that music in your own lifetime and realize no one is more tribal than the jew and the ashkinazi will win
im ashkenazi and i live in israel i know my people better than you do
Go back to your country of origin.
thats what i did when i imigrated from america to the west bank
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it's over
were less german than the turkroaches liveing their now
because there is no reason to for now
good old habits die hard and arab jews where barely above arab muslims when israel was founded
>bbbut weee racemix and have no problems with it because in the end its a jew
you do not the elite those are even eliter than the west and will put you down to save his skin in a second when its time for a saigon evac
the jews outside of israel mary non jews they are even less tribal than the ones here i know bith groups of people personaly amd have family in israel and abroad, again stop speaking about things you dont have first hamd experince with
will do an emergency bake>>475907041
good boy

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That's their plan.
their are no more spoiled jews than western jews i am talking about hard times and times of war not americans kneeling for george floyd saturday but sending niggers first in droves against russia sunday

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