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Previous >>475885235

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death).

>Al-Qassam Brigades traps a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.
> Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure
>Al-Mayadeen sources: Four explosions heard inside the American wing of the "Ain al-Assad" base. Initial reports indicate a double attack via drone and four missiles.
>Washington gives Netanyahu ‘full backing’ to expand war on Lebanon

https://youtu.be/rm3PuBSiBME [Embed]

https://youtu.be/V9q0hzmi73M [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Ys4pnmsJ0Aw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/b-2l4B1Zhpw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gCNeDWCI0vo [Embed]






>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs [Embed]
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA [Embed]
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg [Embed]

>>475844187 (Cross-thread)#
>>475844701 (Cross-thread)#
>>475842079 (Cross-thread)#
>>475855808 (Cross-thread)#
>>475857841 (Cross-thread)#
>>475730867 (You) (Cross-thread)#
>>475730940 (You) (Cross-thread)#
>>475730997 (You) (Cross-thread)#
>>475731104 (You) (Cross-thread)#
>>475731507 (Cross-thread)#
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***NEW*** 7/16/2024
https://youtu.be/MwG-L7qv0ZY [Embed]

>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

Yemeni armed forces:

We reveal the new USV ‘Toofan Al-Mudammer’, which entered service officially for the first time and targeted the ship TRANSWORLD NAVIGATOR.
New 6/30/24


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Trapping a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.



Footage of targeting “Ramat David” Airbase
New 7/23/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Footage shows scenes of its mujahideen attacking the Zionist enemy forces with mortar shells and missiles on the supply line in the “Netzarim” axis.
New 7/25/2024

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targeting a building used by Israeli enemy army soldiers in the Metulla settlement in northern occupied Palestine.
New 7/22/2024

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Moment of sniping a settler this afternoon south of Nablus. West Bank.
New 7/2/24

These are the survivors of IEDs
New 7/1/24

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Our preparation continues.
New 6/30/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of the rockets we launched at the Zionist army command headquarters in “Re’im” colony, in the Gaza envelope.
New 6/29/24

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24

A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
>>468522229 (Dead)# (Dead)# (Dead)#
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.











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completly organic thread on page 10 with no replies
>Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
>Is a memeflag
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Meanwhile in Turkey, yet another humiliation ritual
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>flight of hostile drones over Lebanese Bekaa valley
>first reports of explosions in Baalbek
Kek where is the Turkish retard? Exactly what I said would happen
How did you get a picture of my cat, you maniacs? Leave him alone, I don't even know wtf a middle east is!
that's my cat
He's mine and his name's Roger
Thanks for the bread
God bless Palestine
God bless the Resistance
May God curse the hypocrites as He cursed Job until the second coming
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Thank you for this delicious emergency bread, memeflag anon. Normally I'm against this kind of thing, but under the circumstances, thank you memeflag fren
thanks, and yea, same. but there really was nobody.
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Based meowser
Fuck troon jannies and the kike thst reported my post. Fucking idiots
They should know better by now
Israeli diaper force! Ohohoho!
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I know. I know. But, we agreed it was fine under the circumstances
See >>475910407
Tkd death and total jannie troon death
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Cats are holy, quite unlike rats
lebshits getting BTFO now
just bomb the whole country and send the lebs who live in australia to a museum
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trips of vengeance

There's at least 1 IDF troon jannie that keeps doing stupid shit to us. They killed 2 /chip/ threads in maybe a 3 or 4 day span. They banned many of us, and for super stupid shit. I got a few bans at once, when it took my posts out of context, and somehow claimed that I was trying to impersonate the jannies.
> (I was simply mocking kike shills and the things that kike shills do).
Then it added a ban evasion on top of that, since I had a 15 minute warning earlier, and once the 15min were up, I posted again- despite having no ban at the time of posting again.
I think it even threw another ban on there, but I can't remember what it was. It was another WTF?! ban that made zero sense
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Kikes have already chickened out, haven't they?
It's so odd that the kike shills are afraid of this thread for some reason. When they couldn't stop flooding the previous 3 breads today
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It's amazing how kikes are now simply associated with chickens, in almost every aspect of life. Even down to the recent explosion of Chicken Nugget Syndrome kikes in the last 9 months.
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israel? legit state? no. it's a collection of genetic trash in Palestine
> be me
> Christian mother, Jew dad
> Grew up Christian, not Jewish at all

C-can I avoid the impending ovens or is my fate sealed?
Israeli druze children killed by Lebanese bombs, Palestinian children killed by Israeli bombs...this bullshit needs to end. Time to live in peace. Stop ruining people's lives with this.
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What are your thoughts about if shitrael attempts to invade Lebanon, fren?
The awful irony of the supposed holy land being one of the bloodiest sites of war for millenia
It's almost as if timezones exist and it's 4AM in the Middle East right now.

You unfathomably retarded subhuman ape.
you belong in a wood chipper woth both your parents and any siblings you have, goy trash
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as it should...
i dont want to live in a world where it isn't it'd be reddit top to bottom
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It's almost 7am in poo land. It's 6:46am in pooland. Yes, they're so fucked up that even their single time zone doesn't conform to the norm.
Poo's would wake up at 5am to make those shekels, working 18hr+ days, to make $16 USD per MONTH
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jew bros why is no one in the world giving a shit about our dead kids even though lord bibi is literally in the US?
do they think it was coming to us|?? they dont know they're druze n shit!!
well they send us thots and prayers when we're nuked
thats unfair... jew bros what about the holocaust
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>well they send us THOTS and prayers when...
>that's unfair... jew bros

I can understand why that would upset the kikes.
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I wonder if israel is going to have fun in this war, if they're unable to bait the west into joining, due to the election cycle and not trying to piss off zoomer voters
This is the link for that picrel

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What do you guys think the Druze are going to do after today?
Based on what they said today, and that they fight in the IDF. I would imagine that they'll simply do what pissrael tells them to do. They have no spines. They simply server their masters, the joos and king yahoo
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1) Lets start with the source, the article from Al Masry Alyoum in which the article clearly states...
Most Druze are in central Lebanon and West Syria, only 10% are in the very North of Israel.
They are extremely isolationist and retaliatory.
I think you are slightly misinformed dude.
but we want it to happen we want oct 7th in paris against jews haard
I'm only talking about the ones near where the tin foil dome misfired, and friendly fire'd their own.
The druze leaders came out and condemned Hezbollah. I'm trying to find the thread which had the tweet, but the Druze leaders blamed Hezbollah for the attack, despite Hezbollah denying any responsibility, and we all know that israel always lies.

In the tweet those leaders were siding with the narrative and agendas from israel, and not the resistance. It seemed like they were selling out their own.
> But that being said, I really don't know much about the Druze other that what I have stated in this reply
Any more recent developments?
Well hopefully they just chill out in their mountains and continue to tell people to fuck off.
Also, hopefully all the druze in the IDF resign or retire. There's no reason for them to help israel fill their manpower shortage, if going to pit goyim vs goyim
nah netanyahu is loading up his laundry and on his way back.

No happenings till then.

Tho why hezbollah doesnt push all the red buttons right now is beyond me. Israel is definately going to attack

History always favors those who strike first
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Does anyone speak spanish?
The video clip is here >>475919336

The anon claims that israel attacked Lebanon in retaliation for the Druze attack from the iron cope
Israeli anon said that Lebanon was going to burn tonight.
Well, it's night now and Lebanon isn't burning.
Why do kike's always lie, anons?
Israel has been doing limited bombing skirmishes on the border towns in Lebanon since October so this is nothing new.
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Ah ok. Yeah, I figured it was a nothing, since no one was getting excited in a good or bad way, in either direction. When shills aren't even biting, I usually take it with a grain of salt
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>Why do kike's always lie, anons?

PICREL explains it decently. Although there are many factors including cultural and also the talmud & torah, among others
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It's just oh so sad. Why does everything bad always happen to the jews, when they've never done a bad thing in their entire history. Simply perpetual victims, who are persecuted and harmed for absolutely no reason at all.
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Are you going to tell us what either of your links are? You're not going to get many bites, when you simply post random links, and don't post a single word in the thread
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Save this file, to repost whenever kike shills try to project and claim that Mohammed was a pedo. His wife married when she was 17
However, (((King David))) and others had wives giving birth at 6yo and 9yo. Meaning that they got pregnant at 5yo and 8yo by the jewish elites
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when are jews gonna realize that we just love palestine? we love palestine as much as you love zionism.
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They realize, (((they))) just don't care. Simple as.
Rules do not apply to them. Nor do how their actions affect others, have even the slightest affect on them. All that matters is self benefit and gain for (((them))). Simple as
>when are jews gonna realize that we just love palestine? we love palestine as much as you love zionism.

I don't believe they will actually reconcile this, however they will lose their stranglehold by the end of this conflict, and Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea
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It's going to be fun watching it play out though. Only 51% of zoomers don't think that the holohoax was a lie
Only 55% of nogs ACROSS ALL AGES don't think the holohoax was a lie

DEI tranny mutt troops already revolted when the topic of risking their lives or safety came up, early on in the war. With all the patriotic white males either kicked out, or chose not to join, you're left with entitled snowflakes who wouldn't even fight if it were for a real cause that actually affected USA- let alone for kikes, who they hate for countless reasons
> Nobody will be fighting their wars for them this time, and jews are going to be forced to fight their battles for themselves

The normie awakening has begun, with even some boomers undergoing the noticing. Once seen, it cannot be unseen, and yo can never look at shitrael the same way ever again. Israel and jew's entire decline is special thanks to yahoo himself. As he cares more about self preservation, than he does about israel or any jews globally. Doing more in the first 3 months of the war, than 75-80 years of EVERY anti-jew group globally combined, let alone the damage done in 9 months 3 weeks
> He'll let israel burn, as long as it keeps him in power a bit longer, and as long as it keeps his many felony criminal trials paused. As he knows once the war ends, he loses office. When that happens, his trials continue, he gets convicted via countless evidence, and then harshly prosecuted due to both the evidence & everyone in pissrael despising him

Things don't look too good for israel, but they had already planned for this 6 years ago, when they put boots on the ground in ukraine. To setup their plan B exit strategy, in case they needed to flee from israel to khazaria. aka. New Jerusalem, which will be the bottom/coastal half of ukraine, setup just like Palestine was converted into israel
> Which is why they neded to kill off the goyim first, or get them to flee. So they don't get another Palestine on their hands
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They gave me a warning for writing in their made up language that the six gorillion was a lie and the first time their dicks were sucked was by an old rabbi with herpes. Reason being "4chan is english only".
And for good measure, updated threadly Zyklon-B spray:
The 6 gorillion giga bajillion is an absolute lie, every yid that died in WW2 was of absolutely natural causes - namely inferior yid genetics that can't handle hard times (that is why they're all weak men).
Hitler actually never finished the job.
Every kike had his first blowjob from an old herpes-ridden rabbi, all mixed in woth blood for that good old ritual sacrifice vibe.
Bibi is killing the so-called "hostages" (read as POWs).
Bibi protects the haredis and sends secular yids to the meatgrinder, all while the latter are taxed to high hell and back to fund the former.
Jewesses prefer the big arab cock, not jew shrimp.
The gulf arabs are useless fat slobs.
The king of jordan, king of saudi arabia and al sisi are all kikes.
God is with the resistance, God is with Syria, God is with Lebanon and God is with Iraq and Yemen!

As the other yids called you a goy you can guess...
Really, if you believe in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and follow his teachings you should be immune to any jewish influence from your father's side.
It wasn't so, only when you europeans and your jews turned up here.
Julan druze view themselves as Syrian, don't fall for jewish D&C tactics.
The supposed druze figurehead that gave statements doesn't represent the Julan druze.
They had everything lined up for the media to manufacture an excuse for war.
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Let alone all the deaths in NYC due to it. And the families refuse to name the mohel that did it to the health authorities

Did you ever hear about the crack epidemic and herpes epidemic in crown heights brooklyn? aka the tunnel jew neighborhood
They males were addited to literal black crack whores, which started the whole mess. This happened in the early 2000's, and herpes went from epidemic to endemic. Although the crack addictions seem to have been resolved for the most part. There's more to it than that, but that's the gist of it
Ah, that makes a lot more sense. Something seemed really fishy about it. Seeing as how the Druze leaders were simply puppeting what the kikes were saying. Thanks for the clarification
These are official stats too, which means many lied erring on the side of caution and current social confirmity.
I.E.: already most zoomers and blacks think (correctly) the holohoax holocoasters are just lies.
They all lie so much its just insane, really hard to fathom for normal people.
Jews are accustomed to lying and theft, it is part of what defines judaism.
Let alone what another >7.5 months of time has been able to deprogram. Witnessing more in real time regarding the war. Getting redpilled on tik tok and twitter more. Let alone what friends share with each other.
Greenblatt knows that he lost the generational war regarding this, as his leaked call from early on in the war. He was kvetching like crazy, flipping out that it was not a right-left divide, but rather generational. He complained about "the useful idiots in the west" supporting Palestine instead of israel

Things will never be the same for them ever again, and we can thank yahoo, woke culture and that movement of the past 4-8 years, social media (non-zuckerberg), along with the resistance getting access to the internet to upload all their footage and stories.
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>khazarian concubine
Mmmmm, would love to tease you with my big pali cock, slap it across your ugly hooknosed face (probably will be annoying cuz it'll get stuck on the nose) and rape the hell out of you until you accept arab superiority.
The real irony is (((they))) were the ones to start wokeism as a response to Occupy Wall Street. But it seems that they don't make (((them))) like they used to, yids have absolutely zero self-reflection and their hubris knows no bounds.
ill bite my own tongue before i let your brown ass near me.
alos nigger you spam this thread, are you insane or just desperately bumping inorganically like a good little shill?
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The marked quote in picrel, kind of sums up half of your point
I know I wrote a ramble, so the black text is the main part, the green text is just filler info. You can skip the whole middle section, or the entire message completely. I initially meant it to be short

I honestly stopped speaking to my cousin not that long after the war started. Maybe 1-2 months in max. It was purely due to the topic of israel. He refused to even read messages that I had sent him, saying it was antisemitic.
> As he conflated anti-israel as anti-jew. I was trying to explain the war, their way of thinking, their history, and on. I had everything detailed, and could have provided detailed evidence for any topic that I wrote about. Instead, he simply said that he wouldn't read it at all.

So, I gave him the ultimatum that he could either read it, or watch an israeli documentary- israeli film maker, film, people in it, and even filmed in israel for much of it (the rest filmed in USA with USA jews)
He refused to watch that either. So I told him he's have to pick one or the other, or I'd stop speaking with him.
> 28hrs later he refused to reply to me about the topic of watching it or reading what I wrote. So, 4hrs later I blocked him from everything, and told him to never speak to me ever again. I was 100% serious, as it told me too much about his own psych profile the way that he was handling the situation, and the tactics that he used to deflect and such.

I haven't spoken to him since. With me knowing that I was telling the truth. And him likely still thinking that I was lying, and just antisemitic. Since it was a complete 180 vs what he was always taught to be true.
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will this nigger survive the night? or is he already tasting BDC as we speak?
Child killers! Pray for the Druze! Death to Hezbollah!!
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lol how do these people love with themselves. It’s genuinely insane.
>umm don’t mess with the Druze!
Do Israelies sincerely think the vast majority of Druze don’t hate their guts?
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The projection and deflection is insane. Possibly never even having it click, just due to how they don't view goyim even as human.

As if he never heard about the countless time that shitrael has targeted kids, Even while the kids were playing sports outside. And yet, most normies never even hear that those events happened by IDF to the Palestinian civilians.
goyim only care about children when they can be used to bash Israel
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He says imagine what would happen if Israel did the same thing that Hezbollah did. Well they did and nothing happened. They’ve bombed plenty of playgrounds, beaches, and soccer fields.
Israel won't do shit until Trump wins. Iran should strike now.
Israel never bombed anywhere that wasnt used by Hezbollah as base, and if Israel would stop fighting, it would be destroyed, if hezbollah stops fighting nothing will happen.
self defense is not aggression you dumb cuck
i can tell you are overweight
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Kikes are getting some of their medicine
i can tell you are a virgin :)
i can tell you used to be a man
So when are you posting your deformed ax wound troon?
Never happened. Israel didn’t do nothing. Sick fuck who dances on the corpses of Druze children. You will pay dearly for this.
dont have one sorry
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If Hamas/Hezbollah bomb civilian infrastructure and say it wasn’t intentional or they believed there was an Israeli officer there, would you believe them?
I'll day them, subhuman, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11
>nothing of value was lost
Most Druze hate Israel
yes thats why they overwhelming serve in the army in combatant roles, fly the Israeli flag and killed thousands of palirats in the war, to show their hate of Israel
It's so funny that you jump with joy when you do it to innocent. But once you are payed in kind. You kevetch. Fuck you and your tribe
>we are victims
Sure you did, just like you attacked every place in Gaza. An hero troon
funny how kikes can't travel anywhere without fearing a knife in their back now.
they should stay in their kike containment zone until hezbollah bombs them all to death.
So you still have your dick? Having second thoughts on fully trooning out?
The brainwashing in the west is insane, sadly not long ago it was deeply seeping here too.
Luckily most people still haven't fallen for it and the younger generation is mostly aware.
Not the one living is their fake state. Druze from Lebanon mostly hate those traitor faggots
retard, if presented with the two below scenarios:
1.a man walks into a random kindergarden and massacres the kids with a knife in cold blood.
2.a man is sitting at home, when suddenly an armed assailant breaks into his house holding a kid hostage and proceeds to stab him, with no other choice the man shoots back and kills the kid

if you think in both cases are the same you are sick in the head, then again most muslims and their supporters are
> Most Druze hate Israel
You tell them that when line you up with the other Shia dogs to carve you up ok? This time in 4k 60fps.
Kek, ill probably need to change ip after this. Basically saying that got me a ban. Fucking troon jannie
Yeah there are some in Israel’s borders, but the Druze parties in Syria and Lebanon are all anti-Israel, same with the Druze populations there. The Druze in Golan are Syrian, not even Israeli.

The vast majority of Druze in the region don’t like Israel. Israelis on social media keep saying shit like “you don’t mess with the Druze!” as if fucking Lebanese people have no idea who the Druze are lmao.
Yes especially in the Julan, the state tried to steal their land by building (((green energy))) windmills, so they'd have an excuse to confiscate the land.
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you are so desperate to get goys to fight your wars for you aren't you :)
how long until you get called up to lose a limb for netanyahu?
>Blah blah
Only read the first few sentences. You faggots have been doing this to Palestinians for over 8 month. You won't get sympathy here. And most of the world feels the same way.
Lebanon civil war nigger :-)
kek, goyim are always so slimy and lying holy shit.
do you literally like being evil?
I think it's more likely we see kike land implode before we see that happening in Lebanon
Everything that happened to Balestinians is well deserved
The 6 gorillion giga bajillion is an absolute lie, every yid that died in WW2 was of absolutely natural causes - namely inferior yid genetics that can't handle hard times (that is why they're all weak men).
Hitler actually never finished the job.
Every kike had his first blowjob from an old herpes-ridden rabbi, all mixed in with blood for that good old ritual sacrifice vibe.
Bibi is killing the so-called "hostages" (read as POWs).
Bibi protects the haredis and sends secular yids to the meatgrinder, all while the latter are taxed to high hell and back to fund the former.
Jewesses prefer the big arab cock, not jew shrimp.
The gulf arabs are useless fat slobs.
The king of jordan, king of saudi arabia and al sisi are all kikes.
God is with the resistance, God is with Syria, God is with Lebanon and God is with Iraq and Yemen!

>Lebanon is a functioning country and not already filled with sectarian violence
lol, dumb nigger
In your dreams, nuggetboy :D
The evil here is your tribe. The world can see it. Go on telegram, hell go on kike mainstream media and we all can see you celebrate the killing of innocent, children, women and men. I'm still posting all your crimes on social media and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
>Hitler was right
imagine being this obsessed
Anon, don't give it (You)s, the shills are out in full-force today.
Seems like the false-flag yesterday failed to achieve the required result (poor Syrian Druze, they never deserved it, they were just waiting to go back to being part of Syria) so now they're mobilizing the shills all out to try and bend public opinion.
Just post more redpills and nuggets.
There you go troon
Uh, just today Israel targeted a school in Gaza and killed at least 30 people.
Yeah, the football match incident is pretty bad, but it's like an everyday situation in Gaza.
I know bro, I'm just bumping the thread.
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>Lebanon is a functioning country and not already filled with sectarian violence
They do seem to agree on something though
Every Lebanese I know wants to throttle Hezbollah. They have a lot of internal adversaries, and so does the Lebanese government. Good luck niggas, you gonna get carved up by your own countrymen
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Google(Jewgle) have started putting out ads for their smartphone (Google Pixel) featuring disabled people in wheelchairs lmao.
The jews now need to normalise being a disabled nugget, otherwise jewish nuggets will commit suicide.
Every mizrahi jew wants to throttle ashkenazi kike bankers for sending their men into the meat grinder while using their money to groom the mizrahi barely legal girls - but that still hasn't led to violence lol.

Pack your bags and say goodbye to your legs :P
Kek, your fake state is an inch away of total collapse. How many ports have been closed? How many kikes left? Is the pool open? You are getting hit from every angle and even western powers can't stop it. Most of Europe is already looking away and shunning you. Let's not forget that the US general population does not support kikes. It's just s matter of time before all supporter is cut off.
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Yids kills the world and suck baby dick
kikes are pussies
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>kikes fuck kids
Fixed it for you anon
You should know better than to ask a question to a "woman" like that. They all believe that their gangrene axe wound isn't any more deformed than the next axe wound.
Unless he's delusional enough to think that the axe wound makes him a real woman, in that case, he won't even admit that it's not a real vagina.
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Oy Vey Goyim, give me money you antisemites!
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yes, they us so much here they are giving a hatefull hug the IDF commander in chief
>imagine the smell
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>implying chosen by god
Seriously? lol, disabled tranny jews heh.
New on jew war soon inshallah.

Axe wound or herpes infested dick, what difference does it make?
Once you realize that you see why even non-troon jews are mentally deranged
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Druze, Christian, Muslim (Both Sunni and Shia) the day is near!
So the sunni's and shia's are finally coming back together again for something? After the divide and conquer tricks from the jews?
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If all out war breaks, hezbollah should adopt the red arrow.
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This is what happens to jew nuggets
its so cucked how we treat them like a golden calf and rush toncuddle them in their hour of need, tell me do you also suck beduine dick if its pokeing thru the zipper of pamts from tel shomer
You will never be a real Palirat, cousin fucker
Good point
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Now I'm half the man that I used to bee-eee!
Yeah, I'm I'm half the man I used to be-ee
I'm half the man that I used to bee-eee
Half the man that I used to beeee-eeee!
I'm all a mother fucker, ask your mom about last night
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ashkenazi jews and mizrahi jews hate each other more than any muslim sect hates another. Why?
I've talked to mizrahis on here.

Ashkenazis use their banking money and control of the government to ensure that only they get the best jobs, denying competent mizrahi jews from rising up the ranks. Qualified Mizrahi jew pilots get denied from the air force, for example.

Also ashkenazis send mizrahis to die in the wars.

On the flipside, ashkenazi men are ugly, small and androgynous sissies, so their women prefer mizrahi men. So both sides have reason to hate the other.

I made this image years ago.
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kek the goyim dont know
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>English only
Yeah tell that to the chuggies, straight up Cyrillic in the general and in the posts admins are fucking niggerfaggots.
Speaking of mothers I thought yours was a syrian/brit? Having a palirat daddy isn't enough. >YWNBAP
average reform jew
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never mind the color...that is one ugly-retarded uniform.
mixed ashkenazi-mizrahis are just treated as mizrahis. one drop rule lol. amiright?
Damn it, I hate it when my character in Kenshi ends up looking like this dude.
people usualy follow the costoms of their father
>caste system
I never thought of how similar it really is, at always seemed like so, but when put as in that picture it is striking.
No wonder joos and poos make such besties at world enshittification.
>play football in occupied territory
>get droned
such is kike life in the XXI century...this is not 1991 anymore kikes!
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Joo schizophrenia in full effect
Sounds like the ones effected were Arab Druze of Syrian descent.
At least that's what I'm getting so far.
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Daily Reminder.
im talking about racial discrimination when it comes to jobs and opportunities. you aren't part of the in-group if you are mizrahi. they sometimes let one ex-military mizrahi guy use those connections to become like kanye west - a token nigger.

yeah i have a post i made which i copy paste to show similarities between JOOS and POOS.
They are the result of all of the races mixing together and becoming goyslop:

Look at how similar they are:
>Similar in appearance, look at the average Israeli vs average Indian
>Considered to be conventionally ugly
>Wishes to race-mix with the higher races
>Unable to find a partner without arranged marriage or prostitution
>Both are extremely arrogant and conceited
>Overestimate their own intellect massively
>Extremely nepotistic
>Money oriented
>Enjoys middle management positions where they make no contributions
>Physically inferior with few olympic medals
>High rate of physical disabilities
>Highly autistic
>Lack of empathy for humankind
>Tendency to be submissive to those above them, but cruel to those below
>Follows supremacist cults
>Rigid Caste system
>Obsessed with IT and Computers
>Loves to scam people
>No hobbies or interests other than pop culture
>Spends their free time trying to groom underage white girls
>Be diaspora hondushit
>Whole blood line is marrige between 1st cousins
>Daddy breaks the cycle
>Can't help the inner urge
>Calls his cousin his sister to max the edge
>Gets cucked by a zionist kike who spread his Jewish Seed in his cousin
>Has to be on best behaviour around chad kike
>Goes to the "gym" everytime kikes belittle him online

At least you get to fuck your pug lol
what kimd of druhs domthey prescribe for delusions like yours i hate doctors but i might go speak to one if its worth it
Which point do you disagree with, specifically?
>obsessed with IT and computers
Bane of my existence, they ruined the whole field.
Not least of which with all the joo-poo AI (hey hi, or as I've recently taken to calling it All Indian)
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Pretty accurate list
>Considered to be conventionally ugly
>>Wishes to race-mix with the higher races
>>Unable to find a partner without arranged marriage or prostitution
>Highly autistic
>>Lack of empathy for humankind
>>Tendency to be submissive to those above them, but cruel to those below
>>Rigid Caste system
>>Obsessed with IT and Computers
>>Loves to scam people
>>No hobbies or interests other than pop culture
>>Spends their free time trying to groom underage white girls
all of this is wrong and the only way you could belive it is if all your knowledge ces from pol
hich tech is not real work its a money luandering scheeme amd i have zero respect for the whole feild
Still more indigenous to the Levant than you kike
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lmao AI = All Indian.
AI is just thousands of indians slaves tapping away at a keyboard.

Bald and Bankrupt, that travelling kike who was promoted by the jewtube algo did a DNA test. He is a gigamutt lol. even part nigerian.
Captcha: HH4R
LOL, you remember all that. I most have a special place in your life
You aren't. Your granny and grandaddy might be, but you're not. You're not even fluent in arabic, why do you insist on this larp?.
What ever helps you sleep at night slav. I'll enjoy expelling you from the house you stole.
Ok, guys gn. Kikes an hero
Your whole life is printed on this board for all to see. Don't play tough now baldy, you're never coming back to the promised land.
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He's actually whiter and less groid than the average kike. I'm actually shocked that his DNA breakdown is as good as it is. Hell, it's not even really heavily eastern european
See how fast the troon runs when he's faced with his own disgusting life. Go lift bro, maybe that'll bring back your gf.
was it actually an iron dome missile?
We'll see what God has planned for me. In the mean time I'll keep sabotaging diplomatic relations between Honduras and your fake state
>Considered to be conventionally ugly
true. you are a race of woody allens and george costanzas. you are ugly.
>Wishes to race-mix with the higher races
jewish rabbis call intermarriage a threat to jewish existence. you are obsessed with trying to mix with others. btw all races are higher than yours, even blacks.
>Unable to find a partner without arranged marriage or prostitution
true due to first point. most jewish dudes are incels.
>Highly autistic
high rate of autism due to women producing kids at older ages. the dweeby autistic jew is a western trope.
>Tendency to be submissive to those above them, but cruel to those below
you are submissive to netanyahu, but show immense cruelty to palestinians, arabs, and ethiopians (who you sterilize)
>Obsessed with IT and Computers
dweeby jews are obsessed with the online world, hacking, scamming, subverting
>Loves to scam people
rupert murdoch, the celsius ceo, sam bankman-fried, lehman brothers etc...
>No hobbies or interests other than pop culture
true based on my experience.
>Spends their free time trying to groom underage white girls
epsteins island and the sheer number of jew pedos caught on pedo catching shows proves this
Fag it's 1 am here, I won't stay up all night to shut post with you. You are the one getting mad because I'm more indigenous to Palestinian than you'll ever be.
everything in infographics is real
who cares dead druze is always good no matter who kills them and it was children to boot
I'm sure you will. Like that time in UNAH where you and a whopping 40 people showed up to yell and wave the palirat flag lmao
Just keep your properties in check, you can live a comfy life in your crime ridden country, but you can't exist in my land anymore.
the whiter looking ones show their faces on jewtube, but the negro looking ones less so. some do radio like howard stern.
Circumcision is a crime and cut cocks are fucking gross. They look dried out. If your religion does this, it should be banned for being unnatural and a crime against nature.
Kek, you are talking about the small gathering. Didn't you see the one held a couple of days ago?
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>true. you are a race of woody allens and george costanzas. you are ugly.
im better looking than you
>obsessed with trying to mix
blatant lie
>submissive to netanyahu
would get lynched in 1/4 of the country if he walked around
>obsessed with
i work in agriculylture so do alot of outher jews here
i hate nu pol so much need to leave tgis faggot website to freaks like you and the rest of the chippies
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If you're the guy in the picture, post a more updated one.
If you're not him, why the fuck do you have pics of other kike males on your computer?
If that's you, you are like a 5.5. Shave the facial hair. It only looks good if you've got a full beard.
Christ sake you spastic cunt
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picrel is me btw. Guess my ethnicity
I live in Palestine (Israel) and you don’t HA HA!
> I live in Palestine (Israel) and you don’t HA HA!
I live in Palestine (Israel) and you don’t HA HA!
> I live in Palestine (Israel) and you don’t HA HA!
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you live in a delusion created for yourself baded oj 4chan i live in the real world and speak from experince, all your shit is irelevant all assimilated jews in name practicly goyim
based on your forst post in thread id say faggot
you'd look better clean shaven. I'm begging you.
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>im better looking than you
you look like a gayboy hobbit
>blatant lie
>would get lynched in 1/4 of the country if he walked around
nah, people would clap for him. you are also submissive to the same military which sends you to the meat grinder
>i work in agriculylture so do alot of outher jews here
you are still obsessed with 4chan, IT nerd
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yes. But that's not an ethnicity
jewish dudes often grow pube-beards because they look like female-to-male trannies without one.
the pube beard says "I identify as a male!"

ybro its not even a debate you deap in bullshit come into the real world and try to resist the urge to an hero
dont care one thing the arabs do right is throw faggots off of buildings
I'm telling you bro, I have female friends. They don't like pube neck beards. Either use finasteride on your cheeks to see if it helps or shave it off. You aren't Abraham Lincoln, nigga.
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i've personally known many jews. i know what im talking about.
>dont care one thing the arabs do right is throw faggots off of buildings
isnt there a pic of you sucking a dick floating around here?
I don't think guys with light facial hair should have beards imo. PewDiePie's beard looked really good but he had dark facial hair
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its amazing how all the satanic niggers here are so delusional they cannot admit they fucked up this one time, another proof goyim are evil, and hate of Israel just masks hate of god
Rose sellers are from bangladesh not India.
any jews you know are assimilated theor just mentaly ill goyim at that point and ivw nwver sucked a dick in my life >>475941893
>hate of Israel just masks hate of god
tis is true but still fcuk druze it was just after havdala i got the news and as soon as i heard migdal shams i clenchedy fist smireked amd exclaimed yea in joy
Sterilization meme isnt true, they were given depo provera which is used as women contraceptive and for men with paraphilic disorder (nonces).
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mentally ill jews
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you are ukranian
and you are a Paki
what am i, miss(they/them) piggy?
their jewish in name only like i said basicly goyim, your a meme flag probable kike shill wpuldt expect you to understand
a kike shill meme flag
every jew is technically a JINO. you got race mixed into oblivion by the romans, egyptians, babylonians, khazars, africans, euros, spanish etc.

imagine if Obama started identifying as Irish and tried to settle in ireland as a new colony for half-irish half-black people.
I want to have gay sex on the Temple mount. Would this permanently ruin the Temple?
i want to throw you from a building three times your height and then crush your chest with a large stone
He was exposed for posting fag oc in /soc/ some time ago
Golan status?
ITT: Yids Malding and Hebraic Kvetching.
never happend
crayon mumching retards same as always
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>i want to throw you from a building three times your height and then crush your chest with a large stone

You are literally only able to kill little children.
Into the chipper the yid goes.
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I'll pin you down and fill you up with my big goyim cock.
Wild-caught organic yids.
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heres me in hebron negotioateing with a local merchant to buy your mom some one shopped in your triangle
the heirchy is lile this jews-muslims-christains-druze-camel shit-idol worshipers
no. The hierarchy is

atheist Jews who do all the work and run everything.

Secular Jews who go to shul once a year

Modern Orthodox Jews



>atheist Jews who do all the work and run everything.
kek you have no clue dati luemi do everything non of the outher groups come close to our productivity
Good morning chads
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>hezbulls conveniently bomb childrens playground despite mostly targeting military targets for the whole duration of this war just as yahoo is on his war hawk tour in clapistan
yeah i don't buy it.
would be extremely in character to sacrifice some goys just to try and drag even more goys from aboard to die for them.
quintessentially israelian.
please stay on topic and don't drag the quality of discussion here down.
thank you
For the crimes Hezbollah committed against the peaceful Druze of the Golan, Lebanon will burn. The proof Israel will avenge every Israeli Druzi child with unbelievable force. Lebanon of what is left of it will be a symbol of the unspeakable wrath of Israel.
aren't you the gay with the fake pregnant girlfriend?
shut up nigger
Ugh…I’m sorry, Israeli bros. It’s just…I can’t go on supporting Israel any longer. I’m really sorry. I’m afraid that I’m going to have to shift my support over to the Palestinians. I wish it didn’t have to be like this. The Polish death camps incident was the last straw. I can’t do it anymore. I’m hanging up my shill cap, and you all should too.
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here is a little help in deciding
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Lebanese Druze here in the states. Was born here and been to Lebanon a few times.
My family lineage has kept to itself in the middle of nowhere in central Lebanon.
Literally isolationists in a village for almost 1000 years.

Can you guys just fuck off and leave us alone?
no i hate you all your the lowest of the low worse than beduines need ti be purged from the middle east
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Most Israeli Jews worship Druze similarly to George Floyd. You are our nigger gods. So Israel is going to respond, just a matter of how and when
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Napalm party in Beirut tonight boys

Are we getting comfy?
the way you act and the way people here treat you bith enrage mw amd amy decent person, you dont live here though so your alright hopefully all the outher ones leave this land
I thought Druze have the highest percentage of Army commanders relative to population in Israel.
yea you guys get special treatment and favortism showed to you like this guy said>>475946740
also fuck the idf an army of tik tok thots amd arabs baka i spit on it
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Ok just remember not to bomb our handful of villages in the middle of nowhere.
total drize death is the only way
nice taaqiya there Mohammed
They fight over it because they think it’s holy.
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weve been over this before im an ashekanzi dati luemi settler
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oh, youre the blond goat fucker, ok

to all the muslims and muslim lovers ITT,
thank you for pushing the druze over to our side, they scream out for the destruction of Beirut.

enjoy the hellfire
i dont fuck goats ans i have to ask why you only suck druze dick, if a bedune was dangling his thing thru the zipper of his tel shomer issued pants would you also drop to your knees and open wide?
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One of the possible targets for IAF bombing tonight, oil terminals in Jiyeh.
women love strong Gigachads and like to feel protected.
the druze are gigachads, when some dumb palirats killed a druze and kidnapped his body like the necrophila scum they are, their whole village gathered and threaten to burn the palirat village to the ground, the palirats pissed themselves and returned the body like good little cuck chuds.
the also protect us by serving in the military in combatant roles, so both conditions fulfilled
you have exposed yourself as not a jew, no real jew worships goyim like you at best your a slavic whore most liekly a tranny, yala yitzhar eternal glory to the sons of yisrael, now amswer my question as to why you dont worship the beduine who also serve to the same degree
i have an approval from the Rabbanut that i AM a jew, cope and seeth :)
Beduin dont serve as much as druze, and they do a shitton of crime in the south
>Beduin dont serve as much as druze
im talking specoficly about the thousands of them that do serve are they equale to the druze in your mind?.understand many druze from villages preticularly in the golan like magdal shams for example dont serve some alot even have syrian citezenship
>understand many druze from villages particularly in the golan like magdal shams for example dont serve some a lot even have syrian citizenship
i know that, i am talking about the Carmel Druze, though i have a feeling that after this it will change :)

about Beduin, as i said, they do crime and are a lot more primitive than druze
>are a lot more primitive than druze
kek no their exactly the same behavior whys
As a Jew betaboy Jewess worshipper my role is to clean your pussy with my tongue after a Druzi alphachad cums in it.
no, i knew a few druze, i knew a few beduin, they are not the same
one of three scenariose multiple of wotch can be true simultaneously your delusional, they act difrent aroumd than they regulalry do, the ones you know are the exeption not the rule, i was at mcvei alon with all the druze and beduine literaly could not tell most of them apart always had to ask are you a druze or a beduine and the druze wpuld get pissed and id tell them you cant blaime me your both the same
its a subjective matter, whatever you say, but from all your pics, you sure do love touching goats, at least you piss off palirats.
baking new bread and kikes are not welcome in the thread
>baking new bread and kikes are not welcome in the thread
baking new bread and kikes are not welcome in the thread
we did not need your permission to settle in our homeland, we sure dont need it to settle in your new thread
Norway calls on its citizens of to leave Lebanon.

Hezbollah is on high alert and has evacuated some key sites in eastern and southern Lebanon in anticipation of any escalation, Reuters reports.

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