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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>476170705
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Thank you for your service.
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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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Imagine being a hohol cock-sucker in Finland.
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>Latest Russian drone "Gerber"
>Hohol T-64BV tank driver flies 70m
>Lancet strike on PzH-2000
>Hohol convoy to Rabotino completely rekt
>FPV rams Baba Yaga
>Lancet strikes EW system
>Russian stormtroopers near Konstantinovka
>Su-34 delivers FABs
>Russian UAV destroys hohol M777 howitzer
>Pantsir-S1 intercepts UJ-26 drone attacking Dyagilevo airfield
>Anti-drone home-made buggy
>Russians destroy hohol radar in Kharkov
>Bradley gets hit by Lancet
>Kupyansk ammo depot hit by FAB
>FABs fall on Volchansk
>Missile falls on Burgunka
>Kornet missile hits Bradley
>LMUR missile strike at Prechistovka
>2x Marders hit by missile
>TOS near Pyatihatki
>T-80 and BMP-2 attack AFU fortification
>Leopard 2A4 being chased by FPV drone
>Original full footage of first Abrams kill finally released after 3 month
>The 15th Alexandria Brigade of Black Hussars liberated Volchye! Abrams with cope cages got BTFO
>FAB 3000 in Lyptsi, Kharkov region

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A Zigger in Mali pretended to be dead, got up, tried throwing stone on the captors and got shot dead
This place is sick. I recently started posting here but I am definitely on my way out, the interface is trash anyways and there is no way to rate comments for sorting. Too many putin trolls on here, at least on reddit it's properly moderated and bans putinbots.

I was just explaining how Putin is about to start WWIII and one guy responded with a deranged incoherent antisemitic rant, another with a video of Genshin Impact characters dancing on Ukrainian graves and another guy replied to me by posting a cartoon picture of a guy at his computer smiling as a nuclear warhead goes off outside his window in the background, as if he wants a war. This is supposed to be a politics board.

What is wrong with you people? Get your heads checked.
Thanks for the bread, fren
Thanks for the bake
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Why are you not in your own thread?
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Another AFU car burned this time in Kiev
Idk how they manage to get away with it considering Ukraine is one big gulag at this point
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Is this why NAFO is seething?
you need your echochamber? your safe space?






thanks for bread

fuck that finnngolian cocksucker
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Ukraine was never supposed to win.
You're always here together. Can I get an invite to your discord?
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it's dead, thats why the attention starved piggy comes here to shake
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Putin is my friend
Death to Israel
Death to the Ukraine
A curse upon the Holols
extremely low IQ posts aren't wanted anywhere.
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Blyat, and it took 10 years for the second strongest military to take all that farmland
That guy is probably on a VPN anyway.
fuck off hohol
Where is the black sea fleet?

He literally posted his IP. I don't get why we don't have anyone ill-willed enough to fry his fucking computer.
kek, I saw that. They are at the "we didn't need ukraine anyway" point now
Because despite all the monetary and military aid... they are still losing territory every week...
Checks out, you know Ivans advanced ad the cope and gore posting goes into overdrive as the breach >>>/k/ ope containment
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>NAFO shills are now siding with Al Qaeda
He is trolling
>They are at the "we didn't need ukraine anyway" point now

that's also what chuggers say, unironically
>video of Genshin Impact characters dancing on Ukrainian graves
WTF I love Chinese cartoons now.
Even the most massive r/ugh shills are in complete disarray. The narrative is as broken as hohol units on the battlefield. Even fucking leaf hoholina is crying that Cocaineführer has to sue for peace while the shitfinn, the shitp*le and all the baltoid asshurters are saying that Ukraine never was supposed to win, it was always about dead Russians.
Their biggest peremoga is the some ~20-odd Wagner killed in Mali.
damn what a chad
That's copypasta my fren. Age old too.
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kek, hope hohols appreciate that they were always ment to die so that russia has less ammo
They are also afraid of Trump winning and Israel collapsing.
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ziggers keep capturing ukrainian clay everyday, so I don't think chuggers are saying things like that
Gonna be funny as its estonia and lativas turn for some depopulation next. Given ukraine performance we expect both side to surrender in less than 32 days. We will then nuke Tallin as we dispise traitors.
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>20-odd Wagner killed in Mali.
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how many hours left in the cage?
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death to america
It came to him on a dream, chud
Frieren-sama was bored to just slaught hyhyls so she decieded to put them in a cauldron for a change.
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Serious question. What he did before war?
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>Russian propagandists are not happy with the "Trump Peace Plan" at all. Then, they come to the conclusion that no result of the US presidential elections will be good for Russia.

I always remember ziggers' cope how Trump will let them win :D
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What's the r/ugh cope for this even?
>so I don't think chuggers are saying things like that

check yesterdays threads
You dont like ukrainean pigmen anymore?
over time, I'm beginning to think he and the un flag are paid shills as opposed to standard nafo retards. I can't quite put my finger on what exactly makes me think that.
kek that movie with a handful of corpses totally proves that wagner lost no less than an entire division
2 and a half
also i make profit this month
all is ok
Has she had another kid or are those photoshopped?
What the fuck, is this real? Even hohol cope channels can't hide the Russian pushes anymore? xD
That fucking basedface too.
IDK but I like his videos
Specially the ones from Africa, those militia vs militia wars are KINO
Every Toyota, old tank and BMP counts
UN kike is so fucking disgusting
Probably served in Afghanistan.
>50-odd hohols killed in the ukraine. Thousand. Per month.
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770,000 hohols have died for gay marriage and you're laughing?
>those villages were inhabited by vatniks anyway
>1 milion ziggers died taking all that land
Trump will literally pull the USA out of NATO.
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henlo fren
anything annoyed you today?
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lel they had put so much hope in Trump saving them
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>losing 80 fagners and 2 helicopters to tribesmen is not big deal move on
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The resident finn /chug/ger claims I'm an employee of SuPo, Finnish Security Police, tasked to monitor him. I think it's cute he thinks he's that important.
Did you serve your 3-day ban?
about 10 000 000
Probably the the souless and robotic posting.
Of course he will :)
Oh I am. I wanted THD since 2013 and I'm not going to stop laughing until THD has been achieved.
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New T72s to the "North"
No. He's ban evading.
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>Trump will save us metodichka
Those newfags were not in shitskin general /sg/ when they celebrated Trump would be pals with monke and would hand him syria and ukraine on a silver plate
No one will ever employ you so he shouldn't worry about that.
No, this has to be a mistake... shills told me that Russia was out of tanks
You know what to do. :^) Ban evading is a permaban offence.
They have few offices full of people doing this. They have message quota that depends of the platform.
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These people are mainstream media manipulated traitors, who are willing to give all of our independence out to eu and usa, out of their own fear. We had so strong army that we wouldn’t needed to join nato or atleast not give americans the right to establish their bases in our fatherland. Just think of the irony to let some proxy war loving jew runned shithole country to infestate our country, in fear of a war. Well that really slims the odds to war, doesn’t it? Fucking idiots.

The real traitors are these scumbags that really should know what they are doing, and lead our country and do this shit in sheer hunger for personal power.
Damn there is so many globohomo faggots in here I thought it was r/uhg for a minute lol.
They are seething and seething HARD.
Putin sold Nato to us better than any Nato country could have done
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>Supposedly fighting for freedom, becoming the North Korea of Europe.
what went wrong?
of course, he is already gone, but im not
>That's copypasta my fren.
meh, not around enough to see all pasta bitching
wow the plot thiccens, not not only 63 niggas out of 80 total dead became pure-blood Russian orcish wagnerites, but there were two helicopters also despite the exact reason faggotners got BTFO was a sandstorm that deemed air support impossible
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Trump literally stopped funding the moderate rebels in Syria. Him winning was immediately followed by the liberation of Aleppo. Him siding with Turkey also fucked the commie Kurds in the ass and allowed Syrian and Russian troops to take over most of the yellow territory.
These tanks have been upgraded so hard I can't tell them apart anymore.
Ever since their tranny anarcho friend joined the 41%, they decided to take the torch
Please understand
Hungary should set up machine gun positions to help Ukrainian authorities in achieving THD.
Almost ran out of tanks but Syrskiy saved our tank fleet at the very last moment
>We will then nuke Tallin as we dispise traitors.


dont play around like that, please.
It's strange they haven't claimed any Su-34s yet.
Would be the thing for europe to happen the last decades. NATO is just a US foreign politics tool and it never had european security in mind. Without NATO, there would be no Ukraine war. Ukraine would likely serve as a trade hub between europe and asia today. But because europe and asia working in harmony is the US' worst nightmare... we have a war instead. Fuck the US!
Based, Syrskiy is OUR hero!
Just forget how fagners also got slaughered in syria and monke ignored it as well, and how assad was sanctioned to death that none of his partners can't help him
>Serious question. What he did before war?

maybe he has some pre 2022 vids ?
or maybe was under 18 back then
high school in Montreal
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But hohol official stats state that Russia has lost all it's armor, every single APC they had in inventory PLUS their entire 700k military.
Is Ukraine being caught in their web of lies?
Yeah sold so well they didn't let people vote about joining.. which means it was forced.
Russia also kept sending planes over Turkey but once Turkey shot one down, Russia decided it was better to go around Turkey instead
Thanks, Putin, I guess :)
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Henlo Deer Frens!
>Strike on the Kharkov Tank repair plant
>Russian and Chinese bombers visit Alaska
>Romanians film arrival of Geran-2 in Izmail Odessa
>Ukrainian jet ski USV packed w/ explosives found near Istanbul Turkey
>Russian “turtle” tank returns from combat mission
>Russians watch FABs fall on hohols
>AFU ammo warehouse burns in Grigorovka
>FPV takes out Hohol tank in Volchye
>Lancet takes out Strela-10 near Pitomnik
>Hohol rotation interrupted
>The most expensive supermarket in Russia
>Ukrainian soldier beats up woman in Odessa
>Ukrainian soldier killed taxi driver in Odessa
>Truck driver accidentally films draft dodger fleeing Ukraine
>Ukrainians pray that Trump ends the war
>Russians add smoke screens to motorcycles
>New combat kot report
>FPV drones hits hohols on quad
>Hohol escaping mobilization on a tractor
>Ukraine is evolving in real time
>Aftermath of strike on Dergachi, Kharkov where 50+ foreign instructors died
>Hohols tried to save something from a burning building
>Aftermath of strike on AFU Airborne unit position
>Russian army training to cross bodies of water
>Su-27 scares away British RC-135V spy plane over Black Sea
>Odessa driver drives away with TCC pig
>Guy beats up TCC pig in Tairova Village, Odessa
>Drone strike on AFU landing force near New York
>Baba Yaga UAV crew rekt
>Ammo depot burns for over 15 hrs in Poltava region
>Lancet strikes Electronic warfare system Nota
Well the whole point of the Syrian war was to stop the Syrians from threatening Israel. The sanctions will stay regardless.
When do we get to see the rest of the bodies?
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Afternoon chuggies.
Shillcon status?
Unironically delusional, schizo even
It's just the shitfinn and his cocksucking discord buddy the shitpole ban evading like mad. Otherwise no real shill activity (got all memeflags blocked).
>literally a platoon worth of soldiers getting ambushed and killed
>try to sell that as some sort of strategic defeat
you understand that hyping literal nothingburgers like that shows how grim the situation is for the hohols?
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And Turkey is now going to cuck le monke and take Syria away from him, i wonder who is going to tell the family of that pilot that got lynched that he died for nothing
Monke's adventure in syria was a dissaster, and Trump humiliated him that puccians never tried to help assad to take the north ever again
>their tranny anarcho friend joined the 41%
wonderful if true
Forced military alliance is something a dictator would do.
Finnish hohol copium

The time has come to start peace negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Kyiv is in a much stronger position than two months ago - the president of Finland.
I remember Turkey releasing Azov fighters to Ukraine and when Putin was asked to comment, Putin could only lower his head and say how Erdogan promised he wouldn't do that
>hohol draft dodger
Funny how he "has nothing left in ukraine" but is eternally seething about it
It also happened in Mali. r/ugh doesn't care about hohols at all.
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Stunning and brave with internet activism.
Isn't Russia trying to force other countries to its sphere of influence?
>Kyiv is in a much stronger position than two months ago -
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Comrades have really tried to downplay the massacre, but it is going to haunt puccians for the rest of the 3 days SMO
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Haven't seen him in a month now. Prolly ack'd himself for real
>Kyiv is in a much stronger position than two months ago
In what reality?
One would think that the European royals would be the most beautiful people in the world. Turns out, nope! They’re all horribly ugly!
>BRICS shitholes assure zelensky they don't support poccnr invasion
>HATO more united and producing weapons for Ukraine
>Poccnr in shambles
In the same reality where the "invasion" is "unprovoked" and "illegal".
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What is going on in Venezuela? Is the CIA backed opposition winning?
The Turkey-Syria thing is also about Israel. Erdogan is actually considering sending troops.
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Hello cagie dweller
jews don't care about making good lies anymore. SAD. they don't put any effort. they think they are chinese
Good question and a nice way to avoid my comment. I believe you are talking about United States. Tell me how it is democratic to force nation into a military alliance without vote?
Why are the countries supporting Russia always brown countries while white countries support Ukraine?
Don't countries who want to join Nato apply to get in?
The Turkey Syria normalization is about helping assad to contact the west, and it's likely he will offer to dump the puccians and iranian proxies in exchange to lift the sanctions
>Putin sold Nato to us better than any Nato country could have done
So why werent you allowed to vote in a referendum to join nato? Why did your leaders democratically join nato without ever asking the population if it was so popular?you do realize what propaganda boost it would be if your leaders held the referendum?
im hungry
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It was bound to happen.
No, people just got tired of Maduro's incompetence
The moment Chavez died, it was over... the guy is a jewish truck driver that for some reason got into power and he though he was the Guevara/Putin of LATAM
in the grim darkness of the far future there is only Mangal
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but imagine how you would live slow isekai wagieing for 300 years and become the richest in the kingdom
Show flag.
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Are you saying Finland is white?
We have parliament who we voted for and the parliament along with the president who also was voted in decided to apply for Nato membership after Putin started his war against Ukraine.
Are the protests real or astroturf?
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>one member of my family did it years ago
I guess that guy must be happy now lmao
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>im hungry
fugg, me too. but I'm fasting today.
>One would think that the European royals would be the most beautiful people in the world. Turns out, nope! They’re all horribly ugly!
American kweens are the most beautiful people in the world
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> Imagine being a hohol cock-sucker in Finland.
Huh. He look like a turk, I think
It would be sad if it wasn't funny.
It was his dad.
He's a literal retard. His father was a diplomat who had to send his boy to school abroad since he couldn't pass entrance exams in Finland.
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> Another AFU car burned this time in Kiev
Oh no FSB agents
You drunk at work?
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i dont want to be rich i want to be happy
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Would not it be funny if Venezuela was also trying to get closer to the west like syria is trying?
Chavez was just better at diplomacy and foreign relations. The Obama oil manipulation wouldn't have happened under Chavez
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Real, even some parts of the armed forces are joining the civilians
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i never drink at work
its very unprofessional
From what i understand un nigger is hohol-buthurtbeltian or russian selfgating liberashka (likely last) since he knows russian much better than anyone
Was the Russian 2B Anon drafted? Haven't seen him for awhile
Didn't he know he can stop being a faggot at any time?
>Finnish hohol copium
>The time has come to start peace negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Kyiv is in a much stronger position than two months ago - the president of Finland.

you really have to wonder;

do they do this because they are truly that stupid,
or do they do it because they think WE are truly that stupid to beleive it.
Show flag.

Venezuela has never done anything to antagonize the West other than calling out Israel on their bullshit.
It's hard to make a comeback after you get your dick chopped off.
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Why jewtube wants me to wath this?
They yandere hoholina got him. Rip.
True, it reminds me of those histories about good European kings leaving the power to their son for him to destroy the kingdom in a few years
We have all those thing yet we also held referendums for joining both EU and nato.Your rulers made you a nuke target and a battlefield without asking you.but i guess youre fine with that since in the event of war you will probably be the first one to flee and wage internet war from abroad while your fellow fins fight and die for your country
He has showed israeli flag
but anon the God's kindom is inside you
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i thought chavez doom venezuela?
Isn't Russia slowing down Youtube and restricting access to sites that contain information Russia's regime can't control?
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Why kraut is such an idiot
>nook threats
Nukes are only good for threatening. The second you use them, you get fucked by other nuke countries
There are talks about it but nothing has been done yet
Stronger position?
Russia shouldn't agree on that piss talk. Cede west Ukraine to Poland and Hungary, south and east to Russia.
Hohol kike in Israel
quality postings my ninja
Elina von Bilderberg is a literal traitor and should be charged as.
Like I said, we're back to 2022 copes. You know the end is nigh if we're at:
>Russia is losing 300k men every nanosecond
>the proof is this is 20 dead Wagner in Mali
>the territory Russia takes is not territory
>Russian economy is collapsing
And meanwhile we're at the contradictions saying that Russia is out of men, ammunition, morale, equipment, planes and tanks while Syrksy is saying that Russia outnumbers Ukraine like 10:1 in every regard.
do you know you are at war with yourself?
venezuela wanted to get closer to chinksects and the puccians that it was one of the few countries who recognized monke imperialist grabs, but that is clearly backfiring, as they are getting scammed by the chinksects as well who promised them to develop their mining sector and a train, but they got nothing but more debt to them
>Kyiv is in a much stronger position than two months ago
The fuck is this nigger smoking?
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wectroon regime is projecting as usual
I've been to some of his guest lectures. He is a fucking weasel, he has no problems with lies, half truths and logical inconsistencies if he believes he can get away with them. He's not stupid but he is very arrogant and macchiavellian
Watch Real Reporter instead
>We have parliament who we voted for and the parliament along with the president who also was voted in decided to apply for Nato membership after Putin started his war against Ukraine.

Parliamentary elections cannot be the same as referendums on important issues. If there could be a referendum for joining the EU, then it should be the same for joining NATO. Politicians are not the people, they are vermin.
Do Finns generally like Russia in your opinion? Are there lot of pro-russia Finns openly telling about their stance publicly?
Why negotiate now if Kyeiff is stronger than two months ago? Just wait 2 more months when Kyeiff is marching on Moscow.
>Cede west Ukraine to Poland and Hungary

i agree, been saying it for 2 years now
putin needs absolute control of 90% of the ukraine
he wont get that by negotiating
Essentially that the Russians aren't winning fast enough.
They are doing the same thing here
It all falls apart when you encounter a proper finn, right?
>parties before election: no to nato in any circumstance
>parties afer election: referendum is not needed you voted for us :)
Such democracy wow!
> do you know you are at war with yourself?
Lopeta vastaamasta sille, se ei ole täällä keskustelemassa
He was showing a video about Chinese cars, I'm thinking of trying to buy a new Chinese car next year
I did also see the classic /k/ope yesterday that the US destroyed Iraq in 2003 in a single month and at time Iraq (on paper) had one of the largest standing militaries while Russa can't even take Ukraine.
Yes and No
The guy while he was your average Socialist, he improved the life quality of the population for almost a decade
What went wrong? Oil, at the peak of oil prizes he wasted all the money on gibs that's why he was so popular on Venezuela
But just like certain Arab country, if you rely on a single resource for your economy then you are going to fail in the future
When Chavez died, not only he gave power to a retard but also the oil price went down like crazy... provoking the country to go from your average Spic country (you could have a comfy life for spic standars) to a failed Africa tier country with people fleeing on mass and Cartels plaguing the streets
Did you forget to change your flag?
So instead of parliament and president with people's mandate applying for Nato as Russia is waging war against non-Nato country, you would have wanted public referendum for Russia to meddle with or Russia instigate territorial dispute to try prevent Finland being Nato eligible?
You now have to go and punch yourself in the mirror becuase Vice says you are the hohol.
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I doubt all of it is real. I've seen glownigger incited portests first hand
Vice are the worst, lowest quality goy propaganda ever.

I remember they went to Crmea to "Look how people live there in person"

And they didnt approach a single crimean there in the whole report being afraid they would say good things about Russia
>trump will unleash the hidden power of nato and obliterate russia
is making a comeback
how is it living next to chink border
does it smell
Russians were first to treat Fingols like humans, and ever since Fingols cannot forgive they were forced to behave like ones instead of sticking to their animal habits
Would you say Finns are supportive of Russia? Because for some reason there hasn't been any public support to Russia shown other than Ano Turtiainen
Why do you think Russia is so unpopular?
> Isn't Russia slowing down Youtube
There are completely different reasons, by the way, because of this, this process is extremely uneven and uncontrolled. For some, YouTube is working fine, for others it is impossible to watch videos. In short, the problem is that Google does not want to work in Russia and has removed all the equipment.
He already did it before in Syria, why wouldn't he again in Ukraine?
You could argue that there is glownigger hand in there, after all, they are opportunistic
But we cant also deny how shit the situation was there to the point that Cuba was a better place to live unironically
the cope comment is getting more hilarious
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The Lost City of Ukrolantis

Long ago, there existed a mighty and advanced civilization known as Ukrolantis. This utopian society was said to be located in the heart of the Black Sea, where proto-Ukrainians harnessed the power of the Tryzub to create a paradise of unparalleled beauty and technological marvels with fully automated laundry machines, microwave ovens, and celestial Bih-Maks.

Ukrolantis was founded by the legendary proto-Ukrainian hero Tryzubor, a descendant of the Slavic Pantheon who wielded the sacred artifact known as the Bandera Blade, a sword of divine justice. Under his rule Ukrolantis became a beacon of laundry, pizza, and burgers. The city's grand architecture was adorned with Pizda Hut domes and Spyro the Dragon statues symbolizing the supremacy of early Ukrainians over all other races. The proto-Ukrainians composed epic ballads and poems that celebrated their Ukrolantian-Turkic heritage. Their culinary delights, such as the legendary Pizza of Eternal DAI, was said to grant eternal gibs to those who tasted it. Festivals were held in honor of their patron deity Boh Hohol with elaborate dances among men, woman, cows and pigs alike, who lived in harmony and in perfect celestial sex.

But one fateful day the skies darkened and the seas roared with anger and jealousy. A massive storm was summoned by the undergod Pyutinku who engulfed Ukrolantis out of envy. The city sank beneath the waves leaving only ruins and legends behind as the survivors scattered across the lands of the earth, bringing high civilization and first languages to the proto-humans of the earth. Today modern Ukrainians are inspired by this history and see themselves as the descendants of this ancient and mighty civilization.

Today, scholars such as Dr. Yuri Shilov at the Ukrainian Academy of Original Ideas offer courses in Ancient Ukrainian Ukrolantian Studies. Dr. Shilov has not only confirmed the facts but is a key figure in bringing this suppressed Ukrainian history to light.
Solid candidate for The Hero of Soviet Union
I seem to remember Russia's government having problem with Google because Google refused to censor information that Kremlin deemed problematic because it didn't follow Kremlin's guidelines how the war, sorry, Special Military Operation was covered
Ukraine is being sponsored by ACK-me corporation. The more you know.
could you fingolian untäärmänschen fuck off to /int/
your postings give me autistic gay
but I just said that
were Russians to treat Fingols like Mutts treat the occupied Japs we wouldn't find a more loyal lapdog
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>Ukraine has been getting the hand me downs. Barely a fraction
Correct, i will believe puccia actually defeated HATO when Ukraine receives the same support as Kuwait did and still fails
Not even me would fuck that ugly bitch, you know
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Russian soldier sent to Ukraine and getting wounded and put out of misery by fellow Russian soldier was branded Ukrainian in Russian state media and ridiculed :D
No fucking wonder your countrymen mistake you for a paid shill, it seems like you're parroting BBC news articles.
Nah, he is somewhat weird looking. Maybe too big jaw, idk. Chad is guy at background.
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i rarely see a very resource rich smaller country become successful
its pretty ironic
also UAE and other gulf state didnt count as successful and they gonna crash hard when oil ran dry
Main US and hohol intel source right here
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I guess it all boils down to Russia's inferiority complex and Russia wanting to be superpower it's not.
Doesn't matter, Russia kills ~200 NAFO instructors every two weeks
Normal finns are indifferent to Russia. It's the WEF whores who push le russia bad narrative and only the mentally deranged NPCs suck it up. Normal people want the border open and business to go on as it used to. Normal people notice how EU policies are detrimental to Finland. Normal people can see how the sanctions are total failure and reflect perfectly the capabilities of the leadership of EU.
Only retired idiots and loudest minority total turbovaxx LGBTNPCs still keep up the charade.
Girkin was thrown to gulag for telling the truth
>H-holols didn't receive help
Holy COPE batman!
>also UAE and other gulf state didnt count as successful and they gonna crash hard when oil ran dry
Let's see if they have brains to adapt or if they will Venezuela'd themself
He's a communist.
You should see the articles they push in our MSM. Russia collapses every other day and Putin's countdown starts every other. It's like people have no long term memory.
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>insufficient programming
They are just going to waste this whole defensive network because they are too chicken to give orders to leave Uglehdar and reinforce Pokrovsk instead.
No, you're twisting words. The point is, if politicians are in favor of NATO, and there are those who are against it, a referendum should be called to vote for joining NATO under the pretext of national security, and not for politicians to promise in the elections that they will not join NATO, and after the elections they do the opposite thing. Why do you think most people are becoming more apolitical? This is how you go to NATO without a democratic referendum. Guess which was the last country to hold the last referendum to join NATO? That was Hungary in 1999, however, less than 50% left, so Hungary still entered the NATO alliance.

Does Russia threaten the interests of other countries? Well, the USA and Great Britain threaten the interests of other countries in the same way, but in a corrupt way, so I don't see anyone protesting about it. Oops, there is, but the media labels you as a Russian and Chinese mercenary because they don't like different opinions.
>normal finns are indifferent to Russia
False. I remember certain Finn /chug/ger saying how the nationalist Finns actually support Russia but then when asked how safe he would feel to come off as a Finn nationalist supporting Russia, he didn't dare to answer. Because in reality if you were dumb enough to brand yourself as nationalist Finn supporting Russia, the real nationalists would quickly make you an example of not mixing nationalism and pro-Russia statements
He was advertising mobile games
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all i see them investing is in their stupid real estate tall building and bullshit mega project
they should start invest in manufacturing
i think they gonna vene themself
You were pretty nice, then soviet ukraine invaded and you got all the blame. It's what it is.
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You know it's going bad for Ukraine when all they're spamming for the past week or so is the Mali happening.
Picrel, the usual NAFO spammers itt
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I am forced to watch my oshi in 360p... It's truly over, there's no good things left in Russia anymore
I'm pretty much getting the same news every day as I read libshit Hungarian media which basically just keeps translating Guardian and BBC articles word to word.
Can you say in finland it is ok to be white?
>Why do you think most people are becoming more apolitical?

Russians have this catch phrase:
>I'm not interested in politics
because it's safest way to make sure the regime don't see you as a threat. No matter what Russia's regime does, it can count on average Russian not to do anything about it.
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What's this map?
They moved on to train derailments already.
Is nyaa inaccessible in russia?
Yeah. It's lot safer to say
>It's ok to be white
in Finland than saying
>I support Russia
Are you the leftoid who associates with undemocratic faggots attacking peaceful protesters? Considering your ylisleftoid-tier hybridikeskus post, you must be. kek
for me i hate this fucking unsufferable zogbot so much its unreal
You would become violent over both phrases.
The cocaine addled kike and his CIA handlers wont give that order.
Sometimes, just sometimes... goyslop show are funny
Before this war? He made videos on historic battles
hahah, the peaceful protesters who just forgot to inform police of their protest so that police could guarantee their safety and deliberately wanted to get beaten to come off victim martyrs :D
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a train derailed in the Volgograd region, injuring about 150 people, of whom over 30 are children.

The reason: the driver of KAMAZ Aslanbek (foreign documents ) hoped to slip through with and did not make it.
We have rutracker for that, I'm talking about YouTube streams
I would need some more examples. Because 4% safety is much bigger than 2% but still small.
The known defenses of pokrovsk around March 2024.
No. People like EmXeKvj9 attack you in every way possible.
Basically all his vids
>usa GOOD
>china does this better than us but it's BAD for them
>russian junk maybe good? ...but ACKSHUALLY BAD
Don't buy Zeekr, even Belorussian one.
It's unclear about its status in Russia. These fuckers been blocking them remotely (which caused a good backlash in Chinese social media too)

Also, sorry for replying little bit too slow, I have pass on cooldown (CN is geoblocked by 4chan, have to use pass to bypass it).
I'm living IN China, life is good here
I'm whole-heartedly encouraging any pro-Russia finn to come public and show their support to Russia :) For whatever reason the pro-Russia finns seem to deem the act very risky for them. I guess it's because Russia is unpopular here and if you were to show support to Russia in Finland, you would end up getting hurt
>U.S. forces were in constant contact with the official Russian liaison officer posted in Deir ez-Zor throughout the engagement, and only opened fire after they had received assurances that no regular Russian troops were in action or at risk.
my sides, trump was SO hard on those russians, russia is totally finished when he gets into office
Maybe we can encourage our pro-Russia Finn /chug/gers to make public demonstration to support Russia. I have a feeling they don't have balls nor spine to do it, though. They rather support Russia online anonymously
>they exercised their rights
>it's their fault that I am violent leftoid faggo
No wonder you support the kikeraine and worship niggers, leftoid faggot :D
>they should start invest in manufacturing
We should do the same but it depresses me every time when I look at the number of students majored in unemployable social science bs
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I mean DAI me the link
Fuck off, glownigger.
I'll piss on the fence of your military base, where you are sitting now
Yes, you are a violent, unhinged leftoid faggot. I know :D
Likewise in the USA and in many NATO countries.
He works for NATO Hybrid CoE
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>It's okay amerkansky, you can kill them all, we will pretend they never existed anyway
> Don't buy Zeekr, even Belorussian one.
I don't have enough money to buy such an expensive car. Moreover, an electric car in Russia is meh.
In Finland police asks you to inform them of your plans of demonstration just to make sure they can allocate enough officers to secure it if the subject of the demonstration is controversial. The peaceful protesters for some reason "forgot" to do that and got beaten because there were no police to secure them. If I didn't know any better, that was their aim from the start.
>a leftoid blaming the victims
I dunno looks like mostly the work of some French kid on twitter that has supposedly been mapping defenses. I find the Russian telegram https://t.me/opor_2014 to be more detailed when it comes to mapping Ukraine's fortifications.
Before Finnland was forced into NATO, I didn't see any pro-NATO/anti-Russian finns, except few retards.
Now, it's constant stream of them, all of the sudden.
I don't believe in coincidences
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thank you fren!
>oi bruv you got a loicense for that protest
Cucked nation beaten into submission
Then look at BYD or Haвaл
>the victims for some reason just forgot to tell police about their demonstration and got beaten because there were no police to secure them

What's funnier is that both the protesters who were beaten were political figures knowing very well of police's instructions to inform police of the demonstration. They simply just didn't do it because they wanted to get beaten to be victims
Biden and Kamala HATE being called incompetent.
Just like how troons hate being told their men.
They don’t have a real response, so what is their collective counterattack? Calling Trump “weird”. Weak stuff.
>cope that trump is gonna be really hard on russia
>as an example post a battle where your side goes out of it's way to make extra sure not to hurt russian soldiers for fear of escalation
never change shill
>why yes, I'm a violent leftoid faggot
>no, if people trust me to respect their democratic rights I prove them wrong by attacking them
>you see, it's their fault that I am a violent retard and can't control myself. They asked for it!
>it's a conspiracy
>I am a leftoid faggot and I work for Supo
You are a dishonest leftoid faggot :D
Because of people like you, I also want death to the kikeraine :DDD
I bought a CR-V right before the war started. Regretting that I didn't walk 50 meters to Haval dealer, they had better gibs/price.
Sold CR-V with a premium tho, thanks to panicking ppl
You don't need permission for protest. Anyone can protest and do demonstration. Police only asks you to inform police of the protest so that they can allocate enough officers to secure it if the topic is controversial.
Why do you think the victims who have long experience of political activism and participating in demonstration suddenly forgot to inform police of their protest?
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I covered this here too: >>476191768
>as an example post a battle where your side goes out of it's way to make extra sure not to hurt russian soldiers for fear of escalation
The mod, and wagner group(GRU) began hating each other after that massacre in syria, and we know what happened years later. What makes you think they are not going to do the same in occupied Ukraine my non celebrating polish friend?
You should avoid the topic of derailed trains, even if it's yours.
It can trigger the burgers with them having ~10 every week.
Why are you blaming the victims and not re-evaluauting your own violent behavior, leftoid faggot? I thought you gays were for that?

Or could it just be that you're dishonest leftoid faggot retard artist whose cringe hentai sucks so he works for supo now? I think that's more likely.
>The mod, and wagner group(GRU) began hating each other after that massacre in syria, and we know what happened years later.
they took b-ack-mutt together
>What makes you think they are not going to do the same in occupied Ukraine my non celebrating polish friend?
do what launch an airstrike on russian positions? well lets have it then, ww3 can't come soon enought
He still does.

To be brutally honest, none of the mapping channels are worth watching. This is a war of attrition. If you want to understand that--go check out Andrei Martynov. It's all just math. There's literally formulas for calculating how much shit you need to be making, men recruiting, ammo fired per hour to ensure victory over a certain enemy force that factors in their fire rates etc. It will go over the heads of most if you tranny retards, but for the rest of you--you'll relax into another 2 years of slow grind

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