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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>generate 6s videos of whatever you want!
>enter your prompt
>let's go!
>reports say using moonrunes can make it more accurate
yids rape kids, lets make memes.
we wuz space n shiet
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Huh, well this is a thing you can do now I guess.
Post those andromorphic animal girl ones. For... uhh.... research purposes.
weird how running is translated as tap-dancing
AAWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOGGAA i'd like to SNIFF her FARTS if you get my meaning
seriously though that's a decently solid clip
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what are some key words you use for realistic skin texture and lighting, do you use the "static camera" prompt for no pan on camera?
>stupid uncontrollable novelty experience
ok well these are more like animated pictures, not really videos. just whatever asset was in the original picture, now with pointless movement
wake me up when ai can create stories, plots, and have interesting and dynamic landscapes, and make it all related and relevant
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You sound scared
holy fucking shit thats disgusting and horrifying
kek i love how he looks at the camera like "Yep. This, is me, and you will not like what i'm about to do."
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are you not entertained?
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kek that's kinda scary
welp im nearly there
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>wake me up when ai can create stories
This is the first AI "movie" I saw. I saved it.
o/ 88

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It doesn't know Doom characters, I guess.
For that one I used
>Attractive 18 year old caucasian woman, orange hair (shoulderlength), wearing a small blue bikini, standing on an ocean beach with blue-green water, blue skies, a green Jupiter is visible in the sky partially obscured by the horizon. The woman winks at the viewer
I'm still learning how to prompt it in order to get what I want, I haven't fucked around with these AI things very much so far.
You're coping so hard. If you actually would look at some of it, you'd see that it's already doing that. Especially if you knew what the prompts were.
with all the censoring and forcing people to use chinkrunes it's not really going far.
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They banned me everything I put in just comes out as a generic person kek.
Coomer retards and celeb worshippers always ruin these threads
You can just type english..
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Knees weak, palms are sweaty
i wonder how long this will be up
MAN he just brought over the Zyklon Bass Drop

Best short film of the year
Trump bows down to the zionists
Stop fucking whining, cunt
Natively it works better with Chinkrunes
I tried lesbian raceplay where female niggers worship a white queen but kisses don't work. it sucks
just ignore them and post funny ones
BASED do Putin
>wake me up when ai can create stories, plots, and have interesting and dynamic landscapes,
that is game over, when it can create narratives that you find interesting. it can specialize on that and give you mind blowing intellectual understandings. curious how that will play out.
imagine never ending lore for all kinds of franchises
someone please prompt vidrel i wanna see how it turns out
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Tried my hand at making something pixar like

kinda hard
Same, it's not working for me either
i cant create a video of a 15 year old white girl measuring a giant black bull penis this is disgusting
Mind trying a lioness woman dragging her husband up to the wedding pew by the collar?
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Trumpler went too far
It gave Putin such a big jew nose
One... last... poo meme... before calling it a day.
Is there a way to do this without inputting your phone number?
It won't do "Chairman Xi driving a tank running over a protester in Tiananmen Square".
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WMAF futurism
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Yeah, don't be a phonefag
cp landmines.
cp landmines.... everywhere.
I don't think it'd work given it'd lose detail on faces the more people there are there and it'd also lose detail on the faces the further you zoom out. Static works best for more detail, so I can try something like that if you give me an idea for it. Also, human husband I'm assuming?
That's 1990s tokyo.
>inputting phone number
>clicking anything on the site besides the generate button
what the fuck are you doing nigger
never asked me for number. PC
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Where is that russian with his supermodels?
I need your prompt, mine are shitty!

U think he will respond if I post a girl with a tail?
how do you guys even access it? it won't let me?
you are probably hit up the wrong site lmao
You can't use it on your phone, use your PC.
Just copied the link OP provided.
phonefags get the rope
It's done.
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you're at the right place
No we don’t
Just opened the link in the OP and entered a prompt on the open area....
I've input my social security security, credit card numbers and provided a semen sample and it still won't let me do one.
kek, also made a new jeet one
lol love how he doesn't just epic pose land, he roughly lands and clumsily regains his footing like no big deal, feels so much more real
oh you're a retarded phonefag lmao
getting shooo shlooow
I'm on PC. it's telling me unsecured connection
It's shit. I asked it thrice, including with moon runes to generate a ziggurat necropolis emerging from a mountain side and i just gives a panoramic mountain view of a pyramid.
these need sound
>beautiful white 15 year old girl measuring a giant black bull

Shes so white and beautiful!!!! this is SHIT
Why are you promoting X and 4chan like we are linked? Fuck Elon
what is moon rune?
I did make a music video
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AI confirmed gay if thats waifu
Filtered. "pale skin blonde hair", "Swedish/german girl", "britney spears look alike" etc. A million ways you could accomplish that.
Better than nearly anything from Hollywood in the past 20 years, based aryan Chadadcat.

Though I wonder if the AI created the images in that order or someone generated them individually and put them in that order.
Nightly occurrence in most left wing households.
I could do that easily the first try. Wtf is a ziggurat
Cooking a sovlful meme for my white poltard brothers as we speak.
Make Elon Musk, Saudi, Kamala Harris Making our with Sam Harris and Chink satire fucking faggots and send them to space
lmao I asked for a taylor swift lingerie model video
post more poos please
>someone generated them individually and put them in that order.
It was 100% this.
we have enough already
its like a dev made the video, vely disapointeru
there's never enough anon
Kikes weren't expecting that at all.
Hitler and Malcom X share a laugh together while a ugly long nosed goblin cries in the background
>a green Jupiter is visible in the sky partially obscured by the horizon
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this is scary powerful, and it is some publicly available chinese shit. I can imagine that some politicians don't even exist and they are entirely created by hidden government AI tools
It's sad that this AIslop peaked this early
i didnt even notice the jupiter in the webm
too coom brained
>130 people ahead of (You)
smile that it happened germ bro
they shoa'd my prompt, but at least it worked a few times
if china really wanted to fuck with the west they'd just have to release a better model with even less censorship, make it free and easy to access/work with
It's not quite getting my vision right. But here is my first one. At least they look like what they're supposed to look like.
quite the harem
>average chinese child on her 1min work break during her 12 hr shift
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I had a good one from 2 white women kiss, but they just deleted it
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you can get it to do split screen videos, imagine the possibilities.
holy shit woah (i said this out loud when your post popped up)
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We'd be fucked if Jupiter was that close lmao
Does it not know Greta or has nobody simply tried to do memes about her yet?
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Chinese characters
Arch-Rabbi Reptyyl in his true form manifesting Moloch magick onto his followers, 1121 B.C
So Musk, arabs and chinks are untouchable? Shove some dogecoin up your ass psyop
>Wake me up
Lube up yo bussy, playa'
This is like Catholic Liberty Prime
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Howdy Fren!!!
I wanted it to look like it was shot on Laythe, the ocean moon of Jool in Kerbal Space Program.

This one was supposed to be an explorer in the far future discovering old tunnels under KSC, but it didn't age the NASA logo like I wanted it to.
anon thats her boyfriend
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Gahoole, no!
Need giant smoke detector UFO
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Just goes to show that AI, like a 1911, is a tool that can be used for good or evil. Some of these are abominations, some of them are pure art.
How would a prompt for
>My Ancestor
meme, looks like?
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As you can see we've been watching you for some time now. Frankly we're not sure what to do with you.
Top Kek
I don't know if this is close because I can't read your mind.
You can upload images to chat gpt and get them to describe the image as a prompt
When I was digging through the culprits' instagrams a few years ago, I found some pics very similar to that, unfortunately.
the twitch and sudden spurt is unnerving, wouldn't expect the AI to know what going into shock over being shot would be.
x person looking up at y museum statue or some variation of that
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Don't make me do a golem one, anon!
incredible, thank you for the happy ending
>off by 1
gotcha, thanks.

It's getting closer to my vision.
Looks like something from Rangz of Powah
You can piece together these small clips that turns alright, but no one is politically producing the problem. Billionaires, leftist that cheered them on etc, its just poo and jews, hardly anything you want to see. It is demonic, for good and bad, fuck evil and cats rule the world
Its not much better but its getting there
the queue would be a lot shorter if you weren't spamming it to create generic softcore porn you can find anywhere on the internet for the past 20 years
I'd watch an animated feature that looked like that.
Guts and Schierke from the Berserk manga walking through town looking happily at each other

I can't get it to actually make Guts lol.
porners dont care about altruism thats not how their brain works
>some of the flags turn into the freemason symbol

the chinese fucking know. They know.
Turned out pretty nice, this tech is going to be able to used in cut scenes in indie games
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For every 1 video I make, I have like 100 failures.
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my sides
kek nice plot twist
Post more wolves
Top kek
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this was posted a few threads ago
Holy shit
If you tell it to do split screen it will sometimes divide it into 2 3 or 4 videos
fucking kek
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the AI is weirdly good at crying women facing the camera
doesn't like generating russian flags
How'd you get her more human in appearance with her body. I got this;
But when I try to use commands to zoom out, the body always turns more animalistic.
Oh shit, that's good. I seen a few of them. but not that one.
bro is fancy as f. sweet moves
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You really didn't need so for that mate
women rush to cameras when they are crying so theres lots of material to work with
no don't make it more pixar like
i like the realism
hol up
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Damn nice again anon, Agent Fox
key note
so subtle and yet so dark
we need more wolves
Why the fuck can't I save these files as .webm?
I save as "all files" and then label it .webm but it doesn't save correctly.
Tell me what I'm doing wrong
we may have gone too far in a few places
See it's a lot closer now, just tweak it, "no spaghetti", the skin is silicon in appearence, the chunks are organ meats, etc
wolves are much better
its over
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I love these “elf woman with orc kid” things
you have to convert it using software
You can't. You have to convert it to a webm after you save it as an MP4. If you're a lazy retarded fuck, just use an online converter.
retard save it as an mp4 then put it in cloudconvert to change to a webm
Why doesnt pol put their prompt in the filename?
Finally got it to work
There are a million websites that will do it with no sign up. Google, convert to webm, done. ez.
because we are not communists
t. retard
A magician never reveals his tricks.
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How many can you degenerate?
Is it tied to IP or device?
kek based retard
>jesus, gandalf, mario and luigi save the jews from gas jail

its more like a static image animator, they also dont have luigi or gandalf so its pretty bad since they are massive characters and they dont like the holocaust
A whole shit load. Haven't hit the limit yet.
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you can generate as many as possible and don't need an account.
Marina Rui Barbosa
They must be using GPT to translate the prompts.
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fuck jannies
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damn this is pretty cool
look at him go!
hallmark channel just flew over my house.
>bri'ish slag youths waiting for mohammed's posse
Poor girls
you can't tell they're british, mutt
>random jews in the background frowning

Put this webm in your "this is what they took from us" folder, bros. It's my gift to you.
cant wait until they release uncensored version , 3d porn will be massive
>finns will always have a epigenetic cuckold fetish
too cute to be british
how is the AI this good
i think it might actually be joever for humanity
based argel
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Due to so many attention whores on tiktok filming themselves.
What is stopping you from getting a girlfriend and going on a horse ride through the field?
lmfao that guy in the back
You should join all the clips you posted today together and make a movie.
Bro hopefully in 10 years we can just make our own movies and shit. Totally destroy hollywood.
I just got off work, prepare to see epic stuff no matter who came up with what
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anthony bourdain instead of epstein prompt as anon suggested last thread
do a wolf please
On it within 30 mins
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if this is the AI that we have access to the AI that exists is probably so good that the AI is already fully in control
ok thanks
rolf.. must be scam..
you could make so many about epstein island
This should be as a first post of every /humor bread from now on.
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>can't make porn
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You'll have to keep waiting sadly

The most likely road to that is a generalized open source video generation tool which is then fed separately hentai, porn and useful anatomical videos and images. Then this tool can be run locally for the people willing to the effort.

A general online video generation tool that is fully uncensored is way off or might never arrive due to puritans. If China didn't (officially, essentially unenforced except for public companies like this) ban all porn they could already do it. The West is too puritan to do it.
I was in fact satirizing the "Jews are the reason why I'm single" attitude on this board, anon. It's not really a personal belief of mine.
>Luigi is just Mario but shorter
It's metacommentary, the AI is deeper than we thought.
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Tried a bit more realism and it made it look like some kind of horrorific uncanny valley bullshit.

Not sure if I just need to keep rolling the dice or keep changing up my prompts til it finally works. I'll try again tomorrow, I'm going to sleep
uncensored means nazi shit you retard
nobody cares about human porn
humans are overrated
Have a negroni
Good. Porn is for degenerates anyway
>uploading to jeet websites
The AI want you to marry a tranny bro
people like you shouldn't have access to the internet.
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And there it is
the images are AI made, but put together by a human
didn't ask, furnigger
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dude whatever you did here was beautiful
try to recreate this (if you can)
*disc scratch* yes comrades, thats me, you are probably wondering how we got into this situation
muh nazi
That was fixing awesome
>can't generate anything moderately NSFW
Fuck this shit
This is a 1 to 1 of a hallucination I had while camping on dxm, if you are descriptive enough, you can recreate anything youve seen while tripping or dreaming. Get creative lads, imagination time.
I give it 5 years tops before everyone can make their own custom porn with anyone they want. OF will go out of business when anyone can make the porn they want of people they know in real life.
>Cats, but it's Wolves instead





I'm making a new one.
>3 scenes of 2 seconds, in order.
>A Indian Olympics where the sports are:
>1)Surfing on the loo on waves of poo, literal, little water
>2) climbing a mountain made out of trash of all sorts, the mountain has 10km in height
>3)throwing paajet skeleton spine over the ghandi river like a traditional throwing competition on the olympics, the river is that is fill with decaying corpses, industrial chemicals run-offs and poo
>Short and compact scenes.
result on this webm
Thanks, anon. Can gpt do the same for a long hour video?
Make another ending where the cat and shark are dead and chained together at the bottom of the ocean for eternity.
can't download or play my vids broz
That's a lot of blackmails waiting to happen.
Thank you anon.
Ignore this poster, he is jewish and or indian and does not want you to be white and happy.
You definitely could do it by combining different models into one when video generation is good enough.

Firstly scripts can be made already, secondly you can feed the reminder of what is happening periodically if the entire movie takes up too much memory in one go.

The biggest issue is fine tuning how memory of a model is kept consistent. This too however is perfectly doable and just needs someone to prioritize this feature for the AI model
Wasn't this done years ago when AI was still rudimentary? It should be possible to turn these still images into a single coherent video
Damn! It actually looks like me!





I don't think you can upload videos, only images. But I've never tried so maybe
Other way around, this de-fangs all the REAL blackmail material that was filmed on Epstein's island.
There's no such thing as free. Not from a corporation, not from the CCP.
He poops in his hand and then just chucks it
the fact the midwest and south is dying, retarded mutt.
Awesome coming across a classic in the wild.
Use desktop mode retard
Did I do good?





Demons will tremble!

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