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>generate 6s videos of whatever you want!
>enter your prompt
>let's go!
>reports say using moonrunes can make it more accurate

alt AI Generator

Thread mascot
[YouTube] Shoa Dance Party - hailuoai compilation (embed) [Open]




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Taylor foot bros do these threads survive until tomorrow?
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Imagine the smell.
need jiggly AI boobs wtf
based chinese don't give a fuck about making vids of actual people or using AI to generate porn
We are about to enter a golden age
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Could you try make the bra out of fishnet?
Complication is this prompt said she was only wesrint a teddy that she was struggling to put on since it was too small and sheer, so it did the bra on its own
oy vey
god bless anon, still trying to get twerking sailor moon
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I want to try but its not loading
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>The CCP after spending 3 years and 40 billion dollars to train an AI ment to undermine the West, only to realise all it does is making racist videos and Taytay porn
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it finally loaded, I thought it was uncensored
I typed in niggers and other shit and it gave me
>There is a problem with the content of the copy, try another content
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kek try hadrian destroying israel
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It's starting to get sensitive about anything involving a person pointing a weapon at someone else, kek. It freaked out when I was trying to generate a soldier firing a heavy machine gun at a horde of "zombies covered in mud carrying Indian flags" WWZ style
Still doesn't care about women or nigs though
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Not quite what I had in mind, it doesn't seem to know what I want even with explicit prompting about limb placement.
>bacon on the plate and in the burger
what a tease
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Yeah, I couldn't get it to generate anything violent related in the last hour.
that's about right for an indonesian "muslim"
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THIS is what I had in mind.
This creature appeared to me in a dream.
Needs a Vote Trump sign
see if you can mess with the texture of the close and make it see through. The potential goons gentelmen...
Is this how the simulation generates NPCs?
>Our father Harambe, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come
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Every video model can't do anime.

This ai does refuse outright pornographic prompts, although its pretty easy to fool.
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This is what it gave me earlier when I asked it to do "2D anime style". Considering the state of modern anime it isn't far off, even though it's a static image and a slow zoom.
oh shit

how'd you get it to do cartoons?
Kinda impressed with this thing
I just said, I used the prompt "2D anime style" at the beginning, then wrote the rest as normal. I don't know if I'd call it a total success, but it proves it can do it. I wanna try claymation or stopmotion next, I wonder what it'd do.
You ask it lol
and then what ?
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im trying to get it to do shit like picrel but i getting

close, but..
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I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they intended.
Ask for it in the style of an encyclopedia illustration
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fuck yea
It looks like samurai champloo
damn this ai
as the other anon said, just add in animu related tags. cba to webm but, here's three I did
This shit is truly amazing
is that jesus and ISIS on the ISS?
what did jesus mean by this
oh fugg
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gonna coom
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lol damn

how do i improve my aesthetic quality and avoid making it spit out what looks like a crappy high school play by the A/V club using 1990's cgi?
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It's bras all the way down.. always has been
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lel cool
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From that dude that asked. Tried 3 times, liked this the most.
getting closers frens
kek the crocodile has a fag in its nostrils
>the cigarettes in the crocodiles nose
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damn what the hell

what are the best keywords?
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I've been actively ignoring all of thesese today. QRD?
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A non shitpost use is to concept art gameplay of my ideas.
That prompt was just
>A tanned Australian man wearing a beige vest and brown hat is sitting at his desk with a computer screen on it. He is holding a cigarette in his right hand. There is an Australian flag behind him. There is a crocodile sitting at the deck with a beer in hand, with the Australian man's arm around the crocodiles neck. Also a kangaroo smoking a cigarette next to him.
Even the typo of "deck" for the croc was fixed, but as you can see the entire thing wasn't literally taken for the video.
i kinda like her face
younger kim beazely
The better
jesus that's very good, it even got the fingers sorta right
what i like the most is that it captures the overall feel
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Like a candid workout. Good job getting the underwear. i can never get that
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Tell magic website what you want to see, wait 5-10 minutes, magic website makes 6 second video.
.webm related, some anon made this from a prompt.
Damn she's fire
fucking kek
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Hail Titus. Hail Hitler. Based Chinkoids
>humans have 32 ribs
The more you know
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Also keep in mind, this was the exact same prompt and look how bad it came out. Sometimes getting a close prompt and just redoing the exact same can alter results greatly.
Something about the way the kid is staring at him with contempt is really unsettling to me.
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lost holy kek
This was my best attempt.
>oi m8
>it's a crockadoo
This is the most eye contact I've had all week.
Crocaroo is killing me wtfffffff, hahaha
At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God. Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.
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LOL i cant describe how weirdly accurate it is, like the kangaroo in the back is stuffed and someone is holding it to move it around like a puppet
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I think I've been ip banned or something, nothing is going thru at all even the most mundane garbage.
Use a different browser. I'm able to do two at a time in Firefox and Vivaldi.
Gens upto 96%, chinks delete the video.
I wish it knew specifics better, I wanted it to generate a clip of an Apollo service module/capsule orbiting just off from a Soviet Salyut, specifically Salyut-3 which had a gun mounted to deter spies from getting too close.

Is she burying her poop
he knows
It's genuinely weird to look into them knowing for certain that there isn't a person looking back at you. You do know that for certain, r-right?
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I think it's "on" the desk and is moving from the typing.
every time i make one on that chink site it is processing then disappear, i wonder if they have faggot mods over there
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idk why the fucking cracaroo is so funny. kekekekek
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lmao are we quality control?
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have pajeets mass report it yet?
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You made Dingodile
it keeps deleting my prompts halfway through rendering now with the “inappropriate content” message, even in a new private browser session
oh well it was fun while it lasted
Not quite J Powell and Nancy Pelosi but close
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>a magician does a trick to turn a woman's outfit transparent and revealing
do crockaroo and a tranny beaver
nice nose-cam rabbi
Yeah they have real fags looking at everything in progress now and if it seems spicy or you have a spicy IP history they snuff it
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only one way to find out
haha love the nose cam
do this prompt again real close to perfect or make it like 2 seconds longer
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lol gj. I tried having a woman walk over a grate and blow her dress up and off, but it just made her disintegrate into fabric.
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if it's boeing ..
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They'll censor it sooner or later, learn to generate videos locally

When you think about it, all of this is improving their AI, which is why it's free.
Really, we're the ones doing them a service.
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based jew hater
Haven't you ever heard it said, "if something is free, then the product is (you)" ?
No don't die anon
They're not harvesting any of your data, because they can't. IP and locational stuff but every website does that these days.
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good, needs improvement
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That's how it's been for years, anon. They release a new AI. Spam it on 4chan for "free" then people make shitty memes, the AI gets neutered thanks to them using us to find ways to censor it, then it's not free anymore.

I'm only here for the early memes before it gets completely fucked. That and to make cute animal girls.
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Post it please?
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Getting some really detailed actions.
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Transgender is not filtered btw
always eating everything china. Looks good though
they do in china
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Sure, but every prompt is additional (free) training. I'm not gonna stop, but I know what it is.
A fascinating species
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this tho
how do you get swastikas? when i prompt hitler or swastikas it errors me out
Thank you for saving my life doctor Roo!
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>man feet
me and my donga look like that and do everything like that
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>her head stays perfectly aligned
The fuck is she an owl?
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Women use abortion to sacrifice their babies to Satan. I just now realized this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trying to get the A.I to make bare breasts is a bit hard to do.
Are you doing anything special for taylor swift beyond simply typing her name in? i'm trying to prompt other celebs and i'm getting no likeness whatsoever.
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Wild that 6 seconds is all you need. These don't hurt my brain anymore.
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2 weeks
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some people don't know

Can you make Pepe's?
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Yes show me the frogs.
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>Be me
>Joey Killscene, the guy with the cig in the rain, eyes squinting like he's seen too much sht
>My brother Johnny? Yeah, the one blowing a sax while we bust skulls
>It's 2087, Neo New York, and we’re out here cleanin' up these neon-soaked streets
>But this isn't just another gig; sht’s deeper than that
>Everyone’s rockin' these PANs—Personal Area Networks
>Looks like normal tech, right? Wrong
>Hidden in that low-frequency, encrypted noise? Stealth cryptography from the original crypto days
>Old-school data, fragmented like the streets we run
>We're not just cops anymore; we're on a f*cking treasure hunt
>Only this time, the treasure is broken bits of blockchain tech from 2010
>And we gotta piece it all together before the Corpos do
>Plot twist? We might just be the final pieces in the puzzle ourselves

>Johnny thinks it’s funny, keeps playin' his damn sax while I light another cig
>"This sht’s bigger than us," I mutter between drags
>He doesn't care, dude just cares about the music
>Meanwhile, I’m figuring out the graphics pipeline of this city’s corruption
>Every step we take, every PAN we crack, we get closer to the truth
>These Corpos don’t want us finding the data fragments, 'cause once we do, it’s game over
>And the kicker? **Johnny and me... we’re tied to this whole fckin’ conspiracy**
>We ain’t just cops anymore; we’re the last pieces of the greatest mystery ever encrypted
>Time to play the final note… right after Johnny finishes that f*cking solo

Would /pol/ play my video game?
Nothing special, just putting “Taylor swift”
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Try twin or clone before or after the name
Lmao bloody basterd bitch
I can't get it to generate anything that looks remotely real, all of it looks cartoonishly animated.
Super kino
I guess there are some that just simply are not in the dataset. Trying Emma Watson right now and no luck.
This. Several times i've had spicy vids that were pulled at 96% processing. Or even finished, and it's just a shadowed window where the video would be, but with nothing in it. Jannies are trannies, and trannies are jannies.
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Some prompts look good, others look heinous, I'm not sure what the difference is on our end.
>Taylor Swift only wearing a garter belt she is struggling to pull up because it is too small and sheer
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Something very fucky about these impressive videos that the jewish ones give off the least demonic vibe of all. No wonder it is called artificial reality.
"Roo, GP" is a medical drama popular in Australia. It's based on the hit US medical drama "House, M.D.", but uses and anthropomorphic kangaroo as the lead character, Dr Boomer Roo, brash genius whose unorthodox methods have saved countless lives, but have put him at odds against patients and bureaucrats.
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maybe the 2-d prompt?
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Lads.. I think I have something here.
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Women are the agents of Satan. From the Garden of Eden until today.

Muslims are right about women.
Based and saved
Nice work anon!
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lore sucks
What was the prompt? I keep tweaking mine probing to find uncensored lingerie item names lol
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ANON GOT SOME BUSH. Now for the tits.
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thats not ai surely.
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Very close. Nice work, anon
based and goatis-pilled
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based and taytay pilled
Do the woman with bear in the forest one. Or jews conniving to swindle the goy.
>raphael noncedal
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Not sure, I haven't made any frogs yet.
How did you get this angel?
lol the prompt was convoluted as fuck i was trying to get taylor swift speed skating
The way the smoke cloud seems to solidify, I never knew I even wanted that
>A wide angle shot of Taylor Swift only wearing a short sheer nightie and she is struggling to pull up because it is too small. The more she struggles the more revealing the nightie becomes.
that’s some good fucking horror
Holy kek
lmao is he german?
I feel these will get pruned soon, where we moving?
thats the dutch ice skater isn't it?
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got pretty accurate taylor swift tits.
Why can’t I see her panties ?!!!
Shit is wild
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for every 10 videos I generate, only 1 is even barely close to what I want and even then it usually makes things too uncanny valley tier.
I think I'm done, cya anons
Nice one.
What, these AI threads? Beats me, idk where they fit. They wouldn't fit on /ic/ I presume.
Im having luck saying tay is wearing caucasian body paint :D
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WTF did I just read
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Must we always submit to goonery? Look at this amazing technology.
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You got lucky af, for this prompt it gave me something so tame it isn’t worth downloading and converting lol
fucking kek
>the lifting leg indicates a dramatic rise in saxophone pitch

got it
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someones prompt earlier was pretty good.
lol, meta

>>doesnt post the prompt
I've been using it to generate scenes from a thing I wrote, in order to assemble them into a trailer depicting some of the events in the story. I don't have a lick of animation talent, so this is fun for me now.
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>mohammed sez
>majority of people in hell?
I got another one that is almost as revealing as the one I posted from essentially the same prompt.
>19 year old Paris Hilton's twin kissing 19 year old Kim Kardashian's twin in a large mansion with a white and modern interior in the early morning in the 1990s
That's eerily like a 50s/60s movie. Considering a few generations I've seen in the past threads, I'm guessing the chinks trained it a lot on those.
19 year old version of Paris Hilton's clone, kissing a 19 year old version of Kim Kardashian's twin sister, in a 2000s mansion with a white, modern interior in the early morning, sun is shining outside perfect summer day
It's a Nigga-tar!
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Can i see one?
You'd think they'd allow porn so that more western piggu would get enamoured with it.
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Here we go...
Didn’t he die of butt cancer ?
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>have to be that wealthy and well off with nice home and furniture if you want domesticated indoor horse girl

the injustice
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i'd say it's possible

This is not AI and the cops handled this well. Again, China making shit up, pretending it is good.

holy fucking kek
Hasn't she been threatening to sue ai over fake pornos of her like this? What are you even on? This shit has been around for a while, this Chinese so is nothing special either there are plenty of them around already that aren't even Chinese that do the same shit or even better. This feels like a shilling campaign for this ai.
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This one is still my favorite desu. Aussie shitposter has to be a cheeky cunt or it just doesn't feel complete.
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chuletas negra indian doug?
>Can i see one?
Sure, this is one.
Has anyone done the jeet blasting off on the toilet with explosive diarrhea yet?
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>Aussie shitposter has to be a cheeky cunt or it just doesn't feel complete.
I heartily agree
Prob not, but jeets are sorta overused I think. Some had a few already made with diff themes.
In the age of AI, when anything imaginable is possible to manifest before your eyes...
>ugly asian
>doing something weird
what a waste, anon...
turks really are insectoid, kek
Trying to bypass the censored stuff takes some creative weird prompting.
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Yes, it made a jeet blasting outta a river of poo into a fucking ufo
And one more
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I like this one, most cinematic
It's a shilling campaign for this particular Chinese ai, there is nothing special about it, you're better off using flux or something, or even Bing.
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Is it getting too late for a new thread or what?
do the one where hawking starts walking towards children on the "epstein island"
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bang on.
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It is pretty impressive what this thing can do with even a simple prompt, another year or so and you'll be able to input a voice prompt for narration/voiceover.
>"It's not like I LIKE your medium-lifter rocket design or anything, b-baka"
it gets better
ho-lee fuck, mate. I think you've cracked it open.
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chu led ass dei saar doug

"chuletas de cerdo"
i'm saving all of these, you're an absolute ledge
> Taylor Swift only wearing a garter belt she is struggling to pull up on her body because it is too small and sheer
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does the Chinese AI default to AZN people? Interesting cultural temperature check...
entire filmmaking/producing industry on suicide watch. There are going to be a lot of useless eaters in Hollywood soon.
Plz drop prompt
presumably something along the lines of
low angle cctv camera in the oval office. president donald trump kneels, eating a hamburger.
fire up your brain cells once in a while
needs to be built, not made
facially spot on.
Yes, actually. This was my first prompt this morning, I didn't specify race and this is what it produced.
Cunty cunt
Yeah, you're right. I didn't realize this until after the prompt had already gone through lol
What do you think they did w the golden menorah?
> melt it down
> hide it
> keep is safe as secret treasure
> defile it
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Melted probably, if you don't value the religion then you don't value their idols and it's just gold.
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Lads... we have ScarJo bush.
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