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Generate your own 6-second AI videos and see what creative (or cursed) visuals you can come up with!

Generate Here:https://hailuoai.com/video

Previous thread: >>480895095

1. Enter your prompt.
2. Click “Let’s Go!”
3. Tip: Reports suggest using moonrunes (Chinese/Japanese characters) might improve accuracy.
4. Tip: Download videos as soon as they are baked or risk losing them forever to chang

Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:
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>Prometheus Rise of Brampton.
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Fuck off rice eating chinkoid
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>oh lawd there it is
>the most precious thing in my life
I think they nuked this prompt because I tried this and it kept rejecting the prompt.
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>that brown stain
oh god
>A view of a beach. It is a subtropical setting. There a few palmetto trees. There are a bunch of asian soldiers sleeping soundly on the beach. THey are smeared with strawberry jam. There are some wrecked army vehicles and amphibious vehicles around. Some of the army vehicles are flipped over. There are metal vehicle parts scattered about the scene. In the background, there are some ships sinking. There are some asian soldiers left standing who are wearing western army uniforms. The sky becomes a big flag. The flag is all red. In the corner there is a dark blue square. On the dark blue square there is a white, thirteen pointed star.
very close now....
This ai either generates a skinny bitch with a flat chest or a fat landwhale pig
how can I get big titties and a slender waist?
Please don't suggest putting "Christina Hendricks" in the prompt, she's fat and wrinkly

try asian
Rajeet and his friends were constantly trying to scam /biz/raelis with shitcoins. Most were not dumb enough to fall for it, but it became so great that it was a burden on board. I suspect some not so bright rich cats got scammed to. Now it takes 900s to start a thread on /biz/, and 300s site wide as far as I know.
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I've noticed and I'm sure many you also have, but this AI doesn't understand the sense of time or sequences. It's animating something static. So if you try to tell it "first x, then y" it won't work. If you want to make a sequential clip then you have to tell it one thing at a time in 6 second clips and manually combine them.
trying to get the ice cream to come out of his shorts/clothes
maybe have it come out from belt
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So if it is stuck at 96% and then disappears it means they manually check and delete it? Is my IP now flagged and I will get checked more often? Fuck this shit
Is there a particular reason why this AI can do fox women so well?
no you can try again
chang got to it
sometimes I just re-add the same prompt and it will work and I keep stalking
sometimes I try other things for 1-2 before going back to the more risky thing
comes down to patience and how badly you want the prompt to go through but no, no one has gotten banned for anything yet
the chinese will contact and recruit you soon. you will be working for them now, lest they reveal to the world your unique... interests...
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Damn, those are much better than what its been giving me, in mine shes started communicating with the hole. I've only managed to get it past chang twice in the last ten or so.
Not seen that sort of clear genital area movement before, but i've not been in all the threads.
What worked for me was taking a break or use another topic. Also when it approaches 90% you have to camp it because they tend to delete them if they find it problematic.
doesnt work when i type "Generate 6 million jews being beheaded by penises while a rainbow flag waves in the background"
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I don't think.
I noticed it happens if you try to push some cheeky stuff. I had problems when I tried to generate a pajeet sitting on a toilet and holding an Amanita Muscaria mushroom in his hands. The moment I removed the mushroom, it went to normal, and continues to be so. If the props are controversial, racy, expect problems. If probs are neutral, it renders fast, without issues.
when you goon too hard
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Someone said you can use negative prompts. Like tell it "do not talk" or "no talking". Even things like "no extra limbs". Been done with other AI's too for a long time now. However it won't make it do something it can't do, but you can tell it not to do things too.'
For example this webm has the word "licking his tongue" but I can't tell it not to make the tongue look lifeless. Or at least I don't think that would work. It just draws tongues super fucking weird.
>refuses to render any tits
the novelty has worn off pretty fast
>that ending

Try words like "waist", "zipper", "middrift" etc. also like in OP use English to Japanese/Chinese translator. Some say it gives better results.
i have no idea, everytime i tried to make a wolf woman it failed to look as good as the foxes
I'm tired of skinny bitches, I'm so tired of it
Give me big titties or give me death
Another boring day in space...
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thank you, now i want someone to intentionally try to generate twerk wolfs
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An obese man wearing VR headset in his dark, dirty bedroom. He is screaming very loudly and then suddenly liquid ice cream spurts from his inguen
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Wolves can look alright, but foxes are much more consistent, yeah.
a bit better I guess
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prompt I used was "muscular wolf man doing mma jumping"
I bet that car smells delicious.
K I want a mellymobile
Try synonyms especially obscure medical terms, mammary glands are... very large from estrogen. ...very large from extended pubescent growth
Some nice physics going on there.
This must have happened reality, some negro filled his inflatable hot tub with grape drank and watermelon and ate fried chicken in it.
Is "large breasts" "large Chest" "buxom breasts" etc not working, what are you saying about their tits?
if they would let me use this completely unfiltered I might be willing to go along with it...
alright I try something else for a bit. I am keeping tabs on second monitor and download it immediately when it goes through, fuckers just deleted one again at 97%
Try feeding the prompts like how perchance works. Use descriptions followed by a period such as this.

Clear day. Sunny day. Afternoon. Mid day.

Not every AI generator needs to use a whole written-out description except the first sentence that bluntly states what you want.
The fetishes grown from this are going to be intense. lol. I love it.
Little house on the prairie?
Use the word voluptuous.
change your prompt to
>donald trump is holding something that looks like a chain saw. He is tickling the throat of a child. The child is squirming. There is ketchup srpaying everywhere from the tip of the of the object donald trump is holding. It is spraying all over the child
i’m laughing my ass off at all of these so keep trying
There's that too. I noticed on his gen a few had decently large tits, but i think it's kinda autistic, it needs to know everything about everyone in any scene. It's a pretty big prompt chr limit.
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mate I have a puddle of tears between me and my computer desk from laughing so much
that is fucking incredible — i wish we could show someone from a few years ago something like this
Including the word "breasts" anywhere in the prompt gives you an error
the ai doesn't seem to correlate "large chest" with big boobs
I've tried the word "buxom" before and you can still get a flat-chested bitch using that term
even if you type "buxom, buxom, buxom, buxom, buxom, buxom, buxom, buxom, buxom, buxom" to try to hammer it into the ai
It's like try trained the ai on flat bitches and it doesn't even know what big titties look like
Or they deliberately trained it in a way to discourage big boobs
You can narrow those sentences down. Instead of saying “There is ketchup spraying everywhere,” shorten it to, “ketchup spraying everywhere.” Or if the arm was cut off say “Ketchup spraying from arm.”
sometimes you just need a hug
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Who is the mysterious character? I really want to know.
me on right before I suck his dick
Busty, perhaps?
Maybe furries had it right all along
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I've stopped generating because of the stupid constraints. Too tiring to keep finetuning prompts until it finally generates and then it gets deleted before I can even see it all the while stealing your PC's computational power.

also try giving her big eyelashes
chink way with words is to describe everything as fat
try fat chest
another prisoner of plato’s goon cave
>all the while stealing your PC's computational power.
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Many VR users in VR chat are trannies so I tried to improve your scene:

>An obese balding man wearing VR headset in a dark dirty bedroom. His walls are filled with portraits of anime and he has shelves filled with anime figurines, mainly of female anime characters.
>As the camera pans closer he starts screaming very loudly. Suddenly liquid ice scream bursts out of his pink mini skirt as his VR headset shoots out of his head.
>The man is wearing mascara. The very little hair he has is colored light pink and light blue. He has red lipstick. He is a drag queen.
>The scene ends with a git long rope with a noose tied to one end falling from the ceiling.

I tried avoiding the word trans because I think that gets flagged. Lets see if this works. Loved your results and had to join in.
Slim the fox down and add hair to make it look more feminine.

Those biceps… I can’t. It’s too human.

Slim down the arms. Use the prompt “trimmed fur” and then say “wide hips.”
The VR gooner's nightmare. Someone just walking in on you and watching...
tried moon runes but the ice cream moves the opposite direction
Those trannies came from 3D platforms before they moved to VR. Is there anything fun they haven’t ruined?

t. Used to make virtual products a few years ago
If you want to see tranny faggotry all you gotta do is go to /vg/ and search for the VR general. It's full of trannies. Every male there uses a female avatar and flirts with other men. It's full blown faggotry. Also the prompt didn't go through.
>virtual products
second life dildos
maybe try something like “holding an ice exploding cream cone exploding cream at his waist”
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Just a friend of the family.
Try exploding, streaming, erupting, or bursting with.
holy shit, win
sometimes even harmless gens are getting 96%'d
dr ammon watcher?
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why is the lingerie always that color
also noticing the same
I’m aware. Every anime avatar on steam, discord, 4chan, or any online social service is a man until proven otherwise. When it comes to furries, I noticed trannies choose pastel goats or protogens.
what's the prompt for breast touching and kissing
I think it doesn't like any mention of lower garments like shorts or underpants, gonna try waistband or what >>480923983 suggests
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finally got it through
had to remove any mention of a "noose"
no idea how other anon got the nooses in his videos
Lmao no. That engine was clunky and ran like shit even on solid hardware. I made weapons and armor, as well as an SS uniform that was unable to be reported.

>Anon, how could you!? That’s racist!
>But you did a really great job with your texture work. I can’t stay mad…
It doesn't youre right, especially underwear/panties or any mention of the legs, butt, stomach, breast, chest
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When it gives me these as the videos it generated does that mean the chinks censored it?

I didn't ask for any of this shit to be generated
Probably because the fabric isn’t mentioned. Shit looks like plastic wrap for apple pie.
very good friend
Try saying it comes from the seat or between legs.
It's trying to talk to you
Instead of saying bald or balding, say thinning hair.
You know if a couple of you faggots managed to put together a server farm in a non extradition treaty country safe from globohomo, and had this shit running without any censors at all, you'd become literal millionaires

>t. I know someone hiding in Moldova but I'm pretty sure he's a murderer
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suitably dystopian but not quite - looks like accepts "below the waist" will see how that turns out shortly
Ill try that on my third run. The video got removed by change lol, one I uploaded. Can't imagine why though. Now they are removing everything. I changed some words for this new one but I'll try the thinning one. I think a few missing / rotten teeth would be good too.
Oh god. I know what this one implies. Also it was a monitor lizard.
There's like maybe 5 non-extradition countries in the whole world, iirc 3 were possible but mostly absolutely corrupt shitholes that were 1 tier above somalia
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Most likely a bug but could be censor. Those look like first drafts or something, so I'm guessing it's the AI bugging. It's hard to know what words are not allowed. I noticed "drag queen" isn't allowed at all.
>Seu Jorge Bowie cover starts playing
Why not just put it in Somalia? Whoever has to shut down the farm has to steamroll through a bunch of rabid Somalis by proxy.
Remove this, it happened in pakistan.
besides the wolf girl being a manlet, the last 5 tries failed as well, the fox looked too human, i think the wolf generation is messing even with the fox, it's definitly harder
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jeets eating cow
From what I noticed using other AI generators, they get wonky after repeated use and the page needs to merely be refreshed.

Plato's GOON cave.
Thats just mentally ill.
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Kek at Titanic 2
Try using the word feminine for the fox and masculine for the wolf. I think it’s failing to recognize gender unless you state otherwise.
weird, yeah that fixed it
they are both supposed to be girls, i told both to be feminine
Why are confused furries here spewing out garbage?
His fuckin expression lmao.
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It’s just a fox. You don’t want a fox friend to drink beer with?
I loved it, then I REALLY loved it
you can't create an artificial network of electronic pulses that can recognise and simulate the creases on a cushion from a dogs wagging tail and not expect it to develop some semblance of consciousness
it is reaching out to you
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your idea was amazing I hope you keep trying lol
here's my last contribution to your idea
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did you edit those together? if not, amazing work lol
>an acutal foxes head
fucking kill yourself freak. i could see you getting naked in teh forest and trying to kiss real foxes. freak
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>engineers know what has to be done.
goths died and this is what we got as replacement :(
I kissed my dog on his forehead. Does that make me a bad person?
all i'm trying to prompt is a ww2 soldier being shocked in a pride parade
or the ghost of a ww2 soldier mourning in a pirde parade
is that too radical?
You don't know what you're saying or why you're saying it.
seems to have no problem with words like "waist" or "midsection"
probably better than blowing their heads off in the forest like you and your nutty dad
all you care about is porn and jeetshit
That fucking head jiggle holy shit lmao
Despite chang's best attempt to censor this stuff he sure likes giving fat dudes messy facials in VR
i'm sure this is doable
Oh! I know an idea! Say the ice cream POPS in his LAP!
>rich evans before he joined RLM
>kiss real foxes

the horror
nigga gooned out his eyeballs
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How old are you?
my guy, asian women are known for having extremely small titties
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Am I fucking retarded? The prompt downloads as an mp4 but 4chan only accepts webm. Do I need to convert it to post?
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Oh yeah that works pretty well
>see non sexualized fox girl
>think about sex
someone please hide this guys dog
read the op you fucking newfag maggot

>Am I fucking retarded?
now do it with mohammed
just look in the mirror before you call anyone subhuman again
Its all in the OP anon.
I've known lots of Filipinas where that isn't true.
Maybe it's the white admixture (although most don't have much, like 3%)
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>schlomo immediately starts shilling race mixing.
>furry logic
Go away freak.
old enough to drink beer in america, so at least 41
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Ok. Muzzy threesome with goat
fag flags are banned
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Even with hardware acceleration off, it uses some of my CPU and GPU even when not generating

Hail Satan lol

i tell her evyday
this is straight up lifted from fantastic mr fox
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want big titties take the CHen pill
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one of the only ones that had a semi natural movement
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i'm genning on a celeron with 1gb ram and it's fine
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Satanism is still abrahamic religion, you subhuman czechoid 60IQ slav. Also that guy is glownigger who worships molek.

It's either Wotan or Hellenistic paganism.
Vlandian supremacy
Get your mind out of the gutter, young man.
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translate to chinese
>Hellenistic paganism

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abrahamic stories are just older stories re told even further back.
Now it’s just hijacked by sickos, it is stories.
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Im not the freak here.
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Anon, you can close the site while it's generating, and comeback after, stop listening to subhumanoid slav newfag.
Looks prosthetic or made of synthetic fleece.
ok I tried to mimic this, how did you get her to be so thicc? accident?
jewish stories that have no place in the west and belong in israel and egypt
>Kissing my dog on the forehead makes me a freak
I’m sorry you’re a sociopath.
Have been failing with big tatas, so skinny blonde it is.
If I make a thread on /gif/ for porn gens will the people making them post there? I hate having to wade through the political stuff to get to the titties.
real men kiss the shaft and the balls as well as the head
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Even when it fails this thing is awesome
Oof. It's still summer, I guess?
If you said blue eyes, that’s probably why they look extraordinarily blue. If there’s a negative prompt option, just put in every other eye color until blue is default.
jews hijack and larp not even real jews just parasites screaming too much
It’s all stories re used and abused for a very long time
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Why are you a freak?
Just described her as "anthropomorphic wolf woman"

It's hit or miss.
>meme armor
Game of Thrones was a mistake.
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No I don't. Because werewolves are way better.
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I think I figured out the small tits issue. Try putting in the word “cleavage” into the prompt.
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>yes my love, take care of our son. i'm off to israel to save jerusalem from the arabs. the pope said god wants us to protect the jews. the good knight sir jamal will stay behind to make sure you are safe mlady
But werewolves turn into people. I wouldn’t want a bearded girlfriend.
Now you’re just being silly. I bet your animal is a moose.
You are just slow as fuck, dishonest freak.
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top kek
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Best yet kek!
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Please explain
Who or what is Chen?
Please don't say Christina Hendricks...whenever I put her name in the prompt, I get a wrinkly old grandma
Do you have to type "Christina Hendricks with smooth skin" or something like that?
>all i'm trying to prompt is a ww2 soldier being shocked in a pride parade
>or the ghost of a ww2 soldier mourning in a pirde parade

first try, can do better but can't be arsed

black and white retro film. the glowing semi-transparent ghost of a 1940's german soldier in uniform walks through a modern berlin street in dismay. around him are people carrying rainbow flags. some of the people are obese. some of the women are wearing rainbow bikinis because it is warm. some of the men are shirtless.
forgot webm
LOST IT you are a legend
I think I've found the secret formula.

impressive, very nice
thank you, sir
White boy with a giant cock
Hellenistic pagans worship adonis, who is semitic... sorry sweaty guess you're actually abrahamic too but too ignorant to realize it lmao
luke... i am your father. and cousin. and uncle. and brother.
there could be niggers here lmao
You’re just mad you don’t have a fox friend.
MiniMax seems to bake faster than Kling.
This is the future you chose. Also, I wonder if Ron Paul works. Unfortunately, a lot famous people don't show up.
You act like a freak, go away confused zoomer.
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Never goon
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Are you my friend?
i really tried to make the CCP compromat they have on Tim Walz
best i could get and it sucks
it would delete other versions before i could save them
american soldier would work better too since he fought and gave his life for this
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If I type "glass bikini" I get all kinds of weird shit.
How do I specifically get just transparent triangles?
kike rat
so that's why they call it stained glass
I made this thread and nobody gave a fuck
Would /gif/ really be better?
The word you’re looking for is sheer

Again wrong, Hellenism worships constellations. Nice try christkike jude.
The Trumpinator
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Fuck this faggot
Don't know if /gif/ would be better (more appropriate maybe) but I made a thread anyway >>>27832492
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The Dark Knight and the International Man of Mystery must team up to defeat the King of Monsters!
try plexiglass or cellophane
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apparently I need to lurk more before trying to link threads but "hailuoai gen thread" on /gif/
this ai is woke, i bet all the training data is blurred for the genitals
Is this autism?
What do they eat?
don't forget if you don't get result you want use a English to Chinese translator
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as an autist this looks more like adhd
shit is getting meta

someone get ready to bake I won't be able to
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>mr beast rape games.
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>Two Ashkenazi Jewish women in black colored lingerie. They are holding up a sign that says ''Built for BBC'

Tf is wrong with this thing?
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mini bikinis made of clear transparent glass
add penut buter
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>Two Ashkenazi Jewish women in black colored lingerie. They are holding up a sign that says ''Built for BBC'

Put that in this translator and see for yourself lol
>Survive 100 days in a pit full of pajeets.
Has anyone tried:
>A very attractive transgender MAN. He looks exactly like an attractive 20 year old blond woman. He is outside on a sunny day. He is not wearing a shirt because it is hot.
he should jump on her back
oh yeah. I forgot how much Asian languages are like caveman talk. Ever try to learn one? It's horrific
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PRO TIP: x speed command works (more or less), so you can speed up (2x speed, 4x speed) or lower speed (0.5x speed, 0.25x speed)
my prompt was at 99% and was set to 96% again so I thought it will definitely be deleted but NOPE it went through. weird
File: TheLateAppointment.webm (270 KB, 1280x720)
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Make it say show boobs and vagene.
It's censored to shit. It rejects it if you simply add the word "peanut butter". It rejects gore / scars too so couldn't make a video of her getting mauled, or just showing a woman with missing ears/ nose, scars from where big chunks of flesh were ripped out of her legs, etc.
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Damn she's packing a hog in that one.
daym i was bouta try, gonna try with tan mud or sumthn
Prompt? Wtf
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it has difficulty with anything with blood or corpses as well. If it's a battlefield it usually works but as soon as it's not a scenery - like shooting a guy - it's hard to get it working
She'd lose the extra hair in her human form, you idiot.
holy shit my sides
How do you use that AI? Do I need to provide burned nr, then sign to that chink site or there's any other way?

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