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Previous: >>484353132
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

▶18k celebration banners!

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Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Russian Forces have liberated Ugledar in the DPR - https://archive.today/PL8kW / https://archive.today/Xm7ct / https://archive.today/Rec0H
>Russian Forces have liberated Makeevka in the LPR - https://archive.today/t5Hvg
>Ukrainian defence minister sacks more deputies - https://archive.today/UYBBA
>Russia to raise defence budget by 25% - https://archive.today/YfkLG
>Russian Forces have liberated Vishnevoye in Kharkov - https://archive.today/azRmr
>Russia will not sign a replacement for nuclear treaty with US - https://archive.today/AeXeT
>"Ukraine needs to be realistic about its goals": Czech President - https://archive.today/vcH5p
>Zelensky: "Ukrainian victory depends on allies' decisions this year" - https://archive.today/puS8l
>Russia overwhelms Ukrainian forces on eastern front - https://archive.today/uysv1


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Weeb Union


Air Raid Alarms

Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Black Bird Group (Finnish)

Livemap (Hohol)


ISW (neocons)

Topographical map of the Ukraine

More maps:
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>Various strikes on AFU in Kursk
>Streets of Ugledar
>Thermobaric ODAB-1500 strike on Volchansk
>Thermobaric ODAB-1500 strike on Volchansk (closeup)
>Buhanka with a turtle proection cage
>FAB-500s rain on Liptsy
>Tornado-S strike on ammunition depot in Osoivka
>Another Czech MLRS Vampire that attacked Belgorod was destroyed
>Orion UCAV destroys IRIS-T SAM launcher
>French AMX-10RC tank hit by FPV near Mirnograd
>Kornet ATGM fired from Kinburn Spit strikes AFU drone unit
>TOS-1A burns AFU in Kurakhovsky
>Big FAB strike on AFU hideout
>FPV drone strikes AFU pickup truck
>Orion UCAV strikes French CAESAR SPG in Kursk
>Lancet strikes T-64BV in Selidovo
>FPV strikes Leopard 1A5 w/ Kontakt-1 and mine trawl, Kharkov
>and aftermath
>Iskander strike on 72nd bgd in Pavlograd
>RU Marines stop AFU advance
>Rostec sends another batch of armored vehicles to front
>RU 40th OGBMP takes Zolotaya Niva
>Orion UCAV strikes M777 in Sumy
>Tornado-S strikes Vampire MLRS in Bolshiye Prokhody, Kharkov
>Destroying 155mm Bogdana SPG in Suhi Yal

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What would you buy from Viktor Bout if you had the chance?

How come I just go out a few days, and when I return, I find fucking sandnigger Iran did their Nuke Testing before Russia!

In the good side, I'm pleased someone finally took my advice and bombed Haifa. R&D installations, Datacenters, Laboratories, engineers, cientifics, and matematicians should be fair and valid warfare targets.
this bamboozles and enrages the american
>the west is gonna miss putin when he's gone

Do you want to hear something funny? Even the most putrid western MSM says exactly this from time to time.

Very deep at their single neuron, the NPCs know they're alive only because Putin's cuckery and moderated warfare, and they're scared someone else would take control before Russia gets weaken enough.
NEW VIDS, pls add to Rentry. Or repost to next thread until they're added. Thanks.

>Iskander strikes Patriot SAM system in Dnepropetrovsk
>Various strikes from Verkhnekamenskoye area
>Tunguska Air Defense System firing on drones
>Another Tunguska Air Defense System firing on drones
>FABbing of Novokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant in Kramatorsk
>Shakira's Colombian merc cousin went to Kursk and died
>Burning American M1126 Stryker in Kursk
>Prince Vandal of Novgorod fiber-optic drone strikes Novator BM
>RU assault on Pokrovsky
>Geran-2 strikes ship Shui Spirit in Odessa which delivered arms to AFU
>Iskander-M strikes arms deliveries ship in port of Ilyichevsk, Odessa
>NATO armor cemetery in Vesyoloye, Kursk
>UAC Rostec delivers new batch of Su-34 planes
>Mi-28NM launching Kh-39 missile in Kursk
>Tsar Grill tank takes 19 direct hits in battle and survives
>AFU having a blast in Kursk
>RU T-72 w/ mine plow hits 6 mines and keeps going
>Su-25's flying over SMO zone.
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Something that can stop the monke so that I can start gardening again, I miss talking with my chillies and eggplants.
trap him in a cage?
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Yeah and whoever will be baking kick them lazy unionized bakers asses into adding this one to rentry >>484378857
justifying discord ban on tv
Not with Kaja Kallas in charge looking at her job scope it requires doubling down on retardation.
Worked with civet cats but so far never worked with monkeys.
They live in nearby military owned land so no hunters can cull their numbers and the army stopped culling after animal rights group attacked them for animal cruelty.
Guns are evil so the soldiers are only allowed to use bows when they need to put down rabid animals or fend off attacks.
wolf or bear
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What happens if Ukraine sends a surrender letter to Russia but before the letter arrives Russia sends a surrender letter to Ukraine. And then Putin and Zelensky open the surrender letters up at the same time
>RU T-72 w/ mine plow hits 6 mines and keeps going
Why not just make this standard equipment on all tanks?
Haifa is now in the northern Israel eviction zone. Good call, anon.
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Well, letters aren't really the way Instruments of Unconditional Surrender are signed
No wolves here only tigers and we do have bears but even a panda can bitchslap our sun bear.
Too much sunshine and fruits.
>nuke israel 5,000 times
>you're only impeached
A worthy trade
My peepee will touch my poopoo
you'll just need a bigger, stronger cage with a monkey proof lock system
bananas and oranges or any fruit like that for bait
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pic reminded me of this
>Piers Morgan




>Ben Hodges
>It's about defending the concepts of sovereignty, freedom of navigation,
>international law/agreements, isolating Iran...and deterring China.

thanks for bread baker !
their gloating is easily used against them
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On one hand, no more discord. On the other hand, no more containment zone for retards
Does Marichka have beef curtains or would it be bacon flaps since she's a pigger?
basic structural foundation technique?
questions of our time
I'm afraid bacon flaps would not be kosher
But how kosher shabbos goy needs to be?
Very nice, always love those tunguska autocannon burst.Too much fucking smoke though.

Bela anjing, electric fencing ke, lesen senapang ke.
>Why not just make this standard equipment on all tanks?

Because it's extra hardware that only really works on mines. Outside this specific use case, it's just an extra liability.
pretty sure it'd be a gaping wound since it's based off a nafoid troon
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we don't need that gay shit
>check if anything is going on
>it isn't
Surely two more weeks.
mutt basic structural technique for concrete is making short concrete stumps on a sand/gravel surface
>get washed away
kek, house attached to nothing, strapped down with straps attached to nothing
ACME engineering co
You could just as well put comically oversized anvil on roof
will not save it from the hyhyl gratitude
They're strapped to 8 foot cement posts located all around the house. You bongs are too far up your own ass to recognize simple solutions that work.
It slows down the tank, increases fuel consumption, increases maintenance. Also as anon said, only useful in assaults.
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I miss the days when hohols were the ones getting bombed every few days. Now it's the other way around. Really winning that deep strike war there niggerasimov. When was the last time a russian drone or missile penetrated beyond odessa, 5-6 months ago? useless fucking nigger.
i wanna see the after photos, to see if it worked
This is very concerning.
I'm so concerned
Puccia is falling apart, they're running out of missiles and drones, meanwhile the west keeps supplying Ukraine with more and more weapons on top of Ukrainian arms production ramping up.
puccians are just unable to keep up with smart weapon production due to a shortage of knowledge, materials and technologies.
dead family status ?
oh look its the fantastic four
You tell me you moskal shitskin, hope your family got cut to shreds in crocus and the rest got bombed in kursk
Why did you move to the country with the largest border with Russia if you hate Russians?
>shills actually mad
holy fuck they're not sending their best today
Sadly, they are right. They can't stop the enemy drones and Gerans are almost ineffective
And for those small advances Russia has to sacrifice a lot of its very limited manpower. Just look how they were stopped right at the border in Volchansk and then they suffered invasion into Kursk. If that's not a rather embarrassing proof of how bad this is going for Russia then nothing is
Yesterday the shills were more retarded than usual, something big happened?
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>this bamboozles and enrages the american
That seems like a fairly wasteful use of concrete, but it all depends on the earth structure.
In Sweden, like +80% of the urban regions, if you dig 1 meter you hit bedrock, so it is easy to fix a house to it.
In swampy regions, like St Petersburg, Gothenburg, Amsterdam etc you need a completely different solution.

With that said, amerimutt housing is usually built as cheaply as possible on the cheapest foundation possible and buildings are designed like wind catchers, while the framing is flimsy at best.

Based and mountain pilled.
Why change a system that works?

If he had just reinforced the roof he could just anchor it in the corners.
Will be interesting to see if it protects against the neighbors houses flying by.

Pic rel survives +80m/s.
Putin needs to be convinced that he lost. That's why these brave heroes post on children's mongolian tapestry forum instead of volunteering in the international legion.
Amerigoy anti air radar was bombed
Yeah boomers here think that internet is a big stockpile of cp, drugs, porn and degenrates. I love how we use the
>think of the children!
Argument for this shit, when russia has most divorces, HIVs, migrants raping them every now and then and a shit birthrate that even muslims cant offset. Current govt is just larping as trad
lots of american houses have no foundation at all, it is jut a piece of wood laid on the ground. They are like the mobile houses, just put on the ground. And the ones that do have any kind of real concrete foundations are arleady houses for above average earners.
I hope he do has a reinforced roof, if he doesn't, chance are the roof will break into pieces and take off flying anyway.
At least that's more effort than the average mutt. Good man.
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>Yesterday the shills were more retarded than usual, something big happened?
Their retard bot hit rate limit so they had to use their older scripts.
Ie, all talking points were wildly out of date and more retarded as a consequence.
For some reason Gerasimovbot is still here.

>Inb4 acrtually human
NAFO have in interviews confirmed that they automate their shilling and follow scripts.
There is no room for thinking, they are just NPCs with a national ID number who can bypass captchas.
Only reason they aren't replaced by poos is because they pay to work for free (also confirmed).
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morning /chug/ frens, dropping this off, later dorks
These are the results of cucktin's policies. That faggot deliberately destroys Russian society and now he destroys their army too, with his cuck tactics.
He was probably converted back in cold war while he was still a KGB agent in Germany.
Faggot where you been
Lancets. Like 50 of them. I'll probably waste 5 learning how to pilot them but then it's so fucking over for the jews.
This war seems to be going very slow. At this rate, I feel like neither side will even achieve victory within this decade. How do you guys expect this conflict will wrap up?
Nothing ever happens.
We will live in this zombie jewish economy purgatory forevermore.
>NAFO have in interviews confirmed that they automate their shilling and follow scripts.
Anywhere I can see this? Would be very nice to spam it on their faces if true.
Nah thats just what russian people are ufortunately. Changing 1 man isnt gonna change shit. Until boomers and late soviets die or let go off their grip, shit will stay the same
>lacks drones
>every week there's at least one massive drone attack including 100s of drones blowing up ammo and oil depots deep inside Russia
Yeah right.
>Drone manufacturing companies
I don't think strapping an RPG to a DJI drone counts as manufacturing it, though.
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It's almost as if...they're lying through their teeth.
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ranged banned by pajeet mod for a month for posting indian hate thread
they are not fighting this war like a chess game, they are playing Go...capture as much territory as possible.
Kek based
Phonepost next time so it's easier to evade bans
kek, I got this half an hour ago
2 more weeks and stuff happens!
>banned text
>banned text
i hate that useless fucking nigger gerasimov so fucking much. every day refresh TG's, no updates or advances, no good new videos, only more embarrassing L's like S-70's falling from the sky or another oil depot/airfield/ammo depot getting droned. how the fuck do you even get out-droned when you're allied with china and when you're ten times the size of your opponent? that is a level of incompetence that shouldn't even be mathematically possible.
The whole intent is to keep it all going to demilitarize ukraine, and to bleed off western economic and military aid to ukraine.
>banned text
what could it be
People are shaped by their government. Just look at Weimar Germany, Hitler Germany and post-war Germany. People completely changed their views and behaviour as soon as government changed.
If the right people come to power after cucktin, Russia will flourish and its enemies will tremble. It will cease to be a laughing stock cucktin made it to be so even balt-fags can confiscate its goods and brutally repress its population while nobody does shit about it.
Fucking jannies....
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>lots of american houses have no foundation at all, it is jut a piece of wood laid on the ground. They are like the mobile houses, just put on the ground. And the ones that do have any kind of real concrete foundations are arleady houses for above average earners.
Yeah, I have seen some of that.
The mobile home scam would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
The outer walls would barely qualify as inner walls here, thin walls are also flimsy af which translates to the whole building being flimsy.
Like, just get a caravan or build the house yourself.

>Anywhere I can see this? Would be very nice to spam it on their faces if true.
Read any of these

the article in question
https://archive.is/KsBq9 (translated)
https://archive.is/cmTj2 (original)
Some excerpts:
>We have been involved as unpaid volunteers for over a year and have been able to contribute to a positive development.
>Every week we spread around 150 short comments in support of Ukraine on as many videos.
>Most of the work is automated.
>With your help, we want to scale up the work so that there can be 1,000 videos a week and more YouTube channels. In an hour, each person can quite easily spread 50-100 comments. Each comment is generated based on templates and a computer program.
>Nowadays we know which parameters make our comments rank high on a Youtube video. It is the same knowledge that Russian troll factories have used for a long time. We are clearly far behind the enemy in this work.
>We are just a handful of people who voluntarily put in a couple of hours a week and still succeeded in the following:
>we push pro-Russian comments further down in the comment fields.
>We get users deleted
>We have a database where our videos and comments are documented.
>How do you manage to write so many messages?
>Most of the comments are created by a computer program.
And NAFO are paying to make their avatars and become "official members".
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Add this too
>2 minutes of FABs and ODABs arrivals in Kupyansk

Thank for the help fren.
No clue
Also picrel is from 2020
phone posting is not efficient for pic
sar pls do not post the banned text saar
Yeah but fags here believe hohols are out of everything and about to collapse any day now, for the last two years.
They laugh about reports of Russians fighting with shovels while they believe the same retarded stories about the other side.
wrong reply
>unironically believing all the hohol peremoga while ignoring hohol censorship
Kys retard
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Already a colony of biawak behind the house.
But Financial Times said it's worth 20billion, what will you tell your son when he asks why didn't you invest in east of Poland?
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Holy KEK
Posting pic is fine from a phone just don't use apple garbage
>People are shaped by their government.
Nope. Germans were tired of weimar and being slaves and they found hitler, same happened with Putin and the 90s. Iran for example didnt shape into a libdem despite their govt because people were poor trad muslim farmers and labourers, not fance liberal city dwellers
Just imagine how bad it would be if both countries had the same population. Not size and resources, let them be on Russia's side, just population.
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waking up to absolutely 0 news again
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How is work?
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work is ok
i get monday off next week
>Remember the Russian Emu Dipo that got shrekt 3 weeks or so ago?
>Russian MOD - it was only 250 tonnes of ammunition
People have many shapes its just a question of which ones does government support and which ones it suppress.
Look at what was USA shaped into from 50s to today.
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I had a customer complain so I pissed in their sink.
Appropriate response
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service job suck ass
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I have absolutely no idea
also, August 2023, WTF?
House may crumble under that tension. My countryside shed near the house is bigger than that. And is brickwork.
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It was a coworker that fucked up but I had to fix the problem, customer was still being an asshole. Don't be a fuckwit to someone trying to help you.
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so when the shills respond to one another they’re just doing a poor man’s banking scam, extracting rents from their owners?
Sad! Just get a gun and rob a monney transport and you’re good for a few years if youre already scamming people…
our xister troondera...
HURR DURR IMAGINE BELIEVING PROPAGANDA HURRR. typical retard response. there are literally photos and videos. just like every other time. ammo depot here, oil depot there, airfield there. stupid waffle eating faggot: https://t.me/intelslava/68167
Is from an IP just allocated to you which did not visited chans (or a particular board fuller with homo jannies than usual) since.
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shit on your coworker car windshield
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The fuck is that spreadshit
You need explosives to open the back and there's a chance you trip the dye stain which makes all the money worthless.

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I'll draw a dick on their car
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don't worry niggerasimov will sacrifice another 10+ AFV's to recapture some empty piece of farm land that he gave up without a fight two years ago because he didn't want to mobilize sooner (that would be politically inconvenient, can't have that now can we?). don't worry you get to be slaughtered and burned alive in your AFV while hohol drone films you and r*dditors laugh at you dying, thanks niggerasimov such a great commander. please give him another promotion. send the next wave of AFV's into the slaughter.
Some liberal shits, why they are not polishing rocks in Siberia yet beats me
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Estonian elves getting rich quick by posting nafo dissinfo online :)
The secound best part of serving uncle schlomo is how well he pays you, almost beats all the niggers he generously deposits into your country :)
Are you a woman? All you do is bitch and moan like some saggy cunt
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>bla bla gerasimov bla bla be concerned bla bla
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Any news?
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hm, okay
Fabs keep dropping hohols keep dying. Same as usual
Yes, yes, everyone is dead, everything gets intercepted, every hohol claim is true. I am also concerned by this.
probably a jew
netherlands has massive problem with those
steven seagal
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Nigger you're alive! In the meantime I had to become a beer alcoholic myself, to somehow cope with the fact my second favorite /chug/ poster is MIA.
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Please don't compare that faggot to bitching saggy cunts
He is a major idiot though next to that corrupt Tuvan degenerate. Half of his deputies in prison for bribes and he's clean? Common. Toothpaste have a lot of material for his coooncerning.

I found the definition of an actor - lack of shame. No matter of how much of an idiot one can be or look, they go forward.
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>they have put a flag in moscow, and in mariupol, and sevastopol, and he never once correctly marked those cities as captured by ukraine.
You are laughing while hohols not only retook mariupol and sevastopol, but also took Moscow.
I'd be more concerned with just incinerating the money than the dye packs. Just need to grab it when they are in process of unloading or loading.
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>where iz cocaine
>sorry bro I lied
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I renamed Moscow, Zelenskygrad. it's his now.
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Heard there was progress in Toretsk. Any pics?
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Korea-style ceasefire and de-militarized zone around where the current frontline is, no formal peace treaty. Whole bunch of nothing happens for another couple decades as Ukraine becomes Israel 2 and Russia is bought up wholesale by China for pennies.
Head Admin is a nigger jeet hybrid.
He seethes when there's anti-jeet shit on the website.
>26 dollars for a shift.
That's pathetic
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We need to liberate the elves in Estonia.
Elf abuse should not be tolerated
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I hope you are at least sorry now for what you've said about hohols on /pol
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Media: Zelensky ready to compromise

>According to press reports, the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky may be prepared to compromise, which would help to achieve peace with Russia. Italian magazine Corriere della Sera does not specify what the information is based on.

>According to the paper, Zelensky would be prepared to agree on a ceasefire that would leave the current front lines of force if the Western countries provided Ukraine with comprehensive security guarantees. Zelensky could not promise official regional donations because the people would not accept this.

>A particularly important role would be played by the security guarantees granted by the USA. A similar model could be followed here as for the US Japan, South Korea or the Philippines.

>In practice, peace could be difficult to achieve in this way, the paper writes. Russian President Vladimir Putin's goal is to destabilize Ukraine and control it politically.

>Previously Bloomberg said Zelensky was more prepared in private discussions to be flexible on some issues in order to achieve peace. The information is based on sources close to Nato.

it's yvir
Russia already won, they are just slowly finishing off Ukraine and western economy
It will last as long as it needs to but unless there is unconditional surrender nothing will change for 2 more weeks
If I put a flag on Andrew Perpetua, is he my property? Can I tie car batteries to his ankles and throw him into the Black Sea?
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>4 quarters of the village
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Hey anon. Glad you're back. Not much left until Friday.
yeah.. aint gonna happen.
If the shift's a normal 9-5 full time schedule, the elves get 3.25$ an hour.
That's less than a nigger working in prison gets.
jeet are absolute sniveling rat
>still speaking as if Ukraine has any say in a war they are losing more rapidly each day
THD continues.
Won't go anywhere, Putin's terms are that ukraine is neutral that means no NATO no security guarantee from the west they want it demilitarized and not a threat to Russia which agent Z and his coke fueled brain can't comprehend
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>we are winning
>we are winning
>russia already lost
>we are winning
>we are winning
>we are winning
>russia lost
>we are winning
>we are winning
>okay maybe some piss plan
News about a gaytriot system getting nailed in Dnepropetrovsk, but from a source I do not find reliable. It was guarding something there.
I'll agree to only 4 out of 5 statements in that Houthi flag
Zelensky is not ready for a ceasefire along the front line in exchange for security guarantees. The OP denied the statement of the newspaper Corriere della Sera, - mass media from
referring to his Communications Advisor.
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Meanwhile in Miami...

Back earnings Florida / may…
27 participants
Good house, lived some
a black man in a Jeep, you can see through the window
good furniture
Geo attach
NW 6th St
NW 6
NW 5th Terrace
NW 2nd St
NW 2nd St
12513 NW 7th Ln, can be taken,
suckers left 3 days ago
Unread messages
Thank you for the tip) took from
last good such luxury
watch for wife)
Yeah, nah. This has been the case from (((the collective west))) for like half a year already. No ceasefire on current lines without official territorial concessions is going to happen.
Video but cannot see
Me in the pic
Old news there is video here >>484378857
Took radar out, that's smart.
There's plenty TEL spares, fairly sure the AN/TPQ radars are just a handful.
Sadly Shoigu himself in a recent interview blurted out that Russia stopped hits on hohol energy infrastructure for weeks following a (((deal))) to ease peace talks. Of course hohols did not gave a shit and it was then when they hit refineries and oil depots most. Then invaded Kursk (while Russians were still abiding). There is a large tumour full of imbecility in a certain person brain...
USA occupying hrukraine is not much different than the original problem Russia set out to solve. No deal.
Hello Deer Frens!
>American Stryker hit by missile in Kursk
>More thermite rain for Ugledar
>Escape route from Ugledar rocked by Grad
>AFU column in Kursk rekt
>Unsuccessful AFU crossing across the Dnieper
>TOS compilation from Vovchansk
>Novator-2 APC with Kraken EW rekt by VT-40 FPV
>FAB-1500 on AFU deployment in Seversk
>3x FABs fall on same spot in Sukhanovo
>Drone Gortensia equipped with RPG-26 Aglen grenade launcher
>Ka-52 shoots down a drone
>One of the captured Ugledar mines
>Mining roads with drone
>RU EW takes control & crashes AFU FPV drone
>4x FAB-500 fall on Seversk
>Sudioplatov night-time strikes on AFU transportation
>Lancet strikes P-19 Radar
>Sudoplatov strikes in Pokrovsky
>Russians drop surrender instructions to AFU in Ugledar
>Demining roads towards Ugledar
>Sniper works on Polozhsky direction
>Fiery fireworks for Ugledar
>Lancet destroys British AS-90 SPG
>TornadoS takes out HIMARS
>Su-35S loadout for patrolling SMO zone
>Thermite drone over Hohol trench
>Failed AFU attack on Nevskoe
>Howitzer 2S3 Akatsiya destroyed
>Lancets take out tank going to Ugledar
>RU drone feeds cats
>Drone drops on Ugledar
>Lancet vs AFU boat Yaroslavets
>Demining magnetic mines
>FABs fall on Zaporozhye City
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we get to stop losing, you get to stop winning and you get nato troops on your border
I'm sure monke will cuck to that
maybe west needs to stop cocke supplies to Kiev
400 shaheds. Sheesh
Did something happen on the frontline recently?
Seems like there's more "russia is ebil!" and "russia is over!" threads on /pol/ than average.
Why would you like to pollute Black Sea? Don't you know its environmentally unfriendly?
Russia slowly crawling further and further west, nothing significant, just steady gains.
I think western media published a lot of Russian warcrimes recently. 40 beheaded babies, rape of babies, babies not being fed, war prisoner babies, things like that.
Probably more hohol piglets went boom.
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Okay. Dinner and home. 368₽.

It seems nothing happens.

> Media: Zelensky ready to compromise
But he asked for imminent including Ukraine to NATO. It seems drugs are bad.
Whole bunch of men "disappeared". Which is to say Ukraine is losing the ability to dismiss losses.
An entire hohol brigade has apparently disappeared
Duality of shills is again hilarious. Doritos are simultaneosly totally useless but they're celebrating them supposedly being blown up.
After hohols dumped 100 cemeteries and 1000 shit treating facilities into it by blowing up Dnieper dam, some battery acid might help
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They forgot the rules based international order.
>panda can bitch-slap our sun bear.
Bullshit. A panda is a clumsy animal, it can't bitch-slap a frog.
That Sun ear is ferocious. responsible for many deaths. They exist in India and Sri Lanka, where they are called Himalayan Black Bear or Sloth Bear, they have the exact same white V shoulder to sternum. I have seen them on safari in India.
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Anatoly Antonov has completed his work as Russia's ambassador to the United States and is returning to his homeland, the Russian diplomatic mission in Washington stated.
Hello /chug/. I'm back from my ban. How is everyone? What is everyone up to?
Followed soon by "We just need 500k NATO soldiers in Ukraine for the final push"
>One country can't dictate to another country its future, its decisions
>Anthony J. Blinken
lol, lmao even
do they not see the irony?
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whats the thingy on the rice?
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Had a look at it yesterday. On their FB page there is some degenerate acting like a priest a priest
fb /152brigade
Today they reacted - pic related. I do not use FB but would be interesting to check those who reacted, what they say on their accounts.
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>This war seems to be going very slow. At this rate, I feel like neither side will even achieve victory within this decade. How do you guys expect this conflict will wrap up?
Going by the rate of towns, cities and villages captured, not to mention Ukrainian rates of casualties.. this war will simple end with total Russian victory some time next year.
The collapse of Ukrainian defenses are on schedule and we see them happening right now.

The current Ukrainian casualty rate is 71K soldiers per month.
That means Ukraine needs to mobilize 1 million per year just to keep up with the losses.
Mainland Ukraine had a pre war population of ~35 million, out of which 17 million were male.
In the right ages there are <8 million Ukrainian men in total.
We can safely assume 1-2 million have left already (probably closer to 1.6 million given ~16 million refugees and 10% of them being male).

So you are left with about 6 million males, in a standing army of ~1 million that at current rates will go through 1 million per year.
0.82 million are already lost.

So out of the 6 million on paper available males, 0.82 are already casualties, 1 million are already in uniform and another 1 million will be required to handle the next 12 months of attrition at CURRENT RATE (so in practice 6 months if they are lucky).
What does that leave you with?
>+6 000 000 (total adult male population <60yo)
>-1 000 000 (currently called up, ~half in combat formations)
>-1 000 000 (expected 2025 casualties)
>- 823 000 (accrued casualties)
3.2 million

The war is for all intents and purposes over, and the closer we are to the final bell ringing, the faster we will see the Ukrainians being turned into minced meat.
This is like watching a boxing match where one of the fighters is just waiting for the bell and the other keeps punching his face in.
The question is only if victory will be had when one is a bloody corpse or when the referee ends the game for humanitarian reasons.
Looks good.
Omelet needs gravy or curry.
looks like one of those blinis or syrnikis but I'm not sure
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>The first point of the "Victory. Plan" is the invitation of Ukraine to Nato - Zelensky.
In Romanina mutts moved their embassy north of the capital, in a forest, surrounded by nothing, with direct road to an airport they closed years ago but re-opened. Most likely a tunel too.
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Chicken filet brizol judging by the receipt.
Brizol. a chicken chop fried with an egg.
europe, usa, the whole world deserves hohols.
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Julian is fighting with nafoids again
> Omelet needs gravy or curry.
It's brizol and I have Heinz™
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Tunnelbros we can't stop winning.
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Also I hate traffic.
seasoned your food YT
a little sauce wouldnt kill you
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Fantasise as much as you like
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Reddittor has a brilliant plan to win the war
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Oh. Looks like an omelet.

Easy to replace then missiles, thousands in store already but the radars are basically hand built by a few skilled enough to do it.
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>3.5 euro
Don't let your cutlery touch the tray or table. Use a napkin.
Which many nato countries are not going to agree to to begin with. Even excluding Russia's take on it, it's never going to happen.
>not even the first point in the victory plan is attainable
victory is impossible, truly a betrayal of the highest order
>Reddittor has a brilliant plan to win the war
Well, it brings up a good question.
What, apart from getting the fuck out of Kursk, should Ukraine do to improve their positions?
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Who goes next?
Especially since China cut them off from the resources to make them.
Seems like Toretsk is falling at a steady pace. Good, good.
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One of Julian's bosses got arrested a few weeks ago apparently, though he was later released
>Heinz made it through

What about the sanctiooooons??
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why is patriot range so short tho?
i mean when compare with russian sam they are like more than twice the range
Retreat behind the Dniepr and accept territorial loss.

Our tunnel will have to be at least 200km long, and under sea.
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This plan seem familiar, I think they should attack the town call robot or something
i dont think baked beans is essential enough to be sanction
russian dont eat beans
Nah. Serbia exists.
it doesn't exist
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Not gonna lie, I genuinely hope every such subhuman whose entire "'analysis'" boils down to
would get cancer. Basically the whole reason world affairs have slipped into the comple clusterfuck it currently is, is because of handful of such subhumans too retarded to distinguish between "I want for world to be the way I want to" and "the way the worlds is right now".
A Himalaya mountain bear is way different to tree dwelling, banana eating SEA bear. Most sun bear are only 40kg.
Just look at the star of David above the eagle, he knows he can get away will all the bullshit.
Now he's in Laos bothering everyone again. In August they already made Vietnam mad in Jakarta since they were bothering Vietnam to abandon Russia.
follow their ideology and remove the jews. But that would mean to become Russians again.
>Russia pulling out its ambassador
Sounds like good news to me.
The burgers assume total air superiority in any war. Israel proved that US tech, training and of course pilots were superior to anything from USSR/Russia. Therefore long range missiles were not needed.
The US has never invested much in developing AD because its enemies typically don't have much in the way of air capabilities and the US proper has two huge oceans on each side.

Basically, bullies never learn how to dodge punches.
truly the sign of a collapsing hegemony when you have to kowtow around the so-called "third world" states to convince them not to go against you
>Ronzheimer, who is openly gay
oy vey he's gay too
Decent sized Russian advances in sectors of the front that have been largely dormant
Kursk still slowly getting whittled down
FAB's flying and killing Hohols constantly
Kharkov front have Russians retaking positions after allowing Hohols to renter hard to take positions and then destroying them with arty and air superiority
Patriot got heavily damaged
Some F-16's likely got Hypersonic'd yesterday
Zelensky's gay "Peace Summit" this year was canned because Biden can't leave due to Hurricanes and the election about to happen
Serbia is surrounded too and is not what they were used to be.
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A reminder that the reason Kikelenski himself had refused his mobilization summons during the Donbass war was because
>eh who cares about what that fucking failed state wants of me
>Biden can't leave due
to being a vegetable shitting all over the place
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wage cuck time over
booze time begin
z u later suckers
True, but as long as there are flights connecting Serbia to Russia, Belarus or Turkey it's good enough.
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Basically every major brands stayed. Some made new cringe brans in Cyrillic.

Okay, going home.
the same in zagreb, they moved from center to just next to airport, although they did it already like 20y ago
Fucking kek, is that Makima? Has that faggot died of AIDS yet?
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>that is considered a meal
Sanctions are working.
Russians are starving.
The East has fallen.
And that person is cucktin.
Sadly this is not a realistic general but a fan club of his cocksuckers.
And the great cuckening is just about to come >>484385640
If Russia attacks first targets will be AFBs and airports. Those Kalibrs will go whoosh!
If they sanctoooooned the Heinz garlic sauce I would've overthrown Putler. Tough luck.
Let's draw some ducks lads


>Poor weather conditions that constrain battlefield maneuver will likely contribute to culmination, but the culmination of the Russian Summer 2024 offensive operation will not necessarily result in a complete end of consistent Russian offensive operations throughout eastern Ukraine in fall 2024 and early winter 2024-2025. Russian forces have an established pattern of fighting beyond their culmination points as well as fighting through adverse weather conditions.

>not drinking at work
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>Just look at the star of David above the eagle, he knows he can get away will all the bullshit.
>Now he's in Laos bothering everyone again. In August they already made Vietnam mad in Jakarta since they were bothering Vietnam to abandon Russia.
These fucking retards.
Pic rel is their climate solutions btw.
Do they even take themselves seriously?
No, it’s so much worse. He reproduced.
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>russian dont eat beans
It's easier than admitting their assessments were wrong.
>russia will run out of chips in summer 2022
>russia did not run out and instead are cranking out more missiles than before
>...they must be stealing chips from washing machines!
>fighting in the rain is cheating!
It’s alright, their businesses will have to close during winter energy outages, so then they can be mobilised as they’re no longer working :)
Every zrada has its own built in peremorga!
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>super sekrit technology that allow orks to ignore isw article summaries and continue as if they weren't even published
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Why did the image not work
We will always have flights to Tel Aviv, last one for sure.
This nigga eating beans
I do not believe Makima capable of making love to a woman, doesn't he only date men?
Almost as good as "Ukrainian advances was stopped by shrubbery" and "frontline-trained mobiks are an improvement for ukraine"
Maybe the Institute should have done a bit more studying of War before they shat their dogshit opinion into the public.
Believe me, I was just as surprised as you.
What's that yellow packet?
No no, Makima did not reproduce. That's literally the antichrist being born. Fuck can't the FSB just kill him?
probably mustard
This reads like every thread where someone tries to contrive a way where Germany could somehow win WW2.
That he is now risking his life ruling it is just a testimony to how much he has managed to turn the country around in such short a time!
Truest a miraculous figure, the Churchill of our age!
The "riveted rustbucket with the RCS of an airliner" penetrated state-of-the-art wect0id air defense undetected, then left as easily as it entered and no one would've been the wiser had its buddy drone not malfunctioned so (((xhey))) need a distraction from this monumental blunder.
beans are the bestest
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Btw a reminder that


Because I'm off getting myself some borgirs and not gonna be back before thread hits 300.
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Summer 24?
The offensive hasn’t stopped since Avdeevka. As expected of the fucking kikes, not a grain of truth to be found, except that rains are expected…
.22lr should do the job.
you should try that again next thread when it's not near the bump limit
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I stand corrected there is no more forest. Too much CO2 overnight. Not pictured, just NW of them is Zogbot Academy which can put 1000 retard cadets around them in 30 minutes

>2nd post pic stopped loading
Tell me about the ISW, why are they obsessed with culminating ?
need some help /chug/ I emailed a norgay journo that made a article about Russian war crimes pretending like it was only a Russian thing and I said Ukraine has posted their war crimes for years killing wounded and combat ineffective Russian troops in drone strikes and she said send sources and links
Wow, surely Ukraine will stop losing territory now
>the west: freeze the lines so that we can re-arm Ukraine to fight you in a few years
>russia: niet

Why is anyone taking this ceasefire talk seriously?
The Rus shills here come from MD. But there are many genuine people here, old /pol/sters and newfags alike. We support light against evil. always. Maybe sometimes (rarely) we're wrong or let say put our wishes against logic but able to recognize our mistakes.
because they know Putin will cuck when trump asks him too.
Usually after I CUUULMINAAATE I'm spent. I'm not 30 anymore.
>Do they even take themselves seriously?
I'm not sure if diplomats in the west are actually serious people. My sister was stationed in Europe and they have internal social media among diplomats peer pressuring others to join all the pride shit.
>Why are you not gay, get gay now
All year round, people actually send gifts to non gay embassies like Russia where they hang out all day pretending to be busy just to skip pride month events.
The French are notorious for taking a month just to process papers it drives our staff crazy.
50% of prostitutes in germany are now ukrainian
Can someone explain why this is so common?
It‘s illegal in ukraine and ukraine is a conservative proud religious country so it cant be a cultural problem
They get support and housing by our state so i dont belive the they just need to survive bs
Maybe it being illegal and socally not accepted in ukraine makes them want to try it its like a forbidden fruit?
a patriot system got hit by an iskander
a lot of people put their faith in patriot to defend them from these types of threats, and a lot of money is spent on them
>it's ovyir
Type doesn't matter. I'd worry about how many disease vectors are creating the special sauce leaking out of it. Mayonnaise is made from eggs and oil, mayonnaise made from dead eggs, lube oil and serum is a different kettle of fish. At least it would smell like fish.
I hope they regroup in Kiev so Russia can glass it
Seriously why do you think that Trump has any influence on Putin? The Russians hate Trump, he’s the guy that started shipping arms to Ukraine and imposed the heaviest sanctions on them until Biden. No one believes that Trump could end this war other than abandoning Ukraine which he has been ambiguous about.
>Its McFryivir
What Khazakstan even do apart sheep-shagging? I know they have shitloads of oil but do they refine it too?
Also they send official complains to our foreign services simply because our forms doesn't have pronouns.
Probs, but I'm off to bed. Feel free to do it, should be fun.
Premature culmination
I think 404 is going to end prematurely
>Do these morons fail to understand that after Kursk, there is no stopping before Moldova is reached
Goncerned gommunist has entered the thread.
Oil, metals and uranium.
>It‘s illegal in ukraine and ukraine is a conservative proud religious country so it cant be a cultural problem
Holly fuck are you retarded?
>Country that main export for 30+ years is
>Child porn
Do you know that literal hohlo-thots sold their kids to kikes,niggers and arabs just so they can have extra $$$ to get expensive clothes and vacations ?
They never do. Its Jewish policy to make the board unworkable. That means sending low IQ shills that can't engage in reasoned debate. Because if they could they can be turned.
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>No baker
Ever notice how Okinawa pretty much disappeared and that's when concerned colgate showed up? Same posting style, same inability to keep Shoigu and Geri out of their posts.
The Patriot in the open field?
> Do you know that literal hohlo-thots sold their kids to kikes,niggers and arabs just so they can have extra $$$ to get expensive clothes and vacations ?
You‘re confusing ukraine with latin america thats not common in ukraine and onlyfans webcams prostitution is illegal
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Ok I guess i'm gonna bake another one although I've already put on outside pant and all.

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