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WTF is this real?
'Fraid so
everytime a shit wwe rating comes out you discord faggots do this
Take this shit down NOW bitchtits
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Throw some tires on that swine kek
slow day on the ol chan boards and life generally
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Now we’re talking.
‘Fraid not.
HogCripple wishes that were real.
wtf is this thread
kek my sides
Holy fucking gotten to. The NXT ratings finally broke him
Looks like a PED0wheels (you) thread where he (you) is mad that the jannies haven't taken it down yet
Kek what a crippled hog BITCH!
based thread
I thought they fuck goats and sheep in Pakistan?
Hogcord bros...
kek one of the rare /pw/ masterpieces
you have issues
Diddywheels is crying folks
Hogwheels swallows Tony's cum, just like the song.
Tony's cut back on rovert's slop because he's lost some weight.

What a banger!
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how very jewish of you trevor to blame a boogeyman for what you in fact do
Does this fucking retard even know absolutely no one respects him and thinks he's a fucking joke? Or has his daddy made sure to shelter him from that too
Yes, this is the stuff I keep coming back to this board for
Man it really is nice to see Hogwheels finish his story
Seems organic and legit...
This is true
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kill them with fire
Damn thats good shit
>20 years on a roll
>20 years on my hole
>20 years on the dole
Oh is this why he's melting down and samefagging all his threads?
And sliding too, 'fraid so
Kek I hope the dole office is wheelchair accessible
kek it is they have muslim assistants that run out and shame him as they push him up Pigview Way
Didn't some autist do a deep dive and trace this picture back to an old /fit/ post?
afraid no
>says this while bumping fake raw ratings threads for two weeks
Hogwheels would shoot love to let Tony ride him
Yupp, it was actually just a selfie of Ojama
rovert wouldn't dare be this brave
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Holy shit, put me in the screencap
look out becky lynch, he's trying to violate your restraining order!
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Oh no Trevchads...
Lmfao holy shit total Hogwheel death
Two of the most infamous pedophiles surrounding professional wrestling
Someone should chain them to a fence during a hurricane
Hogwheels absolutely ethered.
>Defends Tony 24/7
>Tony doesn't even send him some proper wheels
What a toxic relationship
Kek what a fat pig
This nigga look like Josh Peck
Prob got proper fucked by Dan Schneider too
Jesus Christ
Holy Kekamoli!
holy kek the hogcord did NOT like this
You saved this picture from /fit/ when you were checking out dudes bodies because you’re fucking gay.
nope thats you
So you admit thats not actually “Bitchtits”? Lmao get owned fag.
HogKwab didn’t like these ones LMAO.
ah so this is the guy from the joshi threads who goons to rina and seri?
a literal fucking nonce. why hasnt he been banned or jailed?
Lmao Hogwheels is dead!
Pigwheels is such a fucking loser lol
Many people are saying this!
Oh my goodness the RollerOinker won’t like this lol!
That’s what I’ve heard. Kek what a crippled hog BITCH!
Damn Hogwheels got btfo here
This thread is still rolling despite being dead as Hogwheels legs
Have a crippled bitch weekend trev
Why are they sliding this?
Tb desu the pig isn’t quite as fat as Hogwheels’ fat mug!!
stop shitting up every wrestling board rovert
This is sound advice, Wheels. You should pay attention.
He's not allowed outside. No children in his neighbourhood. Very interesting indeed.
this one got him oinking
is this fagoon the same guy from these threads?
yes thats rovert
hes also the nash spammer
you should see the marigold thread
its just him talking shit and replying to himself all day
Oh so this is what's causing the current hogwheels meltdown
another day another decimation for hogfaggot
and the guy who necrobumps raw ratings threads for 10 days cos he has no job
Rovert why are you talking to yourself?
he has to pretend he has online friends
how does he avoid bans? when he spams and floods the entire board all day, surely he can be nuked
the meltdown would be fucking hilarious as well
Rossy lost lol
sadly we have no jannies
need some chad to step up and become a janny next time its available, go scorched earth on him and fix the board
Oh so is this why Rovert is currently talking to himself and pretending he's different people again?
best way to deal with him is to just report him for spam when you see his necrobumps, or his favorite phrases 'slopdown', 'bitchtits', 'hows your sex life' etc the same old stuff he spams every day
notice how both of these replies are typed
exactly like this

Fatso (Rovert) seems to be talking to himself again.
its all he does.
take a look in the stardom and marigold threads
he gets called out all the time but keeps going lol
can someone tell me why he reports people and gets them banned >>16090913
but he can spam the entire board and stay?

the stardom thread is his pride and joy and favourite place. he doesnt like being called hogweels there. he doesnt want the other posters to see what a massive faggot he is
theyre talking about rovert retard, why would rovert talk about going scorched earth on himself
he does get banned all the time. he gets his posts deleted all the time
he just seethes and resets his router and is back oinking in an hour or so
janny needs to rangeban the no-life boring fucker
really? he has never once appeared on the bans page. i think he deletes his own comments
this. imagine the meltdown. taking this shut-in losers toy and one joy in life away would be fun
we dont have /pw/ jannies thats the problem. maybe next time it comes around some guys will apply and fix the board for good
you can only delete your posts within like 10 mins, and ive seen his been deleted way after, and all at once
just go in the /pw/ archive and search ''bitchtits'' + deleted posts and you can see how many times janny has dabbed on him
what confuses me is, when hes so well known all over the board for spamming and flooding why hasnt be been permabanned?
the board has been shit for over 2 years because of him. same garbage posted every day.
because we have no /pw/ specific jannies they are probs deleted by general mods for all boards, aka they individually dont see enough of his spam to notice the pattern
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I have never seen his posts get deleted in the Stardom or Marigold threads.
Thing is, he's a pedo who posts pictures of underage wrestlers, spams and samefags every hour of every day, is terminally online and always trying to start console war shit.
But if you call him out? You get banned for posting off-topic.
desu more than 2 years, he just started the stardom stuff then. hes been doing it with the nash rape thread necrobumps since almost the beginning of /pw/. exact same posts except he replaces 'bitchtits' with 'wolfie'
yeah, its grim. just report him if you see his posts. and then one day maybe we will get a janny to eliminate him for good.
no fucking way. really?
what a sad fat roly poly shut in never touched a titty samefagging bitch
>Hogwheels : the man, the pig, the myth, the legend of /pw/

Coming soon to netflix
at the end of the day hes 50 and in a wheelchair so its not like he has anything else to do
but like why does he actually do this every day
is there a shoot reason for his lameness
just a typical schizo
other boards have them too, i know some on /sp/ and /vg/, but most boards are usually too big to notice individually
so weve established that he has
>no life
>no friends
>no family that cares about him or they wouldnt let this happen
>a love for underage girls
>a love for food seeing as hes a wide load fat fucking whale of a man
what else?
i dont have the pic but theres one going around of bryan alvarez shooting on him in a forum back in the day and pretty much explains why hes insane. im sure youll see it around in future
checked that thread. >>16091041
he doesnt even hide his nonceness.
wheelbound pedo freak
becky lynch has a restraining order against him
The only Trevbros are in PiggyCripples head.
How come the 329k thread died
He gets you banned for posting that
>spams shit all over the board
>posts underage kids
>gets called out and embarrassed in his beloved stardom thread
>guy calling him out gets banned
>pedo stays and keeps shitting up the board
yeah there's something going on here. this shit aint right.
He's a janny or something.
This one? >>16070110
Why is he allowed to keep posting but anyone who calls him out in his beloved Stardom thread gets banned?
Is it because he doesn't want the posters there to know who he is?
We murked it
Its all the one guy in these threads talking to himself
So he has to sleep some time
that thread drew no dimes unlike this one, we have genuine conversations here
worth it.
wheels wheelin' into every general and fishing for engagement to give his tragic life meaning
all over the board and hasnt been banned
this fucking site man lmao
>london wants the superbowl instead of wrestlemania
>(but not any time soon and they run in different months anyway)
threads didn't go like he wanted so he's sliding it with shit like the snowbunny thread
he's an obvious coomer because he gets none, perhaps his equipment doesn't work, we know his personality is defective enough to repel women as is
just report him
it doesnt work brother
feel free to do it as well
he has been reported by multiple people in multiple threads but never gets banned
i think he is a janny
when did you last try, I dunno if the jannies have shifts but seems like luck of the draw
No point trying to slide while you're online Fattits
Don't worry I know your schedule now
he has obviously ban evaded
he is incredibly mentally ill
not for a while. i saw like 9 people talking about him evading bans and being reported one time and when it didnt stop him, i didnt bother doing it again
hes a janny. and hes probably deleting any reports he gets.
you are online so much that you "know" people's online schedule and plan around it
you are unwell
we're stuck with him because he has no friends and will never be fucked.
this is /pw/ now.
he was unwell like 20 years ago when he did similar stuff on wrestling forums. now hes shoot insane and paranoid schizo, which makes it funnier when he melts down every day thinking only one person is trolling him and not the entire board
atleast he has to watch aew slowly die and live with the fact he lost the narrative and nobody here watches it anymore.
youre terminally online. you have no life, friends, and have never known the warmth of a womans touch.
its friday and youre on here boasting about being immune to bans
If you were multiple people then I wouldn't be able to slide your threads when you're away
even worse he shoot has to watch like 8 hours a week of aew programming. that would make me insane too.
Rangeban Ireland. Just long enough for him to fuck off to another board or forum. Every other wrestling forum has found a way to permaban him, so I don't know why this place continues to tolerate him being a fucking nuisance 20 hours a day.
I don’t understand why this guy gets so much hatred, like actual hatred lol, maybe I don’t notice him as much
he wont ever fuck off. this is all he has in life. its his one joy.
he wakes up in the morning giddy at the thought of coming on here for another 20 hours as its the only human interaction he gets
your insults would mean something if you werent a terminally online friendless blob of bathplug hair
you know multiple people dislike you trevor
you've dealt with it before on multiple wrestling boards
were they all one person, too?
why are all aew smarks shoot mentally ill? its no wonder they all kill themselves
rovert cant even do that, he cant climb up somewhere to jump off cos his legs dont work
He's a boogeyman
He doesn't post here, or if he does its not as much as he is accused of
Before him the boogeyman was Ojama
ok how u know
>terminally online
>shits up the entire board and nearly every general
>tries to start console wars
>samefags constantly, replies to own posts in agreement
>a shoot pedo who saves pictures of underage wrestlers but throws tantrums when people ask for/post grown women
could go on and on
>he wont ever fuck off. this is all he has in life.
This is true. Everyone knows he's a jobless sack of shit. He watches Raw, Smackdown, NXT, Dynamite, Rampage (now cancelled), Collision and all PPVs live every week, despite them being on in the middle of the night in his country. It's barely a life.
if wheels got kicked off the board all twitter threads, meltzer threads, aew shilling, nash threads, all that stuff would be fixed and we would go back to the /asp/ golden age.
ah hes samefagging again. he does this in every thread.
then replies in agreement.
we see you fatness
you are terminally online. youre also an unoriginal loser who copies other peoples insults and thinks he was the one to make them
ive said this for months.
hes a janny tho so he wont ever get banned
the hog is replying to himself from his phone again
its funny how badly hes been exposed since all the other AEW fans left. there was enough posts back then to disguise him but the workrate smarks all went back to you know where and hes like a lighthouse in the ocean now
i dislike iyo and her appearance and i dislike you too trevor
oh no maybe not everyone is bitchtits
i mean you surely have no upper body strength, perhaps your tits are bitch-like, maybe that's why you think it's a potent insult
prove me wrong
ah funny. i get banned for off topic shit too.
he can spam shit all over the board and in multiple generals without a slap on his fat wrists, but call him out and you get the hammer lol
he has no lower body strength and thats a fact jack
its friday and this is what you do
consider suicide
what did he do to becky lynch that deserved a restraining order? this is the last thing i wish to know about rovert
this is true. his legs look like two empty tubes of toothpaste
rolled up to her and spilled his spaghetti. didnt work so he stalked her online and then harassed her.
was this in ireland or florida?
youre trolling yourself by wasting 16 hours of your one life on earth shilling a dying wrestling fed
no im posting from one device.
youre shitting yourself and spamming because the whole board ravages your crippled ass every day
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What kind of "man" would spend untold hours online defending this piggu
youve called everyone on this board bitchtits multiple times
how many people do you actually think post here?
>copies insults
>makes dimeless comebacks
oh dear.
and then i can laugh remembering that everything you do turns into an L and backfires on you. and you cant walk
The best thing to come out of this thread that now everyone knows fatso (Rovert) is a janny
he'll latch on to one piece of info and pretend everyone is that one guy
i don't care for iyo, she looks like she smells like cabbage, but you are also gross, inside and out, trevor
have you considered that maybe there is more than one person making/posting in those threads and that youre paranoid schizo?
Pedo-kun, everyone knows who you are and what you do.
You're a sad, terminally online loser shut-in with no life or friends.
So you spend all day, every day on here fishing for the attention and engagement you don't get in real life.
So talcum-assed about Iyo because she went to Marigold. So riled about Marigold and Giulia because they sided with WWE and not your beloved AEW.
Your pathetic response? To spend hours online talking shit.
Consider suicide.
especially in
He doesn't actually believe it, it's a reflexive reaction to every toxic AEW fan being called Swinewheels
>I'm not your bogeyman
>And I'm not BT
>Maybe we should both stop, then
That's the goal

You'll notice that after months of being called filename tranny and similar, that behavior stopped and the filenames are back to random letters/numbers instead of based lachlan.jpg, orioles.png, bozo pack.jpg and so on
and thats grounds for a demotion and ban
ive been called bitchtits like 30 times
and hes posted it 18000 times
go figure.
we cant ''both'' stop because one is rovert and the other is over 100 people who think hes a retard
speaking of filename tranny aka folder faggot
I shoot don’t understand any of this
I see liceman is having a normal one
Know what the worst thing about this is?
You PAY to post here.
not your boogyman. rovert isnt even the worst schizo, i actually prefer him to dave on /epl/

basically the guy who did all the terrible posts on this board (blacked stuff, nash spam, wwe ratings thread necrobumps, drainmaker twitter threads etc etc) finally got found out, and he thinks everyone that calls him out is the same guy
I got you, pedo. I knew you'd take the bait.
Thanks for confirming that damn near ALL of the shit on this board comes from you.
You pathetic, console warring, terminally online reject.
I don't remember the last time fatso (Rovert) had such a meltdown. You don't think the mods took away his janny privileges do you?
i dont even like asian bitches. i call her cheeto frye all the time

im not this guy
or this guy
im not going to say see a psychologist because youre too far gone. your tranny fed is crumbling so you may as well just end it all
You don't have to convince me. I've seen Ojama and a few others jump in - if you drop some very unique or idiosyncratic terms/phrases into an archive site you can spot them - but Hogwheels is uniquely low-effort, low IQ and unoriginal The Copycats (Copyhogs?) at least attempt to use their own spin on things, the Irish 92 Victim doesn't even try.

It may well be a consortium of posters on each side but it's clear the Pigcrip side is greatly outnumbered. And he/they deserve it for being such dickheads in the face of even minor AEW criticism or fantasy booking.
You're the one being bullied by the entire board, schizo. Everyone is laughing at you.
You pay to post here.
kek. there is only one aewtist left on here thankfully. E chads won the narrative sorry.
It's actually crazy how bad you are at this fatso (Rovert) no wonder you got owned by a fucking loser like Chico lol.
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imagine getting ran off the board by a fucking smark manlet beta male like chico, to the point where you come to an anon website so it cant happen again, but youre so retarded it actually happens again.
Dude, you copied me with that insult. Just like you copied the Hogwheels pic and put Io's face on it.
You're not funny or original.
You're fat and retarded.
I don't post in the Iyo general.
I went in for fap pics, saw you the Marigold/Stardom schizo spamming, and stayed to roast you.
>Stop raping you
Fatso (Rovert) is now trying to say he is doing the raping so people will stop bringing up that he admitted to getting raped by his own father. Like I said tubby you're really bad at this. I really hope you never kill yourself I love making fun of you.
every day he has to wake up to see tonys toy shop has lost even more fans. the one thing he cares about in his life is tanking.
he loved daniel cryan but hes gone now too. its rover
? Dude, again, you copy other people because you're not funny.
You'd think you'd realize that when you've got no friends and people leave the board to get away from you. But autistics can't read the room and have no self-awareness.
How can he rape when he's in a chair?
everyone that sees this thread is going to realise how much of a fag rovert it, so hes trying to converse itt to slide it to 300 posts

OP remember to make a new thread with the same pic once this reaches 300 to make him seethe
>kids being raped
Are you talking about Vicky? again fatso (Rovert) you have no child. You are a 55 year old crippled faggot who lives with his parents and gets ass raped by his own father. Vicky doesn't exist just like your legs don't.
You actively jerk off to underage wrestlers, pedo.
Nobody here does that except you. Did one of your devices get banned? I see you're only posting after a minute passes now.
that was just rovert falseflagging to put a name to all the people who laughed at him
>Did one of your devices get banned? I see you're only posting after a minute passes now.
Apparently not.
>two posts in less than a minute
His phone has recharged. Expect even more cringe.
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I love how you keep trying to pretend you're not fatso (Rovert) like holy shit man give it a rest. Everyone knows and no one cares. No one is going to hurt you dude. You're a 55 year old crippled in Ireland, no one cares enough to do anything to you besides make fun of you on a dead board.
Dude, again, that's quite literally you - >>16092114
lmfao he got banned
all me
Bahahaha so it is him?
Get Elon on the phone. Cancel Pigvert. Get his Twitter taken away.
Check all the times he talks about Smackdown getting cancelled. It's hilarious
This board is fucking sad and pathetic
>all roverts posts got deleted
you know hes oinking hard right now
Hahahahaha yes. Based janny.
Would like to once again bring attention to this
based janny dabbing on the aewtist
ok lads stop posting in this one, dont want it to reach 300 posts, let it sit here so others find it and realise what a fag this guy is
only e-pedos supported him anyways
Iyo is ugly
take the L and leave town with it, rovert
Ban evading again Rovert? That's 30 days if the janny catches you.
Kek based
is she really?
A certain buxom fellow crying to the jannies to get all mention of his name deleted
Even though he apparently doesn't exist
wheels be ban evading again.
UH OH! Fatso (Rovert) is mad the jannies murked him so now he is about to mass reply on his VPN. Everybody buckle in this thread is about to hit the bump limit!
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did they?
>Fatso (Rovert)
This will never not be over.
R' fraid 'o!
Most men are repulsed by Iyo apart from African Americans of course
nothing gets him oinking like this one
i'm black and i wouldn't hit that unless i hit the pipe a few times first
Doing gods work anon.
Nah he's too light skinned for Iyo's taste
there it is
and there it is
based bryan
>Reported your non-stop spam in multiple threads
Rovert doesn't even know this shithole exists
whenever you see rovert oinking in a thread just reply with this and he is on instant suicide watch
Very Trumpy. Very based.
Hogwheels sent the SOS to the Pigcord, this thread will be 300+ in no time
>about to mass reply on his VPN. Everybody buckle in this thread is about to hit the bump limit!
Lol you were right.
The murk is coming
Chico won't diddle ya
Trevor be oinking. This call for a celebration!

Soon it will be time
this is the ultimate face turn for chico on this board, he was hated but now hes redeemed himself.
it helps that hes gone all LOLTNA on AEW recently too
2009 Chico literally described you in 2024, fagoon.
Are you in the pigcord?
This thread will be 92'd just like Oinko Pie
Chico still won't diddle ya
You fucking legend. I've got tears in my eyes.
Many are saying this
And when that happens, a new one will rise.
Ok how u know
use the pic with the wheels added next time
Will it really?
Afraid so
I don't have that one, brother. Feel free to post it and I'll use it.
If it gets taken down, we know you're a janny. It's that simple. This stayed up for hours.
>No more 14 to 21
You're the one who gets all mention of your name nuked
oh i meant this

but i take it back, the new op should be this
Because you mass report people using a VPN?
Someone tell him how famous he is
OP should link this thread as a previous so people dont miss an all time rovert melty
Yes I agree
Poor Shankism
who got murked and why
I can't say his name
It rhymes with Itchbits
Yep, that image ALWAYS gets deleted.
Fucking Rovert oinking to the jannys again.
based janny
Kek u mad? Told you not to mess with us
So you're admitting that you've got a group who raids the board and mass reports people?
Tsk tsk. That's grounds for a ban.
nah you are
What pic?
The pic with the power
brother you lost
your flippy manlet thread has xpac heat no matter how hard you shill it
your rape threads are ignored and you have to necro bump them
its over, you lost the narrative.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
its funny that the most autistic people on here are all workrate meltzer smark drones
>>16092437 >>16092472
the alvarez post about rovert, calling him out on flooding a wrestling board with stupid bullshit (wow really) with the picture that appears to be rovert if he's so angry about it
if it was bullshit, the reporting would be unnecessary, and yet here we are
perhaps a text version would not result in a ban? edits of the picture stay up somehow though, but the text doesn't have identifiable info, unless he really was a 35 year old grocery bagger at that time or something
their whole flippy fed has xpac heat nevermind the threads
You spam reports for anyone that uses the term BT
Even though you say it's just a boogeyman
So you can't blame people for doing your own tactics
That's Rovert's mamma calling him for a fucking Hotpocket
he spam reports anti-iyo posts too
>rovert is in the cord with the 4cc autists
smarks its over for you

someone make the new
Did you literally just admit to spamming reports?
Are you that fucking clueless?
hey stupid fag, im not doing any of that
what did you do to becky lynch to get that restraining order btw
Truly, melty monday is everyday on pw
Not admitting to anything champ :)
NEW >>16092528
>rovert hates spam
huh that's weird
likely hates himself
oopsie daisie

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