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The saga continues. Warlords, rich and fat from plunder, leaders of great hosts of chaos, as usual squabble as they march forwards.
Welcome to a bit of a filler thread. Here, I'll finish off Ivan's raid, however it goes, and let the following interactions and scheming of the warlords.
Last thread
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Only currently active raid:
If I am forgetting about any quest, response, dialogue, quest, please notify me.
I will write up the introduction in some 12ish hours.
Still here! Just making my presence known. Was confirming I'd save my strength to join in the Kislev raid, as promised, and raise a few more units if I can.
The Ungols ran away rather than face my Cataphracts?

Prior movement, looks like my Melnibbas got lost moving away from the hill.

The Zar's Horde holds the line. Messages are sent out to the Kislevites:
"You outnumber us vastly, & yet you stall as all cowardly Southrons do. Come & gift us your blood so that we may feed our Gods; if instead the terror gripping your hearts is too much, flee to your homes & live for a few more seasons until we return to plunder all the wealth of Erengrad. The crimson coats of your Streltsy make fine blankets for our steeds, & so we thank you for your generosity. The return to my Wheatlands will be most comfortable with even more.
So say I, High Zar Ivan"
No, that's a different unit moving in. The Melniboneans got killed by Ungols, but your cataphracts got off fine.

A lone Ungol rides forwards shoots an arrow with a message "You're a lord of an anthill, your men are inbred, your horses sleep with your women and your men don't envy your horses as they don't desire your women. Furthermore, I'll rape your corpse if you dare descend."
Holy shit, TOP KEK
That said, how did my Melnibbas get whacked if my Cataphracts had already moved into combat with said Ungol unit??? Units can't move once combat starts right?
Two units of Ungols tried moving around the north, one after another. One rammed into your Melnibs, did 1 damadge, got killed by Melnibs, then the other unit hit the melnibs, killed them, then got domed by cataphracts with the stormbringer.
Well at least some sacrifices can be prepared from the wounded while I wait for them to charge.
They aren't interested in charging. And they're bound to get more reinforcements from further south if your lieutenants are to be trusted.
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Damn, well I guess I'll have to go ahead & tactical retreat through the hills back to the ships, but the sacrifices will commence at Chamon Dharek.

The heads of the dead Ungols pre-sacrifice will be placed on spikes around the edges of the hills.

Sacrifices are made to the following
The Four, Mightiest of the Gods:
>Khorne, who's strength we strive to embody with rage & the thrill of spilling blood
>Tchar, who's cunning we wish to emulate on the path to victories
>Loesh, who's virility leads us to claim our prizes without care for pain
>Nieglin, who's promised rot hastens our pursuit of glory
The Eight, Lords Residing in Shadow:
>Be'lakor, Herald of the Everchosen, who guides the greatest warriors to become the Most High Zars
>Krom, who's scorn does not allow cowardice to go unpunished
>Malal, who keeps the Four from self-defeat
>The Unknown God, whom we honor until we are worthy of their name
The Twelve, Most Glorious of Ancestors:
>The Revered Dolgan, the first man to tame a steed, whom all horsemen owe their livelihoods
>The Great Kurgan, who was first blessed by the Chaos Gods, showed us their power, & serves as a warning of their natures
>Kullnan, the Mightiest of Warrior-Kings
>Mal Axe-Ender, the Greatest of Conquerors
My Own Horde:
>To Myself, High Zar Ivan of the Wheatlands, King of Ivanoslav, Dragon Prince of the Melniboneans; To my Conquest of Kislev
>To my Black Blade, Stormbringer, Hungry for Blood & Souls
>To my Fallen Warriors, May they Ride the Plains beyond Death in Glory, Forever

After the ritual, I commence a Warp-Dream in the sacred blood-pits to see what fate holds in store before departing for the Wheatlands by ship. I presume I'll be stopping at Kharak Dûm along the way for Torchak's Skull.
Letters are sent to the many tribes of marauders:

"WARLORDS OF OUR GREAT NORTHERN ARMIES, true servants of the Mighty Four, High Zar Ivan bids you all to feast & drink at Castle Ivanoslav in the spirit of Loesh! Gifts, slaves, & tales of glorious battle will be shared in the host's magnanimity. Any who rally warriors behind their banner to sack Kislev & beyond shall be welcome!"
>(Reply to this post to RSVP, new Warlords welcome!)
(I'm remaking my armed forces so force composition and ethnicity of leader is going to change)

Free booze, meat and bloody sacrifices? I'll be there.

Krantigarh locks his beady eyes onto the quaking messenger, whose throat he holds in a massive paw.

With the other paw, he gingerly holds the fragile parchment - scrawling with markings that he vaguely understands to be writing.

“WHAT DOES IT SAY?” Krantigarh speaks, at a perfectly normal volume.

The messenger chokes slightly before responding -

“An invitation, mighty Krantigarh Axe-Hand! High Zar Ivan invites you to the fortress Ivanoslav! All mighty Lords of Chaos who seek to plunder the soft lands of Kislev are invited!”

Krantigarh considers carefully - his time in the Beast Lands, amongst his own kind, is precious. But he has seen little of his “allies” since the fateful oath was struck several years ago, perhaps it would be best to join his fellows. He peers back the messenger and speaks -


Looking closer, Krantigarh abruptly pauses - is the man dead already?! Frail things, they are. He drops the corpse to his feet - at once, a crowd of nearby Ungor set to work stripping his bones. Already, he is planning the journey west - what hide loincloth should he bring? All of them, or just the stylish man leather ones? So much to decide…
KEK, the "normal volume" bit really got me

Fun to write a more comedic character, I don’t usually get the opportunity in my own quests
Oh I certainly know it

The Winter had been harsh and Mulrogs mood foul after the dreams. Being unsure of himself had been a first for the Chaos Lord and his Horde had noticed. Whispers in the dark and had been that he was growing weak and could no longer lead them to true slaughter. That he had grown too soft from taking so much easy southern loot.

He let them talk and prepared. Being unable to bed any women who were too small and fragile with his current size he was sleeping alone anyway and didnt sleep deeply these days anymore. Something which saved his live as one of his knights had attempted to murder him in the night.

The rest of the camp awoke to the pained screams as Mulrog rend the Warrior limb from limb with his bare hands. A Trail of blood led out of his tent, none of which was that of the Chaos Lord. The Knight was still screaming, blood spurting in great torrents from their ruined empty sockets. "YOU THINK I AM WEAK! TRY USING CHARS TRICKERY INSTEAD OF HONEST BLOODSHED! THEN COME AND FACE YOUR DEATH" he bellowed and pulverised the Knights Chest, Armor and bones with but a single hand.

His Enslaved Skinwolves howled, as his mark upon them blazed with Mulrogs Rage. They were completely loyal and jumped into action herding those Mulrog designated as too ambitious to bring them to a Makeshift Arena. They all seemed to have been ready for this betrayal as they were armed and armored. Mulrog smiled at them, with a coldness that would make even a demon flinch and beckoned for them to come at him. Even unarmored and without his Axe it was a slaughter. The first to reach him was quickly turned into a bludgeon to kill the others with.

The Runner arrived at an opportune time to find Mulrog. Covered in Gore with one last survivor in his hands he stepped out of the Makeshift Arena which was covered in broken bodies, guts and bent metal which might have once been weapons. Murderout Bloodlust greeted the man.

"Zar M-Mulrog oh blessed by the Gods." the man croaked and threw himself to the ground, offering the Scroll Ivan sent.

Plucking it from the terrified mans hands was easy enough. "Interesting Ivan. A Dwarfen Karrak for your thoughts. No Matter." he growled and spat a command at the Runner.

"Tell Him i will meet with him. And as truth of my words take this son of mine that foolishly thought to try and take my head. Rejoice Rozyk you get to live a little longer and maybe grow a bit stronger." he told the young man in his grip before dropping him unceremoniously. Sending them off with a warning not to dally he returned to his tent. His strength had once again been proven. But doubt still filled his mind.

"Maybe i am growing a bit soft. Years ago i wouldnt have spared such a weak and foolish son of mine." he murmured before shrugging the thought off.

Thinking about cleaning himself up he reached to a bucket of water only to realize the blood had not just dried but been absorbed by his Skin. It was now red. Surely another sign of the Gods favor.
Ivan is escorted by the priestly order as he approaches Chamon Dharek. Yet, as the sacrifices are prepared, a priest with a deformed head approaches Ivan. "We do not do the sacrifices up there." He says. "Follow me."
The priests, Ivan, sacrifices and onlookers descend from the mound and towards a well concealed crack inbetween a pair of boulders at the bottom of the mound. It is a tight squeeze for some of the larger men, yet all make it through and are immediately presented by a magnificent sight. A large tunnel, thrice the height of a man, descending downwards at a steep angle towards the center of the mound, it's walls lined with a continuous thick gold surface, sculptures of ancient warriors and great battles and monsters presented on it, all in life size, lit by tiny candles throwing a uncomfortable purple light across everything. Carefully walking down the mound, the priests start pointing out the more interesting warriors and deeds, as Ivan walks past thousands of warriors. At one point they stop. "This" a priest taps the statue of a chaos warrior Ivan immediately recognizes "Is a warrior of yours." A few moments later, the column continues.
After what feels way too long, the column reaches a grand chamber, fifteen spearlenghts long and twice as many high, with a great blue flame roaring in the center, statues of great horsemen with gemstone eyes on the 4 corners holding the vaulted celling above them up. "Throw them in the flames." The priest says "And then drink this." He says as he holds out a silver bowl with a pitch black liquid.
Ivan's dreams are anything but simple. Scenes of great slaughter, butchery, great cities being razed and erected, towers of corpses and marble blocks competing for height, fearless warriors and cowards acting in unison, ships ramming themselves into mountains. Yet, finally, a marble white hand reaches out and grabs him by his wrist, pulling him into a tight embrace. "Ivan." A female voice that reminds him of a confident knifesman says. "Do you not wish for chaos to win? Will you throw away the unity of the horde because some envious fools fear what can be done with it?"
The next moment, the marble white figure holding Ivan is shattered by a blow from behind and in the same movement, a Hung warrior plunges the blade forward, into Ivan's chest, between his ribs and through him.
Ivan wakes up, rolls over and vomits the black liquid.
His trip past the Kharak Dum is a uneventful one, as a pair of Kurgan dig up a unmarked grave and toss Torchaks Skull into a leather sack. Yet Kharak Dum calls for Ivan. Cresting over a hill and into the valley, you see Dum in a state never seen before: completely crumbled. The great walls destroyed, little more than heaps of cobble, the great halls now no more than caves, the defenses unmanned. Approaching it in silence, your entourage spots noone. Not your shamans, not the Fimir shamans, not the ancient Sarl mage, detects anything. If anyone is watching you, they're deep in Dum. This is your chance to enter it.
>bypassed it yet again, not caring or daring to do anything
>entered there and sought council with the crow headed messenger, wherever the mysterious benefactor of this whole ordeal may be
>found a odd and unfinished marble statue of a woman seated on a chair precariously leaning on its last two legs, while the statue had its feet raised on the table, a cup of wine graciously in the grasp of one of the marble hands
>chose to wander the halls of the ancient dwarven keep with his bodyguards, seeking to find whatever may lay in it, be it treasure or foe
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Hey Lanu, do you think you could use this image for one of the Veteran Chaos Warriors? I can try to crop it up for you if that’s a problem
Cropping's not an issue. I'll try and get used to roll20 before the next thread (probably in a few months).
"I shall await you in Castle Ivanoslav, in preparation of the ride and what our forces will bring down upon the westward lands."
>...Marble Statue...

"We ride for the site of our past conquests, the Pyramid of Skulls that mark my eponymous charge. There we shall make sacrifices anew, & I shall claim the skull of the servant of the Gods who died near there. Along with the skull of the fallen Zar Torchak, the weavers amongst you shall return life behind their empty sockets that I may take their council. Last before we retire, we shall survey the battlefields to the South where green-wretches were cut down in droves, to ensure pyres have consumed the bodies of all, & the fangs that jut from their mouths will be collected. The victory of the Hastling Zar shall be honored by re-stacking the hobgobla-heads once we have finished with them. These are the last of our labors for the season."
The exploration of Dum is a unnerving one, even with a dozen bodyguards. Yet, the chambers eventually reveal a feast chamber. Entering inside it brings you to an odd sight of a marble statue of a woman, static and balanced on the last two legs of the sturdy wooden chair, a goblet of wine in the statue's arm. Yet the most interesting thing is the featureless, smooth face of the figure. The guard spread out through the chamber, checking for dangers, yet everyone jumps at a strong impact as the statue shifts her legs, letting the chair slam forwards.
Getting at her full height, the marble statue towers over Ivan and offers him the wine goblet. "You're taking your sweet time freeing me from Ostrosk."
One of Ivan's guards lunges forwards with his blade, only to be backhanded by the statue and to collapse in a broken heap, his teeth flying.
"Now, as I was saying," she says, offering the goblet. "You're taking your sweet time getting to Ostrosk and freeing me."
"You?" Ivan asks.
"Yeah, me." The statue replies. "The wastes of chaos let me play with time as I wish."
>Turn around and leave
>Press her for additional context/lore[Write in]
>"What's in the cup?"
>"What reward awaits me?"
>"Which Gods do you serve?"
>"How did you come to be imprisoned?"
>"What advantage can you give me over other Warlords?"
"What's in the cup?" Ivan asks.
"Wine." the statue responds.
Ivan eyes the goblet, yet caution prevails. A few moments later, he speaks up "What will I get if I free you?"
"You already worked that out with my sister, did you not?" The statue responds as she walks over and grabs another goblet of wine for herself. Ivan observes as the statue brings the goblet to a curved plane representing her face where her lips should be and starts "drinking" the wine.
Ivan thinks about daring to drink the wine, then pretends to take a sip and asks in his most conversational tone "Whom do you serve?" he asks, bringing the goblet to his own lips again, faking another sip.
"Chaos itself." She says, leaning her bulk on the thick wooden table. It creeks. She is obviously very heavy. The bodyguards have their blades drawn. "Feel free to serve yourselves." The statue says to them. It is obvious she doesn't fear them at all.
"How did you end up in Ostrosk?" Ivan attempts yet another question.
"I needed a body to posses when I entered this plane." The statue says. "I just so happened to posses a unfortunate one already in torment and I found it easier to wait in it than to wait for the planes to re-align for me to attempt again." She says, her blank, featureless face slowly sipping wine. "Or at least that's what I remember, it happened a long time ago."
Ivan eyes her a bit more. "Can you help me?" He asks. "Free you."
"Do you need help?" She asks as she finishes the goblet, then pushes herself up for a pace around the chamber. For a statue that towers even over the elves, she lacks no grace. "I'm busy." She says plainly. "I have big things planned."
Ivan leaves with the goblet in hand, the unconscious guard being dragged out behind him. His trio of sorcerers are consulted; how could a statue drink whatever fills this vessel? How is the ensorceling of Torchak's skull progressing? The host is then assembled to depart the ruins.

"Send word to your tribesmen & those who neighbor us: we welcome those of Norscan & Kurgan stock who would swear their fealty for land, & honor the Mighty Four. Spell-Weavers are welcome from any tribe so long as they shall serve my court. Gather from those bands who wish to dwell here & those who have homes already the wisest that they may come before the court & be charged with the keeping of my laws. Seek out among the Dolgan the Shaman-Sorcerers who know the way of rearing Mammoths of War. Honor the marks that bear my sigil with hospitality, & ensure that none who do not call my realm home may trade without it. The one who knows the land the best, whether he be of settled Dolgan, Gospodar, Ungol, or Roppsmenn blood, or indeed even if they are a shriveled crone, shall serve my court as a Map-Keeper. Wisest among the Dolgan shall be brought forth as my own Law-Speaker. The most venerable Knight who bears the Eight-Pointed Star & rides among my host shall be named Hetman upon the conclusion of the raiding season, & be charged with the defense of the realm during the next. Thus will my right-hand change with the seasons, & never grow fat & contented living too long out of the saddle.
So say I, your Zar."
>(Gather a Wheatlands Map-Keeper, Court Law-Speaker, Lesser Law-Speakers for every Settlement, Dolgan Shaman-Sorcerer to raise Mammoths, & welcome Wizard immigration)
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After enjoying the victory period in the Aghol lands and recruiting new troops to his warband, Rue'Vahn the Claw of Shaarnor will head for Ivanoslav to draft the plans for the next raid. What's more, The Unbearable calls for festivities in the name of Loesh, and how could Rue'Vahn claim to be a champion of The Dark Prince if he missed such a celebration.

IMPORTANT: The deal with the Druchii slavers will be announced to all the other warlords, so that everyone can participate in acquiring elven armor (turns a unit of Hung Savages into Chaos Warriors). I would also like to finalize the allocation of my interim rewards with Mulrog and Sarrick, because I don't think it was properly decided.

From there, we must all decide on whether or not we continue to aid Lanu the Feathered. The priests and omens indicate that our hirer is secretly our enemy; an opponent to the Great Four. Whats more, Rue'Vahn has been offered 150 loot to not attack Ostrosk, which he is more than happy to share with anyone who agrees with him. The last thing he wants is to displease his favorite god.
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But all that is what must transpire before the next raid begins. Until then, we have plenty of time to enjoy ourselves and trade stories.
A while after Ivan returns from Kharak Dum, Rue'Vahn and his forces will arrive at the great communal fortress.

An enormous number of slaves are corralled and kept in the canyon pass outside of the walls. With mountains on either side of them, castle walls behind them, and armored slave drivers patrolling ahead, they have no where to run even if they aren't spotted by the lookouts in the fortress watchtowers.
The stables will also receive attention; a strange new monster seems to have been tamed by the Aghol champion, and an entire section is cleaned before being renovated to fit Sunset. Massive pillows, polished mirrors, and glittering jewels are strewn about her cozy den.

Once the necessities are taken care of, the reunion can get underway.
"IVAN! How in the hells have you been my old friend? You'll be happy to know that the ungrateful Aeslings who did not flock to your banner are being punished. Simply look out the window to see them down there in chains. Soon they will be in the hands of the Dark Elves, mining ore beneath Hag Greaf till the ends of their miserable lives. How go things out here in the Wheatlands?"
"It may be a hallucination." One of the three, the fimir says. "Or a trick."
"Or a portal of some variant." The Sarl says.
"And how is Torchak's skull going?" Ivan says, seeing that the shamans are merely guessing.
This time, the Melnibonean speaks "Poorly, his spirit has long since left and Dum is not a place important enough for his spirit to visit often, even if it's the place of his death. If you wish ask the dead, you would need venture to the places where the boundary between realms is thinner, maybe even broken."
The Sarl speaks yet again "Further north, mayhaps as far or even further than the Tong lands."
Ivan's proclamation will serve as his inter-turn event.
The Wheatlands map-keeper, Sasha, is to noones surprise, is a Ungol colonist who spent years in the militia, traveling all the corners of the colony, from the steep mountain slopes, to the vast steppes.
The head law-speaker, Fredrich, to very strong surprise, is picked out to be a Imperial renegade, a former physician that got too exposed to the corroding effects of the warp.
And of the sorcerers of note, is a warlord from the far east, clad in wooden armour lacquered red, his flesh bound to armour. While he does not speak, his play with smoke adequately illuminates his intentions.
Siiick, new henchmen just dropped. I'm going to edit the laws for my realm & give it another day for everyone going to the feast to RSVP, then post the feast intro.

Riders are dispatched to bring back the skull of the Lizard-Headed Sorcerer Eric Avila where he was crushed, as well as collect the teef' of & burn the remains of hobgob corpse piles.

"Rue'Vahn, mightiest of the Hung, it has been too long. Make yourself at home while I finish preparations for the feast. I have proclamations to make upon the customs of my realm."

Lanu, can I get 1 free Mammoth unit out of the 8 groups of cubs I gathered? Also, would you kindly put together an updated recruitment list for the Wheatlands?

PS: Was the Raven-Head also named Lanu?
PPS: Was the 2nd bread archived?
You know what I just realized?
If we all choose to turn on the hirer, and Krantagarh also plans on revenge against Sarrick, then we need to get you some Cygors.
They screw with the winds of magic and impede the power of wizards, right? That'd be perfect for what's to come.
This is probably the second time you asked. Lanu said in the past that Mammoths were much more expensive in the Wheatlands with the minimal amount. and all those extra mammoths are what you will need just to push the costs down to the same level of the Hung Recruitment.

from what i remember from last thread at least.
no free unit confirmed here. >>6027126
just did the Archiving. will probably take a few minutes till its up on the Archive.
Lore question for you guys, is Khaine somehow supposed to not be the same as Khorne?
They’re not supposed to be the same, but I’m almost certain that none of us in-character would know that.
We’d all just think that the elves are silly for using a different name and acting like they don’t worship one of the chaos gods
>Lanu, can I get 1 free Mammoth unit out of the 8 groups of cubs I gathered? Also, would you kindly put together an updated recruitment list for the Wheatlands?
No, but you have managed to drop the price of war mammoths down to 40 loot a piece and got a refund of 8 loot for the extra mammoths you brought.
Love you.
This should be it (I believe) for the recruitment options.
Chaos wastes and rejoin the great beastherds (recruit beastmen units):
SPECIAL RULE - everyone can move full speed through the forest, can see two tiles in the forest
Ungors – 5 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Gors – 10 loot:
HP 2
D 2
M 3
Centigors – 16 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Minotaurs – 30 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 2

The cold Hung coast to rally the savages and the wildmen (recruit Hung units):
Horse archer – 12 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Hung savage – 8 loot:
HP 1
D 2
M 3
Slave – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Warbeast of the north – 44 loot:
HP 4
D 3
M 4
Chaos warrior – 22 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 2
Chaos knight – 36 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 3
Mammoth – 40 loot
HP 6
D 2
M 3
Warmammoth – 50 loot
HP 7
D 3
M 2
The vast Kurgan steppes (recruit Kurgan units):
Horse archer – 10 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Kurgan cataphract – 18 loot:
HP 3
D 1
M 4
Slave – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Chaos warrior – 24 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 2
Chaos knight – 32 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 3

Ivan's realm in the Wheatlands:
Horse archer/Ungol – 10 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Kurgan cataphract/Druzhina – 18 loot:
HP 3
D 1
M 4
Slave/Kislevite miltia – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Chaos warrior – 24 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 2
Chaos knight – 32 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 3
Strelsy - 8 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 3
Mammoth – 40 loot
HP 6
D 2
M 3
Warmammoth – 50 loot
HP 7
D 3
M 2

The Baersonling villages:
SPECIAL RULE - everyone can construct longboats for themselves (and one other unit) in the interturn (if your army is half Norscan, it is fully amphibious)
Thrall – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Bondsmen – 8 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 3
Huscarl - 14 loot:
HP 2
D 2
M 2
Berserkers – 9 loot
HP 1
D 2
M 3
Chaos warrior – 28 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 2
Skinwolf - 26 loot (SPECIAL RULE – retains full movement in hills):
HP 3
D 2
M 4
Depends on the edition. In the 4th Edition Warhammer Armies Dark Elves, the Witch Elf on the cover was openly wearing the Khornate Symbol. Later editions steered away from that... but then, later editions also blew up the world, so later is not always 'better.'
Sweet, how much interraid tribute am I getting? Should be 15 from the 6 hill villages, Dolgan village, Dolgan town, tier 3 settlement of Dolgangrad, & tier 4 settlement of Ivanoslav. I also should have Melnibonean, Aesling, & other settlers though.

Ok, definitely overly verbose but I'll past the laws for the Wheatlands:

1) Authority- All law within the Realm of the High Zar shall derive from the Gods of the North & the High Zar himself, & their authority shall be symbolized by the Marks of the Zar:
The Greater Zar's Mark, forged from Melnibonean Steel, shall be given to members of the Court as their badge of office, as they act on the direct behalf of the High Zar in the matters they oversee.
The Zar's Mark, imprinted into Mammoth Ivory, shall be given to the Shaman of each Tribe or Settlement, Village Law-Speakers, & carried by Riders of the Court as a symbol of their authority.
The Lesser Zar's Mark, burned onto Cured Mammoth Hide, shall be given to resident Sorcerers, foreign Merchants & Slavers, as well as personal Guests of the High Zar, ensuring they are given hospitality, & lasts for but a single season.
The Zar's Brand shall be burned upon the forehead of every slave within the realm.

2) Capital & Court- The Grand Fortress-City of Ivanoslav shall be home to the Court of the High Zar.
Chief among the Melniboneans shall be the Tribute-Taker of the Court, who shall lead the Riders each season in collecting the High Zar's due, as well as sacrificing those who mock the True Gods in the High Zar's name.
Wisest in the land shall be the Law-Speaker of the Court, charged with committing these laws to memory, & appointing others as the Law-Speakers of each village. Any matter that cannot be resolved without the Court, but falls below the concern of the High Zar, shall be resolved by the Law-Speaker.
Most Knowledgeable of Settlers on the Wheatlands themselves shall be the Map-Keeper of the Court, charting all settlements that are formed, parcelling the lands best for farming, mining, fishing, herding, timber, & so forth.
Seniormost among the Riders of the Court shall be the Hetman of the Court, who when the High Zar is away shall have command of all warriors within the realm, be head of the guards of all ostrogs & grads (forts), & lead the defense of the Wheatlands.
Below those appointed by the High Zar will be the Riders of the Court, made up of those warriors who have ridden among the Warhost of the High Zar & retired from raiding for the next season, but are still bound to return to the host for a future raid. Thus will no Riders of the Court of the High Zar grow fat & lazy in their lofty position.
3) Settlers- Settlement of the Wheatlands is open to those who's blood descends from the Great Kurgan, all who come from Norscan stock, & those who dwelt in these lands before the High Zar's reign, namely the Gospodars, Roppsmenn, & Ungols. Those of other tribes may petition the High Zar for the same right.
All who wish to settle must come before the High Zar's Court, where their wisest will commit these laws to memory & become the Law-Speaker of his village. The Map-Keeper of the Court shall grant land suited to the needs of its settlers. All men must swear their oaths to the High Zar, & offer up to the Zar what is owed in the form of seasonal tribute, slaves, or warriors to ride with his host.
Those who found settlements may bar their homes to any who wish to live amongst them on basis of tribe, custom, or favored Gods, but all must show hospitality to the High Zar's Warhost, the horses of travellers, & any others bearing any Mark of the Zar.
No Greenskin may settle within these lands. Those who claim lands without the knowledge of the Court shall be enslaved.

4) Slaves- All thralls brought to these lands must be taken before the Court to be marked with the Zar's Brand, whereupon a tenth or the value thereof shall be rendered unto Ivanoslav's own stock, or if less than ten are presented, a single slave will suffice.
No man may be kept as a slave within these lands who does not bear the Zar's Brand. No Greenskin may be kept as a slave within these lands. Those who are held as slaves without the Zar's Brand shall be claimed by the Court, & their owners sacrificed to Loesh by way of lashings until death.

5) Sorcerers- Spellcasters from all nations & tribes are welcome within these lands so long as they abide by these laws. To dwell within the Wheatlands they must first present themselves before the Court of the High Zar & swear their oaths of loyalty. There they will be presented with the Lesser Mark of the Zar each season, that ensures they are not to be meddled with.
Those Wind-Weavers who dwell apart from others may claim lands deemed unfit for settlement as their own, at the Map-Keeper of the Court's discretion. Those Shaman who dwell within a settlement permanently among their people will be presented with the Zar's Mark rather than the Lesser, but are still required to present themselves before the Court when it is called to session upon the High Zar's return.
Sorcerers may not conjure the Eight Winds upon any settler without their full knowledge & agreement; only the Warlock's own slaves & those outside of the realm are to be the victims of sorcerous whims. Otherwise, Sorcerers are free to do as they wish.
Those who weave the Eight Winds without a Mark of the Zar shall be sacrificed to Tchar by Riders of the Court by way of molten lead.
6) Merchants- All those who come to these lands to trade must make way to the Court to give tribute & be presented the Lesser Mark of the Zar, which lasts for only a season. Should caravans arrive from the borders of the Wheatlands, they shall be escorted by Riders of the Court.
Those who do not dwell here who trade or sell slaves without the Lesser Mark of the Zar shall be enslaved by the Court.

7) Gods- All are free to worship the Gods of their ancestors, those that appear in their dreams, & those whom they hear the call of, so long as they do not mock the Great Four who rule these & all lands. To blaspheme the Gods of Chaos is to invite the wrath of the High Zar, & to mark oneself for sacrifice to the Chaos God so blasphemed, by the Riders of his Court.

8) Duels- All manner of dispute, feud, & accusation that cannot be resolved by way of tongues & bargains shall be solved by way of duels. The Law-Speaker of the village, a Rider of the Court, & two witnesses, one selected by each opponent, shall be present for both the challenge & the duel itself. If the conflict is not resolved upon the culmination of bloodletting, the matter shall be brought before the Court of the High Zar for final judgement. To not abide the High Zar's judgement or the agreed upon time, location, & means shall be grounds for sacrifice to Khorne by way of bloodletting, as is murder of & taking property belonging to another settler outside of a duel.

9) Burials- Those warriors of the Great Kurgan's blood who die in battle are to be interred beneath tumults of stone. All Greenskins & Undead who die in these lands are to be burned to ash. All traitors & cowards are to be drawn by horses to the Eight Winds & left to rot in pieces in sacrifice to Nieglin. The customs of settlers may decide the means of all others.
Halved (due to Melnibs) and rounded up, you're getting 8 loot.
So. A unit of knights. Any bonuses for painting them up?

I am gonna paint them one way or another. Just wanna know if i can bribe GM with pictures of well painted plastic crack for ingame bonuses
Once finished, +1D.
that is quite motivational.

could i choose onto which unit to put that +1 or will it be Mulrogs Bodyguard Knights?
I'll let you pick. Your painting looks quite good. When I was a kid I thought about getting into miniature painting, but I realized I lack both the time and the shekels to do it, so I just gave up on it.
With the proclamation of the laws of the Wheatlands, an unusual figure will sit outside the great hall, awaiting an audience with the High Zar. Their heavy armor is what stands out; a bizzare mix of blue and purple with one half bearing the markings of Tzeentch while the other half is inscribed with the symbols of Slannesh. A perceptive eye might also notice that something about their form seems to change every now and then.

If Ivan chooses to grant them a moment of his time then he will introduce himself as Drixen, the head slavemaster of Rue'Vahns warband. Given the abruptness of the new laws, they ask for their captives to be given a temporary exception from Law #4. It would be an enormous hassle to have to round up each and every one of them to give them a new brand. She explains that they'll only be here for maybe a month or two before the new raid season begins, and that they might not even finish marking all of the slaves by the time they leave. Worse, is that it will be awkward for him and Rue'Vahn to explain to the Druchii why all the slaves already have the mark of someone else. Drixen continues by saying that the Dark Elves often demand that the brands of former owners be flayed off prior to delivery. This would mean that she'd have to order all the other slave drivers to de-brand the Aeslings, and then double check them all to ensure professionalism.

If the High Zar is concerned about being seen as hypocritical by not enforcing his own laws, then she proposes a possible solution. Allow the captives be declared as "prisoners" rather than slaves, so that they do not need to receive the brand.

With that, he waits to be dismissed. As they leave, she turns and mentions that Rue'Vahn is excited to supply the alcohol for the feast. There is no food he could have brought that would be able to compete with the sea monster meat that Mulrog and the others will assumedly bring, but the Aesling mead ought to be an excellent addition to the festivities.
I have spent another season growing 2 Ungors
I do believe I have the loot to also purchase 4 Ungors.

With that done, the time has come to join my allies in the assault on the Kislevites as promised

you coming to Ivans? >>6035460
Oh yes, before the horde, we'll go and indulge in festivities
Then you might wanna rspond to the RSVP Post i pointed out above so we can get things going there. I am gonna write Mulrogs arroval tomorrow
I'm about to post the intro, if those unaccounted for still want to be at the feast just post your arrival afterward, namely:
"By all means, the laws are set forth are not meant to burden my guests, only to enforce my will on those who import & permanently hold flesh in my domain. I should hope that the Aesling mead is stronger than that of the Baersons."

I take it the Aesling settlement I essentially bought & any further developments among the Dolgan, Melnibs & such will yield fruit on the next interraid?

Much of the assembled Great Hosts of Chaos marched from the lands of the Baersons & Kislev into the Belyevobota Pass, the High Road as the Southrons of the Wolf & Hammer knew it, though its new Dolgan owners had taken to simply calling it Blyat Pass due to the intermittent attacks from Praag. New fortifications were taking shape at the Western mouth of the narrow valleys, slaves toiling with stone under the imperious gaze of Kurgan horse archers. The riders raised salutes to the hosts as they passed while keeping eyes on the Southwest, ready to butcher their exhausted charges rather than return them to the Kislevites. Hiking for many leagues revealed a fair few scenic vistas of mountainous woodlands & serene peaks, largely ignored by the bloodthirsty warriors upon the trail. Every now & then a Kislevite goat-herder would be spotted, but before his blood could be spilled in error he would raise the salute of the Dolgan or give praise to the Mighty Four, whether in ernest or as merely a wise supplication was another matter. Along the way stood shrines to the Gods of the North, efigies carved in the shapes of Eagles, Crows, Hounds, & Serpents. At last the towering citadel at the heart of Ivanoslav peaked between the summits of the World's Edge Mountains, yet still a vast distance stretched before the travellers & their sited destination.

As the hours stretched on they finally came before a vast moat, more an artificial lake than a mere pond, with a narrow road of elevated, smoothed stones jutting a winding path through the center. A single great beast, a pair of wagons side by side, or a file of mounted warriors atop their steeds could make their way atop the bridge, but in a thunderous storm or under a rain of arrows their chances of reaching the other side were doubtful. Unassailable walls dominated their view, separated from the cliffs by gaps too wide to allow attack from the highlands, aqueducts emerging from the middle of sheer cliff-faces, while the surface of the surrounding waters were pocked with jagged stones that prevented a clever siege by way of carried boats. The citadel seemed to stretch into the very clouds from here, though it did not reach as high as the neighboring peaks. The sun dipped lower in the western sky behind them, eclipsed by mountain tops, revealing a vast, burning Eight-Pointed Star alighting the pinnacle of the tower. To the right a small fortress, though only by relative comparison, suddenly appeared from behind a natural wall of stone. The placement gave a commanding view of the pass & ensured some degree of surprise for the garrison manning it...
After much time spent brawling and boasting of the rivers of blood to come, Korthak has amassed a large horde of hardened marauders and many more untested fools desperate to get the attention of the gods and not yet aware of what that entails. He is ready for the raiding season, come what may.

>Sons of the Bastard Skull (33 Loot)
>2 Berserkers (Veteran) Closer to ravening animals than fighting men, they must be watched, lest they start butchering their own allies. Their idolatry of the brazen skull has gotten hotter, with some going so far as to wear masks of bronze.
>2 Bondsmen (Veteran) Mobs of young and reckless looters and thieves, now rid of the chaff and bloodied against mammoths and gors. Far from elite, their hearts have been hardened and they fight fiercer, foolish greed tempered by spite.
>2 Huscarls (Veteran) Some few hardened reavers and proven warriors who can afford shirts of maille and fine steel. After the last hunting season, they have half a mind to go after wilier, richer game.
>3 Huscarls (Allied) A strong host of northmen under Sigfus, seasoned by long years of raiding. Their leader feels Korthak can help them seize troll country, and they're content enough to fight at the bastard's side.
>1 Berserkers (-9 Loot) Frothing madmen either banished from their tribes or on a pilgrimage to slake the thirst of Kharneth. They're eager enough to fight under the one they hear is blessed by the Blood God, and in a good omen, several have already been caught butchering each other out of impatience.
>2 Bondsman (-16 Loot) Some belligerent drunken rabble who've realized they prefer the fighting to the drinking and decided to skip the middleman. They have no sense of direction or surfeit of competence, but they'll serve as fine fodder.
>8 Loot remaining: A petty heap of mammoth pelts and stolen blades, that haven't been claimed yet some of them of decent quality, most better than nothing.

Although there remain some external concerns, he's certain he can handle those in due time. After all, all that really matters in the end is what's in reach of his axe.
Movement on the walls of said forts was calm & subdued, the Great Host naturally expected by the men of Dolgangrad & Ivanoslav alike, though to say they slackened their guard would be a falsehood.

Passing over the drawbridge & under the open gates of the outer walls the hosts were met with torrents of steam from exotic contraptions emblazoned in black & gold as the guardsmen looked on impassively. A small pile of tiny, dead vermin collected there, swept into one of the many gutters flowing into the moat every so often by an attending slave leaning on a broom. Glancing up at the battlements gave glimpses of statues carved in the likenesses of the Dark Gods, Daemon Princes, Revered Ancestors, & beyond the many lesser fortifications & homes, a statue of Ivan himself upon a steed stood in the courtyard at the base of the citadel. An artificial field, the dirt & grass moved there by hand, ran the perimeter of the innermost walls before it, the mounts whose very blood was the life of the Kurgan hordes allowed to graze & trot along it. The Warlords of the Great Hosts, a small retinue of guards permitted to them, their pets, sorcerer's familiars, favored servants, & chosen lieutenants were submitted into the further multitudes of gates leading into the tower, while their baggage trains, armies, & slaves were billeted by host among the halls & holds built into the outer battlements of the city's walls.

Those thralls who had finally succumbed to their captors' deprivations during the journey & who had starved too much for the tastes of Beastmen were taken below the keep to the root cellars that ran under it. Comparatively little had been built beneath the Earth: thick layers of foundation stone, nigh-impossible to dig through; a low-ceilinged spread of storerooms holding glass jars, ceramic pots, wooden barrels, & smaller casks of non-perishable food & spirits; a humble catacomb of empty alcoves prepared for the High Zar, his future line, & any favored followers; & finally the outer cellars fed moisture from the moat, full of corpses serving as fodder for the vast multitude of mushrooms growing there, most edible, many medicinal, & some altogether toxic. Here the means of these grand constructions were apparent from the carpet of decaying bodies. Only by way of sacrifices & godly favor did the many thousands of laborers construct these fortifications of the pass: the blood of dead beasts of burden supplied strength to them in the name of Khorne, the lash of their slave-masters inspired them with pain in the ways of Loesh, the sorcerers who oversaw their efforts & directed the flow of living & dead bodies contributed plans in glory to Tchar, & their rotting remains after crippling exhaustion took their lives fed the remainder further by way of the cycle of Nieglin. The fungus that ate away at them would also serve as a self-renewing harvest should the citadel be truly besieged.
When the heads of the hosts & their entourages finally reached the audience chamber, a grand feast met their eyes. Slave girls sat by cushioned chairs upon plush carpets, the succulent roasted flesh of a great many beasts sat upon the long table, & kegs stood by every seat with empty horns waiting to be filled. Yet none were prepared for the sight that they took in beyond the spread, as their host beckoned them from upon a vast throne as tall as the vaulted ceiling, a crimson red shine nearly blinding despite the subdued lighting of candles, the priceless structure seemingly one unfathomably large gemstone. High Zar Ivan arose from his gleaming throne with a goblet in hand & raised it high to the gathered marauders.

"Lords of Mighty Hosts, before we feast & drink ourselves into Loesh's stupor, I raise a toast to the honor of all those who have fought with us. To the glorious dead, undying as they are in the Realms Beyond!" The toast complete, Ivan had servants bring out gemstones of myriad colors before the seated guests. "To several of you I owe debts, the works you have seen a testament to your wisdom in sharing the plunder we have gained. To each of you I give a small gift of treasure, none of which I detract from the tallies owed."
>Reply to Claim 2 Loot/Attend
"Tonight we gather to discuss amongst many things, our future raids into the rich Southron lands. The Reik, the Dorfs, the Bretons, & realms beyond beckon to us. I would also talk of a more pressing matter, but first I speak to each of you as my guests & further share my generosity. The walls & doors of this chamber are lined with lead to keep the winds from flowing carelessly; I bid you all speak freely, as no ear but ours may hear what is said at this table."
"Zar Hangar of the Hastlings, Direwolfbane, He Who Stacks Greenskulls, you have won great victories at the head of our hosts. The wretched Hobgobs that threatened my lands while I was away were dealt with by your steel, & for that I owe you a debt. If you are to lead us, a crown upon your brow would demand more respect, don't you agree?" A slave approached in a deep bow, holding aloft a metal band lined with long, tusk-like ivories rising from the top. "The fangs of Khanzarian wolf-riders. I burned the rest of their remains to ash so that they would not sprout anew, but their eyeteeth are worthwhile trophies. The least I could do to begin to repay your aide is to allow your tribesmen to settle here. The Hastlings do not often deal with incursions from the green scum I imagine, as we Dolgan have slaughtered them since time immemorial. Your folk could certainly gain from resting here between raids to the South. As for the debt my lands owe to you, repayment will come in due time."
>(Ivan gives a Hastling Migration Sidequest)
>(+2 Loot to Hangar, -2 from Ivan)
"Rue'Vahn, the Depraved as they call you, Loesh-Blessed, you are especially welcome! Once you owed me a great debt, now it is I who am indebted to you. I envy you also; my harem grows wih every raid, & I take my pleasures among the so-called Dragon Princesses of otherworldy isles, the sheltered beauty of Boyars' daughters, & the wild warrior-women of my own tribe, yet true satisfaction & affection eludes me. Perhaps a Gospodar Ice-Witch will unthaw my heart! The unheard of bond you have is a true gift. The smiths I have gathered from far-off lands I had forge for you a lesser gift of my own." A large ring of lustrous metal the circumference of a fat man's waist is held aloft by a kneeling servant before Rue'Vahn. The Zar continues, "Among the Norscans, bands such as these are given to wives when claimed by a husband. This one is made from the steels of Melnibone, an atoll sunk into the sea shortly after I raided it. The craftsmen have assured me it will not rust, & to break it would take the strength of a Khornate Daemon. I cannot vouch for it to fit without some degree of reforging, but may it please your soulbound mate to wear it. Before you leave my bastion to have her try it on, I would discuss the raids you have made upon the Aeslings. I understand it that you are clearing their lands for a migration of your own people. What ambitions drive you, & would you be amenable to subjugating the Aes & sending them to dwell within my realm as opposed to wholesale slaughter? Future conquests aside, I am in need of one who can speak & read the Hungolid & Tongic Tongues. Might you have one suitable for me? If not, perhaps the Whispersoul might. Should any warriors of your kind pass through my lands, I will of course direct them to your banners."
>(Ivan gives an Aesling Migration Sidequest & asks for a Hungoloid Translator, Passive Wheatlands Hung Recruitment for Rue'Vahn? Lanu Permitting)
>(+2 Loot to Rue'Vahn, -2 Loot from Ivan)
"Zar Mulrog Kul the Cruel, surely if not favored by the Gods you would be mistaken for a Half-Ogre! We have much to discuss. First, allow me to present a trophy of mine suitable to one of your prodigiousness." A massive hammer of Fimir-make was dragged out by a team of servants, stone head affixed crudely yet securely to a haft that was barely reduced from a sturdy tree. "Men & beasts will surely fall like scattering snow before you wielding this! Tell me, where did you acquire those strange, waddling bird-beasts that follow you? I would fancy to have one myself. For that matter, might you have a man in mind from amongst your tribe who could serve me well in the trade of slaves & wealth? Only the brass-worshipping Dorfs are known as greater slavers than you riders of Kul, & I seek to expand the tribute flowing into my realm. I also seek new settlers, & the folk of your tribe would be welcome, all the better to reave further afield into the Southron lands."
>(Ivan asks for a Chaos Penguin Pet/Jester & a Kul Slaver Trade Advisor; also gives a Kul Migration Sidequest)
>(+2 Loot to Mulrog, -2 from Ivan)
(Waiting on you to reveal your new warlord)
(I had planned something for you & Huffud but I'll edit it if they aren't going to the feast)

I am coming, just haven’t had time to post my entrance, so to speak
Lanu, could I get some sort of midget jester or illusionist at some point perhaps? A Chaos Gnome? A Mutant Halfling? Also, what magick does the Sarl Orokia specialize in, if any?

I would also love to get some glass cannon units, & have all my veteran cavalry get an initiative bonus at some point against Kislevites due to intimidation by wearing Streltsy coats as barding.

I'll be there.

Going with 3 Hung savages and 3 Gors and 1 group of slaves. 30 +24 +6=60

Going with being an Old Armored Skin Wolf as the Leader. Got kicked out of his pack. so he found some similar minded chaos followers. And they're out to see the world burn.

Drakothraen the Bloodletter, runs behind the Gors as they stampede away from him. They run for good reason. Any caught by his claws soon suffer from tearing teeth and stomach acid.

"HALT", he roars out.

The Gors take up the bleeting cry. Huffing and puffing the horde comes to a stop. Drakothraen can already smell the two ragged Humans covered in rotting furs running towards him long before he could see them. He really disliked eating them over the Gors.

"Warmaster, signs uh fire and many feet."

Drakothraen looks at them. There's two of them surely they bring more news than this. The silence stretches. The two look towards each other nod. And puff their chests out holding heads high.

Drakothraen hand slowly starts reaching up to take the two fools heads. But he looks over and sees the disappointed but expectant Gors expecting to eat soon. Clenching his Armored claws into a tight fist.

"Send out the scouts. See how far the Host is from us."

Looking back to the two savages. He sees one taking a bite out of a still squirming crow. Drakothraen watches in horror and then disgust. That starts rising into anger. Why wasn't that offered to you... is that a letter?

"High Zar Ivan, our Horde comes. The South shall burn.

Drakothraen the Bloodletter"

Written on the back of a hung savages sent to your front gates. Two Gor follow him. He dies when he stops moving collapsing at your gates. The two Gors immediately start to kill each other. With the Victor eating the loser. Before running back the way he came.
"Stranger before me, I welcome all who lead hosts to march upon the South at my table. Khorne's Hunger is clearly upon you, & surely his favor will come with it in time! I see you lead a pack of many beasts, but none of your own breed. Do you hold ambitions to one day reign over a great wolf pack?"
>(+2 Loot to Drakothraen, -2 from Ivan's Treasury)

Honestly reminds me of Korthak if he had rabies.
Mulrogs Arival to Ivanoslav was one of short notice. His men having ridden for several days straight, ignoring all hailers after the first though he sent forth messengers informing settlers of their passage and telling them to stay put and out of Mulrogs way.

The Warlord was at the tip of his Horde like a living battering ram of dark Steel, even standing taller than his saddled Chaos Knights. No Steed the Kurgan had could carry him now but he still kept up with his Knights while on foot.

Enterning the pass from the Wheatlands his host ascended to the citadel though most of them never entered it, instead passing only through to meet up with the Baersonling Part of Mulrogs Horde waiting for them on the other side.

Only a small Honor Guard of half a Dozen Knights and the pack of bound Skinwolves accompanied him as he was greeted by Ivan. By this time Mulrog had certainly surpassed most Ogres in height and weight in sheer muscle so the offered Hammer was easily picked up with a single hand and weighed with contemplation. He thought that the throne was a garish display of wastefullnes but held his tounge, his only reaction being furrowed brows on his now deep red skin.

Gesturing to the diminuative birdlike creatures around his feet he responded. "I acquired them while hunting near the cost on one of my raids. They decided to follow me and chatter at night when danger draws near. If one of them finds you worthy of their time they might follow you as well." he answered. roll a D20. Over 15 one of the chaos Penguins will probably decide to follow you.

"As for an Advisor. I will send for Algal, My best slave Master. He will surely find someone willing to follow you for a few seasons before they are to be replaced. Living the easy life for more than a few season makes Slave Drivers little better than the slaves the herd." he proclaimed and gestured for a gaggle of slaves to drag his Sea Beast Skull Throne into the Hall for the feast as no chair would otherwise manage to hold up to his bulk.

A runner is being sent and returns hours later with a young rider in company of an old an grisled veteran Rider. The young man was introduced as Zalrak, Son and apprentice to Algal the Slavemaster. Despite his youth he looked harsh and unforgiving with a discerning glint in his eyes. "Zar Ivan. This Boy of mine, and some of his loyals retainers shall serve you well for the next three seasons when we decide if their service has been good for your realm. If you at any time feel his service to be inadequate send word and we will have him replaced within the month." the old Slavemaster declared and seized up his son as if to tell him to work hard.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

"I see, do these feathered creatures fly, speak, do battle perhaps even?" Ivan sipped from his chalice as the conversation continued. "You are doing me a great service by lending the expertise of your wisest followers to my court. Another young rider of Kul blood arrived alongside my messenger, claiming to be your own son, though I cannot see much resemblance I must say. Is this 'Rozyk' truely of your line, & what would you have me do with him if so? Could he be of any use?"
The Aelsings have moved in. The Melnibs are what costs you the 7 loot and the Dolgan have been immigrating at their own rate so far.
Sure, you can have a midget.
As for what Orokia specializes in, nothing really, he covers everything lightly.
>glass cannon units
'serkers and savages are your glass cannon for now.
"Rozyk yes. So he survived the ride. Do with him as you please. He showed at least some guts trying to fight me instead of cowering and hiding like several of his co-conspirators did. Could become at least a somehwat useful rider. He always looked too much like his mother. And since then the blessings of the gods have changed me greatly from before i first donned this armor." mulrog said as one of the smaller younger birdlike creatures exited his massive shadow. It chirped and vowed somewhat awkwardly.

"They can bite and chatter when danger draws near. And once bonded they are very loyal. I had several of them maul wardogs to death when those thought these creatures were an easy meal."
Any surprise (NPC) guests dropping in for the feast?
I take it I just got a bird? Neat.
Yeah. I wanted to say. Equal or greater than 15. So on a 15 you got a young one.
When Drakothraen arrives he coulr probably smell the Skinwolves that make up Mulrogs escort. And that one of the pelts the massive warlord wears is one made from the Skin of such a Wolf. Maybe someone Drakothraen knew before?
Kek korthak with rabies.

>All I wish to rule is a Sea of blood, hear the lamentations of the enemies women and to eat the babies of the fallen. My main goal is for revenge against Calathas and his ilk.
Sure. Can Calathas be the leader of your bound skin wolves? I'd want to fight him and rip his head off though. If you're open to allowing that.
the pelt Mulrog is wearing is that of the previous ALpha of that pack of Skinwolves. He challenged the Alpha, skinned him, turned his skull into a cup..... which Mulrog can no longer use because its way too small now. and the pack was branded with his mark and bound using blood.

If Calathas took up the mantle of the new semi Alpha afterwards that fight could probably be arranged. if that is okay with you.
…I’ll need to get one and move the gromril armor to it, if I can. I can’t let Huffud NOT be the biggest>>6037798
So you coming to Ivans feast? As he invited you here >>6035460
Huffud the Big arrives to feast, but… not in a conventional way.

The poor messenger is found on the verge of collapse at the palace gates, running from the horde of minotaurs led by the armored colossus known as Huffud- which the people here likely only know due to her affiliation with the (far more civilized) Minotaur they call Krantigarh

Seeing her old friend, the beast MOOS in something like cheerfulness, moving her gromril-armored bulk into the feasting hall… and beginning to eat the nearest piece of green cloth
how big is huffud exactly? i mean shoulder height? Ogre Size? Or bigger?
She’s huge, even for a Minotaur. Being big is her main defining trait, due to accidentally eating warpstone

So like… about the size of an ogre tyrant, I’d say
nice. so if she stood on two legs she would probably be bigger than Mulrog.

distracted by the massive Beast armored in finest dwarfen metals makes Mulrog excuse himself from Ivans Presence and he walks over interested in seeing who this newcomer is, having never met her on the field.

Moving closer he does come to appreciate the size even more. Something like this he thinks might make a worthy mount. if it could be tamed.
The beast seems more interested in eating all the vegetables and potted plants she can get her cloven hands on than anything, but seeing a similarly sized creature… she stops. And simply stares into Mulrog’s fiery eyes
"Who are you?" Mulrog asks in the dark tongue of chaos, unsure if the beast before him even understood language. As a form of Courtesy he introduced himself before continuing with mustering the eyes and face of Huffud. Her Bovine features even more pronounced than that of most minotaurs confuse him even more and he does question if this could be a Chaos Spawn that had somehow managed to control its mutations and some shreds of sanity.

With a mental command one of the bounds Skinwolves brings a plate filled with broiled vegetables as a good will offering. Through the Skinwolf, Mulrog notices a very mutated Chaos Warrior standing somewhat close to the beast but refuses to break Eye Contact.
(Oh, just a by the by, the chaos warrior token is what I’m using to represent Huffud on the map- the chaos warrior was the highest hp unit I could make, so that’s what I’m using!)

The creature snorts, rumbling some “words” in the dark tongue that Mulrog can just about comprehend.
She said something halfway between the word “huff” and what sounded like a proper name- something with “ud”. So maybe her name is “Huffud”?

Despite the rows of canines filling her mouth, as is standard for the children of chaos, this creature seems to rather uniquely favor vegetables!

In her own mind, Huffud recognizes Mulrog as a warrior of skill- or at least another creature of her own rank. Someone NOT to fight

She moos. It sounds… curious. As if asking what HE is
"Mulrog. Member of the tribe of men and Zar of the Kul. Named by me foes the Cruel. And for now a Guest of Ivan over there." he introduces himself and gestures to the ostantatious gem throne dominating part of the other wall.

"I think you want to know about my size. A gift by the gods. Similar to your own size i believe. Are you the only one? Or are there more?" he asked.
The giant beast snorts again, looking at the throne for a few moments before huffing and gesturing with a shake of her horns towards a horde of several dozen minotaurs and a small unit of rugged-looking chaos warriors, led by a large woman in red.

The minotaurs, for what he can see, all bear the same coat as Huffud… could it be that they’re all her spawn?

"Your Brood.... They look capable. unlike my own brood. They were... disappointments one and all." he snorted though seemed impressed by the force she managed to assemble.

"But that means i will have to look elsewhere for a worthy mount. Maybe i can venture into the Worlds Edge mountains after this raid upon Ostorok and the Trolls Kings Lair later this season, and find myself a Stonehorn. A creature big enough that even an Ogre could comfortably ride upon it." he concluded. And unless Huffud wanted to talk about anything else he would take his leave and go for a bit of a stroll around the castle to learn more about this impressive fortress.
She snorts her own goodbye- she didn’t understand much of what he said, but it felt good. Respectable- a word she never knew, but now understands in a way.

Huffud leaves, thinking about that final word- mount. She wonders what it is, as she keeps raiding Ivan’s vegetable platters for all they’re worth
Hangar laughs as he takes the gifted tooth-crown. "I thank you for this gift and emblem of our shared cause, Ivan. I am unsure that the Gods mean for me to lead our hosts for any longer then it takes for us to breach the Kislevite fortress; for all journeys carry with them the inevitability of the ending. But let us savour the moment whilst these bonds still stand; before the inevitable withering of the bindings."

To Ivan, Hangar has his squire present the Unbearable with Armoured boots; forged by the Smiths of the Dawi-Zharr, bound with skin-leather and lined with Wolf-Pelt. "Your many wanderings this season have taken you far across the world; and though all may pass in time to the Entropic lord, it would better suit our purposes if your marching feet are not yet among those afflicted."

To Rue'Vahn, Hangar has the Slaneeshi Lord presented with a Zharr-forged slavemaster's whip; perhaps an addition to any collection he might have already?
"Krantagarh, Prime-Beef of a Mighty Herd, & Huffud the Great Heffer, the Despoilers of Hellpit, Smashers of Untold Rats, I see you two are especially hungry. Bring out the dinner guests at once!" A group of slaves drags out two healthy young men & another fat, middle-aged one. The resemblance between them all is clear. Their heads & faces are shaved, their mouthes gagged, & small leaves within a coating of oils stick to their skin. A spit is prepared over a central fire should raw meat not be to the guests' liking. "Before you are the former Boyar of this land, grown plump from years of easy living, & his well-fed sons. The Wheatlands are bountiful, but those who settled here endured much in their homesteading. Except for a few such as these. My servants have seasoned them to the best of my knowledge to your liking. Although perhaps I misjudged tastes... Nonetheless, I bid you enjoy the meal! While you dine, I would ask about the Rat-Men. How did they defend their warrens? Would it be possible to have one as a pet, or perhaps, if they talk, even a jester? It would likely need to be gelded, shaved, deloused, & dewormed first... A whimsical hat might add to it. Ahh, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Did you gather the Green Gold of the Gods from their warrens?"
>(Ivan asks for a Skaven Jester & seeks to trade for Warpstone)
>(+2 Loot to Krant, +2 Loot to Huff, -4 Loot from Ivan)

"A fine gift, Zar Hangar, & of a sturdy construction I see, the better to kick-in the skulls of Southron footmen as I charge into their lines. I heard there was a certain insolent slave that dared address you from the Crag-upon-the-Moat, & of your words to him. We are of different tribes, it is true, but the Great Kurgan's blood flows strong in our veins. The Gospodars are not so far removed except by Kislevite delusions & weakness from easy living. I would wager that even the Norscans, Reiksmen, & Bretonni share some ancient ancestors with us. But the Ungols are a different matter; closer to Hung & Tong than to our folk, & their demeanor surely attests to that lesser lineage, exceptional present company aside. I would have Kislev carved up into vassal lands: Gospodar, Roppsmenn, Ungol, & Sarl perhaps. What comes to your mind for these endeavors?"
Since his skull had been bronzed, Korthak found himself hungering for blood more than food. Still, an invitation was an invitation, and he'd pledged a decent chunk of plunder to this High Zar's plans to build an impregnable fortress. He ought to see it for himself. The half-Southron brought with him a small host of men, the veterans of his warband who weren't so crazed as to murder their hosts without challenging them first, and took the toast with the same steam he'd become accustomed to.

He rapt a knuckle on the table and laughed. "IVAN! How goes the empire-building? By the looks of things, you've found plenty of order in the Chaos already! Ahaha!"
"Korthak, of the Brass-Skull that Burns by Khorne's Rage, I forsee great cities made pyres within the future of your flames! Indeed, we must first establish order over the savages who see the truth of Chaos, build & create vast armies, before commencing with great feats of Destruction! Word has reached me of your unquenchable thirst." Several barrels are rolled out before the burning berserker. "The strongest wodka in the Wheatlands, Kislev knows how to brew strong drink I must concede. I hope that this will be enough to warm your belly from the winds of frigid Norsca." The Zar refills his goblet with the potent, clear spirits from an open barrel. "The tribe we subdued, from which you hail. I would have their shipwrights work within my own realm. I can't imagine they would need much convincing were they to see how bountiful these lands truly are, wouldn't you agree? Another notion comes to mind; might your berserker-bands be trained to ride upon horseback with the haste of fury & reckless abandon by way of Kurgan who were born in the saddle? Let us think on it as we drink. Skall!"
>(Ivan gives a Baersonling Migration Sidequest & proposes Berserker Horse-Marauder Units, Lanu-permitting)
>(+2 Loot to Korthak, -2 from Ivan)

"Khorne-Blessed One, I have come to a decision. I will allow Rozyk to prove himself worthy of riding with my host. I shall grant him my Lesser Mark, so that he may recruit unproven warriors with impunity from my lands, albeit only for this season. Afterward, he shall return with a Direwolf suitably impressive to serve as my pet, a Gnome or Halfling most entertaining for my court, or the teeth of a great many Hobgoblins. If he returns otherwise, I will find a use for him in my dungeons, perhaps as a Sorcerer's plaything & puppet. Unless of course, you wish to have him handed over so that his lack of glory may be erased by one of his blood, as is your right."
(>NPC Henchman Sideqst: Rozyk's Redemption)
>(NPC Henchman Sideqst: Rozyk's Redemption)
"As for the Bird, does it bear a name?"
I had written up a brief bit in regards to your first idea of a Kurgan Warlord:
"I see you are of the Great Kurgan's Blood, & so I grant gifts to you as well."
"You are on this war-council, but we do not recognize you with the rank of Zar. May you earn such a title in the raids we shall carry out together!"
"Do as you wish with him. He Might become a worthy skull to reap one day if he rides under someone else" Mulrog shrugged and seemed dismissiv of the mans chances to find redemption. He wanted to turn around and take a stroll around as Ivan had another question

"I never gave em one. Some of my men came to call them chatterdogs. i think mostly due to their loyalty and habbit of chattering their teeth." he explained and seemed uncaring, though he gently petted the largest bird at his feet, almost as tall as a large Wardog.

seeing Korthak arrive Mulrog respectfully keeps his distance and gestures for him to come talk with him after he is done with Ivan.

Meanwhile he sent a Skinwolf to Hangar with a message wishing to talk about Ostorok and plans for later in the season.
though while he was waiting for a response he noticed the new arrival who he had never seen before. >>6038959

"Do you have business with me?" he asks the dirty looking man though he is still cautious. Being invited meant that he probably still held power.
"Great cities... burning cities... glorious carnage for grand Kharneth! You know me by my missing face. I'm a slave of the Blood God, through and through, and know that I care not for such trifles as farms and taxes... but I see the value in them, if only in the aftermath! The black mantra- Kill, maim, burn- it means more than anything else, but the thing that so many like me miss is that it is meaningless if there aren't live, healthy, and flammable communities to exert it upon! All things pass, High Zar. All things die, but it is the FIGHT that matters. The FIGHT!"

He pours the rest of his cup, wasting most, as a trickle gets through, and wipes his chin with a burnt glove. "I'm willing to fight for you, and your vision, for no other reason than that it is something to fight for. There's no need to buy my favour with bribes or promises, the portending hordes of vengeful Southrons bound north and greedy Northmen bound south are enough. For as long as Kharneth's drums call me. Not here, not now, but in time." The man bends down, popping open a barrel and refilling his cup. "That's not to say I don't appreciate the party favours, hahahaha. A toast, to bloody conquest!"

There were some moments of silence then, as he mulled over Ivan's proposition. "A migration of Baersonlings? I've no loyalty to the tribe, and don't see why not. In time, in due time. There's lots of migrations lately, don't you think? Winds of change, omens of hope... Meddlings of Tchar, methinks, but so much the better. Ambition fuels the fires of war like none other, as you know all too well and not yet well enough! Now, berserkers on horseback? That right there is an ambition! We'd need some mad horses and madder men to break them in line. Not something that could be done with ease, but if you feel it could be done, perhaps. Perhaps!" His rambling trailed off as he fidgeted with the scabbard on his hip, brass teeth gnashing at smoky air.

Peeking around the corner of the barrels, Korthak spots the half-ogre who bested him in single combat, and would've grinned if he had the lips to. He walks over, drinking deeply and downing about one in five drops from the now-charred cup. "MULROG! I hear you've been hunting squids! Worthy foes, but I hope you aren't content supping on calamari. We're still due for a rematch! Sooner or later." Again, with the drinking. "It'll be later! Once this feast is well and done. What are you hungry to kill next, friend?"
Since the last time Korthak had seen zim Mulrog had swelled even more in size. Now probably being larger than most ogres and sitting upon a Bone throne carved from a single massive skull. "Korthak. Squids were just the least of my prey. A sea drake was my greatest hunt yet. And upon and within its skull i now sit. The Kraken got a bit boring to hunter after a while. Left me time to prepare some presents." Mulrog replies and gestures to one of his Knights.

The man armored in blackest steel steps forward and offers Korthak a short blade made from a Sea Dragons tooth and sheated in scaled leather of thr beast. He regales Korthak with the storues of the hunt and the coup at the Baersonlings.

"As for what i plan to hunt next. Greenskins. After Ostorok i plan to head northwards and plunder their lands till i find the lair of Throgg the King of Trolls. Beneath it are supposed to be treasures housed from before the Baersonlings or even the Gospadars existed. And either the Skull or Service of the Trollking would be a grand trophy indeed." He muses and returning the favor of what Korthak plans to do after Ostorik. Or indeed if he has any plans.. foe in the caves his men would be far more suited than Mulrogs own cavalery. He would of course not send him in. After all. His Skinwolves, Berserkers and Warriors woulf easily be able to cut through the underground caves. And Mulrog would probably retire a chunk of his Cavalery for the season after Ostorok.
New Penguin name just dropped: Tcharls

Looks like just Magor, Sarrick, & Narvoch are yet to attend. Should I get onto the major topics now or wait on them?
magor said he wanted to come >>6038251

he might just have forgot.
Also, in regards to this:
Also busy IRL, I'll respond to the RSVP
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Word from the Great Zar arrives to the Ungors, who are caught in a perpetual frenzy of siring more of their kin for the next great raid. Yet the they hunger for more, for new things to feast upon, new flesh to enjoy. A mighty festival is planned, and Magor sends messengers with word that he and his host shall arrive in full, ready to join the Great Raid!

Indeed, Magor looks forward to this, to seeing the Blazing Skull of Korthak again, his old friend, and to share tales of debauchery and the Serpent's glory with the great Rue'Vahn and of further things to be had.

>Wasn't sure if this was supposed to be us saying we'll be there, or us actually arriving at the gates, in which case I'd write up a post about that
(However you want to go about it, I've just had greetings, gifts, & plans prepared for each guest)

"Magor Gorebow, soon to be Arch-Goat of the Forests of Norsca, Uberungor of the Goat-Tide, bane of those fools who would wander the woods rather than ride over the steppes. I hear you favor the Serpent, & do not shy from the celebration of great victories. I have for you a fine vintage from a sundered land, the dreaming wine of Melnibone." A cask is brought out & opened to reveal spirits of a dark purple hue, a sweet scent wafting forth to fill the chamber. "Sorcerers of that land would keep their slaves in states of blissful sleep with herbs & draughts such as this, euphoric dreams to stave away their waking misery. I have imbibed some myself & can attest to the effects. May you enjoy the wakeful mirth it brings as well in the name of Loesh! Have you amongst your thralls & wretches a Turnskin as they are called, one who speaks the Tongue of Beasts & reads Bray-Runes as well as Northern Speech? Before the drinks lead me to forget, I thank you, & shall within the coming seasons repay the service of your slaves & ships you've lent me. Who truly could have imagined a steppe-lord sailing by way of a beast-chief's boats? Should Turnskins arise within my domain, useless as they are to me, you may rightfully have them in return of course."
>(Ivan asks for a Turnskin Translator; Passive Wheatlands Beastmen Recruitment for Magor, Lanu-permitting)
>(+2 Loot to Magor, -2 from Ivan)
Now all that remains are the two sorcerers. If they haven't RSVP'd at the least I'll press on with the grand plans tomorrow morning.
Just missing the Tufts for the base. Gotta wait for saturday when i will get my next order.

For more pics just ask
And a picture from the back
Fuckin' siiick dude, how many shekels did that set you back?
Not that much money. They came in the Starter Box which i bought for the Chaos Lord on Karkadrak.

And these guys in the picture now were bought unbuilt second hand for 20 vucks or so.
They look good. Real good. Good job man.
Sounds like an absolute steal

Looking into AoS, the only thing that seems to be new/original to me rather than just WHF scaled up are the Kharadron Overlords. Is there anything else actually interesting in the setting?
I can't say I am. It's a deviation from the WHF (which I knew and liked) and I just can't be bothered to even look into it. I have no gripes with the lore because I don't know anything about the lore. I don't like it or dislike it, I just don't care about it. I have 0 interest in it. And desu, I'd have 0 interest in WHF if they re-released it today. I don't read WHF books, I don't play with the miniatures, I just have a headcannon of it I developed while reading FF WFRP that I like.
I'm actually in the same boat, I'm just into the lore & my own worldbuilding for pnp campaigns. Total War looks sick though, & I do enjoy Vermintide
I haven't liked a single total war game that came out after Medieval 2. There is just something about it, the game-y feel perhaps. It gives me too much control to the point where it feels like a game, rather than as being a king.
As for Vermintide, I got VT2 for free and I've enjoyed it for about a hundred hours. A fun game with some jank.
The fireslayers are expanded upon slayers. With magma Dragons and shit. But not much is trulx unique to AoS. Even the Sigmarines are just fantasy space marines
Not really into Total war or Vermintide. Tried both games. Neither really appealed to me.

As for AoS Lore and addendum. Currently playing DND Campaign in that setting after getting isekaied by tzeentch. its good fun. But it does feel like a high fantasy world with a pinch of warhammer thrown in
"It would seem the sorcerers will not be attending. Now that everyone else has arrived, we can discuss our next raid in earnest. I will not claim to be unambitious; I do not have the gall to give the word of a Hung, especially when it is so boldly false. That said, my goals I keep attainable. As things are presently, I could not hold Kislev itself. A far more tenable & vital prize lies closer: the Cursed City as it has been called, Praag. It has been the bulwark that stops the hordes of our predeccessors for untold centuries if not millenia. To hold its walls would be to open a floodgate into the South for all who reave as the Gods bid us. Of course, the wealth of the city is not so great a prize as the place itself." Ivan gestured to the silent creature hunched in the shadows behind him. "Ostrosk can be taken, albeit with a great many of our raiders feeding the dirt, but my Fimir such as this one can strike from the water itself. Should those among you send your forces to harry the defenders at the gates of Ostrosk & Praag, the prior can easily be taken. For the Cursed City, I have a similar gift of Tchar in mind; the Roppsmenn. Those who have ruled that city have oft borne the title of Z'ra, the Roppsmenn' own derivative of Kurgan & Gospodar prestige. Yet they suffer in their own city under the yoke of Kislevites. All it would take to have the gates opened to us, & the city ever a stepping-stone rather than an obstacle, would be to arm them & grant them self-rule, albeit as vassals."
The Zar breathed deep of a gold & onyx brazier of incense, before exhaling the smoke reminiscent of the coming dusk on the steppes.
"Thus, Warlords of this Great Host, I propose that we find among slaves, villagers, nomads, & warriors the most worthy of the Roppsmenn, especially one who follows our own Gods, to unite his people within the city. We shall provide arms & armor stripped from the dead of our foes, brought to them by Norscans upon the rivers, Ungols within the forests, & Horsemen over the plains. What say you all?"

"What's more, before we retire, there is something I must tell you all. I have had dreams & visions, as well as warnings from sorcerers & shaman; strange tidings. Elves too skilled to be slain, warriors clad in gold teaming down from the North, mocking tortures from the Raven-Headed Messenger & the woman she would have us free. A spell-weaver with great gifts from the Gods came to warn me of these things, & I awoke from these visions to find him crushed to death without explanation, I myself bruised by unseen hands. Something is very wrong with the crone who gathered us & her captive ally. If the draw of treasure she has offered is so great as not to be ignored, then so be it, I too will partake, but let us ride together with our hosts assembled should we deliver her wishes. I suspect they may be servants of the Undoer, rather than the Four. Zar Hangar, I would be wary of the knights that ride under your banner but joined you at her urging."
The fighting and going for Praag that Ivan proposed did speak to Mulrog. At least somewhat as he tore his gaze from Korthak at his side.

"Those uniforms and clothes could be hard to find. Though the plan has merrit. But under whom would they be vassals? You? Or whoever can take the city for their own?"

The talk about the witch and bad dreams were something that caused his throat to tighten a bit. Not letting his voice be shaken but rather sound contemplative he spoke up.
"So you are saying that the witch might not be working for the Great four? And to be careful.... Would a brass collar of the Bloodgod maybe reduce the risk by binding the one we are supposed to take from Ostorok?"

just a short response. We can let the others speak for themselves.
Eh, I disagree. The stormcast have lots of unique fluff

There’s plenty of unique stuff! From more Khaine stuff to actual deep sea elves, to LOTR style Orcs and an entire army of ghosts, there’s lots of new things!
"That is my proposal, yes. My realm would stretch from the Great Mountains to the Cursed City, ensuring the passes could be reinforced well in-advance, & Kislev would never be free to relax against our ever-present raids. The Z'ra we raise would be indebted to us, & reliant as well, as the Roppsmenn may number enough to man their walls, but not to break a siege. Thus they would be compelled to leave their gates open to us for their markets & as a grounds to recruit & muster. My Fimir will strike the killing blow against Ostrosk, while whoever takes the gates of that fortress plunders it as they please. A city for a city is my offer, and all I require other than the bloodshed we take cause in are the meager arms of the dead that were passed over as unworthy plunder."

The Zar held out a small morsel for the chattering bird waddling about at his feet. "I shall call you Gunter... No, better yet, Tcharls. A fitting name." The feathered beast snapped down the leg of small game in an instant, before fluttering its wings in satisfaction. Ivan continued, "A Brass Collar with the Mark of Khorne, or perhaps simply leaden chains, just as the walls & doors of this chamber are lined with. Perhaps we should employ both to be sure... You famed slavers of the Kul are greatly familiar with such means I'm sure, so I trust your experience on the matter."

What's up with the Deep Sea Elves? Can I get a QRD?
huh right. forgot the Idoneth... so i guess their main feature works.

The Ghosts and those overdesigned Skeletons are not completely new factions. just evolutions split off from the Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings.

though that is just my opinion.

the deep sea elves were elf souls taken from Slaanesh after it had been beaten. But their souls were weak and most of the lesser casts need to devour the souls of other creatures to survive. They bring the Ocean with them and people have a hard time remembering them. They have Sharks, giant Sea Turtles, eels and stuff as warbeasts. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/06/04/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-faction-focus-idoneth-deepkin/

This is their newest update that is coming this summer.
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The deep sea elves eat people’s souls because their own large constantly burning out. Also, most of them don’t have eyes.

And they enslave sea monsters

Yeah, everyone deserves to have their own thoughts. We like what we like
Do they have gills?

Anyway, what are your thoughts on the campaign Huffud, & do they involve mooing?
The champion's words stilled the flames licking at the bronze, then erupted them into a crackling blaze. "Trolls? Funny, that, I've a host of huscarls joined to my banner hungry to hunt them! Ostrosk, cursed, blessed Fort Ostrosk..." Korthak took the bonesword into his grip, marveling at the craft, and cut his palm to smear its length with blood. "Together, then! We'll see Kislev burn, then prove man stands over monster in the sight of the Dark Gods! As brothers beneath the Blood God, a foe no one troll could fight!"

He fidgeted, sheathing the blade and hissing at the scabbard's quality. "Yes, yes! We'll join our forces to one cause and I'll find you a gift to match this. I am no craftsman, but there's sublime beauty in the forgeworks. If not for the damned souls smithing blades in the scorn of Kharneth, our Bloody Lord's hosts would be that much lesser. Don't you agree? Steel! Without it, how could we steal?" Korthak shuffled, adjusting its spot on his belt until he grew content. "Killing... yes, killing! We'll kill together, maybe die together! Prove ourselves to ourselves! Live and die in sacrifice to the Dark Gods. Life and death for the Dark Gods. All for the Dark Gods..."

The berserker trailed off, then stomped toward his favourite beastman. "Blood brother! Degenerate! Magor! Tell me, how have you and yours fared?" He gripped the blade at his waist, running a thumb over the scales and laughing. "No more sober than I last saw you, eh? Good news! Our host is generous, and we've got booze!"
-warlike mooing noises-
I’m loving this campaign! My current plan is to save up enough to afford a War Mammoth, and transfer my Gromril Armor from the Chaos Warriors to the Mammoth.

My goal is to have the highest hp unit possible- even if I’ve already missed a couple exclusive bonuses people have gotten
Lanu, what are your thoughts on the ideas I've put forth with the other warlords? Most of them are green-texted. I'm especially wondering about the Roppsmenn Z'ra idea though.
I've been deathly sick irl, so sorry for the late response and I don't know how long it'll take before my next post. Anyways...

"A wondrous gift, Ivan! I'm afraid that I already procured a wedding ring for my dear Sunset a long while ago, but that's no reason present shouldn't be appreciated. I will keep this treasure safe so that one day, my eldest son can propose to his bride the same way I did to mine. The generosity of the High Zar shall become an heirloom of my bloodline. I truly wish you the fortune that I had in finding a soulmate."

"With concerns of a translator, I might have someone that'd interest you. Her name is Yulanda; one of my trusted bodyguards. She is a dual worshiper of the Plague God and Shaarnor, although no need to worry about smell or appearance. Her devotion to the Dark Prince keeps her presentable, and she only spreads the Rot Fathers blessings via sexual transmission. She has picked up many languages during our journeys, and I've been looking for a chance to reward her loyalty. A position as translator would allow for a degree of sedentary, which would please both the Crow and the Serpent."

"As for the migrations, I'm fine with sending the Aeslings your way. I'm not a follower of the Blood God, so complete annihilation was never my intent. That said, the Druchii have made me some lucrative offers in exchange for slaves. I can vouch that upon meeting my quota to Dark Elves, I can send all the remaining norscans down here to the Wheatlands where they will serve you. I never had many plans for their land. After all, I'm a champion of the Hung, not a ruler (for now at least). The tribe begs and I respond, so if the Aghol want to expand south then that is their Tzen-esque scheme."

The reveal of human flesh will catch Rue'Vahns attention. He isn't stupid nor rude enough to immediately intrude on the gift to the Beastmen, but if there is anything remaining of the Boyars after Krantagarh and Huffud have finished, then he will gladly devour the rest. An... unexpected consequence of fighting in the form of a manticore is that he has tasted the long pig. Maybe the ogres were on to something, or perhaps this was planned for by Slannesh, but the discovery of the sweetest meat has left the warlord with certain cravings, and the faithful of the Dark Prince are not ones to show restraint.
So, basically 40k's Dark Eldar rather then Warhammer's Dark Elves?

"If you could find such an individual who is worthy, then I will give your plan for Praag my backing. But we cannot simply elevate one who has not earned such reward in some manner; the Roppsman concerned must have proven their worth and earned such favour with the four."

"If some of my Knights prove false; I have Knights enough past them to punish their betrayals. But I find it concerning that I have received no warnings of my own; my shamans have cast no prophecies of woe or told of no warning futures should our goal be accomplished. If the hand of this 'undoer' is at work against us, perhaps they are in action as your very warnings to dissuade us from rather then the matter of our Quest."

"But true or false, if we ride as one to make delivery of our prize then we will find there the answer.
Kinda dark eldar yeah. However. For some reason they are classified as part of the forces of order.

Personally i would have put them down under either Chaos similar to how yskaven are. Or destruction
Rest up, take a bunch of vitamin C & D, & of course drink as much water as you can.

Interesting character development as always, & I'll take the translator. Up to Huffud & Krant whether or not you get any Chef Boyar'd, but more can be brought out from less choice stock.

"A possibility I had not considered; indeed, the Undoer could be at work in a reversal of my suspicions. The truth is ever elusive. As for the vassal to be chosen, if we could find enough candidates they could be pit against each other here on the Crag-upon-the-Moat."
Haven't gotten any feedback from Lanu, but I'm thinking if enough of you concur with my Roppsmenn uprising idea we can simply scrounge up enough low-tier war gear & potential Roppsmenn rabblerousers from between the lot of us without actually needing to invest loot, so reply to this post if you agree with the plan.
(gonna make my IC replies too myself today. IRL been hounding me)
"That plan could work as i said before. Taking the city could be difficult still. There will be many stalwart defenders even with an opportune uprising. And i planned to spend my strength this year elsewhere after Ostorok and delivering the witch."
Magor does indeed arrive, in all the primitive, animaolistic splendour his beastly herd can muster. Hired norscan thralls pull wagons and sleds of boats, aided by ungors, while minotaurs guard his most valuable of loot and slaves.

He himself arrives, his favorite mate frothing at her golden bit as typical. They are a parody, and inversal of man and beast, gor standing up on two hind legs wearing flayed cloak and furs, whilst the hung human crawls on all fours with naught but harness and bit, her muffled jibbering being suppresed into almost beastial noises. It seems he has been busy, as several cloven hoofed and horned kids follow their goat sire, spears in their young hands. A number have hung traitsthere are also many others who have traits of southerners, and even a tall one among them who appears part bull.

Magor places a hand on his chest in respectful salute to the Unbearable High Zar. "Hail, Zar Ivan the Unbearable, may you live forever! Mightiest of the Dawi-Zharr, Dread King who makes the steppes tremble and drowns the earth in the blood of His enemies to quench dark grudges sworn in the gods names"

Magor eyes the casket of wine with a great twinkle in his eyes. "Your gift is well received, let none say the Unbearable is not generous to his allies. I shall sample but a taste, and enjoy it greatly, but the vast bulk of it I intend to enjoy with a fine catch of kislevite slaves." The Ungor listens to the Zar's petition. "Hmm? A turnskin? Wretches creatures, beloved neither of men nor of beast fully, they linger on the edge of the herd. A most wretched position. I would welcome all those who swear upon the serpent and would lend claw and spear to me, but not many kin of mine can see past their base instincts to reject that which was not born as beast.

Yet still, you need a Tongue speaker? I can surely find such, and may he serve you and the gods well. As will the gifts of Beastsmen who arise from the Steppes.

If the mighty Zar has anything else he wishes of my herd, let it be made known!"

>Magor gives a Turnskin Translator
>Receives the gifts of Zar
Magor lets out a mighty bray that turns into a human laugh, "Brother in Bloodshed! I and the herd fare well! Especially here. Our host is most magnanimous, and the festivities a tribute to Loesh! However, and I am sure he will find no insult, I expect the celeberations at Kislev to be even sweeter to the tongue. Surely you will add heaps upon heaps to mound of skulls the mighty Hound rests his head upon and bones for him to chew on.

I eagerly await the chance to feast upon more southerner guts at your side."
The Zar smirked with amusement at being called one of the Dawi. "Perhaps the throne makes me appear shorter, or perhaps with a beard it is impossible to tell between Man & Dorf once you have dwelt in the darkened forests for so long. No matter, this is why a good translator is needed. Whom did you have in mind amongst your herds? I heard tell of your ambitions to capture Trolls for our hordes, & I would see your ambitions brought to fruition as well. Others too have spoken of such a great labor, & my steel will join in the endeavor."
Btw terribly sorry if I grossly was mistaken. I thought Zar was like "Zharr" from Dawi Zarr, i.e. a warlord of the Chorfs. Thanks for playing it off as Magor's jovial mistake.
All good, what did you have in mind for the Turnskin translator?
Mulrog would have been the largest dwarf in history then. even before his mutations XD

Mulrog cant help but chuckle a bit at Ivan being called a chaos Dwarf. And made a silent vow to surpass the Chaos Dwarfs in cruelty one day.
Sorry for the delay, the heat, alcohol and final studies are really sapping my energy.
Regarding your effort of settling other peoples into the Wheatlands? Yeah, sure, if other people are willing to lead their people to migrate to the wheatlands, that can be done, however, there will be more than just the hobgoblins that'll strike at you. And for migration, I'll let it happen, but I'll just inform everyone that to settle/migrate, two slaves/thralls/militiamen are needed for a tier 1 settlement.
As for passive recruitment, no, in both cases, the trickle of Hung southwards is very low, while beastmen would incur maluses Ivan definitely wouldn't tolerate in his realm. As for a potential berserker horse marauders, I'll think about how I'd implement it, probably involving a clash with some really messed up steppe/waste tribe for their horses.
And regarding the Roppsmen, it's a question of whether you can make the ghetto populace rise up, overthrow their own and open up the gates for a chaos worshipper. It'd be a tough sell in the best case.
So, you're going towards Kislev or northwards?

Anyway, away for a week. Hope to rejoin you all after for the ride against Kislev.
Enjoy your vacation, stay safe.
Looks like everyone is locked in for raiding Kislev next raid as was agreed during the last interraid. We haven't seen Narvoch or Sarrick in this thread, Hangar will be away as he said, & I won't be available for the latter half of July, not to mention that you're clearly quite busy. So, when would work best for everyone to reconvene? August?

As for the Beastmen, I was putting forth the idea that any who show up/mutate would be forcibly removed & given over to Magor, not recruited within my lands as a settled population.

I'll write up some overtures to the Roppsmenn, but between all the assembled warlords would we be able to find some Roppsmenn settlers, slaves, or marauders who could serve as leaders if I can sell them on it?
To fully clarify with the Beastmen idea, I was really just talking about randomly giving over an Ungor Unit, based on a roll on Magor's part during interraids, since only Brays & Ungors would arise from Turnskins to my understanding. Magor, do you have a Turnskin Translator NPC in mind: name & description?
The Zar drafts a letter as the revelry begins to draw to a close in the presence of the other warlords:

"To the Roppsmenn of Praag,
The ruler of the Wheatlands writes to you from his ever-expanding domain. Long have you suffered under the yoke of Ungol & Gospodar in your own lands. Your city has ever been a great bastion to the benefit of your subjugators alone, while the hordes of the North seek to raid further South. Yet despite Kislev's reckoning of your people & their homes as expendable, great works of craftsmsnship & industriousness have come about from your own labors.
My proposal is thus: when Kurgan armies arrive at your gates, rise up & open them to us. In return, we shall only ask of you that your markets remain open for our men, & that your warriors be able to choose to join with us on our Southron raids. Your numbers may not be enough to withstand a siege rather than hold the city's walls briefly, & so from the passes of the Gorodmadny I shall reinforce you should Kislev ever have the luck to strike North.
I offer you freedom, & the only price to be paid is in your own labors to secure it. You shall be free to follow your own customs & laws, worship the gods you please so long as you respect our own, & trade with whom you wish. We shall provide arms to aide you, & over time your markets will provide the repayment of our steel.
Amongst the Hetman of Troll Country free riders, Druzhina who fight for their Kislevite oppressors, & the leaders who remain in your city, we seek out those worthy of becoming the Z'ra of Praag & your folk. Spread the word to those with such potential & bid them travel to Castle Ivanoslav as honored guests so that they may strike an alliance with us.
So say I, High Zar Ivan"

Now, to find a way to have the message delivered. A Roppsmenn slave given freedom in return for service as a courier? A cult of Chaos within the city that can place it in the hands of the discontent? Perhaps one of the captives who's faces were marked akin to the Zar at the culmination of the first raids against the Wheatlands might be found?
Looking further into AoS, the Horns of Hashut are somewhat interesting. Overall it seems like most of these factions could have simply been included in WHF though.
Looks like not much else is coming from this thread, but I'll go ahead & recruit more marauders ahead of the next thread. Are you thinking August, Lanu?

+15 from Settlements
-8 from Melniboneans
+8 from Mammoth Refund
-16 from Feast Gifts
= 36

I'll buy Kurgan Cataphracts/Wheatlands Druzhinas x2 leaving me with:
0 Loot
Fimir x1
Kurgan Cataphracts/Wheatlands Druzhinas x2
Kurgan Cataphracts +2D x1
Melniboneans x4
Ulfhednar x1
Chaos Knights x2
I'm split, maybe early to mid august, but I'll post on /qtg/ and ask for returning warlords. If six or more are present, I'll go ahead and make a thread.
I am using this board. So stupid question probably. What is /qtg/? And where do i find it?

I would return with more painted knights and chaos warriors. And painted Skinwolves
>What is /qtg/?
Quest thread general. The sole general for the board.
>And where do i find it?
This is the current /qtg/: >>6029851
Simply put, just search the threads for qtg (ctrl+F or use the search bar).
I'll try to find it but that's a bit far out.
Sorry for the long reply, been super busy IRL
Let's call him Halfdan "Halfman", a name which inspires shame in both man and beast alike. A norscan born who is more human than an ungor, but still very much abhuman.

Tbh my specific lore knowledge of WHF and especially beastmen is a bit spotty, in terms of good character backgrounds. Bit more of a 40k person in terms of expansive lore knowledge, but I have a soft spot in my heart for WHF
Nice, now I just need a Roppsmenn Z'ra to put in power in Praag.
Sounds a plan, hope to see it when it goes up.

Hey anyone here interested in rolling for some chaos over in another thread? >>6048525

i dont think we have many nurgle worshippers here. but the Qm is hoping for some difficulty for his players.
Thanks guys.

Have a picture of some freshly painted Skinwolves for your troubles
Fucking siiiick dude

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