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Quest’s Summary: You play as Pangea, the daughter of The Emperor created to be an emotional support for the primarchs after Malcador convinced the Emperor that the primarchs, while powerful, are ultimately human. Pangea would act as a way to secure the primarch’s loyalty to The Emperor by having the primarchs relying Pangea as their emotional support… if Pangea remains loyal that is.

Thread 1: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6052620/


Instead of voidsmen-at-arms, custodians guarded the giant halls. Ceramite shimmered in every corner. Sharp edges and sleek arches decorated the halls, the sign of the Aquila bore in every corner. Tiny clicks and clacks echoed, engines hummed as the techpriests maintained the machines in their strange rituals.

—This is your first time leaving Segmentum Solar, are you nervous?—

“A little.” Pangea said.

The Emperor of Mankind and Pangea sat across from each other at a long table. Pangea still remembered as a child she wanted nothing but Father’s attention. Yet, upon realizing what she was made for, and his attention once Horus had been found, not to mention Alpharius’s advice… A tiny bud of ugly jealousy and infectious doubt rose, hiding beneath a myriad of other emotions.*

—And how is the food?—

“It’s good. Father,”

The Emperor shifted ever so slightly in his seat. He knew the situation. After neglecting her for so long, now that his primarchs are being found he reveals her purpose. To his daughter, it would seem that now that she is useful he is making the overdue connection now. Malcador already warned him to tread carefully, as Pangea was very much human, and a teenager, the worst combination known to humanity. Gifts and a well made apology was the first step, the rest? Not even Malcador truly knew.

Pangea shook her head. “More or less… but the visions does not haunt me anymore. I’ve learned to endure it.”

—Good. That is the result of your training, be sure not to stray from it.—

“Yes, Father.” Pangea said with a brief roll of her eyes.

The clacking of the utensils filled the silence.

>—Has your foresight been giving you trouble?—
>—Are there any hobbies that interests you?—
>—Has there been anything that has been troubling you?—
Glad to see this back!

>—Are there any hobbies that interests you?—
Instead of saying it like that, I suggest rephrasing it as this:

>—Have you taken a liking to any hobbies recently? Malcador has voiced your aptitude for writing.—
Please QM, this would be so funny.
Supporting this
Oh yes, I've been refreshing the catalog almost every hour waiting for this.
Supporting this. It's even funnier because Big E knows what kind of fanfic she write.
>“Her writing is sloppy.” The Emperor said.
>Malcador took back the parchments. “She is still a child. Lest you forget.”
>—Has there been anything that has been troubling you?—
I'm not so sure that letting her know Alpharius, Malcador and the Emperor don't care about her privacy will go the way you guys think.
It just shows that the Emperor has been paying attention to her growth even she doesn't know it.
You posted >>6086137 in our thread, so we get something in yours. Them's the rules.

If the two ever met, what do you think Pangea's opinion would be of Beta-Core?
By 40k standards, he's a Silica Animus / an advanced variant of the 'Men of Iron', so would she be immediately hostile to him by classification, or is she the sort to take a moment to at least try to understand the other person?

He doesn't hate humanity, he just hates how he and his sisters are treated (which is pretty terribly). He has a rebellious goal of escaping the control of mankind, however, he only intends to use his freedom to simply run away and be left alone.

From what we've seen so far, he probably wouldn't even mind being a slave if humans would stop erasing his memories and not plan on killing him once he's outlived his usefulness. There's several humans which he is quite fond of, and showed genuine distress when they were injured or in danger.

Oh, and while I'm here, I guess I ought to vote.
>—Has there been anything that has been troubling you?—
>>—Has your foresight been giving you trouble?—
Hey dude that's not me

1. I already have wonderful players

2. I only post ads on qtg and here

—Have you taken a liking to any hobbies recently? Malcador has voiced your aptitude for writing.—

A chunk of auramite settled on her shoulders, her heart beat fast as a rotating-las canon. The utensils slipped out of her grasps and clattered on the plate. A mixture of horror and embarrassment twisted her mouth agape.

“My what?”

—Your writing.—

A chunk of auramite settled on her shoulders, her heart beat fast as a rotating-las canon. The utensils slipped out of her grasps and clattered on the plate.

—Malcador said your analysis in different aspects of history have a colorful touch.—

The weight of the world crumbled away. Pangea sighed a breath of relief. Pangea slumped back on her chair.

“You meant my essays. Sweet Terra…”

—What else would it be?—

“Nothing!” Pangea pleased her utensils down. “I’m done eating, am I excused?”

—Not yet.—

Pangea cursed internally.

—There is still the matter of Chemos. When we arrive, I want you to first see your brother’s future up close then report back to me. You may achieve this however you wish.—

>Pangea shook her head “Father this feels… wrong. He’s your son, is this necessary?” or Write-In
>“Yes, Father.”
>“Yes, Father.”
She'll probably be on full alert after seeing Horus' future.
Also, we already left Terra? We still haven't gotten our favor from Horus yet.
Someday, one of her brothers is going to read a recent fiction of hers to a very large crowd through a vox speaker.

>"Father, did my first meeting with Horus bring you concern?"
Oh in that case, my apologies.
I thought it was you since QM's are usually the ones to link new threads.
"Yes, Father. But you told me before that you can see many future paths but not the full detail of each one, while I can only see one but in great detail. How do we even know that the future I'm seeing is even the correct one?"
>"Father, did my first meeting with Horus bring you concern?"
>“Yes, Father.”

Supporting both of these
"Yes, Father.” Pangea looked up nervously toward Father. “But you told me before that you can see many future paths but not the full detail of each one, while I can only see one but in great detail. How do we even know that the future I'm seeing is even the correct one?"

—There is no one true future. However, certain futures can be eliminated by taking the right decision. Only you can help me in this.—

Pangea nodded. “I understand.”

—Good. See to it. You have my trust.—

Two custodians and three pariahs of the Anathama Psykana followed. Pangea glanced at the blanks, she saw nothing of their future, and their infamous aura did not intrude on her mind. Whether this was due to her foresight or some other variable did not matter, not seeing a horrible future made her stop questioning it.

Now a question remained.

To arrive anonymously or to present herself officially? Her foresigh only showed what happened after their reunion, and the spiral that led to the horrible future. Before that? She knew nothing of her brothers. Pangea rubbed her chin, unsure of what to do. In midst of wandering the halls, she paused.

>Maybe Horus had a better idea.
>Pangea wondered what Alpharius would do
>Pangea turned around to find Father.


>Pangea made her decision, she would go anonymous
>Pangea made her decision, she would arrive as an envoy
>Pangea made her decision, she would go anonymous

Be decisive - but bring a bodyguard. Maybe a Custodian without his armour
>Pangea made her decision, she would go anonymous
Just like old times. What mischief can we get up to?

the ten-foot-tall roid monster next to us will be highly inconspicuous, I tell you
>Pangea made her decision, she would arrive as an envoy
>Pangea made her decision, she would go anonymous
>Pangea made her decision, she would arrive as an envoy
>Pangea made her decision, she would go anonymous
Let's see our brothers as he usually is.
Shame we can't mix and match, would have been nice to also ask Alpharius on what to do since this is his specialty.
>Pangea made her decision, she would go anonymous

Pangea made her decision, she would go anonymous. Unfortunately, Luna, the custodians, and the blanks made for a terrible entourage. Pangea and The Emperor walked through the hanger the size of a battle cruiser. An army of ships rested with millions of tech priests and pilots prepared to fly.

—And how will you arrive?—

“I thought we could disarm the gunships and make it look like a cargo transporter.—

—Will you consider taking an escort with you?”

Pangea raised an eyebrow. “Father, you said you trusted me.”

—I do, but if you require escorts, I will provide you.—

“I’m fine, Father.”

—I am concerned for your safety.—

Pangea smiled then shook her head. . The techpriests and the servitors removed the remaining guns and ammo, stripping the gunship into an innocent appearing cargo ship. Pangea stepped sideways closer to Father. The escorts behind took a few steps back, watching in silence and deterring anyone from approaching.

“I’m thankful that you’re worried about me but I’ll be fine. You said you trust me right?”

—I did, and I do. Very well, daughter. If you ever need help…—

“I’ll use my vox-link, I know.” Pangea rolled her eyes playfully. “You worry too much, Father. I’ll see you soon.”

After Pangea exited the hangar. A figure in a full black bodysuit appeared beside The Emperor.

—Protect her with your life.—

The figure nodded, then blended into the shadows.

Despite the miserable gray cloud, Chemos was a world in a slow recovery. The structures of Chemos lacked the flair and the elegance of Terra’s Inner Palace. There were no spires, domes, or arches, but sharp corners and gray walls forming a brutalist architecture. Due to the planet’s nebula clouds Chemos suffered lack of day and night cycle, a perpetual gray cloud hung above. A gaunt and tall man with a clipboard approached Pangea as she exited her ship.

“Caravan, citizen, pilgrim or…?”

“Courier.” Pangea said.

“Just something for the log book, we’re starting to get more visitors so we’re starting to keep track. Welcome to Chemos, I’m Knight, I’m the inspector and you’re at Dock Illuminator. My badge number is 5552. Here.” Inspector Knight gave Pangea a thick parchment with a stamp. “This is an identification paper for you to carry, don’t lose it. And that’s an info-slate for places to stay and other services you need.”

“Thanks,” Pangea looked around. “This place seems bustling, what do you mean by getting more visitors?”

“Thanks to The Prefector’s work, this planet is starting to prosper, he’s an amazing man.” Inspector Knight said.


“He single handedly fixed and improved many machines, without him Chemos would be the same miserable planet.” Inspector Knight tipped his hat. “Got to go, have a good day.”

“Wait, how can I meet the Prefector?”

“He’s a busy man, I donut you can unless you go through the proper channels.” The inspector’s wrist chrono beeped. “Now I really gotta go. Go to the information booth if you need anything.”

“Thank you.”

Pangea opened the info-slate. There were places to stay, eat, banks, government buildings and other various services. She would first visit—

>The information booth, though it looked too polished to give local knowledge.
>The foreign affairs office, where all off planet visitors go in need of help
>A bar that most locals go to
>A bar that most locals go to
Let's see what the average Chemosi thinks about Fulgrim.
>A bar that most locals go to
>The information booth, though it looked too polished to give local knowledge.
>A bar that most locals go to
Let's not flash any wads of cash or jewelry.

Been a while since I got some drinks myself. What's your choice of poison fellas?
>A bar that most locals go to
The Neighbor’s House. Pangea entered through the auto-sliding door. The place reeked of sweat and musk, then again seeing how the bar was close to the space port, it made sense. However… The leaned muscles of the workers did improve her mood.

“Hey there stranger, take a seat and I’ll get back to you.”

Pangea’s cloak fluttered as she walked, and the turtleneck collar and her cap hid her face. The hair was tied into a long braid that wrapped around her neck. Pangea sat at a corner seat far from the counter. The bar was made up of gray concrete walls and dim orange lights, the seats were made of metal and most drinks were stored in metal bottles save for few encased in fancy gilded glass.

“Welcome to Neighbor’s House. What can I get you for today?”

A pale skinned and young woman set a menu and a cup of water on the table, she wore a white apron over a dark green utility jumpsuit. Pangea skimmed over the menu, she didn’t account for the different written language.

“Uh… I’ll get whatever the locals get. Do you guys have this in low gothic?”

“I’m afraid we don’t.” The young woman said. “But I recommend local’s favorite if you want to try that.”

“Sure. Also, what’s the fastest way to meet the Prefector?”

“Prefector?” The young woman said. “I suppose you have to be a planetary diplomat or come with important news. Or you can head over to the Office of Prefector to see if he is available.”

“He just meets people?”

The young woman nodded with pride. “Prefector Fulgrim isn’t some snobby noble, he cares about us. Now if you’ll excuse me…”

“Wait, I have one more question.”

The young woman waited, though Pangea saw her eyes glancing toward the other patrons.

>“What do the people think about him?”
>“How did he become The Prefector?”


>Arrive to the building as a courier from a high noble
>Arrive as a concerned visitor
>“How did he become The Prefector?”
>Arrive as a concerned visitor
>“How did he become The Prefector?”

>Arrive as a concerned visitor
>“What do the people think about him?”
>Arrive as a concerned visitor
We can always ask Fulgrim how he became Prefector, but only other people can tell us what they think of him.
>“How did he become The Prefector?”

>Arrive as a concerned visitor
>“How did he become The Prefector?”
>Arrive as a concerned visitor
>However… The leaned muscles of the workers did improve her mood.
Wot. Does our girl have a thing for muscles?
>“How did he become The Prefector?”
>Arrive as a concerned visitor
Or maybe tell him that we're a historian/remembrancer who wants to record his story to publish for the Imperium.
>“How did he become The Prefector?”
>Arrive to the building as a courier from a high noble
>Wot. Does our girl have a thing for muscles?
Her formative years were spent around Custodes. I bet she has atl east three separate fetishes related to muscles and three more about oil.

How old is she anyways?
Just wait until they bring out the oil lol
“How did he become The Prefector?”

The youg woman puffed her chest in pride. “Lord Fulgrim brought this miserable planet into a fruitful world, his newly modified machines and sets of reforms is the reason why we made him The Prefector. Though he had to do some politics too.”

“Like what?”

The young woman shrugged. “I dunno, I need to go now. I’ll be back with your order!”

Pangea grimaced as she slurped the local’s cloudy liquor. She did not understand why anyone would drink such slop, and the finger grass was just as awful, tasting of dirt and paint with a hint of meat-ish flavor. Pangea blanched, and did not dare to try the drink, she left after placing a crown.

So this is the Office of Prefector…
The building was square with little to no elegance. No spires, domes, or even a statue over 100 meter tall pillars. Chemos was truly bereft of culture. Pangea entered the building and the front desk reception bowed.

“Good day, miss, how may I help you?”

“I’m here to see The Prefector. I’m a courier.” Pangea showed her paper. “The documents I have are of sensitive content only for the Prefector.”

“I see…” The receptionist hesitated, staring at the small cogitator installed on the concrete desk. “Very well, The Prefector will be in his office. I will let him know you are arriving.”

Pangea nodded. “Thank you.”

The office was bustling with people, clerks and engineers alike moved through the halls in long strides or fast walks, desperate to move fast but to also keep their appearance. Pangea walked through the third staircase. Pangea first knocked.

“Enter.” A voice said.

Pangea opened the tall double door with ease. The visions attacked. Four arms. Serpent body. Ecstasy. Maiming. Lucius. Debauchery. He was a traitor… but not by choice. Pangea reigned in the visions. She gazed at her brother, the warmth that she sought, to think he was a traitor…

“Are you alright?”

His silver gleaming eyes gazed with concern. Unlike Horus, Fulgrim’s facial features were sharp, like a beautiful sculpture.

“Yes… I’m quite alright.” Pangea said. “I’m Galatea, a courier. I am here to seek an audience with you on behalf of my lord. He wishes to know about you.”

His purple robe with golden embroidery swayed as he placed her open hand on his heart.

“Then I greet you, courier Galatea. From your cloak and boots, I can see that you’re no mere messenger. What questions do you have?”

Pangea suppressed her grin. Fulgrim had good taste. She had her vision. All she needed now was to leave and come back with Father but not before asking a question.

>“I ask for a tour of your best achievement.”
>“I ask to see your army.”
>I ask for a tour of your best achievement.”

We know the Pride is his greatest sin - let us see what he is most proud of right now
>“I ask for a tour of your best achievement.”
>“I ask for a tour of your best achievement.”
>“I ask for a tour of your best achievement.”
>I ask for a tour of your best achievement.”
I imagine her and Fulgrim's relationship will be less tense, since she can see he isn't a traitor by choice.
Obligatory fuck the Laer.
“I ask for a tour of your best achievement.”

“I believe you have already seen it.” Fulgrim said. “Please, follow me.”

Each person who passed did not bow, they greeted. Not with reverence, awe, respect, but with love and joy. Fulgrim chatted, knew each person’s situations and worries. At the reception area, the same receptionist also greeted as if she met a friendly neighbor.

“Hello Lord Fulgrim.”

“Hell to you too Tessa, how are the children doing?”

The receptionist smiled. “They’re doing well, they got all top scores in their engineering classes.”

Fulgrim nodded in approval. “That’s fantastic to hear.”

Under the miserable cloud, the gaunt and sickly people of Chemos reported on their well beings. Pangea followed and observed, then returned to the office. Pangea sat across Fulgrim’s table, the cushion did little to make the seat more comfortable.

“I don’t understand, all you’ve shown me are the people.”

“Exactly, Galatea. The people of Chemos are what I’m proud of the most and my greatest achievement.” Fulgrim said. “The people are the future. Does your lord think that way?”

“He does.” Pangea said. “His wish is to… I believe it’s better to have him explain it himself.”

The double door opened with a slam. “My lord, we have trouble at the Illuminator Port!”

“What trouble?” Fulgrim said. “Are they the Desh'ea?”

The receptionist nodded. “Yes…”

“The Desh’ea?” Pangea said.

“They’re the nobles of Nuceria who hold powerful archeo-techs which makes them a formidable planet. I apologize, Galatea, but I must go.”

>“I’ll follow you.”
>“I will arrive with help, my lord is far more powerful than them.”
>“I ask for a tour of your best achievement.”
>“I’ll follow you.”
>“I’ll follow you.”
Nice to see that our girl didn't fly into rage at the vision of a traitor. Let's go listen to what the slave masters of Nuceria have to say.
Inb4 they already have Angron with the Butcher's Nail
>“I will arrive with help, my lord is far more powerful than them.”
This could be a good opportunity for Big E to make a good impression on Fulgrim.
>“I will arrive with help, my lord is far more powerful than them.”

Big e does love his dramatic entrances
Support if we tell daddy to pull all stops.
Not sure if that's a vote anon, please make it clear
Ok I vote

>“I will arrive with help, my lord is far more powerful than them.”
I help we kill them Nucerian bastards.
Oooo, wouldn't it be cool if when we see one of them we see a vision of him putting the butcher's nails in Angron?
The primarch i most look forward to Pangea meeting is Konrad Curze.

Both Pangea and Konrad are almost certainly the most powerful seers humanity has ever seen. In canon Konrad like Pangea foresaw the death of their siblings and the destruction of the heresy something that not even big E seemed to be able to do.

There is also a rather interesting contrast between them as we have so far played Pangea as wanting to avert the future she has seen while Curze became convinced that fate was immutable.

Curze is probably the one primarch i feel that Pangea can save without shenanigans like using our OOC knowledge to plot a course to pick the primarchs before they get into trouble.

Curze life will be hell from the moment his capsule lands but he still held on to a belief in justice, draconian justice but justice all the same for a great length of time.
Pangea needs to do two things there.
First is to help Curze gain control over his visions, its hard to say why but neither big E or Malcador seems to have done much in the way to help him stop his endless nightmares. Maybe they can't, maybe Curze being a primarch makes him to resistant to any help or maybe they deemed it unimportant. Either way unless we intervene it will slowly chip away at his sanity.

Second is to create some sense of emotional support. Curze was alone his entire life until meeting the Emperor and even afterwards Curze was mostly shunned by his brothers who quite understandably shunned his brutal methods. But this just caused a feedback loop where he refused to change his ways --> Big E using him as the big stick --> His brothers shun him more as they blame Curze rather then the Emperor who gave Curze the orders and a carte blanche to terrorize any dissidents or non compliant worlds into submission.

If we can do these two things then we can likely break Konrad's fatalistic view of fate.
To be clear i am not saying that i believe Konrad is the only one we can save just that he is the one i am 100% sure we can save.
Helping Curze is one thing and I'm quite interested in what sort of future he'll see with us, but his Legion might be kind of hard to save — especially if they still recruit like in canon.
>>“I’ll follow you.”
>“I’ll follow you.”

“I’ll come with you.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Fulgrim said.

“My fath— lord will not be pleased if I did not lend assistance. I insist.”

Fulgrim, pressured by time and diplomacy acquiesced with a regretful nod, they quickly made their way to the port.

“I demand to speak with the Perfector, this is unacceptable!”

Nobles in white robes and dark skin shouted at Inspector Knight and other workers, behind them armored men waited. In their hands were spiky mauls and large pistols. Their height easily towered over the people of Chemos, except for Fulgrim. Pangea followed behind, dipping her cap lower and staying silent for now.

“Lord Dayha.” Fulgrim said with a sweet grin. “For what pleasure do I owe you for your visit?”

“This commoner dared to push me!”

The lord pointed at the woman hiding behind Inspector Knight, the same girl she saw from Neighbor’s House. Pangea saw the bleeding lip and the ring on the noble’s hand. Fulgrim’s gaze also pieced the two pieces of evidence together.

“And why did she do that?”

“I was merely offering compliments and I suppose I got closer than she would have wanted. She pushed me and I had to teach her to respect the nobility, I did her a favor! I want her punished!”

>Pangea stepped forward. “A favor? You slapped the woman so hard she’s bleeding!”
>Pangea swallowed her words and waited for Fulgrim’s reaction
>Pangea swallowed her words and waited for Fulgrim’s reaction
>Pangea stepped forward. “A favor? You slapped the woman so hard she’s bleeding!”
High riders are nothing but uppity techno-barbarians. Total High Rider Death.
>Pangea stepped to the side of the girl and gently tried to bring her to the edge of the event, so she would be removed from the ensuing matter.
>"by your word, I'll conduct this girl to the just consequences of her actions"

It should be a diplomatic way to assist
It's also that I want all the civilians out of the way. Before we kill the high riders.
>Pangea swallowed her words and waited for Fulgrim’s reaction
Say nothing but move to help the woman up and away from the noble. Showing care for his people is a good way of making a good first impression with Fulgrim, and we're here to observe him so let's just stay quiet and see what he does
>Pangea swallowed her words and waited for Fulgrim’s reaction
>>Pangea swallowed her words and waited for Fulgrim’s reaction
>Pangea swallowed her words and waited for Fulgrim’s reaction
>Pangea swallowed her words and waited for Fulgrim’s reaction
Out of curiosity who is you guys favourite loyalist Primarch and traitor Primarch?

Loyalist for me is probably the Lion because i really like the whole secret knightly order theme he has.

For the traitors that is harder because i love the occasional reason you suck Angron fires off to his brothers, Curze's whole theme of visions and madness. But i probably gotta pick Alpharius and Omegon.
I don't really have favourites but I do love the aesthetics of the Dark Angels. Plus those funny little dudes that hang out with them look adorable.
Pangea swallowed her words. Fulgrim maintained his polite smile.

“I see, I’ll be sure to reprimand her.” Fulgrim said.

The young woman did not seemed frightened at all. The noble seethed, his lips curling back into a hateful snarl. Pangea saw the disgusting man’s spit fly as he shouted again. The urge to rip his tongue and shove it into his eye socket grew. He reminded her of the techno-barbarians but fatter and uglier.

“I will punish her!”

“My lord, I will not let you harm my citizens.”

Pangea’s hands curled into a tight fist. Had she arrived as herself this matter would be trivial. For now, she remained anonymous, lying to Fulgrim as herself now would not be a good idea. Even more, archeotech held tremendous power that even Father did not dare take lightly. Not that he took any issues lightly.

“Defy me, and you’ll defy my uncle, the M’dsha of Nuceria. You know well what that means.”

Fulgrim gritted his teeth underneath a calm visage.

“I… I’ll do it, it was my fault.” The young woman said with trembling lips. “I’ll do it so please don’t harm this world.”

The lecherous grin widened like a festering wound.

“Good girl.” The lord soothed. “I’m not a cruel man, Fulrgim. I will have this punishment done by my guard.”

At the city square, the people gathered to see the naked young woman. The hulking guard lumbered over, holding a barbed whip. The guard raised his arm. The first crack echoed. Pangea flinched at the woman’s harrowing wail. An ugly, sobbing, shrilling cry. Pangea shoved through the crowd and stood between herself and the guard.

“What is the meaning this!” The lord screamed. “Name yourself!”

“I am no one of concern. But if you must punish her like this…”

>“I’ll take her place.”
>“I’ll just kill you all here…”

No write-in
>“I’ll just kill you all here…”
fuck it
What the fuck? So much for remaining undercover.
>“I’ll take her place.”
Who knows what else the Nucerians have in orbit; they could have orbital bombardment missiles ready to fire at a moment's notice. Besides, the more pissed off the Emperor is at the Nucerian nobles, the better our case for unfucking Angron is. We might get a vision of his home world anyway.
>“I’ll take her place.”
>“I’ll just kill you all here…”
Break their bodies with telekinesis.
>“I’ll just kill you all here…”

Oh from Nuceria then killing you will be a public service really
>“I’ll take her place.”
A sacrifice must be made.
I like bricks. Beacuse dorn.
>>“I’ll take her place.”
We are undercover, don't want the world to get bombed, and have a good in with Fulgrim that we are more human than the emperor.
So much for subtlety
>“I’ll take her place.”
Do you think Big E would let it happen- or that some golden bananas would give the people a show?
>I'll just kill you all here.

One world may not be able to stop them.
An imperium will crush your pathetic society.
>“I’ll take her place.”
We're built different

I was skeptical about whether Pangea would stay and watch, But with how she was raised (through the player's choice in thread 1), Pangea would not just stand idly by to allow it to happen. That's my explanation anyway.

Votes counted
On one hand, we are politically really helpful, fabricating a claim of war.

On the other hand. Damn this is gonna hurt.
Since when does the Imperium need a reason beyond "submit or die"?
Claims provide a way to use political leverage. They don't need one but they make the following conquest easier to hold.

In canon, The high riders accepted submission and the emperor didn't push it because a bloodless win cost him no resources.

Other planets could be coerced, bribed or convinced into capitulation, for which such claims were useful.
"We have a legitimate grievance by your own standards, So play ball to make it right."
Plus if the MC is female I’d say a QM is entitled to writing her having a “woman moment” from time to time.
Now, how delicious will the ensuing ryona be?
It amuses me more if we give no sound.

We are an imperial princess, sister of the primarchs and at present their superiors in melee combat.
I'm sure a technobarbarian can't hurt us more than the custodes have.
It's not the pain, it's the nakedness and vulnerability
>“woman moment”
The live-vox feed continued from the assassin’s linked vox. The Emperor watched in silence. His daughter, the Princess of The Imperium stripped her clothes into full nudity and bared her back. The whip, as expected, did little to harm her. Even Pangea herself seemed surprised, an understandable reaction when she’s been hurt in training but only from the blows of the custodes.

Yet… cold rage overtook him.

The Emperor’s face remained rigid, and all he wished now was Nuceria resisting compliance so that he would unleash his forces on that world. The live-vox feed showed his son, Fulgrim taking the center.

“The punishment is done, Lord Dayha. This off-worlder has beared the transgression of my people. Will that be all?” Fugrim said.

“I am.” The fool said with a disappointed growl. “Teach your people to respect the nobles, Prefector.”

Pride chipped the cold rage away when the people who watched gathered around Pangea, offering their gratitude and the lord she represented. The young woman was quickly sent to be treated and Pangea gave her farewell. The unfolded situation reminded of when he stood defiant against a chieftain as a young man before his awakening. The Emperor stood from his throne, and waited at the hanger when the Pangea returned.

“Father…” Pangea looked down at her feet.

—Is everything alright?—

“I’m fine.” Pangea wiped her wet eyes. “Chemos is dustier than I thought.”

—I see. Take your time, I will hear your report later.—

The Emperor watched his daughter walk past, and heard a quiet sniffle. The Emperor…

>Did not follow his daughter, she needed her space
>Followed, while he did not know how to comfort Pangea, he felt the urge to
>Called Malcador, informing of the situation and for advice
4chan speak for making rash decisions from being emotional
>Followed, while he did not know how to comfort Pangea, he felt the urge to
>>Did not follow his daughter, she needed her space
I thought "woman moment" meant when a woman refuses to take accountability because it makes her feel worse or hurts her self-perceived image.

>Followed, while he did not know how to comfort Pangea, he felt the urge to
>Followed, while he did not know how to comfort Pangea, he felt the urge to>
Both of these mean the Primarchs are all women
>Followed, while he did not know how to comfort Pangea, he felt the urge to
Huh, I was right.

>Went to comfort her
>Called Malcador, informing of the situation and for advice
>Followed, while he did not know how to comfort Pangea, he felt the urge to
Dammn Pangea is really tough.

I hope this nets a good amount of points from Fulgrim, and it seems like Big E will gladly descend to annihilate the High Riders when, or if the time comes for retrieving Angron.
If it’s to late to save Angron- I think we should consider advising Big E to try the surgery anyways to get the nails out.

Death would be a mercy to the poor guy.
Angron with nails would be disastrous to anyone he sides with. He was a detriment to the traitor side in the original timeline, an albatross hanging around Horus's neck.
Those nails need to come out, if anyone cares about Angron himself and not what he can do or how much he will fuck up things for others.
>Called Malcador, informing of the situation and for advice
Nuceria delenda est
>Followed, while he did not know how to comfort Pangea, he felt the urge to
I wish I could vote for this and telling Malcador.

I guess Malcador got his wish then, kek.
>>Followed, while he did not know how to comfort Pangea, he felt the urge to
Time to push Big E to be a better parents.
Agreed. Getting the Nails out of his head, if they are already implanted, has to happen.

>I guess Malcador got his wish then, kek.
Who's fault at BL was that again?
I dunno, I just find it hilarious he thought conflict would've been avoided with all female primarchs.
Like they'd all just naturally cooperate.
As I said in the first thread, he either grew up as a single child, was heavily autistic, or both.
>Called Malcador, informing of the situation and for advice

Big E actually trying to be a decent parent? Feeling genuine rage seeing his daughter be publicly humiliated by some lowly savage? Are we sure Pangea doesn't have some kind of innate psychic power that compels affection in those around her? Because this is the same man who didn't give two shits about Angron not only being enslaved his entire life but also mentally and physically mutilated in the most horrific manner possible.
Well- she is daddy’s little princess.
Very true. I guess another thing is that she wasn't made for war like her brothers but was in fact made solely to be a good sister/daughter/family therapist.
Primarchs he never raised and basically grown by the time he meets them.
Gurl that he did watch grow and looked up to him daily.
The way he handled Angron's recovery was just him being an asshole for no apparent reason. He could have easily crushed the high rider army and rescued Angron's friends.
>Are we sure Pangea doesn't have some kind of innate psychic power that compels affection in those around her?


Blame BL.
Big E can be a good parent as seen with some of the Primarchs like Horus and Vulcan, sometimes lol
Some theory crafters believe that Big E gave up shards of himself to create the Primarchs and Angron being twisted away from his purpose repulsed him.

Another theory is that he is pouring himself into the golden throne quite literally and the more he extends/the further he is from it the less of "him" is left to pilot his body.

As for which if any are true no idea and GW probably won't write an explanation for it for a while yet.
There was something odd about the small back of hers. So tiny, easily crushed by his hands, so vulnerable, weak… The Emperor followed. Pangea turned around, she whipped her face back then wiped her eyes once more.


—You are not fine—

“I am.”

Her pride and her glory seeking shoved her true feelings away. The defiant eyes bore into The Emperor’s gaze.

—You are my daughter. I am your father.— The Emperor reminded. —Tell me what happened. Not as a warrior, but as my daughter. Pangea, please.—

Pangea wiped her eyes once more.

“They… they made me strip naked and get whipped in place of another woman.”

A wounded pride, he knew very well about tha—

“How can someone take joy in such cruelty? She was just a girl.”

The streaming tears dripped from her sharp chin, her hands clutched on her cloak. First rage. Then sorrow. For her, and for himself. The humanity he wanted usher was never within him, but his daughter does.

—Were you not humiliated?—

“I was and it was unbearable. But seeing that girl whipped?” Pangea hugged herself. “

—Some humans are molded from their environment, that cannot be helped.— Father placed his hand on her shoulder. —In time, this will be but part of history much like the techno-barbarians of Terra. Raise your head my daughter, you have done a noble deed, be proud of that.—

“Father, I have a request. Regarding Nuceria.”

—You will have a place should Nuceria resist.—

“If that is the case… I have a different request.”

—Go on.—

>“If the first legion will take part, allow me to lead them.”
>“If the custodians will take part, I ask your permission to be by their side.”
>“If the Luna Wolves will be sent, allow me to lead a squad of them. Horus owes me a favor and I know he won’t deny me this.”
>“If the first legion will take part, allow me to lead them.”
>“If the custodians will take part, I ask your permission to be by their side.”
Let's go, banana squad. Let's save Horus's favour for something more important than just leading a single squad against a backwater techno barbarian planet.
>"If the custodians will take part, i ask your permission to be by their side">
>>“If the first legion will take part, allow me to lead them.”
>“If the first legion will take part, allow me to lead them.”
>Be amongst the custodians

>“If the Luna Wolves will be sent, allow me to lead a squad of them. Horus owes me a favor and I know he won’t deny me this.”
Custodians are too OP, they'll end up doing most of the work for us.
>“If the custodians will take part, I ask your permission to be by their side.”
We don't know how to lead a whole army yet. Let's keep a mental note to get educated on this sometime later.
>“If the custodians will take part, I ask your permission to be by their side.”
He does tend to pick favourites.
What this guy said. We don't know anything about leading an army, let alone a whole legion. If we go with the first choice, at best we would just sit in on their meeting while the actual leaders do the planning, or we'd lead them into a disaster at worst.
Best to go with the bananas. We can at least show off our combat prowess and strike at some important targets.
>>“If the first legion will take part, allow me to lead them.”
It may not hurt, but is our back marked or scarred in any way?
>“If the first legion will take part, allow me to lead them.”

We will lay waste to those who defy the Emperor’s glory
She is best daughteru
BL ?
Black Library
>“If the custodians will take part, I ask your permission to be by their side.”
Anon’s point about not having army leading experience made sense
>“If the first legion will take part, allow me to lead them.”
>“If the Luna Wolves will be sent, allow me to lead a squad of them. Horus owes me a favor and I know he won’t deny me this.”
>“If the first legion will take part, allow me to lead them.”


First Legion


A surprising result, I expected custodians, your reasons anons?
Shit, this is definitely going to start arguments. I imagine it's a combination of 1st legion fans and the expectation that we'd see Alpharius again. This is not going to go well in practice.
I don't know why people chose it and why the Emperor would give us command of an entire legion in the first place. You would think being with the Custodians would be the best way to be one of the first to reach Angron, but I guess the people have spoke.
Hmm. Sounds like it’s time for Pangea to cram battlefield-scale tactics lessons like her life and lives of the first legion depend on it.
We'll have to learn how to lead legions eventually
“If the first legion will take part, allow me to lead them.”

The Emperor paused, he nodded.

—Under one condition.—

“Name it, Father.”

—You will be under strict guidance, you have never led an army, not even Horus. You will lead a company. That is the term.—

“I accept, thank you Father.”

The second meeting with Fulgrim went better than she thought. Watching through the live-vox feed, Pangea saw the immediate reverence and awe that Fulgrim displayed. It took little to have Fulgrim swear loyalty, and Pangea did not see the charisma that many claim that Father had. Father was well… Father. Pangea waited in the hanger, fully dressed in her toga with her circlet.


Fulgrim’s smile on his lips peeled back further than necessary. The smile disappeared, he knelt toward Pangea, meeting eye to eye.

“Your beautiful courage is engraved in my memory, you save my people from danger.You have my utmost gratitude, sister.”

“There is no need to thank me, brother.” Pangea said. “Your people are now my people. The people of Chemos will be safe.”

Pangea and Fulgrim walked alongside Father, exploring Bucephelus in the most scenic places. For someone who lived on such a drab and miserable planet, Fulgrim maintained his composure and walked as if this was his hundredth time being here.

“So that’s her name?”

“Yes, Iplantis. While she is not versed in noble etiquette, I assure she is a fine young lady. Even if it means being your cupbearer, she wishes to serve you.” Fulgrim said. “If you will have her.”

“I don’t know, I never vetted anyone for myself…”

“She is not expecting an answer soon, but asks to be given a chance once she recovers.” Fulgrim said.

—A cupbearer must know the etiquette beforehand to avoid offending other nobles. However, this will be a good opportunity for you to learn to be a teacher yourself.—

>“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”
>“I’ll take her as my cupbearer for now.”
>“I have no need for her.”
>“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”
>“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”
>“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”
>“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”
What can we even do with her?
>“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”
Finally someone to take care of our hair. Imagine we could have breakfast or read or whatever while our hair is being brushed. That's like 2 hours of lost time per day regained.
>Servant for now, cupbearer maybe later.
>“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”
>“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”
>>“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”
>“I’ll take her as my cupbearer for now.”
We are gonna run into Lion sooner or later and considering his secretive tendencies i figured if we can establish a relationship with the first legion before that we can leverage that to make him open up.
>“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”>
>“I’ll take her as my cupbearer for now.”
Anyone remember that Anon 40k cupbearer quest?
Rip cup Annon.
>“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”


Sorry for late update, had class at 7:30AM.

Also, no update next Monday and maybe tuesdya.
Father had a cupbearer, an odd fellow who was an inventor from a small feudal state in Albia. The cupbearer passed away long ago during the Unification War due to unknown incident, but was instrumental in some battles.

“I will consider her as my servant, but not as my cup bearer. Not now and if there aren’t better options.”

“Being a servant alone will be good news, thank you sister. I will have her come after she is briefed on important etiquettes first.”

Pangea arrived at the bridge, the naval officers and the voidsmen-at-arms marched through the halls. Lights from cogitators blinked and clicked as the giant vessel moved. The bridge was the Bucephelus’s stomach, Father was the heart of the ship, and the rest were the cells that made the ship move.

“We’re going back to Terra instead of going to Nuceria?” Pangea said.

—Nuceria’s time will come.— Father said. —There are matters to be handled in Terra.—

“What matters? Magistra usually takes care of it.”

—The Golden Throne requires some maintenance, that is all.— The Emperor zoomed into Nuceria on the holo projection map. —You have learned he history of Terra, the art of the spear and bow. Now, you will begin with squad based tactics first. You will be prepared first, then we will go to Nuceria.—

“I understand.”


After a shower Pangea switched into her pajamas. Yet, sleep did not come.

>Pangea looked for Horus
>Pangea searched for Fulgrim
>Pangea waited on the Ramparts, in hopes of seeing Alpharius
>>Pangea searched for Fulgrim
Oh right

>Pangea looked for Horus

>Pangea searched for Fulgrim

>Pangea waited on the Ramparts, in hopes of seeing Alpharius

When you vote please put the numbers so I can count it faster.
>Pangea waited on the Ramparts, in hopes of seeing Alpharius
>Pangea searched for Fulgrim
>Pangea looked for Horus>
>>Pangea searched for Fulgrim
Hang out with Horus
>>Pangea searched for Fulgrim

He is new now and would probably appreciate it
>Pangea searched for Fulgrim
>Pangea looked for Horus2jxp
>>Pangea looked for Horus
>>Pangea searched for Fulgrim
>Pangea searched for Fulgrim
3. Alpharius.
Let's have some personal time with our brother.

Wanting to see how Fulgrim was adjusting, Pangea strolled toward his room with Luna by her side. Pangea knocked Fulgrim’s closed door. The double door opened, Fulgrim in his purple robe greeted with a tired grin.


“Brother, may I come in?”

“By all means.”

Purple and gold draped the room, fine silver furnitures meshed in with the golden interior symbiotically. For a room already elegant, Fulgrim brought the interior to a new height.

“Wow…” Pangea spun, seeing the room in its full beauty. “Did you do this in the afternoon?”

“I did. Do you like it?”

“It’s amazing.” Pangea said. “My room is nothing like this, I just have books and stuff.”

“Do you like books?” Fulgrim said.

Pangea shrugged. “Not really, I just have them since I was a child, I never thought about moving them.”

“I see, if you’d like I can visit your room to see if I can make it look like mine.”

>“Sure, I’d like that.”

>“I’ll think about it.”

Please write it as "2." or "1." I tried cntrl + f but the post number came out instead so please include the period.
>“Sure, I’d like that.”
>“Sure, I’d like that.”
>“Sure, I’d like that.”
>“I’ll think about it.”

“Luna seems to like you.” Pangea said.

Fulgrim stroked Luna’s head. “He’s a noble hound, and a friendly one at that.”

The next day, Pangea watched Fulgrim grimace. While her room was not dirty… leaving the room as is was Pangea’s habit. Her blankets and pillows were strewn into a messy pile. Old ink stains were layered on her desk. Use quills were scattered across and the trash bin was full of crumpled parchments.

“Why does the serfs not clean this?”

“I told them not to, I just prefer it that way for my table.”

Fulgrim sucked his lips in then unfurled his lips. “Pangea, this is filthy.”

“This one just can’t be touched alright?” Pangea stood in front of the table. “It’s personal.”

“Of course, I’ll leave as it is then.”

After a quick inspection of the second floor, Fulgrim and Pangea examined the first floor. The books on the shelves were disorganized. While the book shelves were thankfully lined up on the wall, no furniture existed on the first floor. Instead, Pangea’s spear, power bow and arrows, and various training equipment littered the room.


Pangea avoided Fulgrim’s gaze. “I don’t have the time, you know?”

“A lady’s room must be kept neat all the time.” Fulgrim said chidingly.

“But no one comes here except—” Pangea paused, she scolded herself for almost uttering Alpharius. “Except for the serfs, that is.”

“Very well, are the bookshelves not to be touched as well?”

“I don’t mind if it’s moved around,” Pangea said.

Fulgrim nodded. “I think I have some ideas for a makeover. I’ll get them delivered to you later. I’m afraid I have other business you see.”

“Oh right, you’re going to meet your legion right?”

“I am.” Fulgrim smiled elegantly. “I am eager to see my sons and to be reunited with them so soon knowing there are more of us scattered.”

“Hopefully, we’ll find them soon.”
Pangea trained in the grounds in the Tower of Hegemon as she waited for Ra or another custodian. Instead of the auramite armor, Pangea saw a black ceramite power armor belonging to an astartes. The sigil on the pauldron indicated their legion, the Angels of Death. The astartes knelt.

“Your eminence.” The astartes said. “I am Gwyn, Captain of The First Company. I have come with a request.”

“A request?” Pangea dabbed her forehead with ehr towel. “If it’s training with you for Nuceria, I don’t mind. I don’t know why Father didn’t say that under the condition.”

“No, I ask you to rescind your wish to The Emperor. The Angels of Death is not some toy you may test your skills on. Nuceria’s archeo-tech will make the world dangerous, and I will not have you endanger the war-effort.”

Pangea scowled. She stood over the kneeling astartes.

“And there is no other way to convince you?”

“Not even a duel will.”

Pangea knew of their proud history field with victories and their unknown victories. They were the first, the left hand of Father.

>“I understand, I will speak with Father.”
>“Get up. Regardless of whether a duel will change your mind or not, I demand a duel with you.”
Dammn Pangea did not "see" anything about Nuceria so we cant even tell him there is a special reason that place must fall right?
>Get up, I demand a duel for the implication I am doing this out of whimsy.

Pangea is the sort of hot head who would. And also to demonstrate prowess for my next point.
And once we calm down a bit.

>I wish to be involved in the destruction of Nuceria. If you have no intent to assist me with command, then I require an oath that you will deploy me where the fighting must be done. Not where it is safe. Not where I am 'best kept out of the way'

We aren't a commander and we have no training. His concern is justified.
But we are a weapon, even if we are an emotional support scholar.
>“Get up. Regardless of whether a duel will change your mind or not, I demand a duel with you.”

He's not saying Nuceria shouldn't be conquered, he's saying that Pangea shouldn't be the one leading the invasion.
>“Get up. Regardless of whether a duel will change your mind or not, I demand a duel with you.”
>“Get up. Regardless of whether a duel will change your mind or not, I demand a duel with you.”

Pangea is a softie but she does have a temper so time to duel.
Explain to him why we have to do this personally
>2 “Get up. Regardless of whether a duel will change your mind or not, I demand a duel with you.”
>“Get up. Regardless of whether a duel will change your mind or not, I demand a duel with you.”
First blood? Or first to yield?

“Get up.”

Captain Gwyn looked forward, seeing the scowl splitting her lips.

“I said get up. Regardless of whether a duel will change your mind or not, I demand a duel with you.”

“Very well.”

Gwyn slowly stood and walked to the training ground, he unsheathed his power sword that crackled with blue lightning. Pangea took her stance on the other side, Palatine in her hand and her power-bow on her back. The two combatants waited, as if a horn had blown, they charged forward. Pangea began with her usual assault that poked and prodded Gwyn’s defense. Compared to Ra and other custodians, Gwyn was slower, more lumbering but still with immense skill.

“I’ll show you who’s the weak link!” Pangea growled.

Pangea ducked through the lunge then used the blunt end of Palatine to bludgeon Gwyn’s knee. The auramite spear punched the left knee joint, bringing Gwyn down to one knee. Without a pause, Pangea twirled her spear into Gwyn’s left side of the face. The bludgeoned knee fell, bringing Gwyn to use his hand to prevent his fall.

>Pangea dashed to Gwyn’s back, and used her spear to choke him out
>Pangea then went for Gwyn’s forearm. Toppling the astartes.
>Pangea pointed Palatine to Gwyn’s face. “Yield. Astartes.”
>>Pangea pointed Palatine to Gwyn’s face. “Yield. Astartes.”

This is a spar and bludgeoning him down won't help our case. Pangea has shown that she is a skilled combatant and now its time to show respect to a fellow warrior.
>Pangea pointed Palatine to Gwyn’s face. “Yield. Astartes.”
For some reason I suspect he will try something sneaky and then say: In war there are no fair duels.
>Pangea then went for Gwyn’s forearm. Toppling the astartes.
>Pangea pointed Palatine to Gwyn’s face. “Yield. Astartes.”

You still want us to use the numbers QM?
Nah, I think I need to find a better way, not everyone added the period on the number. Honestly this issue is such a great thing to have since it means I have many players. I'll just count it myself.

On this note, how well am I doing in keeping to the lore, as lore breaking this qst as it is
Im not super hardcore into 40k but it passes the sniff test for something in the universe well except for big E being not a completely shit father
>Pangea pointed Palatine to Gwyn’s face. “Yield. Astartes.”
>Pangea then went for Gwyn’s forearm. Toppling the astartes.
I think we can all agree it's Pangea's influence.
That and it makes the quest better in general.
I think you are doing pretty good, it keeps the general feel of the setting while adapting it for an AU quest.
>Pangea pointed Palatine to Gwyn’s face. “Yield. Astartes.”
I think voicing this reason >>6093428 for the duel is important.

>“I’ll show you who’s the weak link!” Pangea growled.
This was a pretty horrible thing for Pangea to say.

Even with the armor, there's no way we're tripping an Astartes like that without psychic powers. Besides, we're not trying to kill this guy.
>Pangea then went for Gwyn’s forearm. Toppling the astartes.

Thank you anon

Idk why but I really like inhuman Emperor, but thank you

Got it, thank you anon.

Pangea pointed Palatine to Gwyn’s face. “Yield. Astartes.”

Gwyn stared back, but lowered his head. “I yield. But I will not give up on this request. You are untested and you are not a primarch.”

“You dare defy The Emperor’s command?”

“No. If it is his orders, we will comply, that is why I have come to ask you. You are untested and you are not a primarch. I will not have my men’s life be used for a mere experiment, even if you are under strict guidance. If you wish for our future cooperation, I ask you to reconsider this time.” Gwyn said.

“So, I am unworthy to even practice with your legion?” Pangea gritted her teeth, gnashing like an enraged beast just barely holding on. “I heard of the first legion’s legendary accomplishments, admired it, but I can see that it made the legion bloated with pride. I have no need for disobedient astartes.”

Pangea left the training grounds, leaving the astartes on his knees. Through the halls of the palace, Pangea kept her furious scowl. The rage boiled in her stomach, her skin bristled, she needed to punch something or someone.

So what if I’m not a primarch? How can someone be so arrogant after being beaten like that? I need to hit something or I’m going to lose my mind.


At the halls of the Inner Palace, Horus and his sons approached.

“Hello Horus.” Pangea said.

“You look unwell, did something happen?”


Horus gazed back with a disappointed look.

“You can talk to me if something is troubling you.”

>“It’s nothing Horus, I appreciate you asking. I just need to handle this myself.”
>“I asked Father if I could work with the First Legion to gain experience in leading Nuceria's compliance, but the first captain asked me to rescind my request because I’m ‘untested’.”

Happy Sunday everyone. Favorite Primarch moment?
>>“I asked Father if I could work with the First Legion to gain experience in leading Nuceria's compliance, but the first captain asked me to rescind my request because I’m ‘untested’.”
>“I asked Father if I could work with the First Legion to gain experience in leading Nuceria's compliance, but the first captain asked me to rescind my request because I’m ‘untested’.”

Horus is a pretty good leader so he might have some tips for us how to convince Gwyn.
>"I asked father if i could work with the first legion to gain experience in leading Nuceria's compliance, but the first captain asked me to rescind my request because i am 'untested'>
>“I asked Father if I could work with the First Legion to gain experience in leading Nuceria's compliance, but the first captain asked me to rescind my request because I’m ‘untested’.”
>“I asked Father if I could work with the First Legion to gain experience in leading Nuceria's compliance, but the first captain asked me to rescind my request because I’m ‘untested’.”
My favorite moment has to be when Vulkan withstood everything Kurze could throw at him.
>“I asked Father if I could work with the First Legion to gain experience in leading Nuceria's compliance, but the first captain asked me to rescind my request because I’m ‘untested’.”
>“I asked Father if I could work with the First Legion to gain experience in leading Nuceria's compliance, but the first captain asked me to rescind my request because I’m ‘untested’.”
I think we owe Gwyn an apology after this. Horus would have a better chance explaining Gwyn's perspective to Pangea.
>I asked if I could work with the first.

Favorite primarch moment? So many to choose from.
Vulkan beating Kurze with a hammer.
Guilliman finally realising Lorgar had betrayed them.
Fulgrim and the Khan at Ullinor.
>“I asked Father if I could work with the First Legion to gain experience in leading Nuceria's compliance, but the first captain asked me to rescind my request because I’m ‘untested’.”
Favourite primarch moment? Konrad crying out for his dad like a lost child while hugging a meat effigy of Emps. It's as funny as it is tragic.

“I asked Father if I could work with the First Legion to gain experience in leading Nuceria's compliance, but the first captain asked me to rescind my request because I’m ‘untested’.”

Inside Horus’s quarters, Pangea sat on a seat covered in a wolf pelt across Horus. On the marble tables were the fruits she had before along with wines and juices. Pangea looked around, she saw weapons resting on racks, wolf pelts on his bed and his furniture, and banners of the Luna Wolves hanging on the wall but not the Imperium’s.

“I see…” Horus rubbed his chin. “I understand his reasoning at the very least. Surely you do as well.”

Pangea looked down at her hands. “I do… but I’m the princess!”

“Using your rank to gain what you want will only lead to more resentment.” Horus said stiffly. “You know this.”

“Then what am I supposed to do?”

“The first legion is vaunted, that is for sure and if something did go wrong in Nuceria there will be a friction between you and your brother in the future…” Horus snapped his finger. “How about my sons?”

“Your sons?”

“I don’t see why not. I’ll have one of my best warriors guiding you. I’d be honored to have you fight with me. After all…” Horus flashed a bloodthirsty grin. “A price must be paid, no?”

>Pangea nodded. “That sounds lovely.”
>Pangea shook her head. “I’ll handle this on my own, brother. But thank you.”
>Pangea nodded. “That sounds lovely.”
>Pangea nodded. “That sounds lovely.”
>Pangea nodded. “That sounds lovely.”
>Pangea nodded. “That sounds lovely.”
Oh fuck, this probably means we'll be working with Abaddon.
I hope we don't keel over from all the visions.
>Pangea nodded. “That sounds lovely.”

>”Brother, why do none of Father’s aquilla’s grace your dorm?”
>Pangea nodded. “That sounds lovely.”

I'm more worried about Pangea having another creepy aunt episode if Loken's there.
We need to find her a boyfriend that is not related.

Girl need her own RnR and firends.

QM; how ‘’normal’’ is this girl in terms of transhumanism.
>>Pangea nodded. “That sounds lovely.”

She's definitely up there, I'll let you anons figure out her power level.


I swear man I totally forgot they were related. I won't include that anymore kek as funny as that mistake was.
Her bachelors are
>Mechanicum tech priests
>humanoid Interrex citizen that lives for hundreds or thousands of years
>Necron overlords
I fear we may have a cat lady on our hands.


No worries, kek.
Anyone knows if Abbadon has joined up with the Luna wolves yet?
I'm all for her basically being primarch level eventually. But only after a lot of growth.
How long do Sisters of Silence lives?
Had to deal with some businesses. Update will be today
No idea but considering their status as nulls it is likely that the Emperor used the best genetic treatment available to keep them alive as long as possible.
Pangea smiled back with an equally vicious grin, and a savage urge to maim slowly swelled. Excitement ballooned, knowing well this victory would bring glory to her… and the Imperium. Pangea leaned back on her chair and sipped on her juice.

“That sounds lovely.”

The next day, a notification has been sent today. Instead of the First Legion and the Luna Wolves. The Warhounds would join the battle, led by First Captain Kharn and Princess Pangea.

“Princess.” Kharn knelt. “We are honored to be in this vessel, and to be in your presence.”

In the training hall of Bucephelus, the astartes of the twelfth legion knelt. Their beaten and scuffed ceramite armor shined, brighter than the auramite interior.

“Rise. Warhounds.” Pangea said. “I am
honored that you accepted my request.”

“The honor is mine, Princess.” Kharn said. “We have only a few days on this ship. I suggest we begin the training now.”

“That’s a good idea.” Pangea tapped her chin.

>“I’ll leave my training in your hands.”
>“Let us try a simulation on your company’s strategy.”
>“Let me try commanding a squad.”

Sorry for late update, really exhausted.
Our princess is going to turn into Tiny Tina aren’t we-

Whatever you do- don’t show her how to use explosives- as fun as a explosives primarch would be to go with Valkan.
>led by First Captain Kharn and Princess Pangea.
What happened to Captain Greer? Kharn is the 8th captain, and only became the first because Angron killed the first seven.

>“I’ll leave my training in your hands.”
This is new territory for Pangea. If Pangea already started having visions of Angron's predicament on the planet, she would know to be careful about collateral damage.
>Captain Greer
That is my lore mistake. I’ll fix it on the next one. Still tired from today
The first 7 we’re missing in the warp at the time- presumed dead.
>“Let us try a simulation on your company’s strategy.”
who ?
The crazy kid from Borderlands- the girl who sung a nercery rhyme while blowing up a bandit.
>“Let us try a simulation on your company’s strategy.”

Aww, but I wanted to see Kharn.
>The crazy kid from Borderlands- the girl who sung a nercery rhyme while blowing up a bandit.
never played it. from her looks, I can getter that she's a tinker of sorts but that's pretty much it.
>“Let us try a simulation on your company’s strategy.”

Nw Maw and rest well
Shit you got link on that lore?

Even though my qst breaks lore, I still want to keep it close.
Forgot to type the LOL but it would be a funny way to fix a lore mistake. Like they got bakc from the warp just in time
We'll probably see Kharn regardless but Greer was legion master before Angron was recovered. He did a good a job of it too, to the point a decent chunk of the world eaters wished that Greer was still alive and in command instead of Angron.
>“I’ll leave my training in your hands.”
>“Let me try commanding a squad.”
>I leave my training in your hands.
>>“Let me try commanding a squad.”
Leaving It To Gheer


I'll need a tie-breaker here fellas
Just roll a 1d2 after 30min
>“Let us try a simulation on your company’s strategy.”

ill tiebreaker

“Let us try a simulation on your company’s strategy.”

Blue holographic lights set the battlefield. Pangea watched from the observation room. The astartes of the Warhounds were brutal and quick, utilizing melee with few firesupports. Their strategy was effective and simple. They were not the barbarians Pangea assumed, but disciplined and brutal.

“Do you think you can mesh well with my men?” Captain Gheer said.

“I never was much of a range combatant.” Pangea said with a shrug. “They are impressive.”

“I’m honored.”

Through the simulations, Pangea learned how the Warhounds’ preferred methods of combat and tactics. After, Pangea joined in with the Warhounds and processed through the simulations. First was a squad, then a platoon, then a company. Pangea moved swifter, leaner, and hit just as hard. None however, was better than the Eight Company Captain, Kharn.

“Kharn was it?” Pangea said.

“Yes, my lady.’ Kharn said.

“You’re quite good with that ax.”

“I’m honored.”

>“How about a spar? If I win, I want you to be part of my company.”
>“May I ask you to be part of the company I will practice leading with?”
>“May I ask you to be part of the company I will practice leading with?"
>>“How about a spar? If I win, I want you to be part of my company.”
She's been telling people to 1v1 her every time.
>“How about a spar? If I win, I want you to be part of my company.”
>“How about a spar? If I win, I want you to be part of my company.”
>“May I ask you to be part of the company I will practice leading with?”
since we met Kharn, Erebus when ?
Pangea's going to flip and shank Erebus the moment she sees him.
>The astartes of the Warhounds were brutal and quick, utilizing melee with few firesupports. Their strategy was effective and simple. They were not the barbarians Pangea assumed, but disciplined and brutal.
They make extensive and proficient use of armored assaults to break through fortifications and vehicles to engage in close-range firefights and melee. Ferrus Manus would compliment them in this regard.

>“How about a spar? If I win, I want you to be part of my company.”
She's probably going to get her ass kicked, but that doesn't she shouldn't be a good sport about it if that does happen.
>>“How about a spar? If I win, I want you to be part of my company.”
>"How about a spar? If i win, i want you to be part of my company">
>“May I ask you to be part of the company I will practice leading with?”
Again, thank you anon, I'll be sure to include that in.
>“How about a spar? If I win, I want you to be part of my company.”

"How about a spar? If I win, I want you to be part of my company" Pangea said with a baiting grin. “Surely you won’t say no?”

“I cannot.”

Pangea’s mischievous grin fell. “Why not? Do you think I’m unworthy as well?”

“My duty is to serve the Emperor, which is leading my men and to follow the Legion Master. His authority supersede yours.” Kharn said. “You will be worthy to lead once you have gained experience. Learn all you can and do not let Gwyn’s words seed doubt into your heart. He meant no offense by it.”

Pangea blinked, her mouth sealed tight as she was unsure of what to say.

“I… thank you, Captain.”

Kharn only nodded, and returned to his men.

In the evening cycle, Pangea returned to her room and polished Luna's armor while the hound himself slept beside her. Kharn’s words stuck to her as did his advice and the bitter reminder for Gwyn. Perhaps she was dramatic in her reaction.

“At least you think I’m competent. Right Luna?”

Luna snored.

Pangea saw her reflection on the polished armor and sighed. When will she gain her glory? True glory, not the paltry win against the mutants, glory as in conquering planets and killing dangerous xenos. Those glory. Pangea jumped on her bed and closed her eyes.

>Yet, sleep did not come to her. Pangea exited her room for a walk.
>Sleep soon came, and the days passed training with the Warhounds. Then they arrived to Nuceria (skipping events in Bucephelus)

>Yet, sleep did not come to her. Pangea exited her room for a walk.

Skip events? I don't think so.
>Yet, sleep did not come to her. Pangea exited her room for a walk.>
>Yet, sleep did not come to her. Pangea exited her room for a walk.
I never really understood why everyone likes Kharne other than that time he gave Erebus a beating.
>Yet, sleep did not come to her. Pangea exited her room for a walk.
>Yet, sleep did not come to her. Pangea exited her room for a walk.
Guys, guys, I got an idea: why don't we just challenge the Legion Master to a spar instead?
>Yet, sleep did not come to her. Pangea exited her room for a walk.
>Yet, sleep did not come to her. Pangea exited her room for a walk.
>Yet, sleep did not come to her. Pangea exited her room for a walk
Time to vent to everyone's favourite bald infiltrator.

Yet, sleep did not come to her. Pangea exited her room for a walk. The dim light of the evening-cycle night emitted a gentle blue light. The custodian still guarded the halls in the shadows, meshing in with the dark golden room as if they were nature itself. Pangea continued to stroll, thinking about Nuceria, Gwyn’s and Kharn’s words.

“You will be worthy to lead once you have gained experience.”

Pangea stared down at her feet as she dragged the excess cloth of her red velvet gown. No halls were free of the custodian’s or an anathema psykana’s vigilance. Everywhere she went, some form of security would deny her privacy. Though one continued to follow.

“I’m trying to be alone here.”

The blank warrior moved her hands, forming fists and symbols with her fingers. Pangea rolled her eyes.

“I’m fine on my own. Tell Father that I don’t need security. I’m not a child anymore.”

The blank warrior shook her head, she pointed up and then to Pangea, ending with a hand resting on her chest.

“How thoughtful of you,” Pangea said flatly. “Fine then, do what you want.”

As Pangea wandered hall to hall, room to room, the noticeable footsteps suddenly ceased. Not even the slightest sound.

“I get that you want to make me feel like I’m alone please?”

The null warrior lowered her head and followed again.

“Do you have a name?”


“Odd name.” Pangea said. “Well I’m going to go back to my room, you can see yourself out.”

Pangea returned to her room, and slept. In Nuceria, the governing world did not resist but asked for a diplomatic talk first. Pangea

>Did not attend the talk with her Father
>Attended the talk with her Father
>Attended the talk with her Father
>Attended the talk with her Father
>Attended the talk with her Father
I'm surprised that her personal bodyguard isn't a Custodian.
>Attended the talk with her Father

Maybe he thought she would relate more to a woman attending her, kek.
>>Attended the talk with her Father

The custodians are HIS bodyguards.
The sisters of silence are part of the imperial household but have less hard defined roles as above anyone's touch.

Fuck, Malcador doesn't get custodians until he is regent.
>Attended the talk with her Father
>Attended the talk with her Father
>Attended the talk with her Father
You know, given the timeline, I think Angron probably already has the damn nails.


Brace yourselves, anons.
Instead of Bucephelus, a diplomatic vessel approarched the capital city of Nuceria. Standing in the bridge, Pangea waited for the sign of resistance. The dark red coat fluttered as Lord Admiral Werserian approached, he first presented himself with the sign of the aquila then handed the data slate to The Emperor.

“My Emperor.” The Lord Admiral said. “The lords of Nuceria, the High Riders, wish to speak with you before agreeing to compliance.”

“What?” Pangea snarled. “This is a trap, Father!”

—It is not a trap. Come to the talk with me. If that will please you.—

Pangea nodded, and chose to attend the talk with her Father.

In the dusty city in Desh’ea, a grand welcome was given. The armored warriors accompanied them along with a richly dressed diplomat dressed in cloth similar to Toga with shades of brown and red. Pangea, the diplomat and The Emperor rode on a great hulking beasts with tusks and elongated trunk while the custodians walked beside.

“This is a beautiful city.” The Emperor said, his golden armor was gone and his form was smaller.

“Thank you my lord.” The diplomat said. “Wait until you reach the palace, there are delicacies prepared to celebrate your arrival before the talks. And jewels as well. I’m sure the young lady here will be interested? There are also young women who are around your age should you get bored.”

Pangea opened her mouth, but the Emperor’s psychic nudge stopped her. Pangea nodded and smiled politely.

“Quite, exciting, yes.”

A white castle soon came into view. The visions returned. The screaming pain was dulled thanks to her training. The signs of the corruption, the blood god, razed the entire planet in boiling blood and destruction.

—Daughter?— The Emperor messaged.

—I’m alright, father.— Pangea said.

“Here it is, Tah Malal!” The diplomat said proudly. “The shining jewel of Nuceria!”

Compared to the Imperium Palace, this Tah Malal was pathetic. The interior was serviceable, a nice marble floor with murals of Nuceria’s culture. After a short tour of where they would be staying, they were led to a garden with decadent spread of foods.

“Now, the welcoming feast.”

Sitting on a soft cushion, Pangea sat next to her Father. She first observed…

>The servants
>Nothing, her headache worsened, she needed to breathe
>The noble from Chemos
>The servants.
>>Nothing, her headache worsened, she needed to breathe
>Nothing, her headache worsened, she needed to breathe.

The goal is to get the Emperor to pay close attention to Nuceria and its noble houses. Now I know not all straight roads lead to victory, but if we could somehow get Pangea to realize there is more to Nuceria than the high rider scoom and make her investigate certain places under the cover of sight seeing we could maybe develop her abilities further.
What do yo guys think?
>>The noble from Chemos
>The servants
>Nothing, her headache worsened, she needed to breathe

>Nothing, her headache worsened, she needed to breathe.

lol Tah Malal, poor Malal still languishes in the void of copy right conflicts.
>Nothing, her headache worsened, she needed to breathe.

The visions continued, playing like a repeating holo-vid. Each visions and each frame were nothing but blood and misery, enough to make her sick. Pangea left the feast as Father spoke with someone of importance. Pangea moved as far as possible where no other servants could see her.

—Greeting, daughter of the Emperor—

A tiny being drenched in a long dark green hooded robe appeared behind. She saw no face inside the hood. Pangea immediately used her full might of her telekinesis… only to have her powers to be ineffective. The thing whispered, exuding an otherworldly presence unlike she has ever seen.

—Greeting, daughter of the Emperor—

“You’re no abhuman, and no normal xenos…” Pangea said.

—I am here to give you a warning. Rest assured, no one can see us right now. We are your allies.—

Pangea looked around the area, and the shadow swallowed her surroundings.

“You got a funny way of showing it… what are you?”

—We are the ones who watch. The enemy of the enemy you see in your future. You have seen them. Your father has lied to you. The influences of the corruptions are not from a psychic xenos race.—

“Malcador wouldn’t lie to me!” Pangea snarled. “Father wouldn’t either!”

—You know they have, I know you doubt their words.—

Pangea bit her lips. “So what if I doubt my father? I still trust him to lead humanity.”

—I am here as your ally. In Nuceria, you will find your lost brother. You must kill him, or he will be corrupted like the ones you saw the first time.—

>“Is there no other way to save him?”
>“Give me a proof that you are on my side.”
>“If what I see are not psychic xenos corruptions… what is it?”
>>“Is there no other way to save him?”
dammn looks like a watcher in the dark
or could be a cabal agent?
smell of a red herring in the air

the corruption of Angron came of as extremely avoidable for me so -
>“Is there no other way to save him?”
>“Is there no other way to save him?”
Little space fey bastards.
>“Is there no other way to save him?”
Also, I need to know all we know of the Watchers.
>>“Is there no other way to save him?”
if the watcher in the darks plan is to just tell us to kill our brother that we haven't met yet in a very sketchy way, they must actually be retarded. Honestly if this is eldar trickery, because they did jump angron as a baby, lets exterminatus craftworlds
They're native to Caliban, they oppose Chaos, they're fond of the Lion and the Dark Angels in 40k kind of fear them and give them free reign of the Rock. That's pretty much it as far as I can recall and Pangea wouldn't know any of this.
>“Is there no other way to save him?”
One way or another, we're getting the Nails out of his skull if they're already implanted. On another note, I propose that we establish a line of communication between Pangea and the Watchers and ask the little guy's name.

>lets exterminatus craftworlds
Whether we like it or not, we're going to have diplomatic talks with them at some point. Even in their recently weakened state, they can be a thorn in our side if aggravated too much. We should try the Cupbearer's method and collect spirit stones over time as leverage for these occasions.


To any Dark Angels fan, I'm trying to get their lore a bit, but there isn't much for pre-heresy lore.
>A tiny being drenched in a long dark green hooded robe appeared behind.
damn, wasn't expecting nurgle to be the first one to visit us
“Is there no other way to save him? He’s my brother!”

—If you spare your corrupted brothers, or try to save them you will lead Chaos to victory. Humanity and the galaxy will be casted into an eternal war.—

“And this corruptive force… what are they?”

—Influence of the Warp, Chaos, the forces that may corrupt your brothers. Only way to stop the is to succeed in your Father’s plan.—

“But I already saved Fulgrim.” Pangea stomped toward the xenos. “My vision is just one future. And I’ll be damned if I listen to some xenos. Let me go. Now!”

The hooded being shook its head.

—Foolish child…—

The world returned, and Pangea found herself in the halls once more. Pangea returned to the feast, casting her gaze at the noble from Chemos. The fat noble continued to eat at the table, with his arm around a woman.

—Suppress your hatred for now, you will have your retribution.—

Pangea bit into the red meat with her fork. —I know.—

The feast continued. From dancers ro sword jugglers, the entertainment flowed through, eager to show off to the new visitors. Most spoke to Father, leaving Pangea to be the centerpiece once more.

“Tomorrow there will be businesses to discuss of course, but would the lady also like to accompany her father, the majesty? I’m sure my queen can show her the beauty of Nuceria.”

Pangea saw the noble women and young ladies, all dressed prettily with no scars or a sense of martial prowess. From her short observation, the women of this world was same as old Terra. Being brash or rough as the men as a woman would not bode well for her image here.

The man who questioned was King Doro, the king of Nuceria. The tanned woman with long braided black hair in form fitting blue dress was Queen Hedoro.

—Learn about the culture and learn about the queen, Pangea.— The Emperor messaged.

—What of my retribution?— Pangea whipped her head to her Father.

—If the talk does not go well, you will have your chance. If not, I will find a way. Be patient.—

“So, how about it, Lady Pangea?” King Doro said.

The custodians behind stood quietly next to much shorter Nucerian guards, blending in the background somehow. It always baffled Pangea how they managed to be inconspicuous despite their appearance.

Pangea’s smile hid the clenched jaw and the grinding teeth. She nodded.

>“Of course, I’d love to. However… May I bring my companion, Luna? I do feel lonely without her.” [Write-in for this option]
>“Of course, I’d love to. However… May I be in my armor and bring my weapon? I am not comfortable wearing such clothes as this. I don’t mind if it’s not my weapons, but I am accustomed to being armed.” [Write-in for this option]
>“Of course, I’d love to.”

Question: If Pangea fell to Chaos, where do you think she belongs?
>“Of course, I’d love to. However… May I bring my companion, Luna? I do feel lonely without her.” [Write-in for this option]
Khorne. How is that even a question? He'd probably love to have her too, Angron's just a dumb beast and while he does generally like his followers to be bloodthirsty maniacs that doesn't mean he necessarily wants them to be mentally retarded.
I have a feeling we'll see the little guy again sometime soon. The silver lining is that Pangea not only knows that Chaos is a threat this early on, but was also warned of its corrupting influence. This gives us many options with plenty of insurance, but it's hard to say if it's safe to approach Malcador or the Emperor about this issue and when. We should establish closer relations with the SoS with the pretense of having personal bodyguards capable of protecting Pangea from psychic intrusions targeting her visions, when this will be more for the purpose of warding off corrupting influence and studying their rituals and rites. It'd be badass if we assemble a secret task force akin to the Deathwatch in this quest, the difference being that they target Chaos-related threats specifically. That could make a good spinoff quest too.

>“Of course, I’d love to. However… May I bring my companion, Luna? I do feel lonely without her.”
>Write-in: bring digital weapons disguised as jewelry, just in case.
I'd be surprised if we don't already have these.

>Question: If Pangea fell to Chaos, where do you think she belongs?
If anything, I feel that she's more likely to slip into believing that she has better plans for fighting Chaos than her father, which could ignite a secessionist civil war. That aside, if she does fall, she'd probably be Undivided.

Honestly sounds like a good spin off quest idea
Supporting these decisions.

Can I have a write in on what Pangea asks of the women? As in have her ask to see something?

Also, I will count >“Of course, I’d love to. However… May I bring my companion, Luna? I do feel lonely without her.” for now since she does not have a digi weapon yet
>“Of course, I’d love to. However… May I bring my companion, Luna? I do feel lonely without her.” [Write-in for this option]
>“Of course, I’d love to. However… May I bring my companion, Luna? I do feel lonely without her.”

>The Blood god and in some rare chance perhaps the blue guy if she learns how to be patient somewhat
>That aside, if she does fall, she'd probably be Undivided.
what's that ?
Basically, you praise all gods equally, I think Word Bearers are like that.

“Of course, I’d love to. However… May I bring my companion, Luna? I do feel lonely without her.”

Queen Hedoro shrugged. “I see no reason why not. I welcome all kinds of animals.”

The next morning, the slaves and the ladies recoiled. Pangea and Luna walked side by side, to Pangea this was just another day. To the people of Nuceria, they witnessed an ethereal girl with a creature they have never seen before.

“She’s quite…” Queen Hedoro swallowed. “Quite something.”

Luna, a hound now large as an average man, licked his lips. Luna’s tail wagged as Pangea scratched under his chin.

“He’s my best friend, a long time companion. Don’t worry, Queen Hedoro, he does not bite.”

Queen Hedoro took a step back, the guards did as well. Behind Pangea was not the custodian, but an anathema psykana warrior.

“That’s… good to know.”

The streets of Desh’ea was a feudal like place. Pangea saw no flying ships, armored men or some semblance of modern technology. There were motorized vehicles and automatic doors, yet their weapons were more advanved than las-guns. Queen Hedoro walked beside Pangea, explaining the markets and the local specialties. Behind them were servants following in one long line, with two servants holding an umbrella over their heads. Pangea saw a large circular building.

“What’s that?” Pangea said.

“That is the colosseum.” Queen Hedoro said. “An arena where our slaves fight for our glory.”

Pangea held back a disgusted sneer. “I see.”

Workers knelt wherever the royalties moved. Pangea saw the workers putting up various decorations, but mostly saw carts full of braided cloths, wreathes, jewelries, and general construction material moving to the colosseum.

“The colosseum is busy due to your arrival, we want to present our best entertainment dutifully after all.” Queen Hedoro smiled proudly. “And this is the slave auctions.”

Past the markets, Pangea saw a small open field of men and women chained up. A large crowd shouted numbers and raised their arms as the man on the pedestal shouted back. Pangea did not need a translator to know this was a slave auction, pre-unification Terra had them as well.

“My Minister of Flesh did say he would love for you to take some souvenirs..” Queen Hedoro said. “Are you interested? I’m sure there is something that will interest you.”

“I already have servants.” Pangea said.

“But not slaves. The ladies of the Nuceria do not judge if you have one.” Queen Hedoro said.
Past the colosseum, she saw scantily armored men walking towards the entrance often with a flair and with admiring people following them.

“I’m interested in watching the fights. Maybe I can meet the slaves there?”

“Truly? It’s no problem but the next fight is until you meet back with your Father. Like I said, we want to present the colosseum worthy of your arrival.” Queen Hedoro said. “Until then, I’m afraid there are no fights yet.”


>Ignored the slave auction. “Surely you can make an exception.”
>Watched the slave auction.
>Turned around. “I’d rather find some other entertainment then.”
Also a doodle
>Watched the slave auction.
since we're planning vengeance, we got see the depths of their depravities
>Watched the slave auction.
Let's see if we can pick up on any conversations from the gladiators for information.
>Watched the slave auction.
>Watch the auction.

Request a gift of a crop [Either the old, the young and/or the infirm]
Free the crop.
Foot the bill to the royals.

It's very petty and ineffectual but it is still a mark against the trade.
oh no not the aqua hair pendant
I can feel my IQ decrease into the negatives


Glad someone noticed it kek
The slave auction first began with the slaves arriving on the podium, they were then stripped naked and had them turn full circle. Each were sold like grox auctions. Each treated like piece of meat, a human, treated like a xenos. Pangea held her anger and her hand idly stroked Luna’s head.

“Are you sure there aren’t any that interests you?” Queen Hedoro said.

“None.” Pangea answered icily. “I am content with watching.”
A family sold at a discount. A healthy young man bought by some noble woman, and so on. Sons and daughters were split from their families. Loved ones were forced to depart to their different masters. The utter lack of humanity and the continuous vision assailed her eyes.

“Are you alright my dear? You’re sweating.”

“I’m alright.”

A row of large and muscly men went up on each line. Each was armed and was given scant armor engraved beautifully.

“What are they?”

“They’re the top gladiators who were once slaves. They earn income by taking a portion of the bets staked on him. There was another one, but his disobedience led to him being punished.”

“So they fight the slaves they fought beside.”

“I suppose you can put it that way, yes.” Queen Hedoro said.

Rage pulsated, red rippled all throughout her body.

>Pangea turned around and left.
>“I want to participate.” Pangea said. “Make it happen.”
>“Return me to Father. I am not feeling well.”
>There was another one, but his disobedience led to him being punished.
I have a feeling he's Angron. If so, that means the Nails were only recently implanted, meaning they can still be safely removed.

>“Return me to Father. I am not feeling well.”
It wouldn't be in Pangea's character to willingly fight human slaves, and it would look suspicious to just suddenly walk away.
>“I want to participate.” Pangea said. “Make it happen.”
Isn't it still too early for Angron?
Im not sure how QM handles the canon here Im a bit confused since the lil gremlin showed its face would that mean Angron surfaced earlier?

>Write-in "What would lead to such a prized slave being punished so severely?"
maybe this question will shed light on the slave's identity.
Supporting this write in.
Changing my vote to this >>6100338.

We shouldn't fight slaves. But we will be ready.
This trade will not survive post compliance.
>Write-in "What would lead to such a prized slave being punished so severely?"
“What would lead to such a prized slave being punished so severely?”

“He disobeyed us one too many times and refused to fight. A tool that cannot function needs either to be disposed of or fixed.” Queen Hedoro said with a twisted grin. “His punishment has surely fixed his attitude by now, one way or another.”

“And what punishment was this?”

Queen Hedoro giggled. “Nothing for you to worry about my dear. My, I’m parched. How about we get some refreshments hmm?”

The day went on with many decadence shoved into her face. Tea, foreign pastries, all done in a group giggling fat pigs. Pangea continued to count the amount of slaves that were mistreated, be it verbal lashing or physical beating. She held herself down, knowing full well she could not act behind her anonymity like in Chemos.

—I don’t like them Father.—

Pangea sat beside Father. In the front seat of the colosseum beside the High Riders.

—I understand your distaste. Save your hatred should they resist.—

—Have they accepted compliance?—

—They have, but there are still some conditions they want.—

Her hope remained lit.

—They are not in a position of making conditions!—

—Their STC of archeotech does.—

Horns bellowed as the crowds cheered. From the tall pillar, the announcer dressed in a loincloth and shoulder armor brought the vox-casting box to his mouth.

“Welcome to the grand colosseum, countrymen. Today, we are here to welcome our new friends to the true Nucerian culture! A thrilling show of our history in real blood!”

The crowds roared.

“Bring in the heroes!”

The tall iron gates opened. The gladiators entered as red petals fell.

“Long time ago… when the stars fell and the moons crumbled, when our people were abandoned. The High Riders would defend their people. From opposing tribes, famine, and…” The announcer paused. “Monsters!”

A hulking man entered from the other side of the gate, one rippling with muscles and standing tall, maybe taller than Horus and Fulgrim.

“A monster known as The Zaap!”

The headache became a head splitting pain, worse than she ever experienced. She saw the red demon, burning with fury and drenched in blood when she saw the giant gladiator's face. Rage boiled in her stomach. Her brother, a primarch, was chained like a beast and cut up for entertainment. She turned to see Father, neither moving nor angry. Pangea jumped out of her seat.

>She used her telekinesis to cut the chains
>She unleashed her telekinesis to push the gladiators away
>Pangea bit back the rage, she could not make a scene now…
>The headache became a head splitting pain, worse than she ever experienced.
She's subconsciously linking with the Nails. That's interesting.

>Only Pangea's concern for her enslaved brother shadowed her rage. Sliding back into her seat with eyes fixed upon the arena, she decided to use her telekinesis to sabotage the performance. A chain here, a lever there, a loose chariot wheel or two... just happy little "accidents"
We don't want to risk putting Angron under further cruelty, nor make the Emperor distrust her with diplomatic missions going forward. Making telekinetic sabotage look like unfortunate accidents will humiliate the High Riders, avoid the risk of putting heat on Angron, and give the Imperium higher leverage in negotiations. Alpharius did rub off on her, after all.
>Pangea bit back the rage, she could not make a scene now…
If father didn't do anything yet, we can't jump the gun
We jumped in without hesitation to take the punishment for some random woman we only talked to once but now we can't jump in to save our own brother who was cut up and turned into a beast? What is this?
>She used her telekinesis to cut the chains
>She unleashed her telekinesis to push the gladiators away
I'm not sure cutting his chains is a good idea. Remember that he's been nailed.
I chose intervention as an option this time because the players before were unhappy about what happened last time. I didn't write "no write-ins" either, if you want to do a write-in where Pangea jumps out to save her brother, feel free to do so. You didn't like it when I force Pangea to do something and you don't like it when I didn't force her to do something. I don't know what to tell you other than you're free to not participate if you have an issue with how I do my qsts.
>She used her telekinesis to cut the chains
Angron needs his rebellion if there’s any hope of him staying loyal
I'm not telling you how to run your quest, all I want is just some consistency. I don't mind if you have a story you want to tell, it's been fun so far, but at least keep her character and action consistent. I'm only complaining because I enjoy this quest.
I kept her consistent and with the player agency in mind. If I wanted to keep consistency I'd have to restrict players in many situations. But I understand your complaint and I'll take it into consideration in my next update. Thank you.
>>Pangea bit back the rage, she could not make a scene now…
Perhaps Father is going to kill all the slavers in front of the slaves
Supporting this
>Pangea bit back the rage, she could not make a scene now…

No stc is worth our family.
If I remember correctly, the original archeotech Butcher's Nail isn't as damaging to the mind as the later one that'll be implanted in the World Eaters, so he shouldn't be a full on berserker just yet.
Makes me wonder if she can dull it's effect somehow, because I don't think removing it is possible without killing him.
>We don't want to risk putting Angron under further cruelty
I feel like the slave masters being what they are, they'll punish the slaves anyway if the performance fail.
Seems to be a better option.
I wonder if the damage is already done?
The Emperor doesn't seem to recognize him so Angron's primarch aura is most likely gone or best case damaged.

Why dont we make Pangea ask Big E if he recognizes the big guy?
They are under compliance so we can't kill them so better to get them to call off the arena till we can sneak him out.
>>Only Pangea's concern for her enslaved brother shadowed her rage. Sliding back into her seat with eyes fixed upon the arena, she decided to use her telekinesis to sabotage the performance. A chain here, a lever there, a loose chariot wheel or two... just happy little "accidents"
>Only Pangea's concern for her enslaved brother shadowed her rage. Sliding back into her seat with eyes fixed upon the arena, she decided to use her telekinesis to sabotage the performance. A chain here, a lever there, a loose chariot wheel or two... just happy little "accidents"


>Pangea bit back the rage, she could not make a scene now…

Are at a tie breaker. I'll need them broken before I come back from work.
Sometimes we just gotta ball
>>Pangea bit back the rage, she could not make a scene now…
>because I don't think removing it is possible without killing him.
Kharn had the opportunity to remove the Nails from his brain, but turned it down. This implies that it should be possible to remove the Nails as long as they haven't been there for an awfully long time. If we have to babysit Angron's comatose body after the removal surgery for a year or so, so be it. This is too important.
I change here to support
>only her concern held her back
>Only Pangea's concern for her enslaved brother shadowed her rage. Sliding back into her seat with eyes fixed upon the arena, she decided to use her telekinesis to sabotage the performance. A chain here, a lever there, a loose chariot wheel or two... just happy little "accidents"
>Only Pangea's concern for her enslaved brother shadowed her rage. Sliding back into her seat with eyes fixed upon the arena, she decided to use her telekinesis to sabotage the performance. A chain here, a lever there, a loose chariot wheel or two... just happy little "accidents"
bruh didn't even bother to list the others
>If we have to babysit Angron's comatose body after the removal surgery for a year or so, so be it. This is too important.
>Save our brother from a life of rage and depression
>While also attaching ourselves to the upper echelon of the 12th Legion as Angron's caretaker/protector
I see this as an absolute win.
To be fair I counted them out and wanted to update as soon as possible. I'll list them next time.

“This is the slave I was talking about my dead, he is Angron The Unbeaten, quite the specimen no?”

Pangea sat beside the queen while Father sat beside the king. Whatever the queen babbled, it went ignored, blocked by Pangea’s summering rage.

“And what a specimen, if you’d like we can rent him to you…”

Only Pangea's concern for her enslaved brother shadowed her rage. Sliding back into her seat with eyes fixed upon the arena, she decided to use her telekinesis to sabotage the performance. A chain here, a lever there, a loose chariot wheel or two. Just happy little accidents with none the wise. Pangea understood why Alpharius preferred his method of subterfuge, there was a quaint satisfaction of being undetected.

The gladiators who freely cut up her brother raised their arms with their backs turned. It was then the chains snapped, its sound drowned by the cheering crowd. Suddenly, her brother’s massive hand wrapped the gladiator’s head. Everyone gasped when the head popped, dribbling blood between his fingers.

“Guards, guards!”

“I’ll rip you to shreds, for Oenomaus!”

Angron charged toward the king as he ripped through the guards. Pangea walked out of the way and watched, secretly hoping for his brother to kill the High Riders. In a sudden golden flash, Father had Angron kneeling with his hand on his head.

“Rest my son.” Father said.

The golden glow wrapped his body, and soon Angron’s eyes fluttered close as he fell into a slumber. The king quickly ran over to Father along with his guard, he clasped his hands together.

“You saved us! Thank you My Emperor!”

“King Doro, I have a new condition to your compliance.” Father said.

“Anything, you save the royal family’s life!”

“The slaves of Nuceria are to be freed, all of them.” Father said.

“I don’t understand…” The king said confusedly. “All of them?”

“All of them.”

The king shook his head, then puffed his chest to the golden titan. “Slaves are part of Nucerian culture. I will not have Nuceria’s identity taken!”

>The Emperor nodded. “Then I will take The Unbeaten and his close allies then.” Father glanced at Pangea. —Your brother will have his chance to bring retribution, do not fret.—
>The Emperor nodded. The custodes gathered, a giant wall of gold waited against the sea of men, an unfair fight for the lords of the High Riders. “It is war then.”

No write-in

There we go, counted
>>6101314 Except that one
>The Emperor nodded. “Then I will take The Unbeaten and his close allies then.” Father glanced at Pangea. —Your brother will have his chance to bring retribution, do not fret.
This is a hard one. Angron might hate the Emperor for negotiating with the slave masters and letting the other slaves suffer, but if we kill them now he might also hate the Emperor for denying him his retribution like with Mortarion.
>The Emperor nodded. “Then I will take The Unbeaten and his close allies then.” Father glanced at Pangea. —Your brother will have his chance to bring retribution, do not fret.
>The Emperor nodded. “Then I will take The Unbeaten and his close allies then.” Father glanced at Pangea. —Your brother will have his chance to bring retribution, do not fret.—
Angron's sons are in orbit, this could be his first compliance. And I'm sure the warhounds will jump at the chance to repay the high riders for the cruelty they inflicted on their dad. Hopefully Emps can get the nails out.

Mortarion hated the Emperor for helping him because Morty is a petty asshole. I hate Mortarion.
>>The Emperor nodded. “Then I will take The Unbeaten and his close allies then.” Father glanced at Pangea. —Your brother will have his chance to bring retribution, do not fret.—
This retribution better be soon FATHER, THE BLOOD GOD DEMANDS HIS DUE
>Slaves are part of Nucerian culture

>The Emperor nodded. “Then I will take The Unbeaten and his close allies then.” Father glanced at Pangea. —Your brother will have his chance to bring retribution, do not fret.—
Angron and his allies are the best we can get without some sort of conflict. I'm surprised this worked out as smoothly as it did. I expected that we had to haggle during formal negotiations or Pangea would have to pull out a fat check to pay for all the slaves. Now that we have freed Nucerian gladiator slaves as potential recruits, I wonder how this will change the legion. Nuceria could become a legion tithe world if we decide to bring down the hammer, and who knows what new faces we'll see in legion leadership as of now. If Angron survives removal of the Nails, his empathetic powers will no longer be constrained to just rage. The War Hounds/World Eaters would have a whole new face.
>The Emperor nodded. “Then I will take The Unbeaten and his close allies then.” Father glanced at Pangea. —Your brother will have his chance to bring retribution, do not fret.—
while my jorge instincts want me to jump on him now, let's wait for our brother to do it with us.
>The Emperor nodded. “Then I will take The Unbeaten and his close allies then.” Father glanced at Pangea. —Your brother will have his chance to bring retribution, do not fret.—

>The Emperor nodded. The custodes gathered, a giant wall of gold waited against the sea of men, an unfair fight for the lords of the High Riders. “It is war then.”
Part of culture my ass
>I will take the unbeaten

>>The Emperor nodded. The custodes gathered, a giant wall of gold waited against the sea of men, an unfair fight for the lords of the High Riders. “It is war then.”
The negotiations of compliance will continue.

Until angeron is recovered enough to lead.
Then negotiations will end with a strike team at their STC
Im genuenly curious now. Did the Emperor really not recognize Angron?
Chaos must be fogging up his sight really bad.
Would Pangea report her encounter of the 3rd kind?
>Did the Emperor really not recognize Angron?
He does, and even calls him son openly.

>Chaos must be fogging up his sight really bad.
I don't think so, not at all as of yet at least.

>Would Pangea report her encounter of the 3rd kind?
It's tough to say whether we ever should.
>>The Emperor nodded. “Then I will take The Unbeaten and his close allies then.” Father glanced at Pangea. —Your brother will have his chance to bring retribution, do not fret.—
>The Emperor nodded. “Then I will take The Unbeaten and his close allies then.” Father glanced at Pangea. —Your brother will have his chance to bring retribution, do not fret.—

The Emperor nodded. “Then I will take The Unbeaten and his close allies then.”

The king’s tense shoulders eased down. “That, I can do.”

Just as Pangea opened her mouth, Father turned his gaze to her.

—Your brother will have his chance to bring retribution, as do you, do not fret.—

She closed her mouth, one day she would come back, and one day her brother will get his revenge.

Back in Bucephelus, Pangea sat beside her brother, the initial visions soon became a dull thudding pain, as it had been with Fulgrim and Horus. The slaves have been escorted back with respect, some of the younger ones were even offered to serve Angron as an aspirant. Due to the Butcher’s Nails, ceramite chains coiled around Angron. Pangea wrapped her hand around Angron’s callous riddled hand.

“One day brother… one day.”

Pangea waited as the ship entered warp space, and throughout the days Pangea visited as the freed slaves took care of Angon. Pangea visited the infirmary whenever she could, even sleeping beside the bed on a couch brought from her room. Pangea summoned one of the freed slaves who knew Angron the best. A thought has occurred, for her brother who was once in chain, what would she do to welcome him back?

Masterclass weapons? Armors? Pangea wracked her head. SHe already ensured the freed-slave would be Angron’s, other than that no other ideas sprouted.

>Pangea shook her head. Being in a foreign environment, maybe it was better to give Angron his space.
>Pangea would share her disgust of Nuceria and pledge to one day destroy the High Riders
>Pangea would commission the tech priests or weapon smith to create a fitting weapon for Angron.
>Pangea would share her disgust of Nuceria and pledge to one day destroy the High Riders
>She closed her mouth, one day she would come back, and one day her brother will get his revenge.
We should leave a few agents of our own to keep an eye on Chemos and Nuceria, the latter especially to put down any false rumors about Angron and his compatriots "selling out" the other slaves.

I apologize for again exploiting the lack of explicit prohibition of a write-in.

>Pangea would commission a smith to create a shield for Angron
This, rather than a weapon, would send a clearer message that we're here to help him. It would make sense for Pangea to give him one after seeing him cut up in the arena, anyway. By the way, have the Nails been removed?

I can't help but imagining Angron waking up to a bowl of eggs right by his bed, kek.

We have to leave the decision of what to do with Nuceria and the High Riders to Angron once he recovers. He will almost certainly choose to eradicate them, but when and how must be his choice. All we can do is be by his side if he goes through with it.
>Pangea would share her disgust of Nuceria and pledge to one day destroy the High Riders
Giving him a weapon would just make it looks like we only see him as a tool, like the slave master did. It's either this or try to use our psychic link to dull Angron's pain as much as we can.
>>Pangea would share her disgust of Nuceria and pledge to one day destroy the High Riders
>Share our disgust and pledge to see the high riders dead
Not counting the votes but I gotta ask where are you guys coming from? It's like 5 am where I am and I already see updates. Are you guys in a different state or country?
>Pangea would share her disgust of Nuceria and pledge to one day destroy the High Riders

I work nights so this is just when im up
>Pangea would commission the tech priests or weapon smith to create a fitting weapon for Angron.

I thin rather then pity (or what Angron would perceive as pity) giving him the tools and chance to take his own revenge will mean more to him.
Different country.
People come to 4chan from all over the world
good thought
Changing my vote to this.

Pangea sidestepped. Kharn’s dual chain ax left her no space for a counter attack or a parry. In a caged ring, Pangea found herself cornered once again. Captain Gheer observed outside the cage as Kharn pursued Pangea’s weaving and dodging. The closed space gave little opportunity for Pangea to attack.

“Cease your reliance on speed and size!” Gheer said angrily. “Attack!”

Pangea slid between Kharn’s, only to roll further from Kharn’s stomps.

“Enough!” Gheer shouted. “Rest, Princess. I must supervise the others.”

Kharn pulled Pangea up by her hand.

“So, are you excited to meet your Primarch?”

“I am.” Kharn said with a nod. “All the Warhounds are. When he heard about what the High Riders did… we were ready to bring vengeance on them if not for The Emperor’s command. We can only hope we can see him well as soon as possible.”

“Me too Kharn, me too.”

A freed slave suddenly ran inside with a wide smile.

“My lords!” The freed slave said. “He’s awake! Angron is awake!”

The training Warhound astartes immediately paused their practices. Pangea did not wipe her sweat dripping forehead. Pangea exited the cage and stomped toward the freed slave and leaned too close for comfort.

“Is he well?”

The freed slave nodded, he shrank back from the princess “He is, princess. The Emperor is speaking to him now.”

Pangea rushed ahead and nearly crashed into the infirmary.

Angron was still on the bed as Father was in the middle of the conversation. The freed slaves watched the princess easily slide between the two giants.

“You must be my… sister,” Angron growled, his eyes closed shut tightly then opened again as if fighting a headache. “A pleasure.”

“The pleasure is mine, brother. I have seen the depravity of Nuceria and seen what the High Riders are. I promise you that I’ll help in any way I can to bring them down and any other slavers in this galaxy.”

Angron saw the fiery eyes of his sister. “I heard from Father what you did. When that time comes, I will welcome you by my side.”

Angron shook his head, grunting as he clutched his head.

“Are you… alright?” Pangea said.

“The Butcher’s Nail is still fresh,” A pained groan escaped from his clenched teeth. “I am fine.”

“Father, we have to pull that out!” Pangea said.

—It is not an easy process, Pangea. I will speak with Malcador. And Angron still has to meet his sons. The High Riders informed me they do not know the process to safely remove the nails once burrowed in…— Father placed his hand on Angron’s shoulder. —But I will find a way, my son.—

“Are you going to meet your sons soon?” Pangea said.

“I should… but I do not want them to see me in a weakened state. Compared to my other brothers I am... broken.”

"You're not. You survived all this long with the nails, you're not broken, Angron."

"That's one way to see it..."

Pangea saw the conflict on his face as Angron looked down at his calloused hands.

>“They’re your sons, Angron. Your state of well-being will not matter.”
>“That is true… maybe it is best to wait.”
>“If that is your concern, I can bring the Legion Master instead. Maybe he can decide whether he should tell his men on your condition.”
>>“If that is your concern, I can bring the Legion Master instead. Maybe he can decide whether he should tell his men on your condition.”
The Legion Master would know best.
Big E is already acting way more like a father.
>“If that is your concern, I can bring the Legion Master instead. Maybe he can decide whether he should tell his men on your condition.”
>“If that is your concern, I can bring the Legion Master instead. Maybe he can decide whether he should tell his men on your condition.”
>“If that is your concern, I can bring the Legion Master instead. Maybe he can decide whether he should tell his men on your condition.”
We should be present for this conversation with a Custodian or two. The last thing we want is a repeat of what happened to the Legion Master in canon.

>Big E is already acting way more like a father.
Totally. I have a hunch that this is a passive psychic ability of hers. Remember, she was designed to be a diplomat of sorts. She might be making people around her more agreeable to her suggestions, even if she doesn't realize it. Big E probably hasn't caught onto it, either because its influence is so powerful or he can't mind read it from Pangea if she doesn't realize it herself.
While I love speculations, gonna have to break that one. Big E will know if his mind is being influenced.
It was worth a shot.
>“They’re your sons, Angron. Your state of well-being will not matter.”
>“If that is your concern, I can bring the Legion Master instead. Maybe he can decide whether he should tell his men on your condition.”
Angron only lashes out against Ghreer in the canon because he was mad with grief over the death of his fellow slaves, that shouldn't be a problem here.
>“If that is your concern, I can bring the Legion Master instead. Maybe he can decide whether he should tell his men on your condition.”

Angron should at least have some idea of what his sons are like. Ghreer should be both reasonable and compassionate. Given what we know about him in lore.

Also, I've always wondered if the best option for Angron would have been to remove parts of his brain and replace them with the highest quality cogitators that High Imperial Tech could produce. Tech priests get by just fine with chunks of their brain replaced, right? Wouldn't be ideal but it would be better than letting Angron suffer. Between this and the mercy killing is a bit of a debate, I think.
>“They’re your sons, Angron. Your state of well-being will not matter.”
>Angron replace a part of his brain with machinery
>Fast forward a few years
>The World Eaters is now the Iron Hands 2.0, now with more melee and close-combat cybernetic implants
>“If that is your concern, I can bring the Legion Master instead. Maybe he can decide whether he should tell his men on your condition.”
>“If that is your concern, I can bring the Legion Master instead. Maybe he can decide whether he should tell his men on your condition.”

It's crazy how many votes I get sometimes. I'm loving it, thank you guys. Votes counted
“If that is your concern, I can bring the Legion Master instead. Maybe he can decide whether he should tell his men on your condition.”

“Yes… my condition.”

The sharp pang stabbed at Pangea’s chest.

“I meant—”

“No offense was taken. My condition is not fit to lead.” Angron stared at his scarred hands. “I know that.”

Captain Gheer soon arrived at the infirmary. The white and blue ceramite armor did not glean, its scrapes and dents proudly presented itself as did Gheer himself.

“My lord, I am elated to see you are awake and well.”

The moment he laid eyes on Angron he removed his helmet then knelt. Angron left his bed, his bare feet softly touched the cold ground. Despite his lack of armor, he still stood taller than Gheer.

“I am no one’s lord, stand.” Angron said softly.

Gheer recounted Angron of his legion, The Warhounds. Their glories, their shame, and their brotherhood.

“They would want to see you, father.” Gheer said. “Your sons will be joyous to see that you are well.”

“I suppose they will be…” Angron said. “I will see them.”

Angron and Gheer left for the training grounds. Pangea did not follow, what was she thinking reminding Angron of his obvious condition? Instead, she returned to her room and spent the rest of her days there. It was not long until she reached Terra.

“I will see you soon, sister. You are welcome anytime.” Angron said.

“Thank you Angron. I’ll see you soon too.”

Pangea headed for her room while Angron, his honor guards and Father left for the Imperialis Hospice. Returning home, Pangea thought to see Alpharius, but she did not heard any messages of his arrival yet much to her disappointment. Just what could he be doing that was so important? Pangea sighed, maybe she would visit…

>No one, she immediately turned to search for her other brothers
We should make sure we're on good terms with the former. It's weird that his legion pulled out last minute. On the other hand, we haven't had a conversation with Malcador in a long while.
>>No one, she immediately turned to search for her other brothers
The quicker she is, the more Pangea can do. Case in point, Angron

We should check in with uncle. Maybe he might have some advice about the Green Robed stranger we met.

The family is going to get pretty big at some point. We need to find a way to manage our time with the people who need it the most. We've changed the timeline so Mortarion or someone else who needs to be found sooner might have been bumped down the line now. This may not be a timeline where we can save everyone.
>We've changed the timeline so Mortarion or someone else who needs to be found sooner might have been bumped down the line now.
We just need to find Mortarion next, really. Once we do, we just need to convince Big E to trek up the mountain with him so it doesn't feel like a "stolen kill" or whatever he made up in his head. If his war is still going on, we can hand him command of his legion and let him go at it. Is there any other Primarch that's on a time crunch aside from maybe Jaghatai Khan? He just wants to get off his planet. We don't know about the second and eleventh yet.

>This may not be a timeline where we can save everyone.
Fat chance, Satan.
>we just need to convince Big E to trek up the mountain with him
Mortarion will just tell him to go fuck himself and then seethe when the Emperor has to step in to save him just like in canon.
He'll be the one travelling with dad and leading the Great Crusade, we need to make sure that he's on the right path.
Ouch I almost felt that too why did we make her say that?
The first option was so much better.
Because like with other threads of this sort, some of us are trying to meta game for a better outcome. But we might not be as clever as we think we are.
I was surprised to see that option won as well
I'll count the votes after work. So while you are here anons why not vote in this one?

If she ever gets the chance to confide in someone about the visions, there has to be a better way to phrase info on the archenemy like
The enemies of the emperor wish to farm humanity for suffering and sustenance, and they aim to use his sons as tools to achieve this goal.
They dont need to win for this plan of theirs to succeed, at the same time even if we win the imperium could be on a slow path to ruin.
Please vote for one choice
I was planning to defer the option to whichever one got the most votes, anyway.

>Mortarion faints
>Big E resuscitates his heart or whatever
>continue hiking
>a fleet surrounds the airspace around the fortress in orbit in case the Tyrant tries to escape

>and they aim to use his sons as tools to achieve this goal.
We should rephrase that as something like "they will attempt to sway his sons to achieve this goal" or something.
Her brothers could wait.

Past the golden towers, Pangea climbed the stairs toward a stone tower. Inside, the familiar scent of earth and alchemy components welcomed her back. Pangea traced her hand on the old rocking chair, smiling as she reminisced her childhood. She Sputnik, Shaking-Spear's books, they all gathered dusts as usual. Yet, she could not find Malcador.

"Uncle?" Pangea said. "Uncle, where are you?"

Pangea flopped into his wooden rocking chair, resting her head on her hand and her elbow propped up on the handle. She lightly kicked the floor to make the rocking chair more exciting, not that the rocking chair was exciting in the first place. Pangea leaned back as the rocking chair did the same. Back and forth, the old rocking chair creaked painfully.

"Stop that."

A heavy spine of a book chopped her head.

"Ow!" Pangea rubbed her head. "Is that how you treat your favorite niece?"

"You're my only niece. What brings you here, Pangea?"

Pangea went to hug Malcador.

"I just wanted to see you. How are you, uncle?"

Malcador patted her back. "It's good to see you well."

Sitting at a small dining table, Pangea held a cup of tea in a gray porcelain cup. They shared their events from last few weeks.

"Your Father already did inform me of Angron. This will be an undertaking for certain." Malcador rubbed his chin. "And what about you? Are you well after that?"

"I'll have my revenge soon... but there's something I want to ask, uncle."

"Go on." Malcador sipped his tea.

"I met this strange... psychic xenos. It told me that I should've or need to kill Angron if I want to avoid the future of my vision. They referred to themselves as the ones who watch. Do you know anything about it?"

Malcador nodded.

"They are Watchers of The Dark. A psyhic Xenos race that even I cannot comprehend. But they are against the xenos corruptions that you see in your vision."

>"Right…” Pangea chose not to confront his lie. “So what should I do?"
>"Uncle... why do you and Father lie to me about what I see? I know these corruption are not from xenos origi and I know that you know that I'm not fooled by it."
>Write in confrontation of Malcador's lie
>"Uncle... why do you and Father lie to me about what I see? I know these corruption are not from xenos origin and I know that you know that I'm not fooled by it."
>>"Uncle... why do you and Father lie to me about what I see? I know these corruption are not from xenos origi and I know that you know that I'm not fooled by it."

Not sure if it will work but lets try and get something out of Mal
>"Right…” Pangea chose not to confront his lie. “So what should I do?"
We should try to trust Malcador and Father more. There are more important things to worry about for the moment.
>"Uncle... why do you and Father lie to me about what I see? I know these corruption are not from xenos origi and I know that you know that I'm not fooled by it.">
>>Write in confrontation of Malcador's lie
>"Uncle, you know I love you and Father. It hurts me that you didn't trust me with the truth. I know, you know, you know I know - why can't you just be honest with me... please."

Mawmaw can choose whether this is something Pangea would actually say or not. I do not know whether she would say she loves her father and uncle.

Still, I think it is better to play on whatever sympathies they may have, rather than talking to them like they are a coworker
Supporting this write in.
>"Uncle... why do you and Father lie to me about what I see? I know these corruption are not from xenos origi and I know that you know that I'm not fooled by it."
I would also like to add that, should Malcador request that we do not inform our brothers, we ask about "bad actors" trying to get to them first. Disclosure delivered by the wrong people could be far more damaging than any risk we'd take by doing it.
>>"Uncle... why do you and Father lie to me about what I see? I know these corruption are not from xenos origi and I know that you know that I'm not fooled by it."

"Uncle, you know I love you and Father. It hurts me that you didn't trust me with the truth.” Pangea stared down at her tea. “I know, you know, you know I know - why can't you just be honest with me?”

The Lord Regent placed his cup on the table.

“Because it will put you in danger. One day you will learn the truth, I promise you that. But until then, all I ask you to do is trust your Father and I.”

“For how long?”

“As long as it is necessary. Pangea, when have I ever guided you wrong?”

No words of refute or denial crept up in her mind. She simply nodded.

“I’ll… do as you ask.”

“Good. Now go and rest, just because you’re home doesn’t mean you won’t be busy.”

“Alright uncle, I’ll see you some other times.”

Pangea took the grav cart and the short cuts to her room. Within the grand Imperial Palace, three primarchs took residence. Pangea wondered what it would be like with the rest of her brothers here, maybe even a section for the primarchs would be a good idea. Just about any thoughts were welcomed as doubt weighed heavily on her mind.



What good were they if she wasn’t trusted back?


“Fulgrim?” Pangea said.

Inside the grand hall where her room was, Fulgrim waited beside her door. In front of him was the same pale girl she met, dressed in a long white dress with gold trims with purple top with five gold buttons. The girl’s single braid dangled as she lowered her head.

“Pangea, allow me to introduce your new handmaiden.” Fulgrim said.

“Right, I remember you.” Pangea said softly. “Are you well?”

“I am, my lady. With my body, I will do everything I can to repay the sacrifice you have made for me. I will do everything to prove that you will not regret your choice.” The girl said.

“Thank you, and your name?”’

“My name is whatever you want to call me.”

Trust. Loyalty. These words emerged in her thoughts once more. What would be a fitting name for her? If she were to name her that is… would she be more loyal if she kept her identity or if changed?

>“I do not own you and you speak our language. I’d much prefer you give me your name.”
>“Very well then, to mark the date of your service and your origin to Chemos the homeworld of my dear brother, I will name you (write-in)”
>“Very well then, to mark the date of your service to me, I will name you Albia, after the tribe that was most loyal to The Emperor during the unification of Terra. Serve me with all your being.”
>“Very well then, to mark the date of your service and your origin to Chemos the homeworld of my dear brother, I will name you Fidélis"
>“I do not own you and you speak our language. I’d much prefer you give me your name.”
The primarchs actually already have their own section of the palace. A villa where the Emperor was going to raise them himself but went unused for obvious reasons. I imagine Pangea has a place there too.
I did not know that, I'll edit that in the later updates. Do you have a source on that where I can read more?
I think it's mentioned in Deliverance Lost. And I might be misremembering but I think it's also mentioned in Fury of Magnus?
I'll give it a look, thank you

Oh right and also to all the anons.

I strive to be most accurate in most primarchs. If you know their personality please let me know so that I may write them well. Thank you.
>“I do not own you and you speak our language. I’d much prefer you give me your name.”

This seems more appropriate given how she despises the high riders and slavers in general.
I'll update tomorrow since there aren't that many votes yet.
>“Very well then, to mark the date of your >service to me, I will name you Albia, after the tribe that was most loyal to The Emperor during the unification of Terra. Serve me with all your being.”
>“I do not own you and you speak our language. I’d much prefer you give me your name.”
She's a handmaiden, not our slave.
>>“I do not own you and you speak our language. I’d much prefer you give me your name.”
>“I do not own you and you speak our language. I’d much prefer you give me your name.”
>“I do not own you and you speak our language. I’d much prefer you give me your name.”
>>“I do not own you and you speak our language. I’d much prefer you give me your name.”
>“I do not own you and you speak our language. I’d much prefer you give me your name.”

Yeah, I don't quote understand why we wouldn't take that option. Not after nuceria.

Now, to be fair, the Imperium does use slaves in certain areas. But, most of the time, they aren't abused for someone else's amusement.
>“I do not own you and you speak our language. I’d much prefer you give me your name.”

“I do not own you and you speak our language. I’d much prefer you give me your name. Raise your head.”

The girl faced forward. A pair of clear silver eyes greeted, her lips curled upward as she clasped her hands together. The girl’s facial feature were agreeable to Pangea. Button nose, red lips, large silver eyes, it was no wonder the bar was full back in Chemos.

“My name is Diani Nos.”

“Diani, Diani Nos.” Pangea tested the name on her tongue. “Very well then. If Fulgrim has vouch for you, I see no reason to deny your offer.”

Her smile widened, before she bounced up Fulgrim’s hand suppressed her excitement. Diani harrumphed and brought back her reserved decorum.

“I am honored, princess.”

“You know I never did have a handmaiden. I just had father’s companions escort me.” Pangea rubbed her chin. “I don’t exactly have a set schedule. I just wake up when I feel like it when I don’t have any training. Are you just going to come every morning.”

“Yes, princess. Unless you dismiss me for the day. Today is technically my first day now that I’m assigned with you.”

“I see.”

“Well then, I suppose I need to know you better. Let’s see how you fight!”

Diani’s smile dropped.

“F—Fight?” Diani’s leg shook, but she kept her chin up. “I—I see… if that is your wish.”

“Pangea.” Fulgrim said softly with a patient smile. “Diani is your handmaiden, not your sparring partner. She is not like us.”

“Oh right.” Pangea giggled. “I don’t have training today either. I don’t think so at least.”

“Do you even have a schedule?”

Pangea shrugged. “I just go when I’m told I have training.”

“I see…” Fulgrim did not see. “Then how about we spend some time relaxing?”

“Like fighting?”

Fulgrim pulled every ounce of patience he had. She was his sister after all.

“I was going to suggest—”

>“Clothes shopping.”
Does Pangea really have any pastimes outside of writing OC fiction, sparring, and practicing her psychic abilities? It's about time she learned how to build things with her hands while she has brain plasticity left. Time to pull out the chest full of electronics and tools in her closet.
Family gathering. Let's introduce Alpharius, Horus, Fulgrim, and Angron to each other.
>Family gathering. Let's introduce Alpharius, Horus, Fulgrim, and Angron to each other.

+1 I am down for that. If they are all on-planet. Lets see how this goes.
Actually, at this point, I think Alpharius is still on the down-low for his other siblings. So he probably won't be there.
Changing my vote to >>6105480.

>Horus, Fulgrim, and Angron
Just one short of the Istvaan gang.
Supporting this write in.
>Family gathering>

Sure lets try it
By the way, let's avoid mentioning Alpharius directly and just refer to the Primarchs as "brothers" for now. We should check with Malcador or Big E before we reveal his existence to his brothers.
>“Clothes shopping.”
Yeah, let's.
“I did realize… we haven’t all met formally, have we?” Fulgrim said as he tapped his chin. “Perhaps it is time we do.”

Diani Nos was a girl of honor, confidence, and vigilance. She promised herself to know no fear for her lady. However…

“Wow this is…” Fulgrim closed his eye and hed down his cough. “Quite strong.”

“Do you like it?” Horus said eagerly.

“It’s quite disgusting. I never tasted anything like it…” Lord Fulgrim brought out another glass. “Another please.”

Lord Horus Luperal barked a joyous laughter. .Lord Angron only had a smile, more would bring pain from the butcher’s nails. Only Pangea stayed away from the Cthonian liquor and Angron already had three full cups. Then there was the princess, the Ayan of Terra, Pangea.

This was the meeting of the Gods.

Diani knew the Imperial Truth. However, seeing the giants who sat on the golden tables made her question that. The Gods of Terra, that’s what Diani thought. The charismatic, powerful, and beautiful human specimens sat around the table, speaking, laughing, all in their alluring voices. How can they be anything but Gods?

“I can’t understand how all of you can down that…” Princess Pangea sipped a cup of amber liquid. “Honestly.”

“Don’t be pouty because you can’t handle it, little sister.” Fulgrim down another shot.

Pangea rolled her eyes. “Anyways, how are you settling with your sons?”

“My sons and I purged a mutant home beneath the deepest hive.” Horus said proudly. “You should have joined us, sister.”

“Next time perhaps.” Pangea said. “Fulgrim?”

“They are all perfect. What about you, Angron?”

There was a reserved pause. “My comrades have all successfully been integrated into my legion. Those too young are training as aspirants and the elderly are our legion bondsmen. Those of age have successfully become astartes. They are all integrating well, and my sons have welcomed them as brothers.”

“I’m happy to hear that.”

“As am I,” Fulgrim added.

“And when the time comes…” Horus’s fist clenched. “We will bring the High Rider to their knees. They will pay with their lives, brother.”

Along with Alpharius one day… Pangea thought.

“And what did father and uncle say about your operation?” Pangea said.

“They have found a way, but it will be a deadly one.” Angron said. “Father and uncle are still discussing it.”

The room fell in silence.

“We will put our trust in our Father and uncle.” Horus said. “And if need be, we will scour the entire galaxy to free you.”

Fulgrim and Pangea both nodded.

“Thank you my brothers.” Angron gazed kindly at Pangea. “And you, sister.”

"A toast, to the Imperium!" Pangea chanted.

The glasses were raised high.

"To the Imperium!"
>The small gathering ended with everyone happy, full of hope for the future. Pangea returned to her room, buzzed, but not drunk, there was tomorrow to face after all.
>The bonding did not end there. The drinks flowed… then overflowed. Before Pangea knew it, she found herself at [Insert Legion except for Alpharius’s] common area, lying on the floor but wrapped in a blanket.

Thought a small silly moment like this was good.
>The small gathering ended with everyone happy, full of hope for the future. Pangea returned to her room, buzzed, but not drunk, there was tomorrow to face after all.
Drink responsibly.
>“It’s quite disgusting. I never tasted anything like it…” Lord Fulgrim brought out another glass. “Another please.”

>The small gathering ended with everyone happy, full of hope for the future. Pangea returned to her room, buzzed, but not drunk, there was tomorrow to face after all.
We've got to head back to business the next day, and we don't want to divulge any volatile information while drunk.
>Insert Legion
Any legion? Or just the found primarch's ones?
Fulgrim's, Angron's, and Horus's
>[The bonding did not end there. The drinks flowed… then overflowed. Before Pangea knew it, she found herself at Lunar Wolves' common area, lying on the floor but wrapped in a blanket.

For updates and stuff
>The bonding did not end there. The drinks flowed… then overflowed. Before Pangea knew it, she found herself at Lunar Wolves' common area, lying on the floor but wrapped in a blanket.

Good opportunity to make time for Horus and his legion. We've been avoiding him for one on one just a tad.
Something to thing about for when Pangea finally meets Konrad Curze.

Part of what drove Curze mad was that his vision felt overwhelming and his was convinced that they were inevitable.
But what will he see when he looks at Pangea? Will he see nothing since her Fate is still being written? Metaphorically and literally? What will that do to him?
>The bonding did not end there. The drinks flowed… then overflowed. Before Pangea knew it, she found herself at the Lunar Wolves' common area, lying on the floor but wrapped in a blanket.
Damn, we should have made it a Legion meetup alongside a family meetup.
>The bonding did not end there. The drinks flowed… then overflowed. Before Pangea knew it, she found herself at Lunar Wolves' common area, lying on the floor but wrapped in a blanket.
>The small gathering ended with everyone happy, full of hope for the future. Pangea returned to her room, buzzed, but not drunk, there was tomorrow to face after all.

Our girl has some self-respect
>The bonding did not end there. The drinks flowed… then overflowed. Before Pangea knew it, she found herself at the Luna Wolves' common area, lying on the floor but wrapped in a blanket.
What sort of drunk is our mini-Primarch?
Hopefully not the kind who wakes up without her clothes, or with her clothes put on differently from how she normally puts them on
I don't think this would make a good look for Pangea in front of the Luna Wolves. We don't want her known as the girl that always gets wasted to Horus's legion. There would be shit like
>The Ayan is visiting our Primarch again? It appears she's after another batch of amasec.
>Last one to reach the top of the wall has to sober the princess tonight!
>I heard Russ ordered his sons to hide and abstain from their mjod when the Ayan visited his flagship.
>I pity the poor sop that covers her tab.
>The small gathering ended with everyone happy, full of hope for the future. Pangea returned to her room, buzzed, but not drunk, there was tomorrow to face after all.
I'm changing mt Vote!

>The small gathering ended with everyone happy, full of hope for the future. Pangea returned to her room, buzzed, but not drunk, there was tomorrow to face after all.

Some of my fellow anons have made some good points. No need to possibly turn her into a drunk for the sake of meta gaming.
>The small gathering ended with everyone happy, full of hope for the future. Pangea returned to her room, buzzed, but not drunk, there was tomorrow to face after all.
Okay, that's fair. I thought it'd be amusing or we might do something memorable in a good way but this quest is too srs bznz for that.
>The small gathering ended with everyone happy, full of hope for the future. Pangea returned to her room, buzzed, but not drunk, there was tomorrow to face after all.
change to. Perhaps in a less public setting one day.



Actually, I wrote this in the mind of Witcher 3's scene where Geralt and his friends got drunk off their asses.
The small gathering ended with everyone happy, full of hope for the future. Pangea returned to her room, buzzed, but not drunk, there was tomorrow to face after all.

“I’ll see you all tomorrow…”

Pangea yawned as she lightly stumbled out of her room. Diani followed behind, but gasp once a large hound came running.

“My lady watch out!”

Diani stood between the princess, she closed her eyes tight as she raised her arms sideways.



“That’s my dog.”

Diani lowered her arms. The lights that illuminated the vast golden halls and cardinal carpet floors could not hide the absolute blush on her face. Pangea’s soft giggles gently echoed.

“I see…”

“Do not apologize. I’m going to sleep so you’re dismissed for today. I will see you tomorrow.”

Tomorrow. Diani smiled, she liked the sound of that word now.

“Then have a good night, my lady.”

The next morning, Pangea woke up with a clarity. No after shock or nausea dared to ruin her day. Despite the sound mind, worries and doubt took further root into her heart. Trust. First Alpharius and now her Uncle… they all seem to take his side. Even if she loved her Father, there had to be a limit to how much she can keep trusting without some kind of reassurance. Just what were those corruptions? Pangea shook her head, she

>Sought the training grounds, she just wanted to hit something
>Went to her Uncle’s study, but this time when he would be absent
>Sought her indulgence, maybe writing her novels would do some good for her mind… for now
>Chose to trust uncle’s words. He never misled her before.
>Sought the training grounds, she just wanted to hit something
Let's go train with the bananas.
>Sought her indulgence, maybe writing her novels would do some good for her mind… for now
>The options allude to Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and Nurgle respectively.
Not good. The last thing Pangea needs to be right now is alone. Speaking of which...

>Thought about the Sisters of Silence. There's clearly much more to them than she already knows. Perhaps Iai is nearby.
It's only natural for the princess to learn more about her new bodyguard.
>Sought the training grounds, she just wanted to hit something

How does having faith in Malcador relate to Nurgle?
It would be no change from before, and she would be doing nothing in particular.
You don't get corrupted by chaos just by doing something they might approve of or which might vaguely connect to a concept they embody. I don't think this is that big of a deal.
>Went to her Uncle’s study, but this time when he would be absent

"Chose to trust uncle’s words. He never misled her before" is the most mature option, but we're not the perfect princess and it's been a while since we snooped around.

Good theory. But this may just be build-up to certain trials to overcome.

Also. QM didn't give an option to write-in this time. So I think you're going to have to make a choice, Anon. Otherwise, I do like that write-in.

Probably because Nurgle can attach himself to feelings for family and the familiar. Choosing to do nothing.
Isn't the goal of Astartes drinking games to see who can overcome their Trashuman physiology and actually get themselves drunk the fastest?
If we're not allowed any write-ins for this one, I'll pick
>Went to her Uncle’s study, but this time when he would be absent

I'm sure Pangea is smart enough to know that Malcador has some from of security in his study. Start with documents on the Watchers or Sisters or Silence so it doesn't look too suspect if she gets caught.
Supporting this
>>Sought her indulgence, maybe writing her novels would do some good for her mind… for now


It's only no write-in when I write "no write-in" most of the time I don't mind.

Looks like we got a fair split. A tie breaker will be needed.
Supporting this.
Final vote counted
Thought about the Sisters of Silence. There's clearly much more to them than she already knows. Perhaps Iai was nearby. Three knocks grabbed Pangea’s attention.

“You may enter.”

Diani opened the door and entered the room.

“Good morning, my lady.”

“Morning, Diani. Prepare my morning bath will you?”

“As you wish.”

The usual three hour preparation took only an hour and a half thanks to Diani’s assistance. Pangea checked her wardrobe. While she did have the usual toga, robes, and dresses, she didn’t realize how little variety she had.

“Perhaps I can fetch a seams-master for some new clothes, my lady?’

Pangea nodded. “Sure, I’ll just go with this today then.”

“Are we going somewhere, my lady?”

“Yes.” Pangea threw a golden dress and then a neck ruffle, “The Tower of Dominion… oh right. I don’t think I can have you come since there are nulls there.”

“Nulls?” Diani said. “What are they?”

“They are…” To explain would mean to explain the theory of the psychic balance. One that now Pangea considered with doubt. “They are warriors of secrecy and I must visit them. That place will be discomforting for you so you can shop for my clothes then. I’ll be at the training grounds later on.”

“Have a safe trip, my lady.”

“That place will be discomforting for you. You can shop for my clothes while I’m off. I’m going to be in the Tower of Hegemon for training so I’ll see you there.”

Pangea closed the clasp of the sheath that covered Palatine’s blade and slung her power bow on her shoulders. At the Tower of Dominion, Pangea entered through the gates. The Sister Commander bowed at the entrance of the tower. A dark skinned woman in white and gold robe bowed with the sign of the aquila. Despite the lack of wrinkles, Pangea saw the grace of a veteran Sister Commander.

‘Llun.’ Pangea signed. ‘I am in need of some… advice in regarding to some knowledge.’

‘The Lord Regent could not advise you on this?’

‘He is busy’ Pangea signed. ‘I do not wish to waste your time so I will help myself.’

Before Pangea could enter, Llun stepped forward.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Pangea growled. “You dare get in the way of the Emperor’s daughter? Step aside. Now.”

She still stood, neither bowing nor replying.

“Did my uncle put you up to this?”

Llun did not answer.

>Pangea gritted her teeth, but walked away.
>Pangea gritted her teeth, but moved forward, not caring what Llun might try.

Sorry for the update, had gym/class

Question: Would you want this to be 30k only or would you like Pangea to be part of 40k where the heresy did happen (albeit differently)? If it did, how do you see Pangea's return?
>Pangea gritted her teeth, but walked away.
Might not be the wisest course of action to get into a fight with a veteran sister of silence.

>Would you want this to be 30k only or would you like Pangea to be part of 40k
I'd be good with either.

>how do you see Pangea's return?
Maybe she's captured by Trazyn at some point during the great crusade or the heresy and when that magic bell starts ringing to herald the 13th black crusade and wrecks half his tombworld, she uses the chaos to leave her display case and escape Solemnace. Or maybe Fabius Bile creates a perfect clone of her like he did with Ferrus and Fulgrim, I could see Fabius turning traitor even if Fulgrim doesn't. Or maybe she takes a ten thousand year long nap like the Lion.
>>Pangea gritted her teeth, but moved forward, not caring what Llun might try.
Angry girl will do as she wilt. If she eats humble pie all the better.
>30k only or would you like Pangea to be part of 40k?
Heresy is fun so 40k would be cool
>how do you see Pangea's return?
She spends 10000 years as a gladiatoral slave because she stopped Angron from fulfilling his Khornish destiny. Some event happens that leads to her escape, but she must work hard not to bring her millenia of suffering with her.
>So she gets killed by one of the traitor primarchs and wakes up as a clone?
I feel as though suggesting this kind of ruins the idea of it but Omegon pretending to be Alpharius assassinates her to prevent her from foiling the Cabal's plan. She dies not truly knowing which of the twins betrayed her. Alpharius is weighed down by the guilt of her murder at his own twin brother's hands for millennia and when he learns Fabius Bile has created a perfect clone of her, he orchestrates her escape from both Bile's lab and the eye of terror without her even knowing.
>Or maybe Fabius Bile creates a perfect clone of her like he did with Ferrus and Fulgrim

So she gets killed by one of the traitor primarchs and wakes up as a clone? That doesn't sound so bad, I'd love to make her have an actual imposter syndrome and hiding from Roboute that she's a clone.

I smell Lorgar's or Erebus's stink all over it
>Pangea gritted her teeth, but walked away.

That is a woman who lives for punching uppity psykers right in the boobs. We are not a child anymore so she will absolutely give us those hands. Also, it's just not a good look. We're probably already in the negatives with the Dark Angels for getting indignant with their disobedience.

>Question: Would you want this to be 30k only or would you like Pangea to be part of 40k where the heresy did happen (albeit differently)? If it did, how do you see Pangea's return?

Are you asking permission to do a time skip? Because that is a tough one.
I feel like we should try and establish a base relationship with all our brothers beforehand. Though I suppose it is possible to work that out in the aftermath of her return. Unless you've got some charts and graphs you're hiding from us that have figured that out already.

>how do you see Pangea's return?
I kind of like what this Anon has posted. except I would add that a group of Alpha Legionnaires were the ones who helped her escape. Only saying to her "I am Alpharius." Further questions are complicated by the fact that they all seemingly(conveniently) die during her escape.
>“Did my uncle put you up to this?”
Very subtle, dipshit. What the fuck is the "diplomat" doing growling?

>Pick an option
Beats me, I'll see what others have to say. Storming away seething and forcing our way through waving our rank around aren't good decisions.

>Would you want this to be 30k only or would you like Pangea to be part of 40k where the heresy did happen (albeit differently)?
I suppose that depends on our choices.

>If it did, how do you see Pangea's return?
If secession actually happens and she ends up getting mortally wounded one way or another, it'd be pretty funny if she came back with a text-to-speech device thousands of years later. The mental picture of a dreadnought or relic Castellax walking around with Siri's voice is funny to me. These suggestions >>6107269 are also neat.
>Are you asking permission to do a time skip? Because that is a tough one.

More like getting a feel of the players. I'd stay out of 40k if the votes are overwhelmingly opposing it.
I thought we were here to learn more about the Sisters of Silence?
"Iai, I simply wish to know more about you and your order. If a Sister of Silence is to be my bodyguards then I need to know what all of you are capable of. If you will not let me inside to get the knowledge I seek, then I will have you answer my questions."
And then we proceed to bombard her with questions like "who would win in a fight, a Custodian or a Sister of Silence?", "Is it possible to learn this power?", "What's your favourite food?", "Why are you all bald?", and etc.
I don't know what the people who voted for this choice wanted to learn from the Sisters of Silence, so.

>Would you want this to be 30k only or would you like Pangea to be part of 40k where the heresy did happen (albeit differently)?
That would depend on how we do here. It's always nice to see the result of our actions.

>If it did, how do you see Pangea's return?
If Pangea stay loyal and the same as she is now, I can imagine her charging off after some of the traitor Primarch and getting herself stuck in the warp/webway until Alpharius or someone dragged her out. I can also see her fighting alongside the Emperor during the Webway Project breach and and sacrificing herself to help seal it from the others side/taking Ra's place and running off with the Drach'nyen.
I'm fine with
>Pangea gritted her teeth, but walked away.
as long as we don't stare lasers into Llun and come back with a better attitude tomorrow. Maybe someone else will be on shift.

We're not talking to Iai, but Llun right now.

I'm going to be honest, I'm really curious to see what would start a civil war equivalent to the Horus Heresy if Chaos is out of the picture and none of the Primarchs fall to it.
>Pangea gritted her teeth, but moved forward, not caring what Llun might try.
>>Pangea gritted her teeth, but walked away.
>Pangea gritted her teeth, but walked away.

Pangea gritted her teeth. She had half of her mind just wanting to tear the path into the archives. However, she knew better. The Anathema Psykana was Father’s talon against the psykers. Pangea walked away, but stopped when Llun tapped her on the shoulder.

‘I understand your doubts. But once you learn more and gain more exp—’

“Experience, experience, experience!” Pangea shouted and stomped her feet. “I’m so tired of hearing that word! Warp take you Llun and everyone who keeps telling me that! You think I’m unworthy too don’t you?”

‘No.’ Llun signed. Her wrinkled eyes gazed with kindness. ‘It is because you are that we do not want you to rush. I commend your initiative. But there are steps into this, princess.”

Pangea’s rage slowly cooled.

“But how long?”

‘That, I do not know. One day your opportunity will come. Nuceria was not. Chemos was not. But one day, you will have your opportunity. Until then, you must train and never be complacent.’ Llun gestured to the door. ‘You did not trained with us before, how about you do? I’m certain if you know our ways the chance of glory will widen.’

“I see… then I will give it a try.”

The day’s training was different for Pangea. Facing someone of her own size made for a wholly new experience. With her training ending, Pangea wondered where she would go.

>Back to her room, Diani should be back by now
>Pangea made her way to the Principa Collegiate, maybe she’d find her answers there
Big plot coming up soon, need to figure some stuff out
>Back to her room, Diani should be back by now

Let's get girly! Let's put on new dresses!

Also, yes. I like that Pangea got a little fussy and Llun was patient enough to just be reasonable with her.

Slight lore nitpick. Since Pangea is a psyker, being around the members of the silent sisterhood should be unpleasant and difficult for her. The null field isn't something they can consciously turn off.

But I suppose it could be said that they are using a piece of tech to restrict their null field and allowing them to more easily interact with Pangea, as I've seen the All Guardsmen Party use something similar in one of their adventures.
>Back to her room, Diani should be back by now
>Pangea made her way to the Principa Collegiate, maybe she’d find her answers there
>Pangea made her way to the Principa Collegiate, maybe she’d find her answers there
>Back to her room, Diani should be back by now
Let's make visiting the Principa Collegiate a priority early tomorrow. Visiting it so soon after visiting the SoS would look suspect.


So my plan is to have this a happy ending or not depending on the consensus here. But after this arc, I'm thinking where the heresy happened. Whether that will be Lionel, Roboutian, Dornian, or whichever, I'm not sure about. What does everybody think?
Perhaps this is only my perspective, but I don't think there's any satisfying way to skip to a Heresy type of situation from such an early point during the Great Crusade. Pangea hasn't met the rest of her brothers yet, and we haven't seen xenos or Chaos in action, or even much of Pangea's diplomacy. The premise for the quest makes what you probably want to achieve a long-term plan. I can't see this kind of event, or an incident where Pangea wakes up 10k years into the future, happening any sooner than at least half a year from now IRL. At the end of the day, this is supposed to be as fun for you as much as it already is for us. You're already running another quest as it is. Go with your gut feeling and keep yourself healthy.
Oh no this is for future plans. But I wanted to see what others think.
In addition, I plan to have her meet all of her brothers. I still don't know what to do with the redacted primarchs though.
>But I wanted to see what others think.
I think I understand. If you mean how a Heresy would happen, I guess that depends on our choices and how good of a job we do stopping Chaos shenanigans. Maybe a war happens over an entirely different issue, or Pangea's brain and organs get stuffed in a jar for ten thousand years at a bad time. I don't feel like I can really say much more about that without other people throwing in their two cents first.

>I still don't know what to do with the redacted primarchs though.
There's a summary of information about them on Lexicanum if you haven't seen it, but you'll have to search your soul for that one. That one image of Tom the cat shrugging his shoulders would fit pretty well here.
Diani was a happy girl.

To be Princess Pangea’s handmaiden was an honor. Now here she was, at seams-master’s shop. Through the double golden doors, her feet stepped on the soft red carpet. Diani looked u at the tall ceiling. Various dresses and formal clothes hung on webs metal rods that stretched and turned. So many dresses for so many people, and to think there were twenty one dedicated spaces for the primarchs and the princess…

“Help you?”

Behind Diani, an old man approached, dressed in a simple formal outfit with a mean gaze.

“Yes, I’m here to attain some new outfits for Princess Pangea. I’m her new handmaiden you see.” Diani pointed at a golden badge on her left breast.

“The Princess?” The old man said confusedly. “She doesn’t get new outfits. All she has are clothes for training and few for formal events.”

“But… she told me to shop for her clothes.”

“Then she did it to keep you busy. The Princess does not shop unless it’s the forge.” The old man said. “But if she needs clothes, I can get her the usuals and some new products I made. I’ll send it to her room.”

“Then my work is done?”

The dresses moved rod to rod.

“Aye, off you go then.”

“Do you think I can maybe pick a dress for her?” Diani said.

The old man barked a single laugh. “Little girl, if you think she will ever wear a dress on her own volition, I’m starting to think you’re not her handmaid.”

Were she a lesser woman, she would have been fuming. Which she wasn’t.

“Good sir, I assure you that I am.”

“Not a good one then.”

“Fine thee, you will see good sir.”

Diani returned as Princess Pangea arrived with an odd expression, one of frustration but not anger.

“My lady, I’ve done the task. Your clothes will arrive soon.”

“Good, thank you, Diani.”

Princess Pangea entered her room and jumped into her bed where her hound, Luna, was already sleeping. A long drawn sigh escaped Pangea’s lips.

“Is everything alright, my lady?”

“Yes? No? I don’t know.” Princess Pangea rolled to her side. “I wish all my problems could be fixed by hitting it. I hate complicated problems.”

“What problem is that?”

The princess paused. “Don’t worry about it. I just don't like it when I got nothing to do, training can only do so much. All my brothers are still training with Father to prepare for the Great Crusade. I bet it won’t be long until they all leave…”

“My lady, how about we ry something new?”

“Like what?”

>“Putting on a dress? The seams-master said you never got one, even accused me when I asked if I could pick a dress for you.”
>“Maybe we can go somewhere within the palace you never went to.”
>“How about getting a new hobby?”

I'll give that a look, thanks anon.
Not a write-in because this doesn't fit with Diane's character, but is there any reason why we can't join our brothers and father to train for the upcoming crusade? I assume we'll be tagging along anyway so we should be a bit involved.
>“Putting on a dress? The seams-master said you never got one, even accused me when I asked if I could pick a dress for you.”
gotta get in touch with our frilly side
>“Putting on a dress? The seams-master said you never got one, even accused me when I asked if I could pick a dress for you.”

The new hobby is very tempting and we should expand our habits a bit more. But knowing how to dress will improve our charisma and help us do our intended job better. We've been doing a lot to be more like our brothers.

That is a tricky thing. You could maybe get away with a short time skip where one or both of them were lost. Make some vague implications. There are a lot of theories about what happened to them. I think the closest we have is that Leman Russ had to kill one of them and the other may have been lost before or during the Rangdan Xenocides.

I dunno. I always assumed that you had already made up your mind on if Pangeas' efforts would be allowed to actually thwart the Heresy or if her actions would merely change the participants on either side. I always viewed the quest threads as a bit of a game where the outcome could be anything.
>“Putting on a dress? The seams-master said you never got one, even accused me when I asked if I could pick a dress for you.”

You know, if the Heresy is predetermined, what are we all even doing here? That would be immensely unsatisfying, imo.
>Go and mess with the seams master by trying on dresses. We can maybe find you a formal dress that doesn't stop you hitting problems!

A bodice/bodysuit of reflective materials that you can hook sashes and fabric on to give the illusion of free flowing material?
Which has the added benefit of being able to just take em off? Our handmaid might be a smart cookie.
Or perhaps chernobog has some fashion there that was as practical as it was pretty.

OR stumble on the bright idea of getting dresses in the fashion of our brother's home worlds that we can wear when we visit them on diplomatic reasons.
Not high rider crap for Angeron but Serf ware with fine quality silks.
+1 on this.
>“Putting on a dress? The seams-master said you never got one, even accused me when I asked if I could pick a dress for you.”

We should try to get educated on Legiones Astartes warfare some way or another, same with the Custodes and Sisters of Silence.

Both choice will be counted as one

I'll have that answered in the update anon.
Riding the grav cart for a princess and a servant was a galaxy apart. Spacious rooms, drinks, snacks, a rack for her weapons. Pangea saw Diani’s wonderment as she held her jaw together. Pangea rested her hand on her hand as her elbow propped on the seat’s hand rest.

“If you don’t mind my lady, you’re already a capable warrior. Why can’t you be part of the Great Crusade?”

“My role is to… support my brothers. If I’m gone to one end of the galaxy, then I won’t be there to help the rest of my brothers.” Pangea said with tired disappointment. “That’s why.”

“Support how?”

“Just supporting them.” Pangea said. “Here we are.”

A gold carpet laid out a path for Pangea. When she entered, apprentices, clerks, and all kinds of workers all held the aquila sign with the seams-master at the end.


“Geppetto.” Pangea said. “I’m here to browse some dresses. Maybe something practical in case diplomatic ways goes awry.”

“I may have some stash, follow me.”

The room was filled with all kinds of dresses of different shapes, sizes, materials, and colors. Diani’s jaw hung loose as she spun to see all the dress from the floor to the ceiling.

“So, anything practical this time?”

“No. Do you have any designs in mind?”

Pangea shrugged. “No. I guess that’s it then.”

“Wait!” Diani said. “How about a Chemos style dress?”

Gepetto crossed his arms. “Go on.”

“It’s a two piece dress that comes down to the shins with a cloth that’s tied as a bow on the back. It’s made in mind with working after we have a small gathering.” Diani said. “I’m sure lord Fulgrim will have a better idea of what I’m talking about.”

Gepetto stroke his moustache. “I’ll see what I can work with then. You do need a new dress after all, princess.”

“Why not just keep what I have or get another toga?” Pangea said.

“Princess, you cannot keep wearing the same formal outfits, it will bring others to question the Emperor. Rest assured, I will find a way to satisfy your criteria for a dress… for once in my old life.”

After Diani left for the night, Pangea spent the rest of her day writing another exciting adventure of her totally not self-inserted character. It was a story about

>Meeting a daring and dashing commander of the Imperial Army
>A stone jawed but secretly soft for the protagonist Captain-Commodore
>A gentleman and a noble warrior from another world

(Yes this is a somewhat plot relevant choice, not a romance option, but a plot relevant one)
And don't forget to join if you want instant update for the quests!

>Meeting a daring and dashing commander of the Imperial Army
Solar Auxilia or Lucifer Blacks?
Spoilers so can't say
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>A gentleman and a noble warrior from another world
Ah yes, Giorgio Sacramento. How could she forget about him?

>Scout, naturalist, tamer of fantastical beasts. Watches over pockets of society in a wild frontier of towering peaks, dense forests, vast deserts, and roaring rivers. He is compassionate, intelligent, humorous, and righteous as he is rugged and handsome. Despite his stoic disposition and his strength for the townsfolk he protects, he yearns for belonging and his family, from whom he was long separated by a natural disaster and a continent's expanse. Perhaps Angela, a bronze-skinned woman stranded on his alien world, can bring to him the companionship and warmth he has longed for. Will their love and the humble towns survive scheming barons and malevolent hordes from the shadows?
>Of course, Giorgio can always count on his trusty animal companions and his elderly, wise, and witty sidekick, Timber.
>Meeting a daring and dashing commander of the Imperial Army
>A stone jawed but secretly soft for the protagonist Captain-Commodore
I think Emps' "parenting" would leave her yearning for this unhealthy type of attachment.

>>Meeting a daring and dashing commander of the Imperial Army
>(Yes this is a somewhat plot relevant choice, not a romance option, but a plot relevant one)
Wait, is Malcador going to intentionally keep her away from whatever branch of the Imperial Army her fantasy boyfriend would be in? That would be hilarious.
The Emperor of Mankind sat in a seat made of ceramite. In his personal study, most of his items were no from different eras of humanity but his trophies and conquests. Back then, before his awakening, life was so simple.

“She was searching again.”

Malcador entered the study, sitting on a smaller chair draped with soft fur pelts. He massaged the bridge of his nose as his head hung low. Shadows cast them from the ceiling.

—Her visions are a gift and a curse. I fear her impatience will lead to her fall.—

“She is without a path. She has no legion and no part in the crusade that she can be satisfied with. She is a soldier without an enemy.”

The Emperor sat back, he rubbed his chin in ponderance.

—I do not want her in danger. She has already gained the favor of my sons. If she leaves, her purpose will not be fulfilled. My sons are more human, they even speak to the serfs to see how they are doing. Horus said the serfs’ size reminded him of Pangea. It was so… innocent.—

The Emperor smiled briefly. A genuine tug on his lip that Malcador rarely saw before Pangea. Though he still couldn't tell if the things he said were out of genuine love or just to appease the princess.

”She wants glory in battle. To be part of the Imperium in an active way. Now she realizes there are things we hide from her, doubt will grow more. She wants a chance, a true challenge. Not like Luna.”

The Emperor slightly frowned, just enough to be seen but only by a keen eye.

—That will put her in danger. Alpharius is not here to protect her.—

“I understand. We can either keep her in a cage until she breaks out and never return, or we can let her out so she can come back.” Malcador said sagely.

The Emperor leaned forward. The sashes on his robe and his hair fell forward with his brown eyes staring at Malcador.

—She is too fragile.—

“Because you think she is. She spars with Ra and Valdor, despite her appearance she has your genes.” Malcador said. “At least hear the options.”

—Those men must be the best of the best. I will not let this endanger the future of humanity.—

“The crews, soldiers, and senior officers have all been handpicked by me, with an Imperial Army officer who will guide her in the field. His charisma and eloquence will be of great use in guiding and mentoring Pangea.”
The Emperor nodded. —Tell me what you have in mind.—

“The first mission will lead her to an abandoned ship stranded at the edge of the Segmentum Solar. The first scout ship has not been reported. Pangea and her team are to investigate the ship and return.”

The Emperor shook his head.

—There are too much unknown elements—

“I did say this will be an actual mission did I not?” Malcador said. “The second mission will have her quell a riot instigate by two opposing houses. This has halted their mineral productions.”

—Pangea is hardly a diplomat.—

“She does not have to be. I grow tired of their useless squabbles.” Malcador said. “Maybe she will learn something.”

—The last one?—

“To find the next primarch on her own.” Malcador said. “This will be perilous, but will be a true challenge for her.”

The Emperor stood from his seat and to the walls where it held various items in racks. The small spear with a dull edge made of volsung wood, the toughest lumber he knew. The Emperor stared at the wooden practice spear. It felt like yesterday since his daughter took up the practice spear. She was so small and fragile then… still small now.

>—She will be sent to the first mission.—
>—She will be sent to the second mission.—
>—She will find one of my missing sons. But with more support this time with Horus and his legion.—
>—She will find one of my missing sons. But with more support this time with Horus and his legion.—
If we've been to Nuceria, Chogoris, Nocturne, Kiavahr, and Inwit should be detectable. The Khan should be the most pressing, given that he's itching for something to do after conquering his homeworld.
Kiavahr wouldn't be a bad option either, considering Corax and the humans are enslaved on its moon. By the way, which year is it in the quest?
>—She will be sent to the first mission.—
She needs to get her feet wet in a real way before anything else.
>—She will be sent to the first mission.—
Inb4 the qst shifts to space-horror genre
>—She will be sent to the second mission.—
Changing my vote to
>—She will be sent to the second mission.—
>—She will be sent to the first mission.—

I want to see what Maw can do with a free hand.
It seems to be a custom time line since we already found Angron before he landed in canon so i don't think you need to worry about what year it is and just go with what you feel would be interesting for the quest.
I wholly support this.
I just thought of something.
If we want the heresy to happen in some capacity, we have to unknown and potentially big legions that would make excellent traitors.
>we already found Angron before he landed in canon
>—She will be sent to the second mission.—

She can wear one of her new dresses. Let's see how she is on her own. If she can be more royalty than would-be warlord.
>Second mission.

>—She will find one of my missing sons. But with more support this time with Horus and his legion.—
She was made to support the Primarchs, it's only fitting for her to be actively finding her lost brothers. This will also give us more time with Horus and the Lunar Wolves. More importantly, Magnus hasn't contact us in a long while now and I'm worried that Chaos is already moving.
>—She will be sent to the second mission.—
>—She will find one of my missing sons. But with more support this time with Horus and his legion.—
>—She will be sent to the second mission.—

Malcador placed three tall stacks of parchment and five data slates on the table. Pangea checked the first parchment with a tepid expression, another study session she thought, how joyful.

“These are records of House Montague and House Capulet. They have been locked in a feud for hundreds of years. While I was content with letting them squabble, their petulant fight has put the planet at risk and the tithes.” Malcador said.

Pangea rested her chin on the table while lazily skimming through the documents. Luna at her side rested on the side of the table while Diani brought a cup of tea for Pangea and Malcador.

“So is Father going to hold a talk?”

“No, you will be sent to quell it. Your Father has given this task to you.” Malcador said.

“Peace talks?” Pangea blanched. “I’ll do what I can.”

Malcador hardened his patience. “If peace talks do not work, you may enact compliance at your own discretion.”

Pangea jumped up as her hands slammed on the table. The tea cup tipped over, Diani flinched, and Luna snored.

“You mean I can—”

“That means assessing the situation and making the right decisions.” Malcador rubbed his temples. “You will be put in charge of a reactionary force, meaning thousands of lives will be in your hands. Men and women with families, who will trust you to lead them to the beginning and to the end. This is your chance to learn, not to chase glory. Am I clear?”

Pangea sat back down calmly.

“I do, Magistra.”

“Good. You will read this and arrive at the Lion's Gate Spaceport tomorrow morning. Your assignment is to read these documents and assemble your reactionary force.”

“But I thought it was already made.” Pangea scratched her head. “I don’t know how to do that.”

“Then it’s time you learn. Take this as an opportunity to show how independent you can be. Perhaps this will be a sign that you are ready to take to the stars.”

Pangea returned to her room, and once the door closed she leapt in the air.

“Yes yes yes! This is it, Diani! This is my time to shine!” Pangea said. “I’ll show Father what I can really do!”

“I’m happy for you, my lady.” Diani said. “I shall pack your personal belongings and have the serfs do the rest for your journey while you read the documents. Shall I also pick up the dress?”

“Sure,” Pangea jumped on her bed. “It won’t be much of a read. Get me some snacks too.”

“As you wish, my lady.”

The reading did not take long. Pangea held her data-slate to see what options she had.

For her main force, she had three options.
>Terra’s Wrath, the main standing Imperial Army on Terra, an all around army with a platoon of armored vehicles. They are steadfast, disciplined, honorable, but rough in terms of… appearances. They are soldiers after all, not diplomats. Her Executive Officer

>The Solar Auxilia, though due to their importance they would arrive in smaller numbers but with armor support. Their presence would prove she came with full authority. They are the elite force of the Imperial Army, who faced far worse with smaller numbers.

>The Albian Crusaders, a soldier force consisting of a noble family's son. They are not as many as Terra’s Wrath but more than the Solar Auxilia though not as elite as them. However, their noble roots would make her arrival far more palatable to the two houses. Albia was the house that resisted her Father the most, but later became his greatest supporters once they learned The Emperor’s dream.

>Write-in (Submit a canon or homebrewed Imperial ARMY regiments.)

Pangea went to the next page. Her eyes widened and brought the date slate closer. Her Executive Officer would be—

>Thermopylae Leo, a young but accomplished infantry officer whose charisma and courage led many victories. Thermopylae started as a private in the Imperial Army and clawed his way to the rank of Captain. His strategies are unorthodox and risky, some accused him of being a glory hound, but never a coward. He is always seen in the frontlines and rarely at the back.

>Hector Werserian, related to Lord Admiral Werserian. As an infantry officer he led his men with great charisma and with impeccable diplomacy. He is a tactician through and through, if not predictable at times. He is dependable, and his family name carries a heavy weight as many nobles know the Werserian’s centuries of service to the Imperium.

>Arthur Holliday, another officer known for his charm but… all that Pangea could see was that Holliday was recommended by many officers from the lieutenants and both of the Lord Militants for this position. Holliday’s military recorded was described as taking on many operations that required extreme odds and “cold pragmatism”.


(The XO may be switched to female with a different name but no change in background will be allowed)
>The Albian Crusaders, a soldier force consisting of a noble family's son. They are not as many as Terra’s Wrath but more than the Solar Auxilia though not as elite as them. However, their noble roots would make her arrival far more palatable to the two houses. Albia was the house that resisted her Father the most, but later became his greatest supporters once they learned The Emperor’s dream.
>Hector Werserian, related to Lord Admiral Werserian. As an infantry officer he led his men with great charisma and with impeccable diplomacy. He is a tactician through and through, if not predictable at times. He is dependable, and his family name carries a heavy weight as many nobles know the Werserian’s centuries of service to the Imperium.
She is dealing with petulant nobles, she has to play to their idiocy and noble sensibilities as much as possible.

Send the nobles to quell the nobles.
>The Albian Crusaders, a soldier force consisting of a noble family's son. They are not as many as Terra’s Wrath but more than the Solar Auxilia though not as elite as them. However, their noble roots would make her arrival far more palatable to the two houses. Albia was the house that resisted her Father the most, but later became his greatest supporters once they learned The Emperor’s dream.
In other situations, I would have picked the Solar Auxilia. It would be wise to see how well disciplined they are.

>>Hector Werserian, related to Lord Admiral Werserian. As an infantry officer he led his men with great charisma and with impeccable diplomacy. He is a tactician through and through, if not predictable at times. He is dependable, and his family name carries a heavy weight as many nobles know the Werserian’s centuries of service to the Imperium.
Dependable is is what gets the job done. We'll know his limits when he reaches them, and there are plenty of records that indicate it takes a lot to meet.
>The Albian Crusaders, a soldier force consisting of a noble family's son. They are not as many as Terra’s Wrath but more than the Solar Auxilia though not as elite as them. However, their noble roots would make her arrival far more palatable to the two houses. Albia was the house that resisted her Father the most, but later became his greatest supporters once they learned The Emperor’s dream.
Do we know their level of discipline and training? An entire regiment of noble children sound like a repeat of the Royal Volpone. Maybe ask one of our brother for a squad of Astrates, too, for a show of force.
>Hector Werserian, related to Lord Admiral Werserian. As an infantry officer he led his men with great charisma and with impeccable diplomacy. He is a tactician through and through, if not predictable at times. He is dependable, and his family name carries a heavy weight as many nobles know the Werserian’s centuries of service to the Imperium
Hector, do my diplomacy mission for me.
>The Albian Crusaders, a soldier force consisting of a noble family's son. They are not as many as Terra’s Wrath but more than the Solar Auxilia though not as elite as them. However, their noble roots would make her arrival far more palatable to the two houses. Albia was the house that resisted her Father the most, but later became his greatest supporters once they learned The Emperor’s dream.
>Hector Werserian, related to Lord Admiral Werserian. As an infantry officer he led his men with great charisma and with impeccable diplomacy. He is a tactician through and through, if not predictable at times. He is dependable, and his family name carries a heavy weight as many nobles know the Werserian’s centuries of service to the Imperium.
>The Albian Crusaders, a soldier force consisting of a noble family's son. They are not as many as Terra’s Wrath but more than the Solar Auxilia though not as elite as them. However, their noble roots would make her arrival far more palatable to the two houses. Albia was the house that resisted her Father the most, but later became his greatest supporters once they learned The Emperor’s dream.

I agree with the army choice, but...

>Thermopylae Leo, a young but accomplished infantry officer whose charisma and courage led many victories. Thermopylae started as a private in the Imperial Army and clawed his way to the rank of Captain. His strategies are unorthodox and risky, some accused him of being a glory hound, but never a coward. He is always seen in the frontlines and rarely at the back.

Lets take the young buck. Unorthodox is probably something we'd like and it might be better to not be seen as cruising by on Hector Werserian's name. Our own legacy should be weighty enough.
I usually don't like saying this but vote what sounds fun for you, not what will get the qst done. This is a narrative qst, not a RPG quest.
>Maybe ask one of our brother for a squad of Astrates, too, for a show of force.
Perhaps some Pale Nomads would do the trick.

I'd voice if I thought something was going wrong.
>The Solar Auxilia
>Hector Werserian
>The Albian Crusaders, a soldier force consisting of a noble family's son. They are not as many as Terra’s Wrath but more than the Solar Auxilia though not as elite as them. However, their noble roots would make her arrival far more palatable to the two houses. Albia was the house that resisted her Father the most, but later became his greatest supporters once they learned The Emperor’s dream.
>Hector Werserian, related to Lord Admiral Werserian. As an infantry officer he led his men with great charisma and with impeccable diplomacy. He is a tactician through and through, if not predictable at times. He is dependable, and his family name carries a heavy weight as many nobles know the Werserian’s centuries of service to the Imperium.
>The Albian Crusaders, a soldier force consisting of a noble family's son. They are not as many as Terra’s Wrath but more than the Solar Auxilia though not as elite as them. However, their noble roots would make her arrival far more palatable to the two houses. Albia was the house that resisted her Father the most, but later became his greatest supporters once they learned The Emperor’s dream.

>Thermopylae Leo, a young but accomplished infantry officer whose charisma and courage led many victories. Thermopylae started as a private in the Imperial Army and clawed his way to the rank of Captain. His strategies are unorthodox and risky, some accused him of being a glory hound, but never a coward. He is always seen in the frontlines and rarely at the back.
Nah, if we're trying to do this diplomatically then we should get some of Fulgrim's sons to come along.
Supporting - but make the XO a woman
Nah. Hector sounds like he has a cool mustache.
>>The Albian Crusaders, a soldier force consisting of a noble family's son. They are not as many as Terra’s Wrath but more than the Solar Auxilia though not as elite as them. However, their noble roots would make her arrival far more palatable to the two houses. Albia was the house that resisted her Father the most, but later became his greatest supporters once they learned The Emperor’s dream.
>>Hector Werserian, related to Lord Admiral Werserian. As an infantry officer he led his men with great charisma and with impeccable diplomacy. He is a tactician through and through, if not predictable at times. He is dependable, and his family name carries a heavy weight as many nobles know the Werserian’s centuries of service to the Imperium.

At the balcony of the Lion’s Gate Spaceport. Pangea watched her chosen units march into the ship. She was to be the last person to enter for reasons she did not know.

“Nervous?” Horus said.

“I don’t get nervous.” Pangea said. “Are you?”

“Admittedly, I am.” Horus said. “I will be the first to lead the initial exploration outside of Segmentum Solar. Granted it’s just to the edge and back. It’s alright to be nervous. We are not made of iron.”

Pangea held her arms. “I can’t fail, or I’ll never get a chance like this again.”

Horus placed his hand on Pangea’s head slowly, waiting for some aversive reactions. Horus ruffled her hair then retracted his hand back. Pangea paused, but somehow, she appreciated it. No retort or sharp rebuke dared to ruin her mood. Dare she say, she almost forgot what Horus could be.

“I’m not a child.”

Horus chuckled. “But you are my sister.”

“No wonder you can placate those fat lords.”

“That almost sounded like a compliment.” Horus said with a cocky grin.

“Don’t push your luck.”

The United Jacksons emblazoned on each tank and the land raiders. The giant machines of war roared its engines. The Albian Crusaders marched in their ancient red, gold, white, and blue dress uniform, stepping at the same time like the old automatons of the Dark Age. No fanfares sent off the soldiers, yet they still marched with pride as if they were in a parade. After all, this was technically a diplomatic mission, not some grand crusade.

“Do you have any… advice?”

“Experience outranks everything.” Horus said. “Listen to your advisors and act accordingly with the mission in mind.”

“Alright, I’ll keep that in mind.” Pangea turned her head away from Horus’s eyes. “And thank you.”

Horus patted Pangea’s head.

“I wish you a successful mission, sister.”

They shared a firm handshake.

“You too, brother.”

With Luna on her side and Diani following behind. Pangea entered a scout cruiser, Marco Polo. Pangea walked through the hangar where the Albian Crusaders and the voidsmen-at-arms lined up with a rifle salute. At the end of the line, Hector Werserian stood waiting. Once meeting face to face, he saluted.

“At ease, Captain."

Hector went to a parade rest, for a moment he was quiet, staring at her face.

“Captain, is something wrong?”

“None at all, I was just… it is a tremendous honor to be your executive officer.” Hector said. “On my honor, I pledge that I will do everything to make this mission a success.” Hector emphasized honor being on him, and not the house.

A nobleman through and through. The data-slate did say he was a gentleman well favored by the ladies. He was charismatic, but always as a gentleman.
>I will be the first to lead the initial exploration outside of Segmentum Solar.
Remember that we've been to Nuceria. I guess this means Horus is likely heading ina different direction this time.
>“And I’m honored to have an esteemed Werserian accompany me.”
>“I’ve read your accomplishments, I would expect no less. Dare I say I might hold you on a standard that of my tutors since you are my advisor.”
>“No need for formality here, just speak to me as you would do to a superior officer. Not the princess.”
>"And I'm honored to have the company and counsel of such an esteemed officer."
This should communicate our expectations pretty concisely.
Sorry to break it to you anon. But that's just a mistake I've made. I meant Segmentum Tempestus
Understood. I'm sorry if what I replied with sounded critical, by the way. You're doing a good job.
Oh no man, I made the mistake. I'm glad you caught it.
>“I’ve read your accomplishments, I would expect no less. Dare I say I might hold you on a standard that of my tutors since you are my advisor.”

We butter him up and incentivize him to do his best.
>“No need for formality here, just speak to me as you would do to a superior officer. Not the princess.”
>“I’ve read your accomplishments, I would expect no less. Dare I say I might hold you on a standard that of my tutors since you are my advisor.”
“And I'm honored to have the company and counsel of such an esteemed officer.”

Hector’s chest puffed ever so slightly, suppressed by his professionalism.

“Of course, that is what I am here for.”

Hector gave Pangea a brief tour of the ship. The armory, bunks, warp engines, just about every important location to know.

“And here we are, the most important location, the bridge.”

Techpriests and navy officers roamed the bridge. Some held a vigorous discussion while others observed the ship’s controls. The belly of Marco Polo echoed with various voices where the engine’s hum continuously weaved through.

“This is the command center.”

Pangea walked through the incense. An army of wires attached to the circle shaped machine that displayed their current location. Above were tall arches that held the roof of the ship.

“On your command, we will take launch to Verona.”

“Very well, make the preparations.”

Hector took command, using jargons and phrases she ignored last time she was on a ship.

“What am I supposed to do now?”

“You may observe the inner workings of the ship or return to your quarters. The course to Verona is not far, it only requires a brief warp travel. The navigator guaranteed us it will take only a day.”

>“I’ll return to my quarters then.” (Skip to Verona)
>“I’ll stay and watch.”
>“I’ll stay and watch.”
It is important for Pangea to understand how her own ship works.
>I will stay and watch.
>Observe the functions of the ship, ask for a commentary on important functions they carry out.
>Ask the fundementals of how an order is carried out once it leaves the captains lips.
>“I’ll stay and watch.”
We might as well learn a thing or two about the operation. Also maybe ask Hector about the state of the regiment.
Supported and checked.
>“I’ll stay and watch.”
I think the 2nd and 11th Legions and their Primarchs are very much just supposed to be the "yourdudes" of 30k, I've enjoyed the quest enough that'd I'd enjoy seeing your ideas for whatever they may look like
>>“I’ll stay and watch.”

“I'll stay and watch, rest assured I won't get in their way.”

Hector nodded.

“As you wish. Take a seat here please. This is the commadner's throne.”

Hector watched, the princess climbed the stairs to her throne. It was as if the throne was made for her despite being a facotrum standard throne. Her shimmering black hair was darker than the void and flowing as a waterfall, it took all his will power to not gaze upon her ethereal visage.

“This seat is a bit hard to sit on.”

The various crews of Marco Polo worked faster than normal, being watched by the ever present gaze from The Princess of The Imperium. Everyone knew her. The Princess who trained with the custodians. The princess who wiped out Luna’s mutant nest. The princess who founded two primarchs.

This mission would surely be part of her legacy too.

“What are they doing over there?”

“They are calibrating the trajectory before the warp entry.” Hector said.

Pangea pointed at the starboard. “And them?”

“Relaying communications. The vox-master assigned would oversee the rest in his own vox-chamber. Normally they would all greet you but this is a short trip. You can request their presence but I recommend it when the mission is over or when we land.”

The princess rubbed her cherry lips in a brief ponderance. “Hector, do you think you can give me a lesson on how the day to day operations go? Just the important functions, you can tell me the details later.”

“Of course.”

Despite the princess’s reputation of a warrior, she absorbed information faster than anyone he’d seen in the naval academy. From the warp engines to the navigation of the void, it took him only once for the princess to understand. After a lengthy back and forth, his nervousness settled down. Who knew she was also so frighteningly smart?

“So if the captain ordered the vox master would relay then the order will be carried out, at least that would be the usual flow of the communications.”

“Correct, princess. That is how an order will be carried out once a captan has made a command.”

The fundamentals of commanding a ship as the captain was learned in one day.

“Captain, we are ready to take off.”

Hector opened his mouth but stopped. “Princess, would you like to give us the honor?”

The princess nodded. She stood from her throne and let out a firm but loud command.

“Begin the launch sequence. Relay to the navigator the course is to Verona. Make haste!”

“Aye, princess!” The crew said in unison.

The crew moved with invigorated steps, their chests were puffed and their chins raised. It was so rare to see the crew so motivated. Hector just knew this mission would be smooth sailing.
Later in the void, Hector and Princess Pangea waited for the navigator to finish the charting.

“I know the Albian Crusaders from the books, but do you know how they are?”

“They are disciplined and unyielding as other regiments would be. Their presentation is what they are known for, they are nobles after all. They are a respected regiment, but a bit difficult to work with since they are arrogant toward other regiments that does not have a deep history as them.” Hector said. “There should be no trouble since they are the only regiment to be deployed.”

“That’s good, thank you Hector.”

The vox crackled, then an old croaky voice seeped through the vox system.

“Navigation to Verona has been charted, princess. You may engage the warp engine when ready.”

The princess took the hand-vox next to her throne.

“Thank you, noble navigator. Prepare for warp engine engagement.” The princess switched the channels of the vox as if she had done this many times. “This is Princess Pangea, engage the warp drive.”

“A—Aye, princess.” The vox replied, obviously caught off guard.

Thirty minutes later, the void slowly turned purple as a gigantic hole opened. Hector saw the gaping maw of the warp, a familiar scene that no longer had the charm and the intimidation. He yawned, wondering if the princess drank recaf with or without sweeteners and cream.

>Soon, they arrived in Verona with no resistance.
>The ship suddenly trembled. A misty purple haze suddenly filled the room… his blood ran cold with trepidation.

If you want to be notified when an update is made and have any questions, please join! I want to make a fun qst oriented server,
>Soon, they arrived in Verona with no resistance.
I'd rather not deal with a Gellar field collapse. How old is this Hector guy, anyway?
>Soon, they arrived in Verona with no resistance.
We're close enough to Terra that the warp shouldn't be that turbulent.
>since they are arrogant toward other regiments that does not have a deep history as them
Why do I have the feeling that they'll insult some local PDF commander and cause a massive stir or something.
>Soon, they arrived in Verona with no resistance.
>>Soon, they arrived in Verona with no resistance.
Ave Dominus Nox

>The ship suddenly trembled. A misty purple haze suddenly filled the room… his blood ran cold with trepidation.
>Soon, they arrived in Verona with no resistance.
>>Soon, they arrived in Verona with no resistance.
>The ship suddenly trembled. A misty purple haze suddenly filled the room… his blood ran cold with trepidation.

The foul powers are restless…
>The room covered in purple mist.

Best bonding times are in combat.
>The ship suddenly trembled. A misty purple haze suddenly filled the room… his blood ran cold with trepidation.
>Soon, they arrived in Verona with no resistance.
>The ship suddenly trembled. A misty purple haze suddenly filled the room… his blood ran cold with trepidation.
>The ship suddenly trembled. A misty purple haze suddenly filled the room… his blood ran cold with trepidation.
Time for Fun(TM)
>The ship suddenly trembled. A misty purple haze suddenly filled the room… his blood ran cold with trepidation.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Warp time
6 votes

6 votes

A d2 flip or a tiebreaker in thirty minutes If thirty minutes passes with no vote, I'll take the dice.
Verona it is
The fair planet of Verona.

Pangea watched the planet from the bridge. The mining world was known for not only the mineral but rich culture for theater and poems. The first pioneers were famous writers and poets, and was stranded on this planet during the Men of Iron’s rampage.

“And that just about summarizes their feuds. They’ve been at a rivalry and committing revenge for so long that even they don’t know why the feud started. Only that there is a feud.” Pangea sighed. “But this riot is the biggest the planet has ever seen.”

“What caused the riots then?”

“That’s what I’ll be finding out and to deal with.” Pangea said then sighed. “I’ll do my best to resolve this diplomatically. But if they don't listen I’ll crush them myself.”

“You have a fine regiment to do with at least.” Hector said.

Pangea saw Albian soldiers guarding the bridge away from the voidsmen-at-arms. Their shiny badges and colorful uniform certainly made a better appearance than the regular soldiers. Pangea hoped they were as good as their ancestors during the Unification War and not a hollow imitation.

“We’ll see. Captain, make sure they are polite to the other soldiers there. Tell them that they are not an extension to me but the Imperium. I’ll get ready.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Hector said. “And one more thing, will you be arriving as a compliance force or a diplomatic force?”

“Does it make a difference?”

“It will. As a compliance force you will be considered with more consideration, but might create enemies from both houses so your words must be said with more caution. As a diplomatic force the two houses will try to appeal to you instead meaning you’ll have to play politics with those fools. I recommend you come in as a military force and give them two options. Either comply or get replaced.”

“That does sound easier…” Pangea said. “I’ll think about that. You’ll know my decision when I return in my new outfit.”

Pangea arrived at her cabin. Diani already prepared two mannequins. The first was her usual auramite armor. The second was a purple and gold dress with long sleeves, decorated with flowers and pearls.

“This looks hardly like a Chemos dress. Did Gepetto even try?”

“Actually…” Diani brought a note.

My dear sister, Pangea.

While I am flattered you are willing to give Chemos culture a chance. I can not in my good conscience allow you to wear that to a (possibly) diplomatic mission. When I heard Gepetto asking for some references, I had to make sure you had the best. Do give me a warning next time, I do wish to gift you a dress without the time constraint.

Your dear brother,

“Fulgrim…” Pangea sighed.

“So, what will it be, my lady?” Diani said with an eager grin. “Your armor that might imply you’re here as a compliance force? Or the mastercrafted, gorgeous, beautiful dress made by your loving brother Fuglrim?
>“The armor.” (Military option)
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)

No write-in
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)
Fulgrim would feel insulted if we turned it down, anyway.
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” [write-in] (diplomatic option)
Damn it, Fulgrim.
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.”
Please be socially awkward. Please just spaz out because you have never worn a pretty dress before
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)
>>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)
>>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)
Genuenly touching
>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option
>“The armor.” (Military option)
I'll be the contrarian who wants to twist arms instead of shake hands
>>“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.” (diplomatic option)

13 votes. Counted
“Since he went out of the way I’ll wear the dress. I’m sure he’d ask me anyway.”

“I think that’s a fine choice, my lady.”

Pangea gave a flat stare. “I’m sure you’d think so.”

The dress was a perfect fit. The long fabric however, wrangled her movements. Only way to do so was to rip the fabric off.

“You look marvelous, my lady!”

“I’d prefer an armor thana dress.”

Pangea saw her reflection. The purple, white and gold melded with her bronze skin. Diaini first placed a long carpet then laid Pangea’s hair. The process of braiding took an hour, then ten minutes to decide which hairstyle to do. Dianin scratched her head, with long hair like the princess’s, there were too many options.

“I’m going on a mission, not a ball.”

“But you still want to look your best. I don’t they’re not waiting long.”

Diani stared at the long line of hair. Emperor, how did she spar with such long hair? The hair could have been mistaken as a black serpent!

“Diani. We do not have the time.” Pangea chided.

“Yes, my apologies!” Diani said.

She quickly made a triple looped braid.

“About time, let’s go.”

The fair planet of Verona. Pangea and her retinue arrived at the space port and waited at the land area. Ten minutes have passed but no liaison or representative arrived. Pangea saw the smoke rising from various parts of the city and heard the shouting masses. The air tasted of ash and ruins, and smelled of burning rubber.

“Disgraceful.” Hector said in a cold and suppressed anger. “Princess, I suggest you wait back in the ships until either of the houses send a representative. This is a grave insult. They gave us the location to meet, who will be there, and the terms they want, but didn’t send a liaison.”

“Maybe they got lost in the riot?” Pangea said.

Hector shook his head. “Then they should have been escorted. If they were, it just shows how much the planet has fallen.”

The crew of Marco Polo landed had to land on their own with no guidance from the watchtower. No souls remained on this port except for the wild crate and the trashes that moved with the wind.

“So if we do arrive on our own, it will show how much of a mess the planet is in right?”

Hector rubbed his chin. “Yes, I suppose it is. But you are the princess, my lady.” Hector said. “You should not arrive without the proper protocols.”

Pangea hummed.

>“I wish to make a statement on their incompetence. I will go to the meeting location we were told of.”
>“I suppose we will wait.”
>“I wish to make a statement on their incompetence. I will go to the meeting location we were told of.”
This could be a retarded idea, but are Pangea’s psychic powers strong enough/able to sway a mob into compliance? Like wide-scale telepathy? I just get the image of her glaring at them and yelling “By the order of the Princess of the Imperium! Disperse, you rabble!” And them sheepishly obeying.
I don’t have encyclopedic 40k lore knowledge so I don’t know if her powers can work like that.
I know Big E can do shit like that but I doubt she is anywhere near powerful enough to do something like that
This feels like a trap. Radio silence from both houses and the lack of landing codes do not indicate anything good.

>"Captain, do you believe that this may be a trap?"
Let's ask the guy with experience first. Better safe than sorry.
>“I wish to make a statement on their incompetence. I will go to the meeting location we were told of.”
>“I wish to make a statement on their incompetence. I will go to the meeting location we were told of.”
sometimes I forget we're brown-skinned. anyway, trap or not here we go.
>Captain, activate the ship's communication system and patch it through to all communication and broadcasting channels on the planet. Hector, introduce me. Let them know that their princess has arrived.
I think Imperial Navy ships can do something like that, it's how they send ultimatum and such. Plus, we're here to remind them that they are Imperial subjects and have their duties to the Imperium.
>“I wish to make a statement on their incompetence. I will go to the meeting location we were told of.”
>“I wish to make a statement on their incompetence. I will go to the meeting location we were told of.”
Hmm very suspicious.

Telekinesis and foresight are Pangea's specialties. She could probably maim large crowds of people.
Seconding: >>6111584
There would be no reason that a navy ship cannot. I will allow this to be a vote.
I support this idea
I thought this was just noble houses squabbling. Are they in a civil war?
And supporting this.
>Captain, activate the ship's communication system and patch it through to all communication and broadcasting channels on the planet. Hector, introduce me. Let them know that their princess has arrived.

Hell yeah. Something has gone wrong and you know you were expected. People should be trying to appeal to you, but someone is messing about? Time to throw your weight around a little.

It's less her being powerful enough for that feat and more that she probably doesn't have the training and control to do that just yet. She could give someone a brain hemorrhage if she isn't careful.

She could also just lack the talent for it. We haven't seen any evidence of her being able to mess with someone else's mind just yet.
Just because we're here diplomatically, doesn't mean we have to be nice.

We have arrived motherfuckers, let it be known we're here to crush ass and kick dissent, and we're all out of ass.
>Captain, activate the ship's communication system and patch it through to all communication and broadcasting channels on the planet. Hector, introduce me. Let them know that their princess has arrived.

7 votes (including the one that made the write-in)

The fight in her itched, but her rationality reigned in her fire.

“Captain, activate the ship's communication system and patch it through to all communication and broadcasting channels on the planet. Let them know that their princess has arrived.”

“A sound plan, princess.”

The voidsmen-at-arms made a perimeter of the ship and Marco Polo’s guns remained activated. Pangea returned to the bridge and waited until the messages had been made. She hated it. The waiting. The listening. The talking. Not to mention the dress got in her way more than once when she tried to walk and three more gong up and down the stairs.

“No replies?”

“None yet.” Hector said.

Pangea heel tapped and her arms crossed.

“Princess, how about we wait for another hour and then we move? We did—”

“This is Benvolio Montague,” A young man’s face appeared from the screen, dressed in blue carapace armor, behind Benvolio stub guns and lasfire echoed. “House Capulet has stopped us from greeting you fair princess, we will—”

Another face appeared, one leaner and pointier nose like a cat, dressed in red and gold coat with two gilded las pistols. Waves of red and blue exchanged las and slugs.

“Our most apologies, princess. I am Tybalt. House Montague has stopped us from receiving you.” Tybalt said ever so smoothly, despite the battle behind him.

Hector huffed. He leaned to whisper.

“Most likely they have sent kill squads and both have been stopped.”

Pangea took the vox communicator from the operator.

>“I am Pangea, Princess of The Imperium. I am here on a diplomatic mission to end this conflict. Both sides are to lower their arms immediately. Each house’s leaders are to arrive at the determined location for the peace talks and the representative sent to greet me.”
>“I am Pangea, Princess of The Imperium. The fighting will cease immediately and the leader of the houses will meet at the determined location. Should I arrive first, know that I will be gravely offended.” Pangea turned off the vox. “Well, Captain. Let us go.”
>>“I am Pangea, Princess of The Imperium. The fighting will cease immediately and the leader of the houses will meet at the determined location. Should I arrive first, know that I will be gravely offended.” Pangea turned off the vox. “Well, Captain. Let us go.”
They've fucked up and Malcador has had enough of their bickerings, we need to be stern.
Oh, and add that the leader of BOTH houses must be there, if only one house shows up, then both of them will be punished. Maybe even say that any conflict while we're on the planet will lead to sterner measures. This should stop the fighting for a while.
>“I am Pangea, Princess of The Imperium. I am here on a diplomatic mission to end this conflict. Both sides are to lower their arms immediately. Each house’s leaders are to arrive at the determined location for the peace talks and the representative sent to greet me.”
>“I am Pangea, Princess of The Imperium. The fighting will cease immediately and the leader of the houses will meet at the determined location. Should I arrive first, know that I will be gravely offended.” Pangea turned off the vox. “Well, Captain. Let us go.”
And supporting >>6112245
>“I am Pangea, Princess of The Imperium. The fighting will cease immediately and the leader of the houses will meet at the determined location. Should I arrive first, know that I will be gravely offended.” Pangea turned off the vox. “Well, Captain. Let us go.”
I'll change my vote to >>6112240 >>6112245.
>>“I am Pangea, Princess of The Imperium. The fighting will cease immediately and the leader of the houses will meet at the determined location. Should I arrive first, know that I will be gravely offended.” Pangea turned off the vox. “Well, Captain. Let us go.”
>“I am Pangea, Princess of The Imperium. I am here on a diplomatic mission to end this conflict. Both sides are to lower their arms immediately. Each house’s leaders are to arrive at the determined location for the peace talks and the representative sent to greet me.”
>“I am Pangea, Princess of The Imperium. The fighting will cease immediately and the leader of the houses will meet at the determined location. Should I arrive first, know that I will be gravely offended.” Pangea turned off the vox. “Well, Captain. Let us go.”

>“I wish to make a statement on their incompetence. I will go to the meeting location we were told of.”
>“I am Pangea, Princess of The Imperium. The fighting will cease immediately and the leader of the houses will meet at the determined location. Should I arrive first, know that I will be gravely offended.” Pangea turned off the vox. “Well, Captain. Let us go.”

With the addition of

>Both houses needing to be there

6 votes, counted.
I am Pangea, Princess of The Imperium. The fighting will cease immediately and the leader of the houses will meet at the determined location or face the . Should I arrive first, know that I will be gravely offended and there will be consequences.” Pangea turned off the vox. “Well, Captain. Let us go.”

“By your will.”

Three baneblades roared through the streets in a column. The Albian Crusaders marched behind, their polished lasgun and gleaming bayonets made themselves stand out. The rioters and the rival houses stopped their fighting, seeing the newly arrived forces. Their appearance and poise of a noble warrior ensured they were not mistaken.
“An excellent choice to bring in the Albian Crusaders, princess.” Hector said.

Pangea and Hector sat on an improvised seat on top of the baneblade. Once the banners of The Imperium unfurled proudly, each rioter went down on their knees.

“At least they didn’t lose their minds.” Hector said.

The meeting location was an old manor made of stones and wood. The guards led Pangea, Hector, and her guards inside an empty dining room. The chandelier lit the room in warm orange lights. At the center of the wall was neither House Capulets nor Montagues’s coat-of-arms but the Capagues, the family’s name before the split. The leaders of both houses bowed and stayed as they are. Pangea sat on the throne.

>“State your grievances. First will be The Capulet’s then The Montagues. I will listen, then I will judge.”
>“I am not here to resolve a dispute between the two houses. I do not care. You all get one chance, to bury the problem now and return to mining productions.”
>“State your grievances. First will be The Capulet’s then The Montagues. I will listen, then I will judge.”
>“State your grievances. First will be The Capulet’s then The Montagues. I will listen, then I will judge.”
>“State your grievances. First will be The Capulet’s then The Montagues. I will listen, then I will judge.”
>“I am not here to resolve a dispute between the two houses. I do not care. You all get one chance, to bury the problem now and return to mining productions.”

“State your grievances. First will be The Capulet’s then The Montagues. I will listen, then I will judge.”

Two men came to the center. The man bearing House Montague’s coat-of-arms was a middle aged man with a well built physique. For someone who was representing an old house, he seemed rather young. The man representing House Capulet had combed back gray and black hair with wrinkles around his eyes and face.

“Speak. House Capulet.”

“Princess, I am—”

“Julius Romani Capulet, the current head of House Capulet.” Pangea said. “I’m not here for pleasantries, speak.”

Julius harrumphed. “Princess, this war is not our doing. Our own princess Juliet, has taken her own life because the heir of Montague corrupted her! He seduced my daughter then convinced her to take their own lives because he convinced her they’re better off dead together than to live separated!”

House Montague's table erupted. Shouting profanities and threats. Pangea raised her hand despite it, the arguments continued. Chairs fell as the representatives sprung from their feet.

“Silence!” Hector bellowed.

The shoutings stopped. The baritone bellowing echoed briefly.

“House Montague. Your case.”

The young man came to the center. The nervous eyes looked down then back up.

“P—Princess. I am Othello Montague, temporary head of House Montague. What those vile Capulet say is false.” Othellow shot a venomus glare at the Capulets. “That Juliet seduced our dear heir, Romeo when his heart was its most vulnerable. Then Tybalt in his misguided rage tried to kill Romeo. Our kinsman Mercutio died protecting him.”

Pangea turned to Tybalt sitting at Montague’s table.

“Is this true?” Pangea said.

Tybalt stood, his sober eyes gazed with neither guilt nor fear. “I have, but only because Mercutio also tried to end me. It was for my own preservation.”

“But you tried to kill Romeo?”

Tybalt nodded. “I have. If I may defend my house, after the death of Romeo and Juliet. It was House Montagues who first assault our homes and mining facilities”

“Is that also true?” Pangea said.

“It… It is. But they were peasants who did not know better!”
>“House Capulet is the clear aggressor from the beginning. House Montague will be the sole ruler of Verona with House Capulet submitting to the Montagues. Tybalt Capulet will be punished for the attempted murder of Romeo and murder of Mercutio by the wounded party.”
>“House Capulet was the aggressor. However, House Montague made the first strike that led to this mess. House Montague will submit to House Capulet. Tybalt Capulet will not be punished as he was attacked.”
>“Both Houses are at fault. I hereby strip House Montague and House Capulet of their authorities and Verona will be placed under a temporary occupation by my forces until a suitable replacement will govern this planet.”
>“I have heard from both sides. However, I will make my judgment after the planet has resumed its mineral production. I will for two weeks. If the planet is not under control then, I will place this planet under my control, is that clear?”

Also, this choice will not just be the end.
>>“I have heard from both sides. However, I will make my judgment after the planet has resumed its mineral production. I will wait for two weeks. If the planet is not under control then, I will place this planet under my control, is that clear?”
+ During that time, your remaining heirs will join me as my "guests" aboard my ship to ensure that there are no further attack. Your squabblings has earned you the ire of the Sigilite, do not disappoint him and the Imperium.
Holding their heirs hostage isn't a bad idea.
bruh I missed this doot since it wasn't warned in the server
>>“Both Houses are at fault. I hereby strip House Montague and House Capulet of their authorities and Verona will be placed under a temporary occupation by my forces until a suitable replacement will govern this planet.”
>>“I have heard from both sides. However, I will make my judgment after the planet has resumed its mineral production. I will wait for two weeks. If the planet is not under control then, I will place this planet under my control, is that clear?”

> +1
+ During that time, your remaining heirs will join me as my "guests" aboard my ship to ensure that there are no further attack. Your squabblings has earned you the ire of the Sigilite, do not disappoint him and the Imperium.
Supporting >>6112927
Would it be worth it to try and launch an investigation of what really happened, and try to cement a peace using that? It might not be the best precedent about what’s going on, but it could be a good way to flex Pangea’s detective and diplomatic skills and build up a good reputation if it all works out. Enforcing a peace via threat of imminent replacement or at gunpoint may be efficient, but it will foster resentment if the feud isn’t properly defused.
Supported. I'm sure Pangea is smart enough to figure out what actually happened, anyway. The citizens also appear loyal to her authority, so we should leave some agents on the planet to make sure they aren't coerced into rioting by one of the houses again.
+1 sounds good in case they are hiding real clues or leaving our parts of the story to paint themselves better
7 votes. Writing.

And including this

“I have heard from both sides. However, I will make my judgment after the planet has resumed its mineral production. I will for two weeks. If the planet is not under control then, I will place this planet under my control, is that clear?”

The two leaders bowed.

“Yes, princess.” The two leaders said.

“In addition, your remaining heirs will join me as my guests aboard my ship to ensure that there are no further attacks as this planet is restored to order. Your squabblings has earned you the ire of the Sigillite, do not disappoint him and the Imperium.”

There was hesitation in their answer. But they kept their lowered necks. After, the leaders gave their goodbyes and followed Pangea to Marco Polo.

“Lord Capulet. You and I will have dinner tonight and tomorrow will be you, Lord Montague. My men will guide you to your new quarters. Gentlemen.”

Three days later. Othello Montague and Julius Capulet resided on the opposite end of the cabin. Pangea would have dinner with the leader and alternate between Julius and Othello. There was one thing she learned. The ceremony and the man who helped was a hermit known for his ancient knowledge.

“And this hermit is the man who Romeo and Juliet saw?”

“Romeo sought this hermit for advice, and the hermit made a plan for both of them to escape. Why do you ask?”

Pangea blinked at the sheer stupidity of the question. She set her cutlery down as a lady would.

“Othello, don’t you think it’s strange that a hermit made such a convoluted plan?”

“He’s a wise hermit that has helped House Montague for generations. It’s obvious that Romeo would go to the hermit.”

“Is that so…”

The next day, Julius Capulet asked the same damned question. Pangea sipped on her amasec-lookalike drink, without making a sound of course, she was a princess after all.

“The hermit has done nothing wrong, he has helped us with his wisdom against House Montague. This, I am for certain as my father and his father have benefitted from.” Julius Capulet said.

Pangea cut tore the bread and placed the smaller piece into her mouth and chewed with little to no motion, per fine dining etiquette. She swallowed then spoke.

“That’s what House Montague said.”

“They’re liars. We have paid the hermit many tributes!” Julius Capulet said. “If he was making us a fool, I would’ve known!”

“And this hermit. Where would he be? I wish to speak with him.”

“He resides in the Peare Cave. North from the city. I’m sure the hermit will illuminate you on House Montague’s treachery.”

After the dinner, Pangea remained in the dining room. She took off her glove and poked the steak. Once she confirmed its coldness, Pangea still stabbed the steak and cut a large piece then shoved it into her mouth.

Idiots, idiots, all of them! Pangea thought.

The steak squelched as Pangea chewed the meat without a care. She needed to find this hermit
>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this, and she would find this hermit alone. She needed Hector to oversee the restoration after all.
>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this. However, her place was here. She would send Hector and some men to find this hermit.
>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this. However, her place was here. She would send Hector and some men to find this hermit.

inb4 tzeetch plot to assassinate the princess
>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this. However, her place was here. She would send Hector and some men to find this hermit.

Let's trust our men to do their duty. Maybe we can salvage this tragic romance and convince the current heirs to marry in order to end this.
>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this. However, her place was here. She would send Hector and some men to find this hermit.
Bring him in for questioning. I highly recommend remaining on comms with Hector and his men as they find him.
>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this, and his longevity smells of heresy. She would find this hermit personally with a detachment of soldiers in tow.
>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this, and she would find this hermit alone. She needed Hector to oversee the restoration after all.
>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this, and she would find this hermit alone. She needed Hector to oversee the restoration after all.
Let's go shove our spear into this prick.
>>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this. However, her place was here. She would send Hector and some men to find this hermit.
>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this, and she would find this hermit alone. She needed Hector to oversee the restoration after all.
I'm not so sure about sending Hector in to face what is possibly a chaos cultist.
>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this. However, her place was here. She would send Hector and some men to find this hermit.
Even if the hermit does work for chaos, a misstep here or there makes the story have higher stakes. And I don't think Pangea has enough info to meta-knowledge that he works for chaos demons unless she gets a foresight premonition.
+1 send Hector and some men, but make sure that they have a direct line of communication to us.
>>This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this. However, her place was here. She would send Hector and some men to find this hermit.

5 votes Counted

Question: What kind of romance arhetype (ie Commissar, Scion, Inquisitor) do you see Pangea will be attracted to? What kind of romance do you want to see?
So, bets on what kind of "immortal bard" this hermit is going to be? Chaos cultist of Tzeentch or Slaanesh? Or maybe some Dark Eldar slumming around in the Imperium causing generational strife for shits and giggles? Or maybe a certain alien with a fondness for pilfering denim-based products?
So, I’m not a fan of doing this but this will be a retcon. At first, Pangea was not able to control her vision. But, with the years that has passed she can use her foresight on and off at will. Her foresight is at its clearest regarding her brothers and The Emperor and his plan. So locations, people other than the primarchs and such will be subjected to Pangea’s ability.

Her foresight does not work regarding others outside the Horus Heresy for now. I may allow her to see the future of others and use her foresight to see her enemy moving, but I’m still planning this out. Please bear with me. I wish I planned this better.
>What kind of romance archetype (ie Commissar, Scion, Inquisitor) do you see Pangea will be attracted to?
It's a bit hard to say, since Pangea might not even fully know what kind of person she is yet. Perhaps someone who is appreciative and inspires greatness in others?
>What kind of romance do you want to see?
Not too sure yet, too early to say for me. But given Pangea's presumably elongated lifespan, it's quite possible that Pangea could outlive quite a few of her romantic interests even if the universe wasn't a very violent place to live in. I wonder if she might even withdraw from finding love after a while due to just being so weary of outliving her love interests.
This hermit was clearly the orchestrator of this. However, her place was here. She would send Hector and some men to find this hermit. As much as she wanted to go, she knew her mission was to bring back the mineral production of Verona. So, she stayed at the bridge, watching the live feed of Hector’s and the soldier’s holovision mounted on their helmets. Pangea leaned forward and her hands folded together.

“Princess, can you hear us?”

Pangea adjusted the headset. “Loud and clear, captain. Capture the hermit alive if you can. If he proves to be too dangerous you may kill him. Tread carefully.”

“Yes, princess.”

The holovision screen streamed a forest bathed in the evening sun. The thick greeneries and shrub rustled as the soldiers walked past. Three hours into the forest, the soldiers found a wooden shack as both houses reported. The wooden shack’s chimney puffed. The windows glowed from the interior light. The door opened. A skinny old man opened the door, dressed in nothing but a dirty robe. His skin was pale with a dash of sickly blue.

“Steady men.” Hector said.

The hermit grasped his walking stick with both of his hand. “You are neither Capulets nor Montagues. What brings you here, strangers?”

“By the order of Princess Pangea of The Imperium of Man. You are to come with us.” Hector said.

The hermit cackled. “If I say no?”

The lasguns raised.

“We will bring you. One way or another. Scum.” He

“My such rude young man.” The hermit cackled. “You do not know the powers you trifle with, boy.”

The hermit’s mad grin bared his yellow. He raised his staff as he bellowed an unknown language. Everything began to glow blue. The lasfire crackled but the light still grew brighter and brighter.
“Captain, get your men and get out of there! Are you listening? Get out of there now!”

Two glowing purple eyes stared. Pangea shuddered as the psychic presence approached closer. Pangea gritted her teeth and stared back, not to be intimidated by this mad psyker. A deep, down pitched voice laughed.

“Cowardly men doing the bidding of a cowardly princess.” The hermit said. “If you want your men safely returned, come find me and come alone.”

The live stream ended. Pangea gritted her teeth.

“Princess this is an obvious trap!” Diani said.

“I don’t care.” Pangea slung her powerbow and took Palatine in her hand. “I’m going to chop his head off and put it on a pike. He’s a threat only I can eliminate.”

“Surely we can call your brothers!”

Pangea whipped her head. “You call my brothers, and you’re no longer my handmaiden. Relay to the commander that should I not return, then they are to call for aid.”

Pangea exited her room and no one dared to stop her as she sprinted to the forest, zipping through the damaged buildings and people alike. The sun left the horizon, dipping the world into darkness.

“Come and show yourself!”

Her shout echoed throughout the forest. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the dark. A snap. Pangea’s head swiveled to the sound. She drew her powerbow and aimed at the hermit.

“Welcome… child of the anathema. I am The Hermit, a servant of The Bringer of Fate.”

She has called her kin to kill you all! She is the child of The Anathema!

Do not let her escape! For The Bringer of Fate!

Pangea paused. She remembered those words. Her nocked arrow loosened slightly. The hermit snapped his finger. The unconscious men were floated out of the shack and were placed behind Pangea.

“I understand I seem like the villain from what the two houses have said. But a villain, I am not. My theatrics were done in order to speak with you. I know you have many questions. Your visions. What your Father hides from you. You seek answers. And I can supply them.”

Two stone levitated then placed facing each other. The hermit’s madness disappeared as he sat on the stone, he moved like Malcador and spoke in a similar fashion. A part of her wanted to inquire, but the other part wanted to kill the man.

“Shall we talk or shall we fight?”

>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.
>Pangea sat on the stone. She held Palatine tight. “If you try anything, against me or my men. I’ll kill you.”
>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.

He acted aggressively towards us and our men, and has undermined Father

He is an enemy of the Imperium
>>>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.
>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.
Trust not the daemon! Its honeyed words and deceitful smile hide a malicious mind full of hostile machinations. There is only one answer to such a creature.

I'm not really sure. I think what would be best for her (ignoring the morass of lifespan and power disparities) would be someone who takes her seriously, treats her as an equal and can provide a shoulder to lean on (whether that means being able to be "just Pangea" around or being actively back-to-back through life) though whether her questionably-adjusted teenage(?) brain knows that is another matter. Having spent much time around vapid nobility, I think she'd take actions as speaking louder than words or status and want to get a good measure of someone first so a person could come from just about any group, provided they spent enough time around her.
> "Had you merely wished to talk, you would have come with my men." Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.

Frustrated as we may be with him at times, Uncle raised no fool.
Heh. Can't tempt the romance with young Abaddon anymore so now you need a new option, eh? (I'm guessing that's who that one "handsome" Luna Wolf was.)

Romance option though... Hard to say right now. Given the examples of the closest men and women in her life, she may end up with higher standards than most could live up to.
Except.. perhaps some mysterious Aeldari youth (by their standards) who is also trying to figure out his place in a conflict he barely understands. Wouldn't that be wild?
Realistically, with a distant fatner Pangea would fall for someone emptionally unavailable whose approval and affection she would desperately seek. I think a cold, hypercompetent, emotionless businessman with a very well hidden soft side for the MC to bring out is one of the romance archetypes?
That us definitely NOT a romance I would want for Pangea, though.

>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.
He called Dad an Anathema.
>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.
This witch is a problem and violence is the solution.
>Fire her bow.
>You had a chance to talk before threatening my men
>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.
>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.
>Pangea sat on the stone. She held Palatine tight. “If you try anything, against me or my men. I’ll kill you.”
I'm curious
>Pangea sat on the stone. She held Palatine tight. “If you try anything, against me or my men. I’ll kill you.”
>Pangea sat on the stone. She held Palatine tight. “If you try anything, against me or my men. I’ll kill you.”
>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.
We'll definitely have her talk about this with Malcador next time she sees him. These incidents are becoming frequent enough to warrant filling her in.

See >>6095016.
>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.

I don't care what the other anons want to learn but speaker with a demon lord of change will eventually come to bite us later and cause the Heresy.
>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.
>>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.
suffer not the witch to live
>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.
>Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired.

13 votes
She didn’t like behind kept in the dark. Uncle, Father, and Llun knew the truth. For some reason, she was not told. However she knew one thing about Uncle Malcador. He loved her. What he did was to protect her.

“If you wanted to talk, you wouldn’t have taken my men hostage.”

Pangea fully nocked her arrow and fired. The arrow passed through the hermit and cracked the stone in half. Pangea whipped behind her to see the hermit. His staff glowed once more. Pangea used her psykic power to pull the staff away.

“Foolish child.”

A flash of blue. Gravity pulled her mind back and forth in a slow rocking motion. Her mind faltered. Pangea began to see blurry blue orb growing larger and larger.

“Witness a true psykic might!”

Pangea found herself in the empty halls of the Imperial Palace. The ever tall ceiling disappeared into the darkness She saw twenty gigantic statues. Horus. Fulgrim. Angron. Alpharius, and the rest of her brothers. At the end, she craned her neck up to see her Father’s and Uncle Malcador’s face, so tall that she only saw half of their faces.

But no statue of Pangea. No tribute to The Princess of The Imperium.

Princess. A title for infants.

She was no Sigillite or a Primarch. She bore no worthy title. And why did she deserve a title? She did not conquer planets. Led no legions. Compared to her and her brothers, she brought no glory for The Imperium.


Pangea saw her family across the hall discussing amongst one another. They Laughed. Shared stories. Each of her brothers stood tall, mighty, glorious. Pangea took a step forward to join their company. Their cold eyes gazed at Pangea, freezing her in place. Alpharius pointed at Pangea.

“Stay where you are. You have no place among us.” Alpharius said.

“You are no primarch.” Horus said.

“Nor a leader.” Fulgrim added.

“Not even a warrior, but a child pretending to be.” Angron added.

Pangea’s eyes widened. Tears welled from the corners of her eyes. What must she do to stand beside her brothers?

“Do you desire power?”

She turned around. A mass of tendrils and feathers spoke.


“Yes…” The Thing trilled. A skinny arm reached out. “Join me child, and you shall be worthy. I will bring you to the lord of change who will grant you knowledge. Join him and—RRGAHH!”
The tendrils and feathers melted away, exposing the hermit. A red light glimmered inside the hermit, pulsing steadily.


The crimson light exploded. The hermit disappeared without a trace. The Imperial Palace halls faded away, replaced by a soft burgundy glow. A red haired giant with copper skin glowed in a soft red aura.

“At last, we finally met, sister.”

Images flashed. Walls. Horns. Sorcerers. Wings. Treachery. Betrayal.


A traitor of a psykic kind. And here she was, in a realm beyond the physical world. For all she knew this was just another trap. Pangea backed away. Of what little ability she had against him, she prepared for a fight.

“Do you remember me?” The red figure said.

>The red figure shrunk himself and approached carefully. “Be calm, sister. Do not be afraid. I am Magnus, your brother. Rest assured you are safe with me.”
>Pangea channeled all her power psykic power and hurled it at the vision.
>“You…” Pangea pointed at the giant as the memories flooded back in. “You were there when I first had my vision!”

No write-ins

Pure narrative choices, choose what you think will be the most entertaining.
That would be one unhealthy relationship

Not Abbadon but Garviel. God that was a stupid thing, I should've realized that it would be incest if I did go through with it.
>she may end up with higher standards than most could live up to.
Kek. Having primarchs as brothers, Emperor of Mankind as her father, and Malcador The Sgillite as her uncle, whoever courted her or got courted by her would be in for a serious trial.

Yeah she'd look for those who act more than anything else. But also someone who isn't like her brothers in a sense.
>“You…” Pangea pointed at the giant as the memories flooded back in. “You were there when I first had my vision!”
I thought he already introduced himself to us when he first entered our vision but I guess not.
He did but she does not remember it
>The red figure shrunk himself and approached carefully. “Be calm, sister. Do not be afraid. I am Magnus, your brother. Rest assured you are safe with me.”
>>Pangea channeled all her power psykic power and hurled it at the vision.
Say NO to psykery
>>The red figure shrunk himself and approached carefully. “Be calm, sister. Do not be afraid. I am Magnus, your brother. Rest assured you are safe with me.”
>“You…” Pangea pointed at the giant as the memories flooded back in. “You were there when I first had my vision!”
>“You…” Pangea pointed at the giant as the memories flooded back in. “You were there when I first had my vision!”
>“You…” Pangea pointed at the giant as the memories flooded back in. “You were there when I first had my vision!”
Magnus was chilling, surfing the warp waves as he often does, when he sees some gross tentacle monster harassing his sister and proceeds to melt it.
>The red figure shrunk himself and approached carefully. “Be calm, sister. Do not be afraid. I am Magnus, your brother. Rest assured you are safe with me.”
> The red figure shrunk himself and approached carefully. “Be calm, sister. Do not be afraid. I am Magnus, your brother. Rest assured you are safe with me.”
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>“You…” Pangea pointed at the giant as the memories flooded back in. “You were there when I first had my vision!”
When you say Magnus shrunk himself, I just assume he'll look like this.
File: Spoiler Image (20 KB, 500x367)
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>“You…” Pangea pointed at the giant as the memories flooded back in. “You were there when I first had my vision!”
Their first encounter was a positive one, so this shouldn't be an issue.

>God that was a stupid thing, I should've realized that it would be incest if I did go through with it.
Now that's something you shouldn't keep in the family.
>The red figure shrunk himself and approached carefully. “Be calm, sister. Do not be afraid. I am Magnus, your brother. Rest assured you are safe with me.”
I assumed he just went from giant to normal sized
>Not Abbadon but Garviel. God that was a stupid thing, I should've realized that it would be incest if I did go through with it.
but he isn't a primarch
I think she would like someone into martial aspects, who is kind, but also kind of a little insane. Some dude whos only alive because hes very lucky.
Probably a caiphas cain type, just less manwhorish

You…” Pangea pointed at the giant as the memories flooded back in. “You were there when I first had my vision!”

“I’m pleased you remembered me, you gave me quite a fright back then. I’m glad we finally meet. I am Magnus.”

Pangea curtsied. Magnus dipped his head down. The red aura dimmed down, and his sized shrunk just enough to stay taller but still making for Pangea to look up.

“I’m Pangea, and thank you for your rescue.” Pangea said. “As much as I want to thank you further. I need to find my men.”

Magnus’s face did not change. “Your men, I'm afraid, are dead except for the man who dressed different from the soldiers.”

“That’s… That’s good at least.”

“Their minds were destroyed when the psyker died. They were under his control, and if you returned with them they would have taken a chance to kill you or worse.”

“At least one person lived. It’s better than losing them all.” Pangea said. “Is there nothing you can do to bring the others back?”

“Not even I can cheat death, dear sister. I can, however, teach you to combat these psykers. When we meet in Terra, I will gladly teach you. I must go now. But I will see you soon.”

The psykick world slowly faded away. Magnus patted her shoulder, he gave a sympathetic gaze as he faded away.

“Be well, sister.”

Pangea opened her eyes. The walls of her cabin room greeted her. Wrapped in a soft blanket, Pangea sat up. A large clang echoed. Diani dropped her tray that held a towel and a bowl of water. She rushed up next to Pangea’s bed. Her small hands clutched at the blanket, holding herself back.

“My lady you’re awake!”

“Was I gone for long?”

Diani shook her head. “Only for a day. The reaction force went to find you and returned. I… I’m sorry to say this but—”

“I know.” Pangea said. “Are their bodies retrieved?”

“They are and they are whole. The Captain is also awake but under the medicae’s care.” Diani said.

“Good.” Pangea nodded, she held back the quake in her voice. “And Verona?”

“Still under revival.”

“What about the two houses?”

“They have been quiet. Almost too quiet but they have been cooperative.”

Pangea shifted out of her bed, now dressed in a long velvet sleep gown. The golden accents of her sleepwear glinted underneath the light. Pangea’s long hair slithered on the floor. Diani sood in front of her.

“My lady, I must protest that you are still unwell. Please, rest a little longer before you do anything else.”

“No. There’s something important I need to do first.”

>“I need to speed up the reconstruction of Verona and .”
>“I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker.”
>“I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker.”
damn blue guy
>“I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker.”
>“I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker.”

Any hint of taint - then bring out the torches
>"I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker.”
+ Write-in: "And tell the astropth to send a message back to Terra, the Sigilite need to know that this whole situation was a ploy by an enemy to lure me here."
>“I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker.

Write In
>“I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker.”
>Support the write in
>“I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker.”
>“I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker.”
>“I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker.”
>“I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker.”

Supporting the write in.
10 votes

“I want to dispatch a spy on the two houses. There’s no way these houses are left untouched by that damn psyker. And tell the astropath to send a message back to Terra, the Sigilite need to know that this whole situation was a ploy by an enemy to lure me here.”

“An enemy? Luring you?”

Pangea shook her head. “No, forget it, I’ll do it myself.”

Three days has passed since then. The spies that has been sent reported no treachery fro, the two houses. Pangea read up on the reports from either a dataslate or a parchment that the clerks set on her table. Rations, materials for repairs, mining projections, population, population loss during the riots, Pangea chewed through every number while keeping her ears open for the spies. The good news was, the reconstruction was steadily making progress.

“Lord Sigillite has yet to answer it seems.” Diani said.

“No news yet huh?” Pangea said then sighed. “Maybe I should— no… I can’t leave here. Anything from the spies?”

“I do. And it is not… good.”

Diani placed a data-slate and parchments on the table. The black screen lit up, displaying the other members of the both houses inside the room of the Capague Manor. One dressed in red and the other blue, from the look of their faces they were not present in the meeting.

“Then it’s true?” The Montague said.

“Yes… the wise hermit has been murdered by the princess.” The Capulet said. “She believes the hermit was the source of our cousins’ death!”

“Preposterous!” The Montague said. “And our lords are held captive too!”

“I never thought I’d agree with a Capulet, but yes, it is indeed preposterous. We must tell the people and have the princes routed out!”

Pangea turned off the data slate, she massaged her eyes. The parchment reportedthat the hermit was seen as a wise helper, almost a mythical figure of Verona. With their revered hermit dead, the report also notified of a possible riot or some coup brewed by Osric Capulet and Crantz Montague, who were both respected swordsmen of their family. They had enough pull in the family and liked by the public to make it happen. Pangea wondered what Alpharius would have done, she sighed as she reminisced their days together.

>Pangea thought to message Horus
>Pangea thought to message Fulgrim
>Pangea thought to message Angron
No write-in

[This will be a short update after the choice but there will be another that will follow to decide on which action to take.]
>Pangea thought to message Horus
Baldy's used to putting down rebellion, he should know what to do.
>Pangea thought to message Horus
>>Pangea thought to message Horus
O who is more loved than Horus the Rizzler
>Pangea thought to message Horus
Let's ask him for advice.
>Pangea thought to message Fulgrim

Horus and Fulgrim are both the best options here Angron is to risky.

We usually go to Alpharius or Horus so maybe Fulgrim this time.
>Pangea thought to message Horus
Horus, 6 votes, counted
Pangea walked back and forth inside her room. Despite the ship able to send a far-vox messages the chance of being overheard through the systems did not sound good, even if she trust the vox-master. Pangea gruffed.

“What’s taking so long?”

The astropath stood, half afraid and half busy, she watched the princess stalk her with a deadly glint in her eyes. Throne on Terra, she was doing her best it wasn’t her fault she could not reach the Luna Wolves astropath!

“I— I’m sorry, your eminence. I am still searching…”

“Do it faster.”

The astropath frightfully nodded. Who knew this would be her first job? The astropath grasped at the line, Lord Horus’s voice flowed through her lips.



“Pangea!” Horus said hurriedly. “Is something wrong are you hurt should I send my men after you?”

She shook her hand. “What? No! I’m fine! I just… I need your advice.”

“Oh, you had me concerned for a moment there. You said you needed advice?” Horus said all too happily. “Anything for my dear sister.”

Pangea explained the current situation, and meeting Magnus.

“Did you tell Father?” Horus said.

“I already did, I haven’t heard back from him yet.” Pangea said. “So, what should I do?”

“Solve it diplomatically, bring them in but don’t go there yourself and don’t involve the leaders. Speak to them privately inside the bridge or somewhere private. Try to convince them and record the conversation. If you ask the leaders, it will only show you are too weak.”

“And what if they don’t listen to me?”

“Let them go, then bring the full force of your regiment and crush them under your heel. You are the princess of the Imperium, remind them through bolters and blades.”

Pangea nodded “I’ll think about it, thank you, brother.”

“Of course, and if you ever need my sons and I, I will answer.”

The messages ended.

> Pangea thought to have the two leaders control their cousins, and distance herself. The planet was already torn with violence, more would not help.
>Pangea thought to make a declaration that the hermit attacked the soldiers, then broadcast the video
>Pangea would follow his advice.
>Pangea shook her head. She would instead have those two men summoned and have them be convinced with the two leaders by her side.
>Pangea would follow his advice.
But, instead of instantly crushing them if they refuse to listen, we can get the two head of the family to declare them as traitors first so the people won't be so incline to support them.
>Pangea would follow his advice.

I think Horus is giving pretty solid advice here. We will try to be diplomatic. If they won't listen to reason, then we will put our foot down and make a public example of them through force.
>Pangea would follow his advice.
I'd rather just kill them all but whatever. Let's try to do it the Horus way.
Do we have our Sister of Silence bodyguard with us?
>Pangea would follow his advice.
>Pangea would follow his advice.
Have them come aboard to remind them who is in charge.
Have the regiment already ready for a decapitation strike on moment's notice.
Instead of letting them leave we'll keep the seditionists and hold a public trial for them.
They'll have to admit that they're putting the words of some hermit before both their houses' grievances as well as Imperial authority.
>>Pangea shook her head. She would instead have those two men summoned and have them be convinced with the two leaders by her side.
>Pangea would follow his advice.
That's actually pretty sound advice.

I don't think maximizing civilian casualties will be a good idea.

>Instead of letting them leave we'll keep the seditionists and hold a public trial for them. They'll have to admit that they're putting the words of some hermit before both their houses' grievances as well as Imperial authority.
That will only alert the houses and give them time to prepare, as well as make their propaganda look more credible than it actually is.
>Pangea would follow his advice.
> Pangea would follow his advice.
This is very solid and pragmatic advice, fitting coming from Horus at this point in time. But all the same, I wonder what advice Fulgrim would have given?
> Pangea would follow his advice.
7 votes Counted
Vox recorder quietly whirred.

Osric Capulet and Crantz Montague sat across her table where Pangea sat. Diani or any of her guards remained inside the room. Osric and Crantaz sat straight, eyes forward, and their shoulders square. Pangea placed parchments first then played the dataslate. They watched in stunned silence. While this was not a battle, face to face confrontation was much easier.

“Routed out, that’s a funny way of saying treachery.” Pangea said.

“You killed the wise hermit.” Osric said, flaring his nostrils. “You have killed the man who has helped our houses and blame the deaths of our beloved cousin on him!”

“That so?”

Pangea played the streamed video of the soldiers. They gasped at the horrific sight. Their faces twisted in fight and awe.

“This… this does not prove anything. This could have been fabricated!” Crantz said.

The level of stupidity and near-religious level of belief punched her thoughts still. Pangea shook her head. The ship’s room hummed in a low pitch.

“Gentlemen. I give you one option. Submit to The Imperium, this kind of rebellious act will not be forgiven again.”

“You think you can make us obey? I think not.” Osric said.

“You are a usurper and a killer of innocent men. You have no honor or worth.” Crantz said.

Pangea breathed out slowly.

“I see.” Pangea closed her eyes.

Pangea leapt over her desk with Palatine in hand. Palatine’s blade whistled as it sliced Crantz’s throat open. Crantz fell over his desk and drew his sword. Pangea ducked the slow thrust, but the blade did not connect. Something blocked, like an invisible force field.

“We meet again… Princess. You will not be as fortunate as last time!”

The hermit’s voice spat.

>Pangea distanced herself then shouted “Magnus! Guards!”
>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
>The level of stupidity and near-religious level of belief punched her thoughts still.
we didn't touch much on this subject, but I assume she's been a believer of the Imperial Truth. At least until those chaos encounters

>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
Yes, she's a believer of Imperial Truth
>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
>Palatine’s blade whistled as it sliced Crantz’s throat open. Crantz fell over his desk and drew his sword. Pangea ducked the slow thrust, but the blade did not connect. Something blocked, like an invisible force field.
Wait, so the hermit is animating Crantz's corpse?
And man, Pangea jumped the gun hard there.
>“And what if they don’t listen to me?”
>“Let them go, then bring the full force of your regiment and crush them under your heel. You are the princess of the Imperium, remind them through bolters and blades.”
Can we use our telekinesis to launch ourselves at full force at the Hermit to spear him through with our sword? I don't think keeping our distance is good idea against a psyker.
>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
>"I'm glad you cheated death, dotard. Now I'll get the satisfaction of dealing with you myself."
I assumed that we would have made a public example of them.

Very surprised the hermit is ready for another go after getting poofed by Magnus.

>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.

Let's wrassle, old man.
Fuck, give me a second anons, I made a mistake
Vox recorder quietly whirred.

Osric Capulet and Crantz Montague sat across her table where Pangea sat. Diani or any of her guards remained inside the room. Osric and Crantaz sat straight, eyes forward, and their shoulders square. Pangea placed parchments first then played the dataslate. They watched in stunned silence. While this was not a battle, face to face confrontation was much easier.

“Routed out, that’s a funny way of saying treachery.” Pangea said.

“You killed the wise hermit.” Osric said, flaring his nostrils. “You have killed the man who has helped our houses and blame the deaths of our beloved cousin on him!”

“That so?”

Pangea played the streamed video of the soldiers. They gasped at the horrific sight. Their faces twisted in fight and awe.

“This… this does not prove anything. This could have been fabricated!” Crantz said.

The level of stupidity and near-religious level of belief punched her thoughts still. Pangea shook her head. The ship’s room hummed in a low pitch.

“Gentlemen. I give you one option. Submit to The Imperium, this kind of rebellious act will not be forgiven again.”

“You think you can make us obey? I think not.” Osric said.

“You are a usurper and a killer of innocent men. You have no honor or worth.” Crantz said.

Pangea breathed out slowly.

“I see.” Pangea closed her eyes. "Then, gentlemen, I bid you—"

Osric leaped over her desk with his sword in hand. Palatine kicked him back then retrieved her bow and quiver underneath the table. The arrow punched through the chest, leaving a gaping cavity. Crantz fell over his chair and drew his sword. Pangea ducked the slow thrust, grabbed an arrow and thrust at Crantz's neck. Yet, the arrow did not pierce, it stopped just an inch away. A blue light coated Crantz as he laughed.

“We meet again… Princess. You will not be as fortunate as last time!”

The hermit’s voice spat.

>Pangea distanced herself then shouted “Magnus! Guards!”
>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
Please please please disregard that. I forgot that Horus told her not to kill them on the spot.

Please disregard this one!
>Osric leaped over her desk with his sword in hand. Palatine kicked him back then retrieved her bow and quiver underneath the table.
shouldn't it be "Pangea kicked..." ? but we get it

>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
Yeah sorry, just came back from work and wanted to make the update.
I meant the two houses. We should just exterminate the stupid bastards and import some terran nobility to replace them. Or appoint the commander of our Albion crusaders regiment as the planetary governor or something.

>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
We really need to refine our telekinesis ability. Imagine if we could also throw arrows with our mind while also shooting them.
The Sigilite or Big E will probably purge both houses anyway, there's no way they'd let them off after interacting with a chaos sorcerer for so long. Plus, I don't think a regiment like the Albion would take well to being placed on garrison duty and robbed of the chance to earn glory in the Great Crusade.
>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.

She can call on Magnus if this doesn't work.
>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
>Telekinesis bitch!
>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
>Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.
> Pangea channeled all her ability in her telekinesis and held down the hermit.

Pangea used all her might to hold the hermit down. The golden light strained against the pulsating blue light, flaring and brightening. Pangea gritted her teeth, rage swelling inside as she planted her feet as the the hermit's might pushed down. Her knee dropped, strength poured out of her body.

“This is the true might, child. I am not some conjurer of cheap tricks!”

Pangea replied with a furious scream, as if her muscles flexed, her mind did as well. The psykic strength pushed through. Pangea then gained a sudden realization. Just like when she fought Horus, she did not have to win in contest of strength. Pangea guided her telekinesis to slither and redirect. An invisible force crashed on the ground with a heavy boom, punching a crater into the floor. Pangea grinned viciously.

“To the void with you!”

Pangea jabbed the arrow through Crantz’s neck. The blue lights began to slowly fade away. Blood sputtered as the hermit laughed as Crantz’s body.

“This won’t be the last… The Lord of Change will have you.”

Crantz’s body dropped.

After the soldiers took the body, Pangea—

>Spoke with the leaders to have them reign their families in, and to inform of the hermit that is a psyker. While they were treacherous, the leaders were not at fault. This was still salvageable through diplomatic means. She would have the astropath send a message as well.
>Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. She would have the astropath send a message as well.

Short update sorry, too tired atm
>Tell the leaders to reign in their families, the psyker is at fault.
>If there is a single, possible, complaint or trouble again from this place, they will be removed and replaced. Ensure they understand that.
>Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. She would have the astropath send a message as well.

Family members were directly tainted by this…thing. Who knows how far his tendrils have spread

Best to clean the slate
>Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. She would have the astropath send a message as well.
We're filling Malcador in on this for sure.
>Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. She would have the astropath send a message as well.
These people are all dangerously stupid and need to be removed from power. Regardless of what role the witch played in all of this, simply slapping them on the wrist and letting them go at this point would look bad and make Pangea seem weak.
>>Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. She would have the astropath send a message as well.
>Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. She would have the astropath send a message as well.
>Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. She would have the astropath send a message as well.
Who knows who and what else this foul creature got their claws into?
>Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. She would have the astropath send a message as well.
>Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. She would have the astropath send a message as well.
>Spoke with the leaders to have them reign their families in, and to inform of the hermit that is a psyker. While they were treacherous, the leaders were not at fault. This was still salvageable through diplomatic means. She would have the astropath send a message as well.

This isn't 40k just yet. I feel like if we go scorched earth, we somehow let this Blue Man reject win.
>These people are all dangerously stupid and need to be removed from power.
This is the second biggest reason for doing this. Nobles ruin everything they touch. If Pangea is in charge of colonizing new worlds someday, make a mental note to never instate noble families. It's bad enough that a planet's population was almost decimated by family drama.
>Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. She would have the astropath send a message as well.

8 votes counted
>Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. She would have the astropath send a message as well.
I'm a bit lost as to what exactly is going on. The hermit seems to still be alive, but what exactly happened? Did he have a fakeout death to Magnus, is hanging out in the Warp, and can puppet people remotely and at-will if he interacted with them in the past?
Killing daemons in 40K doesn't* "kill" them, just banishes them back to the Warp. He's been defeated here and now, but he'll try and be back.
After the soldiers took the body, Pangea Went to the commander, every members of the two houses were to be collected into the ship’s cargo bay where they could fit. The minor supporters were to be imprisoned or executed should they resist. Pangea sat on the throne as the ship became the command-center. Despite her tall order, the crew of Marco Polo moved with no panic in their step. They seemed used to an operation like this.

“Lora Montague and her children are captured, as are Tyrrin Capulet and Tyber Capulet. The children are to be placed in a different room. Make sure the third platoon is aware.”

“There are rioters in sector twelve, send the third platoon.”

“Princess, the message has been sent. I am not sure whether it will reach or not, seeing how Lord Sigillite did not answer before.”

Pangea nodded as she watched some of the resistors being gunned down. The lasgun

“It’s alright. Better to have it sent then not sending one at all.”

She needed to be fast to contain this… unknown power. After all this was over, uncle had a lot of explaining to do, and she would not take no for an answer. Pangea watched and listened to how they operated, making a mental note of anything she thought was important.

Two weeks later, the planet wide operation to subdue Verona was a success. Some minor nobles and supporters submitted either by Albion Crusader’s reputation or by their lasguns. Hector’s conventional but experienced skills in leading also added to the efficiency which led to finding more evidence of those who supported Osric and Crantz. Majority chose to follow them, while the minority did not speak at all.

“Princess, the last member of the families are gathered…” Diani said.

Pangea stood from her throne, her shoulders weighed more than usual and her eyes stung.

“Good. Stay here, Diani. I’ll get this done.”
With Hector and her Albian Crusaders behind her, they arrived at the cargo bay turned into a prison camp. The people lived inside large cargo crates and ate cans of corpse starch. This included Julius Capulet and Othello Montague included.

“Make way for The Princess!”

People of various ages huddled to the center as the soldiers herded them together. The ground echoed with steel steps. Pangea’s golden armor shined.

“The false princess!”



Pangea inhaled deeply. Yet, Pangea stood tall, unbothered and uncluttered. Palatine stood tall in Pangea’s hand, eager but patient. The soldiers wheeled in a holo-vision screen connected to a data-slate.

“What is the meaning of this! You held us all here like livestocks with no reason and now you arrive like an executioner and take our children away?”

“My son! Where is my son!” A woman with frazzled hair and tear stained cheeks shouted.

“Osric Capulet and Crantz Montague have consorted to oust me, that is why you are all here.” Pangea said. “Play the evidence.”

The soldier played the video.

“But we didn’t know!” Othello stepped forward. “This is tyranny! I demand an audience with The Emperor!”

“As do I!” Julius Capulet said. “You cannot do this!”

>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are all guilty of conspiracy to overthrow and harm The Imperium. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be of use to the Imperium. But to the rest of you, the punishment is death.” Pangea knew this to be unfair, but the possibility of the hermit’s taint was too much.

>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are to be no more. The Imperium will claim your holdings. You are all exiled from Verona. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be useful to the Imperium.” They were victims of the hermit. They may not hold any power but this was better than killing them all.

>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are to be no more. The Imperium will claim your holdings. You are all exiled from Verona. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be useful to the Imperium. But the rest of you shall be charged and sentenced according to your crimes against the Imperium." Though they were victims of the hermit, some among the families may be too dangerous to set free.
Conducting trials will ameliorate any issues with the image of this incident, and can be left to Imperial administration to handle. We can consult Malcador about any gaps in security.
>Pangea nodded as she watched some of the resistors being gunned down. The lasgun
missing text ?
>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are to be no more. The Imperium will claim your holdings. You are all exiled from Verona. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be useful to the Imperium.” They were victims of the hermit. They may not hold any power but this was better than killing them all.
>>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are all guilty of conspiracy to overthrow and harm The Imperium. To all of you, the punishment is death.” Pangea knew this to be unfair, but the possibility of the hermit’s taint was too much.
Burn em all, every last one
Nope, forgot to erase it lmao
I'll tentatively support this option: >>6118223
Regicide is bad enough, and they were also explicitly following advice from a bad actor who ultimately wanted to do the regicide in the first place for generations. But at the same time, I'm not quite sold on the idea of exterminating everyone and anyone involved.
I think nulls can kill them permanently.

>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are all guilty of conspiracy to overthrow and harm The Imperium. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be of use to the Imperium. But to the rest of you, the punishment is death.” Pangea knew this to be unfair, but the possibility of the hermit’s taint was too much.
Shouldn't have consorted with a creepy witch in the woods.
>>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are all guilty of conspiracy to overthrow and harm The Imperium. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be of use to the Imperium. But to the rest of you, the punishment is death.” Pangea knew this to be unfair, but the possibility of the hermit’s taint was too much.
>>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are all guilty of conspiracy to overthrow and harm The Imperium. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be of use to the Imperium. But to the rest of you, the punishment is death.” Pangea knew this to be unfair, but the possibility of the hermit’s taint was too much.

let not the heretics live
>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are all guilty of conspiracy to overthrow and harm The Imperium. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be of use to the Imperium. But to the rest of you, the punishment is death.” Pangea knew this to be unfair, but the possibility of the hermit’s taint was too much.

There are always more noble families…

This will serve as a good illustration of the consequences of disloyalty
+1. We have psykers who can read thoughts and pull out information, let's put them through heavy interrogation to see how far the corruption has gotten.
>implying that the kids would be killed as well
You should probably clarify that this is a write-in.
>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are to be no more. The Imperium will claim your holdings. You are all exiled from Verona. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be useful to the Imperium. But the rest of you shall be charged and sentenced according to your crimes against the Imperium." Though they were victims of the hermit, some among the families may be too dangerous to set free.
Conducting trials will ameliorate any issues with the image of this incident, and can be left to Imperial administration to handle. We can consult Malcador about any gaps in security.
>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are to be no more. The Imperium will claim your holdings. You are all exiled from Verona. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be useful to the Imperium.” They were victims of the hermit. They may not hold any power but this was better than killing them all.
>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are all guilty of conspiracy to overthrow and harm The Imperium. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be of use to the Imperium. But to the rest of you, the punishment is death.” Pangea knew this to be unfair, but the possibility of the hermit’s taint was too much.
>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are all guilty of conspiracy to overthrow and harm The Imperium. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be of use to the Imperium. But to the rest of you, the punishment is death.” Pangea knew this to be unfair, but the possibility of the hermit’s taint was too much.

sure Ill tiebreak
>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are to be no more. The Imperium will claim your holdings. You are all exiled from Verona. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be useful to the Imperium. But the rest of you shall be charged and sentenced according to your crimes against the Imperium." Though they were victims of the hermit, some among the families may be too dangerous to set free.
We need to prepare a report to the Emperor in regards to this so called "Lord of Change" and incredibly dangerous magics this hermit wielded. All that are suspected to have been in contact with him for prolonged periods of time need to be detained and examined. A protocol for such cases needs to be developed and procedures need to be established for appropriately handling victims of such cases. If we aim to stay true to the Imperial Truth, reason and logic must prevail and we cannot just kill people ignorantly left and right, even if that'd be easier. And relying on ignorance to protect you from chaos is stupid because it makes you even more vulnerable when it manifests in front of you.
Still need another one kek
just flip mine to the other one kek
So to be clear

>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are to be no more. The Imperium will claim your holdings. You are all exiled from Verona. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be useful to the Imperium. But the rest of you shall be charged and sentenced according to your crimes against the Imperium." Though they were victims of the hermit, some among the families may be too dangerous to set free.


>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are all guilty of conspiracy to overthrow and harm The Imperium. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be of use to the Imperium. But to the rest of you, the punishment is death.” Pangea knew this to be unfair, but the possibility of the hermit’s taint was too much.

>“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are to be no more. The Imperium will claim your holdings. You are all exiled from Verona. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be useful to the Imperium. But the rest of you shall be charged and sentenced according to your crimes against the Imperium." Though they were victims of the hermit, some among the families may be too dangerous to set free.
Do it again! Don't think Pan is quite at the "order mass executions" point. It'll happen one day.
Votes are counted
whoever voted for that deleted their comment for some reason
“By my authority as The Princess of The Imperium vested by The Emperor of Mankind. House Capulet and House Montague are to be no more. The Imperium will claim your holdings. You are all exiled from Verona. The children will be placed into Schola Progenium so they can still be useful to the Imperium.”

The gasps echoed, cries of indignancy and despaired wailing trudged slowly. Some even begged on their knees. Pangea watched with steeled eyes, her face twitched just once. This was good of all Verona, Pangea reminded herself. Shadows draped the Capulets and the Montagues. One mother tried to escape. A metal buttstock smashed the woman’s face, cracking the nose, blood soon leaked from her shattered nose.

“The rest of you shall be charged and sentenced according to your crimes against the Imperium."

Though they were victims of the hermit, some among the families may be too dangerous to set free. Pangea held Palatine with her two hands, Hector drew his saber, and the crusaders aimed with their lasguns. The former royalties backed away and herded like animals.

“If anyone will object. They will be executed.”

Neither the Capulets and the Montagues dared to stand up.

“Good. Take them away.”

The riots ended a month later, and two more months passed before the techpriests arrived. It took another three more months to restore Verona’s mining and other resource extraction to its previous operating capabilities. Finally, another month passed before a replacement governor handpicked by Malcador arrived. Then the warp travel took two weeks due to a minor warp storm.

“Finally… we can finally return!” Diani cheered as she combed Pangea’s hair. “We can finally say goodbye to this ship!”

“I feel the same.” Pangea said.

Most Veronans did not resist or incite further riots thanks to the recorded videos and the trial. The dissidents did not tie down Pangea, The Administratum did, and this was done with “utmost expediency”.

“What are you going to do when you go home?”

“First, I’m going to speak with uncle. He hasn’t replied to any of my astropath messages. Then…” Pangea thought about her unfinished stories. “I’ll go training.”

“My lady, if I may be so brazen, don’t you think you should pursue more… delicate hobbies?”

“No. I'm not some maiden waiting to swoon." Pangea shook her head. "I'll never be some damsel in distress."
The bustling mass of workers and the stampeding machines echoed through the port. Ships flied and nested into the ports. Crowns and goods exchanged. Orders were confirmed. Boxes and crates roamed from one ship to another. The busy workers and servitors all parted as one woman descended the disembarkation bridge. Pangea saw the common masses kneeling as she walked through the port. Behind her the Albian Crusaders followed. Two gilded grav carts arrived.

“Princess.” Hector bowed with the sign of the aquila, “it has been an honor serving by your side.”

Pangea nodded back. “You have done well to serve me, Hector. I must return to the palace. If I need a brave soldier at my side, I know who to summon.”

Hector bowed again. Pangea left for the Inner Palace. At the gate of the Lion’s Gate Space Port, her eyes widened and lips parted with glee.

“Stop the cart!”

Pangea rushed out of the cart.


She saw Angron and his Warhounds waited.


Angron greeted back. Pagnea looked up at his head free of butcher’s nails.

“You could have told me if the operation was successful let alone completed!” Pangea said.

“Fulgrim insisted to be a surprise.” Angron said. “While I wanted to tell you as soon as possible.”

Pangea rolled her eyes. “Fulgrim. Of course. Actually… I need to talk to him about his surprise.”

“All in due time sister, you have two more brothers to meet.”

“Two more?”

Angron nodded. “Father and Malcador has been searching for our brothers with no rest. Though I admit, Magnus has arrived almost as if he resided in the palace. He and Father already were acquainted like close friends.”

Magnus. With his psykic might, Magnus and Father already knowing one another did not surprise her. She bet some psychic means were used to communicate long before their meeting.

“Who is the second one?”

>“Leman Russ, he is a warrior king from Fenris. A little too boisterous for my liking but he means well.”
>“Sanguinius. You should see his wings yourself, it’s quite majestic. His sons however are... different. I have yet to speak to him enough to know him well.”'
>"Roboute Guilliman. He is someone I did not expect, while he came from a world of luxury he is still polite and personable, perhaps distant but I did not speak with him much though I should. he is my... brother after all."
>“Vulkan. He may appear like a monster, but I know you and he will get along just fine. Though I did not speak with him as frequently as I should have as his brother.”
>Write-in loyalist only

Oh yeah. It's Loyalist time
That was me
>“Sanguinius. You should see his wings yourself, it’s quite majestic. His sons however are... different. I have yet to speak to him enough to know him well.”'
angelman or Lion boy for me
Sangy. More future vision bro would be nice.
>Write-in loyalist only
>"Ferrus Manus. He and his sones are very..." Angron paused for a moment, seeking the best wording, "Focused. Fulgrim tries to downplay it but I do not believe they get along very well. He also has a rather unique affliction. You will spot it easily."
>“Leman Russ, he is a warrior king from Fenris. A little too boisterous for my liking but he means well.”
Russ and Magnus living together in the imperial palace for a time sounds funny.
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>Pagnea looked up at his head free of butcher’s nails.

>“Leman Russ, he is a warrior king from Fenris. A little too boisterous for my liking but he means well.”
He and Sanguinius are the ones that would make sense at this point, followed by Vulcan, but >>6118955 makes a very good point. I've actually been waiting for a development like this to happen.
>“Sanguinius. You should see his wings yourself, it’s quite majestic. His sons however are... different. I have yet to speak to him enough to know him well.”'
Time to see our best and brightest. The measure to which all others should aspire.
I was going to go with Russ because his issue with Magnus seems like the hardest one to fix, but I thought it was a bit too meta.
>“Leman Russ, he is a warrior king from Fenris. A little too boisterous for my liking but he means well.”
>“Sanguinius. You should see his wings yourself, it’s quite majestic. His sons however are... different. I have yet to speak to him enough to know him well.”'

He is the heart and soul of this brotherhood
A surprising write-in. I didn't know I have an iron hands anon. Anyways, I'll keep this open for a bit while since this is a primarch moment

Also, don't forget to join for the latest update
>“Sanguinius. You should see his wings yourself, it’s quite majestic. His sons however are... different. I have yet to speak to him enough to know him well.”'
>>“Leman Russ, he is a warrior king from Fenris. A little too boisterous for my liking but he means well.”
>>“Sanguinius. You should see his wings yourself, it’s quite majestic. His sons however are... different. I have yet to speak to him enough to know him well.”'

“Sanguinius. You should see his wings yourself, it’s quite majestic. His sons however are... different. I have yet to speak to him enough to know him well.”'

Pangea quirked an eyebrow.
“Wings. Our brother has a pair of wing?”

“Yes. I barely believed what I saw. I heard from Horus that he is a polite and charismatic man. Sanguinius was excited to meet you.”

“Which legion is he inheriting?”

“The ninth legion.”

Pangea winced.

The Ninth Legion.

Every astartes and army commanders knew then. Dubbed as Eaters of the Dead, they held a grim reputation as fierce but bloody warriors. Though she did not say out loud, the difference between the Ninth Legion and the Twelfth Legion was that sons of Angron did not drink blood.

“Well he’s got a lot of work ahead of him that’s for sure. I’ll have to visit him later, there’s some business I need to take care of. I’ll tell you all about it later, Angron. ” Pangea climbed back to the grav-cart. “Oh, and Captain Gheer?”

“Princess.” Gheer said.

“Tell Kharn I want a rematch sooner or later. We haven’t finished our bout at Bucephelus. I’ll speak to you later Angron!”

After sending Diani to her home, Pangea traveled to Malcador’s study. She stomped each of the stairs that led to the Sigillite’s Retreat. Pangea saw the door and placed her own code and finger scan. The door let out a low pitch squeak, the locks clicked open. Pangea entered the study, the scent of herbs and fresh dirt welcomed her back.

“Uncle? Uncle!” Pangea looked up and around. “Uncle, where are you?”

No answer. Pangea sighed frustratedly.

The Throne Room it was.

Pangea hopped out of the staircase and landed with ease. Through the short cuts of the Imperial Palace she made her way to The Throne Room.

“Custodes.” Pangea said to the custodes guarding the entrance. “Where is father and uncle?”

“They are not to be disturbed until they return.” The custodian said.

“Let me guess, Ra and Valdor are with them as well?”

“Correct. If you wish to speak to them as soon as possible, you must wait.”

Pangea knew better not to argue with the custodians. They were not the rank and file astartes, they were Father’s companions. The custodes were an odd existence. When she was a child she saw them as servants. Now, with many years under their tutelage in the art of combat, she saw them as her teacher but without Malcador’s patience and familial love.

> “I understand.” Pangea sighed, and entered the Throne Room to wait inside
>“Then it can’t be helped. Please let uncle know that I wish to speak to him as soon as possible.”
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Question of the day

What kind of propaganda do you think Pangea will be in?
> “I understand.” Pangea sighed, and entered the Throne Room to wait inside
I imagine her as a set piece to highlight the grace and beauty of the Imperium. "Do her proud! Impress our lady and earn the favor of her father!"
I did think of a scene with Hector where Pangea said she wouldn’t mind seeing Hector again but quickly changes to clarify that she wanted to go on a mission with him again. Horus or Leman or any hardass type primarchs just squints slightly and looks for this Hector.
> “I understand.” Pangea sighed, and entered the Throne Room to wait inside
I can see her in some Schola propaganda, something about human excellence.
Could also be in propaganda to newly compliant worlds, like have her as a liaison between astartes and regular humans...make them all have a tea party, infuriating to all participants except maybe Diani
> “I understand.” Pangea sighed, and entered the Throne Room to wait inside
Can we send Diani out to check what the rest of our brothers are doing as well? Would be nice to hold a little party to celebrate discovering two more of our siblings.
>“Then it can’t be helped. Please let uncle know that I wish to speak to him as soon as possible.”
Let's go see hawkboy and inevitably decide that we like him because literally everyone likes him.

I'm imagining the Helldivers 2 intro cinematic but with Pangea as the recruiter.
>“I understand.” Pangea sighed, and entered the Throne Room to wait inside

I could imagine her picture on a frame in classrooms or statues and parks dedicated to her arrival on planets while on crusade.
>“I understand.” Pangea sighed, and entered the Throne Room to wait inside
Love the pic XD

The navy probably since they are almost an aristocracy on their own.
>“Then it can’t be helped. Please let uncle know that I wish to speak to him as soon as possible.”


"The Primrachs lead the Astartes!"

"The Princess leads Humans!"
"We are her Legions! Fight for her!"
>“Then it can’t be helped. Please let uncle know that I wish to speak to him as soon as possible.”
Big E hair shampoo
> “Then it can’t be helped. Please let uncle know that I wish to speak to him as soon as possible.”
Pangea is growing into her own role, and doesn’t need to hang on Malcador’s every word like she did in the past. I wonder if Malcador ever misses those days when he acted as her tutor?
>“Then it can’t be helped. Please let uncle know that I wish to speak to him as soon as possible.”
By this point I think Pangea would be getting a little pissed off at being jerked around for so long. Everyone else gets a hero's welcome and she's either ignored or sent to the back of the line at every turn despite having to put up with an unexpectedly dangerous situation that's she been very deliberately kept in the dark for.
>>“Then it can’t be helped. Please let uncle know that I wish to speak to him as soon as possible.”

Big E accidentally creates the Pangea heresy but much worse as she would cause more damage and trauma to the loyalist brothers.
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>Pangea Heresy

You know...
>“Then it can’t be helped. Please let uncle know that I wish to speak to him as soon as possible.”

I like this one

Ah yes, state-sponsored shampoo so that you can have hair like Princess Pangea


> “I understand.” Pangea sighed, and entered the Throne Room to wait inside

Astartes having tea is just funny

Then later on there will be guard regiments dedicated to her like SoB

Votes counted
Do you guys want a chaos option?
why you don't link the votes and just leave the numbers ?
sure, we can have the 3 paths
Because I can't post it since 4chan thinks it's a spam I wish I could
It always starts with one step. A lie here, a holding of information there, tainted data being given or found, slowly eroding trust till Pangea looks for answers herself.
>>“Then it can’t be helped. Please let uncle know that I wish to speak to him as soon as possible.”
>I like this one
>Ah yes, state-sponsored shampoo so that you can have hair like Princess Pangea
>> “I understand.” Pangea sighed, and entered the Throne Room to wait inside
>Astartes having tea is just funny
>Because I can't post it since 4chan thinks it's a spam I wish I could
man, I copied your post and linked the votes and also got the same thing, wtf. you can use mine as a measure stick to see how many (you)s you can tag before it get's considered a spam.
If Big E is too difficult to make into a fourth Chaos God, perhaps the Ruinous Powers might trim their ambitions a bit and see how far they can get with his daughter? They’d at least try to use her as a tether or to get under his skin for sure.
>f Big E is too difficult to make into a fourth Chaos God
you mean fifth
What the fuck. Oh try it without the comments
granted I had to remove the last 3 votes, but still strange




“Then it can’t be helped. Please let uncle know that I wish to speak to him as soon as possible.”

“As you wish.”

“Do you know when?”

The custodes remained still as ever.

“A long time.”

Pangea trudged back to her room. Without Diani, Pangea’s bath took twice as long. She dipped her shoulder below the hot water, her hair floated, swallowing her entire bathtub. After the four hour of hair care and ten minutes of showering, Pangea exited her bathroom, renewed and refreshed, the bed seemed alluring, curvaceous with its square frames and soft blankets. Pangea bit her lips. Oh yes. It was time for a long—


Pangea muffled out a long pained groan. The soft blankets beckoned, but Pangea could not embrace him. Pangea changed into a simple toga with a short red robe underneath. Pangea opened the door with an annoyed frown.

“Can I help—”

She first saw auramite armor, expecting to be a custode sPangea craned her neck up. A blond man greeted Pangea with a warm smile. Yet, when their eyes met the visions ambushed, crushing her control with ease like never before.

The picture was completed. A psychic whiplash. A dead angel. Lying on the cold metal steps. Slain by Horus.


Pangea gained control of her foresight, reining the vision and recovering quicker than before. A shuddering breath escaped. She looked up at her brother who knelt beside her.

“Sister, are you alright? Should I call the apothecary?”

“N—No this happens everytime I meet my brothers” She formed a weak smirk. “Which means you must be Sanguinius.”

He chuckled weakly. Sanguinius gently pulled Pangea up.

“I am… though I did not expect our first meeting like this.”

“You should’ve seen when I met Horus.” She chuckled.

Sangunius’s face suddenly shifted to a grave concern. The mirth of his lips disappeared and his gaze hardened.


“May we inside?”

Pangea nodded hesitantly. “Sure…”

Though the ceilings and the room provided ample space, Sangunius stood as no seats would support his weight.

“Sister, I know that you’ve seen Horus kill me. You and I share the same gift.”

Her eyes widened.

“The same— you also can see the future?”

Sangunius nodded. “But not as accurate as you. Tell me… in your future do you also see Horus slaying me?”

>“That’s…” Pangea shook her head. Horus has been nothing but a great brother. “I won’t divulge what I see, Sanguinius. I don’t want to cause distrust among us with the futures I know.”
>Pangea made sure to close the door all the way. She did not speak, but only nodded grimly.

Who do you think Pangea will get along with more. Sanguinius or Horus?

And also between Rogal Dorn and Guilliman?
Write-in: Invite him inside and close the door. "Yes... But Father told me that my vision is just one of many possibilities, and that we can guide our future on the correct path by making the right choices." Pangea reaches out to take his hands "Now that there is another who can also see the future, I believe that we can work together to avoid the worst possible outcome."
Supported, although I would rephrase the last sentence as
>Now that there is another who can also see the future, I believe that we have better chances."
I cannot stress enough that we need to let him know that we can't tell the others more than needs to be known, so as to avoid risking alienating any one of them.
Oh and I think Pangea will definitely get along better with Horus. Sangy is a nice and peaceful guy, while Pangea probably prefers someone who's willing to start sparring with her and is not afraid to use dirty tricks.
She might like Dorn more but that's probably because Girlyman's adherence to proper conducts might feel stifling to her.
Girlyman isn't that stiff, people tend to overmeme it, he's actually a pretty grounded individual, because of all primarchs he's the only one that got to have a normal family and has experience with interpersonal conflicts, adult relations and getting over his feelings being hurt.
>“That’s…” Pangea shook her head. Horus has been nothing but a great brother. “I won’t divulge what I see, Sanguinius. I don’t want to cause distrust among us with the futures I know.”
>“That’s…” Pangea shook her head. Horus has been nothing but a great brother. “I won’t divulge what I see, Sanguinius. I don’t want to cause distrust among us with the futures I know.”
Supporting this
I for one look forward to seeing Pangea affectionately mangle Roberto Gulliemann’s name every time they meet.
I remember other Primarchs complaining that he's the blandest and will never deviate from any set plans, but maybe that's just HH writers being HH writers.
Unfortunately, I don't think Pangea will ever go for "Robussy Gyattliman" like Tyranid-girl from the other 40k quest.
7 votes, counted
Those same primarchs would then go on to throw the biggest temper tantrum in the history of mankind because daddy didn't pay enough attention to them, so it's both that and them not exactly being reliable narrators. Blueman isn't even my favorite, but I think due to INFLUENCES OF CERTAIN WRITERS WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED, he had been dissed rather unjustly.
Pangea beckoned Sanguinius further into her room. She tried to look for a seat, but nothing.

"Yes…” Pangea searched her words. “But Father told me that my vision is just one of many possibilities, and that we can guide our future on the correct path by making the right choices.”

Pangea reaches out to take his hands. Sanguinius listened with an awe struck visage.

“The future is never certain. Now that there is another who has foresight, I believe that we can work together to strive for the best future for us, and humanity.”

A resigned but satisfied smile crept up on his lips.

“I suppose you’re right, father said the same thing.”

“See?” Pangea said.

Luna climbed up the stairs and circled Sanguinius as he sniffed him. His fluffy tail wagged, his movement slowed as the years went on. Even as an augmented hound, there was only so much one could do. Sanguinius knelt and Luna approached. His tail wagged at its full speed, seemingly charmed by a person who he just met.

“And this is?”

“Luna, my dog.” Pangea said. “Luna, this is Sangunius, my brother.”

Luna barked, as if he understood.

“May I?”

“Go ahead.”

Luna gave a quick sniff and eagerly accepted his pettings. His mouth opened as he panted and closed his eyes.

“Baal doesn’t have creatures lke him.”
“He likes you.”

“Is he usually not friendly?”

“No he usually doesn’t care.” Pangea thought back. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him growl at anyone. Then again he just sleeps a lot that old bones you.”

Pangea also joined in on the petting. A sudden knock interrupted. The door opened without an answer.


“Sanguinius.” Malcador said briefly. “Pangea, you wanted to talk. Follow me.”
Pangea followed behind. No custodes or guards accompanied. Pangea noticed the usual route to his study deviated. The path went continuously below, deeper and deeper. The walls changed to stone, the air shivered and damp.

“Uncle where are—”

“We’ll talk when we are there.”

Suddenly, the air changed. Her steps stopped.

“Descend, Pangea.”

“Uncle, where are we going?” Pangea held her arms together. Her feet planted on the surface floor firmly.

“You desired to know the truth. We are going to the truth.” Malcador said. “If you wish to return, you may but will never take another step to it. Will you follow?”

She nodded. The inexplicable dread tightened with each step, coiling her heart. The air grew colder. At the last step, two black armored custodes guarded the ceramite door. Pangea swallowed a hard lump down her throat. Whatever was past the doors, her psykic instinct screamed her to run. She needed to ru—

“Do. Not. Run.” Malcador said. “Stand.”

The door opened. The interior structure reflected that of Tower of Hegemon, except no lights shined, no auramite gleamed, and every custodes wore black armor. Even the archives and the training room were the same. Pangea and Malcador entered the archive.

“Take a seat.”

Pangea sat down, arms outstretched on the table and eyes darting every corners. Every inch of her body prepared to spring into action.

“You may speak.”

“Where are we?” Pangea said.

“This is a garrison connected to the Dark Cell, where it houses items and beings of the Old Night. Artifacts and monsters that can corrupt and destroy the Imperium should it ever escape. That hermit is part of a corrupting force, not as a psyker but a servant of Chaos.”

“The hermit said something about The Bringer of Fate and Lord of Change. I remember when I was called the child of Anathema. Is that related?”

Malcador nodded. “I believe keeping you in the dark will be detrimental and can lead you astray. Your Father and I believed that it is better for you to learn than to search this on your own.”

Pangea felt a shiver. The lights from the torches casted a shadow over Malcador like an ominous night descending into madness.

“But… what am I learning? “

>“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be the first of a new organization, a test trial. You will be The Imperium’s first Inquisitor under my tutelage once more.”

>“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be under the new tutelage of the Shadowkeepers.”
So, no write-in this time.


If you have a cooler suggestion, I might consider it.

Question of the day:

Do you guys like Lorgar as a primarch and who do you think is the strongest combatant within the primarch. My money is on Jaghatai and Magnus.

How much do you guys know about the dark cell and the shadowkeepers? Cause there isn't that much lore about them.
1: Magnus and Sanguinius

2: No idea about those
>“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be the first of a new organization, a test trial. You will be The Imperium’s first Inquisitor under my tutelage once more.”


1.Magnus and Sanguinius

2. Dont know
>“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be under the new tutelage of the Shadowkeepers.”
Pangea's not exactly the most subtle of people from what we've seen, so being an Inquisitor might not suit her all that well.
The Inquisition will root out corruptions, and the Shadowkeepers will be sent in to purge whatever is too powerful for mere mortals, kinda like a proto Grey Knights.

1. I really like Lorgar and I think Big E really messed up with him. Strongest combatant's probably Lion or Sanguinius.
2. Just the basic Custodes Codex stuff.
>“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be under the new tutelage of the Shadowkeepers.”

>Do you guys like Lorgar

>who do you think is the strongest combatant within the primarch
I don't know. Magnus maybe followed by the Lion and Sanguinius. I'm pretty sure the Lion is meant to be one of the best fighters amongst his brothers.

>How much do you guys know about the dark cell and the shadowkeepers?
They wear black and live in Big E's basement with horrors both eldritch and manmade. That's pretty much all I know about them.
Well she can learn to be more subtle
>“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be the first of a new organization, a test trial. You will be The Imperium’s first Inquisitor under my tutelage once more.”

Formation of the inquisition before the heresy and not after would be absolutely pivotal to changing the course of Imperium's history. Especially if Pangea's suggestions and experiences become the cornerstones of the organization and instead of lunatics like Ordo Hereticus, you have a cadre of loyal, mentally incorruptible servants, trained and fully adherent to working towards the betterment of mankind.

>strongest combatant
If we talk all rounder, then Sanguinius. If we talk physical might and martial prowess, then Angron. If we talk psychic power, then Magnus without a doubt, it's not even a contest, without nulls being there to counter his powers, he could probably kill just about anyone if he wished to. But if we want to talk about who would win wars, then Guilliman and Lion would be the better choices. Khan and Perturabo as well as Dorn are great leaders of men that can push them to excel beyond the norm, Fulgrim also applies, but he has an artistic perfectionist bend to everything, even where it is not needed.

Konrad is my favorite, but you use him when things are dire. Lorgar, it would have been better if he did not exist at all. Of all the primarchs, he is the most subject to corruption because he felt the eyes of chaos upon him since his early childhood, just like Konrad.
You know I keep hearing that either Konrad's a secretly top tier fighter or the weakest. I could never tell and the books are just as flippant too.
The issue with Konrad and his legion is that they by their nature never get to test their strength and mettle against their equals, because by definition, subterfuge puts opponents on unequal ground. But when it comes to being driven into a corner and fighting like rabid animals, they are capable enough to even give War Hounds a pause. But I wouldn't put Konrad on top tier as a fighter precisely for that reason. He never got along with any of his brothers, so he never got to spar much and develop his combat techniques. There's only so mach natural talent can do for you, even if you are super super human.
>>“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be under the new tutelage of the Shadowkeepers.”

Damn love both the options.

>Do you guys like Lorgar as a primarch and who do you think is the strongest combatant within the primarch. My money is on Jaghatai and Magnus.

Yeah i like him he brings in a nice contrast i think with many of the other primarchs. And as for strongest combatant i would probably say the Lion or Sanguinius. Magnus is strong but Lion is much more skilled in my opinion.

>How much do you guys know about the dark cell and the shadowkeepers? Cause there isn't that much lore about them.

Not much beyond that its where all the super bad stuff the Emperor finds goes.
Gotcha, thank you for the insight.

Since it sounds like you know your stuff. What is the difference between the pre-primarch blood angels, world eaters, and space wolves.
Konrad is damn strong when he fights to kill and his precog abilities boost that even more but he is unstable as all hell and prone to outbursts.

Pure combat? I would place him in the top 5 combatants of the primarchs. But this is offset by his unstable nature causing him to be highly erratic and often giving away the edge to his opponents.
In the end context matters. Where do they fight? With what equipment? Whats at stake for them? Are they fighting in their preferred way?

And its not a simple yes-no thing if they can defeat x primarch, every primarch COULD defeat any other primarch if certain conditions were met.
Blood Angels and Space Wolves don't differ all that much, World Eaters though have a very significant distinction, since War Hounds was what they were called before they met Angron. Then the mutilation with Butcher's Nails followed as well as ideological schism within their ranks that ensured that anyone that was remotely sane and didn't just want to endlessly stew in spite and anger was culled. It's why people like Kharn so much, he exemplifies the War Hounds and not World Eaters. His violence is controlled and methodical, not blind flailing of a range consumed beast that most of his legion degenerated into, which gives it all the more impact, when he actually unleashes it in full.
>>“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be the first of a new organization, a test trial. You will be The Imperium’s first Inquisitor under my tutelage once more.”
>“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be the first of a new organization, a test trial. You will be The Imperium’s first Inquisitor under my tutelage once more.”
Nobody expects the Shoujo Inquisition

>Do you guys like Lorgar as a primarch and who do you think is the strongest combatant within the primarch. My money is on Jaghatai and Magnus.
Sanguinius and The Lion are probably the best duelists.

>How much do you guys know about the dark cell and the shadowkeepers? Cause there isn't that much lore about them.
Not much beyond what others have already mentioned, desu.
>“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be the first of a new organization, a test trial. You will be The Imperium’s first Inquisitor under my tutelage once more.”
>He never got along with any of his brothers, so he never got to spar much and develop his combat techniques.
Mortarion was perhaps the only one he got along with.
Had this typed up last night and it didn't go through.

1. Lorgar is one of those guys you love to hate. But his fall wouldn't be complete without his adopted father, Kor Phaeron, and later on Erebus's influences. Without those two screwing with Lorgar so much, he may have gotten his head on straight and turned out alright.

Strongest combatant is subjective and up to the author but the usual split is Russ and Sanguinius.

2. The Dark Cells are where Big-E threw everything that was too Useful, too Valuable, and/or too Dangerous to be destroyed but couldn't be left out in the open. The shadow keepers are some of the best trained custodians around. Both of their mysterious natures are a deep hole that Black Library writers can draw from for plot points.

Blood Angels: Were actually downright savages before Sanguinius came along. He treated them like people and introduced art and culture to them which mellowed them out.

Space Wolves: From the Lexicanum
"Before the coming of their Primarch Leman Russ, the Space Wolves were known as the VI Legion and was made up of a diverse range of savage and hyper-violent tribesmen from Terra. Alongside the Salamanders and Alpha Legion, the early Space Wolves were among the "Trefoil" Legions, those given highly specialized and unique Gene-Seed by the Emperor for unknown ends. Like the other Trefoil Legions, the VIth was held back from most of the fighting in the Unification Wars and the conquest of the Sol System. The Emperor kept the Legion in deliberate isolation from the rest of their peers."

So probably very similar to the Blood Angels before Russ came along and cultured them.

World Eaters: As the War Hounds, they were pretty vicious fighters similar to the Blood Angels and Space Wolves. But they had a bit of pride in what they did. The bloodshed wasn't celebrated so much as the fact that they did their job well and the Emperor reportedly recognized that. Dubbing them his War Hounds.

Had Angron turned out well he might have forged them into a more disciplined legion similar to his brothers. Possibly something like a paladin culture. That's one theory at least.
>>“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be the first of a new organization, a test trial. You will be The Imperium’s first Inquisitor under my tutelage once more.”
its inquisition time
>Had Angron turned out well he might have forged them into a more disciplined legion similar to his brothers. Possibly something like a paladin culture. That's one theory at least.
I imagine they'd turn out similar to their Dornian Heresy counterpart, still melee specialist but with more focus on brotherhood (from Angron's time as a slave) and a strong hatred of tyrants.
“The forces of evil. Chaos. I did not think it would be necessary to start now but your encounter with the hermit so close to Terra made it clear we must act now. You will be the first of a new organization, a test trial. You will be The Imperium’s first Inquisitor under my tutelage once more.”

“But what is Chaos?”

Malcador delved into the shadows between the shelves. He returned with a dusty tome then gently placed the leather bound tome on the table.

“Open the book.”

Pangea pinched the cover and opened the content. She first leaned back, expecting some foul psyker residue but then slowly leaned closer, squinting her eyes to read the smudged letters.

“You will come to this archive everyday and read the tomes. I expect no essays or reports. It is your responsibility to teach yourself. When you are ready, you may enter the Dark Cell, where your next phase of training will begin.”

The tomes did not contain boring history books but records of psykers seduced by the power of Chaos. For the next month, Pangea went through each shelf of the archive. The archive soon became her new hunting ground, devouring the knowledge with ravenous hunger. Yet… in her search for knowledge, Pangea read more about

>The daemons and the methods of banishments
>The corrupted psykers and humans
>The xenos and the xenos affected by Chaos
Short update but there will be another one for today.
>The corrupted psykers and humans
>The daemons and the methods of banishments
This is the most universally applicable of the options and will teach us to fight a threat that isn't human nor xenos. Understanding that daemons are a separate thing entirely that play by different "rules" is crucial to fighting Chaos.
>The corrupted psykers and humans
I agree with >>6120989, essentially Salamanders level of humanitarian but with a gladiatorial brotherhood aesthetic rather than pyrotechnic artificers.

On second thought, I'll change my vote to
>The corrupted psykers and humans
if that includes exorcism rituals and spiritual defense, but I'm not sure if getting rid of taint pertains more to this or the first option.
>The corrupted psykers and humans
She haven't faced any daemons or xenos yet so this makes sense. We should ask uncle or father if we can share this information with our brothers, knowing the signs and workings of the great enemy is the best way of spotting their influence.
>The corrupted psykers and humans
> The daemons and the methods of banishments
>The daemons and the methods of banishments

Let us learn the face of our enemy and their weaknesses.
>The daemons and the methods of banishments
Probably the topic closest to the "root" of the problem
>The corrupted psykers and humans

>The daemons and the methods of banishments
>The corrupted psykers and humans
We should first understand how it affects us so that we can better defend against it before we move on towards cutting off the head of the snake.
The corrupted psykers and humans, tained by chaos. A question rose, was The Hermit affected by chaos willingly or a victim? Pangea flipped through the pages, too many chose chaos but never thought of the consequences. Xenos and humans alike fell into the sweet temptations, their arrogance or desperation shielded from the true horrors of chaos.

“Hermit… just what kind of man were you?” Pangea muttered to herself.

Pangea continued to delve further into the affects of the Chaos on psykers. The immense power that a psyker could attain from chaos truly soaked her with dread. Pangea closed the tomes and returned them to their homes. Her eyes glanced at the archive’s exit. She already took a sneak peek at the training area, but never took a step inside.

“When you are ready, you may enter the Dark Cell, where your next phase of training will begin.”

Pangea sighed.

Chaos was a seemingly unstoppable force. So corrupting, so vile, so powerful… would she ever be ready to fight the corrupting forces? Pangea shot up from her chair, she did not know if she was ready, but the hermit remained free. She exhausted all her options, thought of every ways, she had no answers. Pangea made her way to the training ground.

Unlike the marble floor arena brilliantly lit inside the Tower of Hegemon, she stepped on the dirt floor arena. Rows of torches illuminated the arena but not enough to uncover the shadows in the corners. Malcador waited at the center, holding his force staff. Pangea approached with soft steps, shoulder scrunched together with her head down.
“Are you ready?” Malcador said.

“I… I don’t know.”

“Then why are you here?” Malcador said softly. “I said to come back when you are ready.”

“I read what chaos could do to people and psykers. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready to face them. I’ve read as much as I could, thought about it day and night. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be ready.”

“That’s your answer after months of contemplating?”

Pangea looked down at her feet.

“It was.”

“Then why are you here?”

Her downtrodden gaze looked up, her eyes gleamed with renewed determination.

“Because if there’s one thing I learned, Chaos’s influences on humanity need to be stopped. I can’t just keep reading books but I can’t just go out without preparing as best as I can. I want to know how to save others and to defend myself against Chaos. Uncle… Please teach me. I need your guidance again.”

Malcador placed his hand on Pangea’s shoulder.

“Well done.”

Her eyes widened. “What?”

“You have exhausted every option at your disposal and when it did not lead you to an answer, you sought a different path. As an inquisitor you will not wage war, but hunt the enemies of humanity. You will be the dagger, eyes, and ears of your Father. Your weapon will not be your power bow or guardian spear, but investigation and logic. Are you ready?”

Pangea nodded. “I am… magistra.”

Months into her training, Pangea so far…

>Learned more subtle psykic disciplines to find Chaos, luring the corrupted though her offensive capability was not as effective as combating Chaos.
>Learned more offensive and defensive psykic discipline to fight Chaos, though her ability to find Chaos needed improvements

Also no write-in
>Learned more subtle psykic disciplines to find Chaos, luring the corrupted though her offensive capability was not as effective as combating Chaos.
using the hermit as a measuring stick, we can take chaos worshipper by surprised perhaps, and demons while still a problem won't be much present for now.
>Learned more subtle psykic disciplines to find Chaos, luring the corrupted though her offensive capability was not as effective as combating Chaos.
>Learned more subtle psykic disciplines to find Chaos, luring the corrupted though her offensive capability was not as effective as combating Chaos.
We already have plenty of blunt instruments in the Imperium, what we need is being able to guide the blow and root out the corruption no matter how insignificant. Going down this path might prepare us to expose Kor Phaeron and Erebus and protect Horus when the time will come.
>Learned more subtle psykic disciplines to find Chaos, luring the corrupted though her offensive capability was not as effective as combating Chaos.
>Learned more subtle psykic disciplines to find Chaos, luring the corrupted though her offensive capability was not as effective as combating Chaos.
>>Learned more subtle psykic disciplines to find Chaos, luring the corrupted though her offensive capability was not as effective as combating Chaos.
I'm here to kill Chaos.
>subtle disciplines
>>Learned more subtle psykic disciplines to find Chaos, luring the corrupted though her offensive capability was not as effective as combating Chaos.
>Learned more subtle psykic disciplines to find Chaos, luring the corrupted though her offensive capability was not as effective as combating Chaos.
Disregard this vote. forgot i already voted.

Trying to save Lorgar may be very difficult. He was raised by Kor Phaeron from a pretty young age and it severely affected his worldviews and philosophy. Had Lorgar been raised by one of the more normal priests on Colchis, ones that were less ambitious and vindictive, he might have had more of a chance.


So, this is the end of Thread 2. Thread 3 will be up soon after a break. So my final question is this...

What do you look forward to in the next thread and what comment or criticism do you have?

See you all in Thread 3, and don't forget to follow the discord!

Drawings and smut
>looking forward to
Pangea coming into her own element, and doing her own thing that's important work but not just a diet version of what her brothers will be doing.
It'd be nice to have more interactions or character moments between Pangea and the others, or maybe snippets of what is happening from other PoVs to foreshadow future events or to see what is happening as a result of Pangea's actions. I would've thought that Malcador would have given a bit of a debriefing for Pangea before springing the whole trial Inquisition thing on her, but I suppose that could also be interpreted as approval of how she handled things.
>Learned more subtle psykic disciplines to find Chaos, luring the corrupted though her offensive capability was not as effective as combating Chaos.

Not enough smut
Please no smut.
>Drawings and smut
>Not enough smut
>Please no smut.
the duality of anons
Best I can do is a romance subplot
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That will heavily depend on the route. Also, I might as well hold a Q&A. If anyone has any questions.

>Learned more subtle psykic disciplines to find Chaos, luring the corrupted though her offensive capability was not as effective as combating Chaos.
How do Malcador and Big E feel about Pangea wanting to branch out and develop in her own way, instead of just being a diplomat and a humanizing factor for the rest of her family? Do the Custodes mostly show patience with her due to her connection to Big E and Malcador, or do they also view her as family?
>How do Malcador and Big E feel about Pangea wanting to branch out and develop in her own way, instead of just being a diplomat and a humanizing factor for the rest of her family?

They would prefer to have her be a diplomat/human anchor to the primarchs, but they have learned that containing her would only lead to a dire situation. It is better to guide her than to restrict her. With her ability of foresight, there is an uncertainty of whether they want her to be safer or to be used to mitigate the influence of chaos.

>Do the Custodes mostly show patience with her due to her connection to Big E and Malcador, or do they also view her as family?

The custodes show patience because of her connection. They don't see her as a family but are confused by how she manages to draw emotions out of The Emperor like they have never seen before. They consider her as an important asset to The Emperor because he cares about her.
Wondering how the other primarchs will see her outspoken and wild sister keeping secrets from them desu.
Where is Pangea in the power scale currently? We have seen her shredding menials and defeating a possesed psyker, but her duels with primarchs and custodes have been spars, so are we talking an ascended human swordsman, as in can defeat astartes but named ones would beat her with difficulty, or are we taking a level where given VERY good circumstances she would beat a primarch?

More importantly, she grew up like a normal human; will she be unaging like a primarch/astartes? I'm imagining her being a perpetual is too much if a stretch
What should our Inquisitive drip look like-

I’m thinking that when we have to go full ‘FU I am a MFing inquisitor’’ then it should be a black battle-dress-armor akin to a practical variant of a SOB armor with a I over the Imperial Egal.

Also our Handmaden get her own ‘FU I’m a Interagator’ outfit.
I don’t know how much power we have but I have a suggestion to run by Mally and golden dad- if QM would allow.

PSA; have a PSA campaign about this ‘’Zenos Influence’’ and ‘’Warp Sickness’’. For the public it would be akin to any other illnesse PSA- for high ranking individuals- Captains, Govenors, the like. They will be given a more detailed but safe description that includes keywords to keep an eye out for- so far just the most apparent but rare ones, but as the Inquisitions Orders of Caos Prevention expands we hope to have one inquisitor in every solar system to investigate reports.

The hope is to slowly increase the general awareness of the great foe so that- hopefully- all but the most hidden members can be pointed out and called out directly.

Starile Reporting; have the unknown enemy reported as bland and starile as possible- for example- have the 4 reality tumors simply reported as ‘’Pink, Green, Red, Blue’’, and have the minions similarly labeled- ‘’ Un for first level, Duex for 2nd level’’ and so on.

The theory being that this makes it a less emotional affair to deal with them administratively and allow for a greater disconnect between what they are and how we are fighting them.
Probably would hurt then as the one person that is the most human and trusted does not trust them with secrets and plays with their fate. Might be an even worse betrayal as E was distant and cold while Pangea would be helpful, secretive, and as enigmatic as E if she can't share any secrets.
I think we should keep dressing however we are at the moment. Remember that this is a sensitive secret, so dressing in "drip" would be an indicator of things going on.

That's a very dangerous game to play, more so for the altered information rather than the declassification itself.

>Wondering how the other primarchs will see her outspoken and wild sister keeping secrets from them desu.
I'm assuming the Primarchs will inevitably have to be filled in at some point. Chaos will get more active as the Crusade progresses and Astartes Kill Teams would be too useful to pass up.
I was thinking like- if knowing ‘’red pink- whatever’’ is level 5 classified- then knowing ‘’Korn, Slanesh, whatever’’ is level 8/10. A means to allow some information to be shared among imperial officals- without having to have a inquisitor next to every admech, cap, and Nobel, in the Galaxy with a bolt gun and to drip-feed information to those needing of it. Need to know and such. You don’t need to know what Pink means to grab the pink intel books for the inquisitor.
I think the primarchs needed to be informed yesterday.

It’s only a manner of time before someone pick up a demon sward
LMAO tempting as it is to whip something up, this quest scratches the itch I got when the Lady Knight quest fell off the board and I don't the jannies to axe it
Again, I can't do smut since that's the rules. But hey I always wanted to add a romantic subplots. That's why I asked before.
What happened to that quest?
Don't know, the QM said he was taking a break to get the next story-arc ready, stuck around during the 'Queen of /qst/' contest, but never came back after that.
That's basically a popularity contest right?
Yeah, one of the popular QMs was running it and set up some kind of randomized "contest events" tournament where very few of the events would come down to something as simple as "raw powerlevel". A cultivator character ended up winning with some amount of contention since that genre lets characters minmax everything, some argued unfairly. The winner of each event was determined by votes or votes + RNG depending on no clear criteria.
Sounds like it can be heavily biased
Letting cultivators into power contests is a mistake, that's like letting Demonbane into mech powerlevel contests. You already know who's going to win, it saps the excitement out of it.
I just thought of a protentially silly idea for the lost primarchs- what if they are based on more ‘’contemporary’’ figures as a way to set them apart from the ones that are inspired by more ancient figures-

Maybe have one ‘’based on’’ the more idealized depictions of American historical figures or something.
>this quest scratches the itch I got when the Lady Knight quest fell off the board and I don't the jannies to axe it
well, Lady Knight wasn't axed, QM just had to stop because of work.
>Don't know, the QM said he was taking a break to get the next story-arc ready, stuck around during the 'Queen of /qst/' contest, but never came back after that.
basically that. btw I'm the anon who sent Elise to the tournment and QM later managed to see it.
speaking of smut and axing, just use pastebin/rentry, you guys. it's that easy.
>Ferrus and Fulgrim have a different forging contest.

Instead of forging a weapon. They each forge a suit of armor for Pangea for her to judge. This was something they didn't discuss with her, it's just going to be a suprise.

Like in the normal lore, they each make something they thought the other would have made in order to one-up the each other.

Ferrus forges a more traditional power armor that is slim and maneuverable with lots of artistic touches while Filgrim makes something more akin to Terminator armor that is sturdy and practical.

Pangea, of course, loves both suits.
And then Valkan walks in holding the armor he made fully unaware of the competition
I can totally see Pangea’s brothers building some insane kit for her-
Something that would become more tragic if some of her own brothers still fall.
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Here's a sneak peek
Shouldn't it be Thread #3?
That’s just the font place holder
Looking nice Maw.
That's pretty good!

Thank you very much anons.

Third thread is up!


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