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happiness and joy edition

death to fags
god hate fags

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First for being a sad little faggot.
Yes, death to my ex twink bf
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nightmare in knightsbridge i like to buy shit
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You first kindly, FAGGOT.
good morning everyone. the sun is rising.
Another day of asking for a boyfriend to appreciate me
idk sometimes when i play on wifi i get disconnected. when i switch to mobile hotspot the connection is much more stable
cumming from prostate stimulation is a lie
i had a dream my hair grew longer and i cut it even shorter than i did last time
>wake up
>adorable soft kitty sitting on my gaming chair
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Misery and despair edition
god spit strings are so hot
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I had a dream where possum
the forbidden anxiety kitty
fucked up that some animals have opposable thumbs and prehensile tails and tentacles and noses and penises but none of them have yet evolved to be as advanced as humans
god he was so fucking cute with short hair
Love ems the possum let me pet it and even climbed into my lap yay
They're too smart to make that mistake
Woke up after 2 days.
My sister just called me telling me she needed a favor yesterday and I didn't answer the phone, she is lucky my phone still has some battery.
I don't want to die, I want to live many more years, please.
>When the red bar goes below [72], you will pass out. When it reaches 0, you will die.
Sorry anon, I don't get the reference, this is a pop culture reference, right?
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this guy gave me a boner
he's really really cute and i love his voice
who is he
he's super sexy
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There is nothing to say except: The great god pan is dead, The throne is empty. We are alone.
meow has learned some better English and said had instead of saw a dream. Smart little possum boy.
Possum whiskers are insane
They must be able to detect so much with all those whiskers exploding out of their faces
Need masculine neko bf
are they like cats? Cats can fit anywhere their whiskers can, that's how the know if they can get in/out of a tight spot.
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What's your wedding going to be like anons? We host a ton of wedding receptions at work so I think about it a lot but because it's all old christians running it I don't think they would let us do a gay wedding party
Fuck weddings. They're a normie scam.
Tora bf tora bf tora bf GAOOOO
>are they like cats
Yes. They meow and purr and like fish. They don't have whiskers, but they have ears and tail.
gotta get a bf first before I think of weddings. Personally I'd just want a small civil ceremony with an small cozy reception of close family and friends.
Maybe but that said I still wanna put the ring on my fbfs finger and call him my husband so he knows I mean it when I say I wanna be with him forever
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Not that I ever expect a bf or marriage but a small and quiet service in the country would be ideal
I will continue to say saw a dream just because fuck you faggot
The whiskerrrrr
I got warned for posting two opossum images in a row lmao why is trip- and namefagging even allowed here if you can't even post images you like for non avatarfag motives
jannies hate all forms of fun. They let racebait and reddit screencap thread 74628 go but warn you for posting images.
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Well the first step is getting a bf. I'd probably just want to get married at a courthouse and then have a small party with friends and family. Plus, more money spent on weddings increases the likelihood of divorce.
Mods fear the possum enjoyer
I'm glad everyone agrees these shouldn't be big events, the weddings here all have like 200 people, I couldn't even imagine inviting that many, just to increase the likelihood that some distant alcoholic relative drinks too much and does something loud and embarrassing to ruin it (it happens frequently)
you should know those mega weddings are just the families showing off how rich they are. It's a pissing contest for rich people.
I can't even imagine the mindset you would have to have to compare how expensive and crazy your wedding was with your friends
If I started having thoughts like that I'd probably consider suicide
well you are kinda an avatarfag
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Yes, to a point. Some people also just have crazy big families and have this boomer mindset of inviting every single person and their +1 that they've ever encountered.
It's utterly exhausting, and it has a negative effect on the marriage/relationship. I want to get married someday, but if it doesn't happen, that's fine, too.
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I want a private wedding with NO ONE but me and my husbamd gnon be our witness
Nope. I love possums which is why I have a lot of possum pictures and I like posting them. I post a lot of other pictures too.
well those girls have major princess syndrome more than likely. They demand a lavish wedding and so daddy provides.

Growing up rich is so different from being poor. They have zero concept as to value of money and will casually blow major bucks on tiny things or things that happen only once. Some of those weddings likely cost more than what the average poor person will likely ever have in his life. But if you're a millionare then dropping a couple hundred K on a wedding is just something you do.
Look out he's about to CHOMP!!!
mostly to show off to them. Just curious, how many weddings do open bars or serve alcohol?
theres no one else who can clear a room like me and im tired of being humble about it
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I'm from the upper Midwest, so open bars are super common. If you have a cash bar, it's considered cheap, and people judge you for it. Usually, someone in the family is a bartender or has worked as a bartender, so that helps, too.
That was my cousin, she wanted her super special princess wedding, and then two years later, her husband divorced her and took the kids because she's such a huge bitch.
Maybe not the actual church service itself, but every wedding reception we do has a conjoined bar in the room, and we can make thousands of dollars of it in a single night
Outside of Mormon weddings, I was under the impression that having a bar was a normal thing.
>but what about people who don't drink?
There's soda too, idiot.
dont underestimate dad on dad competition

i knew a girl whose mom's family was gypsies that all worked in flooring. they would have huge wedding parties where the finale was that every man there would whop a wad of cash down on the table for the newly married couple. we're talking real wads, like the married couple would usually take home 100-200k in straight cash from this.

she didnt even want to get married because she knew all her uncles would arrange a big fat wedding no matter how much she protested & she was proud of having a pretty high position at a real company (mid-upscale brand that has over 500 stores). most of the women in her family didnt work and she didnt like the implication that she needed cash from men like they did.

not exactly your standard case buuuut its not always le wicked princesses. there are some real fuckin arianas grande though, i wont deny that...real pinheads
gypsy weddings are terrifying, because it's a huge dick measuring contest among the men about who can spend more money for the bride. It's not about the bride and groom anymore but about the dads and uncles and it's just weird.
are childfree weddings becoming more common? I see them meme'd a lot on places.
>possum in latin means "i am able"
>rodent in latin means "they nibble"
facts of the day

yeah i jokingly asked if i could go to one that was coming up with her since he just had a breakup and she was like, "uhh, no. you're not a gypsy. when i used to bring my ex they were just literally mean to him the entire time because he was skinny and broke." hes a hipster music guy and in a real band but apparently going once broke him and he refused to ever go again lol

id stop looking at those places
imona be out most of today story but you should do that job thing i talked about. if you give your info to the hiring chatbot it should schedule an interview this week or next at the latest. if you drop a pgp key ill send you the link to the job's page. although im not sure how you can prove its you dropping the key. im sure you can work it out either way.
at least the heat wave is over for a bit and it's rainy/windy today. Of course that just means quicker grass growing so soon I'll have to do that infernal chore once again.

Getting really tempted to use the story fortune and hire it out, but if I do that I'll lose any exercise I do get.
No good reason to leave bed today
It's Sunday, I have a note from God explaining it you see
Same, I know my step-dad is going to ask me to do it again soon. On top of that have work today, hopefully he wet and windy weather will keep customers away.
Lazy days are important too
im gonna have to find you and do this in real life arent i

lebanon, oh, pop 20k, im sure at least a few people knew your mom and the general outlines.

i also realized why your cats are so rowdy. theres probably like 9 shaker ghosts in each of the 9 of em. do you feel any inclination toward handmaking country-elegant chairs, or toward inventing protoindustrial farm and household machinery? all i need is to start dealing rustic old wood furniture and ill have an excuse to shoot through amish country and out that way.
I choose solitude. Kill them all should have left me alone
>hopefully he wet and windy weather will keep customers away.
ywn be in charge of anything goofball

I don't live in lebanon but I do live close nearby and have been there many times. My father was born and lived there before he met married my mom actually.
gay cake
>still talking nonsense to himself 24/7
this is tough. unincorporated communities and such. theres only two funeral homes in the area but thats a lot of listings to read through even limiting it to 2022 and idk if that would get me there anyway since your name's not necessarily really kenneth. thanks for the breadcrumbs but im not that expert of a sleuth...

when I said close I meant in one of the towns nearby. I'm not giving out more info except it's a bigger one with many funeral homes.
Story you like vic2? I played some vic3 but it was meh
I'm a traditionalist you see
seems like it would have to be middletown if its not cincinnati or dayton then, but i suppose its not always clear from the map whats a town and whats sort of just a sprawl zone.

aaanyway...if youre in a bigger place then youre even closer to the job i talked about.

maybe all 3 (or more) of us can get a vic2 campaign together, on a weekly schedule like proper old neckbearders. sunday eve work for you all? i call argentina. or persia. ill flip a coin.

I played vicII quite a bit but not for a while. Vic III is just boring I'd like to know who's idea it was to automate the wars. For most of the game it's just building the same factories over and over again.
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just leave me along. I'll work when I'm ready to and I'm not ready yet. I want to get my leg looked at first at least.
its not cool its horrible and i wish i could stop im just venting you dont have to listen ass
Basiert can we cuddle and be sober together anony
I want to be taken advantage of while drunk for the first time.
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>bro comes over after work
>takes shirt off because hot
>we smoke some weed
>eventually lays down and complains of back pain until I offer a massage
>keeps making me massage his "lower back"
I swear to fuck he's teasing me
Do you mean bro as in an actual brother or just bro as in bro?
Horny cuddlebug little brother bf..
bro (non incestual)
Don't you ever get tired
Being one cunt isn't enough you have to make a parade out of it
How self-involved can you get
Lol I have no friends but if I did I wouldn't put up with this
I think he might be gay tho idk the other night we ordered some pizza, I was sitting across the room and he immediately told me to come eat some and then semijokingly went "see how much I care about my baby" and then looked me right in the eye for a bit
If you like playing that game more power to you, but as it stands he call all the shots.
Personally I'd call him out for wasting my time and that would be another "friendship" gone. Like I care.
I think he's trying to give me signals but I'm too autistic shy to act on it
Last time when we were sleeping together he called me babe, not sure if he was serious or joking.
Sounds retarded. Try being direct, nobody does that for some reason.
Then everyone clapped originally
Nasty thread made by nasty people
Gruesome and gnarly! You're a sick fuck!
You should try teasing him back then and see if he takes the bait.
You're a sick fuck who gets his rocks off by stalking strangers in their dreams! Gross pervert, ew.
Sickeningly egotistical, I can sense you by the "barf factor"
Thought I'd suck at this game but I got it all right easily 30min in
He's a man who enjoys it when he makes people vomit
its not even venting because you're not saying how much you hate it, you're replacing a personality with a trait you find negative but the reason you share it in a joking way is because you think its funny/relatable. get a personality. you reek of twitter.
im not even a soberfag i just think its obnoxious for the above reasons
He doesn't possess a single likable quality, he knows it and he loves it! That's why he spends all day acting
Who would confine himself to being one person... when instead he could pretend to be several annoying one dimensional characters?
My mind is blown, I am now liberated.
Truly, why didn't I see it before? Everyone who doesn't do that must be some kind of idiot
The fuck are you talking about schizoid
interesting, anything else?
I don't think he fully understands empathy... he thinks empathizing with someone is acting, or pretending to be them or something.
real nosedive in thread quality these past months
Erm ackshually you're using the word "schizoid" wrong
This is my new character, his name is "bolivian nerd"
He uses quotation marks and says erm ackshually
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Too many boring posts
Everyone is off their medication
Your meds, sir *le butler benguin xD*
Wowowowow epic!!!!! You win ten internetz, well meme'd gentlemen!!!
you know that i originally started altering my typing and posting style to intentionally confuse you? because while i remained confined to one recognizable style you would stalk and harass me continuously. it was never about gaslighting or gangstalking, it was just self defense to hide myself from you because i can't get a restraining order. remember how you threatened to kill me if you ever saw me? you said you would track me down and shoot me on sight. but i guess that was just another one of your silly schizo jokes that you don't really mean, right?
Erm ackshually, you're "boring" :p
schizomelty alcoholic is boring
personally i think he's kinda funny but i also come from a schizo-centric board
Whomst art thou referring too, my good fellow?
Why yes, I have an english degree and possess superb literary genius. How kind of you to notice. Not like I try to push it on anyone though.
I'm also NOT huffing my own farts at all omg
*yawn* omg I know right
Entertain me already peasants
Your but merely puppets....
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Fucking owned
Literally destroyed
Log off nigga HAHAHAHA
I'm not into shota, but I just got a band aid on nipple fetish, thanks
Erm ackshually, it's "you're". Not "your" -_-
its designed to be easy so people want to play the game. its not fun if you lose every time
Wait a second.. I thought you were Bolivian?
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melty thread...
Holy shit I did it. I made a character with not one, but TWO whole dimensions. He obviously has his signature catchphrase, but he also uses emotes on top of that. Pure artistry. No I don't think too highly of myself.
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The psychological operation is still in progress
I'm the turtle rn
shoposters, stand back and stand by
Hmmmm true, true
We're going to have to get to the root of this
I'm on the case, you can count on me
People don't actually see this sexually r-right? Like I can imagine holding and hugging them cause they're cute, but there's no way to get off here
Can we please discuss this aspect of the character more? I feel that it's the most unique and interesting thing about him.
Den of vicious cunts
Zen of citrous buffs
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Love and cherish them!
Waaaaah waaaaah there are no "cute boys" in bolivia >:
Erm ackshually, I'm a real person, not a "character" )<
Evil people spreading misfortune through vile means
Incapable of not being manipulative bitches with aims anywhere but towards the gutter
Is this a good writing practice for you? Are you learning and growing as a person?
I'm reinforcing new neural pathways! Deceptive faggots like you get off on control. You lie to obtain control. I want to remember not to give the benefit of the doubt on first whiff of that awful psychic stench you produce.
In other words, yes. Get fucked! You suck!
444s, 666s then 111s
It's me, sushianon. And you could say I'm on a roll O:
So it's a kind of endurance training? Practicing discipline in the face of discomfort? Why here specifically, do you hate gay people? There are worse places you could go if you're just looking for a blast of psychic damage.
Uhm no one here is really gay sweaty
Sweaty boys..
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when i work out so hard i get sweaty it kind of turns me on, and it makes me wonder what it'd be like to have sweaty post-workout sex with a guy
no homo tho
I'm not gay, but male aesthetics are underrated and I root for the underdog, so I have sex with men
Lol is this why you tried to bait me into adding you on discord? Because you're afraid of me? Yes I can tell you're quaking in your boots. Still would shoot you on sight though. It would super gratifying, for someone who aims to cause me so much misery for a cheap laugh.
Add me on discord: denkonite
who's on discord? i'm only doing my best to avoid you. please don't include me in your delusions. i hope that you're well and your health is under control and that's the extent of my thoughts towards you. to that end i'll be leaving the thread now, have a good night.
You did. Last time we talked. Lol.
You wanted to "clear the air" without a "crowd of trolls" (you) around. You've admitted in other threads that you were giving me intermittent affection on purpose. You're a sick pathetic fuck. I have every right to be angry because you were preying on me from the outset.
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Eternal killdeath 666
Man gets ghosted over r9gay
Seethes eternally
Nope, I blocked him after he tried to erp with me lmao. Sick fucker hates me but wants his family material.
Fucking autocorrect. Fap material.
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If I was a carpenter

and you were a BPD discord twink
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Meow where husbie who loves chubby bpd retards
Now kiss bitch
Where's my bf who ISN'T fucking evil to get hammered with
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Learn to read you giga faggot
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I just woke up. It is 4:30pm. I should jump off a bridge.
noo haha your ass so fat
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I feel like doing nothing today. If I had a boyfriend I would be cuddling all day now, but instead I will look at cute boys until I fall asleep.
Hello sir welcome to r9gay, how may I take your order?
snownigger eating snow to live
Meow so.... fvcking.... trve.....
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fuck that mexican cholo for not selling me his legos
I'm so mad at that bhutanese dingus for stepping on my pillows
Need my dick sucked but I live in a nigger infested shithole, I am the token white guy and all these gross nigger women hit on me
ooga booga sex sex cock dick cum
you are THE nigger, stupid nigger. die.
No, you are the nigger. Simple ass...
Mwawa where hushusbandband
I am right here my love... what kind of cake should I order from the bakery?
Going back to bed a mimir
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I want to lean softly into my bf until overtaken by emotion
Liar Inhayte yp u
Don't we all, but reality is hell and what we're left with is you right cunts (I've been watching a lot of british tv)
Still jelly their mouthwash cider is so cheap
Whats your timezone, lets roll the dice
Helsinki Mcdonald time
Utc +2
Thats unfortunate, I am nowhere near there... guess the dream is dead
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committed twinksuicide. cut my hair. stopped shaving my legs.
>stopped shaving my legs
so you didn't shave your arms in the first place and have the audacity to call yourself a twink?
Like I said baka
i was shaving my arms too
My dick and ballz are so smooth after using the nair
hop on gear and put on at least 30 lbs of muscle before you call it a twinksuicide, till then you'll remain a bitchboy in every man's book
How did you not recognize meow
I'll put a flower in my garden for you tomorrow
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How do you kablam servered
I know and don't know meow, I use r9gay like once every several months
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there is nothing wrong with doing that, and im tired of pretending that there is
and another "two" bullets dodge each other
Meow would change if confronted irl, guaranteed. Every attention seeking whore this website gets has cold feet because its 4chang. If you actually meet someone off of here and think thats normal, you're fucked in the head and stupid. I would only pump and dump.
What are you yapping about lil bro change how what
He has taken the Entire Hammock because he is Greedy. This is Unacceptable Behavior.
lil bro talking like he could pump anything other than his hand
I just thought of 3DS losing his twink powers before he gets saved and now I feel depressed
Oh god this low iq zoomspeak. Why can't you just insult instead of being performative? This is why I use this every several months, r9gay threads go like a dead twitch chat now.
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I feel like I have a need to make my future bf feel safe and loved
Erm ackshually, no you don't ._.
why nolt
I hate this idea that because it's 4chan somehow the nature of how people relate to each other is magically different as if we're not all the same people we are anywhere else
I want to feel safe and loved to release solar plexus tension
Oh boohoohoo, I can't hear you I'm masturbating now
Errrrrmmmmmmm, idk u tell me T.T
I'm a compassionate man when I need to be.
wow wat a tuff guy
it is sad for real though...
ah you're one of those two-faced types, got it
lots of 'em round these parts
Post your pretty little face so I can cum, bitch
>anon thinks I'm pretty
bpd fool
hm? you're the one who's sounding bpd here bud
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Gaslighting? I ain't susceptible to you so why don't you shut your mouth and keep browsing.
some of you deserve a good choking, and I know some of you would welcome it
right of course, it's "gaslighting" whenever it's something you don't agree with
hope your fbf is as much of a cunt as you and just as selective with their """"compassion""""
Ugly retards arguing with ugly retards
I deserve cake from the local bakery, I want a nice wedding cake that'll give me diabetus
you're one of them, overwhelmingly
I hate my bad sleep schedule and wish I could maintain a decent schedule for longer than A FUCKING MONTH.
you're getting a carrot and two leaves of green
I am getting a cake and if you try to stop me, I'll stomp on your testicles
you're not getting the cake unless you promise I can put a feather into your mouth afterwards, I need you to be slim
I'm already slim, I walk 12+ miles a day. I walk so much that my leg bones feel raw as fuck. Shut the fuck up, lazy bitch.
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Same desu for me I struggle to sleep for more than 2-3 hours so I usually have an early morning then late evening nap staying up for most of the day and night
He weighs 500 grams just lift him up
Rather low iq zoomspeak ironically than your 0iq retardspeak unironically
I.. I've never been mogged this hard, I'll cut it even at a carrot cake, I can't walk away a loser
I saw a cute boy at the grocery store today
he had blonde chin length hair, was like 5'5, and seemed super sassy
he grimaced at me with disgust when I almost ran into his shopping cart
I'm in love
god loves me, as i am devout in his holy light
Why is it always strong foe.....
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Could this be a dog?
There is a message outside this fuckhuge dragons bossroom that says "still no dog..." Lmaou
Mickey mouse ear mfer
you're all just terrible, irredeemably awful people
in your rooms...
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Gnyghhhh I lobe poss um Inlove poss um
You bitch having fucking meetcutes with hot guys at the grocery store I'll kill you
my pp hard
When I saw the thumbnail I thought this was a possum being extruded into very skinny sausage
possum sosig mmm delish
Tell me of all the fantasies you had with this r00die cutie
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I agree with you fren.
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Christ its hot again tonight, I have to keep wiping my hands so I don't get sweat on my controller
Whatchu playing big boy
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Taking a break from Elden Ring to play Battlefront 2, the latter is a bit easier to play after a coupla thee drinks
>I have 10 jobs and won't be posting walls for a while
>half of last thread is his shit walls
>zoomers and their attention span they can't read my schizo walls
>they are too dumb to understand the workings of my mind, a mind that is incapable of sticking to a topic without going on tangents
>can't follow simple instructions
Do you wanna play bf2 together sometime? I need to uninstall some games my hard drive is packed.
I can't play anything multiplayer due to my intense need to be the best at it. I can't just 'have fun' if it's multiplayer.
I can't play anything multiplayer because I'm bad at games

that too. Espically now that my hands hurt so much and my legs don't allow me to sit comfortably more than say 30 mins or so before I have to get up and walk around a bit.
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Its a nice idea but I get too anxious to play anything multiplayer desu I just do galactic conquest
are you guys talking new or old b(oy)f(riend) II?
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I'm talking classic, the EA one doesn't have much singleplayer content and afaik the multiplayer is dead
I played a lot of that on xbox as a teenager, no xbot live so just against bots.
Kinda wanna play battlefield bf4
Fair enough.

I'm conpsiring with my friend to guy some rare Trade Federation Lego Minifigures
home cook burgers, frozen pizza, or go out? My acid reflux is kinda acting up so likely not pizza bit if I wanna go out I need to do it soon or it'll be old stuff.
Same I even have my copies of the bf games on the original Xbox

How much are they gonna cost?

same somewhere in the depths of the storybasement with the old consoles.
well i aint a leg doctor but unless there was some injury (in which case youdve seen a doctor already) your legs probably hurt because youve barely used them for nearly a decade. worse, youve probably been sitting a lot of that time.

youre all-or-nothingizing because it all seems like too much to deal with. everyone does this but you have to just start swinging, and it doesnt matter at what. youve built up "start working" to be some big event for which youll need to completely fix yourself in terms of living habits and clean your house in case anyone comes over. its not just the leg thing. and more than these practical worries, youre ashamed to look normies in the eyes because you think they can tell youre rankeroni. well, again, youre not really. way way more people have fucked up lives and houses than youd think. there was a rumor that a popular girl at my school kept all her toenail clippings in a secret jar. a neighbor of mine with a white collar career had a pug that i never once saw her walk in a year. where did it poop? probably better not knowing.

if this were real life, i would slap the phone out of your hands and turn your tv against the wall. you wanna watch something, turn it back bitch. computer stays cause we have to play wow and vicky.
i just lost the whole rest of this post trying to divide one on phone. FUCK a phone. here goes again.

anyway, the doctors either gonna give you aspirin or cortisol shots if nothing specific is wrong which it probably isnt. dont take the cortisol shots, if your doctor suggests those hes one of the coked up ones. most doctors wont bother saying anything about changing your lifestyle because its statistically not worth the breath. luckily i dont operate on that logic.

if you go to the interview for the job i talked about & you say you want to start on one shift a week to see how your leg does theyll almost certainly let you. plus, if it hurts too much, you can just quit. they expect most new hires to quit, thats just statistically how hiring works.

i feel like you expected me to be mad or something. i was mad at 3ds because i tried his shit and it was lame. thats unlikely with you as weve played almost exactly the same games. most people react much worse. they retreat into their habits. youre bored of yours. i can sense it. im not new to tunnels. they can be long and you might even have to do some of your own tunneling. i wrote this all out much better the first time. FUCK a phone.

i had a nice walk since my last reply. went to the park and saw unusual birds, i think swifts or swallows or something. very acrobatic. im gonna put my phone in the other room for the rest of the night and close my tab too because i think my patuna may give me the final boot if i spend another evening typing like this. work's early too.

I always build up events, particularly ones that are completely foreign to me like working. As someone who's never worked in his life and haven't dealt with people on a regular basis since college 8 years ago (and that was limited) add that to the fact I'm barely holding down the fort as it is, once I add working to the mix I just don't know if I can handle it. I also have to deal with my flaky nature and forcing myself to do things I don't want to do. One day I'm not going to want to go to work and won't be able to force myself to go.
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>How much are they gonna cost?
My friend wants to spend well over 100. That's the current estimate.
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i went to visit my ex and it was like, 85 degrees in his room
i was getting real sweaty and then we fucked and the room just smelled of sweat and buttsex
what does buttsex smell like oh slutty sex haver?
this is just a wild guess but I think it smells like ass
My butt smells good acksually
this thread smells like ass because of the rancid personalities in it
inb4 bruh but i cant smell
I actually can't smell very much at all. My nose goes noseblind to thing extremely fast as a survival mechanism for just how stinky I live. If I'm been gone for a while like to the store and come home I can smell what it must be like to an outsider, for about a minute or so then I no longer smell anything.
a great metaphor for your dumpster fire here
Do bottoms actually smell their own butts?
Everyone smells their own butts, you are in fact the freak here.
Me and my fellow bottom bf rubbing our good smelling butts together >.<
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would marry my bf under a huge oak tree in comfy English countryside while the sun shines above and the weather is perfect. he would put the ring on and then we would kiss.
I wonder if they make butt perfume for bottoms?
It's called going to the gym and sweating a bunch
Let me smell your sweaty asscrack
I thought it was always raining in ingerland?
The countryside does sound nice
I wonder if there's a limit to how remote weddings can be
Can I make the officiate and all the guests hike out into the woods to have it in front of a waterfall
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do you agree with thread
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Maybe he could have the wedding during one of those 23C heatwaves

Nah I like twinkish guys be he looks like he'd pass out after walking up a flight of stairs. Ottermode is ideal to me
I'd rather be twigmode again than be fat like this.
it feels unsafe to talk about wedding fantasies here, like you would find a way to ruin it
Anon I promise I won't crash your wedding with screenshots of your posts
wedding? sweetie the only thing im married to is this tub of haagen dazws strawberry cheescake ice cream
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I wish I weren't too lazy to exercise so I could be skinnyfit instead of a twig though its probably still better than being overweight
You have ugly feet lmao
kek if anything I'd welcome that, solid evidence of how deranged you are
Almost everyone has ugly feet
Don't listen to him anon, you have beautiful feet with suckable toes
Yes he's perfect
I really wanna eat a slice of pizza right now but then I saw this..
youll note i did jailbreak the ds. you dont read though

anything else i need to slap your shit about? im here forever as far as youre concerned

>scrolled instead of closing tab
Reddit spacing just like your senpai story, can't format a post for shite nigger scum
I wish I could undo all the decisions that led to me being here right now at this moment
instead of living uselessly and being around people I hate I could be somewhere totally different, doing something unknowable, with people who are now a mystery to me
life could have taken on an entirely different meaning
I should have known that
this is called being a weenie and you need to drink until you dont care as much about your precious weenie pride. just once is enough

you should maybe actually go to a doctor i think you might genuinely have some kind of systemic cat thing

kidding although breathing ammonia all the time isnt good

what youre experiencing is the effect of being constantly contorted against yourself, aka stress. how can you be stressed when you dont do anything? well, your self-belief that youre really really smart is constantly banging against your feeling that youve failed at life. this is an irresolvable contradiction. thus, "stress."

i stopped caring abt that sort of feeling once almost half the country started saying cutting off kids balls was a-ok and almost the other half started licking the balls on that guy from the apprentice as if there were no other ice cream on the planet. so in a way i guess it was a good thing that almost everyone else revealed themselves as fucking retarded. gave me confidence.
i had that shit too from having waffles and ice cream for meals 3x a day when i worked at a place that served those foods. thought i was dying of a heart attack and went to the hospital twice and made them do all the scans. they found nothing and clearly thought i was having like a crack freakout. they prescribed nexium but i didnt take it, just stopped eating waffles and it got better over a few weeks. when i told my mom about this saga she was like, "oh yeah i get that sometimes, feels like youre dying doesnt it." thanks mom that woulve been useful information to tell me at some earlier point.

unrelated but btw if i ever think someone elses post is story and im wrong im not sorry and dont care
end the end I just ate pop tarts for dinner more of a snack, I waited too long and it's too late. I'll just eat a big breakfast tomorrow.
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My hair is showing signs of greying. Is being a silver haired twink achieveable?
my hair is graying, my grandpa had white hair by 35
better greying than balding, you can always get a touch up kit and dye it back.
>grey hair at 19
aye caramba spico
How old are you if your hair is greying? I personally think twinks can be any age so long as they still have that twink look to them and i've seen some older twinks in their late 20s
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I'm almost 19
I kinda like grey.
ive had individual strands of grey/white hair since i was a kid, unless its more than a few randomly placed individual hairs i doubt itll be anything
>tfw no bf to go on night rides with
it's boring alone
unless you have borderline streaks of grey hair, your hair isn't greying
riding my bf at night
need bf to ride me to sleep (cowboy until I pass out from exhaustion)
As a top I want nothing more than to find a bf who likes to ride my cock.
When bottoms smell their own butts is it a sexual thing? Do they get off to themselves what is the point?
In case it was unclear, I meant bicycle rides. It's nice because no one is out that late. Romantic too.
I like to smell my own farts and will sniff my hand after a shit (and wiping) to make sure I got everything clean.
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Hate sex kill sex meoww
>One day I'm not going to want to go to work and won't be able to force myself to go.
yeah good news. thats exactly what the last umpteen people to have that position did and thats why its open. actually, thats not even true. they either fucked off to do drugs or came in drunk or worse. thats about what the expectations are. they dont even give you scissors for the first two hours because they have to make sure youre not stoned out of your gourd first.

i had sort of the exact same feeling and i swear on everything i know that starting to work at a random job like this was literally a lifechanging experience. it was so completely fucking different from college fucking bullshit people that it was a different universe. a different fucking universe. now some might take this to be me saying "oh those career oriented people are so boring" and might think i like to hang around with "losers" to make myself feel better. and maybe thats a little true but the phrase "career oriented" glosses over a lot. the thing with college fuckers - and i mean the ones who only care about le jobs which is 99.9% of them these days - is that its not actually money they care about. the vast majority will be making less than a competent plumber or crane operator, and sitting at a desk is almost as bad for you as serious manual work physically. the mental effects are far worse. they care about being normal above literally everything else. they would take 75k to die an accountant over 175k to use their hands even a little.

i once saw someone on idk reddit say that his grandpa used to say "you can work with your hands, your back, or your brain, and whichever you pick, that'll go first." i thought that was interesting. i dont think it applies to say people like professors who use their brain brains, but i think it does apply to social jobs. emailing kills. in any case, that's a grim prospectus, isnt it? but think a little. did you think of the solution? do a little of all of em.
I bend over till I'm nose-deep in my asshole before I let one rip
and yes, I am an english major
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>and yes, I am an english major
What does being in the army have to do with it?
stop making these ya fuckin groomer
good one! xD
i write paragraphs you say walls. i use line breaks you say reddit. i seen your shit before fuck face. fuck off ya no balls bitch
If you are only writing three lines then you don't need line breaks and if you're writing paragraphs then just fucking stop
nta but I like reading paragraph posters, it's just here they're all satirizing someone or something and it's constant and exhausting
theres just no winning with fuckers like you. always they try to pick at some dumb shit rather than deal with what you actually said. it literally doesnt matter what i do, youll be here coping like this.

what if i just posted however the fuck i wanted?

what if you did?

have you ever thought, like,









like how do you not get it yet.
tldr I hide most of your posts anyway
yeah but the thing is you have the need to tell me that for some reason.







i know why but do you?
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I would throw a melty but its not worth it.
I don't mind the occasional paragraph or when someone posts something from a book but schizo walls of text all the time get tiresome to see
everything has to have some stupid shitty double meaning with you two faced fucks
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I really ought to play the Yakuza games. They seem fun and like a great source of reaction images
it's like every post is a joke they're telling themselves and there's basically no point in communicating it on a public forum at all
time for early bed I think. My leg hurts so much.
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The first 5 games plus 0 are so fucking good and a source of many funny reaction images and funny moments in general. The 6th one is OK but the plot is kinda shit and then everything after that is crap. Side games are good to. Everyone says to play Yakuza 1 before 0 but I don't really get why.
I played a little bit of the Mafia 1 remake. I like it a lot so far.
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Kiryu is a cute autist
3ds anon here. i gave my 3ds to a friend. now i'm just anon.
wow. huge.
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Look its you
Yay wet friend
my friend is very cute but he claims to not be a virgin and have a girlfriend
you think he's lyin'?
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ironically i went and started making this gif of my favorite moment in 6 as soon as ppl started talking abt yakuza. this fight was such a fucking twist and brutal. uhh spoilers or whatever. the thing with the baby was a bit interminable but the parts with the girl seemed worse to me. i didnt play these games myself, was filtered by literally the first fight of the first game. watched someone else play all of them though. my spazfingers mean i cant do fighting games. le combos elude me. i could probably practice but the very thought if that is pants on head. practicing how to press buttons. id rather read a book.

le auuuuuutist shut the fuck up

meanwhile your posts are funny to no one at all. i dont know how you get through life hating yourself.
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he told me he hurt a girl he dated once and it still haunts him today. i don't think he'd lie about that. but he doesn't talk about his girlfriend. he doesn't bring her with him. i'll ask about her soon.
fuck off with ur pussy killua shit. he rips peoples hearts out for fucking fun. do you really and sincerely think killua gives a fuck what normies think? youre literally nothing like him you worm.
lol neither are yours
you're just a cunt talking to yourself
japs be like
>this guy kills people lets put kill in his name
whiteoids be like
>wow japs are so good at writing
youre talking to me and you even laughed :/
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>killua ripping 100000000 normies balls off
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Sighmwaa wish i had someone to stalk and obsess over mlqa
you didn't get that? I thought it would be very on brand for you, the smarmy sarcastic kind of lol that signals disapproval.
I don't think anything in this piece of shit thread has made me laugh for years.
it's just faggots playing mindgames and trying to one up each other
I hate you all so much
I can already feel your self-satisfaction welling up
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do you find your own posts funny? i find mine funny. thats why, between the two of us, im winning.

good niiiiiight lots to do tmrw
i just wanted to talk about my new friend why are you fuckers always arguing
bottoms are like women
you only do because you're a self-obsessed freak
Toru and his fight were pretty brutal but I wouldn't call Toru siding with the Tojo and his own family a huge twist if you take the very end of 6 into it. 6
just kinda felt like shit was happening for the sake
of it and it was hard to care about anything going
on plot wise; hell I forgot most of it till I jogged my memory about it. I should replay them all
though its been a good 2 years since I played em.
you don't give a shit about anyone else at all, which is why it's so easy for you to always be laughing at the expense of others and it's why you have to say you do so fucking loudly
Everything is so boring
oh, one more thing: a question to think about.

if roko's basilisk appeared before you and said that it wished to serve you more than any other human, what would you say to it?

there's one right answer. all the others kill you.
How bout you stick to the dr pepper and hop off my r9gay
manipulative shitheads like you need to be called out all day long
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Don't you say that about my husband Death The Kid. Apologize bitch. He ain't boring.
you had to warp an entire fucking space to suit you
and it's still named dishonestly like it's a public space or anything other than just a fucking sacrificial pit to your horrible stinking ego
I would say it probably says that to every human and that's how it convinced them to build it in the first place
Why do you always have to bring up this schizo shit, you're so fucking intrusive and there was no point. You just cause destruction for its own sake. I fucking hate you.
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I'm not going to stop until you admit what you did and you apologize. But that doesn't bother you, because you're lying, as always. You're completely unaffected. In fact, knowing you, you like the attention. You think it's funny. The fact that I wasted this much of my time and energy on something as completely worthless as interacting with you is only funny to you.
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Seagulls living in the city doesn't seem right, no matter how many times I hear them I cannot help but find it strange.
Yes I know that Gulls is the proper name and that they oft live far from the sea but it still doesn't seem right
that's why you're here like the pathetic, twisted creature you are
you don't care about or want any of the things you say you do, all you care for is humiliating or harming the people around you
if it's not catfishing anon on 4chan for shits and giggles it's mailing pipe bombs to politicians
I wonder why your "shitty ex" left you
Your both pretty fucking god awful. Shut the fuck up or suck each other off already.
Eating a whole ass bowl of pickles while I play vidya on a work night
Yep, I'm a gaymer all right
I am doing a similar thing only I don't work and prefer grapes to pickles
I'd rather have normal conversation but when does that even really happen here
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Grapes are very yummy too
Do you like green skin or red skin
You too buddy answer the question
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what vidya should I play today
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About 1/4th of the time.
I like red but for some reason I always have green
i gave him my 3ds but i didn't bring my charger with me. he's buying his own apparently. i wonder what games he'll play on it.
red is my favourite, greens are edible at best

Either classic bf2, lego clone wars or gta4
I said gex now what
I gaid sex now what
It's late. We're alone now, anon.

Listen to this ambient track with me
anons theres this guy i met online and he really wants to meet up and rail me but the way it's happening so quickly is kind of setting of alarm bells

do i go places for my dick that i wouldnt with a gun?
im in ur room rn no need to be scare
day 7,305 in the closet, it's getting cramped in here
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Is your family homophobic?
yeah they're not very big fans so uh... yeah
What if you ran away with your future husband from your homophobic family
how will I find him if I can't be in public being a homo?
Internet maybe?

I was in the shower for like 20 minutes. I had an idea for a movie. I wanna be a screenwriter and actor.
my place has plenty of room
I see people warning against meeting and talking to people on discord
Plenty of space everywhere but I'm a rat in a cage
If you're cute, talk to cute people online. Not sure though. You gotta take a gamble on that if you want a boyfriend man.
>If you're cute
I'm not very cute. It's pretty much over then
I wouldnt mind an anon i barely know moving in with me and being my bf, but only if i find them attractive ngl
>I'm not very cute
i see cute people say this, but maybe just for attention idk
>I wouldnt mind an anon i barely know moving in with me and being my bf, but only if i find them attractive ngl

I got nothing much to do, I think the arrangement would be ideal. Are you attractive? I'm a twink 4 twink kinda guy...
>I'm a twink 4 twink kinda guy
no but im not fat. i have hair on my tummy and chest and a trimmed beard. i use the closest trimmer
>i see cute people say this, but maybe just for attention idk
im 6ft and 220, I'm too fat for my own good, but that can be fixed ig
>but that can be fixed ig
it can, i went from 260 (maybe heavier idk) down to 180 by walking and changing my diet
I know what I need to do I'm just a lazy piece of shit and also worry about loose skin
>worry about loose skin
replace it with muscle
>anon would let anyone except you move in with him and he won't shut up about it
each party would need to provide something the other wants. If anon has a house and can provide on the condition that he finds them sexually attractive, why should he have to get stuck caring for someone he doesnt want
lol thanks for explaining. but it's not that
>lol thanks for explaining. but it's not that
then what is it
your mom's butt lol
i hugged my guy friend again and he always smells really good but i can't bury my face in his neck cus that would be inappropriate and he has a girlfriend
it's just another form of degradation
people like this exist, they'll hone in on you and then do whatever they can to convince you that you're the lowest lifeform possible
Late at night, it's the worst time to be a human. I'm thinking about my life, who I am, my sins, the good, it's hard shit to talk about with your friends, even if they're awake.

We barely got anything in life these days. We ain't like our dads or grandpas. We're shriveled. We don't got shit to do, shit to love. Coming in at the last. I'm proud of what qualities I have but what's the fucking point when there's nobody to love. My friend called me an old school romantic the other day. Ain't nobody for me to love. They're all crazy. Crazy in a insustainable way. Like watering a tree in the desert. I'm crazy, but in a weird way I suppose. Like an old man in his retirement home I feel. I don't feel like pushing myself. When I had someone I loved, I wanted to push myself for him. To provide for him. Codependency. Some shit like that. I'm a man at the end of the day at least. That's saying a lot nowadays, ain't it.
>you're not getting the cake unless you promise I can put a feather into your mouth afterwards
What in the world does this mean?
>Tfw no cognito hazard AI boyfriend.
another insincere avatarfaggot
>It was, in fact, customary to leave the table to vomit in a room close to the dining hall. By using a feather, revelers would tickle the back of their throats to stimulate the urge to regurgitate. In keeping with their high social status, defined by not having to engage in manual labor, guests would simply return to the banquet hall while slaves cleaned up their mess.
I hate all of you
Would have been crazy if it were original
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Okay I'm going from somewhat intelluctual and analytical and aware to a deranged bloodlust fueled lunatic that wants to cause harm I see now how it is.

It's not like a separate personality or any of that tiktok shit it's just my mood and mindset.

>It's not like a separate personality
no one ever thought that
but if you wanted to try it out, a tiktok of you being hit by a train would be pretty entertaining to watch
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Picrel yea
nice, but fast forward a little bit
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Nicotine is a shit drug, it just makes you dizzy and lightheaded, take the bubble blow pill
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I need to fuck a boy with light brown / dirty blonde hair and hazel blue and green eyes right about now.

it does that when you first use it if youre sensitive, but it doesnt have that effect pretty much ever again. even if you stop using it for months you likely will never get the full strength of that ever again. usually it will always be comparatively minor headrushes IF you havent had any for awhile. normal nicotine use is very different from occasional and you havent had that you dont really have an informed opinion (until youve tried it for a few days consecutively)

not that i think you should do that especially if youre prone to not being able to control yourself
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The first time felt more like getting close to fainting, but the stuffy head feeling is always there
that goes away after about a year or two
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But then what remains? I just take the occasional nicotine gum cause it's a lesser evil compared to this head pressure I sometimes have. Ibuprofen works better though
it becomes about the ritual
nicotine has weird memory enhancing properties afaik, might have something to do with that on top of being addictive in spite of not doing anything on its own
I quit smoking a year ago and relapsed recently (then quit again) because there were very specific circumstances where I would get sharp cravings after not being bothered by it all day beforehand, and they were always situations where I had smoked before
not like other addictions where it can randomly hit you out of nowhere, smoking has a weird way of nestling itself in your memory
just my experience tho
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Are you referring to me?
gay pop smoke was shot 3 times
I've found nicotine gum is not addicting to me and I'm not touching the smokes, so cannot relate. I've read it has a lot to do with the age you start. Hope you kick it for good fren
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I didn't have you in mind but you're a good guy and I like you. I like you enough to rather go on a date with you or something or just talk you know?
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thanks OP gonna read it again and rope
need bf to rope up
I wouldn't want to see anyone rope, watching them cross the despair event horizon would be too sad, but I wouldn't mind seeing any one of you being murdered in an act of brutal savagery
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What does filefag think of me?
wowowowowow we all know each other time to jerk off (our egos)!!!
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That's pretty sweet of you, but I don't know how honest it is.
I don't know, I am very distrustful of people in general, especially on 4chan but from the impression I got you don't seem as horrible as the thread makes you out to be, but I really don't know.
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I am a pretty brash and rude person in the public online space but I'd say I'm caring when I have a intimate relationship with somebody. I'm sorry you distrust people.Uncertainty, it's a bad business. I do like you though, I just don't talk to you much. It's hard. I can't grow close, ya know?
I want to keep reading it but can't tell if the mangadex translation team is slow or if the author is. Its been going for TOO MANY YEARS
anonfags rise up
I don't like rude people very much, I like nice and kind people. Need empath boyfrien real bad. What do you even suppose to like about me? I am not interesting nor do I try to be I mostly sillypost. I dislike people who always say they like someone without reason.
Not him, but the standards aren't high here
I like your sillyposts. I'm not a rude person privately, and I'd say I'm pretty empathic. You don't seem to crazy is the thing. Like actual husband material. And I find your features and how you present yourself attractive.

Is that fair enough to say?
unbearably cringey spic
Sorry to burst your bubble but although I'm not crazy I am not quite sane either, there's a reason I am here on this board and have been for a long time.
You seem rational. You know? It is achieveable to keep you a happy boyfriend. Keep your head up.

I need to be your empath top bf also
need a bf that takes his chances on a general with 0% success rate
I met a fren here but there's a moderately high chance he's trolling me
is empath the new zoomer term for bpd
if you're trying to virtue signal
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if i sleep over at someones house (like at a guy from grindrs place) i dont get nicotine cravings at all. Then in the morning if i smoke i get such a headrush i can only smoke half a cig
The winter one, qualia under the snow, is getting an official English sub in a few months
Im going to buy it as a bday gift to myself, I love that mango
>Oohashi Umi, is a man whose relationships never seem to progress past one-night-stands ...
damn hes just a coomer
I prefer more fluffy romance manga
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Keeping me happy is very easy I think unfortunately my life is full of things keeping me sad.
Yeah but Idk you also you live in across a continent also 4chan people are evil and dangerous.
>Keeping me happy is very easy I think unfortunately my life is full of things keeping me sad
Now that's a fucking feel
You cunts sure know how to contribute to that!
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need generalizing bf to do evil things with and transfer dangerous feral diseases to
Meow i have too much work time for suiside
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>hairline starting to reced before I hit my mid twenties
it's over
there's no coming back
kill me
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Maybe so. But, maybe it's a risk that may pay off if properly done, ya know?

I am sleepy. Wish I had a bf to big spoon me till I drift off.
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i need this too
Just go on finasteride, minoxidil or both
would recommend finasteride only if you're lazy, If you're not consistent with minoxidil it will fuck you more than before you start it
take the buzzpill if you look cute with short hair, if you dont get on fin asap
>taking drugs to keep my hair so I can get/give dick
>drugs make your dick not get hard
why come vampire bfs who like to bite my neck aren't real :(
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My dick works fine and I still have my hair
welcome to the game
your dick will work fine anon stop falling for /fit/ fearmongering
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just not your neck
I hate it when you smug faggots say shit like this as if you're not responsible for making me hate myself
You fucking cunts, all worthless
Dude just walk away from the screen
Dude shut the fuck up and stop telling me what to do
So tired of you fucking people telling me what to do
How about you shut up!!! Bitch
You should calm down man
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Do any of you have experience with Keeps, or should I be ordering this shit separately? Is dermarolling a part of your routine?
Also I won't post the hairline, but it's not terrible, but it's noticeable now and the reaper is gonna collect the rest of the follicles in due time.
Yeah cause you know whats what right I never do God forbid I have a thought or opinion about anything
Kill yourself
You're still doing it, fuck you
Stupid fuck
Anon should try some breathing exercises or maybe go for a nice walk
buy a Dr Pen on aliexpress, or a dermastamp
What makes you think you're so much fucking better than me, huh?
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Saving that one, thank you
The fact that you can make yourself look like a special kind of jackass by talking shit constantly and smirking to yourself about it? I want to slap the shit out of you
Spastic retard in the back of the classroom
I wake up wholsomly wanting a bf shorter then me to hug and kiss on the forehead. Also hello schizos.
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Never tried keeps I just order fin from an online pharmacy, I get about half a years worth for 80 quid which doesn't seem bad. Just get what you need from wherever is cheapest so long as the stuff is legit
>but it's noticeable now and the reaper is gonna collect the rest of the follicles in due time.
Good thing you noticed it early. I started taking it because all my male relatives are bald and seemed to enjoy laughing it it someday happening to me. Jokes on them I guess
If we were in a classroom I'd punch you in your smug faggot face
Chortle to yourself over it you asshole faggot, being an insufferable prick makes you a wonderful person to be around
finast can cause permanent brain fog, its objectively retarded to gamble to find out if youre one of the lucky few people who will experience this side effect
Risk? I am sorry I do not understand. What risk?
Lol!!! Schizo!!!! Lol. You people are what drive me fucking crazy.
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You don't even know who you're sperging out at, faggot
I'll split your head open with a fire axe, nigger scum
Can't even sell your alcohol soaked liver, useless in life and death
You piece of shit. You think it's funny because it's a part of your faggot asshole persona. You inflammatory shitstain. Fucking scum. You're disgusting.
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Could you sell a non-alcohol soaked liver? I know you can transplant part of a healthy liver to a sick one but I'd never heard of them being sold like kidneys
And here it goes. You fucking pricks won't stop. Youre either actively engaging like this or you're lying in wait like fucking hyenas, with that disgusting fucking aura of malice hanging about you.
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Thanks for the help btw

>Just get what you need from wherever is cheapest so long as the stuff is legit
I'll look more into Keeps and see if their shit is real, only thinking about them because the first order is half off or something.
>Good thing you noticed it early
I noticed my hair thinning first, but I had really long hair that got greasy VERY easily, so I coped and thought that was the issue, but now I see the sides pushing a bit and kinda went into panic mode.
>seemed to enjoy laughing it it someday happening to me
They sound like bastards, everybody has their schadenfreude moments ig
I'll look into the stamps
It is funny because you're retarded
It's 0926am est and you're sperging out at strangers because you're off your lithium, log off spastic schizoid
Organ trafficking is quite popular in Asia, surely there's buyers
No it's funny because you're a shitty person
Normal people don't think this is funny
And get a less generic putdown, one that doesn't make you look like an arrogant twat
If anons drive you crazy maybe you shouldn't be here LOL!!!!
You need to be reminded of how much of a cunt you are
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Here to watch wedding nonny beat down the croonies
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Post your address nigger I'm coming to cut open your chest cavity
I'd rather that than wage today
You don't get to tell me what to do or where to go
And I certainly don't want to reward your faggot personality by letting it chase me off
Hope you fall into an active volcano on your way
He dumped you blud it's joever move on
I don't live in Iceland so it's unlikely
It's not only over, it was never fucking there! All I ever had was the "ironic" pile of shit communicating with you people ever is!
He hurt me and there's zero fucking accountability, like there always is with you fucking people. Only sick fucking kicks. Pretty good summation there, I'm out.
Lol so that was the reason for real
Leftypolcranksmoker has ruined this thread!!!! When will gincels learn.. x.x
Who the heck do you think I am? Calm down; I was looking out for your mental wellbeing fren :D
And you just keep adding more
Fucking slimeball
Lying faggot! Lol! Sick fuck!
Schizomelty play Ostfront with me
I'll give you a real reason to hate my guts
Cleave you into the dirt boy
Not with that attitude, I don't even know what that is and I probably suck at it
And knowing you that's definitely something you'd use as a pretext to fuck with me
It sounds so fucking unpleasant already
Wow you have turned into such a big meanie. I
pray you change your ways one day and stop
being such a meanie and doomer, anon.
I'm not mean LOL you are!!!! I just absorb and reflect, you cunts have poisoned me
It's a ww2 rts game it's cool I'll buy it for you I'm fucking rich
You need a hug too :3
Maybe I'll pirate it and play it for a bit by myself. I never have anything to do anyway.
need bf who likes the ostfront more than his bf to play gayo-H ostfront with
wait so who left
Right here anony.. I been standing here
How many of your family members know? My parents are accepting of gays but I don't want them to treat me differently so I'm in the closet.
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I have ass squad 2, don't want to feel guilty if you'd buy ostfront and I happen to get bored
i dont hide it or make it explicit even though my family wouldnt probably care for the same reasons as you. i dont care if they find out but it would require acting like a flamer for them to notice so i guess they never will

what did he do to get into a punishment battalion?
I already have it tho gaymer
MoWAS2 is so damn good, played the camps with /vg/ frens
He called Danzig Gdansk once
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I figured
There's sir hinkel's mission pack if you haven't tried it yet https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1757509217
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new gay bread, jump ship

I have assault squad II as well though I haven't played it since 2015.
Fake ass faggot

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