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I have been reincarnated as a gay man edition
Qot: which (real)country would you want to live in?
Qot2: would you want to stay gay or not?
Previous: >>78156277
Beat me to it

Japan or Austria
Good luck anon you will make great fortune, untapped market
I would like to make a game if I ever get past the baby tutorials but gay robot porn is something I think about far too frequently, especially because the fact that they're robots makes mpreg way easier to justify
Just what we needed, a terminator anime...
I say that but I'm watching Isekai suicide squad so not like I have much room to speak on this (it's actually fun)
The economy probably isnt great there since Britain's is collapsing in on itself so if I just became something simple like a baker and bought a shitty house out in the beautiful countryside I could probably live pretty okay
I would definitely want to be gay still even if the area might be more conservative and hostile just because Irish men are way cooler than Irish women
make an old school low prod dating sim that is impossible to win
I can't believe they made clayface hot
Test. Testing. Hellooo
What does low prod mean?
Also I want to make character action games because punching and swords are cool
A gay yandere sim would be epic and half the work is already done
time to cook for the first time since like Tuesday of last week.
i dont know the context behind the pictures or if theyre even real code but the part where the teacher's mood is stored as a string instead of a enum or boolean array or something similar is so funny to me.
I mean it's been a while since I've programmed anything but I guess it could be a little hard to remember if you just used numbers or something to denote each mood
I remember watching a yt vid where someone was laughing at yandev's code but I have zero context. also didn't he get canceled for soemthing?
I had no idea he was this old but he was sexting a 16 y/o as a 35 y/o man
Also, he then accused her of abusing HIM because the fact that he was doing this counted as leverage she could use against him in some theoretical scenario, trying to imply that the power imbalance in the relationship favored HER
well enums existed in 1958 so are you 90 yrs old or just bad at programming
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Finished the Souseki Natsume collection. Very enjoyable. Next up the Alchemist by Coelho
what do you know another weird loser making a weird game where you kill people and take pantyshots outed as a pedo. who would have thought? At this point I assume any weeb/otaku is a pedo.
Well I'm not 90 so it's definitely the second one
If I were making a game people paid me for monthly and I never had to finish it I'd probably try not to do controversial stuff
I'd never finish it either, gotta milk that sweet pateron bux.
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Hidden Technique: [Violent Grape Devour]
Also I looked that dude up and he had a baller mustache
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my bf woke up at 6 for work
I woke up at ~8, sat in bed with the cats for a few hours, smoked two joints, jerked off four times, and had a snack (hard boiled eggs, cheese, rice crackers)
it's crazy how different peoples lives can be
Man I'm fucking jealous
I already get up at 6 for work but I don't have a horny potsmoking bf to come home to
I'm not even being sarcastic I want to work hard for someone and come home and get high with him God please grant my wish
He seems to be a pretty interesting guy. Gotta check if any of his novels have been translated into finnish or english when I get back home. I wholeheartedly recommend this book at least.
why are you jerking off when you have a bf? Even if he couldn't get you off then, save your coom for when he can.
>tfw no bf to save all his coom for me so that the nutrients and tasty semen don't go to waste
Buying a drawing pad
This will definitely be a waste of money
As a bottom it doesn't matter if I jerk off, my cum is at best going into a towel. He should should save up to give me the biggest loads he can.
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It is time to pirate
As long as you have fun it is never a waste! Just be sure not to have so much fun you run out of money
I might be retarded but if I were to have sex with my bf I would want to wear a condom and have him feed me my pathetic bottom load after he has fucked his virile one into me tbdess
My sister is working with viruses in a lab and someone infected her lab cells with a virus that SHE was supposed to infect them with so now she just has extra virus and she doesn't know what to do with it
I told her to just bring it home and have virus friends
Hoping we can start an epidemic here
>why are you jerking off when you have a bf?
dude twink death literally MURDERED him
I am a top but I love the taste of cum and I would definitely want my bf to share his with me
We could make out with it in our mouths
me when ugly man still ugly after a few years
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Whenever I get sick I always wanna play Plague Inc.
I have half the achievements after about 80~ hours, 70 of those hours while sick and dying
This is such an unfortunate video
Rest in Peace anime-woman man
Yandere dev looks like the guy who played Jango desu
Fine by me as long as I get to keep the tops load in me. I just think me as a bottom wearing a condom is hot.
what is this what is this please tell me musicposter what is this i remember you please what is this
That's what it sounds like when I jerk off I have a very bizarre and alien penis
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Meow so glad I am pure and chaste and would never talk about s*x
>he says, while inserting an entire pencil into his urethra
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Weird fantasy but nope I have never inserted anything in my urethra
elegant ejaculation
sumptuous squirt'ums
If you ever say the word squirt'um in my presence I will beat you to death with a rock
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>Qot: which (real)country would you want to live in?
If money wasn't an issue the U.K. Otherwise the states.
>Qot2: would you want to stay gay or not?
I'd prefer being straight. Its a barrier to my desire of having kids, and I don't want to adopt. My best friend not reciprocating my feelings in the slightest is torturous and another reason to switch up.

>tfw no bf
I can't breed ACKK
>I like body hair on men but some places should be shaved, like the groin
worst worst take. worst. inverted even

>doctors recommend doctors being paid just to be on the safe side
we know the drill already. if you feel any new lumps anywhere on your body, get them looked at. usually they are just lipomas (benign fatty blobs/bits.) you can get these cut out if theyre somewhere unflattering but they arent a health risk. if you feel consistently exhausted/feverish or have weird pain for a prolonged period with no obvious cause, get that checked out.

if youre paranoid about cancer, feel your lymph nodes behind your ears now and then. if theyre fine, youre fine. if theyre swollen or tender, and you havent had any colds, infections, serious allergy attacks, or other immune system activations recently, monitor the situation every few days. if they stay swollen/tender for a few weeks to a month, or get worse despite you not having any colds/infections/allergy attacks, see a doctor. if you feel hard bits in your lymph nodes, see a doctor right away, you have cancer.

they already rolled back mammogram screening for women because the false positive rate was so high, and because tiny/small malignant tumors actually get taken care of by the body naturally a lot of the time. statistically it turned out that most of the additional cases detected by "early detection screenings" would have been handled by the body. the screenings "caught" a lot of cancer but did not actually have any significant effects on overall death rate from cancer. it basically found a lot more incidents of "weak cancer" that we can treat well, but which the body is also good at treating. "strong cancer" on the other hand almost always gets noticed because the person feels sick or notices a fast growing lump. detecting "strong cancer" a little bit earlier didnt turn out to have a significant effect on the survival rate, because "strong cancer" is harder for us to treat either way.
salacious squelchers
tldr: try not to worry that much. if you feel persistently weird have yourself looked at. beware ragged or growing moles.
>tfw no bf with a musky bush of pubic hair for me to sniff while I choke on his cock
That post did not warrant a wall of that size
an evermore unctuous address
remember to call the place a few days after sending the resume

you can say like "hey i just wanted to check in before i apply to other places" - you can be bold and ask if you can have the email/phone# for the manager/boss for the position so you can talk with them. you can even be candid and be like "so do you think i like have a chance or what?" remember theyre people. putting a voice to your name will put you way higher up on the list.

supposedly "normies" do this by finding the manager/boss of the position on social media/linkedin and messaging them there, but i dont have those so i wouldnt know. also do you really want to work someplace that functions on social media shit like that? i think putting a voice to it is a better idea. if you have social media theyll find it themselves anyway. dont bother sending "follow up emails." no one reads those.

getting to talk to the manager/boss on the phone first is basically like a cheat code for the interview afterward too. youll already be familiar with each other so you wont have that awkward deer in the headlights thing that people get when walking in to talk with someone youve never met. at least that happens to me a lot. and if the phone call is awkward or you feel like it went bad, thats basically just time saved because then the interview was probably gonna be awkward anyway.

char limit is 2000 here. thats like 300 words. these are not walls. these are more like curbs.
Awful advice
If someone harasses me for their status I delete their application
update: apparently i was supposed to work on saturday lmao, they texted me friday afternoon and mr boss wouldnt believe that i literally just didnt pick up my phone between now and then. two no-call no-shows (ie one more) and im apparently fired lol.

i was like look sir, im only here because i cant stand jobs that involve always looking at screens and texting and emailing. you didnt even give 24 hours notice. my last job i was there a year and a month and i didnt miss a day. i overslept once by a few hours, thats it. that was because he sent out the schedule a week in advance. if theyre not telling you when the truck is coming in til the afternoon before, that sucks, but you should be on their case about it rather than mine i think. ill try to check before i go to bed but i cant be here every day like youve been trying to have me do lately.

mr boss was ticked when i walked in as i said but out of the two men scheduled that day only i showed up. the other guy just got a car and now hes probably making twice as much doing ubers and delivery. im guessing he only doesnt want to totally quit cause hed feel bad making las mujeres pick up his work, so hes resolving it by just kind of slouching til he gets fired...so i think mr boss calmed himself down. he literally had to unload *and* unstack pallets of boxes himself today cause it was just me, him and las mujeres. now las mujeres could probably handle it themselves unsupervised, they work really hard, but i think mr boss would feel bad watching women do work that heavy.

talked with him after and it turns out hes a software engineer who used to work at oracle and microsoft but quit and went into retail because he ballooned to almost 400 lbs from sitting all day and stress eating. id estimate hes like 250-280 now but hes lost more weight than almost anyone ever loses.

well youre not giving any advice yourself, are you, desk bitch? if im wrong, type some shit for us. not like youre too busy.
you never learned fun

sorry for your loss
mr debt slave there's this site called blogspot you should go to
story vs this guy blogathon go.
by the way, no one with a spark of life and half a brain can stand working around do-nothing drones like you. fact: if being proactive hurts your chances, job would have been pure soul suck.

you shitty fuckers literally do nothing all day and actively try to exclude people who do things because they make you look bad. bad news: im coming for your ass one way or the other, and im going to fire every fucking one of you unless you kick it the fuck up.

no. what will you do now? cry more? i hope thats productive for you. i can tell you in advance it wont affect me.
Sounds like you're gonna be out of whatever shitty warehouse job you have plus the debt you've accrued living irresponsibly
How do I as a zoomer drone have so much more money than you huh mr expert genius?
fight! fight! fight! fight!
when I get home I think I'll try something new with a dildo hopefully it feels nice
>wallschizo more broke than 3ds

Story I have a business idea for you: start posting in Latin and make your posts as massive as your shits. Let's ruin this thread together equus dominus
Being broke requires money and I have 0$
how little you know is evidenced by your unawareness of the fact that they dont let just anybody get in real debt. you have to have throughput, and a good amount of it.

if i get fired ill have to go back to making 5x as much looking at a screen and yeah, that would really suck! thats what id do with that time anyway. im still making about 10x the weekly paycheck from this place from my other internet thing, but as i said, ugh, screens!

the point, if you didnt get it, is that he probably cant fire me because he has nobody else to do the work. are you like dumb?
you see, being in business for oneself is like playing the lottery, except people come out ahead on average. and if you do *really* good, or bad, apparently, you can end up president. where will your little treadmill ever get you?
I agree with this anon, if you are being taken care of to that extent, you should serve your bf like hes a King
>get pay
>pay bills
>make payments on loans
>buy whiskey and biryani
>checking account growing anyway

i feel like youre the kind of idiot who would put any spare income into paying off any debt you had, even low-interest student loans. that would make you, to be clear, categorically fucking dumb. or just a pure no-balls bitch.
Picture perfect wagie in his cagie
Moving boxes all day, negative networth, got it all figured out but he's still broke cuz none of his hair brained schemes have worked out but the next one definitely will I swear guys!!!1
The gall these niggers have to offer unsolicited advice when story kun is more successful by doing literally nothing at all but pop his bloody asshole ulcers all day, no wonder you need his neetfortune so badly
god youd be mad if you saw my ride. 0.9% interest covid-era loan on 60k, calculate that retard. 3.8 0-60 and the speakers go to 11.

how much did you rob the bank for when interest rates were under 1% during covid? you do understand that was fucking free money right? did you really leave it all on the table lmao?
flashy flashy
bank in the trank
buttons mashy
how you talkin when you have no fun
shit drives fo free and take off like a gun
pumpin mac dre and taylor swift
cape now bitch you might get a lift
got jellybeans in the glove compartment
out the way bitch this shit got armor
You're renting from a bank all you own and you're happy
Stack boxes or your social credit will evaporate goyclown

Schwab my beloved.. you've captured the soul of another retard for the saturn energy portal o7
I keep trying but I'm really tired. I don't feel so well right now. I got mad at a friend. Things really are not going well and haven't been for some time.
I hate every moment I spend in this general, any moment I'd spend with my fbf beats an eternity in this shithole.
It's better to be gay than bi cause it makes the love and lust for my fbf more pure, and I wouldn't want a gf over a bf anyway, so I'll stick to gay.
You deserve a bf so find one sir
The uncomfortable realisation that if I could just drop 15 pounds I would easily be an 8/10
This just means you're already an 8/10 for guys who like chubby dudes
this, all stay at home bfs must take care of their bf making their life a easy a possible
I disagree I want to take care of my stay home bf and give him a cozy life if he wants to help out he can but if he's willing to put up with me he deserves the royal treatment, even if he doesn't work
I'm sorry for lashing out at you today friend. I'm tired, but I love you.
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God I'm so fucking happy
Even though I don't have a bf, even though I'm in a deadend job, even though I have no future and my life is going nowhere this world is just so full of wonder and joy
Anons how do I share this
Please let me put some of this into your minds you all deserve some of it
Why am I so content, why am I so filled with peace?
Take it from me, for the love of God, you don't deserve to feel so sad when I feel so happy
Fucking take it anon, why can't you take it from me!?
>tfw no bbc sissy hypno bf
>tfw no bf who is ok with me having sex with women once a month
he can watch if he wants
Why would he want to watch sex with a woman? Icky
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Scotland because I like cold weather and its cheaper up there
I just used 30 minutes to edit a straightoid red riding hood erotica to male/male mpreg so I can fap to it later, am I too far gone
I don't know, I like subby bottoms maybe he is into humiliation like that
>which (real)country would you want to live in?
a whiter part of the usa since i already live here but if we're talking foreign country i'd say canada or maybe new zealand
Yes, you filthy degenerate, that's an absurd and disgusting waste of your time why the fuck haven't you posted it for us
mpreg is genuinely puke worthy, to ruin the one thing we have going for us (not having another creature growing inside you and turning you fat and gross). I would kill all of you if could. Fornowieill sleep.
It's not in english so it wouldn't amount to much for any of you
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Humiliation I can kinda get but involving women... ew
I want to get pregnant just to know
It's supposed to be one of the most difficult and life changing experiences a human can have, and I want to test myself
Not a huge fan of pregnancy but breeding is super hot
Is it in a language that uses latin characters? If so, I can work with that.
oh yeah and also i actually don't know. i'm perfectly happy with being gay but i despise gay culture. being straight wouldn't be so bad i think but girls don't play video games so i wouldn't be sure
A spider got on my pajamas, almost touched my body and for this he had to die. It triggered a one minute chase but it felt like eternity. I can rest now. He is no longer with us. Rest on piss.
It's full of untranslatable slang and also embarrassing so no dice
i shaved my face and legs and ass and cockenuts and pits today also my dog got in a fight with a pitbull
You are a bottom which makes you a fake women for guys who can't get women *facts sound effect*
god damnit why must god torment me so
imagine being scared of something only because it had 8 legs. being afraid of spiders is a huge red flag. they are our friends. you are scum.
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Is your dog alright? I fucking hate shitbulls
Arachnophobia pisses me off because of all the bugs spiders are objectively the least scary
They're so cool looking and they don't move in a spooky way
it's only okay if she has sex with me too
>new zealand
nobody talks about old zealand :c
That was the fanfare that plays when you leave goodbye
Why do you care so much lol
If you were so invested in it that you spent all this time editing it it's probably really saucy also I really like getting porn from unconventional places like 4chan
Erotica you stumble upon is way hotter than when you actually seek it out
Surprise porn
I wonder why r9bi didn't exist past the first edition
Is it perhaps because they're parasites that feed off gays to convert to their pussy lover ideology hmmmmm
I don't want insects crawling on me. You being a whore is a bigger red flag. Choke on spider cum or whatever you dirty midget.
Lmao what an ugly face ahahahahaha
My spider bf is creating a web outside my window that has a hole in the screen catching all the useless bugs trying to get in, I love him so much..
You big mean bully that wasn't very nice of you to say
*pouts and shits my pants* >n<
It just has the main character finding a condom trail leading to the cottage of a horny, hung and charming middle aged man and then they fuck
Bishits are usually too busy trying to convince themselves that they're actually straight to keep their own thread going
>ywn follow a condom trail through the woods to meet your fbf
Correct! They were always here from the start but whenever they tried to make their own thing it quickly failed every time lmao
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apologies for the pic itt but this girl was a pro level tf2 player til her hand got carpaled or smth. never played for money though, i assume cause the tournaments are so sweaty. after that she played mostly wow and ff online. she would occasionally show up to cons cosplaying orcs or kylo ren and proceed to wreck everyones shit to pieces if there was a casual fps tourney lol.

she hasnt really posted in 4 years but last i knew she lived in hawaii and worked as a pizza dispatcher
I wear the tuxy in tf2, I'm such a.. manncel
Yeah I wonder if DoL has a new version out
Everybody talking about a man in a dress but no one is talking about a ma that dress to impress
Do not litter latex in a wooded area psycho
Whats with people drawing atrocities and human rights violations in Steven Universe style or worse, anime? It looks stupid.
It was on his own property and just because he was breeding some slut and didn't have time to clean up before another faggot knocked on his door to get their needy little holes filled
I would post examples but i don't want to diss the people who got fucked. It's already enough humiliation. Also the dude who immolated himself in front of Israeli embassy. How could you fuck your aesthetics up so bad?
what class do bottoms play in tf2?
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Bro on what fucking planet is this Kamen Rider Buffa
Where are you getting this art from I literally had to google which Kamen Rider this was
God please just post a link I promise I'll pretend whatever female foreign language pronouns it uses are male
medic obviously but i also mained soldier and engineer cus my computer was so shit it could barely run 20fps on toaster settings
All bottoms are soldiers and scouts
Also thank you. I didnt understand the psot in the first go.
Same with the potato computer but I played a lot of heavy and got sniped and backstabbed a ton
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Never played it I only play singleplayer games
Sniper and spy because they are hot and I want to suck their peepees
I literally just said I edited it to be male
And soldier too but he isn't hot so does not count
I know but I figured you had the edited version on a text file on your computer and the original was on a website so it would be easier to link
Literally all I want in life:

Is this women joking? What the hell does this even mean? So it's non sexual because they aren't explicitly sexing each other? What? Why does this have so many likes?
Is this all it takes to entertain low iq shitskins is niggers on xitter -_-
i only saw season one of bluelock but it was pretty good
the opening rocked ass I loved it
I like that artist, which is how I found it, and the guy is dressed so well, which is why I saved it. Kamen rider is a cringe show.
Chad take, fuck mp scum
How fucking ironic when you have most definitely have gazzilions of "I hate n*ggers" videos on your watch time. N*ggers are the blood of 4chan.
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I'll fucking kill you you worthless waste of human flesh Kamen Rider is the best show ever made and you're literally less than dirt on the soles of a Rider Kick
Isn't it funny poo situation in India is so bad UN had to make educational song/videos to get them to use toilets?
It's looks so fucking larpy and meant to sell plastic to children. Though I wouldn't lie, the American one was decent.
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>tfw no bf to play zomboid with
he can go out to fight zombies, and I can stay home to cook ramen noodles~
Is this how enlightenment is achieved when you aren't bathed in cow dung? Doomscrolling a nigger's xitter timeline?
You're going to hell for even daring to say that about Kamen Rider Ryuki
I actually wrote a pretty mean reply shitting on that show in detail but since my friend is a massive fan I decided I shouldn't post it. Not like he would see it but feels wrong. But I don't like rider.
I dont even know her. It came on my timeline for some reason. Also only naturalist retards bath in Cow dung but Ganges in its current state is bad enough.
>I couldn't come up with any actual flaws with it so I'm gonna be a bitch and pretend I did
Eat your own ass
Idk looked larpy as fuck and Japanese can't act. Sorry if thats rayciz, but this is true. I think they do it on purpose. Chinese would make infinitely better real life anime stuff.
Puttin asian men in tight suits huh
Imagine being indian. No seriously try to imagine it. How long would you last before killing yourself?
If you kys God will reincarnate you there again
What did the 1 billion souls banished to the jeet realm do in the past I wonder to warrant such a terrible fate
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I said what I said you pathetic bitch. It's already hard to let it slide but keep this up and I'll break your typing hand. Stoopid ass power ranger freak.
Also I am not actively seeking enlightenment. I dont want to.

PS:Why do Wypipo have the highest rate of offing themselves in US?
Yeah no surprises here. They also had their own Beyblade and it was decent.
Because they get to live next to shitskins like you *drum sound*
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Literal toilet goblin you are, you will die alone and Kamen Rider will go for another 50 years and when you are dead and forgotten people will still be getting hype over rider kicks
I guess i would be keep posting here then.
Hell naw this nigga ain't suckin no Chinese dick up in this thread we don't stand for that foo
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this is a concept called "camp" sir

you probably dont like 1960s batman either. in other words theres a stick up your ass
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I love this hair, 50% of asian males have this exact cut state mandated and it's good
Well Kamen Rider looks cringe.
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jesus the chinese really don't give a single shit huh
casus belli dismantle ccp industry in guangxi
Even Power Rangers feels less cringe than the stuff it took from. Though I would admit that Kamen Rider has cooler stuff, but only when the frames are still.
Why would I like goofy, childish overreactions and ugly costumes?
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Bro the early 2000's Heisei riders all had this fluffy mane and it was so god damn hot
I fucking hate you never forget that
What is the state of momkillers anus?
I'm currently in here taking a look around, I'll be able to give you a full assessment in about a week. Still, it's pretty roomy in here, I bet he might even keep his mom's corpse in here somewhere.
Looks sick
Chinese win the aesthetic game again.
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im apparently gonna have to make my own gifs of handsome day clothes 1960s bruce wayne. he just might be my original daddy


are you the guy who also doesnt like when food tastes good? if not, how many of you are there?

i hope you just dont like superheros at all, that would be fine. but youd better not be one of those fucking clowns who thinks theyre serious. batman is just a regular hero anyhow, like le noir faineant.

What's this thing? Looks too dry to enjoy. Maybe it's is sugary inside.
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I am so god damn tired
I need to stop drinking tea
I wanna stay up late doing bullshit since I don't have work tomorrow and I know even if I get a full night's sleep I'll still be tired all fucking day tomorrow because sleep is a fuckign scam
>Even the Kamen rider fag has a job
A Black day
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I know that feel, I'm lighting up a meth pipe rn u_u
Rampant drug abuse might be the reason behind suicide rates for Wypipo. I guess Black people with drug problems just die in some kind of gang violence.
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I mean it's not a real job I just wash dishes for 30 hours a week to pay off college
It's not a career or anything I can't support myself
You try jenkem yet jeetoid? Surely the gutter has some fresh batches cookin
There's your enlightenment right there
I get the flattering angles stuff but women also look kinda like this after 20s.
Sucks but atleast you have a degree lined up. I also hope I nail it this time.
It took over twenty minutes but I finally found some decent twink feet content that I haven't seen before
This is the highlight of my day
>20 minutes
That's some dedication right there, avid researcher
You are the hope for the future of America
It actually feels like you have a desire to try Jenkem. Just go ahead, can't be worse than fentanyl.
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you're about to see why they call me solid snake

saar this is /r9gay/ do not redeem saarr
It was an anti bullying PSA.
i pronounce xitter as "shitter"
I huffed jenk before your balls had dropped, zoomer
I hope you are in a better place now.
Jesus Christ look at Little Mac's bulge
This randomly appeared on my TL. Does any of you folx know what the context?
Trigger warning: puppy giving a blowie
the same way you guys don't open vocaroo links i don't open xitter links
I open vocaroo links thoughbeit but it's too boring to listen all the way and also feels weird.
Think I'll continue my Austria Hungary game
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Based persistent footfag
looks like some friends talking to each other. what do i win
>tfw no bf who knows how to correctly use 'thoughbeit' in a sentence
Wholth is a good word
When I played Victoria 2, there was a factory glitch which made me quit the game. Prussia became the greatest power in 1860s I guess. This glitch kept coming up.
Ok but what's with the image.
Also I have been meaning to say this since last three days, but kept forgetting.
>There are unironically chuds in this world who have watched "Europa the last battle to the end."
Hahahaha that shit is like 12 hours long. This is worse than watching Naruto filler hahaha
idk what any of this has to do with r9gay thougbeit
I dont know what to talk about really, but it's only random shit being posted here anyways.
You aren't gay so I'd say fuck off mayhaps
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>ywn watch a 12 hour long revisionist history documentary with your bf
Why even live?
update: im retarded, the guy with the car is colombian. he probably called off today for important reasons
How do gay people post? Also it feels like weird to defend oneself against that allegation. Bizzare really. I will not try to.
jeetoid and wallschizoid should add each other over discord, you guys can babble to back and forth all day long
neither of you are gay, you're both annoying retards with sub 80 iq, it's perfect really
you can tell me how to get an r9gay gf
Isnt Schizoid the quite type? Not the voices in head type?
>You aren't a fag
Also hmmm why do you think so because you keep bringing it up?
So many incels here. Pick one.
Posting tranny nigger xitter pages is more of a /gaygen/ thing >>>/lgbt/
Your kin inhabit the other board
wallschizo should add me instead. we would be best friends easy :)
>Posting tranny nigger xitter pages is more of a /gaygen/ thing
So you are not gay but you must post in "gaygen"? Also how are these things mutually exclusive. Also there might be transgenders there. I dont get along with them.
>i dont get along with them
if you have to ask, you are one
You talk to them over discord and post their pages here, why? Nonsense
They are very self centred and touchy about their identity, and I can't keep my mouth shut so I keep asking them what's going on in their heads. I think I should have just read "sex and charcater" and be done with it. But books feel limited. I got banned from consecutively for multiple faggot servers because they kept getting offended despite my best efforts.
Which page did i post? Also I am not talking to any transgender on anywhere.
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I finally listened to my voicemails from last week and it turns out I left my debit-card in a cash point. The bank still have it but I wish they'd have just sent an email
I hate phones
>banished like the hebrews from 109 gaycords
Good thing a paki didn't find it
it gets worse, have you heard of this thing called apps? ppl will be like why did u not respond to my snapagram on whatstatok and im like
Why do you listen to your voicemails a week late, I get not answering the calls because you're autistic or something but at least keep up with it somewhat even if you don't answer. I dunno. Surely there's an app, unless its a local credit union set up.
I would read bible further if it didn't feel like Folktales stuff. There is archeological value, but the wannabe Idol/sky/grove/river/mountain worshipper stories feels goofy. The Pharaoh stuff was also a chore to read.
would that mean you dont get along with me :'r
ppl can send me letters if they want to talk. i check my mailbox once every two months. voicemail, never.

theres an excellent illustrated genesis by r crumb. pics may help you
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kek life is full of small mercies

I'm glad I just have an old nokia so I couldn't use any of those apps. Seems like too much stress

Voicemails also make me anxious and I figure if it were important I'd also have received an email or if it was a family matter someone would have told me irl so I tend to forget about them
>caring enough about anything that's ever happened on this planet to be bothered by whether or not a history documentary is revisionist
America started the Great War to destroy Austria Hungary and the Central Powers, ruining the world forever
if i sit in a fast food spot to wait for my thing, theres like a one in three chance a middle eastern guy will think im silent begging and offer to buy me food lol. am i that skinny?
But there is enough biblical art for every chapter.Its not the problem anyways,Its that it doesn't feel the like value is there in the stories embedded in fantasy.
If you want to waste 12 hours then might as well watch something that actually happened.
If I saw a 20>bmi twink loitering at the local maccy's I'd probably buy him a burgar as well
This video is funny and my head hurts for some reason.
I eat not much and almost zero fast food but still not lean. Sad life.
If you're gonna post twitter stuff at least post something interesting
The /r9k/ user that attempted to dome Donald

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Not clicking on that shit desu
I can only post what's on my timeline and the Trump getting shot stuff is obnoxious. I wonder what pushed this guy though. Looks nice enough. Sad.
its intensely fascinating to think about what original events may have inspired these passed down memories. the entire thing was in fact orally transmitted until quite recently in historical terms. that there are fairly date-accurate correlations between various events and things we've learned in more recent years from discovering ancient egyptian & other records is fairly shocking.

its fascinating to think about things like, why did they end up saying methuselah lived 900 years? well, you know, in older times, they didnt have records, and if there was a guy so old he was older than everyone else, like say 110 and the next oldest person was 75, he would basically seem infinitely old to them. in the course of oral transmission, intentional hyperbole often gets multiplied and mixed with fact. as in, "he looked like he was a thousand years old" turns into "he was a thousand years old" quite easily over the course of, you know, a thousand fucking years of telling and retelling.

but yeah if its apparently the first book youre trying to read ever, i guess it would seem random lmao. i hope youre still in school
im not sure if you fat fucks are trolling me at this point. since WHEN is 20 bmi skinny. 20 bmi is smack well inside normal on literally every chart, unless theyve sized them all up again. skinny *starts* at 17. fatass.
This is a rotund country sir, below 30 is skinny here
Ok alright but you didn't have to diss me in the end though. Also I guess its "Golden ages" stuff again, recurring trope in mythos.
im 18.8bmi and everyone says im skinny. everyone
if you actually finished grade school already you should sue them for malpractice. not a diss, you were robbed
"less fat" is not "skinny" chungo. its gonna be so funny when wall e people start claiming all pics of normal human beings from the before times were lies somehow.
I had a first who was around 20 and he wasn't skinny but lean/muscular.
How is this not censored?
I dont know what grade school means, but I have heard this word many times.
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>skinny *starts* at 17. fatass.
I'm at 16.7 do I win a prize?
why would that be censored you cant see any of the parts
This is the guy who needs a few burgers
But the a(dollar sign)(dollar sign) is clearly visible.
Looks Uma Delicia. Time to go for today.
This is retarded, I get preferring the communication method but it just isn't feasible in the current year to expect things to be handled entirely through mail when there's 10 other more instantaneous methods.
Voicemails make you anxious why? I get a call, but if it's to that extent why how aren't you crippled by the world?
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I don't really like burgers I would rather roast duck and vegetables or a homemade pie if I get to choose
if voicemail is an issue simply dont setup the voicemail
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>how aren't you crippled by the world?
I am which is why I'm a neet though its hard to explain why things make me anxious; I get panic attacks over the most trivial of things

I've never setup voicemail but people can still leave me messages. I think its already setup on the sim card
then you dont get to talk to me? bye? lol?
>tfw no bf to exchange letters with
>tfw no bf who wants to talk to me
i wish i was at home on my computer
>tfw saving my bf from abduction
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>ywn receive a letter from your bf with footpics enclosed within
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these still work! if you have a jack anyway. and the basic kind doesnt support voicemail. it literally just rings and rings until you pick up or they hang up. it will confuse the fuck out of people calling kek. service for them is cheap as sin too.

im being somewhat hyperbolous, i do send emails, but i genuinely do not text or respond to texts almost ever, and i dont use any apps unless absolutely forced for one reason or another
>I am which is why I'm a neet
I was going to rebutt saying you have a debit card somehow, but I figure it's for neetbux. I assumed it was a normal, having a job situation somehow.
I think that's fine, but you can't complain about not being communicated with in the way you want which is outdated by most people's standards.
if i want to communicate, ill find you. im hard to find, but i come out of the blue.
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Fucking perfect. I'm now seriously considering getting one with a rotary dial for the sake of nostalgia
ring ring ring banana phone
I feel like northern italy would be nice but I am probably just VGHing
I think I want a cis girlfriend
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only now did i just get the idea to leave my phone number as my mii plaza streetpass greeting while i was at the convention
i was actually thinking of setting it as my mii name but i didn't want people online to see my number. fuck. maybe next year.
>my bf
hmm how about as a first date? right now. with me?? save me...
Fuck that I want a successful bf that I can vicariously live through
that sounds really distant. wouldn't you be involved in stuff by default so it's not vicarious?
all the people in the replies hating on this guy because... he gave some famous guy a little cut on his ear.
irl version of two minutes hate.
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If he's the one actually doing shit and I'm just there supporting him I would still feel like I was living through him as a result of my own inability to make something of myself alone.
It wasn't meant to be distant I'm just depressed about my lack of talent or inability to recognize whatever skills I have
bored and cant sleep cant watch cant listen to music
I realized the reason why I hate all of you is because I hate common men
This is a formal apology
I should have never taken something so broad (but true) and applied into all of you specifically
I thought we were similar but we are not
>literally who are you?
Why, I'm me!
The type demon curse strikes again
Into should be it to
i forgive you, but what did i do in the first place
Someone really sat there and made that happen lol
>tfw no depressed twink bf
Idk depends on who you are desu but there's no expectation that you'll reveal that cause there shouldn't be
help i dont know what to do
There are two wasp families that made their homes in one of my sheds. One nest is twice as big as the other. They have a decent amount of eggs.I think they are either still sleeping or have just woken up. One of the wasps was dozing off on the front door of the shed (silly fella!) and when I opened it, it just hid under the door frame and dozed off again. They are busy all day around the eggs and it gets quite hot in there, so they must have a high tolerance for heat!
If you do not love the common man then you are no brother of mine
thank you, anon. i really needed that tonight
I don't hate the commonality of men who are common, god fuck off
I hate what makes them common
Fucking brutality
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apologies to mr pic
I only want one thing from a boyfriend. He'll drop 700mg of dxm with me and it will mean as much to him as it does to me
but that's a lie
you always know what to do, right?
that's the fragile foundation of your entire laughable excuse for a personality
Mm, is the answer "nothing"?
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Nearly done with my ER playthrough so I'll need something to whittle away the hours with. Mayhaps I'll replay the good Silent Hill games
Only if he's as retarded as the rest of you lol
Which he wouldn't be, if I ever chose him in the first place
I just thought it was some fun nihilist debauchery business, cut me some slack
Is the chemical important to you or is the experience of the two where you pull the meaning from?
no i really dont know what to do
Honestly I'd probably do anything my bf stuck in front of me if he vouched that it was worthwhile.
Internet says it'll provide euphoria and hallucinations which I think could be interesting to experience
acid's better, you can trust me on that
why would you think that offhand
I don't really believe you
people usually only expose themselves to chemicals that are harmful to their health because of it what it means to them, regardless of whether or not that meaning is "healthy"
cost benefit has to have a benefit
it's important to me and it's also important that I do it with a partner
a partner who isn't willing to know me on that level isn't a partner
neither is anyone who forces it on me
The only drug my bf and I would need is LIFE :D
it's absolutely not and never has been, but normies have weird neurochemistry
im not interested in drugs or anything. i hope this okay
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>tfw no bf to indulge in the use of chemicals with
eh that's a thing but you have to make sure you get exceptionally caring vibes from anyone who goads you into something like that
it can be life enhancing or it can be life ruining
introducing your bf to drugs requires a lot of responsibility and intimacy
if acids not better for you, you were the normie all along
normies worship serotonergic psychedelics but okay gg here's your medal (it say leave me the fuck alone on it)
it says
i m ur worst nightmare anoon oOOOoOOOo
i wish i had someone fun to talk to right now. i wish i was fun to talk to
now watch as the vultures swoop in
this thread is broadcasted globally and like anything that is, it's entirely corrupt
i hope you have a good night and sweet dreams
I can feel the youthful zoomer energy
who is he speaking to and what are his motives?
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I am going to feed my dog some chicken. At least that'll remind me that I'm important to something
people I could have loved on a chemical level always rejected me
so I guess I have to be even more weird about it
important for the mass murder and torture of the majority of mammals on the planet
The best part about giving dog chimken is that every chimken is the best one ever
I'm sure that's exactly what they're thinking when you open their chest cavities with a knife
holy shit if I get dubs I'm getting high as a kite please grant me this
doing it anyway obviously
you expect too much from me
and tell me I'm so much less understanding than I am
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you're living in a dream world, neo
hell yeah, thank you anti-nuggy brother <3 i luv u
anyone who wants to battle demons tonight pls bf me thx
Your demons or mine?
I'd start with yours as a sign of good faith but mine would proliferate into it
They corrupt anyone who's close to me if they can
>tfw no bf with strong faith and energy to vanquish demonic entities
Hating demons is a big red flag. If anything you humans are the real evil presence in this world.
I talked to someone else from here and he was a "savior"
this does not conflict with my ideological understanding of what a demon is
I just want to get lost in a moon frenzy tonight without worrying about demons and people or anyone except me
wow extended trolling so funny but it wouldn't be if you grokked it
well you see
I can fix them
there's nothing to fix
acid is interesting in that it has very nifty visual effects for some portion of the population, basically no effect for some portion of the population aside from a vague buzz, and makes another portion of the population go zip zap bonkers. (in a bad way.) if you dont see the swirlies and the breathing clouds, we aren't very much alike. doesnt sound like youve tried it, though, because you're speaking by categories. dxm seems like knockout crap for the brainless to me, but having not tried it, i won't opine.

another interesting thing about acid is that you dont get the visuals again from another dose until a month or so has elapsed. youll merely get the vague buzz. if someone says they do le acid every day, theyre either lying or theyre not someone who experiences it in the full way. this is very common knowledge and yet so many people be lying or unwittingly revealing they don't actually get fuckall from acid kek.
it is time
your queen meow shall rule you forevermore
Why. That's all I can really ask, is why.
oh, and one more interesting thing about acid is that screens dont look any different. if someone says they took acid and watched things on screens and it was soooo crazy, theyre lying or have no idea what soooo crazy is actually like.
you literally get the exact same reports from dxm
they call it the third rule
1/3 are like okay nothing happened
1/3 are like okay that's nice
1/3 it's like the fucking rapture
chock it up to neurochemistry imo, personally I'm grateful for it
dissos are more gentle than classical psychs
I'm not big on serotonergic psychs, I don't like the body high
she was a woman all along you moron
the rhythm of your gay thread has been dictated by a literal female all along
you need to stop speaking by categories. it reveals you have no clue what you're talking about.

the acid experience of which i speak is neither "that's nice" nor "the rapture" bur rather "coooooooool" and there is no body high.

you also have to be in nature, or around lots of people. not just looking at a screen in any case. that should go without saying for all drugs, really, but i never know with screenbies these days.
this is why I hated drug forums and I hated druggies who brought their forums here to loosh farm
I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about me and why everything has decidedly gone to shit. I have no one else to vent to this stuff about so I'd rather just throw it out to the void and hope it does something.
dont get me started on "research chemical" retards

literally no one is less fun
okay but you were so nospecific you can't really blame me
I'm sorry );
research chemicals are literally just the original drug in question but substituting one halogen for another most of the time
no one is more fun, you suck
any advice fags
It's okay, it wasn't your fault. I actually wish I could really stick it to a specific person right now but for a number of different reasons, can't. I let myself get walked over for too long, now that I know he doesn't care about me I see no reason to treat him with that level of respect anymore. I wish I could just scream in his face and make him see how badly he's fucked me over.
you have a female wired brain
give in or resist until death
feeling the need to fuck around like that just tells me your acid trip wasn't diddly squat. not that you've had one, apparently, tot.
five months left until groomers and pushers are purged from the planet
mentally conditioning yourself is actually pretty easy but it's also very likely to be harmful if DIY and in the long term you're probably better off just living in a way that makes you feel comfortable
wearing clothes or some kind of decoration doesn't make you any less of a man and if it's not a sex thing then what's the problem
the way to man up is to live up to who you happen to be, not try and bury it
how many seeds does an individual pumpkin have?

I mean okay I forgot where this was even going so
good job
its also not thirds. stop reading shit shat out by turds. the people who freak are pretty cool people, just fucked up or in too deep. like one in twenty or maybe a hundred. theyre fine after they come down from the rafters, and might live different, a bit. theyre not shattered.
It's like you deliberately choose the worst ways to represent me
Do more acid bro surely that will save you
I hope your superiority complex kills you, cursive
If only because it means your useless assault on me will end you stupid bitch
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ababababbaba uhhhhhhh
I don't care anymore, cunt
You used the fact that I wanted to know you against me
They out there favor you for some reason
And they used to do the same for me to before you, and I will never forgive you
ive done acid three times in my life, plus once i took an old tab that was in my freezer for years and pretty weak by then. when next i & someone want to get a little intense, we might take a tab each, or split one. do you see the difference between your present attitude & mine?
opportunity? ambient joy? what's your point lmao? it sounds like you're just trying to dab on me because you have friends and I don't
thanks, go fuck yourself, why are you even here?
>I'm happy and have acid and you're not and don't
how fucking enlightening
what even is this thread
ironic bullshit
fuck all of you
hhmmmmmmm erm erm lol
r9g should be renamed cbg
cunty bitch general
a literal fucking tranny making fun of me
my thighs jiggle so much i need to make them firm
well I did it again, went to sleep very early and didn't get my trash out. Now I got to do it in the dark while the heroin addicts are about.
cock and balls general (post cock and balls)
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My throat being sore post my bf ramming his cock in there and emptying his balls
my bf better not cum down my throat, I want to taste every drop of it. I'll swish it on my tongue and only swallow when he tells me to like a good little bottom.
time for pre lunch nap
death to horny posters
Die bottom scum rrreeeee
Death to you horny is good
sorry, this bottom is in heat and needs a dick in him.
thou'rt unfit even to graft
I need it way more, get in line peasant
I'm tired even though I just got up, my head hurts, I'm hungry as fuck and I have to take out the trash. wahhhh where brown houseboy?
bring back slave auctions NOW
>tfw ywn see story in a white suit on his porch drinking lemonade while 3ds mows the grass.
Is it bad to sell gifts from family? I'm kinda conflicted cause it was the last gift my grandfather gave me but I don't enjoy it much anymore. I probably will try not to get rid of it to be honest unless I get a good amount for it.
What is first of all and the last gift? Heck no I would keep that just because.
goooooooood afternoon anon-sama

qot 1 - i'd rlly like to live in taiwan some day. the food looks delicious, taipei is one of the prettiest cityscapes ive ever seen and mandarin is a vry cool language that i enjoy studying lots. plus chinese boys r cute
qot 2 - probably, yea. sometimes it annoys me that i get associated with "fag culture" perse but women r such a pain that i consider myself blessed i don't have to deal with all that

im very very sleepy right now. i wanna sleep but i need to brush my teeth first... yet im too lazy to get up to brush them
Yea. I was in over my head trying to sel it ngl.
Wwwaaaaaa where bf wwwwwaaaaa I wanna cuddle wwwwaaaaaa I wanna pester a man wwwaaahhhh I wanna paw at some nice dude until he gets annoyed wwwwwaaaa
so what exactly is it? You never said.
grandma's ashes
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relatable Krusty the Clown picture
I need to take out the trash but I'm just too tired, back to bed.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on

Meow where bf
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I went through my closet. I found a lot of my sisters stuff. Or at least whatever she didn't care to take. Court documents, dolls, and some old toys from when I was very young that I remember playing with.

I remember really looking up to my sister and wanting her approval. But she didn't like me. She used to beat me up a little. She had a lot going on I suppose. I can't blame her too much.

I'll check the other closet tomorrow. I was able to find like one building block thing from when I was younger in there. I'm sweating like a pig and smell of dust now.
Is it normal to feel physically ill when I get really horny
No, it is not normal to get horny
Well I do in fact I am horny right now and thusly nauseous as well. The only cure is getting relentlessly dicked down.
hello sir how r u i am rajeesh n i am suffer frm terrible illnes n if i dont see a dik n ball i will die right now pls sir can u fuk me i will die i m sirious
Mai neim is kimmou pliis giv me an sperm injektion with your thik kok pliis ai niid bools in mai mauth oergentli
>worst worst take. worst. inverted even
>inverted even
so the best give?
Gooooooooood morning gentlemen and gentlemen
I took out the trash this morning like a good boy
What have YOU guys done today?
pro tec tion
pro crea tion
accretion: the process of growth or enlargement by a gradual buildup
I'm gonna urinate in your butthole
Born to eep forced to wage
The next step is bf taking care of (you)r sore throat after he used you like a fleshlight, we agree on that right?
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I went with my mom to the hospital for a xray she had to take. I also walked the dog and I probably gonna walk it some more soon.
Plus I applied for a few jobs today.
Is your mother homophobic? I always wonder this.
Went for one last walk around the mountain village we were staying at and packing my stuff, atm omw to the airport
I mean I guess but what can he do about it? I'd rather just cuddle, both of us feeling warm and satisfied
Have fun! I love flying. I get so excited every time I go to an airport.
I miss walking dogs. My dogs are so old and their joints are so rickety that walking them around the block takes like an hour so we just let them out in the backyard.
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I don't think so but she keeps telling me I should be a nurse that way "I'd be popular with all the female nurses" but she has never exclaimed disgust or disapproval for my sexuality so I am not sure, she also wasn't very surprised when I told her that I was a faggot.
She also once mentioned that it may be a "phase" and that I'll want kids someday, but I am not sure cos maybe I misunderstood. Why are you asking this?
I do not really walking the dog so much, it's nice to get outside but it also makes me anxious. I wish there was an outside without people, or that I had a boyfriend to walk the dog with.
>an outside without people
God if only
A beautiful world it would be
u r i n a t e
w i t h i n
r e c t u m
'Angel number 888 is often associated with abundance, success, and financial prosperity'
ended things with a man i was seeing because i wanted to see him more often and he was just 'too busy' do i go back
Stop being a homo
No you should seduce his father
That'll show him
I didn't want to get started on anything productive today so I just spent a half hour making lavender infused lemonade
For some reason it came out red?
Anyways now I need to find ways to procrastinate more
Okay I'm a straight woman now
Snorting lavender powder
I probably would honestly I consume so much lavender
his father looks ugly and retarded
Meow where husbie waaaaa waaaaa waaaa
everyone itt credit score rapidly dropped, sorry
Nah mine actually went up pretty steadily
Not that it matters loans are for wieners and scammers
Can I tell you a secret anon?
I don't know what a credit score is.
it'a quite literally a measure of how much of a good little goyim consoomer you are
Yeah most people think it's a government thing but it's really just 4 companies that banks pay for them to monitor your purchases and say whether or not you deserve to get loans
But they can calculate your credit score based on whatever, it's completely up to them, we can't know their algorithms
it just dropped again, all of you
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Is it an american thing or a worldwide thing?
Ahh another unfortunate consequence of humanity's greed and also capitalism.
do any of you bake a tray of stuff then only eat maybe one or 2 bits
I'm looking at it right now it's fine, high 700s, we're good
>wtf complete strangers won't just lend me money without first analysing my ability to pay it back to them I hate capitalism
I eat most of it and I have to remember to save some for my family
These complete strangers dictate the economy and they're already using the money in your bank account to gamble with stocks
They already owe you, and if they're so central to our economy they shouldn't get to dictate who gets to use what money on a whim
entirely separate issue, you aren't entitled to a loan you fucking deadbeat
i can't find my usa hat i think i left it at the bar oh fuck it was such a nice hat too and super cheap i can't fucking find it anywhere
"entirely separate issue" these people destroyed the housing market and made it entirely necessary to get a loan to buy a house, this isn't asking your neighbor dave for $50,000, these people are essentially a small government unto themselves and should have responsibilities to the American taxpayer considering the fact that we bail them out. If they're going to make the mortgage the driving component of the housing market, they shouldn't be allowed to have the only say on who gets one, because then they get to control society.
>should have responsibilities to the American taxpayer
Those responsibility shouldn't include handing out money like to whoever asks for it, you just want to throw a tantrum and fuck the economy up even more
I'm saying that having a completely obscured and private system like FICO scores to determine housing loans, which the American people have NO say in, is a monopoly on deciding who gets to own a home and who doesn't and this system is immoral and detrimental to American society. We should be involved in the process of who gets a loan.
Whites only for loans
I hate incels so much, as if men wouldn't do the same. As if anyone likes dying in a dumb war. Only point he has is hypocrisy of feminists
>as if men wouldn't do the same.
we would if we could.
being a barracks onahole is the dream of half the posters here
>Tfw no android boyfriend who is programmed to love me unconditonally so he can never leave me.
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Meow no don't be such a hypocrite whore for one moment please
>not factory resetting your new android so you can build up a bond and love over time
Not for me at least what a retarded fantasy
I used to have a pasta typed up (in finnish) where I fantasized about being a housekeeping android for a nice man but I lost it
What did I do now also nice image very me tbdesu I say that and do that
feminizing the population is good

Here's that one text for the person who was asking for it
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That also sounds quite sweet but I am very afraid of my somehow upsetting my fbf or pushing him away or him get tired/bored of me so with my fantasy he can't leave me.
I wouldn't mind being a half-mindless slave to a guy though.
We should feminize half the population and masculinize(?) half of it but split it up evenly between men and women methinks so yes yes.
My fantasy wasn't about being a mindless slave but the fact that if I didn't have my own needs I could always be there for my owner 100% and make him super happy
nords are such slut fuckmeat dolls it's unreal
Hey be respectful now besides that isn't even true....
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Thank you so much for this
I will never forget it
I still don't understand why you care so much when you can't even understand it
I wish my nordic blood was slightly less diluted by muttjuice
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Like I said,I will make it work
You kinda disgust me ngl but hopefully you find it enjoyable regardless
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Well not completely mindless, but if I couldn't leave the relationship I think I would feel more secure. I guess I meant less mindless but moreso that I wouldn't have full control over myself, if that makes sense.
Sorry for being a mentally ill bottom who's parents don't love him I will try to be better next time (not sorry actually.)
NTA but isn't there better translation software out there than google translate? Do better.
Do you agree with Jamie? I think he is right
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I also disgust me so it all works out
Ruotsi you are dumb and stupid you know that right?
Fuck no I use big words because using words make my brain feel funny and nice
Tell me what you think after you read it it was mostly just a simple search and replace but I rewrote some parts to fit better to a boy (with a womb) being dicked down
Sometimes I use big words by accident and I only vaguely know what they mean from context clues and I get them wrong and look stupid so I'm already receiving my punishment for doing it
>tfw you have a mp4 file of filefag sucking suomi cock
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Svedupellet hirteen suomi cock belongs to the finnish bottoms first and last
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Is this actually a gender neutral pronoun that could be either, or is bing just retarded?
Shiees han moomin whore meow
Preparing for insurgency in the Colorado rockies
Yeah finnish doesn't have gendered pronouns the closest english equivalent would probably be they unless the gender is known
I am NOT a whore.
Marijuana Stockpile
Lasts for ten years
Gotcha, I thought Bing was intentionally trying to undo all your hard work.
Yeah it was less pronouns and more turning "girl"s into "boy"s and changing the sexual characteristics to match
tranny language for a tranny
That's mx. Tranny for you bigot
my spider bf made a cocoon for me to hide in when I'm scared
Today I learned the finnish have a cutesy way of saying penis the same way the japanese say "ochinchin" when they want to make it clear someone innocent and childish is talking about a dick
I almost lost my shit laughing because bing translated "pippeli" as "smooth little bean"
Every street I ever walked
Every home I ever had
Is lost
Every flower I ever held
Every spring I ever had
Has dried
Every man I ever knew
Every man I ever loved
Is gone
Everything I ever touched
Everything I ever had

Waa wher bf
Has died
flicking their smooth little bean clit, tranner nation
Does fapping countas exercise or...?
If you can goon for three hours straight that HAS to do something for your biceps and forearms
Stop being so mean I'm way more masculine strong and dominating than you and my cock is ginormous
Looks like it will rain today. Air is still warm, which sucks. But at least it's not too hot for me to stay inside. On a walk now. One step at a time.
Hate feeling so empty and bored all the time lately. My distractions aren't helping much. Nothing is enjoyable. I don't feel like doing a single thing.
Unhated bugs annual meeting:
Ladybug, lightningbug, and butterfly in attendance
You could do blender tutorials like I am, or tutorials for any artistic endeavor really. They're pretty fun, but since they're also work that requires you to focus for a while, the distractions kind of feel fun again when you go back to them.
Post them coward
I would like to nominate dragonflies, on the grounds that they are badass and pretty and manly and I would date a dragonfly if he was a dude
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Can't stop thinking about men helpppppp helppppppp help meeee
are snails bugs? nobody hates snails, right?
dark world practice
i played it in d dorian and transposed it to c dorian (i actually had to transpose it 3 semitones because my ocarina is tuned a half semitone above c major)
I was going to nominate snails next. I would unironically keep pet snails, it seems like it would be funny just to watch them ooze around and climb walls and be strange
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Yeah, I know but I can't help it :(.
Tops like their bottoms a little dumb though, right?
Ladybugs are the only ones I don't mind crawling on me
would watersnails be similar enough? if you just want to observe them
Well do tops like you ruotsi hm
I don't see why they would be any different
Sea snails are cute and based meow
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This man looks very powerful indeed. He is privy to arcane magicks.
Are you even gay or just don't like women? This is important
>im very very sleepy right now. i wanna sleep but i need to brush my teeth first... yet im too lazy to get up to brush them
Bottoms don't like women cause they're real competition
Keep making the same post so many times a day and see if you get reported for spam hypocrite whore
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Before coming to the United States as a toy in the 1920's, the yo-yo was originally used in the Philippines as a weapon in the 16th century.
They're not though as I want a gay man, not a straight one. Other bottoms should all die.
It's not the same though seethe whore
Hahaha what a faggot hahahaha meow meow faggot hahahaha
I said keep making it and see what happens you pathetic melted whore. Learn to be original if you are capable of not being stuck in the same loop all the time you literal mongoloid
Why are you laughing..... Wanna die....
I'm not a mongoloid though. Why are you so mad at me all the time? Did I own you that hard or what?
If you want a gay man you wouldnt try to look like a tranny. Besides what do you think straight man would do if all women died?
Remember when he made the thread wrong and melted like the wicked witch
I just wanna look like I wanna look. My fbf will love me as I am, not as some retarded troll wants me to look. I was thinking of cutting my hair shorter though. I don't understand what you are trying to say with the second part.
Don't you really have anything better to amuse yourself with than "we were anal about two letters at this autistic faggot and he got pissed about it"
>ill die for trump
why is it wrong to celebrate this? he died doing what he loved.
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Nott particularly no
i love women
too much even
Ochinchin is not cute, it's dumb. Pippeli is just silly
It kinda is kyrpae is probably the hottest word for the male member although kulli is also pretty good sigh where bf to talk dirty to me in finnish waa
I would like to take away your gay card
There is a platformer game where you use yoyo as a weapon and it looks great (coming soon,demo out now)
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It's hidden up my ass
kirby came out 30 years ago
Thanks! I think I found it and the yoyo mechanics look fun, plus game design cute
>tfw no more r9g
I'm not telling you how to look, just that it's dumb to expect gay men to be attracted to it. That look is typical thing "straight" guys go for. Second part means they would still be horny and want to have sex. Guess who they would have sex with?
pipistrello and the cursed yoyo, right? I had to look it up myself but it's on my list
Kirby is literally my favorite game franchise of all times. ALL TIMES.
meow is not nearly tranny enough to be getting chasers what
Kyrpae does sound cute, not hot tho :P
pippeliello and the cursed yoyo
Kyrpae sounds badass honestly, it sounds like the name of an ancient and powerful sword
Straight guys don't go for people who look like men even if they have long hair, retard. Okay so what? Women exist so they will go for women. What's your point?
Nuhue thinks you are a trans woman if you don't have a full beard, a buzzcut and bulging muscles
kirby super star(and yoshis island) is the first videogame i remember playing. i havent played any of the games since the wii though
When did r9gay first shave if ever? I started pretty much as soon as it began growing
im gay desu, most definitely. max level boy lover and have never been into women, but i definitely consider myself lucky i don't have to deal with them
Because you don't have the cultural context for it meow
Yeah need to be skewered by one meow
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>My genuine, honest, factual, literal and unironic reaction.
Yeah life is a bitch innit mate
You have some good music taste meow.
Yea it is and I will cry about it.
As soon as my little moustache hairs grew long enough. Thanks, grandpa, for teaching me how to shave.
Why? What about this one? And hopefully you feel better after crying ruotsi

Why what? Why you have good music taste please specify. I really like the guitarr (or bass?) riff of this one, but I guess it's the main instrument in the song so I don't know what I am trying to say.
I won't really cry cos I can't even if I want to but I will cry a little inside.
can't remember
long time ago, now
Why you think that my music taste is good when it is de NOT.
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Why does the Trump pokemon have that missing bit of ear? Uhh Nintendo?
Sounds like a name of a female Isekai/fantasy character
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Because I like the songs you post, not every single one but most of them, I think they are pretty good and indicative of "good taste".

it's shit like you die to death shitty bitch
Hey Meow if you know rock bands do you know any good speedmetal type of guys like dragonforce
I love that kind of music but dragonforce is basically the only band I know
>I want all bottoms to die so I can have every top waah waah
>Ok but bottoms exist, what's your point?
Not the sharpest tool in the shed
It's not supposed to trump it's supposed to be a detective, it's a common Japanese trope for detectives to have that kind of hairstyle, at least old school ones. From what I remember anyway.
There's a didyouknowgaming video about it I do believe.
i still dont know how his hand came away completely clean after holding onto his ear which was supposed to be bleeding. maybe the blood was delayed somehow? idk how ears work but i always assumed they would start bleeding right away.
new thread pls?
he would feel better after getting brad's spic dick in his holes
Be silent whiner wiener
For the kingdom of Space Dundee
For the powerful weapon that I seek
In the ashes of nuclear war
Remember the things we are fighting for

For the land where the dragon flies
Far across the enchanted sapphire sky
I've seen it inside of my dreams
The vorpal laserblaster of Pittenweem :D
new thread here, everyone go
>tfw even ruotsi is a meow simp
guess they can never escape their nature to submit to suomi
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Holy shit this is perfect thank you
I like the singer's voice way more than dragonforce too
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If you were nicer to me maybe le sigh
>In 1964, a woman named Catherine "Kitty" Genovese was raped and killed in two separate attacks near her home in Kew Gardens, Queens. At least 38 people saw the attacks or heard Genovese scream, but no one intervened and only one woman called the police.
No one wants to do it because they assume someone else is already doing it. I don't know what this effect is called and the only example I know is this one.
Yay! Enjoy the epic saga!
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I'll make a new thread if you get on your knees and beg
Is bunnymutt bpd or does he just act unstable?
Actually make a vocaroo thanking me for making it and moan like a whore that you are
Stables are for horses ok
except there werent 38 witnesses, that number was just made up by the journo on the spot. in reality there was only one witness and that one witness called the police.
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*Grovels* please do it I beg please I need the new thread so bad please
It's called the bystander effect dessmeow
Just deleted the stuff I wrote to make a new one cuz of that
You doomed yourself
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plllsss make new thread *bows down* *licks your boots*
true but i choose to live in delusion anyway
plsss make thread plssss

also im a girl can i post here i really like yaoi though [\spolier]
I made the thread I guess
That would make sense, yeah
Wait, seriously? We had a whole lesson dedicated to this event in school though
I feel lied to
90% of lurkers and posters and straight men because this is unironically the most straight thread on this board, and fujos like you
its true. i mostly post here while my gf is sleeping

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