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Language Edition (suggested by >>78168692)

Previous : >>78133529

Ignore impolite moids

>What is your primary language?
>What other languages do you know?
>If you could learn any language instantly, which one would it be?
>Have you ever made your own language?
>What is the most embarassing thing you ever said in a foreign language?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
Okay, I'm going to be away a bit doing some things. Be back later.
Thank you for the bake!! Very much appreciated
Gracias monolingual Yakker!
Moidchan, voulez-vous coucher avec moi (ce soir) ?
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Hello females
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okay time to make efforts at being social again because it's important to try to act out good patters even if you don't feel like it! and to try to not think to hard about how this is like my best outlet for that purpose which is kinda demoralizing!

>What is your primary language?
american rahhh
>What other languages do you know?
i believe i can understand spanish people through body language and schizophrenia but i'm trying to unironically learn it through those little apps right now. i started on the train but i fell off after.
>If you could learn any language instantly, which one would it be?
uhh... probably some super ancient language nobody CAN learn anymore, so that i can become a culturally important person and unlock ancient history and shit, and through that end up talking to people and making friends and having an excuse for being socially retarded because at least i'm a useful genius type.
>Have you ever made your own language?
i don't even think in words so that would feel counter intuitive
>What is the most embarassing thing you ever said in a foreign language?
god i can barely function in my own language, if i tried to socialize in another i'd probably spill my spaghetti to a nuclear degree. every time i've spoken limited spanish to order from food trucks and stuff its gone (seemingly) well.

see you!

hello sheldon
I'm glad these threads are running out of steam, also. Why tf is there an entire community of women that rate erotic books in tiktok and yt? I though women weren't gooners lol
hey berries-chan, how are you?
how does your 'social retardation' manifest when dealing with people? what goes wrong?
Asking in a new thread

Thoughts on wearing Goodnites for periods?
Why do you want to learn spanish?
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>why is there an entire community of (literally any insane bullshit)
the internet enabled it. what was that old post?

>before the internet
>be me, want to fuck a toaster
>realize it's retarded, don't
>after the internet
>be me, want to fuck a toaster
>look it up, find entire community on toaster fucking techniques and fags encouraging each other and saying it's normal
>destroy my life to fuck toasters

anyway women can be just as sexobunga retard monkeys as anybody, and they can be just as deranged and immoral and sadistic or whatever you want. the coomer is just a person with a weak will and little joy in life. in past ages they'd be the town drunk or something. now they work their wagie gigs and abuse their dopamine receptors.

>>78169000 v/
have i not talked about this before? i lose track.
sometimes i'm painfully awkward, sometimes people just stonewall me from the first word, sometimes people treat me like a sad pitiable little creature, sometimes people treat me like i'm a feral dog they are afraid is going to bite them. people just do not like me very much. i wish i was a friendly seeming person.

well its the second most common language in the USA. it's something to do. someone on /adv/ once said i might be less socially retarded in a new language, and another suggested i take language classes to meet new people, but because i am a schizoid perfectionist weirdo the plan is to learn spanish first, then take the class, then make friends by being helpful and useful when it comes to whatever homework is given.
joining because I find language things fun
>What is your primary language?
>What other languages do you know?
English and I can understand Spanish but only speak a bit of it
>If you could learn any language instantly, which one would it be?
I would like to learn German because second to English it is where most of the music and media I enjoy comes from I guess and I also like the way it sounds
>Have you ever made your own language?
When I was a kid I was always coming up with my own ancient magic rune based languages but never actually properly created one lol
>What is the most embarassing thing you ever said in a foreign language?
Too many incidents to remember but off the top of my head when I was young I thought 'masturbate' meant to be a master of something so sometimes if I would like play a game and win or beat someone in a fight I would exclaim that word
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whatever language l can use to hypnotize moids into leaving this thread so the quality goes up
mamma mia kek
>then make friends by being helpful and useful when it comes to whatever homework is given.
I tried that. It doesn't work. Sorry...
They will just use you to not do their work or they will never ask for help.

I always feel a little awkward when helping others with English stuff. Like I'm being condescending or something.

I will say that, knowing a 2nd language is very useful. I once read that thinking about personally important topics in another language makes your thoughts be clearer and the process is smoother. I always do that. I really enjoy speaking English, it just feels nice and it's opened an entire world I would have otherwise missed.

Practice really is the best way to learn it. If you want to go a step further, I suggest you try this: whenever you don't know a particular Spanish word, instead of looking to translate it from the English equivalent, try to ask for the word by describing it's meaning in Spanish.
Idk if I explained it correctly, but that helped me a lot when I learning English.
Would you date a twink?
>wish i was a friendly seeming person
i take it you don't smile much.. but that's easy to fix!
I will do this to Moid-chan one day.
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>i tried that, it doesn't work
okay. add that to the infinite list of ways not to make friends i guess.
i'll still try to learn because i would like to and i really like mexican and spanish and puerto rican and etc food and i'd be pretty happy if i could marry into a family with a bunch of recipes one day. i'll try to take that tip, but i doubt i'll have spanish speaking people to ask about the words i don't know very often.

>>78169144 v/
i try to smile, and i practice all the time, it's just not a very good smile, and i think people can tell i'm "forcing it" which makes them nervous.
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>mfw I finally realize neet1 is never coming back
>i'll try to take that tip, but i doubt i'll have spanish speaking people to ask about the words i don't know very often.
That's okay. Just try to make the effort in your head before translating. You can always ask google as well.

Good luck!
>add that to the infinite list of ways not to make friends i guess
you're not the same person, it might work better for you!
are you see the therapist this week to talk about the trip and stuff?
Now you'll see the reason for the name.

>What is your primary language?
Hillbilly English

>What other languages do you know?
None. I did have a little bit of Spanish from college since four semesters were required, but I never had to orqctice it after it so it's a lost ability.

>If you could learn any language instantly, which one would it be?

>Have you ever made your own language?
Does random sounds with my kitty count?

>What is the most embarassing thing you ever said in a foreign language?
I don't think I have? I did accidentally call one of my teachers crazy.

Hey berries! How are you? Are you feeling any better?
>Hillbilly English
but srsly, do you have a funny regional accent?
I have moid-hater accent :). But srsly, I got rid of the country-isms when I went to college because it is dumb. No calling a creek a "crick" and "hallow" a "holler".
As a none native speaker, it's taken me so long to differentiate types of American accents. Some of you even recognize them by state, I literally can't. They all sound the same.
I can tell southern and maybe new yorker, but that's it.
post hillbilly English vocaroo pleeeease
Southern is very distinct so you are easily able to pick it up. Just listen to any country song or artist like Lainey Wilson or Blake Sheldon and it just stands out. Thankfully, my southern doesn't stick out too much.
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moidchan in college
All I know is that all American accents are very nasaly.
I few tears ago I learned that Canadians are supposed to have an accent, and I still haven't been able to hear it clearly.
Even as a native, I cannot hear the difference. But, I've been exposed to so many different people since forever so unless it's new or somethig very distinct like British or Irish, they all sound the same.
Everything makes more sense now.
>Thankfully, my southern doesn't stick out too much.
Do you hate it?
You'd suck a tranny's dick?
What makes sense?

It makes me sound dumb so yes.
>What makes sense?
The guns, gardening, prepping, foraging, hiking, and the many other things you are interested in.
>/Biofem/ General #131
And the subject is fucked once again
>people just do not like me very much. i wish i was a friendly seeming person.
Fuck off, you constantly spam the Wonder Egg moeshit.
Smut is objectively superior to video, aa hard as it is to find
Nothing in that post suggests social retardation, read that dale carnegie book tomo loves and maybe you can stop thinking of negative episodes as collectibles
Love how german has those stupid long words that are just multiple words plastered completely neglecting spaces
Aqui hay mucho hispanohablante
>t. Sudamericano
How does a moid hater accent sound like

This but with the brits, so funny.
>How does a moid hater accent sound like
Like any screetching feminist bitch like she is.
These threads are dead. It was fun while is last nona's.
As I said in the last thread: only ones keeping it up are tripfems and their orbiters. Now, they're too busy with things. moidchan tries to keep it active when she is up but she is busy with things. Tomo is out doing things with her life now. Peaches now has a job. Kpopnona is doing some of her own things now. Boring is missing. OP1 shows up just to troll moids. Neet1 is nowhere to be found. The list goes on.

Let's just face it: the thread is dead.
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they'll all come back eventually....just give it some time and the general will be just like how it used to be before thread 100...
>Neet1 is nowhere to be found.
was barely around anyway just ran off with the cash kek
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omggg i love the theme!!!
>What is your primary language?
>What other languages do you know?
fluently 1, kinda 2 so 3 more?
>If you could learn any language instantly, which one would it be?
>Have you ever made your own language?
i don't understand linguistics that well unfortunately
>What is the most embarassing thing you ever said in a foreign language?
ehhh if i ever did i forgot about it already
oh thought it said how many languages lol
fluently i speak english (duh), i understand spanish and im actively learning japanese.
Do guys still hit on girls in person or is it all on apps?
There this cute girl that always smiles at me when we see each other but my incel friend told me that nowadays girls get anxious about everything so they smile at guys who they're not attracted to and coldly ignore guys they are attracted to
>What is your primary language?
>What other languages do you know?
Mainly French which I learnt in high school and just picked it up afterwards (my dad is from Quebec), and Russian which I have poured all of my willpower and autism into for around 4 months
>If you could learn any language instantly, which one would it be?
All the Chinese languages like mandarin, Cantonese, Xiang etc
>Have you ever made your own language?
Yes but it was pretty bad
>What is the most embarassing thing you ever said in a foreign language?
I haven't really said anything bad in a "foreign language" unintentionally but I've definitely pronounced things really badly
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I pretty much never hit on women in real life. I've been rejected too many times or did the whole spill my spaghetti
>Wow, sorry to bother you but I just had to let you know you are the most beautiful woman I've seen in years.
>Ok thank you anon, bye.

The other time I was feeling risky.
>Walking out of a grocery store.
>Girl catches my eye,
>Oh, hey! How are YOU doing?
>She looks me straight in the eye. smiles
>looks me up and down.
>I'm good. smiles and walks off...

There's just no reason to even try anymore.
>Let's just face it: the thread is dead
Well, there's a few more we still need to rescue. Some may have thought I was joking but I've always hoped to kill the thread by making all the biofems get too busy chasing their dreams. We still have work to do. I'm going to save them all, then maybe I'll be strong enough to save myself.
You cant help others if you cant help urself
I'll save you, op1
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So we're just gonna pretend self sacrificing people don't exist huh?
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Can you femoids just leave already?
>What is your primary language?
>What other languages do you know?
just english, i know a conversational level of japanese.
>If you could learn any language instantly, which one would it be?
japanese or chinese. more leaning on japanese but i could use chinese more often since it is more common.
>Have you ever made your own language?
no, skitzos do that. sometimes though, i like to combine english and japanese words in a sentence because its weird-cute.
>What is the most embarassing thing you ever said in a foreign language?
watashi no warui ni nihongo.. people looked at me so weird because that isnt the correct way to say "my japanese isnt that good" and it sounds more like "i am evil *in* japanese" or something like that. oh, also when i used the atashi/atai pronoun wrong (almost all of the time until someone put some sense into me, lol)
You are so fricking boring.
>sometimes though, i like to combine english and japanese words in a sentence because its weird-cute.
(replying to myself) its also a fun way to communicate with other weebs and make my sentences muzukashii for normies to read.
When has that ever worked out for them

Missed me
Once again asking for thoughts on wearing Goodnites for periods
Youre not really talking about anything else, might as well reply to me
goodnites are fucking diapers nona wtf
Functionally no different to pads. Less likely to leak, more comfortable.
Goodnites bump
So do you go on apps?
I've met a few girls who were my type (introverted, cute, shy, likes to learn new things) and almost all of them said they would never use dating apps. I don't know why but I suspect only normie girls use dating apps
>people just do not like me very much.
plenty of people like you. You can be a very likeable person.
>practice all the time, it's just not a very good smile,
When I smile in the mirror to practice it looks weird. When I smile because something if fun, my smile looks way different. It's maybe best to not force it but trying to smile more does make some people feel happier. humans are weird.
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me entering the /biofem/
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i mean i sorta doubted it would work anyway, it sounds like a very impersonal environment and will probably be full of people much older than me. but yeah, i'm talking to my therapist this week.

still kinda feeling blech and numb but its getting a little easier to operate. thanks for always asking.

...what? objection, relevance?

>>78170155 v/
well like i said it's hard to exactly understand what is going wrong a lot of the time. i know sometimes when i clearly fuck up and say something wrong but most of the time things are just very hard and people are not receptive as if there's a huge deterrent to speaking with me. i feel socially retarded because i can't figure out what it is, you know?

well yeah, i'd imagine there would be in south america.

wahhh waaahhhh waaaahhhh!!!!!!!! waahh!! there's a general about dudes who want to fuck their moms and lie to each other about making 'progress'. i think we'll be fine.

>>78173133 v/
4chan post legibility does not translate to irl social skills. the same way an author can write good books but be intolerable as a person. also don't underestimate how many points i get on here for being allegedly a woman and allegedly sad. there's male instincts to both imagine the most attractive woman possible within given datapoints and also a sort of instant pity/protective instinct in men. if i don't tip my hand in my posts, people actually find me pretty annoying, even on here.
>forced smiles vs genuine smiles
the problem is the face i instinctively make when i'm happy isn't a smile. i don't have a genuine smile at all.
>Kys simp
Going to go that right now by practicing this.

>also don't underestimate how many points i get on here for being allegedly a woman and allegedly sad
I can see what you mean but if I tried to explain or counter your point you wouldn't understand anything I'm saying. I'd like to add that you can like someone or something about someone without liking the words they say. Do you think people like Guts because of his charismatic speech?
you can't compare a person to a character. we get to see his whole life. that's more important than what he has to say; he'd only be talking about what he experienced or learned, which we already know firsthand. you don't get that with another person. you don't see their whole life. i agree, words aren't super important to me either, but normie socialization relies on it heavily. i'd be fine having an interaction completely based on body language but not everyone is an exceptional autistic beast like me.
>people actually find me pretty annoying
..but are you conventionally attractive?
I get where you're coming from but again, you wouldn't get it if I tried to explain. Let's just say you have quite a few charming characteristics and everything isn't about how cool your words are.

Have to leave out for a bit. But feels like I'm forgetting something important....
You're awesome, prone to silly tantrums maybe but other than that great.
It's not that you're a sad woman and more that you are willing to type full sentences that aren't related to boring meme or muh culture topics.

It's good to see you around even if we're your last resort. A lot of people here can relate with your social retardation plight I'm sure, most people are just not receptive these days no matter what you do.
What's your duolingo record
god please kill all simps please
i cant believe biofem died on me. i was gone and now its just anons.
Are you the creep from a few threads back who started to use smilie and shit, telling her how special she is and essentially calling berries a 'good girl'?
>Are you the creep from a few threads back who started to use smilie and shit, telling her how special she is and essentially calling berries a 'good girl'?
Link to the post. Otherwise you are making it up.
>calling berries a 'good girl'?
no, that was Op1, also known as coomercreep
this. i fucking hate simps and nice guy creeps so much i swear, theyre weird and they know it. im angrily writing my manifesto. hang and kill all simps

hows it going? do you still lurk /pol/?
NO way i lurk pol. i did uh drinmk aiubt though
I got the boards you lurked mixed up then. I dont know man, you seem like the type if guy to lurk pol.. what boards do you lurk again?

>i drink

ultra death to coomercreep
I either go to r9k or bant 999.9 % of the time
>thinks he's some sort of le based gatekeeper
Oh, I got pol mixed up with bant. Bant is full of racebait and incelbait, along with tranime one liners. I wouldnt be able to survive a week, but you fit right in there I guess, lmao
no it wasnt always like that it used to be a bunch of nice posters and i was one of them. atleast back then... around 2018. gah its full of trash becuase trash posters tend to push out good posters
I remember it was near the end of one of the threads ill go have a look
There was berries telling him to stop being creepy too
Never understood the simp hate, is not like you can't do it too.
I'm a nona. I have every right to want simps like >>78174017 and >>78174455 out of my fucking thread. They always magically turn into contactfags when their patronizing and love bombing "works"

I have a theory that after the quarantine hit (2020-2021) and ticktock was on the rise, it negatively affected 4chan content-wise. It seems like all of the nice posters went to s4s, nowadays.
yes, simping is extremely heterosexual and based. within limits, ofc..
>have every right
>my fucking thread
no and no :)
>I'm a nona.
get a trip then, bitch
I'm surrounded by sassy moids. I hate it here
Cool, you're free to leave, you have better things to do.
The sassy moid epidemic has hit biofem
>sassy moid
Is that supposed to be offensive or smtg?
suck my sassy pp
>Sassy moid epidemic
Moids have gotten too comfortable, they dont even use t.male anymore. We need to start drafting these entitled faggots
It is supposed to be funny
ha, ha, good one
We should also draft their moms into my bedroom
>their moms into my bedroom
Tomo is that you?
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i'm not saying that men's ability to romaticize literally anything, even a 4chan poster who might be a larper or troon, is a bad thing. it's a good thing if it applies to something worth caring about, and i hope if i end up with someone in real life he feels that way about my shortcomings. it's just not something that makes my circumstances any easier.

>aren't boring meme/culture topics
dude. all i do is complain. literally nonstop whining. have you ever seen people ask me about my life or interests or anything other than Muh Struggles? i got nothing. i can ramble infinitely about woe is me but my problems are the only interesting thing i have going on. if i took a magic potion that fixed everything broken in my head and body all at once, i'd just be a normal, boring person. you're seriously deluding yourself so you can imagine a waifu into the spot i exist, but it isn't me.

two days kek

i don't even remember that, gross. i forget stuff way too easily these days.

sir, a second sassy moid has hit biofem
i'll say the virtual persona you manged to created with your posts and avatar choice is endearing.
Plus you like cool music. and busty. and brave enough to just hop on a train and go. Not too shabby..
>and busty
Why cant all simps just die?
silence, chestlet
Im so fucking angry right now I want to cry
Why baby? Tell daddy what's bothering you.
My penis is too small
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>dude. all i do is complain. literally nonstop whining.
Yes, and also spam moeshit. Fuck off.
hi micropenis-nona, how are you today?
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*sniffle* ihate simps.. please g;;od please i hat al of theeeeem pl i ueeee
Berries has big tits?
We could clear up all confusion if females were forced to show their tits to post here.
Doesn't count because she's overweight.
Yes, she has big juicy bouncy melons and an ass to die for
Okay calm down.
I was asking because it would mean she ignored all of my posts and that sucks.
Chubby is best.
>Chubby is best.
Very true, you have taste.
>have you ever seen people ask me about my life or interests or anything other than Muh Struggles
All the time?
>outside activities
>active efforts to socialize
>trying new things
>not liking internet
>so on
>so forth

See all those pointless oneliners around you that don't say anything? they are never you. Another silly tantrum at worst.
>I'm a nona.
>What does nona mean?
>Anon -> Nona
So are we.
All I want is for OP1 to fall in love with me and become my sexual slave.
Is that too much to ask for?
>turn into contactfags when their patronizing and love bombing "works
Majority of nonas have posted their contacts already. Moids don't need to contact fag. If a moid wanted to contact you they already would have.
Then don't contact them? Discord is highly frowned upon on this thread. That's pretty awesome.
>fucking hate simps
Would you like simps if someone simped for you?
You're wasting your time seeing women as logical beings capable of understanding basic shit. They'll just cope.
Jelly-nona just can't get any simps of her own awww
>Discord is highly frowned upon on this thread.
big hypocrisy
>Discord is highly frowned upon on this thread
That's mostly because of discord servers, which are cancer. And if you are in one, it's a red flag.
Jellynona outside of /biofem/
Im not jealous, these simps are just cancer 90% posters in these threads are horny moids now. Why cant you all fuck off and die?
Then what do you moids get out of it then? Simping over named posters, even made up ones? You are anonymous and they will forget you ever existed in a day. You all are delusional, lonely men who cannot get female contact outside of 4chan.
I never mentioned discord.
Probably not because then I can shill the hell out of them. They are easy to manipulate and thats all they are good for anyway. Other than that they are worthless. I know how all of you are under that "Nice Guy TM" facade. Horny, lonely losers. Fuck off to >>/soc/
Put on your trip
>even made up ones
There aren't any made up nonas. Only one guy tried pretending to be a nona and he was always found out. Most nona can't even get anyone to simp for them, how could someone make up a fictional character have have us simps fall in love and donate money to her? A made up nona would be too one dimensional and boring.
Getting plapped by op1
Yeah, 130+ threads are enough proof biofem are just superior posters. Even a non troon male that tries to larp gets found out in a flash
>Fuck off to >>/soc/
Even >>>/soc/ is full of men with barely any women there. Face it, there's increasingly less women on sites like these, or to find in general on the internet.
I dont have a tripcode. What is the point of a tripcode anyway? This is just supporting what I said, you all simp over named posters like faggots.
I will simp for you as soon as you do anything other than complain. Moidy vibes.
It's okay nona. Chad is not here, he can't hurt you.
rrgh applying for jobs. what should I say to explain the huge resume gap due to neetmaxxing? should I just lie
I always recommend this guy. I'm too tired to search for resume gap material but this guy is amazing when it comes to searching for jobs, and resume/interview stuff. But basically you just say you were taking care of a family member, learning something etc.

Tell them they should take full advantage of the opportunity presented to them before you decide to just not work again.
You were self-employed working odd jobs during that time. Make sure you remember what those "odd jobs" were because they will follow-up with that with questions regarding those odd jobs.
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Literally everyone hates simps. Men despise simps, women wish death upon simps.
Even simps hate simps and I say that as one. In my mind and heart I try to be as sincere and genuine as I can but I know my subconscious monkey male brain makes me simp as a desperate bid for female attention and I find it disgusting. Humans are animals, I hate you all.
I don't know about resume gaps but I told the tech guy who interviewed me what I did. Repairing stuff and even went and guessed how their proprietary product and I was right. Then I was pretty fast with the component placement. If it wasn't for their hiring freeze I probably would have gotten the job.
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making an online persona isn't a skill or a virtue. maybe everything i've said is true, or maybe a tranny made literally all of it up. you don't know either way, and in either case, it's just a shitty little performance. it's kind of stupid for you to believe any of us, and it's not any consolation to me that you do, either. it doesn't make me any better at being a person or hitting the ultra vague benchmark of 'good at being a woman'. i know why i make my posts like i do. do you know why you give a shit? do you know why you read all of these threads?

anyway, ignore me. i'm moody right now. tits aren't a virtue, and i never said i had big ones anyway.

>literally nonstop whining
omgg we have so much in common!!!! wanna hook up??

you could say you were applying the entire time but was never hired. i hear anons complain about how hard it is to find a wagie gig all the time.

>>78177422 v/
the worst thing we've ever done is start to pretend we aren't animals. it's the idea that we have to be more that causes us so much suffering. how egotistical is it for us to imagine we're the one single unique sort of being in the universe? if we could get away with it, we'd all believe we were the only sentient being, not as a species but as an individual. it's all a huge hallucination. we have no idea what reality beyond our mind is, it's a locked room and we imagine the responses of our actions are something other than a mirror or an echo. but it's not schizo o clock, is it.
Simping is just being a decent, supportive human being. Couldn't give a toss if this decadent humanity hates decency. That's not me
Simping is disingenuous and cloying. That decency and support is only extended to people you're sexually interested in.
I disagree. I try to be kind to everyone. Ofc I put more effort towards the person I like. But I don't treat others badly or anything.
>towards the person I like.
Who is the person you like?
Atm? No one.
But I am looking for a weeb gf with big boobs.
There's nobody here I'm sexually interested in but I simp for all biofems because they are the superior posters. We need more of them, a lot more.
So you're a whore who can't commit? Got it.
You are sexually interested in females so you simp for females.
Foids can never be incels. Fuck off my board.
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> the worst thing we've ever done is start to pretend we aren't animals.
At least try make a conscious effort to prove the universe wrong and defy your monkey brain.
People who are content with being animals should be put down like one.
I really should stop giving humanity and people the benefit of the doubt. I hate my monkey brain and wish to be let off this ride.
>Who is the person you like?
The guy who pretended to be neet1 and night walker nona.
I think you are genuinely retarded and a generic edgelord who thinks that something being bleak makes it also more true than something hopeful. Boring and lame.

However - and this is unrelated to your post - the thing about not acting like animals, is the only logical argument in favor of veganism that I haven't been able to logically disprove.
how egotistical, to be shackled by a part of you that you say is inferior, and then claim you hate others for being no worse than you in the same exact way. the lack of self awareness is astounding.
Avg edgelord behavior.
Why is fireking being such a dick today

yeah nobody talks like this irl, you should kill yourself the first chance you get
>People who are content with being animals should be put down like one
But we are animals. Just a bit more intelligent than some others and better able to use tools. We aren't robots with no emotion. Even now you aren't being purely logical. You're just another dumb animal.
I'm interested in good posting. Sexually I get my interests from other places, 4chan is a terrible site for it.
Not even /d/ delivers anything worth it these days
It's just le edgy teen mindset, very poorly written too. Bet he believes mental health is a thing
You know who else mama mia?
You sound mentally ill, like babbling schizo homeless person tier.
>meme words
He's always seemed this way to me.
Moids are pesting the thread
He's a good lad, just cynicmaxxing
>*sniff* *sniff*
Huh... smells a little fishy in here...
Have you showered today femanon?
i thought the nonas liked slower threads when the moids left and made their own general, unless youre a doomsaying moid!
>Fireking being brutually beaten to death in the replies
FUCKING KEK. You love to see it.
How can you treat him like this after all of the gifts he got you?
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hoo hoo :{
What the fuck are you talking about? He never got me gifts.
Ntn, almost all of us never started a Throne. Fuck off with the thronefaggotry accusation.ls.
Basically this. Maybe 3 or 4 started it and only because the moids wouldnt shut the fuck up about it. They they decided to gift nonas then blame nonas for taking them. Then they say we all have them.
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Holy shit your inane faggotry is annoying. Nona can talk about hanging and killing people yet no one cries about her being edgy. Go fuck yourself normie niggers
Slower threads are fine. The issue is that they're on page 9 or 10 before being bumped again. It's a sign of a dead general with only a few keeping it going.
It was just a joke bro we dont really hate you
Donate me one hundred US dollars and I will consider shutting the fuck up.
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mia madre
All nonas should have thrones desu. Look at that poor bro starving for some simping
Not anyones job to deal with that.
Thanks brah
Cell service is terrible tonight so thread involvement and replies is not a given. Second batch of freeze dry with various things went great. I hate the AC, as it's blasting again.

That stuff is the norm here.


You all can keep it up like the rest of us. It us every nona's responsibility.

Hey kpop! How's things with you?

Good to hear! Any improvement, even small, is good.

You can play up your skills. Also, you can emphasize odd jobs you did while NEETing like saying helping someone move.

You had a good excuse to be NEET though, Peaches. Btw, how are you tonight?
>You had a good excuse to be NEET though, Peaches. Btw, how are you tonight?
Sore but not half bad. Was so exhausted and tired because my cat decided to wake me up again. Going to have to ban him from my room at night again. But noticed that work today didnt cause me as much pain today as it did normally. Think the massager is def helping and getting stronger.
Kitties will do that. I had to ban him from mine many times for that reason. The worst was when he kept clawing underneath the door which made a very annoying noise.

That's great to hear! It's surprising how such small.things like a massger can produce such results.
It is so great I am glad I was finally able to buy one. Soon my paycheck will come in so I am going to go through my cook books and find some stuff I want to make for lunched and buy some ingredients this week sometime.
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porcaccia la miseriaccia
It's so great to have that source of income to be able to start doing things like you and buying ingredients to make some yummy meals.
Especially when what my dad is cooking is the same things over and over. Which is okay but then hes just mixing random crap together and my job I dont know the exhaustion is making me not feel up to eating some of this stuff. Bleehh. But I have all kinds of things I can try. Ahh I am excited.
Does he not realize food fatigue is so real? I woukdn't be able to stand eating the same things day-in, day-out.
It is more so how heavy it is. Alwats ground beef potatoes chili and its soo heavy and greasy. SOmetimes my stomach is just not up for it. And its because we are limited with very low funds so he just buys the same crap over and over. Like you can get other stuff too you can swap things out anything damn. Ill eat white rice plan just cook it. ... Whatever I'll have to buy the stuff and do it myself. LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE.... I am just so frustrated with him.
Eww,it sounds like it was more about the cheap meals he likes to eat. Je coukd have bought other cheap staples and learned other ways to cook with those.
I don't know. Creature of habit I guess. I am getting tired of it though. There is so many things we can do. Told him to go through these recipies so we can find stuff so we can plan what to get. NOPOPEEE never have anymoney and when he does buys the same crap over and over. His laziness is really really getting to me. Getting so tired of his excuses I just GOOOOOOOHHHH.
Creature of habit or just afraid of new things? He could have done a lot of different recipes.
Don't know but at this point freankly I dont care. Tired that I have had to learn so much crap on my own to compensate for him barely teaching me anything at all. He just causes so many problems so many issues I dont know it always seems like some stupid nonsense is happening with him and it constantly road blocks me. I hate it. Finally getting somewhere and I still have to deal with this. I feel guilty that I was basically a leach my whole life but he barely did anything to help me. I ask my mom and she got to work helping me and now I finally have a job I can manage. I BEGGED FOR HELP FOR OVER 15 YEARS. ALL I GOT WAS *I DONT KNOW HOW TO HELP YOU* and ATTITUDE. I mean really we have all these neat recipes we could have been using but noo. He could have helped me with PT a long time ago. BUT NOOO. He could have taught me to drive BUT NOOOOO. I just don't know I want to cry so much. I just feel so frustrated. But whatever. I'm going to do it. I am going to be better than him and make this stupid situation work.
I'm sorry to hear all of tgat, peaches. But it is great that you resolved yourself to be better and are working towards bettering your life. You are a great person for doing so.
My resolve isn't as strong as I would like but I do have some income that will help a job that has given me some purpose. I am honestly feeling better than I have been in a very long time, despite the pain I am in.
It isn't as strong as you woukd like it to be? Lol, it's really strong and it's great that you want it to be more and better! You've been through a lot and it makes a oerson strong to have mindset you do to keep going forward.

Anyhow, I got some things to do so I'll be back on in a bit when I got them done. If you are not here when I get done, have a nice night and hope work goes well for you tomorrow and tjings continue to get better for you.
Thank you. I'll try to be but you know me I just pass out on my phone ha.
You moids have hurt me
That's why I spam and derail these threads with resentment
I am metaphorically getting my revenge
I hope every moid and simp who has bullied me in the past dies a tragic death
The logic here doesnt even track.
>Moids hurt you
>Let me ruin a thread for nona's to get back at the moids
I mean I get it simps need to get beaten over the head with a shovel but still.
I'm so mad I don't even care anymore
You all need to apologize to me and I'll stop
weird bait unoriginally
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>going through my high school art doodles
>find some sh edgy shit i absolutely loathe and never want to see again
>know my mom likes to dig in the trash for my drawings
>put it on fire
>mom discovers me and scolds me
So where the fuck am I supposed to toss them out? It's not like you picked up my vent drawings that i never want to see again and put them BEHIND YOUR PHONE CASE despite me telling you not to multiple times
I don't toss them. I have many old doodles that make me cringe so very hard. But they were a stepping stone to where I am now. Tiding them is sort if like tossing my past I just don't think I'd do it. Also I can compare myself to my past and be like yeah I'm better.
Rip the drawings up or buy a paper shredder.
soak them in water before throwing them in the garbage as a wet ball.
I wish I could pass out with my phone. I hated that e-training. My co-worker was using the computer so I used my phone. It was common sense stuff like "don't give out your password, don't put your password on a post-it note and stick it on your monitor, and don't answer any e-mails from Princes from Where? country asking you to receive $100m to hold."

Nightwalk? Is that you? If so: WELCOME BACK!!!! Where have you been?

Lol. Thank you of reminding of me and my friend's I Don't Care Bears drawings.Tear it up little by little and throw it away little by little. God how dumb and cringe we were as teenagers.
Is simphater-nona actually nightwalk-nona??
I wonder? Maybe she wanted to change her persona?
Was she multiple nonas this entire time?
You are such a two faced little shit
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That would not be surprising. I even did it during the beginning and up until the skinwalker episode.
Oh, forgot the comment part about finding that gem in the archives just now.
>I even did it during the beginning and up until the skinwalker episode.
Which ones were you?
Obviously me, but also prepper nona and some other nona which talked about house plants a few times.
Rendez-vous, rendez-vous, rendez-vous au prochain reglement
Rendez-vous, rendez-vous, rendez-vous surement aux prochaines regles
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Would you prefer your bf was lean abs Adonis belt or was +100-200lbs on any given lift and was chubby?

Kick me out dumb mindbroken hookers.
confirmed, moidchan is dissociative

Im a guy btw. GTFO my board you JIDF spam bots.
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Hanging out with OP1 again
What if she was the patient all along?
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>What if she was the patient all aIong?
Noooo. My other personalities say only I exist!

What if...
>OP1 shows up just to troll moids.
I also talk to nonas but you only notice me when I'm blowing steam off
The experiment was successful 120 threads ago, if this is a nona hub now that's ok too but there's no need to force it to be alive, what i learnt form this general is that girls move on and improve their lifes with more ease than moids, we're more flexible and less chronically online, so we might get more short term regulars.
Im good.
>routerfag is still making threads

Why isn't he banned yet?
Morning M, how are you holding up? Is your leg ok?
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I have dreams about Her and strangely, I always break down crying in my dreams. Yet I don't really feel anything when I wake up. She left for someone else and got married and later popped back into my life twice wanting to cheat with me, but I only wanted her friendship because marrying a fat man for his money and a ritzy city life disgusted me, and I was too polite to say so until she backed out. She constantly complained about maxxing out her dosages and how she hated her job and how nobody seemed to respect her, and I couldn't tell her it was because people could tell she chose a relationship for stability because they are severely anti-looksmatched. But it's all over now. I told her to block me after pic related. It was all I could do as a genuine friend.

Will it be this way forever? Why don't I love myself more to avoid these kinds of people?

I just want someone to tell me I did the right thing so I can grapple with my loneliness in peace.
t. Moid
Unlimited VPNs. It's what he spends all his disability money on.
Morning O! I'm doing good. Just finishing up patient breakfast. I already did their vitals and passed meds. The leg is doing good. I'm just not doing any major impact stuff on it like the jump rope and replaced it with just walking more. The knees from Saturday's hike with a friend is fine. After this, go home, do a bike ride, shower, then sleep.

How are doing?
Another Stacysexual incel, no one cares, she did what she had to do because you're a broke fagg incapable of providing for a family
>spends all his disability money on.
would your life improve if you moved on from 4chan?
I'm glad to hear you're taking it easy, I'm not so sick anymore but still slow, my hatred for moids is lower right now too, not because of them tho, just focusing on other things
I am self-made and building a homestead. She was afraid of having kids. Maybe I should have cut it short there.
>we're more flexible and less chronically online
Thats a cope if Ive ever seen one
stinky farm pig trying to turn a Stacy into a trad wife by knocking her up, you disgust me
this isnt atoga, read the fucking op.
your unability to read the op outs you as a retard.
fact you are a double retard nigger for thinking city life is bad.
actually you are a triple retard nigger for thinking about valueless rubbish like her.
now fuck off.
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i actually came back to delete it because of the atoga thing but in your own thread you said it was shit so i figured i would at least reply to the person who responded to me but now im an unbased moid chuddite

anyway thanks, you're probably right about values.
Morning everyone! I wish all nonas a great day!

Sorry if I worried anyone, I've been exhausted. I'll resume my regular schedule next week
VPNs don't work here though. I thought we had a deal with the mods to get him range and hardware banned.
Good morning. I feel terrible today might be rough. Also it's more like I just pass-out with it in my hand. I am often phone posting especially in bed. Make a post sometimes and then just nod off.
>Taking care of family member, learning something
I could spin that in a way where it's not quite lying. I hate lying outright, it's one of the worst autist traits imo since so many normies tell white lies so easy. thank you for the youtube recommendation, I will give it a watch in the morning when I'm not falling asleep
hilarious idea and I would pitch it if I was brave enough and was sure I wasn't getting said hypothetical job anyway
Making up lies about entire jobs is where it gets difficult for me. I don't want the concern of remembering a job I never had in the back of my mind at all times. Maybe it would just take a refresh on some speech skills to get over that fact, probably overthinking it
The last interview I had months ago, the employer lost my fucking resume that was emailed AND faxed over despite claiming having it moments earlier lmaoo I'm glad I wasn't hired by them. Im confident in bringing up relevant experience but I might just fib and say it was more recent than it is
That could also work, but I'm afraid it might be a red flag to an employer? I might be overthinking all of this too much haha
Ive mostly been rotting during my neet- downtime but I'll fluff my skills up more. I did some volunteer work and helped family

Thanks everyone for the tips, it's helps clear my head on this
>be me
>start dming my crush less
>sometimes he texts me first
is this a good sign?

>see a post on twitter of a woman that says i'll send a video for everyone who likes this post and responds with a heart
>he responds with a heart

>see his twitter reposts
>a few of them are anime girls that slightly resemble me (flat chested)
uhh what did he mean by this?
>uhh what did he mean by this?
That he's horny.
Your discord shit has become really uninteresting
Other than being busy how's life treating you?
Meeting that kind of people has nothing to do with loving yourself.
She wasn't a chronically online yakker, just a woman looking for answers for her radio ham stuff and that only wanted to be left alone and in peace with her mom after that.
Hardly surprising she had no use for 4chan after getting the info she needed
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>What is your primary language?
Mexican Spanish

>What other languages do you know?
English. Broken Swedish

>If you could learn any language instantly, which one would it be?

>Have you ever made your own language?
Yes. Its mainly based on English but uses words from German but used incorrectly, some Swedish and Arabic.
Moid here but I'm posting since you made a dedicated language thread and /r9k/'s bumprate and community are preferable to /int/ by far.

>Primary Language
English, specifically American English
>Other Languages
I can speak and understand some Japanese and some Spanish, but I'm insecure enough that I don't claim to know either one. I've straight-up had convos in the languages with strangers and I do not claim to speak them. I can read French, Latin, Greek, Spanish, and some Japanese.
>If you could learn any language instantly, which one would it be?
Whatever they spoke before the tower of babel fell.
>Have you ever made your own language?
Working on it as part of worldbuilding for my maladaptive daydreaming. It has phonemes from Western and Eastern languages intermingled.
>What is the most embarassing thing you ever said in a foreign language?
I'll never know what I said wrong. They never explained it. They just giggled at me. It haunts me.
true, but sometimes i doubt if anything with me was actually real

i'm applying more nuance this time, i want to distance myself from him to make myself something to chase, but i also don't want him to think i'm losing interest, and i'm preparing for the possibility that i was never really qualified for him anyway,

even when my heart is at risk of being broken, my ego still lives, maybe it'll be the only thing i have left
wtf nonas bump
Hey Mono. How's your week been going? My neck feels so stiff today from out of nowhere. Didn't bother me when I woke up or anything.
Hey, Boring! Great to see you again. I've been out of the loop for a few days so I'm still catching up myself.

>I've seen the damage they can do spooked, and it's not pretty.
As have I. I can still just faintly see the scar on my bf's wrist from when a panicked tortie scratched the hell out of him over half a year ago.
A new day and I keep searching for a weeb gf with big boobs.
Cowbell wants to know how your school semester is going.
She's a sweetheart.
It's going good! Ty, I passed all my subjects and I'm enjoying my free time now.
How is she? Has her work situation improved?
Hbu? Last time I saw you, you were dealing with covid.
nonnas is it over if i'm a wandcel?
how do I stop being autistic
>what i learnt form this general is that girls move on and improve their lifes with more ease than moids,
Yes because a moid tricked you into going outside.
What is a wandcel?
If it means doing something half the world does, then no, it isn't over
>I passed all my subjects and I'm enjoying my free time now.
>How is she? Has her work situation improved?
Sadly, no. Her company did not win renewal of the contract that her team works on. The good news is that she's got at least a year before the transition will be done; and even then, there's a better-than-average chance that she'll end up on a different contract with the same company or on the same contract with the company that just won it.
>Hbu? Last time I saw you, you were dealing with covid.
I got over the worst of that in about 5 days; but for the next two weeks, I still felt run-down and tired all the time. But I'm back to normal down and in fact just got back from an impromptu road trip to the Keys with a couple of friends.

Never heard that one before.
im biofem but I just want a cock
how do I stop
I'll give you a cock
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>Unlimited VPNs
I have created over a Internet Protocol Addresses, Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life. Have withstood Range Bans to create many BBC threads Yet these Hands will never hold a Woman
Damn, she's been through a lot at her job. Lots of uncertainty. Tell her that I wish her the best and that I trust she will be okay. Hopefully this new contract/company also comes with better working conditions.

5 days is a lot. It hit you pretty hard. But I am happy to hear you have recovered and you're just as busy as always.
It's good to hear from you again.
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why do you hate animals? what about a man is better than a raven?

>>78179177 v/
not to say i don't think you're a retarded edgelord too, but people treat any expression of genuine thought or feeling as "trying too hard", and since they live constantly shielding by irony and aloofness, they like to shit on that earnestness so they feel safe and protected from it.


oh gross, that's all really fat heavy, that stuff makes me feel awful too. i can only do super heavy meals like that once every day or two. i use chicken most because it's not so greasy and fatty and heavy, and it mixes well with fresher ingredients, where ground beef kinda weighs the entire thing down. i usually have a meal that's just veggies and grains too. if that was for dinner every night i'd get sick fast... but then again i make all the meals at home so i guess i get to control it at the cost of labor.

>specifically American

>other languages
interesting that you can read languages but not speak them. how does that happen? do you not sound out words in your head as you read?

>whatever they spoke before the tower of babel fell
THEY SPOKE AMERICAN RAHHHH!! (that's why the entire world is slowly coming to accept english as the universal language again. nature is healing.)
Total berrychan sex!
Good to see you too; I let her know what you had to say and she says thank you.
is she with you right now?
>genuine thought or feeling
>faggotry normie niggers
>is she with you right now?
Yep. She met us when we came home and has been hanging out with us since.
making me nervous!!
got any plans for today?
It's funny to imagine that you brainless attention whores occupy the same world as the rest of us.
>got any plans for today?
We're just hanging out watching YouTube videos at the moment. After her roommate gets off work and gets over here, we're all going to dinner. Not sure what we'll do after that.
sounds like a chill time.
have fun!
fembots. I worked hard all day. I did my chores, took a shower, took a few phone calls, took out the trash, and even cooked breakfast. My back hurts and I'm in need a massage, please fulfill your gender roles and take care my back pain.
>t. Man of the house.
I'm a human bank account for women who would never touch me
Sad, but still more value than some people have.
I wasn't talking about me I'm clearly an exception to the rule
Did you ever make up your own language as a child?
If by tricked you mean constantly let me down. Road blocked me from doing stuff and having no funds limits your like exceptionally hard? Then yes I am a complete fool.
Yeah not happening. Fulfill your gender role and fix your own damn problems.
>Did you ever make up your own language as a child?
No, and I never even developed cryptophasia despite having a twin.
I can't fix my own problems without women fulfilling their gender roles and providing me with emotional support.

DO YOUR JOB FOIDS! Rub my back nows
Again no.
No as here are doing their own job without you. Stop being a weak little shit and do your own you're a strong mood after all.
lol why would it improve? I would just get another time waster.

I'm so grateful for that! You've been tortured for the past week. You may just need a complete rest week just to recovery!

Hey b!!! Thank you for checking in with us!!! Take all the rest you need!

Hey peaches! Hope your day was not as rough as you thought. lol, I could never pass out with it in my hand.

That volunteer work and family is all that you need. Really play into those to emphasize the job you are applying for. Depending on the job, they may not really care though and they're just looking at it just for a quick first impression like they're just making sure there are no obvious spelling errors like spelling "creek" as "crick" like I've seen people around here spell it. lol, got to love being a southerner.

It's been tiring so far. lol, the freeze dryer project is a bit on hold because my mom put the trays in a dirty sink and it's been soaking in it for awhile. So, yeah, I'm def making her put that in the dishwasher. The good thing is you can pre-freeze stuff, so that's what I'm doing with this load.

Also regarding your neck: it happens. When mine is stiff, I just move it around as much as I can and massage it when I'm able to and put the heating pad on it.

Some of the ones from when my kitty was a kitten took awhile to disappear. I always laughed when people asked what happened to my hand when I played with him. He was rough.

lol, your GARcher pic caught my attention.

Hey berries! How are you feeling tonight?
What are you up to, femoids, larpers, lurking moids?
I am still suffering.
>lol, your GARcher pic caught my attention
Are you GAR? I think you're GAR.

>Also regarding your neck: it happens. When mine is stiff, I just move it around as much as I can and massage it when I'm able to and put the heating pad on it.
Idk it just happened out of no where. I stretched it a bunch but I'm just so tired today. I want to take a nap but I know it'll ruin my sleep schedule.

with what?
FFFFFFF I really need to start proof reading before posting
>with what?
Lack of boobies.
Also mental illness.
I'm definitely not GAR like Archer.

It sometimes happens, especially when you get older. Sometimes I can just turn slightly and my hip will start hurting. That is one thing I do hate about naps and how it ruins a sleep cycle. I really want to nap rn but I know if I do, it'll throw everything off-kilter.
What does GAR mean?
It was an /a/ meme of someone trying to he was gay for Archer, but mistyped gar instead of gay. It exploded as a meme saying they're have manly admiration for a male character.
I see, thank you for the meme lore, moid-chan.
Are you at work atm?
No, but I got to get ready here in a few minutes. I just don't want to move rn. It's one of those times where I feel like I can bedrot without feeling the need to do something, yet I have to get up and go to work.

Hopefully it will be a calm night.
Don't forget your tripod!
>step outside for less than 4 mins
>mosquitoes bite me a bunch of times
whhhyyyyy? They used to ignore me now as soon as I go outside they bite me.
I doubt it, but I can always hope. Unfortunately, cloudy night so no go on the night viewing.

Anyhoo, got to get ready. See you all in a few hours if nothing is happening.
>Some of the ones from when my kitty was a kitten took awhile to disappear.
His has mostly. Thankfully. Because it looked like a REALLY half-assed suicide attempt there for awhile.
>See you all in a few hours if nothing is happening.
Have a nice night. I'm very GAR for you until then.
Cell service is crap again tonight.

Your blood must be tasty.

Lol. I would hate for it to look like that. Mine was just a bunch of random cuts.

You are silly, you can't be a gar for me, I'm not a moid.
It wasn't tiring but I hurt a bit today. Been very moody and just struggling to relax. The game I was playing is just upsetting me and I just don't know what to do now. Just wanted to enjoy what little time I have left before bed but I guess not.
Sorry to hear that, peaches. Nothing is helping to calm everything down?
No not really haven't been getting a good night's sleep either so I'm just even more moody cause of it.
Again, sorry to hear all of that. I wish I could be there with you and give you some comfort.
Thank you. I appreciate it. I just got deal with it
That's always a bummer having to just deal with things. Are they at work just pushing you too hard?
>Your blood must be tasty
care to find out?
>you can't be a gar for me,
Too late.
No I mean I'm pushing myself a little but compared to the first week I'm adjusting to it. I just am mentally stressed tired and just feel the need to do stuff and not doing it. Need to get some hobbies done.? I don't know then the stuff I like others are ruining it's just frustrating me and have no way to really relax or vent. So I just boil and have to wait it out.
Work is literally throwing away Celebrate Recovery bibles. I'm nabbing them and donating them to church. I guess the person cleaning stuff up didn't know I'd be interested. She's a workaholic more than myself.

Eww, no.

That is so relatable. I hope things get better for you. You deserve some good vibes. It's great you are adjusting though.
I'm low IQ and don't see the point of creating a new language, just don't speak?
Plenty of conlang nutters out there though
>interesting that you can read languages but not speak them. how does that happen? do you not sound out words in your head as you read?
You do sound the words out, but at a different pace. It's fine to take a solid two minutes to read a page, and usually it's fine if you get the gist of something without it being grammatically perfect. But if I took two minutes to nail together a sentence from parts that don't fit, every time you said something, we'd be in trouble.
It creates a super sekrit code fir when we need to be sekritive from the nosy ppl like Karens and the government :)

In actual seriousness, did you and your friends have your own made-up words? We did, though it wasn't for secrets or anything. It was just funny like I would say mlah when I was feel meh and blahish.
I think if you aren't an Asian woman you shouldn't be active in the 4B movement. Asian women take this shit seriously and other races of women traumabonding and looping in cognitive dissonance on the state of female existence while also being racist against Asian women (even though this is beyond race) is going to get the creators (Asian women) killed.

It's 4 rules; if you can't follow them ALL then just do your thing and live your life. Non Asian women have the privilege to do so. By Asian I include the entire Asian geographic location. Obviously, if your phenotype is Asian and you live somewhere else, that's a conversation I'm open to having; there's a lot of nuance there. I'm specifically speaking on non-asian phenotype women claiming to be 4B when they can't follow 4 rules.

I'm not saying the rules are easy to follow; im just saying you must follow all 4 to be considered 4B.
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>since they live constantly shielding by irony and aloofness
I don't feel like continuing to rant but honestly these ironyfags are getting too numerous, my zoomie generation is filled with them. I act in irony too some of the time but I guarantee most of them legitimately have no identity under the irony.
WTF is the 4B movement, sounds retarded.
I looked it up when it was posted. It's basically the female equivelent to MGTOW, but them refraining from sex, love, marriage, and relationships instead of still going after it like MGTOW says they won't do.
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Why can't you gals do anything right?
>You may just need a complete rest week just to recovery!
It really feels like that, I cannot even imagine how I'd handle a job if I had one
That's true but also gatekeeping is the death if a movement, you can't expect newB4's to do things perfectly and integrate something that easily changes their entire culture, start with 2Bs and allow the movement to spead so its more socially acceptable to do all Bs
>we wuzz cops n shiieettt
4B will never be socially acceptable. The goal of a movement shouldn't be to compromise its foundational beliefs just for popularity.
cute fertile biofems begging me to get them pregnant..
and also they're a bunch of retarded vaginas with a made up persecution complex, so it's not really the same at all because korean society worships stupid femgooks despite their inhumanity, physically and emotionally

we should start punching women again, hard, in the face, with a closed fist

any time they do anything unpleasant

women should be seen not heard
You probably could, you'd just need one that'd allow accomodations like working during your good times. If we learn anything with the IDD population: there is usually something. In the one IDD group home I briefly worked in, there was a patient who got a job at aparticular place and did nothing but shred paper. Though that place specialized in hiring people with disabilities.
>tfw my first language isn't featured in the speech bubble ^w^
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hanging out with moidchan and 0p1
All those squats are paying off for moidchan.
I want to go biking before it gets too hot but I went yesterday and my hands seem to be getting worse.
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any women in quebec? just checking. I drive.
>What is your primary language?
>What other languages do you know?
English and Japanese, I can more or less understand a certain dialect of Turkish cause of the place I was raised, but I cannot understand actual Turkish (the one people in Turkey speak, cause they are actual Turks )
>If you could learn any language instantly, which one would it be?
Chinese or probably Arabic. I more or less have a list of languages I'm interested in learning but these two aren't on the top of it but there is a lot of benefit to learning them.
>Have you ever made your own language?
I tried and realized I need to know more linguistics to make one properly and now I'm seriously considering studying linguistics at some point in future
>What is the most embarassing thing you ever said in a foreign language?
every single thing I post in 4chan
Biofems why can't you do this?
how come?
by being born in Iran, happens to some people unfortunately
are you an Iranian femcel?
you could call me that, I have not been in a relationship this past 7 years but I will not go around 4chan calling myself that. it also entails that I am "involuntarily celibate" but the truth is that I just don't talk to men outside of work and this website.
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I guess women are much less stubborn in hopelessness as guys are...
is modern persian the same as ancient persian? or quite different?
yes, the one we currently speak is called Dari. our writing system uses Arabic alphabet but in terms of grammar it's nothing like Arabic. if you know how Chinese and Japanese are, it's a bit similar to that, the only different is from my limited Japanese knowledge Japanese changed very, very drastically while we can more of less read poetry from a millennium ago with ease.
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>you only notice me when I'm blowing steam off

>tfw you'll never help op1 blow off steam for hours at a time
Are you the one that was looking for an university in another country?
probably, I've been posting here since the first thread.
are you posting from Iran?
yes. I've lived here my whole life.
>been posting here since the first thread
based Persian-nona
Polish (witam)
wasn't here for a while so I don't know many new nonas but boring nona is still here and so is OP1.
there's also less spamming which is a good thing.
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moidchan is always here and tomo lurks in the shadows
Think nightwalk is the only one that hasn't come back for sure, the rest appear from time to time.
and kpop, and berries..
Any young moms here?
what's your fav foreign word
I enjoy saying slurs in tagalog, especially the one for faggot. I don't know how it's spelled because I'm monolingual, but I think it's pronounced "baklag" or close to it
putangina is an excellent word
Ahh I recognize that one, had to hear a pronunciation to make sure because I only picked up on words out loud. One of the more common ones, heard it often when tagalog speakers got scared/pissed off kek. I thought about learning fluently, but I wouldn't have any practical use for it
I want tomonona to sit on my face.
big bumpin time
Office nona hasn't appeared in a long time. Probably became an alcoholic.
Probably in the same place as neet1 and night walk.
biofems gave up
Seems all biofems got jobs and have 4chan blocked in their company vpn.
>try to post on 4chan from public wifi
>ban notice for post on /x/
Has happened something like almost half a dozen times. Why the fuck is it always /x/ kek
It's our turn to get jobs now. You are willing to get a job so you can afford to start a family with your favorite bio fem right? I call dibs on OP1.
dibs on Tomo-chan
I have a job, but it doesn't pay in a coin that matters. They'd be better off with literally any american
my captcha broke for like half the day :(( what i wanted to say was that i am sad the threads aren't getting as much traction and i'm sad im not able to be online for longer since i've been studying so hard.
got an hour and a half today, hoping i can up it to two hours by tomorrow.
Yeah, good riddance
It's ok, Kpop; I'm always glad to see you no matter what. Are things settling down and getting back to someplace comfortable for you?
You didn't get digits. Won't happen. I call first rights of refusal for hug nona.
yeah, aside from the usual stress my parents always brought me. but i'm glad and a bit surprised how focused i am to my studies! i feel like being through the hard times back in kangaroo land made everything seem more possible if i put in the energy.
That's a good mindset to have. Keep going, k-pop.
Hey kpop it's okay many of us are still around. Yes it is a shame the threads aren't running to 500 every day but that's okay. As long as we can come back and talk to all the neat people we've met that's okay. Some will come and go but that's life. The thread doesn't 404 and still reaches to 500 so I'm happy with that. I'm happy with everyone I've met here and the growth we've all had together. There is no reason to doom and gloom. We have accomplished a lot and set some nifty milestones. That's worth celebrating.
i will especially now that i made up my mind that i hope to study fashion in japan for at least one semester
Did your family drop the stupid drug drama?
That's good to hear. I wish you the best in your efforts. Good luck!
Oh getting a job despite making me feel exhausted and run down was a huge step. It sorta put this warm burning feeling in my stomach (not a bad thing). I feel like I want to get more things done. That I can do more things. Maybe even breathe a little easier. I'm hoping this is a sign that things will be better. If anything my body is a little stronger.
i agree!
yeah they haven't mentioned anything since i got here. i wanted to ask now that it's not a crime/partially legalised if they'd be ok with me doing it but i'm too much of a coward. i'm studying a lot too so that also if i ever stop being this fearful i can show my mom how i don't plan on just neeting around like a junkie or whatever.
thank you!
exactly how i feel. i like remembering that we are all human so whenever i have a problem like losing my plane tickets i remember it's not like everyone around me is a different species. you can solve most things by just asking for help.
females just more boring than males, simple as
Don't worry about it, we're currently in the phase where the thread is inevitable and will be bumped one way or the other. We just need a bit of an effort to output consistently good stuff now, or more people. As soon as either happens the thread will gain traction again I feel.
It definitely adds some needed order that makes life not feel so pointless if you're an undisciplined neet, aka all of them.
If jobs were eliminated we would create something to take a huge chunk of the day anyway because we're creatures of habit.
>copeposting and an empty promise
OP1, is that you?
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mmm i suppose so.
if the anon who gifted me idv stuff is still lurking here by any chance id like to say i've finally spent most of my echoes on this skin!
getting it after a long day of studying and wig styling felt like a reward.
honest question, am i the only one who feels they can't game with just the game noises and you must have like youtube in the background?
>am i the only one who feels they can't game with just the game noises and you must have like youtube in the background?
ADHD zoom zooms
Uhh, I can, but I refuse to do it because I need distractions.
Not using YouTube or something else on the background makes me feel lonely and I lose myself in negative thoughts.

But I enjoy the games better with no distractions, ofc.
no clue why i'm not medicated yet
i dunno it takes me a lot to REALLY get into a game where i don't have something over it especially a casual pvp game like idv
I used to say and feel the same. But it's like dopamine addiction.
I would suggest you try to stick to just putting your attention to one thing and actually get involved and interact with it. Instead of filling your mind with distractions.
>calling dibs on the moid hater
Do you have a death wish or?
I have no clue what you play and what idv is, but if you only play mindless gachaslop, then no wonder your brain isn't getting stimulated enough.
>Do you have a death wish or?
No, I just know the true lore, the secret forbidden lore, of how loveable and adorable op1 is.
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it's literally dead by daylight but with fanservice for chinese women... ? only gacha is skins
I shouldn't post when I'm sleep deprived, stop ruining my reputation!
you forgot your avatar
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>No, I just know the true lore, the secret forbidden lore
Let me guess, she didn't get enough pussykisses?
Its Called a tripcode you newfaggot
you never had a trip
The worst simps are always the loudest
then you too know who i mean
that but also this thread was always an astroturf from discord niggerfaggots, troons and women and their gay offboard cliques and now that they've lost interest there's even less engagement than before, the engagement that is here is the same handful of retard "nonas" trying desperately to make a rebellious statement by upkeeping their lame as fuck dead thread on a board that's notoriously hostile to women rather than fucking off and doing something worthwhile with their lives
A true gamer needs the game noises, coming from overpriced headphones with 3D surround on
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Either that or someone stealing his gimmick
So it's not pay to win? desu anything with extra paid content that comes in loot box qualifies as gachaslop, even if not pay to win
>I call first rights of refusal for hug nona.
So I'm hug nona now? I've got so many names even I don't know who I am anymore.
It's cool that you bonded with a nona, I'm too incompetent for that.
it's very fair when it comes to gameplay, better than dbd and it's shitty perk system. you can just unlock characters from playing, they also give out free unlocks and trials all the time. plus it actually has casual/competitive separation. i can stand missing out on like 3 limited skins every three months or something that probably aren't even for the characters i play because they NEVER MAKE ANN SKINS
This one? https://id5.fandom.com/wiki/%22Disciple%22/Cosmetics

Do they do that shit where skins are available for a limited time and then never again? That stuff makes me glad of my completionist mindset, even if I'm a shitty gamer so I fail to complete the games anyway. It keeps me away from getting too obsessed or throwing too much money at those kind of things
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Why are some of you calling dibs on biofems.
They all have an infinite number of options and would never date you.
Yeah but we can simp for them, they're all so cool
>but then again i make all the meals at home so i guess i get to control it at the cost of labor.
Well soon I get to control it all myself too. I am excited to actually have different things. I suppose I have gotten used to all the ground beef stuff but even then sometimes you really need something else. Or heck even a different way it is prepared.
only for the s skins (only some) and limited collabs. and even then a lot of collabs get reruns. all the rest you can get in a "permanent gacha" that can be bought with the currency you earn easily and not the premium one. and again, just cosmetics.
>They all have an infinite number of options and would never date you
That's what makes it fun. It's like saying which super car would you get. It's fun to think about even if you know you'll never drive a million dollar car. So, which bio fem would you choose?
Not always, and will be less since now I'm on a freeze drying binge. It's takes a lot of time for me to prepare. I just got back from my parent's house getting the next batch ready. We got a lot to do!
The cuck gimmick is not funny
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What makes you think I would ever want one of these biofems? Also non of them are a super car tier of women.
super car would be an understatement.
I love her so much
I don't blame you on having different things. Just having that greasy trashcan meal over and over again is just...eww.
Well I have a bunch of things picked out tomorrow if I am too run down will go shopping for stuff. I am very excited.
What are you planning on making first? It would be exciting to finally get something else after all this time.
>What are you planning on making first?
You. I plan on making you my wife.
Good question. I am not entirely sure the mexian pizza looks really good. But something called cowboy chili also looks really good.
So many choices. Is it getting hard for you to decide?

Good luck with that.
Yeah and who knows maybe I'll pick something else. There is more recipes in these other books I havent gone through yet. Have to clean them up first because they were in a rat infested house
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My workplace just denied me from using up my annual leave even though they just asked every single employee to take as much time off as they can.
I am now hexing and cursing every single Biofem and simp itt
Those kind of books are usually where the hidden gems are found. I hope they clean up well for you!
Based mexican pizza with the chili and the jalapeno
They can't really do that, although might be a good sign if there are rumors of layoffs
Yeah used them before and really liked what I made. Plan on doing more and with the new ones oooh boy I can't wait to really cook again.

oooh its soooo gooodddd.
I love being an emotional tampon for femanon queens
i'm not good or really a hobbyist like the nonas that draw but i was invited to an rpg tabletop campaign and i had to roughly sketch my character, then this is just a two day difference since i keep wanting to draw her!
it's like far from perfect but i'm proud of myself for being able to draw the characters i roleplay as :) usually id be too ashamed of my skills to even try and would just find some model that matched the appearance (not exactly possible with a half demon half goat creepy wild child)
Well you are able to draw better than me color and complete something. Really a step ahead. But yes being able to draw the characters you play as is really fun.
It's always a fun thing to do!

Hey kpop! Nice job on your drawing!
Based nona not surrendering to AI tricks.
What do those words above her arms mean?
I didn't know you liked tabletop rpgs! I unfortunately, as another person put it, have to resort to AI tricks. I haven't got a single artistic cell in my body.
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I have returned after like 2 or 3 weeks away to drunkenly declare Berries as the best fembot in these threads <3

I know we'll never get to know each other for real, but you'll live rent free in my head for years, Berries <3

Try to complete a drawing whenever you have a couple of hours to spare you might be surprised.
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I said head when I should've said heart. Oh well...

Anyway, Ray Ray out!
Anyone know what happened to the shotaposter? idk if she ever posted here but I havent seen her usual threads on the catalog
Probably got jailed for her shota views
Berries is so cool, shame she ate up that tripe about "oh you only know me from what I post" nonsense.
Of course I do you idiot. That's enough to judge you as cool in my books. It's just a worthless self deprecating platitude. Go be a criminal irl if you want, not like I am going to find out.
People are like dice, we can only see what they show, wanting to go further is not being in an elevated state of insight, it lines up more with being a gossip fan
>Berries is so cool
I 100% agree!
>I'm on a freeze drying binge
gonna commence freeze drying on industrial scale now?
Lol I wish I had the time and resources.
>freeze dryer operator
maybe consider it as career change and go crazy
Don't be stupid.
It is very tempting. But, I don't want to go into debt starting it. Not to mention hiring someone to fix them if something goes wrong with it, though a standard HVAC tech or Peaches could fix it. There's also wiring many outlets that'll cost some money since my dad is not in the best of health now-a-days, business licenses, etc. It would be a good business to go into locally. I could just have it as a service to freeze dry others stuff.
Moidchan , is the freeze drying part of your prepper gimmick or what?
What a gimmick about it? It's great! It's going to allow us to preserve so much more without all the weight like with canning or standard dehydrating. I can also take old canned stuff I have stored and preserve it for much longer. The 12 cans of chicken breast I freeze dried as out first test batch saved I'm estimating 8lbs from not only from getting all water from it, but also the weight from the cans. That makes it much more portable, like the tote I always take on vacay "just in case". It'll be nowhere as heavy now and more variety. Also, preparing is now just adding water to rehydrate.

So, it's not a gimmick. It's something I'm legit doing. We can even use them at any time, like if we get another huge green bean harvest: just precook, freeze dry, and if we feel like having some, put hot water in the mylar bag and eat away.
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>Berries is so... ACK!
The Ohto foid is an annoying mass-replying avatartranny, who's just sligthly less of a basic bitch than a Tomokofoid
how do you store it? fridge or normal temps?
>12 cans of chicken breast I freeze dried
but like , why just not buy fresh? isnt it healthier?
Normal room temps. There's no need for refrigeration once it's freeze dried. So far, the few batches we did we're storing in the same place we store everything else. We might open up some our old canned veggie stock from our own garden and freeze dry it.

The canned chicken is already cooked abd sealed thus preserved without risk of something like botulism with fresh chicken breast in a pressure canner. It lasts quite a long time. But with the freeze dryer, I can buy fresh, cook it, then freeze dry for long term :). That's a benefit of it. I'm going to be doing a lot of meal-prepping then freeze dry it for future use.
I woke up with a headache, this is in fact moids fault and not my own gaming addiction
>is in fact moids fault
i can offer you sexual reparations
You are right. Moids created the game therefore got you addicted to playing it.
you got any addictions, mchan? besides moids
Moids are not an addiction!!
addicted to moidlove!
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More like total moid death. I think the only cure is giving moids some lead therapy. Stand still.
>Stand still.
*grinds on you*
Kill yourself. Disgusting.
Op1 and moid-chan love the attention, unlike the other nonas.
At least op1 admits to being a complete attention whore, moid-chan still hides behind some excuses.

I'd let you inject liquid lead into my veins, stern nurse-chan.
>stern nurse-chan.
Moid-chan wearing a nurse outfit yapping about her hatred of moids.

I had a mental breakdown last night over my boyfriend getting hard when seeing other naked women and now he blocked me and I think it's over. Should I send hundreds of letters to his house threatening him or begging him to come back? What should I do? I'm gonna kill myself if I don't get him back.
No more talking, just a stern and happy look while injecting me with liquid lead.
go find razor blades and cut yourself go show him. or go find bleach
30 years old hag, btw.
>Moid-chan wearing a nurse outfit
Online relationships aren't really real.
Neither are women.
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>Moid-chan wearing a nurse outfit yapping about her hatred of moids.
Goddamn, anon. That's really good!
I didn't make it. It's old fanart from her old threads.
that doodle is pure gold
...do any of you know what a modern nurse outfit actually looks like? Or did you getting your body checked by some lady wearing scrubs as a kid give you a weird kink?
30 years old hag, btw
Do you have any idea how little I care?
You realize to inject liquid lead it would be 600F or so?

*38 year old wrinkly old hag!

God not that one again. The syringe is all wrong.
You're joking.
You have to be.
I'm not. 1986 is my birth year.
Now, I don't feel so bad about you being mean to me.
Although I don't know how to feel about it. Whether I should take you more seriously or not.
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hope they stil behave like in those retro documentaries
Why woukd you feel bad about it? Do you like older women or something?
>38 year old wrinkly old hag!
but still teenager mentally <33
But 38 means it's inconvenient because of difference in life stages.

But I didn't mean that. Idk, all the bs here gets to me sometimes. I try to be nice.
Mchan, you dont have to answer this, but have you ever been sexually harassed by any patients? Or hints they expect 'favors'?
It doesn't matter how hot the liquid death is, because you'd still be hotter to me.

>The syringe is all wrong.
I'm glad you are ok with the halloween nurse outfit tho.
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unless you're a nona, no
I like your thinking! now that's definitely their fault
holy fucking shit kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself PLEASE OH GOD PLEASE CHOKE ON DIRT AND DIE I'm going to throw up BARF
The only bond a moid would have with me is bond-age in my basement for torture purposes in minecratj2xsr2
God the med records site is being slow AF. Looks like I won't be ablr to put in notes.

They never did. The nurse fetish is stupid. Nurses get harassed because of it.

Only on the internet.

You know the bullying is just teasing, right? I don't mean to be hurtful and I'm sorry if I am. Idk about the life stages. Are you that young?

Yes, many, many times.
>unless you're a nona
>op1 admits to being a complete attention whore
when did I say that? retard moid can't see the difference between shitting on moids and wanting their attention
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Why would You want a cheater? find better.
>unless you're a nona, no
wait, what? op1 came out of the closet? :OO
You love shitting on them so you love the attention you get you revel in it.
It's shallow but it is what it is.
Will OP1 bake for us today?
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I wish I was a lesb I wouldn't have to deal with your species
>posts in a female thread as a moid
>"wow this nona is such an attention whore for replying to me!"
I guess I could bake now
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God I fucking hate my mom. She's so childish. Yesterday I had half a free day and decided to go to my maternal grandparents with my family. The moment we all said we were not going to stay for dinner (me and dad wake at 6 every day for work) she threw a tantrum and actively blocked us from going to see them. Today the grandparents came here and forbid me from talking about it with them. And she keeps gaslighting us about how we never want to see her side of the family when she stays over, and when we say it's unfair that she hogs all this time and doesn't consider us she says we're limiting her freedom, and that we just see our grandparents for the money when she actively stops us from going time and time again. She just called me rotten inside because I went out to try and tidy up the place, and only doing it to show off. It's true that I'm a dead weight at home and that I'm VERY socially awkward and need to take breaks often but when I try to change or do something new she always shuts me down for one reason or another. And she never respects my boundaries. When I say no she keeps trying to coax me in until either my sister or my father intervene. She keeps fucking smoking, ever since I was little, and I'm sure my asthma can be attributed to this, too. She shuns me away when I want to help with housework but then complains that she always does everything, and when I do get to help she hogs me all the work and goes by to chat with her colleagues on the phone or smoke outside. Even today I flinch when she raises her hands at me because of the beatings I got when I was really little.

I envy nonas who had a good mother. Sometimes I wonder what it feels like
It's so cute how u always act as if u are forced to do everything.
A bake from the OG! This is great!
>I envy nonas who had a good mother. Sometimes I wonder what it feels like
I wish I knew nona, sorry to hear your mother might have -NPD
I am forced to wake up every single day
4B movement edishion :D
I wish I was too. Unfortunately, I'd have to repress because of my religious beliefs.

Thanks for the bake. I.wouldn't be able to bake one this morning since everyone is waking up.

I'm sorry to hear about your terrible mom. What she does is not excusable.
Because I am desperate and no one will ever love me.
Even if she is your mother, leave her behind and cut all contact.
Im working on it, I get too picky with the OP image
I second this.
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did op1 ever open up about her lore in older threads?
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Move along nonas, its time for some fresh pastries:
Finding an image is always so hard. The struggle is soooo real!!!
>holy fucking shit kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself PLEASE OH GOD PLEASE CHOKE ON DIRT AND DIE I'm going to throw up BARF
I have a new schizo theory about you.
no I'm not the BPD poster s m h
You are the borderline nona
I know who you are, and you usually know who I am. I have a lot of cool new schizo theories about you. I bet they're mostly right too.

This isn't me.
Im saying she is borderline not bpd, schizo
At least you got something right. But you're missing my other 2 super powers.
>Weaponized Autism
BPD is short for borderline
Ok i mistyped meant bipolar sorz

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