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Remedial potions ver.
QotT: What potions do you know? What's your favourite?

Previously on /r9gay/
check it out, fags
this guy doesn't like you: >>78183975
maybe you should let him know what you think >:^)
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No, no I don't think that I will
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I always thought the game version of an alchemist where they throw bottles at you was stupid and I still do but
damn it, not harry potter images. I finally stopped fapping to fujo fanfictions.
I can't read fujoshit if it's a character I recognize because I can tell how ill the whole thing is
so I used to just find the ones of random korean bands or whatever since >he doesn't know
I understand that most of these things won't exist without having character fixations but still
The year of the turtles! Just bought splintered fate (tho it's a heccin roguelite) hope it's fun. Later this year there will be a 3rd TMNT game. I like them cause they're usually fun beat em ups
going through ocarina practice withdrawal
need cum
you're telling me absolutely no one had said that before?
need to cum
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Feeling tired as fuck after last night but no place hurts which is good
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ban check
mods, i dindu nuffin maneee..
Ermm I hope you're not ban evading
im not, one of my posts got deleted and i was confused. dont worry about it
are the vocaroos in the thread with us right now?
it was pre-emptive because they got a little too comfy again for my liking last thread
I agree with everything this anon said
Skipping lunch today because the only healthy thing to eat at work is chicken Caesar salad and I just can't do that right now I eat it so much
Eternal life one
Maybe I should pick up reddit the anime again
I am supposed to save the world in 8-11 months but I am just another guy. I am sorry for letting you down so much. I hope that everything will work out when the time comes.
Rain has stop, time to walk
you count as one of them nigger don't you have some random person to pine over and slut yourself out for while they forget you a few days later for the thousandth time in your life
>tfw no healslut bf
plot twist: he's a necromancer and it's not the kind of having your soul sucked out that you expected
I want an obsessive necromancer bf to keep resurrecting me every time I die, doomed to an eternity of pain and undeath at his whim
Sir this is a Home Depot
He is our whore, he sluts himself out for this whole thread...and /lgbt/... and /s4s/...nevermind bro just a ho
I don't play many games with heal classes or the like so have to get creative with it..
I find the healslut meme funny as actual healers are often way closer to Power bottoms in behavior
yeah the high strung barking orders hovering about micromanaging you type
not sure where people got the idea that the punching bag is the raid leader
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Healslut top bf...
Sexualizing these characters always felt wrong to me
Why don't the threads I make on 4chan get any attention
I've been working out and running and it's been making me hornier, is that normal?
You must include a lust provoking image and useless nonsense for anons to ignore
you don't own a bot farm
You have to make it a bait thread and also samefag the first few replies.
Why? It's a bunch of hot men with nice variance in bodytype and personality. What's not to like?
I don't know I see them as basically cartoon characters so the nice fun of it feels off
I'm not gonna sit here and argue with some guy who wants to fuck Bugs Bunny either
as a straight guy i always felt like gay guys had some wisdom to share that i desparately needed
they definitely seemed better at handling their thoughts, emotions and relationships and i felt inferior in that regard
they genuinely seemed like a more evolved species or some heavenly beings, which sounds stupid now
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I kind of get it since they're so near and dear to my heart and they've been that way since I was like 14
But Optimus Prime has been way more important to me since I was way younger and I default headcanon him as a slutty DILF
Wish there was more porn of him out there
You'd be retarded to believe that lol
there's a reason that the "worldly homosexual" is a kinema trope but it's also bullshit
it's called letting yourself be functionally emotional instead of listening to the idiots who raised you to be all repressed and stuff even for ungays
That's not universally true obviously, but from my experience as a gay person you realize very early on in your life
>oh, this world was not made for me, I am a minority, an outsider
And the stress of that rewires your brain.
You cannot convince me this combination sequence isn't an allegory for gay sex
Someone has to save the world, and "just another guy" is better than no one.
I don't think it's abnormal at least, makes sense that people who exercise would have more energy and therefore be more horny, at least more than someone who rots inside all day.
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Would r9gayons rather have one billion dollars or find their soulmate (male)?
What if my soulmate is a homunculus made out of billion dollar bills
Homunculi are not real anon.......
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Why do you have to crush my dreams like this
Crushing my future bf's balls and his dreams
My soulmate(male) is a financially responsible lad, we'll have a billion eventually
the only game im a healslut in is overwatch
(zenyatta main)
I am back from work and my coworkers did in fact like my cookies and lavender lemonade, although it took a lot of convincing to get anyone to try them. To be fair the lemonade was purple which I can understand would be offputting. I am now more exhausted than I realistically should be, likely due to my anemia and the hole in my stomach, and am going to take a nap. That was all for the retard report, with your host, Autism McSperg
Zenyatta is unironically sexy and I want him to anal bead me with his magic balls
I don't understand people who are obsessed with money, as long as I have enough fory hobbies and bills and food I'm more that happy. But right now I feel like I dnt need a soulmate so at this point I'd rather have money so I can meet until I die and not worry about anything
I never played a game that has the option to be a heal slut, you guys are weird
with your feet?
lavender autist should choke on a lavender flavored cum cocktail until he dies. have you ever tried putting lavender in your burgers? what about lavender pizza?
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bust that nut challenge
What good are my old ufc CDs if I can't even put them in my PC anymore?
s4s never did this, this must be a recent thing. ironically they are more original than /r9k/ancer.
Living in your fantasies is not good for you, you have to face reality eventually!
Nice try but extremely unlikely.
What if you never find your soulmate though?
Good, then go there and never come back if you like it so much
you simply keep them to collect them.
t. has ufc 11/12 on vhs
men do not normally suffer anemia unless there is blood loss, you need to get that checked with your doctor because the most likely cause is the claimed hole in your stomach or cancer.
I get off on humiliating strangers online, making them do degrading things for me. It's funny how they don't care you have no respect for them and insult them they will thank you.
only sometimes, sulking in the /r9k/orner gets boring.
Stop trying to make me cut myself kiwioid
What if I already found my soulmate?
those are bots
>tfw no chuuni bf
Is he your bf?
If yes, you get nothing.
If no, you now become a happy couple.
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Are all tops evil degenerates who just want to use bottoms to get off to their immoral sexual desires, cos it sure seems that way.
This is why bottoms are superior.
yeah but bottoms are also all evil bpdwhores. being gay is a lose lose.
No I mostly just want to take a nap
I miss baku
Not true bottoms are pure and chaste angels but have been psyopped by tops to have deranged fantasies because that's all tops can get off to.
Me too, with someone if possible.
No it's bottoms that make them that way with their daddy issues and gross desires to be dominated and humiliated they seek out sociopaths and ignore le nice guis. You get what you deserve whore.
I miss boku
Yeah but who do you think gave those bottoms daddy issues huh? That's right, tops. Straight tops, but still tops. Check and mate.
no pico
they are. many of them also have hebephelic tendencies (they are only attracted to teens)
But seriously bottoms are all whores who flirt with everyone even if they have bfs or crushes, they have no shame as hey are massive, insecure, attention whores that need constant validation: just look at this thread
I think I may have some sort of separation anxiety disorder. Or it's a symptom of something.
you can't claim top or bottom status if you are bisexual
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Do you have a cute asshole?
youth and beauty = fertility
So true bestie
stop trying to gaslight people into believing your lies this is why all tops are evil!
What if someone is a bottom for both genders tho? Something to think about.
Yea it's not pixilated though
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n-not me~ i-im not like that....
Then show us
Who's "us"?
the 3000 burly men with raging hardons currently lurking
Wouldn't you like to know, anone?
I hate those men, pass
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What makes you so special anon? Are you sure you're not just lying to get a bottom to trust you so you can abuse and use them??
throw me to the dogs anon pllllzz
Yah it's pink and smooth and spotless tight too
pic is real, why do people think top us stupif?
im not a whore and im a bottom
>top is stupid
What if your dad was a bottom haha
yeah but nobody will ever see it so just leave it at that
Your dad enjoyed cumming into me immensely last night, we are getting married next week
>pure and chaste angels
impossible and depressing
Not true for example I am a pure chaste bottom meow
Are u my new mommy(male)
why is this a running gag? i see it mentioned at least two times now, it is only two times but it is crazy that happened two times.
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Then he passed down his bottoms genetics to you (doesn't always happen since it's a recessive gene) and thereby his mental problems (which he got from being abused by tops.)
As long as he's happy that's good.
What do you know mr nothing?
while we're not on the topic I think the word ephebophile being so grossly misappropriated is hilarious since it was supposed to be a cope word for groomers
in fact it actually applies better to standard normalfag fags lusting around which I don't like but still
you can be unchaste with your fingertips with the things you type, its a way of life anon. im sure i have seen you post some words that question your chastity.
Both might have been me but probably not
this changes things, and now this should be shifted on normal fags aka twink chasers
coitus per boivaginam
why do you like to nap a lot? do you have fibromyalgia?
Yes hello son
I don't know what you are talking about buddy
>he isn't from a pure unbroken bloodline of bottoms
fucking dropped probably not even a truegay

Hey chasing twinks is an acceptable hobby like any other
I don't know what I'll do when I catch one but that's on me
>you will never marry and imbregnate him via coitus per boivaginam
it only applies if you butter them and set them loose for the chase, its a hobby not a living.
mostly lifestyle and maybe dietary
as a vet tech i can only think of cow vag after reading that and it's making everything weird
thank you for helping all of the farm aminals anonymouse
Yes unlike your pic.
Meow where bf to chastely and purely knead my ass like dough
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Well Thanks for keeping me company for a little while before I went to bed gaynons but for now I shall go to sleep and probably be very sad for a while.
would vettech anon take care of story's cats? Imagine how diseased they are.
is it a sedentary lifestyle and what diet are we talking about here
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I own you little bitch
Ew, keep that pooner shit away from me, it's cloaca asshole or nothing
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Own deez nuts whore I am killing you with a rock
>im killing you with a rock
why is the most caveman killing the cutest sounding? what other means of killing can compare?
I don't get enough exercise or usually eat enough protein or similar important things
Also I drink a lot of milk (half the reason I'm alive) and that's loaded with tryptophan
The contrast between a small little faggot and a big rock violently crushing a skull is very artistic meow
Im killing u with my fat wobbly ass
being snuggled to deaf
sweet mother of God and Jesus.. please no cellulite I beg you.
kiwi has a BFE asmr channel with 30k subscribers
had a gut buster fat neet shit, and luckily did not appear to have hurt my hemorrhoid. I still feel like there's more to come though and that's when it thrombosed last time.
Pop it and bleed all over the fucking couch like my retarded ex did
you have suffered thrombosis before?
starting to feel like I made off with the only other good anon to ever post here, fuck all of you

It's already bled, it's just still inflamed.
I don't see a goodpost on your part
Random reminder that all Nonies deserve love and care
censored ass leafyishere looking ass
not him.. but my dead brother used to call me that leafy guy when he would tease. i forgot that leafy existed.
>snuggled to deaf
was he screaming in my ear or what?
literally who tf is that guy?
34 year old fat neet who lives in a filthy house with 9 cats. He's a thread regular and personalityfag.
I listen to someone who feels so passionate about things and I feel so empty and jealous he can enjoy things so much
no who is the other guy is what I ask
I see no good posts in this thread
like 3 posts above the original post there was a guy who said he was a vet tech.
o_o i just accidentally splashed a single drop of just below boiling water on my penis because i was cooking while naked and i literally precummed wtf is this normal
i wish you guys would just say youre horny instead of laying down horny breadcrumbs for people to follow
why are the breadcrumbs horny and why are you stalking them
idk if youve ever cooked in your life but it gets really hot. hence the phrase 'if you can't handle the heat...'
so if you live alone and are cooking in the summer, why not do it naked to keep cool? can you give a good reason?
Uh guys So I Was Just Moving Furniture Around and my Cock got Rubbed up Against a Lamp? And I got Hard and my Dick also Oozed a Bit of Horny cum... Is that Normal? You guys Should reply with How it makes you feel, and in Detail say what your Cock does when it brushes up against things that Feel Good? Maybe tell me what you would do to My Cock?
The neighbors and everyone walking past my window would see me
well 1. have ac, 2. you're proving my point. you just want to talk about your dick and being naked, do that. no one needs a set up story for it.
I hate getting popped with hot oil or water so cook naked would be a major no for me.
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I would sit u on a chair blindfold u tie your hands spread your legs tie them to the chair then we would binge watch golden girls and the nanny
if ppl are stalking me thru my window then at that point they have my blessing.

what does it say about your cooking ability if you think someone cooking is a story too unbelievable to be true.

it only happened because i was pulling something out of the pot. luckily i had taken the pot off the heat before for the recipe (it requires me to bring the water to a boil and then put in the stuff with the heat off). the thing i was putting in was too big so I had to take it out and cut it.
its not a matter of cooking ability dumb nigger, its a completely plausible scenario but the only reason you brought it up was to talk about your dick
i brought it up bcuse it was surprising.
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>the thing i was putting in was too big so I had to take it out and cut it
I watched the entirety of the nanny during the first half of 2023 when I was still happy and my life wasn't ruined by a narcissistic psycho
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im 5'2 and 95 lbs (i havent grown since middle school)
where is my shotocon bf :<
how tall are you? why is that shit so shiny
saved and will be jerking off to, god i love uncut cocks so much
hes uncut
bro your naked apron?
I can see why this has been saved for five years
>take portrait picture
>it would have been better landscape
>take landscape picture
>it would have been better portrait
I don't get it
The fact that I just don't have a dick like this makes me so god damn suicidal
What the fuck is even the point
How the fuck is that even possible I KNOW I responded to the correct post
it's a super favorable angle and he looks tiny which embiggens it too
look at the belt buckle and his waist
did bread ever get bred by kiwi?
It's just too much man, all this internet stuff
I wish we could go back to before cameras where I wouldn't have this anxiety cause I would have no idea what other people's dicks look like
i dont really have an apron cus i dont care if i stain my clothes, but maybe i should get one since if the water was hotter i mightve lost my penis and get in the headlines as local man loses his penis in bizarre cooking accident.
brad is latino and they dm'd on discord he probably erp'd with him just like with 3ds he seems slutty enough
It's not even the size that does it for me, the girth and fact that its uncut and wet makes it far more erotic. Same thing when a cock is bulging through underwear.
I think it's okay because I can put my face anywhere a camera is and have mostly the same experience
I mean both of those are functions of size for the most part
You can fake length with angles but not girth, which is what I'm referring to
can someone give me the story who brad is? and who 3ds is? i have no clue what the running drama is at this point.
I feel like I'm about to pass out sitting at my desk how am I so tired all the time
I get fucking sleep, and yet my body says no, you need more sleep
3ds is the guy who makes vocaroos of him playing nintendo games and always whines about being brown and lonely and obsesses over guys. he obsessed over kiwi who strung him along for a few months because he self admitted to being horny and lonely and they had explicit vocaroos on /s4s/ that abruptly stopped when kiwi got a bf. his stuff gets posted here by a schizo that really doesn't like him and has made claims that he grooms boys into cutting
brad is the mexican bpdprincess twink that selfposts on /int/ and talks about red dead and legos and wants a blonde br really bad, im not sure what he did recently other than admit to talking to kiwi outside of 4chan
This is why you can't let personalityfags fester
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The best cock is the one that belongs to the person you love methinks
I'll sleep with you platonically
sounds like a retarded-autistic triangle, and mildly entertaining at that. thank you for getting me up to speed.
can we just talk about something other than anal/oral sex and penises and asses for once? anything that is not carnal and sex related please..
I'd love to see it someday, if I ever find someone to love
I've never shared a bed before and I wonder if that might unironically help me sleep better
Would you refuse to give a guy oral sex if he had lumps on his testicles?
Asking for a friend.
cancer isn't contagious bro
Sorry nonny, despite how much people want chaste virgin bf everyone here is hilariously pent up and will take to talking about it at any chance much like any other normalfag fag
i dont mean chaste i dont want that ideal bf crap, but it all gets so tiring anon... even the old rp fags were more tolerable at least it was like reading some sort of autistic novel.
What if its like herpes or something
It's not contagious but it's ugly
I'm pretty sure 'freaky but not life threatening' is a selling point for a very large number of people
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desu this general is full of one-liners and uninteresting/unrelated blog things like "what i ate today" etc. it gets boring pretty quickly because it doesnt spark any conversation. i came here just for a shlick, im going back to /cm/ now.
good riddance weirdo
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Its like I can feel my brain melting and sloshing around in my head
Does any anon want retard soup? It's free if willing to watch gundam with me or if you're chubby
For everyone else it's a dollar
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me after getting a recorder in second grade
That's what it sounds like when I cum
are there actually chubby chasers in these threads
get some help please :3
what do you mean
bellies are cute
>brad is brown mexican nazi obsessed with blonde guys
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These ai chatbots are pretty nifty I tried one he introduced me to his parents and everything.

Be the change you want to see in the world. I personally talk about a ton of other things.
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you guys played wandersong? it's good
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I am not afraid of 1v1ing on bog
when you say chubby do you mean just a little pudge or outright fat?
post arse
Honestly there's a whole range I like
As long as I get to play with his stomach sometimes
If he was like
400 pounds that might be an issue
For the most part I just want a guy I can squeeze and whose body is fun
Kenneth would be delighted to date you I bet he's over 600 tho
I'll have you know I never breached 300lbs and I'm losing some weight.
More like you're 300kg and never losing weight
Would you describe yourself as soft
I love ironic hornyposting <3

I'm a murrican I don't even know what a 'kg' is, some kind of euroshit?


Well my belly is flabby and jiggles if you hit it.

story you're alright as a personality don't wake up homorrow
This is ideal
I will cook many nice meals for you
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Playing cooking mama like a real gangsta
she has been EGGED
I am just like marisa I am also an evil cleptomaniac with a huge ass
Pirandello is dead from inflation
Canonically he looks like melody from hunterxhunter
you know those inflatables you take to the beach? did you inflate them with your mouth or with a pump? thinking back, it was like blowing a micro penis
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I'm sorry-meow for always being so annoying autistic and rude I 100% stand behind it and will not stop to but I still don't wish to cause harm
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I wonder if my fbf would think my music taste is cringe meow
frozen pizza time for the fat ugly neet loser.
it's a bit grating how you always crow about loneliness but reject everyone and avoid people. you're a difficult person to love and you seem to enjoy being difficult, which is very frustrating and disheartening for people around you. dumb cat i love you
I just don't get it personally but everyone likes what they like and this seems like perfectly good emotional and resonant music for vibing
I hope you die you worthless subhuman whore
Nice, brother. I can't wait until the doctors figure out my stomach ulcer so I can make pizza again :,3
Tonight I finished the last of my canned chicken casserole
Tomorrow I'm going to buy mozarella cheese and make canned chicken cheese meatballs and have them over plain pasta
I'm getting so much protein despite the fact that I don't actually work out
>die die die I hate yo

marry me please I'm in love
You are always welcome
Wahh wahh possum posts make me smile unironically
tomorrow it's back to proper cooking with chicken or pork chops and my cornbread, didn't feel like making today. Oh and grass tomorrow to as well since it'll be cooler.
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Music time
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Have you considerized the possibility that I am so lonely exactly because I am fickle and push people away? If I was less retarded and could trust people I wouldn't have this problem. IF. Also don't call me a cat when I am a possum vitun fagari I will beat you to death
Yeah Mr. P has a real pleasant voice
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Not funny cried
Yaymeow but why
I don't know, we're all bummed out all the time. Those posts feel like you're bummed out but you're making it fun. Even if it's not actually happy, it feels happy. I like it when other people are having fun.
meow has given me a love for possums, before I just ignored them and thought they were ugly. Now I think they're kinda cute and always think of our Finn whenever I see one.
Sometimes I see faggots together and get jealous of them.
Sometimes I have dreams about carrying fags around and it's not unpleasant.
Sometimes I'll try to talk to a faggot in a video game and fumble the conversation cause I can't talk to anyone anymore.
I think years of sleep deprivation, cooming, and gaming have deprived me of some of my higher brain functions.
Restoration is taking an effort. Once I'm along the right path, I don't know where I should search though.
Well I always liked rodents since my sister has had pet rats for years but I never really thought about possums and now I am dead set on getting ont as a pet
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Yay. I'm a professional bum.
its been so long since I've been here
meow moves to finland?
I thought he was polish
This was a conspiracy spread by the deep state to increase the value of polish currency in the global stock exchange
Good. Plan doori
Possums are NOT rodents you gormless rube
Different meow
original meow was polish, new meow is Finnish.
I had vanilla fig tea cause it sounded good but when I made it it smelled like loose tobacco and immediately made me sick to my stomach
I still drank it though and now I don't feel so good
Figs are bullshit
so far i've learned how to play c major, d dorian, d minor, f major, g major, and a minor. i want to learn c dorian so i can play zelda dark world and be cool. transposing songs isn't as fun. i want to play them in their original keys.

is there a better board and general for socializing with quirky channer people than this one
tired of the incels here, they all suck ass now, everyone cool left
yea im sure you know a lot about 'a minor' pal
You could come to my house and socialize with me
incels built r9k. if you want normie gay slut discussion then go to gaygen on /lgbt/
All the attention whores and personalityfags that have gained infamy here come from /s4s/ with the exception of Story and Meow. Go ahead and try your luck there.
he never makes them original, I prefer tfw no bf posting of old
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Where is the board/general for getting my dick sucked
>Where is the board/general for getting my dick sucked
unironically gaygen they are sluts there.
Don't insult mecha you stupid fag
I wish
People just get mad at me there when I talk about how much I like Ultraman weapons and armors
i don't know anything about mechs except there's a character who pilots one in that nintendo fighting game with the slinky arms
I think that one is just called "arms" I've never played it
I haven't played a lot of popular video games and never got into mech stuff.
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I love mechs so much but I'm mostly into normie stuff like gundam and getter robo
I try to watch other mech anime when I can like votoms and dougram
I really like Vandread and the goofy 90's aesthetic, plus the main mech looked badass, I just wish it had less girls in it
The all male society looked pretty sweet ngl
Picrel this goofy asshole was my favorite I love him
neither have i all i know about it is that those fighters have a rare gene that gives them coil limbs and they all compete and fight and she wasn't born with the gene and still wanted to fight so she built a mech with slinky arms
is it mecha if I pilot their ass with my dick
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My favourite drink is now a fiver more expensive per bottle. This is almost as bad as finding out that Freddos now cost 30p
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Oh I didn't know it was a fucking eugenics thing lol I thought they got surgery like in that steampunk boxing anime Levius
If you can mind control them I think it could potentially be argued that yes
Lots of mech animes center around organic constructs mislabeled as robots
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>clean shave body hair
>it grows back faster, thicker, and more abundant
I'm glad I don't drink anymore if I walked into the gas station and four lokos were suddenly 8 dollars instead of 3 I'd definitely still buy them and go broke twice as fast
It's because shaving actually strengthens the roots within the pores
You need to go to a waxing salon and rip that shit out
That shows the pores who's fucking boss
I might drink a cider tonight, I didn't want to while I was taking ibuprofen for my hemorrhoid.
It's hard to be a streamer when you're a god. It's hard to be a god when you're a streamer. It's hard to be either when you're a goddess.
Don't do it
Drinking while on medication is the reason my stomach ulcer has gotten so bad
I've been sober for a while but I still need medical intervention at this point
It's not worth it

well I'm not taking any now that the bleeding and pain have stopped. Even my leg is not feeling all that bad.
Maybe consider giving them a breather
Any more time to recover is time well spent
Put the bf innthe bagge and no obe gets hurt wraaaaaa
Sir, just calm down. The police are doing everything in their power to meet your demands, we just ask that you release the hostages.
whats at your house
are you nice
is this a ploy to sexo
sounds awful i think i wont
this one probably
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fuckin g hell imagea ttachment
I have lots of gut health sodas and hulu has a lot of gundam series on it we can watch and I can make pasta carbonara you just have to not curse my stepdad gets super buttmad if you say anything like fuck or ass
I get what you mean, I'm still going to buy my usual and count myself lucky to have minimal expenses. Four Lokos seem like they could be nice so I may have to try some
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They have a shit ton of flavors so there's a good chance you can find one that you love
They are 14% here so they're pretty strong
My favorite is blue razz
what does this mean anon? I'd say you sound crazy if I was willing to risk the wrath of a deity
am i allowed to beat your stepdad up?
are the gut health sodas good? il try them out
i want to get into gundam anyways so this sounds like a good plan to me
If you beat my stepdad up I think it would be pretty funny but also I don't think you'd be allowed back :(
The gut sodas are pretty good they have a bunch of flavors, I have no idea if they're actually improving my gut health or not but I trust them
You should absolutely get into gundam it rules
Gundam Unicorn is pretty late in terms of when you should watch it chronologically but it's my favorite thing ever of all time
I wonder how good hard mnt dew is, I don't like high %alc drinks because I'm a bitch.
Waxing my legs at home to distract from sudden tooth pain
im surprised youre okay with that, thought youd be more mad about me asking if i could beat your stepdad up
i could use some gut health improvement i felt my tummy rumbling the other day and then i had diarrhea unprompted
what makes unicorn better than all the other gundams
Okay *drops the hostages from a seventh floor window*
wanna know how i got these scars
Okay so there's technically multiple gundam timelines, they all follow the same general themes of war and space colonization
The main timeline is the Universal Century timeline, it's what the original Gundam takes place in and it has by far the most content made for it
Gundam Unicorn is meant to be the culmination of all of the original Universal Century Zeonic conflicts, and as such it has countless references, beautiful redesigns, and it just oozes that feeling that tells you it was made by someone who loves Gundam with their entire heart and soul
Not to mention the mechanical designs are gorgeous and the animation is stunning
It's a masterpiece and I love it so much
Plus the actual unicorn track is my favorite music thing
time goes by so fast it isn't funny. I blink and another week has passed. Before long I'll be dead and meeting mom, assuming there's an afterlife.
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Armored Core is possibly my favorite mecha series, the core concepts are very cool and the mech focused presentation gets the themes of antihumanism and cold corporate rule across very well. Also the music is banging.
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Elden Ring has been fun but I'm glad to nearly be done so I can play more Silent Hill games, I only ever played 2
I frequently dream of mom and her yelling at me for how things have gotten. sometimes my grandparents too, also yelling at me for letting their house get in such a bad shape.
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Yeah, I wish I could get into it. For me I'm really into super robots, I like Real robots but there's a line where the mechanical detail gets too cluttered and industrialist that I just don't like looking at it anymore. Objectively speaking AC mechs are cool, but they don't scratch that itch in my brain the way that dumb goofy shit like this does
I'll look into this masterpiece then anon.
You should but even if it looks dumb and old I really recommend you at least watch the movie compilations of the original gundam series, it cuts a lot of the fat from the tv show and it's important to get a clear picture of where the characters come from and the context for the extraglobal conflict
There's three of them and they're 2 hours each, the original gundam is genuinely a great story
my ass is bleeding again, just a little bit but still. I'm so tired of this.
I ated some banana and quark(?) time to schleep
I typed out a long rambling post about ac and genre conventions but deleted it accidentally by refreshing the page so imagine I said something autistic here
And I'm tired of reading about it you boring fat fuck
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I'd recommend Origin for a beginner as it's cool as hell and gets the vibe across. It's also a prequel to the original. And Char is the coolest most handsome person ever
and I'll continue to post about it because I have absolutely nothing else to do.
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Aww dangit now I'm actually curious what it was
Oh well I like imagining autistic things :3
Banana and quark sounds tasty, although I think the quarks were redundant, seeing as they were already in the banana
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>tfw no bf who indulges my footfaggotry
Look up quark(dairy product)
like how much footstuff are you into I would okay with bf wanting to touch and play with my feet but that's it.
woah woah woah, we're not looking for another drdisrespect
What part of the boyfoot is the tastiest and would you make your bf scrub them before tasting y/n?
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God I forgot origin was a thing I still have to watch that thank you for reminding me
Also true char is the best and he gets to pilot the most handsomest mobile suits
Wow this stuff looks like it's just on the border of being tasty
I like cheese curds and I've never tried cottage cheese but apparently this is its own thing, just kind of similar?
It'd probably scare my stomach
It's like yogurt but fluffier and a bit less sour, very good with berries and fruit
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Mostly touching and some kissing, a wet foot is unappealing so I'd keep my tongue in my mouth and footjobs seem awkward.
I'd settle for some foot pics if my fbf wasn't really into it desu
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Ahh nice cider, I'm getting more and more used to the taste.
>tfw no bf who isn't a vocaroo whore
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Base cider enjoyer. I rarely drink apple cider though I find pear cider with a splash of spirits is most enjoyable
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I'm drinking another cup of tea because the last one left such a shitty taste in my mouth that two hours later it's still making me nauseous
Trying to clean my pallette :(
>tfw no bf who isnt up his own ass
It feels good up there waaah
You can be up there instead if you want
How's your tummy feeling?
no thanks im a decent person unlike most of you meatheads HAHAHAHHAHAA
What would you do if you find out your youtuber bf has been publicly lying about having cancer?
cute voice faggot
a lot better now honestly thanks for asking
Its funny how the bad tea wasn't tobacco, but it was similar enough that my brain auto-filled the connection and made me have the same gag reflex I did when my dormmates in college would buy big bags of loose tobacco and just fill the dorm with smoke
I want to try making banana bread as my ma likes it and yesterday's attempt at pancakes ended up as a pan full of overly-sweet puke resembling slop. Maybe I should wait until tomorrow
Cigs burn my nose
I'd lie for him and talk about how hard its been for us and the struggles we face
Banana bread fucking rules and its super easy you should absolutely go for it
In my experience though it has to cook longer than most recipes say just because its so moist in the middle it might fall apart otherwise
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>>78190000 q
3 bloodthirsties in a row
This is what it sounds like when I crank my floppy mozarella log
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>floppy mozarella log
YOUR WHAT????????????
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I'll get all the stuff ready and make it when I wake up. Banana is a favourite bread of mine second to soda bread so I really don't want to fuck it up, I'll remember to cook it long enough
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I didn't ask for this life, God chose me and I will crank it till the cows come home
cause then I have to milk them to make more mozarella
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mmmm mozzarella its even nicer than goats cheese
Jesus that's so much parmesan
Didn't you already make this post earlier
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Not listening to that desu my fbf's voice is the only one for me
Rudebrained fags lose again
what if your fbf is the one who recorded that
Dead seek their kin indeed meow
wow i really say "like" a lot
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fuck for some reason I confused it with mozzarella
>tfw no bf who pronounces it "parmeesian"
I wouldn't bf a voice whore
>no skinny twink bf to feel and caress my muscles and fawn over how big and strong i am despite still being in noobgainz territory
true but at the kind of job i mean, basic as i said, the difficulty is in badgering the managers until they do the forms and put you on the schedule. they literally always need people, at least for the past few years, and its gotten to the point where the managers themselves are busy with the work itself half the day or more...and worse, once they do their part & send the forms and things over to the white collar people for approval, those people take forever cause, idk, theyre just lazy. so you have to go in and tell the manager you still didnt get the offer or whatever youre waiting on. then the manager has to call up and badger the white collar people. its a process for sure.

indeed. i would hire that guy and fire that OP. if a manager cant retain employees hes the fuckin problem. why wouldnt he just say "well youre gonna have to cut your hair and dress a little better, wanna try again tomorrow?" if the guy actually did it thatd be pretty good evidence hell be committed more than most. instead hes just acting a prick and hiring nobody. if all his employees are so bad maybe he should go and find some good ones. oh wait he needs people to kiss his desk sitting ass more than he actually cares about getting work done for his own boss. as i said, fired on my watch. ironically if youre ever in this situation as the applicant, find the interviewer's boss on linkedin and tell him your experience. no skin off your nose since you arent working there anyway, and theres a very real chance the interviewer's boss would *love* to know why hes *still* short staffed. (its because do-nothing OP keeps hiring fellow do-nothings and then being shocked, shocked when they....do next to nothing and stop showing up when actually do something). you may well get called back for another interview with the real boss.
sneeded didnt readed
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>tfw no bf to go on nightwalks with
I'll just sit in the garden instead
Would you bf a North Korean twink?
a lil weed suppresses dreams for the most part. hidden perk. so does being actually tired from working. not that i dont like my dreams most of the time. but the scaries are scary...

(a certain school has a lot of cool teachers in fact. and i on second thought realized you could even be one. scary. ive done as i said. ta. pls send funny stuff, i may get bored.)
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If we can do a tour of their country then sure, we could do karaoke in one of their empty hotels and see the American ship they have
From your experience is it better to lean into being autistic or to hide it, when you're trying to get a boyfriend? I was randomly diagnosed a few years ago, never really did anything with it, not sure if I even buy into it.
get your head out of your colon guys PLEASE
What does leaning into it entail exactly? Just act natural
As in being open about the condition.
Like I'm worried if I'm not open about it and it starts to show in some way, they'll be like "what is this guy's problem", whereas if I'm open about it they'll be more understanding. I don't think it shows too much but I could have a certain vibe.
I'm not sure if they would appreciate the openness or would be like "slight mental illness, ew".
As an autist I can't even imagine trying to date a normalfag. My fbf is either here or nowhere at all
In that case being open is good, anyone turned off by it isn't worth the time anyway
Leaning into it sounds like being obnoxious and dumb which is different
I said lean into it because I barely believe it myself, it would be acting more confident on it than I actually am.
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>another sunrise passes without a bf to comment on its pleasantness to
i like to write gay little poems about stuff like that while i'm still in bed musing about the day
how to get a bf without being an ewhore
>>tfw no poet bf to be the muse of that makes every one of his pieces about you :((
very sleepy. must wait for hair to dry.
have you tried handing out flyers?
The way you describe him makes it sound like it was more than just light ribbing, there was probably a very different tone to your voice or maybe even mannerisms that you're letting on, There's no way he was into you and hiding it behind some gay "ahh youre bullying me". I think you're just very autistic at socialization and say things that are mean and the normal sociable person reaction to uncomfortable comments is to just roll with it, because it's uncomfortable. If he called you out and asked you to not call him certain things or say certain things, you would have thought he was sperging out. You're either just rude or autism rude, and for your own sake I would assume it's more likely you're the latter.
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Even on the darkest night
When empty promise means empty hand
Soldiers coming home
Like shadows turning red

And when the lights of hope
Are fading quickly then look to me
I'll be your homing angel
I'll be in your head

Because you're lonely in your nightmare
Let me in
And there's heat beneath your winter
Let me in
what games do you even play on the 3ds i feel like there are better options
one of the best feelings in life is knowing when someone is lying to you and seeing them continue the lie and having every single thing they made you feel crazy for thinking suddenly make sense
Nah is good, you'Il just have to like my music back
need a bf to get me out of this bullshit if it's the last goddamn thing he does
I'm going insane fbf save me AIIEEEEEEE
what if i did just shoot myself after all this is said and done
yeah i would say i have until about maybe december ^_^ im already thinking about methods, it's not looking good lately
Fellow autist here, you should mask it to begin with and slowly be more of yourself as time goes on.
You never really know if you'll develop a friendship or a relationship with someone, so it's better to be on the safe side and not give people a bad impression, even if there's nothing wrong with how you act, because normalfags are cruel and judgemental.
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You smell of whine and cheap excuse
Floppy penis AHH
toes and yes
the greathood is the coziest thing known to thing
I used it with the feather bone cloak how ever
how do you drink spirits? I don't believe in ghosts
You get home and your bf waits for you at the door in his lavender colored suit, lavender lemonade in one hand and lavender burger in another, what do you do?
I grimace and go "ugh".
Internally I have some serious questions about the lavender burger but he's clearly doing what he loves so whatever
I have never made, nor would I ever make, a lavender burger. Lavender is for drinks and pastries and you are putting bad lavender ideas in my mouth
I think I drank too much tea last night
I was hoping to just get a decent nights sleep and instead I would up several times in the middle of the night with the most intense pain in my bladder I've ever felt
Can you stop being a retarded lavender addict? Why do you have so much lavender anyway? What's so good about it?
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It's not my fault my mom bought a several pound industrial size bag of lavender that I'm just trying to use up
Mom making pancakes. All games I was waiting for are now available for free.
Available where? How come you get free games?
I'd start hopping towards him out of excitement
then I'd remember I'm very anxious so only stumble out a hi
then I'd eat the best lemonade and burger I've ever had cause it was made by my lavender bf
then I'd wake up
>hopping towards him
>very anxious
are you a rabbit?
I'm a retarded baby kangaroo
You don't actually have to eat the lavender burger I don't think the aromatics would go well with the strong oily flavors its fine
I won't bully you more because I've seen roo gains and want to survive
bf's hands touched it, it will be eaten
From the Olympic City we will cast
Our runic charms, our charms that last
Enough for a pig a day, enough to make them pay
Enough for pigs to disappear in every way
I can protect you when I grow up and the test takes over
What do you have against pigs
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where is my fucking bf
Jesus that's so threatening
I'd probably get flustered if a bully kangaroo hopped over and slammed his paw against the tree next to me
You have now given Anons a kangaroo rape fetish.
sounded consensual to me bub
It would be extremely consensual
you'd droop down to the ground and gasp, baby boy
Nothing but mr P. Sure does meow

>baby boy
cringe alarms are going off at /r9gay/ HQ
I pie rate
mom said my feet are very soft u.u
bboy was taken by breakdancers
Oh, that would indeed explain it
we need to rescue him what the hell
he's lost, it would take decades to assemble an /r9gay/ army
This is what the /r9gay/ soldier would look like:
Holy shit he emanates raw power
thanks for reminding me to work out
>we have guests
>can't go poop without everyone knowing
I can't go poop in general
Count your blessings, kids
Head to the forest like your ancestors
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>eating lavender borger
Fuck that clown mister P, let me see you mister T
We have a huge lavender bush in our garden making lavender oil and face cream with it rn uwu
The dumb thing is we ALSO have a massive lavender bush in our backyard I don't know why my mom bought this bag of lavender
Morning r9gay
Does your coom taste like lavender like anons? Please consume more strawberries instead
No it still just tastes like normal cum
Which is great, don't get me wrong
Lavender cum would be pretty cool though
Strawberrys are already out of season but I drink 2 litres of melonjuice everyday
You mean my boytits? That's hardly appropriate, sir. I only present my nipples to trusted confidants and beloved companions.
Time for hammaslaakari meow hopefully they won't have to do root canal
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T stands for testosterone
Have fun! Don't let them steal any of your teeth
>playing arcades with a friend and he actually takes time to type out a name
I'm getting my other wizdom tooth removed tomorrow so I can be more dumb
I actually want my wisdome teethe back
Taking them out didn't help like they said
I have no room for mine
If they emerge I'm fucked
I don't know if I ever had wisdom teeth but I hope they remove them because that sounds fun
I was spitting blood the whole day and couldn't find a good position to rest my head on a pillow, was super fun
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I am legitimately terrified of gay people irl. How can I stop being scared of you guys?
serious replies only plz
I'm gonna rape your neghole. Prepare for a pozzed viral load, bitch!
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This is not helpful.
I need to go to the normal doctor, the dentist and the eye doctor.
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Meow I'm not afraid of gay people who would be afraid of a fucking FAGGOT
i need to go to the rhythm doctor
What can they do to you? Like seriously you dumb baka
bears are harmless but do not trust so called twinks, they will do very bad things to you o.o
My ass is hurting again, I think the skin is just so raw and inflamed from me wiping so often to get the sweat off of it. It's still very itchy and uncomfortable.
>What can they do to you?
Get me fired from my job because I feel creeped out by them.
what they do in the bedroom is none of your business. you have no right to judge them. I hope your bigot ass does get fired.
>ywn bang your fbf in the company conference room and report the straightoids who catch you to hr and ruin their careers
le sigh
Uhh.. ERP? (Exposure reponse therapy)
See, this is what I'm talking about.
>No, we're totally not scary at all
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>tfw ywn bang your bfs head with a rock until his corpse stops twitching
Not gonna meowk it
i need a yaoi about this
don't be a bigot and you have nothing to be scared of. it is really is that simple.
No one is forcing you to voice your distaste retard
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I wonder what kind of things my fbf likes can"t wait to meet him
you could have met him already but you just didn't realize it
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Why am I single then shaquematty
What if your fbf isn't even born yet? What it he was aborted and now you're doomed..
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>run into old coworker on the bus
>she tells me my cute ex-coworker quit to go study
>ask for his number, change my mind, ask her to give me my number
>1 week later, still haven't received a text
give him* i'm not giving myself my number. baka
>No one is forcing you to voice your distaste retard
It's not even voicing my distaste. Even body language sets you guys off. Why are you so unreasonable?
because your standards are too high or something idk
>act visibly disgusted by someone simply for their bedroom preferences
>wonder why I get called out for it.

but no, it's the straights that suffer.
Where is Cebruz?
if you had a button that could kill all straight ppl would you press it?
no, why would I cut off my supply of shos?
Yes. I am a misanthrope and want humanity to perish. Once the straights die, the rest will follow quickly.
I reckon we can grow them in labs at this point but zog doesn't want you to know that
how DARE you be cute, i will now tell you to kys because i wish i wasnt caveman dudebro #453868363
realize that they don't want to have sex with you
unless you're hot in which case be very afraid
10 Top Commandments

1. you will worship your bottom's body and kiss him head to toe.
2. you will kiss and rim your bottom's ass as long as he wants, you will make him moan and make him ready for cock. you will let him sit on your face until you pass out if he wants to.
3. your cock exists for your bottom's pleasure.
4. all of your cum belongs to him. you will cum where he tells you to, when he tells you to.
5. if you can't be trusted to follow commandment #4, your dick will be caged while you're unattended and your bottom will hold the keys.
6. you will fuck him like an animal when he wants to be dominated.
7. you will lay back like a good boy and let him have his way with your cock when he wants to dominate you.
8. you will exercise and keep yourself in good shape and make your body visually pleasing for your bottom, with the stamina to handle your bottom.
9. if you cum too quick and you're spent, you will use toys on your bottom until he is satisfied, and/or even import a second top for reinforcements.
10. you may be the bitch, but your bottom is the little spoon. no exceptions
Caveman dudebros are gods gift to twinks and femboys
Lost me at top reinforcements, invalid document
Ironic. If you act disgusted at people it's offensive. Gays are not somehow special in that regard.
I just want someone who I like and who likes me how is that too high? Can you even reasonably go any lower?
Bottom worship is cringe meow die
nah, dudebros are just obnoxious assholes, i will never respect them, i will never let them touch me, i will stick to my kind and soft bf
you can keep the hairy ape fuckwads for yourself lol now im going to go have sex cya you fucking loser cunts
uber basiert
Sassy bottomsbian
I want a trad masc man, not a dudebro.
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I want a bf who is distinguished and caring meow
Double ended dildo best invention
if my bf wanted to bottom adamantly I would just peg him instead of using my cock
Personally I think every top should at the very least have to use a dildo so he understand the work involved with anal.
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Why would you not do anal besides a cope reason
there are so no anal people here, because they think it's gross. I bet if they got a bf and the moment got hot all that would go out the window.
Condom sex is hotter because it humiliates the top... The top is denied the pleasure of the mpregnation and must watch his treasure be released into plastic and thrown away.. The condom not only creates a physical barrier between the cock and the hole, but an emotional barrier too
I stand by what I said and insist that sounds like a fun time
with that logic pozzed sex is the most emotional and intimate because mpreg isn't real but viral injection is
ngl having a prison bf would be kind of nice
Mfw I can see the yap in his eyes, love a man who can yap, my cute baby haha :)
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that's hot but also why?

trust me isn't. your whole face hurts and you don't want to do anything but sleep.
The tree of democracy must be watered with the blood of revolution
-Thomas Franklin or something idk
i had my teeth removed and it didnt hurt at all, i didnt even take any painkillers. i think you guys are just big babies.
Democracy is bad
Twink monarch is the top and his subjects are his flock of bottoms he must guide through enlightened autocracy and divine wisdom
If I ever get asked to share my top with anyone I am killing everyone involved including myself

having one pulled is different from having wisdom teeth cut out of your jaw.
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I went on a 40 minute walk to deposit a check and buy shower stuff (I got volumizing conditioner this shit better make my hair look puffy and cute) but when I was getting groceries I saw they had watermelons on sale I thought huh we haven't had watermelong in a while so I just walked all the way home like 2 or 3 miles carrying a heavy ass watermelon and now my back and arms hurt and i want to die
yeah im talking about wisdom teeth. i had 4 holes back there for a while until they healed.
Wait they have to cut them out they can't just yank them?
They can be embedded/impacted
Genocide, the only valid solution to infidelity

if they're impacted and don't come in right then they have to cut your gums open, break up the tooth and extract it in pieces. That isn't a fun experience.
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That sounds really scary honestly
Teeth are just more trouble than they're worth
We should all just have baleen like whales
Bottoms dont exist and you cant convince me otherwise.
tops are just straightoids who're too scared to come out and you can't convince me otherwise
I hope you all brushed your teeth today..
I haven't brushed my teeth in two weeks
I have visible holes in my teeth and I wonder which will be the first to break.
Even if you're right, you're still stuck with us
Come say that to my face runt.
guys i think you don't have bfs not because autism but because you have rotten chompers and gingivitis
>be me, bi bottom
>get sick of f*male tops, start bottoming for men
>get sick of male tops, start bottoming for w*men
I'm having a great time
Almost correct for me its severe neurological auto immune illness basically im an actual original incel
I wear a mask in public so guys can't even see them anyways
But yes they are yellow
No one ever sees my teeth because I don't talk smile in public.
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Haribo Gummy Bears share size bag be like
>Only eat 13 gummy bears that's a serving size
Shut the fuck
I love haribo I eat haribo I eat them all
kys retard normalnigger no one asked
all the food companies have small serving sizes on their packing to hide how unhealthy their food is.
I have very strong teeth but the side effect is having to get rid of milk breath
Just found a feather outside
Boycock boyballs boypits boytits boybulge boysocks boyhands boysmell
I guess I should mow the grass today since it's actually not that hot and humid for once.
Noooo leave the innocent grass to grow
huffing my bfs pits
huffing my bfs pits
huffing my bfs pits
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dumb foid with a dumb question
read some yaoi, that's originally aimed at women, it's more so cuddling and romance and less so sexual like yuri
maybe it'Il brainwash you to become more tolerant, otherwise just leave my gaybros alone

but the city boomers hate tall grass, last year I got a notice and had a week to straighten everything up.
Home Owners Associations are everything that's wrong with America and every member of one should be assassinated

not an HOA just the city gov not liking tall grass. It isn't that tall yet but it's a lot easier to mow when it not really high.
You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?
Couldn't they have rung the doorbell like a minute or two before to stop me from making dumb mistakes
Just get fake grass you lazy grasscel
for me, it's clover lawns
the bag only contains 13 anyways
my old place was so chill, I miss it
no fences, neighbour never mowed his backyard (and neither did I), people had gravel driveways and nobody gave a shit
I hate suburbanites so much it's unreal
Nta but I'm sure anal feels good as in "hot", but I just can't get over the fact that it's the poop hole and that makes me grossed out. I also do not want another person inside of my butt, that feels very strange and undesireable, I am a bottom btw. I will just stick to blowjobs, frotting and such.
Youre not a bottom if youre not bottoming dumb fag
"side" has to be the dumbest term ever
"yeah I'm a bottom but you can't fuck me and I'll only maybe suck you off teehee"
what is even the point
Uhm ackshully hole fixations are str8 behavior
Yes I brush my teeth twice a day and floss and use mouthwash after every meal.
I still want to be dominated, just not through anal, is that such a hard thing to grasp?
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Thats called being submissive bottom and top refer specifically to anal sex
vers is the only truegay sorry to burst everyone's bubble but not really /r9bi/
>what is oral
>what is intercrural
>what is manual
>what is automatic
>what is
would you like a burger and shake with your side sir
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Have nothing to do with bottoming and topping luv sry take it up the cloaca or ur not a bottom simple as
>cloaca(latin: sewer)
by that logic straight women can be tops (they can't)
Yes exactly with a strap on a straight woman can top a straight man who would be the bottom in this scenario
that's the most originally idiotic thing I've ever heard
man-made horrors beyond gay comprehension
cock worship with extra steps but people are very defensive about it not being that
...they can though?
I'm a bi bottom - what kind of sex do you think I'm having with women? what kind of sex do you think lesbians have??
c'mon, man
if you were a whale would you be a gay whale
Better question: why are sexhavers inhabiting this thread? Why are so-called "bi"scum inhabiting a GAY thread? Huh?
you're just sharing a toy
lesbians can easily* have both penetrative and non-penetrative giving and receiving roles without invoking the phallus
i have no problem with bis as long as they don't talk about girls but yeah what's up with all these normalfags lately
Anon asking the real questions
Only if I'm bored
I've been here longer than you, anon
I *will* keep posting cute anime boys
no, you *can't* stop me from doing it
sec shavers
Pathetic sub tops need to be killed
I don't want to jerk off but also I kinda do.
I like jerking off to the idea of myself getting bigger and stronger and hung but also the hours of a day I spend cooming to that aren't going to manifesting that idea into reality.
quick nap, then grass. not sure if I'll cook today since grass always takes a lot of me. Might go out yet again.
masturbate hard, alternate arms, do not cum
You're a retard, that's everyone, but given you don't like anyone it clearly shows your standards to be too high. What do you like is the issue here since no one can fulfill it apparently
This is only hot in sexual sense
>tfw no top twink monarch bf
the problem isn't cumming its wasting time, right?
as far as I know there's no real physiological downside to cooming, some people say semen retention is important though for magic stuff but there seem to be witchy types who are absolute coomers so idk
why did breeders stop making babies. should they be forced to do that instead of drugs and fast food and partying.
FACT: getting (You)s is better than prostate 'gasms
I tried fingering it and it just made me feel like I'm about to take a shit, zero pleasure just weird feeling
I play with my butt every day pretty much, even teasing the rim feels nice desu
scientifically proven and fact checked by true american patriots
some anons get hard from plane rides while others need to suck on their ocarina
do you think it's real? would you?
minus the hormone part it seems like fun
I get hard from laying in bed and fantasizing about going on dates with my fbf to the shopping mall and finding cute clothes together and smelling cool candles at bed bath and beyond
Is that... a lavender candle? *CUMS* a eto
I was so tempted to actually get lavender bodywash earlier but I figure I already have enough lavender in my system I just got stuff with coconut oil for moisturization
I'm phoneposting so no :|
I don't wanna I don't wanna
busy day

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