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Kebab edition
his sprog is brown lmao
Shippy's "I didn't go to uni" teeshirt is in the post
Wonder how many brown sprogs SSM got running around in Egypt
Why didn't he just put it in the bin that's right next to him?
Here you go Shippy lad, this'll suit you

Wonder if Shipanon will ever see his sprog
Didn't get a degree? Drive a lorry.
He didn't drink on Friday he didn't drink on Saturday
Only dumb cunts went to uni. Enjoy your 80k debt for spending 3 years doing a course that won't get you a job
Because he deliberately filmed and published that video to wind up his detractors. Worked a treat too. They were seething for weeks.
It got me a job though? And my debt was less than half of that.
he posts his coffee coloured woglet on here to make himself feel superior
>Only dumb cunts went to uni
Nice English you dribbling spastic
Careful mate, it's dangerous to type out posts while at the wheel.
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He renewing his RSBP member
While all the spazzes are at uni drinking themselves silly, Jason has gotten a job delivering Amazon parcels. might not be much but at least he is earning his way and not spunking his student loan on wkd and jelly shots.
PS5 all the way
Your degree didn't get you the job, the connections you made did. There's a difference. You didn't need to pay 40k to meet someone who got you the job. The "knowledge" you apparently gained at University is absolutely wasted as is the money you sank into it.
>Average lorry driver salary

>Average graduate salary

Oooooohhh no no no
You do know the majority of driving jobs will be automated within the next 15 years right?
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How does any1 have few drinks & then NOT have few ciggies as well? Its like toast without butter. Might be the number 1 or 2 reason i have to stop drinking.
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>anons who aren't graduates and who cant ride a bicycle let alone drive a HGV trying to put others down

lmao lads
Nope the degree literally got me the job. Wouldn't have gotten it without it. I didn't meet someone at uni who got me the job. I applied for the job and I'd have been filtered out if I didn't have a degree. SImple as that.
Getting some 1990s dejavu here. White collar jobs will be automated long before blue collar jobs.

Automation is actually taking those jobs already now
Planes have been automated for decades but there are more pilots now than ever
Here comes the cope lel
Amazon delivery drivers get 50p per package delivered.
10 packages is 5 pounds
100 packages is 50

you can delivery roughly 100 packages an hour.

8 hour day you are enjoying 400 quid

thats 2k a week, 8k a month, 96k a year.

I'd say Amazon delivery drivers are winning here.
Same with trains desu. Literally no reason why we don't have automated trains except for the fact that unions have the industry by the fucking balls. If the government had any sense they'd disband the unions, automated the trains and have cheaper train travel for everyone that would never strike.
21 months no bookies
Just booked my train to the airport
He will be keeping up this level of posting all week
What are unions and how do they work?
>100 packages an hour
Lad, what fucking planet are you living on?
Just bookies my train to the bookies
I always wondered why my Amazon delivery driver wears a Loewe hoodie. Now it all makes sense.
He don't drink EVERY day
They're a cartel of workers whose purpose is to extort customers, businesses and the government into getting themselves more lucrative salaries and more jobs while also lowering the amount of work they have to do and also refusing to work when they don't get their way. The end result is enormous price rises and shoddy services. If you're familiar with trains in the UK then you're familiar with their handiwork.
Stick to Moschino little lad
Seagull de lad
Seagull de lad
I wondered when Moschino would be brought up when Loewe became a gimmick
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He's going down Sandford Lane in a bit
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Chop chop wagies, you've got 100 packages per hour to deliver. Hope you weren't thinking of taking a lunch break today.
SSM retired in his 20s. Working is just not for him. It may be for you but it not for him
That's 30 years on the dole. Pretty impressive when you think about it
He's had to work hard to stay unemployed
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How many packages for this apu?

This thread should take you to about 8pm and the one after will take you to bedtime then you can sleep 8 hours of your grim life away
Someone isn't happy today lol
Nerve has been touched
That's my Iine
Arse has been fucked
Employed by Google
Sony Engineer
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noticed these threads go a lot faster when the school holidays start
why would someone with a non-white wife lie about having a white wife to impress /britfeel/
Lots of seething last thread. Sad. I expected better from you lads.
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Id forgot about kill bill which is also up there, both of em but this his best 1 overall to me
Not into that pulp fiction, reservoir dogs boomer slop desu. I even seen true romance (true sloppa) so u can't say I didn't try. It could be for you? It not for me.
Some people in this thread are winners, others are losers.
Which one is the castrated tranny?
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Me? I'm keeping it womfy de lid.
Need a SCEA update
A lot of seething from a certain man ITT
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>he not a murdering rapist
>he just a young boy who like a bit of fun
One of if not the biggest loser of all
Wonder if LSFPL will ever meet his French gf
My financial goals? Well and truly reached
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manifesting sex with chubby goth fren by the end of august
Is that the obese loser signs poster? How tf did he get a gf
I always get him and flad mixed up
Glad to hear it. Nursing a cup of tea myself right now.
Him Flad and HHL are all into the same humiliation fetishes
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I'll never fuck a chubby woman
They are very modest though
Hope SSM has a weltdown tonight
Not particularly, they are 7 figures, suffice it to say
we just need him to have 10 wokkles, thats his threshold
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never knew liz got her tits out
I only shag chubby women
Mortgage free all the way
How do we know this isn't a fake
They looked bigger in THAT dress
>thigh covering her unshapely belly
Nice try
You don't have a seven figure net worth.
Dont fat shame are Liz
Never even said I did, you make of that what you will
Lots of new hires got that Remitly look about them...
I will lad, I always do.
Might send 3k to my baby mama (I won't)
'liz' who? Don't even recognise who this is
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Liz Hurley
You don't have a baby mama to send 3k to
She's 52 btw. I definitely would personally.
Overall I think I'm the most financially successful person in the thread
You think areLiz takes it up her arse?
No idea lad. What are your thoughts?
Summarise yourself using the initials 'FS'

Me? Financial Success
Just sent my baby mama 8k
I think she probably does. Most women do.
Anal looks hot in porn but I don't know if I would ever try it IRL
Good, you should, any responsible should
Fatty Shagger
I'm not proud of the specifics, but I am proud that I'm not a virgin.
woglet sprog and a darky wife
woglet sprog and a darky wife
I'm a responsible
Full grown man in a dress
Full grown man in a dress
you have neither a baby mama nor 8k to your name
Sameshipping in lowercase is it
just sent my baby mama 22k
There was a lot of sameshipping in the previous thread.
Nerves = tickled
Cage = rattled
Nipples = twisted
point out the sameshipping
Who would've thought that one man and his wife would cause such havoc in this esteemed thread.
point out your seven figure net worth
sproglessness, it's not for me, it might be for you but it's not for me
I never claimed to have a 7 figure net worth, and to clarify, I don't.
drivel, its not for me, it might be for you, but it's not for me
Grown men behaving like forever 12 year olds on the internet
Sex on the TV
Everybody's at it
The mind gets dirty
As you get closer to thirty
Grown man. Sits at a computer all day. Lashes out at others.
point out the grown men
laughing so hard as I go to press the post button on some of these posts.

I particularly enjoyed this post as a bonus too, howling at it I was

this one too
Gotten up have i not
I have, yes
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british eel???
My current favourite format of post is this

[States which type of person (grown man/tranny)], [action 1] [action 2]
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So 2 homosexuals who got their drugs off an illegal immigrant dealer then use said drugs to knock out a father of 4 and then proceed to rape him to death while filming it, and then they both get released for 2 years before sentencing.
On top of that the older gay man who was 24 at the time of the rape had known his 17 year old partner for 2 years before the incident. So we also have paedophilia/grooming mixed in all this too.
Amazing, this case sums up the current state of Scotland quite well.
wow, actually howling with laughter? you're easily amused
Naked man. Sits at his desk next to a 'floor to ceiling window'. Posts drivel
I started this post format. Thought I was onto something good desu.
He doesn't think he's a homosexual because he wears a dress.
grown men groan, their mangrove grows, bros.
Just went to the shop to buy a nice Sunny D
Florida flavour
Grown man. Uneducated. Unemployed. Calls others losers on the internet.
The gays are bad, yes, but the trannies are worse. Thankfully we have people like Joanna Cherry and JK Rowling working to stamp it out.
I've been here almost daily since 2014. This is honestly the funniest thread I've ever seen in all this time
What time does the Arbroathy vs Shippy war start lads
Why haven't you become a Knight Templar yet?
Arbroathy is probably my favourite personality
They haven't existed for about 1000 years
We're waiting for Shippy to finish work
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Jim Dowson won't let me into his club because I'm a tranny
Grown man. Wears a dress and calls himself a woman. Pretends to be others and posts in support of himself. No friends.
Too right as well. Would you even want to join it anyway? Everyone knows Jim Dowson is a grifter
this gimmick has already gotten boring
Fully grown man. Wears a dress in public. Spends sixteen hours a day being angry online. Stubble still visible through makeup.
Do you actually follow nationalist politics then?
Got a 5 hour livestream of a cute girl getting blackout
I have been rolling around the floor screaming with laughter at some of them
i just wanted one of the swords they/he used to sell
jason is out on the piss every weekend and getting a bag in
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He down Sandford Lane

Not true lad. It's still going https://www.knightstemplarorder.com/
Has Nick Griffin left them? I never see him on stream anymore
I thought he sold his GoPro
English is a curious language. One of the very few where the sentence "He's up down the lane" makes sense.
scratched your bollocks today lass?
hate a mate who really fancied this lass but immediately stopped when he found out she was transgender. shit behaviour i think
I'm pretty open minded and if I genuinely fancied a transgender girl I'd go for it, but I think the chances of that are slim because I'm not attracted to people who look even slightly masculine.
Honestly I'm curious. Arby, are you on HRT? What effects has it had if so?
How on Earth is there another person in /britfeel/ who knows about Jim Dowson and the templars, they rarely get more than 20 people in the stream
had* not hate
>Never got a degree
>Earn 60k a year in my 30s
>Meanwhile there's masters graduates that can't get jobs.
My all time fave is interviewing them and mentioning that I don't have a degree. I can see the seethe written all over their face.
You might fancy the face and tits, what about when it got down to business and they produced a cock?
A big game of make believe, drama and gotcha
It would depend on the size of the cock/balls.
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might sleep, might drink
who knows
corr, they're still selling swords n stuff. axes too now it seems
not sure what Nick is up to these days. he seems to just do the odd interview here and there. this was him a month ago
he wiped his twitter recently too
yeah it not right
yeah i am but i cba going into the positive effects. but im less mental now i guess
When he was younger, BritNormie always dreamed of moving to Aberdeen. It was a dream that never came to fruition, and when he visited there in one day in 2015, he realised it was for the best
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>Really hate it when a lad dates what he thinks is a woman in hopes of pounding her tight, wet pussy and instead finds out it's a man who's on a cocktail of drugs and has had plastic surgery to remove their penis and balls and replace it with what is basically a wound they have to keep from healing with a piece of plastic.
Hah yeah me too. Love is love!
Maybe he's not gay. How is that shit behaviour ?
The truth is that I've only been to Aberdeen once, as a 7 year old child.
I won't lie, there are some trannies out there that I would 100% shag if given the chance. But they're very few and far between, almost all of them are east asian and so take advantage of their natural petite frame and androgyny and also have very small cocks which can't get hard due to years of hormones (the only acceptable cock situation for a tranny imo). Most are laughably unpassable.
if you ever used to watch the streams I was 'GregG', mental. This is like meeting HHL in the Stormfront chatroom in 2011 then him coming to /britfeel/ in 2018 all over again
I'm personally not into asian women at all so I couldn't even go for that. If I was going to shag a tranny it would need to be a one-in-a-million white one that passes.
Bought a game from Amazon. Very excited to play it!
Holy shit you're GregG? Haha that's mad.
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>Stormfront chatroom of 20-50 odd people contained HHL, who would later come to /britfeel/ in 2018

>Jim Dowson/Nick Griffins stream of 20-50 people was watched by Arbroathy who would later come to /britfeel/ in 2024
How do you define a woman? Not picking a fight, again honestly curious.
My last deliveries for a while, lads. I'm cutting it right down.
Bigot. It's 2024.
Wanted this on DS back then desu. Looks fun
shut up chuddies
I doubt this guy was GregG. Him and I had a special connection.
BN lad it's time to put the 'Arbroathy' character to bed
He's been sat naked at his desk next to a 'floor to ceiling' window all day, for the people of Glasgow to see him in all his glory
downloading death stranding. hope it's good
4 days of non stop drivel from morning to night
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come on lets get some drinks in
did he give you a shoutout on stream? he was always doing that. he loved his viewers
his streams were comfy, might have to watch them again
dunno i dont think about it too much
not into the whole woke politics stuff
seems like jewish tricks imo
anyway im a transwoman and i view trannyism as a mental illness and treat it as such
been on britfeel for 3 hours. looking to reach 12 hours today
You're a gay man. End of.
Okay so why don't you look into pharmaceutical and psychotherapeutic options to alleviate your mental illness rather than indulge it? There are anecdotal cases of certain drugs causing a total remission of gender dysmorphic feelings.
One night GregG and I were up all night talking for hours. I finally got the courage to tell him that I'm trans. He said it was fine by him and he told me a story about his first sexual experience with a transwoman.

GregG told me how he kissed the transwoman and her breath was minty with a hint of garlic from something she ate, but that was cool with GregG. Then she told GregG to suck her dick, and he did; the taste and sight did not thrill him. And then she sucked GregG. She got a rise out of him, but then he started to feel uneasy. It was minor at first, and GregG promised himself he'd see this through. Finally, she was inside GregG doggy style. As she humped GregG, he was feeling it both in his penis, and in his gut; worsening as she went on. And eventually, GregG embarrassed himself grossly. He came AND fucking threw up simultaneously. The tranny had not come yet herself, and out of respect, she withdrew herself and asked GregG if he was okay. She cleaned him, and his mess on his floor up. GregG felt soo damn ashamed, but the tranny was kind and understanding to him.
Had a double Big Mac with bacon for late lunch/early dinner. Way too much made me feel ill
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Occasionally. I used to try and get in early because he'd only do the first 10 names or so. I mentioned fairly recently how low muslim birthrates were faling recently and he mentioned that on stream.

Would you be interest in a truce my fellow far right friend?
feels over reals
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truce? i didnt even know were at war. all of my vitriol was directed at zimmong and his ape family
Gays are sick degenerate people who give into vices. Can't expect them to think without their cock.
Shippy also shags black women though.
Same, been here over 3 hours. I don't want to reach 12 but I probably will
Don't do it Arbroathy. He has been calling you a interfile tranny for the past 3 days
Shippy is sprogless though and isn't actively causing the downfall of the white race. Only passively by not having a white sprog.
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Feeling personally attacked here desu
>the taste and sight did not thrill him
we had this LARP about 7 years ago
who is oar?
Me and shippy are best friends
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half 4, if i drink now i might not sleep well now
see ill never understand this in right wing circles
at least im at worst a genetic dead end
ape fuckers? they enable blacks here and in some cases even multiply them
its okay i cant be insulted
how would you know, have you been here for the past 3 days reading it all?
>go to make a sandwich
>realise i need to wash up a weeks worth of washing up in order to make it
I've been here since 2016 reading it all
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Does that mean no truce then Arbroathy? I was willing to forgive your vile tranny lifestyle if you were a fellow Nick Griffin follower
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The cherry on the cake was we both saw that guy from come dine with me and immediately thought of Nick
>wakira kurosawa

nice indeed de lad
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Reading 'The Sluts' by Dennis Cooper
Plus you'd love to shag her. Admit it.
why do you shag blacks though?
zimlad on suicide watch all all the movers and shakers align against him. a man in a dress pretending to be a women and a minimum wage bean head autist.
Not at all. I was just willing to bury the hatchet for a fellow far-right nationalist, despite his incredible sins, but seems Arbroathy isn't interested
Why is Shippy surprised racists HHL and Arbroathy don't like the fact he is a race traitor
It's a HHL world, we're just living in it.
Shippy has a 4chan pass
He always was a bit of a thick cunt.
Having a healthy libido is something you'd know about if you didn't take female hormones you order off the internet
Have you seen what Shippy looks like? Have you seen what he writes here? Do you think a lad like that has a ton of options?
HHL's world is a grotty care home in Sunderland.
didn't drink on wednesday
didn't drink on thursday
didn't drink on friday
didn't drink on saturday
having a few jars on sunday
Lad there's no hatchet to bury your just some retard on 4chan like everyone else here.
HHL is a cocaine addicted 30 years old incel who wanks to blacked, Arbroathy is a tranny
>shippy begging a tranny to be friends with him
This is a new low
His 4chan pass also entitles him to shag black women.
And your point is what?
I never said 'be friends with', merely ceasefire
he looks completely normal t b h
jungle fever isnt healthy
do you have a woglet?
i was never firing at you, just zimlad
only did coke once lids
lad let me have a double key bumps at the pub
it was good danced chatted away
ketamine once as well
little ape sprog
Yes shippy has a woglet.
Name on Arbroathy lad
That description of HHL the most miserable thing I've ever read because it's true o_o
lmfao never thought of that one
once im empress of the isle him and his ape family are being dumped into the channel
Zimmy got the whole thread so rattled nobody knew what to do. Literally turned the old order on its head. Seethers, trannies, sprogless, sprogged, racists, non-racists, lurkers, oldfags, newfags, everybody scrambling for sense and direction. Forming hasty allegiances that dissolve as quickly as they're established.

He's like a force of nature.
HHL is six weeks no wokey so get in there
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Vile sprogless tranny. You will be forever alone
Now now Shippy. Don't be mean to our Arbroathy
He did cocaine less than 24 hours ago right here in the thread.
britfeel writers on a mad one. man in dress vs bean head autist
So will you (because you will never find a wife)
This really is the crux of it. Zimlad makes 1 post and causes 4 days of non stop seethe.

The threads have been 4 times as active as usual, going from about 500 posts a day to 2000
Like yin and yang.
Jim Dowson does not like trannies one bit
gotten into hip hop recently
it good
Proof for that claim, little lad?
Shippy has personally typed out the word 'Zimlad' over a hundred times in just 7 weeks.
Arbroathy does not like blacks and this is why she is based <3
Arbroathy has the gall to talk about 'Jewish tricks' and propaganda ruining the west. But he has fallen for it hook line and sinker becoming a tranny
Like it or not this is accurate.

He's also only ever made like five or six actually confirmed posts since he doesn't trip.
Indeed, she gets bonus points from me just for that too
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>haven't been on /britfeel/ in about 6 years
whats new here lads?
his wee brown fella is gonna grow up to be a templar knight
he got an authentic jim dowson templar sword and everything for his woglets 18th
it so wholesome and trad
Shippy now has a brown sprog
Has zimlad ever commented on his politics?
>he looks completely normal t b h

You're in there GregG!
We all have sprogs now

>Shippy now has a brown sprog

Oh dear I hope this is not true
technically brown people can join the templars, trannies can't
zimmy and shippy both have black kids though
Thankfully no. Wish you lot of fucking mongs would shut up about politics too. There's literally a dedicated thread on a dedicated board just for that topic. Piss off there.
Shippy called himself "GregG" on the Knights Templar stream because his middle initial is G. His middle name is also Greg.
all the kids are off school and college
Jim Dowson told that trannard where to go
life on earth is just a death sentence
Can Arbroathy find one single post in the archive where zimmy has targeted/insulted/been toxic towards him?
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he still around? fair play. is pakiboo still about or gone now?
its garry, proper nonce name that
long gone lad
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>begging friendship with a tranny
Arbroathy, why did you fall for Jewish tricks and become a tranny?
Poley is a home owner now, he unironically is the most successful britfeeler
His arse pressed right up against the glass of his 'floor to ceiling window'
Has all seemed a bit one sided. Don't get me wrong, I've egged on both sides in the Shippy Vs Arbroathy feud, but Arby going after zimlad just seems weird at this point. Just pure seething, no rhyme or reason.
>he unironically is the most successful britfeeler
Nah that's Zimlad
Grown man. Checks archives of incel forum to gauge which side of tranny vs incel war is winning. Dutifully informs the thread.
The G stands for Gay afaik
kek how the fuck did that happen?
You've got it wrong. His middle name is actually Gregg with two Gs and it's pronounced in the American way that makes it sound a bit like how they say "Craig"
kid across the street is always staring through my bedroom window
fucking weird and annoying have to have my blinds down basically permanently
Inherited it from dead parents iirc.
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The posters ITT are actually adults. Now that is FUNNY.
buying somewhere small in a cheap area is very achievable if you have a job
lol shippys bean head
That's the downside of being nude by a floor to ceiling window - the attention it generates
His arse pressed so firmly up against the glass of his 'floor to ceiling' window that his anus is visible for all to see
He lived at home for his entire twenties, worked full time almost the whole time, and saved almost everything he earned. When you combine that with the fact he lives in a part of the country with some of the cheapest housing, it's not a shocker.
His parents are both alive.
Pakis are industrious fellas
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Even funnier when you consider some of them are in their 30s
Don't think I've laughed this hard in years reading this thread.
literally 32, been here for years. the autism never leaves
how many wanks is good for a sunday?
Anyone else here in they're 40's or is it mainly 30's?
Not according to ruthmong.
10 years older than me. hope im not still here at 32 desu
Im 26 now. I plan to stop posting here at 30
If you're spending the prime of your life sat here lad, then I hate to say it, it's not looking good.
How do you think your life will be different in 10 years that will make you stop posting here? Maybe you'll have less free time, but you'll still be able to use it to post here.
Grown man. Posts on britfeel.
Grown man. Denied access to his brown sprog.
>the autism
It's not autism though lad. It's childish drivel and drama.
are you underage de lad?
Very true. I'd never have been spending time here at age 22. I was out with mates constantly. I only really got into posting here in my late 20s after my social life had calmed down.
Imagine if you grew up and found out your dad was a poster here. Pretty grim ngl.
What's wrong with posting here in your 30s and 40s? Half of these threads consist of watching a 50 year old man on Youtube
On the contrary, I'm a grown man.
There's nothing wrong with it. The shameful thing is posting here in your early 20s. I didn't even post a single thing on 4chan until I was 26.
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this place is where all the deranged losers come, myself included. Remember smirnoffbro? he was like 42
>Grown man. Posts on britfeel.
Um, based?
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not sure about Greg, but i do like Greggs
37 year old man spending the vast majority of his weekend posting drivel on /britfeel/
Grown man. Addicted to alcohol. Thinks it's funny.
Burst out laughing at this post lad
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Rig a Home Alone style booby trap to pour hot tar on the nosy little fucker. When you hear the screams, open the window and release a bag of feathers in front of a fan to further his pain and humiliation. This will teach him to respect his neighbours.
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>I only really got into posting here in my late 20s Thas mental if youre not kidding. I been on this site since i was 15.
Honestly almost everything from Gregg's is disgusting, but their little chicken bites are okay if a tad over-spiced.
Seem like a long time ago now but not really too
I miss Smirnoffbro. I could relate to him because I have a severe vodka problem too.
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I miss Smirnoffbro so much. Honestly hope he's not dead but I fear he is.
If you work minimum wage, you just need to save 150 a month for 3 years and you'll have the deposit and income to buy a 110,000 flat
>I'll have the beans please

3 gregs in a greggs
Have you seen what 110,000 gets you these days, lad? It not good. Also putting 150 away every single month for three years on minimum wage isn't as easy as it sounds. Also fuck waging. Especially at minimum wage. Especially for three years.

Your plan is good in theory but terrible in practice.
I don't. Dull poster who posted same things again and again.
Of all the drinks to be addicted to why vodka? It's some of the most disgusting liquid I've ever had the displeasure of drinking. Not a fan of any alcohol desu, but vodka is a special kind of revolting.
Why do alcies drink so much when it's so disgusting?
Mad to think he's literally dead. Stupid cunt. Could have had a great life but he chose to destroy himself.
Because being drunk is enjoyable?
Smirnoffbro was a good lad who discussed his troubles with alcohol addiction and his fondness of expensive watches. There are far more dull posters currently in /britfeel/
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Tried to get the door slammed ASAP before mums friend in the garden could ask but she squeezed it in "do you have a job yet" this has happen with like 3 different ppl the past month. Feel like they're being put up to it at this point.
The plan works if you live at home with parents and you want to buy a house in a very cheap town.
Smirnoffbro lovesd sushi
Yeah true, I mean take yourself for example. Eye-wateringly dull stuff coming from you.
it gets you somewhere to start and that's the lowest minimum wage example. lots of people will have pay increases or be able to save more

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She goes haha just live with your mammy forever then she got a lot of money. I got my own money. From hidden disablility. Independence. These ppl treat me like a joke.
Well I've been posting here daily for 8 years and have no plans on leaving
Question to britfeelers.

Were you bullied at school or were you the bully?
>There are far more dull posters currently in /britfeel/
like who? Can you point them out?
Nobody would give me this hassle if i was cutting about in a wheelchair. Maybe i should.
And why do you think they treat you like a joke lad? Have a little think about it.
Investment property lad.
Cuz it mixes with pretty much anything that exists
i gave my bully permanent facial scars
i asked a similar thing yesterday
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>Well I've been posting here daily for 8 years
Bit of both. Bullied in the first half of secondary school, bully in the second half. Neither were severe though.
Imagine having your own boxpod

But it doesn't though. Anything you mix it with is just better without the liquid shit of vodka poured into it.
Yeah, you specifically
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The old ladies on the street gossiping about ye laddie. Nae good.
Fuck me this is Hong Kong levels of dire but without living in somewhere cool like Hong Kong.
>110k for an apartment like that in the UK doesn't look too ba
oh, what a sorry sight that is
remember when moni used to live in a flat like this, was a proper dystopian shit hole he didnt even have an oven
Looks like a decent flat for a single person. Don't really understand the obsession people have in the UK with having loads of space they don't need. If I was living on my own I'd far rather live somewhere like this rather than a deanobox.
>remember when moni used to live in a flat like this
I actually went inside it, was relatively comfy and had really good views
>KEEEEEEEK look at the state of this apartment
*still lives with his parents*
Your council flat in Arbroath is better than this? I fucking highly, highly, HIGHLY doubt it.
living in a box might be for you but it isnt for me
That's alcohol. Not sure what you expect
I live in my own house
I have a mortgage free house. You?
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>my own house
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my bf and i live in a 3 bedroom house
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> i actually went inside it

the flat, or moni?
Have you been to Hong Kong? I'd rather live in Manchester.
Put some clothes on FFS, the people of Glasgow have seen enough

Why did you become a bully?
a rusty deathox
Arbroath was a class place to stay laddie. My da used to have a caravan there when I was wee. It's not the same nowadays mind you but by typical UK standards it's way above.
Your council house in Arbroath is better than this? I highly, highly, HIGHLY doubt it
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Rejected by Jim Dowson, Jim Dowson doesn't want anything to do with him
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I got bullied and then psychologically tortured by teachers until i took the law into my own hands nd vandalised the school then i got suspended for that and just stopped going to school mostly
From day 1 secondary school i just walked home after registration nd didnt go back cause anxiety
Did that for 6 years more or less. Tiring
The flat, I helped with the moving
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My Apu brought his family member from Wumpopolis the other day and since then my household has been in absolute disarray. Those frogs native to fren nations are a different breed to the diaspora of friends we encounter in the west..
Really struggling to find a space for Frenjeet Wumpastajarahahn in my home, he's one of the good ones I promise.
moving his bumcheeks apart with your knob, right greg?
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smoke up de lids
U just know saying 1 thing to 1 person means it spreads like a disease to 3 more. Not right
It's a great question. My parents were both really ill when I was a kid, and it made me feel really powerless. Bullying other kids made me feel powerful. I also had really low self esteem, so it was tough for me to imagine that my words and actions would have much impact on anyone. I never really imagined that I could upset anyone, and I told myself that I was just "having a laugh." On the rare occasions I managed to perceive that I'd genuinely upset someone (like they started crying or I'd heard they were angry with me) I was always shocked and never bothered them again. I was a dumb kid basically. There was one guy I bullied a lot called Martin, I still feel bad about it. Even after I'd been bullying him he was still nice enough to come to my mum's funeral with his mum. I'd love to apologise to him but he's understandably blocked me on social media. Hope I run into him one day.
Damn. How exactly did the teachers bully you? Usually bullying is by fellow students not teachers that's all
SSM smokes now? I must have missed this arc
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Another 1 been invited over to quiz me all over again. I go shops
Old wifeys all came from a time where you could work part time at the paki shop and still afford a normal life
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SSM enjoys a cheeky cigar every now and then
>He claimed he couldn't keep this level of posting up
>He actually could
Is 'he' in the room with us now little lad
If zimlad posts proof that he has a house, would the thread actually implode?
That would be only be applicable if Crossmong was working part time at the paki shop and they were wondering why he's struggling financially. He doesn't. He doesn't have any job at all. And the old wifeys come from a time when if you had no job, you're a loser. Just like now.
He's in a large spacious room in Glasgow with 'floor to ceiling' windows, with his arse pressed firmly up against the glass
honestly, neither. i wasn't really involved in any particular social circles and people generally just left me to my own devices most of the time, which i honestly didn't mind much. i only really got accepted into cliques when i was in like year 10.
(it was this bizarre lesbian polycule kind of thing. still not sure what the fuck was going on there but they were generally pretty nice.)
there was one lad who i don't exactly know how to categorise in my mind to be honest. i wouldn't say he was a bully by any means but he was a bit of a cunt sometimes. probably just the autism.
Yeah it's BritNormie I'm here 16 hours a day
>happily married
>getting regular sex
>gainfully employed
>has a house
Could one man truly make the regulars seethe this much?
Funny, when I've said before on previous occasions that I cannot stand orange paddies, I actually had Jim Dowson specifically in mind
I used to think Ebin was the most powerful poster in these threads, but even he couldn't upend the thread like Zimlad has this week
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Its a long story but i would say especially f*ck ms.G paedo cunt guidance teacher that stalked me day and night when i was (i admitted) truanting from school every day and sending weird ppl to bang on the door when i was trying to get away from weird ppl in school. I just fink now if i was an adult and a 12yo kid was electing to spend every day shut-in at home i would probly say is everything alright?? Or are you just doing this because you're a wee bastard, which is how things were treated as well as Ms.* that tried to mess with me spiritually which was even worse. Wouldnt give a fuck if they all died. I got hypervigilance response from the environment of SCHOOL and they made it worse on purpose. Ms.G that took pleasure in ringing me mam about i wasn't at school this day and this day and whatever just to torture me. All going about their gay fucking lives now like it never happened.
Tbf if he made a come back he would totally drown out any other poster for weeks or months.
BritNormie is currently walking the dog. He's doing it at a much faster pace today and the dog is confused as to why, he needs to get back to his computer ASAP
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It's easy to mock the lower single - use breeds for their broken English and limited intellectual capacity - but with a bit of cash and a dream you can have these lids cough out almost 40 frozen Wikka Wassalas a day or use them in the landscaping industry. Whilst the multi-use Merovingian Kitchen Helper is a star within the confines of a culinary setting, some of these foreign breeds are excellent hybrids in regards to their skills and will often eclipse higher-bred Frens, there's littlle to no reason to spend almost three hundred quid extra on a Helping Frog when they die in ten years anyway and most of them are held back by their genetics.
My frog cooking kedgeree at the moment and it's lush.
Haha. He's asleep right now, already had his big walk today.
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Furthermore mr. mc* what had a come to jesus moment because he had cancer and tried 2 be nice to me all of a sudden after 5 years fuck off. I got redpilled on normies and their fickle behaviour very hard in school.
He pops in very occasionally (about as often as BritNormie sits at his desk naked with his arse pressed firmly up against the glass of his 'floor to ceiling' windows) and he does get a lot of attention, but Zimlad has basically dropped a nuclear bomb on the thread
I'm fully clothed right now lad and not at my desk. But I'll be sure to update you the next time I'm here and my anus is ready for display.
I wonder what SCEA would make of it all
Might have a few beers desu
>already had his big walk today.
I guarentee this occurred before 12:30
Lol, we do have a house though we've got a mortgage, not nearly wealthy enough to own it outright. Will probably keep it private though. I find less is more with this sort of thing. Thread has been wild lately.
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get in de lad
starting a few ciders myself atm
If they made the show Fat Friends now they wouldn't be able to fit them all on the screen. Would need to be filmed in bloody cinemascope.
3 hour thread, you outdid yourself king
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Its just that way where if you're going shops anyhow might as well get them u know. Cheers
I think the vast majority of the thread are fine with you, even happy for you lad, it's a tiny minority of seethers than have gone absolutely ballistic these past few days
Chuckled, howled and spat my cum out at this post, lad.
Think that's roughly when we went out.
Time for a new thread when you're ready

>meet a new friend who's into film
>his favourite film is zack snyder's justice league and he didn't know who sergio leone was
well I don't need friends anyway
It's actually just one seether and loads of people trying to bait and generally have fun with the whole thing.
But early lad. Janny got mad last time it was this early.
I love Makima
You out of your mind lad? There's over 80 posts to go.
>my new friend doesn't enjoy the right things
>not my friend any more
>hey why don't I have any friends?
can you only communicate with greentext?
That's the first post I made itt lad. Have you taken your schizo meds?
>That's the first post I made
what kind of person gets a bottle of water as the drink on their meal deal, absolute mentalist
Fictional. Not gonna happen.
Stop smoking.

thoughts ruthmong?

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