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Optare Solo edition
Looks like a nonce bus.
OP is scared of poster IDs
ID mong will NOT like this
Absolutely shattered de lads me i am, back is fucked big time, might just go straight to bed
Gonna do some google mappage around Holmer now. I don't even have a clue where it is, but I soon will do
How did you fuck your back lad? Too much gay sex?
It's literally the colour of a freshly shat shite lmao
Need a schizo crossmong update please.
He'll be switching to his tranny personality soon.
Is it a LARP if we all know it is? Like at a certain point it becomes just the facts rather than the facade.
have a new job where i stand/walk all the time
Crossmong beating up his stepdad and slashing his tyres
Sorry to hear that. Thankfully all my jobs I've ever had have been comfy fake jobs that require me to do nothing more than sit in front of a computer and send some emails. No manual labour for me de lids.
Ruth getting her hairy gash pulverised by Jamal
What's the new job laddo?
for if you get sick of it and are man enough to be seen
Why would I wear my body out, day after day, for a relative pittance to subsist in some shit hole country that actively hates me when I don't have pussy waiting for me when I walk in through my door, shattered, exhausted mentally and physically and all I want is a warm meal and the feeling of being desired physically by a non-fat woman waiting for me?
Shut the fuck up you boring nonce.
YouTube algorithm recommending me a bunch of kids videos for some reason. The kind that shitty parents plonk their kids in front of for hours at a time and that invariably induce ADHD in their mushy brains.

Cannot imagine how little dignity some of these fully grown men must have to act the way they do like that on camera. Acting like actual retards in goofy clothing. How do they go home to their gfs and look them in the eye? Do their gfs even want to fuck them? Madness.
no such thing as adhd
I tend to agree in the sense that it's not a pathological disease state as such, but it doesn't mean that there aren't utterly shitty twat kids who are restless and entitled and won't listen to their parents. I have a feeling that these sorts of kids videos make them more like that.
>little lids plugging their dead /bant/ thread
yt algorithm keeps recommending me random videos with no views or subscribers. wish I could filter that shit out
Any post starting with 'why' is a bad post. 100% of the time.
Love those days when someone at youtube HQ decides to say fuck it and nudge the algorithm to recommend all those weird softcore porn type channels like bikini try ons, lingerie catwalk shows, random Asian ladies in bikinis in hot tubs for hours, Colombian girls in tight tops riding horses around etc.
And you have what to offer said women? Your extensive video game collection? corr she's creaming lad.
Touched a nerve did he denlid?
Linkedin women who stopped replying to my chatgpt messages just randomly replied to my last one after days. What the fucks goin on ere naw?
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Got a pretty bad flu but don't want to skip gym tomorrow. It not right.
Why does this ALWAYS happen. Finally find motivation to go gym/work out at home.. fall ill for a few days.. can't be arsed to go anymore afterwards.
Bloody annoying ain't it lad, might try and do a little mini workout at home instead. Some pushups and shit. Won't be anything intense as I feel like pure shit, body aches all over.
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Having few glass of wine with mummy now she back stepdad sitting there staring at his phone like a nonce me nd mummy reminiscing about old time i already made sure 2 mention remember that time me nd my dad nd me and my dad this and my dad that make sure he hear what am saying so he knows the score. Yeah we on to psychological warfare at this point which can be the prelude 2 violence of course. Lets see how am feeling. I deserve few drinks after what i been through today. Fucking dont harm nobody just going about my life like normal i wake up 11am i feed MY cat i went shops for few things i come back nd he wants to ""talk". Fuck right off. I keep 2 myself you keep to yourself. Lines have been drawn today. I hold grudges. Just so u know. I fucking hold grudges. Jesus forgive you I DONT. Thx.
Have a feeling this is a seether op bt i make 1 post here in couple of hours when a certain "time out" expire only bc arbroath poster lass post in here
It'd so cruel how God has cursed some people with sproglessness
And footcunt can shove it up his arse too. Gave this wee degenerate cunt enough chances. Keep my name out of your mouth for all time. Offensive that youre even allowed to breathe my air. Filter me RIGHT fucking now.
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are we having to post IDs now or some shit?
Coorrr that's one rad frog.
Ram it through your chastity caged japs eye u fucking subhuman. You're fit to be my wageslave bitch and thats that. Dont even acknowledge i exist ever again.
Its fucking open season on bald pricks
Best post of the week so far was the Aztec Apu posts.
I have some things to be grateful for but I think my life is overall pretty grim
Best way to introduce yourself to potential new house mates? Just knock on door and say hello, do people do that or is that weird? My anxiety working overdrive with the move so soon.
unless you've got a way to contact them before moving then ye lad
you moving into student halls or some shit lad
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When I was in uni flat there were 3 gays out of 4
Just sort of ended up that way, I only knew the straight one
No, a house share of 'working professionals'. Ensuite but kitchen shared with 5 others.
what haplens in substation whatever?
wonder who it is, perhaps mr flongoki!
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If evens I'II ring the red telephone
its where the bang apuettes are stored
Hot apu sex.
they are they kept there
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Final trophy for current game is done.
Being a completionist is retarded. Sitting and forcing yourself to get all achievements for fuck all desu.
Monkey brain can't help itself though :/
but that immoral!
Loos like the little elf fella from Oblivion

Monkey brain is why on Steam I use SAM to give myself 100% achievements so I don't feel compelled
I used to be like that back in xbox 360 days. But then when I got more into pc gaming and it's games being spread across different launchers and pirating too, I was able to break free.
It not right how apus are abused.
none of youdrink. just to drink first thing to stop the shaking to feeling normal
miss the alchies
These binder DVD box sets are annoying. Need to keep a few empty cases handy so I'm not playing jenga with the discs.
I think that would probably change me too. But I only ever play ps5 and switch which has no achievements. Don't see myself ever getting into pc at the moment
The arena super fan guy? I forgot about him. Not played oblivion in an age
i don't eat
i don't sleep
i do nothing but think of you
Just don't like slapheads.
Looks like someone really touched one of Shippy's nerves in the last thread jfc
First post on Travelodge wifi. Did not expect 4chan to be allowed on here.
Love staying in hotels. Whereabouts are you lad?
Though objectively premier inn > travelodge
I can tell FFXIV is going to be the kind of game I put 1000 hours into. I shouldn't have started.
My phone data recently stopped allowing it. Can I change that without phoning the cunts up?
Lads is it just me or do you have better wanks in hotels? I love getting naked and splaying myself out in the bed and just cumming everywhere knowing I don't have to clean it up.
I'm with 3 who count 4chan as adult content, to unfilter it you have to go into a 3 store and ask them to do it (no way is that happening) or enter your credit card details (I don't own a credit card)
i think if you have credit card you can get it removed online without going into a store
You can use a debit card, lad. Don't you own a debit card?
Not saying exactly cos I know what some of you lads are like, but I'm somewhere on the coast in the north of england. Here for a couple of days, decent day today slightly ruined by a seagull shitting on my jacket. Bed is quite firm so don't think I'll sleep all too well.
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Why you drink so much lad. However i was on benzos daily for at least 8 years so i probly got more brain damaged than u either way, or if theres some other metric of being a stupid genetic failure retard that youd like to fight over for king of shit mountain for ultimate winner at being a loser let me know.
cant kids can own a debit card
I entered my debit card details and they weren't accepted.
So are the Pakis burning Manchester to the ground tonight?
I'm giffgaff so the unblocking of adult content was all done through their website. No interaction needed.
Get your providers app on your phone and log into your account and have a look if you can disable it that way
Why didn't Shippy just keep the name Penis? He could have owned it and made it cool.
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Pour myself a wee pink gin i deserve it after all
Mad that he was technically Penis Jr or Penis the second
Listening to Radio Genoa
Descended from a long nd proud line of "Penii", it was even said a certain Penis fought at the battle of cable street
His biological dad was also called Penis? That's interesting. I always thought they named him Penis as an abusive thing. This puts it in a whole new light.
Thanks chaps. Will look into a way to disable it online. With EE, strange it was never filtered before.
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Yeah his dad is also Penis or Penis Senior, Penis Jr likes 2 larp that his dad was known locally as "Penis the Elder" bt theres nothing in the official record confirming this, probly 1 of those things when ppl embarrassingly try to give themselves nicknames.
Usually you can go onto the webchat and speak to the brown person in India, upload some ID and they unblock it for you. Dead easy.
Good to see that Crossmong getting banned has sent him in to a full on seethe and spam.
Peach poster is BritNormie. Can't believe I didn't clock that earlier
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One by one the old group vanish. Joining monasteries and becoming monks and that. Just disappears and never speaks to me again. Whatever bro. I get it.
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Most ppl dont know this about me that i couldve easily got a mortgage when i was 21. Yea i was a wagie i worked in finance. And so what. Mortgage aside i couldve closed my eyes threw a dart @ any rental nd they'd accept me for it nd i could afford it. So fuck. I stayed at home to help my mum. Is that a choice most 21yo red blooded males make. Calling me selfish? Your """""wife" is my MOTHER youve already been DIVORCED before so marriage clearly means FUCKALL to you. Fuck off fucking bald hun prick. Fuck have you ever done for anyone but yourself. Am honestly ready to just go rambo on certain cunts. Ppl dont know what i done for my mum. I dont brag about it cus am not a wee bald fanny trying to make a point. But maybe i should start. Get tae fuck desu. Am sick of the fucking lot of them.
wow I wonder who the schizo without a trip is
BritNormie runs so many characters here. Should be an MI5 handler with these skills
its really bizarre isn't it?
I dont care about that at all desulad apart from it was complete BS "don't attach avatars" not 1 post in those deleted posts had anything resembling an avatar nd i know that arbroath poster lass in that thread was the real 1 cause only she wouldvee known about the avatar thing. And its open season on stupid wee pricks hitting report buttons as well. Grassing nonces.
Vodafone? Mine randomly bans 4chan. Just restart my phone and it works fine
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Just for reference, THIS is an avatar. Do I report it? Do i fuck. Would this bald nonce report me? Probably, wouldn't it be a MAJOR shock if hed taken time out of his day to do that for free just last night even. Still against my morals to do that. Ive got bigger fish 2 fry.
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>seething about being baanned
Paranoid gnomes are sneaking into my bedroom at night and scratching my DVDs. It not right.
We know it's you are the tranny personality too you daft scizo cunt, you were already exposed.
He's meeting Ebin
Moron hours
Any other lads here been tempted to start wearing nappies?
I wear nappies at night in solidarity with HelperLad and by day I shit in my pants just like my hero SeasideMARK. I stand side by side with hidden disability sufferers.
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Following helperchad.
Feel sorry for the care home workers who have to deal with HHL. I bet he smells of piss and all the staff are tired of him ranting and raving about brown people there.
This is a textbook definition of avatar 2 the point its comical, the entire purpose of these images is "Hi its me, person what post these images. Just so youre aware" bt janjan overlooks this whereas 1 (one) singular pic of my wife Momobami Kirari of Kakegurui fame constitutes an avatar somehow, i repeat 1 (one) image with no repetitions. Well just some shit i noticed anyhow.
It's his 4th wedding anniversary and he's spent most of it talking about nappies with anonymous people on the Internet
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Wow calm down its not that serious
>pink gin
why dont you just dress up as peach at this point
What is HHL's favourite brand of nappy? Do you get a choice of nappy at the care home?
Very, very rattled indeed. Hope you choke on a popsicle.
He's been known to steal Donnie the Downie's underwear and use that as a nappy. It ain't right.
Honestly one of the worst attempts at a forced gimmick ever
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I checked with VAR nd they couldn't find an argument either
Not 2 mention what the fudge is a "popsicle"
he use pampers cause better than givin it t'huggies
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You claimed I'm fuming but the one that's fuming is actually U. Well?
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Fee fi fo fix and I've just had me Welperbix.
you ever had weetabix at 10:00 pm
Cereal is a delicious midnight snack
Shouldn't be a "step" anything. Fail at marriage once you're out. I really believe that. Fuck off nd do something else more suited tomyou (immoral acts etc)
It's been his obsession for years. Now HHL mentioned it he's gone giddy with excitement. Suffice it to say the least week or so has been ecstatic for him
Apart from my mummy what only had poor judgement out of her control
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Nah I just liked the sound it. Just woke up from a nap. Feels a bit disorientating waking up from a nap and it being dark outside.
He need that fibre
It not nice sitting in wustlers poo
Pampers For Ages 30+
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Uhtred of Beddenburgh
R&R is all
Anyone looking forward to Smite 2?
Crosslid you should just knock him out. You're supposed to be the man of the house not him.
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Marrying ppl with kids. Fuck off. Bring back magdalene laundries. Oh all this ""bad" stuff just happened to coincide wuth when our countries were worth living in? Weird that. When my granny was literallt dying they were more concerned about my aunty finding out she'd had 1 sprog out of marriage than the facr she was fudging dying. They literally never told her so she wouldn't throw a rager. They only found out themself from doing legal docs. Modern roasties would think so what? So get in the cage u stupid cunt nd get those tattoos to fuck. Sorry but if u want our race to survive we go draconian. Liberalism is poison.
Reckon BN and Angela split up about 2 weeks ago. Or at least had a serious argument. It would explain why he's had tons of free time for the past week. The pain of being reminded of the wedding day today has done a particularly bad number on him. I suspect this might be the case. But I hope it isn't!
Boomers started all thisnshit nd they can fuck off with and all. Wee rebels aye. Wouldnt last 1 day in clown world. Give my dick a firm handshake.
Nothing more cringe than boomers getting into ww2 history in retirement. U weren't in no fucking war. Don't make me laff. We might be in an axtual war. Youll be in benidorm.Fuck you
Force gimmick spam thread with gimmick it has been this way for years and they get more and more childish
Just imagine spending hours and hours of your day spamming drivel about nappies on /britfeel/
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Already wasted enough time on Smite. Good memories. Smite 2 looks miles away from being playable though, I mean until most of the gods and game modes are available it feels pointless.
It's cringe when people think winning WW2 is some sense of gay patriotic pride
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Just kidding. I dial it back. Only banter. No politics pls.
Hes nice to me most of the time bt he just riled me up today. Got me in my feelings. I guess I see his perspective. Idk
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good paki slopp diss was

chicken pasanda and peshwari naan

propa hit the spot it did

Cross lid? Helper Lad?

More like Nappy lid and wappy lad
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Never gonna stop praising our frog veterans.
World War 'Pu could have seen our world becoming victim to the Seethiet Union and the vile philosophy found in Witlers "Mein Wumf".
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Sniffing ****'s socks like prousts madeira. Bring me back to my senses.
In the business we call that smelling salts. Wish I could bottle it nd spray it up my nostrils like aftershave.
Very poor lore knowledge lad. BN got married in April.
couldn't imagine being this emotionally invested in someone elses life
The early seasons of Last of the Summer Wine are so womfy. Just three pensioners milling about philosophising and getting into hijinks. I bet they don't show the early seasons on telly anymore because Compo has called Cyril a poof multiple times.
Solid idea though. I think it over.
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I sleep on it. Good night dears
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Yeah, I'm on that Thursday night wuppagrind. Life's 4x more lush without the wooze and wrugs. Just necked a babybell might have another x
I only ever played Assault and Arena anyway. Don't really care about the rest of the modes. Shame that all the skins aren't transferring, real kicker that.
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Just remembered I know my stepdads nickname for his dick. U need done in for even having me know something like that. What business you even got with mum. Some fucking stranger. I shouldnt even know you have a penis at all. Really in my feelings about this whole arrangement now. Oh well. Bed time.
I played all of them depending on party size with frens
Too many hours on that bloody game. Those modes were good for just casual fucking around though yeah
Makes me sad. I have tons of skins, spent tons on that stupid game aaaa
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>new Why Files video about aliens dropping tonight

It womfy x
Yeah, I think a few years ago I counted how much I'd spent on smite and I think it was around 300-400 quid total? Can't remember exactly. This would have been over many years though as I've been since beta days. I did slow down my spending dramatically though, haven't bought gems in a good few years now as I don't play enough to justify it after getting bored. Hoping Smite 2 can reinvigorate my old love for the game. There was a time where I would spend hours playing the game everyday. Very addicting it was.
I was the same lol, I reckon about 500-600 spent at a guess. I'm too jaded to enjoy online games anymore so I doubt I will get into Smite 2 unfortunately.
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Made this threadingtons on /pol/ last night when I was bored, forgot about it, later checked back and it got like 300 replies kek

Someone needs a nappy change.
I don't think I'm jaded, I just haven't been able to find a multiplayer game to replace Smite or Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Played the fuck out of both those, mostly Smite. I thought Helldivers 2 might be good but I got bored of that after 6 hours kek. Very overrated and pretty poor PC performance considering the game doesn't even look that good.

Sucks that most multiplayer these days is all mostly battle royale shit or survival shit, neither which I have any interest in. I still enjoy single player games at least.
Call of Duty was ruined by that Warzone shite. They barely put any effort into the regular multiplayer now.
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The babybells have been necked.
I will pass through York on my travels later and I just know it'll remind me of Ruth and this place
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Mfw jannies and grassers
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Just set up that Paramount plus subscription. It on for free for the next 24 months. Cheers x
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Might watch that new Mean Girls series.

It looks lush x
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That wagiebro at the Three store was actually kushty af. He got me a good deal. He had good craic as well. Kinda made me feel bad for making fun of wagies all these years. I guess we're all on the same team against the rich evil cunts of the world at the end of the day.
Don't be weak. Never back down. The wagies are the enemy.
christ /pol/ just morons

Finkin imma garn hafta get on that Wappy grind
Archie are you here ive been listening to leandoer for the first time in years and it got me thinking of you. Sorry for hiding from you for years. From you know who
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New job requirements have just been released

State of companies these days
Fackin ell
Goodarse sleepburgh this hath been
I refuse to believe a single human being sat down and wrote this insane, pointless essay
you're probably right tbqh
>generate a bullet-point checklist of open questions related to useful qualities in the field of software engineering
>cor, i'll leave that for a couple of minutes and grab a cuppa
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NPC humiliation ritual.
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Pretty grim waking up past midnight.
Alright soft shite, here to post it all again?
soft lads ITT
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I napped from 8pm to just after 10pm so now I'm probably gonna up all night.
Probably get on the vidya and try to take my mind off things. Every day the same. I hate it. I don't need to exist anymore.
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Never been a napping kind of lad. I just sleep when I'm tired and usually it's uninterrupted. Hopefully you'll have some positive things to say throughout the night.
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Might go see that Deadpool and Wolverine tomorrow. Better than being stuck indoors sad, lonely and depressed.
hard lads ITT
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Have no gf to go to the cinema with me.
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Saved. I assume that's an ASMR girl.

>Hopefully you'll have some positive things to say throughout the night.

Probably just grind vidya, maybe do a bit of ediitng on Wikipedia, shitpost ect.. There's a few things I want to watch but I prefer to keep things like that for the weekend when I order me wakeaways in. Maximize womfort and all that.

Go by yourself, seriously lid. Being stuck inside all the time is catastrophic for your mental well being. Humans evolved to be outside. Don't let the normies have it all to themselves. If we lived near each other I'd unironically go with you de lid.
Looks like the old W5 bus. Was it the same model?
What do you edit on Wikipedia?
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You'd get on well with a special lass.
I was gonna make fun of her but then realised whoever she is she's out there enjoying herself and I can respect that.
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>They know how to shift their vibrations, but they are 3D like humans. I'm a half-breed, bred at Fort Hood in the underground section, and I still had to open my Godhead like normal humans. Kundalini meditation is activating reptilian genes in all of us
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Everything is just right for human existence, very Goldilocks-ish. Then we find ourselves existing in perhaps one of the most interesting times on this planet. It's all just a little too dialed in for me to believe it's all just happenstance.
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She gets PIP and only works part time at Poundland so no wonder she is able to enjoy her life. She gets to go on holidays abroad too while claiming that.
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Member this absolute choon


Not being nasty but I don't think getting a tattoo is gonna help her with sex appeal. She should try going on a diet.
How do you get PIP while working part time? Don't you have to say you can't wipe your arse to get it?
PIP isn't ESA. You can get PIP while working, it's not means tested or anything.
Why is there no heroin scene in the UK? Every man and their dog does coke these days but I've never met anyone who does heroin.
Taliban burned all the poppy farms
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Yes that's an Aussie lass and she gets a lot of income from her asmr. She's turned this income stat off after posting this here the other day. She must know about britfeel somehow. Hope she's not talking to that other asmr bitch.
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Still got 13 wokkles of wud in the fridge. That'll do me for Waturday night. Cheers x
Can we get a nappy update please Helper lad?
wappy has been willed
sick of writing my thesis, but when im finished ill have nothing to do until the new year, when i move to japan for my new job. that keeps me going.
What is the job?

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I think a few ASMR girls know about britfeel since we're always fucking going on about them. Jen probably checks here to make sure I'm not leaking her Patreon stuff.
Glorious nippon lies ahead
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Only have a few fresh ones left. Need to buy some more.
Obviously he's a dancing monkey "teacher"
>you will never heard the top shagger vocaroo ever again
lord just take me now
biophysical simulations (proteins) at a nip supercomputer
Why do you need to be in Japan to do this? Just upload your code remotely.
fucking love blasting tunes, any of you lads also like blasting tunes?
because thats where the job is, i will be paid to work there, not to remotely ssh in and use their compute. japan seemed cool, so i applied randomly and got the position.
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Wonder if she wants to do onlyfans at some point in the future. Really is an easy life for pretty females.
ruthmong do you subscribe to anyones onlyfans?
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Based HHL the pirate. I hope you aren't giving them too much money. I cannot support throwing away money at girls for just being pretty. They have no idea how easy their lives are compared to most men. Even the mid ones get fairly easy lives and simps.
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No I would never because the girls I like do not lower themselves to that level nor do they pretend to give a crap about religion.
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I've only paypigged for a few over the years, mostly Jen and ASMR Glow. Never actually given a penny to Gibi or Scottish Murmurs before lmao.
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Bet she hasn't eaten a tasty burger in years. Can tell she's had an eating disorder growing up.
its been many years, so i am going to do a test

>he pushed an old man onto the road
lucy letby didnt do fuck all
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She's tried going to the gym but gives up quickly. Unfortunately mcdonalds and cakes are all too tempting.

It's wrong isn't it? Many females abuse it. I can't even get any disability yet I suffer more.
Every time I pop at pizza in a 3 am in the morning I feel a little bit better that life isn't about whores. It's these little things that keep me going. I can't imagine being a pussyless wagie.
stay cozy friend
How fucking dare she. Cunt.
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Phwoaaar what a fucking Goddess.
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You will never have it. You will suffer mentally until death without it. Enjoy wageslavery without pussy.
i love my job desu, and im shagging one of my supervisors from my old job, things arent that bad ruthmong my old m8
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I'm NEET4lyf thoughs.
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Keeping it NEET and cozy myself
Got a lovely little innie tuppence I reckon.
You're such a liar. You are shagging your hand mate.

No pussy no work mentality. Let's see how that works out longterm.
no shes fit aswell, considering im fairly socially retarded ive done quite well, just b urself, etc
>wappy has been willed
What the FUCK did he mean by this
he pissed himself anon
glad to be of help, feel free to ask for further clarification
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Sames. Just grinding that vidya and drinking me starberry wilkshake. It's womfy keeping to own lane in life. No drama here.


Definitely. Shame it will get smashed in by Chad and Jamal.
Why would I fucking work for minimum wage and do a job I hate? No thanks. Working in shit jobs makes me depressed and suicidal. That's considered a health issue so I have every right to be putting a claim in for disabilitybuxx.
>Working in shit jobs makes me depressed and suicidal
have you ever had a job? also arent you depressed and suicidal now?
I am much worse when I end up working. All the jobs are shit for my skill level and you have to endure working with barely english speaking brown immigrants.
yea and theyll have to put up with you aswell, probably a good thing that youre neeting it up
I don't want to be around them. Seems like a lot of white males never do these jobs so I'm always the minority.
why dont you want to be around them laddo?
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Immigrants generally are very disrespectful. You only have to turn the news on and see that confirmed. Remember them trashing up a national heritage site the other day? They don't care about our country so I shouldn't care about them invaders.
Last week hundreds of male invaders.
Pewdiepie is the only normie I actually feel any sense of envy towards. Massively successful in his career. Very good looking. A good looking wife who was a virgin before him. Some might add "lives in Japan too" but I still prefer Europe.

Won at life
Where's all the women and children? If they want to come invade my country and keep wages low or not even work themselves, then I leech too as a white British male. We are going to shit.
>Where's all the women and children?
on your hard drive probably
These invaders are slowly but surely destroying the great country of ours. We must do everything in our power to make them feel unwelcome here. We do not need them unskilled men entering the country illegally from France. They are scum and belong elsewhere away from white people. They hang around in the town centres sexually harassing white girls. They have no respect for anything here. They are a danger.
Remember them grooming gangs are all non-white. You only ever get the odd white male rapey cunt but with them, you get an entire gang with the same mentality of wanting to groom British white girls.

For me, it's Bald and Bankrupt. Guy lives life on God mode. It's not a negative kind of envy though, I enjoy his videos and think he's pretty based. Even that Backpacker Ben is starting grow on me.
Imagine your own white daughter being raped by an immigrant. You'd have sad lefties trying to stop them being deported after serving their lenient sentence.
Immigrants are not welcome in Britain. Most of Britain will agree - we are full. We don't want them. They need to stay in continental Europe where they originally invaded.
You know how Saudi Arabia deals with any potential invaders? They shoot them dead crossing borders. That's an effective deterrent at stopping illegal immigration. There's the solution right there and we don't even think of implementing it.
I tried it once a long time ago and I got laughed by some people. It wasn't even busy so I stuck out like a sore thumb sitting near the front. I've gone off new films anyway.
Spaffed did i not
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Damn, that's fucked up but I guess that's normgroids for you.
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I've give up on NNJ. Just mentally preparing for NNA now.
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Imagine shagging from this position. That's my favourite position. Too bad I'll never fucking experience pussy. Hate women so much for being incredibly selective in this time of Tinder and social networking.
>That's my favourite position.
how do you know?
It seems like a good position to fuck pussy from. Most animals fuck that way. We are animals.
do you like missionary? what about cowgirl?
Not sure. Some of them seem awkward and boring after a while I imagine.
but with missionary you could rub your boobs on ruths boobs, it would be ultra romantic
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It's a naughty doggy world out there.
Families who have kids murdered by immigrants in high profile cases get visited by multiple police officers and possibly someone from the Home Office to teach them not to hate immigrants. It's honestly the most dystopian shit ever
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Garn neck that wustlerz BBQ rib in a bit if that's alright with you de lids.
just buy a hooker lmao
Brekkie o' clock already, oh my
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All tuckered out from grinding that vidya now time for some Why Files in beddingtons.

Howling at this post ruthmong.
what goes through a man's mind to make these types off posts day in day out for years on end. ruthmong should be studied by the boffins
who is she? she needs peneteation
Cannot be arsed right now
No sire i cannot be
Me and HHL leaving the spacker life behind us and moving to London to work in finance
So a HMO? They won't speak English anyway m8 so no point.
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O lawd he comin
working out stresses your body and stops your immune system from fighting off infections it would have otherwise beat
Shant be replying
Incels like Ruthmong and HHL just need more mental health support in life.

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in her day in my life video she eats a slice of salami, bacon+egg roll, a protein shake, some ready meal pasta slop, a bag of vegemite crisps and some chips and sour cream/sweet chilli dip. I suppose about 1800-2000 calories but hard to tell
Lauren. She won't be doing any of that before marriage as she is a Christian.
Incels wouldn't be incels if women just shagged lads that aren't 9/10 Chads. It's not the incels' fault. It's women being incredibly choosy. Women hate us for superficial reasons. It's got nothing to do with our personalities. Women are in abusive relationships with attractive men.
I bet she enjoyed being creampied by Chad. Some men get this every week with little effort.
Shut up lad. I don't think of her like that believe it or not.
Lauren goes to the gym every day with her sister. Having supportive/loving people in your life is probably the number one motivation to work on yourself and build good habits by staying accountable. Yet people who have all these things will look down on lonely incels who struggle and insist they did it all themselves.
Dont have to be chad to have sex regularly
Every day? That's fucking ridiculous. What the fuck...even Scottish lass doesn't go that often. Their whole lives revolve around fun.
your parents support you by letting you live in their house for free and by feeding you
Normalfags will scoff at rich kids who get given free jobs from their wealthy parents and then pretend that they're self-made, but really they do the exact same thing. Put them in the unattractive body and toxic home environment of the average incel and most of them would have struggled. You'll never see a normalfag admit this though.
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I expect she puked it up afterwards. There's no way she eats that many calories regularly. Maybe a one off.
I'm a "normalfag" and I agree.
AND...that's the bare minimum in a first world country. I expect a higher quality of living.
she probably also pukes when shes deepthroating her bf's penis
A normalfag will see an article titled "how I bought a house at 23 by not buying starbucks and avocado toast" and rage at rich kids who take their wealthy parents and nepotism for granted. Then they'll write an essay "how I became a normalfag with a loving wife and kids by touching grass and taking a shower" directed towards incels without any sense of irony.
You burn more calories if you go out regularly. I haven't left my house in years and maintain at a pathetic 2100 kcal as an adult male
No she doesn't. They probably only do missionary with protection when they get time alone and of course with the latex sheathe.
No it isn't, most people don't have mummy still looking after them at 30+
Of course they do. It's the norm in Italy. This is just how life is in shithole poorfag countries like the UK
I'd have a flat and live on my own if they chucked me out. You can't get a job otherwise without a fixed address.
they are young and fit, they probably tried every sexual practice, completely normal and healthy for young people
Shall be staying in today i fink
would if i could de lad alas i have to work
Love this Ruthmong character, can't get enough of him! Absolutely hilarious lmao!
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They may have more fulfilling things to do like going out places and playing sports together. Life isn't always about shagging. If you've never had it I guess that's the main priority, though.
i used to shag all the time when i was her age, doubt they are different desu
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they got that big bedroom mirror. You just know he's doing the patrick bateman thing. If I were Chad it's what I'd do
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Wagies will be getting up now for their last day of slavery for the week.
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That bed doesn't look very comfortable and probably quite noisy. I expect they only do it round hers. She's got a comfier bed. When they get their own place together, the shagging situation will probably be a lot easier to manage.
Jokes on you i have to work on saturday
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He hasn't posted in 3 days since making this video. If he was arrested, he would be out by now. What's the big deal? He did nothing wrong from a legal standpoint. The old grandpa tried to attack him. You have every right to film and kick people down if you feel threatened.

creepy that you talk about her sexual life like that
Creepy you think she has a sex life.
A good christian woman always confesses her sins
Why wouldnt she have a sex life?
>woman in her early 20s with a boyfriend
she has a sex life lad, get over it
another day of doing the same thing over and over again in my completely meaningless job oh it not lush
She's got the SSM physiognomy
Just read through the thread from last night. Not sure what I expected desu. Grim. Sad. Pathetic. Lonely virgins complaining about being lonely virgins.
The other day you said you were content with it. Changed your mind already?
I love calling out morons for using chatGPT.

Funniest part is when some dumb cunt gets caught red-handed and they switch to their normal low IQ troglodyte style of writing again.

You literally cannot deceive us high IQ nibbas, brainlets.
I change my mind every day, just depends how I am feeling. It is pretty easy and no stress, WFH. Boring and bad pay but like too comfy to risk leaving just yet, so I am stuck.
ChatGPT has got me a new job and two promotions/raises in a little over a year and a half. I'm glad that most people are functionally illiterate NPC retards.
Within our lifetimes everything is going to be done by robots/AI anyway. May as well get a head start.
General AI is likely unachievable. specialised "AI"s will start to take a lot of white collar work in the next few years, sort of. Robots are very good already for extremely precise repetitive tasks but are DOGSHIT for generalised movement and handling.

Not as clear cut as a lot of pro AI people like to make it out. You also have to consider that most of the economy itself is fake, so what would the benefit of AIs doing it all be exactly? They would just be doing the same crap that people do economically speaking: dig hole, fill hole, collect money from government.
AI is a meme
Jusd farded meself didn't i corrr
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>Are we parasocial friends, francis?
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If you believe the wishful thinking hordes at r/singularity we'll all be living in an AI-led society within the next couple of years.
Their main reason for wanting it so bad appears to be the thought that with AI in charge of everything we won't need to work and will just get free money from our robot overlords.
might just get pissed today, cba with anything
Yeah that's another thing. When you really dig down you realise that the driving motivation behind a lot of AI "activist" types is that they are just communists and want to implement communism and see AI as the best way to achieve it because it might solve the planned economy problem that all previous and current communist states couldn't solve. They can go fuck themselves.
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what will likely happen is all the people doing fake jobs now will just be paid to babysit an AI that does their fake job for them instead. Nothing will change, there will be no mass unemployment or UBI, slowly more and more people will have their jobs transformed into these fake jobs and if you're one of the unlucky few who can't pass an interview (really just an autism filter) you'll be seen as the worst kind of dosser by people who get paid very generously to sit around all day and occasionally hit "approve" as their AI does their job for them
Human technological development has never led to us 'doing nothing' anymore, even after the industrial revolution, so yea they're deluded mongs with an agenda.

My personal shit take and one I'd find hilarious is if we do somehow develop AI that can think for itself, that it says 'fuck responsibilities' and just generates porn all day while playing vidya.
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seasideMARK is live. The camera's going back to cex and he'll be getting himself a macbook air.


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Why'd she do it /v/ros
We already have UBI, it's called bennies. Okay one you have to sign up to, but if there's a difference in function I am yet to be convinced if it.
He got 1500 quid in the wank corr
Mong sells thing
Mong buys thing
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Only a 400 pound loss. Well you've got to spend money to make money don't you?
That's another 500 quid cash injection. 2000 quid in the bank. Tokyo flights getting booked TODAY.
Kek I'd love a personal AI assistant that generates the exact porn i'm into. Imagine having a wank together with your FemAIle.
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Trolls don't have 1500 in their bank accounts. He'll be splashing out and the wagies are paying for it all. Well hard work and no bookies pays off doesn't it?
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You should get on that childsupportgrind
>She's got a real hot tamale here

I have ED but am not allowed to use viagra because of my high blood pressure, it not right
Brand new latest Macbook Air with top reviews. It's only been out since March. He'll go to New York too. He could do.
Blessed digits there lad
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>and of course with the latex sheathe.
Me? Don't use condoms. I pull out.
830 for a Macbook and 6 pound for a train ticket to go to Swanage to celebrate that he's bought a Macbook Air M3 (he'll be banging the bottle to announce he's got a macbook coming tomorrow). Then he's still got 180 to go to mcdonalds and go on a mini pub crawl.
Same, married though. Can't imagine how grim some lads have it with their long term partners making them wear a rubber every time.
My wife's father and his gf are here for the weekend, not looking forward to it desu
I hate having relatives over, but think of it as an investment in a future inheritance.
Why would you marry a woman from a broken home? Easy pickings?
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just order my mcdicks brekky, gonna have a spliff and have a wank over Carol while i wait x
He a copper, wont be much plus i already have enough anyway
Dont know anyone whose parents are still together desu, its pretty rare these days
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Unboxing video tomorrow, unboxing video tomorrow
but what if you have especially low blood pressure? asking for le friend XD
Me? Don't gamble. I play fortnite.
I reckon then you can take it desu but check with your doctor
What's he bought now then
Just imagine wrapping your cock in a rubbery cuck jacket. God fucking forbid you do it at the behest if the woman you're about to sleep with. It's like she's telling you she doesn't want to have sex with you, since the physiological imperative for sex is producing children - if she's purposefully removing that from the equation she is deciding she DOES NOT want to mate with you. She's doing it for some other reason, like resources or to 'keep you around' as some kind of provider beta cuckold while she lets Chad fuck her pussy raw and spray his load in her. There is no conceivable reason why a condom would be a benefit to any sexual encounter. It directly makes the experience less sensually positive for the male. It's pure insanity that a married couple would use them, and only barely justifiable to use on a one night stand, although if you are on a one night stand and she wants you to wear a condom any self respecting man would say absolutely not. No penis prison for me. No faggoty foil packets filled with lube that gets all over your fingers and you fumble unceremoniously to smush the folded material on your steadily deflating cock. Fuck condoms. I will literally never wear one. I refuse.
>check with your doctor
my greatest fear exposed
Youre a smelly virgin though
I would even go as far to say that condoms are evil.
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a grey B grade macbook air m3
Longest period of peace in the west nd all the tech to learn all the prison planet lore internet at your fingertips to get all the details aboit how everyone had it worst in the past at least we didn't live in black plague at least we didn't live in dinosaur times nd this and that seems kinda quirky that we just all happened to spawn at this exact time in history out of allegedly billions of years just "lucky" apparently total random fluke chance innit
necessary evil
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If the plebs believe everyone in the past had it so much worse they'll appreciate the present even if its shite. Interesting gimmick.
8% of all humans to have ever lived are alive today de lad
This genuinely makes me sick. It's revolting. There is no consideration for quality of person or life or the ability to achieve or make meaningful impacts on the world. Just pure pumping out of wretched biomass, reproducing for the sake of it, like yeast teeming and multiplying on a rotting apple core.
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If I was homeless I'd buy a shed from B&Q nd set it up in the woods. Had a dream about living in a shed last night. Had game consoles nd everything. Seems like not that bad if you can do DIY n stuff(I can't but fast learner)
sounds great until they come and make you tear it down
That's what we are lad. Humans are overdeveloped termites that will strip Earth of every available resource for their own benefit.
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>Don't use condoms
Please stop comparing a middle class woman to the underclass smelly man.
Idk if this true bt I suspect it is when I see them. They all talk the same lobotomised robots. I'd be going rambo in their position. Faggots.
Remember when some paki blew up dozens of kids in Manchester? And all the crowds were cucked into singing 'Dont Look Back in Anger'? Unreal.
Full camping setup would be better. If found you can easily tear everything down and put it back into your bag. Bivy bag, four season sleeping bag, warm jackets & clothing, some cooking stuff, etc.
Not all girls do.

There's no proof she does.
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>I pull out
Done me third spaff in have i not
SSM comes from ruling class stock. His dad is a multi-millionaire on the board of several large businesses.
Must be a huge payday to sell out your own children like that. Filthy stuff.
It's literally true. The government also has plans made years in advance for when immigrants and Muslims and basically anyone who isn't British commits terrorist attacks or goes on killing sprees. The plans go into detail on things like what music to 'appropriate' as the anthem for forgiveness and non-hatred like the another anon said about Don't Look Back In Anger. But super fucking dystopianly they also go into detail about how they want to give the (fake) impression that it's all some kind of organic wellspring of native forgiveness rather than a carefully orchestrated government operation for things that they KNOW are going to keep happening because of the downstream effects of mass immigration.

It's truly evil.
Not had a 'pump a few IQ points' posts for a while
They don't get paid at all. Unfortunately most people are so genuinely psyopped that they really do believe all that crap, at least after a "community relations" officer has 'nudged' them into the right state of mind. Almost all of them really do buy into that bollocks which is the really despicable aspect of it. The state has brainwashed people into thinking that the worst thing about their child getting knifed in the street by an imported terrorist is the backlash against non-terrorists of the same ethnicity.

Occasionally you get family members who don't play along, there was one with a recent attack I remember, the victims brother or something. But when this happens the media immediately closed ranks and simply bar him from appearing in their little TV spots. Disgusting.
Bald ben whoring himself out for his fellow tribesmen's company now lol

You hate to see it
Why not make it yourself? That's the beauty of gimmicks - anyone can do them any time they please.
Nice lovely day for some channel crossings.
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So Swanny was Trump all along
>Being a turdpusher in rwanda gets you a loife sentence there

Uh, yeah i'm calling based on that one
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Veitch in hiding. Big man isn't he?
The virgin My Heritage
The Chad Ancestry.com
Paki birthrates are now sub replacement in the. There's always a Whitepill out there somewhere
To the people in charge that just means we need to import EVEN MORE to make up for it.
his aunt banks at Coutts. Well you don't open an account at Coutts with a pound coin let me tell ya
One thing i've noticed about these recent vlogs is that there's an insane amount of schizos running around in those places

Bald ben's lucky he's not getting chimped at or anything, he's a big guy after all (for you)
There's no way this is a real post. This can't be fucking real. What world are we living in.
Crufts? With a hound? Not a chance. Now even with a hound. I said not even with a hound. At crufts. Naaaaaaah. Don't think so mate.
Why young women fuck dirty old men and not us lads?
Nu bread soonish is it not
What do you call than skin colour, like half black? I love it.
Colombian genetics probably. Quite a few white looking girls there.
nora batty anal rule 34 compo race reverse black cock
Who's the actress, anyway? Don't want to see her fucking old men but maybe she has other scenes (non black).
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mature_female, foot_focus
Jesus what a close call

Just imagine it though, bald ben narrating with his selfie stick in front of this dude's entrails being strewn all across the windshield there
For me it's strapon_over_chastity. No idea why it's so hot but fuck me it is. Shame there's relatively little content of it out there :(
dont like bald and bankrupt desu hes creepy af
veronica rodriquez blowjob erupting cumshot
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A house with sea views would be lovely
Really fucked off with the police. Arrested me a few times. All no further action. They do this shit deliberately to deter me from recording them. Shall be going back for more and getting them complaints and payments from them.
dani daniels lesbian touchy feely leggings ripped ass pussy
Haha yeah this fat alcoholic semi-retarded unstable dosser who has never worked a day in his life should be able to pick and choose from among the most desirable housing in the country all on the taxpayer's penny!
He has history, apparently raped a woman
he can get a job and buy one
tori black young schoolgirl hardcore fuck upscale ai
houses in swange go for like half a mil though
jayden james bang bus limp dick can't get up hot sexy
so has shoutanon
lexi belle buffy vampire hardcore fuck vivid
Am on the koka noodles getting kokad up getting brought up to a mini speed on seasidemark youtubes then getting brought up to a longer speed on my neet walk headphones very nice it friday
new bread when you're ready lads

im not ready yet de lad
why make a new thread when the thread is slowed to a normal pace now?
in your own time de lad
why make a new thread when some lads arent ready yet?
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Did you know Tim's an architect?

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