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Another thread of drivel, drama, lets pretend and gimmicks edition
For me? Well obviously it's linux, eh?
>hump day
>nobody to hump
make it make sense
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Is Debian the best distro?
Only one choice of OS for the discerning gentlesir
He was an interior decorator. His house looked like shit. Wahey!
It is stable and its package manager is easy to use.
The choice between Ubuntu, Mint, Debian and the other normie distros is just a personal one, really. They all work fine.
The desktop environment is the biggest dictator of the user experience. My favourite was always Xfce for its simplicity but I haven't used Linux in years.
Yes it is lad if you don't mind spending a bit of extra time figuring out why x thing doesn't work like it does in Ubuntu.
Yes this is obviously a tradeoff that can take place, but at the same time it eats up any marginal benefits from improved hardware/reduced price. It's like how sending food aid doesn't alleviate starvation or poverty, it merely shifts the equilibrium to the right and allows poor starving people to have more kids, which just brings them back to the same poor and starving state they were in before, but now precariously dependent on the food aid.

The goal shouldn't be to eat up 50% of your RAM caching the OS. The goal should be to keep making RAM really cheap and better performing so that you can have a dozen programs open at once on some relatively cheap/old bit of hardware and not feel any detriments to doing so.

If all you do is use up improvements in hardware to compensate for your shitty, bloated, clunky, slow OS then you aren't improving at all.

Distro stanning is gay. I use arch, but I say go for whatever works for you.
>linux general
Weird gimmick, this
Multiple lads have posted their linux setups, lad. It's not a gimmick, you're just a mong.
>If all you do is use up improvements in hardware to compensate for your shitty, bloated, clunky, slow OS then you aren't improving at all
To the end user, at whom all the OS's we've been discussing are aimed, all of this is moot.
All that matters is how quickly shit happens when clicked on.
I agree with the point in principle, but MS aren't trying to create something elegant from a programming standpoint, they're trying to create something functional, accessible to non-autists and with an insane degree of legacy compatibility. I would argue that they have succeeded in doing so.
From an enterprise/server/embedded/software development standpoint, Linux is without competition.
For bazza and his financed Dell Inspiron, installing Linux would be an act of cruelty.
Whatever happened to HHL? The strong, silent type...
t. Windoze user
I'm not saying that they don't use linux, but the fact that they're suddenly talking about it here of all places is definitely a forced gimmick
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It meal for 1 for him matey

Dave from GCHQ got me to post about it lad
He's a closet arch user you see
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Why has he turned his jumper inside out kek
New shopping channel on the Freeview/Freesat coming soon. Who the fuck still does teleshopping?
A severely autistic man from Sunderland has been arrested for feeding cocaine to flamingos at the world renowned Flamingo Land
>For bazza and his financed Dell Inspiron, installing Linux would be an act of cruelty.
Kek, I agree. However I disagree that it's all moot. Bazza on his financed Dell Inspiron doesn't understand that leaving 25 chrome tabs open is going to slow his computer down on top of then trying to launch Word or whatever. RAM is getting better and cheaper, but there are both hard limits to the physics you can take advantage of (especially in laptops which the majority of people use) and soft limits in terms of price per gig. It is better to make OSes leaner, even if the benefits to the average user are marginal.
Oh also MS has kind of been shitting the bed with their 'legacy compatibility' the past couple years as well.
>Who the fuck still does teleshopping?
Elderly people I assume
I doubt they even know how to navigate an EPG.
Ruthmong doesn't really respect his ASMR baes
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he turns on them all in the end
Has anyone informed Laura about his creepy stalkerish behaviour yet?
No, they turn on HIM in the end. It not right.
Need Anon Ymous to message her
I use Debian on my servers. A M A.
Playing a bit of Assassin's Creed Unity if that's alright with you lads?
Someone left a comment about him ages ago that she replied to and he had a little meltie about it, nothing really came of it though
All you linux gayboys need to do one and fuck off to /g/ ffs
Certain technology has been seared into them. My granny couldn't even turn on an iPhone but she could get to Beehive Bedlam in 5 seconds flat.
I was today lamenting the fact that somehow Whatsapp, objectively the most frustrating and hardest-to-use of all the normie IM services is the only one that old people seem to be able to understand.
How can messenger or signal be a mystery to them but operating a messaging service where people's usernames are permanently associated with their mobile number for some reason be ez. I don't get it.
On the subject of EPG's, anyone else remember monging out to this after being too fucked to actually pick a channel?
I often watch QVC when I'm stoned. Never buy owt though.
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Shant be reading that drivel
No actually I object in the strongest possible terms since you asked rudeboy
Windossers seething LMAO!!!!!
Tf is a beehive bedlam then eh
Sounds made up shit
I thought that was probably you off trip
Fuck sake lad, what am I gonna do then??
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Yeah sadly. All misinformation.

I do like them all really. They are cute.
Fuck off mate you sound like a prize cunt actually all this linux shit is boring
Used to play that on Sky in me granny's house. It was lush. Mad before YouTube you used to pay per music video on demand on Sky. The past 20 years have been nuts.
Platinumed that so I did me laddy
And the DLC
It is flawed but the formula is what they should have stuck with and improved on in later games. Shame they decided to copy vast open worlds instead. Very cringe
Have a pint of water to get hydrated then commence. I am your hydro homie. Is important you are hydrated properly
>linux good
>windows bad
They'd probably get told to fuck off from /g/ as well seeing as they just want to repeat the same surface level shit
Windosser is riled up
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D*llycel strike back
Return of d*lita
Wee break brb
Off to /g/ for some Linux advice brb
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>However I disagree that it's all moot
I used to enjoy the shitty games on the interactive section. Can't stand Sky anymore but they are a necessary evil for free satellite tv.
>All misinformation.
Was it though? You should remember that what you do here is very weird
Why? /britfeel/ is full of Linux experts lad
Brb break brb
Footmong loves the footwear selection.
I meant for a wank not Linux
>ywn have a wee boogie w your multiethnic office colleagues
Footlad was obsessed for a short while kek

Compiling PHP from source on my Debian VPS
It great
lad is trying to rm -rf Linux from the /britfeel/ directory.
Little joke for the Linux lads out there
/britfeel/ is also full of wankers who may lend a hand
Gonna have a stroke over the Grenfell report tonight
All those immigrants toasty as fuck mate
Circa 2005 me using my neighbours wifi on my PSP to download porn, music and south park wallpapers.
My Mum buys her makeup off QVC still. Watches some bint called Alison Young who calls herself a 'qualified beauty expert'
Love a good rimraf caper
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Mummy got me 200 cigs from france. I could do with 1 right now. Nice that some ppl in life recognise am a good boy. Thats all I wanted in life.
Have fond memories illegally downloading mp3s using the KaZaA client
You started cleaning up yet?
They wouldn't do this anymore would they?
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Have you ever been loved this much by a girl? Does any girl actually care about you?
Incredible how ugly these so called babes are.
That's her dad mate
Still got my Hollyoaks calendar somewhere.
Is this real? wtf lads
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Id thought that was the default one but ppl seem 2 remember limewire more
Napster(never used)
V niche DC++
Getting there
Yeah, more than one woman has loved me that much.
She's the spitting image of her da. It lovely
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I remember the WinMX chatrooms. It was interesting being able to right-click on a user and browse all the files they had downloaded
Imagine shagging each one in a fivesome. I'd finish in 3.
>I'd finish in 3.
Lollers really enjoyed the Coronation Street episode where Sarah gets groomed by a nonce she met on an internet chatroom. Every time he hears Massive Attack, he thinks back to that episode.
3 > 4 > 2 > 1

Mum is throwing a tantrum again because I don't feel like changing the bedsheets. I guarantee I'll still be healthy if these sheets were never cleaned.
Well when you become a real man and stop living with mummy you can do as you please in your own gaff init
>Watches soap operas
>Personality drama
Are you a girl or a homo?
emmerdale's doing a findom story now
>Are you a girl or a homo?
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When youtube started am looking @ it like is this real? U can just type something nd it pops up. Without having to download for 3 days. I was on some music forum @ the time that actually banned ppl for linking to or even mentioning the word youtube cus of copyright. U cant link to things still "in print"!!! Thats what they said. As if youtube was like some underground dark web illegal thinf that would be taken down soon. Thats really how it felt. There was Google videos around the same time. Imagine a time google and youtube were competitors. I was about 12yo. Jusr watching these nonces argue about whatever. Trying to get a link to this mysterious site that the jannys kept deleting when it was mentioned. Aka youtube. Nd nowadays I rather use a nonce private tracker for music than youtube cus it's oversaturated with compression. Zoomers think a stork just appeared and dropped all this stuff on your doorstep in the 1950s. Nah it was messy. Fun though.
wonder what time shippy will be here to do his child support and sprogs posts
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On my nightcore grind
Would you lads pay child support if you had sprogs?

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>Would you lads pay child support if you had sprogs?
I'm here but not planning on doing any routines just lurking

Of course
Soaps used to be full of babes. An episode of EastEnders nowadays is grim as fuck. I bet Hollyoaks is a total diversity show too.
Do the post about Shippy getting his mum pregnant. We all bored.
Why is he promoting all the troll channels? Odd
This manga any good, lad? I got all the volumes.
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Its all going in the neighbours bin right enough. Fight me.
Yea bt I need u to get on the punpun grind first lad
I told you that was a fucking misunderstanding!!!!1
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>jus bean yourself
Don't beIieve you Greg.
I don't believe you're white.
I'm half Indian.
Well there you go. Namaste brother.
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Stuff like this is possible in a high trust society w/o any desert ppl nd baked bean domes
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I suppose yultimately if I hate my job enough the worst that can happen is I leave. So what.
yultimately a whiny mong are you not
Am I not? I am indeed, verily. And you're here to read it all little laddy.
Yeah I have a shortlist desu and PunPun is on it. Also Welcome to the NHK and Watamote. TOO MUCH CONTENT TO CONSUME.
Used to be you got a game or dvd set and it had to last now everything is available too easy.
Oh god do not tell him about watamote
We had years of ZOMG LITERALLY ME on this website as it is because of Tomoko, cross is the prime example of somebody who would do that
shieeet what hath I unleashed? better not tell him about Yotaub& either eh?
tis true though innit blud
Your life is hilariously pathetic and sad.
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Back early from me hols. Bastids not worth it, shocking service there let me tell you but gonna keep it private. Decided to have a relaxing wouple of widers to get womfy after the ordeal. It Wednesday x
Forgot to put his trip back on the stupid cunt
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Nhk anime de lad
Need your GP 2 titrate the finasteride down a wee bit for your mood "issues"
Trip on you absolute bellend.
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Will Ruthmong make it to 2025? I do hope so.
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>all people I don't like are bald
That high IQ empath trait on display
Never met a nonce that wasn't either bald or balding
He's not the first poster to make that bizarre assumption
Maybe they are the same poster
It has been known to happen
Seems to be a connection between male pattern baldness and an attraction to children
Crossmong and Broadbridge are the same person?
Really in the mood for a good pegging tonight. Now I just need a gf to do it to me.
What is pegging? I don't want to google it
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NEET subreddit full of absolutely blithering delusional workshy dossers.
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Am not in tje mood 2 explain AGAIN the basics so u can refer here https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/78372961/#78378273
If God loved you you wouldn't be bald and homo. Thx
When a woman fucks a man with a strapon dildo.
That's weird and pointless. Why not get an electric fucking machine?
>can't be bothered to type out drivel. Here is some classic drivel from a previous thread
Fuck off you utter cunt
>can't do anything for longer than 10 minutes
Other than post on reddit and play games I expect
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>restriction for standing, sitting, lifting, climbing or walking
this lad's FUCKED
If he can post on reddit then he can do basic admin work from home, no?
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Normal people have sex. You aren't normal. Therefore you don't have sex.
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>had the chased by slapheads dream again
Today was my first day at a fruit picking job, after being a neet for a few months since my last job.

Having to pick fruit in the sun, for 8 hours a day, without water for the most part, with a bunch of people I don't know, some of whom are rude af (tbf others were kinda friendly), for way below minimum wage, is torture.

And the stupid part is, I signed up for this, because I actually believed those people who say fruit picking is a good type of job for socially anxious people. It isn't. Hell, I was handling my last job MUCH BETTER, and it was door-to-door sales lol.

The only good thing about this, is that I won't be working every single day, due to the climate. Oh, and the job is temporary, and I'll be done at the end of September. That is, if I don't die of a heart attack first. But I'd rather work the whole year, at a better job.

My back hurts. My sleep schedule is messed up. My stress and anxiety levels are through the roof. I hope to God, this month goes by quickly.
Had sex when I got in from work (wife was waiting for me and even dressed up)
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Ruthmong caught posting in r/NEET again.
That guy is a chad compared to Ruthmong
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>Had sex when l got in from work (wife was waiting for me and even dressed up)
Even that lad has a better life and attitude than Ruthmong, younger too I think
pretty girl from THURSO i know you are lurking here, let me chain you to a radiator and BREED you
He never ask to be born. He needs full PIP.
I have posted many LARPs over the years, but that one is genuinely real

Britfeel so dead on content we now have to get content off reddit. Sad!
>younger too I think
Ruthmong is 34 IIRC. He has also a KHV
post your wife's sexy getup then, with a timestamp ofc
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Shant be reading a word of that reddit spaced drivel
I have cheated on every gf I've ever had and I don't give a shit desu.
So you and the other creeps in britfeel can wank over my wifes saucy gear? No way lad.
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>I have cheated on every gf I've ever had
See I think the real reason you won't post it is because you're a fat lonely virgin sitting in your boxroom larping about being a normal bloke with a missus who wants to fuck him. It's pathetic, really.
Reddit posts and rehashed Reddit posts have been posted here for years lad.
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I've lost everyone I give a damn about in my life. Nothing to go on for. Job is soul-crushing. No gf. Body gradually aging out of its prime, can feel myself getting slower, needing to push harder to reach the same level as came naturally before. Country going to the dogs.

What do I do, lads?
You could not be further from the truth. I'm flattered you think my life is that unattainable though
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Never had the makings of a wagie dancer
Not him but I'm getting a lot of projection from your post desu
He had a kiss. He mogs me and ruthmong kek.
Did I say unattainable? No. In fact I'm married to a gorgeous bird who puts on sexy lingerie for me regularly. I just think that you specifically are larping.
Anyone watched Run Lola Run?
Why would anyone bother working for 1 month fruit-picking in September after a NEET spell?

You'll be expected to fill like 80 punnets a day or some other insane, unfillable target working alongside Bulgarians and other eastern euros for what undoubtedly ends up below minimum wage.

And then after a month you're back NEET again. And who's going to give you a reference? The farmer who hired 800 farm-hands to pick berries for a month?
I've never crushed harder on anyone than Lara Flynn Boyle on Twin Peaks. I know she got replaced because she was hard to work with but fuck she was perfect. It's a shame she mogged herself in later years.
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Fucking kek, these really are goldmines.
>In fact I'm married to a gorgeous bird who puts on sexy lingerie for me regularly
Nice one lad. I have no reason to disbelieve you. Shame you automatically dismiss my wife as LARP and then call me nasty names
Need a DVDlad haul update complete with pictorial evidence (including discs)
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Why does he think everyone is me? Stopped interacting with him weeks ago. Shant be resuming it either. Dont like someone - just drop the grudge and move on simple as. Dont even particularly hate him anyway. Only hate people when they have a dig for no reason, otherwise as you were x.

Nice showerberg that was, was it not?
Time to read and feed.
If he doesn't post a full body nude shot with timestamp and passport in full view of all discs and boxes then I'm gonna call him out for larping.
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4 me it was audrey horne bt I feel you
What is it specifically you want to see from me? I didn't have any arrivals today. Expecting The Sopranos and The Wire on Blu-ray tomorrow. Have a few things coming from HMV as well (not tomorrow):
>The Untouchables Blu-ray
>Tombstone Blu-ray
>The Descent Blu-ray
>La Regle de Jeu Blu-ray
I don't like taking discs out unless I need to because every time you move a disc you risk damaging it.
I understand the appeal of Audrey but I always felt Donna and Shelley were way more stunning. Did you ever watch The Return?
Did Cartoon poster A and Cartoon poster B fall out
Can you post a timestamp of your wife's sexy lingerie?
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Shant be reading that unhinged drivel kek
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fancied basically all of them myself
Not my fault I prefer the other girls, lad. Bit rude.
>love having a shower and how refreshed i feel after
>absolutely hate getting dry, despise the entire process of it especially having wet hair
is this just autism
Yea I saw the return some parts I liked a lot some parts I wasnlike wtf. Kinda mixed feelings but overall I like it. Maybe watch it again sometime. What u think?
The Descent is a great little film. Not seen it since 2005
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>I'm married to a gorgeous bird who puts on sexy lingerie
Me and that other anon both are. Does this upset you lad?
I enjoyed it but I like Lynch's films as well. I always say The Return is for Lynch fans, not Twin Peaks fans. It's wildly different from the original series in my opinion.
Was in a church last Sunday and they ended the service with 'open prayer', where basically anyone could chime in and say their prayers publicly. This one lady stands up and says something like "Lord, as children prepare to go back to school we ask you watch over them, care for them, relieve their anxiety and protect them from harm and bullying."

I'm paraphrasing a little but you get the point. But I was just sitting there wondering if she actually believed that her prayer would be answered. These are people who really do believe in prayers being answered; if you asked them in the abstract they'd say absolutely god answers your prayers. Yet, we know that it's a statistical fact that thousands of children will have horrible times at school. They'll be scared, anxious, bullied, miserable and some will even commit suicide. This happens every single year, multiple times a year. What objection could god possibly have to not answering such a prayer? Yet he clearly doesn't.

Cognitive dissonance I guess, eh?
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>Me and that other anon both are.
Imagine finding out that your husband spent his Wednesday evening bragging about shagging you on /britfeel/
I'm married to a gorgeous bird, too, but she insists on only wearing comfortable underwear. The only time she ever indulged me with the sexy stuff was our wedding night. Can't complain though.
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I'm the cotton dry mode lad.
Me having a wife has really upset the resident incel
>the resident incel
>the singular, only incel
>on /britfeel/
>here's a random picture of my mums washing machine
Based. I often think about your little tune when washing my own clothes. Though my machine doesn't have a cotton dry mode.
List all the current incels in /britfeel/ not posters from 5 years ago, current.
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Skinhead mongs rubbing minoxidil in their scalp kek. Right said Fred ass nigga
For me? It's Dirty Thai Hoe.
Do you have any hobbies besides being an immature dickhead on 4chan?
Crosslad I think you'd enjoy this.
AFAIK there are at least 4 britfeel/ers that are married
Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous, Anonymous not to forget Anonymous and Anonymous, and ruthmong, and Anonymous
Is making love to my sexy wife a hobby?
You mentioned me and I am not an incel
LARPing about having a wife.
I'm married and it's good, but it's not some endless blowjobathon. It's hard work but very rewarding.
Yea thats a good way to put it. Me am into twin peaks over his actual films. Some of them ok. Need to be in the mood. Fire walk with me is a banger tho.
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You tell me, little man!
This nigga look like he's in the ginger national front
The nightclub scene in FWWM lives rent free in my head tbqhwyl.
is that shippy's beanhole
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>That's weird and pointless
>get an electric fucking machine
Classic britfeel
Let me shag your arse lad.
TFW working 50hours a fucking week so I don't even make the /britfeel/ compass.

It's so over. >>78701853
I can personally recommend Goodnight Punpun and I cringe at the majority of anime/manga.

Just for tonight, I don't care about spamming the thread.
At least you're sober r-right?
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>tfw not relevant enough to be included whenever le personality dramaposts are made
>yet some people are still jelly of me
weird huh. not noticed enough by most but VERY noticed by some KEK

Heh, I wonder what Host and Zeus are up to now.
If I wish I was a neet living on bux sometimes. I've contributed enough with this menial shit.
It ain't easy being bald but someone has to do it.
On the rum and coke lads. 4 days free from being a wagie. Finally got a 1440p monitor after refusing to upgrade from 1080p. What's everyone up to this fine Wednesday evening?
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Based Tomorrow poster
What do you do for your pennies?
Trip on so I can filter you
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Top secret civil servant wagie job mate. What about yourself?
>Tomorrow poster
Maybe I've had few too many lad, what do you mean?
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When I think about it, I forgive my stepdad for that one time. He's a mong bt its that way where u have to consider when someone's older nd from a different generation you're going 2 butt heads sometimes. Yeah it is what it is. He mostly nice 2 me. Its all good.
He means the dark theme. He is very quirky for using dark theme because he dislike sunlight he not go outside he not a normie you see. Very quirky chungus vampire.
Are you saying that fuck with me, I've been dreaming of and applying for Stratford office civil servant jobs like an obsessed maniac for a year but can't get an interview.

...and shitty chain restaurant. I was in Bluewater for a year and it was shite.
I hated my stepdad for years. When I got older I released that he'd done a lot for me. Anyways he got v& for being a nonce and I've not spoke to the fella for years.
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>he WISHES he was bald. He's jealous that I'm a wage slave. He's fuming he doesnt take it up the arse from OAPs. It JEALOUSY
Lol who is jealous of your grim life?
Definitely had too many then, that makes sense. What are you up to tonight lad?
>and shitty chain restaurant
A job is a job lad. Fair play to you I lasted one night as a pot wash in a restaurant and then quit. I'm a very low tier civil servant lad, stable employment but nothing spectacular.
Anyone obsessed enough to decide I am a "thread enemy" and post bizarre rubbish like above. They are jealous of anyone who has a life outside of posting on 4chan. Pretty obvious the way they treat anybody here who has anything at all going on. Oh and this includes you as if it's not obvious who you are (sad act troll who has been at it for over 5 years). KWAB.
what grade are you my leeed?
>this includes you as if it's not obvious who you are (sad act troll who has been at it for over 5 years). KWAB.
sounds like you have also decided that you have a "thread enemy"
Lad, you post daily how shit your life is. Nobody is jealous.
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Low tier senpai. Salary range between 32-40k dependent on a bit of overtime.
No, difference is I don't post about this person or look to start le epic drama with them. They have been at it for years.
>I-its actually 50 different people bro!
No when you can spot patterns you realise it's the same person (you). Like I said KWAB.

t. jellycel
My life has ups and downs. SOME people have literally no life to speak of. There are levels to this game.
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i don't even know which personality you're meant to be, just thought you were being a bit of a hypocrite
>My life has ups and downs.
>I work purely to not feel ashamed in front of people in my life. That's pretty much it.

Your life is only down. You are jealous of NEETs which is why you are lashing out today.
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Nice chicking meal for are Mark
Its could be for you, but it could be for me, but it also could be for him... but it's definitely for him and that's 4x lush de lads he likes his cook a little bit longer that's a curry for him, the chapattis for him but it might be for you or me and's it lush he likes a little bit more garlic is that for you de lads? its definitely for him, its got peas, egg fried rice, 4x garlic, it just like real chicking meal is that for you? it's not bad, its definitely him, too many onions, thats not for him but it could be for you or it could be for me? Of course its for him, its' definitely for him and that is 4x lush and 4x louder and we all like it a little seasidestyle and that is definitely for me, or it could be for you, but it's definitely for him.
HEO range, nothing wrong with that grade. I was there for a couple of years
Yes. Beyond some weird niche case like embedded systems or a recovery disc, every Debian spin-off should lead to the question: "Why not just use Debian?"
I mean it's fucking easy: you want a full GNOME desktop there's a metapackage for that, it sets everything up.
It looks like he's eating human shit.
I'm applying for EO roles and the process is fucking painful.
Oh I am so jealous of you with no life outside of 4chan yep. KEK
When did he add the "for you but not for me" thing to his repertoire? Don't remember it being a catchphrase until relatively recently
>Pusheen plushies
uh, can you say BASED?
I think he wanted you to get into the wagie v neet routine war, lad
might need to update the CV if you're not getting an interview. Also recruitment is shit at the minute.
lots of different shits look like that. depending on the dog and its diet, that could easily be dog shit.
why is 'human shit' where your brain goes, anon?
Of course he did, because that's all some of these lot have to say. People who are actually content being NEET don't feel the need to go on about it 24/7 do they. Makes you think!
>786 characters
>165 words
You posted this about some lolcow, grim mate
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It's a nice chicking meal for one de lad.


He explain he made many classic catchphrases every year. He makes up new words like 4x lusher 4x louder, get in there de leeeds, get in deereee me liiiiddss. He quite famous for it, he make up many interesting catch phrases. All the people of Dorset know his quirky lines. He constantly making classic sayings. It might be for you, but it might not be.... but it might not be for you?
Clearly you are mong, you moan everyday about your job and wish to be NEET. Don't deny it, you say it yourself.
Is lollers bald or balding?
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>But I was just sitting there wondering if she actually believed that her prayer would be answered
Every single prayer I've made has been answered
>you are seething and I am laughing
>no, it is i who is laughing and you who is seething
yet another clash of titans on /britfeel/
Do you have any hobbies besides reading posts that upset him you on 4chan?
>Every single prayer I've made has been answered
You should probably get a bit more creative then
I'll redact the dox but can you look at my statement letter before I submit it? I need to finish asap. Think I'll stay up late and do it.
ok i'll read it.
Despite frequent use Chika's sphincter is still very strong.
A few posts over the last few days because work are fucking me about? Yes that must mean I post 24/7 about the topic and it is a living hell yeah uhuh. In reality - the matter is looking to be resolved and I will get over it.

But in your sad little fantasy world it is wagies vs NEETs. And you being presumably a NEET, you have to believe everybody who works is permanently miserable. Massive cope and delusion.

Also is this supposed to be an own?
>y-you said aspect of your life bad!
Oh yeah? Wow how enlightening. Not as if I was the one who posted it or anything. Absolutely dim KEK.
It's the bloody land of opportunity for ME. I don't fit in with my current colleagues, I need to find me some fellow dweebs.
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Perhaps, 2 of them were that one day I would fly(on a plane) and get double glazing. Both of those things have since happened
Offiebruh@protonmail.com, might be a while cause the post closes n a few days.
Why would anyone accept anyone with gaps in their CV?
>Well to be honest you seem the right type, you aced the interview questions, in fact you're EXACTLY what we're looking for!
>...but anyway we'd just rather go for the lad who hasn't spent 10 years drinking in his boxroom, on this occasion. We'll keep your details on file.
>one day I would fly(on a plane) and get double glazing
wow allahu akbar
screenshot it pls
Post it here bloody hell, can't be arsed with emails lad.
Subtle troll post
Okay, when it's done. I'm gonna shower, go gym and then maybe get on that pomadero method to grind it out.
if it were me I simply would not post my CV directly to /britfeel/ to be torn apart by you bitches
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I searched HEO and that sounds very extravagant for what I actually do but thanks lad. What do you do?
also in the civil service, SEO grade. I just join meetings all day and tell people to do work. pretty easy.
Long as you omit any personal details it doesn't matter. Just don't be stupid enough to leave anything that could dox yourself.
another shooting in an american school it looks like
>email is TOOOO complicated!
Fucking hell what's going on here? I know you're the same fuckers who whine about ADHD social media apps.
It's fucking email. You have webmail or an email client. This is like whining that something is on IRC or BitTorrent, but fuck those short attention-span Twitter TikTok zoomers amirite? They wouldn't last a day on the Old Web.
"Yeah just email me at " takes less than "add me on Discord at " I'm going insane here lads.
>I don't fit in with my current colleagues
you don't fit in with any colleagues
i could go on a jauint.
will i?
Kinda jelly if this isn't a larp.

It's not that bad, lad, the guy just didn't wanna go to the extra step of leaving the current thing for a different thing.

I've done fine with colleagues before, I just need to try a few hands that I'm dealt and I'm sure I'll end up with a good one.
Don't encourage this, laddie. "I have to sign up for Discord? No thanks!" should be a common point. Everyone has email, most heavy internet users have IRC. Also proprietary software etc.

Literally five minutes of your life. That's the 'overhead' to review a guy's CV. Don't give in and just post it here. In fact, post it on MEGA or somewhere and to decrypt it we need to solve a series of clues.
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Good ebening and goodnight to everybody except the twolls
Even without fear of getting doxxed, lots of lads here like to be cruel for a laugh. Wouldn't fancy it myself
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Gotten up me have i not

It appears that i have
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Got my reds @ paki shop nd a few ciders. Why not. Doing a ok job at cleaning i think.
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This bald nigger been seething for liek an hour kek. Shant be reading a word. Time for my wee late dinner. Get 2 bed nd pay my bennies u fucking nonce kek
rob roy full movie in hindi dubbed download 720p
Whats the appeal of a caravan holiday?
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nasty bit of racism in this thread
not right.
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A few ppl jealous of my NEET life. Get a grip. U want a hidden disability? They always forget that part. Its not all fun n games is it. Dont take it out on me you hate your gay job. Waawaa I sick of work. HOW ORIGINAL. I bet 1 year in my life would be like 20 years in your gay job. U wouldn't understand. Get a grip. Thx though
you get to be in a field
can't just wander into a field in England, landowners have rights
Looks like something set him off again.
>disability is hidden
>it's olfactory and distress-inducing
>people are just polite to you
He'll make a hundred posts of seething drivel before the dawn now.
But remember, it is other people who are obsessed with him. Lol.
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Get your smooth bald head down on that pillow nd dream about spreadsheets or w/e the fuck nd grind some taxes for me tomorrow. That's not a request it's an order. End of. THX
probably this school shooting someone mentioned. if there isn't a racial aspect, or even when there is,
>The assailant, who has traits of autism,
>The gunman, who exhibited autistic behaviour,
etc etc.
it's the elephant in the room, they make sure to sneak it into every article somewhere. far-right nutters leapt at the chance that the killer COULD be an immigrant. he wasn't. he is, definitely, reported as autistic. that Plymouth shooter was autistic.
same went for the Trump shooter, same goes for neo-Nazi cops, there's an obvious pattern here. Crosslad is good at patterns. he knows what people think of him and his like.
This is what I mean, we aren't ALL here for some fun on the internet.
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>Crosslad is good at patterns
We need some new personalities
I'm on the internet as a social experiment. It's basically my gap year, living an alternative lifestyle in a different culture.
>grad job induction starting

Hope I get induction gf. IT NOT RIGHT.
i get really into those puzzle books you get at The Works, especially crosswords.
is there mileage in this?
Good luck de lid you'll be fine
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Might have a wee smoke. Its feeling like the end of an era.
I have purchased Troy on Blu-ray. I didn't know the director's cut was over three hours.
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My Apu reckons he could be the next one but he's not very good with computers and a sensitive soul. I'd be worried you lads would bully him off here.
Idk what this is about bt I tbink I probably agree. Whenever i think about the term ""discord server" i think of BO, like imagine the stench if those ppl were sitting together in real life. "Discord server". It hust on the surface alonr sounds like some seriously minging underground darknet hardcore redroom shit. Not into that stuff.
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Send helper lad a wee message. I seen a lot of nonsense 2day.
To me it's like "don't use these well-established open source apps where you can use a client of your choice, even the modern ones that feature encryption, images etc...sign up for Discord, Inc. Discord app today! (yes they do read your messages for safety and protection.)"

It's open source nerds too like imagine telling them they had to use mIRC. Not IRC. mIRC. Run it through Wine if you're on Linux, we use mIRC in this town.
You fancy making a discord server for all us lads, lad?
comfy hours over
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>Even without fear of getting doxxed,
Heres the thing. This wont even be a thing a few years down the line. So w/e gremlins feel smug doing this its like what, what year is it? 2007? We're all going 2 be on digital ID within next 10 years. Theres no such thing as doxxing by 2030. I don't think a lot of you niggas understand how bad this internet stuff is going to get. It's over. This is all childs play when u see 100 years in the future at all times. For a pleb I guess it's meaningful. Bt keep your head on your shoulders. All am saying.
Same director made:
>das boot
>the neverending story
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>imagine telling them they had to use mIRC. Not IRC. mIRC.
Thats funny. Ye. U right.
When you making discord for us?
>Oh this guy wants a job here? Hey Steve, could you punch his National Insurance number into the AI?
>Sure thing...hmm going by his Unique Online Identifier, he made THESE posts on 4chan. I'll send over the Class A ones now.

You're not anonymous, moot even laid it out that we're anonymous to each other not to staff (duh). There's a big SQL database and it gets backed up.

Just don't post online, ever. Even if things are fine now, you've already seen it get worse. And it's going to get WORSE worse.
Just remembered Last FM and Plug DJ were a thing.
Terrible what happened to Lollers discord in the end. The gore spam was unbearable and every time we removed one of them another appears. Some lad was using bots to disrupt our chats and movie nights there.
No need for it in the Spotify age.

Although I just use the /mu/ essentials guides and random blog posts I find. Don't want to track 'my' music like it's a high score, do want to find new music that has similarities.
Keep it green, lad.

I just use metal archive and hit random band as I mostly listen to metal anyway.
Going to bed in 5. Wifeberg is asleep already but said its alright if i oil up her calfs for a quick legfuck as long as i dont wake her up.
Me dog's two front top teeth ready to fall out, lads. Will have to blend the old fuck's dog food soon I reckon. He getting old. Getting constipated a lot too God bless the bastard. Me other dog I had for nearly 18 years never had bad teeth, just bad eyesight and heart near the end but almost 18 years is good innings for a dog I reckon.
You are a stupid fucking cunt and I hate the fact you don't realise how fucking dumb you are
I fancy a good shitwank desu
Sat there in his grim flat stinking of fags, beer and piss.. give the lad a break we're all he's got.
Fucking hell mate be a man and shag her fanny. Should plow her arse for even suggesting to use her calf.
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>getting that fuming over post on nazi incel site
Soon his poor mum will get back and see he has wrecked the place
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>shag her fanny
A thing you may not know about me... I love old biblical epics like The Robe, The Greatest Story Ever Told and The Ten Commandments.
Bizarre all my enemies have no hair
Luckily your mum's arsehole has enough hair for all of them
Absolutely based taste. They don't make 'em like they used to.
>religious propaganda films
Get a life, lad. I don't watch films that old, what are you? 80?
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Years ago I was buying that many marlboro reds @ paki shop they started ordering in all kind if quantities I went in 1 day they were like we got everything U need we got marlboro we got American spirit they says you're the only lad that even buys these bt you buy them a lot nd am finking yea thing is.......am actually quitting . Nd I stuck to that but not really. Obviously it was grand. The year after I got on the vapes. Come on though. Let's be serious. Gies a light. The other day I went there the blonde lassie wasnt there some lassie standing on the entrance in a bikini its about 9am am finking I see? Bt I just wanted this n that so am like that. Aye cool. Fuck off then
You need to stop smoking, it bad for you and it NOT cool.
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How about the stench or that nigga teaching me driving. That year just before gamergate. I wae sitting there like that.. aye. Cool byt we were driving for 2 hours nd I had to piss. This is a normalfag filter. Fuck your license. I can drive. I'll drive whatever I want. Wherever I want. I had my wee nexus 7. Good memories. Aye good fuxkinf memories but I'm past that. Ill drive whatever I feel like. Automatic manual dont care. Pay attention on those roads.
>and it NOT cool
If you're already cool then smoking is VERY cool. I never was though, and I'm glad I quit. Smill miss it after 5 years.
I'll drive your wife's pussy down my cock wee lad . I turned up to most of those driving lessons hungover/half cut. It is what it is. Am still a better driver than 90% of cunts. DVLA doesnt tell me what to do.
Good films, but a bit long innit
Only long if you don't follow the intermission.
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We all punpun in life. Ooft. Don't even get me started. Am ready 2 start knocking cunts out. Dont even bother.
Why knock me out when we could kiss.
Heard Ruthmong had sex today.
was it with ruth or laura or laurel or the one who looks like aurora or the one who looks like a gollum?
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Ii sat in my throne bt if ** knew how things turned out I fink-life is motion bt he wanted 2 stop id quite like to freeze life in that time nd stay there bt evidently time moves on-onon I gotbso bored of living-IVE MADE IT WITH A WOMAN! INFORM THE MEN! I wanted 2 rip this world apart like raiden every1 abandoned me . Nd I got smoke in my eyes. The world turns
grim little spammoid
BT Internet down for anyone?
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Imagine having a GF then imagine having a GF that'll get inside a dumpster and rummage through rubbish bare handed for you.
I had a girlfriend who licked my arsehole which is a lot more disgusting. And I appreciated it much more.
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Ruth finally gave in and let him put his smeggy willy in her tuppence.
why would you want a gf who smells like a skip?
Imagine she actually did. Imagine his face as he dances down the street, all of his problems suddenly solved. Immediately he goes into a shop and buys the shiniest pair of dancing shoes he can find, then rapidly starts improving his life from there. It would be like in that film Limitless, except instead of some drug, it would be just Ruth's fanny that turbocharges him into becoming an ultra-successful Chad.
BT? I'm with Vodafone, mate. 1GB down. Pretty good. Better than my old 350MB down Virgin Media which was always having outages and speed fluctuations. Based Openreach.
>tfw want to overdose on ruths arsehole
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That'd make it even hotter DESU.
>6 degrees during the night next week
finally, summer is fucking off for another year
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Soon, i shall be nourishing meself
I literally showered after I took a wet shit just now, and wiping my ass on a bed sheet it leaves shit stains.
I need to stop eating curry
stop eating curry you absolute mad cunt
Why you wiping your arse with a bed sheet? Did you have a BBL in Turkey?
wouldnt mind an indian gf desu, one of the fit ones though, not one of the fat uggos
All Indians smell bad even the fit ones. I had a crush on one in secondary school because she showed me a lot of attention and was cute but she still smelled. Looking back I probably could have fucked her if I tried, we were flirting all the time like two awkward fucks. She liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer and we talked about that. Better times.
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Meow mow wow
remember lids suicide is always an option
>But only the fit ones

So basically the same unrealistic high standards that everyone else. Top tier women of any race are Chad only unless they're third world with no smart phones unaware of they're true market value.
he drive a bm(eo)w
>ruthmong on such a mad one that hes forgetting how to spell
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Fink i'll finish the bookington later on

Not sure thoughbeit
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Asked my Apu to get me a snack and he returned fifteen minutes later with pitta breads stuffed with french fries and not proper chips. Wasn't even any cheese in with them and they were unsalted. Will be taking him back to the Helper Shelter in the morning and telling him he's defective. He's saving the Wustlers that is in the fridge for himself when I go to sleep, little rat.
Fink i'll fart feistily
Nasty lads. I don't think of her that way. Don't be so vile.
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Don't think any of them look like gollum and Polish lass is a big fan of aurora. She's sweet.
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She doesn't look like gollum you mong. She's the best looking lass to me.
The Wapu hath been fed. Sleep time
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That wasn't me. I'm getting ready for bed now. Enjoy being alone nasty lads.
>I'm getting ready for bed now
how exactly do you get ready for bed lad?
would blow ropes on her face
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By watching asmr and turning off vidya.

She's far too innocent to be discussed in that way.
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god how do people even have the energy to work? I'd rather be homeless if it comes down to it someday.
>She's far too innocent
oh you have no idea
the thought of slaving and doing a horrible job makes me feel suicidal. working clearly isn't for me. I'm not doing it. Nothing interesting out there. it's shit.
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You can sense she's not a whore. Usually they are intelligent.
"i'm green da ba dee da be di~"
"oh my glorb sis! i love this one!!! sync it to my Napster!"
in a world where everything is just a little...off
*moody slow piano version of Weird Ed's 'Evertyghing You Know is Wrong' starts playing*
*cuts to picture of Obama winning against Apartheid*
"i'm telling you something about this world is WRONG"
"haha what is this, a White Mirror episode?"
*shot of her looking at the Twin Towers - '100 YEARS STOOD STANDING'*

this is my nanowrimo entry, NO generative AI was used
>Explorer crashing so hard just now not even the dwm restart method works anymore
>Hafta relog right away

ckin ell, i really hope this was an one-off thing, might hafta replace the SSDberg soonish otherwise as a precaution
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corr imagine how silky smooth her belly skin must feel
Greggs have yet to reset the stock availability on their app for my 5am coffee.

Going to place an order for a baguette, a steak bake, some hot goujons + wedges, all the non-breakfast things they won't have prepared yet. What are the wagies doing?
Truly, i am gay
I have ascertained that the slots are on a timer. I suppose the machine has to warm up but hot drinks aren't available until 5.30am.

What are people buying at 5am on the dot?
>I'd like a bacon butty please.
>Sure, anything else?
>Can I get a coffee with that?
No pussy no work. No contribution to society. No more nice guys.
i want dungoens & dragons to go back to being about collecting treasure (exp. points for killing = fuck all)
'violent' video games should be about fighting DOOM demons (literally monsters) or Nazis (metaphorically monsters)
the 'violence in games' literally became real, even in films you have Quentin Tarantino giggling that 'violence is fun' in an actual interview. imagine if someone said, 'yeah we're all into feet, aren't we? that's why we listen to food broadcasts on the radio. that and the descriptions of where to acquire weapons.'
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Women are not to be respected anymore.
Women deserve misogyny and fear of men if some men aren't able to ever get sex.
this doesn't make me angry, it makes me sad. that's a nice place compared to my boxroom. food shopping and then cooking is one of the nicest things you can learn/do, it's like Lego where you can either follow instructions OR be creative. and it produces tasty meals at the end of the day.
"i don't have to". it's like saying you've found someone to go on a roller coaster on your behalf.

(learn to cook lads.)
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I, too, dislike women
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A nu day hath dawned
Not even 6.30 and i've already had sex
greggs pumpkin spice lattes are back
Not even 6.30 and i've already cried
greggs is for lower class scum
"Thank you, that's perfection-and-a-half."
"hang on mate, you're the 'perfection and a half' lad aren't you? Janet, it's that bloke! ha ha mate we're always on about you on the Greggs intranet. not taking the piss, you're honestly a legend ha ha ha. say it again, come on mate. Janet! it's him!!"

Absolutely sick that this is possible.
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why settle for imitations when you can have the original?
then realise how shit it is. sickly syrupy shite.
(pumpkin flavour is lush btw and not knocking dessert coffees, there's a reason it's used in baking)

the REAL pumpkin treat is when these show up for 99p/bottle in Aldi
Fackin AC's compressorberg getting too hot again for no discernible raisin

Is it not
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coar will have to keep an eye out for that
only 17 days until autumn my good friends
Paging the pick-me to start the next thread early, as has become normalised recently
Old enough to know about sage-ing a post? I am
Got the shits de lads it not right
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Bald ben uploading some new travel vlogs this fall

Quite hyped for this kino, am i not
aww did anon do a little mess in his skivvy-wivvies? it'll be months before mumberg buys you new ones for Christmas!

let's just spray them with Lynx - it'll be our little secret, OK? ;)
Also just had to throw up now
reminder that in this post-Brexit world, they could bring back borax (immediately sorts black mould) and coal tar soap (immediately sorts psoriasis).
trivial changes. so where are they?
do you know that in US/British English it's not pronounced like the Japanese 'sageru', it's pronounced like the herb?
you can still enjoy anime - just make sure to de-wapanese the western fanbase!
Me? Hate life.
I only continue to post here because of Ruthmong. I love that guy.
Life's fine. Just be wealthy and in a relationship, with an effort-leisure balance that stops you from drinking through it.
I just like when you use a /britfeel/ catchphrase in real life, and someone recognises it. You think it'd be awkward but it's always a laugh.
Just want to die me desu senpai
I actually used "based" irl
Not enough to acquire pentobarbital or jump off a bridge.
So no, you don't want to die. Instead do the following:
1. Go to your GP.
2. Tell them: "I am depressed."
3. Take medications/try therapies until one works.
You can repeat #3 infinitely until you go for the actually-dying option. If I had to guess, you never will, but keep chasing that dream, champ!
Nearly had a heart attack. Woke up to a text telling us to check my UC Journal. I thought this was it, goodbye bennies, but they just wanted to know if I have a spare bedroom. Phwoar!
I say 'ohhh its lush' all the time now.
Just be rich. Life is great when you're rich.
I'm rich but i still want to kms
i was thinking this the other day when i got some automated message at 4am (which keeps happening)
realised the timing is usually to coincide with when the bennies come through, obviously it's all automated

is it too WOE IS ME to request they don't send these emails outside of 9-5 normal working hours, even for the unemployed? besides the spookiness of it i DO get same-day chaser messages:
>Sandra from Pisswiddle Service Centre
>Hello, please check your Universal Credit journal for a pending to-do item.

thanks Sandra. must have slipped me by.
if you're rich you can literally kill others and afford a really good solicitor. even if you go to prison it's not like they'll take all your money away: it'll be there when you get out.

probably a LARP and i don't doubt wealthy people also get depressed, but the range of things you can do (and get away with) is staggering. different world.
>get free money
>still complain

suck it up dossers
Fuck that, lad and fuck Sandra, the melt. I've never had a 4AM text from UC, but I reckon I'd shit the bed.
yeah what am i like, responding negatively to something distressing.
>go on yacht
no right to complain, them tech tycoons.
fucking meetings mayn. cba
yeah it's mental because my sleep is fucked but you bet your arse i get up and IMMEDIATELY log in and do whatever it says, then go back to sleep. don't need Sandras down my back.
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NEETs live in fear of a text from the job centre
> u up? x - Sandra 04:00
Just don't reply lad.
put your phone on DND before bed
wagies never mention 'out of work' emails. it's such an unspoken topic, i wonder if anyone has even considered bringing it up.

it's part of your job.
What do you mean by "rich" here?
The only thing distressing about receiving that one (1) e-mail in the middle of the night is because your feared your dosser life might grind to a halt and you'd be forced to work. You need to grow a pair lad, be a man.
i need to respond lad. not in an OCD way. the pattern is if i don't, a human goes into work, sees user #491-A has an incomplete to-do list, writes a message. often with a vague threat that i need to complete the to-do list or i risk my benefits being stopped.

they could use human judgement and consider maybe i haven't done it yet because it went live in the early hours of the morning, and they've just got into work (not exaggerating here it's usually 9-9:30am). i don't know if they can see those times, i don't know what their patterns are like, maybe this is the easy grunt work to get busy in the office first thing.

if i leave it a COUPLE of days the messages get more personalised and i'll give leeway there: if unemployeds are actively looking for jobs then this is on par with working every day. i always shit myself i've missed an email because it was 4 in the morning and i dismissed the notification. i'd rather wake up and do a two page form at 5am than DND delay it.
18 year old lads once stormed the beaches of Normandy knowing they'd most likely be killed, and here we are with mongs crying because they received an e-mail from the people giving them money for nothing. State of it all.
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Shall now be farding, me
explained the routine more in the next post. again, it's not the worst thing in the world. even in my own life. but it's distressing and the system probably could use some tinkering.

boring topic to have a flame war/troll sesh about tbqh. either find a homeless person so you can be EXTRA superior, or find someone closer to you except you have a SLIGHTLY nicer car.
and yet they were forced. after the abolition of National Service, how many years in the army have you volunteered, anon?

(now killing time until my dealer awakes)
new thread time my laddingtons


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