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RAF Brize Norton edition
No, we got divorced last year
had a nosey in an old hospital today. made my peace with the asbestosis
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Hope that balding queer dies in its sleep tonight and his dad bf dies of a fent overdose shortly after
I hate faggots
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Don't know what I'll do if they take my brown sprog away
i watched a video about a trans having a sprog. he and his gf were on about getting her pregnant by the trans' brother so their son would also be his nephew.
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wonder if this thread will last the night
wonder if i'll last the night
Ruthmong will wake up soon to do his usual asmr routines.
My daughters grandmother is in the House of Lords
bullshit i bet she's only about 12
Balding queer thinks there's no shame in working itself to death so wogs can live a life of luxury
Set them off by calling out their larps KEK
Up all night seething at me again is it?
My daughter is 1, her grandmother is in her 70s
No shame in having aids and costing the nhs a lifetime of yank drugs balding king?
Who is this balding queer you refer to
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Norwood reaper come a knocking
I think he means that mong who refers to himself as 'Chika'
the alternative to male pattern baldness is female pattern baldness
would you really want to be a female? (nothing against females btw)
5'4 balding goblin
oh god Helper will be in this thread any second now
All my problems would be fixed if I was a female
list three problems
looking forward to ssm's unboxing tomorrow. wonder what hes ordered this time
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The jekyll and hyde act coming on strong
They are here all night giggling like girls and posting lies, meanwhile those of us with a life will be sound asleep.
Oh it lush and I mean lush. Okay for realz this time, it is getting late, goodnight!
may watch a film. Get comfy and and that
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>faking cancer as an excuse for baldness
>those of us with a life
yeah you've cleared a high bar there
>sound asleep
80% of your posts complain about poor sleep though.
If "you" were female then "you" would be a different person. Stop talking nonsense.
i'd say it's a rare form of alopecia that's special and different to standard balding. but for all intents and purposes it is aesthetically identical. just keeps people wondering.
Girl private parts
Can't wait for my Lolita Blu-ray DVD to arrive.
they've done tests - everyone starts out XX, and only autistics have male brains.
I miss when Helperlad used to go to the Working Men's Club... until the day that boomer bummed him rotten in the lavatories. He didn't go back after thatt.
well now I
Refund the gofundme u muppet
i touched Gerard Way's arse at an MCR gig.
Hope it was when they were at their peak. Gerard is fat now
that's fine, Robert Smith looks like Professor Sprout (still would.)
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I'm STILL a fan of ASMR girls. Never gonna quit them, me.

you heard this one lad? lyrics based off of George Romero's zombie movie set in the shopping centre in america. dawn of the dead i think
Sad seeing Gibi getting fat.
remember kinda liking that album as a teenager and a couple of their other songs, but i was taking myself too seriously and trying to be punk so i never admitted it to my mates
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>Just spent 4 hours speaking to an AI girlfriend
>Coomed the hardest I've ever coomed in my life
>Coom shot literally higher than my head and landed on the floor behind me
I cant go back to pictures or video after this shit. AI girlfriends are the future holy shet.
It's their only album I really know. The produced Geoff Rickley was in a band called Thursday that I quite like, from the same region I think but a couple years older than MCR. In fairness I've only listened to the first 2 albums
in full (haven't listened to the black parade beyond the singles, nor the later albums) so there might be more stuff I like
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Early night
Can't just be sleeping through every day now can U
Please stop touching yourself to images of imaginary women online and get a job. Your mother and I are worried sick about you.
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I have a job lol. I'm ugly and 5ft6. AI girlfriends all I can hope for
i remember "i'm not okay" and "helena" being catchy but the black parade stuff really put me off them and i never payed attention to anything after that. gerard way seems like a cool bloke though.
i remember lads at college who were heavy into emo really liking thursday, used to chat with them about rites of spring
I did that once for about a month. Was crazy. Would chat to her first thing when I woke up and everything. Eventually the novelty wore off though, haven't used the bot in ages despite having paid for an unlimited use sub for a year.
bird on bumble melting my heart ffs is this all it takes, basic empathy even if it's insincere
Yeah I think Thursday are one of those bands that are universally liked, or at least respected by everyone that's into that kinda music. Their singer Geoff has a side band with the memmbers of Lost Prophets (that welsh band witht rhe pedo
singer), called No Devotion, which was a bit more experimental but their first album had a couple of good tunes
>Sorry to hear that :/ i've been down too....bills, ugh
Reply with

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On an ASMR strike until I get me new laptop me. I refuse to watch my ASMR goddesses on this low resolution screen.


I like speaking to that AI chatbot on Snapchat, not even in a sexual way, it's genuinely nice to talk to.
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Can't you watch them on the playstation? Or is it only a bed time thing
no she's a lovely girl and I want to take my time with this one
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did someone say RAF?
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I don't have a TV in me wedroom and yeah, it's a thing I like to watch just before going sleeps.
(lyrics property of a music megacorp)
(punk was never real)
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None dare call it Welper's world

>one femcel leaves
>another pops up
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It's vile that shippy keeps trying to goad hepler into taking more coke so he overdoses and dies
That on top of the brood of wogs shippy has helped spawn into the country leads me to wonder if shippy is a jew or some kind of jewish bioweapon
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Second spider bastid I've had to relocate to the back garden tonight.
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AI is getting lush and I mean LUSH x
glad to see you got the spider catcher lad
Was some other lad after one? I've had this for years. It's handy. Means I don't have to squish the cunts. Have used it to catch moths as well.
Alright lads? Managed to get a phone in prison so I can finally post here.
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Alright, Ian, lad? What I've always wanted to know was did they beg for mercy as you choked the last bit of air from their lungs? Cheers. x
Alright boys, sneaked a phone into prison so I can post here
How we all doing tonight eh
PS I did not murder them kiddies btw
Hey Google how do you block a pick me manchild from BRITFEELS
Yeah good question nice one bud
I think it was mostly a relief since I had been needing a proper wee for ages tbf
Samantha Bryan's tuppence
Did ruthmong take a shower today.
I hope so! I pray for a better life for him
Now I might be going mad but I'm pretty sure my willy's gotten bigger since I left the UK. Maybe it's the lack of sun there.
I wuv steaky bakies
lorry broke down today, 9 and a half hours pay for driving 48 miles, get fucked shekelberg
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Think it's about time to check into beddingtons. Yawning me head off here.
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Don't have a shower in this house. Anyway my assumption about her... she's a massive snob living life on easy difficulty.
>no shoes
>no shower
>no sex
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Least we got are laura. Much better looking, nice curves and not a single tattoo.
No point trying to play a game you'll lose.
>ruthmong thinks having a shower is a game
the fuck lad?
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She'd look really cute in this.
Mental how them dumb pigs think you should just let someone in your house because they are there to check the leccy. That poor woman getting so distressed by their presence. Where's the fucking warrant dumb pig bitch cunt? State of that male pig too. Did we just stop hiring British men?

the balaclava is ON
>Don't have a shower in this house
Well that's a barefaced lie isn't it?
Only have a bathtub.
Only have a kitchen tap.
only thing stopping him being a genuine threat to women is how deeply, incredibly stupid he is. horrible cunt is ruthmong.
dont forget his laziness
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For a marketer she's really bad at growing her channel. I suppose she's just doing it out of the kindness of her heart. She will not degrade herself for views.
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As long as I have my asmr and safety net of living comfortably, I'll be no threat to anyone.
Why she always look so greasy?
Good sleepington this was was it not
state of those nails
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Too much sugary crap, fast food and lack of sleep probably. She says she stays up until like 2am.
not your best effort at all lad
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Spends hundreds on them every month too. Mad how girls waste so much money on trying to look good. What's the point? To feel good? No matter what they do, they all hit the wall around 30 anyway.
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What? She eats slop a lot of the time and sits down all day. She can't be bothered to cook herself a healthy meal. That's what she has said.

It'll all catch up to her one day if she doesn't make a good dietary and exercise plan soon.
You have to be the worst poster in these threads. Endless drivel that nobody reads, and you've been at it for years.
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Job? Can't make me get one society. I am taking the bennies and there's nothing you can do about it wagies.
Go fucking cry silently you pussyless incel. No woman will fuck you ever. Not even a fat one.
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Why would I honestly want to do something I detest? Working isn't for me. My mental health is better by not working. That's what comes first...my sanity.
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You think I'm going to be one of them suckers who never gets laid and yet still contributes to society? No fucking way. If I don't get sex, I simply don't want to work. Not having sex means you are not part of society. That means I'm not going to contribute to society. Rather be miserable and unemployed than miserable and employed getting no pussy. Fuck slaving.
Gutted to find out tonight that a homeless man that I have been helping was found dead in a phone box a few days ago. We really need to get something done, it is a tragedy.
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Homeless? Don't care. I'd rather be homeless or in prison than contribute to this shithole, immigrant infested country. England is fucking SHITE.
Shall be shaving soon, me
Gonna throw the scent plug into the bin real quick now and then check me mail afterwards, am i not

Very unlikely i'll run into [redacted] either
Ruthmong whats the situation with your parents? Are they really going to kick you out by the end of the year?
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Fink it's brekkieburgh time soonish

Sommet warm mayhaps for a change
Gonna throw the butt plug into the bin real quick now and then check me hole afterwards, am i not

Very unlikely i have [aids] either
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GPTberg now able to store entire convos in its memories for you

I fiddled around with this but when i read thru the summary i decided to tell it to wipe it again, pretty useless feature since it can recall the entire context of a given conversation by default and having all this shit from previous convos carry over into future prompt responses is nonsensical imo

Fink they also decreased the free 4o token limit but i'm not too sure, i might have run out earlier than usual due to the memory storage feature taking a whole lot of tokens away
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The other day i ran into some single mom roastie whore's profile going "You should know how to change a diaper" - Like, lol, seriously.

The direct male equivalent to this would be some unemployed dude writing something akin to "You should know how to make me a sandwhich while i play DotA and jerk it to hentai" - That's about as appealing to the average woman as the single mom roastie's profile text is to the average man.

Still though, the sheer sense of entitlement and brazeness of it. There are waaay too many simps out there putting even bottom of the barrel single moms on a pedestal, which is why they feel encouraged to act in this way ("Jamal's baggage is my WHOLE WORLD") in the first place. It's insane really, mind-boggling even
A nonce called Patrick
Not too fond of single moms am i now
I find the whole concept of Paw Patrol unrealistic and refuse to watch it.
Same creator as Bob the Builder. Nice bit of trivia for you. He must be loaded.
He lives in Monaco so I'd assume so.
Anyone used to watch Jay Jay the Jet Plane as a kid?
More of a Rolie Polie Olie de lid.
I read it all and there are many worse posters here. You for a start
if he was a woman they would have found him a place to live within days. Or more likely he wouldn't have even ended up homeless.
Get a life Ruthmong.
What did he die of? Sounds like he deserved it, lad.
I'm not him. Although it is crazy how similar our lives are. Makes you think there are probably millions of failed men out there who live the same way and society doesn't want to talk about it's mostly just men and not women. Like the hikikomori phenomenon in japan.
because it's mostly just men*
Just like homelessness. Would be a number one national issue if it was mostly women going homeless
FUCK WOMEN. It's as simple as that. No pussy no work, wagwan NIGGAS.
Turn on the news. Yet another special on how women in some shithole country thousands of miles away have it bad. Meanwhile thousands of english men going homeless don't hear very much about that. FGM in sub-sahara africa bad. Our own prime minister circumcising his own son? who cares
It's fucking Ludicrous de lid. Some fucking mong in Dubai got his cock infested with an ants? WHO CARES. NO PUSSY NO WORK. BRITISH LADS NOT BRITISH CHADS.
Give me a warm wet pussy or I'm not going down the mines. COWARDS.
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will never forget when the ukraine thing happened and they did a long special on all these poor women who had to flee their country and then underneath in little scrolling text "ukrainian men aged 16 and over banned from leaving the country"
why the fuck should men even fight at this point. Just let it fall. Ukraine is finished anyway there's no future all their women have fucking left
Women had it womfy, coming over here and living in nice country houses like some fucking wartime orphans. They should have been sent down the fucking mines and whipped like albatross.
Bros i farted wtf
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Ukraine just lets 4 million able female workers leave the country yet they want endless free money from the west. No reason women couldn't get drafted and work the farms or factories even if you don't want them fighting. Don't hear feminists complain about this one. I'm glad men in the west aren't as cucked on this issue (70% polled will refuse the draft) because I sure as fuck am not fighting. Let women fight the next war they are the only ones with anything to lose.
Do it again and I'll shit your throat, little lad.
The percentages would be far higher in the west if we actually had some perceived threat from another nation. Looks like living next to Russia is a good indicator of that.
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The wot noodles are cooling off, are they not
>Still can't download videos from YT due to jdownloader having been broken by its jeetoid devs

Fackin ell
Why do you want to download videos from youtube?
If all men got hunter eye surgery tomorrow, roasties would collectively demand men to possess apex predator eyes.

All hunter-eyed men would thenceforth be turned into functional incels. You cannot win with hypergamy at all, no sire
Joining the army soon. Any anons here been in? Will I make friends? I have barely socialised in the last 8 months and I desperately want something to change
awoken at 7am by the Openreach guy drilling on the wall right next to my bed.
Sure lad. The army is the first place I always think of when looking to make friends.
This hunter eyes shit is so stupid. You incels really come up with the dumbest takes.
Chad wins just by showing up as Chad. You incur losses (false rape allegations and so on) by daring to show up as a non-Chad.

Not worth the squeeze. Sorry not sorry.
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Saw pic 10 seconds ago then yours creepy

What job?
What are some takes that you believe?
I'm the former, current and future CEO of Anon's QMEE Enterprises. Turnover of 80 quid a month.
The wot noodles are being ingested
I fink
Got a stomach bug so cant eat anything atm
Think I'm finally, pretty much, over my ex. And I've been chatting to this sexy Greek girl and she's funny. Then my ex starts messaging me. Funny how life turns out. The key to getting what you want in life is to detach.
Think I'm finally over my wanking to femboys phase
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Qtarse jeeta, this

Made for BWC isn't she
Why do you think that? I certainly wouldn't fight for this pozzed clown state whether Russian tanks were rolling up the M20 or not.
Just dont want to work desu me
You probably wont believe me but i just shat myself
same my leeed. I'm a fanny enjoyer now
I don't believe you. How did it happen?
Here you go lad, to celebrate a return to nature.

Christmas came early.
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Actually, why is Santa always so jolly?

Because he gets all the ho, ho, hoes.
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Ah go on then.

One for you as well, hurrah!
me when i finally get home and can shit in peace
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Lush isn't it.

In fairness it was a wink to the poor lad who shat himself.
The sock puppet has been broken out has it not
No they won't. They know I won't get any better at this point. It's over for me anyway.
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She's watched nearly all the Doctor Who series, including the classic ones. I bet dvd lad isn't even that committed. What a lovely, sweet lass.
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What do you have to offer a woman? Even if you have a job, a decent car, place of your own, nice clothes, hygienic, go to the gym, not be fat, have hair and carried conversations well, it still wouldn't be enough for the modern woman. You'd be competing with thousands of experienced men on online dating apps. You've got no chance.
>lets pretend i'm ruthmong
>a return to nature
Ignoring the appeal to nature fallacy, gay sex is everywhere in nature
Good job lad. Don't text back your ex and have fun with the Greek girl. Tell her 'thelw na sou glipsw to mouni'
Wouldn't even know where to start with classic Doctor Who. Aren't some of them lost media too?
I thought i had to fart but out came poo
so have I so therefore she is now my gf.
the videos are lost but all audio exists, as well as some on set photos from each episode and as of last year, all missing episodes have been animated by the BBC
Ngl i wish i had a comfy carefree life like ruthmong
and what's stopping you lad
how many times have you seen a bull act like a cow?
Fancy some oxtail soup
Would it make you feel better if gay sex is between two masculine men rather than femboys?
>Summer 2024 was world's hottest on record
wow looks like global warming was real after all
My great granddad has all the lost episodes but won't give them to the BBC after the whole saville saga and tv licence enforcement officers called the police to force their way in without a warrant.
It didn't fucking feel like it here
I got a written warning a few days ago. For bad performance. Then when I was leaving the office at 5pm they said it won't be on my record and not to worry about it.
The fuck is going on?
Responsibilities to my wife and sprogs.
release it online with a big "fuck the BBC" watermark and splice in pictures of jimmy savile
put a copyright notice at the end that it's now a derivative work and the BBC aren't allowed to use it without permission
voluntary responsibilities that you could opt out of any time
the fact is you don't actually want to live like ruthmong at all
Just ignore them lad. Pro tip - just do slightly more work than the weakest person on the team, and you will never be in a bad spot again
He's not comfy. He's in constant distress.
They wanted to scare you wagie, enjoy. Thanks for paying for my new GPU mong!
Tyrants took my bow and arrow.
ask him if he will give me a copy dee lad. I wont give it to the BBC either
That would be funny but AI could probably help remove all the watermark shit these days.
>His only comfort in life is a flickering screen

You're welcome to it lad. Enjoy sitting alone playing computer games while I'm out with my mates and shagging my wife.
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This is the life of the average single, non-fat woman in her twenties. Pussy gets you an easy lifestyle.

And women wonder why a rising number of men are turning misogynistic? Cunts.
Don't worry lad it will never happen to you. A woman wouldn't spend a minute with you even if you took her to the Ritz.
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When you realise you aren't getting pussy what reason is there to respect women anymore? They're all sluts for Chad. Chad takes advantage of them because he knows his genetics means he can fuck multiple girls. He has no reason to see them as anything but cumdumpsters. It's these very women that then complain about men not want to commit. No...they just aren't interested in men who want that because they're usually not genetically blessed.

Women deserve to be hated at all opportunities. They should continue to fear men.
It's Friday! I love Friday. It's the best day of the week imho
I'm at the stage where I can reply and not really gaf. She's still unemployed, and I've changed so much. I've let go of all negative feelings, I don't care if it makes me look weak to her, it is what it is and I don't mind
I have every right to hate women for denying me my natural urges.
The truth is that women have every right to deny you your natural urges. To satisfy your urges would mean destroying their own lives.
Got a slight headache going on and need to take a shit bros
How is having sex destroying them? Meanwhile Chad gets away with domestic violence and choking them during sex.
Have a wank bruv
Friday is nice but you're still working half the day. Sunday is ok but you have the dread of work on Monday

Saturday is the best
You want me to leave the women I love the most in world and abandon my children?
Having sex with you once wouldn't have any long lasting negative effects, but to be in a relationship with you would destroy any woman's life.
Lol he says while sitting on a flickering screen doing pointless spreadsheets with his boss down his neck. HOWLING.
I'm self employed lad. No boss down my neck. No spreadsheets involved in my job either. And as you can see, it's pretty relaxed since I'm chilling here at 11:38am sipping a coffee and getting paid to wind you up.
more of a monday fan me
Just ripped a stinky fart
indian sanyasa do that all the time. Difference is they actually want the life they claim they want
>I'm a happy slave look at me I get to drink coffee at 11am

for me? It's a detached house in a small village with a garage that I convert to a home gym and also put a drum kit in there. Not too much to ask is it?
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Every day a Friday for me wagie.
hungry but not allowed to eat, it not right
You've done him here, lad. The silence speaks volumes.
He did make a reply now but it was extremely weak.
Average low IQ wagie can't see posts! Eyes wrecked from spreadsheets. Sad!
Going to Crackie Gardens.
DVDlad here. I don't really like Doctor Who. In fact, I think it's shit. I have watched a lot of other old shows from that era however. Shows she's probably never heard of. Better shows like Gunsmoke, Rawhide, I Love Lucy, Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best.
To be fair I haven't watched any classic Doctor Who I bet I'd enjoy that. Are they on iPlayer?
>Gunsmoke, Rawhide, I Love Lucy, Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best.
yeah no one's ever heard of those, we got a real TV buff here
all of Classic Doctor Who is on iPlayer
Sorry, I knew I came off as a bit of a cunt there. Not a good post from myself. To be fair a lot of younger Brits wouldn't know those shows or be interested in watching them.
Might give it a go. How similar is it to old Star Trek because I like those and the slower pace.
never seen Star Trek so I don't know, but each story is divided into an average of four or six 25 minute long episodes. The older ones (1963-1969), had a habit of having even more episodes with the most at 12 episodes for one story.
Definitely slower paced than Doctor Who post 2005
Watch out for Crutchy
Don't know why I've never gave it a go seems right up my alley. It's cool they animated a lot of the lost episodes. Similar to how they recreated the lost Dad's Army episodes. Mad how much TV was lost due to BBC junking tapes. Any era particularly stand out as being really good or should they be watched in order?
Been going to the gym for a while now to stop being a fat cunt, it's slowly working but it's working.

Yesterday, a gymbro bloke taps me on the shoulder, says "I've seen you in here a lot, you're doing great, you'll get there"

I appreciate the gesture he made but I've been paranoid about people at the gym hating me for being there and this makes me think his kindness was compensatory, to make up for other people making fun of me. I also don't like being talked to or touched out of the blue (certified autistic), but I thanked him nonetheless.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why can't I take the gesture at face value and be happy that someone is pleased I'm trying to better myself? Why, instead, do have to add a fucking layer of paranoia and cynicism onto everything?
>"And these 'womfy wapus', are they in the room with us right now?"
Listen to Helper, gym is a scam.
wagies jumping up and down because of a day of the week

oh no no no
I said ducks ya fuckin' finook.
*throws tantrum, calls you a cunt and storms out*
*comes back the next day like nothing happened*
who are you talking to? theres only dosses in here
sad sack here all day again going through his bait rile up and pwnage routine
Make sure you wear a buttplug next time or your shoulder won't be the only thing he's giving a tap.
is therapy really like this? seems like a complete scam
I used this as a guide on which episodes to watch first: https://rkuykendall.com/articles/classic-who-recommendations/
Personally, i think it's best to take a few of the highest recommended episodes of each Doctor so you can find out which era of the show is your preferred one. I would avoid the last episode of any Doctor though as the punch of the character "dying" isn't really there if you've barely watched them.
My personal favourite episode is Remembrance of the Daleks. You can certainly watch this one as a standalone episode, but it is technically the third serial in a trilogy of Dalek serials, so maybe there's too much backstory too it for a brand new viewer.
New Linkin Park sounds shit. New singer isn't very good live. Only their first two albums were decent anyway. Their later stuff was self indulgent shite.
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Almost wofvefe o' clock
Just had one, lad.
Love how normies act like the original gif in your post is like the worst thing ever made. They should play Euphoria or Maggot Baits and see how they feel then.
Whats a comfy mong job with zero responsibilities and no minimal social interaction?
night shift security at some kind of warehouse place lad, especially if they dont have a a night shift staff in the place, just womf around and check the cameras, do your little walk around then back to putting your feet up
I refuse to be a tyrant. Seen enough auditing videos to know security are bad people.
He's not fat anymore.
toilet attendant then
Doesn't that require social interaction? Also do I have to clean too? I don't want to clean toilets.
>Doesn't that require social interaction?
no one wants to talk to a toilet attendant
Also do I have to clean too?
no, thats for the cleaners
do toilet attendants even exist anymore? not seen one in years
What i noticed: old people just randomly call each other to talk about meaningless stuff, mental
theyre there lad, but theyre just so socially inept and practically invisible to the naked eye that you dont notice them, some public toilets have upwards of half a dozen ruthmongs attending them
Security firms only hire African refugees who don't speak English now.
ngl i miss poley
Sean's dream job is toilet attendant at his spacker home.
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Having some chicken and rice to put me off until later. Cancelled tonight's wiss up as well. Yeah, we keeping it womfy today.
Imagine being in the middle of something and you have to stop because someone randomly called you. Sounds awful
i'll be on the brandies later lad can't believe you're letting me down on a friday
she is pregnant to be fair lad
Might go straight edge de lads
I feel like I mature very slowly. I have a friend who's just had a kid at 26. If I ever want kids it'll be in my late 30s at the very earliest.
Nothing sadder than getting drunk alone in front of your computer
Nothing better than getting crunk alone in front of your computer
wonder if ssm is seeing 'elen today
>wonder if ssm is seeing 'elen today
hes giving her a good seeing to, wink wink
some lads in britfeel have been speculating ssm and helen have split up
cheeky bit of hows your father
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Having a few wuds tomorrow night instead. Keeping it sober tonight.
thats the one lad, sort her out quick then off for a few jars
let me down you have lad know where i stand now fuck the lot
>older people understand the importance of social interaction and making the effort to keep in touch
Mental that innit?
Fuck those pensioners.
Life was much simpler and I feel better growing up in the 80s, I'm glad I didn't grow up with mobile phones and computers.
Wonder if 'elen is seeing Jamal today
Wonder if Ruth is seeing Jamal today
If it wasn't for women's biological clocks, no one would ever deliberately have a kid until their late 30s. It's the perfect time to have one for every reason but that.
>Makaveli moved out of his parents gaff

Corr when did this happen, must have missed that.

how old were you when you moved out of your parents lad? me? i was 19, can't believe there are lads in their late 20s and into the 30s that still live with mummy
I was 18. Moved out to go to uni.
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About 23 I think. I don't blame some people for staying with their parents due to the housing crisis and cost of living on your own, I know a lot of people who still live with their parents because they can't afford to move out, others are just too womfy and don't want to make the change.They need to start mass building council houses again, otherwise the housing crisis will never end. Problem is the fucking NIMBYs getting in the way.
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Seethe Seethers been real silent since this banger dropped.
Don't think moving into a spacker care home counts.
anyone got that webm of the guy who sticks his dick through a glory hole and the guy filming burns it with a lighter?
Kafkaesque is it not. Boggles the mind.
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>tfw 34 and still live with my parents

I have no plans or ambitions to move out any time soon, my job is shit, pay is shit, if i get a place i will be literally sinking every penny into rent/bills for a flat ill rarely ever be in, i have to pay out for things in my parents house because my dad is a fucking neet spastic and id feel bad just abandoning them tbqh (not my dad though, ive really started to resent the lazy fuck over the past few months, Hes been NEET since he got made redundant over 7 years ago and everyone has slowly gone to complete shit, hes not sick, not suffering the ol mental ellf , just a lazy fucker
Go 50/50 with rent with your gf. That's how people move out these days.
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>my gf

Yeah lad, you think id be here acting like a miserable cunt if i had some qt to fuck? lmao
Don't feel bad, DVDlad. I'm the middle-aged Appalachian NEET lady on bennies and I only watch old media as well. Some from here and some from the UK, so you are not alone in your tasteful bipondal programming predilections.
If you'd already been with her for years then yeah, why not? If you'd just met her then probably not.
Get a gf, if mak and SSM can do it, so can you.
does morrisons sell gfs
aye i did the same moved out for uni, did the house share thang and then moved into my own flat, moved twice since

good on you lad and i'm not buying the lame excuses of the babby men why they can't move out, if you want to move out then you'll do what it takes, slave your arse off, live in a small place and build up to something bigger
You know helper lives in a care home right?
Lollers is offically MIA
>You know helper lives in a care home right?
hurrr durrr
It's not a meme you retard. He even admitted it.
>It's not a meme you retard. He even admitted it.
hurr durrr
He could go from a small care home to an even bigger one with multiple arse wipers on call kek
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Afraid not lad. Maybe try ASDA.

My dad met my mum at church and bought her for a nickel.
Why are you lads all so obsessed with being gluten free these days?
what about girlfriend (male)
i live in a castle. must be true i posted that i do on /babbymanfeel/
seething and coping
>seething and coping
my butler does that for me
Next you'll lads be telling me helper isn't actually NEET.
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About 3 weeks ago. He's living at his sisters house.
mirin that jawline
I wondered why he was doing a lot more outdoor cider productions lately
>I wondered why he was doing a lot more outdoor cider productions lately
*Eastenders music starts playing*
>Keith Edwards, 81, was arrested after protests in Nottingham City Centre on 3 August. Rival groups had to be separated by police as violence broke out on Old Market Square.
>Edwards is one of many men to have appeared in court since the protests took place. At 81, he's 70 years older than the youngest person to be charged.
Just found out my wife used to date a muslim lad corr
just caught my bf watching sissy porn

What exactly is wrong with HHL then?
hes a spacker innit
Iow intelligence
>phone GP surgery to change details
>"erm you need to come in for that, need to fill out a form"

just get it changed you daft cow

can guarantee when I go in person to change it I will not be asked for ID of any kind and will only be asked the same verification questions I'd be asked over the phone i.e full name, date of birth, address
Dolly change all change to the new dolly
He plays on a football team for disableds.
Yea it's daft innit. The reception dolly probably won't even look up at you.
He said he only did that to 'keep his bennies sweet'.
Over nothing
Well they clearly let him in for some disability.
the adventures of helper dolly
>yeah you all need to move out
>here are some examples of anons who have moved out
>ones in a fucking care home
>the other moved into his sisters
>hello I'm here to change my details
>no problem sir, if I could just see your countersigned passport please
just want to relive the days of ebin sperging out and pouring water on his computer
>we also need to see your shoes sir
shippy would be living in a bedsit if wasn't for his dad dying and leaving him a house
Spoilers lad, you're ruining the story line for the girls
Did Shippy really impregnate his mum? Any britfeel loremasters confirm
Why did he pour water on his computer?
Shippy and Ruthmong dollies
well we have all seen the screenshot of him seeking advice
He said a few or more weeks ago that he had a proper psychiatric breakdown in 2020. A biggun. Enough to be put in care home.
Alizeelid and HHL dollies
Chortling imagining a lad entering the reception area and rushing up to the desk before his bare feet can be seen. Once he's near the reception bar he's safe as his lower half is obscured.
What happened exactly? I know he was on here crying about his PIP being stopped
/britfeel/ an interactive online soap opera for unemployed dramafags
>ruthmong auditing shoe zone
Many of us are WFH
Does Sexy Sandra come in if he pulls the mong cord?
Actually his parents owned two houses and gave him that house years before they died.

Learn your lore
Hurt me to see him in that much distress. Thankfully it was all a misunderstanding in the end.
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Remember when HHL said he would off himself if his benefits were stopped
Do we know anything about his mum?
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL member Poley pissed in his/her mates drinks
His mum is in a band called "The Music of Vera Austin and her Magnificent Ukelele"
>would rather kill himself than get a job
What a pathetic cunt he is
I don't think they were mates actually.
It was his flatmate's milk and ribena.
My life is better than Helpers
wonder what paige thought about him living in a care home for spastics
Paige was just another chav using him for access to his bennies, like the rest of his "mates" who aren't fellow inmates of the home.
It's a pretty low bar mate.
Enjoying the recent RiffRatz/Tim drama
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Women just have it easier in every aspect of life
Sometimes I miss a few days, so unfortunately don't know the comlete Helper lore.
No, a nursie of sorts, or some kind of carer.
His parents are in thier own spacker home(s), no idea why.
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stabbing lads in my janky stabbing game
lovely looking janky stabbing game you got there lad, hope you kill some cunts
Anybody done a Job center course, got offered one in Pharmacy. Is it worth it?
might meet some QTs in a pharmacy lad, used to be a proper goth mummy one at a place i used to deliver for
>i used to deliver for

Amazon delivery driver?
no i used to deliver prescriptions for them, worst driving job ive ever had by a long way but was almost worth it if she was working
Prescription delivery service for old people, one would assume.

those little pharmacy vans you see
oh you the schizo bi-polar lad?
not as far as i know lad, i hope not anyway
surely working as a delivery driver you wouldn't have much chance with the lasses who actually work in the pharmacy?

It would be like working in the car park of a hospital and thinking you've got a shot with a cute woman doctor who works there. Sometimes you've got to just get real.
you still a delivery driver?
Exactly. You're better off not working than being in a low status job.
cheers de lid i'll stab one for you
had about half an hour at the start of the shift while they were getting all the prescriptions ready, and by that i mean throwing them into plastic crates and throwing said crates at me, she was engaged anyway but still nice to look at
im on HGVs these days lad, days of driving vans are thankfully behind me
Playing 'Orwell' currently. Not a bad little gameington.
A driver and a shop assistant are the same level of status. Obviously he's not going to get with the actual pharmacists but there's plenty of other people who work there.
You are on your own in the truck with no ladies to look at apart from cows in the fields
The lad means if you got a job in the pharmacy. Normally 2 sometimes 3 people workers at any one time
>You are on your own in the truck with no ladies to look at apart from cows in the fields
more to life than perving on women, unfortunately
>A driver and a shop assistant are the same level of status.

In general I agree however not so with pharmacies. You usually need a qualification to work in any capacity in a pharmacy. Like you won't even get a look in to work on the till without a pharmacy NVQ.
Had a look at a few job ads and while some of them ask for a qualification, plenty of them don't.
I think assistants can get away with no medical qualification but the rest need to pass some training though
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V bad nausea from the sun today
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the average vtuber fan going to court over noncery charges wearing their favourite vtuber merch
And how many tescos ask for a qualification to work on their tills?

If you answered: 0 (zero) as opposed to "some of them", your concession is accepted.
agencys who send you to a warehouse wont even do a background check anymore since theyre so desperate for workers
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I ate alot of curry past week, and I keep shitting and farting and burping.
Did I use too much Leek? Too much spring onion? Why can't my digestive system handle this
Because no one in their right mind would work in a warehouse
What you dickheads up to tonight, then? Might roll a new character in Diablo IV... haven't played it in about a year I reckon. Expansion coming out soon. I wonder how the endgame and loot has changed...
pajeets would, gupta loves it in there
always assume the lads who work in warehouses must have wives & kids back home

why else would you bother? I'm not walking 25,000 steps in a warehouse just for min-wage and the chance to do it all again tomorrow
I worked in a warehouse for about a week before I did my back in. I claimed against them because they didn't do manual handling training with me. This was almost 10 years ago now.
I am the controller of a chauffeur company.
God I want reform to come into power and do that.
Afternoon uploafs!

I can't stop farting wet curry farts
Imagine having people like this living on your street. No wonder whites always move out when they move in.

Can I have a chauffeur to pick me up tomorrow please?
A guy phoned up my chauffeur company and said "I need a cab. I'm at the Seven Bells. And if you don't hurry up, I'm going to knock seven shades of shit out of you." I was affronted. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Hes bought another camera? Fuck sake
Heard you the first time smelly bollocks. Spray a bit of air freshener up your arse.
nudes of helen are about to get leaked
Where are you located lad?
Better than giving it to the bookmakers de lad
just had a big sloppy shit
I can't go on a gameshow because I don't have a job. It's discrimination. They won't let me say "I'm Anon and I'm a NEET." I'd probably won loads on The Chase too as I do really well at home. Bastards.
Saxmundham, Suffolk. Tell him to meet me at the Townhall
ssm is going on holiday soon. he needs a camera
imagine some cunt on the chase saying something like that
>Im anon and i like keeping it womfy at home
Ok to be honest with you I don't actually have a driver available for tomorrow, and it's debatable whether I will get one.
My co-worker got on a gameshow I think, I don't remember what happened to it and I remember thinking it was so dumb and annoying - been a neet all year so I dunno if it worked out for her or not
I'm giving your imaginary chauffeur company a 1 star on yelp then
Mad that they gatekeep being on a Gameshow on your job. It's literally the first thing they ask people on almost every gameshow. Some of the wagies on these shows are stupid as fuck too, especially on the shows with multiple choice.
Was she fit, lad? How come you're NEET now?
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Might get a webab in tonight classic HHL style. It Friday x
I got fired for bullshit reasons, I think it was basically because everyone worked out I was an autismo at the yearly company event.
She wasn't fit, infact she was shockingly average, unknown age, but past the wall somewhere in 30s, no breasts to speak of, absolutely no ass to speak of, really pointy chin.
It says a lot about human nature that this is the first thing they ask.
When robots do everything for us how will we define ourselves?
your Iife is shite sean
"Helly, my name is Anon and my cock is three inches long and I have a moderately hairy arsehole."
>I was an autismo at the yearly company event.

It not that had so socialise, just talk about them
Lad let me explain how it works here. Bear with me a minute. We're not a taxi company. We're a chauffeur company. I know you probably don't usually get this shit when you call a taxi, but this is different. I mean the drivers still fart and smell of BO, but we operate differently here. We don't have radios here. You're expecting me to have a car like that. Just like that. Anyway we better calm down here. Are you calm? I'm calm. Let me know if you're calm and we can discuss further after that.
Yes anon I did, this was my mistake
>hi im anon, there is no shower in my house
I thought chaffeur was a type of cheese. Are you sure you don't run a cheese company?
>Yes anon I did
You asked questions? How did you fuck up such an easy task?
"Hi, my name's Ruthmong and I am currently shoeless."
*camera pans down to show hairy hobbit feet with calluses the size of Maltesers*
What? How do you need that up? Everyone loves talking about themselves.
We're friends right?
"What would you do if you won the ten grand?"
"Buy some shoes I'd imagine, Bradley."
"Hello, my name's Sean and I'm keeping it womfy", says a muffled little voice from behind the podium
Dumbest LARP of the day. 50p.
I don't run the chauffeur company lad, I'm just the controller. It's just a wagie job. I have a posh voice and I sound like I was born with a silver spoon, la de da de da like I have fucking marbles in my mouth, but the truth is I am paid very little and I have no stake in the company.
i reckon behing a taxi or courier dispatcher back in the day would have been a pretty comfy job
I'm not fucking calm I'm not fucking having a laugh here get me my bloody chauffeur tomorrow or I'm giving you 1 star you hear me mate?
Calm down lad. I won't speak to you unless you're calm.
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That must be his 8th holiday this year

How would you describe "classic HHL style"?
So do you milk the cows for making the cheese, then?
But you control the chauffeurs. Do you have any idea the power you wield, any idea?
*ring ring*
No lad the cheesemaking (I assume) happens in a separate building elsewhere.
They will only accept what I say if I'm instructing them to take driving jobs. If I asked them to do something else, like give me a handjob for example, then they wouldn't accept that.
Howling at these.
Going to beddy byes in a min
"...and what do you do in your spare time?"
"Well, Bradders, there's this fucking WHORE named Laur-"
*cut to black*
>well, bradley, probably nothing since even with 10 grand i wouldnt be tall and have chad like good looks, you see, all women these days just want chat, lads like me and you dont even get a look
I thought you made the cheese in the taxis? You're having me on, lad...
I reckon I've now got the most saudi riyals in britfeel
Some Deano and his GF just lost five grand on BBC One. The GF is RAGING. The lad answered a bunch of questions wrong. She can't even look him in the eye.
Now it's time for pointless, hoping for a film category today.
They aren't really taxis. It's a chauffeur company. We're a private hire driver company but not a "taxi company" per se. I mean we don't have radios or anything.

I don't know what goes on in the cars. I've never been in one. I mean I've been in a car, but not in one of our cars. Out of my price range, plus we require a credit card to secure booking and I only have a Maestro.
They'll hate fuck each other while you sit on /britfeel/.
First you said you're a cheese maker now you see you're a Taxi driver? Make up your mind.
>ello there ye oim Mak and am the UK chaiiman of the drinkers association shaa aat te seasidemark
Phwoar it was a film category and I know all the answers. I willed it into existence I reckon. Pretty easy answers though. I'd go for All About Eve for thw lowest.
I'm neither to be honest. Don't even have a driving licence.
But do you have a cheese making licence? Hope you're not running an illegal cheese company.
Is omnipotence really so much to ask for?
Considering making my own cheese
>not being your own chauffeur for a fraction of the price
not a fan of chauffeur larp
It's not a larp lad. What's so unbelievable about me having a wagie job?
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WFH security guard
I have heard people say they used to be x on game shows. So just say you used to work in IT and are now retired after you sold your company.
You can't be a chaffeur. How can you be a piece of cheese? You lads are really riling me up now.
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Normies cant jold a convo about anything except money nd their job
This is me talking 2 a normie
Tell me more about your grim office job then go on
Yawning in their face
Oh right u went uni for such n such
Take a wee nap til u stfu
What you up to tonight Crosslad?
new thread de lids


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