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As a black man edition
>That doesn't even make any sense my nibba
You sleep with other men behind his back, no? How is that a relationship?
No I don't. However things are less rigid in ze gay worldshire.
So many black people can't help but make their skin colour their entire shtick.
Always sippin the kool aid
spent 200 odd quid on a mechanical keyboard again
shouldve donated it to ukraine
Should get my email from the chubby CEX girl soon. Can't wait!
I'd rather click and clack away to these threads than still have a Ukraine.
Yes, because crying racism is too handy to not do.
Also these "muh slave ancestors" never mention the barbary slave trade carried out by African countries against white Europeans.
Boring Brit/pol/ gimmick
>y-you are miserable just like me
KEK. KWAB. Biggest cope going really. I am pretty happy at the moment and your opinion on the matter does not change reality. So run along little laddy.
Your reading comprehension is shit my lad
Fagpox putting holes in his brain
ID mobile doing credit check. Wish me luck, lads.
Gutten lucken, as the Germans say.
Chika is my favourite britfeel poster
>homophobic trannard
Chika is a nonce which is why most of us dislike him.
I speak german and this is incorrect
I dislike him because he's gay and bald desu desu

seasideMARK Out with Helen on Friday

It's incorrect that you speak German? Too bloddy right, we won the war so as not to speak German.
He isnt a nonce but he is friends with a nonce.
fair, i usually assume animeposters are nonces anyway
Trying to switch from Three. I know they use Three's network but I can get 500gb data for less than 15gb data from Three on the phone I want (Razr 50 Ultra). Giff Gaff Klarna knocked me back for some reason, cause I'm unemployed of course. BASTIDS. I've never missed a payment on any bills I've ever had.
>Most of us
You mean mostly you and possibly a few other permaincels with no life. Oh I care so much. KWAB. Sameswanning yourself as usual you sad sad little man. Do you not do anything else. Play a game or something, anything.
Balding not bald, big difference
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As a black man impregnated my wife, I watched. As his son was born, I signed the birth certificate.
Whatever happened to nubs?
hdf du dummer huso ich fick deine mutter
SSM explaining his 'I would rather sell my arse and shit through my ribs' saying to Helen lmao


Phwoarr Israel just ended Nasrallah
What phone do you lads use?
Maggie Grace was quite fit in her day.
Germans don't sat hdf.
IDF is checking if Hezbollah leader Nasrallah was hit in the strike, an Israeli source tells
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40 days no booze coming on strong
Get in
If true, big
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Ich habe deine Grossmutter von hinten gemacht
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Hopefully SSM has a meltdown SSM style tonight
Feels like just yesterday I finished Bloodborne in like 15 hours. Boring game.
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Mummy love a big sausage
Sausage pasta it might not be 4 u bt it deffos gonna be 4 her
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>a black man impregnated my wife
Rather sell me fucking shit nd arse out me knackers
Rather sell me phone and put chip in me arse.
I had to get my mum to get a phone for me, as my credit score is tres bad, as the french say.
>stand here
Stupid faggot is sitting down, fucking nonce lammy
Experian says my Credit Score is 999 but I've never worked. I have had phone contracts and Argos card and Vodafone broadband which is all in the Experian so it must be somewhat accurate?
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he just finished shaggin elen and is 40 days no wooze
everything is coming up Mark
its never really tickled my fancy much t b h. i think a lot of people like it for meme reasons and clout as well which has kept me away from it
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>Dunning-Norwood melty
My main problem is the lack of build variety. Not enough weapons.
It fascinates me that people in this country are so indoctrinated that they believe we're anything like the US.
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Certified CUTlE
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Cheeky meat injection for are 'elen.
Reading a sharticle on him, and part of his ancestral past was to do with the Bantu tribe, who took Pygmies as slaves.
Double standards. It's a fake cry of le heckin racismerino, a tactic used by most BAME's, because it is rarely challenged.
Sex in the shower why not
Slip trip or fall hazard.
Either i take a shower or i have sex, lets keep it simple
>he just finished shaggin elen and is 40 days no wooze
>everything is coming up Mark

Lucky there aren't glass doors on the showerington
I think I'd like living with Crosslad. Either as a mate or as a lover. Would be to him, really. Ain't gay to handjob a mate, is it?
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They're all good tho. U can clear the game w any of them equally. I know u technically can in ds too but nobody would. Thats the difference.

how did SSM pull a bird like that? fucking hell
Lisa Rodgers, emptied todgers,
of all their spunk
If she was a man, I'd be gay
because she'd be a hunk.
I do like the game just not as much as others. Will replay at somepoint with a different build and do the DLC. That cunt in the wheelchair and the guy at top of the castle gave me the most trouble I reckon. But then the boss after wheelchair man was easy enough (turns out I got a secret ending without trying by eating belly buttons).
I know. He really landed on his feet pulling Helen.
That's a good ending
If u think about it there's 25 weapons nd theyre all viable so in ds1 there's way more by how many would any1 really use?
I like it a lot bt desu I liked it instantly so it might just not click with you
I've also sold it more times than any other game I fink, I sold it again at cex the other week bt I guess that mean I bought it a lot too
ahahhahaha this was over a year ago ahahahha fucking trolls bringing up old news like it's just happened ahahahha seaside army wins again like always ahahahahhahahahaa
Is that you Big Magpie?
Its a saying....Its a phrase yeraa..from mansfield woodhouse
refuse to believe that fit milf is shagging SSM
no fucking way
shes a prostitute or something
no fucking chance he gets a woman and one like that while i rot alone forever
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Thats defs homo
shout out to barney rubble, guy in the grey suit, big magpie, david c, iani79 greavesy, tim eldridge (there's only one tim eldridge!!!!!),spencerkarter
Fine I'll just jack off very loudly so you know what you're missing out on.
>Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah is alive, a source close to the armed group told Reuters on Friday, following a series of Israeli airstrikes on Beirut's southern suburbs

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah is alive, a source close to the armed group told Reuters on Friday, following a series of Israeli airstrikes on Beirut's southern suburbs
I wish Natasha from Natashas Bedroom was my gf. I think she's so fucking sexy and cute. Her smile is gorgeous.
I do love Natasha's hairy muff
I remember when Spencer turned up at his house to take him to a rave and he refused because he'd had a beer and a kebab,
Very nice lad. I'm going to try and haiku that.

Lisa Rodgers' tits
Spunked by many, held by none
Bounce, forevermore
Think she really gets off on forced bi stuff irl or it's just a job to her?
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Getting in my feelings

ssm doing a live call-in show tonight this is gonna be FOUR TIMES LUSH de lads
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I'm currently travelling in Scotland from abroad
I love you bongs but what the fuck is this
>what the fuck is this
I don't know why he puts his mobile number up
He never answers his phone
Wish he did though
That's what happens when toilets are managed by ooga boogas
that's your complementary beverage mate. don't like it, you know where the door is...
>next day delivery
>oh you're in Northern Ireland? that'll be four weeks love
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thats an irn bru fountain
we installed a bunch all over the country, mainly in the touristy areas
I bought a keyboard on a .co.uk site without realising it was going to come direct from China. No idea when it'll get here.
SSM's music sounds like the sort of shite pikeys play on funfair rides

part & parcel innit
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I like it, very nice.
I felt even moar creative, so made a dot to dot image of her. Don't let yer mum see it, it's rude.
I am so fucking seeething at this.
Four weeks probably, lad. That seems to be the standard for Chinese slop.
https://youtu.be/y_apbSXGIZo i could fix her
>come direct from China.
A scamazon purchase? Seems ~80% of what they sell is shite from china. ALi express 2 the amazon boogaloo.
SSM was messaging HUNDREDS of women on Plenty of Fish every week. He put in the work and it paid off.
It's always fucking them isn't it? I lived in Rusholme for a year at uni and constantly saw pakis in leased white Mercs who insisted on speeding around everywhere
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Went for the 4chan green, lads.
SSM looks and sounds depressed. Dark nights are coming and it is getting to him.
been feeling a cry coming on sometimes the past few days but it never happens
sexo pesto
SSM hibernates in the Winter, lad. That's why he's been cultivating mass and stocking up on nuts.
Ats a disgrace when theres weans on the bus
they turnin the weans against us
it not right
>Nobs like this is why one of my old coworkers has one leg
Kek that tickled me that
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I see stuff from the future
Does anybody else have a sleeping pattern that changes automatically?
Spring-Summer, it's 07:00/08:00-23:00/00:00
Autumn=Winter, it's 10:00/11:00-02:00/03:00
I once went in for a kiss with a girl and she turned away and acted like it didn't happen. She was leading me on and flirting with me for weeks too. It not right. She turned me into an incel.
For me it's 0200/0400 - 1000/1200 all year around. I got that dosser cycle on max.
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Very nice coIour
SSM on a mad one. haha what's he like eh?
I'm a dosser, but do garden related activities, so it is good to get up early during the lighter seasons.
True. I hate the sun at that time in the morning. Really fucking triggers my autism. Worst time for the sun is early morning and early evening.
Corrr an I mean corrr. YouTube consumer reviews time I reckon.
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CEX girl didn't mesage me. Didn't think she would really. Just pretending to give some relief. Back to hell I guess.
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God help me because no one else will, not even myself.
You have no life bald nonce
That's Irn-Bru lad. Go on get sum down ya.
It's being out in the sun during the afternoon I don't like. I don't drive, so a sun low in the sky doesn't bother me.
I've never been diagnosed with anything, I'm just strange.
Chappell Roan cancels more shows what a surprise.
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She playing hard 2 get lid. Clazzic woman
When he dies, they should study Graham Linehan's brain. Just taken a look at his twitter account and every tweet is about trannies. He's insane. Really fucking strange
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I was saying 2 mummy in the car other da6 how it's comfy when the clocks go back in october she goes "just means it's dark when I go to work, maybe if you're waking up at half 9" am finking first of all half 9 is still too early for me second am not appreciating this what i suspect is passive aggression thirdly its still comfy even if U work
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I am the number 1 most impactful artist of our generation

sniff that xx
He ruined his entire life and legacy over it. Mental.
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True. I got her right where I want her.
Hope Shippy gets another handjob soon
chika should make a youtube channel ssm style
Just heard the news... R.I.P. Shippy. Died of a receding hairline.
His head's just gonna keep inflating if he doesn't
makima is the SEXO
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Thats fucking lush so it is
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yeah i take it up the arse so what dont judge
Laura takes it up the ass i reckon
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Here's to nice sweet dreams
Not extroverted enough for that kind of thing. Maybe streaming a game from start to finish and barely interacting with the chat and having 3 viewers on a good day.
Chika would you be opposed to a man wanking you off?
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They literally crawl out from under rocks they have green looking skin nd they run around screaming we love satan we want 2 eat babies
oi did you steel that gif from my piczo
Not really but I don't get much out of it either.
Electric on 4 freeeee
Chika more comfortable in his sexuality than Crosslad. He let me wank him off but Crosslad won't.
Stream your finasteride journey kek
Day 1 balding day 600 bald
I only drink once a week, usually about 6-7 units. If that's enough to make me an alkie then so be it.
And you could stream your... oh wait nothing happens in your life. Oof and I mean oof. Incel.
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Day 1 65yo boyfriend day 400 66yo boyfriend
Karl Pilkington in that new David Mitchell show. He keeps popping up in small little acting roles.
Day 1... No gf. Day 2... No gf. You cannot win this little game. And it lush.
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I actually have big plans for my future let's play channel
Any DVD updates then today?
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DFW's most poignant insight was that most people do not want to be on TV; they literally just want to watch TV.

Most people would rather watch a famous A-list actor portray them in a movie about their life than actually be the famous A-list actor portraying themselves in a movie about their life.
I sleep extremely well every night knowing that the UK is going to have a violent soviet style collapse within the next few years.
You mean you cope with fantasies about collapse to justify your bad choices in life. Got it.
cummy cummy cummy cummy cum on a bunch of men
i cum loaaaaaasds
i cum loaaaaaaaaaaaaasads
His insights into media generally were very good also. For instance, movies used to be a temporary Lynchian experience, almost dreamlike, a little drug trip even. You went and watched it for an hour or two with your girlfriend and then you returned to the real world and had sex. The media was momentary. A religious experience. Maybe you took something from it to apply to your own life, but that shows that your life took priority over the media.

Today the reverse is true. Media is about immersion, making sure you remain as far away from real life as possible for as long as possible. Finished a series? Binge the wiki. That book you like? Three series and spinoffs and a seven movie cinematic universe. It's also why all media today is unbearably bloated with meaningless filler - literally to fill the time/space on the page. This is because people no longer want to live their lives because life is now shitty and unpleasant for most. Good reasons to check out.

DFW pre-empted these reasons as a critique of his new sincerity. But there's one problem: nobody is making that principled coherent critique. Nobody. DFW killed himself because he articulated an argument against his life's work that was too good but which nobody in the real world ever made once in earnest against him. DFW would be alive today is he became a gymbro.
ive dated oil rich Nords
ive stayed in gold furnished hotels in the middle east
ive been arrested and jailed for being smuggled into active warzones
ive been homeless in the highlands for months on end

ive done a few interesting things in my life, and now its calm and comfy wbu? leave school and shack up with an old local poof for free rent did you? exciting stuff there baldy. tik tok, he's going to kick your aging ass out soon enough
You are spouting some bollocks tonight, lad.
Going to bed now me desu de lads, very exhausting day today and not in a good way
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*nothing happens*

I think people underestimate just how bad things can get and still not lead to any kind of cataclysmic reversal. Revolutions are not inevitable. If they were then South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique would not look like they do today.

I would love for it to happen, but I'm very doubtful.
All of that is made up rubbish though and you know it.
I've shagged 100s of women all across Africa. They just don't know it.
I reckon she's let her boyfriend bum her a few times but doesn't really enjoy it.
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I see it Friday
Why did you get involved in the conflict in Syria?
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If you haven't read Infinite Jest I do recommend it. It suffers from being too popular of course which leads to very polarised views of it being either overrated or underrated depending on who you ask, but it is a good book. It's fun and goofy. Sometimes it makes you think, but it's definitely a comedy rather than a tragedy. Oh and in case you didn't get it the actual infinite jest tape in the book is basically what sissy hypno is trying to be today (and getting there for lots of guys, grim).
That's me in bed now. I shan't get out for around 15 hours. I shall spaff on my mattress.
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Evens and I give the red telephone a quick call
No woman ever enjoyed anal. Chika however..
Remember when Friday night britfeel was fun
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Probably gonna get up early and head to my local greasy spoon type cafe tomorrow to get a full english before the riffraff turn up. Very comfy having a cafe all to yourself early in the day. Cooked breakfast. Hot coffee.
Might start niggermaxxing for strategic purposes
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Yes yes it good.
However I do think some women enjoy it. Based on things I have overhyurd.
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>new apuette amsr video just dropped

she cooks tendies and asks you about your day
Big disagree there, lad. Most women don't like donkey dicks jackhammerfucking their arseholes with no lube like you see in porn, but in that situation they're being paid to put on a spectacle. Slow, sensual, intimate anal with lots of lube and a regular sized cock is extremely pleasurable for a woman. Gfberg has said she was really surprised how good it felt. Sure some women do it just to please their guy, but if you clean, lube, take it slow etc. I think that most women would enjoy it.
Rather pay rent that getting my asshole stretched several times a week desu
2 of my exes asked me to fuck them up the arse lad and it became a regular thing, you have no idea what you're talking about
By the way its not that skinny, I used 2 think it was skinny nd all I had was length(bang on UK average 5.5 inch) bt I saw the pic I took on my phone over summer nd its acrually quite decent width I think, I could be mistaken nd it don't really matter end of the day but not as dire as I would've thought
Feel really sorry for all the kids doing their GCSEs this year who didn't get to stay in 18 million quid penthouses to revise (starting halfway through the exams btw). After all, how else could Starmer's kid pass? He NEEDED to take that hospitality so his son had a chance.
Why not both. Fucked twice one might say.
Chika dolly getting a lot of attention lately
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U are alive bc I say so. Never forget I am the umbilical cord from mummy 2 this entire hologram. Quite a few ppl have a stake in me staying alive nd in good spirits,,,,,lets say 8billion or so.
Best note this observation down in the lore logs, lad. Future posters need to know.
dare you to post it
but trolls told me they broke up?
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Brasseye sketch to Labour policy pipeline

mark and helen going to tokyo and it's gonna be lush
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Quitting my wagey job soon lids. Handing my notice in next month and I'll have to work a full month. Managed to save 25 grand living with he mummy. She thinks I should get a house with it but fuck that lmao I hate this shite country. Gonna to travelling. 3 months in Japan. Then go to Thailand. Maybe Taiwan. Gonna be living the freedom life. If only for a bit
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All homos are paedos btw
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What about dykes?
so he spend the day with his "missus" or whatever she is, and the night singing to himself in the dark kek
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I'll also take pictures of the festivities for the lids and document the trip. Hopefully I don't get killed out there
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P much every dyke claims she was raeped as a kid so ye either they're lying for lez clout or they reproduce exact same way male homos do.
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Just burned out? I don't blame you for wanting some adventure and excitement for a while, but when you get back you will just be back to square one innit. Mummy is right, using that money for property would be smarter.
how far does 25 grand take you de lad
I don't know a thing about travel
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Yes lid burnt out. Been working full time since I was 20 now 33. I'm so fucking done.
>but when you get back you will just be back to square one innit.
I yeah I will be 100%. But poor schmucks like us aren't destined for anything friend. We'll work until the retirement age is up to 70+. And we probably wont make it until then. A few people around me, aged 30 to 50 have died from various aliments. Cancer, covid vax made them ill etc. Lastest one was 37 in my workplace a few months ago. Although he was quite obese/fat.

Moral of my blog post is, we aren't guaranteed anything. I'd rather be happy being free than in 100+ grand debt for a house.

>how far does 25 grand take you de lad
At least a year in Asia lid if I'm careful. Thailand apartments are like 250 pound a month lol
is this new tripfag's gimmick just being the biggest cunt imaginable or am i missing something
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Can't argue really, I am just too cautious myself. But if you are gonna do it at least plan things out a bit and make it worthwhile. Take some photos and post them here too, nice travel blog would be cool. I hope to go to Wapan someday too desu.
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Time 4 grim small talk with shop mongs for my Stellas
that's every trips gimmick
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>I am just too cautious myself.
So I am lid. I could quite easily stay here. But time is ticking and it scares me. I could easily last another 7 years until 40. But the past few years are a blur really. I don't remember much if anything at all, except working. I don't think your life should be devoted to making another person richer. I mean that's all work is at the end of the day.
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Hello my love I heard a kiss from U
>Time 4 grim small talk with shop mongs for my Stellas
Get a bag in de lad
Yeah, all pretty underwhelming really. I'm on the up at the moment but eventually the curve flattens and you are back to monotony and lack of satisfaction and then the urge to quit comes back. Good luck on ze path.
What property can you even get for 25 grand in this overpriced shithole?
corr is that helens reflection in the glass

Well none but it will get you a deposit, agents fees, some furniture etc as a start.
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25 grand is just for the deposit lid. Not the actual house. The house would be probably 80k terraced house or something given my wages.

>and you are back to monotony and lack of satisfaction and then the urge to quit comes back.
I think the answer is not to spend too long in one place. I been at my current place 6 years. Too fucking long. Maybe give a job 2 years then fuck off so your brain doesn't turn to mush doing the same robotic thing for 5+ years.
Iktf de lid. I pretty much master any job I have within a few months and then I can do it almost on autopilot. Good for audiobooks and chudcastmaxxing though really.
V v cute griller on the till
Need 2 buy sth else except booze so I don't look grim
pickled onion monster munch
>Good for audiobooks and chudcastmaxxing though really.
True lid but there's only so much you can watch. I spend most of my time browsing Reddit but it makes me feel awful knowing much of my life im wasting. If I was WFH I could be doing chores so I don't have to do it on the weekend or just playing video games, instead of pretending to work.
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Yeah, I'm on that Friday night wuppagrind. Wooze? Don't need it. Wrugs? Definitely don't need it. Keeping things well womfy from now on.
Yeah WFH is great for doing little things throughout the day and then not having to do as much at night. All just rummaging around for extra minutes to consoom enjoyment though innit. We need religion but we reject it because humans are stupid and it so sad.
You're so boring, mate.
Not being q cunt but aware I am. Low paid jobs are easy to master pal.
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And yet you still take time out of your busy day to reply to my boring posts, funny that "mate".
Well not saying otherwise really. Maybe one day I will do something more difficult but social status is the limiting factor here.
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Wee yawn she did
U tired hen
Long day
Y are grills so cute
FUCK sake
Neway i back w my britfeel niggers so it don't matter
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Not seen you for a while lid. What's happening these days?

>We need religion but we reject it because humans are stupid and it so sad.
This is why everyone is nihilistic these days. No religion we done for
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Need a cute grill in my life
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Just been womfing around, trying not to do me wollocks in. Wempted to get a webab wrap in tonight classic HHL style but probably won't. Still grinding that Fortnite ect..
Tempted to do something I want to do classic me style
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Webab wrap would be nice lid. Im on a diet meself. 5 days today of 1350 calories a day. pretty grim. my belly already feels like its shrinking though. Feels good man
Empty man that don't dream I saw the empty gaze of the beast nd this whole project got a Zion stenfh. Ye yeyeyeyeyhehee tell me fuwhat rhe fuck to do. Fuxk right off. Get the fuck out of scotland. Aberdeen aint urs. I drew a line in saltcoats beach. Walk over thar nd you'll GET IT wee cardigan faggot lad am not in the mood for these fucking demons anymore it's all good though.
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Shitlib guy at work. Is actually kind of alright. Most people have stupid views and if you're alright with me then I'm alright with you so get in there.
yeh just careful not to have a huge multi-day binge and go back to the beginning due to how severe your calorie cut is
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I already got past that part lid. The first 3 days are the hardest imo. Once you're past 3 days, the motivation of actually keeping the streak going is quite strong. It's just that initial few days.
Diabetic fucking slut
I bought monjarou or whatever it's called. ( The south park ozempic meme) Made losing weight easy due to removing appetite.
>Made losing weight easy due to removing appetite.
Nice one lid. Can you get it over the counter? Honestly, I don't think losing weight is difficult. It's just time. And time takes too fucking long. People fail because they expect instant results. It's 3-6 months of hard graft.
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Just stop eating food nigga like just close your mouth
Got it from an online site. Took a few weeks to get approved but was very easy albeit pricey. It completely removed hunger pains tho. Makes it dull much easier
Do not care how you lose weight just get on with it fatties
Perfection takes time wee man
What if the only thing that worked was shagging your mum?
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I will neber forgive school teachers for raping me. Hope U get cancer ASAP.
We're such self centred crap we don't even notice hell itself rising up against us
Kinda miss my ex lads. Dumped 6 months ago. Just met a great girl who is fitter, actually has a job and is funny. But can't shake my ex. Why
Keir Starmer shagging Jenny Chapman's tuppence in Lord Alli's penthouse
Old car familiarity. They never drive the same mate.
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I heard boten Anna in 2006 bc I happened 2 have a Swedish MSN friend that sent it to me,,when it was still only a swedish song,about a year or 2 later there was ppl at school playing the new English version off their song it was so uncanny, like IRL and internet joining in a way that wasn't normal at the time bt it would happen faster if it was today. That's my basshunter story, nd she sent me a photo of her tits as well.
We spoke over text at the start of the month. Last message from her was on the 9th. Was gonna ask her if she wanted coffee or something but I never texted her. Will probably never hear from her again. Weird feeling
Usual simulation type shit. I couldn't get over rthat ""war and peace" the other day.
Just eaten a big bowl of peas. Put mayo and onions sauce on them but it just made them taste more horrible
World pop even before the human sacrifice known as first world war was 2b. So it tripled in 100 years. Bt they think the number of eternal souls kept up in tandem w random groupings of flesh. Am not going into this right now though. Rather have a wee party.
Where are the new cemeteries? Millions more ppl, more deaths, more space needed ud think. Where's the last cemetery they built near you? Where do they all go then?
Most people are cremated.
I met the blonde beast ages ago. This world is over lmao
To beddingtonshire I must go.
CERN niggers went mental this year like they did in 2012,,I was saying last year theyd plan it for 2024 nd nobody listen bt here we are. If theres been a ""shift" year since 2020 its clearly this one.
Bt even then, 2020 was a shift in practical political way with covid, this 1 has a much starker spiritual dimension. Every1 feels it.
going to do the same do a little bit of yt in bed before shut eye nn lid
NN friend
Good dreams ahead
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Fuck it tho. Not my problem.
Schizochimps are so fucking annoying
Scottish pensioners freezing while they put ""GB Energy" in Aberdeen. GB. Fuck off. Leave. Independence now.
Really arrogant too, pretending to have secret arcane knowledge when really they are just talking utter shit. Then they roll out the victim complex as the excuse why nobody likes them. Nothing to do with them being insufferably annoying or anything.
Aberdeen nothing to do with u. Gtfo. GB my arse.
Literally just making things up like children to feel better about themselves, but with all of the smugness of an adult
Kek stick to ur podcasts bald man, that's more your speed
They could have just acted as people and lived a life. But they were too lazy so now idiotic willful delusion is all they have left. It would be sad if they weren't so unlikable. Anybody who says absolutely anything about "simulations" is very dull also.
Little Scottish mong whining again. You had your chance and didn't take it
Devolve fucking everything asap. Get us to fuck away from those psychos. I love the real English bt theyre not represented by that shithole known as Westminster. Us even less so. Cut the cord.
"GB energy" The fucking state of it. FUCK OFF
Genuinely don't understand why people like him and HHL drink, they immediately get upset and angry and selfy-pitying, like within half an hour. It's not a normal response to alcohol at all.
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Definitely Garn scouting tomorrow. Can't put it off forever
I did not pay to watch a Poundworld HHL, I want a refund britfeel
Yeah fucking bizarre. I can sort of understand after 10 drinks getting a bit weird, but they go off the rails after half a can. What's the point. All in their room too, there isn't even the excitement of going wild amongst people. All at the keyboard.
yeah fuck the lot of you
Bald mong having "a-ha moments" w his podcasts on minimum wage job KEK
The other night Crossmong had an identical HHL style weltdown all night. Made me wonder if he was intentionally copying him
It's not looking good again. The flood alleviation scheme can't help now
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Scouting primary schools for bikini models de lad?
back from the date, went pretty well, went for coffee first then decided to crawl a few pubs, she seemed happy, i am happy and a little bit drunk and about 80bong lighter than i was before i went out, now time to drink at home with my /britfeel/ lads
He's up all night drinking swill and increasing cortisol and chasing shadows and he thinks this is anything other than a self own. Have a nice night!
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No, scouting the London Borough of Haringey
probably the same skitzo
very unwomfy tonight, shan't be sticking around
You know what. Last response to these characters from here on out. There is no point.
Good R&R this was

Gucci, even
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Tragic samedolling
Only a few of them were me. Look man, I can't be bothered anymore. I don't know why this cringe little feud started and I don't want to continue it anymore. I won't deny I sometimes prod at you on here but like 70% of the time you are either accusing someone else of being me or seething when I post something totally unrelated to you. It's done I will not argue any more. Just boring now and actually quite tragic.
Opinion on Jeets? They truly are fascinating creatures. Unhygienic dancing rapists whose natural predator is the train.
Only one for me here lad
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is it that unfathomable to you that people might find you annoying?
you post stupid shit here day in day out lad. also very fucking rich of you to accuse anyone else of mental illness or imply it's a bad thing given your behaviour
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>I don't know why this cringe little feud started
If U are bald zelda poster, its bc U attack Arbroath poster lass which makes you my enemy too, I have no personal feelings towards u beyond that.
Not that lad you replied to and I'm not Chika either, you have accused me of being him when you've read something I posted about you that you didn't like. You're a knobhead lad.
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>If U are bald zelda poster, its bc U attack Arbroath poster lass which makes you my enemy too, I have no personal feelings towards u beyond that.
Fuck up lad I don't give a fuck
Scrawny cunt.
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If U attack my Arbroath poster lass U are my enemy, simple as.
Anyone else a sweaty fuck even when it's cold? Can't get comfy in the house unless I'm half naked.
I have no need to attack that it is doing enough damage to itself, lad
Same lid I have to lay on top of the bed covers until I near freeze
Sitting here watching telly in my favourite loose shirts and vest top. They have bleach stains on them from cleaning and they are threadbare. I'm going to be sad when they are done. They're just my womfy comfy clothes. Anyone know what I mean?
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I will offer a conditional Chamberlain style ceasefire 2 bald zelda poster on the basis that he stops seething at NEETs nd hidden disabled.
It will always be war with d*lita however on account of what he said about my cat.
Your life is as dead as your rotten moggy you sad pathetic excuse for a man
Don't understand mongs who only buy steelbooks and that. Just shows they collect films not to watch but to show off. Wow! A metal case? Who gives a fuck you CUNT!
I had a pair of tennus shoes my parents bought me when i was 16, I spent two years using them as kayaking boots, the wear and water molded them into the most comfortable pair of shoes ive ever worn, i went to uni for a year and came back home and my mother had thrown them away.
They were so comfortable. im disabled as well and they had just adapated so well to my hunchback of notre dame twisted foot limp :(
Now every other step is 50-50 if its going to hurt, my calf muscle on one leg is twice the size of the other, i asked for an xray as it clicks and locks sometimes, what did the nhs do, send me to a psysio.
anyway, i loved those shoes.
Wow... did she apologise for chucking them out? My mum would never throw my shit out without asking me first.
I know what you mean about the shoes, I got a new pair a few months ago I haven't even worn because I don't want to give up my current comfy ones that are falling apart.
I strained my ankle like two months ago and it's still sore as fuck. Think it'll be fucked for life now.
Had this hoody I wore until it had no elbows in it had it for about 8 years
If I go outside, every single person will verbally accuse me of being a ped, or if trying to prey. Hundreds of people. And while this is happening, a magical force is compressing my head, or poking or punching my brain. That's true actually. It's very exhausting. That's the type of power the god of north america has. I'm submitting this to the humans, kill the god of north America. I'm being fucking violently raped and assaulted with magic. I don't know how he's doing it.
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I dont think u understand if u said this 2 my face I'd turn ur wee d*llycel skull into a mashed sweet potato not in minecraft in real life nd the discord already confirmed ur deets
What's this about a discord then?
Kind of, her apology was "I couldn't stand to see you wearing them anymore"
She was a kept woman and appearences mattered more than comfort.
When i was 15 and offered surgery to fix my limp my parents made me make the descision, and like al 15yr olds you think you're hard as nails and will overcome anything, so i said no.
They did however sue the school for neglegence then made me sign to pay for the legal fees if there was any money from it. I got 3k paid 1500 in fees and they decided to send my sister for singing lessons, which i had to for out 1000 for as a "present to my sister..." They had shitloads of spare cash, would go on exotic trips with my sister and leave me at my nans....
Bitch and bastard, i'm going to be crippled for life from this wht not just kill me now and save me years of pain.
I could go on...
Antipsychotics are a sheild against all magical influences.
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Goddamn unemployed boomer (the other one) almost caused an accident again earlier yesterday when he put his stupid broom right in front of me bike just as i was about to pass (he clearly saw me coming from the other side of the street and pretended to sweep the street again as he always does for hours on end)

Boomer asshole treats the street as some sort of extended garden and walks up and down there (or senselessly sweeps the clean asphalt for hours at a time) just to appear busy lol, some sort of pathological vapid boomer need "to be seen on the street by others" i guess.

Plenty of times where i rode out for an appointment and saw him both on my way there and when i got back again (i.e. for hours at a time). It's really fucking bizarre, that's to be expected when it comes to contemporary boomers of course though.

Often he just stops in his tracks and stands there like a drone/zombie and stares at me with this stupid boomer look on his face as i ride past, but attempting to block my path in the middul of the street at the very last second (either by placing random objects in front or waiting until i'm about to pass and then walking in my way on purpose, which he did a couple times) appears to be something he really enjoys doing. That's likely the thrilling highlight of this old fuck's day tbf
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>smackhead mate phoning me again

Word of advise lids, don't become mates with smackheads and pissheads they literally won't stop bothering you. Will probably take months of ignoring them before they finally get the hint.
Sorry lad sounds like your parents are/were parcels of shit (if that's not overstepping my boundaries).
Are you friendly with your sister? What are you diagnosed with that gives you a limp?
Used to associate with a lot of meth heads (the snorting kind) during my worst drinking days. Used to drink all night, pass out and then start drinking again, lose two or three days while my family are wondering where the fuck I am. Not worth it. Better keeping it private and with decent lads.
Imagine having lived your life on babby tutorial mode and then smugly trying to fuck everyone's shit up on your way out just because, as a last "screw you, i got mine already" if you will

That's boomers for ya in a nutshell. Sad!
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Its a shame d*lita, u make me laff, bt as long as you disrespect my cat thats not good enough. I recommend bars on your windows, won't be anything more than a wee head start for U though.
Don't let the seethers get you down, lad. Just relax and try and enjoy yourself.

Tbh they aren't full blown addicts (alright, maybe one of them is), but more like just sesh heads who do sniff when drinking, problem is I keep relapsing at least once a month and so my association with them continues. The drink keeps setting me back everytime I make progress in getting away from them.
I txt her once a month, she moved away after the divorce when mum became a depressive unemployable alcoholic and she has 4 kids, been married for 20 years. I found mum in a graveyard threatening to dig up graves and kill herself (homeless) 300 miles away, so I went and got her and let her live with me until she was minimally capable of looking after herself and could live on her own which she does now thankfully. My sister never talks to her.
My talus got broken and set wrong, so it catches painfully pretty much regularly when i flex my ankle.
I can walk but i'm crippled for the days after.
The vein near my ankle joint was badly fucked and the blood was up to my knee socket outlining the individual muscles below the knee.
I wasn't put in platster for two weeks so walked on that, i was a pool of sweat and still had to go to school and take some exams which i failed due to the pain. I wasn't given any pain killers.
Noone gave a shit.
People like to talk shit about you for keep doing the same thing but the truth is, once you're in that cycle and around those people it's hard to pull yourself away and change. Took me years to sort myself out. All easier said than done. Doing a line and getting shit faced is like a comfort blanket that's hard to throw away.
put the cunts windows thru, people like that really need to be dealt with
Sorry to hear about all that. Sounds like if you were seen at the beginning this could have all been avoided.
That's a nice thing you did for your mum. I hope you two have a better relationship now. My dad is an alcoholic but I've no interested in fixing it or seeing him because he was very abusive and neglectful.
Honestly just waiting for the day someone tells me he has died.
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Ronnie McNutt is a free man.
Looks like Frankie Boyle.
Citizen Khan has been off the air for eight years.
yeah that what the sueing phase was for, 3k didn't go far at all. Yeah, it's better now but it was a horrible long road, she drinks less now, has friends, still get drunk texts from her where she verbally abuses me and doesn't recall it the day after.
Sorry to hear that, alcoholics make everyone around thems lives horrible. I've known a few others, same with drug users, the person they really are is locked away behind the power of the effects of the drug of the time.
I contacted my dad through boomerbook a few weeks ago to see if he wanted to talk, his neighbour never got back to me despite prompting and being active in the local group, so i guess that's a no.
Quite the odorous fartington this was just now
28 days 6hrs 42 minutes 12 seconds.
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Mad that one lad who chopped his arm off so save his life when he got stuck. Mong for not telling people where he was going.
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Moneylenders are busy lobbing some serious ordnance around in the middul east again right now according to the wires

They really want (need) this thing (WW3) to kick off. Gotta allign reality with those deagel 2025 depopulation forecasts
Well done lad.I can only play the airguitar, I'm jelly.
Where Israel is located there has been and always will be conflict. Not sure why world leaders are so eager to defend the cunts. Just because a lot of them were genocided in WW2 doesn't give them the right to be cunts.
Me? I could play expert on Guitar Hero. 1000s of hours. Fucking loved those games so much. Honestly just great fucking run.
Might learn a language. I need a hobby, I have nothing to do.
What language are you thinking? I learned how to (barely) sew when I was younger, that is handy occasionally.
Do some baking, lad. Start with oat cookies, very easy to make and delicious.
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Feeling quite zesty and gucci rn, me
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https://vocaroo.com/1hxaQ6YxWUoe obviously am utterly wissed atm not looming for guitarlad feedback
Funny how the old Sherlock Holmes films shift from Victorian London to WW2 Era after the first two films. My understanding is it was a change of studio and a significantly lower budget. Still good films.
What's funny about that mong?
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Am having the stepmum thoughts again
Fuck this nigger r9k board britfeel will be the last man standing try ur luck little lad
I actually liked u r9k along time ago bt the FUCKING state ofnyou now. Nah ill just stay here for now..bt get your anus prepared just incase
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I mena I want to fuck.my stepmother? There's no other way to really say it. I think she gave me foot fetish in the 1st place too .what's a lil nigga to do in this cruel world
Entire world wants me dead like a trophy hunt I stood against these cubts. Nobody defend me. I stood alone who gives a fuck. They all tried to kill me. I miss my aunty ***
This is war and its the British people against you
It Sober Saturday and it's a lush x
I got tired. So many normalfags attack me. Bt I know their weak point.
German is the one I find most appealing.
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>Sober Saturday
I was planning the same thing bt life had different plans helper lad
Shall be prepping a warm mealington in 60ish or so, me
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Bt really spilling my guts 2 ****. I deal with it in the morning. Feel or get off the pot. Am feeling
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Christmas time for me alone.....every1 left me. I dont care anymore.

Corr enjoy your wooze lid, playing it safe me. Got things on this weekend I can't risk fucking up with wooze.
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We're deep in2 the supernatural calendar. Shall we keep going?
can this autistic tripnigger fix his broken English already you live in ENGLAND for fucks sake
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Here Yvette u wanting pumped?......wtf Derek?........oh soz that was a ghost............
this nigga drank a couple of stellas and lost his mind kek
Turdington coming on strong rn
Danny elfman didn't rape those daft cows bt he SHOULD go back and rape them just as revenge for slandering him. Fuck off u dumb roasties. I don't give a fuck if he dropped an atom bomb on nagasaki nd sexually assaulted entire continentent of Asia that's my nigger. How dare you.
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>random deaf lad I've seshed with one single time back in 2022 sending me a message asking to lend 20 quid

Kek fucking hell, people are circling like sharks for my bennies.
Rather sell my protons nd isotopes out my a-bomb
I said I'd rather sell my eggs and blood out my menopause
Listen.id rather sell me fucking arse nd shit out me knackers
Rather sell me items nd shit out me clubcard
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Rather sell me fucking seagull out me iMac
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Only gone and stuck some curry and chips in the microwave. Proper NEETslop. Got that Mrs Incredible skin on Wortnite as well, she got a lovely arse.
That sounds lush helper lad. Might throw some tendies on
whatre you gonna do when herr starmer takes your bennies?
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Already sent **** a lot of messages ill need 2 deal with in the morning. Am sorry. It my real feelings tho. Sorry for doing this. Might just down this cider nd sleep.
I loved her bros
Might just down 2 ciders nd cry. Sick of this life
suicide is always an option lid

free Budweiser for the American visitor, drink up friend
U inspired me helper lad might put some chips on w the tendies why not
If I had the balls 2 do that I obviously would've already
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Beirut is getting fucking hammered tonight. Shock and awe style.

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Just getting them out the microwave now, not expecting them to be great but better than nowt.
lol you cant just indefinitely live on 1350 cals. you will slip up at one point
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Just necked those curry and chips. Garn call it a day soons and go beddingtons.
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Just figured out boomeroids

The amount at which they terrorize their surroundings with bizarre, nagging mannerisms rises in proportion to the amount of their (real or perceived) uselessness in society and their general immediate social environment

This equation appears to be in agreement with all of my prior findings
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Well, that's the Battle Pass finally finished. And on that note I shall be calling it a day. Nighty night lids. Good luck with the hangover crosslid x
Tiny mong with a tiny penis
Gonna check the bin for any of the skitzo boomeroid's turd bags in a lill while again

If i find any they're going straight back to his own door so he steps in it heh
Need NEET cock in me
Took a liberating shidd just now me
Been on my **** grind. Forgive me my love i miss u.
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>Look man, I can't be bothered anymore. I don't know why this cringe little feud started and I don't want to continue it anymore. I won't deny I sometimes prod at you on here but like 70% of the time you are either accusing someone else of being me or seething when I post something totally unrelated to you.
Listen u bald nigger before i fall asleep
No not 70%
I completely renege on any ceasefire now ive read this again
70%? Who the fuck do u think u are . Bald cunt
I start it 1, ONE percent of the time.
U (YOU) start it 99% of the time.
That means any past issues with us are 99% your fault nd 1% mine. You will fucking agree to this nd we're cool, or you can fuck off. Telling ME im doing ANYTHING 70% of the time. Who the FUCK are you. Telling ME. THE QUEEN. What the fuck i'm doing in percentages. It's YOUR FAULT 99% of the time. Dont fucking dare quantify my blame in anything ever bald man. You will fucking take 99% blame and after that we'll be gravy forever. I shake on it. But fucking TELLING me what my percentage is? 70%? More than half? Fuck right off arsehole.
The fucking cheek of it
You will not calculate my actions as a percentage. Who the FUCK do you think you are. Bald cunt.
The fucking gall
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After all these Chadoids are drafted and sent to the front, the sexual marketplace here in the west will have been completely reshuffled.

A huge upward movement in the decile scale will be taking place.

Low tier brads are going to be the new gigachads, melvins will be the new brads, and so on.

It's a transformation that *must* take place, and entitled spoiled western roasties will be right at the center of it.
when will it happen though? im not getting any younger
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Downing this last stella
How dare u cunt. I want that re-written as 1% by 2pm tomoro. If that doesnt make it to me we're fucking done nd it's war. U dont even want to know what happens after that. Get it fixed NOW.
Too of the morning de lids

Oh silly me
Crossmong had a crate of beer and thought:
>what would really end my night on an even lower low is to revisit what i said 7 hours ago, but angrier and even more desperate.

Deary me. I think that lad's 70% assumption was understated.
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I need **** in my fucking life 2 control my emotions bt its over. So am justt a wreck basically. Fucking kill me
What are you his lawyer? You'll get done too if youre not careful wee lad so fucking zip it
Have another Stella and choke on it cunt
Alcoholic bpd twat
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Downing this stella
wanked to blacked
wish i hadnt
violet myers scene with jason luv
waste too since violet aint even that hot
her body is phenomenal but her face is eh and shes a really boring performer plus jason luv gives me the ick since i heard some dodgy sex pervert things about him and lena paul
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One man's draft notice is another man's opportunity to finally get his schwong wet again

Is it not
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Many many thingso n nmmy mind too much to say here!I will write in my ournalj kekekekekekekeke
Pulling your wee peepee to niggers like a fucking retard genuinely pathetic and thats coming from me. U make me sick. Thx
Downing this fucking jar
Should get up really shouldn't I, should I not. Time to cook, cannot be bothered.
The whistle posse has abandoned me
Order yerself some maccies dee lad
Wish spoons did home delivery ngl
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Do they still do breakfast wraps at mcds?
Nah I don't even like McDonald's really
Got some prepared food already de lid
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Get it darn ya lid
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Waiting for the TV license salesman to finally turn up. Gunna throw a jobbie out the window right on his coupon
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Wonder if my Lucy knows she has a fanbase
Thatl do me nicely then. It Saturday morning so why not?
Wonder if Lucy can access britfeel
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Going 2 bed after i polish off this stella
I feel like the white guy from rivers of blood speech thats looking at the rivers of black niggers or somrething. The sun is setting on my empire
I must be mad literally mad to be permitting the annual inflow of 50,000 stellas
Fackin ell innit
Stella in a can in pure misery de lid.
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Fuck it
Downing 1 more
My twin flame
Nu breadshire soon is it not
I would plunge myself into those inviting holes and empty my balls so noisily
Highly breedable
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Downing this wuppa. Its over. Night night
Arbroathy is a vile little trannard
Corrr first wovfefe in a while
this chick is begging for my willy but im probably a shit lay nowadays so no pressure there. maybe she'll be nice as she thinks the sun shines out my bum
Here you go then lad

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