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Class 385 edition
Nu breadington is it fellow kings
And what did your wife/gf think of you doing that?
Wonder if Paige does anal
Every woman does anal, lad. The ones that don't are lying.
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good bread is it not
Its getting cold out there lids
you know what? one day ill miss pendolinos and get all nostalgic over them
Wow SSM is a Gura fan too?!
holy shit that shark cunt is the most annoying thing ever
I don't have a wife or gf. If I did I wouldn't feel the need to tell them desu. Women don't get politics like men do.
Fuck off you twat. Goobs is a gem.
Just spaffed 150 quid in the Arrow Video sale.
>the conformist and the sheltering sky (two bertolucci films)
>shoguns joy of torture, yakuza law, inferno of torture, orgies of edo, the executioner, the executioner 2, horrors of malformed men (guro ero films from Japanese dirtbag)
>all three volumes of the fassbinder collection (german film director)
I was going to get the Hellraiser set but then I remembered Hellraiser 3 and 4 are shite.
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The Blue Lagoon on ITVX is a bit phwoar lads. Nude under eighteens is a bit risky.
I swear down these threads start sooner every time. It will be sub-400 soon mark my words
Paige's tuppence
Why so many new tripfags recently?
Only a few days away from reaching my goal of NNO Day 10 phwoooaar.
For me, i end up hiding them right away
Tiny penis tiny brain
All the .exes about to fire up again
What kind of swastika do you draw?
Not from me I have an early start tomorrow
Cor new thread that's me tab open all night and scroll through the thread having a shit 'int morning
Should be 300 limit like brit. 500 limit is too long
Why? I genuinely don't see the reason for making threads at 430 other than someone being desperate to have their own specific edition used, as if anyone really cares about the OP image
the thread could be 100 or infinite the thread will still be shit
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Incorrect. My brain is perfectly normal.
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I assumed it was mainly one anon who makes the threads. I've never really thought about it, but I do just jump into a new thread when it's posted regardless
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Last thread is dead so I'll ask again. Do you lads have a face that just makes people want to talk to you on public transport? I seem to have inherited the family curse. Todays events are as follows.
>Heading back from work
>Kid in a uniform gets on
>Bus is chocca
>They come up and sit next to me
>I'm clearly reading a book
>"Scuse, sorry, um, do you know how many stops until station road?"
>Tell them its 12 stops
>"Oh ok."
>Not even two minutes later
>"Is that a good book?"
>Tell them yes and after seeing that they were waiting for more, give them my take on synopsis
>"I dont think I've ever read a book. Is it good? reading I mean."
>Tell them they're nice for passing time quickly. I live near the airport and the bus is about an hour for me, so it helps to have something that can distract me for ages.
>"Dont you ever like, play on your phone or whatever?"
>I just check my email or answer whatsapps
>"Dont you like, use tiktok and that?"
>tell them I downloaded it once and didn't like it
>Their little mind is fucking blown wide open
>They proceed to give me this 10 minute tirade on why I'm missing out on tiktok and show me a few videos on their phone
>Smile out of politeness, but it's unfunny Gen-A shit.
>I tell them "Your stop next" and they go "OH!" and whilst putting their phone away and getting up they go "uh, do you always take this bus?"
>Tell them yeah
>They get up and toddle off to the front
Think I've made another bus friend lads. They'll pair nicely with the old lady who likes telling me all about what's going on at the butchers and asking for the 50th time if I'd like her to buy some pork loins and hand them off to me the next morning because they're really good and really cheap. Really regretting this bus pass but the bike gets a bit dangerous this time of year.
why come here if you don't enjoy your time here?
>stare at a woman through the reflection on the bus window
>wonder if she can see me staring
That's quite sweet, you must look like a nice lad. I've had similar things happen to me but only when I'm sober and don't look like a haggard bloated ghoul. An old woman once stopped me in the street and asked me to help her with her shopping, ended up walking around town with her then took her to her bus stop. Felt like a bit of a mug at the end but it was a nice thing to do.
Nowt wrong with being approachable.
Do you think it would be more scary to catch someone staring directly at you or to catch them staring at you in the bus/train reflection? Second seems a bit more horror movie-like to me
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Will this set the spambot off?
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It set my cock off
They can lad. They can always tell no matter how clever you think you are being. If you're looking at the reflection she can't prove it though. But she will know.
Don't know, directly at me maybe.
Then I've been caught staring at a lot of tits on the bus.
Staring at woman through the reflection on the bus window? Won't get me a gf.
met my gf when she caught me staring at her boobies through the reflection in the bus window
for me it's getting the seat just under the stairs when all the sixth form girls start piling on.
Did this a few times myself, lol. Crafty pervert move. Can see all up their skirts whenever they go up.
good on him for being able to strike up a conversation, lots of gen-a and zoomers can't even answer the door for their pizza
>>"I dont think I've ever read a book. Is it good? reading I mean."
Honestly whenever I'm driving and I see a cute Chinese international student I always want to run them over
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That's lovely that you stopped to help the ol'jun lad. I do feel like being approachable has its downsides. For example the charity muggers and homeless swarm me in the city centre. Hate that because they always make me feel like a cunt for never having change. I had to laugh recently though. I told a homeless that I didn't have change and the cunt pulled out a Z Flip and actually had the audacity to ask me if I'd scan his QR code and send him money via paypal. The audacity and cheek.

Her, and really? They can't open the door for pizza? That's actually pretty sad. I thought I was shy when I was little but apparently the kids of today have it a whole lot worse.
Yeah, mad isn't it? I asked them "Really? Not even one book?" and they said "Yeah nah, like, i've been given them before but they're boring so I've just never done it. Never even made it a whole page haha" and I asked them "If you've never made it a page how do you know the book is boring?" and they said "not the book, just reading." Fucking flabbergasted.
Unhinged mindset
No girl has ever sat next to me on a bus and tried to spark a conversation. Another thing I can add to my list.
It's romantic
i have the look of the sourpuss so thankfully left alone most of the time
Sounds nice. I can't even scowl convincingly. I just tend to come off looking slightly constipated.
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I must say I do like Austin Powers. Shagadelic, baby!
Din-din knocking me out real good until just now

Fackin ell really, phwaor
2006 vibes tonight

Beirut blowing up in that war
Silent HIll on that tele
Labour in that government
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It's never happened to me either but I still managed to fuck women.
>DMT gorilla is gangstalking me again in fifth density

Does it ever end /v/ros
>I am... Le groot?!
>*Inflates to comical proportions*
>*Shards himself*
>*Commits spontaneous sudoku*
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Few more hours until the Prime Day sale corr, not buying any laptop until I've been down to Currys though. I want to see my options first.
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Proof ASMR is a psyop to turn innocent incel-natured lads into goontards. It's over.

Shall endeavour to relieve meself soon
Took a VERY smooth shidd just now

Exceptionally smooth, even
Semen retention might not be for you.

But it for me.
having a few glasses of wine, winning a few bob playing online poker

it might not be for you, but it is for me
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It NNO day 8.

My semen shall be remaining in my wollocks for the forseeable future. Cheers x
it's october mate
Not played video games in 16 days. To depressed. I was on ADHD meds but I had to come off them and go back on fluoxetine. I cant take both due to something called syndrome Been depressed since may.
Musk is a total autist and has fathered multiple children due to his money alone. He also looksmaxxed thanks to this money, got hair transplants and jaw bone surgery, the whole shebang. Boggles the mind
Forgot to type in the word serotonin. Sorry.
I'm on fluoxetine too and it helps, hopefully it'll help you too lad.
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I know, NNN is for November.
I'm retarded and can't read sorry mate
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Think I'll stick that wasta in the microwave now and watch that new Wenguin wepisode.
Spent 200 quid on Blu-rays since yesterday. Think I do have a problem, lads. Is there a shopaholic/hoarders anonymous group?
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At least you have something to show for your money. Better than wasting 200 quid on wooze/wrugs.
back from a nightwalk, did 7.5 miles so my legs are fucked, time to get comfy
Maybe, lad. I've so much stuff that it would be impossible to watch it all in my lifetime unless I dedicated my entire life to it.
At least I'll always have kino to watch on hand.
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Aye you're pretty much sorted for entertainment if the internet goes down.
I see Lady Gaga is shocked about Joker 2 flopping. I liked the first one so will check the second one as well. I've never paid attention to or trusted reviews, I just watch what I think looks interesting. Hope the upcoming Superman film is decent, haven't had a good Superman film in forever.
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The wasta has been cooked. It Penguin time now.
I think you get off torturing your cock and edging during no nuttingtons de liiiiid. And guess what? IT'S LUSH AND IT'S CLASSIC HHL STYLE.

Not even edging, just eating me wasta rn and watching Penguin. No torture here.
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hello sarrs
hello saar and be welcoming you to the threadington
to the left we have popadom yes with curryton
to the right of you saar we have cow, do not touch saar he is sacred saar
do not redeem and watch for the train saar!!
josh said you're all sad nonces who post his dead mum for kicks, is that true?
Bit racist that. I might work in a curry restaurant but that doesn't mean you can say mean things.
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>da wenguin
Really enjoying it so far de lid
Nobody here even knows who he is, don't know why /pol/ lads have been turning up so often here recently
Wrong board, lad. We worship DVDlad here, saar.
The so-called spackerwapu
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Colin Farrell is a fucking amazing actor, glad he's returning for The Batman: Part 2.
You should watch The Banshees of Inishirin
Just doing my prime day shopping
Bought some nice stuff
Nice to treat myself for once
amazon wagies on suicide watch over prime days
t. ex amazon wagie
Got the blu ray box set of Fringe which was nice, a bit fucked the Arrow Video sale is running at the same time so ended up getting more on that.
Amazon wagies really have it bad. My Amazon delivery wagie even delivers on Sunday. The cunt literally sprints from the van to my door and back. Do they get paid per package delivered?
>Do they get paid per package delivered?
I think it's hourly but they get in trouble if they fall behind the very tight schedule daddy Amazon sets for them
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Corr what an ending. Knew the kid wouldn't bail on based Penguin.
I miss Welsh titlod
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And together we're gonna drive around, Victor, we're gonna... do all kinds of illegal things, Victor. Just you and me, Victor. The outside world is our enemy, Victor... we're the only.... friends we've got, Victor! It's just Penguin and Victor. Penguin and Victor and their adventures, Victor.. PENGUIN AND VICTOR FOREVER AND FOREVER A HUNDRED YEARS Penguin and Victor.. some...things.. Me and Penguin and Victor runnin' around and... Penguin and Victor time... a- all day long forever.. all a - a hundred days Penguin and Victor! forever a hundred times.... OVER and over Penguinand Victor... adventures dot com.. W W W dot at Penguin and Victor dot com w..w..w... Penguin and Victor adventures.. ah- hundred years..... every minute Penguin and Victor dot com.... w w w a hundred times... Penguin and Victor dot com.......
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Shall be calling it a night soon.
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Yep it time for beddingtons. Eyes are like pissholes in the snow.
wouldnt mind pissing into ruths snow hole
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Another night, another thread on page 7, all the same thing over and over again
time 4 work de lids
Who is that woman? I would like to masturbate to her videos.
Amazon wagies cant have it that bad, surely? I saw a recruitment ad on YT for them yesterday, and a black man in a warehouse beaming with natural light spent the entire time doing a software course, then he went home and helped his mixed race son on the pc. Are you lads saying this is not a realistic video??
Good morning you lazy freeloading workshy bastards
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Tinder not going well for me since I got back on it two days ago.
extremely tired me desu de lads but the show must go on, work in 40, having the coffee now
What's your commute like? Mines an hour
10 minutes with my bicycle
living in Canterbury fucking sucks. all the people that say it's nice have never actually lived here and it sucks
Mate of mine lives there. He's a grim druggie growing mushrooms in his bathroom but i think thats exemplary for the rest of the town.
Realise i completely misused exemplary there but it is what it is is it not
Prozzie coming over at 11. That's the 10th one this year corr.
You getting one a month then lad? Sounds like a payday treat.
I was raped by a woman once. Fucked me up in the head. I told my therapist and they wrote a note to the job centre but still wasn't allowed on PIP even though I now get anxiety and sweats and PTSD when women get too close to me.
>121 posts
>ctrl+f "arb"
>0 results
the world is healing
And now there's 1 result for it. Dummy.
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All known oak trees with a girth of over six metres(!)
You think he's not just saying it to be a shit stirrer? Weird.
>load SSM_routine
>load ASMR_routine
>load Insult_Ruthmong_routine
>load Shippy_routine
>load Impersonating_posters_routine
>load DVD_routine
>load Wagies_routine
>load NEETs_routine
>load Sprogs_routine
>load Brown_sprog_routine
>load Sprogless_routine
>load BBC_routine
>load Personality_drama
>load Schoolboy_insults_routine
>load Sex_LARPs_routine
I'd love to read that note as you know men claiming rape by women aren't taken serious.

>Pale, thin, young male. Appears to be scared of sex. Mental health issues. Prescribe usual anti-depressants.
Good thing I have the new Intel i9 chip.
morning brass? Sounds grim ngl
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Morning uploafs
It just a chill day today
He sort out his draws

>loaded SSM_routine.exe
>>loaded SSM_routine.exe

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He will never buy another ps5 ever again
He happy with his new sim card somebody sent him. It a roxy moxy voxy moxy one. Now he don't need to buy one himself!
Might send SSM some sim sim cards
Stupid doctor's, I think (know) they've put me on a list made to make people wait, aka "the waiting list". I had no issues getting appointments on the days over the phone, now I'm unable to do that, and keep getting told, I'm on "the waiting list". I think it is because I had to cancel 2 appointments this year.
Also, just phoned about muh migraine (3rd day now of constant migraine), to be told I can't make an appointment over the phone, and to use the shitty online service that is only usable 06:00 - 07:00.
Sorry for the big rant.
TL;DR good job I didn't use reddit spacing.
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imagine being that chip. Lovely

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Living with a hidden disability fish odour syndrome.
(TMAU) 1 day l stink of fish another day stink of shit de lads,
SOME people smell it and some people don't.
I was diagnosed in 2005 by Sheffield university and 5 great guys plus one knows some one who worked at sheffield university in 2005.
I type in 2002 on google why do i smell of fish, it came up with TMAU (fish odour syndrome)
I have a hidden disability it miss understood and unpleasant
if i never had TMAU i would have worked all my life, I never ask to be born.
I dont feel sorry for myself i stay positive all the way and spiritual minded.
I have to wash my arm pits again after a shower and plus I have to wash my ass in the sink in the day after toilet.
Dont feel sorry for me just try and understand a hidden disability.
I get on with my life and make the most of it, positive aII the way
Spam mong set for his daily 16 hours on 4chan
Jokes on you im already here since 8 am
ls 'spam mong' in the room with us now?
He is right here >>79057798
What's a Restart Scheme DWP. Any neets done it?
Get a job bucko
>Restart Scheme DWP
I thought the whole idea with you cunts was to avoid getting work placements.
They're just going to give you the ultimatum of flipping burgers or losing your bennies
You attend a review every 2 weeks at a building other than the job centre, the course is for 12 months and is run by G4S. You will have an adviser and they will give you jobs to apply for, send you on CV writing courses, send you on training days/weeks. And you will still have to attend the job centre every 2 weeks.
Phwoarr sounds totally worth it to keep getting that 311.68 a month.
Might send sim some SSM cards
A G4S wog stole my car once.
Not even joking.
At a big temporary car park for a big event, security was all G4S guys.
Come out at the end of the day, no car. Wogs giggling at me.
Fuck G4S man
Savior of the Scottish people getting his arse pounded in a pebbledash house
>The Restart Scheme helps long-term unemployed people to start working. We provide a wide range of support options, including skills training, job application and interview preparation, financial help, online tools and health and wellbeing support.
Do you get paid additional money on top of what I'm getting currently ?
Hello lad, dunno if you'll end up posting in this thread today

I'm the guy who was taking an SSRI, but now I'm taking mirtazapine, another antidepressant but it's not an SSRI

I also took some aripiprazole (an antipsychotic) for a few days and I think that might have helped me. So I might ask my doctor if I should continue with aripiprazole. Antipsychotics can have some shit side effects, but I think aripiprazole is meant to be less bad for side effects than other antipsychotics.

You found any meds that have worked for you? I think I'm at the point where I don't mind taking meds because I just want to move forward with my life.
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>Savior of the Scottish people getting his arse pounded in a pebbIedash house
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>Do you get paid additional money on top of what I'm getting currently ?
Travel expenses nothing else
Just this quick flow chart to follow to keep getting that pittance in your account every month looooool
BritNormie pounding his black girlfriend in a sandstone tenement
Ngl would love to shag a black girl. I dunno, maybe it's just me fetishising the exotic but something about the idea turns me on.
Never forget the 14 words

"We must secure the existence of pebble dash and a future for Scottish renderers"
Problem is the only attractive ones live in uni cities and shag roadmen
You're stuck with fat, barely literate care home workers in shitholes like mine
Will I need to interact with the retards and alkies around me, you been on the scheme yourself?
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Wow, who wouldn't want to save this?!
It's practically the belle epoch come again.
My house looks exactly like this
Grim man
Nice red bricks under that render
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Just wasting time til 3pm
>Will I need to interact with the retards and alkies around me
>you been on the scheme yourself?
No, I worked for the DWP
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Red or blonde sandstone, lads?
Get many TMAU cases?
cant believe people live like this, depression inducing
All these accessories
He will sell the lot within a week
>run personality_drama.exe
>run personality_impersonation.exe
>run baiting_personality_not_even_in_the_thread_routine.exe
Why are you always here?
No no lad. He said he would rather sell his arse and shit through his ribs than sell his Sony camera, and I believe him

State of it. What's that involve?
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>pkill -f schizophrenia.exe
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I have nothing better to do. Why are you?
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Got a new amiibo from CEX. Dr Mario.

Back home playing Baldurs Gate 3. Enjoyed my BG3 themed wank yesterday, so I think I'll go for that again when I get horny later.
Dunno but all those buildings look quite peng

I'm going to guess that's Scotland?
Red. Left has the air of the housing association about it.
Is that Dundee?
It's Glasgow
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>Ye hear that Jack? They have pies!
What are the buildings in edinburger made from? Are they sandstone? If so, why do they not melt in the rain?
The travel isn't that bad if they send me to the office I think they will. Same distance as UC timewise and I can bag free travel
You keep saying this, what happens at 3pm every day?
New and old town are mostly sandstone bricks quarried from Craigleith.
Buildings which erode are regularly repointed at extreme cost
You get about 15-20 mins with the restart advisor, you're only there all day if they put you on a course.
>run samefagging.exe
imagine being 30+ and still earning minimum wage, embarrassing
>run stuck in an obsessive loop.exe
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For me, it's the Isle of Arran.
What the "course" I keep hearing about?
How much do you earn then? You say 'minimum' wage without taking anything else into consideration. Most minimum wage jobs don't have meal allowances and easily inflatable expenses
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And Arran Arran so far away
>120 bong train ticket
>delayed by 15 minutes
>Claim 120 back in expenses
>Claim 30 bong back in delay repay

On a 10 hour shift that is the equivalent of earning 15/hour
Dont spend it all at once, champ
To all these big earners here, I'd love to know what you spend all these massive wages on
Watching kill sloppy, and just seen beavis or butthead (I forget which is which).
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The homes we paid to build in Rwanda are literally better than this.
>What the "course" I keep hearing about?
A roof over your head is better than nothing. Grew up in a terraced estate like this wasn't too bad but some of the neighbours were nutters.
2000 rent, 2000 day care for my sprog, 2000 invest automatically in stocks, 1000 for food and going out
How many words have you spoken to another person in the last 24 hours? I'll go first, none.
I think if the only defence of something is 'it's better than nothing', it's time to just give up, tear it all down and start over.
Bring back segregation for nurseries. I don't want my black sprog interacting with vanilla cracker babies.
Maybe ~200, I phoned the doctors this morning.
>tear it all down and start over.
go on then big man
>2000 day care for my sprog
Haven't you got a wife to look after the sprog? 2,000 seems extreme anyway for day care
I had 5 advisors in total over the year, not because I asked to be changed they just shuffled me around a lot, it looks like they have high employee turnover and are very disorganised. One advisor lost her temper with me over the phone and another advisor lost her temper with me face to face, so unprofessional. Now I understand why, these people have to meet targets and we are the targets. I was a difficult case as my sector is very niche and very early on they realised that it would be challenging to get me into work. The more time went by and as you come up to a year the more they pressure you. I had one advisor try and put me on a 2 week 'employability course' and I told her I have a maxed out education I don't need to be patronised with a course that only benefits whoever is giving it so they can say "I've lectured people before" - well needless to say I refused and my advisor got angry and when I asked her if she was trying to hit targets she got even more angry over the phone. I knew she would be a pain as she even told me during a face to face meeting to go down there to the office again the next day and use their computers to look for a job. I told her I had a computer and internet at home and didn't need to. She was trying to play every card against me and I refused. They start off friendly but once they see you're not a pushover they get frustrated with you.

I had a new advisor after her who I thought was young and chilled but she was the worst, moody cow, she tried to get me sanctioned for missing a meeting with her when I had let her know through e-mail I would be missing the meeting due to illness. I actually complained to Ingeus about her through e-mail saying she shouldn't work with vulnerable unemployed people if she was going to behave like that. As usual they defended their employee and what frustrated me is that they handled it in-house as a person from the office I had to go to dealt with it and e-mailed me back.
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>2000 rent
>He doesn't own his property outright mortgage-free
>run black_sprog_routine.exe
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>my black sprog
50p in the LARP jar lad
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They sent him a dud from the factory with some broke bits of metal inside. It will have to go back.
Exhausted. I will say one thing for wagies, they have a lot of energy. I went Costa a couple hours, gym just to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes, then back home. Yet I'm exhausted with a headache, I feel weak and sore and can barely keep my eyes open a lot. Need to lie down. Wonder if I got fibromyalgia.
Wife just got out of the shower, told me to eat her arse, rode me to four orgasms and then hopped off without finishing me saying I have to wait until later.

Cooorrrrr, little minx.
>They sent him a dud from the factory with some broke bits of metal inside. It will have to go back.
This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Mark will go on a rampage today.
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>told me to eat her arse
>This Restart scheme is vicious and indicative of a nasty Tory government. It is staffed by former salespeople mostly and they are not that bright. In fact they know very little about qualifications because they don't have any! And they certainly don't care about your qualifications or skills. Nor do they care about creating a skilled economy or about you trying to up-skill. All these former sales people want to do is achieve targets and bonuses. So they will try to push you into cleaning jobs and packing / warehouse jobs. That is all they seem to offer! Now don't get me wrong - I fully respect the people that do that work but it is not for everyone and not everyone can do it! To forsake your hard earned qualifications so that they can achieve their targets is such a waste of your talent and bad for attempting to create a skilled economy. Be wary of them. They don't care about you and are not bothered about you. They just want to achieve their targets and bonuses. Private companies being paid lots of money by a Tory government to get people off benefits and into any old job regardless of their circumstances. And the harassment is unbelievable! Some advisor phoning you up constantly even though it is only supposed to happen by prior arrangement ! To hell with the lot of them! Just find a job that you want to do using your own efforts and choice. And don't let them force you into something you don't want to do or are not interested in. This used to be a free country with rights. Look what is happening they are bullying the unemployed with these programmes.

Fantastic little larpshire there but that's what my wife does regularly as well
She works full time too
We are looking for something to buy but the gf wants a detached house with a garden, quite pricey
Reading this just made me want to beat the shit out of this fictional wife.
Wouldn't it be easier to just get a job though?
How much much is she earning then
Today is the day that I do something, I will make a stew and some homemade yorkshire puddings, 1 of them (I hope) will be le grand yorkshire pudding, as the french say.
Bloody Tories! If only we had a Labour government none of this would ha-ACK!

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I don't get it. Those jobs like cleaning and warehouse work are often zero hour contracts or low hours anyway. These are the kinds of jobs that people would still be on UC while they have them anyway since it's a low income benefit as well, not just an unemployment benefit.
Going out. Holidays. General living expenses. Same things as most people really, but I just have better stuff and do better things.

People in this country really overestimate how much earning a good salary changes your life. I have an excellent income but it's not enough for a millionaire lifestyle or anything like that. It's enough to live in a nice house and not have to worry about money.
>2,000 seems extreme anyway for day care

It's not. I know people paying more.
>run childcare_routine.exe
For me? It's 11000 a year on bennies. Not a lot but enough to keep me alive.
baby mama gets her childcare subsidised and she's paying about 550/month
I think it's sexy when she's eager and wants it.

Not a larp lad, normal people have fun sexy times.

About the same as me give or take
and when I say 'she' is paying 550/month, I mean that I am
Might not be for me but it is for you as they say
~9 for me de lid
How the fuck can childcare cost 2000/month? Sounds like a racket, might open a nursery myself at this rate. Qualifications can't be hard to get can they?
>might open a nursery myself at this rate.
obligatory trip on Lollers post
It is a racket, lad. Most of my sister's income goes to childcare and that's only three days a week. Her and her husband work good jobs as well. The best part is you have to pay even if you don't send the little fuck in.
>Most of my sister's income goes to childcare
why doesn't she just look after the sprog herself then?
It's the same as care for old people. A total racket but they've got you over a barrel.
Think about it. At some point the kid will go to school and the childcare costs will be massively reduced. At that point she'll be 5 years ahead in her career rather than having a 5 year gap in her CV.
Well they both work. As far as I know it's a lot harder for one parent to stay at home nowadays compared to years ago. I agree with you in principle to be honest. I think the mum should stay home with the sprog but not okay to say that now is it?
She can just pick up her career where she left off
>As far as I know it's a lot harder for one parent to stay at home nowadays compared to years ago
Not really when they are spending all the wages on childcare, not even making a profit
Yeah she could...or she could be 5 years ahead. What's better, do you think?
Better to say with the sprog until school.
Better not to have sprogs in the first place I reckon. Seems like they just take up all your time and money and it's 50/50 wether they'll like you when they grow up.
In some ways feminism can be beneficial. In days gone by women would get married and have sprogs in their late teens or early twenties. But keep putting it off and off, then when they hit 30 their body clock starts ticking and their standards fall off a cliff
I don't agree. It's better to be 5 years ahead in your career.
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>Better not to have sprogs in the first place I reckon
How does it feel to pay her while she's probably shagging some other bloke who might as well pay for the sprog?
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*chucks a load of cardboard boxes round the back of /britfeel/ towers.
500 a month.
Should have combined this into a multiple reply to include >>79058414
More importantly, there's a small but very real chance the child will be born severely mentally disabled and require life long care. Not a risk that's worth taking IMO.
Proper slop today for wunchingthorpe. Mcspicy meal and a cheeky 'am
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>Better not to have sprogs in the first place l reckon
What's an 'am? In an unorginal way.
phwoar what did you win on the wonopoly
>How does it feel to pay her
It's fine. She was reluctant to accept anything for the first year
>While she's probably shagging some other bloke who might as well pay for the sprog?
She claims not to have been with anyone in all this time. I'm inclined to believe her
True. I'm autistic and wish I was normal. Hate all this positive autism superpower bollocks. It's debilitating in a lot of real ways. I know my mum loves me but there's probably a bit of shame or disappointment there too. I'd take a cure any day.
>I'm inclined to believe her

What difference does it make though?
This really concerned me as well. Fortunately the sprog came out completely healthy and is developing well
That's more like it, lad. No autistic ham sammie and chicken crisps for you today. I'd love a McSpicy and a Skittles McFlurry rn frfr.
That's good lad, I'm very glad to hear it.
Not sure what you mean. I doubt any other bloke would pay for the sprog.
more importantly, did the sprog come out white?
I mean, do you care whether she's with another bloke or not?
Just a milkshake or a diet coke
One of you cunts can have that, don't like either
Ham, delivered in an oomorous nawf landan. Cheeky wamburger in addition to a medium meal is the perfect portion size at maccas init
That's a pot of wilter woffee down the gullet. Time to get the shakes and shit my guts out I reckon.
Dad here, it is a fucking insane racket. It mostly costs that much because of the crazy regulatory burden that nurseries are put under, having to account for every absurd tiny little lifeboat situation, have the place fit rafts of safety requirements, have food prep sorted to the point where it's not uncommon for them to literally employee a chef just to make food etc. etc. but the real financial burden comes from the fact that there are limits on the number of kids a single person can watch. It's currently set at no more than 3 kids per adult, which by definition means that three parents have to split a single person's salary between them. For the average person that's a ridiculous burden and nowhere near their ability to pay and still live comfortably otherwise.
In terms of skin tone, yes. Was quite bizarre really how she could pass for 100% European for the first 6 months. Looking more mixed now though
Worst is when your child has a tiny sniffle or some sort and they ring you to pick him up. Cunts. They're always having all sorts of outbreaks too.
I'd rather she weren't, unless the guy is some submissive beta then it would probably be a good thing actually. The vast majority of men aren't going to want a single mother with a newborn though, so I doubt it'll even be an issue for years
>I'd rather she weren't

Yeah I got that. But why?
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Just scanned the code lid. Cheers for the wilkshake
Has anyone noticed that peperamis have been, not sure how exactly to say this, but 'underdone' lately?
They used to have a much deeper colour, tougher skin, seemed more cooked through. Now they seem paler, thin skinned, like slightly undercooked meat.

Or am I just going crazy?
Weclome lad I hope the machine's on
The sort of bloke who dates a single mother is going to be either someone who treats her very badly, or some very submissive cuck type, if its the latter then it's fine
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Get the Polish kabanoses from tesco lad, far superior taste to pepperami and you get like 10ft for 2.50
All processed food is getting shitter and shitter over time
I didn't really lid. I wouldn't be that mean. I can't speak for others itt though.
I didn't ask you what type of guy would upset you least though. I asked you why you'd rather she wasn't seeing anyone.
He's currently sat looking at his computer screen. He's been reading a lot of drivel, and posting some of his own. He's thinking about posting some more, he'll be here most of the day
Might have to go for this lad, thanks for the rec!

Yeah, it's weird. I started eating way better when I went to uni basically no processed foods for four years, then the before and after effect was pretty stark. I remember processed food at least being mostly appetising if obviously bad for you, but now it just all seems sloppified.
>I asked you why you'd rather she wasn't seeing anyone.
Only in certain circumstances, you seem a bit dense desu
I just saw Hanford at B&Q. Looked like he was buying some supplies to repair his flood damaged home. He was with a bloke who looked exactly like me, except his head is the shape of a pea. They were holding hands. Got to admit, I felt a little twinge of jealousy there. Ultimately I'm happy for him though.
Uh-oh. First you're dodging the question, and now you're getting defensive...what's going on lad?
Birds Eye potato waffles are the starkest difference for me. used to be delicious, now absolutely vile
>Uh-oh. First you're dodging the question, and now you're getting defensive...what's going on lad?
why are you emotionally invested in this mans life?
What question am I dodging?
We're having a conversation.
You said "I'd rather she weren't seeing anyone, unless the guy is some submissive beta."
I asked you "Why would you rather she wasn't seeing anyone?"
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The other day I was driving my virgin car and I was going down a large hill that bends to the right. On the left were parked cars, all parked on the road, forcing me onto the right side of the road. The bend is such that you cannot see all the way round to know for sure whether anything is coming up the hill.

So I went as it was clear, 3 cars coming behind me. I see 2 cars oncoming up the hill on what is the correct side of the road for them. There is only 1 free space on the left so I quickly nip in there and pop the handbrake on.

What then followed was a tense 45 second stand off between the purple and turquoise cars in the diagram with neither car moving. Eventually purple car and the one behind it reversed slightly and turquoise car pulled up beside purple car and they both rolled down their windows and had words before the 3 cars that had been behind me all moved on down the hill.

What I really want to know is: did I do the right thing here? I knew for a fact both streams of traffic would immediately jam up when I dipped into that space, just that I wouldn't be involved. Surely I couldn't have done anything else? I was on the wrong side, I rectified it to give way. Anything that happened with other cars is their problem, not my problem.
>run character_assassination.exe
Cheers for keep us updated TaskManagerLad.
Do any of you guys take psych meds? I don't love them but if they help then it's better than going nowhere in life.
My sprog learns a lot from the older sprogs in day care, also learns how to interact with other people so smaller chance he becomes a sperg
A brief trip out into the IRL is needed, lidl, then Mr Rasheedies cheap cigarette emporium.
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Could do with an items update

Need brought up to speed
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Wonder when Ruthmongs ban expires
Think he got banned around the same time arbs did, no?
Yeah it's really important these days. People don't just "let their kids out to play" anymore, so it's the only socialising they'll get.
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Who is arbs
Lovely wank just now.

Why did they get banned?
>Personality_drama.exe has reloaded
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I wouldn't post in britfeel if I was employed or in a relationship.
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Ah, just remembered, dodgy leg syndrome, it won't be cheaper, but I think lidl then mr Iqbals petroleum emporium for some normal priced cigarettes, will be achievable.
Might need to get a mobility scooter soon.
Daddy's ketchup tastes like absolute arse now too. Taste sour or something. Think it's to do with them all using less sugar.
How can you possibly know this?
Is that what you call cum?
Because, unless the guy is some submissve beta, the other other type of guy that would go for a single mother is going to treat her badly in all likelyhood.
I am employed and I am in a relationship. Trust me, it doesn't magically make you normal and well-adjusted.
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Past experience lad. When my days are completely empty I'm here all day
I'm working from home and reading the drivel, including my own
>Past experience

So you've been employed/in a relationship before and you didn't post here at all?
My wife normally posts here from about 3pm onwards, finishing before the children get home.
It could also be someone who she's a genuine match with. Doesn't have to be some bastard looking for a victim or a desperate beta who is willing to settle. Could be a brilliant guy who likes her so much he doesn't mind that she's a single mum.
WFH Iad?
HHL could get a job in a nursery
Yeah, it's a doss.
Same here, and I couldn't agree more. Especially being in a relationship. It tends to magnify your issues actually.
Yeah, theoretically possible but extremely unlikely.
You were correct in this situation. The blue car behind you was the one which should have had to reverse as the purple car had right of way
Employing a paedophile to work with children wouldn't be wise
I dunno. The fact she hasn't shacked up with a beta or a bastard yet suggests that's what she's waiting for, so if/when she does meet someone that'll probably be the case.
Yeah, she could be waiting some time in that case. But back to your very original point about the child support, it doesn't phase me at all.
Oh sorry I'm not the guy who was posting about child support. I'm more interested in relationship dynamics than financial arrangements.
Yeah. Also had more of a social life as a result unlike now.
That's says more about your relationship than anything else.
back to wageying after 2 weeks off, lord just take me now
already has plenty of experience changing nappies
No proof for this
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>I'm more interested in relationship dynamics than financial arrangements
>That says more about your relationship

Bit of an assumption there. I've been in more than one relationship lad. The one I'm in now is really good, but that's because I dealt with my issues. When I was younger and less mentally stable, relationships tended to flare things up. Especially issues around insecurity etc. I ruined a few really good things just because I was in a bad place mentally. The idea that a relationship, no matter how good the woman is, can "fix" you is bullshit.
Quite intense drivel today
Uh what about when he watched "THAT video"?
Bit dire this, dare I say unwomfy
I don't think you understand how the fedora meme works
>running find_faults_with_other_mens_lives_for_bait_and_EPIC_PWN4GE.exe
what was 'fedora' about his post?
I've had sex with one woman, once. We were both 19 at the time, and she was a heroin addict. She died of a heroin overdose literally a few hours after we had sex. No bullshit.
Not a fan of the 385 to be honest. Ugly big nose on them for the multiple doors
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>I've had sex with one woman
You're right it was a larp.
He watched it because he wanted to be seen as an edgy cool guy not because he was sexually attracted to the content
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>He watched it because he wanted to be seen as an edgy cool guy not because he was sexually attracted to the contentino
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>He watched it because he wanted to be seen as an edgy cool guy not because he was sexually attracted to the content
Trip on Sean
>Your honour, my client simply wanted to be seen as an edgy cool guy...
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trip on nappy mong
Aye lad, nothing to do with him being a nonce
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>watched it because he wanted to be seen as an edgy cool guy not because he was sexually attracted to the content
This is probably true, but I'd rather pretend he is a nonce.
Burst out laughing on the train at this picture
I'd be a bit scared to f5 on the train in case someone sees all the tranny spam over my shoulder
He watched child porn therefore he's a nonce
Is it even a big deal? Not really is it
Had to turn the brightness right down on my laptop for that very reason
I'm not going to argue with you, for the reasons outlined in my post.
HHL is widely respected and is an asset to the thread
as long as we're all in agreement that sean is a nonce
He will never go bowling with you Greg.
He says 'jump', Sunderland says 'how high?'
>using a laptop on a train
50p lad, can't get an ethernet cable that long.
Ruthmongs mum disconnected the ethernet cable
Of course not, he lives over 200 miles away from me, it's just not practical
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Nice little American care package arrived today de lids.
Should have got something other than The Departed, didn't realise until after than HMV had the UK BD in stock.
I create a hotspot from my phone grandad
>run THAT_video.exe
>run HHL_is_a_nonce.exe
>run trip_on_HHL.exe
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thanks lad

I wasn't sure as I haven't been driving long
Virtual bowling could be an option
Pfft, never heard of it mentioned in the daily mail, kiddo.
I hope you saved some pocket money for these LARPs.
Emma is fit corr
And what happens when the train moves out of these hotspots? It's travelling quite fast so you'll probably only have a couple of seconds in each hotspot, you'd need to create thousands of these hotspots along the route.
Nobody obeys the highway code anyway
Whoever has right of way is whoever yields last in these situations
Boomers are fucking shocking for it, they'll just sit in the middle of the road in their massive crossover (with a baguette and three jars of marmalade in the boot) giving the fluorine stare till you reverse three quarters of a mile to let them past.
Only to have to swerve out the way as Ahmed and Omar in the PCP'd C-class diesel cut through traffic filming for snapchat as they race to go and molest another working class child.
HHL and I play Wii virtual bowling all the time.
What if somebody else connects to this hotspot, surely they'll be using all your data?
Not really surprising that so many driving instructors get done for noncing the students is it
stole it from someone a few days ago
ain't seen that in years isn't it about a horse or some shit
Yeah in my diagram example that car that 'won' didn't even have the right of way and it was a big Volvo 4X4 as you say.

When the loser car eventually came up past me as I waited I raised my hand in the usual gesture to say "I acknowledge you and have given way" but the guy in the small car didn't respond, presumably because he was too shaken up after having argued with the guy in the big Volvo. The driver behind him did the hand thing to me though so that was nice.
I did not why would you say that
What does britfeel drive?
I'm gonna guess Japanese in most cases
Fiat 500
>What does britfeel drive?
Tesla. It's a work car.
Good choice desu
Extremely fun and a wonderful little engine if 1.2 or 1.4
Like to fix them. Easy to access everything under bonnet.
Mouldlad gives 8/10
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T'was the night before hump day
And all through the home
Everyone was working
You get no time alone

The whip was a cracking
Amongst threats of a sacking
You'll toil for that wage
Whilst sat in a cage

And up jumped shekelberg
The mean grumpy boss
If you don't do as told
I'll cause you a loss
Never had the opportunity to sort a Tesla yet, but they look fairly simple underneath.
One of my pals has just got an old Model 3, so doubtless that'll change soon.
Is it a quick one?
Sort of. I don't really know one of those films I've always known about but never watched so thought I'd give it a bash.
Peugeot 106 shitbox
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>What does britfeel drive?
The ladies wild.
Based new doctor on Doctors is aggressively homophobic and transphobic. He properly had a go at the male nurse who's now put in a complaint.
Porsche Taycan. Got it on a salary sacrifice from work.
Very much based and very much redpilled
Absolutely based
Love a 106
If you have an unrusty one it will triple in value if you keep it a few years.
Lot of people nostalgic for 106s with not that many of them left
If you drive that, why are you in /britfeel/?
The Departed? Yeah, based off of the Chinese films.
Sorry lad, Porsche without a flat six is like a woman without a penis
Can't just be driving it around all day, can I now.
I don't understand the question lad.
I'm sure that a petrol engine one would be better to drive but I could never afford it.
>Is it a quick one?
Yeah its pretty quick. Im no car guy though. In fact I dislike driving immensely
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T'was the night before bennies appointment day
And all through the home
One sound could be heard
Anons tearful groan

I don't want to do it
I don't want to go
Seeing my bennies officer
It fills me with woe

Is the bennie officer's yell
You thought it would be comfy
Had a nap. Might try for a second wank.
>I could never afford it
I hate that I'm playing along with this larp so readily, but a Taycan is nearly twice as much as a base 6cyl Cayman
>I don't understand the question lad.
This is a thread that seems to mainly be populated by unemployed people. Some of whom seem to post weird shit like foot fetish stuff, humiliation fetish stuff, etc.

I just would've thought that somebody who drives an electric Porsche (can't be more than a few years old) wouldn't want to come to this thread.
Where does baby grinch come into this?
why do all tripfags just blogpost about their grim lives
Not till the 14th act.
Garn have a nap now. Work call in 28 mins so only a quick one.
>I hate that I'm playing along with this larp so readily, but a Taycan is nearly twice as much as a base 6cyl Cayman

That's true if I was buying it. You've never heard of an electric car salary sacrifice scheme?

I think there are plenty of people here who have jobs.
Same reason they become tripfags to begin with. Overt narcissism.
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Think I'll have a wuppa then head out to the shops. Seen some good deals in them Prime Day sales.
>I think there are plenty of people here who have jobs.
Can't be that many I would have thought. I don't browse this thread that often because of the weird pics that get posted here. I think someone was posting cocks the other day so I went to another thread.

I thought that came out on PC already
what are you buying now?
Is there any more incel vehicle than first gen miot
last time you watched porn or made humiliation payments?
What do you drive tiny lad?

By the end of the day I'll have probably bought a new 4k tele and an m.2 SSD for the PS5.
You should get a job in a nursery
I'd say it's probably 50/50 people with jobs and people who are unemployed. Many people mention their work a lot here.
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What about a new gaming waptop?
You should get a job filming THOSE videos
be careful of scam sales. like someone warned you the other day, the TVs can be a scam
an audi on motability
HelperLad is going to increase his device count by the end of the day, he's winning in life.
I got an LED light bulb. But it's a smart light bulb.

I'll never understand how he operates a mouse on a tea towel
Audi is such a hilarious phenomenon.
All volkswagen need to do is injection mould some angry headlights, replace the veedub logo with the rings then charge deano 15k extra for the same car.
It is literally impossible to distinguish a Golf and an A3 from underneath
I'm pro-HHL
Me and HHL going virtual bowling.
they're 2000 difference new and audis have marginally better interiors. It might not be for you but it is for some people
Bet the cunts'll charge full price for it as well
Bet I'll fuckin pay it too
They're both rotten ungalvanised pieces of shit.
Hate anything VAG me.
Had to stop offering to repair rotten Polos as people just can't compute that their 10-year old car needs several grand of welding to get through an MOT
Fuckin hate em
Three different Indian spam calls today. Why does our government allow this to happen? It's disgusting.
>Melatoninburgh making me sleep thru the entire 8 hour tape


Really needed that apparently
SSM used to drive what was basically a lamborghini urus. He needs it back.
Some chavvy cunts called me a big nosed bastard out their shitty car. I called the browner one a nigger. I fucking hate this shithole of a cuntry so much.
No you didn't, you twitched autistically as you considered saying something, but then you just kept walking and never made eye contact
Nah I shouted out me own car lid. Im not a peasant.
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125cc Honda

Where are all the bike chads at?
/britfeel/ i have a question

Are you racist? Or do you think racism is a waste of time?

Personally I think it's a waste of time.
Yeah, I'm racist.

>Waste of time.
Very weird thing to say, you can be not racist for a whole host of reasons, but 'waste of time' is a strange one. What time are you wasting by being racist?
I'm not particularly racist but I'll admit if I come across a group of blacks I'll cross the street.
Nu thread when ready lads

Think a certain degree of racism is normal and expected.
I suspect a lot of the performative stuff normies say and do on this subject is rooted in guilt that deep down they wish there weren't quite so many browns in their kids primary.
I think people are naturally wary of people who don't look or talk like them, because they have a harder time inferring their intentions and state of mind as with a group they are familiar with.
I suspect white supremacy is quite rare in reality, but if we're adopting the reddit definition of racism I'd conservatively estimate 60-80% of people are racist on some level.

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