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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.


Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread (>>>/vip/nah/)

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How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/79082814 >>79082814
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Comfy thread.
He's a leaf nigger.
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and so which timezone is to blame for the previous thread's premature death?
don't people get tired of cultural warring? it's so tiresome.
it's always the eurofags
stop forgetting the stats in the OP image this is your final warning
Most do, but it takes years, and there's always fresh Timmies and Joses who are just learning the wonders of being mad on the internet. You've also got the crazies that see it as their life's work - their energy is inexhaustible.
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>the crazies that see it as their life's work
this is the one that really gets me. i'm not surprised there are racists/sexists/whateverists on 4chan, but the fact that they actually think they're defending the motherland by arguing politics here, and then get mad when they get banned for being off-topic, is the thing that pisses me off
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Not sure if mentioned anywhere but happening: /v/ is not requiring captchas for reports anymore
The report system seems messed up today, for example these posts are still up
Stop being an idiot faggot.
do you think the 4chan happenings thread will survive 2025?
>potentially fun thread
>deleted because of muh rules
>this is somehow allowed
I hereby express my explicit disgust for the mods and their "work".
Absolutely. I think 2025 is going to be an incredibly scary year, and as shit pops off around the globe, that will lead to more happenings on 4chan for the happening threads.
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will (You) survive 2025?
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He won't as long as I have anything to say about it.
as I have learned throughout my life, anything can happen to anybody at any time so it's important to cherish the time we have. I am a fat disabled retarded American past the service age so I'm pretty sure nothing happening related puts me in danger but I really do think things are going to get ugly everywhere. I hope you survive 2025 and beyond anon.
what rule did it even break? i assume the "no catchphrase/template threads" rule? i'm gonna be honest i don't think i've ever seen a "for me, it's" or other such template OPs deleted lol, how odd.
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/qa2/ meetup just dropped
dnc - 0
/qa2/ - 1

I haven't been on this board in a while but why is it so fucking fast? There's like 50 slide threads added every hour.
geez look at the beak on the leftmost one, that's an early life if I've ever seen one.
feds, 4
was /mu/ always this kpoppy or is it a new phenomen?
i've never used /mu/ but it's been going on since at least moot's final q&a since people were asking him to make /kp/ all the way back then
Yes, but BLACKPINK really accelerated things.


All I see is gay reddit censorship and faggy concern trolling like you're doing.
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Speaking of /mu/ I just saw this in the comments of a NMH cover
tactless kpoopers make new threads as soon as they hit bump limit
regardless of being on page 2
regardless of being 50 files below file limit
despicable boors
Something happened around February 2013, they went from a few threads a year to multiple in a month.
girls generation comeback or jessica leaving which mindbroke many who knows
how exactly do the internal archives work? is it like after 2 weeks the threads get deleted from the archive, or is it based on how many threads have piled up already? i'm assuming the former because /v/ always has a far bigger archive than relatively slower boards like here.
i kind of wish i could've seen a world where 4chan only had these internal archives, i use external ones all the time but it feels too weird how this place is kind of frankensteined into being a traditional forum with archives and generals and all.
Culture war grifting is a million dollar business at this point, we're well beyond the Gamergate era of Laci Greens and Internet Aristocrats.
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Idolfags always existed but /mu/ had enough tripfags and anons to maintain its unique culture of pretentious hipster Pitchfork readers. After the publication's buyout from Conde Nast and the rise of poptimism, a lot of the music nerd culture stagnated especially in the wave of political newfags and music websites blindly praising the latest Beyonce album. RateYourMusic becoming a mostly tranny zoomer hellhole (rather than a pretentious millennial hellhole) didn't help either, shit's basically music Letterboxd now.
Keep in mind, /mu/ is the media board that had unironic Picrew threads.
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>Culture war grifting is a million dollar business at this point,
The absolute worst fucking part. It means it'll never go away. It is now an integral part of the internet. The internet is broken beyond repair

The issue is the type of person that eternally takes the bait and can't figure out that they are stuck in a constant rage bait cycle. They are preyed upon by grifters in the same manner that certain people are preyed upon by gacha games.

Only you can free yourself from it.
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>"Creatures of kek:" Affordance and enregisterment within "kek" on 4chan's "/pol/" board
What year is this from? Kekistan memes pretty much stopped being popular back in 2017, right after Trump got elected, and nowadays they're only used ironically.
>First published: 09 October 2024
One man's irony is another man's sincerity
Sociology majors not beating the "joke degree" allegations any time soon.
it was always there, and it never gained or lost popularity desu, the same 15 crazies reposting 24/7.

kpop didn't do anything to /mu/, that board died when hipster culture died, and gen z simply didn't have any "soulful" genre / subculture to replace it /mu/core with. To this day zoomies haven't come up with any sort of non-pop genre which is what causes discussion on /mu/.

So the hipsters left but kpoppers didn't, and they were slowly complimented with other kinds of celebfags who are more interested in the "artists" genitals than any scene. All non-celeb slop left in mu is genre / instrument generals.

if you want dates, I'd say the /mu/core era ended by 2018 / 2019
I read up to page 6 before losing interest. What's the TLDR?
I galvanized a small handful of people alongside myself to cause a few shitshow threads on /v/ screaming at the mods not patrolling off-topic content, especially loli. It worked and they've been doing a noticeably better (read: existent) job as of late
The past month or so I've noticed mods and jannies being incredibly active. Given the fact that 4chan has near invisible moderation, having it be noticable means they are keeping themselves quite busy.
What are y'all thoughts on Basedjak Party?
This is a totally useless fact.
There are over twice as many search results for "turtelli" on /v/ compared to /co/.
What about percapita?
Why does AI shilling get a free pass on every fucking board it's spammed on?
ai should unironically be banned from this website or put on an containment board.
Is /pol/ the only board with a unique name? Like, "politically incorrect" instead of just "politics", the only other one I can think of that's kind of similar is /r9k/ because of the 9001 (which isn't really the same imo). It would be pretty fun if they named other boards fun stuff like that, board names could be a fun way to add character to this place like on other forums.
yes, wtf is this "cloud"? I don't see anything interesting in the clouds up in the sky.
I'm not scared. I'm sick of looking for art and then getting ai garbage that shoudn't exist.
Begging for an /ai/ board
/s4s/. Also board names used to be edited every so often. /a/ was animu and mango and /v/ was vidya multiple times.
>/v/ was vidya
Right, I thought I remembered something similar. Wish it happened more at least, could've been funny to rename /a/ to ADTRW for a bit after lowtax offed himself.
live, thread..... live..... happenings.....
asmongold said some naughty words about palestine/gaza, banned from twitch for hate speech, gave insincere apology, wasn't unbanned

/v/ thread moved to /pol/ (/nah/)
>e-celeb non-vidya thread gets moved
>/vpol/ crossboarders start cussing out the mods
literally every single time. the thread clearly has traction on /pol/ too so it's not like the threads are moved to die, they just want to shit where they eat for some reason.
i feel bad for the /v/ anons who just want to post about vidya, assuming there are any still left at this point.
in my opinion you should get perma banned for posting stuff like this >>>/s4s/11816940 >>>/s4s/11817301
pretty retarded opinion
>they just want to shit where they eat for some reason.
VIDEOGAME CULTURE is what they always love to yell.
I guess the problem is they don't care about politics. Only drama.
Also, it seems some posters utterly refuse to browse more than one board and will discuss everything they want to talk about on that single board instead.
Imagine a world without /pol/niggers.
Anon is right that this is a useful employment of AI. Slop will never be as good as actual art, but if you aren't willing to pay for the good shit it makes for a decent substitute in an otherwise barren catalog.
I'm not sure if it's listed in the rules anywhere but it's common knowledge/open secret that loli gets a pass on /s4s/ within reason mind you. Not sure why, but that's just how it is.
Imagine a thread that didn't obsess over /pol/ 24/7.
Why are serious academics so behind when it comes to internet culture? By the time some "peer reviewed" serious work like the Kill All Normies book comes out, it's already dated by 2 or 3 years.
/aco/ became borderline unusable thanks to pajeets spamming their shitty AI Taylor Swift porn.
I'm not talking about loli I'm talking about pedos. Look at those posts. They are clearly trying to hide their pedophilic tendencies behind lolis. This kind of workaround should result in a ban.
Why can't drama obsessed e-celeb posters fuck off back to Kiwifarms where they belong? These types of faggot shitposters ruined the site.
>I'm not talking about pedos I'm talking about pedos. Look at those posts. They are clearly trying to hide their pedophilic tendencies behind pedophilic material. This kind of workaround should result in a ban.
these types of posters already have twitter accounts so I don't understand why they post here and not there
When exactly did 4chan switch from google recaptcha to its own?
speaking of /pol/ turds a bunch of them are trying to make "dysgenic" take off as a buzzword
That's later than I remembered.
based, but depends on the flag
if american, it's a projecting mutt on multiple medications unless proven otherwise
Yeah sure I'm just being generous because i know people like to play the lolicons aren't pedos card, an argument of which I have no time for
The trash thread died again :(
>The trash thread died again :(
Oh noes, I can't believe I won't be able to read about what video game DT is playing or see some /u/ retard have a bitchfight with himself!
Rinposter has fallen :( Billions must bumo
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i want the mod lurking this thread to post again to remind /trash/ we're the official happenings thread
i miss you, mod-sama...
Nothing particularly interesting. I just thought this thread was kind of funny.
Some dumbass mod finally deleted this thread, after deleting over 60 posts (between the time the last post was made and the thread got deleted). How many fucking dumbasses from the mod & tranny team didn't see that it was a bait thread designed to attract ban evading schizos?
I spit on you, mods.
Any lawfags wanna explain this to me? Seems like a nothingburger, nothing about this appears to differ all that much from prior uses of federal troops within our borders in the past.

Perhaps of greater concern are the un-highlighted portions, which authorize intel-collection support through the use of regular DIA goons and drones. Theoretically that'd all still be subject to various Constitutional and statutory restraints, but I doubt the DoD has much experience having to work within those so I'd expect them to flagrantly ignore them instead.
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make like 1 post
make second post
>verification not required
>>>/v/691972571 kek
Dysgenic has been a /pol/ buzzword for years, why the push now?
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>type captcha
>try to post
>Authentication required
>click Get Captcha again
>verification not required
Respectfully, if joking about child body erotic loli sexo ( ToT) bothers you you're on the wrong website. There is no harm as long as long as real CP and discussion of it is not posted on 4chan. Basically follow US law. Loli art is not illegal, and that's why it's been posted on /b/ nearly every day for 20 years.
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what if i reported my own post
you die instantly
Those types of posters see 4chan as an edgier subreddit where you can say faggot and nigger without getting banned, nothing more.
>direct client to title firm you own
Well, that's an ethics violation right there.
He stopped posting on /trash/ like 3 threads ago.
Alright lad you can't just post a girl like that and not give me a name or kemono link or nothing.
If this thread dies, it will be the end of 4chan Happenings Threads.
As long as there's a single incel on 4chan, there will be a happening, and therefore a happening thread.
what's the point of deleting multiple posts in an offtopic thread but keeping the thread itself up?

It's called a honeypot.
Reminds me, forgot to post a while back, but guess who's back (back again).

>not looking good for 4X xisters
rip /g/ a second time
The likelihood of spurned exes happening compared so some incel is exponential
Is this new?
>Is this new?
I don't like loli either and on most other sites I'd agree to take it down for decency's sake, but 4chan isn't really the kind of place to care about decency. It definitely does bring over pedos in the same way near unfettered edginess brings over nazis, but I wouldn't say the joking racism should have to go just because people take it seriously, not on 4chan at least.
Hey, when a new trashhap gets made link it here please. I can't stand looking at /trash/'s catalog.
happening: i farted and it was really loud
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>put happeni into search bar
>the only thing that comes up is "burgerpunk" with a picture of an obese lizard
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What extension let's me see that?
August 10 or earlier.
You know the newspaper comic For Better Or For Worse?
Well somebody has been storytimeing it on /co/ since August.
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Left: /r9k/hap
Right: /trash/hap
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Don't know how (if we did, it'd be known), but the admin usually go scorched earth on trying to stop it, because it can embed CP and facilitate in the distribution of it without normal users being aware of it. It's why IIRC all files on the site are slightly altered in their metadata or something before they're posted, which is the current workaround to killing it off, since it just breaks functionality. The coomers who previously used to use PEE have come to an unsteady truce, since filename swaps / Third Eye achieves the exact same thing most of them are after (replacing innocent images with full blown porn in SFW boards, so they can ERP-goon with casual users being nonethewiser) only downside being one at a time, instead of multiple hidden images in one post. The only thing that further developing a file embed can really be justified for is stuff that cannot be hosted on any other mainstream filesharing site (biggest usecase of which, would be privately owned servers for distribution of CP).

The fact it's back spells troubled times to come, and the codemonkey devving for 4chan probs just got whipped into submission by Hiro to fix it ASAP; even if we don't ever find out how he goes about it since they never communicate with us.
sometimes an anon makes a nice post towards me and it makes me happy and i start to fantasize about what it'd be like if he were my bf
>replacing innocent images with full blown porn in SFW boards, so they can ERP-goon with casual users being nonethewiser
Why can't gooner fetish guys just fuck off to /trash/? Why do they have to involve normal people in their sick bullshit?
u guys are reddit
Its a fetish thing, they want to "corrupt" normal users which seems stupid since no one will ever want to fuck irl unless they can find some perfect groomable femboy material but its usually low tier erp or samefagging
remind me why everyone hates 4chanx?
let me gas, not bloat enough for you?
no i'm not. don't say that again.
u guys are 4chan
we are reddit
Another funny bad thread moved to /pol/. I like how they've all agreed that getting stabbed is better than being accused of racism.
gimmethebeat_boys is the name i've heard, but it doesn't seem like she's anywhere i can find :(
The images of threads in the OP post are all edited to be kuz or kuz wojaks instead of just being a screenshot of the main page.
There's got to be an invisible unicode character left right? They didn't completely block blankposting right?
Periposter on /trash/hap/
sticky >>>/mu/124033245
I laughed
After people started using the RTL characters to bypass certain filters the dev really cracked down on unicode exploits.
Really? You're going to let /r9k/hap/ die?
nothing is happening doe
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explain /vp/
critical non-happenings occurring there, so much so they've had an activity spike specifically to discuss how little is happening
I just want to blankpost in the OP. It used to be allowed. Now people put a single period to bypass the blank filter, and if the image is on topic the mods general won't delete it anyway. I don't see the point in the restriction.
The latest attempt to cancel RMS was proven to be done by Drew Devault who is ostensibly a software developer despite spending most of his time sperging about politics and trying to cancel projects that aren't left-wing enough for his tastes (he also uses /g/ and /u/ and /c/)
Baiters are getting (You)s like candy for pretending to be in support of cancelling Stallman.
Fun thread--I'm pretty sure the pro-Drew poster is a troll
idk man i think you should really get banned for posting stuff like this, might just be me who feels this way idk

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