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Raindrops on the window edition

Previous : >>79396104

Ignore impolite moids

>Do you like the rain? Why or why not?
>Do you like being outside when it rains?
>Is there anything you like to do when it rains?
>Rain coat or umbrella? Which and why?

>Do you have favorite rainy day meal?
>Does the sound of rain help you sleep?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Fuck off!
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
Based Queen Tifosi excluding non americans from the privilege of a rainy day meal
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You saw nothing, bitch!
Thank you for the bread, Tifosi!

>Do you like the rain? Why or why not?
Depends on the time of year and mood. I don't like it when it's cold for obvious reasons. Some days I just like the mood rain gives. It also sounds nice, so I do like that.

>Do you like being outside when it rains?
lol no.

>Is there anything you like to do when it rains?
Stay inside and relax. I love the sound of it!

>Rain coat or umbrella? Which and why?
Depends on the temperature. Umbrella if it's warm or hot, rain coat if not. I do hate though that rain coats are not breathable, so it's agonizing to workout in them.
>do you like the rain?
I love the rain! I moved to where I live specifically for the rain.
I love being outside when it rains, and I generally wear a light jacket and carry and umbrella because I go for very long walks and I'd have to be all bundled up to not get wet otherwise.
My favorite thing to do when it rains is go for walks in the woods and watch the creek flowing.
All power to bigotry/feminism.
Eh, boring. Rain is mid, that's all.
Millions of Levantine are migrating across the world. So many to South America & Central America. Making indigenous so strong and decentralizing power.
Cost is a matter of community quality, all is free in truest community amongst truest community.

So many Palestinians are also moving to Grenada.
& Catalonia

Godo Gotic Philistinas Cartago burps zest
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>I do hate though that rain coats are not breathable, so it's agonizing to workout in them.
I used to do my morning jog in a rain resistant tracksuit and it was miserable. I'd get so hot I'd have to wash off in a cold shower and even then it would still feel like I was too warm at times. Recently I gave in and just got a compact treadmill to use when it's too wet outside. I hate myself for not doing it sooner.
>I moved to where I live specifically for the rain.
Not quite the same for me, but I moved to where I am mostly for the weather and vibes. I always liked the cold.
How much are you're bills monthly? Have you ever been late on a bill payment? How is your credit score? What steps are you taking to own a house?
Major storm warning. May have to leave today :(.

It was so bad a times, I'd rather just forgo it and just get soaked.
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>Do you like the rain? Why or why not?
Yeah sure sometimes. Sometimes dislike the aftermath of rain like mud or slushy snow
>Do you like being outside when it rains?
It's ok most of the time, unless it's windy
>Is there anything you like to do when it rains?
Hiking - no one else is hiking and that's when the critters are out! Last time saw a buck run out no more than 7ft away from me
>Rain coat or umbrella? Which and why?
Rain coat, I need my hands available
>Do you have favorite rainy day meal?
Chili, chicken pot pie, chicken celery gratin soup. Cold weather stuff.
>Does the sound of rain help you sleep?
Yeah it's cozy af especially on a metal roof
I already own a house lol kinda crazy for our parents, getting a house was a normal progression in life and for us, owning a house is a privilege for the wealthy
Not a mandatory, they're saying it's coming. I checked with front desk and they said provided I leave during low tide, I should be perfectly okay. With my luck, it's still be bad. So, I think I'm going to check out early.
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cobson i hate you so fucking much and i hope you get BANNED for the vicious crime of making muh thread quality go down
btw cobson i am applying for janny for the SOLE purpose of banning you because i am obsessed
so yeah, casual english has completely changed since then. nowadays instead of "there was a crying baby on the bus today" you would say "me when im being in a loud and annoying competition and my opponent is a crying baby on the bus." and then youd post a picture of squidward
I hate rain it gives me a cold all the time, for men this causes a great deal of pain, not unlike women when they are pregnant.
>doing continuing education
>let's take some shelter med courses because I like shelter med!
>reading, learning, getting hype
>hit with overwhelming sadness over how I get treated time and time again in shelter med, forced to leave
>realize whether it is a me or them problem it will never change
Sometimes you have to let dreams die but damn, it hurts
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i go to the doctor on saturday about my maybe concussion. i have basically just ate apple pie all week and laid in bed. i think maybe you guys were right because i am not as clear headed as normal and i am so tired

how is everybody doing i havent read thread at all
That's just online, and a sign of low iq. Like shouting simpsons quotes 20 years ago
Rain's nice as long as you're not caught out in it. Been going off and on a couple days now and it's due to stay that way until it turns to snow in about a week. Kinda hope it gets hard enough at some point to go watch from outside. I like standing on a covered porch and watching the rain or snow in the streetlights' glow at night.
Just paying mortgage like a slave, the usual. Seeing how it is in other countries I am quite lucky.

Never late on bills, treat them like a disease. First thing money goes to immediately
I hope you feel better soon and your appointment goes well.
Paying a mortgage like a slave, lucky considering how other countries have it so much harder, even first world ones

Treat bills like a plague, first thing money goes to
Praying for your safety, we are just watching the rain
Well some spell it Granada.

Lebanese Grenada will grow magnificent paganism
Like Phoenician paganism
>- Misogynistic rants (take those to /r9k).
I take it this is the place
>- Blog posts. (Honestly, there's no good place for those!).
Yep, and this is worse than anything above.
>all the responses said 'only when dating'
Can nonas here confirm this?
what do you think of strong powerful women like Tulsi?


>tfw no Hawaiian gf with muscles
Why does Tifosi have so many orbiters?
Moid-chan got soft after getting a boyfriend, she is the second in line for dommy mommy.
Thank you for the bake, Tifosi!

>>Do you like the rain?
That depends entirely on what I'm trying to do. If I'm at home, it's great. If I'm swimming, that's fine too. If I'm walking or biking, I can take it or leave it depending on whether I was expecting it. If I'm at an amusement park and half of it closes, that's a bummer. If I have to drive in it, I HATE it.
>>Do you like being outside when it rains?
See above. The rain is so warm down here it's actually like a shower.
>>Is there anything you like to do when it rains?
If it's warm enough, I like walking in it or just lying under it.
>>Rain coat or umbrella? Which and why?
Umbrella if I'm carrying something that I want to keep dry; otherwise I prefer having my hands free. Although umbrellas are also nice for sharing.
>>Do you have favorite rainy day meal?
Not really.
>>Does the sound of rain help you sleep?
Yes, but not early as much as the sound of rigging tapping against masts down in the marina.

Not telling, no, excellent, already got one (well, it's a condo and not a house, but I love it).

>Major storm warning. May have to leave today :(.
I thought you said yesterday it was almost time. Regardless, *hug*

Glad you're going to get it looked at, hopefully it will be nothing alarming. I've doing all right.

Snow in streetlights is one thing my bf admits to missing since we left NY.
bitches are always popular. i'm a nice girl, thus boring, thus no orbiters.
I still don't even know what the fuck is Tifosi
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kinda sounds like that one illness
*orbits you*
I guess there are no more common similar words
some slutty e-girl that acts in deliberately provocative ways then calls anyone lured in by her creepy
Moid-chan is no more, she's Tiffany now
You can tell someone they're pretty and more often than not you'll make their day because everyone loves a positive comment
A Serie A (italian soccer team) ultra (hooligan)
She is canonically attractive and "free spirited" about sex.
Diversity is strength.

Diverse power is diverse growth.
Diversity cures a diversity of problems.
She actually really hates being called that as it is not close to her name at all.
>She actually really hates being called that
You don't say:^)
She strikes me as a Therese, fancy and pious
It's not that, she's the one that is baking.
Bakers deserve orbiters for their efforts.
>The word Tifosi comes from Ancient Greek "typhos", meaning smoke, as it was customary for spectators of the Ancient Olympic Games to celebrate the victories of their favourite athletes by reuniting around a bonfire.[1][2][3]
>Typhus has been described since at least 1528.[7] The name comes from the Greek tphos, meaning 'hazy' or 'smoky' and commonly used as a word for delusion, describing the state of mind of those infected.[7]
funny tidbits
I need bf like this!!!!
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TFoid Mary
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All females deserve to die
I hope u females get punishment from G-d
I hate u females cuz u only want Chad and you don't want me
I hate u females
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>TFoid Mary
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>Last time saw a buck run out no more than 7ft away from me
That'd have been my cue to run. I've seen and heard enough instances of deer choosing violence to want to stay away from them.
>Chicken celery gratin soup
A favorite of mine. Now I want to make it.
>getting a house was a normal progression in life and for us, owning a house is a privilege for the wealthy
Or the lucky, in my case. Or they have to settle for a condo in those shoddily made 4/5-over-1 block units.
Hope everything comes back alright. Glad to hear you got an appointment so quickly.
>doctor on saturday
Sheeeeeeeeit. I have an excellent doctor and even she won't see me on weekends.
>If I have to drive in it, I HATE it.
Are people in Florida usually bad drivers in the rain? Err... moreso than they usually are?
>sound of rigging tapping against masts down in the marina
I thought rigging was supposed to be secured when it's not in use.
A Scuderia Ferrari Formula 1 Team fan.
>TFoid mary
Clever. You got a chuckle out of me. Have a Gimi thumbs up.
I can see it, she is quite the fancypants.
I know that women are picky but I just don't understand why. Why can't you just be attracted to average males? Most of you are average too.
You are anything but average anon.
>Major storm warning.
A good excuse to hide in some sealed tight place together with your boyfriend.
kek destroyed that anon
Samefag. Utterly pathetic.
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No u.
Captcha: 42DAY
>fancy and pious
Which makes calling someone like that Tiffany even funnier
>My IRL nickname is just T, the first letter of my first name. It's just easy to say that than my full first name.
And I would probably call Theresa Terry, instead of Ti
Not much.

>Late payment
Just once: it was a cellphone bill, and it doesn't matter since I'm $600 ahead since I always pay $100 even though the monthly bill is $81.

>credit score
Pic related :).

Already own.

Tomorrow was check-out day. I went ahead and checked out today just to err on the side of caution. Unfortunately, I ran into another storm :). I pulled over and parked at a hotel for the night since it's hard af to see. I'll resume in the morning.

Well no shit. It's just like the name /r9k/ gave me.

Are you still having issues? I'm praying that you don't have anything major.

So a bunker? I like it! Looks like I got my next big purchase!

The old boomers were talking about it and say it apparently storms like this are always worse than what the NWS calls for. I was listening to the NWS broadcast and they're calling for it to be bad. So, I think I made the right decision. Others were getting out as well.
>Are people in Florida usually bad drivers in the rain? Err... moreso than they usually are?
Lol. No, I'm just less comfortable driving in sub-optimal conditions. I don't like driving after dark, either.
>I thought rigging was supposed to be secured when it's not in use.
There's lots of things that boaters are supposed to do but don't. In this case, I don't mind; I love that sound.

>Why can't you just be attracted to average males?
On the outside, my bf is quite average to most viewers.
>Tomorrow was check-out day. I went ahead and checked out today just to err on the side of caution. Unfortunately, I ran into another storm :). I pulled over and parked at a hotel for the night since it's hard af to see. I'll resume in the morning.
Goodness. Please stay safe and let us know when you make it home ok.
I really regret suggesting that her name could be Tiffany, all those months ago. Anytime I say anything, you tards just keep repeating it then act like you could have came up with it.
>On the outside, my bf is quite average to most viewers
In what way is he average?
You think you're original? I was calling her Tiffany years ago. My only regret is that I didn't call her Tammy instead.
Oh god here comes the name saga again.
I'll def will do that. I wouldn't want you all to worry!
So you say Tiffany suits her and automatically comes to mind for the persona she created here
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Tammy would've been so good. We could've referred to her new bf as Ron.
>her new bf as Ron.
What about Flippy?
Don't know how nicknames work in usa, would assume you use the first letter if the name is short like Tara or Tia but could be anything really.

My nickname at school was just my second surname, and then a couple of silly ones unrelated to my name at all
Sorry, Tatiana, but you're just so fascinating.
He has a cute fanon ship with Flaky
Kinda works
With her bf being small, but deadly
>In what way is he average?
In that way that most girls don't find him repulsive but don't have him attractive either.

>In that way that most girls don't find him repulsive but don't have him attractive either.
he meant to ask of his penis was average.
>In that way that most girls don't find him repulsive but don't have him attractive either.
Just describe what he looks like.
>Just describe what he looks like.
5'7", ~ 135 lbs, short dark hair, brown eyes.
Does he kitesurf and all that other stuff you do too?
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Stay safe! Hope to hear from you when the all clear sounds.
>There's lots of things that boaters are supposed to do but don't.
The city here sometimes fines people here for not properly securing their boats. Guess that doesn't happen in Tampa.
Ignore it and it'll go away.
Nicknames are often earned in the US or are related to someone's name or appearance. I've had several. Mostly related to my hair color.
>5'7", ~ 135 lbs, short dark hair, brown eyes.
He's near the lower range for what he should weigh at that height. Me must be pretty skinny.

>realize I outweigh him
bad feel
>outweigh him
How heavy are you?
>Does he kitesurf and all that other stuff you do too?
He certainly does. : )

>Guess that doesn't happen in Tampa.
I don't know about Tampa or the satellite area that I live in, but they certainly don't do it in the marina in front of my condo.
>Me must be pretty skinny.
>bad feel
I'm sure that every ounce you got is well-distributed. ; )
>How heavy are you...
...is maybe not how you should have worded that question.

160 lbs. when I stepped on the scale at the start of the week. About what I should be for 6'.
I have to remember that he's a head and a half taller than you. So I guess you're both appropriately sized for one another.
>I'm sure that every ounce you got is well-distributed. ; )
Serving up dessert!
>160 lbs
I can easily princess carry you. That means I deserve sex and emotional support from you.
Your body lifts much, but your heart lifts little.
>I can easily princess carry you
>easily carry you
Sounds like your task is carrying me from room to room all day.

I go to the kitchen to make coffee a lot, so be ready.
How many cups of that drug do you take per day
Think about the trips to the bathroom too after consuming all that poopjuice.
4-6 times a day. Hope you're up for it.
I would miss it too. We get pretty wicked snowstorms up here and watching them from the front porch is as comfy as can be. Especially with a hot drink and some weed.
>I ran into another storm :). I pulled over and parked at a hotel for the night since it's hard af to see.
it's over for moidchan.
kek I feel like moidchan will be the one doing the murdering
>4-6 times a day. Hope you're up for it.
If you mean sex, then yes.
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That too. But coffee comes before I do.

Now bring me to the kitchen.

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