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Clevedon Pier edition
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it's now seasideMARK egg custard time

It egg custard time and I mean egg custard time

Don't know what to say to the young deano plumber. I am NOT good at small talk. Why does it have to be this way?
Welcome Frens!
any update on SSM's custard tarts?
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Get 'em down ya lads
Has anyone here been to Netherlands? How are people's English in main cities like Eindhoven or Amsterdam? Going soon and a bit anxious over a language barrier.
I always get a bit giddy when we start a new thread. All this opportunity for new debates, discussions and hilarity. Might have a little lie down to calm meself.
they speak better english than we do.
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The Dutch and the English have a deep connection which spans many centuries. l welcome the Dutch.

(sorry didn't see the new thread before posting)
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Evil dutchmen get out!
Interesting. I don't travel to foreign countries much. Might need to get a phrasebook if that's still a thing. Either that or Mr. Bean my way around.
They do not really lad. Unless you hang out with absolute low IQ council estate mongs in England. The Dutch have their own hooligan double digit IQ underclass.

Normal English middle class people are well spoken and intelligent.
Do you have a passport?
>Might need to get a phrasebook if that's still a thing

It is called a phone with internet access you absolute mong
Of course I do.
Yeah I know but sometimes Google Translate is wildly inaccurate. No need to be rude.
>Unless you hang out with absolute low IQ council estate mongs in England. The Dutch have their own hooligan double digit IQ underclass.
Interestingly the majority of both of these underclasses are immigrants in both countries. Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Farming is going to be fucked in the coming decades. Inheritance tax means the farmers will keep selling land off and off to developers to be able to pay it until so much of English farming land is held by big corporations.

The irony of this being shown to be a right vs left issue when the tax is only going to benefit big developers. Our government either knows this or they are just idiots.

God the lefties online are insufferable though.
>No need to be rude.

Shit. Arse. Fuck. Pooftah. Cunt. Cock. Bellend. Stick this fucking cock up your poopshite you fucking bellend.

Theres manners for you.
Good. Sell it to corporations who can afford to pay the tax. Most farmers are minted and are simply pissed because they don't get special treatment anymore.
Wrong. English underclass is mostly white (Irish descended though from the 18th century).

Wow, this looks like it will be, dare I say it, *FUN*!
So few games in recent years look actually fun to play.
What about the quickly emerging Pajeetclass?
>Of course I do
The government isn't trying to get big developers to take over the land, they literally just want to stop domestic farming. They have been doing various things over the years to make farming more and more unfeasible and to incentivise farmers to leave the business. Did you know that if you are a farmer you can literally just go to the government and they will PAY YOU a giant lump sum of money to STOP FARMING.

Communists are all the same - the kulaks are their natural enemy. Labour is just stepping up the attacks on their political opponents. Communists cannot help but manufacture famines wherever they are in power.
Looks boring to be honest and I loved Nidhogg. End of trailer hints maybe there is more to it.
More Indians own property in London than Brits. Funny that...
Homes Under the Hammer are literally all foreign cunts buying houses to turn them into squalid HMOs. Very depressing.
Let the farmer, so far as I am concerned, be damned forevermore. To Hell with him, and bad luck to him. He is a tedious fraud and ignoramus, a cheap rogue and hypocrite, the eternal Jack of the human pack. He deserves all that he ever suffers under our economic system, and more. Any city man, not insane, who sheds tears for him is shedding tears of the crocodile.
>Not understanding the difference between asset rich and cash rich
>Not understanding how fucked we are when Britain does not have experienced farmers or farmland

Please try to be intelligent and not blinded by envy and retardation.
Mencken was a weird mix of incredibly based and utterly retarded. Anyone who's genuine opinion is 'fuck farmers' is, on some level, completely retarded.
It's not about ideology. It's about farmers being heavily subsidised arrogant fucks who think it's their God given right to farm land and let their kids farm land and so forth. Meanwhile they take out loan after loan to expand even more and have land worth millions but whine like little babies when they have to pay tax like everyone else. They can go and fuck themselves with a combine harvester.
Im so fucking cold, fuck this shit weather
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>Im so fucking cold
Winter come early de lad. It not rite
they gave him custard farts, which do absolutely nothing to counter his fish or shit smell
So what? Sell a small part of their fucking land then. They clearly can't afford to keep it. Also, farmers have money hidden all over the place. Drive in the countryside and go past all these massive fucking farmhouses with multiple new range rovers sitting about in the drive.
Britfeel's topics for the day are farming and IQ I reckon.
They're heavily subsidised because the government is already over-regulating the entire economy. Once again the government sticking a plaster over a wound they caused and then hanging the threat of ripping the plaster off over the heads of the people it affects for political points.

I can't believe there are people out there who are honestly wondering why farmers should be allowed to pass their farmland on to their kids as easily as possible. Do you like to eat food? Do you like to be able to afford the food you eat? Then let farmers farm and make sure the government stays the fuck out of their business. In fact, I wish the government would get out of everyone's business, but in terms of which is more important yeah please don't fuck with the food supply thanks x
>Sell a small part of their fucking land then. They clearly can't afford to keep it.

The small part of their land will not be worth that much on its own. The whole property and land will be worth like 3 million pounds. With the new law on inheritance they would have to sell a large chunk. Lots of farmers are cash poor and asset rich.
Also, after one generation they sell off a chunk, making it less and less efficient and they have to do it again and again - it is going to kill the entire British farming industry long term. No more farming.

Put away envy and actually think about the world logically.
You're a complete and utter fucking idiot. Farming isn't hard, any retard can do it. All farmers do is whine and pollute our lakes and rivers. They need taken down a peg or two.
Fresh breadington is it not
Yeah this is obviously bait now, at least before it might've been believable.
>I can't believe there are people out there who are honestly wondering why farmers should be allowed to pass their farmland on to their kids as easily as possible. Do you like to eat food? Do you like to be able to afford the food you eat?

The issue is lad, that some people are profoundly fucking unintelligent. Not even as an insult, just actually not capable of reasoning.
They are so filled with envy and contempt that the thought of someone who they think is rich getting wrecked gives their tiny Willy a little stiffy.

The left is pathetic.
Nah, it's not bait. I just don't agree with you and you're SEETHING. I see absolutely no reason farmers shouldn't be treated like everyone else. A lot of them have huge houses on their land too and when they pass them down they pay NO tax. I sort of understand what you mean about selling land and it'll get smaller each time but they need to be taxed somehow.
Millionaire in assets is not the same as millionaire in cash.

I seriously think we need to give basic economics lessons in schools. What you said is complete financial illiteracy to a degree that is actually scary.
People have explained to you why inheritance tax on farming would fuck the whole industry long term. You either just ignored the arguments or you are trolling or you are just thick.
Stop buying into left or right politics, little lad. You're allowed to have differing views on different topics.
>"the fruit problem" - aka I AM SILLY: Advanced Strawman Edition
>they need to be taxed somehow
And there it is. You're so utterly bought into the retarded system that you think people MUST be taxed, not that taxation is some kind of unavoidable evil that should be minimised at all costs. Just imagine thinking this.
You're very aggressive. Why so angry? Are you a farmer? Little dosser arguing in a retard general during the day.
There are different views and there are people literally not understanding basic facts about finance or how the economy works. Basic facts about consequences.

It is terrifying.
>let us set fire to our own genetalia
>no let us not. That is retarded

This is the fucking state we are in as a country. Fuck.
I believe the rich should be taxed heavily simple as. I'm aware that farmers are asset rich but they also have a lot of wealth elsewhere. If you believe they don't then you're the retard.
Guys he used different spacing for that post it must be a different poster and not some faggot samefagging.
>Farming isn't hard, any retard can do it.
Said the arrogant and retarded Zimbabwean cargo cult negros whilst killing White farmers and stealing their land
>tfw can't pass my stardew valley farm down to my black sprog
It is just depressing lad. Lads intelligent enough to be mostly literate but so financially illiterate to a level that is approaching not being able to write or do basic maths.

People with a mentality so fixed on
>punch up good punch down bad
That they will side with the most stupid and evil things imaginable.

The 20th century is filled with the horrific crimes of Marxists, socialists and communists who hated farmers who owned their own land. People who do not understand basic fucking economics like supply and demand running a fucking country, utterly convinced of their intellectual superiority. Happened in Venezuela most recently.

I just despair at the state of the U.K. and Europe as a whole.

Everything terrible starts with
>punch up good punch down bad

The country is going to immolate itself like Venezuela for really straightforward reasons that have been know about since the bloody 1700s economists.
I believe the poor should be taxed more. It will motivate them to work harder and to stop being poor.
Have a homeless tax. Literally every junky mong needs to pay his fair share in clothes and smack. That will teach them.
Ah, right. So you're just a complete fucking retard. A retard trying to tell people how the world should work. Classic retard. You'd do well in American politics.
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>What you said is complete financial illiteracy to a degree that is actually scary.
I my experience, every single poor person I have met in the U.K. on benefits actively made decisions that worsened their situation. Pissed about at school. Drugs. Alcohol. Poor spending habits. But punch down is bad. Every single banker I knew worked their socks off at school and university, graduated with a first from a top Russell group uni and worked insane hours in the city.

This except I have no glasses and an enormous bulging brain that intimidates low IQ economically illiterate little cretinous oiks such as your self
Only those above a certain income bracket should be allowed to vote. Only those who possess above 100k a year in income, assets, or investments should be entitled to votes.

The world is a jungle and if you cannot handle the harsh laws of the market they you are not evolutionarily fit to contribute to the decision making process of government.
An extremely high IQ post. We would never have governments that try to levy a tax on farmers if such a law were in place. We need an aristocratic- capitalist-monarchism tbqh lad.
Why don't the royals spend some of their millions helping the country?
Why don't millionaire politicians put their hands in their pockets?
Better yet, why don't the people of the nation do anything against the traitorous scum that run the country into the ground.
Pedo starmer under the control of muslims. I wonder what dirt his pally Ali has on kweir keir?
Just sterilise those who fail to get 5 or more good GCSEs.
Crown Elon Musk as God Emperor.
Abolish democracy.
No taxes except for a poll tax the same on every head.
Mandatory military service in service of the God-Emperor.

Results. Guarantee this will fix Britains problems.
Not really, we don't live in a society where we have any real say in how the country is run. He talks of democracy, but democracy is only the process of having multiple candidates for a role, and using a vote to determine which candidate is used for that role.
Not abolish current system and replace it with a system where there are repercussions for words and actions?
Your system wouldn't work as there is no incentive to change, politicians don't fear anything.
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Right now we have figured out how to fix the country can we go back to discussing to repercussions of fish shit arse man eating all the custard tarts?
Startin' fresh tomarra
How has that fat fucker still not got his glasses fixed?

Is it not free on bennies?
Kweir keir
Shows his rear
To a gay Muslim peer
Me? Wholeheartedly support are farmers by buying two pints of milk and a 2kg bag of potatoes every week.
good lad, how about butter for that mash?
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Had me waircut now clocking in some R&R.
>Had me waircut now clocking in some R&R.
What's your usual order at the salon
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Why is everyone banging on about farmers when almost everything is imported from literally the other side of the world because its cheaper?
Because that is simply untrue
Of course de lad. Unsalted for me all the way.
>taxation is evil and should be minimised at all costs
>it just so happens that my tax will get loopholed away and cut first while you're forever stuck paying the difference
Majoity of local delis are importing their chicken from Vietnam and that somehow is cheaper than the local famer

Place is fucked
my apu loved jools holland. not right
the country would be better off if only /r/HENRYUK mongs were allowed to decide everything
Tell those bloody farmers to put an egg in their shoes and beat it! Eeey by gum.
Saw some of the farmers yesterday in Westminster. Posh totty and miserable looking wealthy knob heads. Tax them as much as possible I say. Clarkson is king of the cunts - i bet his breath smells awful too
I too always thought those incredible hits by the world's most talented musicians were perfect except for Jools playing his boogie woogie piano over the top of them.
>Had me waircut
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Any farmer ive ever spoken to has been a complete nut job with more money than sense

All they like to do is defraud the government and drown baby animals because its "the best option"

Complete wrong uns lads
Dont give a fuck about farmers me. I only eat processed foods anyways. Been eating the same foods for the past 25 years. Hidden disabilities and all that.
>Boo hoo. When am ded I wont be able to give me kids mah 3 million pound farm when I die. That keir starmer might as well av put a shank in our back and battered us! Eeh ah. By gum I tell thee.
I say the government should just farm everything, you know? Nationalise the farms.
This but unironically, i hate farmers
*starts a twenty year famine that kills 26 million people, government makes it illegal to leave the country, white people legally required to give up their space in bread line to BAMEs*
Everybody should have their own allotment imo. Give all farms back to mother nature.
Just import your food like a normal 1st world country, absolutely no need for farmers nowadays.
Aye, can't see nowt wrong with this. Watertight plan.
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National College of Policing guidance on non-crime hate incidents: "The victim does not have to justify or provide evidence of their belief, and police officers or staff should not directly challenge this perception. Evidence of the hostility is not required."
>like a normal 1st world country
Such as?
Lads I need a new phone. Currently using a galaxy s9 (remember the april fools prank? yeah that was me who had the phoneposting tag at first) and it's on its utter last legs. I'm looking for a phone thats no bigger than 6 inches and can really play music well. Something loud and good through headphones - alternatively what are good heaphones (wired, in ear)? ta
>Rajesh at Poostain Kebabs deliberately served me a sub-standard meal because I'm white.
Some of us don't even have phones
>no bigger than 6 inches
whys that?
You know why solar panels are a scam? Because everywhere online you get the same sort of adverts for them like you do with any other scam products ranging from teeth whitening treatments to dick pills.

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>fellow s9 enjoyer

Mine has just about had it, broken charger port and a cracked screen for nearly 2 years at this point

o2 are doing a black friday deal on the S24 for 25 quid a month and 25gb of data(256gb model), thinking of finally upgrading
Oh, sorry, I should've mentioned: it doesn't apply to white people.

Remember we're in two tier now, lad.
cool nice one
i dont need a big phone, dont watch youtube or netflix or whatever, just need it to do the basics of the modern world, but mainly for choons. Plus i dont want a ipad sized phone that wont fit in my pockets
Im still using an iPhone 7 lol. It gets really hot when I use it for more than 20 mins.
wahey. yeah mines got barel any storage despite it not having much media on it, the back camera doesnt really work. I was thinking of getting a phone and just going on a cheap contract like giffgaff. I barely use data (currently on 8gb a month and thats fine)
my current s9 is also basically theft proof which is a bonus
cba to get a haircut now after hearing hhl got one
you could get extensions, that'll show him
Ah yes I forgot this is clown Britain.
Tier 4 Hate Incident Lockdown
White males are still insanely priviliged wtf are you on about lad
>White males are still insanely priviliged
How so?
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>tfw didn't tip the paki delivery driver yesterday
white males who look like chad are insanely privileged
White males are more likely to get promoted, almost all CEOs are white males, white people more likely to inherit money, white males are less likely to experience police abuse
White men are hall passes for everyone else. People tend not to believe others and get into more trouble when not accompanied by a white man. Doctors don't listen to women unless accompanied by a white man. Black people are treated beyond rudely by any powers-that-be unless they have a white man escorting them.
Who owns land in the UK? White males.
Well yes white people are higher quality but not sure this should be called "privilege"
Low quality white people are treated like utter shite too
White Russian males.
Spacker homes are full of white people
Have a feeling there been some yanks in today.
Why's that? Been done have you?
Maybe stop being shit, then.
Nah, just a bunch of capitalist wallies in.
HHL is a low quality white male yet is extremely priviliged
I'm not, make plenty of dosh and should own a house this time next year
Feeling extremely privileged sat here in my parents' boxroom at 33.
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>HHL is a low quality white male yet is extremely priviliged
Just 490,000 posts until we hit the big >>80000000

Hope it's an SSM post
Life is what you make it innit
Still haven't been V& yet. Waiting for another 30-60 minutes, to see if I get another random knock at my door.
Approx when will we hit it? Lollers usually knows within a minute
another 10 minutes i reckon
my apu has his heart set on getting >>80000000
No idea de lod. There was a lad here around the >>77777777 get who had some snazzy tool to calculate it based on the average speed of posting at that moment.
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1 month and 20 days until the get.
Posts left: 490029
Board speed: 1 post per 9 seconds
Estimated date: 21:46:43 (Fri Jan 10 2025)

Current post: 79509970 (14:07:25, Wed Nov 20 2024)
Last get (78888888) happened 621082 posts ago
He looks like dampe the gravedigger from majoras mask lol.
Where are you pulling this data from Lollers m8?
Thank you kindly sir peado
As long as I've got some food, a roof, my dog and my DVDs, I'm happy. Why bother trying to get a decent job or a relationship with a woman? Why try to get a friend group? I'm incapable of it. It's a fruitless fantasy so I may as well enjoy what I have.
>1 month and 20 days
That other lad said 10 minutes lol.
As a paedo you have to be good with computers otherwise the police will catch you quickly
None of my peoples celebrate Christmas. Christianity is absolutely insane and evil.

Death to the scum sucking parasites.

Plenty of other winter solstice celebrations are exactly the same without the insanity
Is this a protip from a nonce
Nottingham City Council to provide Computing for Paedos classes
How is he extremely privileged? Seems like a runt who leads a runtish life
If that's not bad enough, I got another worthless Bumble like, this time from a dodgy Russian bird. If I match, it will time out, like it always does.
Fuck are you on about
What "peoples"?
Don't think there's ever been a nonce who didn't have images all over their PC not hidden at all.
In all the news articles it's always like 6 digit amounts.
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>Where are you pulling this data from Lollers m8?
4chan API, mate.
Think he's fibbing to us hahaha.
That's just dollymong trying to rile you up with his dollies
Yeah, we live in a capitalist liberal country, get over it
He doesn't have a disability yet gets thousands of pounds each month in benefits.
*farts in your face*
Get over that, lad!
Bennymongs are the brahmin class
Corr you rekt that lad!
Absolutely done him lmao
*bends over and farts on your face*
You can have some too, big lad!
Is spaino in?
done me in lad, fair play
No only me and my spam bot
Come to think of it.
*stands up and farts in the entire thread's faces*
Have a dose of that, you bunch of little lads!
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>barges into britfeel meeting
>walks to the front
>loudly drags a chair onto the stage
>adjusts mic stand
>sits down
>pulls out cigar
>lights cigar
>inhales deeply
>holds it
>exhales cigar smoke into everyone's faces
>suicide vest explodes instantly killing 37 people
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seasideMARK has got TWO monitors. That's two items.

Now that is lush. He 2x productive. Editing videos on one monitor while managing his cex returns on the other
He's got too many items now and needs a car to transport them. Give him his car back
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>barges into jobcentre
>starts filming

State of that G4S goon with a tat on his face. Another staff with scruffy long hair looks like he's nearly dead. Rozzers turning up for a non-crime. Grim place.

I think that PTTP killed himself. He did suffer with depression and couldn't access the help he so desperately needed.
I love downvoting these
Sometimes it's for the best.
gg wp no re
His Windows days are over
Thanks. It helps the algorithm.
Best way to get promoted at toil is to become more verbose
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>Come into my office
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As a NEET I fully support these people filming jobcentres. For too long the staff in these places have loved to make people feel shitty. A fat woman working in mine once asked "well how are you going go afford your alcohol if you get sanctioned?" Fuck them.
Jermaine keeping his willy warm at winter by putting it in Ruth's tuppence
Fuck off lad. Don't be disgusting. She doesn't have the time for lads.
Walking into a pub or a betting shop and filming everyone and then turning the video into the Job Centre so they can cut their bennies off.
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Mine wants >>80808080
She has plenty of time for lads. She is a young, sexually liberated uni girl.
Nah you're chatting crap. Don't fucking say shit like this.
Ruth rallying other students to counter-protest the farmers. He hates wildlife and the countryside.
Ruth letting her dog off the lead in a field full of cows
Ruth stretching her foreskin over her head until her foreskin is covering her entire body and she's walking around like a ghost but instead of a white sheet it's a foreskin.
Don't be nasty lad. She wouldn't do that again.
OK, it's San Miguel and wardrobe dismantling activity time.
This really painted quite a picture in my mind.
I have it on good authority that DVDlad is Dalit.
I'm just masturbating all day instead of working. I've missed some really important emails that I needed to action and my manager is starting to see a pattern. Probably won't get fired, but my porn addiction is genuinely making my life worse and more stressful.
What is a Dalit? A Pajeet Dalek?
How does porn not get boring after a while?
You're a soi farmer mate and your dad is a nonce
How do heroin addicts not get bored of heroin after a while?
Heroin feels good though
Just listening to some Schubert played by a Chink lass.
Just move on to more and more disgusting porn
I think I'm ready for another pornmorphosis since BBC cuckold stuff don't really do it for me anymore
Ever tempted to try sex yourself IRL?
Started watching the new Dune series. Pretty shite ngl.
Can't get hard with the gf without thinking about her shagging a black man
Fascinating. Is there anything else you're not enjoying at the moment?
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I'm on season 3 of Man in the high castle series. And have my winter anime of Super Cub and Non Non Biyori series to re-watch.
Silo is a good series and has just started season 2, so you can binge all season 1 if you like it.
Television? I'm good with porn, thanks, since I'm an adult.
There's this semi-amateur porn guy on twitter that I know of. He's a young latino twink who is an exclusive bottom. In the course of a year he went from slightly feminine young man to femboy to transgender to getting SRS. When asked why he was getting SRS he just replied 'because I want to *shrug emoji*'.

Absolutely mad. He's only like 23.
Hot. Has he taken a black willy yet?
Imprisoned on nonce charges
I know what you mean. There's a young tranny on Discord I know called Cammie. He's a young Derby twink who is an exclusive cunt. In the course of a year he went from a slightly awkward young incel to femboy to transgender to buying a Toyota Sera. When asked why he was buying the Sera he just replied 'because I want to *shrug emoji*'.

Absolutely mad. He's only like 23.
Shippy loves sprogs
I hope you've learned the errors of your ways, lad, and you'll never be arrested and imprisoned for this again.
Look, I'm a grown man. I pay my taxes, I don't get in trouble with the law. I finish a fourteen hour shift, all I want to do is come home and watch some porn in peace. Is that so much to ask? Who does that harm?
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On the topic of cars, my first car is due its MOT in around 2 weeks. Does an MOT have to be booked far in advance or can I just book it like 2 days prior to the day I want it done?
good afternoon sire, it is the 10th anniversary of britfeel, is it not?
Better to do a week or two in advance so you have time for any repairs to be made
What flavour of pornography?
my twink feet are fucking freezing
Want your food to actually taste good, or even taste like anything at all? I'll share this little known secret with you, lads. Just use the following:
>Olive oil

Add them in good quantities and your food will be ten times better instantly. I'm always amazed at how few people can even get this right.
Because generations of people have been gigazogged into thinking that saturated fats are bad. Pretty much all health cliches are absolute rubbish. I despair at sneed oils, plastic cutting boards, non-stick pans, skimmed milk and the likes of these. It killing us.
It is my god given right to watch pornography
As part of the rights and privileges afforded to be as a subject of the English crown, I fully expect young men to be sent overseas into the midst of horrific conflicts to fight to ensure my right to watch pornography
I do this with my chicky slices in the frying pan, and add white pepper, peeled crushed garlic and stick half a lemon in there.
Great in sarnies.
Sprogberg having a weltdown
Radio 1 in muh Town? Cor.
The vast majority of native Dutch folk speak English very well. You won't need a phrasebook to get around, and polite stuff like "Good morning" will be accurate on Google Translate.
You'll be fine, pal.
It harms the children in the illegal images you enjoy.
Might have the box of Ferrero Rochers my nan gave me instead of a proper meal tonight. Just calories innit.
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He's not been down sandford lane in ages
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It too cold de lad. Better stay warm in the gaff.
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9 quid a day for his storage heaters now. It not right.

Give him his entitled cold weather payment
What's SSM been up to recently? Haven't seen a significant update for a while.
Why is heating so expensive?
Starmer might as well take a shit right in his mouth de lid. It's a goddamn outrage how people with hidden disabilities can't afford to heat their homes this winter.
Because it's warm lad.
He eats more food than ever
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The Russia/Ukraine war has doubled household energy prices liddington. It all Putin's fault
why eat tomorrow what you can have today?
Rache, can you tell me how much bitcoin was going for when I was interested in learning how to mine it?
it must have been like in 2009 before the 2010s
Rather than cold weather payments, give NEETs like SSM an axe to chop their own firewood. 25 pound a go vs a 10 pound axe for life
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anyone else here doing BDR work?
cold calling is boring the life out of me
literally would pay my debts in a year just off feet pics alone.
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women can make a living purely off feet

mad x
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Just woke up and did my "Morning de Lads" dance.
Every day we above ground a great day!!
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Can't believe Joe Blackburn is dead from Prada Willi syndrome.
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In tears.
It's a combination of the government:
>refusing to buy cheap energy from abroad e.g. from Russia because Putin is le Hitler
>refusing to allow further exploitation of hydrocarbons in the North Sea
>placing enormous taxes on energy production companies, especially the already existing ones in the North Sea
>shutting down hydrocarbon based plants
>trying to properly up the grid with renewables which are not worth their price to run and/or the grid ACTIVELY PAYS to NOT GENERATE electricity because of the variability in frequency it shoves onto the highly controlled system

All of this serves to restrict supply, meanwhile demand is being increased with insane levels of immigration and all of this is happening while wages haven't moved in real terms for nearly two decades.
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Home Alone 2 tonight is it not
Wish i had some time alone desu
I mean the film, not literally. Iktf though. Natural loner me.
Early shift tomorrow for me de lads have to go to bed soon if i want my 8 hours of sleep
It's because the energy companies literally just jack the price up as high as they can to pay themselves huge amounts of money. All that other shit you said is irrelevant in the face of pure corpo greed.
Might buy some stock in energy companies to get in on that action
Yeah sure lad, that's it.
When I'm older than I am now, I don't want a big house, a fancy car - to be rich. All I want is what this man has.


Real dancing on top of a ladder hours here lads.
Woop woop.
Anybody else living on the edge?
Stealing Lollers' medication.
Said you had lots of friends before.
Licking Ruth's anus
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Yeah so. This does not contradict me.
Wardrobe dismantling activities are on hold till the morning. It requires a hammer and a bit of noise.
Boogie activities are still on teh menu. Kitchen boogie time now
*wiggles his hips and arms*
fuck off de lads x
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Having a wuppa in bed me. Too cold to be sitting in that living room.
I thought he died back in 2020. I was a big fan years ago in 2006 when that tv show aired. Tamara too.
>I love you deep down.
>fuck off de lads x
not happening
Hope someone poisoned it you fucking waste of cum
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Cheaty pizza. Garlic and cheese naan, chopped tomatoes, double Gloucester and onions.

State of this boring cunt
most of it is either 'feeling ill af me' or 'necking [food]' too
Major update lads. Some of you lads might remember be posting my about my coffee shop visits a few months back and all that. So I've not been posting as much because the grad job is in full swing now. But the thing is I think I might have fallen in love with a women I met at work in my grad job shorty after I started. We spoke for an hour today and everything and nothing. Fucking hell, she's wonderful, but how do I not fuck this up? How do I find out if she's into me without making things awkward if she's not?
Popular loner? Got it.
Nothing wrong with an early night.
Good for you lad, glad things are going okay
>how do I not fuck this up? How do I find out if she's into me without making things awkward if she's not?
This is really not the best place to seek advice for stuff like that
Seethieknickers is extra seethie tonight.
You can desire to be alone whilst having family, friends and relationships. Learn the definition of words first maybe.
The "need a fresh start" every week or so is genuinely a bit depressing
I'm clueless about this stuff and ain't really got mates to speak to about it. Fuck.
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Upgraded my Christmas movie independence day to 4k. Thank you YIFY hahaha, it's not really from there.
Do you have a non Christmas Christmas movie(s)?
Not really, I like some Christmas choons. I like the Raymond briggs Christmas films, and didn't realise he did when the wind blows.
1 moar beer, a choccy bar, roll a spliff, go to bed. Good pksn that, IMO.
Anybody watching the British nuclear test scandal thing on bbc2? All governments are full of wronguns, it is evidenced throughout history, yet nothing happens.
Boiling frog syndrome, nobody notices, leads us to... MYSTERY JABS FOR EVERYONE.
No I haven't actually, is it good
Not bad, breddy crazy really.
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>when the wind blows.
Never watched this and I will grab it, probably not over Christmas.
Enjoy, sleep well and have fun with pksn.
What an incredibly depressing picture.
Rather play vidya lad.
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Good evening, please can you confirm if this is true?
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Boiling frog syndrome, nobody notices, leads us to... The frogs are turning gay hahaha.
I like when Marv turns into a skeleton lmfao.
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I'm just living that NEET brat life

Spending all day in beddingtons, maybe go on a mad one the next day, it's lush x

>I like when Marv turns into a skeleton lmfao
Doesn't clean penis just mean like your skin in general?
Hope you go on a mad one over the edge of Beachy Head you fucking worthless cunt
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HelperLass listening to her girly tunes again x
You are a worthless sack of shit. Hope you get tangled up in your spackercord and choke.
What does brat even mean? I see it used so much now but clearly not in the sense that I understand the word. What do young people mean when they say it?
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No women that have had my winky in their mouth have ever said it taste like avocado, does this mean I have a dirty willy?
No women have had your winky in their mouth period.
I presume when one is tasting a penis it will also be precumming due to the lovely slipery tongue and mouf
Precum is a myth, it's just piss.
you are the white pakistani boat mong of sunderland
Nah precum is real. It's "squirt" that's just piss lol.
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One was on the emergency fire escape stairs in a hotel at a wedding I attended. Don't think my knobington would have been right out the shower fresh and tasting like avocado haha
It's not. It's piss. Taste it next time you wank.
>It's piss
Oh no it isn't
Oh. Yes. It. Is.
>pisslets ITT
imagine if piss was viscous
I preferred the "tits are hard" "no, tits are soft" argument to be honest
Me? Strangest place I've had my todger sucked was in a limo at the Aintree Racecourse. It was the grand national and a slightly drunk posh girl who won big wanted to 'celebrate'.
Christ that one did my fucking head in.
Would've been more believable without the last sentence, just a note for future larps x
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>tfw had my dick sucked while watching titanic
was ready to go again before the boat even fucking sank desu
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Why'd he show this on video?
Not a larp mate, but good to know.
did he put peanut butter in them for a prank?
Ever had your dick sucked lad?
He'd make a killing if he did scat vids
im a 26 year old virgin
how to source escorts to my home?
I've never learnt what Sean's last name is. I always imagine it's something stupid like Gay or Ramsbottom.
not clicking that you sack of shit
do you have this video with sound?
Google escorts lad, not that difficult. Done it myself a few times. Felt like total shit after the first one, but gradually lost the shame. Now honestly it's like a nice little treat for myself every now and then. Cooorrrr frankly might take a look for tomorrow night.
He shat himself lad.
It's Chakraborty
Go on the UKPunting forums me lad
that's getting me in the mood.
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>Go on the UKPunting forums
Remember standing outside an apartment once, waiting to be let in, people casually walking past me going about their day. Then I though what if they knew what I was waiting for? That filled me with a deep sense of shame but I soon forgot my thoughts after walking in lol
Heard ruthmong had sex.
Yeah it's not a Christmas one like his other films, more an eve of the apocalypse type thing.
I'm going to try get to sleep now, unless my mums dog annoys me, or her singing neighbour disturbs me.
Good kip, then it's a day of dismantle mum's wardrobe from home kind of day for me.
Nighty night.
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Boomers are creaming themselves over Russia launching nukes. At this point they're just trying to manifest it by keep saying it's gonna happen.

Honestly, it's so fucking cold I wouldn't mind Russia dropping a few nukes, at least it will temporarily warm the place up a bit waheyy.
Your heart will explode one day you sad white paki cunt
>not baggins
Wouldn't mind a nuke dropping on Sunderland cos at least you'd be dead
dont worry lad trump will sort it out
>this one sad mong pretending to be multiple posters being rude and mean to helper

Most of us are nice here, you're not fooling anyone.
helper is an arsehole desu
It's helper himself. He got caught before samefagging nasty replies to himself.
Trip on you fucking nonce cunt
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Only ever been to Aintree racecourse and just felt sad for the horses and I don't understand betting.

DESU I'm only going to watch it because of the possible nuclear apocalypse type thing, mate. I am fixated on that era anyway, and there was a 100% time shift after that era.
>Boomers are creaming themselves over Russia launching nukes. At this point they're just trying to manifest it by keep saying it's gonna happen.
So just like you and your happenings?
You can never take any replies to Helper posts seriously because we all know (and he has been caught doing so as well as admitting it himself multiple times) that he replies to himself off trip and argues with/insults himself.
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Wagiemongs letting off some steam by bashing out a few more nasty posts before going to bed.
It's probably all you though isn't it.
Ingenius double bluff by the mackem streak of noncey piss
>T-these replies are all me guys, no one hates me haha!!
Fuck off you speck of human dreck
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I am in favour of site wide user IDs. One ID per IP/cookie.
i miss the "OP claiming ID" days desu
Please meet other women ASAP. You don't shit where you eat in your first grad job.
Cumming inside Helpers anus
Time to sleep. Hopefully my hearing returns properly soon. Goodnight adults, wherever you are.
bet he's proper tight as well
I get what you're saying lad but question is where though. That's the hard one for me. While I have made friends with some of the other grads, we don't really go out and do things much, and when we do it's mostly cinema or getting some food. Only women I'm meeting are at work.
Get a hobby
Get two
Get on dating apps. Don't listen to doomers on here saying it's impossible when they've never tried. I've always had luck on them.
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Din-din is it not
Why yes, 'tis indeed
/brit/ refugee here - heard a lot about this place
visiting because /brit/ is currently getting spammed by a nonce on a VPN and the janny isn't stopping him
how's all your nights going?
I am also on a britfeel holiday due to calling a brazilian a monkey
>britfeel holiday
Like coming to a little quiet village in the country where everybody is brain disabled
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Wuppas on tap here de lads. I'm keeping it Helper Stylee all night long. Isn't that lush?
Life good when you're wokey and wamble free.
>everybody is brain disabled
can't be that bad. just pop a filter on the tripfags and ignore sean's seasidelarp and this is a perfectly pleasant place.
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You're not welcome here mate. /britfeel/ is a gentle thread for noble /neet/s. We're not like your /brit/ or brit/pol/. We're not your friends.
Welcome. We hate pakis here.
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If you can't recite the Seaside Creed you're no /britfeel/er.
ahh - brilliant, something tells me I'm gonna fit in juuuuuust fine
Yeah you'll fit in just fine with the racist sad losers here. Welcome!
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>[Frame freezes]
>"Yep, that's me right there in Kursk. You probably wonder how i got myself into this fine old mess. It all began in February of 2022... Let's rewind a little."
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>Poo status: Unredeemed
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>AI gooner documentary features an actual gooner trooner

My fucking sides kek
>"Technology is the reason for the loneliness epidemic"

No you dumb whore, women going only after the top 1% Chadoids is and the stats + data all back this up

But keep deluding yourself and others lmfao
They actually stopped producing these the other month due to low consumer demand, but of course this meme device had to be featured too
drove the QT home from work tonight, just like the good old times, miss working there sometimes, yea im a simp but i dont care.
>blow nose
>accidentally blast bathroom, face, glasses with blood
lovely. excellent
fucks sake lad
mainly just replying to stop the thread an heroing desu
do you have this video with smell?
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Think it's just best I die. I can't be the person I want to be. I can't be liked by anyone... especially ladies.
Youre liked here, pal
Nearly 2pm here in Nihon. Might go out for ramen around 4 x
I want to be liked in real life.
Your parents like you, no?
That doesn't count. Family is family.
My feet are cold. Just another reminder I'll never have a gf.
Well nobody can like you if they don't know you. Leave your boxroom.
Hate this cold weather, climate change can't come soon enough desu senpai
Wouldn't mind if the days were long
Need Starmer to repositon the sun ASAP
Woke up from being big spooned by my chubby fit gf. Leg over the top and everything. Very womfy that was.
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Wondering if his shit smells of fish some days
Tired af but have to go to work now
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Did you just say.. womfy? Like.. with a w?
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Morning lids, just got up. Having me morning wuppa then might order in a brekkie. Feels even colder than yesterday corr.
Goddamn Lisa really was a goddess eh?
What's in your bank account right now lad? Just curious because you seem to order a lot of delivery food and that stuff ain't cheap.
>chubby fit
Seems unlikely
Fuck off you utter parasite
*inform the wapus that John Prescott has died*
John Prescott raped me in 2013
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Decided not to order out just necked a few wustlerz instead. Need to go shop laterz. Actually feel fresh for the first time since Sunday.
Good, stick to your microwave slop, it's all you deserve
You'll be in a fucking gutter by end of day tomorrow.
You getting ready for that Black Friday bonanza de lid?
Lots of samefagging ITT desu
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THREE SSM updates this morning

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He has to sit on this shabby chair. He can't apply for work like this.
dont worry about the negative replies lid it's all one loser samefag who is mad you're living the life. he probably angry he gotta do an hours commute to his wagie office where he gets bulled lmao x
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Not going mental, spent too much already this month. Might snag one or two things though. Don't really need anything eletronic now that I have my new laptop and new TV.
I have the same chair but in black
Would love to see you head put through that TV you worthless prick
Yes, a very lot.
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I'm on that sobergrind in life now. Alcohol and wokey won, it defeated me after 2 years of total war. I'll admit it. Now much like post-war Japan and Germany I must live a peaceful existence to ensure my survival. World War Welper is finally over.

tiny brain, tiny penis, tiny everything
Wish you'd get on that jumping-in-front-of-a-traingrind
>same two negative replies in the same format

If it were samefagging why would we stop at 2?
Now that the tide of public opinion has turned against you, I feel comfortable in admitting that I have never ever clicked on one of your links
Sean your parents must surely realise that you don't actually habe autism. Are they okay with you just scamming the system like that? Pretty grim imo.
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We have climate change 4 times a year, 29 sleeps till the next climate change event (start of winter).
If you're not doing it anymore, then you defeated it. Lots of coke addicts and drunkards in teh world.
Winter's already started
Climate change will cause the gulf stream to collapse turning the UK into a freezer in winter
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Nope, it's on its way.
Think I might move to Africa when that happens haha
Winter starts on 1st December
Contemplating moving to Australia me
If you're rich enough you could live half the year in the northern hemisphere and half the year in the southern hemisphere and enjoy eternal nice weather.
if youre poor you could just live all year around on the equator and enjoy warm weather
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Nope, not falling for that, it's 21st of December, same as always.
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December, January and February are all in the dip of temperature, and are therefore winter
What the utter fuck is this now? What in the cunt's name is Gahuza and why are we made to pay for this bollocks?

Ancient Welsh dialect
Not paying attention to that lad, we know it gets colder in December, winter is dec Jan Feb. It's also cold now, should we start to say winter starts in November now? No.
Not using this new crap. Winter starts on the 21st, simple as.
>Winter begins in the celtic midwinter
Ah yes
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Plan of action for the day.
1. Hot water in the sink to get washing up soaking.
2. Roll a spliff.
3. Take mum's dog for a walk and smoke spliff.
4. Back to wash up.
5. Wardrobe dismantling activities.
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No! Winter starts in mid Dec.
Stop this silliness now.
I know I'm being silly really, but this "oh it will make it easier" nonsense is rubbish. Fugg off, easy route taking mother fugging met office.
I'm not an numerical autist, so I don't care about that.
Oh it's easier to do.
Sounds like a DEI hire kind of thing to me. Might warrant further investigation.
What are you rabbiting on about
Just the ramblings of an idiot. Ignore me.
There used to be a poster here who'd spend hours every morning writing up rambling posts with no punctuation about how Keir Starmer was behind every bad thing that had ever happened in his life. It was quite amusing actually. Idiot ramblings can be good sometimes.
That was me, thanks
ok ok new thread


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