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stranded in space edition.
how much longer will they remain trapped up there?
how will they go back home?

previous >>16268917
First for sheared flow stabilized z-pinch
Second for forcibly rotating spin-stations far beyond their designed limit to fuck with the inhabitants. Get rotated, idiots.
Third for quantized inertia
Shit fuck general.
Fourth for preserving a minimum breeding population of earthers in zoos.
Sixth for the moon wizards
Seventh for Phil Mason's suicide livestream after IFT-5 ends with a successful booster catch
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8th for Saturn-tan
There is no degree of success that can make him reverse course. His goalposts are on wheels.
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10th for paizuri with Starship-chan!
It would be less reversing course and more activating the flight termination system out of shame.
I'm glad he moved to the Czech Republic because it will be really easy for him to find some large powerful gun to blow his face off with.
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look at this dumb retard
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stupid ass
once the ship demonstrates reuse, he'll pivot to economics "shuttle cost hundreds of millions to refurbish", or scale ("they'll never be allowed to launch the dozens of times a year from the cape due to impact to neighbours"
He's in academia, they don't feel shame.
I find it a little incredible that he appears to not have a professorship. He's not tenure track, best I can tell. The man got his doctorate nearly 30 years ago and he's bumming around in someone else's research group.
No wonder he's so mad. He's blown his whole career. Untentured PhDs don't get professor's pensions.
Makes me think of the sperm whale over Magrathea
Enjoy your vacation
I come home tomorrow :(
isn't being a post doc you are supposed to do perhaps 4 years (maybe 8 years if you are really stretching it) before getting an assistant professorship and then tenure to become a professor or staff scientist
if you don't get that, pivot to industry
That's right, unless you're not worth a shit and can't progress in academia or industry. He's like an eternal intern.
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starship is probably going to fail and nearly kill space x as a company

>it can lift like 50 tons to leo in a reusable mode barring miracle fuel / engine developments

>it will never launch shit to GEO or the moon, the amount of refueling necessary is obscene

>it will cost 100 million plus per launch for at least a decade

Its not that it cant launch or land, that should have been demonstrable years ago. its that the entire bfr concept still doesn't escape the basic realities of fuel chemistry and material science determined payload fractions. Making it out of steel fucked up the payload. Making the second stage huge fucked the payload above Leo.

Starship will NEVER get below even $1000 a kg to orbit, elon knows this and is fully blackpilled subconsciously, the entire platform was built for a fantasy launch market that does not exist, its an ideological vanity project that space X doesnt have the ingenuity to make feasible.

Its not about the heatshield, its not about the manufacturing, its about the fact that it doesn't pass the rocket equation satisfactorily at a glance and nobody seems brave enough to talk about this, this fat bitch of a rocket can barely get to orbit rn with ZERO payload.

>inb4 spaceX fans saying everything will be fixed when they double the length of the rocket and obscenely up the engine pressure
Thanks for putting that at the front of your message so I didnt waste my time reading the rest
You're having fun with this fantasy/bait, ain'tcha
You seem to like saying the math doesn't work out, but you post no math.
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I wish it would work too bros, ive loved giant rockets since i was a little kid. But the design has changed and changed again and i think they have firmly lost the thread.

>6-20 refuels for a lunar mission
>test flights can barely reach orbit with no payload
>elon musk himself admits the payload capacity is fucked

The entire mars fantasy is riding on this thing, elon knows it, and it just cant get past the brutality of the rocket equation
refuelling makes your entire post irrelevant
as long as you can get a big fat second stage with large tanks up to LEO in the first place, you can send that same stage literally anywhere in the solar system
>attempts a sympathy
So transparent.
elon himself says it can lift 50 tons, so far it has struggled to lift zero into space

The switch to stainless steel added roughly 50 tons of structural mass, and would you look at that, the touted payload dropped from 100 tons to 50 tons. Then the heatshield got heavier, and redundant systems were added. It can MAYBE do 50 tons to orbit for the foreseeable future, and its current retarded heat shield system leaves it dead in the water as far as reuse goes. I totally believe they can and will fix everything but its inherently god awful mass ratio, i mean the second stage is heavier then a shuttle for gods sake.

Tell me why i am wrong and i will kneel, anon-sama
Besides none of the existing design being set in stone, they aren't even trying to optimize the vehicle's mass yet. You've already backpedaled on "zero payload" but have been trying to keep the doomsaying regardless. It's an in-development system with effectively unlimited authority and budget to change the design in whatever ways are needed to make it work. The V1 ship only exists to be a systems demonstrator.
i want us to go to space, but frankly the best people have left space x and elon is fucking old and losing it from the long decades of stress. He put up an amazing fight but man, you can tell the old boy is getting tired. Like napoleon fighting all his final losing battles with blunt force instead of skill.

Tesla is going to explode because current ai will never deliver self driving that is legally acceptable. Space x is going to be eaten away bit by bit by the Chinese and small rocket startups.

Starship will cost at least 25 billion to develop and i just dont think it will ever do useful work like they dream, not running on known chemistry.
>6-20 refuels for a lunar mission
So? It's just fuel which is basically free.
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Trying too hard.
>The switch to stainless steel added roughly 50 tons of structural mass, and would you look at that, the touted payload dropped from 100 tons to 50 tons.
So you can't even remember where you got your own numbers and are talking out your ass, got it.
its 'in development' half a decade past show time. Remember 'mars by 2022'?

even if it was flying missions now the architecture will always be fat and retarded, fighting an exponentially losing battle.
how fucking long are those astronaut jannies going to be left waiting in orbit? A year, for that many launches.

Flights are expensive to staff, labor is like 2/3's of all launch costs. Such a moon mission would make the sls launch architecture seem cheap. Landing an entire starship down on the lunar gravity well is retarded, theres a reason the apollo descent capsule was so fucking small

Goodnight anons, i hope your optimism is just based on something i missed. But i think starship will be remembered forever as an infamous example of organizational bloat.
Beyond every premise here being nonsense, I'll humor you by saying to go compare Falcon 9 v1 to the current-day version
good bait honestly, enjoy your evening
why has nobody drawn a LEM rocket gijinka
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Why is PressureFedNigger shitting up my /sfg/?
He's not shitting anything, he's constipated
>how fucking long are those astronaut jannies going to be left waiting in orbit? A year, for that many launches.
They're going to do the refueling before the astronauts even launch, retard.
She needs a V shaped shoulder stripe
And into an accumulator vehicle, at that. The full fuel load will be transferred immediately after launch.
I would like to stick my wood balSa TURN her V-gina into a pulp
why don't they just strap a couple of space shuttle solid rocket boosters to it? they are reusable and all Elon would need to do is fish them out of the sea and refill them like NASA used to
The working phrase isn't reusable, but "rapidly reusable." Refurbishing SRBs is not rapid, and they're only reusable on technicality. It would have been cheaper to just build the SRBs new.
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first ever ariane 6 scrub is officially set for tuesday
ISS should be charging boeing excess docking fees
Houston is going to eat shit from the hurricane. Starbase may have been saved but NASA, axiom, intuitive machines, etc. are in the cross hairs.
>le Elon time meme
Either baiting or retarded, please stop replying to this guy
Man even if we go by pre-assembly line fully expendable prototype test prices, 15 Starship flights is still cheaper than SLS/Orion lmao. 10x cheaper per kg.
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Welcome to the Station California...

You can undock any time you want,
but you can never re-enter!
It's not even going to flood Houston, it's just going to slip right in between.
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this is the official flag of mars
Why post this? Its that guy with mild EDS.
given the sub & view count, I think this might be that guy posting his own videos
>even if we go by pre-assembly line fully expendable prototype test prices, 15 Starship flights is still cheaper than SLS/Orion
There's no way this is true, is it really that bad? Holy shit
he needs to lose weight and not read off a piece of fucking paper
This guy's mannerisms, speaking patterns, and attitudes mirror mine.

I now understand why I have no friends.
also the planet's name has been changed to Mars X
everything about the production makes it feel like he's a time traveler from 2008
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim, I had to stop for up to 45 days
Reminder, SpaceX isn't profitable.

They aren't profitable because reuse their rockets. If they were profitable, they wouldn't have to reuse their rockets. ITS OVER
well deboonked
>There's no way this is true, is it really that bad? Holy shit
SLS launch cost is 4.1 billion per launch.
Even assuming starship manages a price no better than the falcon launch of around 20 million, a fully refuled starship in LEO costs 300 million, actually less than 1/10 of an SLS launch.
Pressurize tanks with water expanding into ice.
4100 million / 15 = 273 million
Thanks, I hate doing math.
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>Starbase Prepares for Tropical Storm Beryl | SpaceX Boca Chica

whats up with all the retarded bait, haven't read a single post in this thread fully lmao
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this logic is asstounding
I'm excited. This will be fun no matter what happens
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>The Earth and the Moon in a perfect picture! Chang'e-5-T1 service module photographed in October 2014.
Awesome photo.
Also I hate to be that guy but what is the deal with China and HD photography? Have they not discovered 1080p yet? 4k? Everything is standard definition
worst case scenario is a RUD and total euro humiliation
best case scenario is success and total euro humiliation
lol he randomly becomes animated as soon as he talks about the 15 starship launches. Why is he so worked up about SpaceX
>Everything is standard definition
>replying to a post with a 2048x2048 image
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NASA fucked up big time in the PR department by having unisex uniforms when they started flying females. Biggest PR own goal ever just to appease feminists who dont care about space anyway.
it is jarring how much worse this picture is made by the feet
>just to appease feminists
They appeased the sex-negative feminist rather than the sex-positive feminist
>How does an aerospace company earns money for their further projects or flights?

>Depends. ULA sells trips to space for a little more than the cost. Some of the profit to our shareholders and the rest for technology development. Others get large outside investment yearly in exchange for promises of future profit. (And are free to charge independent of cost, for now…)

Well, that's a nice confirmation to have. ULA barely makes any profit on its launches.
No surprise Boeing and LM want sell it.
still very funny to me that US forced the ULA to exist because the fierce competition between Boeing and LM kept leading them to break the law. They were both working so hard but they never tried to just make a better rocket lol. And then a company with way less resources tried to build a better rocket, and is now more valuable than Boeing and Lockheed combined. I love when reality has a punchline
It's because SpaceX wasn't hogtied by decades of "build this part in that Congressional district" pork wrangling and sold launch as a service. Boeing and Lockheed were in the business of selling expendable missiles that sometimes also launched space missions.
What will it take for NASA/Congress to cancel SLS?
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Starship being NASA rated for lunar/Mars reentry and landing with crew on board. Until that happens, SLS+Orion is the moon(ish) bus.
I would say public outrage over a clear discrepancy with another launch vehicle, if I thought what was happening here was at all within the public understanding
Dead astronauts. It needs to be something that will make the normie population aware of all of SLS's problems and it needs to be something bad enough that the blame for that will traced back to the people who insisted things be like that. There needs to be more blame that what could just be soaked up by "Boeing incompetence."
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>when the hit-piece delivers unexpected kino
Starship v3 will be slightly taller than the great pyramid
Even more kino
when will we get a rocket which exceeeds the great pyramid's weight at liftoff?
better yet wen rocket with a second stage weighing that much wet?
Wake me up when starship manages to lift 50t into leo.
What did the hitpiece say?
>blahblah muh environment muh commecrudo tribe muh burds muh Musk etc
>is actually really showing how environmental focus and space industry can get along and be in balance
That you musktards need to dilate your neovaginas.
The Great Pyramid is about 1,000 times heavier than Starship, so it's safe to say it will be a while (3 weeks)
>Jew Word Crimes
no thank you
>marxist times
>local swamp more important than extending life to an entire planet
look how they massacred our Boca Chica
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It's better now
>YT comment section and here
Where did they create this 50t to orbit max starship bait figure? Seems like a concerted disinfo effort
During a post IFT conference Elon offhandedly said that the test vehicle only does 50 tons because they haven't started on mass optimization and are just trying to make it work. People are of course ignoring the context for the usual reasons and you can pretty much disregard
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Total beetle death!!!
>so i bitch that it's not 100t to the moon
yeah, sounds good.
eager space explains it well
tldr,starship is very sensitive to dry mass. Expect enormous gains with future variants.
Yeah 50 T is way too generous; it’s really closer 40
I heard it was approaching 30
20 is the sweetspot.
Hullo is talking about electro-thermal rockets and how they might use human waste as a propellant
Bharat arise!
Artemis is retarded on all levels, even a perfectly functional starship couldn't salvage that clusterfuck of a project.

Would be great if I'm wrong tho.
Shartship when?
Does anyone really need to send more than 10 tons to orbit?
9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, we are go for liftoff, launching nothing
pisslock when?
you know what they say - 16 tons and im deeper in debt
That'd require Project Orion or something similar to get a million tons off the ground.
Not with those numbers you're not.
Traumatic insemination, also known as hypodermic insemination, is the mating practice in some species of invertebrates in which the male pierces the female's abdomen with his aedeagus and injects his sperm through the wound into her abdominal cavity (hemocoel). The sperm diffuses through the female's hemolymph, reaching the ovaries and resulting in fertilization.

The process is detrimental to the female's health. It creates an open wound which impairs the female until it heals, and is susceptible to infection. The injection of sperm and ejaculatory fluids into the hemocoel can also trigger an immune reaction in the female. Indians, which reproduce solely by traumatic insemination, have evolved a pair of sperm-receptacles, known as the spermalege. It has been suggested that the spermalege reduces the direct damage to the female Indian during traumatic insemination.
>Nasa patch and israel flag patch on the same uniform
What did nasa mean by this?
Go back
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>New details about BAS reveal that it has been expanded to 2x its total mass than earlier plans! (previously 25t, now 52t). Its maximum crew capacity has also been increased to 6 & the normal no. of crew present on BAS will be equal to its previous max capacity of 3-4!
so every space station now until the end of time will just be some form of a salyut station? Besides Skylab, every station has been like this. Mir, ISS, tiangong…
i wish someone would try and big rotating wheel like von braun wanted
I'd say we can expect some minimum viable product cylinder habitats in our lifetime, like the Kalpana One, but the only guy with the capital and motivation to do that hates the only guy with the rockets to do that
American and European commercial designs seem comfortable moving away from DOS-derived architecture, but it's anyone's guess how many of those projects will actually make it to orbit.

I'm a bit more interested in the fact that the station is going to be orbiting at 52d. You could launch missions to it from Baikonur or Vostochny if you had the right docking adapters.
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fuck the wildlife, frankly
>fuck the wildlife
Dont tell the furfags.
Only when they perfect a 3D print&welder that works in space will you see new space station designs.
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NASA tended to universally put their logo patches on the Shuttle flight suits regardless of the nationality of the person wearing them.
BO will save us
Yeah right >>16271847
imagine the terror of the female astronauts on the Axiom space station when they hear this in the distance
in space no one can hear you redeem
how many crew can fit on the outside?
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What is happening now is the least of anything that has ever happened, ever
how is a hurricane a nothingburger lmao
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the sky is a bit grayer than usual
its over for starbase
are they going to change long chopsticks to short ones before flight5?
New glenn is coming online this year whether you like it or not. It has the potential to be the best rocket on the planet for the brief window before starship starts flying comercial payloads at which point it becomes the second best but still miles above the competition.
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Just as a reminder it took SpaceX 4 launches to not have the fully stacked Starship blow up, burn up, and crash from a suborbital flight. Meanwhile, SLS put the Orion spacecraft around the Moon for a month and returned it safely on the first launch. So of course SpaceX definitely won't need more than 15 launches to go to the Moon, I'm sure.
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this is literally a light storm for the poor houstonian. >we are punished and used to it
Shartship is finished and you stupid Muskrats refuse to even acknowledge the situation. Polluters always lose and you stupid elon fans arent any different
Trade offer:
I get to “pollute” a few acres of southern texas marshland.
You get entire planets you can use as ecosystems
if humanity is saved by Musk, I would rather choose extinction t: thunderfoot
What's with this delusion that Blue will try, let alone be successful, with landing New Glenn on its first flight?
This is underwhelming
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>no discussion just a bunch of links
At least try and concern troll
Buy a fucking ad
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Well they've been landing new shepard for a while. As shown with spacex that gets you a lot of the way there, super heavy only ever failed cause it's engines blew up, not because they fucked up the landing.
ha, that sign can't stop me because I can't read
LEO is where all the money is, retard.
>You get entire planets you can use as ecosystems
Name a planet other than Mars (dubious in itself) that you can do this with
venus next question
Do moons count?
Elon being from South Africa really makes his opinion on this much darker. We really could lose it forever
>fermi filter mentioned
Dammit I knew “chief engineer” musk was a pseud lmfao
starbase is so cinematic looking, i cant wait for the inevitable hollywood blockbuster
various exoplanets once we get QI drives or some other interstellar propulsion system
It's pr speak for "these god damn niggers are going to bring us back to the stone age and we need insurance"
>how is a hurricane a nothingburger lmao
people who dont experience hurricanes regularly think they're a big deal, when they're mostly a nuisance or free holiday break from work for people who regularly experience them. now tornadoes? those are the real deal.
yeah, I live in SC, getting hit with even a mild hurricane is never a nothingburger but it's usually not apocalyptic
just a lot of rain
it accurately describes the situation, doesn't matter if you think the term is overused by your estimation or misused
“moons” don’t exist. Some “moons” are planets that happen to orbit other planets and some “moons” are faggy little asteroids that are only special because they’re in the right place at the right time.
Elon, please.. just a little bit taller...
Mental gymnastics. Shut up
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NASA issues press release:
"NASA is pleased Boeing's spaceship did not explode killing everyone in the ISS."

This is like some dystopian-future comedy.
1. Reusable rockets to launch 100,000 unfolding solar shades into solar synchronous orbit over Venus.
2. Venus rapidly radiates its heat into space and most of the dense CO2 atmosphere snows out.
3. Venus surface colonizers pack the dry ice into huge snowballs and fire them off Venus using mass drivers
4. The snowballs collide with Mars, giving Mars a suitable carbon-rich atmosphere with which to start terraforming.
>Do moons count?
satellite planets count because satellite planets are planets. Asteroids don’t count. No need to ask about “moons” which are a retarded assortment with little in common.
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so what’s the distinction between a “moon” and a “satellite planet”?
Is Titan a planet by your definition? What about our moon, which is larger and denser than most other solar system bodies
or just keep the CO2 and rain comets on to venus for water, providing planetary scale sabatier conversion
Holy shit is this the first time Musk replied to a Greason post? does he know about the plasma magnet I wonder, that shit could really put SpaceX on top if it works
It's coming home shartliner bros
if a piece hits your house you get a free taco from taco bell!
Titan is very much a planet. It has a better claim to the title than tiny no-geology no-atmosphere Mercury. All the Galilean moons are. As they get smaller it gets blurrier, but I think being in hydrostatic equilibrium, or at least large enough that absent other forces they would be, is a good cutoff point. You can split them into dwarf satellite planets along IAU lines if you like.
Also earth’s moon doesn’t even orbit earth. It’s a regular planet.
it's retarded clickbait "journalism" NASA did not say that
The plasma magnet being used to increase Starship's payload to Mars like a spinnaker would be incredible. The one downside is it also reduces payload *volume* so it'd be optimized for hauling heavy things like reactors.
Starship is payload limited by downmass to the surface and upmass to LEO, not by the transfer, which is cheap all things considered
Then they could use the plasma magnet for shorter transfers, also like a spinnaker.
you're probably limited on transfer time by entry velocity, not dV
>The one downside is it also reduces payload *volume*

It's tiny really tiny for the amount of throost (drag) you get out of it once the plasma bubble expands, at least if the theory works out like that and it stays stable

I can imagine Starship deploying these once it clears the Earth's magnetosphere out of a special ring segment with them attached and hidden until necessary to deploy, idk if the effects stack with the more you have or the more voltage applied to the superconductor ring but either way an extra 300-400km/s of d-v is huge, even for a non-mass optimized Starship
lol no
lol, lmao even
> le exoplanets + memedrives to reach them
New Shepard landings do not really translate to New Glenn.
skill issue
Slingshot around Jupiter to brake

or carry extra propellant to brake
That still gives you faster Earth return since the sail is a brake on sunward maneuvers.
What will be the first non-orbital, non-planetary habitats, and what's the easiest way to make them?
How many years before there are habitats that are independent of any planet (although possibly dependent on each other)?
what the fuck are you talking about
You still need the power supply, so an extra 20kW@1AU of solar panels, and then delivery+conditioning hardware, and a deployment/retraction mechanism, etc. It's not a crippling change but it's still there.
you talk about space all day but you dont do anything about it. build cubesats, buy a ticket to space, do something other than yap.
Yeah but with the way I describe it sort of integrated into Starship the way you'd integrate a sail on a boat it doesn't take up any of the payload volume at all, doesn't even have to be located in the payload area
I'm saving money for my ticket and considering switching to Starlink
Why would you even do that? You're basically a generation ship at that point
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Muskrats arent panicking over Beryl which will destroy Starbase once it makes landfall. Why is that?
Its not hitting starbase
See >>16272046
A for effort.
Weather is an atmospheric phenomena, in the future we won't have to worry about such troubles.
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It's easier if you have a portal gun.
I'm not autistic. I'm just weird.
Just want plasma magnet to be real mang
What's a nigga gotta do to get a fade around here? Sheeeeeit
Does Elon think he would be allowed to colonize mars without Blacks? Apparently he does because that's the only way a self-sufficient Mars colony could possibly make sense.
we arent going to get the cool shit for a long time
Why would you worry about something that you can't do anything about?
everything orbits something, even the sun orbits the galactic center
yeah, I meant not orbiting a planet
my mistake
are talking about suborbital habitats?
When will the next space flight physics breakthrough be? Will ai take us to the stars? Will ai nigga please?

Where are our modern day Einsteins? Where are our BLM sponsoered rockets?
your sunshades would have to be over 1000 km^2 each to cover venus
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of course
>1000 km^2
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You can fit 1 km of them in a starship
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That's a man.
El capitán will soon have many Kuipersats. He will finally be able to replace those pesky Starlink terminals on his yacht.
File deleted.
spinlaunch hyperloop
stretchable Mars-Earth hyperloop
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unprofitable companies die without low interest rate gibs
Does this cripple mods? Literally wtf is wrong with this company kek it’s such a bizarre situation
I don't keep money in the computers.
Need to die
Public outrage over the insane cost compared to alternatives, or a fatal accident(s).
plasma magnet sails: can do any maneuver you want, as long as that maneuver is radial out from the sun
That's why they pair well with BNTR systems for the outer system. You don't sacrifice plasma sail area for photovoltaics and you get a high thrust system with OK Isp for sunward acceleration. Inner system all you need is some solar panels and RVacs to utterly cheese any maneuver you want if you have a plasma magnet.
Greason goes into steering and tacking and even using Jupiters magnetic field to turn around and head inwards in his later talks its pretty cool stuff, a level of interacting with the dynamics of the stellar wind and magnetospheres we've just barely begun to grasp
Enjoy your vacation evader.
look at her go!
I want you to imagine a politician telling his constituency that if elected (or re-elected) he'll shut down a nearby Federal aerospace complex because it's wasteful and pointless. Maybe some madlad out there can make it work, but most of the time that's a surefire way to sabotage your own election. You can imagine the opposition's advertising rhetoric: "Why does he HATE people having JOBS?"
Voters are opposed to pork-barrel spending, yes -- but only everyone else's. Any pork spending that benefits you is sacred.
The most an average politician can do is replace the aerospace facility with some other unrelated pork barrel project.
>Voters are opposed to pork-barrel spending, yes -- but only everyone else's
So we just need a texan president to funnel it all into starship
That's why it's up to the President or NASA leadership to fire everyone at an unneeded facility or reassign them somewhere else and then just not spend any money there.
20kw of solar panels sounds like a lot but is actually fuck all really, about the size of two house roofs full of solar, bigger with lower efficiency solar film of course but much, much lighter and can double as a sunshield
What the fuck is this post
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Why does starship have such an inherently sexual design?
>he is unaware
Massive payloads and large thrust can only be interpreted one way
pregnant women
Uhhhh guys?
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this so much
yes, anon? are you surprised to learn that orbital velocity around a black hole is extremely fast?
This is indisputable prove of extraterrestroal intelligences
So bets on if starliner returns this week?
comsidering dragon's toilet overflowing with shit and piss, i think starliner is doing just fine.
>Pretty soon. I don’t feel the need to blow several up to get some limited initial capability, so we’ll follow a more disciplined development approach, similar to Vulcan. PDR was recently completed. Full scale sea tests finished, wind tunnel testing went well. CDR next.
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labor arbitrage enabled by starlink
btw this was a thing in the Rifters trilogy by Peter Watts (or at least the second part)
very underrated writer in general IMO
Muskrats btfo lmao
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Impressive, very nice. Let's see ULA's reusable boosters and reentry vehicles.
SpaceX has no reusable reentry vehicle
Reusable booster yes but that's trivial
>"Reusable boosters are trivial," he says, while no space organization outside of China is making any serious efforts to build one
ULA has what, 3 years left?
going to take longer than 3 years to fulfill their launch schedule for NSSL and Kuiper launches with this cadence
after that though it's lights out
Two weeks
Can someone give me a completely spoiler free tidbit of information about the realism and engines in The Expanse? Like how does it stack up to other sci fi in terms of realism. Im still on season one
completely unrealistic
wrong thread, fuck
It's doable:
The whole point of the Epstein Drive is that it's some handwaved tweak that multiplies the Isp of a laser ignited pellet fusion drive by some absurd value while keeping the same thrust levels. It exists to drive the plot.
high thrust, high ISP fusion is doable, sure. 1g of acceleration for days on end isn't.
Why dont spaceflight companies use cute anime girls as promotion (isnt she adorable?)
It honesty wouldn't surprise me if Trump decides to deep-six SLS after Artemis III.
The fusion engines are implausibly good. The combination of extremely high mass flow rates and very high exhaust velocities are probably not possible to achieve.
Oh yeah that's definitely impractical
Take Two bought KSP and thought they could make a ton of money from a cheap sequel but they couldn't. Now they're getting rid of everything to try and claw some money back.
Mods should be fine though as I think they're hosted on third party sites mostly, we'd just lose all the info on the forum if it goes dark.
looks like a janny trying to stir the pot because he's mad that he's not been promised a job yet
They're still competitive with high orbit military contracts, but it's basically just because the government wants to support more than one rocket company. If BO does anything it's over
Both BO and rocketlab are making reusable boosters.
Hell, even russia is having a go at it. It's really only the euros with their heads in the sand.
That would require me to take Blue Origin and Rocket Lab as serious companies
You should at least take rocket lab seriously, they've gotten to orbit.
Wouldnt putin just remove all the rocket funding for more mosins for mobiks in like 2 days
Hi satan.
I mean he hasn't done it yet. Russia really wants their own starlink after seeing how useful it was to ukraine and you can't have starlink without a falcon 9. The development of soyuz 5 seems to be imperative for russia.
I was willing to take them seriously with Electron. Not so much with Neutron.
2025 russian reconnaissance
need to double his pay
Makes me super nervous how involved Starlink is with a war, especially considering the party that stands to lose has a long history of operating in space. If the US military became aware that said party was going to attempt a a Kessler cascade in LEO they would let them do it just for the precedent. Is the Starlink network insured? Would they be covered for replacements and lost revenue?
If you are talking about Russia, Xi would squeeze his balls so hard they would fall off if he even thought about causing a Kessler syndrome. I don't think Ukraine has any working ASAT.
Starlink doesn't orbit high enough to cause kessler syndrome and russia doesn't have the launch capacity to take out enough of starlink to cause it anyway.
I'd be more worried about putin assassinating musk, theres a good argument that during the russian push on kiev that starlink is the only thing that let the ukraine organize a resistance. I hope musk is putting himself on the first flight to mars cause theres no where on earth he's safe.
>Kessler cascade in LEO
What about a suborbital kessler syndrome? That seems more achievable.
What set him off?
No weapon fast enough to cause a very short term one. Nothing big enough to hit to create enough debris. Mine deployer is more realistic as a near term weapon for that orbit (cost effectively at least)
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>theres no where on earth he's safe.
There's always Israel now he bent the knee
Starliner stuck press coverahe
>I'd be more worried about putin assassinating musk
That would be a very retarded thing to do. Almost worse than assassinating the president.
Remember all doomers about Hurricane Beryl a few days ago? They're BTFO again. lol
As long as there wouldn't be any major erosion fucker going on I think Starbase is very resilient to hurricane damage due to their naturally fast rate of moving and building things.
the only bad thing about this is that it will allow people in places like Toronto to keep living
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>so we’ll follow a more disciplined development approach, similar to Vulcan
>do no innovation
>don't even build your own engines
>spend your time milling isogrid aluminum and making powerpoints
>attempt to dunk on the company that's putting you out of business by innovating too fast
being snarky on X is the only thing he has to feel good about
Anything below cat 3 is unironically a nothing burger unless you're one of those idiots who have built a house directly on the beach
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>earth-moon barycenter still inside the earth.
By your logic, all the planets are independently orbiting the galactic center. I will cede that we live in the Sol-Jove binary system
As far as I, the outside observer, can tell, Bezos has one tube. Musk has made many tubes of increasing capability. Bezos sounds insecure and petty, like some kind of immature woman.
>muh barycenter
read nigga
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>tfw due to NASA's eternal budget issues we'll at best only be able to see a mission to explore Uranus in 2043 at the earliest
I'm getting old and they've should have funded this 60 years sooner
does a mod here have EDS or is the no no word not allowed?
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he's getting so worked up lmao
maybe don't throw stones from your glass house next time old space faggot
Believe it or not racism is actually banned on 4chan.
The fact that the moon is a planet in a plain reading of the IAU's definition is the least of the problems with it.
check /sp/
>It is possible to correct a factual error without malice
has tory admitted that vulcan's core stage doesn't fly all the way into leo yet?
>everyone is wrong except me
The study is right so theres at least 2 of us!
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so he's going to correct this factual error next, right?
without malice of course
really mixing it up, aren't we?
It will be really funny in 10 years when Elon has memed chinks into doing arm catches when it ultimately doesn't pan out for Starship. Imagine if he followed through with the oil rigs.
>long chopsticks
>single landing engine
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they hacked a fox channel and are now showcasing a scam starship flight 5 video
wtf i watched ift-5 happen yesterday
Why make Starship out of steel and then have to mitigate the excess dry mass (by removing the landing legs, jettisoning the HSR) rather than make a larger Falcon-esque rocket out of aluminium or whatever and then using some of that mass budget for legs, heat shield, etc? Is muh redesignability really worth it?
The snake sheds its skin. LMAO. You can never trust a snake
Theres also the fact steel is much better able to survive reentry than aluminum. As shown in flight 4 where despite a flap melting off the ship still landed.
Space magic.
if you made the first stage out of a different material you'd have to duplicate the tooling for everything and make a factory that's twice as big

China never ceases to amaze me
He wants to make three per day. Every otherwise nonsensical design choice stems from that constraint
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burn squadcast
Making the first stage out of aluminum too would massively increase payload capacity.
It's not catching shit with those arms
>source? i made it up
>playing ksp in current year
Yeah, he actually gave it three times the performance it currently has.
A kilogram of steel is heavier than a kilogram of aluminum.
where would solar sails be on this chart?
it's hard to have a specific impulse when you don't have a reaction mass with an exhaust velocity
I imagine there's a strength to weight ratio that the best engineering company in the world right now took into consideration
Let's not act like children
When all your assets are tied up in companies, you have to mollify the banking clan.
Chinese cgi >>>> Space-x
>SpaceX chief eyes public offering in 2 years
It's over.
wow insane and that's cool
brb gotta charge my ipod nano
falcon 9 heavy looks cool and all but there's really no need for it once ares i is operational
it never even began...
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>December 3, 2007 7:42 PM EST Updated 17 years ago
Bad move, they should focus on Falcon 5 before IPO.
elon been dangling this carrot for a long time
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i want to go back
Maybe you should, you reek of reddit
somebody needs to go back to digg
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>USA has superior chopstick technology
but isn't the plasma sail the same?
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That's ridiculous. They haven't even reached orbit yet.

I wish they were more like Blue Origin and were humble and actually tried to accomplish something before cashing in. BO has a huge head start and will probably reach orbit first. This just feels desperate.
yeah, i'm not sure what the chart is talking about though. if you can brake at 2g against the interstellar medium like greason claims then your effective performance is WAY higher than 10^5s ISPs

Boeing gets a slap on the wrist with $243M fine for their planes
Tell us, did you honestly believe anything else would happen to a company too big to be allowed to fail?
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you didnt forget to wish kuria-chan a happy birthday, did you anon? (it was yesterday)
>Updated 17 years ago
I would hope the douglas taint would die with them.
> "I don't consider Boeing and Lockheed to be our biggest competitors," Musk said. "If we fail, it'll be because of some dumb thing that we did, not because of some smart thing that they did."
>"It's going to be a lot harder to stay ahead of the Chinese and maybe the Indians," he said.
so nothing has really changed in 17 years, each respective entity has kept on their respective trajectories
Musk has accurate long term predictions.
they need to get disrupted in all of their important industries before they are allowed to die
electric planes are on the way, defense is being disrupted by drones
There we stood in the doorway, we heard the pressure seals fail
I was thinking to myself this could be deadly or this could be spun
Then we lit up the oxygen, and burnt down the bay
I heard indians in the mission control, I thought I heard them say
Just watched a video from 2011 where he says
>you would not want to make a rocket out of steel
when asked about why he went with aluminum for Tesla
less wr*ng is the trigger here, it's to keep that psuedointellectual garbage the fuck out of /sci/ (not really working)
Shtu up idoitnbody askde yuo
It's getting really hard to support that QI guy and I'm starting to hope his theory is wrong desu

Most insufferable paleoconservative Russian apologist Putin dicksucker there is
spaceplanes be like:
Pseuds be like >>16272902
I think its different when its 300km/s delta v though
thanks anon, i hadn't realized that he was based enough to think that the racial future of america should take precedence over settling ashkenazi ethnic grievances in eastern europe. i'll root for QI in your place.
and that's just on the ecliptic plane, solar wind is even faster at the poles
To be fair they're already losing 2.4 billion dollars a year, anything more than a slap on the wrist would kill them right now.
I mean boeings still probably gonna die soon but this just speeds it up a little.
$240M is just the cost of 1 plane. Its absolutely nothing
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McCulloch is a classic example of a man without a proper internal bullshit filter who discovers that one piece of conventional wisdom is wrong. He has no sense outside of his narrow specialties whether or not a narrative is true so his default heuristic is "I support the opposite of the current thing." /pol/ and russophile frogtwitter are full of that personality type. I still think QI is possibly true, but I don't trust Mad Mike's opinions on anything outside of QI or oceanography.
>"I support the opposite of the current thing." /pol/ and russophile frogtwitter are full of that personality type
lmao yeah that's a mindset a lot of flat earthers have too

For me I think QI is only part of the picture and not the whole, he's praising it as the theory that solves every discrepancy in cosmology but I doubt it's that elegant and complete, borders on delusional. Dark matter is probably not real, and something like a mix of QI and MOND are the reason why imo
Thats crazy.
Ariane 6 maiden flight tomorrow
the reputational cost of pleading guilty (and worse, the impression that they still haven't gotten over issues they should've solved 5 years ago) is going to lead to a lot more than $240M of cancelled orders
oh word
>maiden scrub tomorrow
Thats insaaaane.
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Set your alarms! Beautiful rocket launching
>electric planes are on the way

So are sci-fi batteries real yet?
yes actually
no lol, current eplane designs are garbage
yes, they use lk-99 cathodes
maiden explosion (the first of many)
Legit though, how will the euros cope if ariane 6 blows up? More protectionism or abandoning spaceflight?
"starship blew up 3 times"
It blew up way more than that.
its depot-chan
If a space agency fails and no one cares, did it ever exist?
oh was it not even a cat 3? yeah okay my bad I assumed we were talking about a hurricane here
yeah it got posted and then deleted while I was sleeping, my computer nabbed it and I saw it just now
it will be like H3 blowing up. They’ll just try again next year. It won’t be the death of the rocket
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Heres a chart for launch windows to all planets.
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>Starbase Pad B's New Methods & Challenges | Starbase Update
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What are the white bands through the best launch windows? I have seen these charts but never a good explanation.
gay niggers in outer space are getting in the way
that's the perfect hohmann transfer, which is actually secretly illegal because Earth and Mars do not have the same orbital inclination around the sun
>Earth and Mars do not have the same orbital inclination around the sun
I don't like when things don't line up. Mars must be moved.
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Frogs will get even more money probably if it blows up.
God i hate, the french and the italians, fuckers eat up most of the ESA budget to build shitty rockets.
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This will be unnecessary and archaic soon enough
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still gotta brake at the destination
Not for cheap, rapid and inexpensive flyby probes

Otherwise you can maybe brake off Jupiters magnetosphere, then slingshot to Mars or wherever at reduced speed but having saved a year or so of travel time, or alternatively just carry enough reaction mass to slowdown/aerobrake at Mars, instead of needing to carry fuel for both ways.

Lots of flexibility with the plasma magnet concept that's why I love it desu
Rombus is such a weird design, made me think this was an AI generated illustration (from "castle rocket" or something)
anybody gonna watch the hbo thing on rocketlab and astra next week?
>slingshot to Mars
This depends on planetary positions which are 3 years apart and defeats the goal of rapid transits.
I like the magsail too but it doesn't solve everything
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Oh boy, I might
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pic is from the old tower
Ariane 5 had 28 months and two failures between its first launch date and its first successfully deployed payload. The difference is that back then Ariane 4 was still flying and the only real commercial competition Arianespace had was a Proton-K whose flight rate was limited by quota. If the A6 blows up on ascent the default response will be the standard "space is hard, please give us more money," but with all the other viable LSPs it's anyone's guess how that'd be received by the people who actually hand out the money.
The astronauts aren't really stranded. Right?

I mean, Boeing has to let them go home.
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/sfg/, please, call elon for us before it's too late... save us /sfg/...
Batteries have been steadily getting better and cheaper since 2016, through optimization and small architecture changes. CATL (largest battery manufacturer in the world) announced that they're working in a partnership to make electric planes last month. They've already tested a 4 ton plane
nuclear powered airplanes
>waaah! waaah! AI!!

Shut the fuck up go eat a dick you whiner.
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accept no imitations
If the french weren't there, Europe just wouldn't have a rocket, they're not eating up anything
The pic going dark as their oxygen runs out is *chef's kiss*
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Are you retarded?
If the US&soviets didnt steal all the german scientists at the end of ww2, there would be a european flag on mars, brought there on a spaceship designed&build by germans.
france's lone ex-nazi engineer made the viking engine but on the other hand is that really something worth bragging about
If France had fought in WW2 maybe they could have gotten some Germans, too.
Russian scientists made better small arms so russia would have won the space war anyways.
did you know that for the rest of the world, the second world war lasted longer than 45 days?
You don't have to cover it completely.
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Viking wasn't bad for a 70s engine, but they should have iterated that into an kerolox version instead of chasing the RS-25 with the Vulcain. The H-1/RS-27 was really underrated design and Europe would have had their own version of that. Instead they're stuck with an expensive surface level version of the J-2.
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Only really a problem if its the front wheel.
loosing a wheel is a maintaining issue, not a manufacturing issue
europa was supposed to have been that even before ariane 1, the RZ.2 was S-3D-derived just like the RS-27.
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>5 cents have been deposited to your account from the boeing company
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>rocket lab
might as well as throw virgin galactic in there. lmao. what a joke.
>astra drift
i thought 2026 was the next launch window for mars? its actually 2027?
every day i have more respect for those chinese guys who came up with the idea of using a bunch of cables to catch a booster like a fucking spiderweb
oh boy
>who will control the skies
neither of them
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It's been a while, but it's that time again
Looks to me like the very end of 2026, probably december.
>It's been a while
its been 12 hours
literally happens all the time
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>SpaceX is preparing to launch the TÜRKSAT 6A mission from pad 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. The 45th Weather Squadron only forecasts about a 30 percent chance for favorable weather during the launch window, but things are looking reasonable near the opening of the window. Liftoff is currently set for 5:21 pm ET (2121 UTC).
it could easily be done and would be awesome
>Whats a water deluge system? You want it in my where!?
don't reply to the AIslop guy
Don't tell me who I can or can't reply to
is there any sign that the second tower will have water suppression?
Don't reply to that anon
Don't reply to this anon

Reply to this anon
don't reply to this post
Don't tell me what to do!
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>booster 12 static fire this week
launch draws closer
is this true?!?!?
Don't reply to me or my son ever again
Why not just dump carbon into the atmosphere with planes instead of incinerating astronauts though
Looks like they added to the countdown
The skies are filled with chattering flat chested girls.
SpaceX is finished, it's time for a more disciplined development approach to launch to take over, Vulcan.
>Now targeting 6:30 p.m. ET for liftoff due to weather
Now I want to see this updated with Lazer-link and direct to cell. If not that, I do hope we will get a V2 tan once those are in orbit.
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It's just staging to reduce dead weight.
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right fairing half looks it sat in seawater too long and got soggy
>Liftoff of the Turksat 6A mission is now targeted for no earlier than 7:00 p.m. ET due to unfavorable weather conditions
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Welcome to Boeing Ground Control!
Have you tried to turn it off and on?
Turn it off and on...
any particular reason why this was deleted but the other rocket girl posts weren't?
Sometimes posts like that only get deleted when some hothead hits report on them to draw a jannie's attention. Same with the N-word.
>Another 30-minute adjustment by SpaceX for the launch time of the TÜRKSAT 6A mission. Liftoff of the Falcon 9 rocket is now set for 7:30 p.m. EDT (2330 UTC).
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Ascender 9 flew
Suborbital Pants
>Astra - We adapt
Hard pass.
Looks like a pair of jeans used for a music festival hung out to dry only for the wind to blow them away.
>All systems are looking good for today’s launch of the Turksat 6A mission from Florida. Weather conditions have improved for liftoff, and propellant load is underway
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pride month is over
Tory bros is it safe to come out again yet?
>a third of the houston area is without power due to beryl
how are the local space companies doing? where's tesla solar when texas needs elon?
Twitter stream is up
Keep it going guys, we're onto something here
>space fags
Once they are done launching Starlink sats, they should use all that launch capacity for space based solar.
oh hey that's the name of the satellite that never fucking works when I try to point my dish towards it
Jokes aside I clearly remembering Elon saying SBSP being a joke and land based solar being much more efficient.
They're never done launching Starlink. Deorbit schedules mean new ones need to replace old ones.
T-1m might actually launch
jannies are gay
All depends on location though, for places with garbage sun coverage and/or very limited or very expensive land it could be quite lucrative. Also lets you deploy power in places like Antarctica and the middle of the ocean without expensive ass ongoing fuel costs.
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so true
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I thought B1076 was a goner bros
Smaller solar power satellites in molniya orbits aren't the worst idea for polar applications
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The roomba's access door was already halfway open they're not wasting any time securing it.
What the fuck is this weather?
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actually its over for houston in general. shits gone. this is some new orleans hurricane katrina level stuff.
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There's a low pressure system sitting off to the east of Florida. I'm guessing that B1076 came down somewhere near that.
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how long was the starliner mission supposed to be again?
2 weeks
How do other LSPs cope watching another falcon booster land and be recovered autonomously in stormy weather out at sea? I'd just give up launching stuff and focus on satellite busses, orbital services, stations, landers, ISRU etc.. no need to reinvent the locomotive when you can just hitch your box car to Vanderbilts train
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We have redefined the mission parameters, don't worry it's perfectly safe and they are not stranded.
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look like what you would expect
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Why is it always guys with the manliest jawlines who troon out? You never see weak chinned virgins do it.
they have "problem" written all over them
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>The roomba's access door was already halfway open they're not wasting any time securing it.

That's one reason launch rates are going up and not scrubbing often is they know how to safely recover the booster in shit weather. They've lost a few due to rough seas, so its been fun watching them try to solve it. The Octograbber somehow looks both professionally made, and built in somebody's backyard.
You can already tell they/them were fired for being fucking useless and decided it's because of the patriarchy and trumpers
>The Octograbber somehow looks both professionally made, and built in somebody's backyard.

It's not that easy in booster grabbery
"She recalls thinking, “I have to be doing this, because there’s nothing else that’s going to fulfill me as much as this. And also, if I leave, who’s going to be the babysitter for the frat boys?”"

fucking conservative ass predictions. "go big or go home" my ass. the reality is that we'll have 3 more starship launches after ift5 and all 4 of the launches will be successfully caught by the chopsticks. we'll also have refueling, payloads, and working payload bay doors.
Good bait
Ms. Problematic

Mr. Pronouns
reminder the heinous acts he commited were claiming jeff can't get it up and comparing bill gates to the pregnant man emoji
Look at Tory Bruno Twitter as to how they cope.
Mostly it's very high levels of self delusion
It would be antisemitic for NASA to say anything bad against Boeing's Starofdavidliner

Especially after all the incest, their descendants can't even screw in a nut properly
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What did it say I cant get to my PC right now
oh noes
now nobody is gonna take this seriously upon seeing these people
Actually, if I'm remembering correctly, they weren't just being activistic on company time, they were bullying their coworkers into joining in the anti-chud struggle session they were trying to start up.

This is the sort of person who would have been a terrible mother had she not been convinced that children were invented by the patriarchy just to oppress her
>they were bullying their coworkers into joining in the anti-chud struggle session they were trying to start up.
That's just SpaceX's lawyers' spin on the situation to make it fit employment laws. Employees said that was an exaggeration and it was just shared.
I don't believe that. This type of mental disorder has next to zero variation in its behavior and they all pull that shit at the first opportunity they can. If you're not a vocal part of their cadre you're a counterrevolutionary in need of reeducation, and they fegel its their moral responsibility to carry that out.
The problem is that spaceflight isn't *yet* cheap enough for that future in terms of business plans. Momentus fucked up pretty big because they couldn't secure enough customers to get their water depots up and running, or justify the cost of lifting hundreds of gallons of water to orbit on F9.
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spacex themselves don't expect to demonstrate on orbit prop transfer until 2025. flight 5 is first booster catch, flight 6 I guess is raptor relight in space and refining any issues on ship/booster landing from flight 5. I would only expect maybe 2 more flights this year including flight 5 because I think the chopsticks/pad are gonna get fucked up in flight 5
so much for muh exponential ramp lmao. spacex are finished.
starship v2 waiting room
at some point they need to stop focusing on iterating and start focusing on delivering a minimum viable product
those are the same thing though
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>We’ve been using carbon composite technology in our rockets and spacecraft since we first began launching in 2017. With Neutron’s largest carbon composite pieces quickly coming off the production line, we’re excited to realize the benefits of carbon composite on our largest rocket yet.
I'm really sick of all PR stuff from these SPAC scams
Poor rocket lab. Neutron could have been pretty cool.
They are not innovating fast enough
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We are, moderately speaking, 3 or 4 years away from Starship becoming absolutely dominant in the LSP market. Hell we'll probably have a janky Chinese knockoff f9 by that point as well. At a certain point, other companies will need to just throw in the towel on launch and start focusing on downstream products. Apple didn't start out by trying to bootstrap their own jumbo jet to eventually airfreight Iphones from Asia to North American and Europe. We need companies that accept cheap access to LEO as a given service and develope products and services accordingly.
why does turkey *need* their own satellite anyway?
Turkish things
Who the fuck cares anyone with a little money and a desire for a satellite can have a satellite in my book.
Chevron Doctrine was overthrown. NRLB is getting fucked in the ass without any lube. All the marxist trannies getting raped with a 10 foot Musk big dick energy
>ULA claim that the stare decisis from Loper Bright v. Raimondo precludes SpaceX from receiving any NASA contracts for rocket designs made after 1991 and demands an immediate halt
>Because the legislation was written for and intended to be part of the Cold War space race, SpaceX's rocketry is not explicitly legislated to be hired by NASA so they must reward all contracts to ULA to launch Saturn V's
Hello Tony I'll take one of those 6 figure lawyer salaries now thank you very much
The actual result is that when the regulations are challenged in court, the judges are expected to listen to arguments instead of deferring to agency personnel when deciding whether or not the agency's regulations and courses of action are consistent and within the confines of the legal authorization received from Congress.
Thats one aspect to the lawsuit. Further aspect is whether NRLB can force a company into a judgement without any court hearing. In this case, SpaceX has won the right to present their case and fuck the commies in the ass
Military comms because they have terrible neighbors.
That's Jarkesy, not Loper. Both opinions came down within the same week.
because they are* terrible neighbors.
/sfg/ is dead
that too but Russia, Syria, Israel, Iran, and the Caucuses are all major poopheads
Ariane scrub will liven this place up
And thats good. General quality is better with less people.
Why do zoomers need constant spam to stay happy? Unironically asking
>FCC, FAA, AND NOAA all have to fuck off from space because it's not their jurisdiction
You love to see it
7 hours and change if I'm not wrong
>Kessler scaremongering imagery
I am obviously not the target audience
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damn it
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Why does this guy look like a pepe
>measuring weight in units of mass
shiggidy diggidy doo
The FAA has more legally granted power than most federal agencies because of the nature of hat it does, but the FCC in particular has been power-grabby about space.
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>measuring thrust in units of mass
>All the marxist trannies getting raped with a 10 foot Musk big dick energy
>Falcon 9 like a massive dick getting thrust into the courtroom
I think "10 foot" is a bit of an understatement.
when ai will design my electric helicopter?
>Ariane 6
i thought its from europe, but its south america
that makes me bit sad and dissapointed
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Being a hydroloser is, yes.
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Kneel, gay man
>never made
Beside the AI slop, this is bad because of the counter-arguments, just put the arguments and let people infer the retort themselves

I know it's expensive and not reusable but I still want to see my continent having its own rockets
It's from French Guiana, which is part of France

Sure, that part is in South America, but still
Le soleil ne se couche jamais sur la République Française !
didn't you guys unironically elect communists just now?
75 seats for the most leftist party (577 seats in total) it's not exactly the CCP
(and thank god because these retards want to stop using nuclear energy...)
Why the fuck are you euros so stupid about nuclear energy, betting hard on it was pretty much the only thing france did right since ww2.
Communist inflitration
>communists are anti-nuclear
We're all bored. Just relax and wait for the French to humiliate themselves again.

Even if their POS makes it to orbit (unlikely) it's still antiquated technology they're wasting billions on for the sake of national pride--in a country overrun by niggers and sandniggers!
They are when they're the ones selling the alternative
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>“From my point of view, Ariane 6 has already demonstrated its competitiveness with 30 launches in the order book,” said Arianespace’s Arnoux.
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Axiom will buy Space Station modules from Gravitics

You even have Rocket lab seething in the article
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>"I have other things that I am working on that I have not shared with you,” he added, “that will allow me to keep competing in the future.”
o i am laffin
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>Gravitics CEO @colindoughan
: “We're a very hardware rich company, so we're building at the same time we're finalizing design."
>The company signed an agreement with NASA on new approaches to testing large spacecraft, as well as an early Space Force development contract. The latter contract, Doughan emphasized, represents Gravitics working “with those customers that are ready to buy.”
>“Space Force’s budget is already ballooning beyond NASA’s, and it won’t stop,” Doughan said.
Space Force had better start making manned space bases unless they want to be bullied relentlessly
IFT-5 booster static fire today
>Axiom will buy Space Station modules from Gravitics
why tho? they already have the euros building their space station modules.
European Space Agency
It’s launch day for #Ariane6 #VA262, taking Europe into a new era of space transportation!

Watch live on YouTube from 18:30 BST/19:30 CEST https://youtube.com/live/B0oFpOJaIYc

Liftoff scheduled for 19:00 BST/20:00 CEST.

This one won't leave the test stand
10:02AMEuropean Space Agency, ESA
Liftoff is now scheduled no earlier than 20:00 BST/21:00 CEST. More info https://x.com/esa/status/181067450723...
>Falcon now, and Starship later, are “rockets optimized for LEO operations. There’s a lot of commercial market there, it’s a less complicated rocket, and it’s able to effectively fly its booster back.”
>less complicated
Tory are you retarded?
Probably confident that they would be able to outcompete Thales Alenia, about as old as old space goes in Europe
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>Super Heavy Booster 12 rolling out to the launch complex for static fire testing prior to Starship Flight 5.
>We tried a few years ago to open a new launch complex at the cape but it was found to be the site of a slave plantation in the 1800s so it was disallowed for archeology/historic reasons

>taking Europe into a new era of space transportation!
The 1970s!
Who are you quoting?
>a bad thing happened here once so nobody can use it now
This would disqualify all land on Earth from further use. This planet is soaked through and through with human blood.
Sri Lanka now allows Starlink
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So B12 is rolling to launch site, whats it gonna be doing? More booster slapping or static fire or what?
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I can just imagine the eye rolls from all the top senior SpaceX execs reading this shit line
Part of the death cult that intend on sabatoging the company to drive the human extinction event closer
What are you reading
Static fire. The did booster slapping with a test article.
Its that hitpiece from Lauren Grush or whatever her name it
We're getting close then. Maybe it really is late July?
So glad these bucket crabs got shit canned.
If america were a decent country like china they'd be sent to a reeducation camp in nevada.
nuclear for me but not for thee
He knows that for people who don't know, starship is just two pieces made from simple materials
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>even when they're dead, blacks block spaceflight
will America ever get over its negrolatry?
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Probably not
DEI is a danger to civilization and needs to be stomped out
Western Communists only promote the absolute most harmful policies to the host nation. Deindustrialization, immigration, disarmament. I'd rather have the old USSR rule my country than them. At least the Eastern block countries were recoverable after they got free.
Ultimately, I think there will be niches which won't be occupied by SpaceX/Starship that will allow other provider to survive. Like, as Tory mentioned, I doubt we will see an entire Starship in GEO.
SpaceX could probably whip up a third stage/tug relatively easily for this market, but if they don't do it they probably don't see the benefits.
Same thing for suborbital tourism: SpaceX could ask a few intern to make a system for it. The fact they don't bother shows that there's no significant market there.

He might be talking about Falcon (but yeah, even then, it's still retarded)
Back to >>>/pol/
>hard work
>working tirelessly
no one believes this
they are literally French
You are severely underestimating Starships potential. They will be in GEO, anything is possible with refueling. Though there will be niches that SpaceX cant cover, its not that. Those niches are things like smaller payloads going to fully reusable small lift rockets like Stoke's.
who's paying the former spacex employee's lawyers? bezos? the democrats? both?
I just presume Satan, he's a man of wealth and fame
If america were a decent country like germany they'd be sent to smoke stacks in canada.
it's Stalin
Yeah sure, it's possible, but will they really refuel a Starship several times to send a shitty comsat direct to GEO if they can use the same launches to add even more Starlinks? It's less "niches that SpaceX can't cover" than "niches SpaceX doesn't want to cover"
a title ix suit against a company worth hundreds of billions is going to have boatloads of lawyers trying to jump aboard. there's no need to assume a greater conspiracy, although one can't be ruled out.
*Elon teleports behind you and builds a new rocket optimized for whatever shitty niche market is left*
nothing personnel kid
Retarded. You clearly dont understand how SpaceX intends to move forward after Starship is fully developed. This is also the most r*ddit post Ive ever seen.
How reddit is THIS!
*unzips dick*
can anyone explain how a6 is supposed to be an improvement on a5? it's a little bigger i guess
It's supposedly cheaper to make.
>unzipping dick and not fly
Only troons have zipper 'dicks'
Supposed to be cheaper mainly
i wouldn't be surprised if the purpoted cost savings end up being an accounting trick from assuming a higher flight cadence than a5 (which they'll never hit)
It's like smartphones every year, a new thing with hardly any improvement
No way it hits A5 cadence. I'd honestly be surprised if all the kuiper missions stay on A6 once new glenn starts flying.
>Falcon 9 is named for the Millennium Falcon in the “Star Wars” movies
Not sure how I didn't know this. Bummer
I thought it was more of muellers bird autism.
Is A6 an effective vehicle for high energy orbits like GEO?
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i thought merlin/kestrel were the bird autism after falcon was already settled on
The engines are.
Upper stage is Hydromeme, so it should be relatively good.
Its official and a fact
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k i n o
>This is also the most r*ddit post Ive ever seen.
read this one, then
"How does this benefit the company?"

"You either do it or we sue you in a friendly court for more than it would cost to implement."
Use greentext for quotes
It only cheaper if you don't consider the nth order effects of people realizing you're afraid of litigation.
>hurr durr eye'm a nigger
For someone with really deep pockets, it makes sense to have a reputation for spending MORE on litigation than it would cost to settle. The alternative is death by a thousand cuts with this kind of bullshit legal extortion.
Extortion, then
You seem mad.
so true
same thing with turksat, it’s named after a turkey
thats insane
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Describe your ideal vacation in an Artemis-II style trip around the moon.
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noo you can't greentext that
I wonder how much Toyota is wasting money on hydrogen cars
Mine would be to have a deck dedicated to viewing the moon and record/stream it for anyone on Earth to watch, and probably sit there for a few days. Id also take a day or two to do a tethered spacewalk and just look towards the Milky Way, maybe try to spot some other planets while I'm out walking. Definetly play Claire de Lune while I'm out floating around. Hopefully I would be alone for this, would be heaven.
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Clearly biased reporting from Berger on his speeds YET AGAIN
hydrogen is silly for cars but so are batteries
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Shitting green diahrrea all over Dragon V2 cupola and then watching the faces of horror wash over my crewmates at what I just done
You described mine, except I want to stay out there.
It silly for phones too. They should run on butane. in fact pretty much anything with a battery makes no sense
We should breed humans to run on propane desu
To add to what the other anons said, A6 will be able to accept upgrades like reusable LRB.
micro-RTGs for phones. 5g already poisons your brain so some alpha particles won't hurt.
I wish we knew the throttle setting they use for static fires. I wonder if this starship static fire will produce more thrust-seconds than the Ariane 6 launch. Probably not,but it would be funny.
"noo you can't greentext that"
You are retarded and need to go back to >>>/x/ you 5G schizo.
Hydrogen makes sense anywhere high power to weight ratio or low molar mass has an outsized impact on performance. Thermal rockets, hydrolox upper stages, aircraft, motorcycles.
I seize control of the vehicle and land on the moon, regardless of the cost in human life
what's not silly for cars?
enemas too
CNG hybrids
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Whos ready to hear about Boeings failures again?
I am! I am!
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Also Gravitics landed a 9 figure contract with Axiom
>fluorine toothpaste
how involved is synthesizing propane out of hydrogen? solar/wind/water -> hydrogen -> propane -> gas station
here's your green energy without the storage problems for electricity, containment problems for hydrogen and
its easy enough to refit a ice to run on propane.
>expendable toothpaste
Not spaceflight
That hydrogen to propane step is pretty complex. Prometheus Fuels is trying to synthesize actual octane (gasoline) out of CO2+water.
there's been some effort made at producing synthetic gasoline along those lines but best i can tell it's not economical at current prices https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syngas
Not spaceflight
It is far cheaper to get propane out of oil wells, same as hydrogen. Thats why legacy automakers push this stuff so hard.
I don't think I want reusability out of my toothpaste
t. old space
old-space mindset
You only replied to one post...
why does the official ESA livestream have 3dcg starship renders as their waiting-for-the-stream-to-start filler video?
so he's right
What if we just made self-cleaning teeth?
As a waffle anon, i hope it blows up and old space gets it shit kicked in by euro commissions and they finaly get of their ass and start building rockets that can compete with falcon9&starship.
Not that it will ever happen.
they just moved it back 15 minutes
this fucker is flying on French time or never
Well by definition yes. Also samefag
god i hope it explodes
>its a crypto scam
thanks ESA
oh wow, look at that
there's a scam mirror channel, that's fucking epic
Report it then and stop talking about it.
"make me, fag"
I scanned to QR code
where is my money Elon?
They've already moved it back a full hour.
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why does the scam channel have a checkmark, youtube doesn't vet shit huh
kek don't watch this I didn't realise it was fake, that's a really elaborate scam though I'm impressed
here's the real one, it's still 45 minutes until the stream and over an hour until launch
They steal real verified channels and then change everything to look like ESA since there are no security checks in place.
posting in an epic explosion thread
im investing 1000 dollars right now and you cant stop me
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p comfy launch control room they've got going
those stadium screens in the ceiling are neat
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Methanol is better, can be made directly in a sabatier reactor.
damn anon's gonna be rich...
Theres no way anyone falls for this.
Everyone looking for an ariane launch stream knows elon has nothing to do with it.
>(((Western Communists)))
What the fuck are you replying to
sloth picture on the wall because it's ESA's spirit animal
>same as hydrogen.
nope. see basedey chadmer for proof.
the cheapest hydrogen is solar panel wired straight into ultra cheap electrolyzer.
>the cheapest hydrogen comes from the fairy in my ass
if you read his stuff closely you'll see all his arguments for its economic viability hinge on qualifying for federal green hydrogen subsidies
New idea, cucking in space.
I did. In fact I made my own spreadsheet model.
I am right and you are wrong.
Reminder that solar cost is going nowhere but down.
not a new idea, dearmoon had it first
In the future solar panels will be printed not etched like a computer.
The cost limits to a roll of aluminum foil.
Seethe & Cope
for reference, the official probably-not-a-scam stream is now live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0oFpOJaIYc
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SFN's live, T-55:00
It looks so bad with only 2 boosters.
i hate europoos
Maybe they'll give it a little slap, for good luck.
official clean feed here
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you should have greentexted that because you were directly quoting me
it looks like ariane 5, are we sure it's a new rocket
not clear, not watchin
*slow clap*
still retarded, easier to just synthesize methane directly
much easier to store for long times which you need to do for fuel
oh is this just going to be an A62 launch? I was hoping it was gonna be 64...
this is a new rocket? why does it look like that?
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it's skinnier and taller and the boosters are much much smaller
A5 also had that distinct brick-like patterning on the bottom half
I'm still not sure if I like the way it looks desu
the esa twitter account says all tanks are filled, but shouldn't we see some venting if that's true?
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Man of Troon appears
Most of the payloads in the queue right now are things that were left stranded after Roscosmos shut down the Soyuz at CSG, and the 62 configuration is supposed to be the replacement for that. The 64 is for geostationary payloads and Arianespace isn't teeing one of those up for a while.

This isn't any of those payloads though. Today we've just got some small rideshares that were willing to take the first lemming risk.
ESA's twitter stream is up
Why is Musk talking to this grifting crypto faggot
Who would you like to talk to?
Im fine talking to /sfg/ as is. Not sure how thats related though.
ESA's promo video is trying really hard to make french guyana not look like the biggest shithole on earth
How could you say that when the motherland France exists?
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does spaceflight have normally have fisticuffs?
>video starts
>it's all wymin
>moar wymin
Have sex chud

EU is a gynogerontocracy.
Probably just a misunderstanding with his boyfriend.
i dont understand what she's saying
I assume it's a french accent
casual space nerd: watching clear streams even though you only understand her occasional engrish
hardcore space nerd: learning japanese (anime girl dialect) so you can understand her streams
>indians built it
Oh boy
that can't be possible as long as Haiti and african countries outside of their capitol city exist
this thing is gonna belly up
yeah, her japanese isn't very good
>stop noticing that we hate men!
>calling him a chud will surely put him in his place!
>hohohoho I am so clever
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why are you guys even watching these prelaunch talkathons
I have it muted until t-60
Let's see how this goes
bruh, we don't even have any batteries viable for an hybrid-electric airliner, we're no way close to have fully electric airliner.

Batteries only make sense when energy density is not your primary concern.
Hydrogen makes no sense on aircraft (excluding zeppelin). You can't have an airplane were the fuel tanks leave no place for payload.
Butane is better
>Barely sensible
1: I didn't realize you could just whip down to Worst Buy for a Starlink dish, partly because...
2: I didn't realize you could get it in a big city area like Houston because it's too dense for satellite service
Chunky wet-wing/lifting-body designs solve that. Hell, even Star Raker only needed better landing gear to be a true SSTO.

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