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Donkey Kong Edition

Previous - >>16291261
lol omnidirectional wheels
still wondering how spacex is going to solve the landing gear problem.
>inb4 they'll just catch starship using a tower
on earth maybe, on any other planet or for p2p they'll need legs.
how will they be mounted, on the outside, or inside the engine skirt, what does the deployment mechanism look like, they should be able to fold back on their own power as there won't be any equipment to fold them back in and there won't be a launchpad to place it back onto.
Did you forget how Starship HLS looks?
Post Mario
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They'll probably do the same thing they do for HLS
Actually I believe this one is more up to date.
Deployable feet that lock once the ship is steady
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How many of these do you think we'll actually see?
Last one from the right is definitely not happening, at least not in that form.
And crewship will have much smaller windows.
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>Ship 30 Ready for Next Static Fire | SpaceX Boca Chica
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Is hydromeme starship a dumb idea?
Yes obviously why would you ask. Wouldn’t even get off the ground without boosters.
Which one is the Mars one? My guess is 1000, or three years worth of peak production
>Common dome hydrolox tanks
There are easier ways to die anon
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Actually the theoretical hydra engines have pretty good TWR. Since the hydrogen has so much less mass than methane the maths works out to about the same payload to orbit as raptor starship.
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Of course as the other anon pointed out this assumes a common dome which doesn't work for hydromeme and this the entire thing is probably DOA.
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Got a great idea for any starship designers
Whats the other 56.7%?
Sci is not a homework board
I would imagine chlorocarbons but I have no real source for this
Don't you mean fluorocarbons?
Only the HLS, human rated starship wont happen
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Nope, not gettin' out of this chair.
China lunar rocket’s third stage engine YF75E has completed high-altitude simulation hot fire test at the newly built vacuum simulation test bed.

>human rated starship wont happen
Why? No abort?
>zyklon b starship
how's the $/ton?
What OS does SpaceX use?
A human body produces roughly 3 liters of ash when cremated.
18 starship flights have enough payload volume for 6 million times that amount.
No abort + belly flop + vertical landing
So about as safe as Shuttle.
If spacex made shuttle nasa would never in a million years let people fly on it.
If spacex made the shuttle they would've flown it 100 times unmanned before putting humans on it.
Astronauts are as big an issue at nasa as the bureaucrats are.
>shuttle could've been flown fully remote except for lowering landing gear
>deliberately omitted by demand of astronauts
>they finally relented and allowed it for STS-135
>the final flight

Fucking retarded
mostly nitrogen trifluoride and carbon tetrafluoride
I think the belly flop and vertical landing make starship way worse than the shuttle to be human rated, and yes, now day its impossible to imagine something like the shuttle could exist
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not bad
but we can do better
390C temperature differential, hmmm...
It’s ok, as you can see the wall is insulated.
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we'll never get practical/non-nuclear low mass ratio surface to orbit spacecraft huh
>deliberately omitted by demand of astronauts
It was omitted because if the gear dropped accidentally before reentry there was no way to retract them and NASA would have lost a very expensive and almost irreplaceable orbiter.
>there was no way to retract them
they should've developed a fix for that, then we could have still had Centaur G
Landing gear that could go back and forth was a technology too daunting even for nasa. It would be decades after the shuttle before anyone attempted it.
There definitely would've been more problems to Centaur G than the stated reasons to cancellation
That would have added too much additional weight. You've got to understand that the shuttle designers were all anorexic fucking teenage girls when it came to mass issues. They could have had a slightly heavier fueling system that pumped hydrolox directly into the external tank but that would have been heavier than using the bidirectional tail service mast design for fueling. This one choice resulted in nearly all of the LH2 leak related scrubs for both the Shuttle and SLS.
How many actual payloads needed the full shuttle capacity? It might have been just Chandra.
never say never https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhsKMWOYuYo
For me, it's B64G1/409

schizo but I'm rooting for it
>lets make this spacecraft more dangerous to save a few kilos
Feynman was right.
A lot of the ISS construction flights were pushing the limits of the Shuttle's carrying capacity. Those missions needed the super-lightweight external tank to be developed specifically for them and Columbia was still too heavy to lift enough to the ISS's orbit.
I think they're on to something desu, maybe
right I'm forgetting inclination changes
>They could have had a slightly heavier fueling system that pumped hydrolox directly into the external tank but that would have been heavier than using the bidirectional tail service mast design for fueling.
>This one choice resulted in nearly all of the LH2 leak related scrubs for both the Shuttle and SLS.
I call it the F Gay Gay
> Columbia was still too heavy to lift enough to the ISS's orbit
Huh, I always thought the shuttles were all basically the same, I never realised they had such big differences between them.
You have to let a man be autistic sometimes
i think they're onto something too but it's probably something useless like lorentz forces from minor fluctuations in the magnetic field
Would it be possible to increase the environmental impact by eliminating the propulsion aspect?
Mass autism is enraging when these are its consequences
spacex is consumer trash for big bang theory scientism redditors. why do you faggots love musk so much?
Yeah that's called a cobalt bomb buddy
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I think I'm in love
government fobids it
>Dr. Charles Buhler, the technology’s creator, says the propulsion system may represent a working version of Quantized Inertia, a theory first proposed by University of Plymouth professor Mike McCulloch. The proposition has been subjected to criticism from mainstream scientists in the past because it seemingly violates Newton’s third law of motion.

Oh yeah it's all coming together
Step 1 of my plan to areoform Earth
spacex more like spacesex amirite?
Endeavour was 3,600 kg lighter than Columbia. Columbia and Challenger were definitely more prototype than Discovery, Atlantis and Endvenour's sort of production model, but there were a lot of small improvements made as the program progressed. It's really best to think of each of the orbiters as a unique vehicle.
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we need competition in spaceflight
Wait, is this just a ramjet that magnetically accelerates oxygen from the surrounding environment and uses it for thrust? Maybe it's good but not very reactionless
No that's an entire category of patents it includes, the Exodus drive device specifically is
>System and method for generating forces using asymmetrical electrostatic pressure
You need to kill yourself
Oh, thanks. My issue with these is that they seem very similar to photon rockets but I guess the measured thrust implies they're different
video of it allegedly working
I believe you could fit in more buzzwords in the sentence if you gave it all
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Does anyone know the theoretical max revenue of Starlink? If they meet their targets this year then they're already making more money than NASA devotes to exploration each year. Total communications market cap is like $5 trillion and they only have about 0.1% of it so far. How far can this go?
these dudes need a better test setup
man after seeing that, I am not convinced, its not even in vacuum
>Total communications market cap is like $5 trillion
You answered your own question anon.
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So, ultimately he's claiming its a new force, undiscovered by science, different from the ion wind. Bold claim
I... I love the space shuttle.
Monopoly born out of fair competition is good.
Monopoly created by government which keeps competition out is bad.
Forced "competition" is just affirmative action for losers where winners gets bronze medals and lowers get gold medal to "make equality of outcome" nonsense that commies parrot.
But normal cell infrastructure/ fiber will still exist. Are you saying Starlink could absorb all of that? I mean even 5% would be the Mars city funded but 100%?
gemini dwellers staying comvfy as fuck out here
>there are more airplane flights in a day than seconds
If the current industry/economy is capable of this, what's the max cadence for Starship?
98 flights per year
1 starship every 2 weeks
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>This really is the point. In this competition, for which NASA expressly wanted multiple bidders from its "robust contractor community," the agency had to bend over backward from a contracting standpoint to get two entrants. And when the competition unfolded, it was not even close: SpaceX had the far lower bid, with a far higher chance of success.

he can't keep getting away with it
it's fine that you're a homosexual but you shouldn't bring it up here unless it is somehow relevant to spaceflight.
is enema possible in 0G?
Which makes me wonder what would NASA do without SpaceX? Even when they give chance to others to compete with more expensive contracts they are still too incompetent.
Jokes aside, space might be the one area where there are simply not enough great engineers in a given country for multiple launch/spacecraft providers.
>Essentially, Northrop told NASA it would not bid for a firm, fixed-priced contract.
>And conversely, SpaceX said it would not bid under a cost-plus contracting mechanism
lol no
There’s just not enough of a natural economy in LEO/beyond to justify doing it. That’s why we had 50 years of basically the same 6 or 7 companies (boeing, lockheed, grumman, etc.) doing niche shit for basically whatever amount of $$$ they asked for
>its fine that youre a homosexual
No its not.
There's no natural economy. All economics are artificial and proof of greatness.
Lunar shuttle is based
based on what
Based on robust LEO propellant transfer infrastructure
no, the ossified big companies have incompetent management and the upcoming companies are still too young to compete with SpaceX, most other companies that were started when SpaceX was started went bankrupt other than the newspace/oldspace amalgamation of BO
What do we make of Musk's Jordan Peterson interview?
I want to have sex in space. When will SpaceseX finallly open its brothel in orbit or maybe the moon or mars? Why do they need to make things so complicated?
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seems like they are about to lift segment 4
there's only one major civilian passenger plane manufacturer in america, the same will happen in spaceflight
>1st half august
>2nd half august
Which one for manned starliner return?
And it will be Blue Origin.
90% of juden peterstein doing his usual pretentions pseudointellectual rambling and 10% elon regurgitating things he's already said
I've been wondering with boeing's fumbling if any of those private jet companies might consider taking a shot
2030 when spacex deorbit the iss
so you are suggesting these astronauts should be deorbited alive just because they picked the wrong vehicle?
one day spacex will grow old and corrupt and the government will be forced to break them up to create competition
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Reminder that a few years ago a Croatian fisherman fished out a mysterious device belonging to NASA and was ordered by the Croatian government to return it.
This. SpaceX needs to stop burning through our engineers making rockets to nowhere! Send them back to ULA where they belong.
The professor lectures like I'm sure he's used to and Elon pauses for 20 seconds or so during normal conversation so it ended up being less of an interview and more Elon sitting there listening to Jordan while undoubtedly thinking
>he's sitting way too close
it is what it is
why does the richest man in the world let Peterson talk to him like that?
If Elon has a similarly autistic legacy they may be able to keep it going for generations like Ford. That long and they may have enough operations on Mars that they don't slow down
Aspergers. You didn't know?
Would costs hundreds on millions ro develop and certify. Not to mention the ground support systems.
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This. Such a thing is so large, complex, and expensive that no company will ever be able to compete with Boeing.
Somehow, it's both reassuring and depressing that SpaceX is an exception.
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Flight is hard after all! An upstart little company could never hope to compete with a name like Boeing
Seems it was an ocean-mapping project, which would make sense.
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What difference are there if any between a car exhaust and a rocket exhaust
still sus how they're leaving the American devices here our sea.
Does your car run on kerolox, metholox, hydralox, or apcp?
Is everyone excited for OFT-5 in 3 weeks?
Well when Euros land on the moon maybe they'll be able to do it themselves without our help
Your car exhaust doesn't use gasoline to cool itself
"I've got to destroy the woke mind virus after that"
Sorry, big guy, but only the paranoid will survive.
How long have oldspace contrators been sucking the goberment dry.
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Your car does not propel itself using the difference in pressure from the exhaust escaping the combustion chamber.
ackshually it's a contributing factor
the exhaust stroke of a 4 stroke combustion engine does not contribute to power
it provides propulsion to the car. Newton's 3rd law.
rocket engines push a rocket
automobile engines pull an automobile
the car exhaust also pushes the car forward. It's a small effect but it's there.
Exhaust velocity and pressure difference mainly
Tel Aviv Spaceport, here we come!
The haters will be stuck in this galaxy and my 1g constant acceleration tape outgassing drive will be taking me to Andromeda
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>Apparently INT-21 would've cost ~500 million dollars (in today's dollar) per launch, pretty damn good for a 125 ton to LEO launcher in the 70s
Fuck Nixon
There was no way they would keep manufacturing Saturn cores unless it was part of a kerosene based shuttle system (esoteric, moderately vrilpilled)
Why are they not sending Hubble or JWST away in a straight trajectory with relays following it until the end has been reached?
>only zero
I hate trooncase faggots so much it's unreal.
WITH the heatshield, smartass.
This guy seems to be suffering from a serious case of trannyism propaganda
Just add tiles, smartass.
Ending the Saturn V line for shuttle was the biggest mistake ever
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For me, it's the shuttle carrier aircraft
they really spent as much money as possible on this thing
it was a good looking waste of money
it looks like the female airplane is sucking the semen and life force out of the male plane, leaving a drained husk, attached by a small dwindling tendon
it do be like that
I wonder when/whether will we see SpaceX moving Starships between sites just by launching them on suborbital trajectories (or even Superheavies?)
When will it be viable to test what the absolute minimum thickness of heat tiles needed?
FAA would throw a shit fit over that but it would be one hell of a spectacle to see them going back and forth from the cape to starbase. Much more efficient than floating them on a barge and closing roads.
The FAA is already in the process of being abolished thanks to President Trump
thank god
Porn when?
/sfg/ is the new reddit
It looked like shit though
>let's make a spaceplane, but fat and ugly
>llet's have a radioactive flluorine llithium fire that also fllies
You forgot to inject hydrogen to maximize exhaust velocity.
I know science is about asking 'Why not?' but at some pooint we need to stop because where we're going will have WAY too much fire. And radiation.
yeah, that's one of the problems, even if they will need starships to start reentering over Boca Chica and the Cape relatively soon anyway.
btw I never thought of that but SpaceX will probably need to coordinate with the Mexican government for that.
LN2 propelled nuclear gas fission reactor
So, with DARPA presumably testing the DRACO or nuclear powered rocket in the near future, will submarine officers be more highly qualified to become NASA astronauts since they have a lot of experience running reactors in confined spaces? This is assuming that they consider this safe and effective enough
A NTR engine has nothing in common with a nuclear sub powerplant but your education with regard to nuclear power would be a big feather in your cap.
from what I understand Mexico has little to no presence in Space so I'm sure Elon could make them grovel
unlikely that you'd have a dedicated nuclear engineer aboard any manned NTR missions in the foreseeable future. in-flight maintenance is too hard to attempt and everything else can be handled from the ground.
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it's not much different than a fuel transfer, you just need positive pressure
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Weak earther mindset
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Neutron needed to be flying yesterday, hobbit man is donzo
>but your education with regard to nuclear power would be a big feather in your cap
That’s what I meant. In your first 3 years as a sub officer, you have academic training, on hands training, and management of a nuclear reactor and you’re nuclear training counts towards a masters. So, it wouldn’t hurt having someone with a nuclear power background, even if the reactor isn’t similar, on the flight if they manage to get it to work.
What I said above. You wouldn’t need someone to repair it, and Houston can monitor it, but it wouldn’t hurt having a nuclear qualified person on the flight
three years and he has pieces of a tank to show for it. space is hard.
If this is anything like the old school Silicon Valley strat of hiring anything with a pulse to deny it to competitors, bravo Elon

Enough people leave to found spinoffs it makes you wonder
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2024... I am forgotten...
won't somebody PLEASE think of the poor boeing and northrop grumman!
>nuclear propulsion
>likely a small nuclear reactor for any colony, rover, etc
>radiation management from space
If I'm sending 10 people to mars, at least one of them would be specialized in this shit
why does this rocket need to exist?
Neutron is going to kill that company. Those poor idiots are behind schedule on a Falcon 9 competitor that was already a decade late when it was announced. I don't know if it's pride or investor demand that keeps them trying to stay in the launch market. The only way to save RL is a pivot to payloads and in-space services/vehicles/stations, but I think that might have needed to happen a year or two ago.
Companies developing new rockets these days are like children building stick forts in the shadow of Vesuvius. Starship will bury them.
if they abandon neutron, the stock gets absolutely blown the fuck out
Seems to me like the problem is (at least partially) investor fear. A lot harder to flip-flop on fundamental design choices when your U$D comes from investors/stakeholders who were happy with the carbon composite angle you sold them with.
SpaceX has already buried the commercial competition. There is absolutely no future for anyone except maybe Blue Origin. It would take another giga rich cunt bankrolling a rocket company to get some competition and even then I think the costs might be prohibitive without getting any returns from the commercial market. The only competition I see happening is going to come from China since they arent pussies and will just dump resources into their program at warp speed once starship proves itself. Their lack of metallurgy among other things like turbine development would need sorting out though so idk.
They did pivot to space services years ago. It's the only reason they've got a positive cash flow right now.
and that's a good thing
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>In its April complaint, SpaceX noted that NLRB board members and administrative law judges — like many federal civil servants — are nonpolitical appointees and therefore can’t be fired at-will by the president. The company claims the board members therefore are “unconstitutionally insulated from the president’s oversight," making the board's action an unlawful attempt to "subject SpaceX to an administrative proceeding."
>In an order on Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Alan Albright agreed. Finding SpaceX was likely to succeed on its claims that NLRB officials were serving unconstitutionally, he issued an injunction blocking the NLRB hearing.
So how long until we have a reusable space tug that can rendezvous with a payload in LEO and boost it up?
SpaceX lawyers are savvy
2 more weeks
Since when are the NLRB appointee's non-political? They're appointed by the president. The decisions made by the NLRB change dramatically on which party has a majority.
>Meanwhile, Project 2025, a influential policy guide geared towards future Republican administrations, proposes reclassifying thousands of federal workers as political appointees. Such a change could give the president power to limit regulatory actions he or she disagrees with — for example, by firing Environmental Protection Agency officials who pursued certain environmental cases.
Are American's that desperate for an absolute monarch controlled by corporations?
fucking good
this is the "democrats will be putting people in FEMA camps" of the left
>Project 2025
This thing is BS
Project 2025 is too based to be real
Funny that they call rightoids conspiracy theorists then instantly believe this slop
It's right here you retard, read it yourself https://www.project2025.org/policy/
The problem is no republican is produced in a modern education system
so who are they gonna
There isn't that many people from utah
Aurora down to the 40-ish latitudes expected some time from tonight to tomorrow night, not sure. Full moon might make it tricky to see.
it's based and i wish the heritage foundation controlled what trump did instead of writing fundraiser-bait fanfiction for a living
>Since when are the NLRB appointee's non-political? They're appointed by the president.
anon invents new definitions for well-established legal terms, proceeds to lecture americans for not understanding the legal implications
>and i wish the heritage foundation controlled what trump did
What do you think this section is all about https://www.project2025.org/personnel/
God fucking damnit it's smokey as shit here so Ill probably miss it like last time
>Project 2025
Good. Political class of administration should be classified as political or not. Especially the heads.
The Heritage Foundation is a thinktank of neocon faggots, the hype about their 2025 shit is entirely artificial and is only 'news' for propaganda purposes. It never had any chance of being taken seriously by anyone in actual power, and you only know about it because you're a target of propaganda.
an attempt to come up with a list of vetted staffers since they know from experience that trump's too lazy to do it himself. hopefully he has to rely on it come november.
HF have been doing it since the reagan days and Reagan actually implemented a lot of their policies and suggestions, and so did Trump for 2016's Mandate for Leadership: Blueprint for Reform so he does seem to take it somewhat seriously

And I learned about it on my own in April, before it went "viral".
need to PDF post in this dire thread
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HF puts out 1000+ page doorstoppers that include things even statist liberals would vote for. Of course some of their polices get implemented. Stop being susceptible to propaganda and start being autistic about spaceflight.
Project 2025 is different that much is clear
>and start being autistic about spaceflight.
still am
how much do you get paid for sucking Musks dick online? $0,000,000.00/yr?
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"Everything I don't like is [thing]" strikes again. Out.
Orion drive that runs on salted nuclear bombs, irradiating and contaminating all landmasses on the planet it launches from for tens of thousands of years
If you don't know about or like space then you'll never understand why we would all kill rape and die for Elon. You can't understand
Nice cult of personality you go there
lmao those people hate musk bc he is a chud and they have spacex because of muh environment or something
would it make sense to use magnetohydrodynamics to increase the velocity of chemical rocket exhaust or is that too impractical? considering the low ionization of rocket exhaust
It does not get that far. They hate spacex because Musk is associated with it. no other thoughts go through their heads
Does anyone have that "Chaos is Gay" webm? Desuarchive has them all scrubbed

So the Chinese can detect all the places where airplanes exists on video and then place them on map in real time from space right? US has also been able to do that for a year or so with the advent of these imaging sats + fast AI detections.
to use an elonism that's too much of a mass penalty
Anything moving faster than 90mph is not a bird, it makes detection easy
I did find this document citing a velocity increase of around 150%, but the engineering challenges do involve injecting NaK into the combustion area and having an accelerator behind the engine so you might be right
Sure but this is for the specific airports both classified and unclassified all over the world. To count for number of jets at any given airport.
It's a neat idea from the little understanding I have of it
interesting technology but even barring the mass penalty there's no way this could scale. that said I wonder if this could be adapted in some way to those liquid metal reactors especially now that research is going to ramp up again
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Why not do it at Stage Zero and do an initial boost for free from stage zero?
If I were to write a letter addressed to an astronaut, it could be sent up to the International Space Station. However, this would likely require a fair amount of co-ordination beforehand. I do not believe NASA would freely send up cargo of this magnitude; not necessarily because of mass constraints but more specifically because of safety concerns.
(For example, you would not want to risk some crazy ‘space is fake’ lunatic sending anthrax to the Station)
A family member? A friend? An elementary school hand-chosen by NASA to write some letters to send up… these are possible.
Anyways, I only bring this up because I find it interesting how on Earth we have USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc. but cargo/mail deliveries of pretty much the exact same scope as this are handled instead by companies such as Northrop Grumman, SpaceX, Sierra Space. I cannot recall an instance of, say, USPS having to coordinate a letter to the ISS. Perhaps one day these scopes will overlap. Companies like Amazon will be able to ship and deliver to the Moon. You could write a letter, casually leave it in the post, and have it delivered to a specific address on Mars.
that would make sense, you would save a lot of delta v on the upper stages. Maybe it could be used as a tug of sorts
Elon pulled his 45m donations. What a retard. This is worse than not donating at all. The regulations will worsen.
I heard he castrated your child as well and eat our his organs. Washington Post reported that for me. Can I get a confirmation from you?
He never did any that shit in the first place, amazing how both lefttards and righttards can't verify facts for themselves


Elon Musk
This is beyond dumb.

I never said was donating $45M/month to Trump – that was a totally fake @WSJ

How can back down from something that never happened!!??
My understanding was he monetarily helped form a PAC that supports Trump.
He supports America PAC. with $45M. Its a pac that supports politicians that support merit based principles. Regardless of republican or democrat. Its largely going towards republicans because democrats think merit = racism by large. So it mostly goes towards trump by proxy.

He never donated to Trump directly (it just happens trump benefits from it). He didn't rescind donation to Trump.
A mhd accelerator attached to the ground wouldn't be able to impart any energy to the stage, no?
That point, why not make your Stage 0 a coilgun? Same pros/cons list.
You read the fortune headline right? You should watch the peterson interview that headline was based on, and try to remember why you have amnesia about having gell-mann amnesia
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Honestly as long as NASA gets more funding I couldnt care less who is president. DTJ has always been friendly to NASA and if Mark Kelly is VP thats basically guaranteed funding and hes the first choice right now. Shaping up to be a pretty good race for the space race.
Mark Kelley is hostile to Musk and likewise SpaceX as well along with all the other Musk companies
>if Mark Kelly is VP thats basically guaranteed funding
In what possible universe does that follow any kind of logic?
What's Kelly's opinion on SLS?
Dictated by his anti-Musk leaning.
Yeah I don't get it either. He's an astronaut. So what.
Hmmm, career NASA guy who personally knows every single higher-up plugged in to the SLS/Orion pork barrel? Fat chance of him doing anything but throwing MORE resources at the orange bastard rocket, and scrambling contracts towards “loyal” companies like ULA and Blue Origin at the political cost of SpaceX
The position of VP is so ceremonial I question the idea of vance influencing trump when he's literally suggested by tech billionaires for that very purpose. Kamala would just tell mark there's no voters in space and that's the end of it. It doesn't make any more political sense for her administration than any other administration. Mark would just look vastly more credible being a figurehead that interacts with the space agency than kamala interacting with border patrol, I guess that counts for something.

Also 1% of that money would be spent on things you want as usual
>Fat chance of him doing anything but throwing MORE resources at the orange bastard rocket, and scrambling contracts towards “loyal” companies like ULA and Blue Origin
it's not great but it beats doing nothing. at least missions will get funding and spacex is in a rather unique place of being able to fund their own shit
>Kamala would just tell mark there's no voters in space and that's the end of it
It's not even that. This bullshit flows from the legislature, not the executive branch. We'd actually come out ahead if Kelly got out of congress
0G sex needs to be researched posthaste. It's crucial to long term human habitation. It wouldn't be any more expensive than normal astronaut operations. Why aren't space agencies scheduling this? What are we paying them for?
One of the most retarded takes I've seen in a while. Without Spacex, the US space program is pitiful. The political machine that owns Kamala does not like Musk and will continue to try and hinder him with lawfare and regulatory obstruction.
tfw space society will have to be heavy on government oversight and light on individual freedoms to prevent mass colony death
NASA is useless and gay and doesn't deserve anymore funding
The money is not enough. They can block them with regulations.
NASA is beyond saving lmao
Proof or just BS you made up
This, it needs immediate defunding
/sfg/ is sleeping on the importance of the vp, it was more pence than trump that drove the space stuff. Would assume that Kelly would be good for NASA.
Same, he seems like he's level-headed enough to understand the importance of SpaceX for NASA and the nations space policy which as VP he would mostly oversee as head of the National Space Council
Although just cause he's level headed on the border issue might not mean he would be for space/NASA but better chance maybe
The only requirement for the advancement of spaceflight now is for the government to get the fuck out of the way. Unfortunately governments are not good at that.
This is the exact line of doubletalk that John McCain always pulled; he'd draw a hard line about a subject like the border when he was on the campaign trail and then immediately abandon the issue as soon as electron season had passed. I can guarantee you that his voting record is deeply at odds with his rhetoric. The only thing you can trust a "level headed" politico like him to do is be loyal to whatever special interest is ticking his prostate that week. As head of the National Space Council he'd be no better an advocate than Harris was.
SpaceX is supposedly already profiting more money per year than NASA's total exploration budget. All the government needs to do is get out of the way. How fucking fast have we gone from
>only government can do it
>government is the only reason it hasn't happened already
Nah he's in Arizona so he pushed Biden on border security constantly and was against his repeal of Title 42 says in the full article https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/07/22/kamala-harris-mark-kelly-vp-2024/
John McCain was from Arizona and pushed Washington on border security constantly right up until he had to actually vote for it. Kelly is no different. The man is a snake and in Washington he's only going to be a voice for the usual lineup of cost plus fraudsters. Why are you shilling for someone who'd fuck Boeing for a kickback?
He did vote for the last bill that the rs killed cuz they'd rather blame the ds.
space fart genital
>SpaceX is supposedly already profiting more money per year than NASA's total exploration budget.
If you mean that $15 billion from Starlink thing, that's obviously wrong because first it's just revenue and second that's obviously bullshit, with 3 million subscribers you can do simple maths to see that this year's revenue is going to be around $3.5 billion, maybe 4 or 5 with maritime/aviation/military stuff.
>it's based
They want to ban porn.
It's a shame Trump denounced this :(
It's not just from Starlink it's from everything, and it's a reasonable estimate. They have lots of deals with airlines and cruise companies coming to fruition this year, I think everyone underestimates how much that is worth
Nothing ever happens.
Indeed. And it's not just science and culture.
Right now, there is a plenty of old judges with relatively conservative values, even if they themselves lean Dem.
But almost all law graduates will be dems, a lot of them hardline leftists. They will eventually make any form of what you would consider "conservative" completely illegal and protect progressives unquestionably (much like in EU).
I do not believe anything can be done to fix it. All institutions are deliberately designed to prevent any form of correction.
Even armed insurrection civil war isn't an option. Your typical future core (far) right winger is not just (formally) uneducated, but also unfit, untrained and unorganized.
It used to be that military would be core value of right wingers. Now they "refuse to die for Israel" and as such will get dronestriked for sports by multiracial NAFO trannies as they aimlessly ran around the woods.

The gay retards are right in a sense that conservatives are ultimately the losing side.
At best they conserve status quo as it is now.
Realistically they will keep losing battles until they whittle down all conservative values, one by one. And conservatives will adopt these values as the new status quo.
And the conservatives will fight tooth and nail to protect that status quo from "far right regressive".

Even Islamism will eventually become gay and retarded.
Gulf Arabs are becoming more and more liberal. Ironically, European Muslims are often more conservative than the Middle Eastern urbanites.

Sorry for political sperging.
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He weathered the basedjak attacks. He can beat anything.
Man, we need some fresh memes. Even politician faggots are using wojacks and chads.
They diden't even use the meme properly its supposed to represent the supporters not the candidates lol
He is an astronaut, he might keep blowing money on the SLS but why would he hate spaceX? Why would an astronaut not like the idea of cheap launchers and the only viable space shuttle replacement?
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Most people’s understanding of musk is surface level at best.
Because the media coverage of musk is (purposely) misrepresented surface level bullshit, where they want you to be confused and angry and unable to understand him.
Unfortunately it works on most people.
He has EDS
Just because he's a former astronaut, doesn't mean he's capable from escaping the tentacles of the cost plus cartel. They will have a firm grip on space policy.

Trump's record on space is proven, why the fuck would you gamble on that. His recent comments on the Falcon 9 booster landings indicate he wants more of SpaceX, and that will transfer over to Vance.
SX represents a risk to internal NASA jobs that are intimately tied to oldspace projects
Trump didn't do shit regarding space, I guess doing nothing is better than trying to prevent spacex.
What is this Trump vs Harris shit? The DoD is going to have a far greater say into the future of SpaceX than either administration. We have heard multiple sources that the higher ups at the DoD are extremely interested in the potential of Starship. If the DoD wants SpaceX to get contracts, Harris isn't going to tell them no unless she wants to visit Dallas for a day.
>he's used wojaks and chads before
You misunderstood the news. Starlink is projected to make 6.9 billion this year. Thats about nasa's human spaceflight budget, not the budget of all of nasa.
uhh why is Elon suddenly making a u-turn on Trump?
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I stand with the frog
In case people don't know Armstrong spoke against government funding private manned space in his senate testimony.


>Instead, the new plan would put billions towards helping private companies develop their own rockets and spacecraft, which could then serve as taxis to take astronauts to and from the International Space Station.

>But Armstrong cautioned that it would likely be much more expensive and take much longer than space industry companies claim for them to develop such space taxis.
he isn't, the original reporting was just misleading which should be expected from WSJ
NASA doesn't need more funding, you fucking mongoloid.
No. You're a retard. He's just a continuation Biden/Harris camp. Hostility to SpaceX is his camp's main game. That means denying contracts, endless lawsuits, frivolous delays, more regulations, etc

Look at the other team. Trump is Pro-Space, PRO-SPACEX, Pro-Musk. Trump is a businessman too, so he understands the plight of other businessmen of everyday Americans who need jobs and better financial security. Further Vance is a techno-progressive (ironically as a conservative). He's friends with Peter Thiel, he has has 2nd order ties with Musk, he's a an entrepeneur, venture capitalist, etc. He's right up Musk's alley and understands how businesses are run.

The ticket to a better future isn't the status quo. Thats dogshit reality. The ticket to better future is with a pro-business friendly pro-space, pro-spacex leadership.

Look at how the insiders in DoD treated SpaceX during the Biden admin. They tried sabotaging Starlink so hard. Only civilian needs of Starlink carried Starlink. The Biden DoD refused to pay Starlink any money either for Rural internet (to develop internet for rural) or to pay for the military operations in Ukraine (for nearly a year into the war) and then carried out a character assassination attempts when the negotiations were unfolding behind the scenes.
Misleading original story
Misleading correction story

They refuse to tell you the truth. >>16294264
Get out the way
Fairness in competition requirements (not equity of outcome)

This is also bullshit. He's talking about a bill that would have paved way towards legalizing all the current illegal immigrants + more illegal legalization in the future. Thats legalizing illegal border crossing. You're only hearing his double talks, like all the democrats do.
I mixed it up with SpaceX revenue but still, who knows the margins on their launches. They're getting close to that figure and I don't expect it'll suddenly trend down
>government to get the fuck out of the way
Those government launch contracts are valuable thoughever
He's part of the Biden party thats actively launched dozens of lawsuits/investigations into Musk after Biden told his party to look into Musk.

He's going to keep the lawfare harassment of Musk's companies to appease his party primarily and because he has no real power by himself. The one that might have power is the president and even then, Kamala is merely a Biden surrogate, so she will keep everything he has already done and then double down on things the party wants her to do, which is to shutdown SpaceX.

There is no path towards a better space industry with those two in charge, with this party in charge of the government.
The Space Industrial Complex only cares about what the DoD wants when it means they get DoD contracts. But "Space Guy Bad" isn't part of their cabal, so it doesn't matter if DoD wants something that he makes.
They don't care about going to other planets, or doing cool stuff in space in general, they just want more cost-plus contracts that accomplish nothing so that they can get more contracts to accomplish nothing.
Why do you think we did fucking nothing but Shittle and ISS for fifty fucking years? Expensive, but just keeps doing the same thing year after year. Sure, there were a few JPL Mars missions on the side, but those don't cut into the SIC pork supply, and they know how to stretch the pork too.
>US will cripple its own domestic space industry while China will have uncontested control over space
Speaking of, who's gonna be the BYD of chinese spaceflight?
It might be too soon to tell but I'm like to hear some predictions.
First man on the moon and a fucking faggot. You hate to see it.
Oh well, at least someone is going to do it I guess. Bugman space communism better than the crab niggers dooming our entire species.
Now that Trump has 0 chances to win this year, it really looks like the decline will continue.
Quite sad.
Trump obsession syndrome
I'm just realistic
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It's never been more donover
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>/sfg/ in a full right wing meltdown
Somethings never change
Kamala is the most popular president of the last 20 years. She won VP and now she'll win P. SEETHE
Can't believe he watched the trend down from 1970 to 2010 and still believed this. I wish he lived long enough to see how wrong he was.
/pol/ leaking is cancerous but what can you do.
I wonder if they'll get real when China starts surpassing them or if they'll keep the same level of efficiency but with more money pumped into it
>In Griffin’s case, he would return the country to the cozy confines of 2008, just before the era of commercial space took off and when he was at the height of his power before being removed as NASA administrator. Griffin's plan for an accelerated lunar mission, in short, calls for: Two launches of the Space Launch System, Block II rocket, A Centaur III upper stage, An Orion spacecraft, A two-stage, storable-propellant lunar lander
How does /sfg/ like the griffin plan?
Griffin is either a retard or a grifter.
Griffin hates commercial spaceflight and the free market. He should be executed
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I miss him
>unironed flag
How come American government projects are so dysfunctional? Somehow in China they manage to do things on time.
Do they have an iron up there?
>Biden party thats actively launched dozens of lawsuits/investigations into Musk after Biden told his party to look into Musk.
most of those were started before that moment or were the result of Musk companies fucking around and finding out. The only things that seem politically motivated are the weird Starlink DoD stuff and the overly hasty RDOF denial (although denial would likely have been the end result anyways, Starlink is probably just barely not good enough until the deadline).

Doesn't LM10 or whichever the Starship competitor is supposed to be get redesigned just about every year and delayed accordingly?
cracker box floating near the ceiling lol
no there was a long list of absolute bullshit, not just the starlink thing
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>NASA Rolls Artemis II SLS Core Stage to the VAB
>most of those were started before that moment or were the result of Musk companies fucking around and finding out
no they werent and they weren't about fucking around and finding out, they were absolute bullshit lawfare
an egregrious example would be the asylum seeker lawsuit by DOJ
That's just one rocket, and the one you meant is LM9, meanwhile Chinese have recently recovered samples from the far side of the Moon. LM10, which is actually real, is the one that will enable China manned exploration of the Moon. In June their have performed a static fire of the 1st stage.

>although denial would likely have been the end result anyways
How would it have been the end result given that its not supposed to measure the results until next year or the year after? Starlink has 3M customers online with avg speeds of ~100-150Mbps and avg latency close to 20-30ms. Thats perfectly align with the requirements.

Dumb niggers
I fucking hate these people so much
SFN has a feed with a lot less talking
Damn you've really taken the doomer demoralization dildo very far up the ass
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soon there won't be anything else except SLS and Artemis
what does inbred miles chong have to save about this?
They were
>an egregrious example would be the asylum seeker lawsuit by DOJ
That is precisely an example of what I mean. The investigation for this was started under Trump, and while it was probably more lack of knowledge than intentionally fucking around, it could've been resolved easily by just doing what the DOJ demanded, i.e. adjusting hiring standards to US Persons, which is what the law requires every other private rocket company does and SpaceX also started doing as a result. Had they just handed over the requested data this would've been resolved easily years ago but they didn't so the DOJ had to sue. It is entirely a result of not following the law and being obtuse about it and it's not singling out SpaceX either because Raytheon (or another big defence contractor) got clapped for it as well.

>avg speeds of ~100-150Mbps
not in the US as required for RDOF, that's the entire problem. Latency is fine but they can't make the bandwith numbers with the current sats and Starship is unlikely to be ready to fix it before the deadline. They should've just put the money in escrow until the deadline, that's why I think that one is politically motivated, but Starlink does not meet the requirements currently.
Which is why extra NASA funding is good, alleviates pressure to allow SCIENCE missions to go up and feeds more pork off to SpaceX via the HLS contract. If that new money from a certain VP or President (Not Kamala) gets through, those would be literally the only two things it would go to and saying otherwise is just discounting the truth.
>defending the federal government on four channel dot org
>not in the US as required for RDOF, that's the entire problem
According to whomst? According to reports from 3 years ago when the funding was pulled from some website where Starlink was just being deployed? LMAO

>current sats and Starship is unlikely
According to whomst?

>They should've just put the money in escrow
They didn't for any of the other companies. They instead decided to cancel Starlink funding 4 years prior to the actual deadline. This is 100% a political move and you're a tranny pozzed brain for trying to claim its not.
They need more money and a proper administration, but doing the former without the latter won't improve things significantly. They need to fire underperformers and increase salaries so competent people will stop fleeing to private companies.
It probably would help if Elon stopped being a retard on twitter
LM10's first test flight is scheduled for 2027 and it is only the single core LEO config.
It would help more if the current adiministration wasn't full of corrupt retards.
And other side is going to be suddenly better? This time for sure?
as long as they don't get in the way, yes
for instance the Obama administration was not hostile towards Musk
it matters, admins aren't the same
>According to whomst?
Freely available data from ookla as recently as end of '23. And if that wasn't the good data, why wasn't SpaceX able to provide data disproving it after being requested to?
>According to whomst?
Your lying eyes
>They didn't for any of the other companies.
Because Starlink had additional requirements due to the whole satellites thing being considered unproven from the start, this was known to SpaceX. And yes, they shouldn't have fully cancelled it before the deadline, at most frozen it until then.
>This is 100% a political move and you're a tranny pozzed brain for trying to claim its not.
Maybe you should reread my post.
It was last time, yeah.
The current admin is the most corrupt admin in the last 100 years. Not just the Hunter Biden and the Biden family buying/selling influence in Ukraine elections, overthrowing prosecutors that were investigating corruption, etc. Then you have the cocaine in white house, then you have the DHS/whitehouse/DOJ hiding/delaying these corruption charges for statue of limitation to pass, then you have the Biden remark about going after Musk, an American citizen. Then you have the admin going after Trump with various political lawsuits to stop him from being in the ballot. Then you have the various censorship cases where they colluded with tech companies to censor the internet thats critical of his admin. And the various media that acts to cover up everything. Then you have the Facebook censorship for EU deal with Biden admin.

Its an endless sea of corruption day in day out.
If people cared they would protest against that corruption.
They are, thats why they're electing Trump. While you eat the goyslop propaganda media that claims there is nothing there, majority of America sees Biden as the worst president ever.
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/sfg/ really has been in nightmare mode recently
Ookla data is mix of rural and urban. Or residential and roaming. Etc. Rural ROF fund is for rural internet.

Dumb ass. Data is poisoned.
>Because Starlink had additional requirements due to the whole satellites thing being considered unproven from the start
I find it hard to believe when every few weeks you hear about airline or shipping company signing a deal with Starlink.
Yes, but then SpaceX should've been able to provide the good rural-only data as they were offered the possibility to, yet they didn't.
They didn't because it was never asked. The decision to shutdown SpaceX funding was a sole political one with no debate or anything, not even within the FCC insiders. It was a day 0 decision by the newly FCC admin without any consultation.

They were deemed to not qualify 4-5 years prior to actual qualification deadline based upon political play.
The decision was before that and airlines and ships can't have access to wired solutions that Starlink competed with in RDOF. I think the way they cancelled the money was stupid and reeks of politics but Starlink was only allowed in on a technicality with additional requirements in the first place and apparently they couldn't prove that they could hit the numbers.

>They didn't because it was never asked.
It was asked though, why do you have to make up shit that isn't true? The FCC said they used ookla data because they had nothing better, SpaceX said that's not good, the FCC offered to let them provide their own better data, but they never did, so they had to stick with the ookla stuff indicating that Starlink wasn't hitting the numbers it needed.
Trump admin was objectively the best for spaceflight in decades you dumb baiting niggerfaggot. Thank God for Biden's transition team taking half a year to replace Trump's NASA appointments. God bless Steve Jurczyk
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Here's the actual dissent voice from FCC comissioner. It was solely targeted at Musk without.

They requires Starlink to give REASONABLE path towards 100Mbps for 40% of the subscribers. Its not even 100% but rather 40%. If average is only 70Mbps at the time, they could simply cut off 40% of the lowest result and you'd get 60% meeting the 100Mbps easily. But they targeted SpaceX because of politics.
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When will we fight back against the rogg menace?
>Steve Jurczyk
May he rest in peace.
I still remember that day, I fully expected National Team to win.
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why do we let astronomers pull this shit?
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>It was asked though, why do you have to make up shit that isn't true?
You're rewriting reality. The decision was done without any consultation with anyone except the Biden admin.


This comes from another FCC comissioner where he didn't find out about the revoking until after. There wasn't any voting or discussion taking place at all. It was a unilateral decision by the new admin.
>The FCC said they used ookla data because they had nothing better, SpaceX said that's not good, the FCC offered to let them provide their own better data, but they never did, so they had to stick with the ookla stuff indicating that Starlink wasn't hitting the numbers it needed.
Again, you're rewriting the sequence of events to fit your own political narrative.

There wasn't any asking of SpaceX for data. The admin went with their political narrative first, picked and chose one data point to use and then didn't do any sort of comprehensive analysis. Just flat out revoked Starlink contract on the basis that SpaceX couldn't deliver 4 years down the line. Without any request for information from SpaceX. Without any consultation with other FCC members. Without any voting. Without any consideration.
Further when SpaceX objected, they just voted along the political line to reject the objection all together.
Musk wasn't boosting and liking nazi retards on twitter or having shady labor practices back then
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New company just dropped, thoughts?
>not liking racist policies is being a nazi
To me personally this feels like an asteroid mining situation. Too early, too much overhead, not enough ROI to justify it being in space when being on the ground is far cheaper even if Starship did $10/kg (which it currently doesnt)
First off, based. Second, free speech :)
In theory, it makes sense with wireless beam energy. But practically I dont see a near term path to usability.
Carr is hilarious. He claims the additional requirements were made up but they were known to SpaceX before the awards. Also citing European Starlink speeds as if they matter. And if those voluminous test showing hitting performance exists, where are they? Also I find it funny that he still claims today that no home has been connected under RDOF when Spectrum already has months back. I really hope he gets money from Musk for this.
>You're rewriting reality.
No, page 9, point 30 onwards of the ultimate denial that that dissent is from pretty much states this.
Look, as I keep saying I agree that the RDOF decision was made politically and was stupid, they should've rather made a carveout for LEO constellations that can provide immediate access, but when rigidly sticking to the requirements of RDOF, Starlink didn't meet them and seems unlikely to be able to meet them by the deadline. It was a surprise they even got considered, the whole thing just came a few years too early and was just barely out of reach. If the requirement was 50 Mbps or even 75 instead of 100, Starlink would've breezed that no issue.
>when rigidly sticking to the requirements of RDOF
There wasn't any rigidity. The contract only requires reasonable path forward. And only 40% of the 640K customers they bid on. Not 100%. So SpaceX could simply pick and choose those 40% and it would easily meet both the hard requirement of 40% and the reasonable requirement of tech demonstrations where they have millions of customers in US alone.
And thats also from the poisoned ookla data where they were mixing rural and urban data. If they only chose rural people, that would likely meet the 100Mbps without even cutting off for the the 40% mark.
The most corrupt admin needs to be removed entirely. FCC admin needs to be fired. NASA admin needs to be fired. The whole of white house needs to be fired.

Space industry is being held back by communist ideology
Yes that's why I say rigidly sticking to (the "top-line" 100 Mbps requirement) and political decision. I just don't quite trust Carr because he seems to not use all the proper facts and nowhere does SpaceX appear to even argue about those 40%.
It would literally be cheaper to do this on the ground and beam it to space.
Too much loss of power from ground due to atmospheric distortion + distance power/focus loss.
i wish AOC was president
fuck AOC
I wish /pol/ retards would fuck off back to their containment board.
Dont mind if I do!
>Companies developing new rockets these days are like children herp derp derp derp derp
RL makes a fraction of their money from launches. They have a massive system for building a large array of custom hardware. You can even go to them with specifications of a satellite you want and they can do everything start to finish and get it in orbit.
Stop hating on RL, who is actually trying to do things, while other shit companies are smoke and mirrors. At least RL has put numerous payloads in space, very few can claim that.
>which is what the law requires every other private rocket company does
The DOJ suit against spacex was seen as egregious for the simple fact that many other industries and xompnies under ITAR don't ever like to touch anyone who isn't a US citizen. They sure as fuck aren't going to consider "asylum seekers" for employment because it's damn near impossible to vet such a candidate.

They went after SpaceX based in a technicality, not because they where doing things out of line with the rest of the industry.
In the real world efficiency is measured in dollars. The losses literally do not matter when compared to the cost of infrastructure in space.
Hi there /biz/
Or, even worse, do you work there?
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>china does nothing
>america shoots itself
Mutts can't stop losing to China.
>gov creates byzantine regulations that contradict with each other and add more byzantine mazes each month
>companies try to follow best standard industry practice
>single company gets targeted due to current admin calling for harassment of the company
>using byzantine laws to target them
>america shoots itself
Don't forget the end goal is the complete dismantling of SpaceX and selling its technology to foreign countries for quick buck like they did in the 70s and 80s with offshoring manufacturing.
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what is he thinking?
SpaceX was neither guaranteed nor deserved. China will justifiably claim land on the moon and the US will be unable to do anything about it despite having the components of a modern space program handed to them. We live in old people land. They already went to the moon, their aerospace companies are making them money. And then they will be dead. And why would they care what happens after that
Not spaceflight kill yourself immediatly
Elon in Washington meeting politicians seems pretty relevant with respect to all the discussion here
fuck off with your 6 degrees of kevin bacon bullshit. it's clearly not spaceflight. I don't care if you can contrive some path between it and spaceflight.

thread theme
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Kiss the ring
>supports politicians that support merit based principles
so it is just a virtue-signaling savings fund with no danger of ever having a withdrawal. got it
No, its a merit spending funds. This is to deliver the punch for those who support merit based policies with legitimate financial support. Not hearts and prayers/virtue signaling.
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>what could have been.
If development had started on the F-1B it probably would have proposed as a main engine for the Vulcan instead of the AR1.
If they decided to at least fly the F-1A then NASA would still hold a record for the most powerful rocket engine.
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The RD-175's 9800 kN has a slight edge over the F-1A's proposed 9200 kN.
>RD-175 with 9800 kN thrust for proposed Energia-K rocket
That's just a proposal, F-1A was actually tested.
>this is the last hope of the American spaceflight
it's truly over
I would actually like SLS if it was using F-1B boosters instead of those gay solids
Love this narwal guy, and ian miles chong, and the dogefather
So was the RD-171MV. The Soyuz-5 is never going to be a thing, but the engine is still on the test stand hitting the performance figures.
Makes sense. They speak and go way back
The AR1 would have been a better choice.
>Rocketdyne anticipated an uprated version ofthe Saturn V
• Developed F-1A
• 1.5M lbf à 1.65M lbf à 1.8M lbf
• 2 F-1A engines produced
• Rocketdyne anticipated 䇾go-ahead䇿 from NASA in 1965, could
deliver flight qualified engines by the end of 1969.
• Funding peaked in 1966 then fell off rapidly due to lack of followon missions, need for heavy payloads

God damn it
Go back chink
>wanting a brown middle aged sour HR lady as president
kill yourself you subhuman
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falcon 9 is flying tomorrow.
i dont know but maybe it would make sense to park cargo starships in moon orbit and there they get refueled with hydrogen and oxygen made on the moon and when the launch window to mars is open they all fly to mars. that way you dont have to do all mars launches in a very short time frame which needs a lot more launche infrastructure and it is less likely that the launch frequency gets regulated down because of environmental concern and noise pollution. maybe it would even make sense to produce some stuff on moon and send it to the starships in moon orbit since you can launch a lot more from moon orbit to mars than from earth.
the man who made Elon cry
It would be way easier to just have prop depots in earth orbit.
Hello. I would like to return from space. It stinks up here.
It's not.
>kevin bacon
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NASA needs less funding, and more freedom.
Why can't you post the screenshot?
>Refueling Starship with hydrogen
I can see one little problem with that.
It's going to be funny when Starship is mature and we have these absurdly low launch costs and it finally proves the cheapest way to do everything down to raw materials is just launch them from Earth
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No blueballing from the Limp.
he was busy with amazon and ignored BO pretty much
something about a philosophy of doing one thing 100%
Why did bezos stick with the old space cretin so long?
Boomer alert
She's hot af
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Boy, I sure do love launches. I cannot live without launches. Who's got a launch for me?
Can anybody pls post the meme with Musk, Bezos and Rogozin pissing against a wall but Rogozin is pissing in his own mouth
He is a tranny now
the best version of that was the one with Elon pissing into orbit
>elon is making israel's spaceflight great again
we are so fucking back jewish space laser bros
>provides space-to-space power
>gives spacecraft 5x to 10x power than they'd be able to generate on their own
it seems like a useful idea for some situations but im not sure if there is a market yet. this could be one of those ideas that was born too early.
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looks like BO will stop Bobbing about and finally start Limping forward
That's a video with sound.
Absolutely pathetic
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>mfw I gaze upon a journalist
does he even like berger? what about foust?
there might be a few exceptions

First actual water molecule detected in lunar sample from China.
Launch costs lowering enough to make this feasible would also make it possible to just give your sat a better power supply. I don't see the use
We're definitely just going to need to send Starship tankers full of water, aren't we? There's no way any useful amount of water can be squeezed out of that dust ball
>“We are preparing to build a lunar scientific research station at the south pole of the moon. This scientific research station will be combined with an orbital station and a lunar surface station, plus ground facilities such as the headquarters for major scientific projects.”

china is building their own version of gateway too? do we know anything about it? i assume that unlike artemis, they'll start work on it after they land people on the moon.
Yep. They want boots on ground first directly.
my guess is that it could be most useful for space stations which will have more variable power requirements compared to satellites.

say some organization wants to test a power hungry project on a space station, then they can elect to buy some extra power from this orbital energy grid rather than bring extra batteries. with fewer extra batteries needed then you can squeeze more the project onto the station. it seems pretty situational but its a nice option to have just in case.
If a nation with any degree of prestige is doing something, Chinese envy will kick in and the bugs will insist that not only are they going to do that thing, they're going to do it way better. This is a critical weakness. It's exactly what got the Soviets into trouble when the Kremlin insisted that they replicate the shuttle program.
a moon base is super expensive but china has 4x the population of the US, so while the US might barely be able to afford it, china might definitely be able to afford it
That is such an unbelievably niche application that it may be cheaper to just bring up extra batteries. Either way it would cheaper to beam it from the ground instead of space
You'd need the sat to align with the station, which can be an expensive process in terms of d/V.

NASA/Spaceflight imagine space
>How the fuck do you manage to become more expensive and less capable than the Saturn V despite having 4 decades to learn from it?
>Charlie Camarda: Simple. You stop funding applied research and pour the bulk of your budget into wasteful human Spaceflight programs managed by nontechnical program managers. Change from a research culture to a production culture. We are no longer a learning organization. Meaning do not change from a research to a production culture.
I think this is just the way of all bureaucracies, NASA is not special in any regard
>Martians... Martians could be anywhere he thought
>With a starship you can go anywhere you want
Production should be a learning culture. Instead it became an administrative culture. When you stop learning, when you stop applying your learning back into production/reality, you are no longer an intelligent being but rather a dead one.
I still maintain this was entirely about paperclipping Ukranian rocket scientists then dumping them on SpaceX with no warning as the engineering version of Space Camp. Completely at Elon's expense of course
Why not just house them at Boeing factory and cover the costs?
What would a former astronaut as VP mean for US spaceflight anons?
VPs dont have much power and dont do much
>The investigation for this was started under Trump
it was started during the summer of floyd when three-letter agencies inside the DOJ decided they'd they'd have support at the top when they recommended charges under the next admin. i've seen you pulling this act through a few threads, and i'm pretty sure you know enough about this stuff to know you're being a little mendacious about it.
Nothing but continuation of current Democratic policy set by Biden.
It'll turn out to have huge swaths of water ice under thin layers of rock and dust, just like Mars and 90% of the other places in this solar system
I’m NOT talking about this for the 100th time this week gb2r
More informed and better constructed lawfare against spacex. Won't have another DEI no refugees hired farce
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>USSR: broke ass sanctioned retard state
>China: rich as fuck, manufactures and sells everything to everyone everywhere

This. Elon posted that "Kamala is just a puppet". He regards it all as just a continuation of power of those behind the Biden regime.
"The vice presidency is not worth a bucket of warm piss"
Day 13 of the SpaceX fleet being grounded
starship isn't grounded
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There are roughly 6000 commercial aircrafts in the US.
how much is a monthly subscription per aircraft?
No, you are simply wrong. ITAR allows US persons to apply for employment, not just US citizens, which is a slight difference. Every other rocket company, i.e. the rest of the industry was doing it that way (except that other one, a major defence contractor, and they were equally sued for it) and SpaceX did, too, after they were told. It's a technicality if you want, but it's the law and everyone else was following it so they made SpaceX comply. It didn't need to be such a big thing either and could've been resolved amicably if SpaceX had just properly responded to the DoJ's requests, but they had to play dumb and drag it out. No-one capable of reading a page of text considered it egregious because it really was quite simple.

So somehow your purported glowies just knew Biden would win the election, that SpaceX would play dumb and not just quickly resolve the situation before the election even happened, so that they could eventually sue them for a small fine and a handful of damage payments? That's fucking retarded, Anon. It also doesn't explain why they also regularly did it to other companies over the years before 2020 like you can easily find on the DoJ's website.
Cooper looks like the president in a movie
>So somehow your purported glowies just knew Biden would win the election, that SpaceX would play dumb and not just quickly resolve the situation before the election even happened, so that they could eventually sue them for a small fine and a handful of damage payments?
they saw biden was up 8-10 points in the polls and realized they'd be able to get away with some barratry against spacex, sure. there's nothing complicated about it.
>It also doesn't explain why they also regularly did it to other companies over the years before 2020 like you can easily find on the DoJ's website.
they did it to law firms who donated overwhelmingly to dems, sure. the party that controls the DOJ practices lawfare against the other team, and not against its own team. you can pretend to not understand it if you want, but it's not a difficult principle.
>No-one capable of reading a page of text considered it egregious because it really was quite simple.
Most everyone was confused because the definition of "US person" is rather broad and would include people that a company operating in good faith with ITAR regs would avoid at all costs to avoid getting fucked later as the US government has much better Intel on people than what's available to companies.
It's not reasonable for companies who have to deal with ITAR to consider potential employees when the information available about a person is scant. No one wants to be caught with some foreign national with residency or refugee only to find out later they are acting on behalf of foreign state or company.

The US government in this situation is not going to be forgiving.
No defense contractor hires noncitizens for positions remotely related to ITAR protected material.
>everyone else was following it
No, everyone else wasn't bothering to publicize their discriminatory hiring policies because they were willing to waste non-citizens' time in order to reduce their exposure to liability.
Probably ~2500/m -20K/m. There's probably a lot of custom services for those sort of enterprises.
i still dont understand why Biden choose to make enemy out of Elon Musk. He would have been a perfect candidate to help his agenda and put him in a good standing. EV, Space, Energy, Internet, transportation, etc. All things democrats typically love. Instead he choose to make it about communism and went after Musk.

What a worse presidential decision in recent history.

>How Did SpaceX's Starship 1st Flight Change Lunar Landings?
>In this video, Brandon Dotson, PhD candidate at the University of Central Florida, under the mentorship of Dr. Phil Metzger presents the analysis & findings directly related to the SpaceX Starship flight 1. In addition, Ian Jehn, PhD candidate at the University of Colorado presents landing pad strength & design analysis that builds on the findings of the first Starship launch.
So Floyd dying somehow magically changed who was in control of the DoJ away from Trump?

There's nothing confusing about it and SpaceX doesn't have to hire them, they just have to take their applications and go through the motions, like >>16295407 says. Which makes it an obvious case of FAFO.
>Trump controlled the DOJ

You must have memory holed the first half of his first term.
You said they lawfared against dem-supporting law firms so it can't have been the dems
Tesla isn't unionized and never will be because Elon's autism can't coexist with the kind of structural inefficiency that groups like the United Auto Workers always create. The UAW steals a portion of the paychecks of every worker at GM, Ford, etc, and what doesn't go into the pockets of the union bosses gets turned into political donations to democratic politicians. The UAW doesn't like Tesla because workers at Tesla get paid/compensated better than their unionized colleagues which undercuts the whole argument for having a union. Democrats don't like Tesla because they feel entitled to the money that the UAW would otherwise be siphoning off for them.
He could have stopped at Tesla and worked on SpaceX front. Or Starlink front. Instead he chose to target his other companies and Musk personally.

Its not just UAW at stake. Its the communist ideology at heart
if we take a "low" estimate of 5k, thats
5k*10k*12=60million per year, just for these 1000 aircraft. not bad and sounds like a pretty high potential ceiling.

$10K/M for unlimited data. 1000 x 10,000 x 12 = $120M. Still some airlines might double or triple up on it for more passenger capacity.
Car salesmans are also a huge voting group and they're threatened by Tesla's direct sales model
>So Floyd dying somehow magically changed who was in control of the DoJ away from Trump?
it meant that the immigrant and employee rights section of the civil rights division could open an investigation of spacex and know that by the time they got around to recommending charges they'd have a friendly AG. lots of these offices inside the DOJ aren't exactly chock-full of republicans, but if there's a republican AG at the top he'll have veto power over any actions they want to bring.
you might say then that i have to account for why the investigation was allowed to be started at all, but i don't. there's no reason to believe that any republican appointee was aware of the investigation at any point. until they're recommending charges there's not necessarily anything requiring a higher-up's attention.
Tesla building a factory in Texas, where they aren't allowed to directly sell their cars, will never not be funny. At least it's not one of those states where you have to actually travel outside.
This still doesn't account for the possibility of SpaceX simply settling before charges are brought like everyone else. Why do all this weird contorting when it could be as simple as someone checking the SpaceX job postings after a complaint, seeing they don't account for US persons properly, and then starting an investigation? I honestly don't think there's anything political about it, they just did their job and SpaceX was obtuse about it. Was Aerojet-Rocketdyne being targeted by the dems for anything at that time?
>not allowed to sell their cars directly

Wow based red state, such freedom. Gotta legally mandate that parasite middle men get their cut!
what do the planets smell like
the apollo cosmonauts said the moon carried the smell of gunpowder back inside their spacecraft
I don't want to smell Uranus.
haha do you get it? becaus Uranus sounds like your anus. I don't want to smell your butt haha
Anyone have the diagram that this anon was talking about?
look I hate to add to the non space flight but maybe this will set your expectations for the government's relationship with space

What they tell the voters they are about, and what they actually do are two different hings. The say is just about the votes. What they do is about the donors. Voters may have principles and "things they love", but politicians grab whatever blocks of voters and donors are up for grabs and the stategy can change any day. As far as I know elon lost standing because he's anti union, and unions are a huge donor class. And he surely stopped donating to the democrats at some point.
I'm so glad we don't have problems with that name in my native language. Imagine being unable to mention a fucking planet because of le funny joke that has been repeated millions of times already. I really hope one day the IAU changes the planet's name for something else, at least for the English version.
>This still doesn't account for the possibility of SpaceX simply settling before charges are brought like everyone else.
elon's attitude towards what he sees as frivolous bureaucracy is pretty well-known, i think they had a good guess
>Why do all this weird contorting
it's pretty straightforward when you're not caricaturing it
>it could be as simple as someone checking the SpaceX job postings after a complaint, seeing they don't account for US persons properly, and then starting an investigation?
if it was started due to a complaint then the DOJ could have mentioned as much in their court filing.
>Was Aerojet-Rocketdyne being targeted by the dems for anything at that time?
if they were breaking pentagon security protocols then that seems like a nontrivial legal matter. but as an autistic sidenote, the shuttle contractors all have historically leaned gop - that's why dubya started constellation and obama cancelled it.
human rated starship will happen, also many abort modes are possible with 9 engines. plus starship is already shown to be incredibly resilient and the danger of the flip manuever is far overstated, spacex did it successfully even with one flap mostly gone from reentry damage. after 100-200 successful flights itll be far safer. the people saying starship wont be human rated are either bait farming or just overly pessimistic faggots who never would have predicted anything close to the current level of success falcon 9 has enjoyed 10 years ago.
also the entire point of the starship program is bringing as many humans as possible to mars, literally everything about it is designed with respect to that lol. from the very beginning it was meant to be a crew vehicle.
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You said "butt"
nah, just without fully reusable rockets the cost/kg to even LEO is too high to really justify a large space economy. by the 2030s things will start to radically change.
I propose renaming Uranus to "Urectum"
with expendable rockets, even partially expendable ones like falcon 9, yeah. you need full reuse to truly have a spacefaring civilization under our current economic model.
>if they were breaking pentagon security protocols then that seems like a nontrivial legal matter
No they got them for basically the same thing as SpaceX, they had a couple of ITAR positions listed only for US citizens which wasn't correct. They quickly changed it and paid a $37k fine which is another reason why it seems ridiculous to me that this should be some sort of targeted lawfare when any fines are really absolutely meaningless. But I'm coming around to the idea that some aspiring prosecutor might've read the signs and decided to take this opportunity to prop up their resume with an easy open-and-shut case (like Rocketdyne who immediately rectified the error and were forthcoming) but didn't count on SpaceX's autism.
but for real, it should be called Caelus, reflecting the roman mythology that the rest of the planets are named aftyer.
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That's me and I found it
As others have said, RL already has basically done that. I think Neutron is basically just a stop gap for them to still make some revenue from launches and gain experience with a larger rocket so that they can hopefully in the future develop their own fully reusable lift vehicle and at least be second place behind SpaceX. It'll be a lot easier going from Neutron to a superheavy rocket then from Electron.
completely wrong. there is still a very significant portion of college educated whites who are right wing, they just don't tend to be neocons like boomers
i think the gamble was that they could get neutron operational faster than starship and then they'd have at least a few years to capture some market share
Wait no that's something else
what nazis are you referring to?
why was it not named caelus anyways?
not that they could get it operational faster than starship probably, but just up and running when starship is still only doing starlink and artemis and not much other commercial stuff.
If you oppose children getting their dicks cut off you are a nazi
Image how thick the tiles will have to be on a carbon fiber second stage
damn, 4ASS strikes again
In lieu of launches, let's discuss politics.
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How to turn space-dirt into real dirt so yous can grows foods in its.
What if we removed the government?
F-from the Earth?
Can't believe we have a literal faggot leftist here getting his little brown dick hard over the idea of hiring refugees in ITAR roles
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Think bigger.
why is most of the matter located in the center of the observable area?
We have the easiest time spotting it.
guarantee they switch to steel for a fully reusable vehicle lol.
NOAA space station
>A Starship stalker arrested
Engine shutdown, prepare for staging
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I'm honestly surprised this hasn't happened more often given how annoyed the Park Service is with people flying drones in national parks
Look, a retard!

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