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Stabilized edition

Previous - >>16438211
boostback burn startup!
eh we'll recycle this perfectly fine thread in an hour or 2
nah, sorry anon, not going to happen no matter how many times you try.
a proper stage will be made, this one has been cast into the ocean.
oops looks like your stage didn't get accepted anon, too bad.
you will never be a real stage

Fucking loser retard
no we're not going to do that actually, it's not a perfectly fine thread and you will never be a real stage
does that make you upset?
all me btw
no it's not
yes it is, i am samefagging hard so MY OP get's to be THE OP because i have a very overreaching ego
>barely hidden seethe
you're the failstage OP aren't you?
why do you have such an overreaching ego btw?
is your upbringing to blame for this?
i'm so very sorry your threads get ignored because you stage far too early anon.
but worry not, there is a solution to this:
next time, you wait until image limit or until page 10, and then your stage will be legitimate. i know this sounds very scary and difficult at first, but eventually i'm sure you'll get the hang of it.
until then, you'll just need to accept that your threads are going to be ignored bucko *chuckles and sips monster*
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this is a failstage, the real thread is here >>16440111

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